· February 18, 19n ' Off-campus 15' belqfon:edlodriYI-intbefltttplace olaanelllnD eutlhl-t,llpleiA-...t andpWUrclowpuaellelltU..t.lhne drtYentraetonandwuM\'erfdteedtodo il..lcfidN beaUMifeltaaoodamount ot father 111d ~ woRiac seHing things straight Letter• =~~-l:.O:.!":r::.';:::l!i. wasting your time =.e T•~ ~:'"~'h·,. con !Wth and drsln.w:· '""" hbtn lhir rnc.no~- ··~/tom ~'!ol !10 r11dlo Could this bei&UII)'Ippelllto )UIII'It l ~ord buddon« JIIM Kott:hen fnm Mtl '""""I) to .,.·r \1 tbe alrtad)· bleat~ .-.. N., ..t l""lli~W ltUTC eadre! Or 111 it thr IM'II(Itltlnljl. ~~ anoothft" men:t'!\11")' ltd ,..... ~t.ouu• pr•cn~m, •Ttnrd at UWSP l£r;Ht.,.hu ' ,.uukfllketu,.·ortll'llun"! Tho,.,..• musltl(tt-otre tar tnm theendprudul1soiM: It(dby thtlaeeleuwi~leu •·•M A ""Oiustrr t ' oln t'est" t lnd\ldilljl ,., xhul ~okilno rn.•puon. a '"' ~:011•· <~ l r~""•tL~ n t~~: linN"ho·U,--upiolhe~n bl,_ ... , thdo,.,ll"~ntlnlp.u•t•C'ngeni!Jol;holljl alwouthk•• lruil ·llwo;ltllltllllg~rd toik t f"••.!.:onotahMIIw'"" 'Nidii\C'II" ,..hoeany IIW"It "K~- ~~~ttletooflr l bfou&hl.to 11."' t" tho• '' lr.mdl) lulb at UAif " ill to be tho·~w.-t •....:.tll'<'ol a prnnC"\"O*iurxr.just hk~ '"" re-:od abclul onpo.)·ddo&Y Itt !Hili. The ~IIJ .,.;II of lhe UAB · Spl"t"lll t:~mu l 'ommtlltr"' are al!!o tr>.pon~d>lf" in ~~~~ p.~r1 for lhe '""' of <"llitUh' :ondl'ftll'!"binmrnt,.t'\"tl}n)' "l l "V.~I'. mo.ol jl.l;lnlllt.fy n~ ..,.. tills ,.·re~r;·. ~·;naereami .._._rlimu t11 '""...,.. b tllott mado1 PT !Ymum"l ~ laok rm~afb to r~. Secondl)', Tatoltn il: .ateUlrctheenlire ltory about eva(Wi tion plans. The odds of 11'1111 "wont attldent " lin! chance In ten million yun. Meanwhile, the:rearelhousarw:ltolattldmtathatc:culd beeiiiMIIIby~c.-lnch.ltirial ptOCftoSfttha tc:culdkill uml nyrwrnore people. but lhe likelihood of thi. aeddent lhousandl of times veater: i.e .. dam f"Hura. oil tank flrel. llow eamt thn'e an.n'tresuJ;ardrlll$tonlallteSte\'i'ftl Polntlnt:ueollnutreme damflilute! And wh)l iln"t Testolin ~about I t(' ttli:ti! u ~. nut:lelrporwerplanll;lrelboul Bothf..Ufurlandaudl!lrplantshlw anri"f«tontheaquatk:environment•nd t Atr~ttr..·•- •ollfl therouteof "Jf'rl")' 1 -• Tl"leilt~I'Ttdut:l-"" ...·hkh~ .. tn"'drnn' to:opa11oculartyi~te.ln­ ~'ilm inlbtlry • •·--~mon bolhtypsofpl.ant~;Nvetornft"lstriiiJ~ olNIIIII"II~Indthe&ft. "i ronmtflt.al Pro(eetion AlfnC)' , 10 Trstolin"s attempt to &hclwo· that ru:lar plalllSare_.. " hlm'lfW" thlnfaudfurl pWtlsilwio-tmnit. v.· ~hblki'Wn"kf" T•llw Polatn. T'ht!Jasl--ollhe ......l#reonl.l lntd an 1nlde .-.qter~ticlll whkh is :=:.r..:u..f1l 1treot~ Theartlcil'adv~tl'dputtlrcabriellill obuilllabrict! ,,. 1hrir Oillldenl·hn.tln'd 4 l llho't"..tlldo"tlbtl;o •·e;LIIt"tllprdtulilfthal> .,.,.•o.;ol\uod ottKIIIan•lr~fnl'd,."hllt \tmt:a"" ,.,...,...hpt'MII ... allll•ramblt'hlrlrctun~nct .. tl IIIIWW'\ . Kllttho"tl IW"IIhet" • ..,...thr7 loriiiiiJfltl(•ll.;>~krro .. """"., ..prwand ·h•,.•t ''' tho· ..,.,,~.,..•t<' mo-di;o .lon:to.. "'•"'• ........ t \ll '"'" ll'"' """n"'>Uiten\Gn 1 ~~~. r...,,...~·••hrnotntht'tfho.,.·llt'ti"'S-UA!l .,n.. h.•• -.·r.utuljp-t "·•thatntffinlt( J11 11t.N.o llontho"tf lfll'-..lf<ll"ho.""'")"mo.UI· t f•~l••• ••tll\l'fiWo~)"lllhriM'"' t l.,,..,hl·l~• opit•tol t ".\ll:on'nplbkaf !l;t·llnll!llw'trhl·ild>onul•olthr .-ond ....,:~~7:1: t·:~~·~~:~~~!': ~:·,.t":~ ort.Pd•·nh UAK llllollowtd~b)'mi.JQ"pllpetl, boUIIIIII~I.:IpnltltioBil A1tu A~tdlq the IItten wi th lbliT -ewbattut.deMe.:lbewildertaJilU. IWIIIYtii!Dorel. .udiOflodiiiJieite" tilled''SbMI)'J-1\&m.M Nol....,. 111111"11111111.'' lower the float ~~=~..:.!,:-~~~~ l~kl'f) prletkalt.obudlet~wltllaahortblurb Rd>Ku E. Feu•tyer &.Uy J aleM•••elt possible value T• thPM1t.er, Prrhlptaomtbeaitfllwllclerivedfrom lhepubllulklllollhiNitkaa.IJnclnetllor llllle1Feb.4l . lfi!OthlqeiM,Itbrvucht tt the sw1'1e. 101111 ~ whkb I ••• pleuedtohNr. .... ~. ,.,. p.iticlllil: "dlonli&ht~·· for ,,.·ora-. The brXk impelrs Uw ciratlation of the ,...,..,. And·furthtnnore . ..·l\rt('doesone ~ II ill ~bfy .,_.. prad icl l aad CMitrtoll''''n"lhefleatlnthetoiii'I. "Miil ;!.~~- ltw ume ..-ater eon· l:kitaa.rterqurllicllllriRifrwtne thlnkil!lenvironmenllllist•ndjournai...e. Si- thiti lml il heaYily lrripted. what Ullhef;Lntrersdoin(totoriHO'e .... ~! Wblt •~ the local ~per milt. • •rc! =:=:~::=-,;,-:,n:::r~= TERillplr1 !doincloOC'Inft"WWI!el>! Prw aample. ill the Un!ftrli'J trr1111 to dr\·Mop pbnl fOinmunitln which requ'"' Couldo'tnndltt I ' lo the wtldmt lml&ioatloo I eould mutter,lf'OWdll'tlm•Jlnetberelltlonl.bl p betweeopelleb•od)oumalilm. Tbeeoo· cl111lool I offer II that the Poln.,._ hu erett.ediiiiWWonl. Co•a r atulall•n . 111 tbe old lnkelo&rlpben 11'1 tr•nilll Ill tbelr ...-. MIHal AMen.. clean up the oct T•taeP.U.W,r, Ttaef'ebnletyutb,"O.'lA..IkRalpb" I'OfuiDIItopptd itaU. Ilwu-nttobt llknliPU,, Ihope. But l dldo'tte~~rtthat way,ladlcll't helplteltbef". l'"llll"ttr fd INti bold 1 domillllltrn r, but I 111¥1 =~:'::~~t~-==~= •peoplotfw~IIOiooliahandprt­ IJ'ulllatllllapoortutea.adolf~. W"halaebuplbolt llt:oodl1. iaau-llqthatu.e_,.IIIIAI ewoau.ncoulddowithe traclor ( lf~ fetllilpolllllljoril)'oltbelllldnlta • thillc:am~. Wlla tbe fiOtod -..dlw M 1M JFK IIIW"dlr, KaroldW. . . . . tpokebl'relut Fall..... wulm~bytbeu~of the~-t.-~-~ wt~m~.•llfiOb wlth. l t!rillk la.ltwftil 'l ....... ,.&H l"rnN ....... ,.'"'• .. wnii&•IMII M Al••••lllailloo, IRIPilA t , ll:tiiHIJ"I tasty-· T•llwP·~ I ' jult read lhl toRr tlory to your t"ebnury II iuur. Grea t, IIi ~. rr~~l, la.un•n ll! JOUtnll lilm, Wr. T11u1111 .muterf"W=eombined Ills ll;ii"IIU II I pholoan , wrltrr and 11 prHUmt • Jtlphk J.antr to breath ,_.lifl'lnto thr~ces ot )'«<t oew.ma&Wnt. ,.,.. phot-. liln'lllylhoutwllhlifeendentiM.,.. The wrilln& Ill; well tftNn:hfd "1111 mhrr-rnl. lt isjllurnatlamuitlhouldbr. ntither llfiP"'SIIwl1 dopN!tlt IIIII" blardy IUblltunan.• The IA)'GUI wu tuUfulr praent«< wi th & ~1 lnd &m't l)ri'Yiowfylac::ki.!ICOII)"N'~I5. "fhloar tic:le.likethertafti.V.·Iikedi)'IIIICY ,.ffbolan:tk:kll"t-.wudl'lrfy iWf'llnl lndll"ll.ldllppreda ted. ". I N\'ftl"tyelteldtherat ofthr but II rnyaten..!y...., brttn- tU. I'KIIW~AIOOdbofUefii,. ,M'I"ill make-frendt frieiii&JftSble ll' meal. Ron Ttatm1' al1kle could ~~~»tr "enthe~allft"INpt lall;bil' lll -.:eollnformaU.. ....... • ,\I'"' IMaM K. .t.rl Series 9. Vol. 20 No. 17 lilt!. outerirw and can wlthltlnd dillfllt· b-lll"e! Vo'ill this tommunlty have 10 be rC'Oierdedandffftililil!dftll!f")'YI'ilt! Yiron mentalilll Mould En- eneou rale laJI )~r. andlnother . - - - - - - - - - - - - , SI; A""""'IIn" t1'1ud!~t.-amonc t~ ,.ho hlold the l trinp to UA8'1 fit l..dUnPelk"1 ::C:n"',;..;~~~ :::;h•..:::t~i~t' ~~:~~: muimlllll. ho&ht..-x:odrm~~:ln~llft ill'lplllll.en. -:.~=-iubmltt.edtotheP·~ t "'•~•·'""' l.,.l, llllltll an tft>ltlutio"' •of ul\ o·~\ 111•"11• "' 11•1101nt u,.,,..,...,.,,,tu~ 11·" .... ~ ... ,...,.,-~nt \\Jill . , . .. , . . lht.~ ....... tl'lli ul tho• """"'""llllil ......,....t.... .-...ld ••milo lo•n p•·•""' '" r.11u\:ll m,..., lu ~= ~0 hll•·e tnftii"TI1f"d prople II t:Otl\o.oJ .,..,Itt.o•T...-.-,T~ -......... l. t..tuersaboWdnote:u:eeda2$0wwd )..