An Empirical Topoclimate Model for Regional and Landscape Scale Assessments of Water Balance and Related Ecologic/Hydrologic Processes in Complex Topography ID# GC31A-1017 Jared W. Oyler*, Steven W. Running |University of Montana, Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group | * OVERVIEW MODEL PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION AND VALIDATION While several high resolution conterminous United States (CONUS) spatial climate datasets are currently available (e.g.—PRISM1, Daymet2, WordClim3) they often do not contain all the necessary climate variables needed to drive process-based ecologic/hydrologic models for assessing regional effects of climatic water deficit/balance, do not have the required temporal extent or resolution, or do not entirely account for critical topographic influences. Additionally, many of the models used to build these datasets are closed source, making it difficult for end users to assess limitations and uncertainty in regions of interest. Therefore, an empirical topoclimate model, TopoMet, is developed with the following objectives: 1) to use existing weather station observations of temperature and precipitation to create a topographicallyinformed, daily 1948-2011 spatial climatology (30-arcsec resolution) for the CONUS with the required forcing variables for ecologic/hydrologic process-based models (daily TMIN, TMAX, PRCP, SRAD, VPD); 2) to provide reliable and accessible quantification of model uncertainty and limitations; 3) to provide an open platform whereby end users can collaborate and contribute to ongoing development. TMIN, TMAX, PRCP Observation Overall, TopoMet consists of 4 main components: Topoclimate Modeling Quality Assurance and Interpolation The main weather stations data sources are: Missing/Flagged • GHCN-Daily; 37,674 potential input stations SRAD and VPD Value Infilling and • SNOTEL; 778 potential input stations Estimation via MtClim4 Data Record Extension • Model parameterization and validation were performed separately for each of the National Ecological Observatory Network’s (NEON) eco-climatic CONUS domains. • Model error was assessed via cross-validation by comparing a station’s values with those interpolated when the respective station was withheld from the dataset. • Numerical optimization was used to separately select model parameter values for each NEON domain via minimization of cross-validation error. RESULTS: NORTHERN ROCKIES OBSERVATION QUALITY ASSURANCE • Consisting of various checks for duplicate data, outliers, and numerous internal, temporal, and spatial inconsistencies, the automated GHCN-Daily TMIN, TMAX, and PRCP QA procedures5 were recoded and applied to the SNOTEL data. • Subtracting missing and QA-flagged values, only stations with at least 3 years of data for TMIN, TMAX, or PRCP were selected for input to the infilling and data record extension component. Variable TMIN Input Stations Post-QA 12,837 TMAX 12,838 Optimized Model Parameters for Each NEON Domain π΅πππ The min number of neighboring stations to use for an interpolation point. πΎππ Importance factor by which distance weights are modified. πΎππ Importance factor by which elevation weights are modified. πΎπππ Importance factor by which topographic dissection weights are modified. πΊπ Radius (km) by which the input DEM grid is smoothed. πΊππ Range of grid window sizes over which to calculate topographic dissection. π·ππππ Threshold at which PRCP occurrence probability indicates a day with PRCP. Variable PRCP OVERALL (unique stations) Input Stations Post-QA 20,930 The N. Rockies domain (#11 above) has a relatively sparse station network within a topographically-complex landscape. It provides a good test case example for assessing TopoMet’s performance. To facilitate comparison to existing PRISM products, TopoMet’s 19712000 TMIN, TMAX, and PRCP normals are shown with their relationship to PRISM values. 1948-2011 MAE by station is also presented. NEON ECO-CLIMATIC DOMAINS Pacific NW 15 16 N Rockies N Plains 11 8 Great Basin Pacific SW Great Lakes 14 S Rockies/ CO Plateau 13 12 Desert SW Central Plains 9 Prairie 5 Peninsula Aplcns / 2 Cumber- Mid land Plt. Atlantic 7 6 Ozarks Complex 3 SE 10 Atlantic Neotropical Source: (merged with SE) TopoMet: 1948-2011 Normals Cross Validation MAE by Station TopoMet Minus PRISM: 1971-2000 Normals TMAX °C difference < -4 TopoMet: 1971-2000 Annual Normals -4 - -3 °C 0.0-0.5 -3 - -2 0.5-1.0 -2 - -1 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 > 2.0 -1 - 1 20,998 4 S Plains TMAX 1-2 TMAX NE 1 Mean absolute cross-validation Error (MAE) by NEON eco-climatic domain. Temperature MAE is in relation to observed mean value while PRCP MAE is % error in relation to the sum of total PRCP 1948-2011. Overall, western domains with sparser stations and more complex topography have larger error. 