• '{" ... e AUgu.t 3o, 1984 Volume 28, Number 3 fi/r;f. .. • - tt V1P1ATnn1nt~ .... , .. . , r~ -·. ·-~ EDITOR: Melissa Gross SENIOR EDITOR: Rick Kaufman NEWS EDITORS : Chris Celichowski Wong Park Fook FEATURES: Amy Schroeder SPORTS: Phil Janus ENVmONMENT: Tim Byers ' ADVERTISING: Todd Sharp Steve Forss BUSINESS: Dan Reilly Jeff Wilson OFFICE MANAGER: Elaine Yun-lin Voo ADVISOR : Dan Houlihan COPY EDITOR : Mike DeLury GRAPHICS: Kristen Schell PHOTOGRAPHERS: Mike Grorich Assistants : Fred Hohensee Greg Peterson David Bode CONTRWUTORS: Lori Stanke Lisa Lucht Linda Butkus Michelle Paulson Dan Reilly Mark Berry Lisa Lucht Michael (Grunt) Gronert Scott Roker Lori Hernke Ann Helmke Cyle Brueggeman LeUers to die editor will be accepted only if they are typewritten and signed, and should not exceed a mazimum of 250 words. Names will be witbheJd from publication only if appropriate reason is given. Pamter reaerves the right to edit letters if nee ry and to refuse to print letters not suitable for publication. All correspondence should be addressed to Polater, 113 Communication Arts Center, UWSP, Stevens Point, Whlcaasin Mtll. Written permission is required for tbe reprint of all materials pr..adinNater. The Pointer is a second class publication (USPS-008240 ) published weekly on Thursday by the University of Wisconsin-stevens Point and the UWSystem Board of Regents, 113 Communication Arts Center, Stevens Point, WI 54481. POSTMASTER : Send address change to Pointer, 113 Communication Arts Center, Stevens Point, WI 54481. Pointer is written and edited by the Pointer staff, composed of UWSP students, and they a r e solely responsible for its editorial content and policy. Contents Housing crunch...p. 4 Noise level crackdown... p. 5 Pointer Poll...p. 6 Downtown renovation ... p. 11 LRC expansion... p. 14 The best days ... p. 15 Sports Gridder preview... p. 23 Lady Stickers ... p. 24 Welcome back to UWSP! I've been sitting at this typewriter for almost an hour, waiting for the wisdom of Chris Celichowski (Pointer editor '83-'84) or the wit of Mike Daehn (Pointer editor '82-'83) to descend from the heavens and inspire my clumsy fingers. So far, the only thing descending has been a rather lethargic fly. - Anyway, on behalf of the 1984-85 Pointer s4tff, I'd like to welcome everyone back to UWSP. With the exception of two news editors and one ad manager, this year's editorial staff is composed of new talent. We have already added new features to the paper. Mike Verbrick, SGA vice president, will be writing a weekly legal column called "Renter's Rights," dealing with problem areas in off-campus housing. Mike plans on answering all your questions from security deposits to bad plumbing. In an effort to encourage student involvement, the Pointer is requesting that each organization recognized by SGA submit a one-page synopsis of their organization's purpose and events. The Pointer hopes this "Involvement Opportunities'' section will increase student awareness concerning organizations on campus. In addition, the Pointer plans on ·continuing the "What's Left" and "Right Stuff" colwnns written by the Young Democrats and College Repub- • licans respectively. These columns will begin next week. With these features, 1the Pointer hopes to better serve the UWSP students and faculty. As has been true in the past, we are soliciting comments · from our readers. We are interested in your opinion. Feel free to call, stop · in or submit your comments through· letters to the editor. We'd like to hear your suggestions for improvement or your appreciation for our work. We're grateful for both kinds of feedback. Our office is located in room 117 of the Communications Building (x2249). We realize that many of you browse through the Pointer looking for two . things: "Personals" and pizza coupons. However, we hope that you will read articles outside these areas since information in the Pointer concerns all of you as students or faculty of UWSP. So if nothing else, at least read the articles on the back of the · coupons while you're waiting for your pizza. You may like what you read. And when you're done reading the Pointer from cover to· cover, unless you wish to line your birdcage, please remember that the Pointer is recyclable. So welcome back! Here's hoping you all have a terrific year! Melissa Gross Apathy stalks UWSP campus poiilter reaturea I ... There is a monster stalking every college campus. It hovers over you in class .and breathes down your neck when you walk down the street. Is it the ghost of college students past? Is it your dirty laundry? Is it the dust bunnies under your bed? No. It's apathy. Apathy is the emotion (or lack thereof) which prompts you to spend all your free time watching soaps, drinking yourself sick, or just hanging around. It discourages you from joining intramurals, U .A.B. or some organization related to your major. The worst thing about this monster is that the majority of the wounds it inflicts do not become painful until after college. Picture, if you can, your resume. Look under educational background. Aside from your G.P.A. and list of courses related to your major, what do you see? Nothing? How about under work experience? Lifeguard? Bus boy? Waitress? Chances are good these jobs will do little to prepare you for a job in your field of study. Involvement in campus activities, whether related to your major or not, indicates to prospective employers that you are energetic, ambitious, responsible and able to get along with people. These characteristics are important regardless of what you go into. , 1\fichael Pagel of the Placement Office claims that most employers expect prosp&ctive employees to demonstrate some interest in their professional areas prior to graduation. Organizational involvement is one of · the best ways to do this. Pagel said some of the most frequent questions employers ask him concern student involvement. He explained that the contact students have with faculty through these organizations, in addition to the opportunities for internships and summer jobs, makes campus involvement an excellent career opportunity. "Most students .think their professional experience begins after graduation," said Pagel. "In my opinion, the professional experience begins when the student enrolls in a university." Campus involvement makes career placement easier. In fact, Pagel attributes the UWSP forestry placement to the size of UWSP's Society of American Foresters. "UWSP's forestry placement is two times the national average. Our student chapter of Society of American Foresters is the largest in the nation. I think our high forestry placement is Cont. p.lO Pointer Page 3 .. \ ,-~ ";\'~-:~-.~ ~"'"---~-~~ Week in Review ...2-,die' ;·· . c.. u,. ;...•.• -' . " .;...f~""¥ .. - Toby Goldberg passes away Professor Toby Goldberg, 46, a sometime within the next two master ot science degree in specialist in film criticism and weeks, to coincide with the visit communication arts from Boston history on tlie University of of Goldberg's family. It will be University and a Ph.D. in Wisconsin-Stevens Point held on the UWSP campus. communication from UWcommunication faculty, died Madison. Colleagues of Miss Goldberg Monday afternoon shortly after arrival at St. Michael's Hospital. are establishing a fund with the Before coming to Stevens She had been in failing health for UW..SP Foundation for either a Poin_t in 1971, she had been a several years and succwnbed student scholarship or lecture interviewer for the American series in her honor. The Research Bureau in Beltsville, · after suffering a heart attack. Communication Department is Md., a publicity writer for a Miss Goldberg's body has been inviting all interested parties to public relations agency in returned to her hometown in contribute. Donations should be Boston, a continuity writer for North Adams, Mass., for burial. sent to the UWSP Foundation. WHA Television in Madison and According to Dr. Myrv Born Aug. 6, 1938, Goldberg a teacher and research assistant Christopherson, a memorial received a bachelor of science at UW-Madison. service is being planned for degree in broadcasting and a Miss Goldberg wrote the book, "Federico Fellini: A Poet of advisors of the University Film Reality" which was published in Society (UFS) which sponsors 1964 by Boston University School public showings of film-art of Communication Press. She classics and foreign movies. Goldberg's survivors include compiled a bibliography of the writings of and about Marshall her mother, Mrs. Ida Goldberg McLuhan published in 1968 by of North Adams.; one· sister, the Journal of Broadcasting, Mrs. Pamela White of and she and her brother wrote · Worcester, Mass.; and one the television play, "Dialogue brother, Dr. E. Marshall with a Wounded Lion" presented Goldberg of Flint, Mich. Her on NBC Television Network in father, Jack, preceded her in 1963 as part of the nor. Kildare" death. Goldberg's communication series. classes are being covered by At UW..SP, she was one of the communication Professors Elliot founders and early faculty and Schneider. New firrn takes over UWSP food $ervice American Food Management, Inc. of Marshall, Mo., has been hired to operate food services at the University of Wisconsin-stevens Point. The firm Will succeed Canteen Corp. of Chieago, which declined to exercise an option of renewing its contract after having its operations on campus since last summer. Although about 80 people work full-time and about 350 students are employed part-time in food services, the change in vendors is only resulting in the turnover of three employees - all on the management level. The new director will be Dave Wilz, a UWSP alumnus who was serving as director of Saga, Inc., when that firm lost its bid in 1983 to continue providing food services after being in business on campus for 13 years. Wilz had spent the past year living in Milwaukee and traveling for Saga in several states as a field representative. Jerry Wilson, formerly director of food service at the University of Florida in Gainsville, is the new manager of American's operations in the University Center, while Klaus ·Jacob, former dirt!ctor of catering at Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., is manager of catering for the entire campus. Several other veteran managers and supervisors here are being retained by American. Robert Busch, director of the University centers where the food service operations are located, said there is little disruption in staff when companies change because most employees are covered under a union contract. Busch said American outbid five other firms for a one-year contract that went into effect on Tuesday for one year and may be renewed annually for a maxi- · pany is rather new on the scene mwn of five years. Bidding is in Wisconsin, it's by no means conducted and contracts are small," Buseh explains. It was awarded by the UW System founded in 1972 at Missouri Valley College in Marshall and has Board of Regents. become the largest food service Trailing closely behind Ameri- contractor in the state. It now can in the most recent bidding has about 61) institutional was Professional Food Manage- accounts in the Midwest. Food is a big business at ment of Northbrook, Ill., which according to Busch, is one of th~ UWSP. In addition to providing largest food service operations the meals purchased by students currently serving Wisconsin living in residence halls, the higher education institutions. contractors handle all cash sales in cafeteria, catered, waited and American currently operates fast-food operations on campus. food services at Northland Col- Sales are expected to approach lege in Ashland, Beloit College $4 million during the next year, and at several private campuses and the payroll for employees in Wisconsin. "Though the com- will be running about $1 million. -presfclential hopefuls probably won1: stop here Four of the ·most important be the Republican and Demopeople in the United States will cratic party candidates for presbe invited to visit the University ident and vice president. of Wisconsin-stevens Point, but chances of them coming are not "We don't have enough elecgood, according to one of their toral votes in Wisconsin" to warwould-be hosts. rant a lot of campaigning in the state by the candidates, accordThe four are Ronald Reagan, ing to S. Joseph Woodka, UWGeorge Bush, Walter Mondale SP's longtime coordinator of and Geraldine Ferraro, who will appearances by people aspiring to the White House. It's not been a good year for attracting candidates to campus. This was the first time in at least 20 years that someone seeking the party's nomination for the presidency didn't come to UW..SP prior to the Wisconsin primary. The primary vote was not binding this year, and for that reason most political -University a_ccepts bid for Treehaven donra Johnson Brothers, Inc. of Tomahawk is the low bidder to construct two dormitories and a classroom at Treehaven, · the new natural resources field station of the University of Wisconsin-stevens Point. The finn outbid five other north central Wisconsin firms with an offer to put up the three buildings for a total of $660,795. Treehaven is located near Tomahawk in the Lincoln County Town of King. . Gov. Anthony Earl is expected to sign a contract with the Johnson Brothers very soon and work will begin immediately thereafter. The projects are to be completed so the camp can be used for the first time next summer. The bid includes costs for all mechanical craftwork to be done but does not include the price of moveable equipment which will be installed after the construe-, tion is completed. Each of the two dormitories will have a 48-bed capacity. The classroom will contain 6,000 square feet of space. Last spring, state officials agreed to assist the uw-stevens Point Foundatioq in the development of the 1,000 acre camp. The foundation initially received the land as a gift from Jacque and Dorothy Vallier of Fox Point and Tomahawk, and raised money for the first phase of construction of facilities including a 7, 700-square foot lodge, director's home, a maintenance building, roads and utilities. The plans and footings for the buildings to be constructed by Johnson Brothers also were provided by the private organization that operates as an inde- . experts believe the candidates mistic about the state's chances decided against spending much of getting first-hand glimpses of the candidates. He believes time in the state. This fall, Woodka believes the appearances will be made in Republican and Democratic WISconsin by all of the candistandard bearers will be giving dates, including Reagan in Miltheir attention to states with waukee or Madison. And, he doesn't count out Mondale or larger populations. Richard Christofferson, chair- Fe!"J"aro from accepting UWman of the political science de- SP's invitation. Incidentally, how do the two partment, isn't quite