~-n.diy. Depldt~illthebollftawidelhe CCC. Addrftl ~~~~oil ~to: P'..,..., liiCom · Grid. Copa. w IIIUII!cltioo ,.,.,._ -~~ ~ l.4ftpl" ~etten tllowed II a.t be lipecl. Na- w'IU be wUhbeld . . reqtaKbul allletlenmllllbellped. BulkllaC, UWSP. """- ~-- CWI ....... - - ~s.s=.=----- ~~.--~ ::o;:.,~·='"":"o.::=. · Spedflc.aDy, I rflltr t.o tboM per-. wbl blutedUU.~perforlt. .... tlte" • tbe .JFK .__IMU.. fl'lli.Ul. Tbtlr ._mntofthelrtlc:llabowedl&trwlat tc~~~etn~ ror In utremeb' llriow ro. le.lllponry luut Ill ..U .. I IMW"Ipfoptr lbrJ mutt lllppotl ftllaDdal/y. It Ill .... fortuull that tbeH rMt:liclnt 1'111111 llndrr tbne drr wllltaot:. (specially •~~~foe tbiJ -.perbuprilltedlpoMidtalrelatH Ill tbe KeMfd) -la.IU.O ill tbe Phil. llownerltlahopfii\IDJI!Idkellwtof lt.e dklo' tbellewetheP"'-'efwallldhlnthe l&upWII)'tomalllllacllll"IIIMWWotdiiOI nabed Ot"n' to the library to pore tbmCh the pii&Mof ''ThiO.ford Eqlllb Dk· t!Miry," ll'tOiwnn, In ~e~n:h ot: t.bb Wllll¥11woni. Oapt&enJofYOiume iXI foundthewonl"lboll)'," Tbedeflallklll: " RaembllnJ lhol ot pellet. of lead: h.ard tt ..\I. KI.f...- ,._ '0011'1 to P"• tr•) •-d llltheP...In'letllrlpol\ey. llbaftea - 1. - tMMtterlllelf. nilll.lpolic:Jihat IIIQ"IIIOI"e • lomltwdiff~bet,."ft11,1ow'nalilm . act...-ey journalipn. and yelloool,low· ..tudt'ttl nlht~. C"'D<Ipl!'nll\'fti.,..Ciml'Oand t...........ldrrbl-thlltll-.tdlrtc1Jr tf· to-.·toour,;unu"lli.Ui t'-"~Mitrimly J wooaklliket.o~•atio«rerilloa Una:abltdilpllqlftdlelll'llll;lld lt lettarstolhledll«eollllnaWellberl"•tlb- tophomoric:oven1Jhtolpondn1,.prtty "''"''"I\ _.,, :~ hour •'lo'itat -. man· · dat lll")' d...mitlll")' resldeMy, the rriorm untilled "htaePIIlllkr, lllltomy. Clfa.IIUp yourldfolkJ,lt'IIH· lft"YIIIonl. c-t· ~ l .. blk t•f-• lioll . SpKbU.C • • Wtwn wu the last Wne UAB idaliad a poltUcalt'OtlltoYfny. dlcllhefoot-':and ttnl'f'd 1111 ,.·tth a 1n011lr or 'PNkrr on ...,..,.... ,.,....rr, trtlllnt ·landlord~ wp~rtklp~tklaiolllljultifitocl pi.I$&J".'' Wblttbella11'-that1Anywly, l ~taaboul-llelldntbnr ~odarddletiolllry. nil film. 5~;:~~t:Obe~ uUe. agreu.lorl. .u a VIet Nam Veteran. I am thaMJW that ottwn wen utute and couraJ-.ol l!ftGU&h t.o r«<PP~o~ the 1blurdity o1 the lilllllkllllndref11MIOI.Ikepllr1. Ralhn" thanbdll,ll.lknin u l wu. DI¥W E. Liw nUMido.lpiAUIIOII! Jtft11 U,ht. lt reed, " Ka ~ lll1tlpt bope-thll~lladthlltptll,. -'! e word allied, I Mlrdled fw \1 ill I IUtUft'. .Cl!t,..qoo mrdiA pep, which il about u mr..antto Uni'O'fnlltlire u ·-Quem and Kit~~". " Hairy lAp" and Crut Kalrdo" C: reea,.·aodlftmltofeelthatthoMwllo · miiMd&oflaht•hcNidbepullilhedinthe llllllllolu-ewhow...-ekllledlnSOutheut Alia. Rather, they 1bol.lld be honond lo lhe 1111me of t'-e who, b«"aUH of them. werenotllredwlth theehokeolpril«<. 10lllb, bell4bilptdl'W'Yftandtl&btane trnttbou&htofltNIIIpn-IUd.erthl iJ ~awhlleaJowhiJewaltincfwlht If Trstolin wiahes to bKome prof!denl injounlll llsm . lwouldlMIII&f'llhiiTerT)' ~''""k "'"lmll>l tul:ollyin Uwhif: oileartrlll )tn.-...~r tt'llllld<,..-;.,. p•IAII man ap lno;t tll;lt " rrcHat~~trd birut "" •Scoor "'J AWS "":· t;KI7.ZI.\' " ,""Sf'IO£tt IS \'ASIU~ ". f'll'. rt . a l oandaretulltyofthe obl.,..tedtol.lkep~rtlaawarthltlle(Cm- aldentobelinjllltandlmmoral. pirt:mt eff!Citnl tbennaUy-toail rutt .... tt'l"quality~ndiiRisollheDrp.rtmene lit'Yio"\nJ ..-hlu ··ttr IJI'VPk' ..-ant;~ lends dlllfthepllrdonolVIottNaiiiWarrftlllen, l wouldlibtouk.. ..""WIIon"ewl'ny.. lllne Wti"II)"Mrll ..!"' Mr. Creenwaod'l l l.llemtnts 60Und u if they ~e fi"OIII that hal Dot¥tr bc!m faMe~ I>J the Atuatioa ol beilll lqalb" pl.ants-about.Opereenleffldtntlhtr· ~~:.~tdiffl'l"tftt"« al ""'l;ollditlnl")'. but ntlhrf",. torT)' 110ft> ................_.. ... fi.nd~ hooded flf<l&lilla 1-r;o....,,..t~ . "'''"' fotlJIIn the Jrindi<llt ~~.::."" ,.., NllloNI riM"&a i"'*trirllltion loofcrlun:.trl~ tMaceNnootUAilis 'nllrdl)', ldialikedtbe rel~made value less leS$0n T•llwl"elllln', 1M ,.·hic:h I dKI '*"\ P!!t:'i: ~~~!".~'. ';:;!~ !"In ~ttTia& to Tn~olin'a 11.11emenu attributedtOIIIethatlhe~ol V."_.. loin don'! hoi~ 10 WOIT)' abaut II lhifll becall$l' someoM in llnotMr All ie ,..ill hi•~ 10 li"' ,..;th our ~~~~~:INr p.Wse. I hi~ a l.lpe. ol tNt prGinm and I chaU..naoeTrstohntocorneup,.,ththat •U temtflt rnadto by me or I!Vtfl its in- Htntt• Uo.tl}.,.uod =:..=1 T•llwP-.Irr. I ,_,ally do not repond t.o otremrly bl.asedu1iclessuchu the-Ttrl')' TaiOiin ..·naee about the nudNr IJO'<"" _._,_.._,....,,_..... ~~==::.::-..:.=.-:::~~~a: Students lobby with Groshek, Bablitch ~~ ~r::e:~1· :~~ ~ nnn pup ol the delalls In the bill tha twupreHntedlutyear. He:also saki a similar bill is CUJ"!"e'lU)' bf:in& uu.;~:M.b~l::!s::~o!!ld ~~ includes a (N"O¥iaion whkb sets a Ume limit for the return ol security ~=i ~~m:~~ :::,r::;.:~."r: ..... rectlllve relmbunmeot from t.be laftd. Groahdtuldbeisbesitant loV(I(e for a biU whkb would allow tenants 10 put in D:ptnlin penniMIII nature., such u earptt, that could later be removed after the tenlnt wu relm· ,_ ~:;;,::.~~~~ ther comrMnteo, aDd he cbaraeteriud the landlord~ in Sleven& Point u"MaandPaoperators". Hestattd that be wu lol:*iDc for an eq.aitable billlllat'lt'Ufalrertotbelandlordl lhu 1ut yeu·a bW. 'h'* indkllted that Gn::.bdl: wu '"'(Omtwbat more re«ptlve to the other studellt«~neerns. OntheUWbudget , wtue:baUectsall.,-atlonsontile campus level, Grubtksaid befavon the one submitled b)' the UW system admlnistratk>n which, a«<rding to ~:~~~~~e~=~· Gro&beltfaYOI'f'da.tllns~ry procnms, Tank said, but he failed to ldentifyanyapecmcs. On Senate blll17, which defines and e:tarifM:S the role ol studtnts In the be pr8C!nt in barpnlna HSllifln_~ J hoWd col~tive barplnlna becom~> I reality In Wilconsin. No pc:sitlun w11 taken eit htrway by Unltfd Cuuntll on tht issue of tOIIt"t"tive bargalnlnalt~t:lr. Groshek also made aomt 1:1'111· mtnllontherrg.httouveUid Main. :!.ritdi:b!=y:J~·~~it:., ~~ 1 thettnttrllt'Ctionund~rornr· Groahetuklbewuootawar-eoltbe bUI beca~~~e II hu been in~ In the Senate. " But when we nplained chives. Thtre hal ~ IOITK' talk m lhe State aapl!ol of expandina the> LRC. but no mtntion has ~·er brtn made of preJt:rVin& Old Alain"s • ·inj.lll and illftfl'll doubtful that It -..·m f'nT It," Tanlr.uld, " He reacted favorably beton~~serioullty . aovernaoce of the UW.System, and said he wwkt talt lo the Sp;lnSOf' o1 the bUJ for lltOI"e lnfCirlUtion.·• Senlte bill 17 eaHntillly pennits elected student representatives to prwnu.lpte rulesrelatlna: to matter OYer whkh students have primary I"Sponlibiqty. C~nd GAW:~nd~= 1 Uvebupinia&- ThelrpoaiUonessen- liiUy calli for 1 Jtl.llitnt oblerver to SGA "s lobb)'in& t'IIOfl l in the- oHit't' ol Senile Majority Lt'<~dtr William Bablilth••rtrttotdiderablymort~UX:· «Uiul attOrdina to Tank. ··we havt' no problems with tsablitth and he aal"ftdwlt h st ~t s tancl.'lon;~llthe issues discuued ... he- uid. Akb nf Uablilth streued t'ftll more t"Onlll"l betweentheiroriin:and Unltfd I"OWItil.aswellasSGA. SGA to discuss pot bill Protection committee considers decency ordinance 1'bl ..... woWd theo be required to teatily toaloealjury about why or why DOt tbe material 1ft quatioft Ia pcii"DCWHpbk. McCarty aakt, ''The euielt way to find out if IDef'CbMdiM il.