HL 03'01 Calendar 46 14-02-2001 VOL. 6, NO 1 MARCH 2001 16:54 Pagina 46 Annual Report 2000 - ISPRS Events Calendar ISPRS Events Calendar 21 January 2001 Version Note: ISPRS Sponsored Events are logo Highlighted New entries and changes are bold highlighted For monthly updates - visit the ISPRS Web Page www.isprs.org/calendar.html Send Updates to: Prof.Tuan-chih CHEN Fax: +886-2-2653-9148 E-mail: profchen@ms13.hinet.net P = Telephone F = Facsimile E = E-mail tbr = to be resolved 2 DATE 0 0 WG = Working Group 1 EVENT SITE CONTACT 20-26 Jan 2001 "Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3D Shape Measurements VII" http://spie.org/web/meetings/calls/pw01/confs/EI22.html San Jose, USA Assoc. Prof. Mark R. Shortis P: +61-3-8344-6401/F: 3-9347-2480 E: M.Shortis@unimelb.edu.au 22-24 Jan 2001 ION National Technical Meeting 2001 "The Changing Landscape of Navigation Technology" Long Beach, USA P: +1-781-981-3346/F: 981-3495 E: misra@ll.mit.edu 2-5 Feb 2001 UPDATED ICORG 2000 - International Conference on "Remote Sensing and GIS/GPS" www.icorg.org Hyderabad, AP INDIA Prof. Dr. Murali Krishna Iyyanki F: +91-40-339-7648 E: iyyanki@icorg.org 4-8 Feb 2001 "Environmental Solutions for Sustainability in the 21st Century" Exhibition and Conference Abu Dhabi, U.Arab Emirates P: +971-2-336-864/F: 332-393 E: gec@emirates.net.ae 6-9 Feb 2001 Airborne Visible InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) 2001 Workshop Pasadena, USA NASA/JPL E: av_tech@makalu.jpl.nasa.gov 7-9 Feb 2001 NEW Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council 4th Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information Science WG VI/4 www.MapIndia.org New Delhi, INDIA Sanjay Kumar P: +91-118-4527044, 4440831, 4554335 E: info@MapIndia.org E: Sanjay.kumar@csdms.org E: Sanjay.Kumar@gisdevelopment.net 8-10 Feb 2001 NEW Workshop on NGDI - Towards a Road Map for India www.MapIndia.org/ngdi New Delhi, INDIA Sanjay Kumar P: +91-118-4527044, 4440831, 4554335 E: info@MapIndia.org E: Sanjay.kumar@csdms.org E: Sanjay.Kumar@gisdevelopment.net 12-14 Feb 2001 NEW Asia Geospatial Technology Conference Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Dan Lamey P: +1-305-667-4705 F: +1-305-667-7840. E: tda@mfmgroup.com 13-15 Feb 2001 Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council Org. of Islamic Capitals & Cities (OICC) Conference on "GIS Applications in Planning & Sustainable Development" Cairo, EGYPT P: +9662-6981-953 F: +9662-6981-053 E: oiccorg@icc.net.sa 18-24 Feb 2001 Internationale Geodatische Woche Obergurgl, AUSTRIA P: +43-512-507-6757/F: 507-2910 E: geodaetischewoche@uibk.ac.at 19-22 Feb 2001 GIS 2001 "Branching Out: Spatial Technology Goes Mainstream" www.GIS2001.com Vancouver, CANADA Matt Ball P: +1-303-544-0594/F: 544-0595 E: mball@aip.com 21-23 Feb 2001 IAG Symposium on "Vertical Reference Systems" Cartagena, COLOMBIA E: alan.doodson@nottimgham.ac.uk 26 Feb-1 Mar 2001 UPDATED Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council ISPRS Commission V Ayutthaya, THAILAND Prof. Petros Patias (Pres. Com V) P: +30-31-99-6116/F: 99-6128 E: patias@topo.auth.gr Dr. Surat Lertlum, AIT P: +66-2-524-6149/F: 524-6147 E: surat@ait.ac.th www.trademeetings.com , CIPA & ICOMOS International Workshop on Recreating the Past "Visualization and Animation of Cultural Heritage" http://www.photogrammetry.ethz.ch/news/events/ayu/ HL 03'01 Calendar 14-02-2001 16:54 Pagina 47 Annual Report 2000 - ISPRS Events Calendar 2 DATE 0 0 VOL. 6, NO 1 MARCH 2001 47 1 EVENT SITE CONTACT 1-3 Mar 2001 OEEPE workshop on Airborne Laserscanning and Interferometric SAR for Detailed Digital Elevation Models http://www.geomatics.kth.se/~fotogram/OEEPE/oeepe_laser_main.htm Stockholm, SWEDEN Kennert Torlegård F: +46 8 790 73 43 E: ktd@geomatics.kth.se 4-10 Mar 2001 8º Encuentro de Geografos de America Latina www.cehu.com.ar/futuro/chile2001.htm Santiago, CHILE Prof. Francisco Ferrando E: esgeoarq@abello.dic.uchile.cl 8-9 Mar 2001 AM/FM/GIS Conference Hyderabad, INDIA P: +91-40-331-4141/F: 40-330-6770 E: sukuki@hd1.vsnl.net.in 8-9 Mar 2001 International Organization for Standards (ISO) 12th Plenary of TC 211 "Geographic Information/Geomatics" www.statkart.no/isotc211/ Lisbon, PORTUGAL Bjornhild Saeteroy P: +4722-59-6716/F: 59-6733 E: nts-it@tbl-nts.msmail.telemax.no 12-14 Mar 2001 "CONSAS 2001 - Geomatics Steps into the 3rd Millenium" 12th Conference of Southern Africa Surveyors" www.plato.org.za/ Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA Brian Mellor E: bjmellon@iafrica.com 12-16 Mar 2001 NEW 1st International Symposium on Robust Statistics and Fuzzy Techniques in Geodesy and GIS www.gis.ethz.ch/IAG Zurich, SWITZERLAND Prof. Dr. A. Carosio P: +41 1 633 3055 F: +41 1 633 1101 E: sek@geod.baug.ethz.ch 19-22 Mar 2001 FIG 10th International Symposium on "Deformation Measurements" Anaheim, USA P: +1-909-392-2591/F: 392-2464 E: cwhitaker@mwd.dst.ca 26-30 Mar 2001 NEW International MSc. In Airborne Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Course on Laser Ranging (LIDAR) http://www.ideg.es Barcelona, SPAIN Ms. Ester Gimo P: +34-93-567-1500 F: +34-93-567-1569 E: Egimo@icc.es 27-30 Mar 2001 Large Lenses and Prisms London, UK E: lenses@star.ucl.ac.uk http://lenses.osl.ucl.ac.uk/ 27 Mar-7 Apr 2001 Spring School in Quantitative Earth Observation www.climate-dynamics.rl.ac.uk/EOSchool.html Oxford, UK F: +44-1235-445-848 E: S.Clelland@rl.ac.uk 2-5 Apr 2001 NEW CEOS WGCV SAR Workshop 2001 www.eorc.nasda.go.jp/JERS-1/conference/ceos_sar/index.htm Tokyo, JAPAN Mr. Osamu Tanaka P: +81-3-3224-7038 F: +81-3-3224-7051 E: ostanaka@eorc.nasda.go.jp 2-6 Apr 2001 3rd IAA Symposium on "Small Satellites for Earth Observation" www.dlr.de/iaa.symp Berlin, GERMANY P: +49-30-67055-545/F: 67055-532 E: iaa.symp@dlr.de 3-4 Apr 2001 NEW Italy - Canada 2001 Workshop on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling Applications of heritage, industry, medicine & land http://www.lm.se/fig5/working_group53.htm http://www.ensu.ucalgary.ca/~nel-shei/iag.htm Padova, ITALY Dr. Naser El-Sheimy P: +1-403-220-7587 F: +1-403-284-1980 E: naser@ensu.ucalgary.ca E: elsheimy@ensu.ucalgary.ca 3-5 Apr 2001 Oceanology International 2001 Miami, USA Kari Jacobson P: +1-703-312-9129/F: 528-1724 Berlin, GERMANY Orhan Altan (ISPRS Congress Dir.) P: +90-212-285-3810/F: 285-6587 E: oaltan@srv.ins.itu.edu.tr TU Berlin P: +49-30-314-22375/F: 314-23315 E: gauss@inge3.bv.tu-berlin.de