J Ethol (2011) 29:197–201 DOI 10.1007/s10164-010-0239-8 SHORT COMMUNICATION Lethal sibling rivalry for nest inheritance among virgin ant queens Jürgen Heinze • Matthias Weber Received: 27 April 2010 / Accepted: 17 September 2010 / Published online: 7 October 2010 Ó Japan Ethological Society and Springer 2010 Abstract Fights among conspecific animals are normally restricted to ritualized interactions. They may escalate to serious injury and death when the contested resource has a very high value and the chances of finding alternative resources later in life are low. This appears to be the case in young queens of the ant Cardiocondyla ‘‘latifrons’’, a species that builds its nests in rather stable rock crevices. Young queens in small colonies without a mature queen fought violently for inheritance of the nest site and its workers. Queen aggression and subsequent attacks by workers killed about 50% of the young queens in our experimental nests. Queen killing differs qualitatively from previously reported dominance interactions among prospective female reproductives in other ants, which are mostly ritualized and allow losers to pursue alternative ways of increasing their direct or indirect fitness. Our observations add a novel case of siblicide to the previously reported lethal aggression among nestling birds, parasitoid larvae, and honey bee queens. They corroborate the hypothesis that relatedness does not play a significant role in local competition for highly limited resources. Keywords Cardiocondyla Siblicide Fatal fighting Nest inheritance Local resource competition Introduction Aggression among conspecific animals is usually restricted to ritualized interactions or sham attacks and rarely leads to J. Heinze (&) M. Weber Biologie I, Universität Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany e-mail: juergen.heinze@biologie.uni-regensburg.de serious injury or death. Fatal fighting may evolve when the contestants differ greatly in fighting strength and the risks of being injured are negligible for the individual that escalates the fight, as in the case of infanticide or coalitionary killing (e.g., Hrdy 1979; Wrangham 1999). Furthermore, fatal fighting can be stable in evolution when individuals competing for a resource cannot expect to find an alternative resource later in life (Enquist and Leimar 1990). For example, wingless fig wasp males engage in lethal combat for mating chances (Cook et al. 1997), nestling birds conduct siblicide to obtain greater shares of parental investment (Rodrı́guez-Gironés 1996), and the larvae of parasitoid wasps kill one another to monopolize consumption of the host they live in (Pexton and Mayhew 2002). Ants provide another classical example of fatal fighting. Directly after mating, young, unrelated queens may cooperate to jointly start a new colony (‘‘pleometrosis’’). This mutual aid usually comes to an end once first workers have emerged, and the number of nestmate queens is quickly reduced to one through deadly fighting among the queens or aggression from the workers (e.g., Bernasconi and Strassmann 1999). In contrast, related queens in mature colonies rarely engage in overt aggression (e.g., Keller 1995). Prospective reproductives, queens and, in some species, totipotent workers, may establish rank orders by means of ritualized antennal boxing and biting (e.g., Heinze and Smith 1990; Ito and Higashi 1991; Monnin and Peeters 1999; Tsuji et al. 1999; Heinze 2004). Such contests do not normally result in death or severe injuries, but subordinates instead emigrate to start their own colony away from the maternal nest or stay in the nest to help or, as hopeful reproductives, to later replace the dominant (e.g., Heinze and Oberstadt 2003). Here, we report on fatal fighting among related, virgin queens for the inheritance of their natal nest and its work 123 198 force. The small colonies of the southeast Asian ant Cardiocondyla ‘‘latifrons’’ (provisional name; species to be described by B. Seifert) usually consist of a few dozen workers (Yamauchi et al. 2007; S. Frohschammer, personal communication) and one or several queens. The wingless males of this species locally compete for access to young virgin queens in their natal nests. The first male to emerge from the brood usually kills all younger rivals and monopolizes matings for several months (Yamauchi et al. 2006). Mother queens are therefore selected to produce sons earlier than other queens in the nest. This has led to a peculiar reversal of the usual sequence of reproduction in insect societies, in that males are among the first individuals to emerge in freshly founded multi-queen societies (Yamauchi et al. 2006). In addition, in medium-sized colonies, adult nestmate queens establish social and reproductive hierarchies by biting and antennal boxing (Yamauchi et al. 2007). Cardiocondyla ‘‘latifrons’’ inhabits nest sites, such as rock crevices, which are rather stable but limited. An established nest is therefore a highly valuable resource. We hypothesized that virgin queens compete for the inheritance of the nest after the death of their mother(s) and that this competition is particularly strong in small colonies with a low ‘‘queen carrying capacity.’’ As preliminary observations suggested some aggression among virgin queens (Yamauchi et al. 2007), we conducted a more thorough analysis of their behavior in queenless colonies. Materials and methods Cardiocondyla ‘‘latifrons’’ is one of several species of the C. ‘‘argentea’’ species complex (names in quotation marks refer to recognized morphospecies that are currently described by B. Seifert. These names are taxonomically invalid according to the rules of the ICZN). Ants ascribed to C. ‘‘latifrons’’ occur in large areas of southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Colonies used for this study were collected in June 2007 by A. Schulz and S. Frohschammer near Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. They originally contained one to several queens, but because of lethal fighting among males (Yamauchi et al. 2006) all offspring in a multi-queen colony is normally fathered by the same male. Virgin queens produced by multi-queen colonies are therefore usually related at least by sharing the genes of their father. In the laboratory, individual colonies were housed as previously described (e.g., Heinze et al. 1998) in plastic boxes with a plaster floor in incubators with 14 h 28°C/ 10 h 21°C temperature rhythms. Droplets of honey and pieces of cockroaches were provided three times per week. We choose a small size for our experimental colonies (10 123 J Ethol (2011) 29:197–201 workers) reflecting the lower end of the range of natural colony sizes (n = 21, worker number, median, quartiles 20, 6, 40; queen number 3, 1, 10). The number of queens in natural colonies is significantly correlated with worker number (Spearman’s rank correlation, rS = 0.678, p \ 0.001; S. Frohschammer, personal communication), and colonies with 20 workers or fewer normally have only a single queen. We therefore set up two different types of experimental colonies consisting each of ten larvae, ten workers, a pupa of a wingless male and four pupae of virgin queens, all from the same stock colony. In series A (n = 5), pupae of virgin queens were of similar age and eclosed to adulthood on the same day; in series B (n = 7), pupae were chosen in a way that they eclosed on successive days (two colonies contained only three pupae each). This allowed the determining of whether the order of emergence influences fighting. Queens were individually marked by tarsal clipping (Hagler and Jackson 2003; Holehouse et al. 2003). Queens that died in colonies of series B were replaced by a new virgin queen pupa. Workers which died or escaped from the nest box were replaced by new worker pupae from the stock colonies. Behavior of all queens was observed under a binocular microscope three times per day for 10 min each. The location of queens (outside of nest, in nest away from brood, on the edge of the brood pile, on the brood pile) and aggressive and sociopositive behavior involving queens were recorded. Observations were conducted as long as colonies contained three or more queens for up to 25 days. As data were not normally distributed and variances were unequal, we compared samples by permutation tests (10000 permutations). Significance values for Wilcoxon matched pairs tests were estimated using a Monte Carlo method with 100000 random assignments of values to columns. All analyses were conducted using the software PAST 1.75b (Hammer et al. 2001). Results In all 12 experimental colonies, virgin queens engaged in aggressive interactions. Aggression consisted mostly of violent antennal boxing, e.g., one individual rapidly drummed its antennae over the head of an opponent. Other types of aggression observed were biting, threatening with opened mandibles, and stepping onto an opponent. In total, we observed 1189 acts of aggression. The level of aggressiveness differed tremendously among experimental colonies and individual queens, from 0 to 0.6 attacks/min. Over all colonies, queens differed highly in activity, and queens that were active in attacking also received more attacks from