Document 11824453

. "'
10 PAGES, NO. 28
Senate Takes No Action
On ROTC ·Program Here
The fint meet\na of !he
1969·10 Student Senate found
thai body eonsldcrlna
re1olut ions and hn rln&
information on the local ROTC
The Senate, meetin& on May
1, p~ it s r!Nt 1'\'SOiutlon. It
dub with the procedure for
n'loliin& t nd postin& proposed
Senue Yice-pn'sidcnt Mart
Dahl told t he Sen-'e of the
his!OJY of ROTCinaencrtltnd
also of the local department o f
mi~h) :wn~~ Senate , ' 'T here: ,
is no pol5iblc w1y there can be:
:~~e~~;.i~ :,!t~ t~{ R6~C
prolf:ma'j;oca~~iioned th at
should the M.OTC rrogram be
t ermi nat ed at any part icular
time. contract tcrm 5 pami tt hc
pr o 1 1101 t o cxht for one
additiona l aQ!Je mic ye111 after
th e uni~cr s il y r c qu uu
eerm \nation.
li'C se nator Mike Dwkin ,
or the French Spe~h rally held lou we ek in fran! of Old
Maio. The rnlty was coiled to 90i n sv ppo rl fo• o feso lvl ron
wh ich osked fof stvdents being able to speak o t focvl ty
meet ings. !Photo byJ inl Pann ier)
While llih:rb eck er wn
p r u~ ntin 1 t hem wit h their
certificates si$ntd t>y Go vnnor
Wane n Knowles and EJOccutive
Director Eugene Mr;' l'he c, the
fac ult y aave the two a ilanding
ovation which lasted for nurly a
minute .
ll a fe r beck cr noted that ,
one-half the funds for Na tio nal
Defense Educac ion loans have
been cut alongwitha s.i milar cut
l'~u1Jant y.2 1 .ajuniorfro m
in work·studyfund s.
Stephen Haines. a member o f
the history department and a ~di."~, ~?~~~"Po~~~~ ~o';~e:~
membe r o f l' ~ace Studi es yea r. The annou ncemen t came
co mmittee, r~portcd ' to t he follow in & his select ion by the
fa cult y that a puce de pa rt~urnt publications bo.Jrll compo:!td o f .
fou r ~ tudc n t s and three beulty.
"sce n~S, at t h~ time , feaSible"
hnty. a his tory major and a
a nd as k ed th e ra ~ulty fo r
additional time: bccau.\C of the sociologr mi nor, has hten t he
vastma tui.alinvo tvN . IIc ~id a
n ~ ..-s ~ditor th is yea r. Latt year
report will be forthcoming by he se rve d one scmeft~r as
the end of the first !l'l'mestcrof Studen t Senate reporter.
the l 969-70yul .
As one of the pieces the~i~~ie~~~ ~~~t~~ a~~.:i~~~i~~
adcd on, the faculty &.~ve iU t ile o pportunit y to wo rk with
endorsement to arnolulion by the preH'n l ~r aff in putting our
Joseph Woodk a. Woodk a's t he pape r,
Uc rrpb""' Gene Kcmmctcr
resolution a~s fo r 5Upport of
the faculty for the: " Let Us whoscnrcd in the ouaintditorial"
Vote"poupon ca mpu s.
pon (or four so:rr.r::Sicll, the
LUV , as it is com monly longr:SI eerrn in the 72 r eal
called,\sseekinaalo...-.:rin,&of hi5t OJy of the p.Jper, Kemmerer
the voti.naaaeto 18yeanofage.
graduates in June.
s;~id t en tarivepbns for
f~~t. ~~~~i~~in~b=~~c~5~:;
Ch:r.rac for adminion.booksand
ma teri:llswilllxs-18.
A run~~:eme nt s will be made at
th~ com pletion of the course to
hne the FAA Grou nd School
Final E~ami~ t ionadmin i"ered .
Rilllke :~aill fli&ht lniningw i\L
he a•·ailablefromSC'vera l ce ntral
WiKOns.i n •viarion firms. and
whilcWSUwi\lnot eontract that
part of IlK' instruction il wilt int eh:s ted pe1$0ns make
TllC'inmuctOJ,.. illbc: ll. o~ n
Me~hh o n . C lrn to n>lilk . who
conducted th~ firlt course of
th is kind at WSU laM fall.
lnt en.'.Sied pc~n may rcprcr
ncce~o,;;uyarnngement, .
prov ide for the fin!
itcstc r to begin on Mon.,A\11.
Under this plan, the fil'$1
semestct would end on ~ c. 22
and the: ~condon May 22. TIK'
o ther pbn Jives fi ve ad ditional
day s buwecn the end o f
Chri s tm as v1calion and the
bcginnint:offinal eums.
Students . Jo1 nn e Dobran and
The fr osh tc nalon will be:
e lec ted in the fi ll and the
P a n - hellen ic co un ci l
rcpreH'ntatives are yet to be
nam ed. Fo ur resolu tions we re
for full Sena te considera ti on ln
two wecb de termincs 'sc lectlons
pr oced urc J f o r s tud ent s
inte r ested in scrv ln a on
5t ud ent·fa culty committccs.
All of these bi lls ha ve been
re fen cd !ocommi tt C'C .
By lim llofer
The Stuin&Gr:ucral Assembly
o f the Unit ed Council has
presented a s ta t eme nt of
philo.ophy of Bbck Studicuml
a pp rO'o'ed a working paper on
stude nt rlahts as well asSC' lecting
o fficen for next year.
This year's f i n~ l &encra l
as.w; mbly was hcldMa y9and 10
at WSU·O Jhk Oi h. Tw e nt y
dele 1 J t ~ s r c p r escn t cd
WSU -Steve ns Po int a t the
The philosop hy of lllack
Studiu wu prepared by 1
United Cou nciltcminar on bbck
Uudies and wu unanirnously
accepted u tiK' official sund o f
the United Council.
Th e fol l ow in & is that
accred iution and acc~r t~ nce of
a n ROT C pro~rarn o n its
ca mpus
Amon& amendment s m1de to
t h~ connitution of the United
Co uncil is one thai allows volin&
pri ~i l egu t o the bra n c h
tamp u~ of severa l of the fou r
yiar institut io ns.
The Unit edCo uncil~lso went
o n ~cord 5Uppor lifll the stJte
lludtet prepared by !he cover nor
as opposed to til e budget
prt~a r td by t he Joi nt f'ln~nce
Commi tt ee: .
It also ~ored to su ppo rt the
pa rti cip a tion oJ student• in
detnminint: univenity policy on
the depanment ICYel.
The WSU -SP Student Se nate
re ce ntl y passed a simi lar
decision makin jl.
T hi ~ p rog ra m · ~ b ein g
initi~tcd by SCYet~ l d ~ l'art mcn r s
at WSU-SI'. .
Th e Unoh•d ~ o un ~•l •lw
~ndorscd ~rilcm wtde dro.r·~d
and proce dure s lll"!lar
to those used at Stcven1 l'o111t.
WSU-S I'' $ new Hnat"
prcsidenl Wally T h i el
conmltndcd tile Stnens Point
delcption following the gr.:n~ra l
Alth o ugh the ~elcptio n
failed in th eir al\c mpt to win a
third co nse c utive awa l\l u
o utst and inc dcleplion , Th iel
I hanked • II mcrnb~n of the
dcleption for t h~ir fim· wotk
throuchout th e year .
Th kl also ~id that mu ch
~t~~'St"u'dti~s -~T~~e &S'J":S~eC:: ~~~~~~:t~e~~~t t~u~~~~mt'~ (~~~c~ n~:~~:adr ~~~ ~i~ir~
will be to provide the students in
the syst~m with an Uf'OS\11\' to
all facets of ll lack Culture and
8b c k con tr i butio ns lo t he
wo rld . Th e exposure to Black
Studiu ..·ill prcruc •tudcn tsfor
a li fe in mi~«< cu ltutes and
ethnic va lu es thl COIIIIlriK the
social enviro nme nt s in whic h
a t lend department mee t ings.
&iYc o p ini o ns and at.sis t in
fe lt this )'CJr hilll bren very
Poz'nt Blank
live and dmlop t~eil'
Black Studies arc also a ke y
to the gap be tw een .Wh ite ~nd
Black d tilel\'i of our raCiall)'
torn nation in t h~t'they prO'o'ide
th e inf orma tion n\"eded for
Wh i t e .Am ericans t o
comm unocot c on a more
k now l \"d J~ a' bl e level o f
caseof an emerit'nc y? Bob Bulik, KcnoW.
membcn o f th•· United Council
~nd the titii.Cns o f America will
sec the iruportan cc of Black
Anothe r documen t comi nc
from bst weekend's meeting, a
workln& paper On the r ~ htlof
students , w:as prepared durin&
Claude Aufd erma urr , JCcurir y office r, 101id that ap;ogr:bo)·systcm
is prese ntly Mint: u~d . The sysl~n• con si~ts of a small udio uni1
placed in the o ffice r's ca r and a base station located at the
prot ection and secu rit y office in Nelson hall. Anop<'r:Uor can s.r.• nda
mess::age fro m th e base by pushinr. a button ac-riva ling a h<-cpon~
si&na l in th~ off icer'scar.
The !Oi&n~ l continues to hecp until the o fficer picks Ill' the
receiver. A Ycrbal mCSUJe is h\"ud short ly after. If the officer
d ~sn't rea ch th ~ radio in a ce rt 3in t in~ . he will miss. th•· nw:=gc :
i'nndi,~s:i~~~::ll ~~,:~~:
34 1-1251
bt. 235
Whydon 'tthee~mpus~ecurilyo ff iecnhavc:a r•dioin t heircarin
Student Govc:rnments.
Rohcrt Arndorfer, 1 junior
from WSU.S!out and luna time
dclrp te to United Council. wu
unanlmo u$1~ selected as U.C.
preside nt.
li e suca:cds llob Ra smu$$<'n
Once the protectio n and security office w~s C$ta blishcd at Nrbon
hall. thus. eliminat in& the F.C.C. prob lem. anoth<r problem a rose
bst J uly . The b~ freuc which Governor Knowks iniliatcd bst
summer limited the purchasing rowe r of the prolcctiu n and ~curi t y
office. The old page boy syste m h;td to be u~d.
The ffl'Ue is e~pect ed to be li fre<J this summer ·so that the
cwo ....ay r:adio system c:a n be rurchaJCd, insta lle~ and in operat ion
Se le cted t o fi ll a newl y
crea ted post , that of executive
~ i cc-president. was Scott
Joh niiO n fromWSU.Qshkosh.
Da ve Pelton, student senator
from WSU.SP was defeated in a
bid~~d~~~e~~~id the ~he
Each officc:r . whe ther or not he is in the secu rity car, will cany a
portable, two-war lund sc i. A hand set ..;u nor be pern~aJntJy
installed in the secu rity car.
With the new sys tem , the protei.'! ion and s.r.•curi ty office wil
50meone o n duty 24 hou rs a day so that a student ca n repOrt an
ente raency at any time by c:a llin J protection and security .
~t~~~:~ ~:::~~~:r~~;' ~( ~~u~;~~ !:~· (~::U~Y~~~o;!~:~~~u:ll·~~r": 1ines~r,~~i~0~dwa0n~i~li~:
chick of S2 .SO made out to
the WSU.Ste~ns Po int Athle!ic
~partmcnt . Tick.et1 will t hen lx
picked up at t he concession
st.and in Bna .Cymnasium (the
old fieldhousc) in September.
The Pointen wiU open tMir
1969 schedule on Scpt . 6 .whe n . . . . . . . .
~~~a~~~J,l~:line Uninrait: of
"'"" -------i--i-- - - --
r~: ~~h:fhc,a~ra:ti';.~~~~f
!he United Cou ncil and thella tc
univcrslt i:s which it repre~nu.
He abo said he hopes to
incrdsc United Council rapport
;~~h t)!hewlt".!'r~ei~ ~~~;
Who has the fastest te l of wheeti on thiseamp1u?
My colorful counterpart. Ed
bicycle is t~ futest.
boasts that his Schwinn
.... ,~ow m~ny member• of the SSO's are Ycttrlns of the V>etnam
+-- - - - - -
HomeAddreu _ _ _ _
Col~ no~?f' ~~~e;C~~~~e~te~
E nclosedistchedtfor$ _fortreseN-.:!MIIforsi~l6)home
~~~~r:'::n t~n~:~p~!es !?~~
Return to: WSU Alurml Asloclt ~on , Nekon Htll
A proposed constitutio nal
:~~~"!~~i~~t i~e!~n:~i!~~ Ss~~e'~
~~'Yw:rr~~~i~f:s~~~l:~t:~~i~;~ ~~=~ p;r~nt:1\~':;:,~!c;~~n~ ~~~tc~~- urity offic~ bckcd
l~a :~:r~:iH~iif~~:\~
Mike el'ledt paylble to: W.S.U . .S, evens Point Athletic Dfopt.
rcJidcnce ha ll presiden t's coundl
~:b!~~' As~~~":~~clt~~~~
t o ser Yc 15 a hasis for a
Aufderntau•·r Rat ed that a rwo·way radio syste m Iu s hc•:n under
sta tement of student ri&hU to be . oonsidc:ration for man y rurs. U ntil~ year ago , the main r rohlem in
deve lop e d o n each of the attaining such a s'ystcm was obtainin& ~ l i~Cn5e from the F.C'.C.-thc
can• po les o f the S t a t e protedio nand sccurir yoffict hado nlya t cmpor~rylontionwi th its
fu lurelo cationthenund cte rmincd.
Nine student s were aelected
11le F.C.C. would not gr.~nt a license until they knew where th ~
to scf\lc ne ~ t year It ofOc:e rs of system would he loc~ tcd . Another reason th•· sys tem wa no r
Fo r the first tin~~: the ~IO<Jent mai n reason th e Athletic
bodyvoillh:r.veanopro rtunit y Comm ittee wu makina available
to pu rd1a:r.c a lt'Servcd sc;u for the: reserved scat to the student
t he l' oin tcrs' home football body was because of 1 new
pmu. Applic:.lionsfora,r,c:uon
rcscnred sca t _must M m;tde by ~~k:~ :~~ be~~~ nO:fc~ 1 ~o.,:~~
J une I and wtllcost the student Aswci."i tion members.
