MEMBER of XVI - Congress Kyoto 1988

XVI - Congress Kyoto 1988
Period: January 1, 1984 . . . December 3l t 1987
Romania is represented by The Romanian Committee of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (RCPHS) within ISPl1S. Its activity is
carried on within seven Technical Commissions having the same
conoerns as ISPHS Technioal Cannuiss ions ..
RCPRS joins speoialists within photogrammetry and remote sensing fields of aotivity, a_nd paves the way for various meetings
and symposia. where the speoialists concerns and-aohievements
are pNsented, tbus stimulating their activities.
1. Technical Works
The bas 10. topographical map and the cadas tral o11e are st ill the
most important and the largest achievements compiled photogrammetrioally.
The basie topog1.. .aphioal map at 1;2,000 and 1:5,000 scales, having a 0.50 - 5 m contour i,nterval, is compiled based on SOhle
compulsory national technical norms wi thin a cooperat ive action
among four departmental enterprises and several district units,
the last ones carrying out some ground works (minor control
point network, ground control points. photo interpretation in
the field). According to these norms the technological basi(J)
topographical mapping methods depend on: the equipment existing
in each uni t, the area featu.res under study, the previous geodetic and topographic works o
Besides the general contents mentioned in the national technical norms (inoluding necessary elements in the basio topographical mapping) t the topographical maps compiled by some units
also conta in elements rela ted to: (1) agrioul tll.ral and sOil rua-.
liorative land reolamation and water management works. (2) geologioal prospecting and development works, and (3) forestry.
Some "state-of art U specifications are worthy to be mentioned:
- the photogrammetric planimetric control poi.nts are surveyed
90 per oent. llsing a.nalytical aerial triangll.lation on blocks
of photographs;
- the photogrammetric height control points are surveyed,ll.sing
~Dth analytioal aerial triangulation on strips or-blooks of
photographs when the relief is represented by a 2.5 - 5 m contour interv81, and geodetic and topographic surveyings in the
field, 1.vhen the relief is represented by a 0.5 - 1 m oontour
interval~ Some programmes to obtain height control points based
on aerial triangulat ion, using strips or arnell blocks of phot()graphs, when the relief is represented by a 0.5 - 1 ill cotOQr
interval are going to be implemented;
- as regards the photogram.xnetric work stage, using stereeplotting, engraving method on an emulsion plastic base has been
improved, giving the opportunity to get a diaposi tive as quwk
as possible"
As a matter of fact, thevcadastral maps are derived from the
basic topographical ones.
An a.nalytical photogra:nmetrio method is used to compile cadas . . .
tral maps over areas having a systematized topographical conf~
gurationo A hardware configuration containing more stecometers
equipped with displays and corupLl ters (a data colleoting station) t a minicompu ter (main station) and a plotter is Llsed in
the method mentioned above" Photogrammetrie aerial triangulation could be cam.ed out. as well, based only on some equipment of this configuration. !J!he special compu tatiol1' progranune
packages have been developed tn these work supports.
Digitized topographical maps compiled photograrnmetrically are
used to obtain cadastral maps. Digital data so obtained and
data resulted from analytical photogrammetry applications are
elements of the land and geographieal informatio11 systems
(LIS/GIS), at district and national levels.
Among the close-range photogrammetric applioations, we can
mention: (1) oommunication way designing and development applications (route interactive mathematic modelling; tunnel
and underground gauge surveyings; curve profile achievement
oontrol and the road visibility study); (2) open-pit mining
designing and development applications (effective monitoring
of the pit working face and stability analogical models for
the refuse heap); (3) photogrammetrical monitoring of the
building works and their stability (the dynamio embankment m0nitoring for Bucharest-Danube Canal; infrastructure monitoring
of the bridges over the Da.nube river; the sliding vector procedure of the industrial rectifying tooling - a teohnological
process supervised photogrammetrically); (4) biD-medical applications (statistic-correlative study on the dynamic biD
human .. ecologiC medium impact indices, using remote sensing
data; stereo cavity organ visualizations; metric thermography
and eeography aspects).
Researches on remote sensing applications, using both space
analogical and digital imagery and'aerial photographs, have
entailed colour composi to products. Our concerns have been enlarged and extended in various fields of activity: topogra};hic
and thematic mapping, hydrology and meteorology, geologYt en-
vironmental monitoring, agricLl,1 ture, forestry,a.s. o. Corres-
ponding to these aetivitiOSt several remote sensing laboratories have been developed to solve some special problems,suoh
as: topographic and theJlatic map compilation and updating; hi-
... 82
drology and water quality control; complex investigations over
wet areas (the Danu be Del ta); geology and mineral re sources;
agrioulture and land reolamation works.