Awww.oiamericas.com 3-6 Apr 2001 Confirmed by Council Cosponsored by , IAG & FIG 4th International Symposium 9-12 Apr 2001 "Space 2001: An Earth Odyssey" The 17th National Space Symposium Colorado Springs, USA P: +1-719-576-8000/F: 576-8801 19-21 Apr 2001 NEW 4th AGILE Conference Brno, CZECH Milan Konecny E: konecny@dior.ics.muni.cz 21-26 Apr 2001 UPDATED X Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto Brazilian Remote Sensing Symposium www.dsr.inpe.br/sbsr2001 Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil Secretaria do X SBSR P: +12-345-6932/6459/6441 F: +12-345-6460/6449 E: sbsr@ltid.inpe.br "Turkish-German Joint Geodetic Days" www.geogr.muni.cz/agile2001 HL 03'01 Calendar 48 14-02-2001 VOL. 6, NO 1 MARCH 2001 16:54 Pagina 48 Annual Report 2000 - ISPRS Events Calendar 2 DATE 0 0 1 EVENT SITE CONTACT 23-27 Apr 2001 UPDATED Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council ASPRS Annual Conference "Gateway to the New Millenium" Commission I and IC II/IV "From Imagery to Geodata" www.asprs.org St. Louis, USA P: +1-301-493-0290/F: 493-0208 E: meetings@asprs.org Prof. Stanley Morain E: smorain@spock.unm.edu 24-27 Apr 2001 Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia & the Pacific (PCGIAP) meeting Tsukuba, JAPAN P: +81-298-64-4514/F: 64-8087 E: tsuji@gsi-mc.go.jp 6-11 May 2001 FIG Working Week & XXIV General Assembly Seoul, KOREA F: +82-335-35-0853 E: juhkim@kcsc.co.kr 11-13 May 2001 Centenary of Federation Surveying & Mapping Conference Canberra, AUSTRALIA P: +61-2-6257-3299 15-18 May 2001 21st EARSeL Annual Symposium Paris, FRANCE P: +33-1-4556-7360/F: 4556-7361 E: EARSeL@meteo.fr 15-18 May 2001 Eco-Informa 2001 "Environmental Risks & the Global Community" Argonne, IL USA P: +1-630-252-8796/F: 252-2654 E: maryjo.acke@ch.doe.gov 21-25 May 2001 GSDI5 Conference on "Sustainable Development and Decision-making" 2nd Meeting of the Permanent Committee for the Americas PCIDEA GSDI Steering Committee Meeting Cartagena, COLUMBIA Mr Santiago Borrero E: sborrero@igac.gov.co 23-25 May 2001 UPDATED Confirmed by Council 3rd I Bangkok, THAILAND Dr. Jie JIANG E: jjie@nsdi.gov.cn Dr. Xiaoyong CHEN P: +66-2-524-6407 F: +66-2-524-5597 E: xychen@ait.ac.th Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS 10 Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics GEOINFORMATICS & DMGIS'2001 dellserv.star.ait.ac.th/dmGIS2001 th 11-15 Jun 2001 NEW Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research ISSSR 2001 WG VII/1 Quebec, CANADA P: +1-757-766-5858, +1-410-436-5874 E: mcquestion@stcnet.com alan.samuels@sbccom.apgea.army.mil 18-20 Jun 2001 Intergraph GeoSpatial Users Community Atlanta, USA P: +31-23-5666-558/F: 5666-581 E:GeoSpatialUsersCommunity@intergraph.com 22-23 Jun 2001 NEW Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council 2nd Symposium Remote Sensing of Urban Areas WG VII/4 www-urs2001.uni-r.de Regensburg, GERMANY Priv.