· Democratic - primary ra~e, -News Nicaraguans visit,: ~rts · Weed report, Features ·super pickers, ·Sports Sept. ,._ ,7. OH Campu• • Js• . UNIVERSITY BACK TO SCHOOL SALE ON ENTIRE STOCK Of:= GUYS AND GALS LEVI .JEANS REGULAR AND PRE-WASHED SAVE-20<ro OFF TWO DAYS ONLY SEPTEMBER 10TH AND 11TH • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MUST SHOW PROOF THAT YOU ARE A STUDENT BRING I.D. OR OTHER IDENTIFICATION STORE HOURS: FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 9:00 p .M. SATURDAY 9:00A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. Er-zinqe'~ MINI MALL PA~T TREE -AND TOM KAT SHOP t J-~ _ P~ P ace t kfe.eaber It, ll"'fi CONTENTS {:ampus food examined - "Nuclear power symposium · Pointer staff LETJ'ERS .. . ....... . ....... .. .......... . ..... .. . : 5 expose' EDITORIALS .. . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I NEWS . .... .. ......... .. .......................... 7 SPOR'I'f . . ...................... ....... . ... . .. .. .. ZI ARTS . . .... ... ... .. .... .. ..... . . ......... ........ ZJ REGUlARS ········ •·········· ·· ···· ·· ··········· ZI -' CALENDAR OF EVENTS . .. . ..... . . .. ... · · · · · · · · · · 31 CLASSIFIED ADS . . .... ..... ... ...... ·.·········· . ll P.,.._P... J~1t, · 1lfl ....... - ., -~- ARTS I LECTURES PRESENTS: O~rk F~tival Folk ·TUES., SEPT. 11, 1976~8 P.M. STUDENT .TICKETS $1.00 WITH LD. & S1\JOEJIT ACTMTIES CARD TICKET IIFORMAlllN: 346-4666 CAMPUS BOWLERS PUT SOME SPICE IN YOUR LIFE Enter a team in one of our FUN-FILLED campus leagues NOW ' 3to I tNIIHIH teams ha'ndlc_.s. • Your chok:e of cloys :... . Mon.-Wed. or Thurs. at 4:45 • Trophies & special owonls • Information and sign-up shMt at tlie . I A FUN·PATIEANEO, I BIGTOP OVER A RIBBED TURTLENECK, ACRVUC AND POLY· ESTER KNIT TROUSER PANTS TO MATCH THE TURTLE. DEEP REO OR DARK BROWN .. Blgtop $211.00 . Turtleneck $1 2.00 . STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE Trouser p•nts $20.00 IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER the University Store has more . to offer you than boo~s . .:::. L1ke we have the largest line of art supplies in the city."~ And Sept. 27 to Oct. 1 we are having A Sale!!'! GARY COOPER 20o/o off . all lnstaFrames In stock 10°/o off · drawing pads, art pencils,. matboard, stretcher strips, brushes, paint, Boldstroke & Rapidograph pens. IN BRIGHT LEAF THURSDAY &FRIDAY, sa>r. 9 &to PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM 6:30P.M. ADMISSION $1.00 .. - ~ P. M . ~ ~PaJe•~,._~m · *New hems macrame suppfies & books & new frames & expanded artype & balsa hobby wood . 346-3431 Pointer'a Artlaad<llltureac:tloa invites )W'OIIliliDc 'lniten to submit tbdr worb of abort prole , poeery, «limaiclrs•a~lfalture. lnterelted~lbouldaend coatributioaa to: OR Depa8t ~ ia eeawr. the POINTER Boll beeidetheGridinJG · m tbe lhiftl'lity .... "-" l'OIHrEil Ana : Artl Edit« Nuclear powe< COSily Tl . Vol. 20 Series 9 no. 2· ......... re=.::.~"';.~ CMted ,,. u.s. IUd8ar ...... wttWD •dec:Ne•two.Narillf....... . eoadai out lblt it t.kcs lo,t, lo II limes UM aiDOIIIIl ol IU'Uial ~ eatim8ted to prodDoe • ol ekdridty. Reports . """amoaat ..., , ................ rdi&bieMpredk:ted.. -. lD 'IIil aew boat. '"Nadeilr ~. tbe Optila,"J* J . 8lqer ..,. taowD 1M u.s. . ..,._,_...,.to'-ID-1-IIIW ~far.tllelr • .,.,llftL ,......... ol Eardl . , Cdf. . . . IWdcn yWdrd 11.7 - - to 11.1 ....._,_.._ill DliOimlti~Gwattbaan:olelectridt)' ptl'lllart'-ol......_Ast:adybJ ....... G. ~ ...... dlattlle U.S. ructon darl•l ltn·7S ~ _,. • ....._. IW.. per at.t-- Mh'oc:atel..,. .ut..-c:- tan .ould prodllce Sl - - &o 11 ~KW-IL.UibefallliaD ..... ' toalrwcW'Iit__.. . . , .. u timaa...:tl . . . . . . lo,_.are.o. IGrMIIICh<ocaS.daim.. ~~ Square re-examined T•&MP.....-, Mr. KratMraboulcl&etltleablt ~:g~~=~-:s~ twaddle about aleohol ·~ mliMs theltr~~Ci.t'e . _ , . ol drinkinlu aa Kti\'ity lDdlalled bt only-by tbe: emoticlaaDy maJ.djulted.. .aually !rultnted, aad marall)' b3nkrupt.doaDOdiii!CtobeciAtoJIIl •t tbe real flldcn ~ tbe · Uteace ol akobol UM problieiiQI either on ow cam,_ 01 lo AmerieaA .ocletyinpneral. ' ::e: :::1 ::;-:.: dolm~latbepriceot•pcald c~....-...wc.t~-­ - llliiiiGI doU8n _ . , . bJ tile ,... . .. 'l"btpriceol . . . . . . . . a-ap501pera!lltialtlelat ..-..1 ,_,. from 1 doUan to 4D dollaniiDdman, •(!) ---... . . . -- ~~ -----..,._,w '' r.we.- r.,.s tt'lt , .. , , , , , , , , , , , , , .. ''' .. ...... .. :''' ... ' " "" ''. PolnHng It Out. ~ ...... By Bee-leng O.uo, Arts ond Cul~te.Editor Student Government -Association By Jim Eagon, SGA Pres ident By J im EaiOG, SGA Pretic!Hit 1 bad 11111ny topics to edlt.orializ.e for this particular issue ol tbe Polaler. I could have empbasiud the importance of votine in nea:t Tuesday's primary election and the respoo.. s ibl.llties of l:leing oi " Lepl a ge." I c:ould bave.easily ex· · pounded oo the life, times and experiences of in<oming freshpenoos ( as the official term identifies them ), or I could proudly anoouoce the oecaslon of the ftnt Student Government Association meeting (a t 6 pm on Sunday, Sept. 12, in tbe Wisconsin Room, U.C.). I could have.writ· ten about theiesubjects or many others, but I chose rather to tate advantage of this column provided Student Government to express my feelings about sn Individual wbo was employed by thia university for ten years. Cia~ Autdmnauer wu killed last weekm:t when the carbewudrivl.ngwaa struckby a oother on Highway IO. It l.s oot hll death 1wish to proclaim, but rather the life and dldieatioo be pve to~tevens Point Claude, Qdef Detective r(r UWSP's Office of Protective Servieel, eanied bia: duties .beyond call. He enjoyed the univtnlty &Dd the pt(lple be worked with. His genuine in· lerelt in students and tt)e1r Uvea compelled him to wort pat ''Quitting time" on many Ottasions. Concern for the wdfare ol atudcnta wu the COOCU1l ol Claude's wort a nd lifestyle. Hll impression. willrt:main on this campus and In the minds and hearts of i&ole w ho knew him. Claude cared for the university community, ud we in turn now express ouriOITOW rw bia abRn4;e. 1 feel good writing this. AI I. said, 1 bad many other topic optiom, but 1 thlnlt It proper to bring attention to an in· dividual who contributed much to this campus. Claude Aufdermauer waa such a person, contributing to both the pbylialaDd the lite phliOIOI)hy ol the campus. Claude Is a mao be rei:nembered, to be milled. to i• -4'·~­ t r ears orten a ccompany new challenges: so I na tura llr fe lt a lillie a pprehe nsive when I took over the "Arts Page" for the academ ic ·year. Stacks of past Poinler issues were ~bed ove r aod ·researc hed' resu lting in a list ol ~dut ies that seemed to be fai thfully malntUM!d ye.r after yea r. Such items oftrad itiQn include previews and ~iews of theatrical, music, and arts e venta offered In con· s iderable proliferation by those people in tbe Fine Art$ building. I wish to cootinuethisaswell u.other aerv ices for our readers. However, there are other pursuits besides beill8 a liaison for the Arts-related area. I wish to step beyond cust.om and Beyond national bouDdariea. ttae At this point, I a m to reve.l iDeK.ipable fact that '1 a m an Arts editor who abo happe:m. to be a foreign student. What a foreboding piec, of tnllh! Does tha t dist inction matter to anyone'!' U DOt, kt me say tha t it matter1 tome. My res ponsibility is now manilo&d. My job demands that I keep the " Arts" in openUonaJ order; as a s tudent, I must graduate in time with aome me rit ; bu\ as a person, il ls In my trust that I be. true tolnyself by juslirying my presence in tbls Ulllvenity And th ls coun try . May I say without modestY that I can offer you more than what my positiori expect~ ol.me'!' By my suggestion and the Editor'adetree, tbe " Arts" is now expanded to assume a new Dame.Jbat Ia " Arts and OJ.Iture," and., COIIIeqUelltl)', 1 btve a new role, more ya rdage to wort on. ArU and Qdture, 1 feel , are two bodies that complemeat eKb otlier. Art can ~~\::,ei:!