LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS ANALYSIS OF GUIDE WETLANDS IN YELLOW RIVER WATERSHED BY LANDSAT SERIES DATA Xuying Shi; Fanghua Hao*, Cheng Zhao, Dan Wang, Wei Ouyang School of Environment, State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China WG II/2 - Spatial Reasoning, Analysis, and Data Mining KEY WORDS: Image interpretation; Landuse; Terrestrial photogrammetry; Spatial-temporal analysis; Dynamic Change; Hydrology; Wetlands; Yellow River ABSTRACT: Wetlands are resources of paramount importance with many values and functions. However, with the economy development and the population growth, wetlands have undergone great changes. This study investigated the land-cover and landscape pattern dynamics of Guide wetlands in the periods 1977-2006. Four Landsat images were used to locate and quantify the changes. The study revealed the area of wetlands previewed a downward trend during the past 30 years, whereas the area of cultivated land increased all the time. From 1997 to 2000, the wetland landscape pattern became more fragile and less connective. The landscape types converted to each other dramatically. During 2000 to 2006, both dominant and contagion indices on the whole area were enhanced. Its driving forces were analyzed according to socioeconomic development and climatic information. Remote sensing (RS) and Geographic information system (GIS) technologies have proved to be useful tools for assisting decision-makers to locate and quantify changes in land resources, and hence to identify appropriate solutions for sustainable management of wetlands. 1. INTRODUCTION Wetlands are in the amphibious staggered zone of transition, which comprise about three to six percent of the earth's land surface, but they have various ecology function, economy value and society value, including agricultural production, fisheries, provision of wildlife habitat and so on (Acreman and Hollis, 1996 ; Sugumaran et al., 2004). However, with the socioeconomic development and the human activities reinforcement, wetland resources have been seriously disturbed, especially the large numbers of reservoirs are constructed on the Yellow River, which greatly impacts the wetland hydrological process and characteristics. Therefore, the study of dynamics in Guide wetlands in Yellow river watershed has an important significance for the wetland protection and local environmental management. Baker et al., 1991). The objective of this study is to investigate the dynamics of Guide wetlands through the analysis of changes in land-cover and landscape pattern from 1977 to 2006, and the impacts of human activity on wetlands by utilizing RS and GIS techniques. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Description of the study area After the construction of reservoirs, the land-cover and landscape pattern along the Yellow river changed obviously. Many researchers focus on a lot of studies associated to sediment, flood, and runoff of the Yellow River (Huang, 2002; Xu, 2002; Jiang, 2008). Also many scholars study the wetland ecosystem and landscape dynamics of the Yellow River Delta (Li, 2007; Yoshiki Saitoa, 2000; Cai, 2006). However, relatively less attention has been paid to studying the wetland landscape and land-cover change along the Yellow River and the factors affecting the change. Therefore, elucidation of the dynamic change of Guide wetlands is essential for wetland management. With rapid changes in landscape occurring over large areas, remote sensing has become an essential tool for monitoring such changes, particularly as a means of complementing or updating conventional data gathering techniques (Nellis, 1986; * Corresponding author. author. Figure1. Location of the Guide wetlands This is useful to know for communication with the appropriate person in cases with more than one 247 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B2. Beijing 2008 The study area is located in Guide country (N35°30'~36°30', E101 ° 0' ~ 101 ° 50'), Qinghai province, with an area of approximately 6028ha (Figure1). The Guide wetlands are joined by a narrow band of land along the Yellow River, which situated between the Longyangxia reservoir and the Lijiaxia reservoir. This region belongs to the transition zone between Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Loess Plateau. The feature of