International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICES C.M. 19951P: 14 Theme Session on Causes of Observed Variation in Fish Growth Factors influencing weight at age of cod off eastern Newfoundland (NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL) Peter A. Shelton and George R. Lilly Science Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5667 St John's, Newfoundland Canada AIC 5Xl Abstract • I {eI ~c.Jv.J "tlo.Lc.u} /(c,'Jl.lfckn 1J; tI<f)!v> t f/ Growth increments and condition factor in the northern cod stock (~AFO Divs. 2J, 3K and 3L) measured from research vesse1 trawl sampies show considerable variabllity over the period 1978 to 1994. This variability in the data is examined through a variety 9f plots. Scatter plots of growth and condition data against temperature, cod biomass and capelin'abundance in cod stomachs are used to look for possible corre1ations. A near-decadel scale cycle in the area of the cold intermediate layer (CIL) is correlated with the cycle in cod growth. The generally declining trend in temperature is correlated with the declining trend in growth. Correlations between the abundance of capelin in cod stomachs and cod growth or condition are not easy to interpret and probably require more attention to temporal and spatial patterns of abundance of predator and prey to resolve. Correlations with cod biomass are weak and, with the exception of Div. 3L, are positive, Le. do not provide evidence of density dependent growth. It is important to take changes in growth into account in future management of this cod stock and predictive models based on variables such as the area ofthe.CIL would be very useful. Introduction Growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morlllla) varies considerably among stocks, with much of the differcnce attributable to variability in ambicnt temperature (Brander 1995). There is also persistent geographie variability within some stocks, such as those around Iceland (J6nsson 1965) and off Labrador and eastern Newfoundland (Fleming 1960; May et al. 1965). Within the latter region there has historically been a cline in growth, from very slow growth off central Labrador to relatively rapid growth on the southwestern Grand Bank. Annual variability in growth has been reported for many eod stocks, with important implieations for fisheries management. Studies of faetors responsible for this variability have emphasized temperature, stock size and the abundance of prey. In the stock of eod occupying Northwest Atlantie Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L (eommonly ealled the northem eod stock), ehanges in length-at-age of eod were found to be affeeted by both the biomass ofthe eod stock (WeHs 1984, 1986; MilIar and Myers 1990) and temperature (MilIar and Myers 1990). There has also been cancern that ead growth might be affected by changcs in abundanec of capelin, the most important prey of eod on the Northcast Newfoundland Shclf (Lilly 1987). Declincs in eapelin abundance have becn eorrelated with reduetions in growlh rate of eod in waters around Iccland (Steinarsson and Stcfansson 1991) and with a reduction in bath growth rate and } • 2 somatie eondition of eod in the Barents Sea (Mehl and Sunnanill991; Jprgensen 1992). However, neither Akenhead et al. (1982) nor Millar et al. (1990) eould find a statistieally significant relationship between cod growth and capelin abundance off Newfoundland. The lack of statistical signifieance might reflect weak linkage between cod and its prey, but might also refleet an inability to detect a link because of uncertainty in the timeseries of capelin abundance (Akenhead et al. 1982; Shelton et al. 1991). In 1990 the ICES Multispecies Assessment \Vorking Group undertook an analysis of growth in cod from four Arcticlboreal systems (Barents Sea, Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland, Anon 1991). Length at age and length increments were examined for stock density, capelin abundance and temperature effects. A significant residual year effect was found in most of the data sets after accounting for these three factors. At a subsequent meeting of the \Vorking Group (Anon 1992) cod stornach content data for the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Iceland, Newfoundland and Northeast USA were compiled into a common format and analysed in some detail. At this same meeting further, but preliminary analysis of the cod growth data base was carried out taking into account the information in the cod stornach content data base. It was conc1uded (Anon 1992) that in the eomparison among ecosystems "the relationship between growth and feeding remains confounded by the inter-dependencies of growth, temperaturedependent stornach evacuation and differences in environmental temperature". Brander (1995) extended the analysis of the temperature effect to 17 cod stocks and conc1uded that 92% of the variance in the logarithm of mean weight at age for ages 2 to 4 fish among stocks can be explained by a ANCOVA model with age (dass) and temperature (eontinuous) effects. The weight at age data used in Brander's study eame mainly from the sampling of the commercial eatch. For the stock off Labrador and the east eoast of Newfoundland, and possibly for other stocks, the weight at age in the commercial eatch is inferred from a eonstant length-weight relationship. Although the comparisons among cod stocks by Anon (1991, 1992) and Brander (1995) has much merit, we believe that more detailed intra-stock analyses are required if the combined and probably interacting effects of temperature, food, population density and fishing mortality on cod growth are going to be disentangled. In this paper we return to the problem of explaining cod growth variability off southern Labrador and the cast eoast of Newfoundland in further detail. In particular we attempt to (i) account for the length-stratified approach to the subsampling of the research trawl catch, (ii) consider thermal measures additional to those made at Station 27, (iii) give greater consideration to weight at age data, (iv) evaluate condition factor data, and (iv) give further consideration to the possible effects of capelin abundance in cod stomachs on cod growth. The approach in this study remains primarily descriptive and exploratory. Formal hypothesis testing and statistical inference leading to predictive models ofuse in stock assessments have been attempted in the past (e.g. Miliar and Myers 1990) and are an objective for future studies by ourselves. Strong signals in ocean temperature data (e.g. Colbourne 1995), eod population size (see Bishop et al. 1995), the abundance of capelin in cod stomachs (Lilly 1993, 1994, 1995), and possibly the abundance of capelin in the ocean (Carscadden 1994) should facilitate statistical inference, however, before proceeding further with such analyses, wc believc that a solid base of data description and exploration is required. Although the present paper docs not complcte this task far thc southcrn Labrador and cast coast of Newfoundland region, wc hope it is a further step in this direction. • 3 Data sources Temperature measurements Temperature profiles from surface to bottom (175m) are routincly taken throughout the year at Station 27 just off St 10hn's (Fig. 1) at the commencement and termination of nearly every research cruise (Colbourne et al. 1994, Colbourne 1995). For this analysis all data for the period 1978 to 1994 have been used to compute annual average water column temperature. In addition, the bottom temperature anomaly from the longterm mean (1961-90), following MilIar and Myers (1990), has been considered. • Oceanographic transects across the Hamilton Bank (Seal Island) in Div. 21, off Bonavista Bay across the Div. 3K1 Div. 3L boundary, and in Div. 3L shorewards from the Flemish Cap along the 47 0 N latitude have been surveyed regularly in summer since the 1950s (Colbourne et al. 1994, Colbourne 1995). Annual estimates of the area of the cold intermediate layer (CIL), defined as ~O°C, have been caIculated as an index of thermal conditions within the northern cod habitat (Coibourne 1995) and are used in this stu~y. Estimates of cod abundance • Two sources of information on cod abundance were considered - research vessel (RV) estimates for each division and estimates from sequential population analysis. RV surveys have been conducted by Canada during the fall in Divs. 21, 3K and 3L since 1977, 1978 and 1981 respectively (excluding 1984 in Div. 3L). All surveys in Divs. 21 and 3K were conducted with the 74 m stern trawler R.