-itblaat&DdardlorDOt, ilal!Dpty ..-bttber it MDI. P..., wt~~~'t tpead money oa somethUJc they 001111der In aummarilinl tbl altuaUoa. Me· canyaaki, " Ita.rr)';.twhatlfeelil a rwpon~lbJe expreulon of neryday OCCill"ancel." ........ HecoatinuedbyaayU:ct.hatooneof bil material CODtaiDI IGUIII acts with animall; nor do any meMes or :::::=-Ue~!k>r~t'i!::.:; to look real. He Uo added t.hat half tbematerialJIDbllatorecanbe ......,. ........ bouptattheCGrDer~or MeCarty apreued hil brtJJef that an a&llt atore abould not be rezoned liDee that woWd put a damper on thlap from tbe atart. A rernoc. location, he malal&lned, would not burt !be blalMia but . . the Oft)' 'lbe five aJcSerman Involved lD the Publk Protection Committee are Mkhael Lorbec:k • ZDd Ward, J~ Kaezmerak • 4tb Ward, Bob Fulton · tothWard, AlfredLewandowl,kj ·7tb Ward ud BIJ,) Nuc:t • 13th Ward. Michael Lorbec:k aald he bad no ob- nei&hborbood to whicll It wu con- .)ecUons to an adult book atore fioecl. (1WTJit!l He defended his potitioa u by II)'in& "my boiiMu il jult UkcitUI.liYOC.btr.'' openina: and the only mtralnta he oeceuary Ia that It abould be banned for minon. 1ee1 FHrury a& am P•t~3 PtU&« Academic standards for financial aids? StiJOents lbould mtott ltalkmic to be eligible for ROV«n· meru -spoi'ISOI"td financia l aid, an admini~tra t or says a t the UWSP. Throua,hout the UW S)'Siem, people sU~ndards are rtcrivtna ~nC~Mtary auiltaru ~rdlt!ss of thrir clauroom performance and William Johnson, a. •slant dean ol the Collqe ofi.Ai.· tt-noandSc~lt UWSP,thinksthat .......l'flnll. j llebeliensinthec:onceptolgoverrunent·•ponsored financial aid, but it must mainUiin int~rity lot' Sllly& prott'C'IiOfl of IUpil)'(!f'$ I I well I I ··~ll. Johnson Is vokina.Jtis •raumenr.s SeniOC' Vice President Donald Smith appointed J ohnson and six othH faculty members, each fro""'-' dif· fermi campus, The committee will hold its first meelln.g Feb. 16 in ~bdison. Smith noted that "~ratlonally, lhis would~mtomunthatonlyfliluret. In •cademk pttformance which would result ln suspen1lon lor anr student ~~o·ould conslit.ute in aca'demic pttfonl\lnct reason for ~~o•ithholdlng su!:l\~u;fl~':~t~::auS: ~~~ilh, the Oeparlment ol llo lth, EduuUon and"'\ committee on which Johnson will Sft'· Wdfare the Veterans Adm inistration ~ to develop a ' 'dur st.tement of lherd"ore, hu asked ~rd~v~i~ pr=;tr;:,t::: ~~i'~·~!!ft'r~~~~=d~~:; policies in the aid distribution procedure. AdminiltratOI'I of tho&e aaencies have been citin& cases ol fraud Utrouahout the country. Munwhlle, the Policy followed In u ht." auu.mes •n appointment on a the UW System 5tates, In eHect, lhlt liN' UW System commilteoe con· cenwd wit h •admlic proa:reu alln· d.:Jrds and financial aid. UW System providin& there ~tw!t!'itb~U:b~:;" !!d Is a personal need. a nd modincation prior to luuance as officillpoticy,Smithaddtd. Johnson. who has a broad back.around in coul'llotli~. teachln& and administration duri!ig II )"ears on campus. believesslandards for aid . ::e"r':!~~~~n~~~m:o ~-~ alklcate enough money to meet all Old Main .saga continues apill a ' Save to Old MaiD" from demolition haa been presented. 1bis time it ...u to the Accordl.aa W Toter, lhll mootb's meetinC "bad a very eocou,..g~na: stmc:.pbere. ~ were no com· UW.Syatem Bol.rcl ol Receats com· mittee on pbysk:at plannlnc and development At February's board ~Melia&. Now, arter monO. o1 dragging It out. the Bol.rcl will band down a Olllncellor Lee Sberman Dreyfus, along with Auiltant Chanrellor David Coker and Alurn.nl Auoclation rtpresentallve Richard TOler, =~~.:Tal::~ that Old Main bas hiltorical Jftlenteda report on thel"C!!Wtaola feuibilit)'study. This study was uodertakea when it became qustimable u W whether It W'OUld be IDOf'e eccmomical to move the admlnistntioD olfket to Nelsoa Hall, or If It wu feulble lhlt Old Main cou.ld be renovated · for ap- the•boleuniven.lt)'. u the Bol.rcl decldea It would be pcalble and ~Uiible to ~~~ Old Main, the oat 1tep Is the State Bui.Jdin& Commiuion, •hlch hu the final word on the luiHl. Ooce p~ =-~t':o=~~ dedsioaattheMarcllmeeUna. Cater ~- AfleraJl.forsome 17,000 aiUIIlld, Okl Main f'tpf8entl It turns out, using 1971 fipre~, lhll itwould~ycostll .7mlllionto rftiOYateOidMIIn. Thllwoulduve ::J'~~~~rl~~ eutandwestwln&J. To completely renovate Neilon Hall f~ admlnlltntive purpo~e~ would OXtiUmillion. ·T hllincludetfunds ror demolishing Old Main plus the C'OII ol moving aDd findln; new !:!.1.~ti:e.M::!=;:; buemeotoiNelson. Enrollment lid lifted pro:Umatel)'thet.ameeo~t U.A.B. COFFEEHOUSE PRESENTS Friday, February 18 . . MIKE @ SU.LLIVAN 9-11 P.M. In The U.C. Coffeehouse Tbe hold has been lifted at the UWSP on applications from prospte· tlverreshmenwhoranlt lnlhe lower 2S tol5percent ileof theirhl;h~ehool graduatinaclass. About I& pei'IOnl are affected b)' ~c~:~,.w;~n!~=~ Office. Theholdhadbeenntablished last fa ll when the facultY Stnate was u.k.edtoUrgetthenumber ol l llt.dentJthecampuscould"rqKJtabl)'" Kr"Vt with nillilll fundina levels Tbe senators said the number wai 1.200; glveortaket ....·opercmt. COf'IH'qllenll)'.thehold was placed =~uri~:SPfh:;::r 8~unlvft'Sity ·110\l·ever,theuniversityhasbeenin cont.ct this v;eek with UW system Central Administration in Madison and hal been adviaed that local fun· :~:~hobe~:f~~!~r~:~S::a~~ pus not fall, Wllh lhlt informJtilll in hand, the comm•ttee t1 the Fa(Uity SMale and the Unhw· ex«UUve sity Plannin; Committee rtt"Om· menMcJ the Jlftlna o1 the hold . .... hiCII • CbanceUor Lee Dreyfus approwod Wednesda)'. Th e ho ld had initially bttn established wllh auura n«S to applicant. in the25 tD35pef'C'tnhleWt !hey would beadmlttedtothe sprii!C semesteroltmforcert.in.butoaa wailin;listfortbefalloft977. The policy further 1tated that Pfl'· sons In the 25 percentile and lo\low would be ptatf!d In inddinite hold all:! that action rtmalnslneffect. About 130personsareintbeeategory. FREE! Saturday, February 19 STEVE CHRISTIANSON 9-11 P.M. In The U.C. <;:offeehouse FREE! Shippy Shoes - - av makes semester debut CTV ~dcutl free public servke ~t. to any nonprofit orpniution within Cbe Centul WllconSin aru . The sLition ean be contacted under C71SI :J46.3961. Tile crv olfice Is located at the Comr munkationBulldin&ln room 111 . New education degree proposed A e,roPOUI to establish a new program at the University oC W\aconsln.Ste\tens .Point enUUed ~ Muter o1 Science in.. EducaUooProfeuloaa.l Oevelopment Is beina: eon&ideftd by tbe UW System brd ol~ts. . The new program Is one ol the 12 IUUtsled by UW Central Ad· ministnticxl for various campuses. UWSP , UW-Eau Claire and UW-S101.1t wou ld receive the authority to grant the MSE degree. Final action will be taken at a future meeUna: ol the regents, pnlbablyusoonunutmoath. Theplll'll06eoltbeMSEistoeru~ble universities to tailor master's degree programs to tbe precise ln-rnce nHdl ol Individuals CUIWIIUy an· U.A.B. COFFEEHOUSE PRESENTS: Fenton Robinson Tues~ay - Thursday February 22, 23, 24 9 P.M. - 11 P.M. In The U.C. Coffeehouse Admission - FREE Robinson Is an outstanding ""''' -··-•- •-- who exhibits his innovacreatlvlty .JIS he sings the ALSO: University f'ood Service wiiJ bf 'offering: Pe'aliu!S in the Shell • FniePopmm Bagels ,wilfi Cream Cheese served In the Grid - at this time. Zaniness reigns at Winter Carnival ~:tb~~~t~ .;ln~' v Mldneu". 