OCW Dec. 12, 2012, minutes

OCW Dec. 12, 2012, minutes
Sharie Brunk, Laura Godden, Sue Lee, Maggie McHugh, Kate Russell, Michelle Stertz, Teri Talpe and
Karmin Van Domelen
Meeting called to order by Teri Talpe.
Approved minutes from Nov. 7, 2012.
 WWHEL grant granted! $500
New Business
1. Guest-Andrea Hanson talked about the Self Sufficiency Program and brainstormed with group
about ways that we as an org can help their mission-perhaps in other ways than material collections but
by giving of our talents by mentoring.
Andrea is the third director of SSP and is on her third semester. SSP includes pre-college, low income
students, and a 14-week syllabus. Participants meet on campus and may bring their children, Admissions
and Career Services talk with students exploration of career and majors. SSP is a community
collaboration with graduates oftentimes attedning UW-L, WTC or Viterbo College. Traditionally there are
more women than men. A number of men have graduated over the years.
Usually small groups ranging from 12-18 participants begin the program. Over the 14 weeks attrition
sometimes drops by 1/2. Participants complete a Capstone five-page research paper. This semester SSP
started with six, and ended with two. Although the attrition rate can be disheartening, Andrea keeps
motivated by remembering that the effect on families is long term for those who graduate. Andrea's
position is half time.
Andrea felt that for many of the participants, that it's huge to come into Centennial Hall let alone campus.
It's often out of people's comfort zone. Retention is not only about practical issues. Service learning helps
with child care. Counting on child care is important to participants. The past TA was able to get donated
dinners for Tuesday and Wednesday classes. One suggestion is that OCW members could take turns
providing a meal. We can also check with Sodexo to see if they would donate meals. Two Native
American women are the SSP participants. Each did a paper on a Native American woman.
Some ideas of how OCW can collaborate with SSP:
Mentor students who have come to take classes at UW-L.
It feels good to have allies on campus.
Include SSP participants in the spring seminar April 10.
SSP started in February 2013 for 14 weeks. There were 10 applications when we met in December.
Andrea expects about four or five would attend the seminar.
Another time SSP participants could use some help is when they begin classes at UWL, Andrea says. It's often for non-traditional students to develop connections with others
on campus. The Women's Studies department becomes a gather point.
Andrea will talk with Student Life about non-traditional students and support services that UW-L offers.
Andrea may apply for graduate assistants with Outreach and check into Internship opportunities. Perhaps
Saundy or Jen could help with IT issues. OCW could possibly purchase flash drives.
SSP provides a fund for gift, gas cards, bus tokens. Betts Ready established the fund as a memorial to
Gloria. Maggie will check with Kwik Trip to see if she can get gas cards. Susan Fabian organized a
clothing swap.
OCW could invite SSP participants to an on-campus event with an interest they have.
2. Holiday Social debrief. About 60 attended. Although the hot chocolate was bad, Sodexo will not give
OCW back its money. We may provide our own hot beverage next time.
3. OCW Brochure. Michelle Stertz has volunteered to create a new brochure. She will list officers and
steering committee members on an insert,. Individual departments can print copies as they need them.
Michelle will put the original copy and a PDF to download on the OCW website.
4. Food Pantry debrief. Thanks from the food pantry.
5. Winter retreat planned for Friday, Jan. 18, at 3 p.m. at the Integrative Therapies on Jackson Street
(near Big K). Participation fee $10. An invitation will be sent to all OCW members. Participants will need
to register via Qualtrics.
6. Spring Symposium is planned for Wednesday, April 10, in Port O'Call, Cartwright Center-Gunning
Addition. The April OCW meeting date is changed to April 3. The symposium will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1
p.m. The keynote will start at noon.
7. Old cell phones are being collected in Murphy Library for domestic violence through Jan. 13. For
more on the project see:
 http://lacrossetribune.com/news/local/student-s-cellphone-project-to-help-domestic-abusevictims/article_9e94978a-3f64-11e2-b826-001a4bcf887a.html
9. Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted by OCW Secretary Sue Lee