62 VOL. 5, NO 1 MARCH 2000 HIGHLIGHTS ISPRS ISPRS Event Calendar ISPRS Events Calendar 1 March 2000 Version Note: ISPRS Sponsored Events are logo highlighted. New entries and changes are bold highlighted. For monthly updates-visit the ISPRS HomePage www.isprs.org Send Updates to: J. Heckman Fax: +1-610-354-6255 E-mail: Joanne.Heckman@LMCo.com P = Telephone F = Facsimile 2 DATE E = E-mail 0 tbr = to be resolved 0 EVENT WG = Working Group 0 SITE CONTACT 2-7 Apr 2000 “NEW” Remote Sensing & Hydrology 2000 Santa Fe, USA F: +1-301-504-8931 E: lohare@hydro-lab.arsusda.gov 3-6 Apr 2000 “NEW” 4th Geomatics Week & Exposition Barcelona, SPAIN P: +34-93-425-2900/F: 426-7442 E: info4sg@icc.es 5,6,10 Apr 2000 Confirmed by Council ISPRS Semi-Annual Council Meeting Budapest & Eger HUNGARY Prof. J. Trinder (Secretary General) P +61-29-385-5308/F: 313-7493 E: j.trinder@unsw.edu.au 5-7 Apr 2000 “Note update” GIS Research UK www.geo.ed.ac.uk/gisruk/gisruk.html York, UK Peter J. Halls E: gisruk@york.ac.uk 5-7 Apr 2000 Risk 2000 International Symposium on “Space Techniques for the Management of Major Risks & Their Consequences” Paris, FRANCE UNESCO-Risk 2000 Secretariat P: +33-1-44-49-60-04/F: 60-44 E: deschanps@2100.org 7-9 Apr 2000 Confirmed by Council ISPRS Joint Meeting Council and Technical Commission Presidents Budapest & Eger HUNGARY Prof. J. Trinder (Secretary General) P +61-29-385-5308/F: 313-7493 E: j.trinder@unsw.edu.au 7-9 April 2000 “Note update” Thompson Symposium Guildford, UK Miss P. Selmes P: +44-181-818-3911/F: 818-2612 E: Selmesp@msms.com 11-13 Apr 2000 “NEW” GIS/SIT 2000 “GIS for All” Fribourg, www.akm.ch/gis_sit2000 SWITZERLAND P: +41-61-686-7711 E: info@akm.ch 12-13 Apr 2000 “NEW” World of Surveying Midlands, UK P: +44-1438-352-617/F: 351-989 E: editor@pvpubs.demon.co.uk 16-19 Apr 2000 “NEW” Integrating GIS & CAMA 2000 www.urisa.org/2000cama Miami Beach, USA P: +1-847-824-6300/F: 824-6363 E: info@urisa.org 17-19 Apr 2000 “Note update” EOGEO 2000 Earth Observation & Geospatial London, Web & Intenet Workshop UK www.ge.ucl.ac.uk/EOGEO2000.html P: +44-171-504-2083/F: 380-0453 E: jmorley@ge.ucl.ac.uk 24-29 Apr 2000 “NEW” EGS 25th General Assembly & Symposium Nice, “Evolving Geodesy: From Static to Kinematics” FRANCE ww.copernicus.org/EGS/egsga/nice00/nice00.htm P: +49-5556-1440/F: 5556-4709 E: egs@copernicus.org 25-29 Apr 2000 European Geophysical Society 25th General Nice, Assembly " Use of GIS in meteorology and FRANCE climatology" www.copernicus.org/EGS/egsga/nice00/nice00.htm Prof. Arakel Petrosyan P: +95-333-3311/F: 310-7023 E: apetrosy@iki.rssi.ru 1-3 May 2000 6th International Conference on “Remote Sensing Charleston, SC for Marine & Coastal Environments” USA www.erim-int.com/CONF/marine/MARINE.html P: +1-734-994-1200x3234 F: +1-734-994-5123 E: wallman@erim-int.com 2-4 May 2000 “NEW” GNSS 2000 P: +44-171-591-3130/F: 591-3131 E: rindir@atlas.co.uk Edinburgh, UK VOL. 5, NO 1 MARCH 2000 HIGHLIGHTS ISPRS ISPRS Event Calendar 2 DATE 0 EVENT 0 0 SITE CONTACT 2-5 May 2000 Oceanic Imaging Conference