Allen Center to remain closed

Allen Center to remain closed
Lack of enrollment and funding forces decision
by Pamela Kersten
houses. It's not cost efficient."
News Ellitor
The Debot and Allen Centers
are self sustaining, meaning the
money comes directly from
room and board costs billed individually to students. With the
decline in enrollment there isn't
enough money to maintain both
centers, Lineberger explained.
The decision to close Allen
Center dining area made at the
end of last semester will be
upheld this year due to lack of
enrollment and funding.
"Continuing to run Allen
Lineberger, Assistant Director
of University Center Administration, "is like havmg
three students sharing two
At the present time, De bot has
been able to serve both sides of
campus comfortably and has not
yet reached it's total capacity.
Lineberger also stated, "I want
to do everything I can do to keep
costs down. Closing Allen
Administration is working
hard to maintain their goal of
being "student orientated."
"I want to do everything I can do to keep costs
down. Closing Allen Center is just one of
those things. "
Center is just one of those
To make things easier on stu:!ents and to create more
flexibility they've allowed
meals from the meal plan to be
used in the U.C.
The Convenience Store in
Allen Center also will remain
open to better accomodate that
side of campus.
"All change hurts,"
Lineberger explained. "We are
trying to pick things out that we
can do to save students money."
Science building to
receive face lift in '94
The 30-year-old original section of the Science Buildins at
the University of WisconsinStevens Point will underao a
$2.84 million refurbishing,
probably in 1994.
Funding for the work has been
approved in Madison by the
State Building Commission.
lmptOvements will include re-
placement of the heatina sys·
tem, . if\staltation of air
~tionina and new plumbing
and the replacement of tluores-
cem HJht fixturee.
Association for Community Tasks starts off the school year with 8 volunteer fair
See story page 6. (photo by Terry Lepak)
Other improvements include
the replacement of an emergency electrical generator, installation of new acoustical ceilings,
improvement of handicapped
aa:essibility and other miscel-
Point Brewery to become Barton Beers, Ltd.
Shareholders in the Stevens
Point Brewery have made the
decision to sell the outstanding
shares of the brewery to Barton
Beers, Ltd. of Chicago.
The agreement has been
signed with a closing date of
September 30, 1992,
Barton Beers' intentions for
the Point Brewery are to bring it
to full capacity. This is consistent with their goal to maintain
the brewery as a unique institution to Stevens Point and central
and Point Breweries) are both
committed to maintaining our
established reputations through
our continued devotion to
quality, taste, time-honored
brewing methods, and aggressive sales efforts for us as
Wisconsin's oldest independent
According to Jim Crahan,
Point Brewery Financial Administrator, all production will
continue in Stevens Point. He
stated that the brewery has
potential to grow from producing 32,000 to 100,000 barrels of
beer by next year.
This could create 15-20 new
jobs for the community.
Barton Beers represents such
imported beers as Corona, St.
Pauli Girl, Peroni (tH Italian
beer), and Double Diamond.
"We are both committed to maintaining our
established reputations through our continued devotion to quality, taste, timehonored brewing methods, ... "
"I believe that this is a definite
positive move for the brewery,"
Craltan stated.
Point Beer will be the only
domestic beer that they represent.
laneoos projects.
Carl Rasmussen, director of
facilities planning and space
mana,ement at UWSP, said the
state bas begun a program to ad·
dress infrastructure needs.
which will include opJnldingof
UW System buildings. that
began being ~in the
19So·-. wh:en enro.
most cam~
a on
rapid rise.
.. ,
Air cond.itiOnifi . .. . ~f
dJe few jobs tcN:~fw!ae ,. "
throu~t the ~~ · ~en<»
Building. There .• 110' wotUJ&
system in the ~. section.
and those in the 197'1 and 1988
additions are beaiMina to require new parts. A sin&le unit is
Continued on page.13
Pointer Poge 2 • Thursday, Septeni>er 11, 1992
Education change
Runlwal~ Sunday
UWSP and the Stevens Point
a School District are work. g together on a collaborative
ard to create a change in areas
of education.
· 'The board has agreed to continue with plans with or without
a financial commitment from
the federal government.
Tht: lOth annual American
Cancer Society Sk tun/walk is
set to t>egin Sunday at Bukolt
Registration starts at 11 a.m.
with the event beginning at 1
All participants recieve free Tshirts, while the top 10 male and
female finishers will recieve
Quayle visits WI
Abortion poll taken
P!esident Dan Quayle
Although al;>ortion ~mains a
viSited tht Central Wiscot\$in critical .Issue in politiC$, Mosinee Tuesd!ly.
tin~~ w;otests have had little
Quayle emphasized to the impact on people's views in
crowd of more than $00 people Wisconsin. according to a Mil·
the Bush/Quayle ticket was waukee .Journal poll.
the way to vote.
There is a in~
If Gov. Bill Clinton was number of people tbatfeelit is a
elected, he stated, tax increases • woman·~ rightJ while the num·
and health care rations would ber of people opposing abortion
has dropped.
Recycling planned
Aid distributed
A diversified group of
American companies have
joined efforts to introduce a plan
that will increase the demand for
recycled goods.
Among this group of more
than ZO companies, thr¢e are located in Wisconsin,
The $7.5 billion telief aid
package intended to help the
surviving victims of Hurricane
Andrew is being increased by
another $3' billion.
Tbe in~rease maid was needed
following the devastating ef·
fect.s caused by the hurricanes
an6 typhoons that recently hit
H~waii and Guam.
Old Main not only gets cleaned inside, but outside too throughout this week.
(photo by Jeff Kleman)
Festival of India to be
held at SPASH on Sunday
Area residents, UWSP students and faculty will be able to
sample a foreign culture and
dine on gourmet Asian foods
Saturday, September 19th, at
the fifth annual Festival of India
in Stevens Point.
Proceeds of the event will be
used to finance educational
costs for destitute women in
Fighting continues
The Stevens Point Area Senior
High School will host the evening of dining, dancing and
entertainment in its commons
and theater. Festivities begin at
4:30p.m. with a program on the
music of India, followed at 5
p.m. by the gourmet dinner and
the 7 p.m. stage show.
The heated debate on what
While fighting cOntinues between Serajevo and Bosnia, the legally speaking sushi is, may
United Nations continues to put fmally settle disputes between
pressure on the Serbian-led the United States and Japan.
The question heading the arYugoslavian's by preparing to
deny them voting rights in the gument revolves around
whether S\lShi is a. fish or rice
General Assembly.
The UN has also auempted to product.
Fish is legal to import while
identify which side ~ fuing is
coming from by supervising~ rice is not.
Tickets, $6.50 for adults and
$3.50 for children between the
ages of 6 and 12, are available at
the University Center Information Desk, Park Ridge Pharmacy and Gifts, and the Stevens
Point Area Co-op. Children
under age 6 will be admitted
without charge. Tickets will be
sold at the door, but at a higher
The seven-course meal will
feature favorite foods of India.
The presentation on classical
Indian music before the dinner
will be led by Patrie Marks, anative of India who is now a
teacher in Chicago and a leader
there of the India Music Ensemble. He plays the sitar, a
string instrument.
During the meal Jenny Burton
and Richa Chander of the
Suzuki Talent Education
Program will play their violins,
serenading diners with music
popularized by movies in India.
In addition, Indians from
across the state in attendance
will perform folk dances in the
commons, inviting members of
the audience to participate.
Leaders will include Ashok and
Ashi Tannau, Dr. Dev Rao,
Devinder and Manju Bhalla, all
of Appleton; and Dr. Kirti and
Nikunj Ringwala, Oshkosh.
The main stage show in the
theater will feature Marks and
two members of his ensemble
performing a repertoire done at
universities across the Cl'untry.
Marks and a second musician
who will play the tabla. a percussion instrument, will accompany a vocalist.
In addition, the musicians will
play for sisters Jay Shree, Ritu
and Richa Chander, all natives
of Plover, who will be featured
in a short dance drama.
Bight local and/or regional organizations either sponsor or
support the festival. After last
year's event, the planning committee allocated $5,000 for the
P.N. Doshi College in Bombay.
Because the dollar goes a long
way in India, the gift from
Stevens Point is enough to support the equivalent of 100
women for a full year of study at
the school. The cost for tuition
and most living expenses is
about $50 per year per woman.
Continued on page 8
The re-recognition of student
organizations will be held at 7
p.m. on September 16th and
17th in room 125/124A of the
University Center. This meeting is mandatory for all organizations who wish to receive
campus services.
This weeks meeting will be a1
6:15p.m. Thursday September
17, in the Wright Lounge. At
this meeting theSe-we will~
electing the Speaker of the
Senate for the 199~.-~3 school
Any questions? Coocerns?
Or just want to get involved, call
SGA at x4037!
SHRM receives award
by Pam Becker
by Kelly Igl
The Student Chapter of
SHRM ·The Society for Human
Resource Management was
presented with the 1991 Student
Chapter Merit Award a! their
farst general meeting held Monday, September 14th.