-Doz. Dr. Carsten Juergens P: +49-941-943-3630 F: +49-941-943-4933 E: carsten.juergens@geographie. uni-regensburg.de 24-28 Jun 2001 UPDATED Digital Earth 2001 The 2nd International Symposium on Digital Earth The 94th Annual Conference of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics The 14th Geomatics Atlantic Conference The 7th TExpo Conference The 5th Annual Workshop of the Committee for Earth Observation Satellites www.digitalearth.ca Fredericton, NB CANADA P: +1-506-453-8855/F: 444-4310 E: wayne@gov.nb.ca Tom Herbert E: exdircig@netrover.com David Finley E: programchair@digitalearth.ca P: +1-506-444-4644 F: +1-506-453-3898 E: conferencedirector@digitalearth.ca E: info@digitalearth.ca 28-29 Jun 2001 NEW International Workshop on Geo-Spatial Knowledge Processing for Natural Resource Management proterra.itim.mi.cnr.it Varese, ITALY E: proterra@itim.mi.cnr.it E: proterra-info@itim.mi.cnr.it E: proterra-info@.crii.uninsubria.it 3-4 Jul 2001 NEW Workshop Remote Sensing and GIS New sensors - innovative methods (in German) Salzburg, AUSTRIA Workshop FE/GIS P: +43-662-8044 5224/5200 F: +43-662-8044 525 E: fegis@mail.geo.sbg.ac.at Darwin, AUSTRALIA Dr. Waqar Ahmad P: +61 8 8946 6805 F: +61 8 8946 7088 E: nargis01@ntu.edu.au www.agit.at/fegis 3-5 Jul 2001 NEW 5th North Australian Remote sensing and GIS conference (NARGIS01) nargis01.ntu.edu.au HL 03'01 Calendar 14-02-2001 16:54 Pagina 49 Annual Report 2000 - ISPRS Events Calendar 2 DATE 9-13 Jul 2001 NEW 11-13 Jul 2001 NEW Confirmed by Council 0 0 SITE WG II/2 Workshop "Three-Dimensional Mapping from InSAR and Lidar" 49 1 EVENT IEEE/IGARSS 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium www.IGARSS2001.org http://www.dfc-grss.org/dfsession.html VOL. 6, NO 1 MARCH 2001 CONTACT Sidney, AUSTRALIA P: +61.2.6257.3299 F: +61.2.6257.3256 E: igarss@ausconvservices.com.au Banff, Alberta, CANADA J. Bryan Mercer P: +1-403-266-0900 F: +1-403-265-0499 E: bmercer@intermap.ca E: bmercer@intermaptechnologies.com 29 Jul-3 Aug 2001 SPIE’s 46th Annual Meeting "Int’l Symposium on Optical Science & Technology" San Diego, USA P: +1-360-676-3290 E: membership@spie.org 2-4 Aug 2001 NEW ICA Fourth Workshop on Progress in Automated Map Generalization www.geo.unizh.ch/ICA/ Hong Kong, CHINA Robert Weibel P: +41-1-635 51 90 F: +41-1-635 68 48 E: weibel@geo.unizh.ch 6-10 Aug 2001 "ICC 2001" The 20th International Cartographic Conference www.sbsm.gov.cn/icc2001/ Beijing, CHINA LOC for ICC 2001 P: +86-10-6834- 6614/F: 6831-1564 E: icc2001@sbsm.gov.cn 2 Sep 2001 Annual Meeting of Joint Board of Spatial Information Societies (JBSIS) Budapest, HUNGARY Dr. C.C. Tscherning - IAG Sec Gen E: cct@gfy.uu.dk 2-8 Sep 2001 International Association of Geodesy Scientific Assembly www.sztaki.hu/conferences/iag2001 Budapest, HUNGARY P: +45-3532-0600/F: 3536-5357 E: iag@gfy.ku.dk 5-7 Sep 2001 NEW Digital Earth Moving, 2001 (DEM2001) 1st International Symposium www.cimsi.cim.ch/dem2001 Manno(Lugano) SWITZERLAND Caroline Westort P: +41 91 610 8980 F: +41 91 610 8970 E: dem2001@cimsi.cim.ch 12-14 Sep 2001 NEW First Annual Meeting of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society "Geomatics, Earth Observation and the Information Society" http://www.the-rss.org London, U.K. E: rss@nottingham.ac.uk 18-21 Sep 2001 UPDATED International Symposium of CIPA "Surveying and Documentation of Historical Buildings, Monuments, Sites - Traditional and Modern Methods" Potsdam, GERMANY Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joerg Albertz P: +49-30-3142-3331 