Al umni membe15 will be: able
Students ar~ admitt ed to all to purchaseareSC'rvedlickclfor
athlet ic cven cs f r« wi th the the entire home schedule for
5 10. Th ~ is bc:low the price of
!'it~nt:~~n l'~~,~~c! l ~i ~~! indivir.lual lickeu.
reserved sut the)' ue auun:d
Any 1tudcnt who des.ire1 to
~~S:..~K! loca tion for!hcenti~
wo uld
~~f~ru::e~~f~:is~£:!n~h: :~ !~~':e~~ "~;!~ :~lrh;:;;i~·~r ':n~h~~~::·t~;sn~~~i of tdli.n.: if
Students Will Have Chance
To Buy Rese..Ved Grid Seats
The announcemen t of" th is
new pbn was made by Alhlc:tic
~ire ct or llob Kruqer . " Lu t
season we made avaibble 1
r e s e r ved st at fo r the
1\ o mec omi na aame," nid
Kru c1cr,. "A IIho iJ&h it was
unpOpubr with nlany of the
students, it ~cei~N favorable
1'\'adion from the alumni and
aencra l public,"-.!dcdKruccer.
Krucac r commented that the
;;f~c~p!r'~~~e:i~:~~ua!h~b: ~w:f~~~~~rn~~gf!:cni:~!·:;' ;r~~-hc Uni~C!lity
uc wusreu.i
ncinrdere nce
Flight School
)' conot ffice
ac ting the utendcd
Will Be Held hknrke)
in Main 8uikiin&
I ll. adke
In The Fall
begin ning till' course Wcdnelllay,
feMr;~l a•·i~uuu rc gul~tiOn ~.
rnd to t he Senue, pre liminary
tocomm itt ceaction.
The f~ ca lls for cledion
nc~t fall to determine
rcpr CKn tation for o ff-c ampus
"udenu · according to eac h of
studen e ~ nlt onfort hcrecenlly
thcfour ao:ademicoo llegcs
initiated I <J69·70~nate .
A second u r aes that
Ptes.·Watly Tlucl, V-P.-.Mark
formation ofapolicy fortheuse
Dah l; Trc u. · Len Srppcl; of abH'n tee ballols be: developed
Scc r~ t ary · Audr~y John110n
by the Senate . Anot her calls for
(Un!t c d C.o un cll Cam~us
1n increase in the campus
relltt o n s dtrec t o r ); sc nt o r
s ecur it y person n e l and
ae nat ors • ~anyl Germain, Lee
equi pmen t.
S~h~et;~; JUntor unuou ·
A fourtlr 1\'IIOlution , similar
VHgtnlll Ncndu, Peltr Day;
to one ab~ndoned by th e Jut
~op h omorc Le na tor s K· Bcv_ Scn~l c . would urge modilitat ion
mi litary science progr;~m, to ld
the senat e , " I think we have a
rc spo nsl bilityru thekill s that
Paul Janty
Is Named
New Editor
r\ 16·,.ed. avi:l rion pound
schoo l rout§(' ,. ;11 l>l.· off~n:·d th is
hll ac co r dru~ to c~t•·n~o~on
direct orOtbud ll.adkc .
T hirty pn so n~ " ' ill bt
a~cept~d fur lh•· non..:rcdir
s tud y of rr e·flrsht hets.
mrtcorokiJY . flight ,..,mputcr,
nav~~t.on . lad io Nl'i!>lt!On •nd
The Scnalc is upected to
&h'eitsopinioneoncemin& thne ar>d the p~ sidcnt s of
th e nine uni ve nitiu wi ll
considerthcmonMay 22.
Th e followina is 1 list o f
'"""'""''"'""''"'"""'"" UC Approv·es Statement
0 n •81 CC. k Ph"l
I OSOp hy
:~.::: ':!.:::·..:-:;~··;c,"i~
p r ot;r~rn would lo~ cl\'dl t
should till' program be tndcd .
Th~ Se nate took no act ion
conccrnint: ROTC as the purpo~
of D.lhl'~ r ~n•ark s was o nl r to
inform $<'na tors of the ROTC
The welfare comm itt~e of the
Faust Boosts
Female Egos
Sen.u wu d c leaated !he
opportu nity to rutarch
Information concernin& a
fn' shmendirectory,
Th e directory would lx
printed privately at no eost to
t he Senate and would conllin
pic tu!es a nd in_formttion of
mconuna eon~nhna freshmen.
The u le of the books would
be open to aUstudc'!ts.
_New ~nate pn'sidcnt, WaUy
Tbk l, appealed to ~ntton lo
poll th e ir cOn1tiluten11 o n
se veral pro~sed _ school ,rea r
cale ndar modtficahons.
One o f !hed twdo ~rbpO Ahls,
· STEffiEN HAINES, member of the history deportment, reported to !he focvlty on
the progren of o rommiHee which is 'tvdying the possibllitie' for the eslobli l h·
ment of o deportment of peace on campus. He sold o full report would be mode
before the end of finl semester of ne~ t year. [Photo by Jim Pann ier)
Om fifty per cent o f SSO's arc veteran s of Vietnam.
How much did the bricklaye r fOJ the heatina plan t chimney ,et
ptrhou r7
U .C . went on r ecord
supporling the riaht o f each
state uniYenity to determine ill
own uatemenl on t he
The chimney which lttnlb 125 feet hi&h w;u e re ~ .... by Mr
Robut Wan~nkl. tic n'ceivcd the wm of S1 .SO pr.:r hour fOf ~
Mly15, 1969
Editorials • Columns
Bccauso lh~ is the last issue o f The Pointer for 1968o69,
we felt it necessary and i mportan~nt a t least in
passing on a number of issues. These nutters are of a sort,
perhaps, that do not rat e full editorial comment. However,
(The followln11 leiter wu
we could not allow them to go n ying by unhearlded and o rl1lnaUr ~ent to ~aldtnl
DreyfiU by Er~~llth inUNCtor
!r~~~r::r~~n~:t;; ~!~
ups~i~0~~58~t~~~:~~~;'::~~l ~~=~~:~ ~~~c~H~t/co;~.t!~cPr~~nJ:
around the 7t h d~tricl arranging things. However, ~t has ~\lnt:roo"e.f oo~trOYeray.)
just b«!n announced that Robert F . Froehlke, aSSIStant
U.S. secrebry of defense for administration, 'Nill be the DeuMr. PreAdent :
speaker for spring conunencement.
At the fJt\llty me"Ctlni{April
Froehlke is a former Stevens Po int resident and Sentry 17) yo\1 Jdd.re55Cd the f1c\lll:y
~~~~~e~e~~v;~~:n~ea:tat::;~=:~;~~ ~~t~~~ ~:~'rJ!li!;~r~~:!~~~;!:
u ked the. f1.cult~ edit?TS of
The Pointer wonders just ~ow deep ~he .Laird and fru\'ynt%F:'~~{S1~h:~b~~~~o~
Sentry Jnsw:ance tentacles reach tnto our uruverstt y.
personally answer your qo.~estlon.
~e~~~o~~llo:x;&:.terpotnt 1$ my
rec~~~ ~:~~a~i~~ t:x~~~en~· ~b~~:es~;i~~o~:l~ ~;~::~~sc~!•rf.i~fJ~i~~i~j;
broke the long-stlnding and stlgnant attitude which p 1,1 b I i.s hi na 1 .m~nt h l y,
prevails toward testing. but also taught us a couple lessons ~~~~~~epi~~~~~' 0!~·l~~:n~~~
about ounelves.
written 1nd edited in people's
The test nting showed us first o f all how materialistidy spu~ time. this Is my best · oo.~r
~~ ~~~e~~~~~~~~· ~adnYi~~~~~e:x;;:n:'nia~fo~~ned :::~.~;t,~~rr~:df~~!~n:.C;~
Muon and Glennon
We would like to o frer our sincere appreciation for
m:m y years of dedicaled service to two retiring WSU
faru!tY members. Miss Sy ~il Mason and Miss Bertha
Titc clteets ot 1110:SI.' two ladies canno 1 be measured in
plaqur~ ~- ..,n ••· "m'CTno r o r Ntr.l)!r:tph~ in The Pointer.
The measul\' in students h:.s been made for many years
and fo r many years to come. I
the ptpcr. We hue made
minlkts · in bothjo.~dament 1nd
technicaluec\ltlon. Thbistobe
nature, oft ~n du lina with
l'ron.cati•·eloc:~l iuu~. Wchope
~~~:c~O n·.,.,at out mistakn nut
lldna a serious full·tinJC
he I IIIII'Oit l many
limitations on what to do with
cn:ative sp~ time. M1y~ we
could write books or po.~bl.ish in
If~ .:
If the Student
t heir meetings like the
faculty c:uTies o n theirs, t he students would dissolve 1ny
interaction In eit her
theln/~:ee:a~ftt~lbda:~~:~~flanize into a facult y senate ~~Bn1~~!~~0: ::e::~n:.011:~
soon, President Dreyfus is going to order it to. ll\ink encfiY into
about that , dear facult y.
Thar* You ,
. . . gr adua t ing seniors. 1 .1eaving professors...student
leaders eriding their terms of service...and readers of t he
non-independent Pointer...
tO t he Gntduates
... As the annwl academia strikes its set , roUs up its
papers and packs its pencils, the blood of t he Jab waits
upon the doorstep - many will enter but few wiU leave.
Yet, those who are opening that final golden door will
look back not in despair but 1 in joy at the hordes following
behind. ' Int o the valley o f life strives these several
hundreds. Their mouths and their books have comfo rted
. them. They will fear no evil. For they are !he media and
t he cullure and the gory forever.
A Final Point We ll Take n
Coo.~nt erpoint
1nd so
• Letters
Missey Assailed
By Overseas 6.1.
crntt more wnu in the
proa:ss. Given our pl$andour
time and our cncrl)' and our
money tnd our upericni:e:
Co~dou n:pruentthe
~ucdlcnc:e we ue
c: apt ble of, and we have
P1t1 oflhtprobltmof doint
one's best:, and of ucellcnc:ein
1encnl, il co ncerned with
viewpoint. From my point of
view, \O'e lfe S\loc:erd.lnl; from
younwe ate fallin.. Bo.~t l lman
Enllish tnchn 1nd Y0\1 In: •
colle1e president. We hive
different points of view,
dlffen:nt penpectives, different
rcsponlibilities -. tnd perh1ps
;rr!s!ri,yd!~crent sencntiom.
1pecch tut month, you tre 1
visible ta.rFC for c:ritlcltm aitl~e
yO\Iare thc vis.ible fiaurehndof
a mtuive 1nd mo.~hHu:cttd
inst ito.~Uon, and yoo.~ 1ccept thil
diffi<:o.~lt politionlnd t hcrolelt
imposed upon yo\1. (They tell
me yo\1 we~ 1 rtbblr-roo.~linl
liberal 11 Madison • b\11 I
~~ft~~r~~r r,~~. w:f.!~ltiny~~
m[ .,!( how my nanduth of
cxccllenccdiffcr fromyo\lnlnd
how they defend my work on
Co~f!:'!'ec:$ 1;llisttn« of 1 free,
open off..:1mpo.~1 ncwsp1per Is
one ddtnlC. It iselltcllentthat
It uisu. It is a paptr which
prinu far roorc llello\1111\ldent
1nd facult y writina t han the
school paper is 1bk to do. lc
print1 m\lch more crtllive
writint than any other local
paper pretends to.
It also rti5el more q\lestions
lbOUI loctl ¥11\latlhan lOY
other loal p1per. II il no!
scholuly lih the so-called
profeu ion1l journals· b\lt lts
ont~n :!:~· ~~~;~rjw~~~:!!
that uim, and theonlyloCII
It's Impolite to Point-
Pointer Presents 1st
Annual Siggy Awards
By Scott S~hunt
Makobero Sends
African Hello
Tlli1 kiter CllmCI u 1 din:ct
ruponte t o Mr. Ro.~ nt \1
81\lmlanncr'aletttr. inwhichhe
chose to enliahten this camp\ls
u to the danp:rs of Gn:dt
Mr. Bumpnner must be a
most wise and o.~no.~I\IJ] penon. I
don'! know him pcnonlliy, bo.~t
fromhiswritinl l p therthathe
suppos-.s to know me personally
bccauK I am 1 member of Sigma
Tu Gamma. This U tht roitlt
which SUQCSIS 10 IIIC thai he
For althoo.11h he dOHn't
know me tnd probably never
even knew that! uist~d.hcwa1
still able t ojo.~dF me. Truly,he
has th~ w\Jdom of Cod. From
my ellpcrience with lift in 1
de mocratic Aml'riar I have
noticed that 1 trial by peen is
the o.~wal way to pUJ jo.~d1ment,
and tllenonlyaftuwic:win&all
And ceruin\y at nothnc has
asin&lcincident of onepcrson's
1ctions been 1eneratil cd to
convict ho.~ndtc.U, (llitltr and
the Jews bcin& the txception).
And Mr. Baun~~art ner, you
arc most un\11\lal in that you
pretend to be j'ltacc lovin1 and
yctyoo.~ obtainson1\1Chpleasurc
O\ltofviolencc, in thc cascof
yot>r docile fricrld, ~hybc you
keep your putc vilil only for
John Dacb)er~
B&rtbdtmy Makobefo
Piano Concert .
This Evening
Miss Glennon Recalls Point
At The End. Of Long Career
Chuln Goall of the muUc
h t \llty will prutnl 1 plano
c:oncttl ton!fhtat S m t hc Maitl
ll e will play &ell's It alian
Conctrto; BtlhoYtn's Sonata in
Eb Maj o r . Op. 31, _No. 3,
faculty in September of 1967.
lle attended the Uniwcnity of
Tc-nnustc in Knox\'iUt, lndilna
University in Blontilljton and
Concordia Tuchns Colk&t,
Ri.-erforcSI , \Ll .