Newport, R.I. www.srminc.net/oceanimg/ USA Dr. Edmund J. Sullivan P: +1-401-832-2011/F: 832-2146 E: patm@srminc.net 9-11 May 2000 GEOBit 2000 International Trade Fair for Spatial Information Technologies & Geoinformatics Leipzig, GERMANY Ralf Bauerfeind P: +49-341-678-8287/F: 678-8282 E: geobit@leipziger-messe.de 9-13 May 2000 Geotechnica/ENTSORGA Cologne, GERMANY P: +149-221-821-0/F: 821-2574 10-12 May 2000 "NEW" "TELEGEO 2000" Sophia Antipolis, 2nd Int'l Symposium on Telegeoprocessing FRANCE www.insa-lyon.fr/Labos/LISI/telegeo/ Robert Laurini P: +33-4-72-43-81-72/F: 43 87 13 E: Robert.Laurini@if.insa-lyon.fr 13-19 May 2000 FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting & Symposium Hamburg, GERMANY P: +49-40-42826-5963 E: winfried.hawerk@gv.hamburg.de 14-16 May 2000 "NEW" 2nd Int'l Conference on Management Information Systems "MIS 2000" www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2000/mis2000/ Lisbon, PORTUGAL P: +44-23-80-293-223/F: 292-853 E: wit@wessex.ac.uk 14-17 May 2000 “NEW” 16th Topical Meeting on Optical Data Storage Whistler, BC 2000 “ODS 2000” CANADA www.ieee.org/organizations/society/leos/LEOS CONF/ODS/ods00.html IEEE/LEOS P: +1-732-562-3897/F: 562-8434 E: ods@ieee.org 14-17 May 2000 “NEW” Montreal, 31st International Symposium on Robotics www.precarn.ca/isr2000 CANADA P: +1-613-241-9333/F: 565-2173 E: ISR2000@goldenplanners.com 21-25 May 2000 SPIE Symposium on Applied Photonics Glasgow, UK Prof. N. Halliwell P: +44-1509-223210 22-26 May 2000 ASPRS Annual Conference Washington, DC USA P: +1-301-493-0290/F: 493-0208 E: meetings@asprs.org 22-27 May 2000 Prague, FIG Working Week & XXIII General Assembly www.fig2000.cz CZECH REP. 22-27 May 2000 "NEW" 2nd International Congress on GEOMATICS 2000 "GEOMATICA 2000" www.informatica2000.com Havana, CUBA Tatiana Delegado Fernandez P: +537-22-17-94/F: 537-24-2869 E: geomatica2000@colombus.cu 23-25 May 2000 “NEW” “EUSAR 2000” European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar www.dir.de/ne-hf/eusar2000 Munich, GERMANY DLR P: +49-8153-28-2305/F: 28-1135 E: eusar2000@dlr.de 24-26 May 2000 7th Osterreichischer Geodatentag Bregenz, AUSTRIA F: +420-2-2108-2374 E: geodeti@csvts.cz 25-27 May 2000 “NEW” 3rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Helsinki, FINLAND P: +358-9-295-55-208/F: 55-200 E: agile2000@fgi.fi 29-31 May 2000 “NEW” 7th Saint Petersburg International Conference on “Integrated Navigation Systems” St. Petersburg, RUSSIA P: +7-812-232-5915/F: 232-3376 E: elprib@erbi.spb.su 6-8 Jun 2000 “NEW” NavSat 2000 Conference Paris, FRANCE P&F: +33-156-05-07-51 E: macrovision@mediaone.net 7-16 Jun 2000 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) Vienna, AUSTRIA Dr. Sergio Camacho P: +43-1-260-60-4951/F: 60-5830 12-14 Jun 2000 6th Circumpolar Symposium on “Remote Sensing of Polar Environments” www.gov.nt.ca/RWED/re/circumpolar2000 Yellowknife, CANADA NWT Centre for Remote Sensing P: +1-867-920-3329 E: circumpolar2000@gov.nt.ca Czech Union of Surveyors & Cartogs. F: +42-2-210-82374 E: geodeti@csvts.cz 