2000 Closing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony
The New ISPRS Logo
Congress Director's Report at Closing Session, by Klaas Jan Beek
Address of Outgoing President, by Lawrence W. Fritz, President ISPRS
Presentation of Chain of Office, by Lawrence W. Fritz, ISPRS President
Address of Incoming President, by John Trinder
John Trinder, ISPRS President Elect, Congratulates Present Congress Director
Address of Incoming ISPRS Congress Director, M. Ohran Altan
Address of Outgoing Congress Director, Klaas Jan Beek
Resolutions of the XIX Congress of ISPRS in Amsterdam 2000
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The New ISPRS Logo
The ISPRS Strategic Plan and its goal for enhancing wider
public recognition of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, coupled with the
fast pace of technological advancements in communications, especially via the Internet, convinced Council that it
would be appropriate for ISPRS to enhance its profile as it
enters the 21st Century. Therefore, an ISPRS logo design
contest was initiated " ... to better illustrate its role in the
global community .. . " A prize of $500 US was offered for
the winning design. Entries were judged on relevance to
ISPRS heritage and mission, plus originality, 3-dimensionality, colour and b/w inter-changeability, attractiveness,
tastefulness and international relevance. Requirements for
entrants were for logo designs to incorporate the letters
"ISPRS" and the new descriptive motto for the Society,
"Information from Imagery." Entrants were encouraged to
make their design suitable for display in colour and yet
clearly recognisable when copied and displayed in black
and white, and to be easily displayed on the Internet and
electronic documents. Ingenuity in providing dynamic
characteristics for Internet display was welcome but not
which is owned exclusively by the ISPRS. This logo is an
integral part of the Society's new look for the future.
During the closing ceremonies of the Congress an
enhanced dynamic version of the new logo, designed by
Prof. Tuan-chih Chen , was displayed on the screen . Congress Director Klaas Jan Beek then had the new ISPRS
official flag , with the new logo, unfurled on the stage. With
Congress approval indicated by applause, the flag was
presented to the Society and handed to the incoming
Congress Director, Orhan Altan.
The logo contest was held in early 2000 and 43 outstanding entries were submitted for consideration . The judging
for the winning entry was held at the April joint meeting of
Council and Commission Presidents. The winning entrant
is Mike Kierstead, a graduate of the Centre of Geographic
Sciences at Nova Scotia Community College in Canada.
As the prize winner, he surrendered all rights to the logo,
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Congress Director's Report at Closing Session
by Klaas Jan Beek
This XIX Congress had a duration of seven days with an
additional three days for Tutorials and Workshops preceding the Congress. It was shorter than previous ISPRS Congresses. Another difference compared to earlier Congresses was that the Technical Sessions were based on
themes, with much emphasis on broad inter-commission
The Technical programme was established after the Cie IV
Symposium in Wildbad, Germany (Sept. 1998). At the end
of 1999, the 1,400 abstracts as received were evaluated
and matched with the proposed thematic sessions in consultation with the TCP's and convenors of these sessions.
About 10% of the sessions were re-adjusted after receipt
of full papers after 1st May 2000, with some communication difficulty between Local Organising Committee (LOC)
and TCPs. The LOC appreciates the many positive reactions to the Congress Theme "Geoinformation for All" and
its introduction during the Opening Plenary Sessions and
exposure during the technical/special sessions.
We hope that, as a result, the 'message' from the user
community will have a lasting impact on the activities of
the ISPRS, in concurrence with the Strategic Plan presented by President L.W. Fritz.
The Exhibition was a great success! The exhibitors appreciated the compact, one-week programme. The exhibitors
emphasised the high level of quality of visitors and excellent interaction. Many new products, giving better insight
into technological possibilities in the digital era were introduced. The exhibition also showed a clear tendancy
towards integration in the production chain from imaging
to information. The Exhibitor Showcases were also well
appreciated, both by the exhibitors by the public.
The statistics of the XIX Congress are quite comparable to
the XVIII Congress (Vienna). Some statistics of the Amsterdam Congress are given here:
Full Fee Registration
Reduced Fee Registration
Accompanying Persons
Day Tickets
Archives - Vol. A
Archives - Vol. B (hardcopy)
Technical Tours
In Table 1 you may find information about the number of
sessions and their attendance per Commission. A grand
total of 109 sessions were realised . Not only the Technical
and lntercommission sessions, but also the poster sessions were well attended and appreciated. An average of
58 persons were present during the sessions, which is very
Number of
-- -~
per Session
-- f- -~ 1--- -- -- - - - - ·- ·
---88--- -- --- · ·· - - --- --20
1 !~}5
•¥••· · - -·- - ------- 18
------ - - - - ----- - -- -- -305
-------6 - - ---762
29 ------ ----- - 26
---- - 8
Total Number
of Persons
- --- - - -
1 - - ·- -
We have provided the Abstract Book free to all participants. New was the Congress CD-ROM: it was given to all
full participants (1 ,570 distributed). A supplementary CDROM will be distributed after the Congress to all full participants. This CD-ROM will include corrected papers, late
papers and a final list of participants. The Congress Web
Site (www.itc.nl/-isprs) will include all pictures.
The LOC has taken the 'Geoinformation for All' slogan into
practise. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors,
the Congress financially supported the participation of 83
persons from 35 countries (developing countries, Central
and Eastern Europe).
Ladies and gentlemen, we look back upon a different,
compact and focused Congress. Thanks for your active
and enthusiastic participation.
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. -
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Presentation of Chain of Office
by Lawrence W. Fritz, ISPRS President
My fmal duty as President is to transfer the President's Chain of Office to John Trinder.
I have had the privilege of be1ng the 1Oth President to wear this chain of office.
It is of gold and quite heavy and symbolizes not only the honor of the position
but also the weight of the duties and responsibilities for which the wearer is responsible.
back to earth. The Netherlands has done an outstanding
job at organising this Congress. They have been innovative
in bringing their own approach to the Technical Programme, as well as to the overall organisation and the
social programme. It has been a pleasure to work with you
and your team, as well as Martien Molenaar, Saskia Tempelman and Jan Timmerman. There were many others
involved in the organisation of the Congress that I am
unable to name.