1befestivitieslnclud«<an auortmeot ol cral)' pmes and coo· telll. with a UtUe serious mtertlinmeat throwll ln. Clmpus arpnlzatioas and donn crouPI ('OfDpeted fortrophjea lhnlu&hout the week with still mare to come on Friday and Saturday. The wUd games atarted on Tuesday with the Hairy Legs contsl. 4 N Oa=)'~l\~~= ~thelbrilllwlthmorehmand prnes ldledWed for Friday and Sltw'dly. Trophiel fOr llie wfnnm :ur::~~\~~~~~~!:. Lectures, recitals, and movies wt;re alsO part o1 the bappeninp along w1th Pal.ntersportaeventl. The week's acUvltlet were spedaUy grated lhll yea r by not one, but two royal couple~ to ovenee the events. ibe Kin& and Queen C<lllltst resulted in tie between · Roach and Watson Halls, " Winter MadnKI" 19'77 royal families are John Krueger Sandy McCourt and Hod a nd Deb Gartmln. ~,:~~tb.,..r-~~~~v~~~ ~~=~abeauhful array The attefltioa ·~t from hllry Jep to fancy bairdcs wben the Cr:uy Hair· a do coatest btutght out the latest beauty tipa from the O:.mo world. Lavl.sh bouffan(s and French s urls Wff1! 111 vogue u a fashion-minded ~~:~ 8~~~r~~ ~v~~~~:; chaUqe came from the Alpha Phi contestsnt who adorned her creation wlthChrislmaslreelights. The conlelt.lntl hid to lUCk 2¥11 ounces o1 beer from a baby bottle. !lutf'OU3hs "-D ~a winner In the men'• cateaOI'l' and 2S Baldwin toppedtbewomen. Point that knee The Vtfl 550 Club thought they had asunwinntf'IOt'thisonebut thtir tn· tTantracedlnfromclasssecondllatt and wu disqualified. The trophy ..-mt instead to a 10\'tly youn& man from Hansen HaU. The small, aubdutd crowd in the Cofrtthwse 1ftW into a raucaus mob asthePalnttdKntf.c:ontestfoii~N'td. All the c:onteslants were sta ted arou.ndthtslagewiththeirpants 1tg1 rol.ltd up u thdr artistic P~;rt· =~f;i~';n!~. ~inu"iecrl~ limit Watson women captured first place amoung the ladies a nd tbt Si& Eps besttcl the strong ftdd ol men dlaUensen. A bm" chuglng contest rounded out the day"s evtnll u a DOW s tan· ding room on.ly crowd cheered wildJy. Actually, It waStl 't ruUy chu&lifll. ATTENTION COUPON HOLDERS SAVE- SAVE- SAVE Discount Meal Tickets - 11 Meal Regular Price $15.95 Lunch $22.00 Dinner $29.15 Breakfast Sale Price $14.00 $20.00 Savings $1.95 $2.00 $25.00 $4.15 For use In A!len and _Debot Centers. Tickels available at University Food Center Offlces ·ln Allen , Debot and Unlversil y centers. SAVINGS AVAIL· ABLE WITH COUPON OR CASH. [....~...........~--~- 1 Utility board to rep1esent consumers interata it 1uppcubly re&ulates,·• The establiatlzRnt of CUB will hel p restoretbebllanceneconsaryfor• democratic proca:a or ded1i0fl· makin& with equ~~l ~Uon of •llaides. The lludy Is bein& done Ill tht request ol Seo.ator William Bablitc:h, :.; :.uil~~~= ~ atudmt for last wboiDtemed Bablltc:h summer. F'ur'tMr lnformatlon•bout thilact can be obtai.Md from Jeffrey D. Lit· Uejohn In care ollbe Enviruunenlal Council or from David Cfftnburg, auiatant to Ralph Nader In M1dlson 11011231-IS!Jl. Recycling center carries on- Editorial With aU lbe fuel we use for e:ars staved, water hu tera, dryen' bomel, ete:...do - thlnli: that we eroi continue our prwent rate of eon. swnptloo without bavtna It aff«t •' How at.w-dl · If WI could uDdtntaod lhst lowtrinc lbe thermal tala, etc:. are not devk'tltoraisefuel)ICie:tlbutsre stepl to stretch riloun:ei, we«W.lld begintoettabllablrltel!Jctnttuel - . servatiulpnctie:et. We~bavebeenUvU.~~~t- ~~~r,ta:!*t!,bundl':; have drained too much fuel the~J~ By Bar.b hlc:htl T1,; tht ~~Cason ror owla to bt cou rlmjt.a!I Yottl assomeotherblrdl. \'uu t 'illl htar the owl"& noct urnal s·~ lli!>·Ufl i n"arllholblg tm.•s in the Look for nocu of Bohemian or Cedar Waxwiop In lft!M and shrubl ~~==Or~a~~:~~e: la h•t•\"('111051 . c:aran•.tbe)'&topaday,atealyour All soitJ ol thlnp begin to emertt when the wr•th« geta wa rm and the snow begins to melt-pop eana. beer cans. eandy wrapper~, ~papen ... Sunlb,iny wann WMthu like we ll.ad a week ago m.~y have been great for"the winter-burdened IOUI, but we Dted several more fett ol IOOW yet thlawinlft"lfwearetoavoklaeriOUI chu&bt croblems Ia let thlayear. Buds on tree ':J'gnore to prae:lke fuel con. aervaUon lf we are to maintain 1 reuonable Ulettyle In tile eomJnc yeara.laoonly..bopethatwe'llmake the right dedalon. bmiel and leave only recktalntd ~bellind ...... br.J~Khs h.Jve been ~~~b:1cb~~:'!nd~~nn= tempeutUTtll, Look up •nd you an ~eethtUttle nut.sllhoutttdaplnlt tbeU:y. It's time to be plannlna the prdtn and ordering lftdl from the cataiQI. At the moment it'a hard to believe in fresh vegetables. • U.A.B. COURSES . ~ and SEMINARS 2ND SEMESTER Bicycle Care & Repai( I· @ Eco briefs ENERGY SAVINGS Energy u.vingl of S2.4 bUIIon an· nuallyor theequlvalentolonemilllon ~~~oucou!:,. =.J! t«hnlqutllnrentalpropertiel, the Ins titute of Keal E s latt Management announctd. 1be In· stltute &aid that Its study lhowed that landlordlcouldr«<uceelectrie:ityand pse:onsumptlonbylhelr tenantaby more than 20 pm:ent by lowering heating and lighting levels. improving inlulatlon. and laking othtf" me.asurtS. MEETIN C , The Environmental C4lw1cl! will be ~~:.:~1 J:~~·~.our:-tZ SeetheCouncilolfie:ecSoorforeue:t loca tion. MOTORCYCLES The average motoreye:lt emits several Umes more pollution than 1 1176 ar, the Envlronmenlll ~ Uon Agency <EPAI u.ld, and if moloreye:le emllalonl are not ((Illtrolled they will exe:t«t total auto emlsllons. As a re~ult the EPA I!" nouneed on October 23 lhl t the7 will ~lona~::~;.': improve t::Teconomy: tbe EPA llid ~:.O~Uon mlptbt Couple Communication Travel Basics Of Stereo Equipment Auto Maintenance Art Metals Disco Mania Effective Publicity Rughooking Beg. Billards Tying Trout Flies · Topics In Hypnosis toe W9MIN REGISTRATION: 9ll0am.-4:00plll) February 21,22,23 in Student ActiYities Office 2nd floor, u.c. ~ llf4lre ~ eatt 346-4343 ~ 1'-.lerl'a&t'lt'f'bnuir)"l .. ltlJ ~.(!)llj.~ GMAT • OM • oc.-r CMr. Wll' ..... • BMk Rnkw: ol A SAT\IRAUST'S tiUID£ TO COOKISG Wlnt WILD PLAJirr.'TS lly C...W aiMI AnoW. KrKII . .J Rt"Yiewft lly net, BWlap Here il a wild plant eookboot to captlnte even the allu.ncbest city dwellers. Evuy part ollhe u .s . has wUd plants to be utlllud aDd now anyone can experirnmt wllh their ~~~ ':!.~0~~¥:; redpa are easy to follow and Mdl plant is identified b)' a pictUTe or photo and &lven Its Latin Mme. The authors explain that wild plants are " available, iDU~i~. nourishing and lhe1add variety to our meals and lflt to our cookiJlc." Indeed - may find wild plant cookuy to be U.. terellii'C. ddi&blfuJ and ewn courmd. The Krocllmals dHSribe the l"ffkXXI and clirNites where plants may be found. N some plants grow wt:ll, whUtothel"lareeuUydamaged ordestroyed. the·Kroctuna lsexplain how plants shoWd be harvested and furth« lndkate the best aeu«~ for • PthHinc them. Wltb the i.ocrwlin& puab towards hMilbler c6etl we may find that the bo* is a must fer our own coiJ«. The f~ID& Plrl&n(lbl help e:ump&e: the Tbebook's autbonC'OI'Iltflt. uplaill tbat delcribe For ctrt.in plants have both aDd edl'* -·""'""·"... '"""'·""' J:;tt!: s~ :U~· r~ =v Quercus laevis. or the turtl:ey oak acom. Is soml'limes a pobonoul 1 ~· ( · ·--.. . ·1/ -·. Many Oowffi!W plants can be used u wdl. Who' d have lhou&ht v~ and waternlis toWd be more thin aomdhln& lovely to look at. v~ ruke a rine delkate jelly and. water Hiles can be C'Ombined with egplant a nd tomatoes to make a sptdal casset'Oie. F\orldaloVIr&illia. Thu'e are some pla,nll tbllt nHd to persimmon :e~;:!::y::i...:JPl!:e':! 