other queens (Fig. 1; Spearman’s rank correlation, total attacks: rs = 0.710, p \ 0.001; attacks per J Ethol (2011) 29:197–201 199 Fig. 1 Correlation between the total number of aggressive acts initiated and the total number of aggressive acts received by virgin queens of Cardiocondyla ‘‘latifrons’’ during the total observation time (for details, see text) Fig. 2 Median (squares) and quartiles (whiskers) of the frequency of different types of aggression initiated by virgin queens of Cardiocondyla ‘‘latifrons’’ in experimental colonies of series A (queens of same age, black squares) and series B (queens differ in age, white squares; for details, see text) minute: rs = 0.431, p \ 0.002). The frequency of aggressive interactions per min observation did not differ between queens of the same age (series A, n = 20) and queens of different age (series B, n = 29, permutation tests: antennation, p = 0.327; biting, p = 0.839; mandible threat, p = 0.240, stepping onto opponent, p = 0.595). There was a marginally significant trend for aggression among queens of series A to be more often ritualized (fraction of antennal boxing in total aggression per queen, median, quartiles, range 0.42, 0, 0.57, 0–0.65) than among queens of series B (median, quartiles, range 0, 0, 0.35; 0–0.78; permutation test, p = 0.10; Fig. 2). In both series, fights frequently escalated to biting, which resulted in injuries and death (fraction of biting in total aggression per queen, median, quartiles, range; A: 0, 0, 0.13, 0–1; B: 0, 0, 0.14; 0–0.74; permutation test, p = 0.63). In series A, 12 of 20 queens were killed, in series B 10 of 29 (Yates corrected v2 = 1.51, p = 0.22). One additional queen of series B died during the experiment, but we did not observe it being attacked. Killed queens (n = 23) and surviving queens (n = 26) differed neither in their aggressiveness (permutation tests, all four categories of aggression, p [ 0.4) nor in the number of queen attacks received per minute (all four categories of aggression, p [ 0.2). Severe fighting among queens occasionally lead to the participation of workers in queen killing (series A: 4 of 12 killings; series B: 5 of 11 killings). Queens that were killed received on average significantly more aggression from workers than queens that survived (killed queens, attacks per min., median, quartiles 0.063, 0.025, 0.156; surviving queens 0.058, 0.025, 0.108; permutation test, p \ 0.001). In series B, the order of emergence did not consistently affect the outcome of aggression (3 of 7 oldest and 5 of 8 youngest queens were killed). The oldest and youngest queens did not differ significantly in respect of aggression, except that the oldest queens more frequently stepped onto other queens (Wilcoxon matched pairs test, p = 0.031), while the youngest queens were more frequently stepped onto (p = 0.062). However, these results are not significant after Bonferroni correction for multiple tests. Aggression did not cause attacked queens to flee from the nest. In contrast, a detailed analysis of the whereabouts of queens showed that five queens in series A and eight queens in series B were killed without ever being observed outside the nest. Queens stayed on or near the brood pile and left the nest only for maximally 8.3% of the observation time (median, quartiles: 0, 0, 0.4%). Queen killing therefore is not an artefact of our experimental design not allowing attacked queens to disperse far from the nest. Queens only infrequently engaged in sociopositive interactions with other queens. In total, we observed only 106 cases of one queen grooming another. Queens that were most aggressive also engaged most frequently in grooming (Spearman’s rank correlation, rS = 0.647, p \ 0.001), and queens that were most frequently attacked were also groomed most often by other queens (rS = 0.393, p = 0.005), but not by workers (rS = 0.197, p = 0.174). Despite the fighting, all queens were courted by males. Active queens, i.e., those that were more frequently involved in aggression, had significantly more contact with males than queens with lower activity levels (rS = 0.695, p \ 0.001). Mating and egg laying did not protect queens from being killed: two of six queens, which were observed copulating, and one of two queens, which were observed laying eggs, were killed. 