~~ and culture~ ~rticular ex· By doing this, I hope to rebau .to Slfwapore satisfied that 1 have done a little more thaD havinl e.med my ba«ala ureate. ~ Please a llow me tha t freedom to express myself. 1 considcri t a nhonor, as wellua~billty. As someone whose ezperieacesevolved out of anoU~er language, a nother race, anotber C~C~Cmtry and another lifestyle. dare I use this newamacazioe for my own Jlt!rpose? That is to lnfor.n, intetpret aDd eatertaln yoo With Art and cu It~ lore tbaHa other than American? If you have read lut week's '"Tnvetine Chinese Opera Jtevisited" , you have Nmpled tbe lint of the toe.· ::~ ~c::, I hope tbalJaU wUf enjoy and -;- Primary Tuesday Dem Assembly seat up for grabs Torzewski runs ~ea":r.C:~t~nt~= usilt.ant eballltt'Dor to run for the dem01eralk nomlnatloc for lhe 1~=~~ol ~lllli=~u:':tt~~ Loanlnterviewatbisbomedw-lnc the IWMier months, Tonewstl said bis main C'OnC'UTI, if dected, would be to bdD wblt be calli tbe "mknl BusiMU people. " The m ic ro busineu, said Ton.ewski, il the l:llaiMI& with OM or two employea, lhllt «:mpriMI the t.ckbone ol the ~ ~~~~~ ::!1 b!~ which have anywhere from 1,000 to S,oooempklyees. 1D a recent meetiD& ol the-Portage ~!>'~~~"-~ m1 lhlt the " mkrobulineumen" ::::~. ~ :~~~~ cv: ~t.!::~~u..~ll Toruwak.l, wbo wu emp&oyeed in atate a-ment for 11 ye.ar1 bdore · comiq to the Univenity, uld he bas seen ,._ m~ rid tllpe tbere il in 1t11teg~tandthe~fectitan hrlve on its opention. and expressed adtsiretoa~tltdawi'L " I've ahran wanted to run for btu.id. HepoUIted out that be put bll DUDe oa the blllot in tbb dection becauae he fiiUJ'editwoWclta.teata&ttwotriel bdore actu.~~Uy getting elected. But, he s.ald. when he started t~~lklaa; to peosMe and gettin& feedback on l'lis candk!acy. he deddtd to make an aU out erfort. with llr'onl bopes ol winnina this year. If elected. Toruwa.k.ls.aid,bewould propo~e a five year moratorium on the building and l~lng ol nuc1ear power plants. Healsospokeolaneed to find and develop alternative lOW'· en of both ener&Y and tran· aportalion. Spe.U.i.na:ollheblcyclitc uao e:x· cellent mode of traneportation.. lhl c.andklate said safe routes and pathways blve to be deve.)opfd to mcourqe their uae. He pointed out that Hi&hWay 10, wbk:h is Lbe only I'OUte from l'lis horne in CU.ter to Steven~ Point is a death trap for bicyclists. atllte~t." Former SGA Pres challenges Groshek ByMar\t.an. LyM! Updike il C\II'T'eOU)' nmnlna In a tbrft way race for tbe Democ:ratic: rlllmlDIIt.lan for tbe 11ll uaembly districL He fMb that he can let a sut.t.Dlial atudmt vote tJec;.t~~e he represeots tbe &tudmt bat, be sakl Updill:e dted the ract tblt be wu Student Goverameot Pnsldenl in '74'75 aod Jut year lei'Ved . . . ltudeol ~~~"c':.~~~v:-~:: virolunent.a!Ccluodl. Updlteuystbeceotral taueln lhil c:amp1ip, andoneol his major tub u a Jeaillalor, would be lo let up priorit8 to bind the bucl&et. He ukl that mmt illuta in the lfablature revolveaf'IIUIXIthebudpt. " A key iAue has to be conlklmce in Government." stated Updike , '"peopie have become fnalralfd with gOVft"'''IDenl and think U.t It \1 not reapoodlna to their needs. II'• a c=ombitl.atiol'loftues,iDfllt.lan,andanin· · au.sbll COlt o1 liviD« U.t enables peop&e to make real payments or lend their ldd1 to Khool. but nrter ruDy aet~ ·· C.ndidlte Updike objecb • lr'UIIlY to the lad tta.t there are special lntenst '""'" like coDece atudenb . ...,.ton aod the rarmen wbo bne dlffkuHy inJeWrll to tbe whUa bi&b pnss~.n. bit buliamt apoaMir'ed intenstl have the flfta.llea to persuade kgiltaton in thdr favor. _..Lqia&lton have to come baclt to thepeoopkaod tdllhem whit Is loin& :.t::teha~~·~~ and &enen.litiel. Unfortunately It W«b, and very suc:cesat'Wiy in ~ Uectiol'lbids.'' Updike'& oppo&itkm to nuclear power plants ill ~u II.DOWO ln the area. He reels that a real "P'U'rootl" politician needs a bro~d con&titurncy and mUll know how the larje crou-sec:tioo of his con· stilueney feell. He adtkd that every once in awhile you run into10111e laue lhll'a very controvtnial, like power plants. ''The Incumbent has been here for 10 year1 and nobody knows bow he 1tandl on nuclear JiO'Na" piantl. He's played itvft')'safe." In an awe-1 to ltuclmt votel, Updike voiced a netd for tbe students: them~elves tobeabletotboo&e how to •pend money on housing. He questioned the need for mainllinin& hiab priced proleuklllal COUDRkn and &tudeat RA'• oo ~ noor. and recommeoded that, Iince baulinl rnc:oe)' b aU sWdenU' mooey, the &tudmts sbould make the major decisklnlconcmUncdormboUiin&. Updill:e dedared. " U you loc* at aU the altemativa, ll's pretty cftr who k - . the atudeat problems best. 1be 1tudeots will &et a break u far u blvinc someone who will idltnW)' with thriT prob~ and wbo wW Identify with thereat ol the vOltn u well." Where to vote U you live in either Prey.Sims. Roach. Hyer, or Smilb Hall. you are intbei«'CCIIdwardandc.anvoteat the ftecr'QtioaCcmc 40!d/'r.t'mfJr7). RelidreDts ol Nea5e and Kan~en Han. are iD tbe tb1rd ward aod will fuxl a votiac booth at Emenon ~. KJiutHD, WatiOO aod n..n~ ' Ka.IJI"fllidenQ.,.. tbe 11th ward, and the votlna: booth f« lh1s ward will be found at the Puce · Campus Center -Lutheran Baldwin and SCbmeeale Hall reaidentl ean eut their baUot in the anenth ward votlnl bootblat the fn alation. If you live olf c.ampu1 and are unMnofyow-votialbootbloc.at.lan, c.aU the Student GovemmeDt orra at .....,.. Attention parkers! Studtlat Gcwenlmeot and the cam- pul Protedioo and SeeurUy ornee iJI. formaaDstuderlta : I J AUmet.tredandotherlotlwill be open for free pa.rtinc between tbe baunol7 pm and2 pm with tbee:x· ceptionl ol loti C, H, M, P, Q, V, and U. AUiota,wlthtbee:xeeptionoiH. V, and U, are open durin& ac.ademac vac.alklaaltertam. 2) 1be erne:rpncy number f« ProtecUoa and Security ill 346-2121. Oocampu~dial2121 . S) Protectloa and Malrit)' olfken wiD C:lve studeota ridel ln MCUrity · vebkJe1 ln emer&MCJ IIWIUoai. Groshek unavailable J POUIHC 1'\ACU IN 111/IIAl. AIIUS ~~~\rT'T:~ ""'·••n .. ::::::-·.::;.::.:.::.:- . ·- -;:~J?~~~~::~f!: '"'' ::::::""-."'::"····......... ...., (). ~::~.:::=2:.~-:·~..M~--~, · -~ ..."':"'t' - -..... .. c.