ABSTRACTS CIRMOUNT SESSION AGU 2010 Global Environmental Change (GC) Ecosystem Responses to Fine-Scale Climate Variability in Mountainous Terrain Presiding: G Greenwood, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; J A Hicke, University of Idaho, Moscow; C I Millar, Sierra Nevada Research Center, USDA Forest Service, Albany; C Tague, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara TALKS Effects of overcast and foggy conditions on transpiration rates of Pinus patula trees along a chronosequence within the cloud belt of the Sierra Madre Oriental, central Veracruz, Mexico *Alvarado-Barrientos, M S (susana.alvarado@gmail.com), Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA Holwerda, F (friso.holwerda@gmail.com), Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA Asbjornsen, H (hasbjorn@iastate.edu), Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA Sauer, T (Tom.Sauer@ars.usda.gov), National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, USDA-ARS, Ames, IA, USA Dawson, T E (tdawson@berkeley.edu), Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Bruijnzeel, L A (sampurno.bruijnzeel@falw.vu.nl), Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands Pinus patula is a native tree species of the montane cloud belt of central Veracruz, Mexico, and one of the most popular species for regional reforestation efforts, both within and outside its natural range of occurrence. Projected regional climate change is likely to cause a rise in the average cloud condensation level by several hundred meters, thereby reducing fog occurrence, whilst overcast conditions are likely to remain similar. To improve our understanding of how water use of P. patula plantations is affected by changes in climatic conditions, we analyzed the response of transpiration rates to fine-scale variations in microclimate, particularly fog immersion and the occurrence of high clouds. We conducted measurements of micrometeorological parameters and transpiration (Et, using the heat ratio sap flow technique) of 15 pine trees representing a range of ages (10-34 years) and sizes (7-60 cm of dbh) during one and a half years (Nov 2008 - May 2010), covering two dry seasons and one wet season. Foggy days were defined using daytime “M-of-N” constructs (at least 4 hours with visibility <1000 m within 6 consecutive hourly observations), and days with overcast conditions as having a median daytime visibility > 1000 m and a maximum incoming solar radiation (Sin) < 700 W m-2. Precipitation and leaf wetness data were used to distinguish between (partly) wet and dry canopy conditions. Daily transpiration rates were normalized for climatic conditions using the FAO reference evaporation ETo to allow determination of the proportional contributions to Et suppression by reductions in Sin and VPD relative to leaf wetness. We found that both foggy and overcast conditions without rainfall produced similar % of Et reduction compared to sunny conditions (60-70%). The strongest Et suppression effects occurred when foggy or overcast conditions were associated with rainfall. However, there was just a slight and non significant difference between the average Et/ETo ratio for foggy days with rainfall (i.e. partially wetted canopy) and fogonly days, suggesting that the suppression of Et was mainly caused by reductions in VPD and Sin. Further, reverse daytime sap flow rates (possibly due to water uptake by tree crowns) occurred almost exclusively during periods with fog and rainfall, i.e. zero VPD and wet canopy conditions. We also found significant differences between the response of young and mature pines, as the Et/ETo ratios for both foggy and overcast conditions declined exponentially with tree age/size. The Et suppression effect of high and low clouds (without rainfall) likely does not have a major impact on annual water use by P. patula, because these conditions occur only about 5% of the time during the dry season (when ETo is greatest) and usually in the (late) afternoons when diurnal transpiration is already declining. Climate and Floristic Variation in Great Basin Mountain Ranges (Invited) *Charlet, D A (david.charlet@csn.edu), Biology, College of Southern Nevada, Henderson, NV, USA Leary, P (pat.leary@csn.edu), Biology, College of Southern Nevada, Henderson, NV, USA Exponential human population growth in Clark County, Nevada, in the last few decades raised concern regarding the impact this growth would have on the biota of the surrounding Mojave Desert. The situation demanded that studies be conducted to understand the relationship between the biota and its environment. These studies required detailed vegetation information, with greater accuracy than provided by earlier efforts. We became involved in several projects concerning the vegetation of Clark County that had similar missions, but covered different areas. We coordinated data collection so that a single, cohesive data set was prepared to meet everyone’s needs. To add value to all of the projects, we ensured that data would be collected in the same way so all projects benefitted by being tied into all the other projects. After these projects were underway, the Nevada System of Higher Education was awarded an NSF EPSCoR grant (Nevada Infrastructure for Climate Change Science, Education, and Outreach). The grant funds two series of meteorological stations along long elevation gradients crossing several life zones. One set of five monitoring stations is in the Sheep Range, about 40 miles north of Las Vegas. The other set of seven stations are in the Snake Range about 260 miles north of Las Vegas. Meteorological sites were selected to be near the middle of currently recognized vegetation zones that correspond to Merriam’s Life Zones. The meteorological stations occur in typical communities in each of the zones, from 2930 ft in the Las Vegas Valley to more than 11,000 ft in the Snake Range. The stations are outfitted to monitor local meteorological conditions, soil moisture, and other physical parameters important to plants. We are using the data we are collecting to provide a baseline survey of biodiversity for the group. To date, more than 2300 vegetation samples were taken in the vicinities of these climate monitoring transects. Directly associated with the stations are 316 in the Snake Range transect, and 425 along the Sheep Range transect. Near the Sheep Range lies the Spring Mountains where 769 samples were obtained. More than 30,000 geo-referenced photographs document the sites, and nearly 1000 vascular plant taxa have been encountered and their distributions documented. Recently completed soil maps, the PRISM precipitation model, and 10m Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of the study areas exist. As a result, many environmental conditions can be explored with multivariate statistical methods. Preliminary results indicate that different kinds of physical data may be appropriate only at certain scales. Most useful for finescale investigations on mountains appears to be measures of irradiance at the solstices and equinox derived from the 10m DEM. Past climate in Nevada is readily evident on its landscapes, featuring glacial, periglacial and pluvial features. Pollen and remains left by woodrats provide vegetation records dating up to 40,000 years before present. The vegetation work described here provides a snapshot of biodiversity at fine scale of several mountain ranges. Efforts of the physical scientists and physiologists now, and repeat visits to the sample sites of this study later, will help us track the processes and manifestations of landscape change as responses to climate. Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine-scale do climate models need to be? (Invited) *Davis, F W (fwd@bren.ucsb.edu), Bren School, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Franklin, J (janet.franklin@asu.edu), School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA Ikegami, M (mikegami@bren.ucsb.edu), Earth Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Syphard, A D (asyphard@yahoo.com), Conservation Biology Institute, La Mesa, CA, USA Flint, A L (aflint@usgs.gov), California Water Sciences Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Sacramento, CA, USA Hannah, L (l.hannah@conservation.org), Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA The potential importance of local climate refugia for species persistence and migration makes climate downscaling especially critical for assessing implications of climate change on biodiversity. Recent studies of scale-dependence in plant species distribution models show high model sensitivity to resolution at local-toregional scales. Using Maximum-Entropy (Maxent), we modeled distributions of 40 California endemic plant species based on plot occurrence data, soil maps and downscaled climate variables at grid resolutions ranging from 90 m to 4 km. The species represent a wide range of life histories and range sizes. Species bioclimatic models based on historical (1970-1999) climate were applied to project late 21st C distributions based on two global climate models (GFDL, PCM) and two emission scenarios (A2, B1). The broad features of the modeled species’ distributions were very similar across a 2000-fold change in spatial resolution of climate data, especially for species with larger ranges. However, local details of predicted distributions, which are of particular interest to land managers, were much more sensitive to the resolution of input climate data. Mechanisms Controlling the Effects of Weather and Climate on California's Ecosystems (Invited) *Goulden, M (mgoulden@uci.edu), Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA Kelly, A E (a.kelly@uci.edu), Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA Fellows, A (afellows@uci.edu), Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA Winston, G (gwinston@uci.edu), Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA We combined observations and manipulations along topographic gradients in southern and central California to understand how climate controls ecosystem function. California's topography causes large temperature and precipitation gradients as a result of orographic, rain-shadow, atmospheric lapse, and sea breeze effects. These gradients lead to a wide diversity of ecosystem types and provide a natural laboratory for understanding the controls on plant community composition and ecosystem function. Findings