~ 'Gadus Atlantica'. Surveys in Divs. 3L were conducted with the 51 m side trawler R.~ 'A. T. Cameron' and the sister 50 m stern trawlers R.~ 'Wilfred Templernan' and R.~ 'Alfred Needler'. The 'Gadus Atlantica', 'Wilfred Templernan' and 'Alfred Needler' deployed an Engcl-145 trawl, whereas the 'A. T. Cameron' deployed a Yankee 41-5 trawl. In all instances, a 29 mm meshliner was inserted in the codend. Tows were made at 3.5 knots for 30 min at each fishing station, and catches from the few tows of duration other than 30 min were appropriatcly adjusted. No adjustments were made for possible between-vessel differences in catching efficieney. Details regarding areas and 10eations of strata and changes in survey pattern are provided by Bishop et al. (1994), Lilly and Davis (1993) and Bishop (1994). The most notable change in survey eoverage was the addition of depths between 100 and 200 m in northwestern Division 3K (St. Anthony Shelf and Grey Islands Shelf) in 1984 and subsequent years. Fishing in all divisions and years was eonducted on a 24-h basis. Set alloeation within each stratum is random, with the number of sets determined primarily by the area of the stratum. Boundaries to strata correspond to water depth eontours. The RV estimates of trawlable biomass by division obtained from the program STRAP (Smith and Somerton 1981) are provided in Bishop et al. (1995). Aversion of s~quential population analysis, ADAPT, has been routinely applied in northern eod assessments to eommercial eatch at age data and tuned using the RV estimates of abundanee from STRAP. ADAPT estimates ofbiomass in Divs. 2J3KL eombined are provided in Bishop et aI. (1993). 4 Length and weight at age sampIes from fall RV surveys The number of cod sampled for which length and body weight measurement are available and for which age was determined directly from the otolith (rather than an age-length key) varies across years and among ages (Tables 1-3). During the early years of the surveys, otoliths for aging were obtained from a sampIe of 25 cod per 3-cm length-group per division. An additional sampIe of 5 cod per 3-cm length-group was frozen at sea and thawed in the laboratory, where otoliths were extracted and body weight (both whole and gutted, head-on) was recorded. All fish were measured (fork length, cm) at sea. Additional sampIes of frozen fish were collected in Div. 21 in 1984 and 1985. The number of frozen fish increased in 1988 and subsequent years, when Divs. 21 and 3K were both subdivided into 2 areas, and a sampIe of 5 cod per 3-cm length-group was obtained from each area. The number of cod for which weights were available increased dramatically when weighing at sea was initiated (in 1989 in Divs. 21 and 3K and in 1990 in Div. 3L, Table 2). Length-at-age was determined for a total of 30,535 cod (Table 1) over the study period. Body weights were obtained for 13,822 of these cod (Table 2). • The cod for which length and weight at age were determined represent a subsampIe of the trawl catch at each station. The subsampIe is length stratified - where possible 25 fish are collected from each 3 cm length interval in each of the three divisions over the course of the survey. From 1989 onwards in Divs. 2J and 3K and from 1990 onwards in Div. 3L body weights have been recorded at sea prior to freezing and these weights have replaced the thawed weight previously entered into the data base. Although these two weights are expected to differ systematically, a correction has not yet been applied (although the data are avialable to do so) and in the present study the differe~ce has bcen ignored. In addition to the subsampIe, the length frequency of the entire catch for each set, or a random portion of the catch if it is too large to process, is also determined. The sampie length frcquency is transformed into a population length frequency in each division using the program STRAP (Smith and Somerton 1981). In this study population mean length and weight at age by division were obtained by weighting the individual measurements in the bio10gical sampIe by the ratio of the sampIe number per 3 cm length dass to the STRAP estimate of the number in the population in each 3 cm length dass. The average number of length and weight sampIes by age for the period 1978 to 1994 are summarised in Table 3. It is evident that after age 10 the number of length sampIes is considerab1y reduced «20 per year on average). The number of sampIes for weight is 10w «20 per year) after about age 8. For this reason the present analysis was restricted to ages 10 and 1ess for length at age and ages 8 and less for weight at age. Although the number of sampIes are also low for ages less than 3, there is relatively little variance in length and weight at age among sampIes within a year, so ages 1 and 2 have been induded in the analysis. Cod condition measurements from fall RV sampIes of length and weight at age Condition was cxprcssed as Fulton's condition factor: K = 100*(\V/L3) where \V is body weight (g) and L is fork length (ern). 80th whole body (round) weight and guUed (head on) weight were used. Round weight is of greater significance when considering the impact of growth on stock assessments and the TAC. Gutted weight,with liver and gonad weight measured separately, are of greater significance when considering aspects of bioenergetics and are • 5 eurrently subjects of further study not reported here. Beeause growth in eod is not isometrie, annual variability in eondition was eompared within speeifie eod length-groups rather than within age-groups. Cod stornach contents from fall RV surveys • Stomaehs were eolleeted from up to 3 randomly seleeted eod per lO-em length-group per station in 1980-1982 and 3 per 9-em length group in 1983-1994. Stomaehs were not eolleeted from fish which showed signs of regurgitation, such as food in the mouth or a flaecid stomaeh. Stomaehs were individually tagged and excised. In 1978-1993, the stomaehs were fixed and preserved in 4% formaldehyde solution in semvater prior to examination of their eontents in the laboratory. In 1994, the stomaehs were frozen prior to examination. Examination involved separation of food items into taxonomie eategories. Fish and deeapod erustaeea were identified to species, but most other groups were assigned to higher order taxa. Hems in eaeh taxon were plaeed brieflyon absorbent paper to remove exeess liquid, and then eounted and weighed to the nearest 0.1 g. The quantity of eapelin in the stomaehs of the eod from a specified sampie was expressed as a mean partial fullness index (Fahrig et aI. 1993): • where Wej is the weight (g) of eapelin in fish j, Lj is the length (ern) of fish j, and n is the number of fish in the sampie. This index is based on the assumption that stomaeh capacity is apower funetion of length, and is analogous to Fulton's eondition faetor. Mean total fullness index was ealeulated as I n W TFI=-L~·104 n'_ L3 J- 1 j where \Vlj is the total weight of prey in fish j. For simplieity, the present analysis was restrieted to eod within the 36-71 em length range, and all eod within this range were pooled. Cod smaller than about 30-35 cm cannot feed on the largest capelin and eod larger than about 70 em tend to feed to an inereasing extent on groundfish and erabs (Lilly 1991). Capelin abundanee estimates Estimates of capelin biomass from hydroaeoustie surveys condueted by Canada and Russia during the fall in Divs. 2J and 3K are available intermittently from 1974 onwards (Miller 1994). Considerable uneertainty exists regarding some of the estimates, partieularly those in recent years (see for example Carseadden 1994). 