Dynamic Simulation Modeling of Mosquito Populations with Climate Data Andrew Comrie & Cory Morin University of Arizona Why Model Mosquitoes & Climate? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/Aedes_aegypti_biting_human.jpg Disease impacts of climate change are poorly understood, oversimplified Mosquito vectors responsible for a huge disease burden Few empirical/statistical mosquito models, poor mosquito data series, no dynamic models Climate Change Impacts are Underway Bryan Christie/Scientific American August 2000 (in Epstein PR & Mills E, 2005) Disease: Coupled Natural & Social Systems National Research Council, 2001 Epidemiologic Triangle of Disease Host (eg, Human) Vector Agent (eg, Pathogen) Start with coupling between climate and mosquito populations Environment (eg, Climate) A multi-factorial relationship between hosts, agents, vectors and environment Modeling Malaria & Climate Change 2ºF simple increase vs. more complex empirical model http://www.exploratorium.edu/climate/global-effects/data/risk6-3.jpg AZ Hatched = current Rogers & Randolph Science 2000 Abrupt Climate Change & Dengue 1990 Increased dengue risk based on projected humidity changes Oversimplified? 2085 Hales et al. Lancet 2002 Mosquitoes: Aedes Aegypti Characteristics Urban, Container Breeding Mosquito Tropical Habitat Dengue Fever Vector Dengue Fever Picture taken from http://www.interetgeneral.info/IMG/Aedes-Aegypti-2.jpg 100 Million Cases a Year Worldwide 4 Serotypes without Cross Immunity Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever from Multiple Infections Picture from http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/ dengue/map-distribution-2005.htm West Nile Virus 2006 http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no08/images/05-0289a_1b.gif http://diseasemaps.usgs.gov/wnv_us_human.html Mosquitoes: Culex Quinquefasciatus Characteristics Urban Mosquito Feeds on Humans and Animals West Nile Virus Vector West Nile Virus Arrived in Arizona in 2003 150 Cases with 10 Deaths in 2005 Symptoms: Mild FeverEncephalitis Image taken from http://www.lahey.org/Medical/ InfectiousDiseases/WestNileVirus.asp Dynamic Modeling of Mosquitoes Create climate-driven model based on ‘first principles’ Inputs Temperature, Precipitation, Daylight (Monthly) Evaporation Derived (Hamon’s Equation) Irrigation/Land Cover Governing Processes Development Rates (Rueda 1990, Sharpe 1977) Death Rates (Conway 1974, Kasule 1996) Reproductive Rates (Christophers 1960) Larval/Pupa Capacity (Christophers 1960) Water Flux (sources and sinks) Conceptual Model Dynamic Mosquito Simulation Model (DyMSiM) Model Base Sub-Model Detail Implemented in Stella® software DyMSiM: Sample Equations/Code Days_with_No_Water(t) = Days_with_No_Water(t - dt) + (No_Water - Water_Day) * dtINIT Days_with_No_Water = 0 INFLOWS: No_Water = if Total_Water=0 then 1 else 0 OUTFLOWS: Water_Day = if Total_Water>0 then Days_with_No_Water else 0 Water(t) = Water(t - dt) + (Rain + Irrigation1 - Evaporation - Infiltration) * dtINIT Water = 0 INFLOWS: Rain = Prec*Area:_Permiable Irrigation1 = Irrigation*Area:_Permiable OUTFLOWS: Evaporation = ((2.1*Day_Light^2*(.6108*EXP((17.27*ATemp)/(237.3+ATemp))))/(ATemp+273.2)/10)*Area:_Permiable Infiltration = Area:_Permiable*PermiabilityRate Water1(t) = Water1(t - dt) + (Rain_in_Containers + Irrigation2 - Evaporation1 - Spill) * dtINIT Water1 = 0 INFLOWS: Rain_in_Containers = Prec*Area:_Containters Irrigation2 = Irrigation*Area:_Containters OUTFLOWS: Evaporation1 = ((2.1*Day_Light^2*(.6108*EXP((17.27*ATemp)/(237.3+ATemp))))/(ATemp+273.2)/10)*Area:_Containters Spill = if Water1> Area:_Containters*Hight_Container then Water1-(Area:_Containters*Hight_Container) else 0 AdltDeath = if Mos>AdltMinPop then if ATemp<AdltTempMin or