include: (1) Natural climate gradients drive large changes in species composition, plant phenology, growing season length, and primary production. The growing season at low, dry, and warm locations is limited by summer drought, resulting in low primary production. The growing season at high, wet, and cold locations is limited by winter cold, resulting in low primary production. The growing season at mid elevation is limited by neither summer drought nor winter cold, resulting in year-round and high primary production. (2) The relative importance of plant species within a community shifts rapidly in response to changes in water input, caused by either natural variability or experimental manipulation. Species that are intolerant of drier conditions decline rapidly with reduced water input, and may disappear locally; species that are tolerant of drier conditions increase rapidly in extent. (3) Inward plant migration, and the establishment of new species at a location, is a comparatively slow process. The initial phases of climate change will likely reshuffle the importance of existing species within the community, resulting in only modest changes in ecosystem function but possibly extirpating species that are intolerant of warmer and drier conditions, and reducing biodiversity. These declines in biodiversity and delays in species immigration may ultimately limit the ability of ecosystems to respond to subsequent interannual and decadal variations in weather, and to adjust to more extreme changes in climate. http://snri.ucmerced.edu/CZO The upper mountain forest and tree response to climate change in south Siberian Mountains *Kharuk, V (kharuk@ksc.krasn.ru), Forest Ecology and Monitoring, Sukachev Institute of Forests, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation Ranson, J (jon.ranson@nasa.gov), Biospheric Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA The aim of this study is to evaluate topographic features of high elevation mountain environments govern spatial distribution and climate-driven dynamics of the forests growing there. The study area included upper mountain forest stands formed by larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb) and Siberian pine(Pinus sibirica Du Tour) (elevation range 1800-2600 m) in the mountains of southern Siberia. We used archive maps, satellite and onground data from 1960-2002. Data were normalized to avoid bias caused by uneven distribution of elevation, and slope steepness within the analyzed area. Spatial distribution of forest stands were analyzed with respect to topography based on a DEM. The primary results show that mountain forest spatial patterns are anisotropic with respect to topography. At a given elevation, the majority of forests occupied slopes with greater than mean slope values. As the elevation increased forests shifted to steeper slopes. The forest azimuth distribution orientation changed clockwise with elevation increase (total shift was 120 deg) indicating a combined effect of wind and water stress on the observed forest patterns. Warming caused changes in the forest distribution patterns during the last four decades. The area of closed forests increased 1.5 times, which was attributed to increased stand density and tree migration. The migration rate was 1.5 ± 0.9 m yr^-1 and caused a mean forest line shift of 63 ± 37m. Along with upward migration, downward tree migration onto hill slopes was observed. Changes in tree morphology were also noted as wide-spread transformation of the prostrate forms of Siberian pine and larch into erect forms. An analysis of the radial growth increments showed that the widespread vertical transformation of krummholz began in the mid -1980s. Radial and apical growth increments correlated with increase in air temperature (summer and “cold period”) and CO2 concentration. Regeneration responded to temperature increase of 1 deg C by migration to the areas of 10-40 m higher in elevation. Regeneration has propagated into the alpine tundra at the rate of ~1.0 - 2.0 m/yr. Siberian pine and larch regeneration surpassed their upper historical limit by 10-80 m in elevation. We will show that spatial patterns of upper mountain forests as well as forest response to warming strongly depends on topographic features . With elevation increase (and thus a harsher environment) forests shifted to steep wind-protected slopes. A considerable increase of the stand area and increased elevation of the upper forest line was observed coincident with the climate warming that was observed. A warming climate provides competitive advantages to Siberian pine in areas with sufficient precipitation. Larch is more tolerant of harsh climates and exhibits an arboreal growth form where Siberian pine is in krummholz form. Warming winter temperatures have been sufficient for increased survival of regeneration. Larch also has an advantage at the upper tree limit and in the areas with low precipitation. Climate-induced forest response significantly modified the spatial patterns of high elevation forests in southern Siberia during the last four decades, as well as tree morphology. Sensitivity of subalpine tree seedlings and alpine plants to natural and manipulated climate variation: Initial results from an Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment (Invited) *Kueppers, L M (lkueppers@ucmerced.edu), University of California, Merced, Merced, CA, USA Niche models and paleoecological studies indicate that future climate change will alter the geographic distributions of plant species. Changes in temperature, snowmelt timing, or moisture conditions at one edge of a species’ range may have different consequences for recruitment, carbon exchange, phenology, and survival than changes at another edge. Similarly, local genetic adaptation may constrain species and community responses to climate change. We have established a new experiment to investigate potential shifts in the distribution of subalpine tree species, and the alpine species they might replace. We are asking how tree species recruitment and alpine species growth and reproduction vary within their current ranges, and in response to temperature and soil moisture manipulations. We are also examining whether genetic provenance and ecosystem processes constrain tree seedling and alpine herb responses. Our Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment is located across three sites at Niwot Ridge, CO, ranging from near the lower limit of subalpine forest to alpine tundra. We use infrared heaters to raise growing season surface soil temperatures by 4-5°C, and to lengthen the growing season. The warming treatment is crossed with a soil moisture manipulation to distinguish effects due to higher temperatures from those due to drier soil. Each plot is a common garden sown with high and low elevation provenances of limber pine (Pinus flexilis) and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii). We established an additional set of experimental plots to examine treatment effects on alpine species phenology, growth and reproduction. Under ambient conditions in 2009, tree seedling germination rate, lifespan, and first season survival was higher within the species’ current range than in the alpine, and for Engelmann spruce, was higher at the low elevation limit than the high elevation limit. Source population (low vs. high elevation) was a significant factor explaining natural variation in germination rates and timing, seedling physiology, and seedling survival. In 2010, the first season with experimental effects data, the timing of germination was substantially advanced with warming for both species, and warming appeared to increase germination rates for limber pine, but to depress rates for Engelmann spruce at treeline. Seedling carbon balance was negative at the warmest leaf temperatures and there is some indication that the low elevation provenance has a higher total assimilation rate and net carbon gain than the high elevation provenance. Water availability was an important driver of variation in carbon assimilation through the growing season. Our early results suggest that with higher germination rates and lower mortality rates, limber pine is better able to recruit into the alpine than Engelmann spruce, and that lower elevation provenances of limber pine are better at assimilating carbon for growth regardless of site. Ultimate success in seedling establishment may be more contingent on water availability than temperature, even at these high elevations. https://alpine.ucmerced.edu/pub/htdocs/index.html Forest responses to increasing aridity and warmth in the southwestern United States Still, C J (still@icess.ucsb.edu), Geography, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA *Williams, P (williams@geog.ucsb.edu), Geography, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Allen, C D (craig_allen@usgs.gov), Fort Collins Science Center, US Geological Survey, Los Alamos, NM, USA Millar, C I (cmillar@fs.fed.us), Sierra Nevada Research Center, USDA Forest Service, Albany, CA, USA Swetnam, T W (tswetnam@ltrr.arizona.edu), Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Michaelsen, J (joel@geog.ucsb.edu), Geography, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Leavitt, S W (sleavitt@ltrr.arizona.edu), Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA In recent decades, intense droughts, insect outbreaks, and wildfires have led to decreasing tree growth and increasing mortality in many temperate forests. We compared annual tree-ring width data from 1,097 populations in the coterminous United States to climate data and evaluated site-specific tree responses to climate variations throughout the 20th century. For each population, we developed a climate-driven growth equation using climate records to predict annual ring widths. Forests within the mountain Southwest appear particularly sensitive to drought and warmth. We input 21st century climate projections to the equations to predict growth responses. Our results suggest that as projected temperatures rise and precipitation declines southwestern trees will experience substantially reduced growth during this century, especially at warm, lowerelevation sites. As tree growth declines, mortality rates may also increase at many sites. Increases in wildfires and bark-beetle outbreaks in the most recent decade are likely related to an extreme drought and high temperatures during this