, , ,,,," " INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE EXPLORATION OF TUE SEA," SURFACE C.M. 1993/E:28 Marine Environmental Quality Committee/ Ref.Theme Session Q. MICROlAYER CONTAMINATION ANO TOXIClTY IN THE NORTH SEA PLYMOUTH NEAR-SHORE l<1ATERS. ANO J.J.CLEARY,I.R.B.MCFADZEN ANO L.O.PETERS. NERC Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospeet Plaee, l<1est Plymouth, PLI 30H., U.K. Hoe, ABSTRACT A variety of chemical contaminants accumulate in the surface microlayer at concentrations sometimes orders of magnitude greater than in subsurface waters.Biota resident in the surface waters whether permanent,(the neuston),or temporary, (eg. eggs and larvae of fish and erustaceans) ,may therefore be exposed to much greater concentrations of toxieants than biota resident in the subsurfaee .Also organisms resident in the littoral may be exposed to microlayer deposited by the ebbing tide.To determine the extent to which the surface microlayer is toxie to these early life stages, water sampies were collected and tested for toxicity using larval bioassay.Cryopreserved ve1iger 1arvae of the Manila c1am (TapesphUippinarum) and Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and yolk sac turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus) were used to assess the toxicity of North Sea (German Bight) and Plymouth nearshore waters respectively.Chemical analyses revealed enhanced levels of metals (Cu, Pb) ,organotins and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in the surface microlayer compared with near-surface bulk seawater (0.5m) .Bioassay results indicated greater toxicity in --the microlayer--.than--subsurface,and strong correlation between chemica1 contaminants and larval toxicity. • Microlayer studies provide a useful input to environmental assessment ,and indi'cate .that the potential effects of contaminants at the sea surface may pose-a serious threat to larval surviva1 and fisheries recruitment . INTROOUCTION The wor1d's oceans cover 70% of the earth's surface.The sea-surface microlayer which occurs at the air-sea interface is the region through which all gaseous and particu1ate matter must pass when exchanging between the atmosphere and the ocean.The surface miero1ayer is not a clear1y defined slice of water since microlayer thickness varies with the samp1ing device used (Garrett & Ouce,l980). It is composed of lipids and other macromolecular components such as polysaccharides, proteins and fatty acids, and has the capacity to accumulate enhanced concentrations of chemicals compared to subsurface water (Garrett,l967;Baier et a1.,1974). 1 ~. Tbe sea surfa=~ ~~s an important eoncentration point for both natural biogenie organle films ~d~ for organie and metal eontaminants(Hardy,1982).Compared to the bulk wa::E::- conly .& few eentimetres deep, the sea-surfaee mierolayer orten eontains hig..~1:.r -enriched eoneentrations of both natural and anthropogenie ehemieals i~l~uding polyehlorinated biphenyls (PCB's),polyaromatie hydroearbons !?AAH's),and'potentially toxie traee metals (eg.Cu,Pb) and organometals s-..ch .. as "i'BT, (Hardy et a1. ,1985a,1987, 1990; Cleary,1991;Hardy and Cleary,1992). The sea surf.;.:a .ls also a biologieally a'etive interface inhabited by high densities of ni~=ro-organisms (baeterioneuston and phytoneuston) , small erustaeeans c=d the eggs and larvae of fish and shellfish (zooneuston) (Hardy ,1982) .Pe:.1~gie fish eggs can eoncentrate at the surface by floatation due to their 1:.i.?