-.... __ _,_...__ ...... __ -.:.. ·----0. , __,. .. _"""' -.. . . . -...:=-II~ M-I Y, _,..,. --r"-·~- --~,!:,:,!-- ~ .. . '- """' t-o:.~---·-- - ::::t..•"" - - ...... ~ . !:'-"':'"-'=:... .~~!.::.. '!. ::-=.!."':.•• i..! " __ c... , ... !!:-:.• = - .!:':'..~-=- 0::....- ~... - c-..•-·-. -::::;._-:;;::: =-:~ . ~ -·--c. ~~~::~:.::.:: :=f.!.::~:.::-~ ~. - THERE'S MORE TO LIFE THAN MONEY! THE .UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD (U.A.B.) NE~D A SPECIAL EVENTS CHAIRPERSON - TO BE RESPONSIILE FOR RECREATIONAL TOURNAMENTS, SUCH AS FOOSBALL, ELECTROIIC TENIIS, CHESS, ALSO CARIIY ALS, CIICUSES AND OTHER "SPEQAL" ac:tivities. . ..} AN ORGANIZATIONAL ABILITY AND YOUR ENTHUSIASM IS THE ONLY EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. ~1 MR. LUCKY'S . THURSDAY, SEPT. 9 ATLANTIC MINE PRIME UP SPECIALS - 8:30-10:00 MABEL MURPHY'S GAME ROOM AND BAR OPEN - NO COVER TUTORS WANTED The PRIDE oHice needs people with skill and· knowledge In every academic sub/ed to utor other college students on an individual basis. apply in the PRIDE OHice; 201 s.s.c. For more Information call 346-3828. Hall transer students increase 103li lUll ~. SllYEIIS P1111T ............... ........... u. "" Will the lake fill? The loa&•waited north c:ampus lake Is nearlna ~pletion . Ex· CIIY&tion Is expected lo be fln!Jhed , by late faU , pouibly October. No hl.trwillbetnntpJrtedtolhe•lte aine:e u.nderaround sprlnas -are ezpeeted to fill Ule lake. Bec.Ju.ethelai'Jectaterls2:SfM:t at muimum deph &Dd coven ==""J:~·=~ can fill tbe Lake to the de¢! ex· peeled. Ori&lftal plaaa had e:aUed for a maximum cieiJth o( 30 feet , but found thrlt It did not oeed 10 Formerly nlcknamecf ' "Dreyfus Lake" due to the chancellor's dose auodatloa wilh tbe project, the UW.SP Fouu!ation rnolved to l.et~title it "Uni\'fflity Lake," at " te.ut few the time brio&· Due to a rq:ulatory policy of the Board of fttatnll cooeft1lln& the namln& of University facilities, the lake may notbedlristened "~fus"ulong u the cbancdlor Is alive. tbaMeUor Dreyfus ursed lbe lake's creation when first artivinl on campus. Allbouch he knows little about lakes, by his own admluion, heclalmsto~veconsulltdaareat number of aulborltles and apeclalllll bdore makln& any decilloa. Withexcavationnearinatheend, the c:hancdlor is ~erne<! about lhelake'sful~repotentlalsioeeno one hla beet~ able to auanntee its ~~~oetulneu. Aiheputllt , "Wbalwill :...do.!~~veagi.lntmud~oamy Durin& uc.av"atioo, exceu water wu pumped out Of the late into a nearby pond on the IOUI.heut side of the lake. The earth between that Build your~JHp. the way you uau; tt. POnd and the~ke wtU be the last to be ucavated, and then the pDIId water lidded. Thla will lnttease tt. aquatic volwne 10mewh11 . Land· acapina; wW not belln untU nut year. When and IC the late doH ruclr the predicted 2$-foot depttl, re~ttlctioosmlll&beputoaitlllll~ ~=a~~~~ faciJity . MOWri&ed rec:rutlon iaout ol the q...tlon lett thiJ 'Iead to tt. lake's eaviroameatal deltruc:t!ml. Mary WUllaml ud Ken Willett, mem.ben ol the UW-Found.lliol rutnrm«< the InterS in pres«· vinl tbe lake area and promotlrt its priorities of educalionll and anthetlc liM. Much tim e and planainl ha 1one Into lhi1 llkt, hopefully everyone's efforta will bt rewarded . ... ......__, .;... Division 1: Fourth Ave. Stevens point Hang gliders take to the skies • ~ has oraoce and yellow Tbe wiaC ftl'b Cillo BemouW'• priodple tbet lower wbl& pn!SIW"e: )II'V'rides lilt However, lbe . . ol au.dr: IDUit be betweea ts and 50 ~&ad the headwind abauld be about XI 1111* per bou:r. Tbe priDdple t.niltbatU]IOIInmdclonabllliDlo thewiril.lt•W nDouttbetrillp&Dd' ca.e you to be alrbom. The Rop1lo ~=-~a:;,~~~~:~= fromatOO footbW. you're the air, you blil'e a o.ee m tnpa.e, cr CGDtrol bar, with wtuch youareabietosteer. Toaorilh!- JOU Drop-add madness . tie 1Q11U8. aad tbea ataDd La Uoe for homs jult to dwtp tcme meueti dul tbat )'CIU ptla"e'nd out ol aayw~~yl " be la'MIDed .. -Yoiee ... beclaalaltot..k. '-rbe 'Drop-Add' fcna loob lilul u orderblaalc forfoodatlikDaaaJdll. " belbouteduheatoodupandltarted a.bati"' bis nat la lhedirldklaol the StudmtSemca BuUd:b:c... ordered extra tart. Ulltt with my PoliSd dual '' He lhouted as be belt turiow.IJ on the-windows, "You are alf Ndistl cuhlq in on our &G0a ,.lmo&t uturel" · "Jim," I about.ed, "WW yOU Iettie down! It coukln't have been all thlt ..._ . :~at'!!:,'·~'::i1·~t ha ve~ 0 1 to 10 beD!" throutb Ill)' olil lt'l pure. • "Not CWIIy tblt," he serumect. " I . i!'=~~waltlftlln lmethlt " See," luld with a smile tttepiDc li'IJ Jipa, " It WUII'l .a tataJ EMMONS 20% oesceuorr·oo· SCHOOL SUP~LIES .papvUxtc>) IH£.~Ui\lJSii5 ~ .o'leriOOARi E'5 HOURI' llon.•T'tMn. .... Frt. l-t; .... l-12 Unlve111ty Store llctlonary extravaganza ............ ·-· ·-·-·-c.. • MMCIDnlllftg 95¢ . htmd «WW. Wf.B:;,TER:, ~Eta) WORU> . .DiCTiONI\JUii~ $7.95 - ~~ ~ p 'l t.TiOtH\tUfiS - $12.95 .346-3431 The 1int da)'l of autumn .mark two vl!r)' important events ln an)' un iYerslty eommunitv : the ~':t~~~:~~= cropa. Here La Slevma PoUlt , 11 '1 mmetimea diftkult to dretermJne wbiehls,morelmportant , oratleast which II looked forward to with more mtbuliasm .11ft1!1 l.ntenst b)' ~e studen~ populaUon. · ""'"~ sbcrtq:e of Colombian and olh« connoisseur va rletlu have appll'eftll)' lftdu«d a Jre&l nwner of Local Ioken to try tbdr hands at cuiUvatin&lhelr own stash for the rrnN.ird. ~ta from these fint- "----...:i. • - ~-:--.-· OM' tbe put few ,an. sevtn1 curiDI tedalicps bnoe ~ dml· oped that .-oe reported to rmpr'Oft. orat._.cblllle,lbel2Jte~· slderable . Ooe UW.SP biolo&J st udent Ia eurrenU)' uperi · menlinC wttb a ~ tMI be · claims wlU make Wlleonsin pol romy bit .. palatable u &ood """"""""-· J s,amokdabitoltbefirsl:baldl -~..dfouad ltiDbefl :.c.d~.~~~..,:::: -~-· · . ~--~"'7IA The foOd won't kill you I 'Jbousa.nd" are performed dally, =w:;~~.~~re .':,uau!w~.~~ eritidud. ''The undwkhes are dry, aDd theysbouldhlvemore variety." 5aDdy answend that It was " the pita," but ahe'd beard ol wone food services c:c othft' eampu&a. NeYft'tbdeu, atudeotllite JeH!T tenad aUU think lhlt Sap deRrvea a Jill oa the bladl. " I thlnlt lt'i well wortb tbe money, lf lt'a only because you ca.n 10 blclt for I«<nddl apln and apln." you~~=c=~ ~~ meal." caa a student &et a l»>tlneed meal thnJuah HOI&iel, Elby ~- other code-namtd dilbel rumaaiDI at Oebot. and the variOUI butJen at the Grid! Dr. GrateHendd, food and nutriUoo a:pert from tbe Home Economks Depertmalt at UWSP, daimltheycan. "StudiM about tbe quality ol tbe food aerriol ben bave ...,_ely been · made by p-ad ablderlts. '!'bey found that tbe rtpt DUtrieotl were lbere, and mc.tatudeatl kMW . . . . t.ofllld them. II&DJ .tudeatl doa' t take tbe ri&bt foodl ber.aUM they cbl't like ......... Dr. Hendel iakt abe eould WIISentud some o1 the pr"'bbaDD tbe food ceDten bllve to face. " U ltudmtl don'ttakeumuyvec~uwu upeeted, they lit Ia tblwarmen ud e"f":Dbii.Dy beeome OYeit"oc*ed. U for .ame~tbe\IIUIJI'\IIbdoela't came. aome ol the food ml&bt bl'te to -ELECT- TORZEWSKI' .,A TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS" ACONffMPORARY WORSHIP SERVICE SONGS - SHARING DANCE: ltmRMATlOMAL RlK DANCERS SINGII«i BY: .GINA SPAAY. JIM DAIUI«i 'SUN., SEPT. 12 7:00P.M. PEACE CAMPUS -t-ENTER . .ER 8123D the sport shop UNITID MINISlRY IN HIGtiR EDUCATION '1· q .ll ~.) Pointer staH exposed ••b- MHU.p an beld wftkly to ddft"•IIM. UN: ulare aad depUI of . .wn.J to be c.vered Ia u.e ,... ~·t.e The tcllton then trudlt btdt to UlriT detks to_yu out aulpmeat t llftts ·for Ute~ wr it.