11ow«tinapaperbeaandkeepltln a cool, dry pla~. They &bould dry within 7-10 days. Then to make tea combine a ~c. dried flowers and 4 c. water. Bring to a boil and bon tmUy for lS minutes: Drain-aDd Serve. ~:a.~::~=~~= v.lue a nd storing ol plllnts, and Indudes a Hst ol sel«ted I'Uidlnp for furtber reference arwt auuesta aeveral supply outlf'ts where pla nts may purchased. CoHee I& maclefr<m a •.~. plus2 T. prepared aeedl and4 ~- wateT. 'lbne are simmered aently for ts-20 ocom minutes. lbtn strain and lef'Vt . Energy tips STUDENT TRAVEL DESK 333 N. Middpm Ave. CbkocO ll1b>oio 80001 131i• 332-6668 e Studeal cbar\er fUcht.8 \o Europe- rouod trip from Chb«o- ~.&art lltl29t.OO - ~diaeou.Dted Eurail ~ ·-"""- • l)i8cou.al.-d JOU&h aDd ac:ur8ion tare. e Biqde ucl ~ tour of N . .America. Europe, Africa • Dieeou.D&ed Europeu car nm&ab for .wdenW&Nc.ben e lnf01'1D8tioa on dillcouDted raiM &o ocher ~&km• ASK FOR OUR 1977 CATALOGUE _, People • Place• s,· Prtr k"•tr It's 1:0mmon for men to be the aggreuorinarelatlonlhip. llilcom· mon for mea to \iew women as ~~ objects andvk:even.a. Tbisisnot a ll that t.d, if._ realile that we have more to olfer eadl olhef' than what ::·---::·· ,,,.. :· ..... ,. afler all, more when someone o1 Handsome devil liberates Point foundation that wt~Uid enable: them to become beUer friend~ and buman beinp. ,... The point was tJ\11: many times we are...,•ellintolrdalionshipbeforel••e rnlize the sotMlhin& is ladtin&. II may be that the relationship sta rted on solid g!'cund but later on we ~en minutes doing what lbe woman wanted: If the mde saual adVances the man was tupposed to resist. The first rive minutes ol lhe dates were to ,l)e com!)lttely dominated by the womm.. She took btr p.~rtner whtte she wanted to, and he was not allowed to say Distrusthasi=dventlyreplaeed mutual tnat. has turned to anotherandlhtn,bd'oreretumlngto the lec:tun, the woman wu sllppOI5«! to either ltiu her date or tell him that abe wooJd like to. A group discussion follow1!d 111d the men fOIJnd tha t the role olsubmiulvenea wasn' t all that ~:!e '!!!' i:~~~~~v~~~!~ ~=t::~~~~~~ f~~~ ~n~~·~: ck»ed and unca · s.mseL How to avoid this'! Honesty and genuine c:oncern for fellow humans. ~~=r:,e!fr~~e:Sw~t~~~o·! gr;!; next notable event ol the are conscious or them or not. The fact . evening wu the male beauty C'OIItest. th;it we know ~~o-e have them and ad· Volunttotrs from the crowd Wffi! mit to them helps Ul to overcome asked to participate. Abowt twenty· them. Some people ftotl that being five C'OIItestants lined up be open and honest with IOineODI! will examined by tbe judges-the women to =~ondre~w~t!!~i~ ~~~~~· ~.~~~: reject tbem. If this happens the ~o may have to atep ulde and make room for common !lefiSe and a willingnesstolearn. An interesting theory abowt what stenotypina has done to us was ~ ~ ':?',t~~~s::, 0:! And theirbarechests. And many had to show their us. 111e women liked halry ebelts, firm asss and hand· tome faces. Through elimination abc men were left to be jildjed Uule Boy Stevens Point. Why "Uttle Boy"! Another h;ive been rtlsecl in, the role of the man ina so:ualrelatlonshiplsthatof a mini·raplsL And that of a ~~o•oman is a mini·masoc:hlst. Why! Beca ~ZH men havebeentoughttobeforff!ull and agrealve and woman C'Om· placentand~tive . Warren Farrell On 'I'Uesday ~t Warm:a Farrell tried to dllpel lbe DOt.ion that men have to be dominant iD the malefemale relatlonahip5, M a matter cl facl , belrledtodllpelthemythlhat ~~.=uJ:a~r!I.~~ based on mutual lnllt, truth and reuptiveneu the Karma aenerated by the retalionshlp b«:oroee the dominalin&fon:e. The pn:~~ram bega n lhortly aner seven.. Wlth a packed house wail ina to lislen and parUdpate. There were more women than men walling for the male libet-ator. who, on entrance, walked brilklytolbepodium. Handsome, ' wdJ bullt, blade hair, and bearded, Warren FarreU began his program with a storyabouta woup ol men he was a part of. The purpoM of :tfn: 1!t:tom~~~o fi:a:: 11 what they felt abou l one another and to be honest in order to build a MW Men have the images and prejudicestheyhavebec:auseol thelr environment, boch at home and In society. f an-ellsaid lh;it parents, on l.heavenge,spendonlythlrty·seven seconds a day c:ommunlcating with theirchildren. Uihat'struethenthe olduyingthaleducatlonstartsintne home tw had a few~ in'ih. Sociely shapes us today, parity through advertising. The macho image ol a man s ipping on a fine whiskey with a woman at his dbow leads us deeper into thinking that relationshiP,. are based on ob~ts and jmages rtlher than nteds and ' feelings. Alquarterpastnine, role re\·ersals ~·ere acled OUI. This exercise In· volved the men con·dna on stace to be picked for a ten mlnutedak by the women In the audience. The PUR· POSE! To help men reaiU:e what women ftotlin a domination-lype set· . tlng. The rules were simple. Tbe women choie a date. The (Otlple then spent Macho meotwogon lineup The legendary 'Blue Goose ' chase By ~~aU Si•pllM Alan excavatkln sight known aslbe Internat ional Cartge, the legend ol the " Slue Goose .. hu been confi rmed, LoJ:al archeologists have t'OI"I(Iude'(l !hal the " Blue Coole," a th ir1)'-tiix pasr.eng«bul. dKiincleed roam the earth in ancient Urnes. Throulth co.rbon t• datlnaalthe lelt rear ft'nder. it was determined that 1~ · stue~·· datesbadlufaru 1'.61or l¥.il.andappear5tohavebeoen ,;ufll'l'"l"- fi'Ortlafaullylrtnsmilaton. Archoolo~im a t !he lnternatklnal Gnl'llae"le a re fevmlllytrylnato rt'l·onstroct the bus lnordertop ln omin!ilghlon~~o·hatlt mayhavebeefl lilr.c.. Hiue Goose" IUS a Uni11er1ily ,·chid~ that III'IJ used by variow g.roupt u an alternative when ··rt'Kular·· tramportallon was not. :<tntlable. It was very slow and ~m­ C'Oflllortable. SWCiiea indicate that lht' '"Kiue (.;(JQ>e'" may 'have evolved Pallll&er l"altt If Petwury!J ltn frornanearlierspeciesolfourthdau tran~portatlon known u the "'Poinl Pkkle." This startling discovery came abowt a lter one idt'ntlst scraped some oflhe blue paint off and found a slckeninagreen underneath. F'urtherdelvincintothe •ancient ruinsolthebulsuuatthatmOito! the "'COGR's·· peril·llllfd life was spent mi&raling back and forth bd· we-en Stevens Point and Wyomine. Thil Idea was conlirmed by trtn· slatlonr;frorn lheiHad SlevniPol•l Scroll•. which state that the " Blue G005e" was. used_ for Biology 379, a cou rse wh1ch Involved trips to Wyom ing. Biokl&y m is comma~ by Doug P01t, ~~o·ho tabs thirty students ~~k~r::!d~f':v~~e~::U~ sampleatalr.