period. Using satellite imagery and aerial survey data, we conservatively calculate that ~2.7% of southwestern forest and woodland area experienced substantial mortality due to wildfires from 1984-2006, and ~7.6% experienced mortality associated with bark beetles from 1997-2008. We estimate that up to ~18% of southwestern forest area (excluding woodlands) experienced mortality due to both bark beetles and wildfire during this period. Expected climatic changes will alter future forest productivity, disturbance regimes, and species ranges throughout the Southwest. Emerging knowledge of these impending transitions informs efforts to adaptively manage southwestern forests. Map of southwestern forest and woodland mortality due to (orange) bark beetles from 1997-2008 and (red) wildfire from 1984-2006. Dark green areas are conifer and mixed forest. Light green areas are piñon/juniper woodland. Grey areas are non-forest/woodland landscapes. White lines are state boundaries. Bark-beetle induced mortality covered 18,177 km^2 and wildfire induced mortality covered 6,420 km^2. Do plant species interactions reflect small-scale abiotic gradients in the alpine zone? *Whitecloud, S S (simone.s.whitecloud@dartmouth.edu), Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA Biotic interactions such as competition and facilitation play a role in determining species distributions and abiotic factors can determine how these dynamics unfold. Understanding the strength and importance of biotic interactions is therefore essential to making predictions about community response to changing environmental conditions. In the alpine zone of New England, plant communities vary along the physical gradients of mountaintops. Eastern slopes are sheltered from the prevailing westerly winds and produce larger, longerlasting snowdrifts that create potential habitat for boreal forest species to move into the alpine zone. Western slopes are strictly alpine. The Stress Gradient Hypothesis states that the alpine zone, due to its harsh physical conditions, is likely to host positive interactions between species (facilitation) (Bertness and Callaway 1994). In the summer of 2009 I conducted an observational study on peaks of three mountain ranges to quantify how these physical patterns correlated with changes in plant communities and species interactions. Multivariate analysis showed effects of aspect and mountain shape (domed or peaked) on plant communities. Twentymeter transects from the peak down the leeward slope also demonstrated a three-cluster pattern that I hypothesize represents an interaction gradient from facilitation at the peak to competition. Neighbor removal manipulations were initiated in the summer 2010 to test this hypothesis. Effects will be tested using proxies for plant growth such as nodal length and leaf surface area measured over the next two years. Evidence for facilitation will be demonstrated by decreased growth in the absence of neighbors, while increased growth imply the removal of competitive interactions. I hypothesize that the relative importance of these biotic interactions will be sensitive to climate change and that species interactions will likely contribute to shifts in communities in the face of changing climate. POSTERS Fine-scale Phenology and Nitrogen-Fixing Microbes at a GLORIA Site in Southwestern Montana, USA *Apple, M E (mapple@mtech.edu), Biological Sciences, Montana Tech, Butte, MT, USA Prince, J (jbprince@mtech.edu), Biological Sciences, Montana Tech, Butte, MT, USA Morales, S (sergio.morales@mso.umt.edu), Biological Sciences, Montana Tech, Butte, MT, USA Apple, C (jungcharlesmusic@gmail.com), Biological Sciences, Montana Tech, Butte, MT, USA Gallagher, J (jgallagher@opendap.org), OPeNDAP, Butte, MT, USA Global climate change is predicted to have a major impact on alpine environments and plants, including changes in the phenology of alpine plants in western North America. The GLORIA( Global Research Initiative in Alpine Environments) project is an international network of alpine sites for long-term monitoring of naturallyoccurring alpine plants in the context of climate change. We established a GLORIA site in southwestern Montana in 2008 with four sub-summits of ascending elevation from treeline to the upper alpine with surveys of plants in quadrats at each cardinal direction and installed -20° to 50° C temperature loggers (Onset TB132). This GLORIA site is immediately east of the Continental Divide at Mt. Fleecer, (45°49”36.06”N, 112°48’08.18”W), a 2873 m (9425 ft.) peak situated between the Pintlar and Pioneer Mts., and at Mt. Keokirk, 2987.3 m, (9801 ft.), 45°35’37.94” N, 112°57”03.89” W, south of Mt. Fleecer in the Pioneer Mts. Phenology is an important aspect of life in the mountains. Herbaceous plants appear at different times throughout the growing season but can be virtually undetectable at other times. To determine when particular species can be detected, we constructed a time-series of photographs of plants at the 3m2 and 1m2 quadrats at the subsummits at Mt. Fleecer in the summer of 2010, with the first set of photographs taken on July 9, just after snowmelt and the final set taken on August 28, just before snowfall. The photographs demonstrate that apparently new species are found when early and late season images are compared. Data on the timing intervals of vegetative growth, anthesis, fruiting, and seed dispersal as well as visualizations of the seasonal appearance and disappearance of the aboveground parts of different species can be extracted from the photographs in the time series. As a result of this study, several new species will be added to the Southwestern Montana GLORIA species list, including Gentiana calycosa and Gentiana amarella, which were in bloom at the treeline site in September 2010 but were not evident during the baseline survey in July 2008. Because nitrogen fixation is a critical process in alpine environments, the lives of alpine plants are intricately linked to those of nitrogen-fixing, and often symbiotic, microbes. Therefore, it is not only the plants that may be affected by changes in climate but also the nitrogen-fixing microbes. To develop an understanding of the distribution of nitrogen-fixers, we initiated a survey of these microbes by searching for them in lichens, legumes, and cryptogamic crusts. Lichens from Mt. Fleecer contained photosynthetic green algae but did not contain nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. We have found root nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in Lupinus sp. but not in Oxytropis campestris, another abundant legume from Mt. Fleecer. In addition, we are using microscopy to examine cryptogamic crusts of soils from meadows near the treeline and lower alpine subsummits of Mt. Fleecer to determine whether nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria are present and thus likely contributing nitrogen to the alpine ecosystem. Investigating tree mortality at multiple spatial and temporal scales in the Bishop pine forest on Santa Cruz Island, California *Baguskas, S A (baguskas@geog.ucsb.edu), UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Bookhagen, B (bodo@icess.ucsb.edu), UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Peterson, S H (seth@geog.ucsb.edu), UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Asner, G P (gpa@stanford.edu), Environmental Earth System Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA The rate of tree mortality has increased across the western United States in recent decades, and many studies attribute the cause to water stress induced by regional warming. To date, the geographical scope of study regions affected by widespread tree mortality in the American West has largely been limited to continental, montane climates. Much less is known about mortality events in other climatic regions, such as coastal forests. The relatively unvarying nature of the coastal, maritime climate has traditionally been assumed to buffer these forests from large climate variations; however, we have observed rapid tree mortality in this region which suggests coastal forests may be as susceptible to drought-induced mortality as inland forest locations. Santa Cruz Island (SCI), one of the California Channel Islands, harbors numerous relict and endemic plant species, including Bishop pine (Pinus muricata). Following extreme drought in southern California in two of the last three years (2007-2009), widespread mortality of Bishop pines has become evident. Bishop pine populations are restricted to the fog belt of coastal California and northern Baja California; therefore, a major reduction of existing populations on SCI would greatly reduce the distribution of the species as a whole. The focus of my research is to investigate the mechanisms underlying spatial and temporal patterns of Bishop pine mortality on SCI. I used remote sensing techniques to characterize spatiotemporal patterns of tree mortality and I have performed ground-data collection to validate remote-sensing results. Remote sensing in combination with field verification is a valuable tool to understand the spatiotemporal pattern of tree mortality and is a necessary step to help elucidate potential environmental and biological controls on tree mortality. Fire and Climate History of Mixed Conifer Woodlands in the Great Basin, USA *Biondi, F (fbiondi@unr.edu), DendroLab, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA Bradley, M (meganbradley85@gmail.com), DendroLab, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA Cheek, J (jcheek47@yahoo.com), DendroLab, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA Jamieson, L (kipperpie@gmail.com), DendroLab, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA Kilpatrick, M (mackenziekilpatrick@hotmail.com), DendroLab, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA Sibold, J (Jason.Sibold@colostate.edu), DendroLab, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA Strachan, S D (scotty@dayhike.net), DendroLab, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA We investigated climate, fire, and species dynamics before and after Euro-American settlement at two locations in Lincoln County, Nevada. Both the Mt. Irish and Clover Mountains sites are isolated high ranges in the southern Great Basin Desert, not far from the floristic boundary with the northern Mojave Desert. At Mt. Irish, non-scarred ponderosa pines and single-leaf piñons