& Ia. JOIU"hlb:!l" II tllle se.. Y• c.. reM evet')'tlllltc WriUell .. UN: jed. Nnt8 .. rdli&ell ewrMS. ad ltl .............. Ute n-t ddatl ; IMit _....., peno.al tx· .o.c.. .......... per~eect, ,.. -. .. ~.,. ~ • • weetty eefkte peper ... Me ol Ck- bnt ••, . of MU.illial actulu~. atkast la UN:Rdd el jMr. . lb•. · £~. Polatel" ,.._... ... ~leddferttfll m.we ""• ., predacU• C~~U&en. • .,lien, wrt&en; tt••l•n• mua&ers. ... .. ..ert~~m, Pft'· ,_._ w-.. dlelr ~--~. ... lnft'ai,.UflltlleedJI&.W'•Krill =~~ ,.Wic~U. ~liCit w . ne ......p~as~n.. ~~q~.a...,IM..,. ....... utGeMU.. ~····· lll tlr rap«Uvt Hdkla. Special cue b: madetomttch jvtttherigll t penoa to lilt story or evo.t. WMII tkit il Ht I*'I IWe, due to I lll._dollhlllt .. rftOU'HI, UN: tclller tan16e ,_.,. ov"' 1e tbe tin t rc-por- tcreomlat:Uaroullatbe"-. OllttU!Ierlu.IC'Ofl7 1rriVn at llle etn«, typed dooulalot sp.cH. U.e c:opy Nlw.- dk«.. IJte pie«. Gnmat.r, ::~~; :l:'~O:: :::!'ut! dn& • • taW a 10011 kad, lilt aulsc.a.t ""' ~ c:b. .&ft tbe .,.. -~ ·""'-- ~- # . ~. " "''~--111:· 1~ -· -c ., ..~ • ....... ...... ......... ... "!' ,, Tbb II Dirk GaHtke, our adorable copy editor. lt'a her job to led up wards tbat the other editon have miuptUed MICh u "we" , ''us", and " it." Evti')'OM takes special care to lelve a few mistakes In each article tomake~sbeamshersalary. ..... <HPOUI J.U ~1 is an okl hand arouDd the PoUlter office, haviflllft'V'ed one full year u pnenJ DeWS reporter, sportS editor, and tbe alJ...knowiriC dver of C<Mlk 1rildom,.(remember Tbe "CQSMOS"!). A jock at Mart, Joba shows &ood wrilinl ability, a sbarp breakIn& N!'Ve baU, aDd a pen-chant for turDin& in late copy: Now that be realius be will DeWr pttcb for tbe Brave.. RoDdy says be will IOmflday tbe Cbic.qo cw:. to promiDellc.e..Sa)'IJoba. ' 'I tblnklcan spell Manny Trillo and bit a soUd .258." -d ,. I ! .! '· Vlc'y 81111•1•· environmental editor, ill a:treme!y coooemed about cleaniDt up America. Sbe II also lcdliriC for aomeoae to sweep out htt aanae- Stfloee vk:ky purchased EueU Gibbon's " Sta.Jklnl tbe Haith· fu1 Hert.," the BWinp family no kJn8er bas a problem with wetds in tbefrmtyard. · i' Bee-Lftl Diu. our lovely arts edltordP.acri~~tf iJIS ~'I!for· merly Inhibited but now emaaic.lpated, and oo loocer av.U.abJe oa .eeke:Ddl. Bee hu a ruabet of int.eraUQ1 art feature ideu, amoaa them, "'lbe effect~: of Calvinilm Oft Modem Art," ''The MysteryoiMiclJelantdo,"and''The • Msthetic.ValueoltheCralola." ,, I "'~ =~~·--~ . . --·- .,;; "Our children's futur~ may be "" "If nuclear plants .ore not ~ enough for metro-areas, why ore they safe enough fcx rural areas?" · Naomi Jacobsen "f,'i::~~tlUonmyreprtSentatlvesinGove:rnmtnl tolpODICII'aDdactlvdyaupportaepaUonto: Ill dtnlopufe:, eat-c:ompetitl" IOiar deetridty and IGlar fuels within ttn )'t:ln or-.. ud ( 2 ) pbueout tbeopentionolnuc:le:arpowft"plants . uquktl)'upoulble. · ~wn --~-------------------- Na-,..w..ldeariJ -----,------------- 8trftt t\ddreN Ctblllata wkre you v«e ~--------- Cltyaii i SUc.e-----------------------1 SeMa.: LAND. ~,WI.~lS darkened by a loss of hope." Senator McKenoo on nuclear power A quesUoa aad IDIWft aession followed the ,l&lb. Mike Kiefer, ~~~=~~!!!~: at to speak. Kiefer uked permiu'«a to deliver a rebuttal before tbegroup.. McKenna and Jacobten ln'lited him to the podium. Tbejc!stolK6efer'aa~een-~ lered around wbll be cansidend tbe public:'a - eugented p&I"UUIii :::-.:= ::::;,"=-..:.::; COil plants. Unllkeunnium,mercury hal oo hall-llle, that II. It wW always betoDeaftddaD&t:rOUI. • IOdertbeDwentoatbequeltioa.ol ttedlbllity ol-.e raadeu poWer~ poMOll, linC1iDI out tbe autbor ol ··we ~ Lalt DetroiL" Kiefer dilcredited tbeautborby DOtiDI ~~ this u.me \ndivldua.l attributed the New York black-out tofl)'ln&uuc:ers. He made 111 attempt to juiWy lhe expmdituret for nuclear deHiopment and promotion by ~laimin& It to ' be eflkleot, comparatively inex· pem.lve ud far more pnctkal thin ::.:r.~~~~!=; ..... ~rtici::t~~=~t;~ Tbe future ol tbe nudMr c:oatroveny rem.U. to be unveiled. tbouundt ol people have alreldy siped a c:leln energy petition. They will be ehaUqtna: lhe power com pany atruiatel. lt'a up to an lndividull todtoolehfl or ber stand oa. tbeilaue. Publ.lc:awal'ftlf:ll il lhekey to a Nle and pncUcal mvinxlment for this lenertlkla ancHbena:t. i .. I I " It's eosier to score people than enlighten them ." M ike Kiefer Photos by Phil Neff :·· ........ ~~- ········--------- ·······.--·······:··········: --. ... .... . . .. .......... Harr~s lly Oanldly ~ Wb do . , ca~agin&~~qu~~i~oi~ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ' seeks tountain of youth .,. .." tbem.Some students become Involved ~th~~ ~ .... . ~h Interest, ,.._.....~ great interest to Dr. Joseph Harris, proless«oiCeUBiologyhereat~ . WSP.His lllb Ia structuftd around cell functions and their relaUonshl~ to each otber and to other parts ol ata organbm.A.s part of their Jab r;equiml:l~t. studenll are ~to.ed Hormonll ~troland DNA ~tent are abo fundamental to lh1l reaear· ch.Wor\ Is bein& done on ace reversal by means of hormonal ehlnge done uperlmentally labontory.Comp~~rison In tbe of DNA IC· tlvlty Ieveli and pfftent ol ~tent betweea the YOWlS and mature chloroplastlarebei.Dglnves~ted- - DEMONSTRATIONS AND LECTURES BY A . CERTIFIED PADI INSTRUCTOR. - SLIDE SHOWS - EQUIPMENT DISPLAYS -BREATH THROUGH A SCUBA COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM . WED.,- SEPT. AT 15-8:00 P.M~ -. RECREATIONAl. SERVICES (GAllES ROOM) PRESENTED IN COOPERATION WITH THE UWSP SKIN AND SCUBA DIVING SOCIETY. · However, betore tneae DUS~.JMS~G were built. the problem wu already OoodiDa washed iD ttislenc'e.IJ'l fact. ::v=-~~~ve~U:i3!~ area wu unable to twxDe all the water running into it. 1be limited <:lpiCitJ. ol MOHS Creek also fn. temif"a tbedilfJCUI.ty . . .This .land is important to the atudeata ol UWSP In many ways. It providesaplacewberemanyatuden- a1 Jim. Sief• •• Tbesearcbll.;.......,.forafuaal solution to tbe ~ prabkms lhatplaptbeiUidnelope(lla"lldoorth fl the UWSP campu~. Steve~~ Point Mayor Jam. ~ uld :!:.t ~ ~O::i'!.t~; riable to thaN prabkms. IOiutioa expedl tbe ~ to the drai.aqle dilemma within ~'icgksm l l'ft h ll commercial wne solve development has i tbe tbeup«~mi.aly.r. nus land, SUrrouaded by R.eRrwe - amountolcovered t paceiathata rN, whidlln tum, prevtnta rain water 5tnd DO the 'ftllt, Maria Drtfe olf tbe and slush from seeptna Into the S(IUth. and Mic::t:lipa AftiiUe Oft tM eut cannotretablaUtbewater lf'IIU.Od. The unablorbed water lhea the woods :'~i~~y~~~ llowslntotbelowarealn Mrlb ol the UWSP campus. cc.obinataoa al day aad ~ whidl fon:u the ftuD.daa ol t.lals lind precludel elftdift dniaa&e. dninlltltotbearea. MIK'bol lhis laDd is commerdaUy zoned, and 5hould further commen:laliz.ation er.ue, A number al rad.n bl~e- C'OO- . ~ more water will be added to the lributedtotbe(.'W'ftDI.Iitultioa..One aln:adytaxedbuln. allheselacknlltbe&JDCIUIItol water nm-oO' huD tbe Selltl'}' lntt il bebrv'edthata putduloltbe IW"lllnct ai\e. A«wdiaa to I rDtmD draiDI.p problem wu caused by tbe from Burte to f1e&lelon, "Sftltry recent commercial developmenta ol Sentry, IGA, IDd McDoMidl. tbeu~tt!.':!