~fromlhebuslireain· dk ate that students may have been aUovoed tofrolkk about Yellowstone Nat ional Park on wedlends. The d~otforty·fiv~c.asesolernpty Coon cans wqfd under the seats wouldseemtoconfirmthil. On. these trips out weat, the un· pred•ctablebehaviorolthebusmade lithe common enemy of the students. Conseqllf:ntly, they developed a strona comar~derie. Past has been quotedassay inJ,"Il's tentcitywhen YOU co •kina!'" and COOiidering the .lolling ride the sludentl lll"ft"e subjtl:led lo, 1Nvina the bus must have ~lhehighpointollheday. H•eroalyphlu found In the basement of Old Main reveal tha t when lhe bus died on an Incline, It usuall y rolled backwarda and aome 1llithl proOieml . TillS lituaUon wu remedied only after • larae pa rachiltewaanxedtotlleroof ol the bul. 11111 u ftey dev ke could ~~r~r,:os,~•·,~r~!::: vehlde--astatlonwa1on, In the 1umrMT oltf75, 1he ·•shlf COOle" kilt ill rear end, strandml.'ll tltt1.lpanll In Buffalo. Wyom•n& ~o~,:t the"f:~'1 '!': noted som~ extremely un 111~l wildlife, fi~~~~~7he~:,ro: 'The " Blue COOle" a150 Nd problemsJOinaarGUndfour·foottu&h snow drtrtl. Special are had to bt lake n In pe rf orming thUt mantuvm. as the bus was lUted 11 • bloclr.s~h•ndthe rollillJwhieJaand f~~~~ng~~arthinp and lied lo the roof, Sharp c:vrVea on nart DII.' mounta in r001cb also POl«! "8 lueC001e"ofUW~W. ~fM!Unla•n. Some students became qu•te JWO!Icient at puttlna these '!*e 111 hodidn't were folded !'Pand ~~n:-~,'7;1~~ Step Into my b~oth lf'IIUa-wereal.kwrtdtou.elheboothl bec.au.e It il beltevtd that students wouki bmeflt from aublcription~ to lheJ_...Iaodbec:autelheuniver111)' bodley tNm pllyed la t.be Ice-A· Drome at the time, OUtside com~lu.ellaenerallyavoldecl Anyooe lntere.ted In uslq the boothlforhlndrailiqoriOlidtlilion un mallarewrvatiOM in the CODterence Relervalionl Oft~. whlch il located on the MeOOd noor ot the University Center: Space isn' t a problem, alnce there are usually ~boothlopn~thlntber"earein UAB offers courses and seminars to=:n':!ismlardl rorwomenwUJ be C..Uiht by All.oe Brokmeier, from 1;10tolp.m. onllardi21, :JO, April4 ...... Youcaaretllterfor-ormoreol tbeM ~Monday tbrou&h Wed. _ . , frcl t a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sb.dent Acttvtu. umee, leC'Ciftd noor ol lhe Urdvtnlty Ceoter. 'l'be c::mtll $1 per course to COYer reclltntion a:Pft*l. For mon lnl'ortn~~tiaft. call tbe Student ActlviUea Ofrke 13460Gl. WANTED. <:ouns-ia'~to.- for no P"Y• P,_ently the houn and C011f11t1c>M .., ....,....l'lo-. Inconvenient or cllfllcuJt. Occaolonally even cWtbeyond t h e . . - mthe ~you help. Apply--- Rod Croaa Chapter. . ... c.-.ln.Goool ........... . Music, Poetry and Educa .,.~,.s.ra- No ooe can k&itimately dispute tbe ::= t!' ofbi.~ ~le~ American Society. Yet 0 1 P":jucll~ remains a wry real problem. Ignon.ace, of «~WV, Is tbe eulest apianaUoo; perha~ It ls abo the "'""''""· Trytna to determine tbe cause =~~ ~ieru: ~~= ~~~=~~~ derlioel the theme c1 Black OJ.Iture Week : " Awareneu and Understanding". Black OJ.Iture Weft II being beld :: 1on11caC:~~~~ students with black m1ture and to open thecbanodl of commWLication. Tbe hl&bUcht ol Black Qaltln ~es:: g:Yi~::!. ~~ poet, B.F . Mai1. Both men viewed =~~keytofi'Mdomand a , :ts;~t~":::vi~nz:J ""John Jon then alternated the progradf\wlth album cuts and )ec. lure comments. The sel«tionni from Eut Africa demOOIJtrated the Instruments endemic to the different areas of the regl~~:~. Homs with assorted pltclw and •lrinl in· 1truments a:emplirted the social . climate of Africa. Ma.t blades In America trace ~~t&===~.::e the elemenll of tolltc:tive particlpaUon, Improvisation and syn· copatloa. Theleelementscomplkate themusie'and demand a keenserwe of """""· Tbel«turelbmiDO'Vedontoa discuulon o1 the various types of blueiJ and ian found in the southern part ol the United States. H aU began u aimple rural, country blues. The JOUthem plantation owners feared anythlna whkh encoun&ed the coatlnuation ol black culture and tried to eliminate ao)'thinl whkb ser· vedual"'!minder'olthe blackman's pul Dnlml were aJnOill the musical II!Stnunents prohibited in the south. 'You don't know, you don't know you don't know my mlncl, when you ... me lau.hln', r m lau,hln' to kMp from cryln'...' llack folkaon1 Claulcal blues made Ita a p. pearance durin; tbe daya of prohibition. Thll new form wu Jn. tnlduoed by Beaale Smith. Tbe music quk:kly earned the title ol " rsce music" · and wu placed In the catecory ol ''tepante but equal" u Poet b.f. moiz explains, The poet unlike the politician osb whot ls right' PlliiMr Pale l.t Fdlruryll, 1m ~ion lead to Undersfa~ding 'my life II a poem wrttt.n "" the .,.C. af flme-' b.f. mab: It· Is dUikult, bowevft', to ac- curately aueu the Impact or aign1flcanceoiBlactCultureWeek. tn Bkelibood, 11 dkt not lad to an ::.: :;n::~.: in many e¥entl to uy the le:UL ~tu:rer •P'*e berore vr:ry ama11 audiences. The flmd-n.lslnl diMer wu cancelled :: ~ :tr'er':i'ir:'- ~ e: ~~P.. It would be naive to ~·r.=~~~ terized by obltlcJa wh!dl were only over'mme with t!me a Dd per· Iii~. Progreu' II a lklw·movina force with many frustration alon(l: the way. OptlmiltlcaUy spealdna:, maybe U:left will come a Ume when the ideo&ogles ol the 1$tb ameodment are retllz.ed to the point of true IC· tua.lh.ltklauoppol«<tomere tokenism. • WINTERCARNlYALWEEK "1JAB Winter Carnival Orpni111Uonal OTgy, All Day CUCl wre.WnaCoofereni:eMeeta tLatrC~Ae UAB Winter Carnival Games (Intramural Field) SnowahoeRice,3PM Sact Rice, S;45 PM - :~=~·;:.~~~=~~~ ShoveJRice.~t5PM B~:.~~~:..~t:~:liYai,&-U:45PMIWii. Rm.,UCl doquentthan the prevklul.ly vi&ited re&tiW'IInll. The cSecor seemed rather Kina Artbwish With family crests and swords banging on the red velvet papered walll. Being aeated was no problem once we decided to leave lhe bar. n,e table was set for sl.s with two loaves ol fresh warm bread UAB FUm ; BLAZING SADDLES, 7&9 PM IProcram Banquet ::.t~~ll, River Falls, 8 PM IHl UAB CH ; MIKE SULLIVAN, t-U PM (Coffeeboule, UC) awaiUnJOUTarrival. · We mulled over the menu and as suageat«< I ordered the Ribl and Steak c:ombini!Uon. The other members d. my entDUnp, Slwnlay. Febnaary 11 except for one, hadsomefonnolsteakdinner. Theexceptioaor· deredadoublebelpingolbaddodl:. The aervk't was efncitnt and poli~. Tbe salad bu was good ~~z!c~:~~~Forrna1Dinln8Room.'ucl Pt!nhln&RlflesLuncheon., UN·lPM (Grandml'sKIIchen, UCl Women Bastelhrlll, Marquell, t PM IHl Univ. FUm Soc. Movies; HARD DAYS NIGHT, HELP. L.ET IT =~ ~~ ~~U:~~!:.~~e:zs~ f::;:'e!i~~-:~.. bitter. The F'rendl Onion soup was fiavorable despite the ladt ol ~h:~~~:;'c~U:!f..U:· C<~nSidmilg OW' _ ~~demand for more b«ad. The food was served quickly and the-main ('OlU'5e rema ined hot until evtryone bad been ser- m. The spareribs were delicious. They were meaty and tendet', marinated in a barbecue sauce that was spicy with a pleasing ~~~a:':S~Ot~:£:e:a~~~~ho~9s-:i agl'ftd with lhat evaluatloo. Tbe fish was quite good but the size olthelef'Yin&wasabitsma\1. Pri«:s ranged anywhere from S%.95 to IUS an4 the atmOiphtte b casual-to-formal. Tbe ownen were very C'Oil&enial ::! ~tr~!it ~in~ ':,P~ia~~=-~'}::.J; on a rating ol slx for the regular menu and gave the 1 I decided Friday nigbt Fish Fry an etght. ~~~~:;!