DPD Course List Required Supplemental Form

DPD Course List
Required Supplemental Form
To Be Completed By the DPD Program Director
DPD Program Institution:
DPD Director:
Website for Course Catalog:
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Professor Jayne (Jasia) Steinmetz
DPD Professional Courses
FN 101: Introduction to the Professions of
Dietetics and Nutrition
FN 151: Contemporary Nutrition
FN 206 (formerly FN 106): Introductory Foods
FN 248: Health Management (Not required
after May 2013)
FN 253: Introduction to Nutrition and Nutrient
FN 346 (formerly FN 246): Advanced Foods
FN 347: Introduction to Food Service
FN 357: Ecology of Foods
INTL 391 may substitute FN 357 (Special
Topics: Health & Culture in Austria)
FN 373: Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle
FN 393: Educational Techniques in Dietetics
FN 400: Professional Issues in Dietetics
FN 438: Food and Nutrition Capstone
(Required after spring 2013)
FN 448: Food Service Management (Not
required after May 2013)
FN 449: Practicum in Foodservice
FN 454: Medical Nutrition Therapy I
FN 455: Medical Nutrition Therapy II
FN 456: Advanced Community Nutrition
FN 457: Advanced Nutrition and Human
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology or ANTH
110: General Anthropology
ECON 110: Principles of Macroeconomics
PSYC 110: Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 26: Introduction to Developmental
Psychology or HD 265: Human Development
MATH 100: College Algebra ( or Math
placement exam exemption)
MATH 355: Elementary Statistical Methods
DPD Science Courses
BIOL 101: General Biology or BIO 160:
Introduction to Animal Biology
BIO 333: General Microbiology
BIOL 385 (formerly BIO 285): Human
BIOL 387: Human Anatomy
CHEM 105: Fundamental Chemistry and
CHEM 106: Fundamental Chemistry; or CHEM
117: General Chemistry Principles
CHEM 220: Survey of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 260: Elementary Biochemistry
HP/W 312: Exercise Physiology