• four-day week
plan discarded
students would ha\'C time for
1ndependent pro~ts and orr·
campus jobs or dasswork .
Action by the Academic
Jlakrbecker, vke<hancellor Alf:urs Committee at a
fu rther dt~te will determine
foracadem rca ffatrs
MajorobstaciH to adopting t h e possibility of this
rhts plan •ocluded nn m· proposal , :lnd until lht)' do.
s ubstantial cut m building
m;untenance costs alld a
negatl\'t' publu· and
The rumor or a tour-day
,.·('t'kbeingadoptl'don the
UWSP cam p us second
j;('ffii"Ster hasbetndiscarded
act"ording to Gordon
:~~~~:d~tf:at'~~~erda~ !~~ k~
~~~~:.:'r~::;e ~~~~~~~on~~ Gesell Cut
~~~~~~~;::.~, :~~>~~~~~ ~~: From Budget
Boord of Regents al5o
As of June
1. 1974, the
"''ell Gesell Institute ~·m no longer
be available for the study of
ch1ldhood behavi o r . its
prcscfll service
The reason for the in·
of the Ulll\'ersity's budget
because o f det"reased
enrollment and increased
costs. Dr . Pearson. the In ·
on l y:~proposal.andwi!lbeon st1tute's director . sa)'!! that
the cmnmi ttee agend.1 a t a thciO!L5ofthelnstltute is ablg
further date fnr discussion loss lo the educalion st udent .
an d rev•s•on bylhc Ufl1Vt'r511y as they w1ll no longer be able
to get e~ penence ,.·orlung
The adW101ages of a \\'Prk "'11h chlldrm which •s so
presf'nted probltms .
as the fact that no other
Ulll\"ers1ty in this system has
adop ted this system of a
shortened week
A three or four day
audem1c module "'ithin a six
or 5r\"e n day week has bet'n
propo5ed to the Academic
Arfa1rs Committee This is
;~ ~~~ul~r u:~rzat~;: ~~e~.th~ ::n:~ g~~~~~:g Joob~
nf the unh·ers• ty huildings. m ajorm g m education. will
fal'Uity. and st aff . Wi th c•t he rha,• etotransferor ta ke
classes a v ailable ona::other courseofstudy
.,.·eekrnds man y atyp1eal
..t11rlents such as businessthem$hlutt' IS Stillmthe!alk
men. hot~Se\\ives and full· st age , the future of !he
tune job holders \\'Oiild be p!'t'S('nt role of G~ll In c~~ to the unlve rsitystitutelooks grim .
b)· Shirl rySpl lll r mris trr
Dick Gregol'}', eommedla n turned . :IS
new age com ing whoert people l'ill
so me critics describe, ""The world's
rt"Sj>C('teach other and lhalthe young
foremos t freelance humanitarian,"
p-eople can make it that ...·ay .
deli\·ered a public lecture Wednesday
Gregor)' said that today 's )'OUflg Black
peopleha\·ea brtter opport1.1nity IO learn
night , St'ptember 19, at UWSP. lie spoke
on em•ironmental concerns, Watergate,
more about themseh·es and about
race problrms and economics.
Whit es because of inlegration in schMis
and in the rest of society .
major speech. he said that the number
Gregory follows the multi -faceted
career of 11 recording artist. author ,
and water pollution but tha t it is
lecture r . ac tor . human right s activist.
social sa tirist. crilic, philosophrr and
of it1formation. He also sla ted that
political analysE.
Amenca is keyed lo \'iol~r in m;my
Born in the ntat"k gheUo of Sl: . Loui s;
facets of life.
Mo .. he became a s tate cham pion in
Gregor yoprnedhisla lk for the people
track and field. and laler expanded hi s
assembled in Berg Gym "'ith scn•ral
honors on the track at So uthern Illinois
polillcnlly and e-conomica lly oriented
University in Carbondale. lie en tert-d
jokes .especiallyc-on<"erning Watergate
thecntcrtainmcntfieldandrosequic kl y
and the food shortage.
to the top. But in his WOI'ds society's
Grc,;OI'yaddressedthe remainingpart
definition of '"success'" did not fit his
of his spe-ech mainl)' to young people . lie
moral passion .
""The real champion. I ha\'e cmne to
sa1d they "have the all important job of
ch•llttlng America for the Orst time.'" llc
understond, is the man who haa risen to
gavee~amplestoexplai nwhat he meant
the crest of life's hig hes t purpose·
by this. lie said that it is a sad day when
singular and comp le te de\·otion to
J!C!OPie decide on morality by how a
ser.•ingone's fellowman ,'' heexplained .
peT$01l looks . He also t"ited that
After long in\·olvement in civil righ t
forl'igners y;ho rome to !his country get
ac!h·itit'S he entered politics. lie ran as a
treated betle r than some American
write -in independent candidate fo r
citi'ttns, making references to O.iennos,
mayor of Chicago. The following year he
l"egroes and other minority grou ps .
wasa.,.Tite -lnlndependen t candidatefor
President of the United States . But on
Gregory said that nature gives us
"''arnings when things are going \\TOng.
March~ . 1969. in Washington D.C., his
In the 1960's young people gave us
supporters inauguratedhimPresidt'nt of
...-arningsthat there .,.·ere things in the
the United States in Exile.
UniledStatestha t nt'ededtobet"hanged .
Bul th e older gene r ation re acted
albWlu; lo his credi t , the mos t recen t
~~:~:~~~~tr~g~~~~~ t~~~ ~r~:~ ~:t~l
to the youth to 11x up America .
He said that the coming revolution will
be controlled by nature and not by men
and .,.·omen . He once said that , '"There is
a great social re\'olution going on in
Ame rica today, and the wonderful thing
about this revolution is that it is not
Black against Yl'hi te. It is sim pl y right
against \\TOng."
Gregol'}' said the educational sy!ilem
has to start educating a nd not indoctrinating . Schools ha\·e to teo:~ch us
how to li\·e and not just how to make a
li ving.
lie said that this coun tr y '"puts an
emphasis on property rights instead of
human r iJt,hts."" He said that there Is a
Dick Gr egory On , Dick Gregory' s
Fr anke nstein . Die k Gregory LiYe At the
Village Gale and Dick Gregory At Ken l
As an author he ha s "'Tittrn six books,
mduding his autobiog raphy "Nigger".
"The 91adow That Scares Me" , "Write
Me In !", "No More Lies : The Myth and
the Healit y of Amrrican Ui story"" and
"Di<"k Gregory's Political Primer"" Ills
latest book is called '"The Dtt'k Gregol'}'
Guide for People \1/ho Eat ""
The program was sponsored by the
Dcbot and Allen Cen ter Program Boards
period and student rap sesslons in
residence halls.
;:;e ~rkPosftf:.
Page 2
Thursday , September 27, 1973
Students Not Consulted
ed itorial
Write The Regents
b y Bob Ke.rkslec.k
The University o( WtSConsin Central
Administration approved a cut in late
August which would eliminate graduate
programs from a majority of the old ·
WSU System institutions ol which this
university is a part.
The reasons behind the cut are to
eliminate all programs Identified as
" unnecessarily duplicative ", thus
The following list of regents is there
for your benefit. 1f you feel you \lo'OUid
saving the taxpayer money.
The problem is that Central Ad·
ministration did not submit any kind of a
cost breakdown .How can they be certain
Mr. W....£. ,..._
Mn. lollat
IL 4., 1oaS
that they 're going to save money ?
Immediately after the cut was leaked
to the press, Central Adminis tration said
it was just an idea they were coo·
sidering. Not so. They had passed the
progr am , and it took a great dea l of~-ork
on the p3rt of the. chancellors and the
regents to get the cut stalled .
:~ke~~ e~sys~~.or~:orr: ~:Y~J~
them .
Wn. Nancy W. 8ulU
lli S. .... St.
Jlt.-c.r F... WI S.OZ2
............ WI SS12l
s.-. rot.t, WI 544.11
Mr. F,..tJ . P~
..... JoMz-...ro
Witw. . . . WISSZO:Z
S900W. CakrSL
.Mr. JohnJ , Ob.oa
l»E.W-... A" .
Mr.R.oland&. O.,
~a~~~~- ~~~~~~hn~~adectt':to~~di"re!:nu:! ff~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~
he is allowed litUeor no role in making them .
Now the faculty are faced with the fact that they will not
be able· to stop the graduate progra m cuts . Central Ad ·
minist ration isn't going to listen to them . The student Is all
too fam iliar with that 1)-pe of situation.
Dick Gregory summed it up last Wednesday night when
he said that univer si ties exist for the benefit of students .
Sludentsdo not ex.ist for the benefit of the lDllversity .
The sooner that realiution is made by the facult y and
administration , the sooner we can all start lO work together
to make this university into what It should be. Everyone
could benefit from the university i£ the opportunity ex.ists
for all to have a say in the decision making . Let's get it
together and work together before It 's too late !
2Sw. w-.s..
Mr. WalkrF. Reak
by Dave Gnelser
A damaging atlitude exists at UWSP. 1t sometimes
surfaces in the wording of faculty proposals . The most
recent example expressed disa ppointment . that the .
" facullies and chancellors" were not consulted on the
graduate program cuts .
\\'hcther the omission of the word s tudent was Intentional
5 1
bran d
..... U.wdV. S&Ma
AIWaiii, WIS4106
'Mt. J_.;.C, ~
H.u-I. WISl029
Mr. JoMM. I.A'I'lDe
Dr. ...... n.o...-.
1J6 t...... St.
Mr. 04,J. FWI
P.W-'akl..al&laaCo .. lM.
Mr. W. RO)'Kopp
fo& l.llalaSt.
Mt. o..taD. Cc.l.Mt
502N. Fraacc.•St.
JO..ZIW . Catr ~ S L
CWppewaP... Wl$4'729
WI SS1'0S- - - -
Mr, Edw.-.IE. twc.
...o ....·s..
R.adae, WI S340L
b) UanGn~lur
by Dave Goelser
Mrs . Nixon recently announced t¥t she Is having the ne¥.·
Presidential je~ . the Spi ri t of '76, .redecorated at a cost of
$250,000. The N1xons were happier with the Interior of the ·
previous Spi_rit of '76.
F'~llow!ng the .lead of the first family , the rest 0( the
nation 1mmed1a te ly undertook a mass ive plane
~~~~orn':~~~%J1hia~. Ho~·ever , problems ha! e ~me uL
. AI Melvi n L.1ird Airfield , a top-cecret base In Plover a
~;~~!:.eportcd lor duty only to find his wife redecorating his
"What are you doing here, honey?"
::~:~~· like pink or orange curtains?"
"Never mind , the pink clashes with the panelin~ "
::Hey , whatd•dyoudowi ththeinstrwnentpanel?' ·
da r~JOU mean those funny round things that giD'W In the
:!hose 'round UUngs' are very vital gauges ."
I took those out. The dials and needles were ugly All
th~~ ~~~~w~!,.~n drs~!~~-~ have been d ist w-bing...
··Sec. I lold you .""
" Where's my two-way radio?"
:: r.put in a s tereo-tape player instead ."
I m glad Iosee that the joy stick is atlll here ••
" I couldn't get it outbutthere wlll be more lei room If.
-" \\'hat will the colonel say about aU this" "
:: u ·s o,K. I ask~h}swlf~ . She 's a frfendofPat Nixon's."
you, just hand me my
" I can't."'
" Why not ?"
"I'm having it lie--dyed ."
par~:Uie ~~· 11.~ 1 1 ~:~~~~,,~.'. with
" He's a senior, ne just finished paying nis tuition ... "
v~~~:.:~~fiving by what you get but you make a life by
w 0 r:ds . .
on fri endship
A friend is one who comes to you when aU others leave.
, ..on Jove
.•.on realism
, ,
Lo\·e comes as birth does
Knowing its own time. '
I do nol say it Is good
Many times you may find yourself
I do not say it Is b:ld
· · .on pa •ence
mi~ and mouth empty to the right w~~sionlcss , your
I say it Ia the way it is.
~m~~::· bour
o express your
CTaiJeyrand )
•..on love
·s alwa just bef
the da
Maybe , inthesethoughl5orintho hts ·
Love each other
~eros~ Stills and~sh) wn.
you may find some insight a jo ug m ~·ieeks tofollow,
but make not a bond of love
~~ion of your own tho'ught/ • a new Idea or just an
l~t it rather be a moving sea
bet ween the shores of yOW'" souls •
. • .oo destruction
.on prnt
. .on fnendsh 1p
' 'ou take the best tea 8 nd he
The only thing necessary for the triumph or evil-is that
A friend IS someone
up - and you wouJd fi m
I worst team and line them
good men do nothing
cEdmUixt Burke ) .
. . ·O!lli fe
who Wi ll be there
nmg teamhasa dcdi~~~i!nthmot!onal dJrterence: the win~
~~e ~uch
no matter what you need · IMcrlm Olsen )
at will not ae«pt defeat.
what you g1ve.
...on growing
U only I .may &row
fi r!f'er. 11mpler
QUieter , wanner .
(fiag Hammarskjold )
And I'm on the road
~:n;;der me always lh~re.
to find out.
<Cat Stevens )
...on .;,~:peace and draft
, . .
.. .on a dreamer
ever goes 10 j .1 f
· 1sn I 11 Singular that no one
Do~ barrass a man who dreams .
them ? But the ~il or w}.,;ng "':ars, let alone advocaling
Not to kiJIIs to be 1~ A!e . 1 ed~~ those who want peace
F'or 1deas are formed from dreams
And rt;alilY ~ form~
you.do js ask them ~~~~~ · • ....,. put YOU ri~ht in jail if ali
From Ideas t.n practice.
to hve is 1 yjolation of 1 YOU alone. Exerc1sing the right
IJ ames Si mon K
e e e I I e I I I I I I e e e I I I a I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ~~l l I
I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I
· · .on lhought
~ mlnut.e or thought
worth more
than an hour of talk.
!Author unknown )
A · • :on. cynic•am
3 cyme
( person '!'fflo knows the pnce
o everylhmg
yet knows the value o( nothfn&.
IOicar Wilde)
Neophytes Attacked '""''""'""'"""'"' point blank
To the Editor ;
Waupun area pay to par k.
The l'uin t('r •s a student When 1 spoke. just a few
new s pap e r . so u n · \O'{'('kS ago. to 3 recently
derstandab!y the neophyte retired gua rd . he informed
nothmg to do 'nth the ctty's
new no parking policy on the
slrC"Ctsnear thefampu:> ? It's
theoldgameor·· .. we 'llgetit
by Hobllam jr.
t <•·.rn ini t ~lay 21 tn J une ~II The symbol of Gemini is twins .
tsa prophecy : You will f:~ll in love. get marrit'd . and
h:11·e twm s··not 111'<'ess.1 rily mth.1t order .
Tht ~
~~~~'tel;! e~·::c 1 !db1~~~~~ ~e3hep':.~.i~!t~:~_l1 ~~~~p~~~ ~~f ";~~ o~r~t! ot~1 ~ ' -~~~~i:
totally professional in their
t•arly attempts. The lead
story in last Thursday's issue,
by-lined by Keith Otis. appears to be sadly lacking in
''leg work'' - the mark of good
rl'porting . A number of •·cry
intl'resting questions remain
unanswered. and the !act that
norefe rence is madetothem
l<'ads one to ~uspec t this
article is si mp])' a rumination
o f the ·· official pap ''
pre••iousl)· heard .