were used to develop a tree-ring reconstruction of drought (mean PDSI for May-July, NV Clim. Div. 3) from 1396 to 2003. Fire-scarred ponderosas found at both study areas were then sampled, and crossdated fire-scar records were used to generate the fire history. A total of 12 plots, each 0.1 ha in size, was sampled at each site to quantify stand structure, age of surviving trees, and fuel loads. Additional information on species dynamics were collected at regularly spaced grid points. Density of pinyon pine at both sites has more than doubled since Euro-American settlement, with peak survivorship occurring in 1900-1940 at Mount Irish and 1930-1970 at the Clover Mountains. Pre-settlement trees occur throughout each site, particularly at Mount Irish, where in 1550-1860 fires that scarred at least two trees were very frequent (mean fire return interval: 4 years), while fires that scarred at least 10% of the recorder trees were relatively rare (mean fire return interval: 66 years). At the Clover Mountains, for the period 1785-2007, fires that scarred at least two trees and fires that scarred at least 10% of the recorder trees had more similar mean fire return intervals: 7 and 12 years. Fire frequency did not decrease during the 1780-1840 period, when fire was reduced or absent in other areas of the western United States. Much lower fire frequency was noted after Euro-American settlement at Mt. Irish, most likely because of less favorable climatic conditions, while the difference was less pronounced, and also affected by fire suppression activity, at the Clover Mountains. Fuel loads at the two sites were different, with those at the Clover Mountains favoring a higher rate of surface fire spread compared to Mount Irish, which however is currently at a greater risk for a high-intensity crown fire. In addition, based on fuel reconstructions, a potential change in fire behavior from a surface to a crown fire occurred after settlement at the Clover Mountains and prior to settlement at Mount Irish. Modeling the Response of Glaciers to Climate Change in the Upper North Saskatchewan River Basin *Booth, E (evan.booth@uleth.ca), University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada Byrne, J M (byrne@uleth.ca), University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada Jiskoot, H (hester.jiskoot@uleth.ca), University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada MacDonald, R J (ryan.macdonald@uleth.ca), University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada This research will quantify the historical and future impacts of climate change on the glacial contribution to stream flow in the Upper North Saskatchewan River basin, Alberta, Canada. The physically based Generate Earth SYstems Science (GENESYS) hydromet model will be used to analyze the regional impact of historical data, and to forecast future trends in the hydrology and climatology of selected watersheds within the basin. This model has recently been successfully applied to the St. Mary River watershed, Montana, as well as the Upper North Saskatchewan River basin (MacDonald et al. 2009; MacDonald et al. in press; Byrne et al. in review). Hydro-meteorological processes were simulated at a high temporal and spatial resolution over complex terrain, focusing on modeling snow water equivalent and the timing of spring melt. A mass-balance glacier model will be developed and incorporated into GENESYS to more accurately gauge the effects of climate change on glacial decline and the effects of these changes on stream runoff. Global Climate Model (GCM) scenarios will be applied through GENESYS to develop meaningful projections of the range of possible future hydrologic change under reduced glacial cover in the basin through 2100. Building Topographically Modified Tree-Ring Chronologies from High Elevation Bristlecone Pine in the White Mountains of California, USA *Bunn, A G (andy.bunn@wwu.edu), Environmental Sciences, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USA Hughes, M K (mhughes@ltrr.arizona.edu), Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Salzer, M W (msalzer@ltrr.arizona.edu ), Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA We analyze growth rates of dozens of high elevation (~3400 m.a.s.l.) bristlecone pine trees (Pinus longaeva D.K. Bailey) from the White Mountains of California, USA by exploiting the biophysical position of the individual trees. Recent work has shown that 20th century growth in the highest elevation bristlecone pine is greater than at any point in recent millennia. This phenomenon is coincident with increased temperatures over the instrumental climate record. While both temperature and moisture availability appear to influence growth, the trade-off of these limiting factors is not well understood. The White Mountains are dominated by steep, rugged terrain. We suggest that even in relatively small areas, the complexity of terrain in high mountain systems can alter the limiting growth factors of individual trees and that these differences may be of value to better understand bristlecone pine growth. In a multivariate analysis we are able to isolate different patterns of growth based that are associated with topographic indices reflecting variations in local temperature lapse rates and soil moisture anomalies. When we build topographically modified mean ring-width chronologies along these gradients we find substantial variation between the chronologies in the time and frequency domains. We also find that the correlations with the instrumental climate record vary and that we are partially able to unmix temperature versus precipitation signals. These differences appear consistent with mechanistic understanding of the control of tree-ring variability using a process-based model. If these results are robust, the calculation of climate reconstructions using ring-width data from these trees could be placed on a firmer, clearer, basis. Subalpine Conifer Seedling Demographics: Species Responses to Climate Manipulations Across an Elevational Gradient at Niwot Ridge, Colorado *Castanha, C (ccastanha@lbl.gov), LBNL, Berkeley, CA, USA Germino, M J (germmatt@isu.edu), Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, USA Torn, M S (mstorn@lbl.gov), LBNL, Berkeley, CA, USA Ferrenberg, S (scott.ferrenberg@colorado.edu), CU Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA Harte, J (jharte@berkeley.edu), UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA Kueppers, L M (lkueppers@ucmerced.edu), UC Merced, Merced, CA, USA The effect of climate change on future ranges of treeline species is poorly understood. For example, it is not known whether trees will recruit into the alpine, above the current treeline, and whether population-level differences in trees will mediate range shifts. At Niwot Ridge, Colorado, we used common gardens and climate manipulations to test predictions that warming will lead to greater recruitment at and beyond the cold edge of these species ranges, and will reduce recruitment at the warm edge. Seed from local populations of limber pine and Englemann spruce was harvested and reciprocally planted in 3 experimental sites spanning an elevation gradient from lower subalpine forest (10,000’), to the upper subalpine treeline ecotone (11,000’), to the alpine tundra (11,300’). In Fall 2009 seeds were sown into 20 plots at each site. Overhead infrared heaters targeted increases in growing season surface soil temperature of 4-5°C. The heating treatment, which began in October 2009, was crossed with manual watering, which was initiated following snowmelt in 2010. Over the 2010 growing season, we surveyed seedling germination and mortality weekly. Germination began in early May at the forest site, in early June at the krummholz site, and in early July at the alpine site. Depending on the site and plot, heating accelerated germination by 1 to 4 weeks. Seed source elevation, species, and site all affected germination, with effects for the two species also depending on site. At all sites, lower elevation, warm-edge populations had higher germination rates than high-elevation, cool-edge populations, indicating a potential bottleneck for germination of the high elevation seed sources in the adjacent alpine tundra. At all sites, survival was generally higher for pine than for spruce. Watering tended to enhance pine germinant survival while heating tended to depress spruce germinant survival. Our results indicate that the alpine tundra, generally considered an inhospitable environment, was not favorable for Englemann spruce, even with warming. In contrast, once seeds were introduced, the alpine tundra proved favorable to limber pine germination, irrespective of the climate manipulation. 20th Century Climate Change in the Sierra Nevada from PRISM Data *Conklin, D R (david.conklin@oregonstate.edu), Conservation Biology Institute, Corvallis, OR, USA Osborne-gowey, J D (osbornegowey@hotmail.com), Conservation Biology Institute, Corvallis, OR, USA Initial estimates of climate warming in the Sierra Nevada during the 20th century were based on instrumental records from a few long-term weather stations. The PRISM model produces climate maps based on essentially all available station records. Analysis of PRISM data covering the 20th century for the Yosemite region suggested that the initial estimates were substantially too large. The analysis is now being extended to the entire Sierra Nevada range. Quantification of the amount of climate change in the recent past is important to the interpretation of observed species range shifts during the same period, and to the projection of future range shifts resulting from even larger climate changes expected in the 21st century. Soil moisture dynamics and forest fire risk in the Upper North Saskatchewan Watershed, Alberta *Dalla Vicenza, S A (sarah.dallavicenza@uleth.ca), Geography /Water Env Centre, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada Byrne, J M (byrne@uleth.ca), Geography /Water Env Centre, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada Letts, M G (matthew.letts@uleth.ca), Geography /Water Env Centre, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada The key objective of this research is to assess soil moisture dynamics and forest fire risk as part of an ongoing study assessing water quantity and quality in the Upper North Saskatchewan watershed. The 20, 000 km2 watershed is located in the Rocky