Organization of Campus Women Sept. 15, 2010 minutes

Organization of Campus Women
Sept. 15, 2010 minutes
Respectfully submitted by Sue Lee, University Communications, 785.8497 |
The OCW Steering Committee met from noon-1 p.m. Sept. 15, 2010, in 236 Cartwright Center. President
Krista Shulka e-mailed the agenda, membership lists, nominations and volunteers for committees and OCW
Bylaws Sept. 13 to the OCW membership for review and discussion.
The meeting began with elections and nominations for Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Sue Lee
was nominated and approved to be secretary. Maggie McHugh was nominated and approved to be Vice
President. Krista Shulka will hold positions as President/Treasurer.
Updates and reminders.
• Congratulations to the OCW Steppin' Out in Pink team which raised $285-$300. 5,000 people
raised more than $300,000 in five years.
• A reminder that new steering committee members must pay dues. Dues are $10 annually. The
academic year for membership is Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.
• The current membership list is online. We need to add Nancy Jones to the membership list. We
have 30 members.
• Karla Stanek donated $60 to the scholarship fund from money she received at UW-L's Women's
Golf Team banquet.
• There is a revised committee/volunteer list.
• Krista Shulka has made website revisions. One change that still needs to be made: Currently, when
you open the OCW website, University is misspelled in the title of the page "OCW Organization
for Campus Women University of Wisconsin-La Crosse."
• We should produce a guidebook which includes descriptions of job duties from each committee.
The quilt raffle report.
Sharie Brunk and Maureen Wilson have been working on the quilt raffle. We will have a table to sell raffle
tickets for a quilt made by Kathy Ring (Human Resources). Raffle tickets are $5 each and may be
purchased from any member of the OCW Steering Committee. Tickets may be purchased Oct. 12 through
Dec. 1. The winner will be drawn during the OCW Holiday Social. A sign up list to sell tickets at a table is
Everyone was invited to participate in the Book Club and to suggest books to read.
Plans for the year.
• Holiday Social — The Holiday Social will be on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in
Port O' Call. (The room was not available on Dec. 2 as we had originally requested.)
• Raffle tickets are $5 each for the Quilt Raffle and may be purchased from any member of the
OCW Steering Committee (see committee list on page 1). Tickets may be purchased beginning
Oct. 12 through Dec. 1. The winner will be drawn during the OCW Holiday Social.
• Symposium — The 2011 OCW Symposium will focus on how micro-loans, such as those
organized through Kiev and Women for Women International, make lasting impacts on women
worldwide. Anticipated cost of the symposium is $3,000. Sharie Brunk, Maureen Wilson and
Maggie McHugh offered to help with the symposium. OCW will find out more about En vest in
Madison ( which does micro lending and loans. We should
also review "Making A Difference." We also thought we should contact UW-L's Small Business
Development Center to see what programs they're aware of.
• Book Club was Oct. 12 at noon.
• Year-End Gather/Picnic
• Food and mitten/hat drives were discussed. The idea of a "can for a cookie" was one idea. We
will check with Chancellor Joe Gow and see if he'd be willing to help promote this at the next
Chancellor's Address. Everyone who wants a cookie should drop off a food item at the social
gathering before the address. We are also going to check to see how Helping Our Own food pantry
is doing in terms of items such as soap and shampoo. Maggie was going to get stats on how much
the UW-L food pantry is used. We'd work with the Salvation Army on a mitten and hat drive. We
will also check with the Cornerstone Community Church (by the Post Office) to see what they are
in need of. New Horizons takes appliances. We thought we might be able to spread the word on
Everyone was also asked to review the bylaws. Changes made included: In Article I: In case an elected
member cannot serve her entire term, "she will be replaced by her employment category" was changed to
"a replacement from within her employment category shall be nominated and elected by the Steering
Under President duties. The last line was changed from ... This position will rotate each year "between"
employment categories ... to "among" employment categories.
Under Article II Comments, item 2. Committee chairs will rotate annually, "as determined by the Steering
Committee" at its April meeting, and shall consist of the following:
"as determined by the Steering Committee" was eliminated from the sentence.
Article IV: Amendments, item 1: ... which has been "mailed" to the membership ... was changed to has
been "sent" to the membership.
Article V: Voting Procedure: The last line ..." The majority" was changed to "Those present" on the
Steering Committee opinion shall prevail.