John Hillert from Sentry In-
surance presented the award to
President Pam Becker and Vice
President Kelly lgl. Chris Sadler, the Organization's faculty
advisor was also present.
The Merit Award recognizes
student chapters within the National Organization of SHRM
which have demonstrated member participation in workshops,
chapter meetings and programs.
The chapter also supports the
SHRM National membership
growth activities.
SHRM is a national professional group which, through the
student chapter offers students
thinking of going into personnel, human resource management, sales and other business
related careers, an opportunity
to sec what the job world is like.
They provide interested students a chance to hear
workshops on job related issues,
to participate in professional
conventions, and to make contacts with people in the industry.
Continued on page 13
Pointer Page 3 • lOOrsdoy, September 17, 1992
Send it back...all the way!
by Kevin A. Thays
Did you sec the advertising
insert that j ust fell out of your
Pointer? If it hasn't fallen out
yet, you're safe from public
humiliation. If it fell out and
you left it on the ground, you
are more than a litter-bug.
and that's humiliating.
Of course, littering is at the
opposite extreme of recycling,
but m any of us are nonrecyclers and we don't even
know it.
Recycling means more than
just saving. Aluminum, plastic, glass, paper, cardboard
and polystyrene (foam)
require proper treatment to be
worth anything.
For example, if you think
you're doing the program a
favor by breaking glass to con-
dense it before recycling, guess
again! Most glass that is
broken will not be used. It is
dangerous, difficult to sort and
above all, it lessens the chance
for whole glass in the same
batch to get recycled.
All recycleable containers
must be rinsed. Caps and
labels must be removed or the
value is very limited.
Placing recycleables into the
correct barrels may seem like
common sense, yet it is one of
our largest obstacles in Lhe
recycling program. Mixed
recycleables are often more
costly to sort than their return
J know, it takes us a little extra
effort which seems like a real
pain in the rear, but if we're
" ..• ifyou think you're doing the program a
favor by breaking glass to condense it before
recycling, guess again!"
If the product's label doesn't
contain a recycle symbol, don't
assume that it can or cannot be
used. Call the company botline and ask them directly or
obtain a list from Resource
Recovery Center on campus.
going to do it, we may as weJI
do it right!
The University also provides
students in Residence Life
with an added incentive to sort
recyclea bles properly. The
hall improvement fund is
charged for each additional
hour it takes to straighten out
the mess. It can also be selfdefeating if too much sorting is
needed. It's a "catcb-22."
There are still rccycleable
materials being thrown into
the dumpsters on campus.
Pizza boxes and pop cartons
are at the top of the list. We
often forget that it is easier to
make one cardboard run to the
recycling storage room in the
basement of each hall than it is
to make several trips to the
dumpster, especially in winter.
We should defmitely commend ourselves for the exceptional recycling we've done so
far. Between October 1989
and July 1992, we recycled
3,935,575 pounds of material
and saved our university
$61,250 in landfill costs--what
it would ordinarily cost to dispose this amount of material.
Tbat is our money!
Sports all year, like it or not
by Lincoln Brunner
C olllrihutor
As the baseball season winds
do\\ n and the demise of every
Mid .vest Major League team
becomes more imminent, it is
comforting to know that there is
another sport to tum to in this
great land of the seasonal sports
Milwaukee might tease and
the Twir.s may still cling to shallow hopes, but everyone from
the Windy City to the Twin
Cities has to face reality- no one
in this time zone has a Subaru's
chance in Detroit to make the
playoffs unless the Brew Crew
can pull off a minor miracle.
Football in itself is a little offthe- wall. There are a lot of rules
and pat.:> and referees, which
makes tor a painfully slow game
at times. But then again, there
is a special something about
watching a man being slammed
into the turf and almost broken
in two that gives the true fan a
real sense of pride for his team.
Admittedly, catching a game
at Lambeau or Soldier Field in
late November is an experience
akin to in an igloo in your
skivvies, but it's tradition. We
Amencans have precious few
honest-to-goodness traditions to
hang on to, so when we find one,
we dam well better make the
most of it, frostbite or no.
As a matter of fact, we
Americans (especially here in
the heartland, or God's country,
or whatever the heck you want
to call it) have something to be
proud of in our sports. So the
leagues are full of overpaid,
self-indulgent crybabies. So
what? As long as they play for
our favorite team, it doesn't
So whether it is baseball or
football, or even basketball or
soccer you like the best, keep
this in mind. America is the best
place to watch your sports, and
it is home to the best athletes
anywhere. So make the most of
it The Great Sports Overlap.
has something for everyone.
Letters to the editor will be
accepted only they are typed,
signed, and under 300 words in
length. Names wnt be withheld
from publication only an
appropriate reason is giVen. The
Pointer reserves the right to edit
letters if necessary and to refuse
to print letters not suitable to
publicatlon.AII correspondence
should be addressed to The
Editor, Pointer, 104
Comml.lllcatlons Arts Center,
UWSP, Stevens Point, WI, 54481.
Written permission is required for
the reprirt of all materials
presented In the Pointer.
The Pointer (USPS-098240) Is a
second class publcation
published 30 times on Thursdays
~the school year by the
University of Wisconsin - Stevens
Point and the UW System Board
of Regents. The Pointer Is free to
all tuition paying students.
Non-student subscription price is
$10 per academic year. Second
Class Postage Is paid at Stevens
Point, WI.
POSTMASTER: Send change of
address to Pointer, 104 CAC,
UWSP, Stevens Point, WI, 54481.
The Pointer is written and edited
by the Pointer Staff which Is
comprised of UWSP students
who are soley responsible for its
editorial content and policy.
So, the time has come. Time
to tuck awd.y the tank-tops and
pull out the parkas - football is
OK, you say the Pack is 0-2
and the best team in the Central
Division lt.he moment happens
to be frorr. Tampa Bay? Don't
start looking for you basketball
yet. 'There are 14 games left to
fmd out who is best, and something tells me it won't be a
bunch of ninnies in orange
While the pro-Chicago sentiments are not too popular in this
neck of the woods, there is one
thing (and one thing only) that
Bear and Packer fans can agree
on - we HATE Minnesota.
They can have their Twinkies
and their North Stars, but when
it comes to the gridiron, I gotta
stand by my guns. The only
good Viking is a Valhallabound Viking.
matter. They're still our boys,
even if they do spit and swear
and ask for another half-million
every other year.
AUG. 3t - SEPT. 18
Pointer Page ~ • ThlKSday, September 17 1992
Sept. 1 , 1992
Dear Editor:
I am a prisoner on death row at the Arizona State Prison
· and was wondering if you would do me a favor. I have
been here for almost sixteen years and have no family
or friends on the outside that I can write. I was
wondering if you would put a small ad in the campus
newspaper for me asking for correspondence. If you are
not able to do that, then maybe you have some type of
message or bulletin board you could put it on. I realize
you are not a pen pal club or anything like that, but
I would really appreciate it if you would help me.
Death row prisoner, caucasian male, age 46, desires
correspondence with either male or female college
students. Wants to form a friendly ' relationship and more
or less exchange past or present experiences and ideas.
Will answer all letters and exchange photos. Prison
rules require a complete name and return address on
the outside of the envelope.
Jim Jeffers
Arizona State Prison
Box B-38604
Florence, AZ. 85232
Lower learning ?
The Board of Regents
repealed their ruling banning
hate language on all UW system
campuses last week. In so doing
the Regents have upheld the fust
amendment of our constitution.
But have they served all students and faculty?
When someone uses words
such as nigger, queer, spic,
gook, or other degrading
phrases and these words trigger
a response that ultimately Leads
to violence, is it right to punish
the responder? What responsibility does the person who instigated the response have?
It is difficult to envisage what
the authors of the constitution
really bad in mind when they
wrote the first amendment.
Somehow r don't believe that
they intended it to be used as a
shield from responsibility for
those who would inflict harm
upon others with words and
phrases deliberately designed to
enrage and stir emotions.
We can all hear the echo in our
memories of "sticks and stones
may break my bones but words
will never hurt me" but we also
hear the words that did hurt. We
all have felt the volcano that
rumbled inside our guts as we
tried to control the inevitable
eruption that hurled us into combat with the person who ignited
the explosion with their words.
As children we can all remember the class clown who said
something that triggered a
response from someone in the
classroom. But it was _always
the person who responded to the
remark that was punished for
disturbing the class and the
clown usually escaped prosecution.
The dictionary defines university as "an institution of higher
learning...", I believe the Board
of Regents have added lower
learning to the definition.
Dear Editor,
Bill Downs
STEVENS POINT • 345-7800
32 Park Ridge Drive
PLOVER • 341-4544
908 Post Road
Pointer Poge S• llusdoy, September 17, 1992
HomecomingM :JConce
Alternative Soundsl[]
IU ~ IV ~ll2S llr""
A\lClriVIIlrll ~~ IJl()A\Il?U
Sunday Sept. 20
10a.m. Allen Center
8 PM
6 member $6. oo
co -ed teams
Get your Club
UAB Card
SEPT. 17
Paul Black---
Saturday, September 19
8:00 P.M.