Klaas Jan, I congratulate you and your team on an outstanding contribution to the work of ISPRS through the
organisation of this Congress. It has been a pleasure for all
of us to visit your country and experience its many
delights. We will particularly remember the social functions, the bike rides and canal trips and the outstanding
banquet, a truly wonderful evening. I am sure I am
expressing the deepest gratitude of all participants at this
Congress for the work that you and your team has done in
organising this Congress. Thank you very much. Hartelijk
Now, looking ahead, the ISPRS will be led by a new team
for the next four years. A Council of six, four of whom are
new members, so we will see new, but I am sure constructive views being presented by these people. The General Assembly has elected seven new Technical Commission Presidents from:
USA, Stanley A. Morain
China, Chen Jun
Austria, Franz Leber!
Canada, Costas Armenakis
Greece, Petros Patias
Brazil, Tania Maria Sausen
India, Rangnath R. Navalgund
The Resolutions approved by the General Assembly define
the future directions of the Technical Commissions. the
bodies that are responsible for the scientific and technical
activities of ISPRS. These resolutions have been defined
by the Technical Commissions as one of their last duties at
the Congress. I look forward to framing new terms of reference for the Commissions and then working with them in
the Commission activities based on these resolutions until
The Strategic Plan developed by the Council and
approved by the General Assembly will define the overall
directions of the management, scientific and international
co-operation in ISPRS. It will be a challenging task to continue to implement the recommendations of the Strategic
Plan. Our achievements in this regard will define the success of the Council over the next four years.
When it was first formed ninety years ago by Eduard
Dolezal, the ISP, as it was then named, was a small Society with limited aims. It dealt with the development of photogrammetry and its applications. The Society achieved
these task slowly, but very thoroughly. It gained an outstanding reputation as the leading society in the field. As
we know, photogrammetry has developed through the
analogue to the analytical and now the digital ages. Now
that we have entered the digital age, the areas of interest
of ISPRS, the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial
information sciences are not only converging but they are
also based on the integration of data and facilities into
data processing and analysis systems. Therefore, the new
trends in technology in ISPRS will place an emphasis on
the integration of these activities.
ISPRS has been very successful in developing its reputation in photogrammetry and this will continue, especially in
the areas of digital and close range photogrammetry.
However, ISPRS is not the only player in the fields of
remote sensing and spatial information sciences and
therefore it cannot expect to be the leader in all aspects of
these fields. ISPRS therefore has established collaborative
agreements with other organisations working in these
fields. It will need to continue and expand this collaboration in the future to ensure that it fulfils its mission.
The new ISPRS mission identifies the purpose of its activities as 'contributing to the well-being of humanity and the
sustainability of the environment'. These are very ambitious aims but ISPRS certainly has a role to play in the
preservation of the environment and the future of the
planet. Sustainable Development is becoming an important topic for ISPRS, as well as UN declarations on the
environment, such as the Kyoto protocol. ISPRS can and
should play a major role in achieving public recognition of
its technology as leading-edge science for such important
matters. This will be done by collaborating with other
organisations that have knowledge of the physical, chemical, biological and environmental aspects of the planet.
ISPRS should therefore become more diverse and adaptable to these new demands. These aims must be pursued
with vigour over the next four years.
As we depart from Amsterdam for our homes, I trust that
all attendees at this Congress have been able to gain new
knowledge of the developments of the activities in ISPRS.
This Congress will in many ways, I believe, be recognised
as the beginning of a new era in ISPRS activities. We have
really entered the digital age in photogrammetry. Remote
sensing has now entered the high spatial and spectral resolution eras; spatial information systems, now well embedded into ISPRS activities, are making significant progress
in inter-operability and hence may be applied in a broad
range of undertakings. Integration of these activities is, in
addition, well established.
I trust that you will be able to take the knowledge you have
gained about many of the new developments that you
have seen here back to your workplaces and introduce
them where applicable. This will confirm the benefits
gained from attending this Congress, from your participating in ISPRS and from ISPRS Membership. More importantly it will assist you in contributing to the preservation of
our threatened planet.
I wish you success in your future work in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences.
Tot ziens, bon voyage and have a safe trip home. I look
forward to seeing you all in Istanbul in 2004.
Thank you.
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.
John Trinder, ISPRS President Elect,
Congratulates Present Congress Director
Klaas Jan , I congratulate you and your team on an outstanding contribution to the work of ISPRS through the organisation of this Congress. It has been a pleasure for all
of us to visit your country and experience its many delights. We will particularly remember the social functions,
the bike rides and canal trips and the outstanding banquet,
a truly wonderful evening, and, the Dutch who all speak
English. I am sure I am expressing the deepest gratitude of
all participants at this Congress for the work that you and
your team have done in organising this Congress. Thank
you very much. Hartelijk dank!
Now looking ahead , the ISPRS will be led by a new team
for the next four years. A Council of six, four of whom are
new members, so we will see new, but I am sure constructive views being presented by these people. The General
Assembly has elected seven new Technical Commission
Presidents named previously.
Marcia Barbosa as Second Vice-President has exceptionally heavy responsibilities in INPE in Brazil, yet has fulfilled
his responsibilities in the Council in an excellent manner.
His contributions in presenting new approaches to the
management of ISPRS has been a breath of fresh air, and
we certainly appreciate his contributions.
Heinz Ruther has made an excellent contribution to the
Society as Treasurer and in so doing has ensured that the
finances and investments are on a very sound footing .
