Curious fractions - a view through the ages Dr. Tushar Das Mathematics Department University of Wisconsin - La Crosse We’ll begin with the ancient division algorithm ascribed to Euclid which naturally leads to the notion of a continued fraction and pause to explore a couple of viewpoints taken in the last century towards understanding this classical object and deciphering the information it encodes. The study of continued fractions continues to this day with a gamut of unresolved problems pointing at various directions for future research. If there is time I will try and sketch some of the interfaces between this classical topic and my own research interests in geometry, topology and dynamical systems. This will be a general talk aimed at undergraduates from all backgrounds with the barest minimum of any serious mathematical preparation – the main prerequisite being curiosity. Come one, come all! Friday, October 16th Time:3:30-4:30pm All Welcome to Attend Cowley Hall 156