~ruW:::! ='::.~0:.."~ =:- lS CaD pu'SUe apecla1iud atudiel. Daniel u. Trainer, pror...- and Dean ol the CoUtee ol ·Natunl Relourul laid that 20 perunt ol the DNR 1tudeatausethlluuuaplace to carr)' out thole 1tudlel. Ad· diUonaUy, UUI aree bas been im· porUnt to tbe atudebtl becaUM olltl recreatioul poulbWliel. However, becai.R ol tbe dral.tlqe probksna u:sodated witb tbe ate~. , tbe IOiuUoll to thole problem& m.y affect l tudftlt UMollbllla.Dd. A nomber ol pouib)e approacbel have been suge~ted u mea.DI ol alleviatitlc tbe ICnin p.lt Gil tblt laDd't dni.Aqt: abiliUM. To bepl wltb, tbe grade ol Maria Drive could be ra.laed., R.e1erWt Street could be cloled to traffiC, and the kftl ol the man-bole located M:l.t Maria I>riYe could be railed. Also .u eutb-beam" couldbeputac:rouft..en.eStteetu • ol c:ralitlc. "Dike effect" whkh would bokt water t.ck. Anotber CGal:e:ivable IOiuUaa IDvolve~ tbe c:radaa ol a 1tonr1 sewer :::e:;=t="!== from Moles Qoeek to tbe W't~CCalJ'l ;.":;=.t,u:!'~~~ M-""""- '111ecreatioaofaaewerfrom MOMS Creek to tbe Plowr River bas bei!O ugested as ariotber poa~ib)e way to resolve the I'Wl -off problem. This 5eYtertotbePkrver-Riftrwouldaolve the drainage problem In lhe same maDMr u the atorm RWft" to the •· Wtsc:onslnRiver." At the present time, It bas oot been cleddedwbkholtbtaepla.al.iiiQY, sboWd be p.1t Into effect. This Indecision is bIn p!lrt tolleoer"al lade ol infc:nnaUon atiau l the causet o( the dralnap problem and the ef. ftoetaolthe)Jf'OpCIIfldiOiutkm. Trainer echoed tbll aWtude u he lndicatedthataaolutklalbouldnotbe reached unW alter more lftt'c:nnatlon wu obtained. Tnlaer uld a look at the " tota l picture" ol the area wu · DHded before •DY deda1oo could be ...... Bw1teexprs:aedaalml.lar a ttitude. . He believed a further naluation wu needed before any dedtklrl.ahotlld be ...... Altbou.lb • final dedakJn bas oot beea.reacbecl,aabart-lermsolution =rbe:U~=~ exJatma dtaiDI.ce abiUUea oC the area. Fei&Jeaon ukl the . , . - o1 Maria Drive and MicblpJ:I Al'eiiUe willberaiaediaatlallpttopreorent trom apU&c O¥ft" Into the otber lkle ' o( the road. P'ei&)eKia alto dalmed nm-oiT water from the Seatry alte Ia now " •••weU ira •DY euea wa.1er ....... WbUe this abort lam· sotulioa is beUlC p.il iDto iooC tenn sotution to tbe dnlJ'll.te probkma ol ....,.,_ eft«• the woods DOI1b ol campul awalta They dkl away with the dnfl. but l'w been on K.P. since I got oft' lhemulplan.. UWSP FOlJD SERVICE CALL: 346-3434 __ r_ SeHer than beer B.M.O.C. Big Move on Campus, and everywhere else,-is back to nature. Dexter leads the way with natural leathers and genuine plantation crepe soles. A real blast oF fresh air and fashion knpwn as DEXTERiTY. WOMEN' S SIZES TO 11 WIDTHS NARROW TO WIDE · ~ MEN'S SIZES TO. 14 '(IIDTHS NARROW TO ~TRA WIDE sHIp py L2-::._WIS_sn_CONSIN_7-~-0F-S-sOF_HDE_s_•_A_LL-' sH0 EsW~ YOU HAVE A BETm1 CIIAIICE OF EXACT SHO£S SHOES YOU - WANT .THE AT SHI'PY THAN ANYWIItRE ELSfl WHY? EAUSE WE HAVE THE LARS· FOOTWEAR . . DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT Super pickers return DA.l.LAA OVl:R PllllADELPHlA -Oneolour~U~~«pictincrulells : EacJs iD • n.d pme_(ltU' Iftl')'brfcbttopwith tbem ill llleiT bame pme& either.) Nefti' tab tbe CowbuylbJ'tO. • LOS ANGELD OVER ATLANTA -Webroftll"tset~~eitha"G:Itultbele t.eu. p&ly • pme yd. 10 -'U 10 wajout•alialbaad5**tbeRam~ "'"· ST. LOUIS 0\I;ER SEATn.E- The CardiDab tel tbe openi.fw roww:l " bye.'' SbcWd be Doa Cerydl'l Ood: b)-21. KANSAS CITY OVER SAN DLEGO - - Nobody'• enr been able to GUt why tbe Cbldt don't wlrl more M I AMI OVER BUFFALO- The: Monday N\ghte:r. If Griese: Jt:tl hot, lbe Bills are shot. The only thing Bulfalo miaht win II the: opening 'eoin ntp. Dolphinsbyt:z. ~. naure GREEN BA \' OVER SAN FRAN· pmea. It's allo dilfw:Wt fiCurinC out ~~~t!:e:r!:i::l£t~o:.ol wby tbe a..rz,en lmdst 011 playing ~tollheln..KCbylS. ./ i.:;·w~~v~' ga~~~ ;e:~t! Pacllbytpointa. HOUSTON OVER TAMPA BAYTbe 8&ac:c:aDetrl coWd have F. Lee .. BalJey~lbdtddenseaod atiU . . lhilc:ee.l..oc*ltiketbeOilenby CHICAGO OVER DETROIT- Tbll II In Olicago, and the Bear1 had a very Jood pre-seUon rec«'d. Tbe Lioos' Herman " Tbunderloot" ::~~u~b~~:!. ~~~on. lone punt return. Tbe Bean by 7. Wj\SftlNCTON OVER NY GIAHTS -Last year, New Ycd'a lODe d!leme COYtn!d about :u muc:h area u Cbanfa bikioi. The lkinl lbouJd a1mo5t ICIDr'e a t will in lhis one as PJTI'SBURGII AGAINST tbeywln~t7. ONONNAn OVER DENVER fUcb Updlurdl rdunM!d to tkkolb for 1014 yardl lut IGIOII. Oca~er·a BAl.nMORE OVER NEW ENGlAND - 1be Patriots might be small,butthey'realloskrw. The Colts s:printtoa t4 poiatwln. OAK· ~u:.-~ta~r!t'U!rfl Stede:rlbytO. Wie:ve:lpve:Pittsbur&h the nod by t:J, and SuUivan, who , a lwa)'l bu likrd the Steelen, t«<k O.llllndbecausehehad lastchoiCf'. s.:l~bb:=~:~ CLEVEI..AND OVER NY JETS ThistellsuslbaiUpc:hurdJisaaer • , New Yart: bu about as muC:b ol a · runoer. It also tells us lbat olf to uslut wed; but unfortunately c:baaee wiDDiDI this u General many teams ctid u awful kit ul • had lhem written down in Sanskrit. W'ill.lam Tecumldl Shennan's great, kktin& o11 to lht Brmcos afteWe'll Itt you know how he ca me: out great jJraDdlon bu ~ atttina e:lec· IC'Orinl•&ainsttht'm. We §!Ita lake whet! we find someone who can ted mayor ol Atlanta. The Browns l.be&enptsby14. translate his report. dlinl "'"· Small? Try Aikido By J... v....-. Jll5t becaule you are a sma.U person. does LbaC IDeM you mull be at the IDft'q cllarp:r aDd Jtl'qft' foes!' Aikidoexpertsuyao. • Aikido, a form ol Karate and one ol lhe martiaJartsiltbe~ol UV.'SP student Lub Nco- Luke idl \'itt ~ iA December ol tm. ~tothi., be(lpftllmaa)')'et.n lnlininc to altaia.ba browll belt lhird dan ralin&. Re8dy to take tbe tat for ms blaet bt U rukinC, Luke llrlill* toduf!tobisi!IOfttotbe eases In which ~ido is e:m~ed. ~~~~=-~: M in any martial art.~ and agilityolbotbhandsaridtbe:ftetll• ~·oltbefoe's lt.Jteolmindas wdl as the directioa ol bisupccmin& ::.-~:'.~~ au.ackcr into moves that will nom. 'tu.nyddeatbim. Lulle~oamartiala.rUas f1Fi.-MONDAYNi~t1T1 1 ., FOOTBALL . 1 1 Time: 8:00 tiiUhe ·end of game 1 1 Place: Coffeehouse I. Odyssey TV game also set up 1 1 DATES AND TEAMS: FRE~~~~g:~~~-AV I Sept. 13 lolami at Buffalo at Kansas City I .202:1 oakland washington at Philadelphia I Oct. 4 Pittsburgh at Minnesota I 11 S.F. at L.A. . 18 - N.Y. Jets at New Englanr I 25 St. louis at Washington ,...... "' ,... . a_ ..,.,to~·..., I1 Nov. 18 Houston ii!lliltimore L.A. at Cincinnati r;:,"".,.:r.;"'.:-:,,~;. I 15 Buffalo at oalas ~f,;;..!:.