~~%f:t~~m~'"1fni:::~~eldl • - LogTou, tPM · Pyramkl Build, t ;30 PM Snowball111rvw, 2PM TugofWar,2:30PM f'rilbeeTou,3 :15PM Ob&tacleCoune,3:A5PM Saclle Hawkins Day Race Contest, 4;30 PM Balketball, SUperior, BPM I Hl UAB WlnterC&mlval COI)Cfft, RIGHT AT HOME,BPM IACl UABCH; STEVE CHRISTIANSON, t-11 PM (Paul Bunyan Rm., . UCl s.inday, Febnaary %t Held! BeoeCitBnmch. I AM·I PM 6 D&DC"e, 2 PM·I2M (AC) Unlv. F11m Soc. Movies: HARD DAYS NIGHT, HELP,L.ETtT BE, I PM-12M !propm BanquetRm .. , UCI SUzuki Talent EducaUon Solo Recital, 3 PM (Micbetlen HaU, FAD> BlactCUltureWedc:Dinnn,4-11;30PM IWf'i&ht L., UCl UABVideo; THE HISTORYOFTHEBEATLES, IPM IComm. Rm.,UCl ~ G0Q[j]@Jl ••• ~- . MOIMiay,Febnii')':U Alpha Pb1Jog-a-thori,IOAM·2 PMJSol Bootb-UCl AIRO Speaker, KATHY FINLEY, 6:30-f PM CYan Hile Rm., UCl ooo~Q] 1'11es41y,Fcb~U All veten.ns who received otber than a dilhonora!Ve dlsehar&e.•reeli&lblefordentalaDdbolp!ta.Jbenefita. Tbenila prior\ty. l}'ltem in determlni.Uoa ol tratment. For holplllzation in VA bolpitals, top pr{ortty il gtvm to tbole veta who need but· mmt for -.n injury or 1 diseue tblt wu eltbt'r brought about or m1de went by milltary Knke. Next priority falll to thole veta ==~~=::~~a==".,!{::!:: The lilt priority &01!1 to to tbe veteu who wu not dischlraed Cora dillbility, yft nH!dl butmentfora non-cemceeoonected diubWty. For butment to be pnwkk!d fdr the vetenn ol the, lilt eatqory, holpitallutioo rm»t be euenllll. proof must be provided be eannot afford private care elsewbere, aDd the-e m1111t be room ror bim in the bolpital U emerteDCY~ tapitaliu.Uon 11 Slefltial, the veteran'• doctor or ~~XneCne repre~mtin& the vdenn hal toCIII the YAholpital beforehand. ;or R:v~~:_~crenau ~II«YYcee DK'5IIr)' vetenns who need dental tra~t for la"rice connected . wlt.b~ <:l_! VeteriDI who ~M~eJ dental tratment for lef'rice. connected probkml ean obtii.D care any time, aDd 11 m1ny treatments 11 Deee~AlY· Ot.berwlse, veterJUII have ooe yeu aflel" dilclJutce fromaerricetoapply for dental treatment; aDdtbeuamiDitkJn ::-~um~:;.~•==-::~~;: deled& dilcovered were either cauaed by or flll"tber agnvated by t1me 1o lbeMI"Vke. AllotbecoodiUonbad toailta t tbetime t1~fnwtlla'Vke. Alpha Pbi_Jog..·tbon,10AM·2 PM ISol. Bootb-UCl Unt.. Film Soc. Movie; THE CHASE, 7 6 1:15PM l P'rolfam BlnquetRm., UCI UAB Ykleo, ROBERT KLEIN COMEDY, 1- 10 PM CComm. R., UCl UABCrea.UveArti,ARTISFORYOU, 1-10 PM 1125 A·B, UCl UAB CH; FEI'M'ON ROBINSON BLUES BAND, t-11 PM (Coffeeboule, UCl Wedaelday,Fflon~arytl BultdbaU, Green Bay ITI Alpha Phi Jo&..·thon, IOAM~2PM (Sol. Booth-UCl UAB CH; FENTON ROBINSON BLUES BAND, t-11 PM !Col· feeboule, UCl '11uan4ay, - FtbnaaryU UAB Movie; PAINT YOUR WAGON,B:3061:30PM (Prop'am Banquet Rm., UCl AlphaPhiJOS..·thon,10AM·2PM ISoiBootb-UCl _, UAB Counes 6 Seminars: Dbco Dandn&, 7-1 PM IWrf&bt L., UC) ~~~~~:!m~!~. :~~~~~ck.u. Univ. WrltenPoetryReacJlna,H:30PM1125A·B UC)• Pnly.Sims Hall Polb Patty, B:IIHl :30 PM l AC) RHCCH ; SCOTr NEUBERT., t-11 PM IDCl UAB CH ; FENTON ROBlNSON BLUES BAND, f.U,PJD CCol· f~,UCl . ..-- ~ Minority l~tl, are by dellniUon, a •mall group ol In· dividuals with 1imilar race and cultu:rel on • tamput that ll white. B«<i~~~e we are • una1l group contained by a Larser group we 10rr1eUmet vie. indlvidur!l e:xpreuion less Important than group exprealon. This can be both Bood and bad. Oroup expres:slcm suich u AIRO, BSC. and Wine PI! Phi have th!e: ~~~ev!:~ ~u.:!eUWSP, :.~.~ American Week and Black Culture W~ done a great deal !:':a::~~=~~t~~===i~~ oepttve. !kif reaUuU. m111t become tbe building blocks of minority exprftllon. We u miDorlty 1tudentl have a IOdal obltgatlon to teach otben about our cultures but ,lhou.ld thil =~~~~m=.-::e~:~~~~!~u~~~ priority pressurea of "othen" to obtain sdf·reall:.at lon. F ina lly minority 1tuderats need lf'OUP ex preulon. We mutt have group priorities, but not at the expense of the initial 1m· peratlve orad! expression. O.n Jeue ol Stevent Potnt ls anotherswimmertowatcblDboththe lndM dual medley and bteutatroke. EarUer th1l seuon he shattered the Dlbre:utalnlbrecordol2:1Uwltb a slulln&2:15.tperformance. swim m.eef Eau · Clalreiaaa~ favorite to win Ita sixth stn.ICbt Wilcoaaia Sllite UDiven.lty Confermoe nriDunbll cbampk:JMbtp thia weekend: a I Whitewater. HUNTER'S CORNER HAS JUST PURCHASED A TRUCK LOAD OF SKI EQUIPMENT YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO BUY . AT THESE PRICES Spaulding Skis and ·Cober Boots From 40% to 50% Off All Ski Clothing 30o/o Off j HUNTERS' CORNfR DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT Two Great Pre-Semon Speciak from at UNBELIEVABLE Savings! gltane CMc• ..................., ...... gran sport luxe Snyder M_VP 8y11mPta..One way to win a gi rl' I f~ld hoc.key pme Is tosc«e.more polnlllhan the oppoaingteam, Toscoremorepoint.l youmustholdlbt~l tlontoufew points u paulble. Thil can only ~ donebya hi&ftlytalentedplle. Bet· 'll.·een UWSP'1 nne IINIIe and !nOll valuable pt.lytt Karen &lyder and the KOrirtg of Judi Adlm&ki, the girl's Fidd Hockey team displayed ....... a n n«UftliiG-3-l~ lortheir Reg. Price '159" SPECIAL PRICE $12995 This Is the I«''nd CC~D~KUtlve year the tum hu voted Snytkr "MOlt Valwroble:Playtr"lnheT iouryearsu ag011ieatUWSP. And now save eve.n more. Bring in your Student I.D. and $10 will be deducted from these already low special prices through February 25th • s. ... pnces good thru March 31 ~E~~ ,..., HOSTEL SHOPPE Coleh N1ncy P11e II ollhe opinion that Snydu" came UlfOulh with "consiltmtly good pjaf lhrou&hout the suson." lnthealxteenpmetplayed :r;"~lx~~li ~%*r~~~S~ ~~34pointaa¥1nsttheir r:~ ,;;: :n '~m ':-~ ~= ·s nyder enrc:IH ba' athltlk: tlle:ntl in &irl's track-the two mile Indoor andthreemUeoutdoor. Next field hockey auson Snyder will be an aultanl eoach and then graduate in December. After gradultion Snyder will play for the Fn Rive!" Valley team. ,;;~=~~~~em~=~~ Snyder. ''Thlt"aaboutaUiean aay. I am not wry &ood at that aort of· stulf." Tbe Pointer ~tulatel ~.:~~!r~~~ood at ~ Paplt F....,...Jm Ana ·~C:.Itare I . International Students Share Cultural Wealth ;~~~Jvo:'tta~ c:ooktd iD tomato paste, and from Gbua, Plantain ~ttia, small k:le,ta~~ rc!: ~~:fee(!: a.tmeal. From-lraD·wu F'l!lHrl.}en, amaU meatballs cooked in a Auce o1 IJ'OUI'Idwa.lnuts,tomatopute,crart- bm'y juice and lemon juice. Japt.n by Tori-terb'aki IChid.enteriyat.l ). The Vtetnamese t tudents contributed VIetnamese slaw, a salad much like American slaw, but with chicken and peanuts added. Gef. many contributed dessert ln the form ol Apl~K~.~e.btn, orappleealte. was represented The entertainment, wbicb bekl to the themeol cultural divenity, bqan tiuing the dessert when Ot. John =~:i=)'~:gpj~ dussed in lraditiooal Scotti&b garb. Another faculty~- Or. DattieJ -Kortmhmp of the PsycholOSY department, demonstrated some movementa ol 1"ai<hi Chuan, a OrlneR martial ut, and talked 011 its t h· WIIIIa m ,\ l ad~t'n .Madam~ Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini. staaed by Boris Goldovl.lcy and presented In Quandt Field Hause last friday evmin&. wu for the ndol part an enjoya~ evening ol realiltlc musicallheater. One usuaUy doesa't see opera~ days de-void ol " traditional" openMc =~~rin~!~~i~~ ~o~do~~ lf'QUpe has 101\1 been famous for bein& the exception to this rule and, with a few exceptions, pv~ a fine performance 01 one 01 ~ ·· ndol be:Jowdworb. IALS! ENTIRE STOCK WESTERN CUT WINTER ' JEANS 8 Y!