Al abamaA&M Uni ver s i t yTRi OUpwar dBound Appl i c at i on J oi nUsToday&Ge tAc c e s st o ourf r e es e r vi c e s : Tut or i ngS e r v i c e s Ac ade mi cCouns e l i ng Car e e rCouns e l i ng Fi nani c al Ai dCouns e l i ng S umme rRe s i de nc ePr ogr am Me nt or i ng Br i dgePr ogr am Fi e l dTr i ps Appl i c at i onPac ke tChe c kl i s t s r e t t onLe i ndat omme c Re ons i uat rEval he ac )Te 2 Two( . . c t e , al c i f hOf c Chur , ghbor i Ne : y t om YourCommuni r rf e t t )Le 1 One( or l e orCouns pal i nc i om Pr r rf e t t )Le 1 One( ome nc onofI i at nt ume rDoc he norOt ur t : dTaxRe ome gne i S nc onofI i at c i f i r Ve am, ogr hepr nt si t s e r e nt ouri ngy ni ai pl x ee t s e r dsormor e 0wor nt 5 1 : ntofI me e at t S . s ve i t c e eandobj c hoi rc e e ar c , s ongoal i at duc e d or c veRe i at ptorCumul i r c ans Tr al i c i f Of oUpwar dBound Go t whe r ewebe gi nwi t ht hee ndi nmi nd! ! Mai lCompl et edAppl i c at i onPac kett o: Al abamaA&M Upwar dBound.P. O.Box347.Nor mal ,AL357 62 Foraddi t i onali nf or mat i onc ont ac t :25637 25661 A Federally Funded Program STUDENT INFORMATION Name of Applicant: ____________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ( )____________________________ Home Phone: ( ) ______________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Social Security Number: _____________-________-_____________ U.S. Citizen: Yes Birthdate:___________________________________________ Ethnic Status: Black or African American Hispanic or Latino White Asian Gender: Male Female No American Indian/Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Expected Year Current School: ______________________________ Grade:________ Of Graduation: 20 _____ High School Counselor: ________________________________________________________________ Please select high school you will attend in the fall. Butler High Buckhorn High J. O. Johnson High Hazel Green High Lee High Sparkman High Other ________________________ Have you participated in any other TRiO Program? Yes No (If yes, check all that apply) Upward Bound Talent Search Upward Bound Math-Science GEAR UP FAMILY INFORMATION (to be completed by parent or guardian) With whom does the student live? Please check only one: Both Parents Mother Father Grandparent Foster Care Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________ Parent(s) Marital Status: Deceased? Mother Married, living together Single Married, living separately Divorced Father Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________ Cell Phone: ( First ) ____________________ Last Mother/Guardian Employer: ______________________________________ Work Number: ( ) ________________ Father/Guardian Employer: ______________________________________ Work Number: ( ) ________________ Alabama A&M Upward Bound Program P.O. Box 347 Normal, AL 35762 (256) 372-5661 FAMILY INFORMATION (Continued) A Federally Funded Program Did you (the parent) file an Income Tax Return last year? Yes (if yes, you must include a signed copy of your FEDERAL return) No If you did not file an Income Tax Return last year, what was your income? TAXABLE INCOME $ _______________________________ Please indicate the source of untaxed income: Social Security $________________________ Unemployment $_________________________ Retirement $__________________________ Child Support $___________________________ Veteran’s Benefit $ _____________________ Other (please specify) $_____________________________________________________________ Is there any unusual change in income over the last year? No Yes (if yes, please explain) _________________________________________________________________________________ Select highest level of education completed Mother/Guardian Father/Guardian Less than high school High school graduate Some college hours Two years of college Four year college degree Completed vocational training Less than high school High school graduate Some college hours Two years of college Four year college degree Completed vocational training Number of siblings who completed college/vocational school? _______________________________ List the name of each person that is a member of your household and their relationship to the student NAME & RELATIONSHIP NAME & RELATIONSHIP Total number of members in your household: _________________ The information contained in this application is for the use of the Alabama A&M University TRiO-Upward Bound Program and will be held in the strictest confidence. Please certify that the information is correct and complete to the best of your knowledge by signing below. Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________ Date ______________ Alabama A&M Upward Bound Program P.O. Box 347 Normal, AL 35762 (256) 372-5661 STUDENT ESSAY A Federally Funded Program Write an essay,150 words or more explaining your interest in the program, educational goals, career choice(s), and how you could benefit from the program. The information contained in this application is for the use of the Alabama A&M University TRiO-Upward Bound program and will be held in the strictest confidence. Please certify that the information is correct and complete to the best of your knowledge by signing below. Student Signature ____________________________________________ Date ______________ Alabama A&M Upward Bound Program P.O. Box 347 Normal, AL 35762 (256) 372-5661 Alabama A&M University TEACHER EVALUATION Name of Applicant: ___________________________________________________________________ Last First Current School: _______________________________________ Middle Grade: 8 9 10 11 (Please Circle One) Teacher: ______________________________________________________________________ Please rate the student in each of the following areas by circling the appropriate number with 5 being highest Attitude Peer Relationships Desire to Learn Participation in class Completing Assignments Respect for Authority 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Comments 5 5 5 5 5 5 Student Strengths: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Student Weakness:_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations/Additional Comments: ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Signature ____________________________________________ Date ______________ Please return this form to the student in a sealed envelope with the student’s name on the front or mail to: Alabama A&M University TRiO-Upward Bound Program P.O. Box 347 Normal, AL 35762 Alabama A&M Upward Bound Program P.O. Box 347 Normal, AL 35762 (256) 372-5661 Alabama A&M University TEACHER EVALUATION Name of Applicant: ___________________________________________________________________ Last First Current School: _______________________________________ Middle Grade: 8 9 10 11 (Please Circle One) Teacher: ______________________________________________________________________ Please rate the student in each of the following areas by circling the appropriate number with 5 being highest Attitude Peer Relationships Desire to Learn Participation in class Completing Assignments Respect for Authority 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Comments 5 5 5 5 5 5 Student Strengths: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Student Weakness:_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations/Additional Comments: ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Signature ____________________________________________ Date ______________ Please return this form to the student in a sealed envelope with the student’s name on the front or mail to: Alabama A&M University TRiO-Upward Bound Program P.O. Box 347 Normal, AL 35762 Alabama A&M Upward Bound Program P.O. Box 347 Normal, AL 35762 (256) 372-5661