Larry Fritz has been a tireless worker for ISPRS for at least
12 years, and has made an outstanding contribution as
President. He continued while he has been President, the
complete dedication to ISPRS that he demonstrated as
Secretary General. He demonstrated his leadership in his
term as President by proposing the Strategy Planning
meeting, which has become the basis of the future directions of the Society, as approved by the General Assembly
on 20 July. One could almost conclude that he has also
been a tough master, if one looks at the approximately 350
action items that have been originated from the Council
over the last 4 years. However, I believe we undertook all of
these actions willingly with the leadership from Larry, knowing that we were moving the Society in the right direction
for the future. I thank Larry very sincerely for his contribution to the future of ISPRS, that provides the right directions
for the next millennium and its next century of existence.
Klaas Jan Beek was the sixth member of the Council. I believe that Klaas Jan, together with the Congress organising
team deserve a special word of thanks. The organisation of
the Congress is the biggest undertaking by any group in
the Society. It requires dedication , hard work, a vast
amount of tolerance, adaptability and patience. I believe
that Klaas Jan has displayed all of these characteristics. I
have enjoyed the Dutch sayings that Klaas Jan used to
present to us when things became difficult. They provided
us with a measure of rationality and brought us back to
earth. The Netherlands has done an outstanding job at organising this Congress. They have been innovative in
bringing their own approach to the Technical Programme
as well as the overall organisation and the social programme. It has been a pleasure to work with you and your
team, the main ones being Martien Molenaar, Saskia Tempelman, Jan Timmerman , Gees IJsendoorn and others.
Address of Incoming ISPRS Congress Director,
M. Ohran Altan
Mr. President, Sir,
Klaas Jan Beek Past Congress Director,
Distinguished Guests,
Four years ago, the incoming Congress Director, Klaas Jan
Beek, in his acceptance speech extolled the virtues of the
three-legged chicken . Coming as I do, from a country famous for its culinary expertise, and being personally quite
appreciative of fine cooking , I came to Amsterdam fully intend ing to taste and enjoy what I expected to be a very
succulent dish. I have not been disappointed, I have, as I
am sure all of us have at this congress, thoroughly enjoyed
the many facets of this congress. Thank you all who have
had a role in ensuring such a tremendous success.
We in Turkey have as yet not succeeded in genetically engineering three-legged chicken . But, being aware of the
importance of preserving our universe for the coming gen-
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. - - --
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~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------erations, our orgams1ng committee suggested that we
consider as our symbol, the four-leaf clover to symbolise
the year 2004. As you know clover is the plant used to
cleanse the soil from chemical fertilisers and insecticides.
The four-leafed clover is indeed a rarity, bringing joy and
happiness to its finder. So, I invite you all , here and now, to
come to Istanbul where you will find your very own fourleaf clover in the form of a well-run, consumer-friendly,
thought-provoking and interesting programme.
You have all eaten of the unique three-legged chicken, so
come now to the greener pastures of the four-leafed clover
in Istanbul.
Thank you Mr. President.
Address of Outgoing Congress Director, Klaas Jan Seek
Ladies and Gentlemen:
A congress director finds himself positioned between two
extremes: he is the slave of the Council, but at the same
time he is the slave-driver of his Local Organising Committee, while putting also a lot of pressure on many colleagues in the ISPRS organisation.
I should like to use this opportunity to thank in the first
place all the participants of this Congress for their enthusiasm and scientific contributions in presentations and debate. I hope that you will take home very good memories
and a strengthened sense of solidarity with the world we
live in, a world which badly needs your scientific support
to cope with so many developmental problems. On spaceship earth there are no passengers, only crew members.
With your science you can contribute to the realisation of
our challenging congress theme: 'Geoinformation for All'.
Nelson Mandela once said that the most important human
right in the 21st century will be the right for information.
You can contribute to that vision.
I also want to thank all the organisers of this Congress:
Our PCO Congrex: maybe it is because I am getting older,
but it keeps amazing me how such an organisation is able
to manage a complex project like this, requiring many tail-
or-made solutions because of our typical ISPRS culture,
with such young people, in particular young ladies, who
have invested huge amounts of their energy to give you an
unforgettable week here in the RAJ. The same goes of
course for the staff of this RAJ Congress Centre and for
Rose International, the Agency which organised the Exhibition in grand style.
I also want to thank the Editorial Committee of the Daily
News, chaired by Johan Boesjes of GITC, keeping you informed about the many things happening during the Congress, including those which you could not always attend
because of the many parallel activities. GITC was also responsible for all printed matter and the CD ROMs of the
Congress Proceedings.
I thank the Local Scientific Committee chaired by Martien
Molenaar, who has just been appointed a the new rector
of lTC, which will assure continuity in the close ties
between lTC and ISPRS. As you must have noticed, we
have introduced a new concept in the programming of the
scientific meetings, providing them with more focus and
correspondence with the Congress theme, in good co-operation with the Technical Commission Presidents and the
Council. I admit that we borrowed this successful concept
from an other scientific society with which I have close
ties: the International Union of Soil Science {IUSS).
I thank my Local Organising Committee, personified by
Saskia Tempelman, who during the past four years managed billions of e-mails and functioned really as the central point of our organisation. But of course also the all other members of our Committee have been very effective,
creating an efficient team, also during this Congress when
a lot of improvisation and hard work was still required .
I thank our sponsors who helped us to bring about ninety
participants from the developing countries to Amsterdam
and who also greatly supported us in keeping our Congress Fee at a low level, the high fee was still under 400
US dollars, including the CD ROM of the Proceedings.
I thank all colleagues for their support and friendship,
which for me is the most valuable lasting result of organising this Congress, and finally I thank my wife Herma and
my children for all their understanding and support during
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this remarkable episode in my career. While organising this
XIXth ISPRS Congress I had the benefit of the good advice
of several famous predecessors: Gottfried Konecny, Shunji Murai, Larry Fritz and Karl Kraus. Of course, having famous predecessors can be a mixed blessing: when I was
asked to become the Rector of lTC and thus the successor of Schermerhorn and van der Weele, a colleague of
mine, A.P.A. Vink, who knew the Institute well , exclaimed
that he would not recommend this job even to his worst of
enemies. Little did he know what would be involved when
becoming an ISPRS Congress Director!