I serious!)" quC'Stion that the
S tate L t>gisla ture has
liecrecd all parking lot costs
for ALL state agencil'S are
to become self-amortizing. If
thisrsso.it t;;indl'<'dadra~tic
dt>partu re from pas t practtcc-s
What does the Go'·erm.1 r
paytopark onstateprope rty
a t the Capitol door? What do
1he s tate Senators and
Assemblymen pay to park. on
s t all' pr o perty. around
He added that a t the time of
his r('lircment, negotiations
Into the course of events.
to e•quip the parking lot wi th
electrical Qullets for engine
heaters used dur ing the
winter months had begW\ !
,\ny evidence of s uch a
'·fringe benefit"" on thi s
cam pus '? What do the con·
s truc:tion workers who have
been employed at various
si tes around the campus pay
toparkon s ta teproperty '?
IIJ ve yo u set' n any d«:al
stickers on the bumpers of
thei r pl:"r$Onal vt>hiclC'S '? By
what magic have they been
absolved from contributing to
th<'par kinglots" ··pot""? What
d i sc rimin;~ti on ha•·e these
had to eudure at being
ostracizl"d by the ··pay -when·
you- park " clique ~ You
ha\·en "ttoldusthat. Mr Otis.
allllough some choice parking
s pots now cost e,·en more
than that · salv;~tion with
inflation . no doubt .
It would seem that in the
past the University communit)" . Jmong state agen·
cies. has been singularly
burdened with the ··pay ·
when-you-park.. concept.
the local Business Affat rs
Co mmittl'e seve ral years
ago. I ri"Cetvl"d onl y a few
grun ts but no an swers. ApparenUytht'""Officialscripts ""
from ('enl ral Ca s ting 10
pa y to park in the arl'a adjac<'nt to tht' weight s !ation ~
What llo s tate highway
patrolmen pa y wht'n they
park their per$ona1 \'t'htcii'S
a t the di strict headqua r ters
programmed an swe r s
wl'ren"t a\·atl able
ployecs pa ywhenpa rking :u
,-arious regional offices
l ":onnr U o ne 2~ roJu h· 2\1 The crab. You don't t':rdst. Your
p;tre nt s m:ldl' youupi.sajoke. And boy do they have b:~d
l.••ut Ju l)' nto Aug ust 211 The lion. Your hobbies include
roanngearlyin the morning . growing a mane. andl.'aling
pedes trians .
\'ir~:n• .-\ug u•t22 toSept fnl bt-r221
tS... pl<' mb H2Jtotk· tober zt l The sca les of justice !
People are alway s asking you to se ttle di s putes . \'ou a re
tut:~lly honest in dea ling with these matters. This is
probably why )"OU get beat up so oft(' n.
\\"h y aretheparkinglotson;~
cam pus so sac rosMJC I'? To
what E:l Dorado !whose
parking lot s here are
frequently ""pa••ed"" with the
Golden S;mds of PJo,·er ~ ha•·e
" 'I' comt>'? Or is thi s just
a nother bloody attempt at
financia l leeching uf the
So you ca n see. i\lr . Ot is.
thcrc is .1dditio nal work for
\'OUt{ you want to graduate
fromcub reporter s!atus. But
What do the sta tr em· plea~. this time let's ha\·e
ploy('eswhooperatethetruck so me reporting ba sed on
Ncorp ioll k tobt- r :!J to ,.,.O\·fmber2t l You a reascorpion :a
small.deadlyinsectwithaslingonltst:~il . lnothcrwords .
yuu:~ re:~ p:~ininthelowerextremihes .
* •git bri us t ...-o•·rrnbn 2Z to l)('cf'mber 211The arche r . You
shCJot :~rrows . \'ourmain :~ mbition is to maim ;1 woodchuck.
t:aprkvr n t Df'c l'.mht-r zt tn Jll nuar)" 201 Y ou arc tho goat.
Avoid eating last yea r"ssne;1kers. slipfll'r.~ . hooL~. and other
s uch sole food
.\ qua rius U a nuary 21 to t'rbru ~ ry :!01 The water be:~re r .
llo"· doyoubear :~Jl that w:~ter'? In a bowl! In a pail ! In a
Gret'i:ln urn ? What 's a Gret'ian urn? Oh. abou t W Drach ·
m;IS iln hour .
of the pap pre••tously
r\ point to remember : 1f
winter comes. can spring be
far behind? !f Lot Z is
melerL>d.cJ n pay toilets a nd
l' isc<"S t F<"h ru a ry ~to March 201Thc fis h. You :~rc
mois t. and would look good in bee r batte r .
~~:~~~n ~~dn"t'nat~fl\~~bt:~t ~~-~~~ d~ha~l:t~t ~~Hslaet~: ~!;:.s~c i~ ;':n~~ind~
OtJS ""as
;~~~·~~~r~;l~r~l~?. ::.s -~::~~af~
of int eres t . ~ l r
( ;r ~ hek . the local Assem
blyman . mforml"d me a few
" ·eeksafterlh:tdquestwnt>d
thl' Busmess Affairs Commtt tet· that he paid
:\OTIII :'>IG to p.uk m the
~ p N· t ally re s erved area
a roun d Capi!ol Squa re. thts
wa ~ ;1 '"fr inge benefit "" for :~II
ll'gts lators 1
llnpefu!ly . 111 a follow-up
:trttcle . ~lr Otis wt ll be able
to te ll us what s tale t'm
D•.'pa rtmt'nt 111
ltaptds wrllhl.'pa ymg to park
the p:t\'t'd lo t adjacent to
th<• s tat('officcburldin gthere
Whenl inqlllr ed lessthantwo
y ears ago. the)' paid
:>:OTHING for this benefit .
Tell us. Mr Oti s. " 'hM s tate
employees at W1sconsi n 's
penal 11\Stttu ti ons in the
s trC'C lpark ingistobeallowed
dur1ng cla ss- time hour s'
withi n the cam pus en •·lrons~
Could th is possi bly ha•·e
so mething to dl\ "'ith the
empty s paces in parking lots
0 11 cam pus '?
Is ·one reaiiy to believe
modl' rn fai ry tales • that
Unl\'e rsi ty officialdom had
Days !;~ king place in this
itt.~ti tuti on where the main
objective was to fight the
sll' reotypt'd images tha t the
thts particular people. Where
ha\'t' you been?
It 's the last thing we need
on thi s c ampo s when a
nt'w s pap er lik e yours
usethctcrm" lndi:~nsScalp '".
which direc tl y plays on the
ol d f:cke ste rrotype of the
Indian :IS "sa\·age "".
~:~~-~~~~;~h~:t}~-o~~g 1~0;e~~ ~i~eCiJ';;~on~:uln~Ya~~~ ha~:r ~:Cenp~~\i~~o l~:!'~c:~
ll.l• cool prop lr.
lbH• .\ la ril'
t: di lur" s So t t' ; Those
responsrble apologize for the
No offense was intended
lns tr ugg lt'.
J r>t Sadaus kas no.2noo
P .O. Box t OOO
t..-~•·e nworth Kansu
l;~ughi ngdaysa r eover
Tt"e h :
Penny Gillman . Oms Kroll , Patti
~toi-zenti and Shirley Spittlemeister
llt;od l' hotographrr :
ltoger Barr
Phnlot: ra phers:
Tom 1\:Lifmann . Don Pahnquis t and Bill
,\ d\'l ~or :
.\d~ :
Cindy Kaufman and Nanc y f{epplinger
drop a line
Dear Pcople.
l a ma federal prisoner a t
Lea\'enworth . Kansas . I have
beeninp risonnowabootfi\'e
Yl'ars. l expecttobegetting
out next summe r . and after
being inprisonfors:Jiong l
have los tall eontactwi ththc
~r':felt~ . l once knew on the
WhMiwouldlikeis pcoplc
' "l.'arofconfinement so that I
inay famil ia rile myself with
the now things in the wor ld
today. and too it 's an awfu l
lonl'ly situation sittinghere
:~nd not kn owing anyone
prt>scntlyonthe s treets.
All love to the people.
,\~sista n l
Pat DiUlio. Da,·e Gnetser and Ruth
.\ b y :!Ill The bull. You toss a lot of it
pt·rpeluates misconceptions
:•bout a particul:~r rat·l' or
ra~es I some tintt'S wonder if
thei ..1Crosse"" lndians"" "·ere
namcd"" Jllack.$"".what wou ld
theh<•Jdl ineof youra rticle
be _,\sas portsa rtk le . itwas
al rtght . but as f~r as th ('
hc:ulhneofthearhcle . tt"":IS
,-e rypoorthtnkingonthepart
of the tl('wsp.1pe r.
Brothers and sisters. we
mu st con tinue to work
tog~ther rather than erect
maJOr ba rriers between the
ra t·es such as the one men tionl"d las t ,.-eek in the s ports
articlt>. ~linor ity and human
re lations isnojokingmatter.
man . it's for ""Real"" . The
EdiH>r :
Hobert Kerkst ec k
Edit or5 :
~l nuhhan
Sf-c rrta ries:
Debbte Dens on . Judi Guth . l.i nda
Molitor and J:~ne Thiel
Spo-rb Ed it r>r:
Jerr}' Long
uu~it'f''~ ~bna gr r :
Otane t:venson
Mary Bucldt' . Sam E) O Sue llaim;~.
IXbr:~ lltll . Lorr:~inl' Houlihan. Joel
Jenswold. Kns ~loum . Kl'tlh Otis and
Te rry Witt
Th•• l '<>inl~r IS a
"'-'<'O nd clas.'
publ,.·atmn. pubhsh<'<l
um n- " lt~
~a ly.
Apr il I!U Ram il
l)e:•r Editor.
l am"·rillngm refert'ncl'lO
tht• arttcle " Indian s Sc:tlp
l'otnters ·· whtch appeared in
l;~s l Thur~day 's s ports sec ·
lion 1t is no t the content of
the arl!clt' 1 wis h to cri ticize.
but thch<'ad!ine .
Thtst. ~ year t!l73. :~ndas
a sports ed1torof 5uch ;1 fine
ne ws paper as the l'oi ntt r , 1
was dis.1ppointt'd to see )"OU
C~la H h ~ ~to
T:.urus t ,\ pril
a rouud .
(lU t'Sti ons l·an amply pro•·ide
adl'quate material for
anoth er featur<' s tor;·
The paranoia _ wh ich
surrounds l_he brct'dtng. care .
:~nd feedrng of c :tmpus
parking lots is not easil y
f:~thornl>d in the light of
tk>climng student populations
· unii'SS ""money grabbing""
<financial solvency in legal
pmlaoce l is your ""bag'".
[)ues ttnot sccmstrangethat
<n tht s era of fewer stude~ t s
and less campus congestion
the omntpotentcityfatheT'$Of
You:treVi rgothevirgin
--alikely s tur y
;~~~~\~~ed~~~e;u~~~~~~ 1 ~ ~;~i~:~s ~~i~~~ o~~~~:ig~o;~~· ~: ~~~~~; _1 ~;~e~!r~·~~~_ a!~~:~
,.(' r~ 1 on s quth•admtrably t r\s
$dtool ~·•·arm Stt·•·<"nsl'o<nt . \\' o,..-o>n.•m~ 0 8 1
II ·~ pubh>ht'tt umlrr thr ~ulhOnl) gr:o nl<-<1 to
the H.volrolof l!c~•·nt ~ o( Stat{' Cni\" M"~th<.,. b)
~~loon r; ll. llt5collsonStatut es. Publu·.. toon
~O!fl ~ .or•· p;11d b~ !h~ ),J~h· o( WiS<"on~in untk--r
· ·onlr ~ cls .1wa rd<'<i hy lh<- sra te l'nnt• n~:
S.'<'Uon St~lt' t)t.•p.lrlnlf'nl of Adunno ~ lrJlo on
't'r~l~;~~~~-~~~ ~~ ,\~=~:t ';~:ntt~ ·~w,.,n:ol
t\'r it.-rs:
Jne Burke . ()(onnis {'ox . Jim 1·\abcck.
()l ane Ple uss . Char Seidl. Mike Pauck.
,\lar<'ta Engebrets un and Sue ,\nder$On
Spn.- t~
(; r ;o p hk~ :
J en s en
("ulu mnis l :
Hob llam . jr
Thursday, September 'Il, 1973
by Keith Otis
<h•er the past few years there ha\·e
been conflicting views concerning the .
presence or Army R.O.T.C. on this
laboratories and ma p reading. Fresh ·
men signing up for this program have no
obligation to follow it through .
The second two years puts emphasis
:n~~~~~ ~~~ti:;'\n~·~: pf:;=
centers on more leadership. military
communtca t io ns and d efense. in ·
str uction procedUre . s uppl y. ad ·
ministration and milHary law.
Twenty percent or the unit has
scholarships (or full tuition . equipmenl.
regular fees and books. In nddition to
this . the scholadhips pro\·ide jwliors
and seniors with $100 a month in non·
taxed "subsistence pay" ,
lC you had three )'ears of R.O.T.C. in
high school it is possible to get cr edit for
Th~ ~re ~~"J'~rgty plus stu~
:r~amp~.t~ ·is· r·o~~~ same . ...,
amount that was enrolled at· the end o (
last year. Also starting this year is a
girls R.O.T.C. program in which there
are currently six people enrolled .
1be UWSP R.O.T .C. unit is com·
manded by five officeu. (our of which
have completed their masters degrees.
and four non-coms. These personnel
collect military pay. 1be unit also
employs a university paid secretary .
The program Is operating a t minimum
.second noor of the Student Services
Building. Facilities used Include office
a nd c lass r oom s pace, a modest
- - - - - - --""'eroom....facility ...ancl..offaces-ror- &UCh
organizations as the Rangers and the
Pers hing Rifles,
The R.O.T .C. facility contains no
government issue weapons, as they
pr evio u s ly had , because the
pi-ecautionary meas ures involved in the
sto'rage or these weapons became
burdensome . The program c urrently
~ ':e 1~~~·t.:;'u.hef:u':t ~!1.!· ~,>'~~~~=
dctennined because they \!.ill
be bookefd 01 sJ.~er~ on his sixth tour or the Uuitcd
months be ore
· ·multe Slates. 8 p.m ., Michelsen
simply attend the last l\1.'0 years of ad·
appeara nce t oan:J~ns;-"".'!!PJ.:!'"l."li!;l.:.,-,=::;-=-,--nced-trainin~f-you-feet-like--~oblcm
rics hl
t-..eb. 20-Uana Vered, young
doubling up, you can fit the foW" year
~ 1 ! 1 rcpbcfe 3 \~
ears Is raeli pianist , 8 p .m .,
program into two years.
ex istence or sc ~ ~
. Michelsen Concert Hall .
Follo"'•ing the R.O.T .C. college
The speakers "'~
.. Ballel
program you are eligible to enter one or
nounced several "'eeks before
thebelowareas. Uyou had a scholarship
tl~y ~rc to be a t the Hepertory Company diret:ll'd
you are obligated to rour years of active
wu,·crs.' ty.
by R,ichard Englund and
duty. u during the last year or the
ll~re s a full llstmg of the spon!iOred by the American .
program you enter night training on n
mus1c, drama and dance :,~:~s Ta~:tr!.'uc~~::~r~~
;~~i;: 0~u!:'cu~:nd~t~ i~l~o~~eeb>:m~~~-- prS:;~. ~·1'rescrvation
Computer Mu_sic Comes To Campus
The I973·N UWSP Arts and and mllSicians In a rulk
U."Cturc &>ries will open this festival perfonnance that "'i ll .
t-T iday night \loith the ~ p- be part or a first tbur by the
pearance or the Preserva t 1on company in America, 8 p.m.,
llall Jau Band from New Quandt Gymn asiwn .