as pessiprofessors believe the race will end? Christofferson says "it will be closely contested." Woodka observes that "the Democrats stand a .chance now." Christofferson says the DemOpendent, support ann of the crats did a better job than university. expected in getting the leaders During the recent recession, of all the major elements of the the foundation was having diffi- party to rally behjnd the ticket. culty securing the amount of "That," he explains, "will have money needed to continue its major effects on the outcome." building program, and because He added that women "should the camp serves an official aca- be proud they have been able to demic function of uw-stevens assert what was their right all Point, state officials agreed to along - not that men had finally assist with the dorms and class- extended a privilege to t1tem.'' room building. Woodka, who has specialized State funds will defray the in the study of presidential polientire cost of the classroom and tics, believes Mondale made a · a ·loan will be floated for the good choice in his selection of dorms, with user fees to repay U.S. Rep. Ferraro as a running the loan over a long period. mate. Page 4 August 30, 1984 ne\4/S HOuing crunch- All moved in.with no place tOliVer by Chris Celichowski The housing crunch that hit the residence halls this fall has been a hot topic of conversation. While some male students have been temporarily assigned to . study lounges and R.A.'s rooms, there is no truth to the rumor that some guy is holed up next to the dumpster behind PraySims. _Fred Najjar, who is serving his last week as UWSP's Director of Residence Halls Administration, said the housing office here had no choice but to overbook certain halls. "Because· there is no cut-off for admissions, we're also obligated to take all the freshmen in the residence halls because there is a (State of Wisconsin) residency requirement," he told the Pointer. As of Tuesday night, PraySims Hall Director Terry Ratcliffe said 36 residents in his hall were living in wing lounges. In addition, both Ratcliffe and Najjar noted that all male reSident assistants across campus, with the exception of Nelson Hall, had roommates. Najjar believes the problem will be remedied when no-shows at various halls across campus are confirmed. The students in the study lounges will be moved to double rooms as soon as rooms open up. However, Ratcliffe said several no-shows had not been contacted and their rooms could not be given away until after the university's Friday cut-off date. Half the schools in the University of Wisconsin Sy!!tem have reported similar space shortages, according to Najjar. Why have Wisconsin's state universities continued to hover near record enrollments when demographic trends indicate a shrinking number of · high school graduates? . "I think, and I've heard this from other people, that the job market in Wisconsin is getting a lot tighter for men," explained Najjar. Najjar, who will leave to assume a similar post at Arizona State University on Friday, said students will benefit in the long run from this temporary inconvenience. "It's really a good problem," he said, "because the more students we have in the halls the lower we'll charge for people to live on campus in the future." Another change that had some students confused when they arrived last weekend were the Simplex locks installed in six halls. Najjar said the university hoped to improve security with the change. "They did a lot of research and they found the combination system was a lot more secure because you can always change the combination on the door, but if someone loses a key it's much more difficult to change the whole lock system," he said. Combinations have already ,a. been changed since the summer conference season concluded here according to Najjar. In addition, the Simplex combinations will be automatically changed every time a room change is made and at the beginning of each 8chool year. Najjar believes most students like the new sys~m. "In the buildings that have them, students don't seem to mind at all," he concluded. Next summer, all residence halls that have not received the locks will have them installed, with the exception of Nelson . Hall and possibly South Hall. wr· ( City alden11en vote themselves ~rrest powers By Chris Celichowski "I think it's kind of "Every alderman shall have frightening," he told the Pointer the powers of a city police in a phone interview. "I mean officer." the aldermen don't know Thus reads an ordinance anything about the 1difanda passed Monday, August 20 by the decision, the aldermen don't Common Council of the City of know anything about · basic Stevens Point in an 8-5 vote. arrest techniques, they've never Although the Common Council been to school or gotten any action simply affirms a state. training in this area. I think it's statute that has been in effect for just kind of dangerous to have years, it has sent a ripple of some of these people running controversy throughout the around- with the possibility of community. arresting someone." According to 8th Ward Alderman Jerome Kaczmarek, Alderman Roger Bullis, who is also a UWSP Communication 4th Ward, disagreed with Bullis, professor, the statute and saying aldermen here had ordinance have their root in possessed these powers for many Wisconsin's frontie.r past. State years and had never abused legislators granted arrest them. He claimed an editorial in powers to local aldermen in the Stevens Point Journal had . order to supplement exaggerated the situation. "All of a sudden it's something understaffed or part-time police forces. Bullis believes the new on the scene," he said recently passed ordinance has during the · Common Council meeting. outlived its usefulness. hardly Bullis also questioned the potential abuses such power could create. He said unscrupulous aldermen could possibly avoid traffic citations after showing a police officer their aldermanic badge. He also cited1 cases where he has seen aldermen walk into bars and be offered free pitchers of beer because of their status as elected officials. While he's not sure whether an aldermanic badge would help in that situation, he believes he may know the motive behind the Common Council action. "Those freebies may have as much to do with it being passed as anything else," he stated. Other aldermen debated that contention, saying they had never seen the power abused. Alderman Joel Muhvic, who represents the 13th Ward, called the ordinance 'an honorary designation." eVe'( · ~folts W€ 111VIt€ you to look ovm ou~ S€l€Ctton un1que arib unusual q1~ts from lnbJa, as•a anb th€ faR east. o~ bally 10- 5:30 ~lbay 10- 9 Satuooay 1o - 5 1036 mawn StQ€€t. { Police Chief Joseph Fandre supported the ordinance, while Mayor Michael Haberman said he would not have voted in favor \:lf the ordinance if he was an alderman. However, the Mayor added that extending the arrest powers was no "big deal." Bullis remains unconvinced. "In this community, in fact, that arrest power has never been used and therefore it is not needed," he concluded. Cont.p.22 ABBembly candidates debate issues By AlP. Wong A debate was held Monday between the candidates for the 7lst Assembly District seat of the state Legislature. Incumbent representative William Horvath and challenger Democrat Stan Gruszynski talked on several issues of their campaigns as they answered questions by panelists Bill Berry, managing editor of the Stevens Point Journal, and Richard Christopherson, chairman of political science department in UWSP. One of the issues brought up by Gruszynski was that he felt a state representative should commit himself ftill-time to the post, even though it is a parttime job. He said that in order to do an adequate job as a state representative, one must be willing to spend the time to serve the . public and another commitment with an outside · employer might leave insufficient time to perform the duties expected from a state representative. In response to Gruszynski's remarks, Horvth denied that he had held two full-time positions and said that he had been a fulltime state representative. He remarked that he had performed his duties well. To a question by Christopherson as to whether the income tax rate should be changed to a flat rate or should the personal income tax rate, especially on higher brackets, be reduced, Horvath mlid that the Legislature will be examining the tax structure during the coming session. He said Wisconsin has a high tax rate and the Legislature will look into this issue. According to Gruszrnski, the Legislatlll1l should take a look at the entire tax system · "with an eye toward reform." He said the Legislature should look for something more equitable, more flexible, and more fair. "As it stands now, people are frustrated," he remarked. The debate was broadcast "live" over the radio station WSPT. Pointer Page 5 Police hope to clean up .nightly noise pollution By Chris Celichowski - Evening noise levels in local neighborhoods will be down thisfall if the stevens Point Police have their ·way. Last week the city -police announced they would begin a concerted effort to quiet raucous parties throughout the city. Captain Leonard Perlak, who is acting police chief while Chief Joseph Fandre is on vacation, said media references .to · the announcement incorrectly termed it a "crack-down." He told the Pointer the city police had always made an · effort to answer public disturbance calls and resolve the problem. However, he hinted the state's new 19-year-old drinking age helped precipitate the announcement. "We want to prevent minors from drinking," said Perlak. "If there is beer pre~ent, naturally the officers are going to check if they're (persons at the party) of legal age." - Perlak also said the city police would continue their "occasional visits" to local taverns in an effort to enforce the drinking age. Massive raids, a past tactic that has recently fallen into disuse, will not be used according to the acting Chief. Perlak said "crack-down" announcement was an effort to help students. "What we're trying to do is to let the people know ahead of . individuals before they are without a liquor license. And if time," he concluded. allowed to enter. He also said someone under age is discoStevens Point Mayor Michael last week's announcement was vered at the party, occupants - Haberman said the Police De- more an effort to improve police face a stiff $13~350 fine for partment will follow a two-part efficiency than a scare tactic. illegally furnishing alcoholic procedure in handling public dis"Part of the real problem is beverages to a. minor. In additurbance calls. After receiving a that police are busy on other tion, occupants face possible civcall, officers will go to_ the matters" and don't want to il liability for any injury done to source of the disturbance and spend valuable time handling · or caused by a minor as a result ask that the party be quieted public disturbance calls, noted of their consumption. down or broken up. They will Haberman. City pollee and officials are Occupants of houses permitcheck back at the residence 15 hoping the "crack-down" ting loud or excessi.ve noice can minutes later and will issue cita· tions to occupants of the house if be fined $61. The same fine announcement will help reduce things have not mellowed. Dur- could be levied on the owner of the number of public disturbing either visit, according to Ha- the house or landlord for permit- ance calls and effectively warn · students and others of the conseberman, the police may check . ting such activity. If you are caught charging a quences of furnishing beer and for identification.· Haberman noted that many cover fee for a party you can be other alcoholic beverages to miarea bars have begun "carding" fined up to $500 for operating nors. Renters adViBeil to scan leases carefuUy By MIKE VERBRICK This column will be a weekly feature of The Pointer which will contain helpful hints on how to survive off-campus, your . rights as a tenant, and occasionally a larger interpretive piece which analyzes rental trends If you haven't heard anything from your landlord from last year, you may be entitled to a full refund, regardless of the damages you may have done to your apartment. In a recent legal opinion, the assistant attorney general, Mark E. Smith, has and tile economic underpinnings written that "A landlord...by not governing the rental housing returning a security deposit or game in Stevens Point. ' providing a list of damages From a renter's viewpoint, the within 21 i:lays, should be prohibmost frequent abuse of rental ited from recovering damages housing is the illegal withholding at a later time." There is a standard lease most of a security deposit. Fortunately there are laws guarding your landlords use when renting to rights.in these, and many other, students in Stevens Point. That rental housing situations. Your means if your landlord didn't landlord is required by law to ei- send you your security deposit ther return your full deposit or or didn't send you a letter over send you an itemized, written the summer telling you why account of why there were de- your deposit was withheld, heductions within 21 days after you she has to return.the full amount of the deposit to you. move out. I. Yointer· summer update - Tuition Up 10.6 Percent In early June the UW Board of Regents formally approved system-wide increases in tuition that averaged 7.8 percent. - Students here watched their tuition shoot up 10.6 percent to an annual total of $980. UWSP graduate students wm pay $1,314, an 11.5 percent hike over last year's rates. University of Wiscon~ President Robert O'Neil justified the increases, calling a UW..System education "a bargain by any measure." Edward Muzik, who heads The Association of University of Wisconsin Faculties (TAuwF), opposed the increases despite the fact they may help ease faculty pay inequities. Tuition hikes caused a .dramatic increase in student debt, according to Muzik. UW Administrators Get Pay Boost Despite protests from faculty members angered by low salaries, the UW Board of Regents raised the salaries of 28 UW administrators and officials. The approved annual raises ranged between 3.24 and 8.19 percent. UWSP Chancellor Phil- jp Marshall received a 3.49 percent hike, raising . his annual base salary to $67,375. TAUWF Executive Secretary Ed Muzik was "outraged" with · the Regents' move and said UW administrators should have been subject to the same austerity measures forced on UW faculty. Faculty at UWSP and throughout the UW..System received no salary increase last year and will receive a 3.8 percent increase this year. Several lawsuits totalling $26 million that were filed by three · UWSP students from Nigeria following a highly publicized beating incident were settled out of court. Anthony Isua, Nathaniel Aiyedatiwa, and Olunfunsho Adeshina suffered a variety of