6 Data description Temperature \Vater temperatures on the shelf off Labrador and Newfoundland have been below the longterm mean for most of the period since 1980, with two unusually cold periods in the mid1980s and early 1990s (CoIbourne et al. 1994). These recent two cold periods separated by a warmer period ean be c1early seen in the annual average water eolumn temperature und bottom temperature anomaly plotted in Fig. 2. Underlying this near-deeadel seale variability is longer period variability apparent as a downward trend in temperature over the study period with eurrent values weil below the relatively warm 1950s and 1960s (CoIbourne 1995). The near-deeadel seale variability is c1early illustrated in the unnual variability in the area of the CIL calculated along the three transeets within the study area Fig. 3). As weil, the upward trend in the area of the CIL, eorresponding to the eooling trend in Fig. 2, ean be seen. • Capelin Estimates of eapelin biomass from hydroaeoustie surveys eondueted by Canada and Russia during the fall in Divs. 21 and 3K deelined to very low levels in the early 1990s with the Canadiun series showing a very abrupt drop between 1989 and 1990. Low levels of eapelin in the acoustie fall survey in Divs. 21 and 3K, as weH as in the spring survey in Div. 3L have persisted in subsequent years. The 1983 und 1986 eapelin year c1asses are thought to havc been particularly strong (Carseadden 1994). Peaks in eapelin PFI in eod stomaehs (Fig. 5) in Div. 21 oecur in the mid 1980s and in the late 1980s, eorresponding to the high values in the Canadian hydroacoustie survey. Subsequently the eapelin PFI dropped to a very low level und their was a eorresponding drop in TA. In Div. 3K eapelin PFI increased over the 1980s and was fairly eonstant over the early 1990s, dropping to a low level only in the most reeent year for which data are available (1994). The eapelin PFI in Div. 3L increased in 1990 and has remained at a high level up to und including the most reeent survey. It is c1ear that there is little compensation in the eontribution of other food in the diet of eod and that the trends in TFI are therefore driven mostly by the eapelin contribution (Lilly 1991). It is important to eonsider changing geographie patterns of eod and eapelin abundanee in the interpretation of these data (Lilly 1994). Despite the apparent low abundanee of eapelin in the 1990s, eod in Divs. 3K und 3L had a relatively high eapelin PFI, at least partly beeause the eapelin changed their distribution and occupied the restricted area whcre bulk of thc remaining eod population was eneountered during the fall RV survey. The low eapelin PFI in Div. 21 corresponds to a very low abundanee of eod in this division after 1989. Cod abundanee The time series of eod abundance in fall RV surveys and from the ADAPT estimates are illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7. The RV estimates fluetuated with no apparent trend up to 1988. High estimates in 1986 in Divs.21 and 3K relative to estimates before und after are not easily interpretcd. Thc progressive dccline in Div. 2J, Div. 3K und Div. 3L in the Jute 1980s und 1990s to the eurrent low biomass is c1early seen. The ADAPT time series is smoother and suggests that the biomass rose to a peak in 1984 following extension of jurisdiction and then declined monotonically to 1992, • 7 after which sequential population analysis has not been applied. These perspectives on the changes in cod stock size, although not independent because of the tuning exercise, are somewhat different and both have been considered in the data exploration exercise that follows. Cohort length at age • The cohort length at age for Divs. 2J, 3K and 3L are plotted in Fig.8 for ages ~ 10. Note that because the point estimates are from the fall of each year and growth is slow over the winter, most of the increment in length or weight is occurring in the following year. Cohorts are taken back to age 0 at which age length is assumed to be 0 to facilitate the identification of cohorts in the plots. Lines roughly parallel to the x-axis identify the ages whereas lines roughly parallel to the yaxis indicate cohorts. Ridges corresponding to fast growing cohorts and valleys corresponding to slow growing cohorts can be clearly seen in the plot fer Div. 2J and to a lesser extent in the plot for Div. 3K. The Div. 3L "surface" is relatively flat. The ridges in the cohort growth correspond to fast growing 1976-78 cohorts and fast growing cohorts from the early to mid 1980s. The elevated length increment does not occur in all ages in these cohorts but by age 4 the effect of the cumulative incremcnt is clear and remains distinct to age 6, after which the general slowing down in growth and increasing mcasurement eITor tend to obscure the pattern. The valleys correspond to slow growing cohorts from the mid 1970s,late 1970s-early 1980s and late 1980s. The most marked declines in growth in these cohorts (lowest points to the valleys) occurred in the mid 1980s and early 1990s, primarily within ages 2 to 5, particularly in Div. 2J but also in Div. 3K. Year-to-year variability is much less pronounced in the Div. 3L data. In addition to these cohort and year effects in the growth, it is evident that there is an overall decreasing trend in length at age in Divs. 2J and 3K illustrated by the downward slope of the iso-age lines with time. A similar trend is not apparent in the Div. 3L data. • Cohort weight at age The cohort weight at age plots (ages ~ 8) for the 3 divisions (Fig. 9) show similar pattern of ridges and valleys to those described above for the cohort length at age plots. The overall downward trend in weight at age in Divs. 2J and 3K is also quite marked, illustrated by the decrease in area of the rectangles bounded by age and cohort lines in the right portion of the plots. There is some indication of an increase in weight at age for the 1989+ cohorts in the older ages and most recent years. Year effects in length and weight increments In an attempt to see the year effects in length and weight increments more clearly, the general approach taken in the 1992 Multispecies Assessment \Verking Group (Anon 1992) was adopted. A multiplicative model accounting for age and year effects were fitted to the logarithm of the annual increments for each division separately, Ln(X 1··) = u·I + ß·J + E , Y 8 where Xij is the length or weight in a particular division at age i in year j, <Xi is the age effeet, ßj is the year effeet and e is normally distributed error. The vector ßj for both length and weight is plotted for each division in Fig. 10. The year effects for both length and weight inerements in Divs. 2J and 3K have a similar pattcrn and are compatible with the downward trend and neardecadel seale variability described in the cohort plots. As explained above, the effeet ascribed to year t oeeurs mainly in year t+ 1, requiring that these year effeet estimates be lagged by one year in the subsequent data exploration exercises described below. Condition Annual variability in eondition basd on round weight was similar among eod lengthgroups, but differed among divisions (Fig. 11). In Div. 2J, average condition based on round weight inereased slowly but irrcgularly in the 1980s before deelining abruptly in the early 1990s. There is some indication of an inerease in the most reeent two years. In Div. 3K, condition fluetuated without trend until the mid-1980s, when it inereased for about 4 years before dropping baek to the earlier level. In Div. 3L, there was a small inerease in the 1990s. • Condition based on gutted weight (Fig. 12) was less variable than condition based on round weight. In Div. 2J, there was no trend until a rapid decline in the early 1990s, followed by some improvement in reeent years. In Div. 