climate is the typical alpine continental climate with hyper-arid natural condition. Mean annual solar radiation is 2928h and yearly mean air temperature is about 7.2℃. The coldest and warmest average annual temperature is -23.8℃ in winter and 34℃ in summer. Rainfall is highly variable between 251-599mm per year. The study area includes 78.8km long stretches of the Yellow River and has abundant wetland types such as shrub wetland, reed marsh and meadows wetland. With the population growth and economy development, the human being and nature have put wetlands under the enormous pressure. Vast areas of wetlands continue to be converted to cultivation and grazing, both of the land-cover and the landscape pattern have undergone great changes. This paper therefore examines the dynamics of Guide wetlands and their implications. 2.2 Data and land cover classification The wetlands dynamic information was extracted from the interpretation of RS data in 1977, 1994, 2000 and 2006. Table 1 presents the satellite imagery input data used for study. The Landsat images were enhanced using the linear contrast stretching and histogram equalization to a common ALBERS coordinate system based on 1:50000 topographic maps of China. With the aid of Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment, maps and key informants, the various land-cover types were located in the field and their positions recorded. The unsupervised classification with the maximum likelihood method algorithm was conducted to classify the image Index LSI containing the study area. Combined with field survey, the following major land-cover categories were identified: cultivated land (CL), watershed (WA), tidal flat (TF), reed marsh (RM), meadows wetland (MW) and shrub wetland (SW). Image Landsat MSS Landsat TM Landsat TM Landsat ETM Path/Row 142/35 132/35 132/35 132/35 Format GeoTIFF GeoTIFF GeoTIFF GeoTIFF 2.3 Methods The magnitude and direction of changes in landscape are the most important factors relating to landscape evolution (Antrop, 2000). With the wetlands information of land-cover types from the four images, land-cover transition matrices were elaborated for the three periods by using Overlay Tool in the GIS software. Each matrix represents either the probability of persistence of the period, or the probabilities of transition to another land-cover category during the same period (Alejandro, 2007). The Patch Analyst module was used to calculate the landscape metrics, which is an extension to the ArcView GIS system that facilitates the spatial analysis of landscape patches, and modeling of attributes associated with patches (Rempel and Carr, 2003). By FRAGSTATS, two levels of metrics were computed. i.e., class level, which means each land use type in the landscape mosaic, and landscape level, which means the landscape mosaic as a whole (Lu et al., 2003). In order to detect landscape change of the study area, seven indices were analyzed: patch density (PD), mean patch area (AREA_MN), landscape shape index (LSI), contagion index (CONTAG), dominance index (D), Shannon's evenness index (SHEI) and Shannon's Diversity Index (SHDI) (Table 2). Mathematic model Ecological significance Landscape shape index indicates the complexity of shape. LSI = 0.25E / A Shannon’s diversity index is a popular measure of diversity in community ecology, applied here to landscapes. m − ∑ ( Pi ln Pi ) SHDI = Season Wet Wet Wet Wet Table1 Landsat images applied in analysis E is length of total patches borderlines; A is the total area. SHDI Year 1977-07-15 1994-08-16 2000-07-05 2006-08-05 i =1 Pi is proportion of the landscape occupied by patch type (class) i ; m is number of patch types (classes) present in the landscape. − SHEI SHEI D = m ∑ (P i i =1 Shannon’s evenness index is expressed such that an even distribution of area among patch types results in maximum evenness. ln Pi ) ln m m D = H max + ∑ (Pi ) × log 2 (Pi ) i =1 , H max = log 2 (m ) Dominance index indicates one or fewer dominant classes exist in the landscape Table2 Models and significances of landscape indices 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 The analysis of wetland land cover change In general, the results show that only the CL area increased noticeably during 30 years. The SW area had no obvious change, while the areas of other landscape types all registered a descending