injuries after being beaten by three area men outside the Outer Limits tavern on July 3, 1982. In addition to suits levied against their assailants, the three students filed separate suits against the City of Stevens Point, the owners of the Outer limits Nite Club, and thr~ city · Cont.p.22 If you did receive an accountany broken windows, cigarette- fo_rming the same service. Even ing of why your security deposit burns, nasty regurgitated maca- if your landlord has a Ph.D. in was withheld, but disagree with roni and cheese rug stains or nuclear physics, when he picks it, you still have a few legal any other bad craziness your up a Brillo pad, he becomes a options. A · security deposit is visitors left behind. marginal wage earner. A-second thing to remember If you feel you were unfairly meant to cover damages when you are deliberately negligent, about security deposits is that · or illegally treated by your landmove out while still owing bills your landlord can only deduct lord in the return of your securior when you leave your home in the amount of ACTUAL DAM- ty deposit, call your landlord a poorer condition than when- AGES. If your landlord charges and let him-her know that you you moved in. This excludes · you $50 to vacuum clean the car- are aware of your rights, the pet, this is not only unreason- law, and fully intend to pursue normal wear and tear. The phrase "normal wear and able, it is illegal. Landlords can , the proper return of your securitear" is kind of tricky. General- charge for their "time" used to ty deposit until you receive jusly it means if you used your clean. But the rate that must be tice. Some landlords, especially apartment normally throughout charged for cleaning is the pre- the small mom and pop operathe school year, you cannot be vailing local rate for similar tors, don't know the law and charged for a routine carpet types of cleaning. Local free- may be acting out of ignora.nce. cleaning, peeling paint, or fad- lance maids charge about $5.00 It's your job to inform them. If ing rugs. But if you had 600 or an hour. Your landlord cannot gentle persuasion fails, small 7P0 of your best friends over for charge you more and probably claims court is your next avenue · a few beers, you are liable for has to charge you less for per- Cont. p. 22 ·*-------STUDENT * GOVERNMENT * ASSOCMTION WE NEED ·YOU TO HELP US.. --Student Organizations -Resume Experience- Tenent .Association -Campus Leadership - Uni,versity Decision-Making • • • GET INVOLVE·D Pages Aucust ~, 19M POINTER POLL Darrel Owens Stevens Point Senior Psychology Sky Club. The atmosphere and service. Maureen Gorman Evergreen Park, Dlinois Senior Forestry Hot Fish Shop. It has a nice atmosphere, good food and it's not a fast food place. Bobbi Jo pffel Cbllton Mike Rankin . Winter Senior Urban Forestry Tempura House. Because I like Chinese food. Karen Pleva Waukesha Senior ' Food Service Happy Joe's. Because of the atmosphere and the sundaes. Junior Comm.-8panish Tempura House. It promotes quality and flexibility different from American style of eating. What is your fa~orite restaurant in -Stevens Point?· - Rick Brust ' Falcon Heights, Minnesota Graduate Student Wildlife Red Mill Inn. They have good value, friendly service, the food is good and it's a nice atmosphere. They have a great fish fry. Kay Merkel Merrill Senior Communications Rocky Rococo. I like pizza and I lived next door to a Rocky's in Minneapolis this summer and I ate there a lot. DonNordeng Windsor Sophomore Undeclared Rocky Rococo. Because I'm in love with Rocky's daughter. Pat Malone Wausau Senior Business-Communications Rocky Rococo. Good prices and good food. It tastes great. ' Laura Gilbert WildRose Second Semester Freshman Undeclared Hot Fish Shop. They have really good food and the prices are reasonable. Mary Jo Talmont Milwaukee Sophomore Biology-8panish Bruiser's. The food is excellent. You get an entree, bread, soup, salad and dessert for one price. Very. good food and very reasonable prices. Also it has a .nice atmosphere. Watch ' Karen Hettich Stevens Point Sophomore Psychology Marc's Big Boy. Their fruit bar in the morning and salad bar in the afternoon, and the rest of the food is comparable. for the POinter Poll Kurt Krueger Green Bay Dave Petenon Junior Accounting Rocky Rococo. They have really good pizza and y~ can bay it by tbe sUce. Antigo Senior Psychology Ponderosa. For the salad bar. .. Eric Krueger Rhinelander Senior Forestry The Restaurant. It's expensive but it has a good atmosphere, good service and good food. It has a lot of class. reporters on campus By Cyle Cambridge Brueggeman Photos by Mike Grorich . Pointer Page 7 · ~ttention All Writers! ! , A.h d those interested in the Editing and P~blishing p~ocess . . . · ~ltt§}tlrts . . ' available in lavender, · It. blue .& It. green~ Univer~ity . Writers . · I . ~r~r~ r.~e~r rA'e . ' 4anzet en will hold its first o~ganizational meeting of the year Tuesday, Sept. 4 at 6:00 P;M. . . 304 Collins . (The Writing Lab) New Members Welcome . r--------.. · I POSITION. VACANCY .·~ ,I . UNIVERSITY CENTER .I STUDENT MAINTENANCE I - I . .· I . 1 We are. accepting applica- I I I.tions .I for the position of student manager. · · · I I 1 Applications can be picked I 11 1 up at Room 206, U.C. I I I I ·---------! . So you're .going to need alot of paper ·for classes this semester, heh? . We can fill' your needs with our low I App~ications Due I Fn., Sept. 21 I For further . information I contact: ·. J 89¢ NOTE.BOOKS! · Reg. Price $1.2.9 - Full size - 80 sheets UNJV.:::RSJTY . STOR= · Marv Henderson 346-4291 STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS · University .., . ::.. Center 346-3431 ~- ... Page 8 August 30, 1984 . It's been a boring summer without you WELCOME BACK. FALL FASHION FRONT RUNNERS MULTI·COLORED OXFORD 1999 S799 . Watch for our coupon . in the coupon book. ' TOGO'S , SWEATERS · $999 TO $ SHIRTS TO $999 249 Division 341·H11 A SPREE ON - ''ESPRIT'' ON ANY · ESPIRIT PURCHASE · sAVE 20% SWEATER Celebrate A New Downtown With Us CenterPoint Ground Breaking Tuesday, September 4, 1984 Math ids Mitchell Public Square Downtown Stevens Point 10:30-11:45 A.M. ·V ESTS V-NECK · CLASSIC $1299 STRUCTURED SWEATS SOFT AND FLEECY TOPS AND PANTS. $899 . EACH CORDUROY ··SLACKS NOW sg99· OPEN WEEKDAYS 9:30 TO 5:00 FRIDAY 9:30 TO 9:00- SUNDAY 12:00 TO 4:00 DO YOU EXIST ? · For legal and practical reasons, student . organizations need to be re-recognized each Fall to maintain formal ·recognition status. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU EXIST! Re-register your organization (if you haven't already done so) in the Student Life Activities and Programs Office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. SERVICES ·WILL NOT BE PROVIDED TO YOUR GROUP UN.TIL THIS PROCESS HAS BEEN COMPLETED! R~port to us your new officers with addresses and phone numbers and have your organization advisor sign a form stating that he/ she will advise your group. Group_s not re-registering their organization by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 wHI be assumed inactive and will be stated as being inactive in our semester Orga1:1ization Listing which is distributed all around ·campus. PLEASE VISIT US SOON IF YOU DO EXIST! ! $1 off · posters $3.95 and up. · The UniY<:rsity Centers UNI\ERSITY STOR= SI\D&I1S !enG $I\.OENTS ........ c..w ,..•. ~ Pointer Page 9 WHAT EVERY STUDENT SHOUlD KNOW ABOUT THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LEASING A TELEPHONE AND LEASING A CHICKEN. Yes, there are differences. And we think you should ARE LEASED CHICKENS SHIPPED DIREaLY TO YOU? Ship a chicken? Don't be know what they are. ~~~m~~~~ Ask yourself these silly. However, your AT&T questions. leased telephone will be . WHEN YOU LEASE A shipped directly to you after one call to 1-800-555-8111, ,i~ 1f:&r~ t~~¥Hs or you cap pick up your FREE DURING · ~ THE SUMMER? phone at any of our AT&T Probably not. But when Phone Centers. you lease your telephone ONE FINAL QUESTION: DOES from AT&T this fall, you won't IT COST THE SAME TO LEASE pay any lease charges next summer. A CHICKEN AS TO LEASE A TELEPHONE THIS FALL? You can use your phone at home, and Hardly. While we have no hard data . ' bring it back to school in the fall. · on the exact cost of leasing a chicken, .DO LEASED CHICKENS COME IN A we can tell you with some certainty that . SELECTION OF COLORS AND STYLES? / the costof leasing a telephone this fall No. Chickens don't come in many colors. is far less than you might think. But the AT&T telephone you lease The decision to lease a chicken or a this fall comes in a variety of of course, rests with you. telephone, colors andthree popular styles. But should you opt for the tele, ARE LEASED CHICKENS phone, remember: you get three . REPAIRED FREE? Don't kid yourself. Repairing a chicken is a delicate months free next summer, and you can take process that requires the work of expensive professionals. · the phone home with you. There's a choice Howev~r, in·the off chance your AT&T leased telephone ofcolors and styles, free repair, and we~ll ship you the phone or you can.pick it up at any of our AT&T Phone Centers. It doesn't cost much eitli.er. And that's something to crow about. · AT&T Consumer Sales and Service. To order your telephone, call 1-800-555-8111 for delivery right needs repairs, we'll fix it absolutely free when you visit any to your door or for information concernT ing AT&T Phone Center locations. . ~ all . of our AT&T Phone Centers. - a•mo.. Appelton 114 E. College Avenue Valid with the following restrictions: L You must be registered for 12 accredited hours for the 1984 fall term. 2. Valid only to students billed by AT&T Consumer Sales and Servicl'. 3. Delinquent accounts are void from offer. 4. Limit two telephones per account. 5. Offer expires 72months from lease initiation date. 6. This offer is not valid for permanent year-round resident students. 7. The three free months will not begin until you have paid for the first nine months of your lease. 8. All telephones are · FCC registered. We provide repair service for all telephones sold at AT&T Phone Centers. Only telephones equipped with Touchtone dialin~ can access certain long distance services and networks. © Copyright. AT&T Consumer Sales and Service 1984. Page 10 August 30, l984 Quandt to get new lighting and floor The existing flooring is a "Uniturf" all-purpose surface which does not reflect illumination and has "lost its natural slide and its resiliency," Hoffbeck explains. "When that happens, it's just like playing on a concrete floor," he adds. When Quandt Gym was opened about 14 year& ago, Uniturf was the -least expensive manufactured flooring available, but it is no longer beingproduced. The project also will provide a noiseless illumination system which will include a supplementary lighting system to the preserrt mercury vapor lights for athletic activities. There also will be additional lighting control to provide small activity areas and another supplementary system to provide lighting in the total color spectrum. The flooring work would account for most of the cost. Lighting systems would take only about one-fifth of the budget. The gym, which can seat up to 6,000 people, is the largest auditorium-type facility on campus. Preliminary approval was given Friday, July 13, to a request for a new lighting system and new wood floor in the Quandt Gymnasium at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The UW System Board of Regents, meeting in Madison, okayed the project which would cost about $186,000. Members of the Wisconsin Building Commission are expected to make a final decision of the plan late this summer or ·early in the fall. Mary Williams of the university relations division said she expects passage and for the work to be done within the next 11 months. The improvements would make the gym safer for athletes, particularly basketball players, and make the facility better sttited for multi-purpose use in, eluding lecture and music programs, according to Harlan Hoffbeck, director of the campus physical plant. MAIL Dear Editor: When is· the right time to debate and discuss an issue: when it is still in the gray area or after it becomes black and white? I believe it should be during the gray area so that when it becomes black and white, society . takes responsibility for its decision and not plead ignorance and apathy later. How much was nuclear war discussed at the time of the splitting of tl}e atom? How much ·was energy conservation discussed when a government re- port was released in 1952 warning of just such a problem? Now history is repeating itself. This time, the issue is genetic engineering. Do we give science a free rein to produce a perfect baby, even if it means" replacing the female womb with an artificial ~terus in the laboratory? . This should be an issue in this presidential campaign in 1984! Kenneth Quade CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR STATUS ' . THINK ABOUT IT. Pembine, Wisconsin 54156 SPECIAL s4oo Off ALL BACKPACKS IN STOCK With This Ad s3oo Off ALL - DUFFLE BAGS IN STOCK With This Ad O/t(tl 341-4340°PP(t 944 Main St. Stevens Point Apathy cont. largely due to the society." There are approximately 150 organizations at UWSP. Our campus is fortunate in that it enjoys much faculty recognition and support. There is little excuse for non-involvement with these opportunities available. So protect yourself from the wounds of apathy. Contact the SLAP Office (lower level UC, x4343) and ask for the Student Organization Listing to · find out what's right for you. Getting a job after gradua~iq.n, can be as easy or as hard as you :make it. Make it . easy on yourself and. join an organization! . Melissa Gross Pointer Page 11 ', CenterPoint construction . now in progress By Ann Helmke The revitalization of downtown Stevens Point is underway with the construction now in progress on Main Street and the Public Square. The name, CenterPoint, has been selected for the revitalized downtown area of Stevens Point. It will include the new CenterPoint Mall, other retail, service, profesSional and manufacturing businesses as well as some private property. To celebrate the project, the city will hold an official CenterPoint grolind breaking ceremony on Tuesday, Sept. 4, starting at 10:30 a.m. on the Public Square in downtown Stevens Point. Sen. Robert Kasten and Rep. David Obey will participate in the event. It took 6 years of planning and hard work to reach this point according to George Seyfarth, chairman of the Downtown Action Committee (DAC). Mayor Michael HalM!rman established the DAC in 1979 to advise the city government on what to do to revitalize the downtown area and how to do it. move truck traffic fro,m Main The revitalization project will Street. The bypass was opened add an anticipated $14 million to to traffic in July. the city's tax base and create The next phase of