.' ~"'''' ....- Not to be cited without prior referEmce to the authors International Council for the Exploration of the Sea CM 19931E:18 Marine Environmental Quality Committee PREDICTING FUTURE CONTAMINANT LEVELS IN RELATION TO EQOs USING TEMPORAL TREND MONITORING DATA by R J Frycr and MD Nicholson* SOAFD Marine Laboratory PO Box 101, Victoria Road Abcrdcen, AB9 8DB Scotland, UK *1fAFF Fisheries Laboratory Pakefield Road, Lowestoft Suffolk, NR33 OHT England, UK SUMMARY Contamimint data collected for temporal trend monitoring pUrPoses are generally used to assess whether contaminant levels are increasing, decreasing or staying much about the same. Here, we show that such data can also be used as a management tool to predict future contaminant levels and to quantify the probability that environmental quality objectives will be niet throughout the time period before the next trend assessment. INTRODUCTION Temporal contaminant monitoring prograinmes are typically used to investigate whether contaminant levels are changing with time; eg going up or doWn, or varying in some other systematic way. Various ways of assessing trends have been used in the past, including regression of contaminant level on time (Anon., 1989; Fryer and Nicholson, 1990), locally-weighted smoothers (Fryer and Nicholson, 1991; Nicholson and Fryer, 1993) and rank correlation methods (EI-Shaarawi and Niculescu, 1992; McLeod et al., 1991). However, information about trends is only part ofthe picture arid mnst be combined with information about the actual contaminant level to give effective management advicc. Testing the cUrrent estimated mean contaminant concentration against some reference level is relatively straightforward (cf Rogers, 1992), but a more informative approach is to integrate iruormation about both the current level and any trend that can be predicted from previous Years. Then, for example, a contaminant showing a slow rise in concentration but which is way below levels of concern might prompt less immediate 1 . action than one whose concentration is stable but elose to or above an environmental quality objective (EQU). This approach enables the management advice to move beyond an assessment ofthe past and current situation to being able to quantify the risk that future contaminunt levels will come elose 10, or exceed, EQOs. This paper shows how temporal contaminant data cun be used for management purposes by: • • • • identifying trends in contaminrint levels, predicting future contaminant levels, quuntüying the uncertainty in tbese predictions, relating these predictions to environmental quality objectives. The paper is in two parts. Part 1 gives an informal account of the use of temporal data for predictive purposes, using two contaminant time series (mercury and copper in flounder in ICES area 31F2) motivating examples. Part 2 provides the rigorous treatment. as PART 1: AN INFORMAL DISCOURSE Trend Assessment Figure la shows a linear trend fitted to log mercury concentrations in flounder in 31F2 between years 1-8. (Tbe log-scale is used to satisfy various statistical assumptions.) Also shown are pointwise 95% corifidence intervals for tbe fitted line. Clearly, not niuch is going on. Figure Ib sbows a more general smooth (not necessarily linear) function fitted to tbe same data, with much tbe same results. Figure 2 shows, a linear trend und a more general smootber fitted to log copper concentrations. Tbe linear fit again suggests that tbere is no trend in contaminunt levels. However, the smootber follows the data points better und suggests tbat copper levels might have decreased and are now beginning to rise agam. Predicting Future Levels arid Quantifying the Precision of These PredictiOlis The lines marked .50 in Figures, 1 and 2 show predicted log mercury und log eopper concentration in years 9-11, aSsumirig that the linear trend orthe smooth trend continue to apply in the future. Tbe predictions go thiee years ahead~ because tbat is tbe time interval between temporal trend assessments. Also shown are pointwise upper 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95% confidence limits for tbe predicted log-concentration, quantifying the uncertainty in the predictions. Loosely, there is, for example, a 95% probability that the merin log concentration in year 9 will bri below the level indicated by the line marked .95 in year 9. Note that these lines fan out as we go into tbe future, reflecting the increased uncertainty in future predictions. 