Handout 4th Lecture, ECON 5200, Production Kjell Arne Brekke September 14, 2010 1 Production set Describes a production plan y 2 RL where yl < 0 means input and yk > 0 means output. The production set y 2 Y may also be described by a transformation function Y = fy 2 RL : F (y) 0g with F (y) describing the trasformation frontier The M RT = 1.1 @F (y)=@yl @F (y)=@yk Distinct input and output y = ( z; q) with q 2 RM and z 2 RL M with a single output we usually use a production function Y = f( z; q) : q f (z) 1 0 and z 0g Properties of Y 1.2 1. Y is non-empty 2. Y is closed. (mostly technical) 3. No free luch: y 0 =) y = 0 4. Possibility of inaction: 0 2 Y . (Depends on when we consider the production desision.) 5. Free disposal: y 2 Y and y 0 y =) y 0 2 Y 6. Irreversibility: If y 2 Y , then y2 = Y. 7. Returns to scale Non-increasing, y 2 Y; 2 (0; 1) =) y 2 Y Non-decreasing: y 2 Y; > 1 =) y 2 Y Constant: y 2 Y; > 0 =) y 2 Y 8. Additivity (or free entry) y; y 0 2 Y then y + y 0 2 Y . (What does this imply about returns to scale?) 9. Convexity y; y 0 2 Y then )y 0 2 Y for any y + (1 2 (0; 1):(Together with 4, what does this imply about returns to scale?) 10. Y is a convex cone. Formally y; y 0 2 Y then y + y 0 2 Y for any ; > 0.(Which propertise above are implied by this?) Proposition 1 Y is additive and satisifes non-increasing returns if and only if it is a convex cone. Decreasing return can be seen as a scarcity of some underlying resource: Proposition 2 For any convex Y technology Y 0 RL there is a constant return convex RL+1 such that Y = fy : (y; 1) 2 Y 0 g 2 2 Pro…t Maximization and Cost Minimization The pro…t function (p) = max py = max py y2Y F (y) 0 If F is di¤erentiable at y , then max py F (y) yields …rst order condition pl = Fl0 (y ) [F (y) may be non-di¤erentiable when yl = 0 for some l] The case with a production function yields familiar …rst order conditions. Proposition 3 The pro…t function and the associated sypply correspon- dence, has the following properties (assuming nonempty, closed Y with free disposal) 1. Homogenous of degree 1: 2. ( p) = (p) is convex 3. If Y is convex then Y = fy 2 RL : py (p) for all p 0g 4. y(p) is homogenous of degree zero 5. If Y is convex then y(p) is convex for all p and if Y is strictly convex then y(p) is a singleton. 6. Hotelling: If y(p) consist of a single point then is di¤erentiable at p and y(p) = r (p) 7. If y( ) is a function that is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy(p) = D2 (p) 3 is positive semide…nite with Dy(p)p = 0 (the zero vector) 2.0.1 Cost minimization We similarly de…ne a cost minimization problem. This is the minimum cost to produce an output, so we need a speci…cation that distinguishes input and output. Usually this is with a production function. c(w; q) = min wz f (z) q Proposition 4 Let c(w; q) be a cost function and z(w; q) the corresonding fac- tor demand correspondence. Then we have the following properties 1. c( ) is homogenous of degree 1 in w and non-decreasing in q 2. c( ) is a concave function of w 3. If the input requirement sets fz 0 : f (z) qg are convex for every q then Y = f( z; q) : wz c(w; q) for all w 0g 4. z( ) is homogenous of degree zero in w 5. If the input requirement set fz 0 : f (z) qg is convex, then z(w; q) is convex, moreover, if the input requirement set fz 0 : f (z) qg is strictly convex, then z(w; q) is a singleton. 6. If z(w; q) consists of single points, then c( ) is di¤erentiable with respect to w at w and rw c(w; q) = z(w; q): 7. If z( ) is di¤erentiable at w, then Dw z(w; q) = Dw2 c(w; q) 4 is a symmetric and negative semide…nite matrix, with Dw z(w; q)w = 0 8. If f ( ) is homogenous of degree one (constant return) then c and z are homogenous of degree one in q . 9. If f ( ) is concave then c is convex. 3 The geomety of cost and Supply Assumed to be known. 4 Aggregation Aggregation is much simpler in production theory. For all p 1. (p) = 2. y (p) = 5 0 P j P j (p) yj (p) (Adding correspondences: P P yj (p) = f yj : yj 2 yj (p); 8jg) E¢ cient production De…nition 5 A production plan y 2 Y is e¢ cient if there is no y 0 2 Y such that y 0 y and y 0 6= y Proposition 6 If p 0 any pro…t maximizing plan y 2 Y is e¢ cient. Proposition 7 If Y is convex, then every e¢ cient production plan y 2 Y is pro…t maximizing production for some nonzero price vector p 0. Problem 8 Production in j pro…t maximizing …rms is just one feasible way of organizing production. Can the society do better with alternative organization? 