construction 600 to 700 new permanent jobs is the work on Main Street and and an estimated 250-300 tempo- the Square. Utility and sewer rary construction jobs according lines are being replaced or reloto the feasibility study done for cated in preparation for the new the project. downtown mall. The anticipated cost of the Main Street and the Square project is over $33 million. A $6 are closed to traffic, but the million Urban Development businesses there remain open. Action Grant (UDAG) from Shoppers make their way HUD was awarded to the city to around the area, despite the help fund the project. sand and the noise. "This is the largest UDAG Marge Molski, manager for grant ever awarded to a com- the Downtown Redevelopment munity this size," said Seyfarth. Program Project Office located Additional funding will include at 1015 Main Street, said, approximately $14 million from "There have not been too many private sources, $12.2 million complaints from people who from tax incremental finance stop by the office." (TIF) bonds the city was authorA clerk at McCains reported ized to issue by the voters in a business was good. At Citizens city-wide referendum, and the National Bank a teller commentbalance from block grants. ed that she was surprised busiSeyfarth said that no increase ness was as good as it was. in city taxes will be necessar- to The farmers' market has temfinance the project using fiF -porarily moved to the west of and block grants. the Square on the new highway The first major phase of con- 10bypass. struction was the work done on One seller said, "Business is the highway 10 byp_a ss to re- good. We like it here~" OF PAfl l Ml Nl ~.TOH ( Completion of the work on Main Street and the Square is slated for mid or late October. To enhance Main Street and the Square, colored bands of concrete will accent the new sidewalks, and trees and plantings will soften the landscape. Benches and information kiosks will also be added. The farmers' market will be located in the southwest quadrant of the Square. Removable canopies, trees, lawn areas, and benches will be added. The final major phase of the vens Point which Seyfarth said will be implemented over the _ next 4 to 5 years. Another spinoff was the establishment of the Historic Preservation/Design· Review Commission which reviews the designs for appropriateness for all buildings to be constructed or r~ modeled downtown. First Financial Savings and Loan is undergoing . a major expansion. Citizeas National Bank is planning to expand, and more is to come. Adi&beveled Square revitalization project will be the .-__.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____J construction of the downtown mall scheduled to begin in September and be .completed in August, 1985. It will be built just north of the Main Street businesses between Main Street and CenterPoint Drive. The architectural design of the mall will complement the architecture of the existing buildings in the RESEARCH CATALOG area. · Our Catalog contains detatled descripttons of 14,278 research papers A vtrtual library of The mall will have two to mformatton at your hngert1ps. let th1s valuable educa1ional a1d serve you throughout your three major department stores college years Our papers are time·proven · wmners Foo1note and b1bt1ograph•c pages are along with 40 to 50 small shops. 1nctuded at no extra cost. Ordering a research paper ts as easy as ptckmg·up your phone J.C. Penney and ShopKo are ~ AutaWnct at so provtdes customtzed research and thHls assistance Our start ol 75 proless1onal researchers and wrtters. each highly trame<ltn a specifiC committed to the mall. The city ~!~~~~cn:Sipllne . can assist you Wilh all your is still looking for a third major SAVE TIME AND IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! • e.., 0n1or1nv • Spoody Doltvwy store. ~ 'il -----ll.i []D D ~ L fl 1··-1 Id .I L-------~--------------- "" ~ n0 lJ L-----------------~ Downtown revitalization plan Free Tune survey coMpleted, ~Y Amy Schroeder spent 1-5 weekends away from In order to find out how UWSP campus per semester. The surstudents learn about campus vey also showed that 43.15 peractivities, what university _facili- cent of students said they spend . ties they use most often, and 16 or more hours per week on how they spend their free time, school-related work. the Student Life Activities and The survey revealed that stuPrograms Office conducted a dents seem to spend the most Free Time survey under the di-. money per week on food and rection of Assistant Director munchiesr Twenty-nine percent Rick Gorbette. said they spend $11 or more a The Free Time survey was week on food items, as opposed distributed on three separate to the 7.25 percent who spend $11 occasions between the fall of or more per week on alcohol or 1979 and the fall of 1983. drugs. One thousand randomly choSixty-six percent of the stusen students, living both on and dents said they have an interest off campus, were mailed the in participating in universitysurvey. Of the 1,000 surveys sent · sponsored programs, while 75.1 out, 249 were completed and re- percent said they have attended turned. Of these, 61 percent a university-sponsored program. were female and 39 percent Sports events seem to be the male. most popular university activity According to the survey, 70.3 followed by films, arts, lectures, percent of the students said they · University Theatre, coffee- houses, mini concerts and dances. Thirty-five pel"cent said they tend to avoid an activity where smoking is permitted as opposed to 8.2 percent who avoid activities where alcohol is permitted, and 57.15 percent who avoid activities where marijuana and drugs are permissible. Students also said ·they most frequently attend programs offered on Friday or Saturday night in comparison to those offered Sunday through Thursday . . Forty-nine percent said they find out about most of the campus events by reading the Daily. other communications channels used to reach students include The Pointer, posters and flyers, radio and word of mouth. Cont.p.22 Revitalization will not end with the completion of the mall. It will be an ongoing process. Seyfarth foresees a number of spinoff projects. One already realized was t}Je development of a riverfront design plan for Ste- •ijuallty-1 moll on1or <11o1og 1 RUlli 12.l'G lor your .258 - (Sold lor research porposes only) fR'iliiEsEr't"'miisrncr";:;. ;;- - I ~113221dahoAve . Swte206 1 1 West los AngeiH, Calli !JXI25 1213) •n-8226 Please rush my catalog Enclosed rs $2.00 to cover postage I 1I 1~ ICily ~- I I ~'--------~ All You Can Eat-! Sunday Brunch ..... $6.25 1·0:00 A.M. To 2:00P.M. Buffet ___ ·-· ._$6 ...95. 2:30P.M. To 9:00P.M. } ·other Daily Specials Include ·Prime Rib & Lobster . $10.50 Sun.·Thurs. Friday Fish Fry . .. . $3.25 Phone 345·0264- Hwy. 51 & 54 Bypass, Plover, Wis. 'EZ on EZ oil' - .: Page u August ao, t9M ~ @ ~~~ ' ,• Seaf~o~ Dinners. ·_: : ~; Beer Sandwiches • . ;.:·~,: and Shish kabob. . · . ,~•z•oo .•:·. . 0 "--' ~ ' ------------~------------------~-----------------~---------------- Free pitcher of beer or . soda with · a· · large S & J P_izza. From .4 p.m. to · 11 · p.m. Now through the month of Sep· ·. . t.e mber!· ·. ·~-----------------------------~--------------------------------- 341·1746 . - . : reAw- " .- 341·1746 FAST, FREE DELIVERY 4 P.M. TIL 1 A.M. - . . · -HOURSMON.-SAT. ·11:00 A.M.-1:30 A.M. SUN. 4:00 P.M.-11 :3Q P.M. 1059 MAIN STREET, STEVENS POINT .iiii • r. I. . . . 0 . '~ ~ University Activities BOard JJW·StevensPolrrt 17,5)34£.2412 ~········ On . 1} ~ '·~ Woody Hennan Ce r r ~~ ANfl .. •Pointer Page 13 s ~ and his orchestra I. The Thundertng Herd uesday/ September 11 Sentry Theatre 8:00pm Tickets: Student: Senior Citizen:· Children: Public: $4.00 $4.00 $4_.00 $6.00 Ticket Outlets U.C. Information Desk Sentry World Headquarters For more information call: 346- 2412 ....... save up to 50o/o on school Be gra-phiC art suiJJ>lieS 300/o off . .B . .......c,...·-nack .or Roll Bag BUY a a for onlY .n.J:' , eaton's corrasable typing paper · ~ 1 9' 9 * 'W • ~ 0 urchase you roake *with each cwl ~to-School Sale\- . during our Back · k u-n our flyer\ StOJ) in and -plC .I:' STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY 601 Division Street Phone 344-4911 ® soft -pencil eraser and one swi-pe with a without smudges, d errors disa-p-pear ty-pe . 25 o/o rag conten t . smears or scars . EAP-36-416-10 Medium weight, 16 lb. -pa-per, 100 sheets. . . .. . .. Sale $a.aO Reg. $3.15 .. · · · · · · · · · · · · EAP-36-o&a0-10 Heavy weight, 20 lb . -pa-per, 100 sheets. . .... Sale $a.38 Reg.$3.40 . . · · · · ·· · · · · · · · Store Hours: Monday and Friday, 8 _ 6 Tuesday thru Thursday, 8 _ 6 Closed Saturday &e sunday Page 14 August 30, 1984 I.RC-expansion coD6nues despite setbacki By Rick Kaufman When last you left us, the Learning Resources Center (LRC) was beginning to receive its new renovation. Today, judging by its appearance, things look a bit disarrayed. Although seemingly chaotic and despite several setbacks, the LRC is functioning quite well. According to Allen Barrows, dir.ectors of Public Services for the LRC, work has hampered some daily routine work inside. "The biggest problem we face is the shifting of the library materials. The constant movement of materials make them harder to find when staff is assisting students," he said. From student reaction to the coruitruction, Barrows felt there was a very good understanding given the circumstances. Keith Lea, director of Technical Services elaborated, "The students know they will benefit in the long run from the renovation." He felt students and staff were working hard and were cooperating well despite · the inconveniences. The LRC will receive a sixth floor and extensions on the existing floors. The new addition totals 70,000 square feet, doubling the size of floors second through fifth. Work continues in other areas of the building even though construction has fallen six.weeks behind schedule on the north side, that facing the Science building, which was to have top priority for completion. Barrows had stated in June the north end was the main objective, to be completed by August 27. This would include floor extensions on top of the reference room. Footings for the large steel trusses were not secure enough to do further concrete work, thus end. The trusses are the skeletons of the extensions for both sides. The north side trusses are · quite visible from parts of the campus. setting the middle of October as the due date for the enclosure of the north end. This loss of time may be made up due to the go-ahead work on the south end. SubSequently, instead of one end being disrupted on the first floor, materials from both ends have been pushed towards the middle, cramping things a bit. Adding ~ these problems were the late arrivals of window and door frames, which forced work in other areas by sub-contractors back. Despite the setbacks, positive notes have emerged. The heating and sprinkler systems have been installed and work is rapidiy progressing on the sixth floor. The top stairwell has been enclosed and the new roof is set to be placed in, following the movement of the large cranes. One of the major tasks to be completed is · the placement of four 15-ton trusses on the south ~mrrican The concerned safety of students during the placement of the massive trusses as well as a whole new re-wiririg project in the entire LRC has prompted officials to close the LRC on Saturday, September 8. The tentative finishing date is still set for August, 1985, but the LRC will continue to -be m operation for both &emesters. Students will have to make · sacrifices, but are encouraged to use the staff to help locate the materials. The Pointer will continue to keep students abreast of further developments. This will help to alleviate any unnecessary problems. H youshould have any questions, call Keith Lea at 3464937 or Allen Barrows at 346-2540. <Collegiate .laorts ~ntbologp ~~ International Publications is sponsoring a .f!ational ctCollege 1$oetrp <!Gontest - - Fall Concours 1984 - open to all college and university students desiring to have their poetry anthologized. CASH PRIZES will go to the top five poems: AWARDS of free printing for ALL accepted manuscripts in our popular, handsomely bound and copyrighted anthology, AMERICAN COLLEGIATE POETS. Deadline: WHAT'S NEXT? LIBRARY HOURS FOR FIRST SEMESTER, 1984-85 MONDAY·~THURSDAY -7:45 a.m.-11:00 p.m. AFTER HOURS -11:00 p.m.-1: 00 a.m. FRIDAY -7:454:30p.m. . AFTER HOURS- 4:30 p.m.-8:30p.m. . SATURDAY -9:00a.m.-5:30p.m. SUNDAY -10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. AFTER HOURS -11:00 p.m.-1 :00 a.m. Monday, August 27-Saturday, September 1, Regular Hours No After Hours LABOR DAY WEEKEND Sunday, September 2- CWSED Monday, September 3- 6:00-11:00 p.m. After Hours -11:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. · Saturday, September 8- CWSED Tuesday, September4-Monday; November 19- Regular Hours. October 31 CONTEST RULES AND RESTRICTIONS: 1. Any student is eligible to submit his or her verse. 2. All entries must be original and unpublished. All entries must be typed, double·;paced, on one side of the page only. 3. Each poem must be on a separate sheet and must bear, in the upper left· hand corner, the NAME and ADDRESS of the student as well as the COLLEGE attended . Put name and address on envelope also' 4. There are no restrictions on form or theme. Length of poems up to fourteen lines. Each poem must have a separate title. (Avoid "Untitled"!) Small black and white illustrations welcome. 5. The judges' decision will be final. No info by phone! 6. Entrants should keep a copy of all entries as they cannot be returned. Prize winners and all authors awarded free publication will b~ notified immediately after deadline. f.P. will retain first publication rights for accepted poems. Foreign language poems welcome. 7. There is an initial one dollar registration fee for the first entry a~d a fee of fifty cents for each additional poem. It is requested to submit no more than ten poems per entrant. 