2 • Relriting Predictions tö EQOs Figures 3 arid 4 convert Figures 1 and 2 to the original concentration sCale. -'Ve have also added human health standards of 0.3 and 20.0 mg kg-1 for merciiry and eopper respectively (Finfiklin, 1987; Nauen; 1983). These figurcs combine both trend and prediction information to give an overall picture of what is going on. Thus; for mercury, there is no cvidcnce of an undei-lying trend in. concentration; however, there is an approxiriiately 5% charice that mercury concentrations 'Will excced thc EQO in nD.y of the next three Years. For copper, the smoother suggesta that copper levels might bc rising, but copper levels are way below the EQO. Discussion The results oflarge mönitoring programmes ofIarge nuinbers of contnminants obscrved in a large number, of arens. crin be overnhehiiing. For cxam.ple, Anon. (1990) rep,orted analysis of 270 data sets. Information-fritiguc can reduce the efTectiveness With which data sets which shauld give cause for concern are identified and aCted on. In the past (Fryer arid Nicholson, 1992), we have recognised the nced for simple statisticaIlgraphiCal tools for presentiIig the rcsults ofmonitoring progr8mmes which facilitate thc process of identifying problems and setting priorities. an Thc techD.iquc presented here ofTers severnI benefits. ProvidiD.g EQO is availabie, the technique provides an index that can be constructed and meaningfully compared ror a1l contaminants. For eXaInple, from a large number of results, those contaminaritJarea combinations rar which eg there is a 50% chance or more of exceediiig the appropriate EQO Within the next thi-ee years cnn ensily be idcntified. Alternatively, the data sets could be ranked by the probability that the EQO Will be exeeeded iri the neXttlu-ee years. An important statistiCal benefit is that this ranking is equally v3.lld far short time series or ror time series ror which thc precision or theestimated contariiinaiit levels is paor. Uncertnirity is pen3.llsed by incrensing thc probability thät an EQO cowd be exceeded in thc futUre. This recognises that in these cnSes, an important management decision is to keep on sampling. PART 2: FUN STATISTICAL STUFF e A Model of Contaminant Levels in ßiota Consider an annunI monitonng programme in which R sam.pies have been collected at the same time eaCh yoar, myears 11~ i = L.T. Let Yi be the sampIe menn log-concentration in yerir 11. Investigätion or the ICES CMP (Fryer and Nicholsan, 1990) suggests that contnminant levels in biota can often be modelIed as whcrc • f(t) is a smooth function describing tiic u.nderlying trend iii log-concentration over time, " 3 • the OOi represent random between-year variation in log-concentration, and are assumed to be independent and normally distributed with zero mean and variance r, • the ~ represent random within-year variation in log-concentration, and are assumed to be independent and normally distributed with zero mean and variance <r1R; further, the q are assumed to be independent of the OOi. Let and let er be an estimate of<r obtained from the replicate within-year sampies. The random between-year variation OOi is likely to be a mixture of genuine short term fluetuations in the mean log-concentration ofthe population (for example, due to varying environmental conditions or short term fluctuations in inputs) and short term bias in sampling (eg "cluster" sampling) and analytical performance. It is not possible to separate these components ofvariation without considerably more data. Since we wish to construct confidence intervals for the mean log-concentration of the population in the future, and since we would rather err on the side of caution by having confidence intervals that were too large rather than too small, we assume that the short term bias in sampling and analytical performance are negligible. Thus, we can write the mean log-concentration in year t i as: Linear Trend Suppose that • Po, PI Let be the least squares estimates of ßo, ßl" Further, let 'lr2 be an estimate of V on T-2 degrees of freedom, obtained from the residual sum of squares, and let 4 An estimate of {(t) is given by: and a (l - a)% confidence interval for {(ti) is given by: (eg, p 28-29 of Draper and Smith, 1981), where • • t=1:t/T t(T-2 ; 1-a/2) is the 1-a/2 percentile of Student's t-distribution on T-2 degrees of freedom. Assuming that contaminant levels continue to follow the linear trend, the population mean log-concentration Po in some future year t o is predicted to be and an upper (1-a)% confidence limit for Po is approximately A More General Trend Now relax the assumption that f(t) is linear and estimate f(t) by a lowess smooth (Cleveland, 1979). Here we do not use the robust fitting algorithm, but extensions to this case are straightforward. Let y be the T-vector oflog-concentrations (Yl'."'YT)'. The fitted (smoothed) values at the sampie times can be written f = Sy where S is a TxT matrix which only depends on the sampling times. 