Mountains of west-central Alberta. Forest fires are becoming an increasing concern as climate change advances along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, as well as for mountain landscapes worldwide. Global climate change is expected to alter precipitation patterns and intensities and increase temperatures. Rising temperatures can cause decreases in soil moisture and as a result, drier forests and organic soils. The hypothesis to be tested is - will global warming lead to greater forest fire index values (greater risk) and greater duration of high risk index values? A range of climate change scenarios has been chosen to predict potential effects on future forest fire risk for over 900 distinct terrain categories (TC) in the watershed. The goal of this research is to further develop a methodology for predicting the potential frequency or probability of forest fire occurrence. The GENESYS (Generate Earth Systems Science input) hydrometeorology model and the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System are being combined to assess possible changes in forest fire occurrence and extent in mountain environments. Subsurface Thermal and Hydrological Changes Between Forest and Clear-cut Sites in the Oregon Cascades *Davis, M G (volcdavis@yahoo.com), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Waschmann, R S (Waschmann.Ron@epamail.epa.gov), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, OR, USA Harris, R N (rharris@coas.oregonstate.edu), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA Chapman, D S (david.chapman@utah.edu), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA The Cascades of the US Pacific Northwest are a climatically sensitive area. Projections of continued winter warming in this area are expected to induce a switch from a snow-dominated to a rain-dominated winter precipitation regime with a likely impact on subsurface thermal and hydrological regimes. Such changes to the ecosystem may also be linked to changes in land cover, resulting in amplified subsurface temperatures and changing the timing and availability of subsurface water. To monitor changing climatic conditions in this region, the Environmental Protection Agency established pairs of meteorological stations over the Santiam Pass, Cascades Mountains, Oregon, USA, at 5 locations spanning elevations between 500 to 1200 m in the late 1990s. Each location comprises two separate meteorological towers; one under the old-growth coniferous forest canopy and the other in a near by opening or clear-cut. One purpose of the paired stations is to understand the influence of the forest canopy and the developing clear-cut vegetation on the seasonal and annual soil moisture and temperature at each station. We report a comparison of observations between paired stations and a comparison between observations and a land surface model. Preliminary results indicate that open areas have higher air and soil temperatures and receive greater amounts of precipitation and incoming radiation. These conditions are contrasted with the muted conditions under the forest canopy. The results have implications for understanding surface energy exchanges, their impact on the subsurface thermal and hydrological regimes, and possible feedbacks to the climate system as a function of time, space and land cover. Climate contributes to zonal forest mortality in Southern California’s San Jacinto Mountains *Fellows, A (afellows@uci.edu), University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA Goulden, M (mgoulden@uci.edu), University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA An estimated 4.6 million trees died over ~375,000 acres of Southern California forest in 2002-2004. This mortality punctuated a decline in forest health that has been attributed to air pollution, stem densification, or drought. Bark beetles were the proximate cause of most tree death but the underlying cause of this extensive mortality is arguably poor forest health. We investigated the contributions that climate, particularly drought, played in tree mortality and how physiological drought stress may have structured the observed patterns of mortality. Field surveys showed that conifer mortality was zonal in the San Jacinto Mountains of Southern California. The proportion of conifer mortality increased with decreasing elevation (p=0.01). Mid-elevation conifers (White Fir, Incense Cedar, Coulter Pine, Sugar Pine, Ponderosa and Jeffrey Pine) died in the lower portions of their respective ranges, which resulted in an upslope lean in species’ distribution and an upslope shift in species’ mean elevation. Long-term precipitation (P) is consistent with elevation over the conifer elevation range (p=0.43). Potential evapotranspiration (ET) estimated by Penman Monteith declines with elevation by nearly half over the same range. These trends suggest that ET, more than P, is critical in structuring the elevational trend in drought stress and may have contributed to the patterns of mortality that occurred in 2002-04. Physiological measurements in a mild drought year (2009) showed late summer declines in plant water availability with decreasing elevation (p < 0.01) and concomitant reductions in carbon assimilation and stomatal conductance with decreasing elevation. We tie these observations together with a simple water balance model. Above treeline shrub-chronologies on the eastern Sierra Nevada crest, Mono Co., California, USA contain records of precipitation and large-scale ocean and atmospheric conditions *Franklin, R S (rebecca@ltrr.arizona.edu), Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Herb- or shrub- chronology, a technique adapted from dendrochronology, is the study of the annual growth rings in roots of certain perennial dicotyledonous plants. The presence of annual growth increments in highelevation plants is significant as it highlights the importance of herbchronology for climatic, ecological and geomorphologic applications in alpine and extra-arboreal regions. For an above-treeline site on the eastern crest of the Sierra Nevada range at the Barney Lake Rock Glacier (37.56466N, 118.96554W), I will discuss the dendrochronological potential of several species colonizing this rock glacier with a focus on the ring-width chronology and climate response of the species Linanthus pungens (Torr.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson. Commonly known as Granite Gilia, this species is a low-branching shrub (10 - 20 cm H) native to California and is found throughout the arid mountainous western US and British Columbia at elevations ranging from 1500 - 3700 m. The Barney Lake Rock Glacier (BLRG) chronology is 112 years in length with sufficient sample replication (EPS>0.85) from 1952 through 2008. In an exploration of the BLRG chronology, I will 1) discuss the preferential presence of these plants on specific periglacial landforms; 2) present an analysis of correlations with PRISM climate data, SNOTEL April snow water equivalent (SWE), Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and local climate station temperature and precipitation records; and 3) discuss the change in response of the BLRG chronology to these variables that occurs across the 1975/1976 shift from a “cool regime” to a “warm regime” of the California Current, related to the PDO. Dry season foliar fog uptake, reverse sapflow, and nighttime transpiration in the tropical montane cloud forests of Mexico *Gotsch, S G (sybilgotsch@gmail.com), Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA Asbjornsen, H (hasbjorn@iastate.edu), Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA Holwerda, F (friso.holwerda@gmail.com), Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA Goldsmith, G R (grgoldsmith@berkeley.edu), Integrative Biology, UC-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA Dawson, T E (tdawson@berkeley.edu), Integrative Biology, UC-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA Dry season fog is a ubiquitous feature of seasonal tropical cloud forests. Although cloud forests receive generous inputs of yearly precipitation, rainfall occurs primarily in the wet season. In the tropical montane forests of Veracruz Mexico, 80% of rainfall occurs in the wet season while fog occurs primarily in the dry season. Since dry-season fog occurs during months when precipitation is low or absent, this meteorological phenomenon may be important in alleviating dry-season water stress either directly through foliar fog uptake, or indirectly through a reduction in transpiration causing relaxation in xylem water tension. We determined the importance of fog on the water relations of a dominant tropical montane forest tree in La Cortadura Reserve in Veracruz, Mexico by using micrometeorological data and by measuring sap flow, leaf water potential and stomatal conductance throughout the canopies of three mature oak trees. Although the relative humidity is generally high in this habitat, in the dry season, humidity is lower and at times can be as low as 20% which causes high vapor pressure deficit and evaporative demand. We also screened sap flow data to detect periods of nighttime transpiration. Reverse sap flow occurred frequently in this site during periods of fog/drizzle. Foliar fog uptake occurred 30% of the time in the dry season although this reverse flow is likely insignificant in the water balance of cloud forest trees. Furthermore we detected low, but positive, flow rates flow at night. Finally, we conducted diurnal courses of leaf water potential and stomatal conductance at the end of the dry season to determine whether these trees were undergoing water stress. Results/Conclusions We found that reverse sap flow is a common phenomena in the dry season, indicating foliar fog uptake. Although the addition of fog to whole-tree water balance may be minimal, high dry season leaf water potential may indicate the importance of fog in reducing the negative physiological impact of dry periods. Nighttime transpiration is also a common phenomena in these forests and accounts for approximately 30% of total water transpired in the dry season. Climate change scenarios often predict a reduction of fog in montane habitats; our results indicate that this may have important repercussions on the physiology of montane forest trees and persistence of montane cloud forest vegetation in this region. Alpine ecosystem vulnerability to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau: Global implications for carbon balance, regional consequences for local pastoralists *Hopping, K A (kelly.hopping@colostate.edu), Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO, USA Klein, J A (jklein@warnercnr.colostate.edu), Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO, USA Hu, J (jiahu@ucar.edu), Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA Kang, S (shichang.kang@itpcas.ac.cn), Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China The Tibetan Plateau is predicted to undergo climate warming much greater than the global average, as well as shifts in its currently monsoon-dominated precipitation regime. These changes will likely affect the vegetation composition, carbon balance, and nutrient cycling of this alpine, social-ecological system. In 2009 we established a fully factorial experiment to test ecosystem responses to predicted climate changes on the Tibetan Plateau. Our experiment site (4870 m) is located in the foothills of the Nyanchenthanglha Mountains, where local pastoralists graze their livestock. The site is representative of central Tibet’s alpine meadow ecosystems, with the turf-forming sedge, Kobresia pygmaea, as both the dominant species and preferred forage of yaks. Our climate treatments are spring snow addition, which is added at 1-m depth to simulate severe snowstorms, and warming with open top chambers, which elevate air temperatures by an average of 1.2 degrees Celsius. The climate treatments are fully crossed with controlled grazing by yaks, which represents the primary livelihood practice of herders at our study site and throughout Tibet’s grasslands. To better understand the ecosystem shifts that may occur under climate change in this alpine system and to elucidate the drivers of these shifts, we collected data from a suite of measurements in each of our plots. Using a LiCOR 6400 infrared gas analyzer, we measured CO2 fluxes at 4 periods throughout the growing season to obtain values for net ecosystem productivity (NEP), ecosystem respiration, and gross primary productivity. We also measured available nitrogen (N) across three distinct moisture regimes (snowmelt, dry-down, and monsoon). Finally, we quantified changes in vegetation composition and recorded air and soil temperature and soil moisture throughout the growing season. After two years of applying treatments, our findings suggest that Tibet’s alpine grasslands are particularly vulnerable to climate change. We will present data indicating that soil moisture drying seems to be the proximate cause of shifts in vegetation composition, NEP, and N availability, with climate warming as the ultimate cause. Our results also indicate that some of the negative effects of warming may be mitigated by spring snowstorms that provide a pulse of moisture at the start of the growing season. However, in contrast to temperatures that are expected to rise steadily under climate change, snow events on the Tibetan Plateau are much less predictable across both time and space. This mismatch in increased rates of warming and added precipitation to the system will likely affect the landscape patchily. Furthermore, it will leave local herders with the conundrum of how to cope most successfully with the impacts of multiple climate changes, thus illustrating the complexity associated with integrating a fine-scale understanding of ecosystem responses to climate change with coherent strategies for adaptation. Complimentary And Dense Sensor Networks To Understand Climate Variability In Mountainous Terrain Isaak, D (disaak@fs.fed.us), US Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID, USA Holden, Z (zaholden@fs.fed.us), US Forest Service - Region 1, Missoula, MT, USA *Luce, C (cluce@fs.fed.us), US Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID, USA Roper, B (broper@fs.fed.us), US Forest Service - Fish & Aquatic Ecology Unit, Logan, UT, USA Climate change is motivating extensive research to understand potential future responses in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, including relative spatial vulnerability. Ongoing efforts to downscale climate models is improving the resolution at which climate data are available, but outputs from the latest regional climate models remain coarse relative to the scales at which ecological processes operate and landscapes and natural resources are managed. Inexpensive digital sensors and remote sensing technology now facilitate the collection of copious amounts of information on a variety of environmental attributes. Within two large mountain river basins (>5,000km2) of contrasting physiographies in the northern Rockies, we have instrumented dense networks that consist of hundreds of sensors for stream temperature and air temperature. Numerous research questions regarding fine-scale climate variation will be addressed with data from each sensor network, such as the influence of physiography on temperature variation (e.g. cold air drainage and pooling, potential groundwater buffering of stream temperatures), the relative magnitude of site versus network variation, and land surface-air temperature feedbacks. The complimentary network approach also facilitates addressing a host of additional research questions not possible with a single network (e.g., do streams warm because of local air temperature increases or because some streams are more sensitive than others?). Additional sensor networks focused on snowmelt timing, stream flow, or other relevant environmental attributes could further enhance our understanding of the flow of materials and energy through these river basins and mountain landscapes in general. Development and strategic coordination of similar dense networks across a range of mountain environments in the western US or globally could provide valuable insights regarding potential ecosystem responses to climate change and how variability is structured across multiple scales. Analyzing the Locations, Severity and Frequency of Cold Air Pools (CAP) in the Sierra Nevada, California Kunz, A (axel.kunz2@uni-jena.de), Geoinformatics, Hydrology and Modelling, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany *Helmschrot, J (joerg.helmschrot@uni-jena.de), Geoinformatics, Hydrology and Modelling, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany Lundquist, J D (jdlund@u.washington.edu), Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA The accumulation of cold air in valleys or depressions resulting from nocturnal cooling is a widely recognized phenomenon in local climatology, particularly in mountainous regions. This nocturnal cooling can significantly affect ecological patterns and hydro-climatological dynamics in watersheds in complex terrain. Thus, information on cold air pooling is considered important for basin ecological and hydrological modeling. In this study, a Cold Air Pool (CAP) map has been created for the entire Sierra Nevada, California. Therefore, 51 Digital Elevation Models (DEM) tiles were processed and analyzed using an approach developed at the University of Washington (Lundquist et al. 2008). From this map it was shown that 23 % of the Sierra Nevada is likely affected by cold air pooling, 49 % of the region is not affected by CAP, and 28 % of the region falls in between these categories. Comparing the map with station data available from the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) it was found that the majority of climate stations are established in CAP areas, which are often located in valleys. The authors argue that this overrepresentation should be considered for the calculation and regionalization of long-term temperature averages. Since the CAP map only indicates areas of likely cold air pooling, and does not indicate the severity of the temperature depressions, the map was validated with temperature data to test the severity and frequency of cold air pools in three test sites located in the northern, central and southern Sierra Nevada. For those test sites, quality-controlled temperature data from stations located in CAP and non-CAP areas at comparable elevations were analyzed to better understand the frequency of CAP events and regional differences in cold air pooling in the Sierra Nevada. It was shown that cold air pooling is evident in all three regions. With respect to its ecological importance, specific attention has been given to the seasonal occurrence and intensity of cold air pools in those test regions. The results indicate that there are significant seasonal changes for CAP events. Based on this study, the authors suggest that research on ecological and hydro-climatological dynamics in the Sierra Nevada should address the phenomenon of Cold Air Pooling. Geologic and geomorphic controls of altitudinal treeline in the Canadian Rocky Mountains *Macias Fauria, M (mmaciasf@ucalgary.ca), Biogeoscience Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Johnson, E A (johnsone@ucalgary.ca), Biogeoscience Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada We hypothesize that a multi-scale (in both time and space) process competition affecting topographical shelter (e.g. sites favoring snow accumulation which prevents dissecation and abrasion), and substrate and water availability, ultimately set the distribution of suitable sites where trees can establish and survive in the altitudinal treeline. Terrain characteristics on which altitudinal treelines occur are ultimately set by geological history, which determines the distribution of slope aspects, angles, and lengths, as well as the distribution, depth, transport, and texture of the regolith on which trees grow. Erosive processes (landscape evolution) create concave features where flow converges (water, avalanches, debris) - channels - and convex or planar slopes. A spatially explicit model is presented at 1m resolution which predicts tree presence on a ~ 200 km2 area in the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains as a function of landscape topographical variables key in water and energy balances and surface transport/instability. The model was validated with independent data from an adjacent area and successfully captures tree presence/absence. Subalpine forests form a mosaic of stand ages which is a function of the last disturbance (mostly wildfire), where the main differences from their lowland counterparts are 1) a higher portion of areas where stand dynamics are affected by disturbances