ATemp>AdltTempMax then 1 else AdltDeathRate else 0 AdltDeathRate = .14 AdltMinPop = 2 AdltSize = -0.0147*History(ATemp, Time-10)+ 2.1127 AdltTempMax = 40 AdltTempMin = 5 Area = 40468564 Area:_Containters = Percent_Contain*Area Area:_Permiable = Percent_Perm*Area Area_Perminant = Area*Percent_Permanant ATemp = Temp+TempDifference Day_Light = If TIME>0 and TIME<32 then 10.083 else if TIME>31 and TIME<61 then 10.6 else if TIME>60 and TIME<92 then 11.52 else if TIME>91 and TIME<122 then 12.52 else if TIME>121 and TIME<153 then 13.45 else if TIME>152 and TIME<183 then 14.12 else if TIME>182 and TIME<214 then 14.22 else if TIME>213 and TIME<245 then 13.73 else if TIME>244 and TIME<275 then 12.82 else if TIME>274 and TIME<306 then 11.85 else if TIME>305 and TIME<336 then 10.88 else 10.2 Dept = 5 EggsLaid = (46.5*AdltSize) Food = 1 Food_or_ecological_rating = .5 Genotrophic_cycle = if Food =1 and ATemp> 20 then (.00898*((ATemp+273.15)/(298.15))*EXP(15725.23/(1.987)*(1/(298.15)1/(ATemp+273.15))))/(1+EXP(1756481.07/(1.987)*(1/(447.17)-1/(ATemp+273.15))))*24 else 0 Hight_Container = 20 Irrigation = if IR_Index=1 then IR_1 else if IR_Index=2 then IR_2 else 0 IR_1 = if ATemp>Temp_Thresh then IR_Ammount else 0 IR_2 = if TIME>Julian_Start and TIME<Julian_Stop then IR_Ammount else 0 IR_Ammount = .1 IR Index = 0 DyMSiM Dynamics Development Degree Day Model: Members of each cohort proceed through development stages at a rate governed by temperature Death Immature mosquitoes: Based on temperature and water availability When population exceeds capacity, youngest die first Adults: Daily survival rates from mark-releaserecapture studies and temperature Reproduction Adult mosquitoes will feed and mate at certain temperatures, water is required for egg laying Experiments Three runs for a “typical” one-acre area Aedes Aegypti Urban vs Non-Urban Runs Tucson daily data, 1950-2005 Climate = same for both runs Urban = 2 x amount of impermeable land + small areas of permanent water Urban Areas with/without Heat Island Effect Land cover settings held constant Simulate a 3°C rise in temperature over last 55 years (+0.27°C every 5 years) Also a proxy for climate change Urban vs Non-Urban • Urban areas >> non-urban (more impermeable sfc, standing water) • Population explosions in particular years A Closer Look at Non-Urban 1955 1964 1983 Non-urban population responds often, but with small numbers relative to urban population explosions 1954 vs 1955 Temps = similar Precip totals = similar Precip timing = priceless Urban Mosquitoes in 1983 1983 summer = unremarkable; TS in October = major flooding and mosquito population explosion in urban areas Urban vs Non-Urban by Month In semi-arid (water-limited) Tucson, moist urban environments increase the number of mosquitoes and extend the survival season Urban with/without Heat Island 3°C linear increase leads to slightly reduced population Urban with/without Heat Island by Month The heat island effect: (i) reduces mosquitoes during Summer (evaporation), but (ii) increases numbers in Spring and early Winter (temperature) Model Limitations “All Models are Wrong, Some are Useful” -George Box The model only accounts for climate and land use factors. The following variables are not considered Predation, Pesticides, Food Availability, Human Behaviors, Migration Assumptions All mosquitoes will react similarly to stressors All female mosquitoes are fertile All female mosquitoes take a blood meal What Do These Results Tell Us? Precipitation timing, and not necessarily seasonal amount, accounts for major urban mosquito population explosions Urban areas are key to enabling mosquito breeding in semi-arid locations Warming temperatures (urban or climate change) are projected to extend the season when mosquitoes can survive