Orleans . Th is concert of
J a n. tfr.Addis and Ck-ofut
autht>ntic jazz music will be :~~h a~'::a~hsr~rr~.~~~~
hcldinQu~dtGymnBSi~~b~~ classica l '' music and in·
~,!:ni•~ ~~ ~! :~ric:'·l~ated terject personal humor into
in the Fine Arts build ing . th ei r shows, 8 p . m .
Tickets cost 50 cents with Michelsen Concert Hall.
student identification ca rds.
f'eb. 1- Warsaw Na.lionol
For non -students, tickets cost Philharmonic comprised of
~.SO. S3.00. and s2.oo.
about 75 musicians in an
In addition, there "ill be organization foWlded in 1001
Sc\·ernl nationally prom inent and now conduc ted by \\'it old
Cigurcs deliver ing public n owicki , 8 p .m . , Quandt
· s peeches . Lec tures. th e Gymnasium .
number of which has not lx!en
J-..eb. 10 . J ean J acques
dutv and honorable discharge you may
Much of the Wlit-'s equipment"is orTa loan- -years in the reserves orTuard . You may
basis a nd they have access to two
also enter conventional service with l\1.'0
mililary vehicles .
years o( active duty followed by three
The university thus Car has no rifle
years in the reserve or guard . If your
range and the R.O.T.C. unit presenUy
minimum time or active duty is four to
uses the Whit ing range on a rental basis.
six months you can be placed on ''active
IJ hznds are allocated , future con·
duty for training" . You may also~
strucUon of such a range appears im·
seven years in the reserves or national
mlnent , as plans are now in legislation.
guard .
However , with the current budget
Curr ent organizations in volved
situation , Lt . Col. Porter , h~ad or the
directly or indirec:Uy with R.O.T.C.
program on campus, didn 't foresee such
incl ude the following :
construction i.n the next three years .
The " Pershing Rifles", an auxiUiary
Current R.O.T.C. programs in the
activity , are open to all men . They are
s tate Include the following : Air Force
involved in precision drill compeliUon
R.O.T.C. in Superior and Madison ; Navy
and you need not be in R.O.T.C. to join.
R.O.T.C. in Marquette and Madison ;
The "Rangers" whose prima ry
and Army R.O.T.C. in Stevens Point ,
membership deals with R.O.T.C. in ·
LaCrosse , PlatteviHe . Whitewater ,
volves outdoor activities and tactical
Oshkosh , St. Norberts , Ripon ,
exercises whkhrequire skill intheareas
Marquette and Madison. Eau Caire ,
of compass and map r eading . first aid
Stout, River Falls, Parkside and Green
and s urvival.
Bay at the present time have no
The " R.O.T .C. Rifle Team" is
currenUy advisi ng and assisting the
R.O.T.C. programs .
In addition to Wisconsin , R.O.T.C.
Pointer Rifle and Pistol Oub.
programs are located on approximately
'T1lere are two female organizations
three hundred campuses across the
the " Brigadiers," which are essentiallY
formal hosJesses, and the " Reveliers"
Porter went on to ~be the
which \ re ~ gi!ls ~ill team .
~ ructureofth~programasllexJstshere
. Anorgamzahonmtheplanning stages
1n Stevens Potnt .
operate in this area and deal with
Some campuses have only a two year
advanced program . Point has a con·
commamications and first aid.
venUonaJ four year~ .
Porter emphasized th.at R.O.T.C. is
The fiJ"'t two years mvolves a bas1c
responsible (or the primary inllux o(
R . O . T . ~ . progr~!l" i nvol!ing
new officers into the Army and that
organization or the mihtary , how at fi~
R.O.T.C. " provides a leavening of inIn , m i lita ry hist ory , leadershi p
nuence to the military".
Dr . Daniel Harri s, a
s p eclallat on e lectronic
music , will be on the UW·
Stevens Point campus
Wednesday, Ocl<>ber 3. At
3:45 in the Michelson Concert
Hall , Fine Arta BuUdi.ng, he
wUI conduct a seminar and
d lsc uulon on elect ronic
mus ic with emphasis on
s ynthesiter and tape
techniques and the (uture of
electronic music . A t:Oncert or
e lectronic mus ic wUI be
presented in the aame place
at a:oo p.m . Both events are :
open to the public free of
Lecture Series Opens
Dr. Harris is known both as
a composer and pe:rCormer.
He was the rounder or the
New· group for Music· a live
elec tronic ensemble and e • e • • • • • • • • • • • • •
..roslambanomenos - an
ensemble. All maleria/ for rhe
He has worked with Steve
Pointer must be
Reich , Phil Glass and Burt
Levy , along with others in the
field . He has performed as
clarineti s t with the New
Haven Symphony, American
Sym pho ny ,
Milwauk ee
Ad deadline is
Symphony and the Madison
Friday noon.
The event is being spon sored by lhe Alpha Alpha
l_l a_ll
J au Band . reaturfng B11l_1 c
and Dede P1ercc wit h thc1r
tro u~oC c.lde rly Ne w Orleans
m.u ~ 1cIa n.s . pI a YI ng the
ongmal Dax1elond jau, 8
p.m_. In, Qunndt Gymnasi um .
IThiS Wi ll be th e third cam pus
appea rance by this group. I
9-t;~ew York Bross
Quintet, w1t h Hobert Nagel
and Allan Dean on trumpet ,
Paul Ingraham, 1-'rench horn,
John Swallow , trombone 3lld
Thompson Hanks . tub.1 , at 8
p.m . inthel\tichelsenConcert
Ha ll.
Oct . t5-·Goldovsky Grand
Opera Theatre, a company of
50 in orchest ra and chorus
per(orming Pucci ni's opera
" Tosca" in th e English
language, 8 p.m., Quandt
Gymnasium .
Oct. 17 · · Aiexander
Slobodyanik, young SoViet
pianist and "inner of the
Tchaikovsky Co nte s t in
Mosco"' in 1'366. at a p.m .
Michelsen Concert llall.
Oct . 2 t ·· J oy Bl ac kett ,
mezzo soprnno and first
v.inner or the National Opera
A"'·a rd with , IK'Cording to a
revic"'·cr. " a voice recalling
that or the JO~g M;arian
Anderson ," at a p'm . in
M1chclsen Concert II~!.
Oc t . 26 .. New llunga rlan
Quartet , comprised of artists
in resi dence at Oberlin
~l~cnt!f~a~!r·t l~aJ~.. m . ,
Nov . !· · Londo n Bach
Society, an SO-member ens;trnble which will appear In
Stevens Point during a second
tour or North America with
Con ductor Paul Sl.elneh:, a
p.m ., Quandt Gymnaslwn .
a ~~~-~'<~~mln"l~/~:j
American artists who joined
together in t9il to perform
m_IL'Iic or I he 2Uh century and
Will be In Slcvcna Point
f~Uowing a first tour or
~.orope, 8 p.m ., Michelsen
O!nccrt llall .
Nov . 19·- Kr aa nayarsk
Dance Company ol Siberia, a
group or eo danc:eu, lingers
r es idency to condut:t
progra-mr fo studen an
two evening shows at 8 p.m.
both days in the Warren Card
Jenkins Theatre .
March 3-·Nelherlands Wind
Ensemble comprised or t7
young artists from the
Netherlands in a first tour uf
the United States.
March 10- Two Gentlemen .
o(Verona , theaward·\loillning
musical produced by J oseph
Papp and the Shakespeare
Festival Public Theatre. The
show wut be a rock adap·
tali on or Shake s peare 's
comedy at 8 p.m . in the
Quandt Gymnasium .
17--Jon atha n
Abramowitz , celli s t in a
return appearance at the
miversity, a p.m. , MicheiSt'fl
Concert HaU .
April 17-John Stewart , a
tenor who also is a com poser.
conductor, plays the violin
and viola and has taught
theory and played strin g~
in a jazz octet , 8 p.m .
Michelsen Concert Hall .
a student identification card.
Sludent. may arrange (or
reserved seat. by caJiing tht
Arts and Lecture office in tht
Fine Arts building , 3464fl4
ncketsaresoldatthe dooron
the evening of the concert or
lecture. Season brochures are
available at the box oHice
rree of charge.
Dr. Jones
To Spea k .
Monday, Oct. t • Dr. f'.
Burton Jones. professor of
mathematics at lh e
University of Callforni ~ ·
Riverside, 11 fint speaker 1n
the new Jacobs VIsit ing
Lectura Procram In the
mathemati cs
department. Topic at 7:30
p .m ., Room
Bulldinc :
''TopoiOCY As I
Experienced Jt rrom Birth ~o
A&e 21 .'' Reception follows 1n
Unlvenity Centel".
Thursday, Seplember 'n . l!nl
museum has many offerings
l..ornint' ll oullh:ln
IS btocomu'lg an Important
n~!r;\l~e oft.!~~~:~ ~~::::.
by the
The museum is also a g(J(I(i
f'ducation fae•lily for grade
university students
Ap ll rtaC'ollec tiono(marine sea prox•matcly20,000g rodeand
~hr ll~ and a sma ll dinosaur high school st udt•n ts visit the
that 15 70 m111ion )'t';u·s old
Natural Ill sto ry Muse um
,u JK'DI)Ie e nt"' the m~ tach year
Observin& !he
••self . there IS a la rge museum is a g6011 fot'us on
aun rlmtnt o f interntmg t h e i nvolvement and
ltt-5ourcc C('flltr offm many
programs bnides its
Ciltltrnal exh•bitJ .
In the m\.l!ieum lobby there
ptf'<'N lo ob$n\'t' Thef"e art'
~~:!;!}:~d ~n\:·::s~ty cf;';!'
~~~ ~::':;",~ .'.[>~~~~
lilard kmg··. mounted birds
and a111mals. poisonou s
sn:.krs. (DUllS, August J
Schoenebeek'seggcoll tc·
tlon5 , human embryos ,
dt•M-rl . marsh . prairie, and
lo r~: st hab it ats , and
EncUM's uh1b1t on mannt
Thl'l't art quite a few
'>pc"CtlllfunchON or progr.ams
that the Natural llis tory
~l l$4'um has •ncorporatt'd m
p.-..l>l )ears and also 111111 be
ha\"tn& this )·ear Ptob.abl y
tht' most 1mpo!"\ant function
u• thl' research program
"htc h balances ou t the
behind tht'
•·~h•bu s
In t969 . o ut of nioe
unl\"t'tl ltlts in lht' WSU
S)Sitm. onl y 21 s e•enct'
rt'~tarch papers were
r('("otdtd b)' t'ntirt facultiH
In JUS! the put year our
mu5t Um s t alf ha s
puhhshed U rese3~h papers
~ 11 ., c11•dent . tha t ~esearch
Other runc l• ons the
p!'O\'Ides are the
Technology class.
tht prese rvation of in 11aluableandirreplacable
specimens ~nd Items. an d
pamphle ts made by the
curatorsofthl:mulltum .
There are two rela \i11ely
new funcllons that the
mUKum ..,,JI hopefully be
sponsoring thiS year
Leetunng , C'OI'!"Hpondence, fitld
tnps and tra,·tling museums
111"111 \ "l SI ! the a rea schools A
group by the title of " f'rit'nds
of the Mu..o;('Um Association"',
tS plannt-dtobeorganitedfor
a basis o f ~u pport and
cnoperationforthemusewn . .
The ,\.~!IOCia lioo 11 planning
' "anous lit'ld trips to land·
m3rlu of cultural1nternt to
tht-peoplt-ofWiscom•n Abo.
b!:nefits to the members ""'ill
1nt:ludt a 10 per cent discount
on books behind the museum
counter . free paues to the
mus.ewn andxtivtlies lor the
proplt food of nature
Is In Need Of Reporters
If you would like to give it o try, drop in at the Po inter
oHice on !he second floor of !he Un iversity Center
Page 6
Thursday . September Tl. 1973
Gregory Co/Is For Honesty
In The Modern Media
by Ma ry Budde
Dick qregoryspokeinanews
conference preceding his
speech no lhe UWSP com ·
munity fWe$esday t\'ening.
Gregory spo~e or the need !o.r
an hon¢it media in filling the
desire 'for 'information and
a wareness in today 's world .
There is a new awa reness
throughout college campuses .
Students are informed and
have wisdom and there is no
difference in yowtg white or
young black awareness, said
Gregory. There is a need to
challenge what is wrong In
America and that is up to the
yoWlg people, he said.
second biggest problem, said
Gr('gory. " I want to see good
hon('St, ethica l leg work on
the rront to the back pa\tcs ~ r
today's press . lnformallon IS
more important than sty le or
correct grammar. I don't
care if the in k rwtS orr the
pngc as long as I ha\'e the
raclS ," he said .
One part of the problem is
that the presiden t can ca ll in
the press and give them a
stor y a ny time from his own
point of view, he said . " IC I
" I h a \•e no plan ror
revolution and e '·e ryonc
knows I have a reCord of
nonviolence, .. he said . " l\ty
plan has been to examine
In examining America , the
number .one problem thnt
stands out is moral pollution ,
said Gregory . T he r e is
cheating !rom the highest to
the lowest level in the land
and it didn't just start with
Watergate. That's minor
compared to the rest or the
sickness in society , he s..1id .
~~a1"t:e aJfti~:f ~~~·;~~',':;a~
is where Nixon's sto r ies
bclong;·hc said .
F'or the first time. there is a
for awareness In the
and people '
sal"ation ~r Ihe
depends on the
quality or this informat ion. lr
the press can report the (acts .
unslanted this way or that
way , there are going to be
some desirable changes, he
Michael Me yer conducts tests on well
water samples in the Old Moin loborotory.
"';ei,hnc~~reportersstrung Testers Needed For Survey
UJ ollo..Uh<C<Ountcy. thcr .
is no reason the nation should
ever be tricked. said
by l )on lt t'~\' t'S
major water contaminat ion
t\ well water sun•ey Is in Portage County .
w1dcr way in the Portage
Michael Meyer , technicwn
that went on lor t~cars County nrt.•a . This survey is !or the environm enta l l:ask
being done by the UWSP
force, is a full time empiO)ce
and n~~arepo:ter in 'lllion em••ronmentaltas k force .
of UWSP In the Natur<~l
!hat lot
1l1c s un·ey tests at least a Hcsourccs department lie
of in forma ti on previ ous!)' dozen~l'llsfrom each town in said to date .- lOper cent of thl.o
hidden ~ill come out before Portage County. The tests arc wells tested are bad in bac·
the 19i6 presidential elec· made once a month !or one terla and 20 per cent are bad
lions. " I ha,·e no predictions )Ca r . The goal of the survey is In nitra tes.
for the i6 elections. he said ,
to test v.cll water for hard·
Meyer said nitrates and
• except that for the first time a
statesman may enter the ness. a mm onia. nllrates, bacteria have ill elfects on
, phosphates, and peop le . If a well is potentially
nret~nin~teado~a poli tician . I
colirorm bactt.•ria .
haza rd ous · to health . thl"
don I beheve N1xon or t\gncw
will last the term out. Within
According to Byron Shaw , owners will be in!ornH'd.
.. six months Rockefeller will :ICIIVIty direc tor of th e Corrt'Ctivc measures will bl•
be president. Watergat e is program , the purpose or the ad vi st.-d.
bigger than they want us to well Sur \'C)' is to determine
Coli!orm bacteria. he said,
think ," said Gregory . Lots of lh(' condition or the groWld are not harmful whe n
things will come out and the wa ter in Portage CoWlty as swa llowed , but ar e an in·
political atmosphere and an aid to planners and
dicator or organisms ~,~;h ic h
;!~~~ ~ill be changed , he potential builders. It exists may cause diarrhea , typhoid,
also to locate ;:tny sources or hepatitis, cholera , a nd oth(.>f
Ni trates are a problem
because t hey reduce tht•
abilit y or the blood to carr)'
oxygen .
