PROJECTED NORTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAIN ANNUAL STREAMFLOW FOR 2000-2099 UNDER THE B1, A1B AND A2 SRES EMISSIONS SCENARIOS . ABSTRACT Jeannine-Marie St. Jacques1*, Suzan Lapp1*, Yang Zhao2, Elaine M. Barrow1 and David J. Sauchyn1; 1Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (P.A.R.C.), Room 120, 2 Research Drive, Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 7H9; 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S 0A2; *Corresponding authors’ e-mail:, The 20th century hydroclimatology of the northern Rocky Mountains is heavily influenced by recurring large-scale climate patterns: the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the El NinoSouthern Oscillation (ENSO), and the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (AO/NAO). Hence, northern Rocky Mountain river discharge variability can be successfully modeled by regression techniques using these climate indices as predictors. Generalized least squares (GLS) regression addresses residual autocorrelation and allows reliable significance testing of any predictor coefficients, and hence, is highly suitable for hydrological modeling. We developed GLS regression equations which captured a major portion of streamflow variability for ten centennial-length northern Rocky Mountain annual discharge records. Both unregulated and paired regulated and naturalized flows were examined. Using archived global climate model runs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3), we projected the PDO, ENSO and NAO for the 21st century for the B1, A1B and A2 SRES emission scenarios. These projected climate indices were used as inputs into the GLS equations, giving projected northern Rocky Mountain river discharges for the 21st century. These projections showed generally declining trends in surface water availability for 20002099. Researchers have projected increases in summer warmth and typically decreasing summer precipitation, and increases in winter precipitation and temperature for this region under greenhouse forcing. Our results suggest that in the competition between these two opposing effects on surface water availability, the former will dominate. Figure 1. Map of the northern Rocky Mountains showing the seven gauge locations Flow record [HYDAT or USGS code] Record period Flow regime Significant linear trend? Low-pass variance Drainage (km2) Mean Qt (m3/s) 1.North Fork Flathead R., MT [12355500] 1936-2008 natural none 43.1% 4009.3 83.9 2. Marias R. near Shelby, MT [06099500] 1912-2007 natural decreasing 45.3% 3242.0 25.0 3. Waterton R. near Waterton Park, AB [05AD003] 1912-2007 natural none 40.6% 612.7 17.6 4. Elk R. at Phillips Bridge, BC [08NK005] 1933-2008 natural decreasing 40.7% 4450.0 75.9 5. St. Mary R. at International Boundary, AB [05AE027] 1903-2007 regulated decreasing 51.6% 1206.4 20.2 6. St. Mary R. at International Boundary 1912-2001 naturalized none 38.9% 1206.4 25.1 1912-2007 1912-2001 regulated none 38.5% 319.2 8.6 naturalized none 38.6% 319.2 9.1 regulated decreasing 52.2% 17,045.6 84.6 naturalized decreasing 44.1% 17,045.6 109.6 7. Belly R. near Mountain View, AB [05AD005] 8. Belly R. near Mountain View 9. Oldman R. near Lethbridge, AB [05AD007] 10. Oldman R. near Lethbridge 1912-2007 1912-2001 Table 1. Details of the ten northern Rocky Mountain discharge records. Significant linear trend as assessed for record period following the methodology of St. Jacques et al. [2010]. Low-pass variance is the variance in low-frequency filtered streamflow data as a percentage of the total variability. Mean Qt is mean daily discharge averaged over the year. The naturalized records are from the same location as the corresponding actual flow gauge. METHODS • We developed GLS regression equations [Brockwell and Davis, 2002] which captured at least 50% of the low frequency streamflow variability (a 5-year binomial smoother was used) for ten centennial-length northern