~.:O~-' · · 22. Baltimore at Miami way to gee. out o1 • r.gbt is Ne:YerirttbeoppoDtlllwalkaway,~ """"""'"'-"'"''"................~~- .. ...,. _ .......__ _ _ _ __ _ 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I _______.._._ CLIP AND SA VF Pololw P•A•ZI s.pl, • .1-~--=...c.:=- ..,.ll. l.,l the sport shop P•rt-pa. Double lniP culf. . sum-, BE AT PEACE . . . Tile lutheran Studel!t .Comm-"ty_invites you Ill sllalw good"111od, fun, new -friends, horne· made Ice cream. . . · · SUNDAY, SEPJEMBER 12, .3 f.M. _ PEACE CAMPUS CENTER VINCENT AND MARIA . P.S. - '"TbetambMapodcb&lctllllllbl -~· !:.::-~.!.:.~.· .. ontbecourtwltbiJIYODI.'' Tbe= ~.=..s:!.:~CuTbeFidd~----- ~~1: · = =.::. "':,;-...::!: =:.":.=.."'::!.~-": :\;'..;" """ , _ - " Lac,_ o W bo lbo - . · • $J:=::~'";...""::~.•-....., ... '=!.!!.'•... fBEHIND TEMPO STORE);::_"-- - -t 1-- ..=t=::..t.m~Kar,. WlBALL &LOVES, RIISIES, 6000 JOI(ES, rn;, SUNDAY..-9:30 A.M. BIBlE STUDY f0:30 A.tl. WORSHIP CELEBRATION . 3:00P.M. THE PICNtc ,.,...,,..... ,::;..,.,_: :=hoeS.,--....;: . r:.r~:r==-=.=b1 ............ Tbe .t .._ ~~~,..... :..:.. . '············ ······ . : - . ······ . . ........... . - ... . :....... ... . Exciting season ahead ... . ayS.raliG,_wea The Boys in the Bond n.e 111C W"mter Seuon ol m~~in stage productioalln the Warren Gard JenkiiW TbMtre wW olr« variei:l and interftlln& nperiencn for the The Sea Horse =~oer.,:,=~~~ semester are 111e Mlrade w.n.tr. Tbe Be)'1 .. Ute a.-f. 'lk Mika4e. Jnd't"MSeJJI-w, r '- '·'• - TOGO'S-THE HOME OF THE SUBMARIIE SANDWICHE . IIVITES YOU TO STOP OVER TO TRY ONE OF OUR TASTY MEALS-ON-A-BUN. OUR SUBS ARE MADE FRESH TO YOUR .ORDER AND WE HAVE OVER 30 KilOS TO CHOOSE FROM. (AMEJII:AN & ITAUAN, TUNA & EGG SALAD, STEAK, TURKEY, AND THE' VEGETARIAN.) OPEN' 11 ,(,M. 10 Midnight Dolly ~~ :::: !: ~ :::~:c::,:y, PHONE 341 1111 249 DIVIS;ON I j Arts and lectures presents By Bob Kralapp The AJ:ts and Lectures 5erits premlta.whatilusWillytheflnest opt:ra "Porgy and Belt" a nd in· troduc:ed It to the eaplloiJ ol Europe. profusional e nt er tai nment available. The list In previous semesters hu iilduded sudl famous perfot'!Dft'S as tbe v;eMI Symphony, ......... the Royal AttObats ol Ti.awan, and Marcel Ma~au , lbe renowned rplmilt. - •,?:~~-::e~:~r:'::i mLaSic, dancitli. folkkx'e, and crafts ol-tbe Ozarb. Jimmy Driftwood and members ol the Rad:aud Foa.Jore Soddy ..w present tbis pi'OIJ"attl iD tbe~ f'iddbDuM. .;:=~~~~~ artist ol undoubted meril, Mr. HarnU bas pa'formed ~~ tbe United SUiter &tid Europe, Ud~linlln such weD-known mualcal .-r- events aa London's Southballlt Festh•al. AI the anJy rw.J-time proleuional dw!lber orchealJ'a iD the Unit.ld States. the St. PIIW Cbamber Qr. cbeltn ISPCOI II unique iD ita ~.tbtversaWityollta ,.......,._ m111kia.. and Its •JIIIf"'Kh to per· i ! The Idea oo whkh tbe SPCO il buedilcallfd"MIIIkontbeMove.." It ecnploys tbe Oo.ibUitj aad •<t-P" tabi.llty ol tbe ordleltn by bokiift& C'QDC!I!I'tl iD such UDCODMntionaJioftt. ioCI as demeotarl' K:bools. atore~; and factories. Tbt St. Paul Cbamber Or'dleltn will perlorm. Oct. 5 in Anlmmmsdytalentfdperformer, be have been grMt.ed everj'wbtre wlt.h The Ensemble lOr Early Music wW praet~t ' tbe Medieval Me\l.lar play " Roman de Fauvel.. on NO¥. 11 . 1be performed will be Medieval European to 18th century baroque. There ilau attempt to l"f'CJUie tbe m~lc orillnaleslhetk:outlook olthepetlod throu&h the use ol voices and medieval instruments. 1be "Roman de Fauvel'' Is a lull realization ol tbe pLay, complete with mimel, P'IPPN. procellka, aod maP: u well u a.a amy o1 mtdin'al ..evmta•: -=b u a aownin&. a mlncle. a joust alld a ahivaree. · Trio the Quandt Taylor ba1 diltinCUbbed .bimseJI u a planill, • c«npGHr, and a teacher, both on radio ud tdeYilklo. He bepll hil profeuioul career b)' pLayillc with the BeG W~Quartet In New York aadhuCODtilr.aedasaiOioiltuda JeederoiJazzmleal.bles. Mr. Taylor bu writtm OVft' 300 sonp u we.U u writinC matcriall. Nicaragua to entertain Point Qa NO¥. 16, the Billy Taylor will perfo r m In Fleldhou1e. Billy ~.r.=:a~::. temauan.J Art ol Jaza aad tbe Newport Jazz Fe.tinl 1be cndita continUe. t1ut tbil 15 moucb to allow tbev~!Wity andeneqyoltbemu. ~F\ekfbcule. William Warflekf. OM ol the lfal baritMel ol OW' timt:l, will lin& in Mkbellon HaD oo Oct. n . IA additloa to perf01'11liD& LD AUitn.Uii, Asia, Africa, be at&rftd in Gershwin'• TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM f.:'.!.::~..~===-~::_ ....,~ ===-==-~-::.-::::-:=.=:=-=.= ....,_ ,....,_. . .... . ....... ... _.................................................. ......... .....,~ .................................... .--o,_. .............. .. .~.~~=:~:-.:=.=-=-· ~-· FJIU PUIUC ~LECTURE: TUUDAV, SIJt'Ta.a 14- 7:10P.M. NK:OLET-MAIDJETTE MKJII - UMVIMITV CllffD - _f:s:_R_e_a_d_e_r_s'...:P:....o_e_t....:ry!......Jr-: FAREWELL OLD FRIEND SUmmer has drifted by, but I haven't taken any oflt. ~~J'n~~~-ralnsfell . The wheat bowed Its royaJM.d to me but I DeVer ootked. 'l"be ~ er- okt and turned brown but I wallr.ed on nevert-mg. And now !;~Iiiii from ,my window, wondetini why? Summer put its b&Ddoc mylboWder and blew a cool biutb olkindneu upon me, ·- butltumedmyt.ck&Ddbltedlti:pre~eDCe. I~ IJoacedtqbewttbtbalefaraway . and thereuniliDCcoukiODl)' takeplaceln winter. lamuaed mysellwitb IWilmer'a pusUmes; I ~~bueballand drank ley cakes. Yeti DeVerthankedsummtt-- THE ORPHAN I lonly......._ m. you do DOt bear Him kDockin& nowYou IIlii)' thlnt He'I IODe- ByBdtyKelal Butoaedayebild. oa your own aDd per'biJIIOUlolcuriousily ANontER HEART MEMORIES youwWopeaU!.aldoor. I pound on the door laciDC bM:k ADdyouwWflnd but no one will let me in. _..yourdocntep,lti.ll Faee.aplode waitiaceversopatienUy Memories drip like water filled IJ*I8CL ,... ...... toabudoa.bla ago. Buttbeywoa.'t· TheFatber they can't le:tmeback. Andtben,Hewillbe)'OUI$ aadyoawWbeHis So tbe door lt.lnds opea, TbelllhtahiDcsbltotbthaU And you are wek!cmed. Tbe move II made, tbe atep il taba c.owud the door But the beart baide the room is, ob, 10 dllf....l NotaniiDkiadbMrt,butaodifTermt., Tbesteplafttn.cted Dartneu wc:Wd DOt be 10 cruel uthildllwoldecetvtnal!Pt aodtbeUmeittoc* will be lc:qotten. BykUyKdll By " -SUeba' ThefootlUml """"""'· UNIVERSITY. CHRISTIAN MINISTRY LOCATED AT THE NEWMAN CENTER ~08 4TH AVE. (CORNER OF 4TH & RESERVE) PHONE 348· 4448 UNITED MINISTRY IN HIGHER EDUCATION tMtE ... ~ Prcilteatlnt Cll'npul ......,. of .... Amerlclrl ...... Eptl· copll, llllllthodllt, Untied Church of Chrlll .. ,...,..,..,.CIMan:ftM. b ~-'open 1o NEWMAN PARISH LUTHERAN STUDENT ....men un...,lllty PIIMh Is e c.thoHc community lot atudenU, f.:utty, ...n Mel krt....t.d ,._..,of UWSP. COM~UNITY LSC ll e ......... community of atucMnts, fiJCUit»' Md lUff from UWSP end the ycKI"' ldub of steMml Potnt. Wcnfllp ...._1M mo.t of ow progrsm1 IMtd at P..ce campus CW.t•. Sunday morning wotMip c.lebrlltlonl .,. . . 