8. All entries must be postmarked not later than the above deadline and fees be paid, cash, check or money order, to: INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS P. 0 . Box 44044 - L Los Angeles, CA 90044 I Phone numbers Academic Support Services (PRIDE): 346-3828 Athletic Events: 346-2840 Billing: 346-2118 Counseling Center: 346-3553 EMERGENCY, Police. Ambulance, F~e: 911 (dial 8-911 from a dorm phone) Financial Aids bffice: 346;4771 Health Center: 346-4646 Information Desk (UC): 34&-4242 lntramurals: 346-4441- 3397 Legal SerVices: 346-4282 · Parking: 346-2188 Payroll: 346-4677 POINTER (campus news~per): 346-2249 Protective Services (Security): 346-3456 Police, non-emergency: 346-1500 Recreational Services: 346-3848 Student Assistance Center: 346-3361 Student Government (SGA): 346-3721 Tenant Association: 346-2233 Vall-Dine Office: 346-2012 Writing Lab: 346-3568 ---The Best Days of._Our Lives \ ' By Michael "Gnmt" Gronert It was a cloudy, overcast day at UWSP when all of the students moved into their dorm rooms, eager to meet their new roommates and get started on the 1984-'85 school year. Jon Smith, a new freshman, was hanging up his plaid flannel shirts and putting away his mud-covered ·hiking boots. He grabbed a handful of shirts on their hangers and bent into the closet to hang them up. He turned around and came face to face with a tall, skinny, pale guy decked out in leather and chains With a long, dangling earring and bleached white hair. "You my roommate?" it asked. Jon could only nod yes, he was too overwhelmed to do anything else. The man in chains continued, "My name is · Too, but if you call me Tod you'll be swallowing that entire . can of Skoal, including the tin. Call me 'The Plague' instead," he said in his scratchy voice. Jon, pretty shaken up by his roommate's appearance, said, · "Hi, don't hurt me, I'll keep all of my shit on my side of the room, just don't hurt me." A mental image of putting up a brick wall down the middle of the room came to him. While Jon was thinking over Tod's appearance, 'The Plague' wondered just how much shit Jon had stepped through over the last 18 or 19 years. "What kind of tunes do you do?" asked 'The Plague.' "What?" "What sort of music do you enjoy listening to?" "Oh, I see what you mean. I like country. You know, Waylon, Willie and Merle." "Why did I even bother to ask? Well, I hope you've got a set of headphones 'cause I'm gonna be crankin' The Violent Femmes, like it or not.'' A new voice entered the con, versation. "Hi guys, I'm Bob, your R.A. Is there anything I can help you with? Any questions about anything?" "Can we keep whips _in the room?" "Uh, for decorative purposes only. As long as I don't hear a crack or your roomy· scream, I guess it's fine.'' • · "How soon can we request a change of roommates?" asked Jon. "What's the matter, Hick? Do I intimidate you that much?" "Oh, no, Nothing of the sort. It's just that I have a friend in another hall I'd really like to room with. I don't think you know him.'' Neither do I, Jon thought to himself. Meanwhile, on another wing in the same hall, Bitsy Denderton was putting away her polo tops in "assorted pastel colors" when someone knocked on her door. She opened it to find a six-footfive Amazon in sweats and high tops standing there. When Sue Ellen saw Bitsy in her Bermuda shorts, a polo shirt and penny loafers, she said to herself, "Please don't be my roommate. Just be a friend of hers. I don't need a prissy preppy sharing a room with me." "Hi, I'm Bitsy, and you must be Sue Ellen. It's' so good to meet you, and I just know we'll get along great and become the best of friends and sit up all night eating popcorn and talking about our boyfriends and everything!" The air just flowed, making Sue Ellen a bit nauseous. "Nice to meet you," she replied, gritting her teeth. She never could stand preppies. Their enthusiasm and general airheaded approach to life made her sick. "How's Skip?" she asked. "Why, however did you know that I have a boyfriend named Skip?" . Sue Ellen wanted to say, "Every preppy has a boyfriend named Skip." She didn't however. She saw an embroidered patch on Bitsy's bulletin board that spelled out "Skip" and gave that as the reason. It was probably off his high school football jacket. No doubt, he was also probably the captain of the team and she was the captain of the cheerleading squad. "Where are you from, Sue Ellen?" "Sunnyville, Wisconsin.'' " Oh, it sounds so happy ! Where is it?" "In the southwest part of the state, next to the nuclear dump. Where are you from?" "Me? I'm from Chicago.'' Oh great, thought Sue Ellen. Back on the guy's wing, ;ron and 'The Plague' were hav!ng an equally stimulating conversation, but with a lot more heat. "Hey, Hick! HIJg any trees lately?" "Flog your girlfriend lately?" "Watch it, Hick. Y.ou'll be hiking with·crutches.'' "Bob, do I have to take this shit?" "Why don't you just kick it like you always do, Hick? ... "Guys, guys. Knock it off. It's only for a semester. Just try to ignore each other for the time being.'' . "Okay, but as soon as we can, we're separating," they both agreed. After both Jori and 'The Plague1 had settled in, Jon left to find peace of mind. 'The Plague' threw a Violent Femmes album on his turntable and turned it up loud. He didn't know or care that anyone was below him trying to take a nap. That 'anyone' happened to be Bitsy. Awakened from her dreams of Skip, she went upstairs to check out the noise. 'The Plague' opened the door after realizing the pounding he heard was not on his album. Bitsy managed to get over her shock of 'The Plague's' appearance and said, "lli! I'm Bitsy and I live below you and 'I was sleeping and your stereo woke me up and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind turning the volume down just a tad?" "Bitsy! How are you? My God! I can't believe it's you!" " Tod? Tod, is that didn't recognize you! Wow!" How do Tod and Bitsy know each other? Are they old friends? Old lovers? Is Bitsy Tod's long-lost sister? Is Tod Bitsy's long-lost brother? Will Tod force-feed a can of Skoal down Bitsy's throat for calling him Tod? Will Tod flog Jon to an unre- cogni zable pulp some night while freaked out on drugs? Will Jon burn his flannel and turn to leather? How about Sue Ellen? Will she stuff one of Bitsy's bandanas in her mouth to shut her up? Find the' answers to these and more questions next time in "The Best Days of Our Lives.'' 1/ /2 Sale runs Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7 at Second St. 2nd Hand Open Tues. thru Fri. 1·5:00 P.M. All items 1f2 price (exclu~ing jeans & furs) Students & Faculty Take time out of your busy schedule to relax and worship with us at the Stevens Point Church of God. Services are each Sunday morning at 9:30A.M., at the Holiday Inn. Good luck Pointer athletes, "With God .a ll things are possible" Rev. Dennis Prazuch, Pastor (715) 693-3474 y~o22u22?2222I~~;!;!;;!;!;!;!;!;!;;;;;!;!;!;;;!;!;!~~~-~-~-i- BACKPACKS! Assorted colors, sizes, styles. Priced from $14.75 to $29.95. Northern Lights Jansport Caribou East Pak lifetime UNIV RSITY STOR_ STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS university center 346· 3431 T he University Ce nte rs Page 16 August 30, 1984 BOOKSTORE Instructors are "recommending" and "requiring" additional books and supplies for their classes. They have, of course, kept their requests to a ffiinimum. $200 later . . . ~ TUESDAY .•• Spend remainder of .;;. MORNING evening writing home. Request loan from parents to cover $200 overGo to Records and Regdraft due to "additional istration to pick up . class expenses" at the · drop/add form. Spend 10 Bookstore. Consider Tech minutes searching for a school. number 2 pencil. Spend remainder of day trying to find advisor, instructor, and Department Chair so they can · sign your drop/add form. are over! Unwind with some highbrow music and a before dinner drink. ("Singing Packer Highlights" and a can of Mountain Dew. Report to last class of the day, Philosophy 100. Discover that nothing exists unless you allow it to. Spend remainder· of class erasing roommate from your memory bank. Consider studying at library, but go to Rec. Services and play 47 rounds of , "Battle Zone" instead. Lose next turn. Report to next class. Your instructor hands you his syllabus. It's four pages long. ''Three s~--page term papers will be required over the semester · ... Six major exams . . . Attendance is required and part of your grade .. . Mega outside readings . . . Pop quizzes . • •" Con- , sider drop/add. IF . YOU ARE ON REGULAR HOURS (Work study move ahead one space) Answer ad requesting a "bright, energetic person to fill challenging, responsible position." Congratulations! The job is yours. Washing dishes can be challenging . . . IF YOU GET WORK STUDY (Regular hours' move ahead one space) Report to new job. Working desk in a residence hall. Spend 2 hours beseiged by confused freshmen, annoying phone calls, and demands for mail. (Thanks again, Ronnie!) Struggle to correct class. Professor is dressed in a lime green leisure suit with a matching bow tie. Put on sun and get comfy. WELCOME TO BIQ-CHEMISTRY Unfortunately, you're supposed to be in Beginning Golf. Knock over a desk as you slink out the door. Lose next turn. I l RULES EQUIPMENT Each player shakes the · Four ?laying pbces di. Highest roll goes first. provided ana one di r..imThe player moves the a~ ited ir.tel ~igence 1S re . propriate number of qwreu. spaces and follows instructions on the space he lands on. The first player to arrive at the finish wins. Text by Melissa Gross . •1raphics by Kristen Schell MONDAY . •.•• •• ••• MORNING Open eyes. Spend 10 minutes trying to lift head off of pillow. Pry tongue from the roof of your mouth and head for class. Return home and begin intellectual activities on The Square. Spend summer earnings on pitchers. \ ·- ·------- ,.,. .I ,. ---~--...........~- / . Report to text rental. Pick up only one text book. It seems most of your professors have neglected to make a book request. Pointer ?? •• fonn to ReRegistration. a signature! t_'Vo spaces. Return home. Relieve tensions with a night at the Point Club. And Ella's. And Partner's. And Bruiser's.. . · Realize that in going through drop/add you missed 10 minutes of your , next class. Spend the remainder of the hour watching "All My Children" in the U.C. THURSDAY WEDNESDAY· • • • •• MORNING 17 MORNING - GO TO CLASS. GO DIRECTLY TO CLASS. DO NOT ENTER BOOKSTORE. DO_ NOT SPEND $200.00. WORK STUDY PEOPLE (Regular hours move ahead one space). Begin second. day of life as a desk worker. Cut off three people on hold. Put mail in the wrong slots. Misplace two valedines and get beat up by irate owners. Advance to Health Center. REGULAR HOURS PEOPLE (Work study move ahead one space) Spend 3 hours scraping and washing mountains of dishes. Cut ham:l _on butcher knife. Advance to Health Center. ~ for 2-4 players. Ages Adult to-deceased - PLAYING PIECES \ , I .1 ' ,.,. '' \ . \. ' I I , ,,' ' , _,. e ' _ OP!!! You here! , 3, or 5 .and you ible ·f-ar work a 2, 4, or 6 and regular hours. you, Ron- ' I • ' ,. • ' ' • I \ I • ' \ I • \ \ \. ' ••• FRIDAY MORNING Rush to classes. (The sooner they start, the sooner they finish! ) '·--' YOU HAVE SURVIVED YOUR Fm8T WEEK OF COLLEGE. ONLY 15 MORE WEEKS TO GO •.• .I FINANCIAL AID STATION Pick up check worth $2.95. Thank you, Arrive home and recover from trying day. Realize you have deve~ oped some "bad study habits". Vow to improve. Fall asleep over psychology book 10 minutes later . I• • \ HEALTH CENTER Struggle to remember social · security number. Take your file and stag-· ger to doctor's door. Knock twice. Sit down. Doctor lets you in and vanishes. He returns in time to catch you playing with his blood pressure cuff: • \ \ '---....--..... • • I \ I I I \ I ~·, • •.,_,. ' I i ''\ '' ' I - I ,. • '' SUNDAY • • • • up seems Health Services has misplaced your LAQ. Struggle through line in front of Health Services booth. • CHECKPOINT Good job! You made it to the front of the line. Unfortunately it's the wrong line. Back to start. Fall in correct alphabetical line - • Page.18 August 30, 1984 UW:SIEVENS POIN'I' CAMPUS RESIDENCE HALLS I. OLD MAIN 2. STUDENT SERVICES BLDG. 6 I. DELZELL HALL 3. COMMUNICATION ARTS CTR. 62. SOUTH HALL 4 . HOME MANAGEMENT HOUSE 63. PRAY HALL 5. PHYSICAL EDUCATION BLDG 64. SIMS HALL 6. SCIENCE BLDG. 65. HYER HALL 7. COLLINS CLASSROOM BLDG 66. ROACH HALL 8. LEARNING RESOURCES CTR. i 67. -SMITH HALL 9. COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS 68 _ BALDWIN HALL IO.NELSON HALL . II . COLLEGE OF PROFESS tONAL 69" NEALE HALL STUDIES 70. HANSEN HALL 12. COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES 2 5. GEORGE STIEN BLDG. 3 I. MAINTENANCE a MATERIEL BUlLDING 4 0. UNIVERSITY CENT_ER 41 . ALLEN RESIDENCE CENTER 4 2. DE BOT RESIDENCE CENTER 71. STEINER HALL 7a BURROUGHS HALL 73. KNUTlEN HALL 74. WATSON HALL 75. THOMSON HALL FACILITIE$ MANAGEII(IfT DRAWN IY: R.J.V. IIARCH ''· 1178 INVOLVEMENT . Student Government Association CLA events planned By MIKE VERBRICK an opportunity to gather in an By Donna Pluciennik Leaders, awards, workshops informal setting and also serves and dinner meetings. What do as a vital communication tool. these things have in common? Ideas are exchanged, informaThey are all part of the Campus tion is relayed, and good food is consumed. This year's dinner Leaders' Association. The Campus Leaders' Associa- meetings will be held on the first tion, better known as CLA, is a Thursday of each month at the group of student leaders who Hot Fish Shop, the first one work together to provide others being October 4. with the necessary training to Campus Leaders, along with run student organizations. The Student Government and Stupurpose of CLA is to function as dent Life Activities and Proa communication network grams, sponsors an annual among all campus organiza- workshop. This workshop gives tions. organizations an opportunity to CLA holds monthly dinner learn skills that will help them meetings which serve a dual function more effectively. New purpose. It ives student leaders members for CLA will also be elected at this time. This year's Campus Leaders Workshop will be held at Camp Talaki, September7, 8& 9. The Campus Leaders' Association invites all student leaders to We have, however, programs in- 6); Stained Glass & Foil Print attend the CLA dinner meetings· all areas of interest_and fields of Sale (Sept. 12-13); Pumpkin Sale and the Campus Leaders Workstudy. We'd be glad to have you (Oct. 25-26); Stained Glass & shop. If you are interested in eicome down and talk to us. We Foil Print Sale (Dec. 5-7); Gen- ther event or about becoming inare located in the lower level of eral Meeting (Feb. 7); and Rec- volved in CLA, contact Donna Pluciennik, CLA President, or the UC, SLAP Complex. Stop by ognition Night (May 2). Our membership involves be- Cindy Chelcun at the Student or call 346-2260. coming active; not in giving us Life Activities and Programs OfOur Calendar of Events is as fice, Ext. 4343. your life's savings! follows: General Meeting (Sept. Student Government also ad- landscaping plans for a mall bedresses issues which affect stu- tween the communication builddents in the community and the ing and the university center, university, hopefully iinproving developing an aesthetically student life. Goals and projects pleasing parking lot between for this year include: making Quandt Gym and Campus Rethe practice of requiring a se- cords and Tapes and developing mester's or full year's off-cam- a course description booklet so pus rent in advance illegal, stop- students can make a better inping the practice of renting off- formed, more intelligent decicampus apartments to students sion on which Classes to take. based on their sex rather than We are always looking for on their ability to pay, finding a ·enthusiastic and talented people more equitable on-campus hous- -with skills in various fields. If ing arrangement for foreign stu- you think you'd fit the bill, give dents during winter break, start- us a call at 346-3721 or drop by ing a scholarship fund for non- · our office in the lower level of traditional students, developing the University Center. This year Student Government will spend $578,797 of your money. Every semester, whether you know it or not, you contribut roughly $69 as an "activities fee" when you pay your tuition. Student Government uses that money to fund about 150 student organizations; everything from athletics to the Young Democrats. These student groups, in turn, use the money to go on professional and educational trips, and brings speakers, movies and other entertainment to campus. · The decisions of who gets the money and in what amounts are made by 30 popularly elected student senators after consultation with the popularly elected president, vice president and the appointed executive board. · Student senators and appointACT (Association for Commued members at large also sit on nity Tasks) is an organization various committees which de- that provides students with an cide such things as how long the opportunity to become involved library should stay open, how with the community in careermuch a hamburger should cost testing and personal-growth at Park Place, how many com- experiences. Our focus is on soputers the computing lab should cial concerns, especially the purchaase and where the next young, elderly and handicapped. parking lot will be built. A community friend in ACT -) • f ' ~· ~ .., ~- ,.