3K, condition based on gutted weight did not rise as prominently in the mid-1980s as did eondition based on round weight. In Div. 3L, eondition based on gutted weight was variable but without trend. Similar patterns in annual variability in eondition based on gutted wcight are apparent when the data are presented by age-group (Bishop and Baird 1994; Taggart et al. 1994; Bishop et al. 1995). Data exploration A data exploration exercise was carried out to eompare the patterns described above for cod growth and the "environmental" variables. The primary tool adopted for doing this was seatter plot analysis and the construction of 95% bivariate normal density ellipses. Correlation in the variables is scen by the eollapsing of the ellipses along the diagonal. If the ellipses is fairly round and not oricntated along the diagonal then the variables are not eorrelated. In this exercise correlations are not taken to indieate eause and effeet, but to suggest possible relationships that could be examined further. Correlations with eapelin The PA for capelin in eod stomaehs is plotted against cod Iength inerements, weight inerements and eondition faetor in Fig. 13. Correlations with length and weight inerements are generally weak. The Div. 2J PFI for capelin show little correlation with cod length and weight inerements but is positively correlated with condition factor in Divs. 2J and 3K and negatively correlated with condition in Div. 3L. Div. 3K capelin PA is negatively corrclated with Iength and weight increments in all divisions but in some cases the correlation is very weak. There is no eorrclation with condition factor. Capelin PFI for Div. 3L is weakly negatively correlated with Icngth and weight increments. However there is a relatively tight cIlipses indieating negative • 9 correlation in the scatter plot with Div. 21 and 3K condition factors and a positive correlation with Div. 3L condition. • The generaIly negative correlations, albeit weak, between capelin PA and cod length and weight increments are unexpected. Increased consumption of capelin, and hence generaIly increased total consumption, might rather be expected to translate into increased growth increment. The positive correlation between capelin PFI in Div. 21 and cod condition in Divs. 21 and 3K is reassuring. The differing correlations between capelin PA and condition between Divs. 21/3K and Div. 3L might suggest that good feeding conditions in the north occur at the expense of fish in the south, and vice versa. It is of interest that the intermediate area, Div. 3L shows virtuaIly no correlation with any of the growth or condition data. Correlations with cod biomass The RV survey biomass estimates for the three divisions and the ADAPT estimate of 3+ biomass are plotted against the growth and condition data in Fig. 14. \Vith few exceptions, the correlations are weakly positive. Correlations with Div. 3L condition are negative. The tightest positive correlations are between weight increment estimates in Div. 21 and RV estimates in Div. 21 as weIl as ADAPT estimates. Correlations with population size are generaIly anticipated to be negative because of density dependent effects, however in this study period the correlations are consistent with a growth contribution to the observed biomass changes. Correlations with Station 27 temperature data • Average annual water column temperature and annual bottom temperature anomaly are plotted against the growth and condition data in Fig. 15. Correlations vary in strength but are generaIly positive with growth and condition data for Divs. 21 and 3K but negative with the Div. 3L data. Correlations are weakest with respect to Divs. 21 and 3K length increments. \Vith the exception of Div. 3L, these correlations are consistent with warm water conditions causing enhanced growth. Correlations with area of the CIL Annual estimates of the area of the CIL for the three seetion as weIl as the average area for all three sections combined are plotted against growth and condition data in Fig. 16. Correlations are generally negative, with the exception of Div. 3L , and in some cases are quite strong. For example, weight increments in Divs. 21 and 3K are considerably smaIler when the area of the CIL is large. Div. 21 length increment data are also negatively correlated with area of the CIL but the relationship with Div. 3K length increment data is not dear. Further exploration oLthe correlation with area of the CIL To examine the correlation in growth increments with the average area of the CIL from the three seetions more closely, the totallength and weight increment in each cohort from the beginning of age 2 to the end of age 5 was plotted against the average area of the CIL experienced by the cohort over that period (Fig. 17). For the CIL data this is equivalent to a 3 year running mean and brings out the near-decadel scale cycle very clearly. Evaluating the growth increment over the three 10 years of the cohort's life when most of the growth is occurring and for which most of the data arc available brings out the near-decadel scale of variability in growth more clearly than can be seen by plotting year effects in the increments. This is probably at least in part because the ycar to year errors in the sampIe estimates canceI. \Varren (1993) applied the KaIman Filter technique to the cod growth data for Divs. 21, 3K and 3L for a longer time period. This technique appears to be purticularly useful in picking out both the downward trend and the near-decadel eyele in growth. For the time periods that overlap the pattern is very similar in the study by \Varren (1993) and in the present study. In the case of both length and weight increments, but most cIearly with respect to weight, the increments decline when the arca of the CIL increases and increase when the area of thc CIL declines. The overall declining trend in growth, particularly strong with respect to weight, is also apparent, corresponding to the increasing trend in CIL, most easily seen in the plots in Fig.3. Diseussion and Conclusions • Cod growth has varied considerably over the time period considered in this study. There appears to be at least two components to this variabiIity: (i) a downward trend over the entirc period and (ii) an approximately decadel eycle in growth. The combined effect, as illustrated in Fig. 17 is that the weight increment by cohorts between the ages of 2 and 5 reached a minimum in Divs. 21 and 3K in the 1986 and 1987 cohorts. Tbe decline in weight increment is quitc substantial and could perhaps be referred to as a "collapse in growth". The 1976 and 1977 cohorts benefited from being at both the high end of the trend and the high point in thc approximately decadel eycIe, and increased by nearly 1.6 kgs over ages 2 to 6. In comparison, the 1986 and 1987 cohorts were at the low end of the trend and the low point in the cycle and increased by only about 400 g in Div. 21 and 700 g in Div. 3K. Thus thc weight increment over these ages decreased by more than 1 kg for cod in Div. 21. The timeseries for Div. 3L is less complete but shows much less evidence of a similar trend or eycle. Isolating the causes for the trend and eycle in cod growth in Divs. 21 and 3K would have" important implications for management of the northem cod stock from both thc TAC-fishing mortality aspeet and from a spawner stock per recruit point of view. Several variables cxamined in this study show weak to strong corrc1ation with these changes, but causation is still a matter of speculation. Relationships with temperature, particularly the area of the CIL, may have the most promise with respect to cxplaining thc near-decadel eycle in cod growth. The downward trend in cod growth is correlated with the overall downward trend in ocean temperaturc over the period of thc study. Howcver, other factors, such as thc generally incrcasing fishing mortality over the study period mayaIso be important. Fishing mortality could progressively wced out the fast growing genotypes