63 64 VOL. 5, NO 1 MARCH 2000 HIGHLIGHTS ISPRS ISPRS Event Calendar 2 DATE 0 EVENT 0 0 SITE CONTACT 13-16 Jun 2000 20th EARSeL Annual Symposium “10 Years of East-West Cooperation” Dresden, GERMANY P: +33-1-45-5-673-60/F: 45-56-73-61 E: EARSeL@meteo.fr 14-16 Jun 2000 MIS 2000 Lisbon, PORTUGAL P: +44-238-029-3223/F: 029-2853 E: gcossutta@wessex.ac.uk 14-23 Jun 2000 “NEW” 43rd Session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Vienna, AUSTRIA Dr. Sergio Camacho P: +43-1-260-60-4951/F: 60-5830 16-17 Jun 2000 “NEW” EARSeL Workshops on “Sea Ice & Snow” and on “Lidar Remote Sensing of Land & Sea” Dresden, GERMANY P: +33-1-4556-7360/F: 4556-7361 E: EARSeL@meteo.fr 18-22 Jun 2000 "NEW" "Bathurst 2000" Crossing the Spatial Frontier Bathurst, NSW www.promaco.com.au/conference/2000/msia/ AUSTRALIA index.htm P: +61-08-9-332-2900/F: 332-2911 E: promaco@promaco.com.au 26-28 Jun 2000 IAIN/ION 25th Anniversary World Congress San Diego, USA P: +1-703-683-7101/F: 683-7105 E: meetings@ion.org 26-28 Jun 2000 Association of Applied Biologists “Remote Sensing in Agriculture” Cirencester, UK P: +44-1954-268-242/F: 268-268 E: rosie.bryson@adas.co.uk 26-30 Jun 2000 20th Annual ESRI User Conference 6-8 Jul 2000 International IT Conference on “Geo-spatial Education” Kowloon, HONG KONG F: +852-2330-2994 E: 1sitcgse@polyu.edu.hk 10-14 Jul 2000 International Symposium on “The Role of Erosion & Sediment Transport in Nutrient & Contaminant Transfer” Waterloo, CANADA P: +1-519-888-4567/F: 519-725-2827 E: mstone@fes.uwaterloo.ca 11-13 Jul 2000 “NEW” Enschede, 2nd EARSeL Workshop on “Imaging NETHERLANDS Spectroscopy” www.itc.nl/is2/about.html 12-14 Jul 2000 “Accuracy 2000” 4th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences www.gis.wau.nl/Accuracy2000 Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS P: +31-20-525-7425/F: 525-7431 E: accuracy@frw.uva.nl 14-15 Jul 2000 Confirmed by Council ISPRS Pre-Congress Tutorials NETHERLANDS& UK Prof. Martien Molenaar (Congress Technical Program Chairman) P: +31-4874-444/F: 4874-335 E: molenaar@ITC.NL NETHERLANDS& GERMANY Prof. Martien Molenaar (Congress Technical Program Chairman) P: +31-4874-444/F: 4874-335 E: molenaar@ITC.NL Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS Prof. Klaas Jan Beek (ISPRS Congress Director) P: +31-53-487-4511/F: 487-4335 E: ISPRS@ITC.NL San Diego, www.esri.com USA www.itc.nl/~isprs/precongress/precongress.htm P: +1-909-793-2853x11363 F: +1-909-307-3128 E: uc2000@esri.com P: +31-53-487-4400 E: IS2@itc.nl “Note update” 14-15 Jul 2000 Confirmed by Council ISPRS Pre-Congress Workshops www.itc.nl/~isprs/precongress/precongress.htm “Note update” 16-23 Jul 2000 Confirmed by Council XIX ISPRS Congress “Geo-Information for All” 24-28 Jul 2000 IEEE / IGARSS ’00 30 Jul-4 Aug 2000 “NEW” San Diego, SPIE’s 45th Annual Meeting “Int’l Symposium USA on Optical Science & Technology” www.spie.org/info/am/ www.itc.nl/~isprs/ Honolulu, www.igarss.org USA Tammy Stein P: +1-281-251-6067/F: 251-6068 E: tstein@phoenix.net P: +1-360-676-3290 E: membership@spie.org;