10:30 1.111., followed by Mlnfomlll coft.. bout. TlHt P..ce Cent• ll open most ew.nlngs lor Muctr, comen«<on, TV waf!:hlng or getting togetMr .... ftiendl. . Newm.., P ....tt hu HI IO....C. .nell C*lt« ~community . ....... ...... ........ - ....... -· .. ...... . . In t*ng 1 ... ~,.....,.. 1M spo~r.en _,s, Sunday ewenlno• at 7:00 In ... P.-ce C.!*l c.nt• 8anc· ,_.,. - -FIItllldiiiCUIIionl . Shor1 end lesture ............. YMd II diiCUIIkW'I lt.ftWI .... .....- MASS SCHEDULE tJ:tVSP ltudentl, · IICUity .... ...,.ofllft)'OJnGreWgtoullffll· iltlon. , . . _ . . Include: -IIIOnwy _._,..,., wcnhip celetn· .............. dlnee, IMdt., llblk:ll s-.., , .,._ 11:31a.a.. "'Tlllt:IIIIW' . . ,... lt.ltii'1CIIItcll, , ........... c...t. -·.a.a w....,.-...s:T....,MftiUy 12* . . . . ~ .. In MtCh .,... • ,._.... snd todll Newmsn P.-tsh ello otl'lfl: ,...._, ...~ and .pWttuM -IIUtrueUon c&NsM lot c.thcMics llld .,..ell. .!.--~-~ ~---Growth ,..,...,.. W..und experilneel -P~~ semlnst~ ..,. .... .,...,.: tJ!Mtlng to knoW - · -RettMtl ................ ,.;. deepty. -Rip . . . . . . -=~lor~":::~ :::~= snd ~urol dlrec· ."'"'~.attM*'""anc.nt..-. ...::.::..::.;. ==:ls_:.:;"(~':r1~n :::::;. Mondly-dtrll Frlctly. 1:30 to 4:30. • Weekty progr-. lftduM IRH ltlllfr, kllk c~r . •-'""'• '-''"''· pre·msrrl•o• Nmhws and ~m~H growth QI"'UUM· CounMUng Is nlbb6e at the Unh•IHy • ~ •rM•trW, In 1M Newm1n Cent• (Fourth .nell "--'-1. Mondly lhru Frld1y , 1:3010 4!30. . ·..:..__ --,:r well OVef' e;ght miles high. And be nevft' quite comes down. AI a mattn--d-fac:t, lhefollow-41pSOfll, " JoU y ROCft'," Joel hlaba' stlU. lt'a a ~r swashbuckler-on lhlt IW'· fa~. a slirTinl tale about the ' tonqUeSI ol an Eng.llsh CUppe:r, but aboundinalndoublepw'port. b• ,;.,•,lu hold ... ., as .$. ElrQo'a Her cllttll were filled wltb tntW~asm~tellatwe'dfell-'re, _ Y• abea.lilla'see.lt, Y•'.da ~~~~~ ,.., s•re lM draa eame&o\owll, 1kre ... lad~ ........ barHKk altdtlaemyst.er}ma.a Allpalatedl.lkeadowa." Theson&~a~nllrith rodt'n'fQU ~val, the splrit ofa sendinc McGuinn J:;,'s=d 1br: 10111 il isrried by no ._. tha n thftefifl}'ilh mekldiel;,whlehd:la.DCe bact and forth 10 abrvptly It's lite ~~~.lbwD the cballlinc faee of hili art. Tbll aide Ia bracketed by aonp from Bob O,.lanandJODiMitmeW. IF YOU WOULD STI.L EHJOY MORE MUSIC IN YOUR UFE (AT ·HOME OR WORK), BUT A SECOND SYSTEM .. IS TOO CDSTL Y, HERE'S lNHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR. THE ADVENT MDDfL ' =~~· ~~ SOUND II A VAllElY DF PlACES. IrS - E TWO PIECE mL· lNG ALLOWS EASY. PlACEIIEIIT OF CONTROl UIIT AND SPEAICER FOR THE BEST SOUND POIIIIl£. · is ~uc:t!JII ~r:n:~~O::,"' FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY OWN A ANE SYSTEM: . ~~ ==~:pon.~ t!,.~ significa~totheima&scltheaong. Jb!r'~:':r~ ~~~~ " Delire" allxlin), and a crew of :..,_re:a.1JJ 'm~~ttu. n. 1ma1es stllnct: muaical outllwt, iftcludlD& ''Dsl~·· &.lone butareopentaintftptdaUon. aeuion men Howie Wyeth aDd Rob "~tty PoUy," an awful ballld ~at:!~~. sl.a.fWjl !: tbe ton& like be tbe object, It b pouible to attac.b aot ........ ain&ini side: McGWDn takes us oa a buccaneer bo.t ride lhn:lugb rodc' n'roll . St~ is moat obviOully. preseat RtconiRevl- . oa "Rod and RoUTime," ldekin& !he Ro&er McG ulan'a aon&'off with some mea n lUI tar char· ''CanlltfROIIe" cis, punctuatina McGuinn's ~. Revk-nd by Bob Ham lan·Hunteriah vocala. McGuinn Upon r.nt bearin& •.,..ke Me Away," theopeni..a&aon&on "Ca.niiff moves dfortlellly from pirate to Rose," I Immediately decided :=es~llaw and the aon& rally anylhizl& that iood had to be the hi&h point of the album. The sona:la an ec· "Friend," a somewhat slower piec:e, mouma the fate of a friend who atatk. hllh enft1Y tribute to Dylan's receDt lCiw' abow, "Tbe RoUiftl Tbun" lot in over hili bead" and buml .der Rntew," in wbkb McGuinn par1br: IOnl Boe1 nowhere, beyood that ticipated. The lyrics rud llkea rock buic./ ktea, bqt It's ~ with 1:01).. postcard fi"'OO Mr. Dylan himadl. · Vlcdonand&enulnefeelln&. McGuian 'Wn!P' up \be akte with " Y•aboUda ' -.lllere ' 'PartneninCrim~t, '' aNUric:tribute 'lftn Ume wu rlJbt fer tH muk: Y•altMida' bftsllbere ~ tlaat baM o1 QPt~ triumphs, ~~~i~k,l,':d~~~j~ofthe atory about the search for the Holy ~~-~~~~ll Roa:t,Ja~~~ .. ~~u= !J~:!~ ~ ne.tooflmonforoarpleu11re." 'l'besemlaG~~&Saetlhepace·ror·lhe C::iiilllllili- Dybn'l " Up to Me" findl McCuiM taking a cakulated risk-not only pe r forming a son& ·J omewhat superiortohilown,butimltati.n&the style ol its writer u weU. His Dylan ' impreuiCII Is 10 claM l.blt It almoat overpowen him. You could awur it was Dylan stretchiq thole. vowds AMAZING GOOD SOUND S125 _____..,.. - -. FOR STOP BY AND TAKE A LISTEN _ =~e·.l:"!~e·~·~ r: the album thematicality. Fortunately McGuinn hu a rausina lood lime aing\al It, jultU)'in& ita presence on the album. _, Pinall y Jon! Mitchell's ;~r;:~~~U: 1 ~·1~ :"!~ of a number of half-familiar voya1es.-trom Cbril Columbus to the dawn of Dylan's m~alc. • Apin, McGuiDD'IIIJllaslie: lmlta\kM:I is iood enough to startle and yet does DOl COIIIlilute a JWTender to anotber ar· Usl McGuinn does it In 11ne styie, somebow makinc)'fiU feel be bows w~t~:!:~~ in triumpbant hl&bl- The mutk il invfaotalinl, lm- stoppable,lnfectiou:l,allve. 1tlap1 outfrombehUxlthelyricsandeaniel tbembi&h. • 117!7'~~iar:'~,!':tnthe~~ lndw.lr)'. . ~eo.:::·?:oa!:cturn writiaC u:; He actually lmmenedhimselt In 1 storal!"l sea of provocati" people, eveatl, and material whlcb ahape tbe en· thraUi• tale of tbe town ol Cea· lennlll. Wyom.Ioa. 't'eD&\Ira. lit~:!"ofto ~le!j~...!: . tJeailll .lit the care of II» earth. That's iicht, he atqes for ~a the macniflcent formation of the major ch~racter il tlu of the land in l!ril\iatlt dntmltic dtlall. It_ Ia both awuome=-!f ~ IWToundinl Ototennlal ::fr':': I~lea,:~':~,:~· . . ADd it Ia even men •tanlinc to comprehend the violence of the &Jaden responsible for the majesty of their unique, rock fornllllllnl . Revullna a\1 11 areate r lilnificlnce ol the land, Mkbener i nlrod~.~ees Ill lnUnlte line of inhabllanla bellrmlna with ooe ol the earth'alonaest-liveocfspecles: lhedlnouur. A vidoutly fall I t.W. between a monstrous alloaaurua and an encrmout diplodDcut reYMII the • ori&iD o1 a fc:uilhed .ttieton In an almoat tearful trqedy,. 1be~Complex and aopbittkated maunc l)'ltem of the biD telll a l)'mp!ltbctk ta)e ofatubborn pride and rearte. determloatloa u the Rr'oqelt bW1a compete ror the poaitlonolladtr. With the noUoat of 'oaly tantali:tl n a lntlmatlona of tbelr :!:!:t~oc~=e-:r .em::. U: earlies t ma n, anintor of 1he Amtricanbldian. A till)' projectile point wedJed between two neck va1abrae iD the skeleton of a t~ mammoth produces lndbputable mdmce ol a primi tive hunter'a bloody victory over the ma&aive beut. Tbe maay coup of Lame Beaver, the fro:tea fate of Blue Leef, the secret ol the inY:indbk NeverDeath, and tbr ataldna-out ol Cold Ears, are told nobly ~mandint respect forthefearleslc~aracterof '1:11'1e!~~theta~ ~ a"ndse:nte 11 - oftbepeoplequlfsthi: ~~=i::e~ur!