:~:;~s!:f1jte~nno~~~Jlf· ::~
Fifteen Coeds
Honored At
AWS Initiation
fiftttll cords II WSU Wt~
rcccivnllnt onwmbc rship o ft he
An ocliiN Wome n Studen ts'
fron t la••mof
They ''''~ ~~ned Of1 the
basis of thtitaadcnticandcxtra
c u r ri c ulu ac llicnmenu ,
THIS STATElY PINE is one of mony rree!i wh ich odd ro rhe
scen rc beouty p1t1rnr on rhe fronr of Old Main. Here o n
Engl r1h clan rokrs od¥onroge of iiJ Jhode ond condvcu a
cion brneorh ih bronchet. (Photo by Jim Ponn ier l
~~~~~1tir~~; ~::~ :!~~~~~~;
irr tr ruted and coopc:ratl¥t to
worlt with- I only hope ti!Jt
doesn't chanp," said. Those
IN= he r observa tionsa ft erscrvln&
abo lll 6,000 coUqians durin&
her tenurcint heEnalish faculty.
Mi• Glcn110n, whole ortior
always lw brc:n in Old M1in,
hun't IIWIYI bern just an
Enalish teacher.
She ta uahla fuU io•d(twelve
erediu per week) plussc rv inaas
advise r foriii£..l2.lnlll•nd The
The ndru 1lways marched
in t o th e class room 11 the
direction of their scqnnl , and
one day nc h e~me with a
briahtly polished apple , marched
In front of bet · wi tb stt1ia,ht
far;es and placed the fruit on her
delle , She ll'lpondcd : "This is 1
lot of •pplru.uee"andthelprll
was bro ken with an uproar of •
Miss Glennon is a nltlve or
StennsPoint and member of an
wn llilcctor of Khool publicity
for the lou l news media, and
so rt wn natura l she h:ld an
lnte~st In' writinJ. While a hi&h
S(hool studen t , she enjoyed
doina t hemes 1nd rndin1
llteruure and decided that
tuchinl Enalish should bt her
fl ro feuio n.
Miu Glennon attrndf'll the
Ste¥ens Point Normal School ,
twa summers and two rc1uLu
sc hoo l terms t o rt«lve 1
1 hrct·YCII diploma whkh
qualified her to teach on the
hi &h schoo l k~d. l ate r shr
rtct"ivtd her B.A. and muter'•
dt&ll'ts from the Uni~er si t y o f
wu fteu ltysce~C.I)' ·I rURHtr
acrord incto I"T tsidcnt M~r>.~n
awards f:
Wis<:o nliininMad lso n.
She wu on the r.culty 11
Waup~c:a . Waukn ha and Stevens
Point 1'. J. JaCobs II Wh School
bdore.ioinln& the Ccn trai State
T nchen Co De1e fa culty in
1940. ShrrrcaltsherhJ&hschool
teac hin&withmuchpinsurr.
A ch.ane r member or }he
Wisconsi n Co uncil or Tu cher s
of En&lish, sh~ also is a member
o f t he National Council of
Teachers or F.ll&lish. plus thr
WisoonsinEd ucationAiiOCia tion
and A1110da tio n of Wisconlin
StateUni~rrsityFacu lt kl,
I n rc sar d to he r comin1
retirem en t she uys, "It's
amusina to me for the past
fi¥t years people ha~e come up
to me and »id ':ue you still
trachin1?' wi th emphasis o n the
"st ill.'' Now they're »yin& 'oh,
you're retirin&- what a~ you
&oin&todowithyour time?"
She'll mak~ that decision
when thr timr comrson Ju_ne f .
iE ~!! r~n:t~·i:n:~hw~:1;~:~~~~
loari SCK:ial sororityf:r 9yrar•, the~rormanyyeus
Honor Sotitt )' in ctrcmonlu
~:i~t : ~.~?~~rr::·c~;: d~~~~~~'
Tenn .. ...·ho joined thor WSU
t:!~t:~: o~o~;· ~~a~tlr~,.~~~~
Balladc in F ~inor , Op. S2,a nd
R..actunaninofrs ~l onwnt MusiCill
in Db M~or, ()p, l 6, Prel ... duin
Eb and Bb M~ o r . Op. U,
Goan ,~a nuivc of KnoltYilk,
To be> miti~t~d all' : Suwn
Andrn.on. dur&htrr of Mr. mo.!
Mr s. Albu t An.lrnon. 717
Bo)·~c Dri•·r. ll.h illC'Iandu; mmr
8aun!Jart . d~uJhtrr of Mr . and
Mrs Krnnrlh lhum~nl , 4H
Crooks St nu. Gll'tn Bl)';
Clla rkH tr lkBotr, dau&h trr uf
Mr. ~nd ,\Irs C"'-drs IX8oc'r .
Jr.. Bo.\ 16J . i1111ndon ; J oo~n nt' l
I)QI!ro n, d3ughltr of MIS. ,\ nn
Dobton, IOJ2 S. ~JrJ Str« t,
Mrhu ukn" ; Clullm.i!)' l>urmitk .
, Wi 5ronlin·Milw• ukrr .
A "Pointer" photoJrapher
'who made the bl& time and has
mo nth afte r 111
Ber1 Nr Glen liO n s.ays, ' 0 :n l:e ~la•oon( 1 SlliYCY o f
"Studenu In: be tt er pll'parai . EIIJlish li terature has bern her
each yea r becau-'1: hi&b Khool ftvorite COI.IIIile; Milton and
E n1li1h tuc hcfl '"' doina Keats hrJ fnorite writera.
exce lle n t jobs. Maybe the
Miu Glrnnon'a tnchin&
freshmen b.¥tn't rueiM: d tbc d uties were enlinr'ltd in 1943-44
:!':: o!i'n;.p;cllins. but they •r
~ll'.,scn~e ~c;a~~u~~:
She isn't t ¥tn complainin& &roups. The me n wen: beiltl
tbout thcir1ramma:r.
1100med u offiec:rs and were
"l've noliord , too,thlt youn& as:sif!cd to her class " to develop
pe ople are 1 li tt le more • thr11 Eflllish ao they could
f~~~~~~~~i:.( 1~,.~~~~0~. ~:
~hmhy on th<'
~b i nBu iklil\lt .
All tNt !Ilk yo u hur about
to dty's yourc people ~Kin&
poorer EnJIWI student• th.a.n
!!!~ ~~~e1n~~r~'~ ~b;js . ~:;~u~~"l~rous
Miss Mason Retires From Staff
Of Learn.i ng Resources Center
dau1htrr of Mr . ~00 Mu . laVrrn
Kosmuc h ock, 7 21 Tu rnrr'
S[t.:tl. Wauwu: D~nr Mrsl'l:lk ,
dau1h t u o f Mr. and Mrs,
l:d,.·ard Mrshak. 2609 Stanley
Strrrl. Stnrn~ Point.
Shuon Pit ~~~ . daut~ht er of
~h . ami Mn. Dl~itl l' ittkr,
Ro ut t I . Strhon¥rlk ; Sllaron
l'olictllo, daUlthtrr of Mr . and
Mrs . Jo!o<'p h Poli(ello, Middle
lnlct ,Carol Schultz.dlulhtrrof
Mr. and Mf\. Donald Schultz.,
428 Thiltl A~rnue. Stntford;
Bu bua Trnnrl!o<'n,dal.ll htcr of
Mr. and Mn. Petrr Tennuxn .
Route l , llo.\ \69,Catawba; l nd
Ill Mu Wolff.dal.llhtu ofMr s.
ll:uold Wo lff,llowk r.
Saturday's cr n mo ny, aa
annual affair uartf'll fin years
aco. wu hrlJ at J :lO p.m.
foiJo,.·rd by1banqurtatSp.m.
in the Uni nrslty Center
ho110rin1 thr nrw mrmboru and
thri r pall'nll.
Spraker wilt br Mrs. 0a¥id
Cokr r. formrr faculty mcmbrr
an d wi fr of thr 5t hool's
coun!o<'tin& ~nd &uidan ee orntrr
director .
.\li n Kay Th om pson , 1
h cul t)' membe r sc•,ul yean
"'' hoi!ikavincu thtrnd oft~
sprin& trrm. has brrn named
honoruy td •·iscr of t his )'tar's
when Misslk•lc May Allrnwu
She Nrnd led moll! or t ho~~e
jobslimultaneously , with theaid
of midnl&ht oil. On Monday
n(&h ta JIM: had~~e•lonswit h the
news p~per editorial staff In
p r cparl n1 copy fo r the
newspape r. On Tunday nit;hU
she wu baek to help her
stude nts rud the p lley proo fs
a n d to l t! Cnd the sorority
mc et in l • · Some ti mes on
wee k end• i hc . w rote t he
publicity, lneludi n& 1 weekly
rolumn whlcb •ppratrd in t he
51 ~~1 !PWJr~:!!M~"Cr1~A~es
is 1 minia ture bulktln botnl
poll e d with pictures of all
"Poirrtrr" editors who tervf'll
Featuring Seafood and Steaks
M• r quette Uniursi t y ;
co mposi tion edi t or Dtvid
Behrendt. now rduntion writer
.'han• 344-42S2
~~d i:l\fr~:.'~n~~:~ca~~~ ~'+!WW~WW'WWWWWW
'"'~'/""' ~
'" '"" ';"
~~;!~~.~ 0 !' 11~6. p~~;~:,m;~~
o single pe110n oro cov·
p ie. CALL 344 .2123.
Driok ;oo (dobll•hm•ol
Sra rti ng or $19,95
l\ktal Tennis
826.'Jj • s:~2.95 ~
THE s. . PORT sH0 P
\OJ6Ma inS!rul
Krnyard E. Smith cond uctins.
Th t combined choir1 and
Chamber Orchrlilra, conducted
by'l\'illirrmDidr:,wi\l prrsrntl he
Brttbonn Mau. Soloisi:J for thc
ue nins are Matiorir Phelps
(ic,non, MtrWith Jo hnton ledr:
J o hn B:aird and Kr n)'lrd E'
Mrs . led; lw brc: n lllfll
aololstfor ~r:vrn lprod uctions tt
WSU. A lf'(l uat e o f St'. Ola f
Collqr, she has tauahl vocal
mu sie in the Sturn• Poia t
demc ntvy tchoob for lhe put
t ~ rean. Soloists, lrWjoric
~: ~•bo:_ !f dt~o ~ua!~~
h t•e • t~ pnred
frrqurnt lyuaolo ist J tn~<:il tl ,
h e ult y,
mu d ( 11 the WSU C1mpus
Sehoo l 1nd dire ctM of tbc
Un!Yrniay Chambn- Or cbratr:a ,
lw ~~ the o reheJtn ln
P~vttionfor lbe concr~rtaad
will con dr.e ct the combined
choir s l n d o r c hutn In
p~scn t.uio n of the C Mtjor
As d i rrctor o f c horal
ae t ivi t irs 11 WSU, Smith
o rpnizcdtheOn torioChorusin
1967, Comprised of urVversity
students and br:u lty membrn,
plus lin&r n from Stevens Point
a nd nriJhborins commu nitin,
t he "Tow n and Gown" chorus
h as presente d two major
(O n <:rrll p er ycu . T he
~S:~~!r it~~~in~~~n~~~~~
hu spent the past three w«lui
wo1 ki111 on thr 8«tbo¥tn Mau
~ .:rio s~~:~.t r d w ith the
Althouab t hi& conr;e rt wiU
mark the fll\l l 1cti¥ity or the
year for the Tow n and Gown
Chorus. thcUni•rrlityCho ir wiU
continue with fllla l pll' ion
for the rort hocominl Co nerrt
Tour o r E1.11opran ci tia d1.11it11
Auc ullt. ConorriJ in London,
A m• tnd lm, Ko ln , Berlin ,
Wlesbadc n, lu orrne, Genc¥a and
Par is and additironl l lltop• will
h l s h lil ht t he t hree -wee k s
· PeriOnt intrrcstedl n ;oin inl
the ehoir and Nnd o n thk to ur
!Til)' wkh to conr,ct the WS U
D ep ar t ment o f Mu 1ic .
R-rvat i.ons ITIIY be mad e I I
~ lyle
Chec kb oo k -- Rew ard offered ,
C onta c t M ul e ne E x I.
301 - Muuninein llbruy ..
No. 5611
Happylu.uolilll . .. you11 c1pture the bi(II!Ot co mpli men t
inth ialupe: rb\y tailorrd ll flfishirt withi lll rlditiona\button·
da wn podr.eta, la.r(le pointed eollu and Ions alce~a. Estr:t
lon(l too, 10 it fi ts eomfartably in to hip·hU I!IIf"· In "Bond·
Pre.."- a nl)o iron broadcloth of 6S<j{r Oa( ran• polyatrr/
35% Si«:f 28.36. 18.00.
Choral Groups Give
Final Concert Sunday
The final ~on crn of the yur
to bot pitscntrd by the musie
dt(\lrtmtnl "''ill bot on Sunday,
May 18 11 8 p.m. in the
The "To ..· n and Cown"
Choru1 and University Choir will
combine toperformCan tlllNo.
4 , "Ciu ilil Las in Todnbandr n,"
by J. S. Bath and the Ma•in C
M ~or bylkt thonn. Mn . Judith
Brown, voc•l music tuehrr in
ul know tbe wav. home
with mv eves closed:
Frank, Linda Hatch
Make ·Dance Unique
Three Elected
To Board
Wi5eonsin AIIOI:iltion
for ll ulth, , Phyacal Eduea.tion
and Rtantlon held ill annual
sprina conference on May la nd
l at WiKcmsin ~Us. Alle ndln&
of their succeu at WSU to t ht
··Juppcninp" suac? for a '"'' tde
aLidienoc. Their ftnt sum mrr
llcrc: produced tile fin~ ut h.m1l
Miu Marte Spri111, Dr. A~
Cbwso n, Mr. Bob Bowen, MUs
Mary Jo MuUen and Miss Ev
the summ er workthop _
1n I'll:>~ .
fl om WSU,SttYensPolnt,~te
~~~~~-ugu:i:C ~~~:z;;~~~cr:,~
focusina on the functton of1
pe r10n's whole potenti,l. l ha
ynr"s proa.nm in_eludu d~n (c
educ~tion; 3 c~dn folk d a~"
DiU in.
