Organization of Campus Women Minutes Wednesday, May 8, 2013 2200 Centennial Hall Noon-1 p.m. Members present: ● Melissa Bingham ● Sharie Brunk ● Shelle Gholson ● Deb Hoeth ● Kjerstin Lang ● Karen Lange ● Sue Lee ● Maggie McHugh ● Jaralee Richter ● Amy Sloan ● Michelle Stertz ● Teri Talpe ● Karmin Van Domelen ● Maureen Wilson OCW President Teri Talpe brought meeting to order. Approve minutes. April minutes were approved. Teri passed out brochures to new members of the committee. Announcements: ● Election results We discussed if we should follow current by-laws strictly or elect officers for the next year with more flexibility. The group opted to use a more flexible approach and then have a committee work to update by-laws this summer or in the fall. With this in mind, the group held elections for the 2013-14 academic year. Officers: President: Teri Talpe will serve a second year as president. President-Elect: Karmin Van Domelen will serve as president-elect and work closely with Teri. Karmin will become president following the spring semester 2014. We will elect a new president-elect when Karmin moves into the president role. Past President: Maggie McHugh Treasurer: Amy Sloan Secretary: Sue Lee Committee Chairs: WWHEL: Deb Hoeth (open for the taking!) YWCA Tribute: Deb Hoeth, Kjerstin Lang, Jaralee Richter Book Club Coordinator: Jaralee Richter Honors/Scholarships/Fundraising: Sharie Brunk and Maureen Wilson Membership/Elections Chair: Melissa Bingham Newsletter: Michelle Stertz Social Programs: Karmin Van Domelen Symposium: Amy Sloan, Shelle Gholson, Teri Talpe Website: Kate Russell Bylaws: Deb Hoeth Steering Committee Members Classified Staff Representatives ○ Maureen Wilson ○ Karmin Van Domelen ○ Amy Sloan Academic Staff Representatives ○ Jaralee Richter ○ Brenda Leahy ○ Kjerstin Lang Faculty Representatives ● ○ Teri Talpe ○ Melissa Bingham ○ Kate Russell Updates Treasurer’s Report Amy Sloan presented the treasurer’s report. OCW currently has $1,174.96 in the 136 account and $1,186.71 in the SFO Account. Amy does not keep an updated balance on the Foundation account. For the most up-to-date budge information see mJ4LVh4NnFGRkE#gid=0 She suggested that in the future OCW purchase food from UW-L’s contracted food vendor to ensure that we are strictly adhering to the vendor contract. Currently, it states that for all food purchases for more than $100 UW-L should go through contracted vendor. Deb Hoeth filed a complaint on Amazon regarding the books we received for the symposium and was able to get a $20 refund. So we received the books free of charge. We discussed that memberships should be due in September/October with a membership drive at the coffee clutch. Melissa Bingham will email reminders to previous members that their fees are due. Anyone who becomes a member at the spring symposium will not be charged until fees are due in the fall. Scholarship Awards Banquet Sharie Brunk attended the spring scholarship banquet. There was standing room only. Eleven women received Jean L. Foss & Noreen A. Smith OCW Scholarships totalling $6,200. We had 49 applications. Four received $1,000; two received $600; and five received $200 scholarships. Self Sufficiency Program Meals Teri Talpe updated the group on OCW’s efforts to provide meals to Self Sufficiency Program participants on Tuesday nights. Although she felt it was an overall success, she suggested rethinking if we want to continue providing meals on a weekly basis. Someone suggested providing one potluck meal during the semester with a group presence. Others thought this might be overwhelming for SSP participants. Teri will connect with SSP Program Chair Andrea Hansen to get her feedback. Book Club Jaralee Richter updated the group on the OCW Book Club. She did a Doodle Poll and based on the most votes the book for discussion in June is “Sweet Tooth” by Ian McEwan. The book for August will be “Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon. She’ll use a Doodle poll to determine dates. New Business ● Meeting dates: In the future, we will change the day of the week and times for meetings to allow for teaching conflicts. A Doodle survey will be emailed to solicit preferred times and days to meet. Spring newsletter Teri Talpe is working on the next newsletter. Anyone who has info to contribute should email it to her by noon Wednesday, May 15. Summer 2013 ● Steppin’Out in Pink organizer In the past librarian Susan Grebel has organized a team. Will confirm if she would continue. Fall 2013 ● Girl Rising (Karmin, Deb, Teri, Sue) Teri Talpe and Deb Hoeth reported on the Girl Rising. Once the DVD comes and we own a copy it will be easier to make plans. Tentatively we have set Saturday, Oct. 12, as a date to show the film and have a room in Centennial reserved. Other ● End of year happy hour? Teri Talpe will email a Doodle survey to the group to determine when everyone can get together for a happy/social hour.