Rocky Mountain annual discharge records. Both unregulated and paired regulated and naturalized flows were examined (Figure 1, and Tables 1 and 2). • • Using archived global climate model runs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3), we examined the GCMs’ ability to acceptably model the PDO, ENSO and NAO [Lapp et al., in review]. Ten GCMs were found acceptable (Table 3). We then projected the PDO, ENSO and NAO for the 21st century for the B1, A1B and A2 SRES emission scenarios (Table 4). These projected climate indices were then used as inputs into the GLS regression equations (Table 2), giving projected northern Rocky Mountain river discharges for the 21st century (Figure 3). Flow record R2* (regular) R2** (innovations) GLS equation AICc 1.North Fork Flathead River 0.53 0.75 464.4 2. Marias River 0.56 0.74 526.2 3. Waterton River 4. Elk R. at Phillips Bridge 5. Actual St. Mary River 6. Naturalized St. Mary River 0.57 0.66 359.4 0.54 0.71 478.8 0.61 0.75 492.6 0.51 0.71 393.5 7. Actual Belly River 8. Naturalized Belly River 9. Actual Oldman River 10. Naturalized Oldman River 0.55 0.64 239.1 0.57 0.67 214.0 0.62 0.73 787.3 0.49 0.65 729.0 Residual model Qt = 0.10 – 7.92*PDO – 2.21*NAOP1 – 4.18*PDOP2 – 3.39*SOIP2 Qt = 0.21 – 3.0*trend – 2.07*PDO – 1.06*NAOP1 – 1.21*PDOP1 – 2.06*PDOP2 – 2.44*SOIP2 Qt = 0.06 – 0.58*trend – 1.06*PDO + 0.57*SOIN1 – 1.06*PDOP2 – 0.69*SOIP2 Qt = 0.05 – 1.75*trend – 6.66*PDO –1.68*NAON1 – 1.37*NAOP1 – 3.09*PDOP2 – 3.12*SOIP2 Qt = -0.03 – 3.10*trend –1.52*PDO + 0.80*NAOP2 – 1.31*PDOP2 – 1.50*SOIP2 Qt = -0.03 – 1.55*PDO +0.76*SOI – 0.90*NAON1 +1.09*NAOP2 – 0.98*PDOP2 – 1.04*SOIP2 Qt = 0.01 – 0.32*trend – 0.40*PDO + 0.34*SOIN1 + 0.31*NAOP2 – 0.47*PDOP2 – 0.35*SOIP2 Qt =0.002 – 0.37*PDO + 0.24*SOI + 0.31*SOIN1 + 0.24*NAOP2 – 0.50*PDOP2 – 0.34*SOIP2 Qt = 0.11 – 17.17*trend – 9.25*PDO – 9.52*PDOP2 – 9.75*SOIP2 Qt = -0.24 – 5.16*trend – 8.38*PDO – 10.02*PDOP2 – 10.19*SOIP2 ARMA(2,1) ARMA(2,3) ARMA(1,2) ARMA(2,1) ARMA(0,3) ARMA(3,2) ARMA(1,2) ARMA(2,1) ARMA(2,3) ARMA(2,3) RP (p-level) 1.1 (0.29) 30.0 (4.3xe-8) 12.8 (0.0003) 18.2 (2.0xe-5) 22.6 (2.0xe-6) 0.58 (0.45) 15.3 (9.0xe-5) 0.02 (0.89) 19.7 (9.0xe-6) 3.6 (0.06) * R2 computed without modeled error adjustment, 1 – (sum-of-squares of regression residuals/total-sum-of-squares). **R2 computed with the modeled error adjustment. Table 2. Identification of the optimum generalized least squares (GLS) equations and residual models for northern Rocky Mountain streamflow. AICc: corrected Akaike Information Criterion. Predictor variables are standardized to zero mean and unit standard deviation; discharge Qt is centered to zero mean. 0, 1, +2 year lags of climate indices included in analysis. P1: climate leads streamflow 1 year. P2: climate leads streamflow 2 years. N1: climate lags streamflow 1 year. RP: Neyman-Pearson statistic testing significance of trend term in model (results significant at the 10% level in bold). # IPCC4 Country Atmosphere Model ID resolution 1 CGCM3.1(T47) Canada 3.7ox3.7o L31 2 CGCM3.1(T63) Canada 2.8ox2.8o L31 3 ECHAM5/MPI-OM Germany 1.875ox1.865o L31 4 GDFL-CM2.1 USA 2.5ox2.0o L24 5 MIROC3.2(hires) Japan 1.125ox1.12o L56 6 MIROC3.2(medres) Japan 2.8ox2.8o L20 7 MRI-CGCM2.3.2 Japan 2.8ox2.8o L31 8 NCAR-CCSM3 USA 1.4ox1.4o L26 9 NCAR-PCM USA 2.8ox2.8o L18 10 UKMO-HadCM3 UK 3.75ox2.5o L15 Ocean resolution 1.84ox1.85o L29 1.4ox0.9o L29 1.5ox1.5o L40 1.0ox1.0o L50 0.28ox0.188o L47 (0.5-1.4o) x1.4o L43 (0.5-2.5o) x2.0o L23 (0.3-1.0o) x1.0o L40 (0.5-0.7o) x0.7o L32 1.25ox1.25o L20 # 21st century runs B1 A1B A2 3 3 3 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 5 5 5 1 0 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Table 3. List of chosen GCMs which adequately modeled the PDO, ENSO and NAO and the number of available 21st century runs per scenario. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • More than half of the variance in the low frequency streamflow was explained by the GLS equations (mean R2regular = 0.56, mean R2 innovations = 0.70) (Table 2). Use of standardized variables means that the relative importance of each predicator variable can be assessed by comparing their coefficients. The PDO and its lags are the most important predicators in all cases, and a negative relationship exists between northern Rocky Mountain streamflow and the PDO (Table 2) [e.g., St. Jacques et al., 2010]. • • These projections showed generally declining trends in surface water availability for 2000-2099. For the A2 scenario, seven records showed declining multi-model mean projections, two of the naturalized records showed increasing trends in the multi-model means, and one natural record showed no trend (Figure 3). Results were identical for the B1 and A1B emission scenarios and hence are not shown. Researchers [IPCC4, 2007, Lapp et al., 2009] have projected increases in summer warmth and typically decreasing summer precipitation (consistent with the negative trend terms in our GLS models), and increases in winter precipitation and temperature for this region under greenhouse forcing (consistent with Lapp et al.’s [in review] negative mean PDO shift). Our results suggest that in the competition between these two opposing effects on surface water availability, the former will dominate in this region. Figure 2. Plots of the ten northern Rocky Mountain flow records, smoothed by 5-point binomial filters (black lines), together with fitted multiple linear GLS regressions with ARMA modeled error terms (blue), fitted multiple linear GLS regressions without the error terms (green), and significant trend lines (red). Trend lines only shown where significant. Mean daily flows (m3/s) averaged over the year are presented. Winter PDO B1 A1B Jun.-Nov. SOI A2 B1 SRES emission scenario Observed mean 1900-1999 All-model 1900-1999 simulation mean -0.109 -0.075 -0.101 0.061 0.066 0.063 -0.059 -0.050 -0.060 All-model 2000-2099 mean -0.161* -0.162 -0.321 -0.017 0.052 0.089 -0.040 0.177 0.168 A1B Winter NAO -0.098 A2 B1 A1B A2 0.485 0.161 Table 4. 20th century observed mean climate indices and multi-model mean climate indices for the 20th century simulations and for the 21st century projections under the B1, A1B and A2 emission scenarios. Red values identify a future shift to a positive PDO or negative SOI (El Niño-like) or negative NAO mean state; and blue to the opposite conditions (i.e., negative PDO or positive SOI (La Niña-like) or positive NAO), relative to the 20th century simulation mean. Bold underscore denotes a significant change in a multi-model mean index at the p < 0.05 level, relative to the 20th century simulation mean, as assessed by a Monte Carlo permutation t-test. Bold * denotes significant change at the p < 0.10 level. Figure 3. Northern Rocky Mountain river projections 2000-2099 under the A2 emissions scenario, together with observed records (1905-2005), and 20th century river hindcasts (1900-1999) (daily mean flows (m3/s), averaged over the year). The grey lines are the individual model runs, the heavy blue lines are all-model means of the GCM runs, and the heavy red lines are the observed river records. SELECTED REFERENCES Brockwell, P.J., and R.A. Davis (2002), Introduction to time series and forecasting, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, New York. Lapp, S., D.J. Sauchyn and B. Toth. (2009). Constructing scenarios of future climate and water supply for the SSRB: Use and limitations for vulnerability assessment. Prairie Forum 34: 153-180. Lapp, S.L., J.M. St. Jacques, E.M. Barrow and D.J. Sauchyn (in review). GCM Projections for the Pacific Decadal Oscillation under Greenhouse Forcing for the Early 21st Century. Submitted to Intl. J. Clim. St. Jacques, J.M., D.J. Sauchyn and Y. Zhao (2010), Northern Rocky Mountain streamflow records: global warming trends, human impacts or natural variability?, Geophys. Res. Let., 2009GL042045.