' 1-
. NOW!
( X-3000
We Make It Happen!
$2.00 With UWSP 10
The Encore
$3.50 Without UWSP ID
L...----- Personal Points Accepted _ _ _ _ __,
Get Your Club UAB Card
Pointer Page 6 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
Greeks strive to change image of
the party anitnals on campus
Pointer Profile:
Kelly Lecker
Fmtures Editor
Fraternities and sororities are
typically associated with wild
parties and huge egos.
"They're designed to give
people a false sense of leadership," stated one student about
Greek life. "They just build
people's egos."
These are the images the
Greeks on campus are striving
to change.
"I won't deny that the fraternities still have parties and a
strong social atmosphere,"
stated Jason Muelver of the
Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity.
"But parties with bodies flying
everywhere just don't happen
anymore, anywhere."
Muelver stressed that while
scene is still a part of
The Inter-greek Council acts as mediator and a
governing body for all of UWSP's different
fraternities and sororities (photo by Terry Lepak).
Local agencies
SP goes international!
"Cineworld," a festival of
foreign films, will be held on
·Wednesday evenings in September and October at the
University of WisconsinStevens Point.
Open to the public without
charge, the series is sponsored
by the Department of Foreign
Languages and the College of
Fine Arts and Communication.
Films are shown in the original
language with subtitles.
Screenings are at 7:30p.m. in
Room A206 Fine Arts Center on
the g~ery level.
The Spuds and Suds Picnic
was held Saturday at Goerke
Park. This pre-Spud Bowl picnic is held every year- to
celebrate the potato harvest, one
of the prime agricultural
products of the Stevens Point
and Plover area.
Many UWSP students as well
as residents of the community
including some UWSP ad~
ministrators, said they enjoyed
the Spud Premier Beer
prpmoted at the picnic.
"I like Spud Beer," said Chancellor Keith Sanders, commentirig on the quality of the beer
made from potatoes produced in
the community. "It has a light
Sanders said he could not "tell
the difference between Spud
and other beer" produced from
wheat "I hope potato becomes
the prime ingredient of beer" to
help the community's economy.
"I buy a couple of 6-packs and
stretch out over the course of the
year," he added.
"I've never had Spud Beer,"
and regulations for the Greeks.
Greeks were involved last
year in a number of volunteer
projects including Big
·Brothers/Big Sisters, crossing
guards for Halloween, and a
o;enior.nrom fnr A nnn:ino hrun•
VVhen asked about thek
views of fratern ities and
sororities, some tudents on
campus stated that while they
still view the Greeks as party
animals, they admit they play a
major role in many service
projects for the community.
"We do as much as we can to
help the community," stated
Farrey. "ACf can always count
on us to help with their volunteer projects."
Fraternities and sororities all
over campus are currently
holding rush activities designed
to attract students to the Greek
Student volunteers better prepared for future
Tile films and their dates are:
-"Blow Up," Sept. 16, from
England. A fashion photographer, captivated by Vanessa
Redgrave, becomes unsure of
the difference between truth,
reality and images.
-"Women on the Verge...,"
Sepl 23, Spain. A comedy
about an actress who wants to
convince her boyfriend to give
up his new love interest.
-"Tile Nasty Girl," Sept. 30,
F('{lfllres Etlitor
Finding a job after graduaoften requires field exIDettenc:e while in college.
UWSP held a volunteer fair
IMolllday to allow students how
can get job expe~ and
out the commwlity as well.
'"We believe students are$
their best wben they are helping
continued on page 18
others." said {)jane Rosenl>aum.
Point brewery Qoasts
Spud Beer's un1que
home-grown flavor
Paul Matsuda
partying that has changed.
Steve Farrey, president of the
Intergreek Council, explained
that the purpose of fraternities
and sororities is to provide a
common bond for students and
help them "get more out of college."
"H we're going to keep our
family strong," said Farrey, "it's
not going to be centered around
Farrey stressed that Greek
life at UWSP is not as vital as it
is in bigger campuses such as
Madison. This was aUribut:::d
largely to the strong residence
life program on campus and
consequent!y a diminished need
for housing and fellowship.
Greek life at UWSP consists
of three fraternities and four
sororities. These orgaruzations
are bound by th,.. Intergreek
Council, which sets the rules
president of the As$0CiatU.m(d{;
Community TNks.
' 1w~ ,,
Acr, which presente4 the
volunteer fair, sets up fourtypes
of volunteer programs: la~
dividual volunteering, tutoring
in elementary schools, community programs and hunger
said Randy Alexander, director
of University Housing. "I don't
like beer," he explained.
John Jury, director of Students
Rights and Responsibilities,
said he is not too concerned
about the promotion of beer in a
University-sponsored event.
"It's more of a novelty, •· rather
than the promotion of alcohol
consumption, he said. He explained that $1 from every case
of Spud beer sold will go to
According to John Tracy, a
salesclerk at JR Liquor Store,
only a few cases of Spud Beer is
sold each night. "It's a specialty beer," he said.
People like Spud Beer "because it's different," said Mike
Johannes of the liquor department at Copps Food Center.
Johannes said the beer first appeared in the store in August and
will continue to be sold for a few
weeks after the Spud Bowl
Spud Beer is brewed each year
the comer
Beer and Water Streets. The
brewery is known as the
Last year, UWSP received a
special award fOf having one of
the best hunger cleanup
programs in the countJy.
"1 take enormous pride in ow
students' instinct to do things
for other people," said Olancel-
~tudents were then free to
ask questions of any of the
organizations• representatives
or of the ACf volunteers on
"To learn the value of caring
"We believe that stwients are at their best whep they
are helping others."
· lor Keith Sanders.
According to Sartders,
UWSP students volunteered for
over 7,000 boutS of comm\1Dity
~rvice last year atone.
Representatives from each ot
2Scommunity service organizations presented a two minute
speeoh at the fair on ways to become involved in their estal>-
Students interested in volunteer work should CQntact the
Acr offiCe at x2260.
A thletes from Spudlympics chase after potatoes while disguised as paper bags.
The event was part of a competition during batftime of Spud Bowl, the annual
game in honor of the area's potato harvest (photo by Terry Lepak).
producer of Point Special Beerl.
Pointer Page 7 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
Sportz teams compete Frank's story to be told on campus
for students' applause
Comedysportz teamsters act out a play in reverse to
- amuse the audience (photo by Jeff Kleman).
Kelly Lecker
Feature.\· Editor
UWSP students enjoyed a
sporting event last Thursday
night, but the teams weren't
competing for touchdowns or
Instead, the teams of Comedysportz were competing
against each other for laughs
from the audience.
Students ftlled the Encore to
see the performance, which is
presented at UWSP once each
year by the University Activities Board.
"Comedysportz is one of our
most popular events," said Dan
Berard of UAB. "People really
seem to enjoy it."
With "Evil Man" Dan as
referee, two teams ofcomedians
competed in various games and
contests to see who could evoke
the most laughs from the
Games ranged from acting
out ''Washing windows with an
armadillo" using three different
emotions to telling a joke over
and over with a different
punchline each time.
Teams could earn points by
entertaining the crowd, but had
to be careful not to be subject to
any "comedy fouls."
These fouls ranged from the
"groaner foul" for something
A performance of "The Diary
of Anne Frank," enhanced by a
special poster exhibit, director's
talks and authentic set designs,
will open this year's mainstage
theatre season at the University
of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Directed by Robert Baruch of
the theatre faculty, the drama
will open at 8 p.m., Friday, October 9th and continue on the
evenings of October 10th-11th
and 1Sth-17th in the Jenkins
Theatre of the Fine Arts Center.
Baruch and scenic designer
Stephen Sherwin traveled to
Amsterdam to study where
Anne Frank and her family hid
from the Nazis during World
Other productions throughout
the season, described by theatre
and dance chair Arthur Hopper
as "solid, with excellent
variety," will include musicals,
Shakespearian fantasy.
I' I{ I '\ l
I I' I I· S ,, I
On November 13th-1Sth and
.7th-21st, "How to Succeed in
lusiness Without Really
frying," "a big brassy, rags-to1ches musical," will be directed
md choreographed by James
~. with musical direction
>y James Woodland and set
Jesign by Gary Olsen, members
-,f the theatre and dance faculty.
Professor Thomas F. Nevins
will direct Shakespeare's "The
Tempest," a romantic fantasy,
on February 19th-21st and 2S th27th.
Two new dance faculty members, Robin Moeller and Diane
Woodward will join James
Moore and Susan Hughes
Gingrasso in choreographing
"Dance Stage '93," a showcase
of ballet, tap, jazz, and modem
dance, on March 30th, 31st and
April lst-3rd.
An Iowa native, Moeller holds
an M.F.A. degree from Ohio
State University where she was
l l
'\ I l
I< I
I l I< I
a graduate teaehing associate.
A modem dance specialist, she
is a certified Laban Movement
Analyst who ~ been a performer, choreographer, director
and actor.