: ~i~e:o~~- ~:~::i~heasbo~~
s~rob..chiiO"'hollt'ctdoool.,.... •-.w..•
,., _
Pl.C -
"• ~~
.......... .._....t.o . . .wn~
'"el.c~t.. ...rnnr wfu 1
~~o~ .-at•\crl.ac ort lcer .P' I ~ w• t rr. ' . . .. to J , ••• on '-' •
!~~~~~~ · tonWt"" •L ~ •t~p1g to" Jou\C " u..
1 c;pe., C. v. C....:,.:;
P.Ic :
! . , • ..I .... earp. .Jt1n.r
•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • •
TILL 1:0"0 A.M.
example. "You can't tell me
kn~7e&o~; pS:~i~ted
look for
More testers a re needed ror
the survey which is fWldcd by
the sla te . II you a rc in·
!crested In this, please call
M ic hael Me yer , en·
vironmenta l task force, 3463209. Mileage will be p3 id,
and traini ng will be provided
by the ta sk force .
,.tel Of GLASS OHLY 19c
IIG ~-"!!D~- ~~,!!A.G~ONLY
MAN" : On Novembe r B.
eight well-known spea kers in
their fleld.J in the UnitL-d
Slatea will give lectures on all
the subject. such
as : the Kientific posslbillt i~
and their us es, geneti C
counseling ; legal aspecl :
soci ological and e th ical
luuet tnvolved . ll will be held
In the Berg Gym from 10 a .m.
to 10 p.m . Studenta. faculty
a nd em ployee& o r lh is
university wUI be admilled 'b)'
their I. D. card free . Watch for
!uturll!: anrv\uncrunent..
Szasz Condemns
• Involuntary Hospitalization
Dr Thomas S &<~n addrf'SSt'd a
f :Jpildty c rowd on ttl(- onjustict' of in-
loluntaryhosp,talizahon last w..-e k.
" \ 'oucan't readaoewspapcr'l·ithout
t"ommg across the basic ISSues of mental
IK-alth.'' said Szasz citmg an article
CORCI'rm ngth('atl cmptof J ohn Mitchell
tuhave his wifecommi!tl'd
' 'In Russta m:any pt''llple are being
dl'l :unedin mental inshtutwns unjustly.
They are labeled 35 sth •zophrenics
suffenngfrom rcfonmst delusions. said
''The prob]('m IS that the 5t"C1llld
sociological aodlt•galonc.Sza.szsaid
;\lrdical treatmtnt T1'qUITe-5 the per
nussiOnof thepa tit•ntand St.anJaidthat
lh1sshould also ap pl y to mental treat ·
nwnt prngr:1m11
··nwterm ml'ntal !llll('U is bullshit.
ol"s aml'laphor:· s:ud &an. "II rl'all y
Tl'f('rStodisturbedbeh:l\'ior , l'·hatel·er
yr>Udon 'thke ! "
" ll ys ten:. clot-sn't to:usL only people
t'~lst . ""Suns:.id "":\lodt'rnm:.nha slost
:.rlc:.rconc-cptof-..:hal!llni"SSIS." " IIe
toldthe:~udlcncethatment:. llllnrssisa
mnr:. l :mdpolitical cntcrpnse
Sen•ral pt"'plc m thl' audit'nce were
no t•c ••abl)" upSf:'t with the ideas Szan
e~pressed and questioned htm a s to
,.hathe,.·ouJ dd omti'K'caseofsoml'<lM
about to commtl SUIC ide Szast hl'ld to
hlsbe lieftha t lfanondindualdoesn"t
rt'qUC$t lrl.'alment. 11 should not be
forced on h1m
Sl:tn was asked 1f trl'atmcnt would
be f('(JUir<'ll for:. potent1al rap!s t lie
n•plied that a rapist should he tkal t with
ull'ohUltarytre:•tment .
[)r Szaszisaprofessor . a uthor and
rl'Cipient of numerous co•·Ned awards.
II •~ book~inl'lude " P:ain :.nd Pl l'asw-e :
A Study of Hodlly Fec!lings ." " The Myth
of ;\!ental Illness : F'ound:.tions of a
Theory of Person:.! Conduct." " Law.
Liberty and J>syc hiatry : An lnqwry into
thl' Social Uses of Ml'nta l llea lth
Practict'S, '" '' Ps)'ChiatricJustice ,""The
Ethics ol Psychoanalysis : Theory and
" l!k"'logy ;~nd ln~anity : F-'!says on the
1-'sychiatnc l)(ohumanilalion of Man."
' 111e Manuf rw: ture of Madness : A
Cnmp;~rati•·e Study of Inquisition and
the :\!ental Health Mo•·ement ."' "The
A lhstory of ln•·otuntary Mental
llosp11ahzallon '"
Sl:an1s the co-founde r and chairman
of the bo>i rd for the American
A.•i.Soc:lallon for the Abolition of In·
•·olunt:. ry l\l enl:.lllospi taliwtion , Inc.
lie is a membe r of the boani o f the
Na11ona l Cnundl on Cri m e an d
De linquency and on the reseRrc h a d •·•soryp:ant.'lforln s tilutefortheStudyof
Drug ,\tldiftiOO
Homecoming Changed To Fall Fest
b) Su~ ll :ai m :a
-..:111 IX' playmg. mdudmg
M s Chop urges maxtrnwn
Short Stuff and lloWlddog. p."lrhclpatton. reminding the
!lick ltogers of Oa1ryland studcntbod y lh lltmanyofthe
Juhtlt't.'"'tllbconcarnpus. L'ha ugeswcre res ult s of !hei r
1\.•th~· C'hop . ch:mman ~~!he :dnng -..·11h lht' lnlernational
llhl hnnw1:ommg comm1lll.'t' t"nlk D<~nct'rs An<~rt fair will
Faced w1th declln1ng he held m !he Qu:andt Gym.
pM tl('op;ltiiiO and budget t"(\llSIStmg on ly of d•splays
p roblem s
ll omt'comontc •nnallt'mptwlll be-m:~dc to
1-.-..·am e Fall Ft-st as pari of !'t'llthe matenal 1 There ..... n
,mon •r a ll foct"llfl
'till be lhelradihonal p:a raik•
.\ Is Olop empha.~ozed a and g:~rneaga1 nst Stout Th1s
t.' an t....·ard <"ultural and st-ason also m:Jrks tht• :!Oh
" 'l'l.tlt•\'('nls ~·· ••r:!lllands anm\' t•rs<~ryofSiast-fl
Th<'rc an· gomtc tn ~
tn th1s yt'a r s
hunu,·nm •ng. acC"Ording In
,· llan~t> s
~ontiSin ."' and""TheAgeof Madness :
Veterans Eligible For Grantby Rnb.-rl:aPurJon
Viet Na m Vl.'leraM are
eligible for aid under the Viet
Nam Veter:. n Educ:~tm n
Grant Program
Th1s grant ena bl es
Wisconsin Vil'l Nam e r a
tfsingle.orS-IOOper yca r if
married or with dl'JX'Odents
These c ra nts are renewabl e
foruptoa totalof4academie
yea rs .
.,. .,.
All Wisco n si n veterans
enrolled a s full time , un dergrad u ate. r esiden l
students in an accredited
iMt itutionofhigherlearning
are eligible.
,\pplications are made a t
lhc Financtal Aids Office ,
They determine enti tlement
nn basisof n-et.<d Payments
~IM.'(' k payable to I he ve tl'ra n
a ndsentto th eschool cashler .
who then r eh.·;~~s it to the
I ::::::::~:·;;~:·::::·~,:::::.~: w o
I "0<••--·T············· 1
I :: ~:.:::::.:·:::.:.......................... .......,
I ·-.............. ..............................
.,.,,.,,.... t!l•ol
I ::
I .............................................................. ~~
• n• • l
~=~:::::~~: J:::•,.C 0~:•• 4~ 1 wd o no
Page 8
Thursd3)'t September n. 1973
September 28
US I\' E it SIT\' P t::,\ CE UN I1'EU Cll Hl'll
PAHISII <Catholic ). Ne"man OF CIIHIST, 1748 Dixon St .:
Sunday service 10 a .m.
~~\>:~~:a;oTs~~ ~a~t
p.m •• Jenkins Theatre, Fine
AriS Building . '' Medea. " 1300 Maria Ori\'e. Weekend
directed by Alice Peet Faust. masses : Saturdays 4 & 6 p.m.
AHTS A.~O LEtT RES : 8 Ne>Aman Chapel : Sundays 10
p . m ., Quand t- Gym, a .m .• Ne>Aman Olapel : 11 :30
Fieldho use. PrHervat lon a.m . and 6 p.m . Ooistel;
Chapel. Weekday masses :
Hall Jan Bane!.
SllZUJ\1 SOUl COSCE itT : 3
p .m .• Michelsen Hall , Fmc
Arts Buildi~ .
Mt.""fiiUDIST .p tl!ltl' ll , 600
Wil shire 81\!d .: Sunday
Tues day through Fr iday service. 10 a.m.
11 :-IS a.m . and 4:"5 p.m ..
ClllJHCII Ot' l.: ll ltl~l
Newman Cha p e l . Con ·
ressions : Wednesdays, .. SC IESTI ST, corner Min ·
ncsota and Main : SWlda)'
p.m .. Ne>Aman Olapel .
September 29
T ll t::ltAN
· p.m .. Jenkins Theatre, Fine COMMUN ITY. Mari a Dri ve
Arts Building. " Medea ."
and Vincent St. <Behind
Tempo ) : Service with
Eucharist . Saturdays 6 p.m .,
Sundays 10:30 a .m.
September 30
school 9:30a .m . nnd O.urch
service 11 a .m .
FltAi\11-: JJHJ:o:SH\ ' TEit l t\ S
CIIU HCII . 1300 Main Sl .:
Sunday scn •ices at 9:15 a.m.
and 10:-1 5 a .m .
p.m .. Jenkins Thea tre , Fine
Arts Bullding. " Medea."
UNIVt:ltSIT \' TIIEt\Tit E : 8
p.m .. Jenkins Theatre , Fine
Arts Building , "Medea ."
lu' ,',' c'·',,',~Tiz'~~:Su- NSC IENt'E
October 4 c·"o~;I·Ieg•:r.• ~~,~~~C:.:\f._:~l~ ' "'
P llo LosoPH\'
Mt:t:'I'I XG: 8 p.m., Home of
Pat and Peter Wenz . 1715 tlJT II E it r\X STU Ot:NT testimony meeting. Visitors ~~Lincoln A\'e . Gary Uttech '<'' ill t.' O ~I ~It' X 1T \'
C 11 0 Itt are welcome .
give a talk enti tled ''The I'Ht\lii CE : 7 p.m., Peace
~~~n ~.1 in~~te~a~~~ico~ Campus Center.
everyone in form a ll y
discusses the topic. Everyone
is invited ; you don 't ha\'C to
be a philoso phy s tuden t.
CoHee and popcorn will be
:e~~~~ce of charge so bring
UX I\' E HSIT\' T II Et\ T it E: 8
Last v.·eck In th is column I murul)' blt
p.m .. J enkins Theatre , Fine
explained the deplora ble h;J.) btta
Arts Building , " Medea."
situation which exists In the · •
FILM FOB M : 6 p .m ., emerge ncy r oo m a t the
~~~:~~!!9ews the films of hospital. I a lso eluded to other
prob lems which student s
~:,~~r bs residents of this
I 'm sure you know what I
:nda~~!J~pl~= !~hd~~~
bloc:kJ ol your class. 0<
maybe you tried to cash the
!:~~e r Y~ecaknlor~r~~i
We have the '.' Point
Beer" T -Shirt
cas hing that check was about
as easy as passing bogus
twenty dollar bills.
These are merely two of the
many hassles stUdents run
Into, not only In this town but
In any college town. The
obvious queatlon Is what can
b e done a bout th ese
problenu . Well , we're still
open to suggestions, but one
of the lhlnRa we plan lo do is
to run surveys of cer tain
buslneues an d service s
whkh are primarily or even
secondarily Involved wilh
student clientel .
These s urveys will be
conducted on such businesses
and services u lhe bank.l.lhc
food stores, the record stores
and book stores, and on any
Tom- Kat Shop
other businesses which
atudenta desire. 1be survey
will produce vuy detailed
and accurate reports which
cover all upecta ol com·
Thursd:oy, S.:ptembcr 27,1973
Poll Sh ows Studen ts Uninformed
!ton !latchet, Director ~
t•l:msfor tilt' future llh;lude h<110o to ,,,or~ .,..,th tht.'m Tht•y
a comple te •nform:•t ion
center at AI leu whl"n' in formMwu t'Oil\'1."trung on and
off campus <'\ COtS, prq;rams
and for students. and should andachnli<'ScombefO\Indat
lw.• ''ll place where thing5 Oil\' l:l'lllr;~ l h>~:allon
haJ)pl'n to pt."'pl<'". In ad ·
t\ pollwas takcnbyStudent
d•toon, the man)' s tud enl ~lauagerSonn) tJ:;; :'\,Lrag l
t•mployeesatthcccntcrs~;ain UfAIIlnCcntcrtodctermmt>
Studomt &n·ices, said that
Alhm Center. as ..·ell as
[)(>IJnt and tlle Universil)'
Ct•oUt•r. are run by students
much·n~ experienct" illi1Lfthc studcntswhol6t• thls
1anrty of f~clds, ran~;i~g ccnt(.'r arc aware of what ts
from marketing to pubht· 3\aLiabl•• to them . .,.-ho the
rela \10115 .
stulk·nt m:magl'rs art>. and
Theologian To Visit
t :.uutt; TT-E \ 'ASGEUCAL
'rlti-:U I.OGJ(",\ L S ~: .\JI X,\K\"
V! S ITU II : J Philip Klmger .
Director of Admi&Sious for
Thcolog•cal Semin:ny .... u
\' ISLllhct"ampusWedn~a)' ,
Oct. 8. at 12 noon in Dl.•&t
Ct•ntcr to l3lk ""tlh any
graduate lhl'Oiogicalt r aming
\\"1\h a vfe.,.· -eitht>r to
profi'SStOn3l church -rel3tcd
\u..,a l ton or for pc r son31
.:•unt·hnH.'nt Arrangcmrnts to
ha'c IWich ,.-.th Mr Klinger
oc a personal intel"\'Le"' t"an
bo.• mad•• through 1-Ut·hard
Slcff<'fL at lht• l'C~I offin·.
ttt;i Fremont St r('t.'l or br
callmgJ-16--4+111. Kl'llt'M·atLons
ur 3ppomtlll('fl\!i should btmad•• b) Monda) . Oct t
v.<.>n• atsoabloWd wh1ch areas
the)' fl..'<' I llC\'(1 un prol'ement
Svnm s;ud tlw re5ponse
:.IIO"t-d th:u freshnwn hadn't
,\\ ,\ ~AGE.\1 E~ 1'
Starting this ~·ear there \j,ill
~- a fishery orgarm.3tion
111\hm the 1\'ildhfc Society
Th tSIJC\\ organiwtionisopen
to 3 ny Wild It fc Soci<'t ~;tdtoquatcly 111formt'd of
mt•mber who wun ts to gl't
th" f:~cJllilCS, and up · 111\'
0il· ('d in a frshcry
[IE'n:la.-.smen felt there ll'asa
tMrnerbelllt~nth('m;mdthc program
lltcrc will be a tncctmg Ill
l>tudcntmii LJ.a(;Crs llt>s,;ndthc the ncar fulure cooccrnmg
rnautproblcm•stogctpc.'Oplt• the gcucr:ll strucll~e of the
tu t.akc adwullagc of the organi"talton and tdt>al s on
n •nterand to work with tht• futur.· prOJ(.'<"IS Dr Copes
s tudent man:•gcn
wtll br the advisor for this
:111 opportun i t~ for any
studcnttntc rcst('(iinfisher)'
t> i.trirt Th r f"f":Donna .scocncc to 3Sl>ist gradu.11c
Simunsen . Hon Br uch. s tudent s in thetr pro,it:cts .
Grlbcrt Yerke . Dale Thrs is an excell ent op·
portum:y for undcrgr;adu:otc
s tudents 10 work wt th the
Ui:-.tri\-1 Fuu,- ; Tom :0.\annis. 13test cquipmt>nt and to lcu~n
11 1 tho..• tcehntqucs in1•oll'cd m
f•sh management. If )'OU are
\li~ tr·it· t
1-11·r: Bob Kw1g. interl'!'ted lt>a1·c )·our name.
student senators
lll(.'follo,.·mg is the listmg
uf student S('Tiators for 1973
Students arc enco~rag<>d to
concactthc ~.'nator s m thi.'Lr
~:~~~;:t ~~o~~~~r t~c~:;·; ~~~~~
~:;~::~~: ~::~~(·Tim
&au lou .
Tom Scht.-..•1. Gar~· Sor~son
Ub trict T" u: .\l~rk Krl'IJ.g .
Paul Ulilruck . Ja,.>IL Jrnl~:·
Student Voters
Studc·nlsl'hU IH'Tl' fl"grStl'n-d
1·otcrs of lh1· Cit~ uf Stl'l'l'll!
l'umt whu h ad n -sido.-d at
Stt•mc·rurDo:.•lzcll ll allshuuld
n·port tlx-1r change of ad ·
drl'Sii lu tht• Ctt~
01'1"k 's
Offtc'<'. 151 5 Strongs A1·e .
l'uunt~ l"1!~ Bwldmg. or call
3~~--66111. C>!l 8S Thank you
~~~~~ l'UOjlCfallon m this
Page 9
1"1\ E 1-'U IS TEit
~:~~~~~;~ ~r~~- ~~~~~~~
phone !lumber and a copy of
)'Olr class schedule at the
~·ish crics Coop. office. room
30':'. t"clson llall There will
be somcr('Sca rch conductcd
in the e•·cnings so pl ease
tndrcatc ,.-hat nights you \\ill
be ill'a llable
For thosl' l''ho arc intl'rt'Sil"ll 111 ]('anung mort'
about !!Lt' t' ishcry Coo p.
programanditsfacililies. Dr
1\t•nry E lluokc of the
Coupcrat LI' C Fishe r y Unit
tuformcdnu-lhathewouldbtgl:odtucondoct tours of their
fanlitrcs 1l1is labonlory is
locall-d 7 milt'S southeast of
the c:un pus adjaC<'nl to the
J.itth.• Plover Hi1•cr, This
ractlrtycan h-old fish in a
controlll-d light and tcm ·
pcraturc envi ronment ( M ·
tlficial. n owing and pond
wnter l liS well as permit
c hcm 1cal 3nai)'SCS in an
attucht-d laboratory . Contact
til(.' secre tary in the f'' is.hcry
Coop. orricc and sign up for a
~;~;r}~\' rn cg ardc.n. K it rc~~==~~=-==~=~~
Total \"ote
\tl. IH Y l ' .( ".,\1.
l' ltE-
\1 \H i tl ,\t a : SE.\ 11~ ,\ I t: The
l,;.C ~1. ,\JJ Dny Pre -Ma rriage
St·nunar \j,ill
be held on
S;oturda~ . OI.·J 20.8
~ p m
at Peace
~:~~o~o;,~t~~~-~rti~~ .-~. ~i:~::" p~~~ ~~~i~~F;!'I!u::~~
ct> lie rot running cond ition. tran·l. Ca ll or .,.·rite Un dud l'
,\ lf'diO(rt- body. It is good ~o ur trl e ph one n o mb~rl :
~!~::~: b~;.";~~~~;~;. ,•~~. ~-;~~ ~~~~~~·~~o~.o~~ts6o~:;
Col teg"' Al't".
13 1 ~13:!!1-0 110.
l53 .m . to
t'<•nt••rlf)uupl anto attcnd.
plt-asc callthc U.C.M. offict>
a s soon as possible to pre·
t'OK ut::"TOne mal"' s tod t nl ll rprrsent.a li~ e ~~~~d ! F.:arn
"'anted to su blet •·lllage 1 200. 0 0 or m o r e e:u· h
a p artmrnt. Ca ll ~ 1 -t t tO,
sr mrsler with onl)' a few
n-g•Sicr t J-16-4H8 1.
h o ors.,.·l)<'ka tlh t~t:lnnln g
CO~Il'O ."ESTS !
".!0-SO jll'r cr nt off lis t pr ier.
uf lhf"
~f" m es tr r .
I~Tt:lt ,...,ATI0 ,.,.,\.1.
Fully gua rantr~ . Any brand , o\11\\ti\F;TING St:lt \' ICE ,
S l~
=~·i~n:~~~~· J;;!;. , d2~~·:. ~~~ ~~~:~ ~~;~j~~~'-',:/os
Knutze n. "th e pad"".
ltEW,\I to 0 1-' t' t~ KEU for lhf"
ff"h•rn of a gold ring ...·lth a
blae k ony-"l lonr. Los i Sc-pt.
111 : !sol g rea t srn tlm e nla l
an d t.a lk. l lt -4111or l ll ·nl1. •·a lor . l' ""as~ r t lurn to Joh n
Mn ghu.no l\ n ol zt n.
Sta t emf"n l ~
!•or t II ur on
•\II)' old SDS'en
ur symp;o th lursaround ~(.'a ll
~~~V:~ ~~~NT
8: 00 p.r..
eox-orrltE :
Pl'lone :
50 Cents Will-\ ID
a210 r t N£
. Page 10
Film Society Presents " The Butcher"
' ' Th e But c h e r '', a
psyc holog ic a l s us pe ns e
thriller , is being brought to
campus by the Film Socie ty.
Among the cha rac ters in·
volved in this 1971 film is the
butcher. who has rt.'Cently
returned to his home a fter a
decade in the a rmy.
meets and begins a casua l
f I i r t a t io n w ith a .
schoolm istr ess. The n , a
ser ies of murde rs sta rt to
plague the countryside. It
will be presented Tuesday at
7:00and 9 :1Sp.m . in Oid l\1ain
Aud itorium .
Season t ickets are s till
available for Film Society .
These average the cost per
fil m to thirty cents and also
a llow ticke t holders into the
Fi lm Fesliva l October 19-20.
Over 2S fil ms . includi ng such
c lasslcs'3s 200 1 S pa ~
Odyssey. wi ll be shown on
campus during the l\.1.'0 day
Student Government
Meeting Place Changed
The fir s t
Student Go v ernment
mee ting , s cheduled for
September 30, 1973 at 7:00
p.m .• will be he ld in room 118
of the COPS building. It v.ill
be a joint meeting of the
senate a nd assembly . The
m eetin g was prev iously
scheduled for the Van Hise
Room o( the Union .
"'medea" to be staged
witch , many years
success fully helped him steal
the Golden Fleece from her
fa ther. Creon .
Pln~ng the title role of
Medeb Is Helle Boilese n . ·
Bobble Ann Boeder is her
Wlderstudy .
Sterling Calder will play
JaSOft;- Pete .Jacobs- l rhi
Wlders tudy.
· " T hey do not love
that do not show their love."
C hoou Kre p~ ke
with complete conAdence.
br:ca uM the fa mous
Kcrps.1kc Gu<~ra n tcc
au ure.ca pc:rf« t
engagemen t d iamond
of precise cut a nd
supc: rb colo r. T here is
no fi:nu diamond ring .
The role or Creon Is played
by David Kassera . Sandra
Albers Is cast as the nurse,
and pla ying the parts of the
t:~~~~~x n~~ ~re~ ~~ ~
Victoria and Stephen Sch·
mitt will portray the children
of Medea and Jason .
Playv.Tight Jean AnouHh 's
ada pllon deals with the s tory
in conte mporary terms and
leaves out Medea 's s uperna tural escape lrom the
consequences of her use of
wilchcrnft In the killing or
;e~:~:~: l\~~e ?k1u~nh~~!l~
Grubba Jewelers
"Diamonds Our 'S pecialty"
:::'~ ,:.,:-~"~:,~.rr::::":r,o:-:..~~~·- :.;;
eo, _____________,, _ _ _ _ __
and her two c hildren to spite
Jason , sure of the ract that he
will nev~r be able to forget
her since she has killed his
new bride , her rather and
Jason's children . However , at
the end of the play It Is clear
thAt Medea's schemes have
been In vain .
Although I he original Greek
versi on of ' 'Medea " was
produced on campus last
su mme r , Mrs. Faust noted
tha t she wanted to use "an old
story In a new way" and
therefore cast Medea as a
" proud " character rather
than In her traditional role as
b ei ng " weepy and
pesslmis lic " . She added lhat
m the new version, the
~~~!~~~es;FnegtadiWe0~~c: ~~
a new light.
Costume designer for the
production is Frieda
Bridgeman of the theatre
a rts depa r tment. Clarke
Crandell, also of theatre arts ,
is In <ha'it of lighting and
l~hnlc.al delign.
'ncketa for the prodUction
are $2.50 ror the public and 50
cents . plus a current valid ID,
for UWSP s tudenta and are
ava ila ble In the theatre box
ollice located in the upper
level ol lhe Fine Arta
Bulhling .
Page II
t'oi ~T E tt
Users Fee Threatens Students
b~ l'rrr~
l iWSP ma) forfo:ol fne lat·ult}
.-•twns m the Sc:hool o( IINith ,
Ph}su:;d f.:d1K'al10n. l(('(n•atoon and
Alhh.•II..:S by 1!17~ of a polt·nllal lo..:. of
~.oooonstalt• no\'t•nu..-sca nnOIIx•
Tht• JIOSStbtltty of l01;ong lht• flH•
VU"hloon~ "'asadirt'\:t resullofa:.urn•)
b) the.• Statt• U..•partmcnt of Ad·
minstralton , toanalyzt't'l!eibrcl:ohugtu
ofgm•t•rumc.•nt;olst·r.-onos The
s tud)' lookt'd at ,.t;,tt• t'XJ)l'Jtdoture,;
Ulf~h lht• WIIH'I'lill) S~Stt•m., , lntf'l' •
cullt-gl;ltt' athlt•hni . mtramur:ol,. and
n-crt·allonal UM' o( ph) -ed buoldml>llh·~ulls md•ca!t•d that ont' rn•lhon
doll:lrsarear""t'rt'b€-mg gt'r-o.:ralt'db)
tht·~tate thato:ou ld cmtlt' from "uM•n"
of lht'l>l' aCh\'1111!10 llllht•l:W ")'bh.'lll
In urdt'r to rt•plat't' thos lost SI.:Jlc
1'\'H'IlUt', 1"0 lli<IJIX' Jl'OSSibihll~ :ort•
ht'lll!; C<UIIildt• rc~l Olll' IIOUIIJ be ;,11 Ill
t'H·aM" 111 ~tlllknt achnty ft'C~ :1nd tlw
M'<'OIIl1 "'Vllld bt• an lllt'rt'aso.• m tho;•
t'UIIIrO\t'r:.oal ··u~t'fli ft'o.• ''
Till· .....,..rs .. IS an adn11ssoon h"'• fur
athlt:ll<.:t'\ents."rt.sandlt.octurt., drama
and mmt non·m:.lrUl'IKHI<al ao!ll\lllt.,,
t'UtTt·ntl) SOcent.s at tlu~ t'<ampus Tho:
" u:.t·N"orpartu:l p:mt)mtht'!ol•afllllilt"'i
pa) for them. heoce tht• namt• " u>ot."fS
ft"t.'' 1111' parht'lpants bt udt'nllo to :a
.....,..l'l> ..
l:•rgl'l'~l••nt l ma> ll;llclop:aymllft'!k•~t
a~ a fi."Sull of reductiOn" m s talt'
;~ndmg on thl• UW ~ysli,•rn
In fost'al tl'rms tt ml'ans th;1t lhos
unol't·r~JI) would l1;11'e to t•omc up wsth
~ I.:Jtt• tax rnonc~ 111 the pa.~l
Snll't' tht·
under thl• state'~ fmaocwl )t'rutmy . 11
"'~~~~ 'i!!~'·:r:;,~~lltl~ ~~
Sl :0 uulhon rt-doc.·hon but tht· ,.t:llt•
i•'ll•~lat~ rt•,tt.'Ctt<dth;;atproposala.nd
M'l tht' fogurt' at St m1lhon
propo..al has p;~.......:l tht•lt•g•:.laturl' . but
1f tilt' $6~.000 mu~t be gent'f:alt-d b~ \hi li
t•ampllli. 11 "'" mean an adthtoonal
burdcn on studt•nts
·1'Jil• olk· rease ,.,·ouJd :omourll to an
:tt•er:•Kt' ont·n•ast' of S8 pe r s tucknt m
s tudent ae\1\' lty ft't'S ," 11.11d Puull\ t'kh .
ll•re\·to r of Uudgt't Plannon,.: :and
~~~::~Ill "~~~~::::hl~ld~~;~t ~~
1111>~1 Ill !holM' pt'llplt• art• lt'IIUrt'il
t.uo·~ ~ l>f'OIIOIS.ll h:as Iilii bt"t•n 3l'
t'<'PI<"'i pcrldmt; furtho.•r ~~ud~ b) uJ>erft'('
I'UIIIIJl lllt'i'~lll ati iiK•t'UIIlpU.Wll
,\lt'WSI'th•• ma,tOrre•purts•bihty for
,..,.,.,.,,r,·h :and ~tud~ """'" on the Plan·
run,.: . l'ru~rllmm tu g. ll udgetM)' und
AUI'i )ut) Conunllll'C II'PBo\ Cl hcadt-d
h~ Ur eJ ....·m Sigmund of Acadt'nu('
Alfarr• I'PI~AC 15 Jt'SPOfiSibhl for Jon~:
rangl'Jilanmrq:pohc)' d\'CISIOn:sthllt\1111
r..•latt• to thr~ 11111\'t•Dity's budget . and
rh.Jtmdlllk"'astud\· ofthe"u:stT~oft't'"
I'I'"ACnl turn h:is appomll-da US('T5
Ft'\' l'.a~k FOrt't• , ll(•:.dt.'!i by Doug las
Hadtk••oflh<•tltt'flm.try Ocp:.rtrnentat
tho;· rtoqu...,t IJil Jom lbmllton , Student
lkd} l"rntdt•nt
1Jam1Hon It'll th:l t
sludt'rlbshouldha H•:a,·uicempolic)'
do.."t'IMt/11~ that l'Oilt't.'rn I'I'IMC As a
rt.,..ult . :lhkt• Arrd. Slurlcut Co1·t'rnment
t·unlrullr•r , os :1 •·otmg member on the
l '"· r~ Ft'l· Fur~•·
The: G.crs t'<'il Tu« fo'orno w1ll makcl't'("'lllllnl'ntlahons to I'I'BAC. but tht'y
ho~H· no 1'<.11111g pro\'lit•gt'll tn PI'BAC'1
poh•·~ makong dt'CISIOfll
lbo: reason
bl•rng th.Jt fa•·ult) cannot be held
r•·~vuns1blr for :admrnourath'l'
tlk~~~~~~~· ~r~ a ~~~~1c ~ 1
luturt' ~1t•an,.,·hole Jim ll;multon has
t'OIII<' up v.1th sugges ti ons for the task
forT•' to considt'r
l bmilton It'll that
Prot~.r;~ms should nut bt sac nficed br
,.hoftmt,t money on lhc s tudent acti\·ity
fund 111 urd••r to 53\'e a thl etic• and in·
trurnu ruts ··.uaresultllieartlooking
.at .... a~~ tu ru•st> funds ouatde of
,tudt·rns':achl'lttt'!i,''saldll:unilton .
. .. J:: :.,:;;
Unt•pass•bthi)'S~estedby llamilton
"ould bo•tora•sco thtadmiSSJonfeeof
fa•;uit) and fi3S51fit'd personnel ,.,.ho
Pf'""'"tl~ ar•• g~~>l'l'l a rl-dU<.-ro ratt' " It
v.ould Ill• a s mall amount or money but 11
J) ""'-' optoon." sa•d llamllton
Aho bt>mg consldt'l'ed lli r«!uced
rclt•:l>t' \nne for co;~chmg personnel
Hdt'<a)t' llml' is c0.1du•~g time alloted to
mtr.unurals out;ude of normal cl:1n
!'::'~~~~, l'tl~:~t'=~;~r s.a~:~r:~~"mo~~~~
bul 1nil,.:ht of J.ut·~y·l proposa l, release
hmt·moghlh.a\'e tobcrl-dUC:ed Whatls
rto"" rt•le:.~ 11me for onttamurals could
bt."t'Ollll'nedit hoursror lhe 1nstructon
m~tead. and thl: money sa•·ed could be
appllt-diU\0-ardsthe~.ooo loss .
Students Forming
History Club
,\nother JIU..SJbi lil)' ll1tghtbetorl-dlK"'.'
t't'rt.oon mll'r~Jcglalt' sports to a dub
•·;~ll'gut') Tht·elubli "ould h:•n• I'IOJ!OIId
t'O,lt•hes :tnd could fiOI COIIIJICIC in COli •
lt'fl'lll'eplaywothother teams Helea st>
tmw f~~rmerly olloted to th~·st• cuad~t.'li
l'Ouldonl'l' agambca ppill-dlothe iOSlilll
.•late ret•e nue for these :a~th·itics
Studt.•nl Phy ·Ed majors could possibly
rt-ct•s\·e duss houn in 39!1 l'OUrses for
l'O..Chmg ont• ol tl'lt'se sports
problem that must bct·onsideredby the
t·~hcs 1n "h1chsportstakepnority
~=~:-lr~~~~~. ~r~~rr:~!~~~er~O:~
" We 'no alsocondocrmg a SUI'\'t')' of
l:• cull)' todetcrmlnc of s tudent sub·
sod1u-d al'll\' lheS lhoted as c:o-c urric:ular
arerea ltyeo-curr lc:ularmthl:trutSt
:sense."531d lla nllltOO , " II theyarel'O·
t·ur ricu lur, lhcnt hcun l\'crsi tysholdd be
gh·cnc: redit hours lor theseacth· it it'S"
One example might be the musk recitals
and concerts that are often
requrremcnt:sof l'c rL1illdasses. If th is
tyjX'ofac ll\'il)'istrulyco-cUITicular
then credit lhould be gi,·en to the
um,·crslt)· uaninstructiooalacti\·ity.
Since many of thel>e ac:ti\'ilrt'S are
supporred by 5ludent ac:ll\'11)' fen , any
financlalc:~itre<:t'l \'edlliOUidhclp
pre,·ent a heavr dram on thto s tudent
go\'t'fll/llenl butlgt:t
11lc final option lhat llamilton has
suggested might be to encourage only
~~~:~;~~~::~ :t~~h~.~ifr~ ~~;~
moocy from s tudent acli\'itr fen to
suppor1 alhlehc:s.
Once Uk.-se rttonomcndo.l ions ho\'e
been submitted to the task fo~. they
" 'ill be cval~,gl('d on the1 r meTilli and
fonstdert'd in thl: 1'1!c:Omrnt'ndalions to
PP8AC. PPB,\C ""ill then ma ke its
c:ounc:ilandetun«llorDrtyfus Afinal
draft mus t bee submitled to Central
Administration in Madison by Ck:tober
lsrNational Video~
Tape Festival ~
Coming Oct. 1st-5th
Show1 twice doily 1 & 7 PM
Edno Co,lson Gollery
Fine Arts
Interes ted
st udent ~is mt-cton,gThursday
nrght.S4-pt Z1.1nordcr to
lorm a H1 sturr Oub on th1s
Thl' pu rpo54' of thl: lhstory
Will bee to pronde
st udt'nl5 an opportunll)' to
mt't'l informally and dis-cuss
~ lhsturr Oub shall b€open to Al.L st~Xicnllt and
f:K·ulty onc:ampussolong as
they havt' an •ntcrut
m hiStory and "1sh to mt't'l
andtalkll'llholhc rllsharong
that ontcrt'SI
The llostory
Oub ..... 11 sponsor debates .
palll'l d1Sl'Uss10115, read ong o(
!otudent pap.•rs and uthcr
lf)·ouarem~t'Skdontlus .
come to thl: Carland Room •n
till:- Unl\'e rs •ty Cen te r tomght
at 1 oo p m
for an
organouhonal meetin&
you eannot ma k e the
meetmg, cont.act Bert Oleson
m 'll11 Pray Hall
HETZER'S Bicycle Shop
NOW . . .
S differe nt styles of pock-socks
priced from $2.00-$11.00
COME ON IN ! ·2154 Church St.
Dealer for Schwinn,
Raleigh ond BoHecchio Bikes!
Page 12
Thursday, Septembe r ?1 , 1973
golfers drop a couple
The Real
b ) Jerry Long
The amaung thmg .about Billie J ean King 's VIctory 0\'er
Bobby H1~gs las t Thursday is that so many people took the
.... hole th1ng so senously Billie Jean « rta inly dom1naled
tht;> 55 \Cnr old Riggs in their match . but did .anvonc teally
th1nk that she wouldn 't '! Mrs. King is n professional through
and lhrough , and a SIOO,OOO incenti\·e was all she needed .
ltl!itJ.!.S , on the other hand . is a hustler But he didn ' t rea lly
hustle ~tr s King as much as he hustled Los Angeles
promoter J err y Pcrenchio. Don't let a nyone thrnk that
ltlggs came out empty handed in the deal. Both player s
were gua ranteed SIOO,OOO whether they won or los t. Thus,
while Mrs King collected $200,000 for the match ($100,000
guarantee t- SIOO,OOO pnu ), Riggs will have to consote
h1mseU Wlth a paltry SIOO,OOO. Wish I could lose like that.
The " Battle of the Sexes" just d idn ' t come off that way .
Odds -maker Jimmy 'i1le Greek" Snyder must have been
temporarily insane -.+ten he gave 5·2 odds on Riggs . How do
you like egg on your face, Jimmy'!
So. IA'e have the unusua.l si tuation of a game in which
everyone ca me out a wi nne
r : Billie Jean with r.ro.roo;
Robby -.•1th SIOO.OOO ; Perenchio wilh what must be millions
for bringing lhe whole thing off. But , the REAL winner?
Tennis <h•e r S2 percent ol the TV viewing audience were
tuned to the Riggs-iGng tennis match. Never in its his tory
has tenms a ttracted such widespread attention. rugg.s and
King ha\·e contributed to the sport of tennis in the same way
that Arnold Palmer did for golf and Muhammed Ali did for
boxi ng. They have given people n reason for paying at tention to tennis . They have s hown that tennis is a s port for
f'\'eryone. not just the country c lub set. Tennis ca n only
benefit from that.
Tile only losers to be found . other than Jimmy the Greek.
are lhose who watched " Bonnie and Oyde " on CBS. And
Bonnie and Clyde were a pair of losers nnyway .
b} )1 ik r \':luc k
Pomter golfers ptO\•ed to be
il \ .. r gt3ctous host s 3S they
:tllowcd UW-Eau O :u re and
UW-Supenor to lUlderscore
thcro1 here F'nday
L'WSP golfer Dt'nny Slrong
produced the hcst mdi\'1dual
scorC<"ard \\tlh nmC'S of •·U.·
391 and a total of 79 Hob
lh.• rms<•n hnd 141-13 1 84 , Jay
Goers t H · 4 0 l 85 . :\l ar k
Lubeck (44-14 1 88. and Ken t
Fosse turned m ! H-18 1 92
U W - E:~ u Clatre won the
match with a team tota l of
llus UW System mvcntory
re\•iews the environm ental
actt \' tlll'"S on all l lnh•ersily of
Wt s consin camp u ses It
-u s. ~Ahlle Supenor gathered tn\'ol\·es a hs ting of prOJl"Cts,
42 1 strokt-s to Po1nt's 424 thc fm·1httes and cqu1pment
on all able on each c:unpus,
~l cdalt s t
honor s for the thl' urga ni za ti on of en match w<•n t to SuperiOr's Bo b \lrollllll'llt ;tl acti\'it1cs , and
Da\' who ~:o rl"d :r; on the mcludes related mformation
froilt mnc and rom up .;o on the a \ :ulnb le r f.'ga r dtng en b.1l'k for a 7i total &-t·ond \ trnmncnta l edtK.':&IIOil nnd
place went tu Ste\·ens Pomt's l' ll\' lronnu.•ntal s tu d1cs . AI
Denny St rong for his 79 total prl'S<'nt thC'rl' is one copy of
The Pmnters will tra"rl to th1 s 111\'t•nton· on thi s ca m :\len omome . W1 sco ns1n on pus . nnd Ill S a\':l lltlblc Ill Dan
T'rauwr ·!o ufr1ce cCN H t36 1.
~l onday to defend thetr :H
record ag:un s t l..a Crosse nnd
Harriers Place Second
The UWSP cross country
team finished a s trong second
a t the Titan lnviLaliona.Lhe:ld
a t Oshkosh last Saturday .
Oshkosh took the fir s t place
trophy with u . follov.·ed by
P oint with >1>1 points. Some
disl.3nce back m third place
was Whitewa te r with 67
points .
Don 'l'r'lebiatowski won the
race for the seeond yea r in a
row . Dave Elgar was the
second Pointer to cross tht!
rinish line.
J ohn Duwell ,
se lected as the P oi nter s·
runner of the week, was lhe
Poi nters' third runner. Don
by t\l l~vllk
His acc urate lc!t hande-d
passes have been opening eyes
at the UWSP football ca mp in
the las t mon th . but fr es hman
backup qu.1.rte.r.bac.k Monte_
~l a tt1 e of Wisconsi n Dells has
been lost for possibly the
remainder of the scnson due
to a shoulder separation .
In his first collegia te game
act1on and on the very first
sen es he directed in the
Pointers' 21·0 loss to UWLa Cr osst:' la st Saturday.
Matt ie s hppcd on wet turf and
was hit hard. He s tayed in,
howe\·er . to toss his only
completion m four tries. a tO
ya rd gai n. but then !crt the
game in J>:.lin.
Behnke and lUck Zaborske
fi nis hed fourth and fifth
respecth·e.ly for lhe...Pointers.
" We did not win . Hov.·e"cr .
we ran very well. We needed
to run well
Winning is
a lwa ys good .
In cr oss-
probably more important m
the early meets." commented
a pleased Coac h Don Amiot.
Th is Saturday the Pointers
f.1ce Ri"er t-"a lls and t-.:au
Clai re a t the Wisconsin FUver
Cou ntry Oub This will be the
last home mee t of the Sl'nson
for the Pointers .
campus radio stbtion sets sch~dule
• n
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9t 00
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Ce nw<' r• .U IOIII at Clltc alo
The lnqul r i lll Hillel
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CUUl 'fT tVt'fTS ..._., A..UlfSIS
S 00 Al l fh111 ; 1 Coruloh recl
s 30 Fr oo t he m<N ar
• JO U Of , Pe-upect t . .
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10 00
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10 · 00
IL t S
I 00
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\ ' o l ( r l of " ' '~ l.sor\ c a
Concert of th e oHr
t.ur Llueni lll
IUJ · Doro; ewt
Ov crun Hltti OII
AJ• ::Co11nrut lo11
S: OO flriiiJLine
• 00 Con•er u tiO.,. at Clli c~ c o
'l·\~A GER:TI't 00'\0\'\'\
PROGRAM DI REC TOR: !\lll\ 1.)'; ! \ Ll !J RA~
PU BL 1C Rti.AT I V~S: Tllll' l-\ S I> I il\''t E
rROOUC T I US: J tliiS C~Il FC
:; ~~ .. !::!!~! .........•..••
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S.,;ho l ar• loo h helf
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\aah two tch
( h r Phr )
Sl t a Off
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Till Lllts
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PRCICil.\.'-!1-IISC TO PRlS F'\'T ll\'1; PIAY·!Y• r1AY
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PR£·E~ 1PT R[GUL,\~
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~e 'lc •rt !)( tl'ae
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Tlrlt t .,.,.\ '" tre ad unla t
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C.J. (111 1 Si'IDw
'II J·D ar"'"'
lt' u o f lh • 'fu t.
hH a f tht Cltulet
Con urt Ca a1ot
-..-,.s r r .,, nlncN"c••
Co•..uunlc HIDn tow a rd a ~ ••
ltu u11lso
Th t Sutlon
J a n Co'l ntuttoa
Mut ·~• In Mupll h
Jo~ "'""' I li te J an
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(l u Pl • t)
s, ...
Sic!'! Ofl
ThurMta} . Seplember27,tm
;":t>ari)SO,OOilratnbov.· trou\lieSiJtln-1
d'-"P m the bouom of a pi wheT"e 1M)'
.,.,efY dumped by ~rtmf'nl of Natural
Hesour«s pei"$$O''lll"l a fte r vandals or
poache r s c aused pond walers to
d•:.choargert'Sultmginsuf focalionofthe
SIJt·tO•k\'en inch trout Wlut.e l..ake
T n t-; I'O INTE:H
l' age tl
h.:ltehcry foreman Kenneth Swanson
examined a few of the wasltd trout .
Allempls were made to sell the 20, tons
of fish to a loc:a l rendering plant and
mink fanns, but in the end they 1\;J,d to be
burted in a wooded area near the hatc hery.
Golfers Place Fifth
b~~~i~~~ \"~':~
an~'t.~'~~= ·:al~ t~t~·
playmg at tht- L.a Cr~ toppnformancuof76fortM
Count ry Cub. placed f1fth da) . wh1le Denn y Strong and
among W\·en \t>ams enterfl! 81!1 )kConndl
~odb~e ~3b a 1~;!";~·er &!~ ::~~r~~~~;:dU~~~~
Omelma s.hot mne hole kOrH team
of t J9-.W I 79. Dftulis Sl.rong
Tennis Team Victorious
fortiN' lndwn Open last ••:~k d.J\'tdual rouncil of 7i The
The best mdlVIdual sconng total of 382 rollt'd 0\'t'r
dlo r t tht' Potnters could \\1utel•<at~'sJ8~ by :!strokes
hal' t'
~~~ :;;r~::C~~!~~ ~~~~r~~ ~~~~~~~~·e rs~
for an 8-1 total
of Wu><:onsm Cunfl'rence ,.,ith
The UW·l..a Cr~ golfers. 3 2-2 record
hu:.unglhoe•r~ . ..-e-e~~o·ell
~UJpped for VICtory as they
fintshed the ml"'"l w1th an
nnpress•,·eteamtbta l ofm
ltt1·rr Falls placed second
"'''"a JU s troke total.