Aerial photographs to be used photogrammetrioally are taken by
only one specialized enterprise over the whole country. The
terrestrial photographs are taken by each u.nit specialized in
such works.
All aerial photographs and space images to be used photogrammetrically are employed by the specialized units from the various nattonal eoonomic branohes ..
Landsat imagery, Soviet satellite photographo, aerial conventional and images taken in various speotral bands are used in
remote sensing.
To carry ou t these works, we use: (1) aerial and terrestrial
sQrvey cameras manufactured by VEE Carl Zeiss Jena and Wild
Heerbrugg; (2) stereoplotters (VEB Carl Zeiss Jene - Stereometrograph, Topocart, Topoflex, Steoometer, as well as Wild
Heerbrugg - Au tograph and Avioeraph); (3) Rectimat-rectifier,
precise Coordinatographs and other supplementary instruments;
(4) remote sensing equipment (VEB Carl Zeiss Jene - MSK 4 multispectral cameras, Sweden ..... Hasselblad cameras and amateur
pho tographic cameras); (5) remo te sensing image prooess ing
eqUipment (VEB Corl Zeiss Jena - NfSP 4 multispectral projeotor, Robotron configuration IPEAG 200, and the existing photogrammetric equipment).
:Programmes for radiometric and geometric corrections, prooessing, registration and change d.etection have been developed.
Engineers and technicians t ing of High Sohool Inst i tutaB and state Colleges are workLng within the photogrammetric
and remote sensing fields of activity.
2. Hesearch and Development
As regards ISPRS aJld nCPHS Technical Commisslon cooperation,
we can mention our participation in the Working Group 1I1/4
experimental test; HCPHS Commission III data have been preseJlteet to the Working Group mee ting held in Stu t'tgart (Germany)
in September 1987.
The researching activities are carried on. by the Institute of
Geodesy, Photogra':l1metry, Cartography and Land Management, the
College of Civil Engineering, and other institutes, as well.
The mS,in researching aim is the technological developmento
Equipment aiming at the existing technical process autD~ion
and the latest image processing technology introduction have
been developed in our country.
Computation programmes for the basic and applicative aerial
and space data processing have been implemented as a sotware
J. Educat ion
The geodetio engineers are graduating of the ]looulty of Geodesy withtn the College of Civil Engineering - Buoharest, which
professors and lecturers are concerned with educational and ~
searohing matters.
The faoulty has photogrammetric and remote sensing laboratories at its disposal, proper for a thorough and complete education af the Romanian and foreign students (the last being
especially from the developing oountries).
The tra ining oonoerns are oarried ,. on through the agency of
some postgraduated courses and Ph"D. theses. Besides, it is
worth to mention the every year training courses within eaoh
Institute and Enterprise having a photogrammetric and remote
sensing division, wherein the latest photograro.metric methods
and technologies t as well as the proper compu tat ion and au tomated drawing procedures are assimilated.
4. Publioations
uAnalele Institutu1ui de Geodezie,Fotogrammetr1.e, Cartografie
Organizarea Teritoriului n (The Annals of the Institute of
Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Cartography and Land Management) volumes 5,6 t 7 and 8 are a periodical issue oontaining phot~m­
metric and remote sensing papers.
In 1984, a Remote Sensing Course l~s been edited for high educational purposes, by the Faculty of Geodesy.
During 1984-1987, the following Ph.D. theses have been prepared:
- uReQmbularea cadastru1ui prin teledetectie. Contributii Is
problema reglstr~r~iei in vederes deteotarii schimbari10r u (~
mote Sensing in Cadas tral l.Jpdat ing. Contribu tiona to Registration Problem Aiming
Change Detection);
- nElaborarea au ajutorul tehnicilor de teledetectie a prognozelor apelor mari de primavera" (Remote Sensing in Spring
High Water Prognosis).
The papers published between the 15 th and 16 th Congresses are
the appendix.
Among the scientific meetings and symposia, we can mention:
- every year scientific session of the Institute of Geodesy.