trend. The WA area which occupied 2479ha in 1977, 248 and decreased to 1417ha in 1994, was the most remarkable change, and the reed marsh was the second (Figure2). Based on the four-year land-cover information analysis, the land-cover transition matrices for the periods of 1977-1994, 1994-2000 and 2000-2006 were obtained (Table3-5). During the period 1977-1994, both RW and WA areas dropped dramatically. The annual average changing rates of RW and WA reached -4.22 and -2.53, respectively. The cause of decrease in RW and WA The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B2. Beijing 2008 area was changing into MW, TF and CL. It demonstrated that the water source was scarce and human beings disturbed wetlands frequently. From 1994 to 2000, except TF, the changing rates of other types were all positive values. The area of TF was mainly converted into RM (10.48%) and WA (33.95%). The changing rate of CL was 0.35 compared with 8.83 for 1977-1994. It indicated that the water source of wetlands was supplied in time, and the trend of changing wetland to CL decreased. During 2000-2006, the CL area increased remarkably from 30.76% to 40.36%. The expansion of CL mainly resulted from shrinkage of MW (20.43%), WA (3.78%) and TF (4.77%). It previewed that the human beings reclaimed farmland from the wetlands dramatically. 3.2 The analysis of landscape pattern dynamics All these land use changes affected landscape patterns. The calculated results of landscape indices were listed in Table 6 and Table7. The results show that the values of SHEI and SHDI had nearly no change during 30 years. Both of them only dropped lightly after 2000. It demonstrated that the landscape heterogeneity decreased, and the distribution of land-cover became uneven after 2000. The dominance index had a certain extent rise, which resulted from the area of CL increased remarkably and became the dominant landscape type. The PD of wetlands on the whole area increased from 1977 to 2000, while decreased from 2000 to 2006. The CONTAG had a converse trend compared with the PD. It showed that the wetlands became more fragmented during 1997-2000, whereas trended to concentration after 2000. The PD of RM, WM and CL had the same trend with the whole landscape. During 2000-2006, the PD of CL and WA decreased while the AREA-MN of them was on an ascending trend. The fragmentation decreased on the whole mainly because that CL extended to connect each other. 3000 RM WA 2500 SW TF MW CL Area (ha) 2000 1500 1000 Except TF, the LSI of other land covers all showed a rise trend from 1977 to 1996, the LSI of WA which reached 7.0112 in 1996, was the most obvious change. It indicated that the shape of patches inclined to complicated and irregular. The main reason was that the landscape types converted to each other dramatically. The LSI of CL was on a descending trend after 1996, which was mainly attributable to the area of CL increased continually and the shape of CL patches inclined to regular and simple. 500 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Year (a) 2005 2010 Figure2. Total area of different land covers from 1977 to 2006 1994 1977 RM SW MW WA TF CL Toatl1994 PL (%) AACR (%) RM 17 0 21 117 8 11 174 2.89 -4.22 SW 6 5 56 44 0 38 149 2.47 0.38 MW 232 0 366 728 112 118 1556 25.81 0.06 WA 96 0 282 907 80 52 1417 23.51 -2.53 TF 91 0 489 181 96 59 916 15.20 4.32 CL 173 135 326 502 232 448 1816 30.13 8.83 Total1977 615 140 1540 2479 528 726 6028 PL (%) 10.20 2.32 25.55 41.12 8.76 12.04 100.00 Table 3 Land cover transition matrix in 1977-1994 (ha) PL: percent of landscape; AACR: annual average changing rate. 2000 1994 RM SW MW WA TF CL Total2000 PL (%) AACR (%) RM SW MW WA TF CL Total1994 PL (%) 68 12 27 38 76 15 236 3.92 5.94 20 124 20 1 0 1 166 2.75 1.90 65 13 1079 74 96 265 1592 26.41 0.39 1 0 31 1228 311 6 1577 26.16 1.88 20 0 93 33 430 27 603 10.00 -5.70 0 0 306 43 3 1502 1854 30.76 0.35 174 149 1556 1417 916 1816 6028 2.89 2.47 25.81 23.51 15.20 30.13 Table 4 Land cover transition matrix in 1994-2000 (ha) 249 100.00 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 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Beijing 2008 2006 2000 RM SW MW WA TF CL Toatl2006 PL (%) AACR (%) RM SW MW WA TF CL Total2000 PL (%) 32 0 63 101 62 0 258 4.28 1.55 16 112 14 8 2 0 152 2.52 -2.33 81 28 754 243 135 54 1295 21.48 -3.11 85 