123 200 Discussion Our study documents that virgin queens in small colonies of Cardiocondyla ‘‘latifrons’’ engage in aggressive competition for inheritance of the natal nest. Aggression frequently escalates to fatal fighting, and 23 of 49 of the queens were killed during the experiment. Given that the species nests in rather stable rock crevices, which, however, are often too small to harbor very large colonies with multiple queens, our observations corroborate predictions from ESS models that fatal fighting can evolve when a resource has a very high value (Enquist and Leimar 1990). An established nest and workforce appears to be such a highly valuable resource. On a first glance, fatal fighting in C. ‘‘latifrons’’ resembles the regulation of queen number in multi-queen founding colonies of other ants, where unrelated queens fight for the exclusive possession of the nest (e.g., Bernasconi and Strassmann 1999). Our finding differs from these previously reported cases of queen aggression in that competing queens in C. ‘‘latifrons’’ are usually close relatives. Queen killing in C. ‘‘latifrons’’ therefore constitutes a special case of siblicide not yet described from ants. It matches the situation in honeybee colonies after a mother queen and part of her workers have left the nest to found a new society during swarming. Virgin honeybee queens may secure the possession of the hive and its workers by killing other virgin queens (Gilley 2001; Tarpy and Gilley 2004). Queen killing is qualitatively different from previously reported cases of kin conflict in insect societies, in which prospective reproductives compete for egg laying rights by ritualized dominance interactions (reviewed in Heinze 2004). The losers of such fights usually survive. They may pursue alternative ways of increasing their fitness, either directly by emigrating from the natal nest and founding an own society (e.g., Heinze and Smith 1990) or by staying as hopeful reproductives and later replacing the dominant, or indirectly by helping (e.g., Heinze and Oberstadt 2003). Obviously, defeated queens of C. ‘‘latifrons’’ and honeybees and subordinate, surplus queens that are policed by workers, as in Leptothorax muscorum (Lipski et al. 1992), Linepithema humile (Keller et al. 1989) or Aphaenogaster senilis (Chéron et al. 2009; Cronin and Monnin 2009), do not have such options. Interestingly, the order of eclosion of queens did not strongly affect the outcome of interactions. This is very different from interactions among C. ‘‘latifrons’’ males (Yamauchi et al. 2006) or virgin queens of Aphaenogaster senilis (Chéron et al. 2009; Cronin and Monnin 2009). This might be explained by the small difference of age (1 day) among queens in series B. A larger time lag between queens might have given the first emerging queen a more 123 J Ethol (2011) 29:197–201 significant head start by allowing it to fully sclerotize its cuticula. By eliminating other queens, virgin queens of C. ‘‘latifrons’’ not only gain the nest and its workers but in addition alleviate the intensity of male–male competition for their sons. Like in other species of Cardiocondyla, wingless males fight to monopolize access to virgin queens within their natal nests (Kinomura and Yamauchi 1987; Yamauchi et al. 2006). The male eclosing first usually kills all rival males, which later emerge from the brood. In agreement with local mate competition theory (Hamilton 1967), queens produce a highly female-biased sex ratio when they are the only reproductive in the nest, but rear many more males from unfertilized eggs in the presence of other queens (Cremer and Heinze 2002). Eliminating rival queens thus decreases male–male conflict and reduces the investment in males, most of which are later killed anyway. Note that the occurrence of fatal fighting among closely related females is not in conflict with kin selection theory. In contrast, it matches predictions that the intensity of fighting at a local scale is independent of relatedness (e.g., West et al. 2001). Acknowledgments Supported by DFG (He 1623/22). We thank K. Yamauchi, R. Hashim, S. Frohschammer, and A. Schulz for providing colonies of C. ‘‘latifrons,’’ B. Seifert for species determination and A. Schrempf for valuable comments on the manuscript. References Bernasconi G, Strassmann JE (1999) Cooperation among unrelated individuals: the ant foundress case. Trends Ecol Evol 14:477–482 Chéron B, Doums C, Fédérici P, Monnin T (2009) Queen replacement in the monogynous ant Aphaenogaster senilis: supernumerary queens as life insurance. Anim Behav 78:1317–1325 Cook JM, Compton SG, Herre EA, West SA (1997) Alternative mating tactics and extreme male dimorphism in fig wasps. Proc R Soc Lond B 264:747–754 Cremer S, Heinze J (2002) Adaptive production of fighter males: queens of the ant Cardiocondyla adjust the sex ratio under local mate competition. 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