~~ J:: tr~::~~'=~tl!d Pasquinnd brothen &iv• ·an lm· pres-Ion of the vto&ent ep~ which ablped the Wall. UNIVERSITY ALM SOCIETY: ·AFRICAN .QUEEN STARIWIG-YBOGART KA-HEP8URH IIIIErnD BY --JOHN HUSTON TUESDAY, SEPT. 14-$1.00 7:00 & 9:15P.M. Remtm~ber the best years of your life. Sign up for your 1976-n yearbook NOW. ~ Current Price; s7 .25 NOW ONLY:-s6.50 STUDENT REPRESENTATION: ANY STUDENT CAN BECOME A MEMBER ·oF THESE IMPORTANT FACULTY OR ADMitiSTRATIVE COMMITTEES: ' ._ AcAio4K: AlfAI!S STmT !iGANIZATDI CIMIIIIE FAClliY AlfAIS CAII'IlS CMUOCAOONS STAff IDII11H Ill AIW«lAL AilS 1'0000 All) BIJlltiSSAifAIS PIIOOlAMS DmaJII APPEALS STmT POOCY OOARO 10 IIAI.lH C!llllR ClMUI1Y RIIATOIS DAYCARUBIIIII OOARO STmT AlfAIS STEVIMS POINT liiWII !*ION IUWI RIIATOIS'CIMIIIIE IIIYIICIIIIIIAL ~llj & . . SAifiY All) 2% EOOAUJY - - '!lJMIIIE IF INTERESTED CALL OR VISIT STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICE 1ST FLOOR U.C. • 346·3721 - -WANTEDAPPLICATJONS-ARE-NO.W BEING - -ACCEPTED FOR S.G.A. - CNFUS aMIINICATIOO DIECJ(I APPlY STUIBT GOVEIIMIIT OffiCE - - 346-3721 - - ARST mllENT GOYB!fMNT ·ASSOCIATION ttiTII«?_ SIJI)Ay. SfPJB4IER t2, 6 p.M. . WISCONSIN ROOM, U.C. --. ' . . ..... --- --w- -._ ...... p • •. ~ ......,. -- ~. ~ "' Crime of the century ByMMa-F. ~t!:C:.~.,ct!:;*~~~· tery. KlrialtbeiOOliCortuDeto . .wetraftkldODespleDctidsummer al:lrl»d, lcaa&aldy UIUI"'e)'GU tbecooUDeDlbu far more to clfer. Sioc:etbeedltorc:nmpedmystyteby~ldi'ridemyeo­ dleu advetltu.re iol& a tbreoiJut .erie&. I will bePI wUb U.t et.emal fli&blacn. tbeAU.Mic.. Uke all effldeat c:aptiallata, tbe alrt.ira an clecliclt.ed to procwi.nc monoey. 'l'bree huadred ~au eram.m«~ t.aptber ana7n,t:Jat.r-ipnr!'Saretiabaem.~~~clre.eaue. l'raarpritedthepUot~'tPI)'fortdiiML SardiDeCIIIIDIDel'daa muat baYed beea inveated wbiJe R:rial ll'anllltlutk.lt-lwa:anmyrlltemtiJODebeforetbeatrtaat to me dewtoped --...ch trcdllel F.,..U.tety, tbe aU!'w· ardeu wu an bud .to prorideuslrabq &Ddaeold com- - lnanefforttodiltrad ua f....n our milery, they bepa the o&d meMes, millie, aDd bool.e rou&iDe. I mJcbt b. .e mjortd the Reuben uDCtwlctls they senoed If it bMD't beea for the putrid oc;;~~~'':"U:~~-:--tnn&ition frvm day lDto nleht and lbeO IIMt to day-..ll wUhiD.aa etchl bow' span. Tbeame complddy disoriented iD time. !o"'rankiunwalow- f ir at at op llwunobl&dNI.Buttbm, I wu 'f'U)' tired and spent moll cl the time aJooe Ia bed · reCupentln&Crvm the ride. Twoda)'51at.er, lheMkdforUim. ' Ulmwutn.lly adl.)'to~. Theftaloo&thebaabol_ the Danube, I made my fint fordpdi:locJ.very, 1 tall. mallddar bk>nde •ttumrnln& a twelve ltrinc pit.r. Havinc taken s-rorst..years,' Jd&zUed him withmye~:pertile. • Allbou&h be understood EncJilb a 'ftll u I~ German from my tw~year course In loellklr hlch. the laJicu.lge b.rrier po&edt10prablem. Weidkdawaytbeai~i.ntbeJcmc.damp gn.ssa~tbewater'sed&e. 't'hatnlgbt. be toe* me to a local pub where I met twoclhai& tenstiq frieDdL Theie fei»ws spch DO EacJilb wbalsoeYef,IO wejusumiledandnoddedpoUtdyat-anolhel'. Suddenly, ac:roa tbe IIJ'IOke clouded room, I spotted a gcqNUS man with Robert Rtdford eyes. He t..d allo spotted ~·~~:~:~=r:~~~=~ c~~~T:~~:hf: he~!===·~~ course, he was acited to be with an American &itt frum lheKeM, Ieavlocmeaklnewitbmyac:rdfantuyfmd.. Steven~ Polnl. • One thin& led to aDOtbel', cspec:ially hil propo~IU001, and bd'Cft lone l found m)'ldllaa quaiDtliUJeapartmeot a t the edge oltown,. lie lit a candle, pourediGIDI!wkleandob; wbata o.Jcbt! 1 w11 pleasuUy surjriied to riDd a man 10 totally free ol inhibitiona. WolfJ&IIC wu far mere ~aUve and e.:perimenlal than any o1 the American nriety I'd knowft. Biblical conootation intended. Unfnrtunatdy, that was the last I saw oiiWn. He beaded for London and I bollrded for bMuUitd Munich. Palaces. mlllftlmS, and a night at t beopera matted a fitlinl.eod to my stay inGermany. l bltedtoJI?vebutlta.Jyc:atled. T•Mc•~ JCILII.B II er I·J IITS) ut. ru. sn. -· •e•. . . . . .,: ~1J,II'75 UAB AV pniiii"Ul. CH.IJC, I pm·ll wo.UC PuJbeUeDic Couodl Formal RUib. .Jr(l-. uc· .TUI. WIB. Pabst. 1844; The-qualityhas always · come thr-~ugh. . · . · PABST 8REWJNG COMPA • M•lwluk" Wil , Peon1 Ht ogi'IIS. Ill., .......,k, N.J., Lot lin, Cat it., P. . . ~Ia •• .. FREE STUDENT CLASSIFIEDS WA.."''TEDTOIIUY =~51;!~ - ln&oodcondition.stt ~erd T-clli!U, iad,ets, IWUtsbirb;, or r:-o::~ .CaUMt. . . or:Ml.CSull J UUGJO<JI .._,. Campa Cenler-Lutbenn-bthind T-.po. Reot. Art Slalmonl Standa,p; 9: ):1 am 8lbk sb;ldy ; tt:30 am Wonhlp Cetebrat*l; WeckedaYt: 7:30pm Bible . . . ,. BIIIIdialopmfwatudy, maxat'lon 11<&-'nlun..atlpmandaUdarSuncby. VOI.IJHTUOSWANTI:O 1'11 .... r.:rmr-lal Council Paper a.c,dirc.Mett 'ror· ..ortatlam, S.tur- ......... day,Se;t. umroomu•ccc. , ~lateltrated.A.rnpti!"ttr,30watiJ ~- CJriCiu.Uy 1240. WlU sdl foriiOO. C.HJ41-3416. s..ul Receiftr, 8SR tumt..ble t -Id ~Call8ob&IS44«11. Electrie Folr. Guilu, Bi& Body, Yamahlo 1'0-IC. wilt! Hard SIRil p!ldOed UM. Wortil$DO-. AJkiacaDO. Neftruwd. ~S!-4oKJ~ stt-4muiiCorGary. GIGANTIC HOUSEPLANT SALE: Seftrll buaclred beahlly, mnpn.IV1! and lcJrwedpiMta.abo~. a-a.ns.andiUI'­ --...-~r...Sep71hrqt!Stpt D , lllo7pmd1 Uy. Euttdr&eol Ntlsort- ..;ae c. SS. Ye!JDw ...,.._, Kuzynak.i on ~ilboLnm~. ~~andm.ltdlinlweddiftCt..nd foraale. t411 wbileJOI4,1ile7 \'r. AppniMd b7~atat5. U~Dte!'sted.aU341 ~-,..._., , CORN 2 TONS OF CORN & BEER FEST 50 HALF BARRELS .. . & liVE .MUSIC SEPT. 11 1976 ' 1-5 ALL .¥0U CAN EAT AND DRINK! TICKETS: $2.00 IN ADVANCE~PLACE: MINN. AVE.-BEHIND . $3.00 AT JHE GATE THE VILLAGE APT._ Tickets can be~ purchased at solicitation booths in the Union and from members of the sponsoring fraternities on - - Friday the1 0th. · RAIN DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED SPONSORED BY: !..__21:1LSIGMA-~PSibON.-SIGMA-l'AU-GAMMA,AND .SIGMA PI FRATERNITIES UPDIKE As Student Governm.e~t president, Lyle ·UecJike fo_ught for the 'UPDIKE rights of students. He helee<J establish student control over the stydeiJLgdivities fee, ond camPaigned for. student contra./ overthe res;dence_~(JIIs .ond _!!_niversity centers.' we:v@ made -a good stort, _but i~ a big job. As State Representative, Lyle Updike · can gf!t the job done. A grad~u_~e of the ~Col~e of Natural _Resources,_!yie Up#ike views environmental legislation -as a product of philO!_Ofihy and -training. It's hard for the environment to get a b{eak when the laws a~ritteryby_ corporate lavrrers and big businessmen. kill . . . . UPDIKE .... ~- - . · The incumbent helPed the landlord-tenant ad. H; .favors a 19 or 20 year old drinking 9ge for hard liquor and beer. Lyle Updike will continue ta work for the students, ·not against then'). We fought for our rights as tenants and-adults. Now we will -have ta fight to keep them. YOU WILL DECIDE WHO REPRESENTS YOU IN MADISON FOR THE . NEXT TWO YEARS. IF YOU -FAILED TO REGISTER ADVANCE, -. UPDIKE- TAKE YOUR SCHOOL /.D. AND YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE WrfH YOUR LOCAL ADDRESS TO THE POLLS AND YOU CAN REGISTER_ ·AND VOTE ON ELECTION DAY- IF YOUR:NOT'SURE Wl:IERE T.O GO TO VOTE GALL THE CITY CLERK AT 346-3252. ONE VOTE CAN_MAKE A DIFFERENCE. m . LYLE_UPDIKE : DEMOCRAT-FeR ASSfMBLY_- :. .IT'S TIME ~ FOl~~~ ~­ A- · CHANGE___:_