While this is one of these jobs requiring ninety per cent
perspiration and ten per cent inspiration, I must also declare my positive overall feeling at the end of this project,
mostly because of the wonderful interaction with the many
dedicated, intelligent and good humoured colleagues,
world wide, with whom I had the opportunity to interact.
Today we reach the finish of th is 'tour de force' , such as
the cyclists in the Tour de France, who are reaching Paris
today, or the finals of a football championship , which,
when following up on this metaphor I strongly bel ieve this
time The Netherlands did not lose during the penalty shoot
The following statistics can be derived from this Congress:
lnternalional Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000 .
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. rv~s ______________________________________________________________
Closing Ceremony
23 July 2000
Heinz Ruether; Ammatzia Peled, Orhan A/tan and Gerard
Klaas Jan and Herma Beek with Evelyn and Larry Fritz
Larry Fritz thanking Congress Director Klaas Jan Beek
Larry Fritz congratulate John Trinder
Nev.· ISPRS President John Trinder
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Farewell Drink of Council, LOC and Congrex
23 July 2000
Martien Molenaar and Henk Thiadens amidst the Congress
Klaas Jan Beek thanking Abey Jaarsma (Congrex)
John Trinder thanking Saskia Tempe/man, secretary of the
Left to right: Marije \Vieringa and Rika Strik of Congrex with Jan
Saskia Tempe/man thankin'] John Trinder
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Resolutions of the XIX Congress of ISPRS in Amsterdam 2000
The Resolutions Committee consisted of the following
Shunji Murai, Japan, First Vice President, Chairman
Bruce Forster, Australia
Isabelle Veillet, France
Hans-Peter Bahr, Germany
The Resolutions Committee received 58 draft resolutions
from Council, Technical Commissions and Delegates. Some
of the proposed resolutions have been modified or edited.
Resolution G.1 Appreciation
The Congress
the importance of the Congress for professionals in
photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences from academia, industry and government
the careful preparation and successful realisation of
the Congress
the Netherlands Society for Earth Observation and
Geoinformatics, its president Professor Martien Molenaar, and Congress Director Klaas Jan Beek and the
Congress Committee for excellent work which has
resulted in a very successful Congress.
Resolution G.2 Commission Correspondents
The Congress
the ineffectiveness of the present system of Commission Correspondents compared with all other working
mechanisms of ISPRS
the necessity for effective communication between
Technical Commissions, their Working Groups and
other bodies within ISPRS on the one hand, and individuals and organisations in member countries and
regions on the other hand
that a set of guidelines governing this communication,
through the medium of Commission Correspondents,
be prepared and promulgated through the ISPRS
Orange Book and website.
Resolution G.3 Liaison with International Standard
Organisation (ISO)
The Congress
that several Technical Commissions of ISPRS liaise
with ISO
the need to strengthen standardisation activity within
that ISPRS consider active liaison with ISO in appropriate technical committees.
Resolution G.4 Inter-Commission Activities
The Congress
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the considerable overlap in recommendations from
various Commissions
the importance of co-operation between Commissions
that all new Technical Commission Presidents note
carefully all recommendations and move to establish
dialogue and joint activities where appropriate.
Resolution G.5 Digital Earth Concept
The Congress
the increasing availability of digital data about the environment
the increasing importance of the simultaneous use of
multiple geo-spatial datasets to support scientific discovery, operational monitoring and decision-making
the initiative to establish the concept of a Digital Earth
which promotes the interoperability of georeferenced
digital data resources for decision making, geoinformation management and knowledge evolution in support
of global sustainability
that a Digital Earth concept is currently evolving to promote a framework for interoperability for geo-spatial
data, accomplished through an international spirit of
collaboration and co-operation
the encouragement of strategies to further develop a
Digital Earth concept.
Resolution G.6 International Industry Forum
The Congress
the overlap of air/space borne commercial Earth
observation systems and the inter-relationship with
civil and national remote sensing systems
the need to promote international growth and the economic benefits of air/space borne observations of the
the need for exchange of policy, technical and market
force information between governments and private
sector entities to promote complementary versus competing systems
the co-operative advantages of a complementary, integrated Earth observation 'system of systems'
the expressed need of ISPRS and CEOS for closer
coordination of the commercial development of
air/space borne Earth observation with all segments of
the value-adding and user applications community
the importance of further encouragement and promotion of industry to develop software, hardware information "manufacturing", engineering and processes for
value-added benefits to complex problem-solving
that ISPRS strive to establish an International Industry
Forum (IIF) with all segments of the private sector
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.
that the IIF work within the ISPRS structure to conduct
its activities and for closer collaboration with CEOS
and the Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS).
Resolutions of Technical Commission I
Resolution 1.1 Collaboration with CEOS
The Congress
that the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
(CEOS) has accorded Affiliate Membership to ISPRS
that coordination of EO missions and allied activities (e.g.
calibration/validation activities; application activities; EO
information services activities; EO education and training
activities etc) are the major aims of CEOS and ISPRS and
that they could mutually gain by working together
the need to strengthen international coordination of EO
the need to bring together the government and private
sector in various EO activities - space, ground and utilisation segments
Recommends that
ISPRS actively work with CEOS to achieve co-operation and coordination in EO R&D activities
ISPRS work with CEOS to foster public/private collaboration in EO R&D activities
ISPRS support and contribute to the EO education and
training efforts world-wide and specifically focus on
newer technology elements.