- t f .,. '\ • · - Poili~! ~age 19 . - Welcome Catholic Students Welcome to the Newman University Parish Newman University Parish is a Catholic cQmml)nity for students, faculty, staff and interested persons of UWSP. Newman Parish had its source and center in being a worshipping community. . r iness orien the· positions o Manager and Genera ager. Applicants must have at least a 2.0 GPA and at least two, semesters remaining on campus. If your interest is in management or advertising, we strongly urge you to stop by the SETV office, rm. 111, CAC for job descriptions and applications. The applications will .be accepted no later than 3:00 - p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11. , . Office Hours: 9:00 A.M.-12:00 Noon 1:00 P.M.-5:00P.M. Phone: 346-4448 After Hours: Newman House Rectory Phone: 341-0098 · Catholic Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00P.M. Sunday 10:1A.M. 6:00P.M. All weekend Masses are celebrated at the St. Joseph Convent Chapel, 1300 Maria Drive. Weekday Masses are Tuesday thru Friday - 12:00 Noon - Newman Center Chapel - Fourth and Reserve. Outdoor Mass and picnic at Bukolt Park - September 16th - 11:15 A.M. For reservations call 346-4448. · ·. Newman Catholic Center on 4th and Reserve also offers: -Instruction classes for Catholics and non-Catholics -Pre-marriage seminars -Retreats- Rap sessions -Peer Ministry -Small gr.owth groups T he Un iverSity Centers UNIY--=RSITY STOR= . SI\.O£NTS f£PN:> 51\.0ENIS ,....,,.,tr tutw >te· 34.ll Mugs with a message! ... COLORFUL MUGS MAKE WONDERFUL GIFTS FOR ANY OCCASION-OR TREAT YOURSELF!!!!!!!! Wake up to two scrambled eggs, biscuit, jelly or honey, hash rounds and a big " Good Morning" smile at Burger Cbef, at a low price · that you can afford! Only at participating Burger Chef® Re~aurants. ·TlVo scnlmbl~ eggs, biscuit, jelly and haSh rounds. 4th & Division SERVED DAILY 6:30-10:00 A.M. SUNDAY 7:30-10:00 A.M. FILL 'ER UP WITH CAFFEINE. I HAVE AN 8:00 CLASS I N 5 MI NUTES ! ' -·•, rf-irl tf',,~ . J~ ...). Page 20 August 30. 1984 " •• • ~· · il"'' ' ' ' ' ' '"·········································································································..··············"·······································••..o i ~ i i FEAC E 5 I 1 CAMFUS CENTE ,R LUTHERAN BE AT PEACE Celebrate your Christian Faith, the new beginning of the school year, all lhe gifts God has given you as one of His special people . . Sunday, Sept. 2 10:30 A.M. Worship Celebration Wednesday, Sept. 5 5:30P.M. Bible Study Supper (Call 346·3678 to let us know how much food to fix.) PEACE CAMPUS CENTER VINCENT & MARIA DR. I • (Right behind Happy Joe's Pizza!) ART SIMMONS, CAMPUS PASTOR . ......................................................................................................................................................................................... - CiETYOUR . OFF TO A FLYING STARt 99.88 Reg. 169.95 Plus shipping and handling Save $70. Our 1.6 c~.ft. refrigerator has tall bottle storage room in the door and a slide out shelf. Freezer section has two ice trays. Woodgrain look door. 69F1009. Save S70°0 Now through Sept. 30 on a 1.6 cubic ft. refrigerator. Now sgg_aa (plus shipping and handling of $7.00). In stock, get yours today. Free delivery on campus. .. .... Montgomery Ward 492 Division Next to J.R. Liquor If you've ever wanted to be at the controls of a piece of machinery that can hover over a dime,_rise straight up, do fantastic things with power and air and pitch and aero~ dynamics, you belong at the controls of an Army helicopter. The Army has openings now in its Warrant Officer Flight Training program. To qualify, you must have a high school diploma, and we prefer at least 2 years of college. Prior to entering helicopter flight training, you must successfully complete basic training and pre~ flight training. When you've completed the course successfully, you'll be wearing the wings of an Army Warrant Officer. For more information, call the Army Recruiter near you. SFC Walter Bl-anchard 1717 Fourth Avenue Stevens Point 344-2356 ARMY. BE ALLYOU CAN BE• Pointer Page 21 What? You don't know? You must be new here. No, he's not the Dean of Students. Uh uh, not the track coach. Nope. Well,_don't feel bad. Why, there must be at least three other people on campus who · have never heard of Rocky Rococo. Rocky Rococo, t~at nearly world-famous purveyor of Pan Style Pizza. Thick, crusty, crunchy; chewy, spicy, saucy, tomatoey, cheesey; pan-style pizza. By the pie or by the slice. Your place or ours. The best pizza you ever laid lips on. tieaven in your mouth. Plus, of course, salad bar, soft drinks, beer, music, lights, and other appropriate pizza paraphernalia. Now you know who he is. . Now you know why he's smiling. . . Who i~S this mql), · · and Vlhy IS he sm1l1ng? To introduce you to Rocky Rococo's pan style pizza ... Rocky would like you to use this coupon to save $1.00 on the purchase of a large pizza ... or 75¢ on the purchase of a small or medium pizza. One coupon per pizza Void on other specials Offer expires Oct. 15·. 1984 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ROCOCO COUPO \• 433 Division St. 344-6090 • ' -t.": _ © 1984. Rocky Rococo. Corp. Page 22 August 30, 19M Focus On America's Future Retuma · . iftto Wildlife Help Prevent Birth ~ Support the :Support tbe De~ects National Wifc11ifi r eclerition · \W r:tl~rtD£t~t~~ Aldermen, cont. p. t The city is checking into their insurance liability to see what would happen if aldermen decided to exercise their arrest powers. Chief .Fandre is also expected. to advise aldennen on what to do should they use the powers. Renters, cont. p. 5 of redress. To find out more about how to get your security deposit back and your rights as a renter, call Student Government at 346-3721 and ask for Mike Verbrick. (Ed. Note: Mike Verbrick and the Renter'11 Student Union are solely responsible for the contents of this -column.) Update, cont. p. 5 police officers. Tenns of the out-of-court settlement could not be publicized due to a confidentiality provision written into the settlement at the students' request, according to an attorney representing the City's insw:er Sentry Insurance. A local newspaper, The Stevens _ Point Journal, had sought publication of the tenns which remain undisclosed. • Get down to business faster. With the BA-35. If there's one thing business students have always needed, this is it: an affordable, business-oriented calculator. · The Texas Instruments BA-35, the Student Business Analyst. Its built-in business formulas let you perform complicated finance, acco!)nting and statistical functions - the ones that usually_require a lot of time and a stack of reference books, like present and future value It: 198 3 Textts lmrrument~ calculations, amortizations and balloon payments. The BA-35 means you spend less time calculating, and more time -learning. One keystroke takes the place of many. The calculator is just part of the package. You also get a book that follows most business courses: the Business Analyst Guidebook. Business professors helped us write it, to help you get the most out of calculator and classroom. A powerful combination. Think business. With the BA-35 Student . .j(S Business f\nalyst . 'V · J · TEXAS NSTRUMENTS Creating useful products and services for you. library Renovations Hit-High Gear The $7.3 million addition to the Learning Resources Center took shape over the summer as the second through fifth floors are widened and a sixth story is added. Contractors expect to be finished by August of next year, however, the library will remain opened during the coming school year. ' In other projects, a Simplex lock system was installed in six residence halls and extensive landscaping changed the area between the LRC and the Science Building. Solomon Amendment Upheld On July 5 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that denying male college students federal aid for failure to register for the draft is not unconstitutional. Six Minnesota students had challenged the so-called Solomon Amendment successfully in a federal district court. However, the federal government appealed the ruling to the · nation's High Court, forcing the July ruling. · In his majority opinion Chief Justice Warren Burger reasoned that requiring draft registration prior to receiving aid was simply a means · to insure compliance. It did not involve self incrimination, according to Burger, because no student is under compulSion to accept financial aid. Pointer Page 23 Pointers set to move up in the conference By Phil Janus The last time the UW-Stevens Point football team seriously challenged for the Wisconsin State University Conference crown, D. J. LeRoy was on his way to earning All-Conference laurels for the UW-Eau Claire Blugolds. Well now, LeRoy is in his third year as head coach of the Pointers, and it seems he has them heading back in that direction. .The 1984 season of Pointer fo9tball should once again be strong and exciting offensively, despite the loss of two top receiving threats in Tim Lau and MikeGaab. In the backfield, strong armed Dave Geissler returns at quarterback for his junior season. Behind Geissler the Pointer passing game was among the top five in the nation ' in '83. The remainder of the backfield remains untested. Expected to step in and pick up ·the slack is · 5'11" 220 fullback Mike Reutemann, a transfer from the University of Minnesota. At halfback, last year's freshman standout Mike Christman (5'11" 180) returns for his sophomore season. Freshman Pete Larson, a former SPASH standout who was expected to add some depth to that position will be out for two weeks with a knee injury: The deepest gash suffered by the offense this ·year is to the receiving corps where the Pointers lost the nation's number one · and five receivers respectively in Gaab and Lau. In conference play the two combined for 95 receptions. LeRoy realizes the loss but does not see replacing them as a problem. "We don't try to replace this person or that person. Our goal offensively is to move the football down the field as a team, not with one or two individuals." · now work out together 'all year Mter all is said and done, long instead of just during the UWSP football success hinges on season." LeRoy continued, the defense. "We've also started to gain some If LeRoy and his staff can tone consistency in the coaching staff down a team that gave up 23.8 and that's important to the points per game. last year, the kids." Pointers should have no problem Russ Nelson, who coaches the moving up the ·ladder in WSUC, right side of the line and outside and LeRoy sees no reason why linebackers, returns for his this can't be done. second year under LeRoy, as does Dave Kolstad who handled similar duties on the left side. Kolstad and Nelson's top defensive line pupil is 6'3", 235 senior tackle Dennis Lane. Lane provides both strength and speed and because of this may be moved to defensive end. Other defensive end hopefuls include Dan David (6-3, 245) and Tom Rumdey (6-3, 225). · Interior line hopefuls include Bill Flynn (6-6, 245), Dan Detloff (6-3, 210) and Pete Griffin (5-11, 215). The defensive backfield will be under close scrutiny this season some as LeRoy takes over as leadership this year, and backfield coach. With Gary everyone we have is a year.older . Collins and Mike Brekke not and more experienced." LeRoy returning, and the graduation of continued, "this added to our Ron Whitmore, the only incoll.ling freshmen and Geissler to lead gridd~r attack. returning starter from last year's transfers will hopefully make the group is Rick Wieterson (5-8, difference in performance." The Pointers will get their first Many football experts say that gained honorable mention 160). This being the case, LeRoy games are won and lost at the laurels. Three letter winners will be looking for help from test Satijrday, and a strong one it will be. LeRoy and his squad line of scrimmage or in the so- return at the tackle position in freshmen and transfers. Leading candidates in the travel down to WilbUJforce, Ohio called trenches. If this is indeed senior Jeff Crawford (6-0, 270), true, then offensively the Eric Jones (6-0, 245), and Fred freshmen class include All- to take on last year's NCAA II Pointers should win their share Meinen (6-2, 270). This trio will Staters Scott Nicolai (5-9, 165) runnerup Central State University. Central State is complete what looks to be an and John Zastrow (5-11, 175). of battles. . Heading the list of transfers currently ranked number one The Pointers offensive line is excellent front line. Although the offense is both are Tom Finco (5-11, 185) and nationally by Sports mustrated. one that features size, depth, and LeRoy looks on this match-up experience. Senior Nick Nice (~ strong and exciting, success for Breck Loos (5-11, 180) from as a.good test for his squad. 