linked to the presence of slopes (i.e. gravitational: avalanches, flooding/flushing events), and 2) an upslope declining frequency of sites favorable for tree establishment and survival. Thus, the presence of trees in the uppermost part of these forests largely depends on the existence of suitable conditions largely linked to topography. Such places are the result of geomorphologic processes acting on a framework set by the structural geology of the region, and thus the appearance of new sites suitable for tree growth does not depend on short (i.e. yearly to decadal) time scales but on longer ones (i.e. centuries to millennia). This view is supported by the observation from available air photos that over the last > 60yr in our study region treeline has not risen (except for very few new individuals) despite an increase in temperatures in the area. Moreover, the treed locations have remained the same in these decades, suggesting that trees grow in suitable areas as described above. Only forest recovery after disturbances has shown significant landscape-scale changes over the last seven decades. Slopes with very specific characteristics (very rare in our study area, but potentially more abundant in other geological environments) may exhibit suitable habitats above the current treeline susceptible to being colonized by trees in an scenario of climate amelioration. We argue that these precisely constitute the slopes over which most treeline studies have been carried out (bias towards positive evidence). Moreover, the fact that the suitability of a site for tree growth is set by a competition of processes which are affected by climate in different ways and rates impedes a concrete definition of what is 'climatic amelioration' for treeline. Assessing stream temperature response to environmental change *MacDonald, R J (ryan.macdonald@uleth.ca), Univ Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada Boon, S (sarah.boon@uleth.ca), Univ Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada Byrne, J M (byrne@uleth.ca), Univ Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada Stream temperature controls aquatic ecosystem function by directly influencing water quality, ecosystem productivity, and the physiological functioning of aquatic organisms. To date, there are limited studies of the impacts of environmental disturbance on stream temperature, particularly on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. This region provides key habitat for native salmonid species such as westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus), which are listed as ‘threatened’ and ‘species of special concern’, respectively. Increases in stream temperature could limit habitat availability, reduce competitive advantage, and potentially increase mortality rates for these native species. This study uses field data collected at high spatiotemporal resolution to develop a spatial stream temperature model that simulates the mass and energy balance of the stream system. Preliminary field results demonstrate the high spatial and temporal variability in processes governing stream temperature in three study stream reaches. Groundwater/surface water interactions, topographic setting, and local meteorological conditions all contribute in determining stream thermal regimes. This work discusses how these primary drivers of stream temperature can be incorporated into a physically based spatial model, and demonstrates how depending on the scale of interest, the temperature of a stream can be governed by very different contributing factors. Mortality in Subalpine Forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA: Differential Response of Pines (Pinus albicaulis and P. flexilis) to Climate Variability *Millar, C I (cmillar@fs.fed.us), Sierra Nevada Research Center, USDA Forest Service, Albany, CA, USA Westfall, R D (bwestfall@fs.fed.us), Sierra Nevada Research Center, USDA Forest Service, Albany, CA, USA Delany, D L (ddelany@fs.fed.us), Sierra Nevada Research Center, USDA Forest Service, Albany, CA, USA Widespread forest mortality in high-elevation forests has been increasing across western North American mountains in recent years, with climate, insects, and disease the primary causes. Subalpine forests in the eastern Sierra Nevada, by contrast, have experienced far less mortality than other ranges, and mortality events have been patchy and episodic. This situation, and lack of significant effect of non-native white-pine blister rust, enable investigation of fine-scale response of two subalpine Sierran species, whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis, PiAl) and limber pine (P. flexilis, PiFl), to climate variability. We report similarities and differences between the two major mortality events in these pines in the last 150 years: 1988-1992 for PiFl and 2006ongoing for PiAl. In both species, the events occurred within monotypic, closed-canopy, relatively young stands (< 200 yrs PiAl, < 300 yrs in PiFl); were localized to central-eastern Sierra Nevada; and occurred at 2740-2840 m along the eastern edge of the escarpment on north/northeast aspects with slopes > 40%. Mortality patches averaged 40-80 ha in both species, with mean stand mortality of trees > 10 cm diameter 91% in PiAl and 60% in PiFl. The ultimate cause of tree death was mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) in both species, with increasing 20th/21st C minimum temperatures combined with drought the pre-conditioning factors. Overall growth in the past 150 years suggests that PiFl is more drought hardy than PiAl but responds sensitively to the combined effects of drought and increasing warmth. After the 1988-1992 drought, surviving PiFl recovered growth. PiAl trees grew very poorly during that drought, and continued poor growth in the years until 2006 when the mortality event occurred in PiAl. A significant species effect is the apparent difference in levels of within-stand genetic diversity for climate factors. Differential growth between 19th C (cool, wet) and 20th/21st C (warming, drying) of PiFl trees that died versus survivors indicates that considerable within-stand genetic diversity for climate existed in PiFl. For PiFl, the late 20th C mortality event acted as strong natural selection to improve within-stand fitness for warmer and drier conditions. PiFl trees that survived the 19881992 drought remained healthy through subsequent droughts, including the drought that is currently causing PiAl mortality. By contrast, the PiAl stands do not appear to have contained adaptive genetic diversity for drought and warmth, and PiAl trees growth behavior over the past 150 years was similar in pattern to the PiFl trees that died. As a result, the mortality event in PiAl is creating forest openings, with unknown future stand conditions, rather than rapid within-species adaptation that occurred in PiFl. Sensitivity of limber pine (Pinus flexilis) seedling physiology to elevation, warming, and water availability across a timberline ecotone *Moyes, A B (abmoyes@yahoo.com), UC Merced, Merced, CA, USA Castanha, C (ccastanha@lbl.gov), Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA, USA Ferrenberg, S (scott.ferrenberg@colorado.edu), UC Merced, Merced, CA, USA Germino, M J (germmatt@isu.edu), Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, USA Kueppers, L M (lkueppers@ucmerced.edu), UC Merced, Merced, CA, USA Treelines occur where environmental gradients such as temperature become limiting to tree establishment, and are thus likely to respond to changes in climate. We collected gas exchange, water potential, and fluorescence measurements from limber pine (Pinus flexilis) seedlings planted into experimental plots at three elevations at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, ranging from within forest to alpine. At each site seeds from local high- and low-elevation populations were sewn into replicated and controlled watering and infrared heating treatment plots. Heating led to earlier snowmelt, germination, and soil moisture availability in spring; higher soil surface temperatures throughout the growing season; and drier soils in late summer. Assimilation rates in all plots were most strongly associated with soil moisture availability following germination, and decreased as soils dried over the growing season. Intrinsic water use efficiency was consistent for the two source populations, but there was evidence that individuals germinating from high-elevation seeds respired more per unit carbon assimilated under our experimental conditions. Chlorophyll fluorescence showed no evidence of photoinhibition in any elevation or treatment category. Earlier soil moisture depletion in heated plots was associated with lower midday stem water potentials and reduced stomatal conductance in August. Our watering treatments did not substantially reduce apparent midsummer water stress. Seedlings in ambient temperature plots had higher assimilation rates in August than those in heated plots, but also greater carbon loss via photorespiration. Moisture limitation in heated plots in summer interacted with variability in afternoon sun exposure within plots, and qualitative observations suggested that many seedlings were killed by desiccation and heat girdling at all elevations. While early snowmelt and moisture availability in heated plots provided a longer growing season, earlier reduction of soil moisture availability in summer offset this advantage for limber pine seedling carbon gain. Stream Temperature Sensitivity to Climate Warming in California’s Sierra Nevada *Null, S (senull@ucdavis.edu), Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis, Davis, CA, USA Viers, J H (jhviers@ucdavis.edu), Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis, Davis, CA, USA Deas, M (mike.deas@watercourseinc.com), Watercourse Engineering, Inc., Davis, CA, USA Tanaka, S (stacy.tanaka@watercourseinc.com), Watercourse Engineering, Inc., Davis, CA, USA Mount, J (mount.jeffrey@gmail.com), Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis, Davis, CA, USA Water temperatures influence the distribution, abundance, and health of aquatic organisms in stream ecosystems. Improving understanding of climate warming on the thermal regime of rivers will help water managers better manage instream habitat. This study assesses climate warming impacts on unregulated stream temperatures in California’s west-slope Sierra Nevada watersheds from