Photogrammetry, Cartography and Land Management, oircumstantial scientific sessions of the other Institutes, and the
every month leetll.reships sponsored by speoialized photogrammetric and remote sensing lJ'lstitutes and Departments, wherein
photogrammetric and remote sensing papers have been presented.
- RCPRS Commission V Symposia on "Special Photogrammetric Applications U (1984), and nPhotogrammetric Applications and Tre1r
Eoonomic Effic iencytt (1986).
GEOBIB data base within the Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Cartography and Land Management is to be mentioned as
a system retrieving bibliographical information.
5. Professional
The Romanian Gommittee of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is
under the Ministry of Agrioulture leadership sAd 1s ruled by a
President, ~,o Vice~Fresidents and a Seoretary. Its seven Tec~
niee1 Co~nissio.ns have a Chairman and a Secretary eaoh.
A Geodetio Division including six Commissions, among whioh Commission III being the Fhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing one,belongs to the National Council of Engineers and Technioians.
6. Adresses
Inat1tutul de Geodezie, Fotogrammetrie. Cartografie §i Organza-
rea Teritoriului (Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, CartograQhy and Land Management)
79662, Bul- Expozitiei nr. 1 At sector 1
Buoure§tl, ROliaNIA
I.nstitutul de Constru.o~li Buoure§ti (College of Civil Engineering)
Bul. Republicii nr. 176
Buoure§ti, RON~NIA
Albota,lJI. ,htoD.,M.D., 1984, Urmarirea de:pozitelor eli d(u~eu.r1 jadllstriale i1 ell m1j1oaoe f'otogrammetrlce (Aerial Phote -
grammetry 1a Indastrial &ad !owa Waste Deposit Monitoring),SimPOZiOllUl Com1s1eiV a ORFT, Caiet de referate.
Albota,1I.,Ioan1d,G. Ga.lbua,G., 1984, Siatem de olas1fioare ,1
vl2l:u.alizare temat
a. datelor digitale de teledeteeyie (~hema.-
tic Olassification and VisQalisation System for D1c1tal Bemote
Gemsillg Data), Analele IGlOOT, 'f, 99-10;5.
,Botsaa,M., 1985, Fotograma aerialla evideD:~iazi druul
civil roman dill.tre Sucidava ~i Bom~la (The Homan Civilian Road
oa £erial Photosraphs),Analele IGFOO!!, VI. 75 . . .81.
A1bota,M.,Ioanid,G. 1985,Teledeteotis. os. s1atem cibernatic (Betics System), Aaalele IGFCO!, VI, 8; mota Bansinl -A
A.lboti,M., 1986, Fotograma
1nstrument pentru. uxmarixea
linor problema ale fonCiulu1 fUIlC
(Aerial Photosraph - A. TJsefal
Tool in liatiomal LaaQ Resou.rce Mom.itorilli», Simpomionul 00mis1e! V a CRFT, Caiet de referate.
Alboti,M., 1986, Urmarirea unal!
surse de degradare a medialai
1m.colljlllrator pe imag1:ni
sate lit (Satellite Imager:y im. the
Bnvironm.ental De~radat
Monitoring) ,A.na1ele IGP1COT, ~
materialela fotograflce
l!c.unanEuJti produse pentru fotosrammetr
Bomania.:a Photosraph10 Ilater
ia Photogram.met~y) t
Comia1a1 V a ORFT, Ca1et de refe.-cate.
i ,1 aeroe
fotogrammetr1ce pentr~ armarirea evolu.~1e1 morfologice a oordonu1ui 1
al (Photogrammetric Stadies ana Investigations Monitor
Morphololioal ~vo-
:Salota, 0.,
16 ale
, VIII,lo5-109.
tral Band
privind posibilitli
,Ch1tea, ,1984,
utilizare a
regiunea de Ilunte (Preliminary Be -
amenaja.rea paji~tilor
searches on the Possible
ial Photog;.raph Uses im. lli10untaills
Grassland Management), Simpozionul 0011151e1 V a ORFT,Caiet de
Bot; ,N. ,
,I. t ,
plicarea fotogrammetrie1
alpine (Researohes on the Photocramme
and Grassland Management),
de refe
Betea,C. ,Breban,T.,1984, Noi variante-programs pentrll tatoo.1 ....
rea automata a
de exploatare fotolrammetr1cl ( Bew
Variants-Programmes Used to 00mp11e Photogrammetric Sheet Aatomat10al13), Analele IGFOOT, V, 77-84.