5 Problem 9 It has been argued that the reason why there is no vaccine or other e¢ cient medicine agains malaria is that the victims of malaria are mostly poor with low willingness to pay. Does this indicate that medical production violates the assumptions above? Problem 10 Oscar Lange argued that state owned production could do at least as good P as the market. One possible production plan is the market outcome y (p) = yj (p), and the state can choose this one, unless a feasible alternative is preferred. What is implicitly assumed in this argument? 6 Objectives of the …rm We can introduce ownership of …rms into the consumption theory. If individual i owns a share ij of …rm j , then the budget constraint would be pxi j X wi + ij pyj j=1 and clearly the owners want to maximize pyj for all …rms. 7 General equilibrium and Pareto Optimality (Chapter 10) An economic allocation (x1 ; ::; xI ; y1 :::; yJ ) is feasible if X xli !l + I X ylj J An allocation (x; y) is Pareto e¢ cient if there is no alternative allocation (x0 ; y 0 ) such that ui (x0i ) ui (xi ) for all i with ui (x0i ) > ui (xi ) for some i A competitive equilibrium is an allocation (x ; y ) and a vector of prices p such that (i) For all …rms j yj solves max p yj yj 2Yj 6 (ii) For all consumers i xi solves max ui (xi ) X p !i + ij (p yj ) s.t.p xi J (iii) Market clearing: For each good l we have X xli = ! l + i Note here that ij X ylj J is consumer i0 s ownership of …rm j. Clearly, any …rm j is totally owned by consumers X ij =1 i To solve this model for all commodities is left for a later chapter. Now we consider the case where one good is small in the economy, so we can ignore income e¤cts. 7.1 Partial equilibrium with quasi linear preferences Consumers preferences are given by the utility functions (m the numeraire) ui (mi ; xi ) = mi + i (xi ) Where we normalize the price of commodity 1 to 1 and set the price of x as p: Firms produce qj using the numerair as input, and the amount used is c(qj ) they thus maximize Note that the budget condition for the consumer is mi + p xi ! mi + X ij (p qj cj (qj )) j Where it is assumed that consumer only have endowment in the m commodity. Equilibrium conditions p p X I xi c0 (qj ) equality if qj > 0 0 (xi ) with = if xi > 0 X = qj J 7 Problem 11 What about market clearing in the m commodity? Some important things to note: The equilibrium allocation and price is independent of the inital allocation of endowment and ownership! Theorem 12 (The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics) If the price p and the allocation (x ; y ) constitutes a competitive equilibrium, then this allocation is Pareto optimal. Theorem 13 For any pareto e¢ cient levels of utility u = (u1 ; :::; uI ), there are transfers P Ti with Ti = 0, such that the competitive equilibrium with endowments ! i + Ti yield utility u . 7.2 Marshallian surplus Can show: X ui !+ De…ne the Marshallian surpus X i (xi ) S(x1 ; :::xI ; q1 ; :::qJ ) = Follows that S= Z X X cj (qj ) i (xi ) X cj (qj ) x (P (s) C 0 (s))ds 0 which yields the standard measurement of consumer and producer surplus. Note that as there is no income e¤ect, the walrasian demand yield the correct consumer surplus. 7.3 Free entry and exit We focus on the supply side, and take aggregate demand as given, x(p), but this can be as above. There is a potentially in…nite number of …rms that can ente, all with the same technology and hence same cost function. The free entry equilibrium is then given as 8 (i) Pro…t maximization q solves max p q c(q) (ii) Market clearing x(p ) = J q (iii) Free entry condition (no incentives to enter/exit) pq c(q ) = 0 With constant returns to scale, q is indeterminate, and hence the equilibrium can arise for any number J of …rms. Proposition 14 If c0 (q) > 0 for all q 0 and c is strictly convex, then there is no free entry equilibrium provided x(c0 (0)) > 0. Proof: If p > c0 (0) pro…t is positive and supply in…nite. (p) = Z q (p 0 c (s))ds > 0 If p Z 0 c0 (0); then q = 0 while x(p) > 0: 9 q (p c0 (q ))ds = 0