F: +49-30-3142-1104 E: albertz@fpk.tu-berlin.de 24-28 Sep 2001 NEW 48th Photogrammetric Week http://www.ifp.uni-stuttgart.de/Phowo/index.htm Stuttgart, GERMANY Martina Kroma P: +49-771-121-3201 F: +49-711-121-3297 E: martina.kroma@ifp.uni-stuttgart.de 1-3 Oct 2001 UPDATED Confirmed by Council 5th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques (Jointly sponsored by FIG Commission V, ISPRS Commission V, ISPRS WG VI/2 and IAG Section I - Special Commission 4) http://info.tuwien.ac.at/ingeo/optical3d/o3d.htm Vienna, AUSTRIA Prof Dr Heribert Kahmen (FIG ComV) F: +43-1-58801-12895 E: hkahmen@pop.tuwien.ac.at Prof. Dr. Armin Gruen P: +41-1-633-3038/F: 633-1101 E: agruen@geod.ethz.ch Prof. Mark R. Shortis F: +61 3 9347 2480 E: m.shortis@unimelb.edu.au 1-5 Oct 2001 6th International Carbon Dioxide Conference http://co2.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp/ Sendai, JAPAN P: +81-22-217-5792/F: 217-5797 E: secre@co2.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp 2-5 Oct 2001 NEW Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council International Conference on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development FIG & Nairobi, KENYA Markku Villikka Director, FIG office P: + 45 3886 1081, + 45 2343 8910 F: + 45 3886 0252 E: markku.villika@fig.net E: FIG@ddl.org 7-12 Oct 2001 20th Brazilian Congress of Cartography 9th Congress of Land-Survey Engineering 8th Iberoamerican Conference on GISs Porto Alegre, BRASIL Prof. Francisco Braganca P: +55 51 233-3277 F: +55 51 231-9851 E: xxcbc@orion.ufrgs.br http://fig3.boku.ac.at/call4papers_kenya.html http://www.ddl.org/figtree/events/events2001.htm http://www.ddl.org/figtree/events/nairobi.htm www.cartografia.org.br HL 03'01 Calendar 50 14-02-2001 VOL. 6, NO 1 MARCH 2001 16:54 Pagina 50 Annual Report 2000 - ISPRS Events Calendar 2 DATE 9-10 Oct 2001 NEW Confirmed by Council 21-28 Oct 2001 29-31 Oct 2001 NEW Confirmed by Council 0 0 1 EVENT SITE Commission VI Seminar on Education IAPSO - IABO Oceanography of the XXI Century "2001 - An Ocean Odyssey" www.retina.ar/2001_ocean/ Joint Workshop WG IV/6 CONTACT Porto Alegre, BRASIL President: Dr. Tania Maria Sausen P: +55 12 345 68 62 F: +55 12 345 68 70 E: tania@ltid.inpe.br Mar del Plata, ARGENTINA Gerardo M. E. Perillo P: +54-291-486-1112/F: 486-1527 E: iado@criba.edu.ar Athens, Georgia, USA Dr. Marguerite Madden P: +706-542-2379 F: +706-542-2358 E: mmadden@crms.uga.edu Rome, ITALY Paolo Gamba P: +39-0382-505781 F: +39-0382-422583 E: p.gamba@ele.unipv.it E: urban_2001@ele.unipv.it 8-9 Nov 2001 NEW Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council 1st IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion Over Urban Areas WG III/6 8-9 Nov 2001 NEW Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council Symposium "Geodetic, Photogrammetric and Satellite Technologies - Development and Integrated Application" Sofia, BULGARIA Georgi Milev E: milev@argo.bas.bg tbr Nov 2001 15th CEOS Plenary Kyoto, JAPAN STA/NASDA http://tlc.unipv.it/urban_2001 2 DATE 21-26 Apr 2002 27-31 May 2002 Approval pending 0 0 EVENT SITE XII FIG Congress & XV General Assembly Symposium of Commission IV 4-6 Jun 2002 22nd EARSeL Annual Symposium 24-28 