Ooreodel, &.,1964, aaalitica tn IGFCO! (Analytical Aerial 1'r1ane;f11at1on ia IGFCOT), halala IGFCOT, V,55 . . .68.
Corcodel,G.tBotea_C~,Breban,T.,1984, S1stem iateractiv de cQlegere, prelttcrare ii reprezentare Ii datelor fotogre.mmetr1ce (1111teractiV.·.8
S~stemfor Phot~s,rammetricData
ColleotioD., ProcessdDc
and D1splQ1),Aaalele IGFCOT, V, 69-75.
001'o04e1,G.,1985, Pre1Qorarea aimultanl a mlsurltor110r toto~
matrice ,1 geode
aerotr1an,ula~ia aDal1tici (Binulltaaecus
Photogrammetrie and Geodetic MeasQresent Processing 1ll Analytical A.erial !,rianlalatioa), halala IGFOOT, VI, 57-66.
Cotovanu,:I. ,1984, Llicrari fQto~ammetrioe ,antra proiectarea ,1
Qrmlrirea execQviei cualulu'i I'eagra (Photopam.metry 1a tna Danube-Black Sea Canal Des1gn1.~ and Implementation
Monitorial), 81mpoaionul OOllisie1 V a CliFT, 08.iet de :ceterate.
Co~ovanQ,~.,BQso1tD.,1ge6, Teledetec~ia laamplasarea ,1 pro1eota.rea 8.u,tost.rallilor (Remote Sens1ni 1m. Highway Desicnins; and Location), S1mpoaiollt111 Comisiei V a OBFT, Oaiet ae refera.te.
Donisa.I.,1984, ~eledetec~ie , i £eografie (iemote Sells1ni aad
Geograj&y), Terra, 2, 18-25.
Dam1trescu,M.,1986, Ut1lizarea fotografie1 aeriene 1a eoatrolhl
fondulu.1 funciar 1n ineinta Par4ina dill Delta Du.llarii (Aerial
the liational Land Resoaroe Mon1torilli over Pardina ZOlle :1.a the
lta), balela IGFCOT, VII, 11';-119.
,Barba,A.. ,l986, Oonsideratiil).rivind 1I.od.l <fie struc-
turare a iD.formaiiilor dim. "Bazs. de date pentru planw:'11e cadastrala digitale realizate fotocrammetrio" (How to Btructtlre 1)151tal Oadastral Map Information 1a a DataBase Usin.c Photograuetrio Methods), 81l1poaiol1u.l Comisie1 V a CliFT, Oaiet de referate.
Gh1Va,I. ,1984, Ap11ca:~iile telede,tec'iiei ltD. supra.vegherea 0s.1ita~1i apelor (Bemote Se.c.sil1ll in Water Quality Monitoring), 61m.1oD.Ql
i V a CR]'f, Oaiet
referate ..
Gu:tal,A.. ,1984, Determim.a...teareperajulQi fQtogram.m.etric
grammetria terestra t eli apa.rate alltomate (Grouad Oontrol Po1nta
111 Terrestrial Photograam.etry Usimc all A.l:ltomate4 'Equ.lpment)'.S1mpoz10D.ul 00m1s1e1 V a CBFf, Caiat de reterate.
GU'\ia,A.. ,Chindea,N. ,19S6,Teh.nologia de uma.rire a execujie1 terasameatelo.r prill misuratori fotopammetrioe as1stata de calcu.1a-
tor (Computer-Assisted Photogrammetric Measu.rem.ents 1a Boad Bm.-
bankment Implementat
Monitorin,)~ Simpozionlil Coais1e1
V a
a RFT, Oaiet de refera1;e.
Ionesctl,M. ,198'+, Uti11za.rea ca.plelor aeriene in lu.cra.,ri de relevall a. t1'aseelor
(Detailed SIlZ'veyiD.i in Eail Lines Based
Oll Pairs of Aerial Phot ographs), Sim.pozioRl.l OOllis1e1 V a ORF2,l ,
Caieb de 1'eferate.
scu.,I.,1984, Stud
fotogrammet1'ice pr1viaQ oolmatares. lacur
p.rim aportlll alunecarilor 4e tare.
on Storase Basia Colmatage Caused by
Land Slides),
Coaisie1 V a
VI . . 87
Oaiet de refe1'ate.
Salariu.,G.,196?, Uti11zarea parametrilor adi'iiona11 la compeasarea £.:0. bloo a re'ielelor <fie aerotriangulatie (Additional Parameters Used 1a the Blook Adjustment of AerotriangulationNets~
Analele IGFCO~t VIII~ 87-96.