Resolution 1.2 Standardisation of sensor parameters
The Congress
that a number of earth observation sensors with similar
capabilities are available and planned by various space
that users will have to use data from more than one
sensor for their specific applications
that such usage requires good understanding of the
sensor parameters
that there is currently no uniform way of specifying sensor parameters
the generation of a common set of parameters to be
specified for each camera I sensor in conjunction with
Resolution 1.3 Radiometric and geometric calibration
The Congress
that the number of high resolution, multispectral and
hyper-spectral imaging sensors in space is increasing
that radiometric calibration of data from these sensors is
essential for quantitative environmental and ecological
research with multispectral image data
that data from various sensors has to be used for longterm observations and for change detection
that various test fields exist or are planned for calibration
that the accuracy potential of high resolution digital imaging systems in space is better than 10 m and thus appropriate for the production or updating of topographic
(image) maps of scale 1:50,000 and larger
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.
that accurate and reliable geometric calibration parameters of these digital imaging systems are a precondition
to taking full advantage of their accuracy potential to produce high quality photogrammetric products, such as
OEM, orthoimages, etc.
that natural testsites have been successfully used for
calibration of certain sensors
that high-precision models for radiation transfer
through the atmosphere exist
that the geometric laboratory calibrated parameters
need to be confirmed or updated in orbit by inflight calibration methods using large area test-sites with highly
accurate ground truth
that highly accurate geometric calibration of digital
imaging systems places high demands on laboratory
calibration equipment and that this task is costly and
that varying geometric calibration concepts for different digital imaging systems exist which show different
accuracy characteristics
investigations of calibration and intercalibration of all
digital imaging space sensors
that all existing and planned test fields be identified
and their spatial, spectral and physical characteristics
be inventoried
that collaboration be established with other bodies studying ground test fields with known spectral reflectance
characteristics which can be used for calibration.
Resolution 1.4 Wide swath sensors
The Congress
that wide swath systems, e.g. SPOT Vegetation, IRS,
WiFS, Sea WiFS, MODIS etc, are now available with
various spectral and spatial resolutions
that such systems' responses are subject to bi-directional
reflectance factors, sun angle etc. due to the wide swath
that this data could be used to study long-term
changes, especially in vegetative cover
studies to understand the effect of viewing geometry
on the radiometric accuracy of the products.
Resolution 1.5 Sensors for DTM data generation
The Congress
that a number of optical systems specifically designed
to generate DTMs are planned for the future
that interferometric SAR has proven its capability to
generate DTMs
that airborne laser systems are operational
that substantial parts of the world still do not have topographic maps of desired scale and accuracy
that terrain height I slope is an important parameter for
many applications
intensification of detailed study on the accuracy and
cost-effectiveness of various techniques
identification of standard sites for inter-comparison
and evaluation of different methods.
Resolution 1.6 Platform and orientation integration
The Congress
the capability of current earth observation systems to
provide high resolution images
the availability of modern technology such as differential GPS and high-precision attitude sensing and orientation systems
the potential use of high-resolution image data in
detailed field studies
the need for high-precision locational accuracy of the data
integration of attitude and position information with
data processing software algorithms
standardisation of data format, referencing systems
and data archival and retrieval systems.
Resolution 1.7 Electronic database of sensor and
platform information
The Congress
that there is an increasing number of sensor and platform designs
that there is a long history of sensor and platform
designs for both aerial and satellite systems
the electronic (digital) information about the engineering designs, orbital parameters and sensor characteristics is distributed among many databases and Internet sources
that globally there is unequal access to sensor and
platform information
that CEOS maintains a database of sensors and platforms
that an electronic, searchable database of sensor
and platform information, both retrospective, current
and planned that provides equitable and accessible
information from an updateable source be promoted
to the ISPRS community.
Resolutions of Technical Commission II
Resolution 11.1 Real-time systems
The Congress
the rapid development of real-time mapping systems
and the dependence of such systems on Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertia Navigation System
(INS) techniques
that future development depends on collaboration
between experts in a range of technologies
that work continue on real-time mapping technologies
with closer links being developed between commissions,
especially where GPS/INS is involved.
Resolution 11.2 Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
The Congress
that advances have been made in the application of
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SAR data to topographic mapping, prediction and
monitoring of disasters and environmental monitoring
that SAR is still not widely understood or applied
that algorithms for processing SAR data are not widely
that increased efforts be made to use SAR data for
production of geoinformation and to promote the use
of SAR within the spatial information sciences.
Resolution 11.3 Digital photogrammetric workstations
The Congress
the rapid increase in the use of digital photogrammetric workstations (DPWs) and the increasing maturity of
the algorithms used and the software available
that DPWs are likely to be a major tool of spatial information acquisition during the next decade
the variety and complexity of hardware and software
options available and the lack of comprehensive
advice on the selection, evaluation and optimum use of
these systems
the continued monitoring of developments in digital photogrammetric workstations and the creation of a wide
range of tools for feature extraction
Resolution 11.4 Procedures and tools for data
The Congress
the new sources of data becoming available and the
rapidly increasing number of applications for which this
data might be used
that the combination and integration of such data
offers new opportunities for solving problems
that the development of procedures and tools for
integration of data from a variety of sensors and databases be addressed, including the use of new data
sources such as SAR and Laser Scanning and the
increasing use of vector databases, as well as expert
Resolution 11.5 Data transfer standards
The Congress
the progress made by WGII/7 in collaborating with International Standard Organisation (ISO) and Open GIS Consortium (OGC) during the past four years
the desire for greater ease of transfer of data
that progress can only be made through international
continued effort to develop standards for data transfer and collaboration with other organisations that
are promoting standards such as ISO, Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.
Resolution 11.61ntegration of information into GIS
The Congress
the increasing need for up-to-date geospatial information and the lack of efficient, timely revision of such
information in many areas
that multispectral and stereoscopic imagery can provide
such information and is becoming increasingly important for use in geographic information systems {GIS)
that the integration of photogrammetric and remote
sensing imagery and techniques into GIS for efficient
acquisition and revision of geospatial information be
Resolution 11.7 End-to-end systems
The Congress
the much increased use of geospatial information in all
areas of public and commercial activity
the need for efficient processing and presentation of
such data in a value-added form
the development and validation of end-to-end processing systems for specific applications, making use
of a range of imaging systems, a range of components
from the spatial information sciences and paying particular attention to techniques for the delivery and presentation of information.
