I!iPR!i KYDTD IBBB International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Societe Internationale de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection Internationale Gesellschaft fUr Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung 16th Congress 16 e Congres 16 Kongress INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENEING ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES DE PHOTOGRAMMETRIE ET DE TELEDETECTION INTERNATIONALES ARCHIV DER PHOTOGRAMMETRIE UND FERNERKUNDUNG Volume Volume Band 27 Commission Commission Kommission Part Tome Teil B6 VI Published by the Committee of the 16th International Congress of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Publie par Ie Comite du 16 e Congres International de Societe Internationale de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection Herausgegeben von dem Komitee fUr den 16 Internationalen Kongress der Internationale Gesellschaft fUr Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung COMMISSION VI Economic, Professional and Educational Aspects of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing AUTHOR TITLE Adamec, A., Ellis, G. P. An Analysis of Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Education in Australasia and Oceania 1 Agnard, J. -P. , Gagnon, P.-A. L'Enseignement du Pointe Stereoscopique: Une Solution Nouvelle a un Probleme Permanent 8 Albota, M. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in the Romanian Specialized Technical Dictionaries 14 Brandenberger, A.J. Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing: Manpow-er, Education & Research Facilities, International Documentation Center (General Summary Report of ISPRS Working Group (WG) VI-I) 19 Burette, D., Latarche, Ch. -H. , Pouyllau, D., Ten Haken, J.H. Prospective Study for an ISPRS Database 29 Caneparo, S.C., Loenert, J.H.U. Evaluation of Spacial Perception by Pupils(Students) of the Geography Course through Aerial Photographies 39 Cho, K. Interactive Training System Using a Personal Computer 44 Council of PSPRS National Report of Polish Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Period: Jan. 1980 - Dec. 1987) 52 Diete, N. From the Balloon Camera to the Microprocessor-controlled LMK Aerial Survey Camera System 60 Ghosh, S .IL Curriculum in Photogrammetry - A World Cosensus 71 Ghosh, S.Ke Task of Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Education (Activity Report of ISPRS Working Group VI-7) 79 Hothmer, J. Information Retrieval for Literature and Factual Data in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 85 Kantelhardt, H. The Education of Surveying Fngineers at the Universities of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Special Sect.ion of Photogramrnetry and Remote Sensing 95 PAGE Lindig, G. Status 1987 of ISPRS-Dictionary Okio, L., Okang, J.P. Training Activities at the Regional Remote Sensing Centre, Ouagadougou (C.R.T.O.) 108 Pavate, T.V. Remote Sensing Education at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels with Special Reference to Developing Countries 116 Pavate, T.V. Operationalisation of Satellite Remote Sensing - Manpower Requirements 121 Rokos, D.KI. Some Aspects on Photogramrnetric and Remote Sensing Education and Research in Greece, Cyprus, yugoslavia and Albania 126 Rosengarten, H. ~lition Concept and Learning Aids in Modern Application Software Using PHOCUS as an Example 134 Silva, J.F .C. , Tommaselli, A.~1.G. P&RS in the Cartographic Engineering UNESP/Brazil 145 98 CO~ISSION Dh'.... T,.....,.......·""' ....'........ 1I-"....." AUTHOR VI and Remote """""".... "" ........., TITLE PAGE , 0 .. 0 .. ........",.............~ Education in 1 Africa M.. , M"A .. , a PC-Based Some Practical Considerations 11 J"A . R.. O.. L of the of the ISPRS Commission VI (General " '....,""' ...."' ......... ..,""• .0 21 ) J .. E.. , Fritz, L.. W.. Paul, S .. Toward an ISPRS HlJJl1.oqral)nl.C Information Retrieval 33 Constitution de la Partie Francaise du Dictionnaire de la Societe Internationale de et de 42 ( COMMISSION VI Economic, Professional and Educational Aspects of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing AUTHOR TITLE PAGE Ahn, e., Yeu, Be, Shon, D.. Training and Education for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in korea 59 Yeu, Bo, Choi, Je, Yom, J .. Development of Photogrammetry in the Republic of Korea 65 Groot, Re, Paresi, C. Education in Photogrammetry at lTC, a New Concept, a New Programme 69 Marsik, Z.. Education in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at the Czechoslovak Universities 79 COl+iISSION VI Economic, Professional and Educational Aspects of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing AUTHOR TITLE RCPRS Member Report of The Romanian Committee of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Period: 1, 1984 - December 31, 1987 PAGE 81