National Association of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (NAHBCU) Title III Administrators, Inc. HBCUT3A SELECTION CRITERIA FOR THE 2014 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 1. Former scholarship recipients are not eligible to re-apply. 2. Student must be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate at one of our member institutions and must have completed at least 15 credit hours at the under-graduate level prior to submission. 3. Student must have a (minimum) cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. 4. Civic and community involvement, and campus leadership activities (to be described in the required essay). 5. Letters of recommendation on the appropriate letterhead should reflect the applicant’s involvement in extra-curricular and/or leadership activities, as well as, a description of the applicant’s work ethic, initiative, responsibility and his/her creativity. (Examples should be cited). APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 1. An official sealed transcript must be submitted under separate cover (see P O Box on application) 2. Essay of 700 words or less. These requirements are clearly stated in the application form. 3. Two (2) letters of recommendations (as least one from the applicant’s institution, i.e. faculty member, advisor, administrator, etc. on institutional letterhead). 4. Applicants must provide a current (updated) resume with the application form. 5. A photograph which is labelled on the back with the applicant’s name and institution. 6. Applicants who are veterans are encouraged to submit a copy of the government-issued DD-214. NAHBCU EXEC Comm: 03.19.2014 Page 1 National Association of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Title III Administrators, Inc. HBCUT3A - 2014 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: _________________________________________________________________ Campus Address: ________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: _______ Tel. #: _________________________________ Cell #: ________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________ Permanent (Home) Address: _______________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: _______ Tel. #: _________________________________ Cell #: ________________________ 2. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND College/University: _______________________________________________________ Major (and/or Optional Minor): ______________________________________________ Anticipated Graduation Date: _______________ GPA (minimum 2.5 or equivalent required): __________ 3. SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS/HONORS AND RECOGNITIONS (to be included in the required resume) 44. PERMISSION - By submitting this application, you give the Association permission to publish your photo. 55. ESSAY DETAILS – Please include a 700-word essay with your application. It must be typed and doublespaced, grammatically correct, and clearly address the following: A. Describe yourself, your interests, and any campus leadership, community service or church activities B. State your educational goals C. Explain your choice of the HBCU you currently attend D. Envision how you will give back to your alma mater after you graduate E. Share why you should be awarded the scholarship. 6. OTHER APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Attach a high-resolution photo of yourself with your name/institution on the reverse side B. Submit an official sealed transcript under separate cover C. Attach two (2) letters of recommendations, one of which must be from your current institution such as your advisor, a faculty member or an administrator on institutional letterhead D. Enclose an updated resume with this application form and your essay. E. Veterans should enclose a copy of the government-issued DD-214. F. Please visit the Title III Project Director at your institution to review your application. The application form and essay may be submitted to However, all official transcripts and letters of recommendations are to be mailed to: Attn: Karen Helton, HBCU Title III Scholarship Program P.O. Box 1258 Marshall, Texas 75671. All materials must be received and/or postmarked by May 31, 2014 For additional information, you may contact Karen Helton at 903-927-3369 NAHBCU EXEC Comm: 03.19.2014 Page 2