Durin~ the recent electiom
held by tltil astaciation,t luu
mo:mbers of the~ department o f
hea lth,
physi~ l edu~;ation.and
per~d ~ l~rit.i:n~r~~~r~
reerution were elected toauvc
ont heu:«utiveboard. Theyarr
Mr . Robert Bowen, vice
Fnnk lbt ch'sbeliefsconccnllnl
dance an d the chntl"\\. '"Art too
oficn is the kind ofupor icn~
that is nice when voc're near n.
and u&lywhcn away:'
Bw~.x..put thc audiuct tna
position whtl" thcyhadtofoll!l
an 1ttitude about MW t~a 1tc,
"people either ldt the thn trc
:~f:nj~~d ;:;.rulCd, or stay•d
Aceonlin&tothc lhtch's, tbis
is where realautiK:ntic life taku
phcc . and putidpan u
"celebrate thtirlifeneuthrou1h
it.Th•t'awhat for."
prciident for hulth, Dr. Atioc
Clawso n. vice pruident for
recreation, and Misl Marte
Sprinawasekcttd toatwo-yu.r
lerm u distrkl Rprncnlltive .
Professor Studies
Data From Mars
eo tire grouporoneofiu reheo,.ols.
THE UNIVEUITY FOlK DANCERS, under the dircdion of Fronk ond Undo
Hoich, pedormcd ·ot d ifferen t octivit •cs for the yeor. Pictuted here is the
Federal Funds Cut
~JI,I,.~~~w~~,.~~~.~ .~,~~ For WSU Students
Former Resident
U.S. Kcrctary of dcfen~ for
adminlma tion. will deliver the
speech June I for WSU·Stcvcn s
Poin t 's 7S th unual sp rina
commc nctnK'nt .
The aft ernoon cncmony wilt
be on I he l,.,,n in front of Main
Bulklina; where Frothlk~ will
dhcua "Tomorrow."
Commencement oommi ttec
chairman Juhn Gacb said the
JC itction of the speake r wu
Children Accepted
For Summer School
More than tOO prc -s.chool
throuah hlah schoo l-·lltd
you..,$1trs will be enrolled in
ll'stion wOfkshops June
l6t o ,\UJ . 8 -Stt~cns !'oint .
\lr. Jobn l'ca rwn.director of
. th•· I'.'SU Laboratory School.
l-:lid activilics would be from
11 :30 to IO:JO a.m. dtlly and
mtuspcrscU with options to
t•articlpa t ~ in recrutional
pro&llml at lh.e fitldhoutl'
nmnasium and swimmlnJ pool.
lle said tile ICAionswouldbe
IC I ~td for pcr10nal enricbmtnl
and bnic tumln\1 upcricnecs.
At tile AIIK'time.tucherawlllbt
urollcd in the educational
laboratory lituatlo n to rut
tile students.
Cblll:t ,.iLl be In aerospaa,
,·du cation and prt'i'rlmary.
Sckcted afte rnoon s will involve
s pee c h instruction and
,\ cbss Dr . f'urwnducribu
u , '"mou unuiiUaL" wiD be
conductcdbyavisitinalccturt r,
l>r . Kay B:rrsch,chailmanof thc
spe cia l education depu tmcnt of
So uthern Connecticut Slltc
Uni•crsityinNcw llavcn.
It will probe turnin11
bc • opcn to
1tisabilitits and
uudcntli of aU a1cs tluouah
Jti!IUilC t
senior hi~:h Khool who hll"t
avcnKto r abo•·cinlclliccn«bu t
a rc JfOU undenchicvers in !he
Students who arc a yur or
more bthirnl thcil peers in
loar nin~ aro eligible for the cl.:tss,
Dr. l'carson liilid. Each child will
have •ubtantt' from a n:gub r
clawoom Ieath•• dutlr~~ the
reaul.:tr school yur. to work
indiYidu11ly with him on his
ln.rnlnJ problrm. This cbA will
meet Mondty throuah Thurldty
from I until l p.m .. II the
Extrntlvc uiC of the
ll•mpollnt , other ucrcise
equipment , and tht JIOOI will be
made. Perceptual handl eapswill
be the focus of this daS$,and
Dr . ltanch witlbtassistcdbyhis
son, Jcff,•lnchnat P.J . h cobs
High School, ~nd frvc usistann
from New llav-cn.
theil children In the ~um mc r
pro&ram an secure a bulletin
and appllalions by calli..,_ tbe
Lab School offi« '' WSU.
Because classes are fiUod on a
flnt..:omebasis,it is advised that
intc~stcd people, Dr. Purson
cncouraacs, apply as soon as
pouib lctoinsureadmissioni nt o
Sausage Feed
For Smelt Fry
The conJervat lon fraurnlty
he~ at wsu b ... a-lficlna a
23·YCJ r-t111dlt ion to cmplwizc
possible daltJer of thc"patlcidt
DDT to human health.
Nil A lphaTIU"JannualJ~ II
fry wutubllituted by a Polilh
~UAIJC feed Thunllay niaht lin
Bukolt Puk Pavilion be..all.liC
Jltl('lt re«ivcd hcn: is froml.ake
Mlchipn and blolo&ill• have
found concentra tions oft,ht
bodL~=f~~·~c, JanaviUc. vL
precautionary mcu.un:
~.~d;:~~~oro.lrT~kmj •
Nu Alphl Till, aoconilltJIO
Updike. 'is sympat httlc with
~'fa~~~~~.~': :~.:~.~
Assodarion of WiUOruin" whldl
h• 111itttdfun41foctte. rinpin
Nad il on o n II III& of the
,.alokle. n. loeal fnttml!:Y
re cently prucnted CNR;A
Prell den I Frede r ich
Steverll Point Stile, WJ!h a ~~0
. ::;::a••·"' '"'
UW Advisor
of H er but Wen•l•r , Calvin
Schmid, l>onald C~•·ne and
Willi am lhnford of l h~ facull)',
an<! Marylte llodtand l>onna
'' former resident of S1ovrn5
l'oinl and vkr prnidrnt of
Sentry Insurance Co.. Frochlke
wa~ app~inted to his pres.cnt
position 1n hnuary b>' the new
secre tary of ddcn~. Me lvin K.
lain! .
ll e was in the na tlon11
spo t!iiht 1.:1!.1 ,.·rchnd when
Laird announce.l lh at"l'rochlkt
. would 0\"CIS<:e Otl!eral ionsofthr
defense intclligen~c iJ('ncy ami
Tilt nlne state universities
expect about 7.000 mon:
students nul fall, but th ey will
tn~ivc about S56 i ,OOO leu in
fcdual funds for uudcnt
financia l aids.
The ten pcrccntreduttlon In
fclk:r~l fund s. 1kina with an
estimated 12 percent i n cn:a~ in
enrollment, wu n:poned by
Robert W. Winter, M.o.Jison,
WSU system nsistant dilator
rhenuionai:~CcurilyaF;Cncy .
~up·;~.~~~~·~r i~rt:~~~:n~it'.!~'=
l ht ~·c"' l il)' uf dd•·n...,," a
l'en taJOil sp.JI<c sman l:lit.l. "Th•·
.!o:C!Ciar y is JUS! tOO bu~>" wi th
too many mall<"rs to Jive it the
persona l allcntion it should
The A no cia t cd l'rcu
des.;rib<:d Froehllo;c as actin11u
Laird'i CYe5andcars.
,\na tive of Ne•mah, hc was a
boyhood ftH:nd of Lilinl in
Ma uhhrkl . llr ~·rvcd as an
officer on World War U.rtccivN
h is b ..· dtJrce from che
Uni•·cuityofWisconsinin 194':ol,
u Instructo r and din:ctor of
placement of th e UW in
Madison , 1nd JOined Sentry in
1951. Lui summer he \\"II
tiM: firm's New Enaland division
and withinfivemonthshelcftto
A c li Vt i n ~h· i c and
l'~ s bytc rian Church affairs in
Stevens l'oint. he and his wife
and four c hi ldr<·n fOtmerly
~:-n~"c } ' 1201 W. Soo Marie
~Rdina. tiM: 1111c universi ties an~
thei r braMh ..ampU5CS re ceived
abour SS.8 million in federal
fu nd5 for 1111PU,Ioanstnd Jobs
for 5tudents. Tou l enrollment •
"·u Sll.l42 1as t September and
is expected to bt abou t 65,000
nut fall.
Outlined For
Federal fondnoticts lndic&tc
that the WSU syste m may
receive about S2,080,000 In
educa tiona l opportunity &r~nts
for" next year. This is an over-all
lncru5e of S21,000 over the
cu rrent year, but the amount
earmarked for f rtlhmen It
S836,000, a redu~tion o f
The state univrrsitletupect
to receive Sl .838.000in fcde~l
wo rk-s tudy funds.adccruscof
$38),000. A totalofSJ,JJ9,000
Is expected for national defense
t llldcnt loan s , a drop of
$200 .000.
The rod u c tion in federal
fu nd> means tht 5tatefinancial
aid prUIIIIII$ wo uld have to
in(1U5C considerab ly for next
yur in order to mtinraln th e
same total level of finano;:ial
iuppon per5tudcnt Winter Rid .
The bud&ct bill now ptndin&
in th e tllte k:Jislatun: would
continue s tate aranll tnd
student c mp t oym tnl II
app roxima tely the Rme dollar
level next year for tht state
univcuitiu. Co nc inwmcc of the
~late student loan propam will
require "'Jislatil"t action to nUt
the autho rized maximum of
loan s outstandinJ.
Many Student Citizens
Make Friendly
~'fh•ons NATIONAl BANK
1\lale and Female Srudcnls
We ore hiring tludents who ore inte rested in full·
lime tummer e mPloymenr. Those h ired w ill olso holl'
the opportunity to contin ue employment on o port-t. me
bos is next foil.
Ali' jobs w ill g ive you trt mendo"s c x-
per icn(e for next summer regordl e ss o f f1e ld.
Acron from loldwln Hall
All Unher sily
1\lnns- Ceramics - Ash trays
Oppoll':'niry to work for one of the lorgcsr com·
ponie~ •n its field
~~::~;~n i lies for odvon(tmenl through su mmer
A Summe r Cont est " lhh:h
Eornlngs in exc-e ss of $12S o w ee k fg uoronrcd
Your Graduation Announcements
are n ow in
Talks Wilh
$15,000 In (Osh scholarships
$20,000 in merchandise pr iu f
~!rh::esnse poid tr ips oround the world indudinq
1969 Sport Cors
Boat- motor- troiler combinations
N•ot opp•oron <•
" 31 Willingn•utoworlr. hord
All Posirions Are l\Iost.
Desirable, Unique and
Very I_nteresting
St•v•ns Point J-44..6020
G,.•n loy 43$-0763 or
Mllwouk" 634-2144 a.tween th• hours of
9 o .m. ond 2 p, m •
Com pUtd
Stndy' H~rTO
PINN INGS ENGAG EMENTS Kobtn wts selected 11
Ptnlullenlc J unior
~.~:~~r.~~~ ~~!'£i~·~fr~~! ~~~~~t~:~· R~bceh~!::
l eh . is b ubcrcd to Peter Day
o f l'~u KappJ Epsi lo n. Di&nn.e
s~ lumtnn ~lso uf Dcltt Ze t a 11
b.valkrc.d to Dous llotkins
Cl'lu DeBoer wn Initiated
in to AWS Honor Society this
5 '~::~~pannounced this week
arc: : Jo yce No i'Q tny of Delli
Zct~ to Jo hn•·u anc lltofKtppa
~~~~.b~:k ~: ·n:~~;b:~\,~~~'!
pinned to Den ny Pliska of Phi
S il!.maf. psikl n.
!: nE~~cm u• t . a nd
. )
::;~~-~~~n~~~e,t' O!~~~dcB~~~~
J oann~ l).)biO n and Ste ve !love\
o f !'hi Sig rna Eploi lon an~ Sull n wi ll
m~rr y
l[&ht c~
ofS•g m:a Ph.iE psiJonin JIIn c. AI!
ltu ec j!.lt11 are n1 cmbenof Alphl
Si&ma Alplusororir y.
l.:! st w( ckc nd t h<· mcmber s of
Ttw t~ l' l"li Alpha aslimd !l"le Girl
s ~o ot s o n an ontn ~Jht at
h ~r;.o n l'uk . Ttl~ girls in the
ll o<"~ r H<" m~n ull y ~ nti
~~r:!~ 11~n hc~1:~a~:;dd ·co!~J
thcir <l""n muls.
s .·nio n. jl!Jduat ina this yu r
arc : ~br il)· n CJn t wd l. Sl\:l ro ~
Jo l"l n$Qn. ( ind)' Stdlmacl"ler ;mti
M3r )· l lmock.
,,, tl"lc l:l st m~c t ina . l ync
Chosen By
Fraternity 1
· ll<· ll~ S!&n•~ l' hl f ra tern it y
wk·.-tcJ ~la r y I'J t LaVio ll cttc. a
J unior lll:IJO rina in bo~ncn
•·du•a ho n fl om Apple ton , 1$
t hclf>"•"C t bcar1fo r n.c:li1Ytar.
,\1 t' " ',><."lll. she resides at
K o~ dt hall and hn scrvo:-.1 u hall
>""-"1.11 ch~i nnan for one- and half
Weddinas will occupy part of
~:le~~~:. T~:~~~~~ ~~~~~
Stellmacher on June 14th in
W i th pledae activ i ties
completed the listen of Alpl"la
Phi held initiation ceremonie1
for t he followina new members:
lhlene Osier , Nil&l!ll: l ind&
S c hmidt. Menomlne~ (Mich.) :
Brenda Schroth, Little Chut e :
T r udie Schuerer, Brookftcld :
Mny , Clintonv!Uc:
Jane Tcnnlo, New London: Cuy l
Wa&ner, Weyauwep: Frtncu
Waaer . Clevellnd : and Kare n
Weber , S.ynu.