Plattel·tll ewasth irdwith 39'2. WSUC
UW - Milwaukee fourth with
Plallc\'lllE't!l. l.aC'rossel
~ - Dubuque six th .,.,;th 417
Ushk05 h 17, Stout IJ
;~nd Stout With a last pia«
St Norbcf1 26, Sl"·em Point 3
tOCalof -&22:
!::au Oatrl" IJ. Rl\'er Falls6
~Pomten .,.,·erenottobf'
Whtte....-atl"r U , Sul)('nor 14
dtso,:ourag~ w1th thdr fifth
by Sue Anderson
Kim Crosby, U W EC, Kes tan defeated Pointe r
defeat~ Kim F1etcher of Ruth Ittner. also by • ICOf'l"
UWSP. 8·2. , whi le Debby of 8-J.
Saito of Poi nt overl\auled
Judy Pe\.et$011 of UWEC. 1-3.
The Pointer's Sue Anderson
The doubles teams of SaitoKobishop
and Mixdorf-1\ tner
defeated Kathy Budd or the
Blue-Goldll . Barb Koblshop were victorious as th ey
of Point tipped Ov-is Tebo of dropped theEauOairelelltms
and Knox. optimt~masher teamtuvels Eau Clairt>, 1-4.
to \\"hilt>water for a con- Mi~tdorf was another Point KcslanbyiCOrelof 6·2and 6-1
The Pointe r
fere!ICI" meet Ous Saturday winner as s he upe n ded respective ly.
duoofAndenon -F1etcherlost
Rt'~ultli of the Eau Claire Valt>rieKnoxofEauOaire,J.
m~t are as follo....-s :
The Blue-Gold's J ane to Eau Claire's Cro&by·Te bo.
The ....·om~n ·s tennis team
rE'turned from Eau Caire
~· ~etonOU!i in iu hn t m~t of
tl1r ~ason. Due to time
limlt5 , theteamshad limefor
onl)' a port ion of their
schedu led matches.
Coac h Judy Tale expresses
.,.,l.rl"quick to bounce back as
tht>ysph t am~tonl\ltsda y
at Oshkosh '11 Mun ici pal
Unbratl"n Oshkosh held
fi rmly to tM1 r conferen«
lt>ad by beatmg Point and
Y>lut e ....·atcr 1olfers with a
team totalofl'7$.
Colorado 28, Wtsconsin ~
llltnots 'II. Ql hfonua 7
Notre Dame -14. North..,esttrn 0
~hdugan 47, Stanford tO
~hn!M'SOU 41 , North Dakob I~
UCLA ». IO\U ,,
~! ichtgan Stair H , S)•racuse 8
Miami tOhiot 2~ . i>urduc t!l
Anzoo.a 26. lnd1an.a 10
look for it
l1 12 pk.Convenient
Hamm's Now only 1.99 .!. l
Drive-Up Window
a.m. - 9
Oct. 13 - 9:30 a.m.
Tom &George's GRIN &BEER IT
Will Donate 1/2 Barrel for 1st Place
Page 11
I' Ol~Tt:lt
Thun.day . Septem bt.' r 'ri , 1973
Green Knights Drub Pointers 26- 3
b),...Jt'-rr} l,ung
" We just d1dn ·fpmy ~ell a t
all,'' summt.'t'l up a deJCCied
~tonic Charles, alte r his
Ac nal a rcus was shot dov.• n
O\'Cr ~h nahan field a t De
Perc b\' the St Norbert Green
1\ mghis . 26-3 " We tried some
changes 1n our game ScSrhe of
ttx-m ~orked out . but I think
that we 'll go back to our
ongmal th1nk1ng "
Jus t as the Pomters were
plny1ng so poorly. the Green
Knights were doi ng a com ·
ple lc tu r n around from their
pre,·•ous l'llC'oun ters agains t
Plallf'\ •lie and St Thomas .
What -...as txJ)("Cted to be a
duels tx-t-...·ccn t~o passmg
1eam:. turnuod ou t. anstead . to
be a matl'h bet ween a team
that had 11 together and one
that didn ' t The Green
1\mght.-, s1m ply dommated
the game they rushed for 189
vards. return~ three tnicrcephons for 55 ya rds .
passed for 13 1 yards. and took
ad,·antage of c,·c r y break
that C'aml' thctr way
The Pomters . on the other
hand . found themsel\'es
pia) mg the game bctw("('n the
t'A'O :,».~ard hnes Tiley -...ent
a second s tr a1ght game
w1thou1 <;(' !li ng foot m the1 r
opponent ·s c t\dzone On ly a 35
ynrd fteld go:tl by P:tt Rob·
bms prevenlcd the shutout
~h1rk OlcJIILl'lak , ha mpered
by a shoulder mJury. was able
to p.'ISS on ly 2-1 t1mes wt th 13
com pletions and one Ill ·
tf'rccphon for a 93 yard total
Bruce Wcmkauf cod turned
quarterback . prO\' Ided a
hopeful note as he took O\'t'r
quarterb.'lckJng dulles 111 the
fourth quartt.•r and com pleted
sc,·cn out of tS attempted
pas.o•es for another 93 ya rds
Plil'1:ky ran seven
for 42 yards , leading
thl Pmlll (' r ~ r ound game. The
dmunutl\'t.' back from Antigo
a lso led t he passi ng effort
~1th ft\'c reccphons for 70
yards Pl l{'('ky add•llon:tlly
took two k1ck offs and ran
them bac k for 99 yards Ill ·
cludmg a thrtlh ng n yard
gallop from the Poi nter t;1ree·
yard line to the Green Knight
19. Pllt.'<'kY was, to no one's
s urpnsc. named the game's
outst ;:uKh ng offen si\'e player .
~;~~~tt~fs~r :Nd~m~~~~~a~~~
Gary Stan.ins k i, who
rush1ng damage for the sp:1rkcd the defe nse with
1\m ghts Bctw~n them. they c 1~ht t.'lcklt.'S and SC\•eral
hcads ·up plays, was
accounted for 1&1 of the
nanu..'Ct defensi\'C player of
Kmght s ' 169 total ya rd s
the game
Bre ttmgen rambled 20 ti mes.
,\ss lsti ng Pilecky 111 the
mcludmg a 24 yard s print. for
depart ment
94 ya rds and two touchdowns . pass ·rl't'civJng
F'tsher ran 19 limes for 70 "''as Denny Es krit with six
~arda . In the air.the Knights '
r i"Ct'ptmns fnr 56 yards, Doug
Remy Stephenson threw 10 Krueger w1th two for 25
tlmcs w1th fi" e completions ya rds. J eff Gosa with two for
and 104 yanls fo"isher threw- 12y:mb.:Uld Ben Breese with
twtcc w1 th one completion for two for ctght yards. Larry
27 ya rd s
One o f the Sowka ca ught one pass for
Stephenson passes -...:as to nme yards. while Uoyd J ones
Tom \ 'an Rueden for a 25 added one for three yards .
yard touchdown play. Van John ~t cDuffy. star ting at
H ucden -...· as the G r ee n fullback fo r the f1rstlime th1s
Kmghts ' lca dm g rectl \'er season. was ttx- only othe r
w1lh two receptions fo r 53 runn mg back m addition to
~a rd s
Wo rkh o r se Greg Pli(.'(' ky to post a gam m the
F1sher cnught one for 48 r ushmg co lumn . McDuffy
gan1ed fi\'e yards in five
yar ds
Defensive ly, the Knights att e mpt s J e rr y G r ilf i n
s tu ng Ihe Poin ters wit h lhree caugh t the only intercepti on
c r uc ial Inte rcepti ons. running for the Poi nters . a la s t second
t tx-m back for 55 yards .
Ad d 11 10nally . the Knight s s~us; ~t t~a~a":~a:"~~~
c.'lught the P omter ba ll · pnsmg l)' t'\'C n , gl\•cn the fmal
ca rnen behmd the hne or scor e Po1nt had a tota l
scnmmage for a loss or 26 ~arclage of 91 ya rds . J2 yards
ru.o.htng and 59 ya rds passmg
~ards . gl\'mg the Pomters a
net rushmg ya rdage or 47 The Kml(hts totaled 117
}3rd. , 69of those yards on the
)'a rds
Freshm an halfbac k J oe ground and 48through the at r
With 1 39 lcfl m the first
Pllecky was the Pointers'
qun rter , the Knight's quar ·
~· orkho r !le th r oug ho ut th e
tcrbutk Hc m y Stephenson
kept the ba ll :tnd ran for a
th r ec · ya rd t o uchd o "'' "
sca mper The score capped a
37 ya rd , e1ght ·play dnve tha t
took only 3 19 off the clock
\\'emkauf'~ dt'but as quar ·
terb:tl'k was marred,
h OWC\' er , by t WO I ll ·
tcrccpltons. The Pom tc rs·
regular back ·UJ> quarterback .
~t on t e Mattie. 1s out fo r the
season w1 lh a broke n collar
bone A magmficent goa l line
stand by the Pomter defense
111 the second . quarter
pro\'lded the only bright spot
m the Pomter defensive c f·
St Norbert's fullback Steve
Norlx-rt 's F'ra n (1Jggctt on thctr own 31 ya rd line , the
:uldl·d the e xi ra poin l. ~u11u1g Km~hl~ cxeculcd a lightning ·
thc Green Kmgh~ :tht.•ad . 7.0 ' (!Uit' k fh•e play drive to the
The l'onll crs' on h• st.·ore touc hdow n . The drive was
<·arm.• en rl v 111 the· S('('ond .at'l'l'll tt.'<l by a ZS.yard TO
pcnotl Th(. Km ghts k1ded 1 ~1:.:. frOm Stephe nson to Van
o{{ . P1l eck~ took the ba ll a t
HUl'<ll•ll Wllh 7:26 tO go. The
the Pomt thrrt·\ard lme and l'Xt ra point attemp t by
('iuded ~ould be K n1gh t Chggc tt was good. St. Nor·
tacklers an a race that ended IM'rl'~ :D. Pomt 3.
On the next P oi nt er
a t the St :\:orbcrt 19-\•ard
ltnc. a n ya rd ga llop ·The I)OSSc:.sJon Sowka raced the
Pom tcr offt•nsc s talled , as 11 ba ll from lhe Point s ix to th<>
;·~~~<! ~~~\~~~~o~~~ th:c~~:~,~~ :;;~~~~·l'l~~t yat'hdc lin~o?~~~~~'l.l:~
J>OS ilion . and Pnt Hobbin s
wns ca llt.'<lmto allcmpt a 35
ya rd field goa l !lis try ~·as
good and, ~1 th 14 ·53 to go 111
the haiL the score was 7·3
Each temn had the b.'l ll
once Wi thout more ~1 th ou t
res ults The n . a ft e r a n un ·
s uccessful Hobb1ns field go.1l
anempt from the KniRhts' 42
ya rd lmc . ttx- Green Knights
marched i2 ya rds to the
Pomt ~g ht yard linf'. for a
ftr s t nnd goa i· IO ·SO Th<•
Kmghts tned fl\'e hmt.'S to
break the Pomt , line E\'Cn
w1th ttx- help of a penalty of
half the d1stance to the goal.
the Kn1ghts ~e re unable to
ga111 the TD The Potnt
defense held and the Km ghts
ga"e up the ba ll on nn un·
suCC'l'S..'dul fourth and goa l
nttcmpt by Greg Fis he r The
firs t half cndl'd "' tlh the
Kmghts ahem!. 7·:1.
Th (.' lh1rd periOd prO\•ed
dl s;J:.tt·ro\L~ for the Pomtt•rs
~~~:~ :;:~~g ~:tatn~~
SLX \ant hoc and ran 11 back
to the Kmght.-. ' 31 ~ ard hne
E•ght pin~" and 69 ~ard'i
l:itl'r . Hrclltngl'n took the ball
a round left 1:1cklt.• for a four
~ani ~ pnnl to Ihe touchdov. n
The cOil\'l'r'lon alll'mpt ~n !'
no good ;uul Km ghts led 13·l
l11e l'mntcr!' ''ere able In
march lht• b;1 ll lhe the St
Norbt•rt 'I I y;t r d l•nt.•
~· hen tht·v ~ l'rc !'I tailed h\' the
SILngy ·l\,11~ht s dcf~ll <;t.•
TakutKm·cr tlw h:ll l on dn"1l!i
mutrield On first down , Sle\'e
lh'rc<•au i n t e r cepted nn
Olt.•JIIIc:ta k p.'tss and return('(!
1l tot lw Pomter two \'a rd line
Rrettengcn ran it in for the
Grrtn Kmg hts· fourth IOUl'h ·
do~n. :111d what was to be the
f1n a l score , 26-3.
Bruce We mkauf took O\'er
flua rll• r b.'lcklllg duties in the
fourth quarter and h:1d
marcln'<l the Pomtcrs to tht•
SL Nnrht.'.rt 16 yard line when
I lk·~ ran nut of downs .
Tht.• P o int e r s ne,•e r
lot'riOusly threatened agam
and lhl' game ended ~1th the
t;rN•n Kmgh ts in ttx- lead , 26·
:\:(.''(! Saturda \' . Ste,•e ns
l'ntnt llll'<.'t Wh itewater at
l.tl(•rkt• field Gametimc is
1 :10 p m
To Start
1 . \l.
I'H t: . \1.\IUtL\fa:
~E\11 ' \It :
The L' C ~I Pre
\J ,~rnage St•mmnr evenmK
"''""IIIII" \\Ill beg111 on
Ttw'-tl.l) . · ()tot 16. a nd t:on·
1111111' lhruugh :'1/o\· 1:1 from K
' I Ill Jllll • Pt.•at.·e ('arnpu:.
t't·11h·r If ~ou a rl' pl:tnmng on
ho.•111~ ma rnt·d !'Onn and plnn
lu ,\llt'IHI tht•se l'OUr St•S.
ph·.•'(' t·. 1Jl I he C C ~ ~ offl t't'
.mtl n ·~t,tc r •:J-16-H481
Reserve a Place Today at
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Ping Pong tables
laundry facilities on premises
Close Ia Campu s
Still Have Some Spaces Available
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301 Michigan Ave.
341 -2120
1llursday . September'n. l913
Trzebiatowski To Be Honored
by ,\.IPoa •·li k
Don Ttrebiatowski. the best
distance runner ever to
rocnpete ~i th a UWSP team .
wheT! he participates in the
uni\·ersity Therefore, we
hopernany peoplewillcorne
you,·· s.atd Coach Don AmiOI
In add1tum . Amiot en-
couraged persons from
A senior. he will be in the
hncup v;hen !be Pointers host
man v.1lu brought a lot of
UW· Iti \·er 1-'alls and UW-Eau
Claire at· U a .m . on th e
Wisconsin River Countr)'
ClubC'OUl'Sl' .
'' ltisnoteveryday)'Ouc:an
Saturday has been
dcsi~nat<'d at the unh•ersil\'
as .. Don Tnebiatowski Da)·:··
The lanky runner. -..no
JOgged nearly 10,000 milt'S in
h1s campll!i sports career.
Trzebtatowski holds school
records at UWSP in the 880,
1.000-yard, mile 3nd two mile
races and is part of the two mile and di stance relay
As a sophomore he set the
Wisconsin State Unh·ersity
hlmortohis hometo~~on''
by J im llab«k
Utili:ting a basketball scoriNt offense
and a soccer style defeose, Sigma Tau
Gamma galloped over rival Phi Sig. 68.(1
ll3rry Babcock, 'oloith a performam;•e
rtmmiscent of Paul Hornung, led the
~..~~~efi:~~ ~~=~~ - mT;;mt~~do-..1ls, while Mark Burke added an
additional 12 points. .
Sigma Phi Epsilon's vaunted defense
pro\·f'd Jt.s-..·orth asTKEagain fe1121Hl
Gary Bork's and Kev in Macken's 2
the GoNads to a 28-0 s hellaking of The
!lome Ina similarlydomJnated contest.
theS.S . tossedtht Salad Squad aside. 36-
Sm1th's2 North team upended the 3
West squad !Hi Fa vor1'd ~ West hved
uptoexpectations asthe)•camtthrough
-..1th a 38--0rompover hapless I North
Burroughs J West "S.O...•If'd '" 0\'t r ~
North in a 8.(1 game Rand y !J<M· I~
pro\·ided the needed sconng
In a battle of t-..·o s taunt defenses. ~
West Knutzen pulled out a -l·2 "'''" o•·er 3
The 3 West team pro•·ed man
upse t that 2 Eas t -..·as not unbl."al.'lble. as
theycameouton top . I0-8
Sald-..in's 2 South, -..-ith Oulstoph 's 2
touchdowns and Duberotz' 8 pOin~.
came on Slrong to defeat 1 W~t 2~.(1
llyer 's 2Westalsoputona5imliarex ·
posillon. as they beat t West :!6.0
3 North Watson easily won its gamt
-..·,th 2 West. 20-0 Leading the charge.
-..·1th t2 po1nts. was J North's Korues
As the World Series nears. the !Uds.
Dodgers and Giants appear to be
fighting it out. These Int ramural teams
sport J-(1, J.(l and 2.(1-1 records.
rt_'!ipectively . Leading pitchers incll.lde
"Cannonba ii ''Cla rkoftheCardina l5 and
Dic k Upton of the Dodgers. Both sport a
0.00 Earnf'd nun A\'e rage and Upton has
p1tched 2 no-tlitters. Allocrueial to the
Dodger's to-oconquelit of the lloyalsand
7.0win 0\'Cr C3ba re\owas Bob HoHman.
who connected for 2homeruns .
The mdl_\'tdual's _tennis- toumaml?lll
finals found Sll'l'eOnsrud capturing the
champ•onshlp from Dale Hamen.
Hamen had pre1•iously defeated third
final match
Burroughs llall -..·as unmatched in its
donunallon of the first O'oss-country
runmng . Taking first, thi rd , fi fth, sixth
ande1ghth from Burrougl\srespectively
were Karrol Bohnsk, Todd Mclildowary,
Steve Svo·azee. Michael Rode, and a
dttermlned Dennis BIIXk.
5C'COnd was Jim Ulik of KnuU:en , -..·hiJe
fourth and se\·enth place fell to Bob
SchwartzofBald-..·mandJim Kotconoi
Sm1th Winnmg time for the t1rsl meet
was 6 : 0S ~-..·1lh the next meet scheduled
for F'nday . September28.
Saturday, October 6, has been set
.1s1de for the milia] Fencing Club
mt.'t'tmg Allare-..·elcometoattendthe
10 am to noon C\'ent in Qualldt Gym .
Eqwpment -..•til be provided at no
Abo being offered with no charge is
the forthcommg Jl.ldo class. s tarting
October 2 The class is open to both
begmnersandadvanced student.s. ltwill
be held 1\.iesd3)' and Thursday nights
from 7·01). 9:00p.m . s-..·eat pant.s and
A Karate Club. designed primarily for
1 Those interested dlould contact instructor Jim Clark for the time and
Billie Jean King. ::0·2 underdOR to Bobby Riggs , defeated
theS5yearoldformfT Wimbledon champ in straight sets. 64, 6·3,6.J. in the so-called "BattleoftheScxes"
Don DeJa rdin wa s firN as genera l manager of the
Philadelphia 76ers. lbe 76l'rs had the worst record in the
lu s toryofprobaskelball lastyear.onlyni ncl'ictoriesoutof
II:! games.
The New York Glant.s ha\'e signf'd free-agent Jonny
Jtoland to replace running back Rocky 'lbompson.
Thompson has a broken vertebrae. Roland, a seven year
veteran, formerly played -..i th the St. Louis ca rdina ls.
President Nixon has signed a bill out-lawing hometown
blaekout.sofprofootball games, provided !hat the games
are sold out at least 72 hours in advance. The NFL beat
Coogress to the draw, however. endi ng blackouts just
beforethe Houseof Representatives passed the bill .
Joe Namath suffered a shoulder sepa ration in the game
against the Saltrmore Colts. It iS not known how long
"Broadway Joe" will be out of action. 'The Jet.s, behind AI
Bobby Alison won the Wilkes -400 Stock Car race beating
RichardPettyby l \'..5eC1!nds,i ntheraceheldatWilkesboro,
The United St.ttes won the Ryder Col( Q.lp, defeating
Great Britain, 19-13, a t Mui rfield Scotland .
Willie Mays has announced his retir ement from
professional baseball as a player. 'The "Say Hey Kid" will
~!~~:~!~rfi~~~th ~~'::~~J~~~~G~a~~~r~::·~a;
theMets. Mayswillhangup hisspikesafter thisseason.
The weekend of September
14, tS, and 16 saw the UWSP
Intramural Depar tm ent hos t
its aJlllua l All Campus TeMis
Meet . Afieldof%3cantestant5
competed inlhemen'ssingles
tournamen t.
This year's men's slngle5
champlonisSteveOnsrud. lie
defeatedDa.le Mamann6-2.6J to become the campus title.
Trophies were given to the
first and S«1::nd places.
Lastyea r 'scN! m plon , f'red
Dowling. was unab le to
compete. He was competing
in the Milwaukee area .
Thousands o l Top ics
.. I0<1DLI<LOP-lll-d:ll.. \li\l-fl,llf,
.._..IO<dtfUII\ot(rl{.krl.e $100
l..,e ..
Sale Starts
Over 1000
albums at
albums at
$2.95 ta $6.95
Store, U.C.
Sports Shorts
ofapp~lati on''toayoung
Page 15
for NA JA tnat!onal l
compet1hon as a sophomore
and jw1ior and 31so par ·
Wide receiver Carroll Dale. pl:~ced on wah·ers by the
ticipated in the NAJA track Green l:'ay P:~ckers. has ~n picked up by the Minnesota
and field meet the ume two Viking~ .
outtom~thimandsa)' thank
collegiate career .
949 Main St.
Page 16
Thursday . September Tl . 1973
Superpickers Off To .Good Start
Tim Sullivan,
ll abfo rman
The Pittsburgh Steelers .
:\'c.,.,• York Jets, Los Angeles
Rams . and Stevens Point
SupcrP~ckersa II looked good in
the second week of pro
football Pittsburgh blasted
C1cveland, 3J.6, comb\r&ng an
awesome defense with an
e-qu..'l lly impressive oHensc
fc:'lturing Terry Bradshaw
and h1s Stec lers. The Jets
trounc(.-d IJallimorc . 3~ -10 , as
:o-;cw York finally got its
pa ss mg att.Jck going . Joe
~ a math was put out of action
with a s houlder separation. so
the Jets s1mply la1d back on
defen s e and al l owed
Balhm orc passers to thr ov.•
touchdo....·ns pa sses to New
York linebackers . In all. Colt
s uccessfully
conn('('ted 14'11h Jet recei\'ers
on e1gh1 pass mg plays, with
the fa\'orite patterns being
deep post routes and qutck
turn -ms In another runaway ,
Los Ange les bombed the
unpredictable r-alcons. 31~
The Supcrp1cke rs came
through m hne fastuon by
merely blo....·mg three ll.ames.
although two of the misses
were totally emba rrassing .
We p1cked the Bills over San
Diego, but Buffalo evidently
played the ga me wilh its t.Jxi squad, because the Charger s
squeaked ou t a 34·7 .,.,;n _ Out
other total miss was worse .
We figured if Atlanta could
score 62 pomts 10 their ru-st
game . then 11 shouldn 't be too
dJHicult sconng at least haLr
that much 1n the FaJcon ·
Ram game Well . 31 poinLs
md~ were scored. but it
was the Rams who racked
t~ up. The Falcons didn't
get one lousy point.
II definitely looks like 1973
will be the year or the runner.
and another rushing record
was set Sunday . A dog got
loose durmg the oakland .
~llaml game a t Berkeley
Fteld , and the standing room
only crcNtd of 60,000 went
berserk as the dog displayeo
" remarkable open-fie ld
runn1ng ability en route to its
fantastic total or ga ining 1.169
ya rds on or\C carry _ 11le
huskte eclipsed the old record
of 90 1 yards. set by a rookie
squi rre l las t yea r during the
Packer · Raider ga me . Unfortunately , the husk.ic was
unavailtlbl e for · comment
after the game .
He r e is the way the
Superpickers set: week three .
and we hope the Hedskins ca n
avoid choking like they did
agams t the Cardina ls :
I!JEHS OVEn ll. AM S· We're
probably crazy for picki ng
the -19crs . but nobody's ever
accused us or being overly
brilliant anyhow . We don't
have a reason . so aU we can
hope for is Br odie and
Spurrier to be accw·ate with
their p.uses and pray that
Ct.-·drit: Hunlmun makes a few
guest appea rances on top of
John Hadl. 49ers by t.
C II AHGE HS- The weekl y
tossup . Sullivan won the last
one by taking Oa kland over
the previously unbeaten
Miami Dolphins . Haberman
is going v.ith Sa n Diego,
because the Olargers were
outstanding 10 their big ,.;n
over Buffalo . Sullivan
chooses Cincin:atti, because
the Bengals' season plan was
to lose their first ~me and
look unimpressive aga in s t
Hous ton . thus luring the rest
of the league into fa lse
securi ty _ The Bengals were
merely waiting for somebody
as easy as the 0\argers to
come along so Cincinatli
could sta rt blasting .
Oltay , SO St LOUIS has a
footba ll team Missouri s till
has too many side at ·
tr3cUons . hke the baseball
Cardina ls and basketball
Kings . Those people simply
cannot concrn trate enough to
win the btg football games .
Dall as . on the other hand,
thinks about footba ll 2-1 hours
a day. and this one's in front
of a ton of dic·hard Texans .
We'll ag ree thn t this ex ·
pla nati on makes no sense at
aU, so wc 'lltnke Oa'Uas by t7
IIO VSTD~- This game's at
Houston. and the Oilers never
play well on their home fi eld .
Come to thmk of it. they
aren't very good on the road
Cithcr . Pittsburgh by 14 .
IJ ET IUU T OVEit ,\ T l.ANT;\ The U ons played a great
game in their tic with the
Pack . The Falcons showed
they ca n c ream the easy
teams nnd look terrible
against anyone with a little
:\I I A M I 0 \ ' E It :'\ E W
F.:o-;{;Lt\:'\1>- Sometime we're l"r\CKEHS OVE H VIKII"GS.. talent. Lions by 10 .
gonna learn that you can't Th1s IS not an easy game to
ke ep ptcking against the p1ck . and we 're taking the OE~ \' EH 0\'Eit CIII C:\ GOPatriots - and sU II get awa)' Pack with the hope that Del Thc Uroncos are a lot better
with it. llowever. it won't be Gazio comes out throwing . than most peop le rea lize .
thts week . The Dolphi ns won't J im a lrcady sa,•cd a probable Denver a lready has one win
have thei r momentum Gn-en Bay loss with his and jus t barely lost to the
sha tl crcd this game having to throwing arm . Green Bay -19crs . The nears, however ,
s tand a round watching a dog has the blocking to kccp Alan are just as bad as mos t pc~p l e
runninJ.t oil over the field like r•agc and his friends away. so thought they'd be . ShoUld be
they did in the Raider ga me . th1s one might really be wild . Broncos by 7.
Look out , Plunkett . Mj ami by Both w;uns naturally have
The Supcrpic kcrs told you
17 .
excellent defe nses and they'd have a bette r perk1cking umt s We'll take the centage than they did the first
JETS OVEH IJ UF FALO- lbe Pack by a touchdown.
week . They might not always
JeLs should be doing some
h.we the best reasons. but
pass ·catching. the o nl y \\'A S III SC;Tos
O\'E R they usua lly DO pick the right
question is who'll be doing the I' III Lr\CE l.l'tii A- We 'll use teams .
throwing. New York 's AJ pure logic in th is one .
Woodall is ' 'cry capable of Wa shington los t to St. Louis
bombing nway when he gets last wcck . P hiladelphia lied
the k~m~ ~ftc~~~ ~ upge~~ the Giants at 23 a !l. The
sac .
Eag les counted the tte as a
Den~~~ Sh.nw to hc~p the _Jets moral vic tory , so they think
out wrth m te rcepl ton fhytgs . they ' re pretty good now .
Tbo>Jets ~y 3. as O:J . 5_1~ Unfortunately G-eorge Allen
~~onpe~~~. ~~e~l~~i!~~~ doesn 't ~are .,.,:hat the Eagles
Tile UWSP Envi ronmenta l
bus to Buffalo's new stad ium . ~~ ~~~:~g~ ;·;~d a frr~n
Was hing ton s hould slaugh ter Council wtll hold a meeting on
Tuesday . October 2. in the
Philadelphia by 21 p<rints .
CITY - lllcse two teams like
Van Hl sc room o r th e
each ot her about as much as G I,\ NTSOVEH HRO\\'NS. To University Cente r . Topics to
Patton liked Gennans . The bea t !he G1:tnts these days. a be discussed will Inc lude the
R ai d e r s' Marv Hubbard tcam has to con fuse New sla t us or the proposed nuclear
hates Kansas City, whi le the York 's younl( defense wi th power p la nt at Rud olph.
Chi e fs' linebacker s hat e comp lex fo rm ations and recycli ng on campus. an
EVERYONE . The Chiefs tricky plays That rules ou t cn,•i r on mental e ducation
might h ave a n old age Cl eve land , because th e 14'ork shop to be held on
proble m , a nd it s hov.'S in the Browns' imagina ti on is so campus in Oc tobe r. a nd
offense, because Kansa s City g r eat they sti ll haven't updating the Environmenta l
doesn 't e\'en line up properly figu red out what kind of lnformahon Center .
in the huddle . Ra iders by 7 emblem to put on t hei r All interested persons are
1nvited to a ttend .
helmets . Giants by 7.
. ..
"Tour De Point"
Sept. 30 12:00 noon-S p.m.
50 mile ride 'round Stevens Point
Numerous drop-off points
Meet in the Court between
Fine Arts and Library!
For more information, call Ken 346--2518 Rm . 425
W ed. , Oc:t. 10 -
Short Stuff & Circ:u• -
The Colts are not your
typical powerhouse anymore ,
but they're s till too much for
the Saints to handle . For that
ma tter . so a rc most of the
col l ege teams in the
Sou theast Conference . Colts
by 10.
8 pm A.C.
n:"ci~t~;ti ~ si;ge~5~~!a~.1u::~: ~ S~ufe':hASi.'oo, Non-Stud . u .so
Sot. , Oc:t 13- Parade 9 :30 om - Ga'"e !Stout ) 1:30 P'"
Sun., Oc:t. 14 - Fo lk Fa ir - l erg 1-4 P'" - lnte rnotionol folk Oonc: er1 ,
Art Fair - Quandt Gym 1-4 prn