the Feather River to the Kern River. We used unregulated hydrology to isolate climate induced changes from those of water operations and land use changes. A 21 year timeseries of weekly instream flow estimates from WEAP21, a spatially explicit rainfall-runoff model were passed to RTEMP, a simplified model based on equilibrium temperature theory, to estimate stream temperatures using net heat exchange, coarse river channel geometry, and exposure time of water to atmospheric conditions. Air temperature was uniformly increased by 2 ○C, 4○C, and 6○C as a sensitivity analysis to bracket the range of likely outcomes for stream temperatures. Other meteorological conditions, including precipitation, were left unchanged from historical values. Overall, stream temperatures increased by an average of 1.6○C for each 2○C rise in air temperature, and increased most at middle elevations. Thermal heterogeneity existed within and between basins (Figure 1). The high watersheds of the southern Sierra Nevada and the Feather River watershed were less vulnerable to changes in the thermal regime of rivers from climate warming. Precipitation as rainfall instead of snowfall, and low flow conditions were two characteristics that drove water temperatures dynamics with climate warming. These results suggest the thermal regime of rivers will change with climate warming. Viable coldwater habitat will shift to higher elevations and will likely be reduced in California. Understanding potential changes to stream temperatures from climate warming will affect how fish and wildlife are managed, and must be incorporated into modeling studies, restoration assessments, environmental impact statements, and licensing operations of hydropower facilities to best estimate future conditions and achieve desired outcomes. Average annual number of weeks stream temperature exceeds 24°C with incremental uniform 2°C air temperature increases A subalpine forb's response to natural and experimental climate variation *Panetta, A M (anne.panetta@gmail.com), Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis, Davis, CA, USA Harte, J (jharte@berkeley.edu), Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA Stanton, M (mlstanton@ucdavis.edu), Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis, Davis, CA, USA In light of both molecular and ecological evidence that evolutionary change can happen over short time scales, many now acknowledge that adaptation could play an important role in species-level responses to climate change. Working out of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) (http://www.rmbl.org/rockymountainbiolab/), we test the hypothesis that adaptation plays a role in a montane forb’s response to both experimental warming and climatic variation across elevations. Our focal organism, Androsace septentrionalis (Primulaceae, Figure 1), is a locally abundant, short-lived, highly selfing forb that spans a natural elevation gradient of 2500m to 4811m. Our study sites include six populations, two at high (3733m), mid (3186m), and low (2933) elevation sites. One of our mid-elevation populations is located in RMBL’s Warming Meadow, a series of five heated and five control plots. Since 1991, the Warming Meadow has yielded control and heated plot data on vegetation productivity, phenology, community structure, soil microclimate, and biogeochemistry. Over the past three years, we have marked, monitored, and collected seed from A. septentrionalis across both warmed and natural field sites. Here, we highlight how A. septentrionalis’ life history, morphology, and phenology vary across high, mid and low elevation, and we discuss how these results inform our hypotheses about adaptation in response to experimental warming. We also document the effects of twenty years of experimental warming on A. septentrionalis abundance, distribution, phenology, and fitness. Finally, we discuss two ongoing experiments that will help us determine: 1) how selection varies across heated and control plots and across moisture gradients within each plot: 2) whether or not we can detect adaptation in response to twenty years of experimental warming: and 3) what roles are played by plastic and genetic responses to different climatic regimes. By combining the cumulative results of a long-term climate manipulation experiment with reciprocal transplants and common gardens, we hope to understand the role that local adaptation plays in species-level responses to global climate change. Figure 1: Androsace septentrionalis Science Challenges in Supporting Adaptation Planning in Mountainous Terrain: Lessons from the NOAA climate assessment to inform the FWS Status Review of the American pika *Ray, A J (andrea.ray@noaa.gov), Earth System Research Lab, NOAA, Boulder, CO, USA Barsugli, J J (joseph.barsugli@colorado.edu), CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA Eischeid, J (jon.k.eischeid@noaa.gov), CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA Wolter, K (klaus.wolter@noaa.gov), CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA This presentation will summarize results and some of the scientific challenges that were faced in preparing a NOAA rapid assessment of climate provided as input to the Fish & Wildlife Service review of the American Pika to determine if climate change risks warranted listing the species as endangered. NOAA provided FWS with an assessment of climate observations and projections of change in pika habitat, as a climatological context for the status review. We provided western regional detail based on existing observations and IPCC model projections and new findings from interpreting those observations and projections at smaller spatial scales. A key finding of the report is the large spatial scale of recent and projected warming trends in the West. The 2050 summer temperature projections average about 3°C higher than recent climatology for most of the western U.S., and for 22 locations representative of pika habitats. Statistically downscaled temperature projections were used to relate these large-scale trends to habitat elevation bands. Finally, we provided an expert judgment on the “foreseeable future” for climate for the review. This project required considering the observations and projections in the context of the heterogeneous terrain that is the habitat for many pika populations, and interpreting and interpolating information from often distant observing stations, or large-scale model grid-boxes to make inferences about conditions at finer scales. This presentation will discuss the findings of the report, and some of the strategies that we adopted for analyzing and presenting climate projections. The emphasis will be on this real-world example where time and resource constraints were paramount, as well as the need to use “best available science,” in the context of a formal policy process vs. time to develop new work. Some of the challenges we faced are applicable to many ecological applications and for many individual species, including the choice of the sources of climate projections, the interpretation of downscaled projections, the characterization of uncertainty, and how to combine information from multiple streams of climate projection information into a more robust inference about the future. While it is easy to be overwhelmed by uncertainty in a given location, it is important not to lose sight of the "big picture narrative" that is obtained from climate model projections. http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/news/2010/020210.html A Top-down soil moisture and sap flux sampling design to capture the effect of inter-annual climate variability on ecohydrology in mountain catchments *Son, K (kson@bren.ucsb.edu), Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Tague, C (ctague@bren.ucsb.edu), Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Soil moisture in mountain catchments is highly spatial heterogeneous due to steep topographic gradients, complex soil and vegetation patterns and seasonally varying energy and precipitation inputs. In an idealized setting, a randomized soil moisture sampling design with high spatial frequency can be used to resolve the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture at catchment scales. However, this bottom-up approach is constrained by the feasibility of high frequency measurements particularly in mountain environments with limited accessibility. Thus, in these mountain environments, an alternative, top-down approach is often needed. In this study, we propose the top-down approach sampling design of soil moisture and sapflux measurement based on an ecohydrologic model and clustering analysis. The sampling strategy is explicitly designed to capture the effect of inter-annual climate variability on ecohydrolgy response of mountain catchments located in King River Experiment Watersheds, Sierra National Forest. The ecohydrolgic model (RHESSys model) is calibrated with existing collected data sets including snow depth, soil moisture, sapflux, evapotranspiration from a flux tower and streamflow. The model is used to generate spatial-temporal patterns of snow accumulation and melt, soil moisture and transpiration and compute inter-annual mean and coefficient of variation of five hydrologic similarity indices. Similarity indices are chosen to reflect seasonal trajectories of snowmelt, root-zone soil moisture storage and evapotranspiration. Clustering analysis, using Partitioning Around Medoid (PAM), is used to partition the watershed based on these similarity indices. For the Kings River Experimental Watersheds, clustering distinguished six clusters and a representative plot per cluster. These results were used to identify additional strategic sampling points within the watershed. For each of these points, we installed soil moisture sensors (5TE) at the two depths (30m and 90m) and at the five soil pits within a 30m plot. A sapflux sensor at the average-size white fir tree per plot was also installed. Initial results from monitoring in summer 2010 are compared with model predictions and used to refine model calibration and uncertainty analysis. Cross-cluster differences in soil moisture and sap-flow trajectories derived from sampling data will be compared with results from initial model to assess the validity of the suggested sampling design. Author(s) (2010), Title, Abstract xxxxx-xxxx presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.