Resolutions of Technical Commission Ill
Resolution 111.1 Surface reconstruction
The Congress
the extensive use of automated surface reconstruction
for mapping, image rectification and 30 modelling
the emergence of laser scanning technology as an
additional information source about surfaces
the role of surface reconstruction in the general framework of object recognition and scene analysis
the need for further theoretical investigations into the
automatic reconstruction of surfaces, including their
segmentation, and of conducting reliability studies
that research be continued on Earth surface reconstruction techniques with emphasis on multiple sensor input.
Resolution 111.2 Fusion
The Congress
the increasing availability of new sensors and the use
of multi-sensor, multi-resolution systems
the need for extending theories and developing algorithms for merging multi-sensor data
modelling of uncertainty in multi-sensor fusion
incorporating GIS information to support object recognition
evaluating the efficiency and performance of multi-sensor fusion
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.
that fusion, at the data, feature and information levels,
be promoted.
Resolution 111.3 Object modelling
The Congress
the importance of modelling 30 objects related to
object recognition and image understanding
that further progress in the automatic recognition of
objects relies on improved models
that efforts be strengthened in developing generic
models of objects, including their geometric, semantic
and temporal properties, and interrelationships.
Resolution 111.4 Combining classification methods and
computer vision
The Congress
the increased availability of multi-sensor, multi-spectral
and hyper-spectral data
the need for combining traditional classification methods
of remote sensing with computer vision approaches for the
automatic recognition of objects
that efforts be strengthened in combining classification
methodologies and computer vision approaches into a
common object recognition framework.
Resolution 111.5 Performance and reliability of
The Congress
the diversity of algorithms in photogrammetry, remote
sensing and computer vision developed for the purpose of feature extraction and object recognition
the need for assessing the performance, reliability and
availability of algorithms
that procedures for evaluating algorithms and for
developing suitable test datasets be intensified and
Resolution 111.6 Image understanding I object
The Congress
the importance of theoretical and conceptual investigations in object recognition and image understanding
that despite major efforts and good progress achieved
from 1996 to 2000 there remain considerable gaps in
the theory for automation of feature extraction and
that investigations in object recognition and image
understanding be intensified, particularly in the areas
of modelling and knowledge engineering
that co-operation with researchers in computer vision
and cognitive science also be intensified.
Resolution 111.7 Features as entities in orientation
The Congress
that features play an important role in digital photogrammetry and computer vision
that algorithms for the basic image orientation
processes are predominantly point-based
that current mathematical models be extended to include
features as entities in the image orientation processes.
Resolutions of Technical Commission IV
Resolution IV.1 Design of large and distributed spatial
The Congress
that large spatial databases are established in an
increasingly distributed environment to assist in decision-making processes
that an efficient collaboration with the Spatial Data
Handling (SOH) experts group of the International Geographic Union (IGU) has been initiated
that the collaboration with SDH organisers be continued and strengthened
that research, developments and applications in the
design of large and distributed spatial databases be
Resolution IV.2 Spatial database revision and
The Congress
that value-added services and decision-making
processes depend highly on revised and consistent
spatial databases
that photogrammetry and remote sensing have further
potential for database revision
the term 'consistency' is used to include geometrical,
topologically and thematic consistency
that the work on spatial database revision and consistency checking be continued and strengthened.
Resolution IV.3 Multiscale, aggregation and
generalisation of spatial databases
The Congress
the need for spatial data aggregation and generalisation by linking existing spatial database that represent
the same locations at different scales
that currently databases exist without any links
between them
that besides ISPRS, the International Cartographic
Association (ICA) and IGU/SDH are also active in this
field, especially in the area of generalisation
that ISPRS continue and strengthen the efforts in
developing aggregation and generalisation methods
and co-operate with other international societies, particularly ICA, to deliver adequate algorithms to create
multiple representations of spatial data.
Resolution IV.4 Generation of core spatial databases
The Congress
the increasing need for core spatial databases to be
used and accessed for various applications (e.g.
cadastre, topographic mapping, 3D city models, computer-aided facility management)
the contributions of ISPRS Commissions to large scale
and topographic databases, to the provision of 3D city
models and to Computer Aided Facility Management
that the work on the generation of core spatial databases using multi-source data be continued and
to combine outdoor and indoor locations of built features and facilities in one data stream.
Resolution IV.5 3D modelling, visualisation and
The Congress
an increasing need for fully 3D mapping, especially in
urban areas, supplementing existing DTM databases,
providing virtual walks through photorealistic scenes
on stand-alone platforms and on the Internet
the rapid progress made in this field
that interfaces for linking outdoor and indoor space are
still missing
that further contributions be encouraged to research,
development and application in this field, especially to
link 3D city models with Computer Facility Management Systems.
Resolution IV.6 Dynamic modelling
The Congress
that spatia-temporal databases are on the verge of
containing vector and image data
that fewer efforts have been made in the recent past,
especially to integrate temporal models (kinematic,
dynamic) into spatial databases
that ISPRS strengthen research in this field to profit
more from timely sensed image data.
Resolution IV.7 Data fusion for spatial information
systems (Laser scanning, lnSAR, stereo, highresolution satellite imagery, GIS data}
The Congress
the growth in spatial datasets produced by complementary sensors and data collection systems, and
therefore the need for data fusion algorithms for high
quality feature extraction for geometric and thematic
mapping applications
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.
a lack in combining multi-source image data and
existing GIS data for deriving high quality mapping
products and the need for using high resolution
satellite imagery together with other complementary
datasets to supplement the contents of spatial information systems
that research, development and application in data
fusion be further stimulated.
Resolution IV.8 Spatial data quality
The Congress
that spatial data quality is a major issue
the progress made in the deriving of vector data and
thematic attributes from imagery
the further stimulation of research describing data
quality measures and their implementation and integration into spatial databases and GIS analysis.