~alaria,I.,1984, Procas tehaologie integrat optim1zat de teleietecrtia ,antru tntocmiraa fotohar y11or (Bemote Sensing Optimized Integrated !echnolo€)ical Process 'Osaa 1n Photomap Oompilation), A.n.alele IGIrCOi', V, 105-119.
~ala,riu.,I. ,Tudeull,L •• ~alar1QtGo, 1984, Bxploa.tarea stereoscopiea a fotogramelor cosmice prin metoda analogiee (Space Photoirap~ StereoscopiC
Flotting,Uaing Analogical Methods), Anale1e IGFOOT, Vt 85-98.
Tolea,A., 1984, Metoda neeonvenvionale de exploatare a fotogramelor (Non-Oonventional Photoiraphs Investigatioa Methods),Simpoz1onQl Comisiei V a ORF!, Caiet de referate.
Tolea,A. ,1986, Aspects ale eficientei econom,1celn eadrtll _nul
coleetiv de fotopam.metr1e (Kconomic Eff1ciencl Aspeots Belated
to a Photogrammetric Division). Simpo.ioRal 0011.18181 V a OBiT,
Caiet de referate.
~olea,A.,Po,eSClltG. ,198i, Un lim.baj 4e fotoiaterpretare feroviara asistata <ie caloulator (A COIlJHlte.r-Assisted Languas;e Usei
ia :Railroad Photo Interpretatio:a), Sill.poziollul Oomisiei V a OlPf,
Caiet de referate.
V11sanesell,B.,1986, tJrmarirea evolavlei e:xoesQlu.1 de trun1ditate
lai11. ' ointe . amenaJate hidroam.elior~tivt fO.·10Sind..' 0 metodolegie
fotoe;rammetlica. (Photogrammetrie Methodology 1n the Rl.m1dit1
lIxcess Moa1torinj; \lithim Hydroame11orative DevelopeCl,JJl:elele IGFC0T, VII, S5-94.
Zaghera,lf.,1984, Folosirea ct! faseioule pentru. lntocmirea pluw.,ril()J'; toposraf1ce 1a scari m.ar1 (The Bllm.<ile
Aerial Triangulation in 1arge Seale Topographic .ap OompilatiQ~
Analele IGFCOT, V, 49-54.
Zegher~JN.t1985t ~volaviet tendinte ,1 pers p e6tiv8.ta fotOgr. ~
m.etria ",:ivoltltioa, Trends and Perspective in Photogram.metry) t
Aaalele IGFCOT, VI, 47-55.
codel, ,1985,
lllorarea imag1nilor ,1 f-Irafica
im.teractivl tm fotogrammetrie ,1 telEHleteo"t;ie (Image Prooess1nc
and Interactive Graphics ia Photogrammetry and iemote Sensin.~
1m. lacrarea "Oalcu,latoarele electronioe, srat1aa 1nteraotiv8. .,i
prelucrarea lmag1nilor tt t Baiture. 'Fehnic8., 268-326.
Zegheru,B.,1986, Oa pr1vire 1a efic1en~a fotogrammetriei analities 1n misuratorile oadastrale (0. Analytioal Photogramaetr1
Effioiency in. Oa.dastral Survey), Analele'IGFOO!, VII, 75-8;.
Zecheru,N.,1986, Laad resource use monitorial 1a Romania,asias
aerial and spaoe
at Prooeedings of the Seventh International
Sympossium on Remote Seasins for Resources Deve10pmenb and Bnviroamental Management, ISPBS Commission VII/Enschede,953-956.
Zeghera,B. ,Fllso1
,Galburi, ,1986, 0 aplioi:t;1e a fotogramm.etr ie i
cadas tr 1l1ui (A. Phot ogr amme ir 10 A:ppr oaoh in Cadastre) $ 8im:poz
00m1$ie1 V a CBF~, Oaiet de ~eferate.