~J\!~RS 15 °/o OFF 1/2 PRICE SPORTSWEAR CO-ORDINATES LONG AND SHOfiT STYLES SPECI AL GROUP o GAUCHOS • SKIRTS 1Y;' ::~:~::. 2 PRICE • v~TS SPECIAL GROUP DRESSES . 1/3 OFF Un t'ebruary 22. 23, and 24, UAit (.;Clff~ wUI preset~t one of ita bnt entertain"tent inthe lotlTlftlf'f''li selection when it bring& t·~nton Kobi11100 to you. ·llt- )'ill be 11\aring hili;,_muslc int hi!UCCOifee~rrom uamto tl pm . t'enton Kobln1011 haa been a ar.a r for tweniJ ynrs on Jhe black ' thltlin CORDS LARGE GROUP SUMMER SHORTS AND tlwn inl'hka&o. In the last rewy~an. he' l brgua \O wla cwrr a wh!Me new ASSORTED COLORS 6 STYLES SWIMWEAR audience In ckml and on college campwes ICfDU the COWitl')'. ll iJ recordl have been CGn~lit~nl hill with blal-k fanl . and acc:lalmtd by blue erillca around world. V~t t'entonhiJ never beencontenttoatay in one plac~ . mualcally o r &eoBnphically. ENTIRE STOCK Ya oFF Y2 PRICE cim~if fil"'l 111 the Deep SOuth and tpe - ,__ _I Opera Star Reveals li-f e on Tour - (~~:~~:=Ysi~ve been~ reeonkd by oc.hn' oulltaDdine blue~ sincers. sud:l u Elvin Bishop, eric lklrdon. Albert Klns. Magie Belland Charlel Nuuelwhite. His areattf' r~o&nillon came in 1957 with ' I'· ..Somebody loan me a Dime.·· It sold_ 1~000 eopies in Chieago alone, and hu~redsolthousands more in the venions by SOl. Staggs and Duant> Allman. Wilh Chicago u his home base, l'e nton ttill se~rc hn for nev.· challengei. He's toured the country wilh Charlie MU~~elwhlt e, and recorded a new album !hat has I"K'tivcd rave l'ftponse from ye-t another a!Kiience. tl'le young blues and rock fa ~. Nail·. havinR lvnqut'«'CCtht> Southern blues circuli ;and thr t.111l•agod ubs, ht's bfoauntnmakchl!i markin a brand~· tl"ni t or}': fesllvals.~halla.aOOcolt~e I cam~ . University Film Society Presents MARLON BRANDO ANo ·- - ROBERT REDFORD IN THE CHASE I I Directed by Arthur Penn Also starring Jane Fonda 'Tuesday, February 22 7:00 & 9:15P.M. I Film Society presents 'The Chase' Choice ~~~! u'1~;:~:r:!,:!=~:. proceu I atand coalf'IXll~ OYm-hdmed and atarUtd by IIMX~ted 'T"ranee:odeDt. . ,_] I UMOI: cope with TraDCendeoce in the a bitnet : Wblt lilt, that I may know It! 1toownotltsname,aolealllt'ho. ' Or;.~s~~':c.,ma~'d~v~U:~ Nithhog tbe Serpent ol Chl01,labtar the voluptuous, Brahman, Odin, Bul and Ahun M.uU, an&Jel aDd 1odleta wtthcutnumber. nee~~controats me with toom~~ny faees . J ea_nol'lly Adxllce, thm · ''Oiocuth!l dliyWbomyouwWserve. '' Wby! BecaUMTra~c:anhl"but-COUDteaazlc:<eT . o!_o: for •1 u.ke • unku lam frqmeated., I ean cl1q to 01111 Avakelnthew~.poUIUna:away- A vok:elcllooletolisten to A vo&celbatcommaodlmybearinl· fa~~ belrinl tatimon)' : "A wande:rina Aramean wu my Avake, tben,addrel&lDime· Ae•a YlilrMI. Mtul E..,__ .w.aJ adl..... U.ten, lanel, the Lord«arGod lsO... ACU'MI'turned : =:==~::.=~~·;·· IDtbekiDelyvutz~~e~olln&Jtude,aplace- ...U.-abcme, Tbil One I ea.a reoopl&e and perbiJII even loYe • ..,_llAt&a.w.aiEWilenMeleUHMI&m- .......... v...... Bioaod- Bekwed&re)'GU0 Lard our God, Kial ol the Universe. '"n..~~:Wu8ci"!==== Sllema Ybrael. AdGaal EW.na, Adoaalacbad .•• ...... Lilted, Iarae!, the Lord II OW" God. the Lord alone. Roots- A Tree of Life By Scott Sim pkin• The embarn.uin&Jy large group ol people wbo abould read RMU problbly won't. But if tbey do. they will ddbUtd)' auume a somewbr!t alttrtd 1tUtude toward Bilek Hll tory and the · further delvl.ng into the aecrell that are hidden In the lnDer clepthsot'Africa'acolorfulput. 11le attitude china• are immense once tbe rader diacoYen tbe terror and pain the abduclld tlllvs were 11Jb. Haleyadmltl tha ttbe dLIJosue!or molt parts hal beeo c:onsliUclld on the auumption ol wba t .woWd bave been saki. rat.be- tba.D wbat wu u.ld (Oitobvklulf"e;;.J(Q. Hll ... olkal color rivals thlrol Mark Tnin with lloes Uke '"Tom," sbe said. " I 'clare seem Hie muu jel' win' up killln' =:e=;"~~~.,oln', man -- di&a~tedwbmallke~blec:harac· note that Haley doe. 7 :e th1J olten in RMla with no nsullloc disappointment beca~~~e ol his supab down recreation tlllve &hlp's lower plleyl, lined with Wive. similar tothc!Mwhldilhes.lave.were chained. Fdrur)111m Pa&e22 PcPter • '::e:: ~ I~V~I!ft~i~ Haley, who It a self-tauaht journalist, apmt 12years researcblnC and writ1111 this unbelievably light and accurate novel. T1ie Playt..y ~ terviews followed Haley'• recorded converulion with Mlln Davit, a weU known Jan trumpeter, and Haley continued with various other interviews untU he ci'GIItd pa.U. with Malc:olm X, which ~ to hil fint book-Th Auloblo& r apby of )'JakolmX. Haleybadhtardthettrallleltoriel rJ! his ancestor ~unta KiDte m.uy tune. and was •ntrf&ued with the pouibility ol tracinl back his ancestry to prove or dilprovt what be had been told 11 a child. In a search thatcoverfdovtrhllramilllonmlles aDd endless houri of tedious -rdllDc throu&h old manulcipll, HaJey pieced loietbn- what .... is morept,~e!" HaM, aplares the total penonaUty ol eadl ol his main c:baracten and can drop them and swllclt to the nat character without the plot milllnc a beat. u Is surpriltnc tha t he can do th1l 10 well Iince moll readers are ~ :~~~ totally fordp to them. It II odd to ~~-~:h~~~·:.:: ===tu: African people In 1 manner that grabl the exhausted ruder by the eyeballs and pla~tb "Read juat one c:baraderdevdopmeat. The s rotesque reality that Haley ~!!~t:,..~y~~r:.=~~ people are not awt re of the atrocilie\ cut upon the black race In early America. n.inp like slave ownen selliflll tome ol the tlave's ddktml and brvtal. demeanJ.Dc tnatmmt le'l'ldla totaUydUferentfteliqtowardllhthomw-fiUfdllve.ofthealave.. HaJey also reveals that It wu not uncommon ror membul o1 a slave ;:r~r ~':.:! :'t:~t:endJ~ never lee their father beca~~~e he wu aoldbeforetheirblrth. Roott is delt.intd to tUt the fOI ol 'lbevlvtddetaUolthel«tloqolthe novel sllualld in Africa brinp ~ memoriet ol the many worU ol Robert Rua rk on Alrica'sculture and beauty that followed after he bad lllariedtherehimaell. HaMylbeclla whole new llaht tx1 the once unknown cultural and reliika beJW..ol tbe ~~~~~~~c:r=:=. .. briiiJina about a lively d«Krrptlon o1 :;:.~i' =al~ ~ mlrv•Uon to America. ThoM who ~muand~ol~~ yet remain unmoved are madeolataae. ~bly -, The Wonder of It All r.-..ry l & l flTPalf't:l ....... " Winter Friday and Saturday 3·8P.~ Buy any CoCktail Hour -.... . Drink at reOular price, . one Announcing the 1st Annual "Heahhy Living" Essay Contest PRIZES OF $3000, $2000, $1 000 P~:~t your thought~, feelings, or experiences re· fating to drinking, sexuality, stress, coping, nu· tritlon, or physical fitness Into essay, fiction, or form (250 words maximum). Theme should the effect' of personal and social behaVIor on the development of the productive, selfdirected, self-enhancing Individual. Entries should be sent to: Director Hyer Hall or Lab 304 c.c. /lf<PJND 111E 'vJ~LD lltEY AR.E . RECO(jN\'ZED AS ll1E v-.,tRLDS <5RcAn;:ST'11iEY ~RE B.DQI , 'BEEn\CNf:N , ,AND . . . . ~ 1t1Juce. Jlxe&it]CB~ ~ ~ WEEJ<all) 'v/W5f>-opt.n f\ND 11'\E. Ut-IIVERS> rrY flLM' 5::x:.a:.'N 'f'!<E'5E.J'.):r ntiS ~~ WIECELSIEl\ID fEB. JB-.1Cf ~20 ··'