from thc population leaving only genotypes with a low growth capacity. The effect of capelin on cod growth, whilc anticipated to occur, is not easy to isolate in thc current data. It is thought that the 1983 and 1986 year cIasses werc strong (Carscadden 1994, leading to biomass peaks about two years Iater in the hydroacoustic surveys (Fig. 4). Cod growth was in fact low following the 1983 year class, however two years after the 1986 eapelin yearclass eod growth rate was high and/or inereasing. Capelin in eod stomachs in Div. 21 inereased in the late 1980s when cod growth rate and condition werc high and then decreased sharply to very low levels after 1990, eoineident with the abrupt decline in the weight inerement und the eondition faetor, although the overall eorrelation of eapelin PFI with weight is weak. The general increasc in capelin in eod stomachs in Divs. 3K and 3L over the time period is not compatible with changes in • ll growth and condition in Div. 3K, but is consistent with the trend of improving condition in Div. 3L. At this stage the capelin effect on cod growth and condition should be interpreted as equivocal. It seems almost certain that resolution of the temporal and spatial patterns of abundance of cod and capelin are an essential prerequisite to the interpretation of capelin effects on cod (see Lilly 1994 for more insight into this). . • • Density dependent effects on cod growth rate have been suggested in the past, particularly when the pattern in the residuals are examined after removing the predominant temperature effect (e.g. MilIar and Myers 1990). In this data visualization and exploration exercise there is no evidence of density dependent growth in northern cod in Divs 21 and 3K, although there are correlations compatible with density dependent growth in Div. 3L. In Divs. 21 and 3K cod growth and condition are in fact generally positively correlated with biomass estimates supporting the interpretation of an accelerated growth component to the increase in biomass following extension of jurisdiction in 1977. Difference in the sign of the correlations between Divs. 2113K and Div. 3L with respect to the variables considered in this study suggest that fish on the Labrador and north east Newfoundland shelves are responding differently to those on the northern Grand Bank. This is particularly evident with respect to the increasing condition factor in Div. 3L in the late 1980s and early 1990s at a time when condition factor was dropping precipitously in Divs. 21 and 3K. Reasons for the spatial differences over the range of northern cod stock need to be examined in more detail. The cod stock in NAFO Divs. 2J3KL are presently under a fishery moratorium following the very large decline in biomass in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This decline coincided with rapidly increasing fishing mortality which must be considered to be the major cause. However what amounts to a collapse in growth in cohorts entering the fishery at this time amplified the fishing mortality effect considerably and reduced the biomass and yield per recruit. While it is important to resolve the various contributors to the decline in the northern cod stock, the isolation of predictive relationships between cod growth and, for example, temperature and capelin consumption, could have considerable value in adjusting future fisheries management for changes in cod growth rate. Acknowledgements \Ve acknowledge the considerable efforts ofDFO personnel who collected the sampIes on which this analysis is based. Our recently retired colleague Claude Bishop and his predecessors in the Gadoids Section in particular have done much to ensure that a comprehensive biological data base is available for northern cod. Our colleague, Eugene Colbourne, is thanked for providing Station 27 and CIL data from the oceanographic data base and for advice on interpretation. References Akcnhcad, S. A., J. Carscadden, H. Lcar, G. R. Lilly, and R. Wclls. 1982. Cod-capcIin interactions off northeast Newfoundland and Labrador, p. 141-148. In M. C. Mercer (cd.) Multispecies approaches to fisherics management advicc. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 59. Anon. 1991. Report ofthe Multispecics Assessment Working Group, Woods Hole, 4-13 Decembcr, 1990. ICES C.M. 19911ASSESS:7, 246p. 12 Anon. 1992. Report of the Multispeeies Assessment Working Group, Copenhagen, 16-25 June 1992. ICES C.M. 19921ASSESS:16, 152p. Bishop, C.A., E.F. Murphy, M.B. Davis, J.W. Baird and G.A Rose. 1993. An assessment of the eod stock in NAFO Divisions 2j+3KL. NAFO SCR Doe., No. 86, Serial No. N2271 , 51p. Bishop, C. A 1994. Revisions and additions to stratifieation sehemes used during research vessel surveys in NAFO Subareas 2 and 3. NAFO SCR Doe. 94143, Serial No. N2413. 23 p. Bishop, C. A., J. Anderson, E. Dalley, M. B. Davis, E. F. Murphy, G. A. Rose, D. E. Stansbury, C. Taggart, and G. Winters. 1994. An assessment of the eod stock in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL. NAFO SCR Doe. 94/40, Serial No. N241O. 50 p. Bishop, C. A, and J. W. Baird. 1994. Spatial and temporal variability in eondition faetors of Divisions 2J and 3KL eod (Gadus morlzua). NAFO Sei. Coun. Studies 21: 105-1I3. • Bishop, C. A, D. E. Stansbury, and E. F. Murphy. 1995. An update of the stock status of Div. 2J3KL eod. DFO Atlantie Fisheries Res. Doe. 95134. 38 p. Brander, K. M. 1995. The effeet oftemperature on growth of Atlantic eod (Gadus morlzua L.). ICES J. mar. Sei. 52: 1-10. Carseadden, J. 1994. Editor. Capelin in SA2 + Div. 3KL. DFO Atlantie Fisheries Research Doeument 94118, 164p. Colbourne, E., S. Narayanan, and S. Prinsenberg. 1994. Climatie ehanges and evironmental eonditions in the . Northwest Atlantic, 1970-1993. ICES mar. Sei. Symp., 198:311-322. Colbourne, E. 1995.' Oeeanographie eonditions and climate change in the Newfoundland region during 1994. DFO Atl. Res. Doe. 9513, 36p. Fahrig, L., G. R. Lilly, and D. S. Miller. 1993. Predator stomaehs as sampling tools for prey distribution: Atlantic eod (Gadus morlzua) and eapelin (Mallotus villosus). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 50: 1541-1547. Fleming, AM. 1960. Age, growth and sexual maturity of eod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Newfoundland area, 19471950. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 17: 775-809. J6nsson, J. 1965. Temperature and growth of eod in Icelandie waters. ICNAF Special Publieation 6: 537-539. Jprgensen, T. 1992. Long-term ehanges in growth of North-cast Aretic eod (Gadus morlzua) and some environmental influenees. ICES J. mar. Sei. 49: 263-277. Lilly, G. R. 1987. Interactions betwcen Atlantie eod (Gadus morhua) and eapelin (Mallotus villosus) off Labrador and castern Newfoundland: a review. Can. Teeh. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 1567: 37 p. Lilly, G. R. 1991. Interannual variability in predation by eod (Gadus morhua) on eapelin (Mal/olus villosus) and other prey off southern Labrador and northeastern Newfoundland. ICES mar. Sei. Symp. 193: 133-146. Lilly, G.R. 1994. Predation by Atlantie eod on eapelin on the southern Labrador and Northeast Newfoundland shelves during aperiod of changing spatial distributions. ICES mar Sei. Symp. 198:600-611. • 13 LiIly, G.R. 1995. Did the feeding level of the cod off southern Labrador and eastern Newfoundland decline in the 1990s? DFO Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 95174, 25p. LiIly, G. R., and D. J. Davis. 1993. Changes in the distribution of capelin in Divisions 21, 3K and 3L in the autumns of recent years, as inferred from bottom-trawl by-catches and cod stornach examinations. NAFO SCR Doc. 93/54, Serial No. N2237. 14 p. May, A. W., A. T. Pinhorn, R. WeHs, and A. M. Fleming. 1965. Cod growth and temperature in the Newfoundland area. ICNAF Special Publication 6: 545-555. • Mehl, S., and K. Sunnanä. 1991. Changes in growth ofNortheast Aretie cod in relation to food eonsumption in 1984-1988. ICES mar. Sei. Symp. 193: 109-112. MilIar, R. B., L. Fahrig, and P. A. Shelton. 