AUTOMATIC OBJECT RECOGNITION IN LINE MAPS 44 Stockholm, method used with the data of In to treat the systematically, the formalized. The first The made 1:2000 composed buildings on the type The second part of this trying to implement the on IBM PC. The programming the rulespossible situations and The result gave of second order rules, of 100% paper Turbo the to input data .. 1. INTRODUCTION A lot of efforts have been involved automatic of symbols. The classical way to symbol been training the for the classification task cons and the relevant function for each symbol reports results with up to 99% handwritten out that letters, (Holbaek-Hanssen et al", 1986).. Weber there are several companies which offer symbol method recognition without giving details about that and results (Weber, 1987). It seems recognition of numbers, letters and ects long and successful tradition, while based on vectorized data still lies on its early De Simone reports a success rate of 90% with 1% error automatic recognition of railways, roads and landparcels, (De Simone, 1986).. He uses the combination of the geometrical/ statistical and the relational method for recognition, (Weber, 1987) .. The check of neighborhood relation of the candidates decides these are refused or accepted into the class question (e . g . , the a of a i are cons the model at the mapreading the model as far abil and come pointed out .. In symbol IS reality. boundary marks the a not related to the of are the An related to on the , streets and real treated in work refer to 2.2 Perceptual background A map shows a simpli mapreader variables and visual variables raster ( visual si variables 1 other hand of contrasts, and ect I s their relationships transformed to reality. Therefore the to other objects (e.g. be taken into account classification a human and the of these .. and are The the ects ect and o To fferences doesnWt demand of level on work the means et of and are for INFORMATION = ~ MESSAGE + ~ RELATIONSHIP 1) ( .. E .. g .. a consist 1 ( where An the can be written as: L ELEMENTARY MESSAGE for L RELATIONSHIP lustrated in level level n-l level 1 ELEMENTARY Both the different and I ELEMENTARY MESSAGE ELEMENTARY MESSAGE and the a I can have values I can have 0 . 25 mm the model from ., Therefore assume observations to thus do not scale on the following 10 : - vectors(startand - symbols - arcs )) of the contour (the Handbook 1978), e.g. houses. The rules buildings on three are not in ~J~H~~HL, all 1:2000 . of of the < rules" can 1 and 1 .. . It can connected at the case estates None the 1 to fences can be enclosed a we have to lustrates a that the of the what s a for to 1-----1 1 2 3 Now we can I the has to have an odd are some forms the of order .. the the The the of marks for fence for r3=(e2) to (e1) r3= (not) (e3 (r4) e5=number of order the model () =value .. can be .. If we want the However, these Table shows the result from the test above . Errors of the order mean . Errors of the second as correct number objects have been ects are not tot errors of 1. order of as 37 302 305 3 302 47 460 506 46 460 107 1087 1087 1087 The test of the rule for a All the real of the objects classi of result is been when the rules . The errors several surrounded I surrounded several I I to transform that allows at . It may has several a well known attack the space for PC are be handled on real P .. , I Center, 1984 .. (19 for Carto London Forbes, R I (19 GIS: Toward the meeting ASP, Goldkuhl, G .. , 1978 .. S I (1984), .. nr .. 744 1986 .. Keates I J" S .. , Essex, UK, 1982 .. Weber, Wo, (1987 on I ) feature