13 190 1065 66 46 1465 24.30 -1.18 22 0 74 68 222 39 425 7.05 -4.92 0 13 497 92 116 1715 2433 40.36 5.20 236 166 1592 1577 603 1854 6028 3.92 2.75 26.41 26.16 10.00 30.76 100.00 Table 5 Land cover transition matrix in 2000-2006 (ha) Year 1977 1996 2000 2006 1977 1996 2000 2006 1977 1996 2000 2006 PD AREA_MN LSI RM 0.4142 0.9281 1.0109 0.4640 24.6132 16.3591 13.1739 14.9496 6.9217 12.4901 12.1111 8.2774 SW 0.1160 0.0994 0.3812 0.0663 20.0443 24.8400 11.7783 38.5875 3.2785 3.1829 7.7545 2.9036 MW 0.4970 0.7624 0.9115 0.8783 41.4030 31.6780 28.9587 26.9609 8.6128 10.5686 11.9438 11.6680 WA 0.1325 0.0663 0.0166 0.0166 346.7362 354.1275 1342.35 1422.99 7.8693 14.8805 13.7429 12.2857 TF 0.2816 0.2320 0.1326 0.2320 31.0712 12.5293 20.7900 18.4114 5.8896 5.1685 3.6860 5.1759 CL 0.2319 0.5138 0.5469 0.4309 52.5921 61.9171 56.3100 90.4431 7.0331 9.1058 9.0521 8.4877 Table 6 Landscape indices of wetlands during 1977-2006 Year CONTAG PD SHDI SHEI D 1977 51.6748 1.6733 1.4726 0.8219 0.4173 1996 47.3397 2.6021 1.5282 0.8529 0.3755 2000 46.0629 2.9996 1.5555 0.8681 0.3904 2006 50.3289 2.0881 1.4626 0.8163 0.4858 as that in 1970s. The growth in population reflects on the farm produce and water consumption. At the same time, the area of CL increased noticeably from 726ha in 1977 to 2433ha in 2006. Large areas of MW and WA converted into CL, which caused in the shrinkage of wetlands and the changes of landscape pattern. 3.3.2 Economic policy spurred landscape change Since 1978, China initiated the economic reform and open-door policy, the GDP of Guide country has clearly increased, and the area of CL expanded from 1977 to 2000. During the period 1994-2000, the trend of changing wetlands to CL decreased, which was attributable to the ecology construction policy of the country in the end of 1980s, such as the conversion of farmland to grassland. After 2000, the area of CL increased remarkably again and became the dominant landscape type, the influence of human beings was a main reason. The shape of CL patches was regular and the CL extended to connect each other, which resulted in the increase of dominant index and contagion index on the whole. Table 7 Landscape indices of wetlands during 1977-2006 3.3 The reasons analysis for wetlands dynamics 3.3.1 Population growth impulses landscape change 110000 y = 991.04x - 2E+06 Population 100000 2 R = 0.9836 90000 80000 70000 population 60000 50000 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Year (a) 1995 2000 2005 2010 Figure3. Population in Guide Country during 1970-2006 Over the past 30 years, the population of Guide country grew very fast (Figure3). The population in 2000s is about 1.6 times 250 3.3.3 Construction of reservoir results in landscape change The construction of reservoir greatly impacts the wetland hydrological balance, and in consequence the landscape pattern changed remarkably. Guide wetlands situated on the downstream of Longyangxia reservoir and the upstream of Lijiaxia reservoir. After the storing water and running of Longyangxia Hydroelectric station in 1987, the freshwater source of wetlands was obstructed, and the area of WA decreased during 1977-1994. Many washes disappeared and the The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B2. Beijing 2008 PD of WA dropped greatly. Almost all the wetland types had undergone a significant change during the same period. The Lijiaxia reservoir was constructed in 1996. The freshwater source of wetlands was supplied in time by the Lijiaxia reservoir storing water, especially in dry season, which caused the increase of WA area during 1994 to 2000. Many large areas of TF converted into WA and other wetland types in this period. The construction and operation of reservoirs is very important to irrigation. The area of CL nearby watershed increased continuously following the reservoir construction. 3.3.4 Climatic information affects landscape change According to the climatic changes in Guide country during the period 1970-2006 (Figure4), the mean annual air temperature was on a ascending trend with a rate of 3.43℃ per decade, and increased noticeably with a higher rate in the 2000s. The annual precipitation was highly variable and had no notable change on the whole. Overall, the climate became warmer and dryer during the past 30 years, which was one main reason for the shrinkage of wetlands. During 1994-2000, the annual precipitation value was lower than the perennial average value, however, the landscape of wetlands was improved obviously. This was mainly because that the reservoirs self-function supplied freshwater source to wetlands in time. It indicated that the reservoir self-function played a very important role in maintaining the hydrological balance of wetlands. Acreman, M.C., Hollis, G.E., 1996. Water Management and Wetlands in Sub-Saharan Africa. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Antrop, M., 2000. Background concepts for integrated landscape analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 77, pp. 17-28. Alejandro Flamenco-sandoval, 2007. Assessing implications of land-use and land-cover change dynamics for conservation of a highly diverse tropical rain forest. Biological conservation, 138, pp. 131-145. Baker J R,Briggs S A,Gordon V et al., 1991. Advances in classification for land cover mapping using SPOTHRV imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 12, pp. 1071-1085. Cai X J, 2006. Eco-environmental problems lid ahead of the Yellow River Delta Wetland ecosystem and their control countermeasures. Marine environmental science, 25(2), pp. 88-91. Huang Y J, 2002. Spatial Integrated Analysis on Water Erosion of Yellow River China. IEEE, pp. 2411-2413. air temperature y = -0.101x+ 509.36 2 R = 0.0002 14.0 13.5 13.0 12.5 12.0 11.5 y = 0.0343x- 56.052 11.0 2 10.5 R = 0.3441 10.0 2000 2005 2010 Jiang S Z, 2008. Analysis on variety trend of runoff between Dari and Maqu in the headwater region of Yellow Rriver in the past 50 years. Geographical research, 27(1), pp. 221-228. 0 (mm) REFERENCE ( C) precipitation 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 1965 driving force for dynamics of Guide wetlands. 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year(a) Li X T, 2007. Study on dynamic change of wetlands with in Yellow River Delta under new water-sediment circum stances. Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, 38(11), pp. 18-21. Figure4. Climatic variations in Guide County during 1970-2006 4. CONCLUSIONS (1) As a whole, the area of wetlands showed a downward trend during the past 30 years. The area of wetlands decreased from 5302ha in 1977 to 4212ha in1994, which mainly resulted from the exquisite decrease of WA and RW area. During 1994-2006, the shrinkage of wetlands was restrained effectively, whereas the area of CL was on an ascending trend all the time. (2) From 1997 to 2000, the wetlands became more fragile and less connective. The landscape types converted to each other dramatically, which resulted in the shape of patches inclined to complicated and irregular. During 2000-2006, the area of CL expanded more noticeably compared with that during 1994-2000, both the dominant and contagion indices on the whole area were enhanced. (3) After analyzing the dynamics of Guide wetlands, the result shows that many large areas of wetlands converted into CL during 1977-2006. It revealed that the human beings explored wetland resource very dramatically. The warming and drying climate of the country was also the direct reason for the shrinkage of wetlands. The Longyangxia and Lijiaxia reservoirs, located in the upper Yellow River, which greatly impacted the wetland hydrological process and characteristics, was the 251 Lu, L., Li, X., Cheng, G.D., 2003. Landscape evolution in the middle Heihe River Basin of north-west China during the last decade. Journal of Arid Environments, 53 (3), pp. 395–408. Nellis M, 1986. Remote sensing for monitoring rangeland management strategies in the Kansas Flint Hills. Proceedings of the Symposium of Commission IV, pp. 370-375. Rempel, R.S., Carr, A.P., 2003. Patch Analyst Extension for. ArcView: Version3. Available online at <> Sugumaran, R., Harken, J., Gerjevic, J., 2004. Using Remote Sensing Data to Study Wetland Dynamics in Iowa. Available from: < D.pdf>. Site viewed on 26/06/2004. Xu J X, 2002. Implication of relationships among suspended sediment size, water discharge and suspended sediment concentration: the Yellow Rasin, China. Catena, 49, pp. 289-307. Yoshiki Saitoa, 2000. Delta progradation and chenier formation in the Huanghe Delta, China. J. of Asian Earth Sciences, 18, pp. 489-497. Available from: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B2. Beijing 2008 252