Zeghera,N. ,Stef'anesou, V.1987, Heounoa9terea formalor 1n fotogrammetr1e l,1 te
(Sha96 Recorula1ssance
t Analele
VI ... SS
Oellstruov1i flexibile speciale pentrll ltlorarile 0.1. domenil.l lm9tlnatliirilor :eu.nciara;stlldii xf'etegrammetrlae (Speoial J'le.xible St.rllctllres 1a Lan. ieclamatioa
Works; Photosramaetria Studies), SimJoz1oaul Oomisie1 V a ORr!,
Gaiet de reterate.
llar1a,li. ~:B01dOltF. ,Calotiil,JI. ,1966, Oonside.ra:9ii ge:m.erale &SUpra laerarilor executate de cQleotivul de fotogrammet~ie terestrl 4e 1a IQI!PLOIIII l)eva (Geaeral Bellarlea Oli). Works Ca'Cr1e~-Oat
Y8ias Terrestrial Photogrammetry with1a ICITPLOIM De va) , 81a,0caul Comisiei V a GBFT, Oaiet de referate.
)feCtly ,B. ,Dron,A.411 ,Cl:plescHa,L. ,BlllneselJ.,P. ,Sawlesca,C_ ,1984,Fo108ir8& Jroduselor obiilluite u:ti11ztlld fotogrammetria tarestrl
peatru. cartarea geologicl a tal;.zelor 1& caaalm.l
Ne~ra ( Terrestrial Photoe;.rammetry
the Danabe .....
Blaok Sea. Oanal ] t Simpoz1oD.u.l Oemisisi V a OBFl', Oat de referate.
Jlegllt,lf. ,M1ka1u.,G. ,BalteaIltl,D. ,Olplescul,L. ,Balas.esoa,P. t 196.5,
Svw.dii proceselor de modelare a. versanvilor, ell metoda
fotograametriee, 1. a.bear»al1i B~zaulu1 (S;adies eB tae Slope
Moael11q 1m. Baalu. sa'b-Oupat3:b.iaa ZODS Base. OB P1l.otoirammetryh
Uai versi tate-IG. . . ISPIF t BuG u.rt';ult i.
Olteanu,B. ,1984, Stu<liu. fotogram.m.eta:
pr1v1nd aona de alanecare Jlitisar1-Jili (A. PnotogralUletr10 StQal oa .ltasari.....Jl1i Laad
Slide Zene), Simpozionul Ooaisiei V a CRrT, Oa1et de referate.
Pope sou., V. ,Olteanu,E.,l9S4, Posibil1tai11e de u:bi11zare a. caloQlatorulu.i eleotronio pen.tru. reperajultl1 1a fote grammetria te~estra (Gro.n4 Oontrol Point ~stab11shment 1n Terrestr
Pllotos;rammetry Usin,; Aa Computer), Simpo ....
z10nul Oomisiei V a GiFT, Caiet de referate.
iada,M.,Oochiai,N.,1985, Loca11zarea a doul a,esar1 antics prim
aerofotointer'pretare (Looation of !lilo Ancient Sites by
tation of Aerial Fhotograpks), !Dalele IGFCO~, VI, 67-74_
iada,M.,Ooohiaa.B.,Oorcodel, ,1986, Oatavi antics identificate
tointerpretare (Photoiaterpretat1on in the Ancien.t Fortress Identification), Aaalele IGFCOT, VII, 95-101.
"''''-'''~_f •• tCecb.1ai,Jl4ll.tCorcodel,
,1987 t Vioina
dezvl111it tlrmele
fotograf1a aerianl (Vicina . . . As Seen on an
Badulescu,I.,1984,Fotogrammet.ria terestra aplioata 1a models.rea. f1zioi trid1;m.ensionali
prospeoviunea eleotr1ca. 111 CQrent
contillttt;1 (A Ter,restrial Ph.otogrammetr10 .A:pproaoh im ED Physical
Modelling 1m. D.C.lilectrio Investigation), Sim;poziolllll Oomisiei
V a OBl!t Caiet de referate.
iusta,.!. t Chiiea, ,Ca pri vire 1a refleetar.l'~a sp8ctrala a arbori . . .
lor ,1 rolQl a1 1& fotointarpretare . . . te~4etee~ie (On the Three
Spectral Reflectance and Its Part in Fhoto Illterpretat1011-Re . . .
mote Sansing), SimpozioIltll COllisie1 V a CBFT t Oalst de referate.
I.G.,1987, Utilizarea fotogrammetriei §i taledetaciiei
ocmirea har~
medi~lai (Photo~ammetry and Bemote Sensingin
onm.enta1 Mapping), Analele IGFCOT t VIII~ 73-85.
1985, Studiu asupra elementelor de oiectare a
0Oosmos (SttU1Y on De
Eleme s