Followl n & initlulon . 1
b111quct wn he ld in the
WilconsinRoomfor" rhe chlpter
and alumni.
Many si sters atlcnded
sweetheart cvenu held the past
weekend . Sister P.tti Jo Pee ters
rciannl as Sif:ma Tau Gamma
sweetheart al the White Rose
fest iv ities in the DeUs.
At a re ce nt 75th y en
celcbr.t. t ion of theunivcrsity.tltc
c ha pter wu repR5c:nted by
sis ters Jann Rin&er and Judy
l'o ll in .
Jann Rinac rhubcucho~en
t o uudy ~brof ncx t yur
Pi xir l::conom wu crow n~d as
tht S ia ru Phi Ep 1 i l on
Sw e et hu n of 1969 at the
fraternity 's Swtethnn~llheld
l as t wukend at Ca ble ,
Wisconsin .
Dan cina , swimmin a ami a
sa una bath w ~ re ama nt: the
act ivitks ofthc wcek cnd
MAUOlllE ElL !lehj a nd James lombard were pre~ented thl1 plaque for their
ouhtond ing w ork in the fie ld of $pee<h pathology and aud iology. Maureen
O "Co nnor wo n the o wo rd lost year. (Photo by Mel Glodow\klj
Mo nd ay nia ht a fo rmal
initbtion banquet was held at
the Ant l ers R e stau ra nt.
Fourreen new n1cmbe1J we re
initiUcd into the br otherhood .
They arc : Rick Dorn . Ro bcr1
Gehk , Clurlcs Grucnke, Gu y
H a b~k . Mike llit&cnbera. J im
Klo n, BiUOtto, Mih Pcrt mc.' l.
John Se aman, Mike Valiga . Bill
Brnm, R a y Mette lk a. Mik e
Sta iZII k, andMikc Wins.k i.
Ekct io nsfortl"lc fall se n• ct tcr
w c r e
h c l d ~ n d A ro
co na Mul~ t n its new o ffi cers:
Pres . Vern Rebdci n , ht VP
Bria n Mulry .::! nd VI' Ro p Kina .
Tr cas. ~brk MaRluatdt . Alu mn i
Sec. Bob Harris, Reconlina Sc-.·.
hmcs P. Vo lkc . Co n c~poml i n g
Sec. De nny Powdl. Stl t. al Ar ms
Glen YaH"$ and Historb n Mk
By JI>dyB roeklna
llo r m w indows and
erund s.
ru nnlna
Ya nae hck.
!·~·~~~~~~c [,la~~of" 3 ~t~tn~it~
r ar • r • • P ~ I c . i n t~ e Glacurh
,·o nfcr cnl;\" mUHCdiOl teJ y a fttr
t hc suuum·rscsloion.
~ J unSch:'QfJ~ns o n '.'aduat ifli if
Cable. TV Airs
Ar~a Sports
T ch ro n l"abk t dcv ,sio n is
asc duof lot:fl l
r"x luco:-.1 by
st ud•·nn!l t 1\'SU. T he proarams
l ttlcd. Spotli ~ h t on Sports, " "ill
lw t d cca$1 ea ch 1\'ed nn day II
adtnllJ> ho~t for
~t•o r u r ro~ ra mi
4·00 1'X
The r ur po~ of th e proiJ am
is to " "port onthespo r1 s tunls
>~hedukd ucn ts o f I' .J .
~:~::.~~ ·;~~!~~ ~~n~··'',a~;~ ~·k~
_..., ,..,H
T h("
P IOII •~ ms
l'" " luecd h>" st ud.·nt s ~ nr ollcd in
nr~~~~a t ~·:~.. ! n~ v.d~~~t~ct i~~
" "hub~ Scb~ff. ~ J Unior ~•
S c bm eccklt ;m d Pray·Sims
lulls arc jo intly •pon!IOrin g a
M•y Fo rma t u the ll olid ay In n,
~turd ay cvenilltl bet w~ n ll lo
1::! 1'·'11· Music will be pr ovid ed
by th? Ross Ko nik off l(Uint c t ~
T ~ attir e for th e OCC:UIOn
La st week end wu • busyon.c:
for th e brotl"lcrs of A·Phi-0 .
They fin is hed putt in&~ ne w coli
of pa int on the Newman House
a nd a l s o pr e p aud Camp
Chick~gami for IlK t his summer
b y t l"leBo y Sro uu .
indud c
lon& o r short
forma l5 for' th e gir ls and •po rt
Ticke r. for lhecvc ntwill bc
S2 .50 per co uple and are
3V3ilab lc ~ • bot lr. halls
f.,';;;ll ",~~.o~ntur~~c ..~~~~~n7:n;;
l·••· h"<"<"k >iudcn t s fro m th c
r"'t""'I'Jtmg hlsh sc hoo ls a~d
\he IUI II"l"f>ll )" ~"" i n vit ~ d 10 li<'
on t h•· r"'p~ m wl"ln~ they u c
uH" " """""•• d b)" Ro bc rtl'lahmcr ,
Spom [)u ,·ctor ofndios tat ion
~-~ll~· ~ ~~·c ·~;~·· r~~~~~n ~o~~c~r~!
.J,., u ;sm~
the fundame ntal of
,.J,·h SPO il . the parti d pan tsand
""JIO II un ,.·ins and lo$$1:$
m •ol•·(d m ca~b
Ceramics Display•d
By LaCrosse Ma~
Cuncntl y o n u hibit ion in
t he l a l'o llcUe l o un&e oft~
Unh tl5 it y Cen tr r is :~ ro llcction
k~ .. ~~~t~~r~~."uCr~::~
Mr . Vav rek is a faculty
tllr mlx- r at WSU· laCrou:. He
~~i~~. rt!~., J~~ uan~ct~:·r·
Ri!~~ r d ~h~b1~n!';':~rin& f,~
Ellhibi t ion ~rits direct."or~ ls
tmm tdiatcly drawn. he pointed
out . to t heboldupri&Jttfor h
[;,~~~~tioanrs~ Vavrek ' s
'" IHs ·m t z · ~o
be sonw: li mu purely abst.-.ct
tr"d~:li ~s~ul~t:~'bo'~.~ct!tJ
S':h~!id'rC: ~:~~~~~.. ~~~
n cusua Uy ptrplulnl,hcadded.
Mr . SC hneide r noted llill
Vavrek's u~e o f anitary wllltf:a,
bold rm taWc lustenand limited
u• of rolor it alwaysoombitif,d
with cxctllcnt llciU u 1 pottb-,
tradit iona l .
rn~~y deli&Jtt some
"The pltees
and dimirb
~:~~·r b,u:n~ t ~rz.~·di~
them. " headlkd .
The nhibit Will continue to
May 29.
"I'm sorrY. about your
parade, sir. I guess I
splashed on too
much after shave."~
~ ~G
/rc/J:-:x-4 . ;, ~~)?
r:~/ ~! f/~ @
1--A \_
,\ \
co~ t s orsu iu forthcboys.
/__. v
-nrj \~ J~
Even the might of the military can't protect you if you're not
careful how you use Hal Kara te& After Shave and Cologne. One
whi ff and females get that "make love not war" look in their
eyes. So to maintain mi litary discipline and keep your uni form
intac t, we put instructions on self-defense in every package.
Just In case it comes down to hand-to-hand combat.
Hai Karate-be careful how you use it.
4 .
ROTC Provokes Debate
lntbencllin&ofhhy6, a froeSPf,eeh._mblynsbeld.ontbL
~7:c!~'!,~ c:c~~~~·.=:.·:u~~:: ~be~l•t:
beuhy mutinp (I~ pro~l bad been defuted at 1 p~riou.
m::~~::. !:~de:ptd•t:~~d n!e~b=~~boIn~~;:!
'ldUI.III Olpn.i.Ution, Sncnl
swuhhirts ma rt:ed ' Klll'.
r l!lbti'S
of t bt VellappURd wearu.
An opponent of tbe u•rnbly, ~the lip ROTC IS NOT '
MANDATORY : FREEDOM OF CHOICE related In ad iscuslion that
he wu akt or 10me .:amcnu1of the st ud en t body atrinltbc entire
unlveuityabadnamebyruortJn& loiUChUitlca.
A pe tition wu clreulatedl tbtouc,b the uowd Wllnc foe tbe
re moval o f ROTC, and a .,~ fOt tbe lhio:lenls In the dc dslon
maklnaproceNtSof t lliluni"'"'ty.
JlmesMiucy....Uid ~Nac.Dollllldlpokeontbe nec:dfor
ltudenu to pwtldpate In the IOYC:m~~~CDI o f thclr Wlh'enlty. Mr.
MUy aid tha t the EDpab dtpt.rtment .,.., already in "tOme! In -;b
anac:ti¥itylnthal thedc partre.ntbllealled fora meetir,:of En,alish
m-.Jon to detumiM what part aciMlenb abo~ play 1n tbe
7:,'::of;~:::b:1lden oftbe
umc time the Vcu wand 1 ~ulh V~namete f1l.l.. Tbtoucbouttb~
festivitiu, JBilldtwcUpi'O'fklcdtbebluea.
Photos And Lay-Out By Mike Oom inowski
State U's Announce
Increases In Fees I
column whleh ~~«med to br 1 fuorite of 110rts dull wilh WSU trivia,
In thue columrur I woukl ICI·UP 1 quil on aueh thlnp u how many
different color chain there '"' in the dwroom e~nter (6). It was
notespeciaUyrelevant,bult hen...
This )'tiT I hnr been The Pointcr'aassoebtc tditor n..ranifll that
I been In clwse of the ed itorial pa~. (A position I knc
willinl,ly to the compcttnl hands of Seem Schutte.) 1 h.aft mainly
written edltofilb but na~c also doM 1 frw fntuR u oriu and Point
lbe moll u tensive 1nd Important future I wrote wu for!!:!!
Pointer'aapeclal "The Pn1)''1 Ovrr" edition. The: article wn on the:
rok'OTihe faculty in 0111 university. I thoucht 1it was pRIIY well
, rttorarchcd and Rlevant for our campus (u ~rt at! the anklo:s in edition). llowevtt, I wu utremrly disappointr4 when the:
• facuity truted thc:lrticle withtotll disdainamldlsrrp rd .
Ironically, wil¥" this anitlc whleh I s~nl litcraUy "'l '<'b
wrilinl was i111ortd, an urlirr Point Wdl Taken that took mr 1
half·hour to write became my lflOJI popul;u, ln the: midd~ o f Aucui-1
of bllyru I wrote a short lill ie pirce welcominc t hrsludrnubadc
10 thr wonders of OreyfuiYania. I did noc lltink thll ~tide was
rq~eclally Jood but it wrnl in lhc riru Pointer. More peopk
commrntrd favorably on that Point Well Takfii"i1ii'ii"commented on
all myothttrsti.!!!llartickscombined.
AsweweRfrlnticaUypultinJ IOJdhcrthllbll. iuue, J'rant,who
works in the University Crnttr, told me I'd miu this wcct1y hell in 1
monthorso. Perhaps l will. ButrliJrtnowit is apkntne to bcdone.
Studtnu livU. in 11nl~nity
o pcua <J hilts •• IM nint
Y..srousin Slate Uninr5itks will
pa)' S2 2 toS24a•ntk for 100111
and mn\s dwin1 the: 1969·10
~~~tmk )'CU.
the WSU l)'iltm
offk~ "' Ma.IUon reports.
l n>t•~~~
o vtr t l\c> prl'Knl
~.-.,ra¥t abo.lut
Sl 1
.!-~~~:~~/37;£~ .~~~t
)fJI $UT1iRJ IK'.~I~pltmbcrtl'lr
uniHISII) • h:UCCifOIIOI)nllnd
mn \s "'Ill DMIC ftom S790 IQ
SSM ll1ffrrtnt'fJ in thUJUII
the u nivusitic's arc .Juc to
,hffa .,no:c' in ronstl'\ltt ion and
fin'"'''lll'hrr~s andinrostaor
0~r~un1 fOoJII Krvicc fullitin,
M.:l' lltt iOii<l.
RcuJcOC<' llalls an:: f111anccd
inHnltudcnl~)·mcnt5. Nostatc
ta h1nd s ~rc in volvfd in
,·,mwu.:ho n or opcntion o f
rt>~d~n~ haUs. dinins htlb or
u u d cnt c c11tcn.
Room and mul chiT~
inttuws nut )'UI wiU ni!Jt
;.~u! 1u~iv!~~~~ ;::!,~~ ~~~~
J~~~~~ui~cr1;,,'c~ 111r~:n~
cons. incrnst d Alariu o f
~ mplo)'«S p1~ from ruidcnce
hJil bu~scu an~ the need for
s rntrr Riti'' U ~taiiK ~c,.,·~r
srudrntl lR requuC'dtoliHrn
unr•·w;;u )• luolis.
l n~RUrs in chJ!SU for ~•b
~rt thr rrsulr of hi&hcr food
rom. inclfU~~ "''1~1 and ~re
librnl po hnn m providlllf,
" SftonJs" for uudrnll. The
lllfJl tluorJn listC'd~for \ 9 to
:1 m nll 1 "'' ffk. 1>\o$1
unh·rrvr irs ~bo ha~r mnl pbns
for ft.,rr mnls ~~.,·«It, for
st u~tnl$ ,.· ho co hon..r on
.. t><t rnds
Room 1no.l mnl th.Jrits for
thr 19·:1 mnl pbn for the
l 'lb9·10 a.'3drmit ) 'tM will be
S790 1t Surerior. SSOO 11 La
00Sif, S8 16 u Sto ut . S8 20 lt
StrHns Point and lll'hitrwatfl,
il rour Khool wardrobe doesn't
lnclude lhewnhPJn\s thatum
THIS IRAVE MAN does mony things while riding his bicycle. Ht bolonces him1elf while holding in one hand on umbrrllo ond h is te><tQooks.
R~ ~~~~~~~w~an~b~~'6t'!i Two· Students
"'~':'~:~4r'"t~fL~ :~~~,~~~~r~!
n nJ inJ' from S41 to S60.
