Outstanding Young Professional Awards Form To submit: Complete this questionnaire Include up to five letters of recommendation (minimum of three) Include a headshot of the nominee E-mail your nomination packet to wmorris@mhi.org or mail hard copies to MHI by 5pm on February 19, 2016. Name of Nominee: Current Position & Organization: Age: MUST BE 40 YEARS OLD OR YOUNGER ON OR BEFORE MARCH 26, 2016 Years professionally employed in material handling industry: Brief résumé including notable responsibilities: Professional accomplishments/affiliations: In what ways has the nominee been an effective leader? How has the nominee contributed to the industry? Other information that you feel is relevant in the selection of this individual as a leader in the profession: Attach a minimum of 3 letters of recommendation (500 word maximum, 7 letters maximum) from individuals who have been associated professionally with the nominee. Submitted by Nominating MHI Member Name: Company/Organization: Affiliation with Nominee (Manager, co-worker…): Phone: E-mail: Date: