• '[fit Jeotntcr SERIES VIII, VOL UW·STEVENS POINT, THU RSDAY, OCT08ER 18, 1973 17 NO. 8 Financial Statements To Madison? by :'lta r y Budd e The Higher Education Aids Soard has recently made a ~oposal toiocateal lparents' financial aid sta temen ts for The proposal is a direct ~~~~~~th ~~tsas,:e;e~:r: 0 papers wi ll be held CQn• fidentially.hesaid . Thereisanalternath·eway the UWs)·stem In Madison . tofulfillthei r Phillip George , Fina ncial Adi Di rector at UWSP. and the their infor mation by asking Swdent Senate are in op· position to the proposal . Madison has stated the is for George. S tud ent Senate w il l be sending a resolution in opposit ionto the proposalto Madiso n, said s tudent body ~ucst,sai d Madison can get forastatefisc.:aleducalion report in which students a re classified together according purpo~oftheproposal ton~an daidreceived. st udy and budget repor ts. '' Their purpoM- is \"ague and notsub&l a nti:al. lllookslike an auemplto empire build,'' Cf:'ntralil.Oition of financial aiddistributioncouldbetheir goal. he said. ""If Madison deeides st uden~ financial aid. llwtllbe:minfer iorprogram. said GN>rge. Ccnlr alization is impersonal and inefficient. la c king research and creat iv it y."" he said. User Fee Discussed By Senate by Kri s:\loum Thf:' User F~ Program was Inside This Issue The mall would be locateu on F'rankJinSt. Traffic would be abolished on Franklin St . Fall Fest. Pages 6 & 7 Campus Calendar - ~~: ~t':be~ f~~~~= ~~ !~~~~/ '"~~t~.dri~·e for 0 I th~~~~~~~SeSi:~e.Hamilton Sc~~:~ ~o :~~n~:k~-o b%f :~: s a1d that the Uu•r Fee q udenl committee 0 Program IS damaging to all the schools. The tas k fo rce on the UWS P cam puspresented two reeommendations to the Senate. . . Thl' first reeommendat1on ~gr!~a~o/~ lmU~=~e~: because of the detrimen tal effect it will ha•·e on establis hed a nd approved educationa l prog ram s Secondly. athletics and in· tramw-al programs a re vital totheinstructionalpr~;~grams School of llea lth . Ph ys 1cal Edu ca t i~;~ n , Rec reation a nd Athletics t i! PERA I . They support appro,·edmajors and minors ~;~(the mtheCollegeofProf~onal Studi es. School of HP£1tA andtheCollegeof F"ineArts . Also di scussed at the m~tingwasthefinancialaid asstgnments . Donna Simonsen was moved from f:u: ult y affai rs to the chair· manshipof academic a ffa irs. Jerry Sorenson was moved from academic affai rs to faculty a ffairs. president . Jim Ha milton. "" If the oonfidenlinl statements were sen t to Madison, it would seve r ely limi t the amount of info rm a t ion pa rents wol,lld give."" said Hamilton. If financial aid dist ribution wascentralized.itwouldbea tli s a.dvantage t o th e universi ty as a whole and to individual st uden ts, s a id Ua rniltun. "" If cenlraliz~. therewouldnot befr eeand t'q_Ua lfinancial treatmenltoall campuses. Loca ll y.students cangoinforhelp,butthey "'"Duld not be able to run to Madison.·· The Fall FeS1 • Homecom ing weekend mel with success as good weather drew students to the weekend oclivities. Page 8 LeNers to !he Edilor . Page 9 Spor1s · Pages 10, 11 & 12 Grad Cut Meeting Next Tuesday GaryWinte rs.studentvice· president. has made an appeal for s tudents to attend a spedal meeting concer ni ng . graduate program cuts. The meeti ng will be held Tuesday , Oc t. 2:3 at 9 p.m . in the De Bot Large Meeting Room . Thepurposeofthemeeting 1s to set up a studen t task force The functionof thetask force is to Sf.'(' that well developed support papers are prepa red for UWSP graduate programs. Thetaskfon:ewill p r og ram Cent r a l ad· mmisll'"ation "'"ants data to determine the eligibili ty of student s applyi ng for aid. The four cnteria are : t. Stu dent"s socia l securit y nwnbcr ; 2. Sludent family "s rontribution : 3. Student"s budget : ~ - Amount of award to the student. The proposed Franklin St. nus "'·ill hurt the student pedestrian mall may not hopingtoobtainanyloans as become a rTality . 11 appea r s as if central ad mmis trationwillmakeastateThe Stevens Point Common "'"ideallocation with Loans. Council voted Monda y night Senator T im Scan lon to set up a public hearing In reported on the progress of December on vaca ting the the cam pus mall The plan str~t • must first go through the city plan ning commission , the f rankl!n St. has been ci tyc~;~~c tlandthengointoa tempocanly dosed f~;~r a"?Ut publtc hearing in No~ember a year and ~ '"'- If dunng Thecostol StOO.OOOwlll come campus bui Lding con fr~;~m the facilities fund . s trucl10n . Pre se ntly . select two or three student representatives to speak at th e g r aduate prog r a m hearings scheduled here for November 13 Wi nters s t.ressCd the need fo r s tudent s and c lub membersi n diUe rent areasof natural r esources, Co rum . disorders. home economics. h isto r y. e l ementa r y ed u ca ti~;~n , biology, mu s ic . english, comm . a r ts. social science and rTading to attend lhismeeting"". Dawn Narron. U WS P chai rman of the task force andjointcommitteeong rad program cuts, warned that theauditrevlewaspublished in the Oct. 11 issue of the Pointer was a mere proposal on the s tatus of exis ting mas te rsand special programs. intended as the ba sis fo r r eview and r ecommendations for th e forthcoming hearings. She added that the audit is not judged on program quality Mall May Be In Trouble and that it w o uld be erroneoustherefore for usto restonouroaabclievingthe audit tsourfinalpos ition.She em phasll.ed that It is on the effectiveness of ow-position at the hearings. with regards tofacts. data.quality.and need prese nted in support of ttw-prog rams we want. that the final judgement rests. Narronsa idthatcoursesi n thesoc:ialscienceprogrambc r ecommen ded for pr obatio nal s tatus wi~h provision lor rev iew wlth.n two)·ears , ratherth anbcing phasedoutrighta...,·ay. Fa)·den Fulleylove,student a sse mblyman and home economics representative in the tas k force com mittee, mall had bee n s uggested to called onstudentstocoor eliminate the dange r or acdinatethei r effor ts for the cidents. If the mall "'"aSa p· heari ng . She sai d that provtd. thestreetwould be st udents should ~alire that openonl y tofiretrucksand va catethe st r~t. thegreatestimpactwillbeon other emergency vehicles Ald e rman J erome But preventing the land the m. both at graduate and Bachins ki sai d he had from bei ng vacated won ·t unde rgraduate levels, s hould received about 20 calls op- necessari ly ~eopen the s tree t. consi d e rabl e ma s t ers posing the \"acating of t~ The cou nctl co uld retain programs be los t. This is the st rt'et. _,_ ownershipoft~ righ tofway students greatest opportunity bu t not use 11 for s tJ"eet to express their views on the graduate program cuts. It will ta ke a two-thirds purposes ~:~ 3o:e:~~~~~r:: voteofthecounci\tovacate ttw- street. If enough ob· jections are hear d fr om proper tyownerslivingwi thin a thi rd mile of the proposed ma ll. the council canno t Page 2 T H E POINTER FROM THE PRESIDENT October 18. 1973 1t:ditor · EDITORIAL : Ro~rl by Oa\'e Gnt:iser What kmd of nat1011 a rc ~·e \A'hen . Spiro Agnew 1s guilty of bnbery and tax C\'asion but gets only a fine and three years of "unsupervised " probation ! Lieutenant Calley comm1ts a mass murder of c1vilians and IS sentencftt tG confinement in comfor table quarters '! Henry Klssmger falsely tell s us ··peace is at hand " before lhe election and sev£>ral months later becomes Secretary of State" the Presiden t can use taxpayers ' money to ma ke ~laborate improvements on his own hom e? politicians use "di rt y tricks " in order _to get elected? .s tudents ar e murdered at Kent State and we did not ansast an mvesllgalion be held ? Congress can pass a bill lifting the TV blackout on football games alm0$l O\'em igh t. but could not do one thing to get us out of V1etnam durmg eight years? a Prestdent can surround himself with scoundrels and then attempt a coveru p for thei r illegal actions? . · " ~ le t them gel away with U ~ brand X Will committee be sharing of power? t\t'rlts1Kk : Aul.~olut We Let Them ... t :dltor... I Pal D•Ullo, One Gnetkr . Ruth tGr:mgt'r and Tt'rT)' W111 I 1•\ds : 1Candy Kaufman and Sanry 1 Repphnger by Jim llamllton I I Hv.tlnru )lan•~t•r ; : DiaM E\·rnson ll'bolo t:dhor : 1 Rogf'f' Barr 1 l- 1-'holottn pbtn : 1 Tom llalfmann, Don 1•almqu1st I I and facult) JK•natl· nH.>etmg was a proposed screemng com 1rutt('(' for 1he nt•w V•ce-Chancellor for Academic ,A{f~irs . nu:-. :.cn.ocmng comm •ll ee would ha\'e the r esponstbihty of l'''alu:lttn~<: ttw quahhcat10ns of a ~ew Vice Olancellor candtdall' and makmg r t'Commendattons to the Olancellor as .,., hom would be the most qua lified 10 I tThc poMitOn w 1tl be open thts spnng when the current Vice· ('h:tnl·e ll or . Gordon ll a fcr bccker . r e turn s to the 1 classroom • B•ll Paulson 1 '' J • .., Spo~h \\ rll~n . : ~~~n~ndtu~:~. Joe 1 : ~~~:~~ I :;:nae~;:~~: bO:~e r~:~: : t ff Jm.sn~ S a : Olar Stu1l and Make Yai.K'k 1 : 1 1 Graph t«. : 1 1 Omnas I rl!r~n~na;..cl~~~~rfo~~~s t~uctta';'~ o~~:a~~~i~~k~n~ that 11 tx• an conJunction .,.;th his philosophy of shared ~:~~~r;~~~;·~~h.·~~~';;~~~~~~t:,· ~~~~~:=~ t~ faculty rf'Commcnded that the committee be composed of at least seven and not more than nine members. 1"he r(>("ommend.1t&on also stated the facult y would pick twelve perwnlt ~hum they wou1d like to S« on the comm ittee and that the s tudent sena te \A'OUid p1ck three persons whom they would hke to see sen •e on th is committ ee . 11le recom · mendatwn then sa ad that the Chancellor would p ic k ONE student out of the three and SIX to eight faculty from the tw<'I\'C nonunated 1 hche,·e. although I have no way of kno't4ing, tha t the chancellor's abahty to pack the members of the comm ittee is suppos<-d to be tht• faculty 's concept of s hared governanc£> If that IS the faculty 's concept of s hared governance. then I surewouldnot"anttoshar e a stea kWnnerwiththefacuHy lx"\.alL'\Ca ll l'dcndupwithist hecheck . It IS my tx·hcf and hol)('. however . that the chancellor ha s no mtcntum of gmng along "'ith th e facul t y's recom · mcndntaon It should be pointt-d out. for those faculty mcm iX!r s who have s hort memories. that bel ore Olanccllor l)r£>y fus ca me to thas campus no faculty input was sought J Ktporten : : Lyd 1a Abell, Mary ai.Kidt. Tony 1Charles, Sam E)o. [}d)ra lhll. 1 1 UO!.Lhhan, Mary 11 by Dave Gnelser 1Lorraine 1Ltmbergtr, Mary AMe Moorf'. 1 Uoyd NtiJOn. 1 1Kris Moum, I Kalhy O'Connell. Keath OCIS, I 1 Roberta P earson, Don U~ve:s. , " I have no expectation of I Kalhat Ros.smtllt:r. Gary Sch· 1 by Oav~ Gnei ser I Agnew 's rcs agnat ion was a being indicted ,'' s a ys l midtkeandH•ieSiattery sudden surpri se to much of St rangler and he cqntinues, Gillman. Chns l the nation . Most s urprising of '' I will not resign even if I am 1 Penny ( Kroll . Pn tt i Mon cn ti and l a ll was his sentence of a mdicted ." The tr ial continues lor ( Shirley Spittlemeastcr I $10,000 fin e and t hrt-e years un -s up e r vised proba ti on . several days and things do I . . I I don 't exa ctl y know what ~~atgowi~ella ~or ~a"£~~ ~;;~::rl~~nson . Judt Guth . l "w1supervised" probation is il s recom · but I'm s ure tha t Agnew. who bodies tha t keep coming u r i "lnda Mohtor and Jane Thtel: 1 mendatton sometame this next week and I can assure you ort cn c riti cued the per · Strangler took some time off 1t'olumniJot: I that our rt'('ornmend.atwn for the s tructure of th e search m aSSI\' C Judicial system . from the trial in order to 1 Bob llam jr · I and S(" r~nmg commat{("l.' for th e Vice Olancellor or would msast on a s tiff sen· address his wo men s up - I I Acadcmac Mfaars \oVI II be In conjunction with the concept of tence. Some politicians said porters in California . He tells I Ad vi5M . them , " I against am innocent I sharl'<l 1(0\ ernarn:c ___________ m a true sense Agnew has s uffered enough charges me."' of the II Dan ll ouhhan J___,__ ___ "l already and hoped further Finally the trial is over and -an vestlgat ion woul d be on guts St rangler is found guilty . on though!$ of a distan t IO\ 't stopped . " It 's the judge 's fault ," II is the brave man If a man could bet~·oplaces a t one time - l'd be with you The r~rcussaons of the who chooses 1 Agnew case are al r e ady St r angler tells newsmen . • ~~~~·..~~~a~~Ca':'~lc:'r:~~ way · while the crowd bemg felt 111 the Judici al " How could anyone get a fa ir stands asade. system . 1be Boston Strangler trial with t h a t nattering IJames Russell Lowell I has asked for a retrial in nabob of negativism ?" on md!\'ldual existence " Do you pl an to ask for order that he m1ght get un · All people have a pomt , on you and happmes.s presidential pardon !" the SUperVIsed probat ion ~ hcther 11 illo.,.'S or not . You ha\'e to make the good tames yourself· " Your honor . my client newsmen ask Strangler . I moral or the movie " lllc P oin t" I ta ke the httle 11mes Strangler answers bitterly . deno un ces th e c har ges and make them mto b1g limes agamst him as 'damned lies ' " What for , I've never gotten and s.we the times that ar c all raght on dest ruc l!on of America and says the prosecution has anything from that effete 1.\·mocracy will not die for the ones that aqm 't so good made a 'clear and outrageous snob!" tRod Mc Kuen I wath bands playmg and nags waving . effort · to indict him through ~· hen ma n no longer cares . newspaper leaks " Tbe Polate:r is a S«<nd class cGould 1 The judge looks up from the un i versity publication , on Uunlung .on your needs bench and says. " Mr . published weekJy during the There IS absolutel y no mevatabaht y . wSirangler . are you aware of school year in Strvens Point. Alone we fin d solitude· as long as there IS ~ seriousness of the charges WiK'OIUin S4-4al . II is publish~ Together we fi nd love . a Willingness to thmk on ...,ho am f" agamst you'?" under the authority grant~ to cunknown l !Marshall McLuhan l I am me " I have confidence In the the Board ot Rqent.s or State cnminal justice system of the Universities by Section 37.11 . ..on thought..-too late U nited States ," says WIJCOnSin Statutes. Publication Don 't it always seem to go St rangler " I will fight to ce»ls art paid by 1M Sta te ol Wisconsin under contracts that you don't know what you got prove my mnoceoce .... " awarded by the Slate Printing tdl it 's gone . " U you are found guilty , Section, Slate Department or !from Big Yehow TaXI I Mr . StrangleT . would you be Adm inistration. u provided in Puce wlt.hin you. resigned to 11 ?" asks the State Println& Operat ional Dore m us 8Wletin ol Aupt 1&, lf'T3. JUdie. . Agnew Gose Repercusstons :T;ch: 1 1 I • l : ~~-"~:!!!or · 1 Ont• of tht> 1op 1cs under diSCUSSion at last Thursd~y night 's I fo~.:~~~~ ~~~l~;~n ;!\.~,;~;,~~~~<~fl~~o~~~~g • :he ------------ words . :14 ' I October 18, 1973 • UWSP Graduate Convicted For Arson byKrilhOtb On October 11. 1972. the rnain lobby of Knutzen Hall U,'OISihesceneofa fire which d:~~:.~~r;:t~r11s!%: ~~!~~~t:a~:~er.;~~~~Ym~: -- was William S. Kirchen. a tv.·enty-thr~ year old UWSP graduate. Kirchen.li,·ing on Routr 1, Ste,•ens Point. was convicted of arson afte r a twelve member jury deliber4ted for tv.·o hours before readting a decision . Judge Wendell McHenry of Waupaca handed dov.·n a two yea r prison sentencev.i thnoparoletobe st'rved at the Gr-een Bay IU!formatory . Kirchen gave a s tatement tothepolicr.onthr.lbynfthr. lire saying that he ignited papers on a bulletin board in the hall lounge at ap· prOJt ima tel y 2 a . m . The blazt s pread to a bench piled with newspapers and d:lmagesmcludedcarpeting. paneling, ceiling tile and furmture . Smoke damage re-sulted on the first floor and spreadaafarasthtthird floor s tairwell All 25~ rnidents were safe ly evacua ttd after the IIOISC of the blaze awakened Knut zen Hall director. Bob Tomlinson . v.' ho phoned campus security In handing dov.'n thr. sen· ttnce. Judge McHe nry term«! arson one of the wor:o;t rnmnon the statute book.s. and sa rd this rnsbnce was p.1rt1cularlysenousbecause 11 occurred at a time when e\·e r yone is normally as leep. • • prank. McHenry reto rt ed that Kirchen could not have been seriously drunk as he sue· Klrchen 'sde fe~ i nthe tr1alh.1dbeenthat:o;incehe hadbet>ndrmkmgfor .se\·eral hourshedidn'treca llsetling tilt' fire llealsonotedtt\at setting bulletin boards on fi re v.as regarded as a collrge Joy To The World ,\ public rt'Cital by mezw· Blackell. u,·hose vo1ce cnhcs have likened to that of the young Manan Anders00. v.-111 be presented at UWSP on Sunday. Oct.21. The a p.m performance . . ,u be ~ld '" ~hchdsen Hall of the f"mt Arts 8u1tding. T'ickea may be obl:ained in ad vance a t the Arts and U><:turn Bo11 ornce and will Ot>soldatthedoor . Program se let"tionsfor the recita l lnelude works by Mahler . Schumann. Brahms. :O.Iozart and Ravel. M)TDn McPhenon w1ll se r ve as Plano accompanist . :O.hss Blackett. who adm1ts that ··hein&as.inger is a full · 11me job." " was born in Bermuda and later came to the Umted Slates With her ram1ly1n t9;.9. M• ss Blac ke ll's range of repertoi r eineludeswo rk s from conte mporary composers lrke Ginastera and Berio to such old q1a.sters as Schubert. ~pranoJoy paper . 11len you walked out with apparent dlst'e&jird for what that ~ma ll li re might develop into," S<~id t hejudge, referr ing to testimony which divulged that two of Kit· chen's friend$ put out l\lo'O bulle tin board !ires before pointtd out that setting fi res to bulletin boards Is tlardly an Kirchenlittherinalli re . acceptableOttU r n:nce. Mclfenl')' ended by saying "On October tOyou became mvol,·ed in a drun ken binge that he hoped Kirchen would v.ith your friends and did learn a lesson from this and rnter Knutzen Hall at that he fcll50CTy in hanc:ting about 2 a .m . in the mor- down this dcd.sioo beciiuse ning You comp l etely the real burden of $0f"''OW dis regarded the admonition would be born e b,. his of your friend Butc h who said parents . "Pa rents surfe r •v.-esllouldget outofhereand more than any defendan t for not get into trouble.' But you the wrong a chi l d they have ignored that admonition and r eared may have com you proceeded to light more mitted," he sta ted. Week's News In Review MIDDLX·EAST • '1'11e laraeli mi litary eommand an· nou ncedF'ridaythatitsgroundforteScTO$$edthecease-fire line in the Golan lleight.s and s taged h!Hmd-run attacks ~~~~aey .Suo:hc~~~~~~=~tn:!,eda~f~e u~it!:~~t: haveacc~eachotherofresuppl yingthefiJth tinRnatioos. WASHINGToN -Atly.Gen.ElliotLRiehardsonsAid Friday that PtC$ldent Nilr.on had approv«< the bargain rueh«< betv.·een Agnew and the Ju:o;tice Depattment. WASHUriGTON . Speculation about the nomination ol John Connall y for the viee presidn-ocy Slii'Ted bipartisa n oppos1tion among congTCS$ional leaders on F'Tiday. WASH INGTON·TheSenate pas.sedabillonWednesdaythat ....-ould limit to 60 days the use of U.S. troops 1n comba t without eongres.sional approval. President Ni11on has indicated hewouldvetoanywarpower.;blll he considers a n mfringement of his constitutional powers as com mander -in thief. WASHINGTON · F'rank Mankiewicz, former McGovern campargn manager. told the ~ate Watergate Committet" that Nhon ca mpaign di rt y tr icks successfully created an atmOsphere of di$C'OI"d in thr Democra tic party. WASHINGTON . A fedetalgrandjuryon f-Tidayindicted former While House aide Egil Krough Jr. on two counts of perjury . WASUINL-rtJN - lbe National Advisory Commission on Crrminal Justke Standards and Goals issued a report Monday recommending lenient treatment of criminals. The tough approaeh has failed : the report sai d . ~ WASIII NGTON · The Uni ted Sta tes began during the Wet"kend to s upply lsrae] with miUtar y hardwa re. the Slate :~~t~n::;~~~:' :~:!"'~ -;~;d~nd Saudi w THE PO I NTE R "Pointski Fest" Planned By RHC dance in Allen Center a t 8:30 byTony<.,ar lell The ltes idcn ts Uall Counci l p.m. sponsored by the Black t ltii C) h:u planned a Sludcnts ' Coalition and RII C. ""l'ointsk l Fnt"weekend for A bef:or ~hugg i ng contest will Oct. '26-28. It will inelude a t:~ke place during a band break at the dance ,.;th. variety of activ it ies. An ""all -nighter "is plaMed again, OIM' con testant per inthegymtorun from t p.m .- llall. -4 a.m . Friday , Oct . 26. It is The only C\'Cnt scheduled hoped that ha ll s will for Sunday, Oct. 221, is the challenge each other in showing of the anima te d athletic games. fe:uurefilm ''ThePoint."'1'11e Saturday morning, Oct. 27, movie v.ill be shown twice in wi ll feat ure a William Tell DeBot Cente r : from 7.. :30 archery conte-st from 12noon- p.m. and 9-tO:JOp.m . " p.m . in the Annn. '1'11e RHC ismadeu p ofabout20 Physic11l Education interested s tudents from the Departmen t is helping wi th halls. Mo:o;t hall s are this event . Each h111l can currenll y representcdasthe e nt er asmany me mben asi t or ganiution continues to wishes. Contestant.s ean use grow. Susan Bowman and the bows provided or bring Mnrk Huhachtr llrf' th e their own. present co-chairmen . Administration will take on A fuiUre RHC planned the maintenance crtw in a eventisat'Of'ltert schcdu ltd horseshoe-throv.ing contest for Sunday , Nov . I I . It will from 3-4 p.m . Saturday. This fea ture 11ll' Y,'h[z Kids . two will take place near the men who have a Masten in baseball diamond. Music and playa variety of Later Saturday a pumpkin instruments. Admission wi ll pie-i!atingcontestwillbeheld beSOcentsor2Scentlwitha in DeBot Ce nter at 6 :30p.m . "Point s k i F'est" button . Onlyoneeontestantiapcr- These buttons will be sold mitted per hall. Firework:-; through the Hall CounciLs will be di:o;played a t a p.m . before the upcoming RHC These will be followed with a v.ftkend. Coaching m inor approved by faculty senate UWSP has a new minor in coachingintendedtoenhance employability of men and women who receive teacher training at the insti tution. Members of the UWSP Faculty Se n ate gave unanimous approval to the proposal at thei r bi-weekly meeting Thursday night. No further action is requi red, and according to Dr. Robert Bowen who heads the new school ol health . physical education. reereation and athletics, t HPERA J the curriculwn already has been sent to Madison for cer · tirieation from the Depart· ment of Public Instruction The minor will replace what formerly was a teaching minor in physical education and it w ill encom pass academic prepa ration in the coac h ing o f swimming. vo lle yba ll, tennis . gym nastics, golf. baske tball , ..Testling, football . baseball, trockandf ie ld.soccerandice hockey. Emphasilingqualltyofthe program . Bov.·en said there probably will be Input from p r ofessors in various discipl ines from across the campus such u the physics, p:o;ychoJogy and soeio logy departments. There a re. he said, pe rhaps only three or four other in sti tutions in the :-;tate with si milar offeri"l•· bia WASIIINGTON · Supremr Court JtWice William 0 . Douglas said Monday that fonner President Lyndon B. Johnson thought his White House phone was tapped . WASHINGTON · Prn ident Ni•on announced F'riday e..-eninglusehoieeol Rep . Gerald R. Ford t R·Mith. l a:o; vice pres1denhal nominet". Congressiona l leaders anticipate a sw•ft eonfirmation . PR INCETON, N.J . · The proportion of Americai\S who !laytheyaresallsfledwiththefuturefacingthemandtheir familinhasdc<:lined II percent inthela:o;t tOyears.ac· em-ding to the latest Gallup Poll . J::NID , Okla . . Gov. David Ha ll of Oklahomll .asked Prftldent Ni11on to declare five Oklahoma counties n disasterareasfollwi!!ltOfTenlialra inslastw~k . v.'Oitersv.-e~ also reported in portiOM of Kansas. Nebraska, Missour i and Iowa. OIELSEA, Mass. · A nre Sunday left 1.100 people homeless rn the runi:lown Boston s uburb of Olellea. ._,ood MAD ISON · A multimillion·dol.lar plan for putting the state into the eommercial waste recytliq business wu approved 64-12 Thursday , Oct. II . by the Wi~in Assembly . STEVENS POINT · Steven:-; Point policemen haYe sub· milled proposal$ for flt'80tiation induding a $100 II mooth raise and a shorter work week. Page 3 Dr. Rot?ert Bowen Page 4 THE POINTER Badzinski named student controller October 18, 1973 Recyclin·g Organization Discussed The UWSP Environmental Council held its monthly meeting on October 2. 'The main topic of discussion was the organization of recycting and environmental education programs. The recycling situation in Stevens Point, according to Council Chairman Lyle Updike, "is at a dismal state." Last year tbe program lost $6000, and the Stevens Point City Coullcll has limited additional funding until the next budget session in December. Updike hoped that by then the Environmental ·council will • have developeq a viable program which will be ac· ceptable to the city leaders, insure future funding and . increase city involvement in the collection and distribution or recyclable items. Dick Cohen or Shade, Incorporated, a Green Bay· based paper c ompany, presented a slide show to the Environmental CouncU which detailed the process of highgrade bond paper recycling. Paper materials such as ditto paper and loose leaf paper are_recyclable. Shade, lnc. will pay $36 a ton Cor this ., paper 11nd $126 a ton Cor computer cards. The Environmental CouncU also discussed the organizing of future · workshops which All graduates are urged to will Include the topics .of alternate life styles and take... advantage or the following i n terviews by energy sources. contacting the Placement Center, 106 Main Building at by Mary Anne M~. Robert Badzinski was oCfici~lly appointed as student government controller by the st~ent government d~ng its meeting last Sunday .. according to James Hamilton. student government pres•den~. . . Badzinski. a junior ma]Onng m eco~tcs, replaces Michael Aird. who resigned from the pos1t1on of student controller on October 5. .· .. Badzinski has been active in studen! afCaas. I was a member of the DeBot program board m 1968, the Hansen Hall Council in t969_. ~~d a mem~ of Pr?,&ram ~~s ~d ' the University Acllv1lles Board '" 1973, Badzinski satd. His economics major as well as his business-related courses make Badzinski qualified for the position, Hamilton said. One of his major goals during his term as student con· troller is " ...to increase student involvement in the Financial Allocation Committee," Badzinsld said. , $300 Scholarship ·Offered by 0:1 \ 'C Gntistr $ Pl.ACEMEM' URGES GRADlJATES Th e Porlage County Association for Mental Health is offering a $300 scholarship to help promote and en· courage careers in mental health . The scholarship will be awarded second semester to a full-time junior or senior student with a major in sociology. psychology. premedicine or education . Applicants must be Vi'scon-sm res•aents having an over all grade point of 2.5 and at least a 3.0 in their major. Students are asked to provide three references. one or whielt-sbould be a- raculrv member in the applicant's major. Applications can be picked up at sociology, psychology. pre-medical and education departmental secr etary's ofCices. Applications should be mailed to the Portage County Association for enlat Health-by Novembe t5, t973. Take advantage of iob interviews AMERICA" SHOES FREE! BEnER THAN BAREFOOT their earliest convenience. Literature concerning the companies listed below is available in our placement library and should be read in PABST FREE! CALENDA 'R S AVAILABLE AT U.C. INFORMATION DESK! o . -~ 1he ErnotRe Room FRIDAY HIGHT FISH FRY: $1.~5 per person Golden Deep Fried Fish Crispy French Fries Creiii\Y Cole Slaw Homemade Loaf of Bread & Butter ***••• *•**• Plus Sparkling Musical Comedy. Entertainment Nightly in the GALLEOH LOUNGE s~ 1101 MAIN ST. Of\ Stevens Point preparation for your in- OCTOBER 23 THRO UGH terview. OCTOBER 24, U.S. AIR FORCE. All ~jors. OCTOBER 22, AID ASSOCIATION FOR OCTOBER 30 , SPE ED LUTHERA S. All majors Cor QUEEN, RIP ON . home office management and WISCONSIN. All majors · sales positions. Lutherans especially business adonly are eligible for officer ministration Cor sales trainee and top management positions <service positions. representative). OCTOBER 22 , UWWHITEWATER, WISCO SIN. All majors especially business administration and economics interested in the MBA program at Whitewater. NOVEMBER I, STATE OF WISO>NSIN- BUREAU OF PERSONNEL, MADISON. WISCONSIN. All majors who are interested in employmt'nt with the Wisconsin State Government. Note ; Only wish to interview December 1973 OCTOBER 24. SOCIAL graduates, graduat t' SECURITY AD - students and alumni at this time. · MINISTRATION. \VISCO SIN RAPIDS , ~ISCONSJN . All majors NOTE : . The FEDERA L Interes ted in career op- CIVIL SERVICE EXAM will portunities with the Federal be given on cam pus on Government. All students Saturday, October 27th from who hav e success fully 8:30a.m . to 12:00 noon in the completed the Civil Service Science Bulldina, Room A· Entrance Exam are 121. All interested students especially urged to interview. please sign ..., ror the test in the Placement omce and OCTOBER 25,R . J . pick up tiie necessary apREV OLDS TOBACCO plication form . <Further COMPANY. GREEN BAY, dates Cor the exam are as WISCONSIN. All majors for follows : November ~. 1973 tobacco sales positions. and January 211, 1174>. modern II)C I Interiors ......... .......,... . __ .... ,_~aoory . . .' .... .. ' ....'. '' '. ,'; ... '· . . .'. ~- J • • October 18, 1973 MOVIE REVIEWS THE POINTER Page 5 Environmental Triumph Of The Will and Night & Fog Workshop Sponsored ~iu.:llnce, AdolfHitltr new to Nurembourg ...·· The film Society will For the remain<!« of the present two utraordinary l'ilm. the audience is born· films next Tuesday at 7 :00 buded with all of the and 9:00p.m . The double p~geantry and rhetoric of the future, Triumph of lhe \11111 Sunmbourt Con\·mtion, and and.SiJhlandF'ol , mighlbe 11ith aU that was most ex· dncribedasthedrearn vohich citing and horrU)'ing in the btcamea nightmare. Natlrisetopo...·u: marching Tri11mph of U.r \'t1JI is songs and rhythmic chants, probably the best awopagand<~ dose-upe:oftheN.uileaden, film e1·tr made. II 1..-as made continual parades, tor chm 193-1 by Germlin diffc:tor ll&ht processions , and Lrm Ridmstahl to ctlebratl' :llways the adorin& factS or tht Nali party ~o•wention at ..,1ln'lm and young boys. ~urembourJ The film opens Com missioned by Hitler with Adolf Hitler's plane himsdf, the film transmitted glidins past bright douds as power and enthusiasm to it descends toward Nunm- millions of Gf,nnans and has bourg. The Horst Wessel analmosthysterkalcofrect on 10ng plays sonly u the tiS audiencn ltga\·e the s ubtitles pro~la1m : impression that Germany's "Sl'ptembtr S. 193-1. '1\r.'enty mtlita r y ~to·as superhuman years 11fter the outbreak of andimprquble. World War. 16 years after Watching the nlm from a Germany's ~ru~ifixlon, 19 penp«tivt of forty yurs. months after the ~om ­ hoV.' C\'t'f, II is the faca of the m en~ em e n I o f her young boys which haWlllhe memory and remind us that we are watching the first pa!Jt.SOf atrag~y.a tragtdy 1\'ht~h the film hel~ to ~reate. The final pages were wrillen at places whose names the -..wtd will never forge t Da~hau. BergenBel se n , Au~ehweit:r , ~henwald ... a nd these art locations for Si4ht and t'os, direct.ed by AJam RHnais. lllsabrieldoc:wnmtaryof a -..·ortdwhich one would like to believe was scimct fiction. But it wasn't . This is the omega point of Trhuropll of th• Will - the ~oncmtratlon camps where horror took place that i s beyond description, beyond comprehension. T ogether, these film s exempliryanera.one"'-hich c•,·tliltdman must pray will nt.1·er bt repeated, but one "'11ich -..~must nt~·er be allowed to rorgl't. ' Centralized Faculty Advisors Formed b)Shirlt.)' SpitUemtitter toward the human i ties v:u:-:rc!~~.:,a~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~t~-e~:..:us~ ft:; adv•sorstohelpstudmtswith classfM aneducation major an undectded majot. "''II or mmor passl'datlheOctober 11. 1973, It was also de<:1ded that a mr-tllngoftheU\\'SPt'acul!y ne ..· mmor in coa.ch1ng bt St.~;: pu.wd II the meetlllg was a awoposal to rtmcwt t::ngilsh cChildrtn "s Llte raturet from the li!il of humamht'S requ•rement.s It "''IS fe lt th.at students who -..·ere takcng the dus only zn ~~~ the Phy Ed. The:r~ was a change in the rudm1U10n po licy for students lnthepa.st, ..·hena U udent transferred to another school after btcng suspended from UWSP. only "Dames At Sea" Presented gradcsofCand above were forw<~rtied to the school. But now all passing grades, lndudin& D's, will bt transferred. The~ was also a revision concerningfinaleltlmPQlk:y. The .wn.ate decided that all faculty be required to tell tht administration what they a rt goingtododurmgrinaltxam period St uden I Sen at t prtscdent , Jim Hamilton, thanked the teachtn who have don at td SIOO from theirsalariesto help students pay rorthe~rschoolina . The next t' ac:ulty SeMte mm.ng "'ill be held on Qc. Iober 25, at 7:30p.m . in room 116 COPS. The meetina is open to the public. McKenzie Environmental Center The Environmental Council will s ponso r 11 teachers f'leld E xperience v.-orksbop in environmental 10: 30 education on Saturday, Oc· " f'rom the Sidewalks" : Lee tobtr'D Teache-rs from the Andrea a, Tree s f o r Environmental surrounding area h.ave been Tomorrow invited along ll'iUl the sur· Center dl'nts and facully of UWSP. Many d isti nguis hed guest 12:00 Lunch and relaxation speaken will discuu the varied a s p ects of en · Tour UWSP campus. vironmental education. 1 : 00 Wisconal n En· Studmtsandfa~ulty,.,illbe admitted free. A $2.00fr-t is vironmental Education Plan: David Walker, Executive charged for non-ttudents. Rtg:istrattonll'illbefroml:30 Secretary of Wis . En· .un. to 9:00a.m . in the v\ronmental Education College of Natural Resow'~H Council auditorium. The following is the 1:30 Panel Discussion : schedule for the day: 1:30 . 9 : 00 Regi a tratlon Environmmtal Education in A~tion : Dr . Roger Bauer . 9:00 Welcome and Ol'ien- Chairman of Secondary tation : Lyle Updike, J::ducation UWSP; Dr. Tom Chairman UWSP En · Van Koevering, School of vtronmental Council Profes~ional Sludles; Hugh 9: IS A Qualil)' E'.llv\ronment Curlius, Director Wausau Through Edu~at lon : Dr-. Scho ol ~· ores! : Nancy Dan•el Trainer, Dt-an of Noeske , Environmental College of Natural Resour~n Ed ucalion Coordinator, Milwaukee Public Schools; UWSP George llowlett, Project ICE Environmental Education Spe-cialist 10 : 00 Env•ronmental EducattonatlhtStatel.e\-cl : Mrs. Genevieve Bancroft , 3:30 Di.~ussion arw~ : Elementary, Jr. High, Sr. ll!gh r--------------, OPEN TILL 1 A.M. 1 I 2 A.M. WEEKEND I I I I I I I I For Big Appetites Our Double-Decker Burger Crisp Golden Fries ond a Thick Shake! ~ OHLY AT ~ ~ ~ff/lurgtlro.£ ~ ________________II THE POINTER Page _6_ October 18, 1973 .Concerts, Game, by Keith Oils Fall Fest activities . The next day the HoWld Dog Band played at Allen ~1 Rlftr Barr Center and audienc e participation could have been better . Although the group is not well·knnwn the en · tertainment they provided was at worst satisfactory according to Miss O!op. The Short Stuff and Circus concert Wednesday evening was packed and 'l'ent through II half·barrels of beer . The The Friday night bonfire drew a good crowd and signaled the start of the homecoming weekend . Siegal-Schwall Band played at Quandt, and although plagued by absences , and technical di£ficulties, gave a dynamite show. WANTED For Recycling: * NEWSPAPERS **MAGAZINES AUTO KADIATOIIS AVTO BATI'I!:JI!ES *** 8CBAP MEDAIB PEBIWVS MET AlB * MET NON·FE&BOVS AlB * CABDIIOABD OOIIBAGATED The bass player for Siegal · Schwall showed up late and hassles occurred when the audience cracked some of the Wliversity equipment cords. The groups p.a. system was putout of commission when it was dropped during Wlloading . Our Current Prices Are Very Good On 'AU Grades Of Recydable Material! $102.95 At horne on tiM Clmpus. In town, ot In an interview afterward. Siegal said, "I've never been through anything like it. By the time it was time for us to play, we didn 't feel like it anymore." I Paul Ustruck, UAB special i events chairman, estimated l. that 1,000 of the 1,600 to 1,700 ~ people that originally decided to show up decided to leave ~ early . Garber Supply Co. 1'l'S% Prairie St. M4-S%51 on • country lane, Sc:hwtnn'a out· .. lilhtwoliM bl .. footu .... """'ly ,..,,;., ond o q u l on blkoo co.tJnc much more. Nn-stikTM IM' olllft opM>Os. dual I)CKition coUpor llro" 1owrt.. Dlomond o¥1 co.ltMI frame. GutnWIIIl tiru. Come In toc1oy for o toot rldo- -·n bo Oiled ---Helze(s Senke %1M Chareh Sf. Plaolle su-5145 lhls Is the way you' ve elways wanted to ~arn . • . and should. Combine accredited · study wilh. a fa scinat ing semester ol tr~vel to Ahlca , Aus tral asia, the Onent. lf'ld the Ame ricas Over 8500 students hom -450 colleges have already partic ipated. Financial aid Is avatl able Write now for ftee catalOg . ECHO NIGHT CLUB ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY thru SUNDAY! N-- MISS GEORGIA GIRL see.-,_ ~~ ...U.. ol Len off RW)'. It --has res~ bet De1 Mil• COlli D the October 18, 1973 ne, THE POINTER /kaing Highlight Fa/{ Fest EDWARD FOX ;. "The Jackal" NEXT: JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR STARTING SOON: MIDNITE SHOWS 'NIGHT OF THE ·LIVING DEAD" morning's the usual lirslJUdgmg was lowed . by the Coahllon and respective place noats. _JJo,a~s.ano ii"OS Taki~g d e n ,. d y enthuslasm- ana presen with a 33-6 drubbing . CUlminating the Fall Fest activities was the Brat and Beer party in Quandt Gym Sunday afternoon . Activities included civic group displays and an art-folk fair . Dick Rogers provided the entertainment, aided by the International Folk Dancers. POPULARITY WINNERS India Spreads candlft, incen.., burners Oil lamps and ails our gNeting card department penny candift, coffee mugs, teaaeta, teas our old fashioned soda fountain you will find something tflat you like, at *' c d IC I. {! llrstrnbtrgtr·• h ,d Gift Shop and old-fashioned soda fountain 11· id Dow-•· >e Mol• ot ~· eo~, OcoCIIer ~ tiD I Come dowll for tho MMooaJJPt _ . . ....a! ! lC All ...,... ...., - Is. as it •nnandq ,g d, en OOUPON Good for 1 Free Bide oa City a- for Stacleoata, with LD. Ally time • uy roate. 1 Ooapoa per Stuoleat.. Good tiara Oet.. S1, "7S Jy to it ial ed 100 ed vc Cell Fund Collection Planned of the drive, said has sickle Cell anemia . As a ctiaim>an result , a sickle cell center has coalition members will solicit been established at contributions on campus . Deaconess Hospital in Milwaukee where locally · • collecle<l funds will be sent. Black ·............".~ ?f the Dave Marie, a student from ne '" 400 the West Indies who is THE POIN T ER Page 8 October 18, 1973 campus calendar thursday, october 18 <.1UUSTIAN SC IE..""iCE ORGANIZATION : 6: 15p.m .. UCM Center at comer of College and Fremont. Do you see things ~they really are'! Come to our 'olo-eek.Jy testimony mteting. All vtsitors are welcomed. l TIIERAN STUDENT COMMUNITY O IOIR PRACTICE : 7 p.m .• Peace Campus Center. Rehearle for next week 's Special. We especially need some singers to help undergird I he music for this celebration so II you can help us out .. . Rehearsal will continue on Saturday afternoon . l'INE!'tiA TII EATRE : 8 AC Upper . " Fritz the Cat ," ammated ca rtoon . P.m., • friday, october 19 CINEMA TIIEATRE : Bp.m ., Wisconsin Room , U.C. " Fritz Vets Should L. UTI IEU ,\ N STUDENT COMMUN ITY : Peace Campu:, Crnter . Maria Drive and Vincent St . Saturday , 6 p.m. and Sunday , 10:30 a .m. This weekend . " People Got To Be Free ," a special celebration based on the Exodus ex· pedence . A lot of music . some dramatJc dialogue. some liturgicaJ dancing ,.;11 be special featur e . Tbe mo,·ement from slavery to freedom is basic to the Ol.ristian life . Come and celebrate that movement "ith us . ~~ - l'AUI.'SUNITEDMETI IODISTCl i URCI I : OOOWilshire Blvd . Service at 10 a .m. l' l.•ANETAR IUJ\1 SE RI ES: 3 p.m .. Science Building . "The Jupiter p;oneers ." directed by Mike Trcuden . YOUNG CONCERT ART I ~I SERI ES : 8 p.m .. Michelsen flail , Fine Arts Building. Joy Blackell, mezzo soprano . monday, october 22 I'O INTE R RI F LE AND P ISTOL CL.UIJ : 6:30 p.m ., downsta irs lobby , George Stein Building . Training '>'ill take place a t the Stevens Point rune and Pistol Club in Whiling . the Cat ."' saturday, october 20 E~\' IROS~1ESTAL COUNC IL SPONSORS PAPER OR I\'E : B a-.m . U you h&\'e paper to be picked up stop by room 22 Old Main , or call Ihe E .C. office at 346-3>55 to give us a time and place for pick-up. Paper must be bundled and periodicals and bonded paper must be separated from newspaper . U anyone can help with the drive , call the of· ric~ It ,.;11 be greally appreciated . sunday, october 21 NEWM 1\ N UNIVERSITY PARISH ICATIIOLIC): Newman ~nar)n 1 ~?::~~~~e~d s~a:: ·~l~~~t;.r 4~rs· P~~ Newman Chapel : Sunday . 10 a.m., Newman Olapel and 11 30 am . and 6 p.m .. Cloister Chapel. Weekday masses , TUesday through Friday , II :45a.m . and4 :4Sp .m .• Newman Olapel. Con fessions . Wednesday , -1 p.m .. Newman tbapel . t'Ht.ST CUURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST: Corner Min· nesota and Ma in . Sunday school 9:30 a .m . and c.hurch ser v1ce 11 a .m . F lllST UAPTIST CHURCll I AMER ICAN ): 1948 Olurch St . Sunday services at 10:45 a .m . and 7:15p.m . CIIURCI I OF TilE INTERCESSION I EP ISCOPAL): 1417 Olurch Stmday masses at 9a .m . aDd 5: 15p.m . USITED CHURCH OF CIIR IST: 1748 Dixon S& . Sunday ser v1ce at 10 a.m FRAME PRESBYTERIAN OiUROI : 1300 Main St. Sunday services at 9: IS and 10:45 a.m . tuesday, october 23 ~IU DY GROUP: " WIIO DOES JESUS SA \' l i E p.m ., Dick Steffen's home , 2009 Main . I S~··: 7 Home Economiu In Business O ub is sponsoring an in formal seminar in Business relations between local busines.sess and students in regard to the field study program which wll be held on Oct. Zl, at 7:00p .m . in room 307. COPS Building. UNIVE RSITY F ILM SOCIETY: 7 and 9:1:!1 p.m ., Auditoriwn Main . ''Triumph of the Will '' wil l be shown at 7 p.m . and "Nig ht and Fog " will besh0\1.11 a t 9: IS p.m . AN ENCOUNTEH WITII J ONAH : 8 p.m ., Peace Campus Center. Maria Drive and Vincen t St. A specia l fou r week study and discussion series will begin Tuesda y. Oct Zl at 8 p.M. at Peace . These sessions will take up the book of J onah together with supplementary materials and attempt to understand their signifi cance for today Each SHS1on v.i ll conclude at 9:30p.m No cost. wednesday, october 24 CO· HEC VOLLEYBALL : 6 p.m .. Berg Gym Co-Ree Volleyball today . Entry shee ts, rules , etc . can be p1cked up m I·M office. Room 103, ~ r g from 2:30to lOp m da1ly STEVENS PO I ~I S YMP II O~Y ORCHESTRA : II p.m , Michelsen Hall . Fine Arts Building . Geary Larrtck. conductor . SHIRT IMPRINTING Apply a For Grants Between 250 and 350 UWSP students who are \'e terans of military service during the Vietnam War era nrc eligible for special grants ranging from $200 lo $400. but have not made a n ap · pHcn t1on . John Bohl of the Student tlnancial AJds staff said the monies were allocated in the new s tate bu d ge t for Wisconsin vets as an in centh·e for enrollment in h1gher education . Ma rried veteran.s , who ser\'ed longer than 90 days on acti\'e duty and received honorable discharges. are entilled to $400 while si ngle veterans ha\'C been allocated $200 Boh1 said checks are now avail a ble a t the W'liversity cas hu~r ·s desk for students who made an application . llowe\·er . only about 250 vets ha ve filled out the forms to date from a pool of 500 to GOO UWSP students eligible to do 50 Bohl bel ieves lack of information about the new program has resulted in the smu ll percentage of takers . ·- llle funds are avai lable to any Wldergraduate : however they are bei ng used as rcc ru1t ing 1ncentives , and Bohl sa1d \'etera ns interested m s 1gnmg up for clas.ses at U WS P for the s pr i ng semester may apply for the fund s m his office . Cont ribu tions to Cam pu s Ca len dar IJ'lUSt be typewr ltlen and d oub lespaced. The d eadline is Monday noon . If an activity lJ not listed In Ca mpus Calendar. T il E POINTER has n ot Men properly notified . 0 Tbe ErnofRe Room Create your own design, we'll do the rest! All styles ond colors OYoiloble. See us before you plllce any orders prompt delinry. SUIIUAY IIIGHT STEAK BO•IAIIZA: SJ. 50 per person FREE BEER WITH UllmER Cris p Tossed Salad 9 . The Uninrsity Store oHers top quantity imprinting at low prices, with quality discounh. No art work n11cessory. . THE UNIVERSITY STORE UNIVERSITY CENTER Phone 346-3431 Homemade Loaf of Br ead & Butter U. S. Cho i ce Juicy Top Sirl ol Potatoes Plus Ltvoly Entertainment i n the GAL LEON LOUNGE! Ji ~~~ Of Stevens Point · Dinner Reservations 341 - 1340 • speaker commended for presentation View from a wheelchair lll'ru lr n r r 10 thr UWSI' ··~;:;;;., momtr~t {Of a "'hat lltrbtini<'Of\rinedloa"·~ ,M~r mua br hkt' on th1t umplo!J lbtrrai"C'anumbn"of 11 nporta'" blnld.inp that you ~•r dtntrd acc:eu lo. for •·•3mp!tOidMam.lheStudent :-c:utn• ..'Othtn. Huoldma. amona 1nd many of the :~~~~~~..~~/:' :"o!~~~~~~ pl.oo-5, wh~h 100rlU • Sf'l'lll hudsldpl n ond~m~t'fl\,.fiWr 110"'1'\'t'f,IMI"'IIItSttronyol ~~~~~ tllat you a"' dented a~eu totJwMallhc:mttT~IIno ~bllr•uy thata,.,holoeldlair •llillk'lllllllllidrduntr~trrthr buddin& 11-.1 l'$Sftll.al to urr ic.a ls !nduchnl( C..'hiiCtilor Urt')IU$ ,.·iLl be ptftmt Si&ma P o Urochlors ..,u hold a ~'" ' duronc 1M umpaocn .. m ''-' :~top a ~ fooc hi&h pbtlorm to b..ra•M'ddunncthc-Dpftllng ··~on )·to~rat~ IM1r ~lortMpl•&ht-'lho> handiU~Aiilk'ntsA"·hftl ctLa~rran.bH"f'ffllho>unou!i lratrnuhn;anda JIO"dtr puff rae•• Mt,.un lh~ dtllu~nt -eror•hH ..-ollfollow ttw plat · formra lltnjl, ~pur~oltM,.·m,, •., ra1w mont') to hli)" an l'l«tnc "ht't"\(h;lorlorafrUow studfnl , andtomak~lb!-admoni5lrat­ :=,;;~;d'Tn ~:~:.;..~ a..·a"'ollhtpl•&htoltM,.·h«< chaorboundthldmt.notonlyon """'"~ bwldon(tl. but aho 111 grihnlt around from plat"t" 10 plac~onumpu~ \'oumay ..·l'll ultbr>ron~m•~thatollhtr ,.._.,.,.· hya lltho )~!onlora ,.tudr ntltakr lor arantrd. handful of :O.tllma Pi Fnotfn!lly, in ('Oil • JUMIIOII wi\1'1 tb!- olMr Gl'ftkl ~ucknts. tNt JIIM kn;oonm•nd~tnonrolll"loM­ p~tt~ conft!M."d to "'-1 un chaln;thoujlhtthatthco)""""ld ~"n pu s. Is aponsonna 'Upf'U t ion Whnl .,..ffl .. , Cktober%2·•· Chair n..,.,·~kkksoff•uth a urrmuA)' \11 the Mnnortal l"orc:lt- ~•ftl'l the Ltanunj u~Cmtn-and FiMArtt •·••) KHU•l~• .....r . SiJm• ,.i Y,h~<'l • lhl'm05lkno"·led&eable~ '"' th~ r.·tnts cvrnntly on campu~ Dr Wronl' hu re«ntlypubli:shedanannotated b1bhocraphy dulinl wuh ~lttually'""ery work wnllen on lh~Mibj«t to date. Tbe praomlltoon ilxlf ,.... utrenwlyeffeclivt' . Or '1\'rone l>f'•n& an interH\iiiC and m~ u a ,.holt. ~r member at,.·aysbe!n&a!:ow'nt,the"wt< T• c:onduct 11\hr conC"fll!Cdaboutth~S.andltoo l'llvr watched a d"lln&r come ~ bolit tn the publle conduct of \Om~ of out ltlld~nl$ By "diana~ ··. I meanUwf1ct !hat \horre .. noM'DMolllldivodual ~nd ~~ pn6t lbout ldf "h•ch ~on-Vatu a cwwtr1int ypon-·• lancv.ate.hlano~­ ductto ......du-earoundhim , and the !JtMn.l m1nner on .. htd'lhe drpartshlmwtf lnnr) "ay do I think this !1 the an•raaeconduc1of moatoltht •ludf'nlll of this umpu1 . I know b)po.riOI\Ilupuienn.thltilll 1101 Wea,.,tllkin&ajlolltlfroo- tM persons Of Of"llniUIIioM which engineered th e con · •pira¢yulherewunopraolto you,.·ouldhlvt~~>ee~~aftdhurd , lttlft" in ttl& \'Min"rl!amy~bul )"OIIJentiftnen havedoni!IO "•\l"IJOUR. l "d loki' to comment., the C'OIIt~nt of your reply to the ~torinlut weft"l P•w rreardin1 ""B•I Tim~·· ~n­ trnaJnmentatthiiWiiven.l tJ'. t'irstsp«iriCII : YOII!flftllioned Gordon Li&htfool.., a " hu bftn"" Wril lir . l m,.tqvtltion your up-to-datenHI In th~ rft'OI"d ,.orld. Lichtfoolllu bf<rnaproduclivewrilft",NIIIeT Iince \.he mld'¥11 and of anyt hi nc i1 more produc:tiv,.\Odrlyth.anhehu l"o·n-hftn. lleisrontkkred- 1 am one of thole ,.·ho IS ne ..·ouldnot gueuthenlmesof aun>dtd his ccmcm lut lprin& lit:~• · -~-lrf". Srkbn dots ~nd compo~er "" '~'"''" football cams. rclent'ditland~tedhi• O....fltlll.lnd happy, ob.. ation · lh~ turno11\ was miiChbetttrlhanany-inthe IIIII«)' Club " _,,. formed &noupolthol.einteratedln ·~r hlltorytcouldhll~eanlld~ted, despttl' 1M ~atlv~ latk of publicity. and tllfl nlaht on . ,.·hlch lh~ prHenlltlon wa1 held. Allin aU. it wu an e•· cellent u1mple of wMt ou.r (.- ,._nn.llorilpltawdiOCIII "an ~lr~r.~:~=~ chlnce to upand hil new. on thiacampusapin,lfldlhatthe lliiiOrY Club wiU continue to m1itlt1in the hLah 1l.and.lrd whlch it let With thb meetlne. SljtiiM. SleY._N"'w'- Lightfoot. not a has been drllnkf'nnen . diiOrdullnns niJIItiOmark Pr Wrone then prewnted • purchlMdthefllm.hunotyet Wrone!M!Vrraltimet. st.atedthllt ~nck't UM Comm tllion never ~tes. bool~ven.konolthttlpruck-r ~uack fd Ute Warren Com· mllloon from a oumber ol "' indic:t any f)OIIli!W cln- fllm tl.ll«f'ubliutions . .. hlch commu n.,,ah~~ s~aktr . II~ l"~" l'dativ~tothePIIb'IC ;~ndp«<tlmtJ''"·hich,.btlm · being left tu clerh and 'ubanlonateiiiYet.lici\.On,\ht: f11111r" to Mar and nlmhll' ...,tne!M$ with d..wnt.inc •n· formation . tM alterirlc 1nd-or mtruetn>n of evidmce that ,.·ould lend to UA doubl..., osw1ld"s 111ilt , and""' forth! IM\Pf"llre\ltion of tile ~ven\1 .._.n on 1M film 1ll.la in· terpr~lation aupported the conspitiCJ'Iheor ythllllr . W,-- "'poulfS,IIIhou&h it il tmporu..nt to note !hat Dr. Cha~r . ~- rat...-•11) Chancellor Regrets Student Misconduct 'lr. Sd•ln•' YouadltttsHdakttn- 111tM l'ullllfl" to "'Whom II Ma)" 111~ WriJht Lo11nge ol thto Um•·cnllyCentu. ~llllloty IO)"OUP\ot&M'~)OII~I to u~rat•on lk!ot-:"!·:!15 1-twkb!ll&ll Xlp.m Uni\'H'Ioll)' ,,..~, IWS I' Shtcl~ntJ,: On Thunday, lklober II , in l'lllb hosted a prenntlliotl duhnlt "lth th~ Kennedy ~IUu.m&toonof tKl. "nle&utJt •pea ~<for ..u u,.·id w.- ol u.. lhstary !Npartmmt. jltf"Mpll 1'\"Prbo'tMrr.andltcanhappn~ n ... , ... Page 9 THE POINTER October \ 8, \973 letters to the editor nl , ifnot,lht~ wriiPr4in&en 1n C1nada. If JOII would hive ""h)I. YW.W,havtUnawritt""' a lie. 'ntis !NO. m~ to question thevalidit)'oflherft.lof)'Olll" ... ~. NO'W to ll,eneralltln: You lftmtobo:n.tremel)'doiOf"OI.IS thai this ilatltuUon of hfPer Luming does not provide Ita 1l11dents with "BLI Time" entll'l"tl.inmmt. May IIU&I"'I )IOU tud the followin& lbt ot clata~andMmes for the fin\ semat.er : ~- U r riMOiw ~t. %1 Praenratlol! Kill ; Ckt.l Nroo- Yorlr. B,....Qulnlet, :~ ~::: ~~k.~i Jo)' Blackett. 111 New llunpriln Qwirtet ; No¥. I Landon Bid! Soc:ie1)1, 4 Speculum M ~. II KfUI"IIyank o...ce CompanJ'. Leuen to t.be l!dhor m llll be s igned, typewrilll!n • nd dou.bln pa«d. The POINTER will wiO.bo&d namn rrom publicaUon upon request. Letlerl ahould be limilcd to no more thaa 300 wordl ht leaph. 'I'M editor r nervea tbe rigbt lo td.lt aU leiters . Tile dndline is Monday 11oon. food causes complaint T01 ~~ • .., II May C11t ~n ' Thi1 •tdl'fllllte-1)1 1 complaint ! lkno.,.. now\hatthe food definitl'lyneeclllmpra~tlllll ; l!lp«llllywhnl ithlareadltd th<'lla&rofactulliJ' t not lttft"1IIIJ11 m.akin&me llidl Why · ·u the lllldwkh llnr dliCOIIUIM.Ifd.. SC'Ierii Umml havecone todinntronlytorllld nothinJ appulin& or laiiJ' . I th~rrfor~. e nd up eatlna foodstllfl from the- a.111-d bar. Why~~a~et~itcotnaa••ln~rm bml o1 the sa~ bar al my ma1n eoune! J,.t btcl~~&e the plea doae at• . ..·hyistheloodbftn& rtmovtd II • : I D~ II h.lppntoed \h!SeV""'"a andiBin)lo/11& pr~ertoulliowl)l-1001 rwbtd· -and be: abl~ to tit IOIMihiDa ..-~·,., p.ayi111 for ! 'll"hodrlr esto"'"'""' the dHierll whBo 1M dellert Nr b filltd with peop~t• This, too . occurml this CW'1UII& all('.., _ .... . pleued to ..,. the lent! lf•·ep.aytoeat food. thel't""tiY aren "t .,. lllrVed it. 1nd I VlritiJ' o r cba 111e. nOl l ~tlonor kft-o...-nfromlt. P""'ioul muts• We Uudeall 1 ...,p.ayin&l... food. •don 't wt hlv~ari&ht toea!Jood loodand no~whllntrtoliCIIIdion you t llldre&IDupolwtoichlolnthe true q11allly of aood and 11uU~Ifood .. l undn"ltand !hat tMre .,.. mln)'UIIdenllto feed,but I'm I.Lil"t:J'OIICintlobttter\hltlthis. So wh)lnol Jl'l wi!Joll lnd do _..flhinlaboulll lnal.ud ot p\herinaCGCDplainii"'IUI II"I :i!'latetotlo~lbout A41oJuu4l/Vt"Jf>~l. SltrUaB.rwPo« students praised Talllf f<l\kM- : Dr. WiUiam Clmmlll hu n-itlcl&edmy•lu4er!Uwtotn~U lconat~tula~tbtalf... m-lfd&e anr.t l.hdr ~adty . Who aa)'lm)latudtrtllh.lve·to applaud deftit. n-ultre-. icnounee. 1tupidlt)' 1 nd tlowmi&hl l)'inC! • Y.riCIICalie'l~llon hadthe f• milla r aromaolthe John Bird! Society and .wde!U jult didn'tbl'lletreher thell• thai • ' Jrel l conspi racy ~dati betwfl'flldenceanded\lr:atlon andthlt~lallarelltb- "':W;:ou&hl the ' at11 danU pl'friwdJrell~bdlna litllllionwtoich c:aaoal)'be di:Kribalul~. A....W M . ,'Ita , ~._ Pli.D. p ..... ~...., Thal'conatltul~-ollhe Jrnlnt aclln per lorm ln& 111$J;inthe-ki.Tlltywillbe pe r for mi n& here on th~i r rapectiv~ data. T1W ~ 111r pann mou lint ut procrama at Ia)' tmlvtnltJ' in · thellltelodisat ltlll~· pu1bl~ toMadllon'1. I ""')o)r the rock and bl,... bands. I abo en)o)r the dualcs. E:lch hu thflr own lim~ lnd pi le~ . On~ belon11 at the l..ucrr , tht other a\ the ""~~:r.;,.n I wonder if comr bara to be rduatal or to be mtertained. t•ortUNI!d)',lllhbWii~y • lbeyc&nldoil'trtboth. HK p«lh ·ely, 'A"m . J . Mlii•II Jr. at11d~nta Is Jenkins Forgetful? T• l.llt~C... : 'lllhile def..nltd)' •PflfV"'UU& Mr . Je nlt lnl' ull for lhe ...istsnceolaiiUWSPuudenta intheC'IIIv.atiouolprof-n to be Jupervietd lh liJ'tlrbythll St11dent Sen ate, I wa1 fuc• n •ted b)' hi • fina l p;u qraph In whlc:h he 1tatal: '" PhilolophJI.ulal..-wont.U. liken the nrst llep \toward telcher ~:VaJv.a\ioNI.'' SlJIC"C Mr • .Jmk.irD hal llt<rn 0111 thl1 <:~~mpus for the pall coup!~ ol JNn, l wllftderwtl)'llcdoftlnol -tobeawarethltthe • Politic.a t Sdtna Aaoclltlon tcompo~ed of Po ly Sci .......,.._,, with linn wppor1 and I(NTI~ ttchnlcal aubt.anct from Pol)' Sd profeunn. hu bt<rnrallf1411nd~:VIIv.aUt~~lhlt dep.a rtmm t'ltn<:herlforiW"O ) ' a l f S - lnde>ecllnlt71 ·T.Z UleH ratinp ,..en publilheod In full in 0W ......... II I t.il!lll ...twn Mr • .lenlr.illl wu rilh« t:ditor or Aalblant Editor, II I recaU'OonnaJibftlteandGary Y«'JidiY'l' •nthispt"Ojecllul yrutuit ,.,tated to Polit k al Sc:•en« proleuonl. and I am lUre lhlt Guy !Donrulh.la&tldv.atall Ia vfl"}"m!ldolnvolvtdlnaaabtln& lnitthla,Jiear,eaptelallylnthe Wjnln""J..-n""tboth =:.:~~·~o::n: Poly Sci. in the hope !hal Lhil ye1r or pertll pe Mill It e~n be npuded 10 IM:II* the etllire UWSV facul ty. '"-ctnty. Na _,- 1- !ioUkr Aubilat P .....K . ., ()qot. Pal. ""· Page 10 THE POINTER 'Pickers Try Series October 18, 1973 IN INTRAMURAL ACTION 2 North Buries 4 South In Burroughs &Jttle by Jim Habeck oy.. WalSOn, grabbed 2 touchdown ~~~i~~~:i· ~tic; ~~rio~:.O~!u~u!d ~ battle cry that spurred an inspired 2 Nor th terun to North team . Hyer 's overpoweri ng Coach Tom ·· vmmot " 8Jot1' team was Sill Mawbey. K · O.ilberg did nearly as well when his 2 touchdowns led 1 2 ;!,~:;!"~~!dfnghit~~~~ro: :::c~":,ir":~est.~nH~~ counting for 12 points in the 18-6 Burroughs win . Pray 's 4Eastprovedtobea wrecking crew as they destroyed 2 West 30-8, and 3 West , 38·0. Quarterback Oederich or" East connected fo r 4 touchdown passes in the 2 West game alone. Olh~ Pray games saw l West lrampling 2 East 20-2. while 4 West outgooned 3 East 34-6. Phil ~faro ou.t· scor~ the oppos~llon, as has 1 ~ pomts led 2 West to a 26-8 . Vlctory . Sims 2 Norlh squad . led by t he i mp e rturbable Dan Koehler , easily swept by 2 South . 28-6. 4Southfaredeven better . They ripped through the -t North defense for 36 points , while shutting out their opponents . Apparently not all the Bruins are in Boston . Jim Bruhn . a na tive of 2 East EaS t to a 2CH)defeat qf 1 West. Last week the previouslY unbeaten Vets had their w.inning streak broken. Engineering the a-& upset win was the Black Student Coalition . Umiling the poin_t budget for a Miscellanoous squad was the Crunch Bunch. Final score : Crunch Bunch 24, Miscellaneous 6. The Salad Squad forced s Easy Pieces lo uphold their name, as the Squad took a %l-l4 victory . An overtime contest foood !he Independents upending Patch Street, 13-1.2.. Leading the fight for Independents was Chuck Gauger and his teammate Festolen. The Intramural World Series saw the Angels taking a 12· 1 championshi p win over the Orioles. Shutting out the Orioles was Angel pilchermanager Jim Goesch . A small dawn payment will hold it on U.Y - A ~ WAY PICK IT UP WHEN YOU CHOOSE by J~ Uurke. Randy Wle,•el :a nd Tim Sullh·an Last Sundny, a s m lllions of As si s tant manager Rod pro foot ba ll fa ns s uffered Smith provided ample hitUng th rough another plethora of fm the Angels. -.1lile short · field goals by all those Gar os. stop Rick Marquardt indeed Ja ns and Horsts , the New stopped the Orioles short or a York Mets and the Oakland victory . A's were engaged in n All ping-pong diplomats are titill a t ing Wo rld Se r ies encouraged to join the table contest th at should be typical tennis club. Games -.ill be of the ent1re Series played in Quandt on Thank s to th e 1r 10· 7 Tuesday and Thursday nights marathon conquest Sunday, at 1 p.m . the boys from Fun Cil y return Entries for co.ro volleyball to their z.oo . bett er known as teams will be ac«pted unUI Shea Stadi um . w1t h a H October 21. The matches will Ca lir o r ni a s t a n d -o rr . be played on Wednesday It Sl'CillS Burke has become nights from &-8 :30. Table infec te d with Met so m a nia tennis , badminton , and and expec ts the m to win in paddJebaU will also be offered sb: . Mea nwhile . Wie,•el and on a co-ed buis. Sulli va n a r e o pt i n g fo r Finley 's Fo rces to r eign supreme after seven. " The Met.s have the moWld power and the ~lut c h h i tti~g .·· wsuc claim s the 1rt e pr e s s 1bl e Burke . " Ab<)\'e all . they have Stevtnl Point 33, Sl.out 6 wha t can only be ca tegorized PlaUeville 'n, SUperior 0 as something we Sl'Cm to O&hkoe.h 15, Eau Clai~ 9 have forgotten--the American L..aCrosse 21 , River r-·ans 6 Spint to \\'in !!!!" Whitewater 3, St. Norbert o New York also has a prett y fair defense plus a nearly OTHER WlSCONSIN phenom enal reliefer m 1\Jg McGrnw . l.akdand 13, carthage 6 The three mid -week night NorthLand 21, Mllton 6 UW·M :a. ll1inois-0Ucago 0 ga mes m Shea are the \'ital ones . especially fo r the A's . BIG to Man y a good tea m ha s become unglued in the eerie Ohio Slate 14, Wisconsin o din or the Mets' arena . Wit · Michigan 31, Michigan State 0 ness "''ha t happened to Cin· Nor1l'lwestrm 31 , Iowa 15 MinnesoU lot, lndi.aiUI 3 ci nn all and Piu sburgh this IUioois 15, ~ 13 year . and. lest it be forgouen . B a lt i m o r e 1n ' 6 9 NATIONAL Actuall y. what occurs in ga mes J and 6 li f needed , Missoun 13, N e br as k a 12 s hould d eci d e th e wh o le Ok.Jahoma 5.1, Texas 13 \'Cn de tt<.~ Thev· a ff a1rs . _.; u USC 46. Wuhingt.on State » match the t"'·o titans of each Alab.ma 35, F"'oricb 14 squad 's superl a tive moWld UCLA 59, Stanford 13 co rps . Tom Se a ver a nd Penn State S4 , Anny l Catfi sh llunt er Notre Dame 21. Rice 0 Grid Scores Should one ace completely ~~p ~0~ 0:::~j;i~~~~~~IL win ! lli stor y shouJd a lso boost :~= ~~;t~3 ~~1eh:o~ :!~ ~ won conscc uti\·e Series . Not since · ~ has the host lenguc t Oakland l be en victorious and heading into game 3 the ~l e l.S ha d never lost in Series pla y ;~ t Shea . Out , really folks . the A's are the beltcr tea m . To win they must pl ay like the World ~ Omm pions ltlC )' a re . not like the bumblers of the first two cont l'Sts . Not only do the A's have the b<' tl e r uniforms and m us taches . they have s uperi o r hitt i ng , power , speed . depth and a t least co mpa rable fi e lding and pitching . Oakland also dom inates in a nother d epartment : ball gtrls . These two beauties are Mar y Barr y and Debbl Sivyer . both potential Hugh llefncr drart picks . Their job 1s to perch along each rouJ lin e a nd d o nothing but di stract enemy hillers and rie lders . Ci n the Mets relive the nuracle or '69'? They believe they are a team of destiny and , despite the fact tha t they ar e fa r from the best team in baseball . they just might do ,, One word of advice . IJ the Sen es goes seven ga m es, please do n 't watch s ome Bul ga r ian I"Cfug ee attempt ~;'~.~:~~~~o:i~cehs t~! r:;al~ :J rema rka ble cl assic between tw o r e ma rk a ble . if n o t "·lassiC'. tea ms . ,\ s for whe re a ll the champa gne will be . try the Oakl and dr e~s ln g room . women gymnasts win The Stevens Point Women's Gymnastics Team won their fLrst meet Friday night over Superior by a score or 62.26 to 32.95. In compulsory competition . Mary WiUems took a first in va ulti ng . Ma r y Herz!e ldt cap tured first place in uneven bars . In the optional com · petition, the Pointers pulled Jewelers YOUR DIAMOND & GIFT CENTER "Diamonds Our 'Specialty" IEEPSW, (OUJMIIA & OUII6f BlOSSOM DIAMOIID RIJI6S DIAMOIID IMPORTm CHECK OUR PRICES MAIN AND THIID snfET .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I nt n~ eve n b a r s and a se c o nd o n o pt io nal i n · ter mediate ba lance beam . Maril y n Co llin s pla c ed !>l'Cond in the compulsory mtermediatc noor exercies . Jud y Vruland took third p lace an the c ompul sory Am ong oth e r team beganmng fl oor exercises . mem bers con tn butmg to the M:anlyn Pla mann finished v1ctory. Alison J ones took a st.-cond on the compulsory third on compuJ sory begin · mter;Jlediat e balance beam away fr om Su pcn or Ca rol Kra utkramer had a s 0 out or a pos.stble 8.0 rout me on noor exercase a nd a "..17 on the balance beam . Sue Gi gante did a n outstanding job 011 the Wll!\'en bars with a 6 1 score WHO CARES SUPPER CLUB FAMILY STYLE SMORGASBORD All yau can eat! I Lorge Yariety of food ! ! Baked or fried fish, scalloped pototoes with hom, Swedish meatballs, chicken and dressing, chicken noodle soup, plus, complete solad bar. ONLY $2.15 per person - - All you can eat Sunday Bar Opens at 9:00 AM Food S.rYing Starts ot 11 :00 AM COME ON OUT! ~ ;~~!.::'../~·· AND HAVE A REAL MEAL AT A REASONABLE PRICE! : .I I I I I I I I I I. I I I -Ii . October 18, 1973 Page 11 THE PO I NTER Upsets Stun Superpickers b)· JCIC' lhllb. llm Sullh·a• t •nd!llike lla~r miln t\uumtng the Miami Oolphins disposed of the Cleveland Browns tn the )londay Nt&ht aame. t~ Superptckers hid a fairly tmpren ive firth week in pekin& lhe National football Ltaaue g.m~ We called e tght of the u camn CWTtortly and only missed threr Meanwhi le, there was ooetle . andthetossupwentto Burke and Sullivan . who 1ntelhgenUy CGmplred not~ and p1cked thf' lowly Ptnl;u:ielphia Eagles to up5e1 the favored St I.Auls Cardinals The Superptckers came dose to hav ing another fantast1c ,.·eek . but un · fortullOltely t,.-omajor up5ets and one mmorone wrf'Cked thetr plans 1be New York Jets aca1n let us dovo-n by squealunl b y New En&land, 9--7 TliOM Jets are hard to figure out The)' play • healthy Joe N•math and lose Then !hey pl•y a healthy AI Woodall and they lose So U~y finally play a rookie quarter~ck 10-host 1l4lme 11 tmpoutble to~ .nd he t•kt'S them to a "''" Logtcal. :un 't 11~ We 10tre shocked by t~ ~· Orleans Sa1nts. who seem to be m;~kin& a habot of Ma ttng tto a ms from the " blackandbliK'" dn•oston Apparrntl y, Tom Ormpsey's • ghost was han&m& around ~,.- Orleans· itadium as the Samts oncr a&ain edgrd tktrotl The last lime the S:unt s played Detroit 1n Loul51allOl , ~PM'Y Came'n to tr )' a Uyard fidd &IW at tM bLil.ur as Oetroot's Alex Karru and Wayne Walker r o ared on the ground chuckling at the idea £\"er sorn:e ~psey made hos hostoric field aoal , the Uons ha\· e been jinxed in lou~M l ' L£\'I::LAND 0\'E K !IUC!>oiOS • A good rruon ,.ily Cie\·e\andalwayshas a Oner~d 'llM!Brownsare noth.mg 5pec:ial. but those Otlers ..-ould have a heck ol a lime brattng either Ohio State or USC '" the ROM' Bowl for that m;~otter , the Oolers prob..bly wouldn 't let pu t Mldu&an Cle\·eland b)' 17 nt-:st:.\l..s u vER t:m t-: t-·s · The mere fact tl\al we ptcked the Bengals woll probabl y mean that the OudSIO'ill '"'ln. b«auseot 's ilandardprocedureforOrK"y to do the oppo~~te_ol ,.· hat ,..e l ' ll l l ',\GO 0 \1 £ R 1' .\ TR IUTS · The Bears 10i ll ,.,., if Gtbron follo,.'l our ad1•oce. Put Gary Uuff in at quarterback . and move IJou&lass to a fullback It adds up to a balanced attack , wtth lhea!ntercalling al l the plays With this set ·up , Oucaco ..,u win by 13 If the Bears onl)' !At' their usual offmse. Oucaao vooll barely 101nbyonepomt, andil11 j)I"Obablytakea n ukcplay. U\' t-: lt l l ! I I I I I I I ! 1 ha\'11' 11 that the I Dutchman 11 walkmg a I ITpOfl i :;'~)r.~~!·~~orbeA ::.~ but the best thong(orStormtn ' ~man .. ~d be a SKOnd corl\'mC1ng vrtn We thmkth e f'alcons ,.·tllget one by ,.·onntng by H consec \111\'t' ! 1 1 1 I : I I LOS ,\NGt-: Lt.:S U \' ER GR t:t:s u.n · . As much as 10-c!'dhketo, we stmplycannot 5e-e lhePacktrs,.·tnnonglhiS aamt The Ram s ' Jim Hertleson . from Hudson . Wi K Ons tn . keep the f>ack 's up·front men honest allda y. whtlellarold Jackson MUST be covered by at least \IOOIU)'Jorhe1I&OCrll:y catdun& ~Sift 1be Pack's onl y hope os to knock Hactl out early and hope the Green Bay olfensecankeeptheNIIfora long ttme llama by 10 Speakln& ol Juu:es. it looks h ke • ·e reall y put the ,.·hammy on the Ptttsbuf'gh Steelen. As soon as we flatly statedthattheSie-elerswould be •n the Super Bo,.·l. On· ctnath came alon& to knock themolf. F'ranllly, weweren't \' UU SGS u \'t-:R Pttii.Ll' • \'trY surprised. ancy has TheEa&Jesareonaontaarne be-en gou'l& against oo.r picks all yell' Wehaveabsolutdy ,.,nnmc st reak n,e Vik inas r.e-ro conrtden« In OU" pi<:ka are on a fi\·e aame wlnnong We'dha\·etos.ythe onvolvtn& the Benpls. and "''e ilreak Eagles' ,.;nntn& streak Will reallycan 'tfi&~eout,.11y,.-e 5000 be 0\o'tr Mi nnesota b)' ~p.ckon&tbelfgams It 's 115-eless to even try to get 17 them nght Here are our picks for Week U.\L LI\ S UVt: R G lt\ .~TS • The eo..·boys are laced 10i lh a M I AMI 0\'ER BUI"t' ALO • " mu:st " came On !be other The Bolls' easy schedule hand . theGtantsreahr.elhey finallyt'Omettoahalt , andao Ntve toiOM tftheyregonna doea o.J. ·• rushi n& yardaae WeemphalicallypredictO.J doesn1 aet t(l) yards. 1be Dolphins WLI I w;n by n . Now It ' s ACA I NS T You 'll have to liret' the Su perpickershavebeen tOUft,h lately. Aller all, lhry D I D correctly pick the f'akonl 0\' tr auca,. last "ftk. aa 10-c!ll as the Ram• · overOollas . BetagainstttM:m only on your own risk. :--- -- -- - - - --- ---- -- - - - -- --- -~-~ ---- --- - : I ,..,n I ,. by\0 St\ N I ::~~ ;t!~~~t= =~t~~ mauled them u h·es Some O .U\Lt\ND l) I::N\'E R This Is the Monday Night game and the tossup. Sullinn qaln Is the unde:rdo&.mainlybecause he thmka those Oakland teams are wtMerl . As ton& as the World Srrin v.ill be won by Qakland.hellft:lnoreasonto ptck aaa inst the Ra iders t\ther. Bw'ke and H•bennan take Denver, b«allSot lhey don 't think the Broncos u~ ,.·ho !he ht ll is in the World Series sn: E I.£RS 0\' E R J t:TS • \\'as hington 's t~n. St. Louis doesn 'lstandacha~Sklns \TI. ,\ ~T,\ • lf the Jetsareslillin this gamebyhalnlme. it'll be a minormiracle. lftheJetswin this aame. it11bethebigest upset stnce Swaps beat Na5hu.a in 19M. Pltlabur&)i by 21. ot thi s year . ont'b'l~nll S.\J /'Io'TS CAR· ltEOSKI SS 0\' E R ,.,th O ncuutll i. b«aUSotlhey beatPtl t& burgh.so tt 'sob· VJoustheycan,.;n,.'henthey 10·antto Ci ncybyJ H \ lT t )tu R E · It ' s dof rocultto e:cP'aon,.1lytheLions aren't ha\'tna abetter season \\'e happen to thonk Detl"'Ot 's s llll a darn good team Uo,.·e\'t'r , It 'S not hard \0 fi&Ufe out ,.·hy lb.lllmore's not &Ot ng.an)-..·hrre We kne10• the Colta ,.·rrtoalm ostusel rss agatnst good tt.'ams Detroi t shouJd,.·al ka ..-.y .."hthll un:u l) IS t\I..S - Every year St . U>uis beats Wa5hineton once. '!be Cards already have done N)' Ne\·ertheless . we 11 11~k IH : T itU I T ~tt:tts Danny Ambromowlct should be ready for a ' real day against his e:c..S.m t te.m . Too bad lhis lan't pla)'ed in Louo51ana . or New Orleans IO'Ould have an outside chance. f'riscobyl3. ~/;~ l ~~ ·: t;;:lJ' I paae 12 THE PO INTER October 18, 1973 Pointe rs Rout Stout I 33-6 JEFF GOSA (82) CATCHES RECORD SETTING TO PASS AS DOUG KRU EGER(85) AND A STOUT DEFENDER LOOK ON by Jerry Long The UW&P Aerial Circus came out c5f- fifiling astp Sat urday to thoroughly destroy the UW.Stout Blue Devils at Goerke Field, 3!1-6. Leading the barrage was freshman fl anker Jeff Gosa who set three school records lor the Pointers and scored all of their touchdowns. Gosa set records lor most passes received in a single game (12) most touchdowns in a singje game (4) , and most P!'ss receiving yardage in a smgle game (191) . ~e Point~s r.a n up ~ of the1r 33 pomts m the !U"St half. The first three of these came on a 34 yard field goal by Pat Robbins . The Pointers got into field goal range by . doing something they are not noted for : rushing . Don Sager and Joe ~lecky open~ up the Blue Devil defense WJth runs that left the Pointers with either second or third and short yardage. In their second possession of the game, quarterback Mark Olejniczak made good use of the running game spiced with deadly accurate passes to Sager , Ben Breese and Doug Krueger . Then, with third and nine at the Stout 35 yard line, Olejniczak completed the first of a ~en passes to Jef! Gosa . Gosa took the ball m for the .TD, a n d af t er R o.b b 1 ':' s added th.e extra pomt WJ!h 3:23 le.ft m the fir.st qua rter, ti\IPPomt!rs were m fron t, 10. ?1'nle dnve covered 82 yards m ten plays. The Pointer defense held the Blue Devils to only lour • laysl the next- stou possession, and forced their punter , Bob Prahl, to punt into the 25 m .p;h . wind. Ben Breese moved the ball to the Stout 49 yard line and two plays la ter Olejniczak connecled with Gosa lor a 49 yard touchdown pass. The extra point attempt was blocked, but with 0:49lelt in the first period, Point 16, Stout o. The Blue Devils were not yet down lor the ten-<:ounl. Taking the return kick-off at theil' own seven yard·. line, they put together a drive that yards to the took them 93 Stout running endzone The attack did most of the work and consisted of the running efforts of John Osmanski, Dan Luer and Mike Krait. With just less than lour minutes gone in the second quarter quarterback John Elkin £ Stout handed off to 0 Dan Luer who made the one yard push into the Pointer endzone. The Pointers' John McDuffy blocked the extra point attempt , and Stout trailed, -6. 16 An interception by Jim Qua em a set up the Pointers' next scoring drive. The Olejniczak-Gosa combination brought the Pointers'.down to the Stout 14,well within range for Robbins' second field goal try. The attempt was good and the Pointers assumed a 19-6 lead. The Pointers again forced Stout into a fourth and long yardage situation, this time WE WANT YOU II you'd like to be I Reporter for the POitmR Paid Positions Are Available. Come On fll and Talk To Us. PONRO Offi(E, 2110 ROOR U.(. ' Point 4tline, Stout elected to go lor the first down on fourth and one. The Pointer line lield and the Pointers took over on downs . The Stevens Point defense stifles the Blue Devil offense lor the remaining two quarters. RObbins intercepted a Gary Johnson pass 'to snuff out a Stout drive almost before it started . Roger Volovsch did the same. Gary De Villers fell on a Stout luinble to squelch another Blue Devil march. The game ended with Point safely ahead, 33-6. The Pointers passes lor 328 yards against Stout. Olejniczak completed 26 of 40 attempted passes lor 295 yards. Reserve quarterback Matt Smith connected on two of three passes lor 14 yards, while Joe Pilecky added 19 yards on- a successful option pass. Jell Gosa was the leading receiver with 12 completions lor 191 ya rds and lour touchdowns : all new schoo l records . Doug Krueger caught three passes lor 36 yards; Joe Pilecky took in lour lor 25 yards: Denny Eskritt two lor 19 yards , while Don Sager and Ben reesenef ea our an wo passes lor 16 and 15 yards respectively . Larry Sowka and Steve Dennison each added one reception lor three and eight yards respectively . The Pointers did not throw a single interception, nor were there any Pointer lwnbles . The Pointer running game gained 83 yards and served to break open the Stout defense. Joe Pilecky accounted lor 54 yards. Ben Breese ran lor 19 yards, Larry Sowka added 16 ya rds and Don Sager added one yard. Willie Kvle was the Blue Devil's leading pass receiver with flve catches lor 93 yards. The Blue D' evils threw '1:1 passes with 14 receptions and three in · terceptions . John Elkin completed seven passes of ten lor ' 91 yards: Gary Johnson threw 17 passes with seven completions and two interceptions. Dan Luer and Steve Schuknecht were the leading Stout rushers with 47 and 31 yards respectively. Over all , the Blue Devil running attack gained 143 yards . Jell Gosa gained offensive player oft he week honors for his outstanding Performance. Jim Querna took defensive honors lor the role in sparking th Point e defe-n .....-.- - The Pointers face Superior this Saturday at Superior. This game will be Superior 's homecomimg. with disastrous results lor the Blue Devils . A low snap from center lorced-the Stout pun~er to catch the ball just as 11 was about to h1t the· ground . In doing so, his knee touched the turf , thus downing the ball at the Stout 18 yard line and giving possession to the Pointers. Gosa and Olejniczak dido 't w~ste any of the remaining minute and a hall and combmed on the very next pla.y fro~ s~rimmage lor ~he Pomters third TD. Robbms · by Diane Pleuss added the ex~ra pomt and ~he hall ended ~th Pomt holding U WS P · s w 0 men • s difference as she served nine a comma:ndmg ~~~d. 2!H;. .volleyball team completed · a out of the fifteen points. ResiJ!Ti mg hoshh.h es at .the successful week by sweeping Stevens Point ended the begmnmg of the third penod , a pair of matches from UW· week on a successful note by the . Pointer~ added t.he Eau Claire and UW· defeating UW-Milwaukee on frosting to the1r homecommg Milwaukee. Friday . October 12. cake early m the q~rter. The Pointers opened up the In the initial contest , U~mg a halfback ophon by week on October 10 by taking Stevens Point was taken by Pilecky to Krueger and a three out of five games on surprise by a y 0 u n g lateral. from Gosa to B_reese. their home court against Milwaukee team and lost 15·9. the Pomters bhtzed the~r. way Eau Claire. In the second game, Stevens to the Stout 11 ya~d hne. The Pointers were off and Point squeaked by with a 1&The.n! once aga1n, the running against the Bluegolds 14 victory . Coach Stormer Ole)n~czak to Gosa com · taking the first two games of described this game as a bmahon c~ugbt the Blue the match, 1f>-13, 1:>-6. Eau nerve·wrackerasthePointers De:-'1ls n~pP.mg and added the Clai re capitalized on Stevens came from seven pol!!ts down Pomters fmal touc~down. Point's weak serves, count- to pull out the match . The With the extra pomt. the tered and took the next two tiebreaking game of this best Pomters went t~ a 33-6 lead games. 15·13, 1f>.l. Stevens of three game match was With 10:40 left m the third Point bounced back in the taken by Stevens Point , 1:;. 9. period. . final to whitewash Eau Claire Stevens Point's record now The Blue Dev1!s were .able 15·5and took the match three stands at 4-6 with three ,, to penetrate Pomt le':llory games to two. In the last matches against LaCrosse, only one ~ore time 10 the game Marg <Freckles) Sch· Superior and Eau Claire this game. Movmg the ball to the melzer was the dec 1ding Friday . Wo m en Sweep Two r-----------------------------------------, I J0b0penlngs • At Unl"ve "ty c t rs1 en ers APPLY NOW FOR SECOND SEMESlfR · Student Manager Poster Room Student Maintenance Gomes Room Ushers and Technicians Materials Centers I I I I : 1 I 1 APPLICATIONS CAN BE TURNED IN AT ALLEN, DEBOT OR THE INFORMATION - DESK. STUDENT _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ __ _NOV. ____ _4._ ____ J '--~!:_~~~~~-~PPLICATIONS DUE_ _ON