"uJrnt ~nttr frnllnlifl&from
s:o tu S40 an~ book rrnulfres
of S\9 to SJO. AU l hw.lrnu II
Surerior J nd tll t lf« JIIfrnhmrn
an~ sophomoR S at Eau ClaiR
pur,;hur rhrittutboola for
1hr nm timr nut yrar. A
rn rboot purchase pbn aho is
rrop.u tdatO!ohtollr.,; frts for rui~rnt and
n11nrr•nk nt studr nu .,.·iU not br
r" ahhshr.J untilthr 19()9·1 1
brrru1l u m b ud ctt has btrn
appro H d b)' thr 1t &llb turr.
IIlii\' frt~ 101 \IOiirtJ,IIdUII tS
rhr s )' t ar ue .SH8 for the
H~.Jrmk )' f l . for Wisconsin
1r u .J ~ nt \ and S 618 fo r
n o nr~u d r nu.
Win Grants
r .. o chcrniSi r)' students hi\'(
rccch·rd J l1lnll to spccialilr in
ro:surch ..-ort u illltitutcst.rcr
this )'nr . accordinc to Dr.
Ro land Tr r ttcn , de partment
chair man.
Dlanr 83tlfllllrt, ~ l , d•uJhttr
of Mr . and Mrs. Kenneth
Baurugan . 4~S C1ooks St .,
Grtr n Bar. hu bern '"'anlrd
s n o t o a t tend a National
Sd~ncc l'ound~tion proga m al
Bo~~m~nn, Mont .• from June 23
to Auat. 211. Stuart Staples, !0,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Corliu
llayn , Rt . • I , Fric nd1bi'p,
rrcei~ttl S6SO to s~nd the
majo rit r oft~ fust scrnc1ltr
thb hll ar AIJOnrK' National
laboratory insuburbanChkaco.
Mu s Baumaart. 1 1966
cradullr o f Grern Bay St.
Joscph'sAcadr my, "''ill br li•·en
a chok e to do research r ithrrln
pholothcrnhtr)' , ion pump1 in
!!vine c dls or ll - ray
Staplri,l l 9661f11dUitrOf
Ad1ms·l'riend1hip lllth School,
will participate In the Araonnr
Unde randulte llo nors Re~~:arch
P1ocum, taklnc e l1uu in
a dnn ced nudrar chemistry,
advanced laboratory techni4Jues
and adnnccd anatyuea l
n..rthod1. 1\eabo will work in a
U'JUit h project in proteintnd
prptldu under the suprrvision
o fDr. AU..nEdmundmn.
~llplet; is tht !hlnl fr'SU
bCJ, Jhen 1 lthollflhip 11
A!JOnne. Jlrnc1 Wheatley Wll
the. 1966 recipient and lllnicl
Smllh, the 1967wlnnrr.
Has Poem
Kapter AHends NSF Institutes
J o hn D. Kapler, t ssodatc
pr o fuso r o f JeO&raph)' 11
WSU-5tevens Point, h~t been
Nuion11 Sclen<:e Foundation
summer inslitutu . lie will fUJI
tuvrl to Nrw Muic:o Slate
University for 1 watrr resourees
h me l ·21: thf n on
BiU Mrinnet,l WSU·Stennl
Po in t J unior , wu recently to the Univrrsit)' of ~llware
Informed that one of hispoeml for a clim a t o loa y inUitutr
wu chotrn for publieallon in headed by F. Krnnrth Hire,
Btitish rncteoroloJill, July 1·26:
T hr
!uturtd 11
Shippy Clothing
944 Moln
when you climb inlo 1 pair of
thewaVrPJnltlha1 nnernted
Spcrttwtar- now lutured 11
Shippy Clothing
944 Moln
r:~:!~n. RI~t.. u.z:~er~~!r !~
institutr on c ulf co.ast &c:olon
Aucust 11-30 .
Mr . Kapler wiU read the
paper " Th e l ndullrial
GcOlr.lnhv and W~ter Rrsow crs
ofWaukrpn , IIUnoi:s·Part ll ,"at
thr New Mexico l)'mpolium.
Part ! of the WaukC'Jan rt$ench
paper wu presented durinB an
u rlier 1 961summcr confrRn~
11 New Mexico Sute Univcrlil)'.
poem, entitled "City
~r::; :OE~Hs::~}lfet!,r:
~c:'o ~t:r ~~ AJf.~'oan:~~~
s ubmitted by 11udcnu in
coUca:n t hrouahoutthcoountry.
La.... Notional Monufodurar need s 5 young man to
$125.00 PER WEEK
Speech Majors
: Recognized
As Outstanding
and upcne~e in clinical work ,
Last reu'1 winner wulolauRen
O'Connor o f Mosinee, who made
theiWIId prtlenlllio!'ll.
Stevens Point is bccomiiiJ 1
andludioJosjlll. lt wu the full
in the WSU t)'Jiem 10 reoelvc
authority from theCoordinltin&
Couii(U for HI.Jhrr Education to
JBntmallrr ofKicncedcarccs
--complete Trolnlng Progrom
-Scholonhlps to $800
No nparfan ta requi,.cl. For lnformotiono f meeting ,
coma to tht Micheli loom, Unive rsity Ctnlat, 4:00 p.m.
or 7:00p.m. MONDAY, MAY 19.
THE fOSSIL of on utioct
09D In rile weJJern port
in o delicote p rojea o f 1
months o nd ploced in the
"'Uieym of noturai hi1tory a t Wiscon1in Stoll University·
Sleven, Point. Philip it Bjork, oui1ton t pro las110r of g eogra·
phy Ol WSU and rurotor of pole-ontology for the museum,
$0rd rhe onimcil wos on evan·totd unguiatlt which wos e ll·
dtJ1<vfly North American in dillriburion. The onimol WOI
if you don't co buk lo Khool
in thewuh pants that nnu
Sportswear - now lutu1ed 1!·
of foot.
o 1hHp and hod teeth like o deer. It hod · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·
low toes
Shippy Clothing
Shippy Clothing
944 Moln
944 Moln
MIY 16,1968
UAB Announces
Winners Of &ames
T he Un lve raii Y Activillet
Boanl held their urnull pocket
~=d0 }o~:U'ru'!r~1~c:O~~~
:~~~: ~~W:nlt1abie" t!:C~
ay that th~y
" Aillc rmcn lie Ill the Umc,
~fdoy fXItlmartJna I fbh . WcU , andthcblqo:atlletlfOibou.tthe
flaharcsouupldtlu.tthen=bn 't
anytr lclt to that ·lt'aaU a
matter ofluclr; ,"
are a bla joke amonat be
'"The fithcnncn I know 10 non·fishna, who tre perhaps
~~ 1::: ~~
!:,: ro~· ,e~
toum~mcnt .
Wirul~rs in the 14: 1 blllilld
::Ju~:~ ·~~~~to;:,·::~
place rcJpect~ly .
Fishlna bn't 1 tpon ·lt't up bit "mnc ulinlty " 111d
Jwl 111 UC'\1111 mtn u.8 j i O be impress othn ldiou by !carina
ab~todotMtbinpt hey~aUy ab ou t ·in 1 a rnt roarlna
want to do."
bcbcmoih ol 1 cu, dmin.l II
' "The purpote of fisl\ln& It to !~sn11{ ~:~~11.:~me 101:! of a
pr0'1'14c an opponunlty for 1
man to aetaway by hlm111U' and
And the aa.lp 111d lilnder
think deep th o uaht s, and that womc n t'ndullle In - do they
eomm unc: with ,..1\li'C. Thc fit h ClfO If any ollt il true? The
tM msell'esdon't rount. lt't thc prontiset made 111d never kept
n.pericnoe, and the chaUente, by public offtc:ilb are the wont
thtt matters."
kind of lin. And .:~ d n and 110
o n . In com ptr lto n, th e
"Filhermen are 1 bi& bunch "retcltinJ o f a f11h by 1 few
of liln. Why ean'tthey te U tbe Inches or ounc:c:t It 1 J.II\I U
truth eboutthc fiSh theyaotch? matterlndMd.
And thtt o ld wheeze abo ut the
bi&one th.ataotaway ·if I hear
that one o nce mor~ I' ll
pod.tlvdy sc:ruml"
ln nlncbaUpocketbWianll,
[)ave Jotmson took flnt Pi!'«
with Joh n J~~en taptuMJ
Ron Greenwald and Tom
Sc hultz placcdfrutandlcCO~
respectively, in the table tenniS
competit io n.
A luncheon wn tctved for
theplf'licipur uat noo n.
UC _Sponsors
At Eau Claire
The United Co unc il of
Wltconaln State Unlvcndty
"It 1ioe1t1't matter tr you
don'tcatchanythint·it't the
c htllen ae that co unu ."
Somewhere, hlddenlnthotetwo
Knttn.:e~, 11 the fundamenlll
munm,; offlshina. S~n,weaU
' ' There '• nothina to want tota tch f11h, and we work
ouUmlll11n& 1 fbh · llsh an: hard 11 it, but the aenulnc
s t upid ." Of cour.! fhh arc filhuman Is the man who can
:~k~· n~,;~:n ~~~~!~7. ~~~::: J:;: iu0h~:! ~~~~~:
No one clllnu that they are
rorulde rthe daya to tallo• .
intellieent . They ue , howcvet,
wild crea turn which have
Tllc:rc'l a nother upect of
beeomo quite we.U adapted to fl l hln a which h ~t ld om
ua.y lna alive m • nnae mentioned, but which ml&ht be
· ~~~rW,~:;· 1~e ~~ ~~~~~ ~':,.::':~t ~,:so~~~.'
~~=tdh•e: :~·~Jtcrs
!'~e~r!bc~~st~e~~;:.~ ~~~~~
make it. He did becautc he wu m that each new fi1hina trip is I
sllahtly more aware of th~ fre1h ttatt, • new chance to
thrfi!J to hil life, and better u~ecced .
able to I'Oid them. Time and
Every eaJt mi,aht be the one
uprrlence hue mlde him
that rcS\IlU lna trop hyfllh. Put
:=~~;::In~~ tlC:t~:r ::,i~~ flilURs tan be foraotten, and
worries and ea~J can be let
When a fl t he tmln hn ulde for the moment . Thlt
overrome thenativccautlon ofa miaht be the time1 Later, when
fish, and tricked hlmlnto taklna the fllhcrman ~turns home, he
a lure of aome sort , the fcella pleuant~lu.atlonanda
fisbent~~n I!Qaood te.tiOn tob~
KnM o ( fulfillment. If he has
pro'ld or his ct!Ch. He has met
f~LI :::n~.
thefishonhls ownlfOUnda,and ~'f'~~:.~~·
Cl.d utedhlm..lllerelsnGballle there't alway• another chan c~.
o f will lnvoh'ed, bu t rath er 1 What more eould you •* of a
, st iU
buts luc:lr. in the lonahau \,an~
't!~c often In the ahor1 haul,
" R liiCXCUIC for ..,dloafina•nd~ttina
" out · of the hou.,." For 10me
men, U111t's quite true. They do
apend most of t heir "fashlna"
lime dtinlr.ina beer, playina
carda, and Jhootln1 thebull. But
they 're not filhcrmen, even
~: .i!s sl:ri!ri;.,":t!'~~!~':.
I don't bttrudp: them their
fun , if that's whit it is,but l do
rut nt it when they call what
they a ~doin a"fuhinl"- ltisn't.
Ret\ filherme n •~ tcrious and
consi licnotr while flshlna, and
fooluound • fterwa rd L
CONCENTRATION is exh ibited here os this mon p•epores to Jhoot o bonk
shot in o gome of billiards. The pictu•e wos token in The gomes room
o( the Univ~rs i ry Cent~•.
Soccer Club Posts Win
Over LaCrosse, 3-0 .
The Soe«r Cub polled iu Point and flnaUy theoffell$e&Ot
Keond Jtraiaht win initssprina rollin&. Frank Druclr.e, the riahl
stno n byddc.atin&theLIOOUt' fotwaril mined two we ll placed
State UnlverlltySoiXctltlm 3.() cornn kicks in altemptin& to
here la$1 Sat\lrday. The Poin te n head them in lo I.:ICroue'I IOal.
noiiCd their record to Nl with li b attc mpu were juJt wid e. AI
onlytwoaamure/TIIinlnainthe the end o f !he fUit period
neithc rt nmshadscored.
lnt heiC'oondperlo.l o fplay
Outhe8d!"l their opponenu
the Poi nte n taUicd two aoall to
~nedak ~~fe~:~nt~= ~i~~:~
~~~r~!~r~w~r:~~n :~:
lllolhcrplcoml nainthe thlnl
period .
The Polntenllttt cd off with
autherwcalr.first petb.tofplay
acttlna ~d down with a very
poor p•wna pme and for 1
whlle 1t appevcd that LaCroM
mlaht make thin&• 1 llnlo hot
for &otlic Altura Rold in. The
o;lo:fell$ehtldll rona for'Steve ns
r:6o'!~mTh~ f~.inse!~n!.:!
on a ahot by the left win&. Loe
Sartorius. comi111 in from
position to shoot a rcbounliin&
ball romin& off a player in volved
in ac ti o n deep in LaCio~K
territory . The aoa lic for
LaCioJScktthcba ll r; lidcoff his '
fmaen, hit in the chetl, and
could o hclpk!.s \y wat ch the
ball bounce over hit hr8d in to ;
t hcaoa lforthcscore.
The tceond tcorc for the
~~~j~ c:~c~n p l~y~l
the unlvulity and the readers:
!hey mull un dn ll.&nd each
ot her, must undcntand how
lanauqe 'WOrlaetc.
When 1anauap: becomes an
its potential power toJhoclr. and
alienate. I abo know thai th.ia
"power" muR be up ll ined,
lfapplcdwithandundentood. lf
you make the IIJUment that
suc h lana ua ae It •triaht in
hhdison or New Yorlr. but nolin
Stenns Polnt, l llimplydiii!P'CC.
tolen.ted- and pe rhapa even
This is •ceom plished in my
cluuoom bydiscussina;dlfferr nt
w r ite tJ and dlffcr~nl
interptclltions. What manyofu1
teach in the humanitit:l,is rnorc
open-mlndedneu , more
In 01.1 r molt objective tll tc ,
arewillin&toconsidn ; howcver,
t doct not mean we mull
accept for ourtc lves aU we
arc ellpOsed to. And thiJ
foiward . lilt t ho! ta me 11 he
followed up on a rcboundin&
ball nea r t he aoa l area of
LaC rosse. AI the half, ihc
Pointcrs led2.{1.