~~ lipid eontent and positive buoyancy,and fish eggs, ,larvae and fry ean ::-ell:~ain in 'the surfaee layer even in waves 3-6 feet high (Zaitsev:1971)_3i~ota resident at the surfaee may therefore be exposed to the higher toxie..;..::::: ceoneentrations existing in the surface mierolayer and suffe'r greater dele~e=iccus effects than biota resident in subsurface waters. Demersal fis~ ~gg~s deposited intertidally, and other organisms resident in the littoral zor.~,nay·· also have extensive eontact with the mlcrolayer during the ebbing tide ~~:n ·they are exposed to the sea surfaee as the tide recedes.The nature of e:xp:suI:re for littoral organlsms, partieularly those that graze on surfaces on ~-b:'ch.. the microlayer may be deposited, is very different and may be substantially ~i~bher than for organlsms in subsurface waters. Tbe possibilit:y :therefore exists that toxieant accumulation in the surfaee mierolayer codd have serious detrimental effects on the reeruitment and survival of ~o~ ~neus~onie and demersal populations. In this pap.er ·..e.; deseribe some of our studies on microlayer toxicity. The purpose of ~f;se studies was to quantify toxicants that accumulate in the surfaee miero:ayver and to assess its biologieal impact by determining pathologieal ·:ffieets in larvae of marine organisms.Simple 'experimental bioassay sys::ens ·.were used on water sampies fro lll . the North Sea and from sites near Plymouth in Southwest England.Chemieal analyses were carried out on the same sampies tc daeteruine toxieant eoneentrations. ',. . t • '_ _ .•~'., MATERIALS AND METHODS Sampie collection~.. i) North Sea sa.Dlt:ples were colleeted during a eruise of the RV Valdivia in March 1990 alo~ ~a transect in the German Bight (Fig.I).To avoid eontamination from the ship ,samn:ples were colleeted from a small inflatable boat about 300 metres upwir~ of the ship.Mierolayer sampies were eolleeted using stainless steel and nylon:', mesh Garrett screens for organie and metal analysis respeetively. lCl~eary & Stebbing ,1987).Garrett screens eollect the top 200400 mierons of ct:ne surfaee mierolayer (Garrett,1965) .Near-surface bulk water sampies were c:ll~eeted by opening a bottle 0.5 m below the surface.For trace metal analyses s~les were collected in acid cleaned bottles ; for organotins and bioassay. :at::~les were acid eleaned and solvent rinsed prior to sampling (Hardy & Cleary,l1992). 2 • • ' •. ' '.1· • 11) Sampies from sitcs near Plymouth (Fig.l) were collected using an automated rotating glass cylinder microlayer sampier which collccts the top 50-100 microns of the surface microlaycr (Carlson et a1., 1988). This differs from conventional rotating drum micro1ayer sarnplers which are orientcd normal to the dircction of travel (Harvey,1966;Daurnas et al.,1976;Sodergren,l987;Hardy et a1:, 1988). The glass cylinder is oriented parallel to the direction of travel,and avoids the problem of materials accumulating aheadof the drum as it is towed through the water. Adsorbed microlayer was transferred from the" glass drum surface by a windscrceri wiper asscmbly into a reservoir and pumpcd directly into glass bottles ,cleaned as before. Garrett screen and subsurface sampies were collccted in the usual manner. Chemical analyses. The North Sea sampies were extractcd on board ship for subsequent analysis in the laboratory.For organotins a 2 1 water sampie was acidifled with 50 ml of glacial acetic acid and cxtractcd with 25 ml of toluene by mixing on a platform shaker for 15 min.The sampie was transferred to aseparatory funnel and the lower aqueous layer discarded. The to1uene extract was stored in a glass vi al in a freezer until analysis. \\There necessary extracts were prcconcentrated before