Resolution IV.9 Inter-operability
The Congress
that web-based mapping processes access several
databases at different locations, and therefore there is
a need for inter-operable open spatial information systems to integrate data and algorithms
the efforts of industry and state authorities towards
creating standards for an open platform for data and
methods exchange, e.g. OGC and the ISO TC 211
co-operation with institutions involved in spatial data
Resolution IV.1 0 Meta data and clearing-houses
The Congress
that spatial data clearing-houses have evolved worldwide and are initialing and improving the access to all
types of high quality spatial data of all types, making
metadata for data description necessary
ISPRS is a source of knowledge for spatial data and its
corresponding metadata
that ISPRS contribute to the awareness, promotion
and use of spatial data clearing-houses.
Resolutions of Technical Commission V
Resolution V.1 Automation for vision metrology
The Congress
the importance of automation in all phases of the
close-range vision process, in particular real-time three
dimensional measurement via machine vision
the need for new developments in algorithms and procedures for automated sensor orientation and solutions
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.
the necessity of performance evaluation in theoretical
and practical aspects
that stand-alone measurement systems integrating
one or more imaging sensors and CAD/CAM, along
with innovations in laser scanning and projected light
systems for off-line and on-line vision metrology, be
further studied
that target and feature extraction with special consideration of the multi-image correspondence problem be
Resolution V.2 Scene modelling for visualisation and
virtual reality (VR)
The Congress
the growing demand for the creation of real-world
object and site models for visualisation and virtual
environment applications
the necessity for new developments in 3D modelling
and knowledge-assisted 3D scene reconstruction
the need for integration of computer graphics and VR
technology with close-range vision techniques
that automatic image analysis techniques to extract
models of objects and scenes for applications in visualisation and virtual reality be further developed
that mechanisms be implemented for co-operation
between ISPRS Commission V, computer graphics and
computer vision groups.
Resolution V.3 Human motion and medical image
The Congress
the growing demand for medical imaging, medical VR,
human motion studies, expression analysis and sports
formulation analysis
the need for automated image understanding and realtime imaging systems in these areas
the necessity for involvement of photogrammetrists in
these research fields
the need for more interaction between related scientific
that research and development in techniques and systems for medical imaging, human motion studies,
expression analysis and sports analysis be continued
and strengthened
that Commission V intensify co-operation and collaboration with the communities of medical/biomedical
engineering, sports science and human/apparel engineering.
Resolution V.4 Integration of image analysis and
spatial information systems for applications in
cultural heritage
The Congress
the growing demand for applications of close-range
vision techniques and spatial information systems for
recording, mapping, 3D modelling and visualisation of
structures of architectural significance and objects of
importance to the cultural heritage
the need for innovative technologies for imaging, data
processing, modelling, visualisation, archiving and
information management, including Internet techniques
the need for integration of computer graphics with
close-range vision techniques for digital archives or VR
further development of integrating of close-range
vision techniques and spatial information systems for
3D reconstruction and documentation of monuments
and buildings for cultural heritage
the increased use of advanced, low-cost and rapid
techniques in documentation and monitoring of the
cultural heritage
development of standard procedures and products in
co-operation with related disciplines (e.g. urban planning or facility management)
close co-operation with CIPA.
Resolution V. 5 Image sequence analysis
The Congress
the potential for, and growing importance of, temporal
analysis, time-constrained solutions and dynamic
the variety of systems and applications, including
mobile mapping, robot vision, machine vision, medical
imaging, autonomous navigation, motion analysis,
deformation analysis and data capture for virtual reality
the need for real-time image processing involving sensor fusion in the integration of image data with navigation sensor data
the need for the development of algorithms and associated computational processes for image sequence
that investigations of these topics be promoted, in close
co-operation with Commission Ill and researchers, for
example in engineering and computer vision
that investigations into algorithmic aspects and the
development of computational systems for applications with special emphasis on time constrained solutions be conducted.
Resolution V.6 Vision and animation
The Congress
the increasing demand for image-based animation in
many applications in sports, medicine, biomechanics,
security, the movie and TV industry, videogames, environmental simulation and interface technology
the need for involvement of photogrammetrists in this
the potential for close-range vision techniques to be
utilised in animation technology
the development of image-based techniques for use in
live figure and environment generation tasks
the study of methods and technologies to support the
interaction of real and virtual objects and actors
that collaboration with the computer vision and animation communities be intensified.
Resolution V. 7 Integration of ground-based vision
techniques with aerial/space images
The Congress
that the importance of integration of ground-based
vision techniques with those of aerial and space
imagery will inevitably increase for applications such as
city modelling, urban and traffic planning, and environmental monitoring
the need to utilise high-resolution satellite images or
aerial images in an integrated fashion with groundbased imagery
that new models and techniques for close-range and
aerial/space image integration be developed in cooperation with Commission Ill and IV, with a focus on
aspects such as the combination of data from various
sources, object extraction techniques, 3D modelling
and texture mapping.
Resolutions of Technical Commission VI
Resolution Vl.1 The Internet for ISPRS
The Congress
that the Internet and the World Wide Web provide a
super-highway for information access and transfer
the potential of the Internet as a support for research
the relevance of Internet search engines for information
retrieval and sharing
the need for guidelines and recommendations regarding appropriate formats for Internet Web pages
the benefits of integrating the ISPRS journal, ISPRS
Highlights, member reports, ISPRS web pages, commission and working group reports and newsletters,
other relevant ISPRS publications and links to the web
pages of education and research institutions, governmental institutions and private companies
that the Internet infrastructure has not yet become
totally available in developing countries
the investigation of the optimal use of the Internet for
the benefit of the ISPRS community.
Resolution Vl.2 Education for the developing world
The Congress
the relevance of training and education for the ongoing
development of photogrammetry, remote sensing and
gee-information, especially in the developing world
the benefits of, and the need for, education networking
and sharing of expertise and resources in the developing world
the lack of communication between educational institutions and individual educators in the developing
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.
that Commission VI, in co-operation with regional members of ISPRS and all sister societies, endeavour to organise workshops for education in the developing world.