Woodward has also been a
professional performer, a
teacher at Kansas State University and at Mills College where
she earned an M.F.A. She has
studied at the Ballet Russe de
Monte Carlo School, the
Americ~n Ballet Theater
School, and the Robert Joffrey
The ftnal show of the UW-SP
theatre season will be a rollicking bedroom farce, "A Flea in
Her Ear," directed by Hopper. It
will be staged on April 30th,
May 1st, 2nd, and 6th- 8th.
The work of Jessica Hahn,
UW-SP's new costume designer, will be showcased in
continued on page 18
\\ I '\ I
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that was said with no tact or wittiness to a foul for boring the
"I think many students like to
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Pointer Page 8 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
Collins Center to hostnew
music theatre production
Christine Jauquet
Music and theater lovers can
soon enjoy a new form of entertairunent.
William Clark and Geary Larrick will present "A Repertory
List," a music theater composition Thursday at 7:30p.m. in the
Haferbecker Lecture Hall in
Collins Classroom Center.
The presentation is unusual
because unlike most musical
performances , this music
played in public, •· said Larrick.
Continued from page 2
Jyotsna Chander, festival
coordinator, said the World
Bank recently reported that int.ervention on behalf of poor
women has had the most
profound results in dealing with
problems in Third World or
poverty-stricken nations.
Organizations assisting in the
staging of the festival are the
Stevens Point Area Senior High
School and its Student Action
Coalition, Thursday People,
Fox Valley India Association,
UWSP College of Fine Arts and
Communication, UWSP South
Asia Society, Women in Math
and Computing of UWSP, and
Women in Higher Education of
"There's everything from A to
"A Repertory List" was composed by Larrick.
'Tve been performing in
public since I was five or six
years old," he said. "In the past
seven years I've written about
70 compositions, and this is one
of them."
"A Repertory List" was flTSt
performed last June at UWSP.
Larrick played both parts by
recording the reader part and actheater composition contains no companying it with live percusmusical notes.
The duo will feature Clark performing a reader part with Larrick accompanying the reading
with percussion.
The text is an alphabetical listing of composers and music
"It's actually a list of 80 percent of everything I've ever
"All the percussion is improvised," stated Larrick. "It•s
got instruments from different
continents: American maracas,
an African kalimba, an Asian
drum and three European cowbells."
No admission fee will be
charged for the presentation.
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Pointer Page 9 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
Pointer Page 10 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
bYMichene Nemast
Outtloors Etlitor
I was sitting in one of my classes the other day when my
professor brought up one of the
most interesting words I've
heard in along time. He used an
old slang term meant to be
derogatory to environmentalists
when it was ftrst created. He
said, "Treehuggers." Treehuggers?
Just what exactly is a treehugger? That got me to wondering.
Are environmentalists, ''green"
people, Friends of the Earth,
Oreenpeace members, and
Earth Firsters Ute only ones who
hug trees?
1 tried to remember if I had
ever bllgged a tree. Probably
not deliberately, but I'd have to
say I must have, and so, l'm
sure, have others.
Little kids playing hide and
seek in the woods who throw
their arms around the biggest
trunk they can imd and pray that
no one can hear them breathing
-they hug trees.
Children or young lovers who
hook a limber birch in the crook
of their elbow and swing them·
selves around with the sheer
bUss of being ~ive • they hug
Those of us who tum to nature
and theforest for~. solace,
relaxation, or anyotherneed We
may feel - we hug trees.
Hunters shimmying up to a
tree'sdiameter,andloggersgetting ready to destroy a plantation ·they all hug trees, inadvertently or not.
Although we ~W never very
willing to admit this, we need
these leafy, forest friends for
security, money, jobs, proteotion, comfort and even life itself.
"Treehuggers" may have been
considered radicals at first but
the tenn can no longer be applied in that sense. Each and
every one of us has become a
Michigan field trip
gave s udents respite
by Jason Fare
of my frustrations during the
identification exercises. Quartz
or concrete? I was lost
Wanna take a trip? With eight
long hours of travel to look forward to and thirty students all
scrambling for window seats. A
few slight preparations were attended to, and the road became
our racetrack.
At "The Lake Of The Clouds",
however, I was flying on an incredible natural high. Located
in the Porcupine Mountains
State Park of Octonagon,
Michigan, this site provided us
with the most beautiful, concentrated forest horizon that I
have ever taken in. It had a
breAthless elegance - an essence
Out of Stevens Point and into
the big blue open. Stuffed like
commuters on a New York subway, clutching our personal caffeine apparatus', we shut our
eyes in an attempt to bypass the
limitations of time.
Miles, miles, and more miles.
Trees, trees, and yet more trees.
Landscape scrutiny, and any enjoyment that may come from
that scrutiny, is dismissed at 70
miles per hour. The air in our
vans slowly obtained a curious
funk that delighted our noses the
way day~ld socks never fail to.
Are we there yet, Papa Smurf?
Thank Allah for McDonald's.
The glorious golden arches and
the extension of weary spines.
This was to be the first stop of
many for our crew, en route to
Ontonagon, Michigan.
For me, the trip was like sitting
in an advanced level Chinese
class and having to look somewhat knowledgeable. I was surrounded by geology experts,
geography masters, and
anthropological authoritarians.
If anyone in the group knew less
about the subjects being studied
than myself, they were due for
an Oscar.
The constant view that enveloped us extinguished some
Standing on that bluff,
everyone involuntarily fell into
a brief silence where reality
ceased to exist. No school, no
stress, no bills and no responsibilities. For one moment.
And then w-: were back on the
bus. Oh. weU. Halfofthegroup
pitched tents at the state park,
while the rest of us opted for
motel rooms in town. Guess
which group I sided with. I'm
prejudiced against insects. A
classic true-to-form, white city
boy with invertebrist tendencies.
Our second stop was in the
Michigan version of Door
Cowtty. Copper Harbor is located on the tip of the Upper
Peninsula, snaking out into the
waters of Lake Superior. The
weather was unusually warm
and comfortable. We all had
winter jackets and gloves packed. Ultimately, some of us
walked the streets of Copper
Harbor shirtless.
A restaurant on the lake front
had a quote under its name
boasting that you were now
"breathing the cleanest and
purest air on the planet." I
wasn't about to argue. Their
sign summed up the w:ekend
venture with one sem ~nee.
Michigan is a treat for the senses.
I would like to return someday, in a nonacademic setting,
without schedules and quotas.
As it was, I silently cursed the
van every time we had to
regroup and return to the
vehicle's confming walls.
A light, amusing atmosphere
ofhumor kept us sane during the
lon~ stretches of travel. CNR
maJors are unique people. I say
that with all due respect. They
love their rocks. They love the
outdoors. And they love their
beer. Life at its most basic and
unpolluted level.
A city executive-type would
have got a substantial laugh out
of watching our group scale
roadside rock formations in a
frenzy of granit-gathering furor.
With tiny anthropology hammers and intent glances, searching for a seemingly invisible
Or how most of the students
used pet names to refer to each
other. Critter, Scooter, Curly,
Cheesy, Schmuck, Flounder,
Ratt. I still don't know many of
their real names.
My description of these rock
maniacs may sound ridiculous,
but they never were. A bit eccentric, but never dull - they
kept the trip interesting. They
were in touch with their intents,
and the spirit slowly rubbed off.
Take a trip to Michigan, get a
little bit of that special air in
your lungs, and you '11 know
what I mean.
This white-tailed deer is just one of the many that
bow and gun hunters may have a shot at this fall.
(file photo)
DNR provides bonus
archery deer tags
Bowhunters will again have
the opportunity to harvest more
than one deer in many deer
management units when the
state's archery deer season
opens Saturday, September
Fifty-nine management units
throughout the state remain 20
percent or more over population
goals, despite record deer harvests in 1991 and some winter
mortality in northern counties.
By allowing archers to take
more than one deer in overpopulated areas, Department of
Natural Resources biologists
hope to reduce the number of
units that are over goal.
Archers were first allowed to
take more than one deer in overgoal units during the 1991
season. According to Tom
Hauge, director of the DNR •s
Bureau of Wildlife Management, "Their success was even
better than we had hoped."
fisheries Society has
ly planned their trout habitat improvement project for Saturday,
§eptember 26th. Anyo.n.e is
welcome, regardless of mem·
bershlp. Meetings are held in
CN.R g24 each Wednesday at
Student Society of Arborlculinvited a speaker to
their meeting on Thursday, Sep·
tember 17.
Ron Zillmer,
Forestry Technical Scuices
Coordinator for the city of Milwaukee and UWSP graduate,
will be speaking in the U.C.
Garland Room at 7:00p.m.
.wm has
Wisconsin bowhunters harvested 67,097 deer in 1991,
breaking the previous record,
set in 1990, by almost 18,000
"We estimated that about
12,500 antlerless deer in last
year's archery harvest could be
attributed to the issuance of
bonus permits," Hauge said.
"Without that extra harvest,
antlerless quotas in several
management units wouldn't
have been achieved."