3, 230) anchors the line at center the Pointers in 1984 lies squarely Augustana. "Central State presents us LeRoy -enters his third where all-state recruit Joe on the shoulders of the defense. year with an overall slate of 10- . with a very good test. It's a Svejda (6-2, 230) should provide This is a defense that finished · 10. The Pointers are also coming chance for us to see who can play dead last in the WSUC in '83. ample depth. Although LeRoy is aware of off a disappointing seventh place and who can't. When we made up Flanking the center on either finish in last year's conference the schedule earlier this year we side are two of the best guards in what happened last year, he race. with a 2-6 record and 4-6 had exactly that in mind. What the WSUC. Juniors Mark remains optimistic about this overall.. The Pointers however we want out of Saturday's Rietveld (6-3, 265) and Ron Hintz year's defenshce unit. •. did show their potential in a hard contest ·is a good showing from What we're developing now is (6-2, 260) both return after fought 21-18 loss at the hands of our offense.and defense." . outstanding seasons one year a strong sense of unity. We've Saturday's' game is scheduled ago. Rietveld was an Ml-WSUC become a much closer team than NCAA III semifinalist UWto kick off at 1:30. second team honoree while Hintz in past years, because our kids LaCrosse. Curley.named to 1M post By Phil Janus The University of WisconsinStevens Point Intramural De-· partment is set to start off yet another successful school year, this time under new leadership. Rick Curley, last year's Assistant Coordinator takes over for Dale Schallert who vacated the post of IM director midway through the sununer. , Curley plans to continue the success of the intramural pro.gram that saw over . 8,000 students compete last year by continuing with what worked in the past and adding a few more events. · Curley said, "One change we've made already is the addition of an off-campus All Sports Champion. In the past we've had just one overall champion, but now we'll have an on and off . campus winner." The All Sports' Champion comes from the team that totals the most points· at the end of the / school year. Last year's champs were 3-W Steiner (men) and Nelson Hall (women). Curley is also in the process of scheduling three new events. A softball tournament held at Goerke Park to be played sometime in September, and two sponsored events with Miller High Life. "Right now we're trying ·to set up a H-0-R-S-E contest and a ten kilometer run. In the H-O-RS-E contest we'd like to have the campus winner take on a Miller High Life all-star perhapS at half time of a Pointer game. The 10K run would work the same way. Right now these are just in the planning stage," said Curley. Rick Curley and his staff kick off their inaug-y.ial season tonight at 6: 30 in the Berg gymnasium with aa officials meeting. First •year referees earn $3.45 per game, and all those interested are welcome to attend. If you'd. like more information involving the intratnural department please coatact Rick Curley at 346-3397 or Steve Kestly at 346-4441. r UWSP fans honored Yet another award has come about from the, 1983-84 men's basketball season at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, but this time it is an award for the fans. The NCAA has announced that UW-Stevens Point was second in the nation in attendance at the Division III level. The school had 34,911 people enter the doors of the Quandt fieldhouse for 17 games, an average of 2,054 fans per game. UW-SP's total fan draw was the highest nationally in Division III. Hope College of Holland, Mich., was the Division III national leader with 21,435 fans for 10 home contests, an average of 2,144 people per game. UW-SP was the only Wisconsin school listed in. the top eight nationally. The Wisconsin State University Conference, the league UWSP competes in, had the highest non-Division I increase in attendance nationally as the loop's attendance was up 21.92 percent in 1983-84. WSUC teams attracted 142,859 fans in 121 gapies or sessions for an average of 1,181 spectators per contest in 1983-84. The WSUC was 20th nationally in conference attendance for all Division II and III leagues and schools. The 1984-85 Pointer basketball schedule includes 14 home dates and starts with the First Annual Stevens Point Tip-Off Tournament which will be played on . Friday, Nov. 30, and Saturday, Dec. 1. Joining UW-SP in ·the four team field will be NAIA national tournament participant St. John's, Luther College, and UW-Milwaukee. UW-SP returns three starters from last year's team which won a third straight WSUC title and finished second nationally in theNAIA. .(' Page 24 August 30, 1984 Lady stickers prepare to open 1984 season By Phil Janus If you happened to see any of this · year's daytime Olympic coverage, chances are you saw women running around on what looked like a soccer field in plaid- skirts with what looked like a smaller version of a hockey stick. If you didn't see this, what you missed was an exciting fast-paced game that combines all the skills of soccer and hockey. The game is appropriately called field hockey. • UW-8tevens Point may not be able to compete with the Olympians, but within the Wisconsin Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Conference the Pointers are truly a powerhouse. Last year the lady stickers won theill fourth consecutive WWIAC crown by posting a 16-41 record. As productive a season as this may sound, the Pointers did have their setbacks.· Competing for the first time ever in the Wisconsin-Iowa-Minnesota (WIM) Conference, the Pointers finished second, losing the championship game to Bimidji College of Minnesota by a score of 3-2 after two scoreless ' overtime periods. That same loss may have also caused the Pointers to be left out of the NCAA post-season tournament. Now that the Pointers are no longer.competing in the WWIAC, it marks the first time in three years they won't start the season as top dog. This past Monday Coach Nancy Page and her 18-member team began working to not only gain the top spot in the WIM Conference but also capture their fourth NCAA III tournament bid iri five years. Page has exactly that in mind. "Our team goal is plain and simple. We want to win the WIM Eight letterwinners, led by Conference and hopefully gain senior co-eaptains Dee Christoan NCAA tournament bid. Last pherson and Colleen Kelly, reyear we came so close. We were turn from , last year's squad to winning by one goal with 35 sec- lead a veteran Pointer team. onds left in the game, and ended The rest of the team is made up up losing in overtime. What hurt of five members of last year's was all we had to do was hit the squad that didn't letter, and five ball out of bounds and we would new team members. have won because the clock The make-up of the team looks doesn't · stop. But that's over . very strong offensively _but very now, and we'll look to come inexperienced defensively. back this year." RPf:nrrtino on offense from last I:J .. in field hockey are conditioning, team speed and midfield play, and we'll be strong in all those areas. Overall we are a vt)ry fast team, · and from what I've seen so far this year, the girls worked hard on conditioning this summer." : Colleen Kelly will carry brunt of defensive duties. Christopherson will lead a powerful offense. Harriers seek WSOC crown By Phil Janus Coach Rick Witt's men's cross country team opens their 1984 season Saturday at the Parkside Quadrangular. Returning from last year's team that finished fifth in the NCAA Division III National Cross Country meet are five of the seven· who ran there. Heading the list are All-WSUC performers Arnie Schraeder and Fred Hohensee. Also back are Chris Celichowski, Jim Kowalczyc, and Don Riter. Although last year's finish, that also saw the Pointers finish second in the conference to national powerhouse UWLaCrosse, will be hard to beat, the nucleous of five returnees should help. The fact that we have five guys back who ran at nationals will make a big difference in our performance. Yet · at the same time our sixth and seventh men are untested and that hurts." Rick Witt continued, "As a team goal we'd like to win the conference and finish in the top five at the NCAA meet, and for us to do that we must have seven .good runners." The sixth and seventh men Witt speaks of will have to come from three Junior Colleg-e transfers and 12 incoming freshmen, even though Witt doesn't like to reply on freshmen. year's team are halfbacks Christopherson and Tina Roesken. Also returning are forwards Jaye Hellenbeck, Julie Hesser and Kriston Kemerling, and right winger Sheila Downing. Defensively, the Pointers return two letterwinners, but only "We have three JC transfers , According to Rick Witt this and 12 freshmen, but it's difficult year should be no different. to win at this level with "What-we have. is a good team freshmen. It's hard for them to but no great individuals. We've make the switch from running built our program around the three miles in high school to five team concept, and to win we've miles in college. We have a lot of got to run as a pack. Everything talent with o~ young people but we do revolves around that, from we'll have to see about .the our training, to our meets. We'll sacrifice the top of our team to adjustment." · help the rest of the team in the The trademark for past early going." Pointer harriers has been team Although Witt would like to win work. This · was never more the early meets, he also would evident than at the national meet like to see his team work last year when all seven UWSP together. runners finished between 26 and "What we're going to do in 51 enabling them to finish fifth. these early meets is try to get the school's best ever finish. everyone working together. If we can do that and win, well that's great. On the same hand if we lose the meet . to someone, but run the way we would like, then that's not going to hurt us. Our main goal is to run together so everyone gets the feeling of teamwork." Battling for the top spot in the WSUC along ' with the Pointers this season will of course be UWLa Crosse. The Indians have finished atop the beep in ll .of the past 13 years. The only teams to beat them in that span were UWEau Claire in '80 and UW-8P in '81. Witt also sees UW-Eau Claire as a possible contender, and UWOshkosh as a possible sleeper. one with position experience. As for the midfield position, Colleen Kelly will be in her fa- Page is quite - pleased with her . miliar fullback slot. Stephani two halfbacks. York, also a starter from last "We have two very good half• · year's team, is now playing as a backs in Christopher!)on and . goalie, a position shes never Roesken: This year the midfield played before. position will be extremely Although the inexperience imp<>rtant because if Dee and looms large on defense, .Page Tina can keep pushing the ball , ·doesn't see it as a problem. forward it can keep some pres"We're going to need help on sure off our defense." · The Pointers open their WIM defense, but I think our veterans who didn't letter last year Conference play Saturday, Sepshould be able to step in and tember 8, at UW-Platteville and Luther College of Iowa. contribute." ·. The remainder of the WIM Page also thinks her squad ·conference is made up of Carlwill pick up the slack in other ton and Bemidji Colleges of Minareas. nesota and UW schools River "I think three of the real keys Falls, La Crosse and Oshkosh. State champ to Point Mike Boehning, the 1984 WIAA Class A state high hurdle champion from Janesville Craig High School, has decided to attend the University of Wisconsin-stevens Point, Pointer track and field coach Rick Witt has announced. Boehning, who also competes in the low hurdles along with the long and triple jumps, won the high hurdles in the state meet with a blistering time of :14.2 seconds. A 6-1, 165 pounder, Boehning ·also set a new Craig High record in the triple jump in 1984. He was picked as the team's most valuable performer as a junior and was one of the squad's tri. captains ~s season. Witt expressed delight with the ·decision of Boehning to attend UW-sP and to join his track and field team in the spring. "Mike is a real blue chip athlete and is the type of athlete that can come into our conference and be a real threat right away," Witt said of Boehning. - "He was the finest hurdler in the state in 1984 and is just a top all-around athlete. We are very pleased to have him joining our program." . Boehning will be joining · a Pointer team which finished fourth in the Wisconsin State University Conference and returns -All-American low hurdler AI Hilgenforf, who was second in the 1984 NCAA Division III National Meet. LinCiquist placesthird at State Fair Lori Lindquist, a member of the University of Wisconsin-stevens Point women's swimming and diving team, captured thlrd place in the Wisconsin State Fair physique contest August 1112 in Milwaukee. · Lindquist, a junior at UW-8P and a graduate of Pacelli High School, participated in the tall class of the competition where she earned her third place fin- ·ish. Judging in the contest was based on symmetry, musculari ty and posing ability. Lindquist went through nine weeks of extensive weight training in preparation fpr the competition. A physical education major with a wellness lifestyle option, Lindquist is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norm Lindquist, 2409 Peck Street, Stevens Point. e· Pointer Page 25 ~· WH-ETHER YOU'RE OLD -OR NEW- THE . UNIVERSITY STORE e WELCOMES YOU!! FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE OUR HOURS ARE: MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. - SATURDAY -' SUNDAY · 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M . . UNIV.::RSITY STOR_== 12 NOON TO 5 P.M .. STUDENTS HELPING STUDENT University Center 346·34:? J- _, !~~~So you haven't decided where you wanted to live, and you are walking aimlessly around campus,!:!: I frustrated, wondering i-f you are ever going to be settled this year~ !~ ~ , It's .time for a change in your life. THE VILLAGE is just the place for you. { 1~1~ . We only have a few spaces available for the 1984·85 school year, so come over NOW! ! What you will receive is ... ·*Fully furnished, large . two, bedroom, two bathroom apartment * Your own lease. * Free heat an d h ot water. . II The Village ApartmentS * Free off-street parking. * Swimming pool. * Laundry facilities on sight. * Cable television available. , · 301 Michigan Ave., stevens Point, wt544B1 Phone: 341.21zo j ~~-=.=::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::~:::::;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=:~~ Page 26 August 30, 1984 . ALDO'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT .. • Spaghetti • Chicken • Mostacioli · • Fish Fry _ • Ravioli • Homem~de Soup Italian & American Sandwiches · Buckets: Chicken & Fish , e -------------------------------------------------------------------------We have helped keep_the _ U niversity of Wis· consin-Stevens Point' safe at night for 7 yeal'is. ·. , . . We need your help to continue this . tradi· 1 tion. ·· -· I I I . I Escort Service ! . .::...t-- . -·1 I I I I I I I I . ·. The Escort Service ·is looking for individuals . that would enjoy keeping the streets safe to walk at night. .: Come to the Womens -Resource Center _ (In The Basement Of Nelson Hall) Or Call 346-485'1 to apply ·Sponsored By W.R.C. . . . -------------------------------------------------------------~------------( . ~ . --- :.,....