Resolution Vl.3 Updating the ISPRS education
The Congress
the growing concern regarding the lack of information
on education and training institutions world-wide
that Commission VI has prepared an initial database on
institutions of education and training
the relevance of communication between educators
from different institutions and different parts of the
the need to make information on educational facilities
available to members of the ISPRS community and the
general public
that the ISPRS database of education and training
courses and institutions be maintained and updated at
least annually.
Resolution Vl.4 Computer Assisted Teaching and
Learning (CAT/L)
The Congress
that CAT/L systems offer new opportunities and benefits for education and training processes
the increased interest in the potential of information
technology as a tool for the support of education and
training, both for on site and remote learning
that the evaluation of existing, and the development of
new, concepts in CAT/L and distance learning be
that public domain educational software and web
pages be designed and developed
that available software and web pages be publicly disseminated at marginal cost
that the CAT Contest (CATCON) be continued.
Resolution Vl.5 Technology transfer to and within the
developing world
The Congress
the shortage of qualified professional staff in the developing world as a result of limited resources against the
background of rapidly developing technology
the need to enhance the theoretical, practical and management skills of individuals from the developing world
the relevance of quality of service with the increased
globalisation of professional activities
that opportunities for technology transfer to and within
the developing world be further investigated and
that such technology transfer be initiated, encouraged
and/or supported in co-operation with sister societies
and international/regional organisations.
Resolution of Technical Commission VII
Resolution Vll.1 Spectral signature research
The Congress
the rapid development in spatial and spectral sensing
that spectral sensing research is essential for the'· use
of remote sensing data
that research on spectral signature, especially in the
areas of hyper-spectral and microwave sensing, be
co-operation with institutions maintaining databases
on spectral signatures
co-operation with the International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research (ISSSR) and other international
conferences on Physical Measurements and Spectral
Signatures in Remote Sensing.
Resolutions Vll.2 Standardisation for methodology of
computer-aided interpretation
The Congress
the increased importance of data accessibility of computer-aided interpretation and analysis of sensor data in
setting up and using global databases in a standard form
the increasing demand for sharing information, especially in
the emerging countries, and the need for unified guidance
to ensure comprehensive data collection and use at the
local, regional and global levels
establishing quality measures for evaluation and validation
of the output of remote sensing procedures
collaboration with CEOS Calibration and Validation
Working Group (CVWG).
Resolution Vll.3 Crop monitoring, yield estimation and
policy issues
The Congress
the substantial economic benefit of using remotely
sensed data in agriculture to ensure food security and
rural development
that remote sensing has been shown to be an effective
operational tool in many countries
the achievements and proven technologies in the field
of operational use in crop monitoring, yield estimation
and facilitating agricultural policy implementation
refinement of current modelling methodologies for
improvement of the operational use in crop monitoring,
yield estimation and facilitating agricultural policy
implementation using remote sensing and GIS technologies.
Resolution Vll.4 Integrated monitoring systems
The Congress
that advances have been made in geospatial and
telecommunication technology
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the synergy of integrating remote sensing data, in-situ
measurements and other data in a GIS has significant
advantages both in technical and economical sense,
as well as for interdisciplinary co-operation, especially
in integrated water and other natural resources management
that integrating remote sensing data, in-situ measurements and other data in a GIS be encouraged for monitoring, modelling and management of the environment
and resources.
Resolution Vll.5 Disaster management
The Congress
that remote sensing, GIS, satellite positioning and space
communication have become effective tools for disaster
monitoring, mitigation and assessment
that disaster management has been recognised as an
urgent issue in the recommendations of UNISPACE Ill
the development and applications of appropriate tools
and methodologies for disaster management using
remote sensing and GIS technologies
co-operation with various partners IGOS/CEOS etc.
Resolution Vll.6 Generation and use of global
The Congress
the increasing availability of global databases, data
gathering methodology and the wide variety of remote
sensing data sources and world-wide emerging infrastructures
that future developments need close co-operation in the
field of global monitoring and modelling
that UNISPACE Ill supports world-wide actions related
to Agenda 21 at the local, regional and global level, in
close co-operation with international scientific organisations and the appropriate institutions of the United
the development of methodologies for generation and
quality evaluation of global databases for global studies
in co-operation with Commission IV
compilation of existing and planned location and quality of global databases
development of algorithms for monitoring of global
evolving strategies for assimilating remotely sensed
data into global models.
Resolution V11.7 Supporting implementation of
international policies and treaties
The Congress
the increased political and societal significance of
international policies and treaties, such as the Kyoto
the need for objective, reliable, economical and timely
implementation of the related international policies and
investigations and development of thematic mapping
using remote sensing data at national and international
investigation into, and development of, vegetation
(especially forest), soil and other thematic mapping and
use of remote sensing data at national and international levels, with a focus on carbon fixing and desertification
coordination with the International Global change
Atmospheric Chemistry {IGAC) Programme
the establishment of a Task Force to coordinate ISPRS
contribution to studies in the application of remote sensing
for international policies and treaties.
Resolution Vll.8 Urban management
The Congress
that rapid and unplanned urbanisation is a problem
the impact of growing urbanisation, increasing density
of population and transmigration from rural to urban
areas, as well as the impact on environment associated
with pollution and global change, and the benefits of
remotely sensed data in monitoring its impact
provision of scientific and technological support
for actions as recommended by the HABITAT II Conference
for documentation, conservation, management and
permanent control of Natural Heritage and Cultural
Landscapes in co-operation with UNESCO/ICOMOS/CIPA
for actions to monitor land use and land cover transformation, with special emphasis on urban growth.
Resolution Vll.9 Imaging segment of information
The Congress
imaging represents an inevitable part of geospatial
the growing need for, and ongoing activities in, the
establishment of an interoperable geospatial information infrastructure at the national, regional and global
level to support assessments of environmental degradation, monitoring and modelling of global change and
resource management
that ISPRS represent the imaging sector using the synergy with its integration with GIS, satellite positioning
and space communication in the national, regional and
global spatial data infrastructure, especially in applications of remote sensing and GIS for environmental
studies and resource management.
Approved by the ISPRS General Assembly
22nd July 2000
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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