Management units with multiple bags available (two or three
deer) contain deer populations
estimated to be 20 percent or
more over prescribed winter
population goals. Those units
are also expected to have bonus
antler less deer permits available
during the gun deer season.
continued on p.17
is replacing their Thursday,
September 17th ~til}g ~th a
cook out at th~
' lt'~~le
Reserve Sb¢1ter. ,
, out-
wiU sta.rtat5: · ·
. ' ett'
ing wtll contintJ¢ . ..
through Schmeelcle'aftt.r-dinner.
Anyone wantingmoreinfonna~
tion about EBNA i$ welcome to
attend. Bring your own food to
grill. Chips
witt be provided. Signupacross
from CNR 105.
American Water Re~ As·
sociation will hold their general
meetings for the fall semester on
Wednesdays at.. 5:00 p.m. in
CNR 212. Everyone is welcome.
PointeJ Page 11 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
continued on p. 17
Waterfowl hunters planning
for the 1992 Wisconsin hunting
season need to note changes in
reduced goose bag limits following action taken by the
Natural Resources Board at
their August meeting in Superior.
"We anticipate Horicon Zone
hunters will receive only one or
two tags this year because of
poor production by the Mississippi Valley Population of
Canada geese," said Jon
Bergquist, DNR wetlands and
waterfowl ecologist. "The daily
bag for Canada geese will be
one in all of the zones."
Bergquist also noted that Collins Zone hunters will receive
three tags this year instead of the
six they received last year.
Hunting hours in all goose
zones will be from noon to sunset for the duck season opening,
Bergquist said.
This goose resides at a Milwaukee area park and
will most likely be out of reach to hunters. However,
many others art within range.
(p \Oto by Jerry KJeman)
Four time periods have been
established for the Horicon
Zone: Period 1 - September 26
to October 23; Period 2 - October S to November 6; Period 3
-October 19 to November 1 and
Period 4- November 2 to 2.Q and
November 30 to December 4.
The board approved a season
beginning on September 26th in
the Exterior Zone with a daily
bag of one. Bergquist added
that this season will end on
December 14th, unless the harvest objective of 20,000 birds is
reached at which time the
season will be closed.
The goose seasons in the Mississippi River subzones will not
open until October 3rd and will
run concurrent with the duck
seasons in both the northern and
southern parts and then continue
through December 14th.
Bergquist advises goose
hunters to check the 1992 waterfowl season pamphlet for date11
ofspecial Canada goose seasons
and closing dates for other geese
in each zone and subzone.
Finding out where and when
anglers catch walleye on Lake
Czajkowski's mission as a
graduate student at the Univer- ..
sity of Wisconsin-Stevens
He is working with the DNR
on a study of movement and
migration patterns of the fish in
the Lake Winnebago system.
The Winnebago system is unusual, according to CzaJ'kowski,
because, in the spring, one stock
of walleye moves up the Fox
River into marshes to spawn
while the other group migrates
up the Wolf River to spawn in
its adjacent marshes.
In order to understand the
movements, the DNR has been
tagging walleye each spring and
summer. About 10,000 fish
have been tagged, but c:1ly
about 650 tags have been
continued on p. 17
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Pointer Page 13 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
Business workshops Pointer hockey team
golfs. for revenue
scheduled at UWSP
"The Business Fundamentals," a five-part series especially for small business owners or
managers, will be held during
September and October at the
University of WisconsinStevens Point.
Sponsored by UWSP's Small
Business Development Center,
the workshops are designed to
give an overview of the major
managerial functions in a business. The sessions will be held
on Tuesdays at the University
Center from 7:15 to 9:30p.m.
On Sept. 22, Larry Kokkeler, a
member of the UWSP communi.;ation faculty, will lead
"Marketing," developing an
overall marketing approach,
identifying new opportunities,
and exploring the basics of merchandising and personal selling.
On Sept. 29, Ron Lostetter,
UWSP's controller, will discuss
"Financial Management," a
basic introduction to record
keeping and the managerial
analysis of financial data.
"Hu:nan Resource Management" will be offered on Oct. 6
by Diane Gillo of the UWSP
division of business and
economics. She will provide an
overview of the principles of
human resource management
and strategies for dealing with
Tom Ryan of business and
economics will explain "Risk
Mar.agcment" on Oct. 13. He
will cover the objectives of risk
management, how to identify
and evaluate potential losses,
and acceptable levels of risk.
"Obtaining Capital" will be
the subject of the final session
on Tuesday, Oct. 20. Led by
Ken Schmidt, vice president of
Bank One, the seminar will help
participants identify different
sources of capital, assess needs,
and 'submit a good loan
Costs for the seminars are
$160 for the series or $35 each.
Registration and further information are available through the
Small Business Development
Center, Room 012 of Old Main,
(715) 346-2004.
On Monday, September 14th,
supporters of the UWSP hockey
program teed off at the Stevens
Point Country Club.
This annual event is used by
the Pointer hockey team and
staff as one of it's largest fund
raisers of the year.
"This i~> t. good way for supporters of Pointer hockey and
the whole athletic program here
at the university to get together
and have a good time and support our program," said second
year Assistant Hockey Coach
Tim Coghlin.
The 18-hole scramble tournament included a dinner and
Continued from page 1
desired to assure a balance of air
throughout the building, Rasmussen contends.
Some of the new computer-rehued equipment to be purchased
is for a Cartography/Remote
Sensing Lab and Darkroom.
chances to win various prizes at
certain holes on the course.
The contests on the course include such thmgs as: closest to
the pin on a player's drive on a
par three hole, longest drive,
long putt and other skill events.
In addition to this there were
also door prizes from various
donors to the program.
"We're excited about being at
the country club this year. They
have a beautiful course and in
our past dealings with the
country club for banquets and
such, they have been very good
to our program," said Coghlin.
Continued from page 2
Some of the organizations's
activities planned for this
semestt>r include; Elections for
the positions of Secretary and
Public Relations Coordinator on
September 23rd at 5 p.m. in the
UC- Green Room, tours oflocal
organizations and the SHRM
State Conference in Appleton
October 8th-9th.
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Pointar Page 14 • ThUJSdoy, Septurmer 17, 1992
Football stomps UM - Morris
by Lincoln Brunner
Sophomore fullback Dave Schopf pushes ahead for
extra yards against UM-Morris. (photo by Jeff
cr 0 s s c 0 u n try
struts therr stuff
by De bYF u II mer
Sport.' Editor
UWSP's cross country teams
~rformed well ,at the North
t:entral College Invitational on
Saturday, September 12th.
The women placed first out of
ten teams with 35 points, and the
men placed second out of 21
teams with 70 points behind
North Central.
"'Ilus was a good meet for the
women. We had strong performances from many runners
which makes competition for
positions on the team stronger,"
said Head Women's Cross
Country Coach Len Hill.
Mamie Sullivan, WWIAC
runner of the week for winning
last weeks Pointer Invitational,
won the meet with a time of
18.16.6 followed by Amy Voigt
in second with a time of 18.33.7.
Voigt's fmish earned her the
WWIAC nomination for an outstanding performance.
"Mamie took the lead right
from the gun and ran strong the
whole way. Amy Voigt also
made a big move in this meet by
fmishing one minute and 31
seconds faster than she ran the
same course a year ago," said
The rest of UWSP's women
also ran well as the time difference between the fourth and
11th runner was only SO
"Having our runners come in
so close together is what we
need to do to be a good team. I
was pleased with everyone's ef~orts," .,_
....:d Hill.
Freshman Taeryn Szepi, runncr of the week, finished
seventh for UWSP and 22nd
overall, with a time of 19.52.
"I was pleased with the way
Taeryn ran. She was in control
ofherrace and ran aggressively.
This is something I would expect from a veteran," said Hill.
"The important result of this
meet is not that we beat the other
teams," Hill added, "but we
learned about our team and how
to run better."
The men's team faced strong
competition from North
"This meet showed us where
we are. North Central is an excellent team, and we stacked up
o.k:.," said Head Men's Cross
Country Coach Rick Witt.
Senior Jason Ryf, Conference
Runner of the Week at last
week's Pointer Invitational,
placed fifth in 26.02.4 with
Jason Zuelke placing 11th with
a time of 26.33.9.
"Ryf showed the leadership
we need from a senior and
continued on page 18
C 0/ltrihutor
What the Stevens Point football team did to Minnesota Morris in the sixth annual Spud
Bowl is illegal in many states
now. Luckily, Wisconsin is not
The Pointer football team,
under fifth-year coach John
Miech, danced on the visiting
Cougars Saturday, September
12th to the tune of 42-12 in front
of 3200 screaming fans at
Goerke Field.
"I felt that MiMesota Moms
was a one-dimensional team,"
said Miech. "They had one
good receiver and a good
quarterback ... but after the first
two series, our defense was
good enough to shut them
Shut them down they did. The
Pointers defense held the
cowering Cougar ground attack
to a dismal-22 yards rushing.
The UWSP secondary did a
job on Morris's passing game,
too, recording three interceptions from defensive player of
the week Randy Simpson, and
five total for the game.
"What we have attempted to
do is keep things simple, and
keep doing what we do over and
over again in practice," said
Miech. ''That way, if a team
beats you, they're a better team.
and it wasn't because of mental
errors or mistakes."