analysing for organotins.Aliquots were treated with 1M sodium hydroxide and reanalysed to determine tributyltin (Cleary,199l). Trace metals were removed from seawater by solvent extraction (Danielsson et al.,1982).Metal carbamate complexes were extracted from seawater (buffered to pH 5) with ammonium pyreillidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) and diethylammonium dicthyldithiocarbamate (DDDC) into l,l,2-trich1oro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Frcon TF) and back-extracted into 0.3 M nitric acid for analysis by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons ml hexane in sealed glass hexane was transferred by f1uorescence spectroscopy were determined by shaking 1 1 water samples with 10 sampling bott1es for 10 min on a platform shaker.The pipette into glass storage vials and analysed by UV (Law et a1.,1988). Toxicity tests. • Bioassays were performed on the North Sea samplcs on board the RV Valdivia using cryopreserved oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and clam (Tapes philippinarum) ve1iger larvae.(For details of this technique see McFadzen,1992).Three hundred larvae per rep1icate were'used,and exposed to the water sampies at the incubation temperature of 20 degrees Centigrade for 48 hours. Each vial was then treated with 4% buffe red formalin to preserve the larvae for subsequent analysis.Microscopic examination of larvae was conducted at random with survival assessed as the number of viable larvae observed in the first 50 cncountered. Bioassays carried out at Plymouth Marine Laboratory on water sampies taken locally used turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus) obtained from Golden Sea Produce,Hunterston,Scotland.Static exposure tests,in triplicate, were carried out at 15 degrees Centigrade using a 12 hour light/12 hour dark regime.Three day old larvae were added to the sampies (100 larvae /250 ml) and mortalities determined at 24 hour intervals by microscopic examination for the absence of a heart-beat.Toxicity exposure results were compared to control seawater from a clean offshore site. 3 c RESULTS a) In the German Bight area of the North Sea concentrations of copper,lead,organotin and tributyltin were greater in the microlayer than in near-surface bulkwater at all stations (Fig.2).Enhaneement was more marked for organotins than for traee metals,and mean enriehment faetors (mlerolayer concentration / O.Sm subsurface water concentration) were 2.3 (Pb),5.0 (Cu),6.3 (TBT) and 9.8 (organotins).Maximum concentrations occurred at nearshore sites and declined with dlstance from the' land in both the surface microlayer and near-surface bulkwater. Tbe larval bioassay showed a similar trend.Tbe survival of elam larvae exposed to both mierolayer and subsurface water inereased with distance offshore,and larvae exposed to the surfaee' microlayer showed significantly greater toxicity than those exposed to bulkwater (Fig.3) .Oyster larvae also showed the greatest toxicity at the nearshore site in both the microlayer and bulkwater,and declined with distance from the coast (Fig. 3) .Clan larvae were more sensitive than oyster larvae to microlayer samp1es,but both showed a simi1ar response to bulkwater sampies. ~ ~ A significant relationship was evident between biological and ehemical toxicity.The correlation between 1a~'al toxicity and chemical contaminants was more marked with clam than oyster. Survival of elain larvae deereased with increasing concentrations of Cu, Pb, TBT and organotin (Fig.4) in both microlayer and bulkwater .No correlation was evident between oyster larval