5 The variance y is estimated to be 1JI2 = sr (I sr (I - y' (I tr(l - S)y S) on v = {tr(l - Sr (I - S) }2 tr{(I - sr (I - S)}2 degrees of freedom (Cleveland, 1979). Let as before. The covariance of the fitted values is given by: Thus, assuming negligible bias in { , a (l - a)% confidence interval for ((ti) is given by: f(t) ± t(v ; 1-(1,/2) {(SS' )ü) lf2 1JI where (88')ii is the ith diagonal element of 88'. Predicting future values ofmean log-concentration is difficult because no parametrie curve is ever used to describe the underlying trend. One intuitively appealing method is to use the locally weighted straight line fitted at the most recent sampling time T. This provides a compromise between assuming no trend at all and assuming a more complicated polynomial trend with poor extrapolation properties. There are no guarantees that this straight line will adequately describe future contaminant levels, but provided that predictions are not too far ahead, it should provide some reasonable quantitative assessment of future log-concentrations. 6 • Thus. let Vi be the diagonal matrix whose elements are the weights used in the locally weighted straight line at tr and let: x = [1 1 tr1]' t1 ~ z = (X'wX)-1X'w Then. assuming that contaminant levels continue to follow the straight line fitted at the population mean log-concentration Po in some future year t o is predicted to be: 110 tr. = (1, te)Zy and an upper (1 - a)% confidence limit for Po is approximately: 110 + t(v ; l-cx){ (1, te)ZZ' (1, tO)'1}r1 + ~1}1J1 REFERENCES Anon. 1989. Statistical analysis of the lCES cooperative monitoring programme data on contaminants in fish muscle tissue (1975-1985) for determination of temporal trends. lCES Cooperative Research Report 162. Anon. 1990. Statistical analysis ofthe lCES cooperative monitoring programme data on contaminants in fish liver tissue and Mytilus edulis (1978-1988) for determination of temporal trends. lCES Cooperative Research Report 176. Cleveland) W.S. 1979. Robust locally-weighted regression and smoothing scatterplots. Journal of the American Statistical Association) 74, 829-836. Draper) N.R. and Smith, H. 1981. Applied Regression Analysis, Second Edition. John Wiley and Sons) New York. EI-Shaarawi, A.M. and Niculescu, S.P. 1992. On KendaU's tau as a test of trend in time series data. Environmetrics, 3, 385-411. Franklin) A. 1987. The concentration of metals, organochlorine pesticide and PCB residues in marine fish and shellfish: results from MAFF fish and sheUfish monitoring programmes, 1977-1984. MAFF Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report No. 16. 7 Fryer, RJ. and Nicholson, M.D. 1990. The ICES Cooperative Monitoring Programme. Part 2. Testing for trends in annual mean contaminant levels. 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Assessing attainments of ground water cleanup standards using modified sequential t-tests. Environmetrics, 3, 335-359. • 8 a) -1.0 0 ..... ...= .95 ... -1.5 = = -2.0 cd ~ --- ~~~ --- ----------- --- --- .90 .75 • Q) (,) 0 (,) >0 ~ -- ------------:------ --- -- ~ (,) ~ Q) S -2.5 .50 ----~ .25 .10 .05 bO 0 .....:l -3.0 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 Year b) -1.0 .-= ... cd ~ = = - -- --- ...._------ -------_ .... --- ... 0 -1.5 .95 .90 .75 Q) (,) 0 (,) >0 -2.0 ,~~ ............. - - - - - - -.- - - .... ~, ~ -- ----~ ........ .... ~ (,) ~ Q) S -2.5 bl) 0 .....:l -3.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Year Figure 1 7 8 9 10 11 .50 .25 .10 .05 a) 0.0 = o ...... ..... ~ ..... ~ = u CI) ______ -0.5 = o .90 --- --- ---------- -- CJ ... ~ ~-~ -- - .75 .50 CI) g; o .95 -1.0 . . CJ -- -- bO o ~ .. --------------- ... 1 .25 - __ .10 .05 -1.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Year b) 0.0 p ~ ~ 0 ...... ..... ~ ..... ~ • = u = 0 CI) -0.5 .... .... U ~ CI) .... .... -- .... C- c- -1.0 o .... -.. ........ _--- ~ ."..-- • u bO 0 ~ -1.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Year Figure 2 7 8 9 10 11 .95 .90 .75 .50 .25 .10 .05 ·. a.) 0.4 0.3 .............•.................•...................... ............... _••....•.... - - -- 0.2 ~ --- ---------- --- --- .90 .75 .50 ---- -----------. --- --- --. .25 .10 .05 0.1 0.0 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 .95 8 9 10 11 Year b) 0.4 ~ .....0 .+J Cl:S 0.3 ~ ...•.........•..•.....•.....•.•..........•.....•...............•...~ ", .+J d Q) - -- 0 d 0 . .95 . .90 ~-------- ------ -~~ 0.2 .75 0 >. ~ -~ ::i 0 ~ Q) ... - ... ---------,--- .... - ........ 0.1 .50 --- -- ~ .25 ~- .10 .05 ::E 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Year Figure 3 7 8 9 10 11 a) 20.0 - 1.0 _ _- - - - - - - -- -. .95 .90 .75 ~----------------------- - --~ - -_._--~ - - - ' - --- --- .50 .25 .10 .05 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Year b) 20.0 - d ....o +.l cd H +.l 1.0 d 11) u d o U H 11) 0. 0. 0.5 o -- .---... --... ----------- ...-- ........... . 1 6 ~ ---T--~---~---~------· U ~ ::::::::=--:::: - 0.0 2 3 4 5 Year Figure 4 7 8 9 10 11 .95 .90 .75 .50 .25 .10 .05