Stevens Point was defmitely
the better team on Saturday
night, only allowing the
Cougars 10 first downs, none of
them on the ground.
Keeping things simple seemed
to work. Junior running back
Jimmy Henderson, who was
nominated as offensive player
of the week for the UM-Morris
vs. Stevens Point game, ran for
123 yards on the night with two
touchdowns, racking up his
shareofUWSP's328totalrushing yards.
Starting quarterback Jay
Krcmar contnl>uted heavily to
the Pointer cause as well, passing for 145 yards and two touchdowns, including a beautiful
56-yarder to junior wide
receiver Dean Bryan in the
second quarter.
Freshman quarterback Tom
Fitzgerald also had a good night,
passing for 59 yards total and
the final touchdown of the
Other players feeding some
turf to the Cougars were senior
linebacker Andy Chilcote and
right end Bret Hamner. Chitcote was all over, chalking up
nine tackles, one sack and a
blocked extra point
Hanmer had one-and-a-half
sacks and two forced passes to
his credit for the night.
In a seemingly blatant attempt
to keep the fans present for the
whole game, the Pointers scored
three touchdowns in each half.
Kicker/wide receiver Todd
Passini was a perfect 6-for-6 on
the night.
When asked about the team's
chances against La Crosse this
season, Miech said, ''We're a
good team and they're a good
team. Most everybody in Wisconsin feels it's Point against
LaCrosse for the conference
championship, so we '11 find out
early if they're right."
The Pointers face their archrivals at Goerke Field on Saturday the 19th.
Volleyball opens strong
by Jason Czarapata
leyan and Wheaton for theiropponents.
'The Pointers lost all four of
which shoul?, be .in
the nations top 20, satd
"We dt'dn't wm·, but we had a
lot to look forward to. We were
kosh and Bluffton, 15-8, 15-5,
and 15-7, 15-4, respectively.
b~~~ the~~::e:e~~:~s~~~~e:;;
champiOnshtp by beating Oshalso the home Opener You
was even say we were too
· excould
cited," said Head Volleyball
Coach Sharon Stellwagen after
the Pointers lost their opener,
12-15, 6-15, 4-15, to St. Norbert
· an exciting 1st set, the
Pointers jumped out to a 6-3
lead. This, however, would be
the only big lead the Pointers
would hold for the rest of the
St. Nobert fought back: to tie
the score, and then exchan.Red
the lead back and forth until it
was 12 a piece. From there, St.
Nobert took the next 3 points,
and thus, also the 1st set.
"The first set really took a lot
out of us. We weren't physically beat, but we were down mentally," said Stellwagen.
Hitting well, and playing great
defense, St. Norbert took the
next two sets to clinch the
"Scores don't always tell what
reallyhappened. Wewereplaying very well, but they were
playing that much better. I give
them a lot of credit," said
Next up for the Pointers was a
15 team tournament on September 11th and 12th. Matched up
in brackets of five, the Pointers
drew Bluffton, IBC, IL Wes-
continued on page 18
Dawnette Updyke returns the ball to St. Norbert.
(photo by Terry Lepak)
Pointer Page 15 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
Tennis plays tough
by Deby Fullmer
Sports Editor
Women's tennis competed in
the Chippewa Valley Open at
Eau Claire September 11th
through the 13th.
Shelley Locher won the
women's singles championship.
In round one she defeated Shannon Ruchmeyer of UW-Eau
Claire, 6-0, 6-0. In round two
she defeated Carol Gorton of
UWEC 6-4, 6-2.
Quarterfmals resulted in
Locher defeating Hilary
Schwartz of UWEC 6-2, 6-1.
She defeated Roxie Anderson of
UWEC 6-1, 6-1 in the semifinals to move to the finals.
Katie Imig serves to her opponent to help UWSP
beat Lawrence 6-3 on Wednesday night. (photo by
Terry Lepak)
Golf finishes second
by Mark Gillette
C olll n hutor
The University of WisconsinStevens Point golf team placed
sec¢nd in the first leg of the
Wisconsin State University
Conference 9bampion~ip tfris
~ast weekend at the River Palls
Claire's Robb Rebne and Kent
Higley tied for first place with
scores of 152.
The Pointers will try to move
up frOm their current second
pl~ standing in Ute WSUC
w~ they host the second leg of
wsuc.~hturipionship this
her 2Pth and 21st, at Sentry
Sunda>:.3lld ~ay, Septem·
Danyel Sweo won her opening
Sweo, however, ultimately
Isot to Linton in the second
round 6· 3, 6-1. Freshman
Tabitha Wyssbrod won the consolation championship.
In doubles competition,
Bather and Locher won their
fltSt two matches, but lost to the
number one seed team, Karyn
Johnson and Vickie Tessendorf
of Eau Claire 7-5, 6-2.
"All14 players played at least
three matches in the tournament. That's always a great
way to start the season;' said
Earlier in the week on September lOth, the women were vic-
torious over St. Norbert College
eight to one.
Locher defeated Jane Linton
of UWEC, the defending champion and number one seed 7-5
"Everyone played aggressive
singles. Our serves were good
and everyone was able to get to
the net consistently," said Page.
"Shelly was a very patient and
determined player this
weekend. Her groundstrokes
were consistently deep and to
the comers, her serves were
strong, and she volleyed the ball
well," said Head Women's Tennis Coach Nancy Page.
Results from the singles competition showed domination by
UWSP with victories by Shelly
Locher, Jamie Jensen, Sarah
Bather, Danyel Sweo, Katie
Imig, and Amy Gibbs.
Jane Unton is a very seasoned
player and said at the end of the
match, "I played as well as I
could, Shelly was just better. I
tried everything I could think of
to win points."
Bather and Locher lost their
doubles competition, however
Imig and Jensen, and Gibbs and
Sweo defeated their opponents
in competition.
The next women's tennis
match will be at home September 16th at 3:00 p.m. against
Other singles results for the
women showed senior Jamie .
Jensen reaching the semi-finals
only to lose to Linton 6-2, 6-2.
Sarah Bather lost in the quarter
fmals to Linton 6-2, 6-1, and
shuts out
by Mark Gillette
C ontrihutor
Team depth. excellent defense
and aggressiveness carried the
University of WisconsinStevens Point women's soccer
team to two shutout victories
over St. Norbert's and Luther
College this week.
On Sunday, September 13th,
the Pointer women erupted for
three goals in the second half to
defeat Luther 3-0. Pointer
goalie Sue Radmer (So,
Waukesha) captured her third
straight shutout.
"Sue played a great game and
had a lot of. help from our
defense," said UWSP coach
Sheila Miech.
Becky Brem (Fr, Pewaukee)
got Point on the board first with
an unassisted goal, her team
leadiJTg ftfth goal of the season.
Dena Larsen (So, Madison)
put UWSP ahead 2-0 with an assist from Susie Lindauer (Sr,
Madison) and Lindauer scored
the last goal, her third goal of the
season for the fmal score of3-0.
Charisse Simcakowsld (Fr,
Waukesha) assisted Lindauer
on the final goal.
Defensive!y, the Pointers were
superb. Freshman Joey Zocker
(Waukesha) held Luther's most
explosive player, Pernille Olsen
of Berkerod, Denmark, to no
Zocker' s performance did not
go UJUtoticed by her coach.
continued on page 18
UWSP finished with 8t~rr~::==::=~~~-:::-~~--~-----points, well behind UW Eau
Claire's first place total of 784.
Competition began on Saturday
in River Falls and was done on
Sunday. Both days the
temperature was around 70
degrees with very windy conditions on the 6,471 yard course:
"We had a spotty showing,"
UWSP coach Pete Kasson said.
"Out penvrmance indicates that
we need our third and fourth
golfers to assert themfelves and
start breaking 80 per round."
Jason Allen (So, Stevens
Point) and Jason Summers (Sr,
Hartford) turned in good penor·
mances, tcying for fifth with
scores of l 57. Allen shot a. 77
on the f~tst dav and an 80 thl'l
second day. Summers go.lfedM
80 the fU'St day and a 71 tlw
Jesse Amble (Fr, Arena) shot
a 166, Steve Theobald (Jr,
Rochester, MN) and Scott Frank
(Jr, Minong) each fmished one
behind Amble with a 167, and
Brian Steinke (Jr, Amherst
Junction) had a 172.
UW-River Falls, Winona
State and Carleton College
finished behind Stevens Point in
the five-team competiti~n. Eau-
[f .•.• ·
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Pointer Page 16 • llusdoy, September 17, 1992
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Bow tags
continuedfromp. 11
The number of gun bonus permits expected to be available
determines whether a unit is
designated as a two or three deer
bow-bag unit.
In an effort to reduce deer
problems in urban areas, three
special units with four-deer bag
limits were established in
metropolitan areas near
Madison, Milwaukee and La
Poilter Page 17 • TlMsday, September 17, 1992
To be eligible to receive bonus
archery deer permits, hunters
must harvest theu flJ'St deer in a
designated multiple-bag bow
unit. After registering theu fust
deer, bowhunters will receive an
application to obtain bonus per·
mits at a cost of $12 each for
residents and $20 each for nonresidents. The number of permits each hunter may purchase
will depend on where their first
deer was harvested.