survival and TBT or organotin concentration, but a positive relationship was found with Cu and Pb (Fig.5). b) In the Plymouth study, microlayer and bulkwater samples collected near Plymouth were analysed for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's),widespread eontaminants identified in other mierolayer studies (Cross et al. ,1987 ; Hardy et al., 1987;Word et al., 1987 and shown to effect the growth of microlayer phytoneuston (Riznyk et al.,1987).They were tested for toxicity using turbot larvae, a speeies used at PML for toxiei ty s tudies. Enhanced mierolayer concentrations of total PMl's occurred at the 4 sites sampled,Sutton marina, Looe ,Devonport and Plymouth Sound (Fig.6). Enrichment ratios were 742, 34, 2.7 and 1. 2 respeetively. Larval mortality followed a similar trend with greater mortality in the microlayer than subsurface (Fig. 6) .Mortality in the microlayer screen sampies was intennediate between micro1ayer' drum and 0.5 metre subsurface;consistent with the greater thiekness of mierolayer sampled with the screen (200-400um) cornpared with the glass drum (50-.100 um) (Fig.7).The strong correlation between larval mortality and PAH concentration (F1g.8) shows that a s1gnificant relationship exists between b1010g1cal response and contaminant eoncentration. DISCUSSION Consistent features of these microlayer studies are:- 1) the ability of the surface microlayer to accumulate a range of chemical contaminants cg.metals,organometals and organic compounds; ii) the greater toxicity shown by the microlayer exposed to different speeies of marine organism; iii) the 4 .. • signifieant eorrelations betwccn eontaminant eoneentration and toxieity. Although such eorrelations do not prove eause nnd effeet,it is elear that the mierolayer is more toxie than subsurfaee water, nnd ean neeumulate ehemieal eontaminants to levels whieh exeeed aeeepted water qunlity eriteria.For example mierolayer coneentrations of TBT and Cu exeeed both the U.K.EQS value of 2 ng TBTfl and the U.S.EPA ehronie water quality limit of 2.9 ug Cu/I. Clearly,mierolayer contamination is a potential threat to neustonic ,pelagie and demersal organisms, partieularly to the early life stages when organisms are most vulnerable. The .reasons for the high inc1denee (5-26%) of embryo abnormality found in eod,whiting and plaiee from the North Sen (Dethlefsen et al.,1985),and the even higher malformation rates (26-44%) in North Sea plaiee,flounder· and dab found by Cameron et a1. , (1992) ,have not been . identified, but suspieion falls on the surfaee mierolayer.lt seems likely that the surfaee mierolayer eould have a strong influenee on fishcries survival and reeruitment. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS These studies formed part of the PML rcsearch programme on mierolayer toxicity and part of the Bremerhaven Workshop on biologieal effects of contaminants in the North Sea. Funding ,in part, was from the U. K. Departmcnt of the Environment,PECD 7/7/359. REFERENCES • Baier,R.E., Goupil,D.W., Perlmutter,S., King,R. (1974). 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C 30 . ...f - <J c~ C 20 ~ o ...o Oll J:l Q.. . ; 10 . o bulk • e--__ _• ..---.------+-------I-----t-----I o 2000 . .51 ~ o 4 Station .§ 40 ..:; 3 3000 Oll o • ' ........ o --. ------.-.---+----.---+ o 2 4 60 ~ .---- -------. •~" Station J5 .s \~ 1 2 Station 3 4 • 1000 bulk ."",- 0 " o 'e---- _e----,. -----+-----+---. o 1 2 Station Fig.2 Contaminant concentrations in the surface microlayer and bulkwater (0.5m subsurface) in the German Bight in March 1990 3 4 110 ii 100 > 110 TSurface microlayer ;; > 100 .