1990. Effeet of eapelin biomass on eod growth. ICES C.M. 1990/0:25. 10 p. MilIar, R. B., and R. A. Myers. 1990. ModeHing environmentaHy induced change in size at age for Atiantic Canada eod stocks. ICES C.M. 1990/0:24. 13 p. MilIer, D.S. 1994. Results from an acoustic survey for eapelin (Mallotus villosus) in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL in the autumn of 1993, p.91-98. In I. Carseadden [ed.] Capelin in SA2 + Div. 3KL. DFO Atiantic Fisheries Research Document 94/18. Sheiton, P. A., L. Fahrig, and R. B. MilIar. 1991. Uneertainity associated with cod-capelin interactions: how much is too much? NAFO Sei. Coun. Studies. 16: 13-19. Smith, S. I., and G. D. Somerton. 1981. STRAP: A user-oriented computer analysis system for groundfish research trawl survey data. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1030: 66 p. • Steinarsson, B. iE., and O. Stefansson. 1991. An attempt to explain cod growth variability. ICES C.M. 1991/0:42.20 p. Taggart, C. T., I. Anderson, C. Bishop, E. Colbourne, I. Hutchings, G. LiIly, J. Morgan, E. Murphy, R. Myers, G. Rose and P. Sheiton. 1994. Overview cf cod stocks, biology, and environment in the northwest Atiantic region ofNewfoundland, with emphasis on northern eod. ICES mar. Sci. Symp. 198: 140-157. Warren, W.O. 1993. Some applieations of the Kaiman Filter in Fisheries Research. ICES C.M. 19931D:57, 19p. WeHs, R. 1984. Orowth of cod in Divisions 21, 3K and 3L, 1971-1983. NAFO SCR Doc. 84/90, Serial No. N881. 6 p. WeHs, R. 1986. Declines in the average length at age of eod in Divisions 21 and 3K during 1977-85. NAFO SCR Doe. 86/83, Serial No. N1205. 2 p. 14 Table 1. Number of fish sampled from RV surveys by NAFO division for which both length and age have been determined. YEAR NAFO FREQUENCYI2j 13k 131 ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 78 1 453 I 457 1 0 1 ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 79 I 460 1 510 I 0 1 ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 80 600 1 706 I 0 1 ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 81 1 650 1 687 I 614 1 ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 82 1 844 1 747 I 882 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 83 I 725 I800 I 797 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 84 I 1055 1 844 I 0 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 85 1 987 1 659 I 801 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 86 1 569 1 670 I 699 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 87 1 819 1 681 I 743 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 88 1 852 1 1000 I 742 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 89 1 891 1 1055 I 713 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 90 1 853 1 971 I 706 1 ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 91 1 546 1 764 I 578 1 ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 92 I 263 I 540 1 494 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 93 I 95 I 355 I 378 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 94 I 62 I 92 1 126 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ TOTAL 10724 11538 8273 I_ TOTAL 910 970 1306 1951 • 2473 2322 1899 2447 1938 2243 2594 2659 2530 1888 1297 828 280 30535 • 15 Table 2. Number of fish sampled from RV surveys by NAFO division for which both weight and age have been determined. YEAR NAFO FREQUENCY\2j • • 13k 131 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 78 I 132 I 120 I 0 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 79 I 113 I 119 I 0 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 80 I 140 I 156 I 0 1 ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 81 I 145 I 141 I 138 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 82 I 135 I 160 I 51 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 83 1 173 I 156 I 152 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 84 I 532 I 167 I 0 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 85 I 506 I 143 I 147 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 86 I 119 I 130 I 142 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 87 I 104 I 13~ I 161 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 88 I 200 I 249 I 156 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 89 I 890 I 1055 I 142 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 90' I 852 I 970 I 706 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 91 I 546 I 764 I 576 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 92 I 263 I 538 I 494 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 93 I 95 I 355 I 377 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 94 I 62 I 92 I 126 I ---------+--------+--------+--------+ TOTAL 5007 5447 3368 TOTAL 252 232 296 424 346 481 699 796 391 397 605 2087 2528 1886 1295 827 280 13822 16 Table 3. Range and average annual number of fish' sampled for Iength and weight at age from RV surveys by age, alI three divisions combined. 2J 3K 3L Lenoth al aoe samoies Mean N iMin N Years Aoe Division 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I 0 I 1 2 I 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 14 I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I 23 I 0 I 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 I 20 I 21 I 22 I 24 12 17 171 17 17 17 17 141 14 14 14 14 '14 10 10! 9 6 4 1 1 1 1 2 161 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 15 141 141 14 13 13' 131 101 5 • 5 2 3 3 1 11 51 111 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 111 121 11 11 10 9 91 91 61 31 21 11 11 11 14.24 68.12 88.47 83.88 84.82 70.881 61.35 52.651 41.29 29.41 15.12 9.82 4.59 3.12 1.181 0.71 0.59 0.35 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.061 0.291 23.941 87.82 98.24 84.531 80.18 70.651 58.59 55.71 42.94 30.591 18.881 11.181 5.291 4.531 2.291 1.531 0.591 0.29 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.12 0.061 2.711 12.141 71.431 92.141 81.211 67.50 61.71 58.29 47.43 37.57 19.57 14.29 10.21 6.361 3.861 2.291 1.001 0.501 0.211 0.291 0.211 0.071 0.071 Weiohl al aoa samoies IMeanN MinN Years 'MaxN 0 7 15! 13 81 2\ 11 01 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 0 0 0 101 381 21 11 2 4 1 0 01 01 01 01 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 0 0 0 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 73 193 202 190 265 195 133 125 113 74 36 23 11 18 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 72 211 175 151 164 130 121 121 100 77 51 30 14 14 13 5 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 21 46 203 154 148 120 99 147 104 77 53 44 28 21 13 6 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 12 17 17 17 17 17 17 141 14 14 14 14 14 10 10 9 6 4 1 1 1 1 2 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 10 5 5 2 3 3 1 1 5 11 13 13 13 131 13 13 13 11 12 11 11 10 9 9 9 6 3 2 1 1 1 3.47 33.41 44.47 45.94 42.06 29.47 25.12 22.76 16.06 12.18 7.29 5.24 2.88 1.94 1.00 0.47 0.47 0.18 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.24 10.94 45.18 48.41 43.941 37.06 31.41 24.35 22.88 17.88 14.06 8.29 5.47 3.18 3.00! 1.47 1.24 0.531 0.24 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.12 0.061 0.071 2.361 24.711 38.431 38.57 29.00 27.43 17.71 14.71 15.29 8.50 7.36 5.57 4.14 2.57 2.14 0.93 0.43 0.21 0.291 0.211 0.071 0.001 I I : I I ! Years = number of years with sampies. N = number of samoies Der vear. I I I I I IMaxN 0 7 7 9 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 6 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 I I I 1 I I I I 18 192 202 187 176 121 113 125 72 37 26 11 8 6 4 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 4 72 211 168 151 163 93 109 121 79 50 30 13 9 8 9 4 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 13 79 117 116 91 98 64 75 66 31 19 16 12 10 6 3 2 1 3 3 1 0 • • 60' SB' SB' 52' 50' 54' o Il) 52' ::: .: : rtEMIS ,:;: ~ ;,_:;::?:; 50' .,.....;, oall'-' ' ' .._.01''3 .. 1------,r-.......--~.7'; -'-t!': ,:,," CAP : : . ••.••,J._. ••••••_•••••__. 3L Co. ,.. ,., '" 4B' ,~ ........ , f "'1..1 ~"\ ~ ""Q ~ , I 4B' 60' SB' 54' 52' 50' 48' 48' ~-1-------1---_----:L...-+60 55 50 -L.._+-__-"'_-. 45 40 LONGITUDE '-.1 Fig. 1. Maps showing NAFO division boundaries, the loeation of Station 27 and the position of the three seetions. The Seal Island section erosses the Hamilton Bank and is referred to in the text as the Hamilton Bank seetion. 1.5 (J 18 ~ 1 CI Q) "C Q) .... 1.......-+ ~ + o0 Q) Q. E Q) I- - D - AVETEMP 0.5 -0.5 -1 +t{ I I 0 I I co I I I I I I co ! ' co 0> 0 co co co co co co co co co co ..- 0> l'-- l'-- - + - - BOTANOM C\J C') '<t LO I I I 0 ..- C\I C') '<t 0> 0> 0> 0> 0) I Year Fig. 2. Time series of Station 27 average annual water column temperature and the bottom (175 m) temperature anomaly from the 1961 - 1990 mean. 50 45 40 E ::.:: 35 I Q) .... 30 I 1 1 1 ~ + -... 20V C'" l/) ca Q) < 25 I --0- + +--r 15 10 5 0 + +/' \C16 1-/+ . ca BONCIL - + - FLEMCIL - - D - HAMCIL I I co l'-- 0> !' 0 co ..- co I I C\I C') co co '<t co I I I LO co co !' co co I I I I I co 0> co co I 0 ..- C\I C') 0> 0> 0> 0> '<t 0> Year Fig. 3. Annual area of the cold intermediate layer (CIL) on the Hamilton Bank, Bonavista and FIemish Cap sections. • 4.-------------------__--, c:J Capelin _ 2J Otherprey 3 2 2000 -r------~-----------__, -... g o e-e Canada 78 0··0 Russia 84 86 88 90 92 E 1000 >< 3 Q) "0 C \ o 1). 94 3K <\.. . cn cn (lj 82 • 1500 '-' 80 ~ 2 Q) .~ Q). 0..: (lj .f: :i C!...... 500 u.. \ () o o +--r---r-..-~O'~..~9_r__r__,__r_,_.,.__r_,.__...,:_'tq=:+_; ~ ro n 00 ~ M M M 00 ~ 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 4,........!.~---:~-.:::::..-~-.....:::.:::.....-......::;=---=-=----==--=-:....., ~ Year 3L - 3rr-, .. r- 2r- Fig. 4. Canadian and Russian fall capelin hydroacoustic estimates. r- - - _r- - 1 r1 o 1.-.1-...L..-....I1_ 78 80 LL 82 84 86 Year' 88 90 92 II~ 94 \0 , Fig. 5. Partial fullness indices (PFI) for capelin in cod stomaehs in the fall RV survey, together with the PFI for other prey, by division. . 20 450000 - UI 400000 I 350000 - 300000 -;- - - D - - RV2J 250000 ~ 200000 ~ - - 0 - RV3K C'll s:::: 0 UI UI E 0 m i - + - - RV3L 150000 :), • i 100000 , I 50000 ""'+""'=-+ 0 CX) t-- 0) 0 T""" C\I "'" CX) CX) (Xl ('I) (Xl ~ (Xl 1.0 (Xl (0 (Xl "'" (Xl (Xl (Xl 0> 0 T""" C\I ('I) (Xl 0> 0) 0> 0> ~ 0) Year Fig. 6. Annual biomass estimates by division from the fall RV trawl survey. 1200000 - UI - • 1000000 s:::: 0 UI UI C'll E 800000 600000 0 m I I 400000 1 200000 - + M 0 I ('I) "'" -.:t t-- 1.0 "'" <0 "'" t-t-- I I (Xl 0) 0 T""" N "'" (Xl (Xl (Xl "'" I ('I) CX) -.:t (Xl I I 1.0 (0 ro (Xl t-- ro CX) CX) 0> ro 0 0> T""" C\I 0> 0) Year Fig. 7. ADAPT estimates of the 3+ beginning of year biomass in NAFO Divs. 2J3KL combined. Div 2J cohort length at age Div 3K cohort ·length at age 90 Div 3L cohort length at age 90 90 80 70 s ......... 60 S ~ 50 ~ 50 30 20 10 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Year Year Fig. 8. Cohort lengths. at age for each division for ag~s 10 and less. Lines orientated roughly parallel to the the x-aXlS denote ages. Length at age 0 IS taken to be 0 so that the Iines orientated roughly parallel to the y-axis denoting cohorts intercept the x-axis to give the year in which the cohort arose. Year Div 2J cohort weight at age Div 3K cohort weight at age Div 3L cohort weight at age 4000 3000 ..... ~ --' '-"" '-"" +.J ~ 2000 ~ 2000 ~ ~ ~ .... ~ 50 ~ 0.0 0.0 2000 +.J ..... ..... ~ 1) ;;. ;;. 1000 I o~~~z~z~z~~~ 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Year nnwM~~M~M~MMOO~~~W Year 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 9· Year N N Fig. 9. Cohort weights at age for each division for ages 8 and less. 23 0.4 0.2 0 u Q) -0.2 Q) -0.4 Q) -0.6 .~ ca -0.8 Q) -1 a: -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -- - D - - 2J Une --0-- - 3K Une - - + - - 3L Une co 0) 0 T""" C\I f'- f'- CX) CX) CX) C') ro ~ CX) 10 ro CD f'- CX) CX) co ro 0 0) co 0) Year 0.8 0.6, f -- O.~ It 0.4 0 - - - 0 - 2J Wine Q) • Q) -0.2 T I -0.4 + ca Q) -0.6 t a: -0.8 -r --0-- Q) - 3K Wine .~ - - + - - 3L Wine I -1 -1.2 J -1.4 . co 0) 0 T""" f'- f'- CX) CX) I I I I I C\I C') CX) oo::t 10 CD CX) CX) CX) ro f'- ro I I I I CX) CX) O'l 0 T""" C\I C') ~ CX) O'l O'l O'l O'l O'l Year Fig. 10. Relative year effects in cohort length and weight increments in each division, aIl ages combined. 1.1 . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 0.85 2J 1.0 --r-----------2J --, 0.80 0.9 0.75 36-44cm - 6 - - 45-53 cm 54-62cm - ....- 63-71 cm -0- 0.8 \ \ .. 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 ;:1.1--r------------------, -g> Ci) .c o. 0.65 o 78 80 82 84 86 _x 0.85 - - r - - - - - - - - - Q) -g> Q) Ci) - 0.9 'Q) ~ 0.8 90 92 94 ----, 0.80 ...J - -.. 0.75 .c Cl 88 3K .c 1.0 4---r---"T""---r--r-,r--r-T-.,.-J...,.-...,...-.--r--'r---r-1~r--r-i ~ --J _ -6-- \ o O.7 +-~,---,-----r----r~=r=::;:::::r==;:..-.-_r_.--l_r--r-l ~ 36-44cm 45-53 cm 54·62cm - ....- 63·71 cm -0- 0.70 .c Cl 'Q5 0.70 0.7 -1--r-,--r-""1c----r----.--.----r---.....---.--.--.--.--,~__"T--I :J 78 80 82 84 86 90 92 94 88 o "C C ~ 1.1 - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 3L 1.0 3: -g:::: 0.65 -+--,--.--.--.-----r-r---.-.---,-,,---r-r-r--r-'-"T-".---t :::s 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 ~ 0.85 - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 3L 0.80 .6 0.9 -------~-----... lt 0.75 • 0.8 -------~----/~~ 0.70 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 78 Year 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Year ? Fig. 11. Average condition (round weight) of cod by division in .em . Fig. 12. Average eondition (gutted weight, head on) of eod by length groups from sampies taken in the fall RV surveys.. A eondltlon faetor jivision in 9 cm length groups from sampIes taken in the fall RV of 0.9, which is sometimes assumed to be generally appheable to eod (eg. mrveys. A eondition faetor ofO.77, whieh is the overall average Brander 1995), is shown for referenee. reported by Taggart et al. (1994), is shown for referenee. 25 (Scatter Plot Matrix ) I. " 2.0 Ip2JC I 1.0 ,:,,~ · ., .. ··. 0.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 "-.. /": \ ''; :\ \ .. " ,'. -1.0 0.2 .-/ ,:- I • :--....-. -0.2 1--:' -0.8 0.4 I~ J -. • .-- ... I,' F2 ~ "~ .:. 0\ :.. • I • _',t' I'- . i" ., '" ·. . '. ....... 'I .' -- ( .. 3KLINC i\.. '\ . ·, 1"'- '. .... \ V·" ., '\~ .... !~.' V \ . \ "·.... ~ . - .·· ..· ., . ·.. · ~. K":' .'. K· ~. " ' . ·... .~ . ["-.... •• . r-.-.",,'. ' e @ ' J . .. : . - .. """- / . . ·.'. ·. . Ip3KC I '.. . ,. . ,. ',' ·.' ":/ .../ ~ · : Ip3LC I 1.5 . \ J.. .· \ ·. !I \ . . 1.0 .. 0.5 :' · . .. 1\ .. \ \ ...· ~'. ......... 2JLINC .......... If:~ 0.0 v,. ·. ·. -0.5 ...... . · ' '.' ., .:.>e -· :-.. .' ~ · r--..:. •• ':' ~ ' &· ' V:", ... :.', i · :"/ . I(~ I~OO:> /. · , . . .I .'\. V' • · ;, '\. 1/' , '.'. ,, ,{ " .' ~ K~ ' . / / \ .':\ .... . ·.. I~. V·, v··. v· . : .'. . .. . ..' . · .', .' I~> : ~ , .' ."\ ~ ../ 1(.) " 2 ," ~/ f'>... '..-/ ~ V • k, '. · .. ~ ~ · ..... . " . .. ~ '. -.-.:.... ~.".- ;.~ · .,11 ..' . I 3LLINC V '. '1/ l/.' · · · . . .. . I· ·. , !/.'· · . .. : .' 0.0 · · -0.4 · ./' ..) /\ · .) '1/..':'/ .':/ / I\·.~· ~ · \ " J \. ·· ·2JWINC . .. \ '.· . .. . ·I/. , . · 11..·. . .,' .\ 0.0 ·. .· -'.11;:·' . '" ·. · ., ·. -0.5 · . :~) : .·. .. :.) .. ·1.0 . .. .... ) · .. / ·. · . . /1'\ . . · 1"-.. ·· . 1.0 3KWINC ...... l;>---V v ..0.5 ~ .. '" . .1 ~ ") ~ I~ .. k '. · . 0.0 ·... . .'· · · . ., . . .' . ./K···· r---.... • y -0.5 './ i'-. .I~' I'-- · 0.4 V: ............... /(0' ~ : ·v . / ."\ 3LWINC V .--"'. " L/ .............v· ...'\ 0.2 ·'. ~ ) 0.0 · .. ·.· : · . -. 1\ . .:. .' . ·. ·· · .. . -0.2 .. · :. J · ·. '" . . 1\ ": J · . · -0.4 ·. ·· V ( '.: \ /· ..' \ / O 1.05 '/. . . · .. ·. / ...! \ · '.. · \· 2JCOND '. ,/ · . .. . . .: ·. .' · · . · 0.95 }. - \· ~ . ~") \".,·./ I\.\. , ./ 0.85 ' / .' · 1.05 3KCOND V . ' ... \ ·. li '. I .' ....~ ( . · ... \ \ ·. 1.00 V '.. · .. · ') V" 0.95 ~ ... J .' . k" 0.90 :.j/ . .. 1\" · . \. ::) . :.,:-; / ' ... / " ;\ ..· :.... ~.,: J v. ~ 3LCOND / .. \ 1.00 v· .