Hauge encourages all archers
to pick up this year's Archery
Deer Season Map when purchasing a license. The map illustrates the multiple-bag deer
units throughout the state, and
explains how bowhunters may
be eligible for bonus archery
deer tags.
Hauge pointed out that the
DNR is responding to hunters'
suggestions and taking steps to
malc:e bonus archery tags more
readily available.
"Last year, bonus archery tags
were available only at DNR offices during weekday business
hours," he said. "To provide
better service to hunters, mmy
private license vendors with
weekend hours will also sell
permits this year."
Hunters should ask the
registration attendant when
registering their deer where
bonus archery permits are being
sold in theu area.
returned. (There's an address
provided for anglers on the
tags.) Steve says he needs more
tags in order to substantiate
some of his findings.
"I would like to see the
recovery rate at 10 percent so I
can be more confident of my
results," he says.
Czajkowski, of suburban
Chicago, also has created a
database containing all the
original tagging information.
"When an angler sends us a tag
'1te send him/her a questionnaire
on where, when and the size of
the fish caught," he says.
He has reached the final stages
of his project, planning on
reporting results early in 1993.
"We should be able to answer
important questions concerning
the amount of time spent by the
fish in certain areas of the system. 'This will aid fish managers
in determining key habitat
needs of the walleyes," Czajkoski says.
He holds a bachelor's degree
in biology from UWSP, where
he is working with professors
Dan Coble and Fred Copes of
UWSP, plus Ron Bruch and
Kendall Kampke of the DNR.
Czajkowski will discuss his
research at 4 p.m., Thursday,
September 24th in Room 112 of
the College of Natural Resources Building. The presentation
is open to the public.
Whitetails instill pride
The importance of the whitetailed deer has withstood both
time and history in much of the
United States. This is especially so in Wisconsin, where the
first hint of fall stirs many
hunters with thoughts of going
afield again in pursuit of this
worthy game animal.
White-tails and Wisconsin are
synonymous. Many say that the
white-tailed deer is aesthetically appealing and regard it as a
symbol of the outdoors , a
portrait of serenity in the woods.
The white-tailed deer is
Wisconsin's official state
wildlife animal. No wildlife
species exceeds the white-tail in
its long- time influence on the
entire field of conservation.
History shows evidence of the
value placed on the white-tailed
deer. For several hundred
years, human interest in the deer
was purely economic. Hides
were traded as money. Hides
also provided clothing, and
other parts of the deer were used
by Indians as tools, ornaments
and talismans.
Centuries ago, mound builders
built effigy mounds in the shape
ofdeer; some of these can be observed today in Dane and Trempealeau
Archaeological digs in these
areas have uncovered antler-tip
arrowheads, hide scrapers and
fish hooks made from deer
PLEASE BE REMINDED that city ordinance PROHIBITS the placing of garbage cans on the curb PRIOR
to 6:00 P.M. the nlgt-t before pickup day, and an
garbage cans MUST BE removed from the curb by
midnight of the day of pickup. Pickup Information
may be obtained from thf! City Garage, 346-1537.
C'ty ordinance provides penalties for ordinan~ violations.
Barbara Kranig, City Clerk
Htgh mabton. wearable styles.
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while penntngJ
For tnformaUon
without ob:Ugatton.
meet with Zotos Ultrabond
Saturday. 12:00. at the
Hollday Inn. Stevens Point.
Many names of Wisconsin
lakes, rivers and communities
are related to the honor and importance placed on deer by early
Indian tribes in the state.
Waupaca in the Winnebago language means "a stalking place"
for deer. Lake Michigan has
been adapted from an Ojibwa
word meaning "a wooden fence
to catch deer near its banks."
Fence Lake in Vilas County
has been traced to the Winnebago word describing a deer
fence near the water, and Lake
Mild winters over several
years pushed the deer herd to its
highest point in history in 1991.
Herd estimates for 1992, taking
into account deep snows and
severe over-winter conditions,
still show a herd in excess of
1.25 million animals.
More than one-half million
deer inhabit the northern forest
region north of Highway 64. A
total of 100,000 deer are in the
central forest region and almost
650,000 deer are found in the
southern agricultural region of
the state.
Almost three million deer
have been harvested by frrearm
hunters in the last decade in
Wisconsin, while archers have
accounted for a harvest of more
than one-half million.
Deer hunting is a strong tradition in Wisconsin and the whitetailed deer remains an honored
trophy in any hunter's baa.
Nebagamon in Douglas County
was named by Chippewas as a
"place to hunt deer by fire from
the waters."
Because of the white-tailed
deer many hunting laws have
been enacted, conservation
policies promulgated, and
wildlife restoration efforts
begun. Public attitudes toward
swayed by the ecological principles developed in the long history of white-tail management.
Only three years after statehood,
Wisconsin adopted its first deer
season regulations.
The white-tailed deer truly is
Wisconsin's top big game
animal. Hunting seasons attract
several hundred thousand participants annually. Surveys
done by the Department of
Natural Resources have shown
both the interest in and importance of the white-tail hunt to
Wisconsin recreation.
'~ubwayS New
"'rom 7ro"
"I'm no Columbus,
.7 but tbis is agreat discovery."
Pointer Page 18 • Thursday, September 17, 1992
continuedfrompage 14
from Germany last year, about a
yoWtg woman who uncovers the
secrets of her hometown.
-"Les Comperes," Oct. 7,
France. On the Riveria, Gerard
Depardieu tries to heop a damsel in distress.
_"Don Segundo Sombre,"
Oct. 14, Argentina. A fictional
life of the gauchos is based on a
novel by Riccardo Guirlades.
-"From Somalia with Love,"
Oct 21, France. French president Mitterrand 's nephew
created this documentary in
East Africa in the midst of "the
worst human misery on the
globe today."
-"Nosferatu," Oct. 28, Germany. Klaus Kinsk:i stars in the
scariest Dracula movie ever
made. nus is a classic of German Expressionist cinema,
shown in honor of Halloween.
Zuelke ran a good race breaking
up Whitewater's top two men.
Dave Glihieck:i, Dave Niedfeldt, Jeremy Johnson, and John
Carpenter had strong races as
well," said Witt.
'1 was very pleased with freshman runners George Minor and
Eric Glasrud who had strong
runs. Chad Witt made a nice improvement over the summer and
gave a strong performance
Saturday as well," said Witt.
The Men's Cross Country
team is in the NCAA top ten.
"We have a lot of work to do
but we are progressing the way
I'd like," said Witt. "I feel we
realize what we need to do to be
in the top four at the NCAA in
The next cross country competition is September 18th at the
Wombat Invitational in
Sheboygan Competition will
begin at 4 p.m.
continued from page 14
In the championship. vs.
Augustana, the Pointers lost 315, 13- 15 against the quicker
Augustana team.
"The Oshkosh win will help us
in the regular season. Now we
know we can win in the conference," said Stellwagon.
Volleyball's next competition
will be on September 17th in
Appleton at 6
continuedfrompage 15
"She had the-toughest assignment and did an excellent job,
holding their most dangerous
player scoreless," Miech said.
"Another key to the win was
our aggressiveness. We got to
the ball fJtst, knew who their attackers were and shut them
down. We'regettingbetterand
better and doing a good job of
communication on the field,"
added Miech.
UWSP had 20 shots on goalin
the game compared to Luther's
seven. Luther had only tow
shots in the second half. Radmer had four saves and Luther's
Christi Thomas saved seven.
Earlier in the week, the
Pointers blanked St. Norbert's
1-0. Point's only goal in the
September 9th game came in the
second half on an unassisted
goal from Brem.
St. Nobert's only had five
shots on goal while Point attempted 33 shots. Radmer had
four saves and the St. Norbert's
keeper had 16 saves.
"We had numerous scoring
opportunities against St.
Norbert's but an excellent St.
Norbert's goalie kept them
close," said Miech. "It's nice to
see us play well together as a
With the two victories the
Pointers improved to 3-1 overall. All three Pointer victories
have been shutouts, the fJtSt a 60 shutout against Augsberg September 5th.
The Pointers next game is
Wednesday, September 16th, at
Marian College. UWSP will
return home this weekend to
play Carleton College Saturday,
and Ripon College Sunday.
Each game starts at 1 p.m.
from page 7
several of the year's productions. Hahn is a union designer,
which means she has passed a
series of rigorous tests in order
to become licensed as a member
of United Scenic Artists.
The recipient of three Joseph
Jefferson Awards in Costume
Desi~n. she holds an M.F.A
from Carnegie-Mellon University. Resident designer for the
National Jewish Theatre, she
has worked for several other
professional groups and served
as a visiting professor at UWMadison and at DePaul University.
Also working with the students will be a new acting
teacher, Carolyn Blackinton,
who is also a union member. A
former assistant professor at
Central Michigan University,
she holds an M.F.A from
Florida State University and has
pursued extensive postgraduate
theatre training.
