Prairie View A&M University John B. Coleman Library

Prairie View A&M University
John B. Coleman Library
Barack Obama Library Resources: A Selected Bibliography
Bierfeldt, Steve et al. (2008). Who is the real Barack Obama? For the rising generation, by
the rising generation. Bloomington, IN: Author House. (E901.1 O23 B54 2008)
Corsi, Jerome. R. ( 2008). The Obama Nation: Leftist politics and the cult of personality. New
York: Threshold Editions. Simon & Schuster. (E901.1.O23 C67 2008)
Devaney, Sherri (2007). Barack Obama. Detroit: Lucent Books. (JUV E901.1. O23 D488 2007)
Dupuis, Martin (2008). Barack Obama: The new face of American politics. Westport, Conn.:
Praeger. (E901.1. O23 D87 2008)
Freddoso, David. ( 2008). The case against Barack Obama: The unlikely rise and unexamined
agenda of the media’s favorite candidate. Washington, D.C.: Regency Publications.
(E901.1. O23F74 2008)
Goff, Keli (2008). Party Crashing: How the hip-hop generation declared political
independence. New York: Basic Books. (E185.G55 2008)
Leanne, Shelly (2009). Say It Like Obama: The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision.
New York: McGraw-Hill. (PN4129.15.L42 2009)
Lightfoot, Elizabeth (2009). Michelle Obama: First Lady of Hope. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons
Press. (901.1.O24 L53 2009)
Mansfield, Stephen (2008). Faith of Barack Obama. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson
Publishers. E901.1.O23 M36 2008
Mendell, David & Thomson, Sarah L. (2008). Obama: A promise of change. New York:
Amistad/Collins. (JUV E901.1. O23 G75 2008)
Mendell, David (2007). Obama: From promise to power. New York: Amistad.
(E901.1. O23 M46 2007)
Morris, Dick (2008). Fleeced: How Barack Obama, media mockery of terrorist threats, liberal
who wants to kill talk radio, the do-nothing Congress, companies that help Iran, and
Washington lobbyist for foreign governments scamming us and what to do about it.
New York, NY: Harper. (JK22449. M664 2008)
Obama, Barack (2008). An American Story: The Speeches of Barack Obama. Toronto: ECW
Press. (E901.1.O23 O45 2008)
Obama, Barack (2007). Audacia de la esperanza: Reflexiones sobre como restaurar el sueno
Americano. Nueva York: Vintage Español. (E901.1.O23 A3318 2007)
Obama, Barack (2006). Audacity of hope: Thoughts on reclaiming the American Dream. New
York: Crown Publishers. (E901.1.O23 A3 2006)
Obama, Barack (2007). Dreams from my father: A story of race and inheritance. New York:
Crown Publishers. (E185.97. O23 A3 2007)
Obama, Barack (2004). Dreams from my father: A story of race and inheritance. New York:
Random House. Large Print. (E185.97.O23 A3 2004b)
Price, Joann F. (2009). Barack Obama: The voice of an American leader. Westport, Conn.
Greenwood Press. (E901.1.O23 P755 2009)
Roediger, David R. (2008). How race survived US history: From settlement and slavery to the
Obama phenomenon. London; New York: Verso. (E184.A1 R642 2008)
Souza, Pete (2008). The Rise of Barack Obama . Chicago, IL: Triumph Books.
(E901.1 O23 S58 2008)
Steele, Shelby (2008). Bound man: Why we are excited about Barack Obama. New York: Free
Press. (E901.1.O23 S74 2008)
Street, Paul Louis (2009). Barack Obama and the future of American politics. Boulder, CO:
Paradigm Publishers. (E901.1.O23 S77 2009)
Tarpley, Webster Griffin (2008). Obama: The postmodern coup making of a Manchurian
Candidate. Joshua Tree, CA: Progressive Press. (E901.1. O23 T352 2008)
Thomson, Sarah L. (2008). Barack Obama: Son of promise, child of hope. New York: Simon &
Schuster Books for Young Readers. (JUV E901.1.O23 T47 2008)
Wagner, Heather Lehr (2008). Barack Obama. New York: Checkmark Books.
(JUV E901.1.O23 W25 2008b)
Wilson, John K. (2008). Barack Obama: This improbable quest. Boulder, CO: Paradigm.
(E901.1.O23 W56 2008)
Zimmerman, Frederick. (2006). Should Barack Obama be President? Ann Arbor, MI:
Nimble Books. (E901.1O23 Z566 2006)
- Books are currently available for In-House-Use-Only at the Reserve Desk – Circulation Department.
- Compiled: Tiffany Worsham, Senior History Major and Kimberly M. Gay, Reference Librarian, Jan. 2009.
- Updated & Edited: Dr. Rosie L. Albritton, Director of Library Services, April 15, 2009.