*1A. LA-UR-11-12187 Park Williams, 2Dave Meko, 2Connie Woodhouse, 3Craig D. Allen, 2Tom Swetnam, 2Alison Macalady, 2Daniel Griffin, 1Sara Rauscher, 1Xiaoyan Jiang, 4Ed Cook, 5Henri Grissino-Mayer, 1Nate McDowell, 1Michael Cai * williams@geog.ucsb.edu; 1Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM; 2University of Arizona, Tucson; 3USGS, Bandelier National Monument, NM; 4Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, NY; 5University of Tennessee, Knoxville Abstract We derive an annual forest-drought-stress index (FDSI) for 1000–2008 AD using 330 tree-ring records from North American Southwest (NASW) forests. Warm-season maximum daily temperature and cold-season precipitation correspond with 81% of FDSI variability during 1910–2008 and influence FDSI nearly equally, but in opposite directions. FDSI during the 2000s and 1950s was the most severe in 300 years. FDSI in 2002 was the most severe since 1000 AD, corresponding with extensive wildfires and bark-beetle outbreaks. Among the 3 primary conifer species in the NASW, the number of dead trees approximately doubled during 2001–2006. Despite the 2000s and 1950s droughts, 1900–2008 FDSI was well above the 1000–1899 AD average and the frequency of severe FDSI years during 1900–2008 was unexceptional. According to an ensemble of climate models, severe drought years will occur approximately 50 times per century by 2100, far beyond the range of variability of the driest centuries in the past millennium. Strong correspondence between FDSI and probabilities of extensive wildfires and bark-beetle outbreaks suggests the frequency of NASW forest mortality events will increase beyond last millennium’s range of variability by 2100. Past Present Tree-ring records from 330 piñon pine, ponderosa pine, and Douglas fir sites Future Modeled future climate is used to forecast forest-drought stress 2000s drought and forest mortality Forest-Drought-Stress Index (FDSI) No Drought Drought No Drought Drought Drought Recent mortality due to bark beetles and wildfire Forest-Drought-Stress Index (FDSI) vs. Climate FDSI " 0.44[zscore(ln(PPTcold #season ))] # 0.56[zscore(Tmax warm #season )] Tree-ring record 1,100 year record of Forest-Drought-Stress Index Model climate record cold-season: November – March warm-season: May – July & previous August – October Correlation: estimated vs. actual FDSI (r) High confidence that warm-season Tmax contributed more than cold-season PPT to FDSI during 1910–2008 1910–1958 1910–2008 95% confidence 1959–2008 Climate-based FDSI Forest-Drought-Stress Index (FDSI) Tree-ring-based FDSI Piñon pines killed by bark beetles & drought stress during the early-2000s drought at Walnut Canyon National Monument, Arizona. Photo by Craig D. Allen, 4 June 2005. Burned area classified as “moderately or severely” burned by the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity Project (mtbs.gov) during 1984–2008 or as burnt by the MODIS burned-area product during 2009–2011 (modis-fire.umd.edu/BA_getdata.html). Beetle areas were classified as areas where ≥ 10 trees/acre were killed by bark beetles according to the Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (fs.fed.us/foresthealth/ technology). # of years per century when drought stress exceeds that of the 1950s and 2000s droughts Annual burned area corresponds with ForestDrought-Severity Index (FDSI). 4-year smooth Burned area Annual area where > 10 trees/acre are killed by bark beetles corresponds with multi-year trends in FDSI. Forest-Drought-Stress Index FDSI vs Southwestern FireScar Data (1650–1899 AD) FDSI vs Southwestern seedling recruitment (1600–1980 AD) 39-yr running ForestDrought-Stress Index 95% & 99% significance No Drought Bark-beetle area Model CMIP3 climate data come from ftp-esg.ucllnl.org. Conclusions Satellite-derived measurements of regional surface greenness (NDVI) correspond with annual variability in FDSI. (glcf.umd.edu/data/ Vegetation Greenness gimms) Drought Drought doesn’t only impact when mortality occurs, it impacts where mortality occurs Expected Probability Fire scars within cross-sections of trees tell us when & where wildfires occurred in the past. Fire-scar data come from 281 sites within Tom Swetnam’s (& others) southwestern fire-scar network. A ‘big fire year’ is defined as a top 10% fire year: the proportion of sites recording fire scars during a big fire year exceeds that of 90% of years during 1650–1899 AD. Tree-age data from 12 sites in the Southwest were used to derive a regional ponderosa pine recruitment index, which can be used to see that seedling recruitment occurs during wet and/or cool periods (high FDSI). Swetnam TW and Brown PM (2011) Climatic inferences from dendroecological reconstructions. In: Hughes MK, Swetnam TW, Diaz H (eds) Dendroclimatology: Progress and Prospects, vol 11. Springer, New York, pp 263–295. Fraction of forest area where ≥ 10 trees per acre were killed by bark beetles during 1997–2010 Long-term mean FDSI Fraction of forest area Index of ponderosa pine recruitment at 12 Southwestern sites (Swetnam & Brown 2011) Fraction of forest area # of lag years Forest-Drought-Stress Index (FDSI) 4-year smoothed Forest-Drought-Stress Index # of dead trees approximately doubled during the 2000s drought, according to annual Forest Inventory & Analysis Data. (fia.fs.fed.us/tools-data) % contribution of warm-season Tmax Probability of a big fire year ! 1,100 years of past, present, and future forest response to drought in the North American Southwest Fraction of forest area moderately – severely burned by wildfire during 1984–2011 • Warm-season maximum temperature (Tmax) and cold-season precipitation account for 81% of variability in a regional record of tree-ring widths in the North American Southwest, making ring widths an excellent record of forest-drought stress. • Warm-season Tmax is at least as important as cold-season precipitation in dictating forest-drought stress. • Southwestern forest-drought stress has been exceptionally variable during the past millennium, with many droughts stronger and longer than those of the 1950s & 2000s. • The 2000s drought was associated with a doubling of the number of dead piñon pine, ponderosa pine, and Douglas fir trees in the Southwest due to a combination of bark beetles, wildfire, and drought stress. • Considering climate-model projections of warm-season Tmax and cold-season precipitation, we predict forestdrought stress will match or exceed that of the 2000s drought during the majority of years by 2100 AD. • Such a substantial and sustained increase in forest-drought stress would lead to massive forest die-off during the 21st century in the North American Southwest. Acknowledgments This project was supported by grants from LANL-LDRD and DOE-BER. Observational climate Long-term mean FDSI data come from the PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State University (prism.oregonstate.edu). Most tree-ring data come from the International TreeRing Databank (ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/treering.html). Some tree-ring data are unpublished. Thanks to all contributors of tree-ring data.