Black:inton has been a professional actress and director in Illinois, Massachusetts and
Michigan, and has performed
extensively in regional theatre,
commercials and industrial
Also, throughout the year at
UW-SP student-run Studio
Theatre productions will be
staged in a new location, Room
005 Learning Resources Center.
On September 25th and 26th,
AmyLiz Schaub, a senior from
Ktpon wtll present "Pro Altered
States," an original performance
art piece. On November 4th and
5th, William Bol.z, a senior from
Baraboo, will direct "Seascape
with Sharks and Dancer," and
dance students will choreograph
and perform in "After Image" on
December 11th and 12th.
Senior Scott Bennett of
Niagara will direct "The Gloaming, Oh My Darling" on January
29th and 30th and Woodland
will mount a musical on
February 10th-13th. On March
5th and 6th, Colleen Ruebsamen, a senior from Kenosha,
will direct "The Effect of
Gamma Rays on Man-in-theMoon-Marigolds," and on April
16th and 17th, two one acl
productions, "God," and "Unpublished Letters," will be
directed by Daniel Kelm, f
senior from Oostburg and Shelil
Pyan. a junior from Merrill.
Tickets for the studio produc
tions are $3 for the public and$~
for students, except for the
musical which will be $4 for the
public and $3 for students.
Season ticket prices for five
mainstage productions are $35
for the public, $30 for senior
citizens, FirstNighters and UWSP faculty and staff and $15 for
students. Individual tickets for
the Jenkins Theatre productions
are $8.50 for the public, $6.50
for senior citizens and UW -SP
faculty and staff, and $4.50 for
students; admission to the musical is $10.50 for the public,
$8.50 for senior citizens and
UW -SP faculty and staff, and
The Week In Point
RERECOGNITION NIGHT (Mandatory for all student
organizations wishing to renew recognition), 7PM
Worn. Volleyball, Lawrence University, 6PM (Appleton)
UAB Alt. Sounds Presents: EXTREME ~ATURE, 8-10PM
Faculty Recital: STEVEN BJEllA, VIolin, 8PM IMH-FAB)
Football, UW-laCrosse, PARENT'S DAY, 1PM (H)
Worn. Tennis, laCrosse Invitational, 3PM (T)
UAB Alt. Sounds Presents: PAUl BlACK & THE FliP KINGS,
8-11 PM (Encore-UC)
Men's & Worn. Cross-Country, Wombat Invitational (Sheboygan)
Wom. Tennis, LaCrosse Invitational, 3PM (T)
Man's Soccer, UW-Eau Claire, 11AM & Michigan Tech., 4PM
(Eau Claire)
Wom. Volleyball, Trl-Meet, 10AM (H)
FESTIVAL OF INDIA: Music of India, 4:30PM; Dinner, 5PM;
Stage Show, 7PM (St. Pt. Area Senior High School)
Wom. Soccer, Carleton College, Parent's Weekend, 1PM (H)
Amer. Cancer Soc./Schierl Oil Co. RUN/WALK, 1PM
(Bukott Park)
Men's Soccer, UW-Stout, 11AM (Eau Claire)
Worn. Soccer, Ripon College, PARENT'S WEEKEND, 1PM (H)
TRYOUTS, 8PM (Wrestling Rm.-PE Bldg.)
Performing Arts Series: FREE FLIGHT, Classical Jazz,
8PM (Sentry)
UAB Athletic Entertainment: Wrestling Cheerleadlng
Information Mtg.. , 9PM llobby-BG)
For Further Information Please Contact
the Campus Activities Office at 346-4343/ll
Worn. Soccer, UW-Eeu Claire, 4PM (T)
Worn. Volleyball, UW-Oshkosh, 7PM (H)
Faculty Recital (Music Scholarship Series): PAUl DOEBLER,
Flute, 8PM (MH-FAB)
Pointer Page 19 • Thursday, Spetember 17, 1992
For sale: Ski Boots, Munari
mens size 7/8, womens size8,19.
Black with Uourescent green.
Used only 1 season $60. 3462727.
1984 Nissan Pick-up excellent runner. $1900 or best
offer. Call 344-1441
White metal loft for sale at
$150.00 new. Asking $100.00
or best offer. Used only one
semester. Contact Janeal at
'83 VW Rabbit, good runner
high miles, looks good, bes~
offer, 341-0573.
5 bedroom home for male
students. 3 i>locks to campus.
$775/person/semester. 3441441 or258-3939.
Thanks Kurt Hornby and
Chris Swop~ for your help on
the news set! I really appreciate it! Lisa
Everyone dances to the beat
of a different drum. I'm dancing to mine. I love you Sis' Tigger, Roomir., Spuds, Boobs,
Petrie, J~.;ke, Fuzzy the
Thumping Rocking Horse,
Flood, Meat and Idol. I'll be
back, promise.
Peeny-moo-new meow
meow. You heard right the
two ballheads are back and
ready for action. We will be
rockin' the pointer athletic
season wilh our new apprentice ballbe~d. Good luck to
Hode and his completion of
baUbead training school! Do
balls and live forever. Bark
Bark!! Big Juke Dog
Dear SLS, Always thinking of
Apply now for Hunger Clean
Up/Special Even t s Coordinator with A.C.T. Paid position. Applications and job
description in A.C.T. office
(Campus Activities Complex
lower UC) Questions call 3462260.
Hey Penguin, Next time we
will leave the girls at home and
see a war movie, or bow about
a road trip to New York? The
To: Dcrf W.K Too bad I
couldn't get a rise out of you
last Friday night! From: The
Aerobics Queen.
Congratulations Gretchen
Rybicke!! You are the winner
of a semester membership to
UWSP's Health Enhancement
Center! Thanks for participating at our FITSTOP booth in
the U.C.
Library of.Jntonnlllon in u.s.
0n1er catalog Today with V1sa I MC or COD
To Fab 1: I bear that you are
flying with Peter Pan's
sidekick. Good luck. Fab 2
and 3
Free tutoring in physics for
students enrolled in 100- and
200- courses. Debot Center,
Room 073, Mon. - Thurs., 7:30
- 9:30p.m. Daytime tutoring
also avai;able. For more information
Physics/Astronomy Dept. Office (B111 Science Bldg.)
To: The guys who drank our
beer and our Dr. M., Conserve
your energy 'cuz pay backs are
strenuous and a lot of bard
work! From: The sexy little
red head.
Matt.Robiscb- We bave very
clear p1ctures of you on video
tape. You took the risk of the
Sentry. The Lone Lanoers.
Dateless and desperate girls
- need a date. for the night or
weekend? Ca ll INKY for
reservations. Phone # to be
given next week.
Hey Diege- Stub you toe?
Smash your finger? Break a
contact? If you break bones
we'll never speak to you again!!
Luv Tobi J and our new roommate.
"Let's have a Festival!! •
Good luck to my mud Iovin
pals Ann Wcge, Scott Howser
and Paul Numsen at the Chequamegon Fat Tire 40. See ya
then. "Juke"
Freshman: Lookin.g for more
than a bang-over? Rush Phi
Sigma Kappa Fraternity. Call
Gonzo or Waffle at 341-0138
for a schedule of events.
Hey J-Man - Next time don't
leave the lid up! Love the SE
"~ Help•
fNe Gncl Confidential.
imNW,a aoo-351·0222
ca11 341-ttELP
Or. rush $2.00 to. Resurch lnforlllltion
A female non-smoking
roommate is want ed for
second semrstcr. Very low
price. Close tt) campus. Three
wonderful roo.nmates - excellent condition. Call Lisa now
Pregnant? UW Alumni wish to
adopt. Willing to help. Jerry and
Barb 1-800-952-0669.
llf you expect a
Stafford Loan and
your account is
pajd jn full, we will
mail the loan check
to your local address. Local address information
is maintained by
Registration and
Earn $'s, a FREE trip to
Mazatlan, or both. We
are looking for outgoing
reps to sell the best spring
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COME*Eam $200-$500
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information, send a
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P.O. Box 2530, Miami,
FL 33161.
'The Besr
II ,.,.~';:== ~daLI
Qnwt D 8Jmdl • Pdendsldp
We have Shoebox
birthday cards.
Come m and stock
up! You•n always
have a laugh
(~ .f:,.y littk cl;v:slort •( ijolt..ark)
UNIV CF_:.r..,:TER
Monday thru Thursday
UNlV=RSITY12 noon-S pm
Pointer Page 20 • Thursday, Spetember 17, 1992
BA.R · & - GRILL
S- ~~: ll:!!JI.·~
~-·~·~·· ~-
Tapper Time
6:30- 8:30
6:00 - 7:00 25¢ Point &Leinies .Shorties
75¢ taps
7:00 - 8:00 50¢
2for $1.00
75¢ mixers
8:00 - 9:00 75¢
$3.00 pitchers
~~:.1 La1'i::~r ht
2 ~~gs I $1
75¢ taps
2to·!~ S.:~~: 75¢ mixers
2.00 boxcars