Jun 2002 IEEE / IGARSS ’99 www.igarss.org 20-23 Aug 2002 Approval pending 2 Symposium of Commission II CONTACT Washington, DC USA Mary Clawson E: clawsonm@nima.mil Ottawa, CANADA President: Dr. Costas Armenakis P: +1 613 992 4487 F: +1 613 995 4127 E: armenaki@nrcan.gc.ca Prague, CZECH REP. P: +33-1-45-5-673-60 F: 45-56-73-61 E: EARSeL@meteo.fr Toronto, CANADA Tammy Stein P: +1-281-251-6067/F: 251-6068 E: tstein@phoenix.net Xian, CHINA President: Prof. Chen Jun P: +86 10 6842 4072 F: +86 10 6842 4101 E: chenjun@nsdi.gov.cn tbr Aug 2002 International Association of Geodesy Hotine-Marusse Symposium tbr P: +45-3532-0600/F: 3536-5357 E: iag@gfy.ku.dk 2-5 Sep 2002 7th UN Conference on Standardization of Geographic Names Berlin, GERMANY Dr. Laaribi P: +1-212-963-4996 3-6 Sep 2002 Approval pending Symposium of Commission V Corfu, GREECE President: Prof. Petros Patias P: +30 31 99 61 16 F: +30 31 99 61 28 E: patias@topo.auth.gr 9-13 Sep 2002 Approval pending Symposium of Commission III Graz, AUSTRIA President: Prof. Dr. Franz Leberl P: +43 316 873 5011 F: +43 316 873 5050 E: leberl@icg.tu-graz.ac.at 10-12 Sep 2002 Approval pending Symposium of Commission VI Rio de Janiero, BRASIL President: Dr. Tania Maria Sausen P: +55 12 345 68 62 F: +55 12 345 68 70 E: tania@ltid.inpe.br HL 03'01 Calendar 14-02-2001 16:54 Pagina 51 VOL. 6, NO 1 MARCH 2001 Annual Report 2000 - ISPRS Events Calendar 2 DATE 24-28 Sep 2002 NEW 0 2 EVENT SITE The 27th General Assembly of ICSU & Associated Meetings 11-15 Nov 2002 UPDATED Approval pending 11-20 Oct 2002 0 Symposium of Commission I joint meeting with Pecora XV IAF/COSPAR World Space Congress www.aiaa.org/wsc2002/sub/news.html 4-6 Dec 2002 Approval pending Symposium of Commission VII 2 DATE 0 0 51 CONTACT Rio de Janiero, BRASIL maureen brennan E: maureen@icsu.org Denver, Colorado USA Amy Budge P: +1-505-277-3622 ext 231 F: +1-505-277-3614 E: abudge@spock.unm.edu Houston, USA P: +703-264-7500/F: 264-7551 Hyderabad, INDIA President: Dr. Rangnath Navalgund P: +91 79 676 88 62 F: +91 79 676 27 2735 E: rangnath@ad1.vsnl.net.in 3 EVENT SITE CONTACT tbr Oct 2003 Approval pending Monitoring and Modeling of Global Environmental Change - How to link Local with Global? Workshop ISPRS WG VII/6 Tokyo, JAPAN Prof. Yoshifumi Yasuoka P: +81-3-5452-6409 ( or 6411) F: +81-3-5452-6408 E: yyasuoka@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp tbr Aug 2003 23rd IUGG General Assembly Sapporo, JAPAN P: +45-3532-0600/F: 3536-5357 E: iag@gfy.ku.dk 2 DATE 0 0 4 EVENT 12-23 July 04 Confirmed by Council XXth ISPRS Congress -- Geo-Imagery Bridging Continents 25-31 July 2004 NEW COSPAR Assembly http://cospar.itodys.jussieu.fr SITE CONTACT Istanbul, TURKEY Prof. Dr. M. Orhan Altan - Congress Director P:+90-212-285-3810 /F: -285-6587 E: oaltan@srv.ins.itu.edu.tr tbr COSPAR Secretariat P: +33 1 45 25 06 79 F: +33 1 40 50 98 27 E: cospar@paris7.jussieu.fr www.isprs2004-istanbul.com ISPRS Symposium Dates 2002 May 27-31 Ottawa Comm IV Symposium (NOT CONFIRMED) Aug 20-23 Xian Comm II Symposium Sept 3-6 Corfu Comm V Symposium Sept 9-13 Graz Comm III Symposium Sept 10-12 Rio de Janeiro Comm VI Symposium Nov 11-15 Denver Comm I Symposium Dec 4-6 Hyderabad Comm VII Symposium