The cold event 8,200 year ago: Cosmopolitan consequences of a provincial perturbation. Don Barber Geology Department Bryn Mawr College The cold event 8,200 years ago: “Cosmopolitan” consequences of a provincial perturbation. perturbation (note: “cosmopolitan” includes Vancouver and Seattle, but generally doesn’t include California or the Southwest) but generally doesn’t include California or the Southwest) ut generally doesn’t include California or the Southwest) t generally doesn’t include California or the Southwest) The 8,200 yr BP cold event is anomalous enough, in the context of Holocene climate variability to be worth a look. -32 GISP2 1-meter Oxygen Isotopes δ18O (per mille) -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 age (yrs before 1950) -32 GRIP 20-yr Oxygen Isotopes δ18O (per mille) -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 age (yrs before 1990) 8.2 cal ka cold event: cosmopolitan? (well, it affected Europe; what else matters?) Gorham et al., Quat. Sci. Rev. 2007. Gorham et al., QSR 2007. Menounos et al., (2004) Early Holocene glacier advance, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Quat. Sci. Reviews v. 23, p. 1543–1550. Menounos et al., (2004) Early Holocene glacier advance, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Quat. Sci. Reviews v. 23, p. 1543–1550. What caused the 8.2 cal ka cold event? 5 6 14C ka 7 8 9 200 195 190 Cariaco Basin sediment greyscale 185 8.2 cal ka Cold Event freshwater pulse from lake outburst -34 -35 Summit, Greenland GISP2 δ18O ice (‰) -36 5 6 7 8 Calendar kyrs BP 9 10 Coldest interval lasted ~40 yrs Barber et al., 1999 Clarke et al., Science 2003. Modeling of the subglacial outburst drainage of Lake Agassiz suggests that drainage was very rapid (<1 yr) and fluxes were high (4-8 million m3/sec). Probable subglacial meltwater routings Clarke et al., 2004. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23, pp 389-407. max. sea-level rise in Mississippi delta Estimated meltwater volumes and sea-level rise due to Lake Agassiz drainage from various studies. Calculations based on Earth radius of 6400 km & ocean fraction = 0.7. Stippled line: max. sealevel rise in Mississippi delta study area from Törnqvist et al., 2004. Geophys. Res. Lett. 70 N Baffin Bay Baffin Greenland Island Denmark Strait Iceland DSOW 50 0 Cmb. Snd. 00 10 Irminger Huds on 2 St rait 0 Basin 00 ne ja k y Re Labrador Sea area enlarged 3000 LSW ge 2000 id sR ISOW 60 N 00 30 NEADW 40 00 4000 G ulf o St . f Lawr ence 60 W Orphan Knoll 50 N km WBUC 40 W 0 500 1000 20 W Meltwater routing and ocean currents of the northwestern North Atlantic. ECBilt-CLIO global climate model response to 0.75 Sv freshwater pulse lasting 20 years (= 4.67 x 1013 m3 total lake drainage) Hans Renssen et al., 2001, Geophys. Res. Lett.; Paleoceanography, 2002 Renssen et al., 2002, Paleoceanography temperature anomaly; deg. C Wiersma & Renssen, 2006. Model–data comparison for the 8.2 ka BP event: confirmation of a forcing mechanism by catastrophic drainage of Laurentide Lakes. Quat. Sci. Rev., v. 25, p. 63. “… model–data agreement confirms the hypothesis that the 8.2 ka BP event was forced by a freshwater-induced weakening of the thermohaline circulation.” “Other forcings are unlikely, since they would result in an alternative geographical distribution and expression of the climate response.” Wiersma & Renssen, 2006. Model– data comparison for the 8.2 ka BP event: confirmation of a forcing mechanism by catastrophic drainage of Laurentide Lakes. Quat. Sci. Rev., v. 25, p. 63. Simulated Jan SST, sea ice extent and ocean convection sites: Before freshwater perturbation --Æ After freshwater perturbation Wiersma & Renssen, 2006. Model–data comparison for the 8.2 ka BP event: confirmation of a forcing mechanism by catastrophic drainage of Laurentide Lakes. Quat. Sci. Rev., v. 25, p. 63. simulated strength of North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, in Sverdrups (i.e., deepwater formation) Wiersma and Renssen, 2006 time Alley & Agustdottir (2005) GCM- modeled storm tracks: strong Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) vs. perturbed (reduced MOC) conditions. Correspondence of winter air temp with NAO index Correspondence of winter air temp with North Pacific SST index Correlation fields, decadal precipitation Rotated Principal Components (RPCs) for SW US (top) and NW US (bottom) vs SLP over global grid, 1900–91 . Correlation fields, decadal precip. RPCs for SW US (top) and NW US (bottom) vs SST over global grid, 1900–91 . Cayan et al., (1998) Decadal Variability of Precipitation over Western North America. J. Clim. v. 11, pp. 3148-3166. 8.2 cal ka cold event: cosmopolitan maybe, but not very Californian. Thank You!