2-3 3-4 >4 MISSING/FLAGGED VALUE INFILLING AND DATA RECORD EXTENSION • All station records were made serially complete from 1948-2011 by modeling a target station’s relationship with neighboring observations. TMIN and TMAX records were infilled/extended with a spatial regression approach5. PRCP records were infilled/extended by modeling both daily occurrence and amount. PRCP occurrence was estimated by calculating a PRCP occurrence probability while PRCP amount was estimated using a normal-ratio method. TMIN TOPOCLIMATE MODELING AND INTERPOLATION -Low: -0.48 °C (3) residual for station π. π·πΆπ·(πππ, πππ) = π π=π πΎπ πππ π πΎ π=π π -4 - -3 0.5-1.0 -3 - -2 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 > 2.0 2-3 PRCP TMIN 3-4 >4 PRCP Mean = 1.03 °C PRCP % difference < -50 % -50 – -25 0-10 -25 – -10 -10 – 10 10-25 25-50 10 – 25 50-75 25 – 50 -Low: 17 cm -High: 241 cm -Low: -10.55 °C -High: 4.99 °C 50 – 75 75 – 100 PRISM vs TopoMet Scatterplots: 1971-2000 Normals > 100 Mean = 12% ππ π π πΎ π=π π ππ π π πΎ π=π π , ππ πΆπ is the estimated PRCP amount at point πππ, πππ‘ , πππ is the PRCP amount at station π and πππ is the total PRCP amount at station π for the given month. SUMMARY, DATA AVAILABILITY, FUTURE WORK • TopoMet is an empirical topoclimate model for generating daily spatial climate data in complex terrain similar to PRISM and Daymet, but seeking to address their limitations. • TopoMet is not meant as a replacement for other models, but can be used in tandem with datasets like PRISM for climate sensitivity/ uncertainty analyses of various ecologic/hydrologic models within a region and to disaggregate monthly PRISM data to a daily timestep. • TopoMet is built within the open NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) platform where end users will have access to a TopoMet project blog, wiki, performance analyses, and algorithm codes, which will enable extensive collaboration and evaluation of the TopoMet system. • Future work will concentrate on improved TMIN and PRCP estimations via the incorporation of reanalysis datasets, short-term high-density temperature logger data, and more advanced empiricalstatistical downscaling techniques. • Information on data availability can be obtained on the TopoMet NEX website ( or by contacting the authors. REFERENCES , πππ is the estimated PRCP occurrence at point (πππ, πππ‘), πππ is the PRCP occurrence (1=PRCP, 0= no PRCP) at station π. (4) π·πΉπͺπ·(πππ, πππ) = °C 0.0-0.5 1-2 TMAX TMIN PRCP cm (2) , π is the number of surrounding stations, ππ is the weight for station π, ππ is the °C difference < -4 -1 - 1 -High: 19.0 °C Main Equations π πππ, πππ = π·π πππ, πππ + π·π πππ, πππ π + π·π πππ, πππ π + π·π πππ, πππ π + π πππ, πππ , π‘ is the estimated daily temperature for the point at (πππ, πππ‘), π½0 is the intercept, π½1 is the coefficient for (1) the π₯ direction (longitude), π½2 is the coefficient for the π¦ direction (latitude), π½3 is the coefficient for the π§ direction (elevation), π is the residual. π πππ, πππ = TMIN -2 - -1 • The overall topoclimate model is a daily geographically weighted regression (GWR)6 in the form of equation 1. The GWR residual in equation 1 is estimated with equation 2. • The surrounding station observations of an estimation point πππ, πππ‘ are used to build the daily GWR and are weighted by distance (SYMAP weighting function7), similarity in elevation, and similarity in topographic dissection (ππ·; a measure of a point’s position in relation to surrounding terrain). It has been shown that ππ· can be effective in capturing the influences of cold air drainage8 (TMIN inversions). • For PRCP, the GMR procedure is applied at a monthly time step to estimate the total PRCP for the month. • Daily PRCP occurrence probability (POP)2 is then estimated by equation 3. • If POP is > a specified threshold for a day, daily PRCP amount is then estimated by equation 4. π π=π πΎπ ππ π πΎ π=π π Mean = 0.52 °C cm Given the easier predictability of TMAX lapse rates, agreement between TopoMet and PRISM is very high and station MAE is relatively low. 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