~ '.~ I/' . " " Ir 0.95 .. . ~."> .· ·- .. ~:.:'. ~.. ~ .. 0.90 · . "-...: f',........ •1(· ." / "./ : ./ 1\\ · , , .. 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.5 -1.0 0.0 -0.8 0.0 0.&0.4 0.0 0.4 -1.0 0.0 -0.5 0.5 -0.4 1.00 0.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.5 3.00.0 . · , ·. "\ '" 1\'.')' '" .' I \ .' \ " (: ,' " ", -'s ~ I--. • • I '---", .......... • ' ,; 16 ·u v. ' • _,I ' , I'- 1(:·': ~ .:. v· \~ ' ;/ ... J 9 \l ' .... ",1 • ' • si , ?;K:> J ~ • ' '..-/ y' / >./ .y '.' , I ". • ./ ,\ Fig, 13. Scatter plot matrix of the partial fullness index of capelin in each division (P21C, P3KC, P3LC) against the relative annuallength increments for all ages combined (21 LINC, 3K LINC, 3K LINC), relative annual weight increments for all ages combined (21 WINC, 3K WINC, 3L WINC) and round weight condition factor for cod in the 54 - 62 cm length dass (21 COND, 3K COND, 3L COND), 26 Scatt.r Plot Matrix ) M .<.-/-. r.,.:,. V; .:VS.i/7~· . l(:. "/,01/ ..;/". '.' '.'-'. ,y' ....~10:: /I~ . . -I .. , ::1[§J <.~~.: o 0 ;:: 1/.. 1= .:".) 250000 150000 50000 IRV3K i/.. V ",.' / I . .. . IRV3L I • :' / V .. • . 0 .' :/ 0.4..: .::: . . )' (j 1/ . " j': . J...j '. / • '. / . "/. / 3KLINC (.. :. ;..' •••• H '<:J0--:~k '0:5~/;:'./~"' ... / 0.4 0.2 .' ' \ . ~.~ .... ) •0:4 •••• .. v r:: : ' . .)V. . v. .. v:. . ~::0YYU'" • 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 • • \ 'J' _ : .': • .(t .. 3L UNC =. . ... ; / • : • '. / ' , , • • ..) .,?:, ~. ':.j . .h~ . • \" I.: ( :-:. [,;(, ----- ~ ._ I~ '1./ . . /. ... 11 •":) . .) :''" / .'::J f .:.j ....: ;/. .. ~WINC f:: J '·1 f.:·..: 1/'· .' ... :.\ ~ .y i/. -: ...; • .. ' - ::,./:3K·WINC .../ '\'"\ 1/'/ . : . .... '.. ~ ( 1'\ .' ). 1(, ' ../ ~IC:~:'~·'I\). ···/I~···~~·: 3LWINC "\ 1('. '."17 '.' ,.'(.)" I'.) .... .. . • 'I\. ' •, .. V. '"V:- ..... ':,'1 . , .; ~COND I/;r.,.:. ) .1~··0vD·IQ~ " . v '. v ' .' o' .... ••: " : / ". • '/ .'.~. ' . , / ' '.. ' ·,,--/,·.I\.· 0'0. 1(;" 1/':' , 3KCOND ') 1\'" ...." r---..' / ,'\ R\~IQI~ ~:~~ ~:.~~~ ~I,,('" \ • • • • • ~'l' • •~.. •,v:-. ..... . '. • •• 090""'. . I "'-..... . ' ./ 1'-.. .: ~ '. 3OOOoom<xxi 2oo()(JC)JO(lOOI000000 lDIOOOO rollHllllO I •. ·1.0 '.\ "':J "'Ir v ..." . " .,"/ . \ . .. .. i (1 ('7'" J 1.05 Ir ~':J '.' . ~··.:::010S>0~'-:~~.:0. ''''\ . . ." "I;: : l( . I~' 1 '. ;'\ .. /" .:' .~:~ 1(·:' JV:'~ '.' V. '.:.. I/:~ , ·/.. 1/·" ·1.0 I~\\ ·::,V.·I/}/.::)V: ·1 /~.I~· ~ ./. ./ .. / ./ / I( . >J . \ :. , I.. .' ~ '.~ I'-~" / . '.. ;:~r0~P:"j;. !r ·0.8 / ........, y; 1=1//~:.: 'V:'.:': ~3KLB J. j 400000 . .\ 1\) .... / . V .... 1/.... .~\ . ".\ V.' . . ~ ,.1: .' :'J "~J . "·1' .\ ~':I' .... .'.' :.. ~"/ o' '• 0.0 -0 8 .' ..... f'.-.:. 0.0 0.&0.4 0.0 0.4 ·1.0 .:. :.-/ 0.0 ·0.5 ."0• • •'. 0.5 -0.4 0.0 0.3085 1.00 : I": ' • 3LCOND ". . 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.00 Fig. 14. Scatter plot matrix ofbiomass estimates by division from the fall surveys (RV2J, RV3K, RV3L) and the ADAPT estimate of 3+ biomass for all divisions combined (2J3KL B) against growth and condition data (same abbreviations as in Fig. 13). • \ . 27 ) (Scatter Plot Matrix 1.5 I !AVET 0.5 D ~ -0.5 0.3 0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0.2 -0.2 -0.8 0.4 0.0 -0.4 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 1.05 0.95 0.85 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 1.00 0.95 0.90 . . . . CJ) · .', IBOTAN --: -,' .n ·-. ~ ~ . . V·.'.. V· . ... .. ':/ -./ .., :/ \): ~~ · ... :.. ,~ (!) ·. @ ~L:--Y - V I ..·, ,..--- '."", " ~ '1' · .V 11(8 · ·. . ~'. · . V .. -/ . 10 V. . "'~ .. .. . V·" ·. · . .:.;;; · () ~ r--..:./ I~ 0' "B'... .: - () · ~ ·.. @ D (j) 69 ~ -. -~ ~ . . '. /... . . V·' · . . I:':) \ .... . · . '.:/ :/ / ..) ·· '/ .. () . . . , 2JLrnC ~:' ~."'" ..... .... " .. ' V " :. ". / .: .' ..-........ .' ' . -, ;. .. ' . " ~: \ '. , '. : " / .. 3KLINC ·..'\ · \ " / \. • I /,,/ .1/.) '. .... Ir) .. '.' • .. :.'. .·Z,'· r-- :...----- -;--- ~. ~'.:. · .. V·~ / '....... I'-... '. I ~ · _.~ ~ ' '. '. ' / . ~ '.' ':' ~ -~ '. I'- : 'V , l/. I 1/ 3LLINC ·, ...... V, ..... V · .... .' 11:. \ ' . .,11 .' . · . 1/·: . . .: .\ ·. · . ·. ·. .... ) . : .' .·· . /f\ . '( :. .. .. / 3Kwrnc V - ......... ' V '., ~ . ...., ..· - t::" ... . .' ~ . k '. :' · ." .'. ~.'~ .. ... .' .' · ~ 1'- . "-------·v . .'-. /. \ . 3Lwrnc V V ". 1/' ...'\ . I . . 1/. · ·. · .. .. I\0 ::'.1.J . . I\: .... ) · · .·· : - '; . . · . ··· · · ·.. J .. \ / .\ 1/ V I : \ . \ 2JCOND · , . .. '. , .. · . . .;.: / . · . · · · .. J. · .. . : , .' . . .... .... , / .' ., . J .. / ;/ 1\ '.' / .. / ,. / .. · ... \ 11 .' .. .'. ·... 3KCOND ".\ /~ ··V \ · · . . I~.), . .. . .' .' ~'.' · . '. '.,: /. · . . ... .. ·.:: J '\ ··.1 : / ·... /: I\"~' 3LCOND .. '\ ':~v. .\ · V'. ~ Ir .'. · . , . . .. . . . · . .. -. ..'. ' ' (J)' ',' " I '.' .y ~~ k~ v. v: . ('..... i'- I'- ' ',- \ ~ ' ~ () \ ' ' / ' r.:. 0.0 -0.8 I' y' I ••• {. -0.5 0.5 UD.5 -0.1 0.3 -1.0 2JWrnC I u'10 .& /.) . / , ~:)1(:·': :~"l 1/·' · ' . . . . 1'---.... 0.00.&0.4 0.0 0.4 -1.0 · :J 1\\ 0.0 -0.5 ./ j / t • . : / ~: 0.5 -0.4 1.00 \ ~ "'" ' · 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.00 Fig. 15. Scatter plot matrix of average annuaI water column temperature (AVET) and bottom temperature anomaly (BOTAN) from Station 27 measurements against growth and condition data (same abbreviations as in Fig. 13). • J 28 Scatter Plot Matrix 45~ HAMCIL 35 25 ~+----:::~~~~~--:;;,f-=----::;;i-~=:-i---:;;=:::-k=---+:-;---+-;;::.;:--b:=:::::---f;:::=::::--i:=::::::::--l-o::;:::::==:i I 40 :n 2:l 0.0 -0.5 ·1.0 0;::~t=-~~::::"-h--.--~:::::::~~+-::~i-:;:::'~~+;:~~:::::+;::::::==+==~---11 0.2 -0.2 -O.8+---r-~+...".....-=--+-r-"""""~-,-~:"'-H--:-"""",""+---r::-""-+r-~~=-I--:"'--:::;::>--t--:T.'\--t~""",,---:-1b--;-,,,;+-"?"::---+-::7.""-""<j 0.4 I 0.0 -0.4 0.0 -0.5 ·1.0 h-~-';'4-~--':+..-~-4~~..:J1~""":"-;,1-.l,~+-r--~~~4-.L;""-r~-=----'l:-t"'--~""';"'R"':-oC.-t--=--"'.-l1 1.0J-...L.....:....j.~---..::.l.I-----':........:+-....:L-...:l.+-..:...L-+-L-:.L.-f-=--...L..--+---~~=!-=---'--+----:....4-.f.--.....;~-p---.,;..--i1 0.5 0.0 -0.5 0.4J-~-+----,~--.J---.,....-+------,,--+.~-:-I---:-~..J..-.....--;'-+----:---Ir-="=~f---,~-h-~...,...--:-"----I1 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -O.4:1-~....:.,.:~~....,.....:L+--.;;~~W~,..:L./>.--~~J--.-\,..:..,/-+;,..---~:..",..-~....1.:.;...t.r--1---.:::---e~~+-=~~+--..,;:--L.j1 1.05 0.95 0.85J--+-~,.+---'-:~-l..~~';":'-h.L:';"'4~":"'-4f---JL.:.:M+-7-~L.,f--=7...--:4-LT!"\+--;~....L+-:T-:-tr~~:;:,;",t-~",~1 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 1.00 0.95 0.90 W-:""':"'~:"'-"'-A-~~H--,-<~~4-.J,.....!H"'7'""-'-.L......;+--~4-++~:::""-H~-+-""","",-+::~~1 15 25 35 452:1 3J 40 ro 25 3J 35 2:1 3J 40 -1.0 0.0 ·0.8 0.0 0.5-0.4 0.0 0.4 ·1.0 0.0 -0.5 0.5 -0.4 0.0 0.3 0.85 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.00 Fig. 16. Scatter plot matrix of average annual area of the cold intermediate layer on the Hamilton Bank (HAMCIL), Bonavista (BONCIL) and Flemish Cap (FLEMCIL) as weIl as the annual average of all three (AVECIL) against growth and condition data (same abbreviations as in Fig. 13). • • ~ . 29 I 40 ~ 35 c -E ~ ~~ 30 G) ~] 20 <> :: - - 0 - 2JSLlNC I - - 0 - 3KSLINC I G) 25 E E .:.:: 1 - - + - - 3LSLINC 1 • RUNCIL 11---+---'-+--+1-+-1--+-1---'11--+--+1-+-1--+1-jl-+-I--+1-+-1--+-I-I(---j ~ ~ CD r--. CX) m 0 T"" C\I c") ~ LO CD I"- CX) Cl 0 C") I"- I"- r--. r--. r--. I"- I"- CX) CX) CX) CX) CX) CX) CX) CX) CX) CX) Cl Cohor1 -Cl cG) 1600 '- u c 1000 c ca -E .:.:: tr 11l 800 600 400 ..J U 1 I I ,~ 1400 I 1200 E G) 'C 40 200 0 + /. "". +/X -~ + /+"", "'"+ +-+ I t 35 30 25 - - 0 - 3KSWINC 20 3LSWINC 15 I - - D - - 2JSWINC • RUNCIL 10 I I 5 0 I LO r--. CD I"- r--. r--. CX) l"- Cl r--. o CX) T"" CX) C\I CX) c") CX) ~ CX) LO CD r--. CX) CX) CX) CX) CX) Cl CX) Cohor1 Fig. 17. The total increment in length and weight in each cohort from the beginning of age 2 to the end of age 5 plotted together with the average area of the eIL over that period (all three sections combined).