~ .~ ., :l • "I" ., V 80 ., ~ ~ 70 E Ü ., :::l 90 ~ .3 Surface microlayer •• I 2 3 "I" 60 • 50 ------+---- , 90 "I" 80 3... 70 Vi 60 • •- IJ 6- 50 ------t .,::l ~ I 110 v Oll C ..!! 70 ] 100 .~ "I" -• 90 80 i I ., :::l ~ ~ C ! ..!! Oll Bulkwater 90 80 ... 70 Vi 60 IJ E Ü 4 Station ;; 100 Bulkw.t« > .~ 3 2 4 Station 110 •"I" 60 6- 50 ---. ···t····· ._-- .,.• " .•. .•••.•• 2 3 ..... ..-.-- ---f 4 50 _...- T "I" ! •.1 I .,. T T • •... ._.-----_._--+---.~ ._--_.+- Station Fig.3 Toxie responses of c1am larvae (Tapes philippinarum) aud oyster larvae (Crassostrea gigas) to surfaee mierolayer aud bulkwater (O.5m subsurface) from the German Bight .. -------- ----------t 3 2 Station 4 'i ... 100 ·E '"= 90 ~ Cl • 80 = e • • elS Gof " ~ elS C 60 eelS 50 Ci 40 ~ 90 ~ Cl = e .. '~ _·_-t 2 • :----- ..-. 80 elS Gof ~ elS "-.. IV= -4.69 X + 87.55 R2= 0.88 p= 0.003" 0 oE '"= • .---~~ 70 100 ... .. ~,.---, 'i .-t---. 4 - 6 - i: • ~ eco: .'f-- -----------f 8 70 60 Iv 50 Ci 40 10 = -0.008X + 86.4 R2= 0.81 P = 0.0131 . -r-- 0 1000 TBT (ng Sn 1-1) 'i 100 ... ·E '"= ~ Cl = co: e <lo' ~ CIl C ~ eelS Ci 90 80 .. ·E 'i '"= • ........ 70 -- t C ~o Gof ----- --------- e ---.. ~ • -'- CIl i: '~ ~ • -~. IV= -0.68 X + 82.59 R2= 0.84 p= 0.0071 40 i I 0 10 2000 i-------i 3000 4000 5000 100 • 90 80 elS • 60 -t- Cu (ng 1-1) I I;..--- •-- • 20 30 40 .' ······1 50 70 •• 60 e 50 Ci 40 IV = -0.02X + 91.8 R2= 0.82 P = 0.01l1 CIl ._ .... _, 60 '~ ---+ --t- 0 500 Organotin (ng Sn 1-1) Fig.4 Relationship between contaminant concentrations in surface microlayer and bulkwater (O.5m subsurface) and survival of c1am larvae (Tapes philippinarum) 1000 I~OO Pb (ng I-I) .. - --+--------1 2000 2500 100 ..~ = co: 90 •• !IIl 80 ""E~ ~ .:: t .! ~ 100 • • .-.----- ----• • 70 .. ~ • r.. ~ .... '" 0 =-," C = Q; , ."I ---------. ~'" 70 '" 60 -"" ;" 0 IV= -0.34 X + 86.66 R2= 0.57 P= 0. 1331 50 I o 10 20 30 40 50 • IV= -0.004X + 89.77 R2= 0.64 p=o.081 0 60 .-------- . 80 .~ I. • 60 50 ~ eo:l 4J ---~--.._---- • • 90 = 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Cu (ng 1-1) Organotin (ng Sn 1-1) 100 100 .. ~ = 90 .. " =- 80 - 70 eo:l 4J 4J ~ eo:l":- + • • •• •• i: , 70 1 • • :: ~--2.26~+.8.• ~ 0.58 1'" 0.1271~~ o 2 4 6 8 10 eo:l I. ~ '"; " 0 ::l '" • • 60 IV = -0.014X + 94.9 R2= 0.77 P= 0.0221 50 0 500 TBT (ng Sn 1-1) Fig.5 Relationship between contaminant concentrations in surface microlayer and bulkwater ,(O.5m subsurface) and survival of oyster larvae (Crassostrea gigas) 1000 1500 Pb (ng 1-1) 2000 2500 ... .. 10ססoo A 1ססoo - ~ 1000 :I: -< D.. 100 n ~ 10 1 Looe Sutton marina Devonpon B 100 80 ~ 60 ~ 40 1 ~ 20 0 Looe Sutton-marina • Mkrolalu Devonpon [J O.5m Plymouth sound • A. Total PAR levels in microlayer and O.5m salnples, at 4 . sites near Plymouth. B. Mortality responses in turbot larvae after exposure to thc above sampIes for 96 hours. FrG.6. Comparison between the effects of microlayer (drum and screen), O.5m and control sea water sampIes from 4 sites near Plymouth, using a turbot larvae bioassay. 100 Sutton marlna I I • 100 Looe I 80 80 ,/ I I I I I I I I ,/ ,,' , '" ," I ," 0 24 48 72 96 0 --e-- Houn • r- Dn- 48 72 96 Houn Sawa --0100 24 o.s. c-...a 100 Devonport Plymouth sound 80 SO'" ?;- ?;- ~0 60 1/ 40 ~0 60 ~ ~ 11 20 .... --.... (1 0 .. . t --- ________ t-- ------~ .. -------~ " ...I 48 24 72 96 0 Houn . . 40 48 24 Houn FrG.7. 72 96 " . Correlation between total PAH (Jlg/L) and percentage mortality of turbot (Sc. maximus ) larvae exposed for 96 hours. 100000 10000 ~ 2; 1000 ::r: < 0.. y =0.73 + 0.03x R"2=0.90 P =0.0003 "3 100 o f-I 10 1 , 0 o 20 40 60 % Mortality (96 hours) FIG.8. 80 100