The firll half had Lat'ro.c
playina in to the wind. so durina
the tceond half of play the
Indians had the wind to th'ci r
advtntiiC. But even with th iJ
adwan t~ they faikd to r;core.
They did manap sevenol fmc
ba ll dow nfield, John Clark,
pl:lylna at left wina, made a
perfect pa• over the htad 1 of
the I.:ICJo• ddemkrs ri&ht to
Yo nan. The aoalic came out to
narrowthcanakoftheshot .but
Yonan sideste p ped the
o nru s hin& aoalir. and nea tly
pllo ccd llisshotintotheri&ht
oornn o f the p l. Th e founh
r~~~o~en! ..~~ ~~~~es~y~~tl
ucel!en t l lttmptsto KOre o nly
tobe t hwar1edbytM:defensc:of
The LaCrosse dub boasted 1
number of forei,n playen all
who could play ~•I we ll, but
th ey hadnot playedtosc theras
a team for any lenath of time .
protnbly played 1 better pa5Sina
aame than the Po intcn, but
Stcvc111 Point sc:emcd to &•in
whilcLa0os:seh¢ 1dcd~ct)'litt le
t hrouahout the aarne. Th e
appare ntla clr.of upcricnceof
the LaCrOJJC l~lic muJt be
it definilciy weakened their
defe nx .
Coach Gc o rae Portui 's
playcn conclude their aprln&
~euo n !hi s week e nd . On
Sat urda y, th cPointcrs wUlu lr.e
on the Green Kniabts of St.
~!~mln''t!~e~\::elieu:'!wi~~ most::~~ Po:~:~rt"t:'!t~~m~C:~
lUll UVU. la00M near ly
scored on a we ll p laced
eom u .fdclr;. The ball w11 pla'cd
perfectly and would have sailed
into the anal h8d not Rold•n
made 1 fine lc.apifl&uv~.
Point'a thlrd aoal came in the
third period by cent er forward,
Euho Yon an. Advancln& the
the field ltrO II from the
Cbmoom Cr nter.
On Sunday the Pomtcn w1ll l ro . LICr O$$e f~lT 1 ~turn
"::atch .wr lh lhe lndo:.ns. Game
ume wrll be at I p.m. Students
are urted to an end the home
11ame SuunLay and back up the
Netters Drop Pair
Of Conference Duals
WSU·Etu Claire hu initiated
plant fo r 1 •ummer field
uperiencc In JOciolo&Y. The
tOifllm, fin urced In pill by
wi ll be open to two
11 Uaiihlnastudcntlfromnchof
the nine Wl•contln State
Unin rti tiel .
The pro111m It delip~cd IO
provide an lndivldutl leamln&
upcrien« for each of the
uudcnu. They will wo rk with
!he cul tunliy dislinct in severa l
1 rc u of the stll~ of Wis colllin,
and con trib ut~ 10 the d•y to day
livina cxp~ricnce of thotc people
By Tim La tch
WSU -Steve ns Poin t't tennis
t um ma naacd only thr ee
victories in 11 plir ofdual lennll
LC, but Mike Dowlin1, 4-6,6- 1•
6· 1; Fuun . LC, bu t Waymire,
6·2 , 6· 1; Wais, LC, hell Tom
Wl ll sc hla eaer. 6 · 2· 61 ;
Whit ewa ter, in action o n the
Pointer (Ourt s l1R Saturday
mo rnin a.
Aaalnst the Indiana. r.,e of
the nine ma tches v.·ent to a third
K t , but the Pointe r• did not
manal" to win a sin&k patch .
Stevens Po in t p1chd up
victoriuaplnst the Wuhawklin
two Jinalcs and one doub\el
match. Ed Tcrzynslr.i and l im
VandenHeuvel won their llnaJn
mltChel and Tom Ca tt anach and
llerbWaymi rebnt theirdoubles ·
oppone nt s.
· ThePoin tcrs,who n owhav~•
3-6 dual meet record In WSUC
actio n,willt raw: l to i:Jatt evU\e
this Friday and Saturday for the
confc~n ce meet .
Complete rcsutu of last
Sa turd ay'uction follow:
La CroS$1:9,StevrnsPolnt0
SINGLES- Murph y, t.C, bea t
Cattan1ch. 6-3.6·2.6·1: Yo una .
P in I C air., t.C . , bea t
Van de nlleunl,4-6,6·3,6.0.
DOUBLES .. Mur phy.Youna,
LC., btact Ca ttana ch·Dowlin&,
6·2, 6·3; Fltuno-Ticfenth •!t r,
LC beu Tcrzynslr.i·W•ymlle,
4-6~ 6-4, 6-4; 111d Wab· Pinaclk,
LC, be1 t W.Uachlael"r·Vanden·
Whllcwale r 6, Stevens Poin t 3
SINCLES-Sir. o&Ju nd , W, bell
Oowlina, 6·3, 6·2: Pete Sc llcu~r.
W, bea t Waym ln, 6.{1, 6.0 ;
Poli~d. W, heat WaU~ehlac&er,
6·2, 6·3; Terzynsl<i, SP, beat
Nlss l er, 1·S, I S· I 3;
Vand enllcu w:l Sf', but Bus,
DOUB LES ..C att anac h-WI)'·
mire. SP. bcatliamund·Scheuer ,
6.() 6.0; PolizLI-SkOIIund , W,
bcai Dowlina·WJUsthllfacr, 6·1.
6·3 : 8n s- Niulu , W, beat
Teny nslr. i-Vandc nlleuvd , 6-4
;'.Ot:o•n~lo~o~h ::dro6~~e~~ ~c~~:~::c:.h 9~7,' '1-6~ Ctl-2 ~!~J
by winlna ln loca l ~ creatio nal
and 1umm er educational
Nine i\ tu have bee n cho~n
uflcklalli&nlfl<' nt sin lhe statc.
The main dhnlc aroup wi th
which the studenu will work i1
the American Indian. Student
apP iicarm for the prOIJim will
be ~elected o n the baW of
co II eae majo r In d
recomm~ ndatlon o f their
Six credi ts b bclnalfve n for
tha courK whJch will run from
J un e 9
Au a. 8 . Furthe r
informllion may be obtained by
Dr. Jo hnM . Ii unnic:ull
Chai r ma n , Dept. of
SocioiO&Y. WSU
. Qairc,Wiseonsi n S470 1
. ~l~lti.i'tl>t~\;">:['i/'i,ti.lli~~...{'(!oi,~ ....
·<~'lit"'·"'ft<ll<·"'·"<"'~'«"'·"'"<·'~<-""':l•~t''<J'iltcM•NllcNtc.\NI\/Ici'IJ'tc~ ...
~~ ~ ~""~
~t~ ~~g~~ ~
is pleased to anMunce the sale of a Special College
Sampler Pac of Toiletries at a fra ction of its retail value!
The manufacturers
_, ·~
in cooperation with the Guest Pac Corporation,
Mou:::: ~%7 ~;;,~ee~~o!~t~f:~~!~i:rr~:~~~~~u~~~
TherersaMale andaFemalePac,eachworth
approllrmately $8 00 The prrncrpalrtems In
each Pac
• Gill'lt' T"hm•UcR""
Manpower Aerosol Deodorant
Old Spice Afte r Shave Lotion
• Dia!So.ap
• Woolile
. ·:_
~:::P~r"Enden Shempoo
• Eltcedrin
On Cash and Car ry
Dry Clean ing
<1128 Dlvitlon St.
(opposlle Colleoe Dorms!
112<11 Second St.
3049 Church
900 Po rk St.
Sl.35 Females
Special Clearance P rices
~ :~.
Scripta Word Picke r
• Je reensSo.ap
• C!airor Kindness
r:fd~~« on.yShi~Ott•n .,.
~~~IY~T~uJ'::r~·~~!':o~~;::~!d~~· for nery tln
studantsl ONLY.ON E PAC
Infra mural
Press .Box
Ma 15, 1i68
Badgers Win Two
Both by One Run
The Wi1couin Bad&e r '•
bucba ll tum chokcrJ o rr late
rnn in1 ralti rs Tunday afternoon
to (lOSt 1 r lir o f wins over tile:
lr l obnSuqt
had two hill, Bohm, Bentley and
Mand. Both of Mand'a hits ume
In the pinch hitturok:and botll
Baldwin 1 Eatt clinched the
a ll -ea mpu1 r u\ d c n ct ha ll
. c hampi o nship for yea r-round
intnmunls by finishin a te~nd
in til e a nnual relay s and
ddc at i n a tlleir clotc1 t rin l,
Baldwin I East in JOftba U.
~is•t iniSt nc ns Pointtquad , 4to
Jan d 3 to2.
T he Poi nt ers fi'Ciforman ce
,.·u •·cry credi tab le u in both
K>~nrstheyll adt he ty in& Nnon
but and t hr po tential winnina
run II bat bu t t hey couldn ' t
s•-ore . Thcyman dcd IS ruMen
on t he ,,..o aamu. includinJ: 10
mthe~condaam e .
TIM' pitchin&was also atrona,
Tom R i t zc ntll al tr , Glenn
8trl: hah n an d Ji m Sn u r
allo,.in& only fo ur n med Nns
"hilcnrikill& out iCVtn , wa lkina
four:mdJivin& upl 2 11ill. lnthco
fit l.!, ! hey co mmitted four
erron :and at b:ot the y bJllp:d
out 1\ hits.
Duprte I he d ouble lou,
Poin tn coach J im Clark wu
p](astd ,.· i tll th e t e a m' s
pnformancc. " ThC$e ~·en: rome
of t he Nst 1amcs ,.., "!:: played
~~ scaw n; ,..t made .~ss mental
m1$U kn th:m ~ fore ..
l'llc f rust111 tion o f losina
btc:m in the six t h inninaof the
first aamr . Witll tile scon: t ied
~-~. ~'isro n 5i n pushed across
'"o runs. Stu Voigt led o ff,.·itll
a 5inclt and ,.·~ n t to second
'"' htn Dtnnis Bohm couldn ' t
handl.- Tom Jollnwn'saroundcr.
Both I'\I Mtrsad~anccd 1 bax on
Ritun t haler's wild pitc h an d
Vol&t .nmc home on a hc l'lfloc
fly tO' deep c enter. After
Johnw n mond IO tlli r.! on•fiY
biLl. u t c ll cr li m Tr eb bi n
I n hi1 tbr innln& Jtint ,
Riuenthak:r allowed tia hill,
Ul'\lck out flve,walkcdoneand
&ave up two etrned l'lltU.
lkrkhllln abo aave up liJi; hitJ ,
but walhd two. Ul'\ltk out one
and J IVe up one earned run . In
theonc _lnninahepitched,Sctur
allowed no 1\llt, walked one,
11ruck out one and didn't Jive
up 1ny Nns. Ri1tenth1k:r and
lkrkhallnabsotbedthc iOSIIC s.
StuVolatwuthcbi&tnlll for •
the lbdJCil , p:tlinafour'hi~tin
t riptandbatti n&illtllrce
1'\ins. One ofthrte .300 hitters
Jt COII\1.
Wi th a 1-l co unt o n llim,
pmch hill er Gr ne Mand lin ed 1
1.1nclt to ~n tcr and llenn ina
srorcd, k avin1 run ne rs o n first
andso:cond . · .. •
But tllu WU!Jll the PointerJ
cou ld do. The next b:o ttcr , Jo hn
ll uri'l, p ounded to the tllird
basem an on tile fint pitch,
fo rcin1 ~llnd lliCCO ndbnr: and
endin cthe aame.
t n the
x rond &Jf\le , the
r:;·r~!~ y!'!!~':!~~a~~~:~~=
:v~n':eto ~~;~·- T~ ~~~~.:~
Badp:r to colkct two hits , wu
fiul bue: mll! .Gary Wald who
wu two for 'rhree pl ayina in
o nly rhe IC COnd pmc
Pitcl\ina was the diffrrtn ce in
the pmcs and WisronJin 1\ad il .
Mike McEvilly went the disu.nee
in rile frrst pme, aUowina five
hill. strikin.a .out iC\'tn , wllkin&
one and &IYtn~ up one r~mcd
run . loll . Galli ~ me up ~llh 1
st ro nc n:lit f perfou'.'ancc. rn r.hc
..:co'.' d p mc , allowma ll1 hrts ,
s trl ki ~ a. out ~even, walkln & none
and JlvtnJUp one camed run \11
fiv~ and one th ird i nnin ~ . lit
!elif'·ed starter l~s Per~nm&t o n
rn the Kcood wtth the base s
loaded on. w:olkl ~d t.... o.out. ~le
procrcdcd .to reh re thestde wrth
a run Ko nna. Pennl naton s ~ruc.k
o u.t three an d walked t.hree. m .h tl
ap in stfnt cmlt iesuwd l.
M e m be r i o f 1 h c
winJ include; Pet e
lh ue n , Bill Sch waS&, Dave
the,.·inninl run. l nthe rop half l l'llnl .
of the ~ot •·c~.t h, tilt PolntciJ
Wi.Kunsi n ~~eored firJt in bo ll\
cl1nrt back .. ~rth one out Ste ve contcsll and wu ne ~e r be hind .
~:X:':~;ft,~ b~;~:e~o:i~:
S e co nd Ean has r~ ever
finished low er th~n fourth in
:1~d :i~~; ~~Ll;~r~1 ~o ~~~ ~~,! 0~~ 1~d1111:!e~h~!' :;,~~:~
Ci<'nt Juk pin ched ll it for Marv
Andcno n and d!l'w 1 wa lk ,
puttin& runner s at first and
Setond East finilll~d with
20S point1 for tile ycar ,to 194
for ruM el'llp Ba ld win I Eut,
who . held the lead for a1Jno1t
half th e ynr. 2 East, ho wever ,
came a live i n tile ucond
IIC mestcr . They fin is lled tcoo nd
o n c ampu 1 i n b owlin a.
b ld ~nt ion,a ndrr:layl, adde d
a tlllldln va Ueyba U,Ind pLi ycd
in tile 10f1ball cha mpionship
Tun da y nl&h t against Si nu 1
North .