-· Z7 '. BACK TO IT? TAKE A BREAK .ALREADY! Reacquaint yourself with the Stevens Point Area Co-op. -Quality food at great prices .-Unique atmosphere ::-Even join us. ·/ 1 0% To 'help you aiong, we will give you a discount (excluding miri~ markup items) with a valid UW-1.0. Valid on your first purchase. Check Us Out, You Will Like What You S$e. I plan on living a long and healthy_life, so I get . regular cancer checkups. Call or write your local unit of the American Cancer Society for a free pam ph let on their new cancer checkup guidelines . . Because if you're like me, you want to Iive , long enough to do it all. 10°/o Discount On Most Items In The Store Natural & Unrefined Foods Bulk Herbs & Spices Teas & Whole Bean Coffees Flours & Grairis · Stevens · 633 Beans & Nuts Oils & Spreads Imported & Domestic Cheese Dried Fruit & Juices Poi~t Produce Books Body Care Products Area Co•op 341·1555 2nd Street- Phone Hours: M.:'F 9·7; Sat. 9·5; Sun. 10·4. Offer expires Sept. 7, 1984. The POINTER needs writers and reporters for fall semester • Paid positions available Stop in 117 CAC or-call X2249 . I Focus · on America's Future f '1 PlOVER ' N · Hwy . " B" _._----11-Bus. • ~ & pu.a ~D«4e ~ f"""lf1.,~A ~ 51 ~wy54 Mall u 5 • ...,.,..~' EZ on EZ off" Phone 345·0264- Hwy. 51 & 54 Bypass, Plover, Wis. 51 •~-" ef s p,.. Help Prevent Birth Defects Support the · March of Dimes - B I RTH DHECTS FOUNDATION- 1984-85 FALL FILM. SCHEDUL·E ·sept.. 6-7 . Sudden Impact · 6:30 & 9:15 Sept. 13-14 Silkwood 6:30 & 9:15 se·pt. 18-21 Hitchcock Festival (With UFS) · _-Vertigo -Rear .Window . -North By Northwest -The Trouble With Harry Sept. _27-29 Terms of Endearment 6:30 & 9 Oct. 4·7 The Empire Strikes Back 6:30 & 9:15 Oct. 10-13 Stephen King Festival If you need to go to a phone booth · to call this number, · you need to call this number. -Ca-rrie . -The Shining · -The Dead Zone -Firestarter 6:·30 & 9:15 Oct. 18-1 9 Splash , 6:30 & 9:15 Oct. 25-26 The Omen ·Nov. 1-3 .Richard Gere Festival -An Officer and a Gentleman -American Gigilo -Breathless -~ays of Heaven ov. 8-9 · v. 15-16 ov. 29~30 . 6-7 - .Never Cry Wolf 6:30 & 9:15 Footloose 6:30 & 9:15 n·om.ancing The Stone 6:30 & 9, A Christmas St 6:30 & 9:15 If you're a student living off-campus and · need to establish telephone service, call us toll-free at the New Student Center. We'll help you choose the service that's right foryou. And don't forget to ask about our special long distance services - they could save you money! We're open frotp · 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays, ~-----------, I I BLANK SPORTS 1·-COMPUTER I PISKS I I $200* .. RUNNING STORE SS/00 (OS/00 For IBM) Basketball Headquarters s2.80* *With coupon and student 10, limit 3 per coupon • Premium Name Brand Models Without Premium.Prices! * Converse Spot·bill~ . ..t-.~~~ .•. "'). . 1332 Strongs Ave. Downtown Oft Main Street Stevens Point ' FALL SPORTS FASHIONS HEADQUARTERS! FOR MEN & WOMEN • ATHLETIC SHOES • RAIN SUITS • WARM UPS • HIGtfFASHION • JACKETS • CASUAL WEAR -----.,------1 The athletic shoe ex· EAST BAY SPORTS perts WhO care enough 344·3703 ' ___________ ~ Expires Sept. 30, 1984 6321sadore Street _, st;:~~;Ja~nt HOURS M.·Th. 10-5:30 ;t. tO giVe . yOU the right ~:~: :~:: -shoe at the right price. Eastbay Sports 632 Isadore St. Maria Drive • Pointer Page 29 nnihtP14 r-,....... 6,... • ~ Friday, August31 INTERNTIONAL CLUB PICNIC 7 Plenty of fun and hopefully a lot of sun, for the annual Welcome Back Picnic. The cookout at Bukolt Park is open to past ·or potential members as well as their host families. The sweet sizzle of burgers and brats will begin at 3;30. For further info; call 3462611. Saturday, September 1 POINTER FOOTBALL - The UWSP football team kicks off its 1984 season when it meets Central State University of Ohio in a non-conference game in Wilburforce, OH. The Pointers are facing last year's NCAA Division II runnerup in the national playoffs. CSU has been Tuesday, September 4 ART SHOW - A reception from 7-9 p.m., Sept. 4, will be held for the cooperative art faculty exhibition set to run from Sept. 4-21 in the Edna Carlsten Gallery, located in the Fine Arts Center. The unique exhibit, open to the public, is organized by UWSP and UW-Whitewater faculty members. ·selected the NO. 1 Division II team in the nation this season. Let's go POINTERS! Wednesday, September 5 INTRAMURALS - Ladies! Your entry deadline for for rent FOR RENT: Student housing. Females; 1-2 blocks from campus. Single and double rooms, furnished. Fall semester. 3413546, 5-9 p.m. FOR RENT: Clean room with kitchen privileges. 7 miles from campus. Rent negotiable for babysitting services. Call Bill or Diane at 344-6223. FOR RENT: . Spacious 4-bedroom home just 6 blocks from campus. $575 per semester, in.:cludes heat. 344-2105. for sale FOR SALE: '70 Volvo, 2 door. Grey-red interior, automatic, 56,000 miles, in good condition. Will be antique in 6 years. $2,000 or best offer. Good student car. Write Box 353, Wausau, WI 54401. FOR SALE: Rummage sale: Refrigerator, stove, clothes·, dishes, Saturday, Sept. 1, 8 a.m.4 p.m. at white hol~Se' adjacent to Schmeeckle Reserve parking lot (on North Point Dr.). FOR SALE: Blue Triumph Spitfire convertible, ·exceller:tt condition. $2,500 negotiable. New exhaust system and battery. Call341-9441 and ask for Pam. FOR · SALE: Refrigerator, dishes and stove. 592-4941, 5-10 p.m. FOR SALE: Brand new Honda ex 500 Custom. Lots of extras. Excellent condition with only 5,100 miles. Firm at $1,900. Call Paul, 341-9076. FOR SALE: Attn: Water students: Textbooks, standard methods $24, Wetzel's limnology (2nd ed.) $20. 34:Hl009. FOR SALE: Gas stove andrefrigerator, wood dinette table, 1968 Dodge pickup truck. 4572062. nrt ~tramural football is today. Get m the competitive spirit and turn HELP WANTED: GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559--$50,553 per year . . Now hiring. Your area. Call1(800)687..0000, Ext. R5592. HELP WANTED: Half-time graduate assistantship in the Writing Laboratory. For further information contact the Lab at 304 Collins Classroom Center or phone 346-3568. (Deadline: Sept. 7) HELP WANTED: Experienced bartenders, cooks and waitresses. Part-time. Apply in person at Anthony's Supper Club, Hwy. B, PIover. wanted WANTED: Sales representative-on campus for Imprinted Sportswear Company. Salary, commission and benefits for right person. Send information to: K.R.S., Box 706, Oxford, WI 53952. WANTED: Male looking for a room to rent or share this fall semester. Call Jeff at 345-1995 between 5 and 6 p;m. WANTED: Job doing work in a single parent home with school child or overnight live-in with outpatient hospis. Write Box 353, Wausau, WI 54401. WANTED: CAMPUS LIFE LEADERS (Preferably Alive)· Help out with Stevens Point Area High School. Call 345-1634 or ~5-2896. t~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~l ! ! !1 Lampoon ~ OLD 'MILWAUKEE .50C(sun.·Tues.) Wed. - Qt. Goebels s1.2s ~ I I ~ I JU.ISC ~ • _ Reminder UWSP Organizations become recognized for the year in the SLAP complex, and begin your active year by planning membership development strategy. event considered fo• lublication should bring or S' i pertinent information to: POINTER PROGRAM, The Jinter, 117 CAC, UWSP, noon on Tuesdays. Publication is not guaranteed. Events most likely to appear in print are those with 1 strong student or faculty appeal; ~lass!fie<l employm~nt EMPLOYMENT: Position open for treasurer of ACT. 10 hours a week. Applications can be picked up at the ACT office and are due by Friday, September7. POINTER PROGRAM is in your team sheets to the published weekly to. keep Intramural Office, first floor of students up-to-date on all the the HPERA building. Games · events going on and around the UWSP campus. begin Monday, September 10. Anyone wishing I) have an announcements sources Center (LRC) asks you: Please DO NOT leave your purses or other valuables unattended while you are in the -stacks or other areas on. LRC business. Please keep them with . you at all times. Thank you! ANNOUNCEMENT: The Association of Graduate Students will be having their first meeting of the 1984-1985 school year. It will be held on September 5, 1984, in the Encore Room, University Center, at 5 p.m. This meeting offers an opportunity for all graduate students to meet the dean of Graduate Studies, as well as a chance to speak up about things that need changing where graduate students are concerned. We will be planning a tentative schedule of events for the year. All graduate students are welcome to attend. ANNOUNCEMENT: THEFT ALERT. The Public Services Department of the Learning Re- ANNOUNCEMENT: NOTIFY LRC IF I.D. IS MISSING. ·The Learning Resources Center would like to remind students that they are responsible for all materials checked out on their I.D. cards. If your I.D. card is lost, misplaced or stolen, please notify the Main Circulation Desk of the LRC, Ext. 346-2540. ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you interested in meeting and wining and dining famous people? Contact Dori at 346-2412 for more details. If not in, leave message. ANNOUNCEMENT: Student coordinators needed for 10 ACT programs. If interested~ stop down at the ACT Office to find the program that suits yoq. ································: If OPENING SOON i !l Randy's Video I !·i we will be featuring a' 1 BUFFY'S + .I i . . Ii i I i large ~ Thursday- Happy Hour 6·9 P.M. OPEN: NOON TIL CLOSE 1331 2nd st. WANTED: Babysitter for 3 children. 7 miles .from campus. Mostly evenings and possibly some weekends. Call Bill or Diane at ~223. . I: ~ : selection of video i cassettes and VCR rental~ i and sales. Watch for open~ i ing at 101 N. Division St., stevens pOln. t ' WI. • i ~ : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ································~ - Page 30 August 30, 19M announcements ANNOUNCEMENT: The University Curriculum Committee will meet at 3 p.m. in the Red Room of the University Center on the following dates: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; Nov. 6, 13, 27; Dec. 4, 11. ANNOUNCEMENT: Seeking CAMPUS LIFE volunteer staff work with Stevens · Point Area High School. Please call 345-1634 or 345-2896. ANNOUNCEMENT: WWSP90FM STAFF MEETING Thursday, September 13, at 6 p.m. in the UC Communications Room. NEW STAFF or anyone interested in learning more about WWSP: Meet at 7:15, Sept. 13, in the UC Communications Room. Welcome back everyone and have a super year at 90FM! ANNOUNCEMENT: Riding lessons, horse boarding at Sunrise Farm. Call 341-7833. ANNOUNCEMENT: Photographers-volunteer your photo skills to the Horizon· Yearbook. Knowledge and ownership of 35mm camera equipment helpful. For details, dial X2505 or stop at the Horizon Office, Main U>unge, UC. ANNOUNCEMENT: ACT will be having their general meeting on Thursday, .September 7, at 7 p.m. in th~ Wisconsin Room. All those interested in sharing their time and talents throughout the community are invited to attend. ANNOUNCEMENT: The ON FAMOUS BRAND FOOTWEAR -CASUAL/DRESS Dexter • Rockport • Bass • Con· nie • Zodiac • 9 • West • Chero· kee • Candies & more -ATHLETIC Adidas • Nike • Wtonic • Puma • Tiger • Converse • New Bal· ance & many more -AREAS LARGEST & BEST SELECTION SHIPPY SHOES ---Welcome To Stevens-Point UWSP Students! We're Glad You _ Are Here . · Register to win a s25° 0 Gift of your choice from any of I,--------------------------------· Name_· - - - - - - - - - - - ~ our current I Local Address_~-::,---------=------ I Phone 1 cata ogs. I MONTGOMERY WARD I I I 492 Division (Drawing to be held Sept. 10 at 5:00P.M.) Survey cont. p. 11 It is hoped the results of the survey will be used to .help improve programming and services offered in the university ·· centers. Student organizations, university center administrators and programmers will be able to use · this information to seek events, services and advertising which are mo.:e suited to the expanding interes~ among the students atUWSP. - Pleaiil · Patronize our advertilen Pointer Page 31 WELCOME BACK STUDENTS • • DOMINO'S PIZZA . DELIVERS™ FREE. The Price Destroyer•• All Pizzas Include Our Special Blend of Sauce and 100% Real Cheese. 9 carefully selected and Our Superb Cheese Pizza 12" Cheese. . . . . . . . . $ 4.49 16" Cheese . .. . .... . $ 7.49 Additional Items Ground Beef Pepperoni Mushrooms Green Olives Black Olives Ham Anchovies Onions Extra Cheese Green Peppers Extra Thick Crust Sausage Hot Peppers 12" item ..... ·.... . .. $ .69. 16" item ... . ... . . ... $ .99 portioned items for the pnce of 4. Pepperoni, Mushrooms. Green Olives. Green Peppers, Ground Beef, Sausage, Ham. Onions, Black Olives. 12" Price Destroyer•• $ 7.25 16" Price Destroyer•• $11.45 Domino's Sausage Supreme (For you sausage lovers) Double sausage and extra cheese 12" ...... .. ... . . . .. .. $6.17 16" .. .. .. ........ . ... $9.92 DAILY SPECIAL Any 5 items for the prier of 4. . l Prices do not include tax. Drivers carry less than $20.00 Coke available in cans, Limited delivery area. e> 1983 Domino's Pizza Inc. Open for Lunch 11 a.m. - 2 a.m .. Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m. - 3 a.m. Fri.-Sat. 345-0901 101 Division St., N . Stevens Point, WI ,---------------., I 2 Free 1 II . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Cokes! 2 free cans of Coke with any 12" pizza. One coupon per pizza. Expires: 9-3Q-84 Fa1t, Free Delivery 101 Division St., N. Stevens Point, WI Phone: 345-0901 II I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1---------------.J ;r----------------, 30 minute 1 1 guarantee 1I I I I I I I I I I I I If your pizza does not arnve within 30 minutes, present th is coupon to the driver for $2.00 off your pizza. One coupon per pizza. Fast, Free Delivery 101 Division St., N. Stevens Point, WI Phone: 345-0901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ········ ® I I I I 1---------------.J UWSP . / • INTRAMURALS BUILDING ·HOURS WEIGHT ROOM Pool Desk M·F 3·10 p.m. Sat.·Sun. 10 A.M.-10 P.M. 7·8 A.M. 12·1 P.M. 6·8 P.M. . 2·4 P.M. 6·8 P.M. M·F Sat.-Sun. Mon ...Fri.. Sat.·Sun. 3-9:30 P.M. 10 A.M.-10 P.M. acquetball and Tennis Courts available on · . · first come, first serve basis by reservation . . - CO-ED INTRAMURAL SCHEDULE Football Volleyball Ent..Y Deadline Sept. 12 Play Begins Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Oct. 1 First Tournament -Men's Softball Tournament -Held at Goerke Park . -Ent·ry Deadline: Sept. 12 -Play Dates: Sept. 14, 15, 16 Wing Representatives .Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 12 7:3~ Berg Gym More information may be obtained by calling 346-4441 .