The y
in tile flrst in ni na
~ d. thr . PornterJ came ba ck to
he rt up m tile x ro nd ,
In the fo urth lnr~in&. the
Badccn pushed across another
runt o rcp illthclead , buttllc
next innin& the Pointers came
backto kn ot itup .
ill the second Jarne, the story
~~::rich, ~~ ~e~f~.:Cr, ~J~~
Han5an , John Breneman , John
Dick Jo lln10n, Jcrr y Disterh aft,
Bru ~ ll assler. AI Prochno w,
J o hn Meltler, Cree Robbin s.
Ken t Roloff. Mike Got mi ll and
Ti m l lsch(Captai n).
GENE J ACK, the Poi nter s' lehficlde r, is shown llere o s he rro n es home
plo te in ho pe1 tho! lie w ill bea t rile ball to tile p lote. (Photo by Mike
Pointers, Blugolds Divide
Last Home Doubleheader
it s 1969 s.r:aJOn t hil weekend o n
the road with a pair o f
co nfer e n,e d o ublellndc u,
t) kina on Stout o n Frid1 y t nd
Rivcr FaUsonS1turd ay.
Dave-Petr no n'stcco nd home
r un o f th e pmc: in the bott om
half o f thf. sc:v enth inninapvc
WSU -Stcveou Po int , 9·7 win
and 1 split o f itsd o ubk~ad c r
wi t h WSU -F.a u C laire lut
Saturday a t 8ukolt I'Mk . The
Blu&okls ralliedforfive rumin
Scberer, Zb ........ t
to win. S· I.
The s plit ldt Coach Jim
Clark ' s Po intcn with a 4-6
confer e nce mark and 8· 14
IJiins t all competit ion . Eau
Cla ire is no w 3·7 in the WSUC
and6 -8ovrull.
To m Ritzenth aler o f Stevus
Sclur, p .......... _ I
Cnmdeorn, p ·-- 1
TUi er . If ............ 3
L.angloll,3 b .. _ 3
thexnnthinn in& of t heoJl<'nrr
lklh m. 3b ..........
Ander11011, e ....
Ht nn lnt:. pr ,,_
Jkrkha l\n , p ... _
R rbl
D. 0 1101'1, d ...... ~
Glpp, u ............ t
~1. O h1on . c ........ 3
Hu«hn, l b ........ Z
u ..........
St. Ctrm1tne, rf 3
p ... ........ 3
U'II R.erbhM
Jlowe !WI
1 $ I 1 1 7
Jlllu nt'c r!L) I 1 ll 3 3 t
1 0
ED u Clal ~ .......... 300 0031 - 7
Stew ... l'olnt... .. , 700000 2- 9
f=· MIUII 2. Scherer, SL C.....
maine, Harrl1. HR-Pttenon 2,
Clpp. DP·SteY<!nl Poin t I,
Clai re t , LOB·Eau Claire 7,
Ba ld ., l Easl iCI a new
reco rd o f 2:29,4 f or t he
oombincd 4<1 0 and 880 rfbys.
Runners incl uded D~vc an d Don
St urm, Ed ~0n11d and !)ave
Templeton .
In th e openi ng round of
10ft ba ll pLiyoffs, Sims 2 No rth
bea t Knut zen 3 Sout h, 5-{) ;
Smith 2Saut hou tscorcd ll antcn
4 West, 11 -J ; Pray 4 East bu t
St einer J Sou th , 7-6; and
Bal dwi n 2 F.ut wll i ppcd
Burr ouah~ 3 West, 12·6. In
scmi.finJ I act ion, Sims l North
bombed Smi th 2 So uth. 22-l l ,
and Baldwi n 2 l:a>t rallied for
fiva ru nsi nthelntinn in& to
edp: f'J ay4Eut,I0·9.
Grundecn 2, Mlllla.
1~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~t~~ ~h~~~
the fint
another of the rontn t JOin&
run in t he foUJth and scor~:d
their final run hi the fifth. The
Pointen plckedupthcirfintrvn
in tllat contut in the 5i:.:th.
BohrnJINtk o ut but the baUaot
final innina was Pointer veteran
John Harm· t l'lird llomc run of
t he yurlnthe flntinnlnJ.
Ritunthak:r canied a fourh it
lhutout into the 11evcnth, but I
~:n:~~ ~;~:~ed~~ln, t~~~~:.~~: ~~:y .!'f~m .:her~~:ch~~v~: ~~ r~; ~: )~b·t:h~(!;:·r~~~:
off. Sa m Bent ky lind a home
run int o le ft f~t ld , but the nul
ho b:otte u were re,i1tcrcd u
mike ouu. Otn nis Boh m ktpt
the Poin t hOfi'CS al ive with a
.tecond oo 1 pounlkr, he went
to thi rd on an e rr or by t he
sh orutop and ~~eored on ~l a11d'i
pinch sinale.
ll cnni n& led the Pointe u in
bat tina, &oin& t hrte for iC Ven in
tht: double ht ader an d drivin1 in
t••o runs . Tlvce ot her Pointers
Wisconsin ............. IOO I 02.\-4-6-S
Stevens PoinL ...... OOOOO II -2-6·1
WiKo!Wn ............. IOO II Ox -3-6·2
RitZenthaler wu rt licved and
tide .
Jerry lluah u, who also
$tarnd in buketb aU for Eau
~~~~rik:~~o1!~~n:~: c:~tc11~~ired Steven~ P~~~~:..~ttJ8tot.J-S-3 ~~~~~~!!~711i~:~~:d~:J~E
~:ub~ ~~ol:.;:din ~~teh lc: d t;:,~
For Fox l lv trVoUey A,.a
Rittenthaler IlNck out JcU
Tukr, but Da!l Uon1kllswasufe
on an error and Roger Schcrrr
bclteda!I0-2 pitch overthe rjsht
Full T ime $139.00 per week
(Toke home)
Po .lnters In Act·• on \'',·,:~~c:::::::;~~~~~~~::
Dri ver' • Li cemc ll:~u i red !MEN--ONLY)
For Details Coli 344-7630
or write P.O. Box 3<13, Appleton, Wlt.
fanned DakOlson and BrllGlpp
The l'ointt rl thrtatcned in
BAS I:BA ll · Fri day; AT Stout , (2). 1 p.m., Saturday; AT RiY'tr their half o f the ~event II l i To m
Falb ,{l).l p .m.
Walkncr and Gene Jack botll
t in&led to o pen the lnnina, but
~~;~CK - Friday
GOLF -Fnd~y
and Satunlay ; WSU
and Saturday; WSU
CounuyC iub , Madison .
Mtet AT River
Moct at Chcrok«'
l'l:NN IS- Th ur$d:oy, Friday, Saturday; WSU Confertncc M«"t at
Good ludr; to the Pointer team• tompctin& In the oon fcrence
m«llt hil wockcnd , The tnLck team wiU tnvd to River Falls, the
colfc" to MadiJOn't Chnokec Counuy Club and the tennis tum to
PLIUnillt ,
The Uadr; tum llad an out1tandin& week lut week, win ntn,tllc
/ll•thip n T«h lnvitation.a l for the fifth strai&ht yur, placU. •
/dpr:eta_bk fourth in the Wlli leWll lcr Invitational and w~nln& t ~ir
~wn Poont cr l n~itational. They lhould an Jmprtmve sbowu"
lll l bcconfr: tcnocrnectand~ukl rinishlllliahu t hird.
~::: b:.0::Ske~~W(i~111~h~ t~e~~ck1 !r 1t~'::~~~J:~~
at Ma dison, t nd willlll'ie to tome up with another ftne tum eUort
lp UJUCII thrcc~imc champion Oshkosb, wllo f111ilhcd one point
ahead o f the Pointen, Whitewater, and U.Cro-., in trianalllar
I wu ec rtainly llllprilcd t hat suc: ll NF L powt:n u Cleveland and
&llt imore went to the AFL. 1 t houaht it would be t bc ne-st
~ mben l:ike New Orkan1 o r .,.uantr., ( it wo:ould have acned them
r ~P t to act kicked out of the "National" lcaaue.) o r one of t he
'Oicak membcn like Philadelp~ .• • •
100: 1t~c
~[~ ~~~~~~~~~roa
t luee ru111 in the fint innin& o f
thcni&hteaptoanb ancarlyHl
lead off of Pointer ri&llt bander
Gle n Berkllahn.
Jeff Tulcr led orr and .but
out a slow ehoJ'IflCI down the
t ll ird base line . L~n&loi s
a ttempted to u crifl~ and
popped up, but the baU sailed
over the llead of krkhlhn , wllo
wuclur,P,so ffthe mound and
went for an infreld hit. Schcrtr
followed with 1 bloop linJie to
left freldto soo rtTukrand
bun t by J im ltowe ltorl:d
Tbc Polnten el\ioycd t heir
moa productive iMina of the
suson in t he home flTil wllc:n
Ho111e Cooking
Pies and
University Ford
Open Doi ly
l im Jollnson of Wisconsin or CeorF Tbomplon or WtrqiMIIIC
:~~;~~::..::: ~=~hou;.~~~~t,.,~':,~:d'!":~ ;~:
T'"'Yman.:.theyctnpt~!o•.u:u:biued iiUIOIInctrw.
5 :30 A.M. - 2 :30 A.M.
Cl~t ~.:.ightl
Holiday Inn
341 -1340
~c._~ L---------------------..1
OPEN: Mon - Wed. • Fri. 'Til 9
341 - 1727
MIV 15,1969
Track Team ,__rC ontinues Impressive Showing
·Team Places Fourth
At Whitewater Meet
Pointers Outclass
Meet Com petition
T~ Po inte!') o ut cllned aU
compclil ion in'rinnin& the t hird
annual Poill ttrinwitat ion~ ltnclt
nwct at Got rke Field. Despite
11 r o n a wi nd s and · co ld
~~~r~'tt~· .::O~'&.::::wpb~~
Mictuaan T teh's 41 \l:o, foUowell
~~~~~~~~~i~~~ -~~~ R-~~
Falls- 16. -9\l:o and
Er.uCbiH: -9.
The w e· at he r held
pcrlorman ces below par in moll
cvcnu but hdpfd a couplt of
o t hen-notably t ht
duh in which Tom Lubncr and
Ray Aim tel • acboo l record
JcrriPie rinlun :2 1.7 and :21.8
rcsp«tivdy. Lubncr's tin.e ,.;u
countasaon« trecordbutnol
asaschoolrccord .
The Po inter 440 r\"lly tum
tqllakd thcmcc trccordof :43.9
ie:l by l.:ICI'osscin
LaMere in 1968 with 1 trme of
the~~ ~~e~Y.e;,~,~':.~·.i:
!<i"hlahcrthan therccotdaetby
BWR riehw:dd lh 1967.
l %~ dupile
havin& Ron Whiu spil<C'd in the
lea and runrlin& without one of
his shan.
Tom McKay
s"cn. l
Raulta d. the mHI : Plattev1Ue,IS7; Oa.hkol.h. 47\lo ; Willi~
2·~. i:::.~~. J)~;
cuts when he fell pu.sin& the
baton to Whiu. who was tllm
spil<C'd ~n<.l k»l IUs ahoe. lubner
put th~ l'l>intcn in front with J
crnt thin! k J Pin& l' it'riflc an
U5yan,hor kC IOI\IR ,
Stout 's r ran t ht
£ :~~~~~d~:~~~+&~j~;~~; ,,,,_.•.•c·"·.•·. '~"'''"-'
the 1\linters a llo .,.-.,d them to
kOI\liDhravUy,orttn J tllinK
t hrtepbC'tlinanHt nt ,
Team Sweeps,
wi~~.,?,.,~~~~·s ~r.r,s~rr;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Pointc n , .,.·ep t to their
fifth consecu tive victory in the
Michi&an Tech l nviu tiona l Mnt
llo~~&h t o n . M khl&an .
nine tint and ae tt ina thn:c mee t
records and one " hoo l reconl ,
thePointcn pilc:d 1.1p lO Jpoinu
to 70 for ~l kh i&an Tn ch.
St . No rbut 's "'' II th ird wit h
60 ro ll o w~d by No rthun
Michi&an with 34 , Supe rior 10,
Northland 2 1andSuomi I .
Ca.pttin GeorF Check broke
the o ld rec:etd or42'1"'" in the
~~·~tt. .j~:~ ;:~m: .~·:MO:..
mart o1 ~ 15 .2 in t he 120 hi&h
hurd les . Tbe old matt was
Pltrin& also anchored thr 440
relay tu m to a new record_ o r
:43.5 compared to the old ume
of :44.6. Tom lubncr, Tom
McKay and Ron Whitt were the
otbe rmcmbenofthc tearn.
IW Rrichwakl ~~ 1 school
record in the pole null of
I J'J\4'' . The okl reootd wu
E~ ....
+IG-ydrelay -
!Wtyne YO<WUe, RIIQ Sdlu.b,
Sob Betch and Mille KMlp),
2. Whltpotttr, 3. PlttttvUM, 4.
Muq111ttt, 5. Ltwlt . U .2.
MUe.n.-. - I. Mike Cmnlrc-
440in :50 .2 tobc'nntMrecor<.l
of :S0.7 ~t by SmU lindpen
ofl..:!Cro$$rln 1968.
l JC roue he ld ils o wn
invih t io ~l rr11:et on Sat urday,
t hus takinc aw~y any ru l
competit ion fo r t he l'olnlerl,
T~ l'oin trrJ pk ktd u p ei,w.h t
Slak-Back Aares
_ ,..araPre••
Start with Slak·Back styling- add
a terrific new variety of patlerns ·
and solids- finish it off with new
flared boll oms -and you've got a
great look going! Get a comfort• ble, trim fit - wiUl no honing,