..,,~:.:.~:~ fiB
Stevens Point
Pointer Wins
First Place
Th~ l'ui~m
Students' Protest
ROTC's Presence
wn a"'' ~hkd first
pll c~ intho·annld l
Wh co nun Sta t ~ Unh·rnity
,.,,.·sr:a pt·r .:ont ~!il . Th i5 is t he
in'l'"''·~• owr
I'~~~~~ ~~c~
th<' thild pl.n"e
Doc y fu ~ info o m~J th e
l tuJ,·n t' thu th e only
infom"'t lon t he University gi~es
to the loca l doaft bo;o rd ~ i$ foom
109. ,nd th is form has. to bt
in il b tcdby thcstudcnL
Thc<liscuWon then cc ntcrftl
, round ind ividud an<l pou r
focedom. One of the dem~nd s .
ca lled for the '"immedi:.t..·
S••con,l rllc•' "·cnt to the
Oshl..o•h ,\,l•·an,,.: r;un whik
th e l· ~u ("Ia ir e Sp<"Cia tor
capt uh'\lthir.t .
Jud~tinr. of the (1;11""11 w:u
Uonc h)' l•'S h'f lh wl:<'l.
c ha iruun
d ~ ranm•·nt
uf tiM' joumalism
at tlw Unh·nsi t y o f
Wisn>m:i n. lknutcd thatgc nnlll
nrw $ t"ti \'CUjtC wa S \11<' SliOiljtCSI
pau uf tlk· l'o mtcr an.l rat•...! the
Sil<l rl s,.,,·tion ··,·~ccllcnt,o~of
' "''
rcmovalof sM~eonmcnt"'war>h
poojcchcom r ibuting to mi liu ry
<krar t nwnts in the
dcvelotnr~r nt."
Dr eyfus w~s
in t c oest cd i nkn owin~,:ifanyo f
the studenh ~nrw of any •udo
Sl a t <' ,"
l ie a lw ;:ih-.1 tho.· urk l y o f
>tudcnt .'O lumn i,;u, the fea ture
' Si o rks. lh•· variety of the
N ot o riJl('Jjtt'and thrpictun:s:as
r~~ji:IJ·u a~nd f~~-~~~~·c·~~~~~~~~~
a Kf~ nt from the
ml ht ~ ry dwukl he lx' stOfii >Cd
foom dom1 re!>Cueh on thi•
campus. The con!i<: n.\ u lw~s that
such rest"u ch ~ho ukl b<' ~topped
Or ey fu ~ ~ato-d he saw an
imp lktl tlu cat Ill t ho.• fin4l
para1raph "accccd oo c~pcet
IIO~>b lc :· lt c wa n l ~d to kilO"-" it
tht de mo nstrJtm• w•. ,... w i llin~
to abide by the majoJi ty a\ to
whether ornott hcrc\houltlbc
kOTCo n C31lli' US. The t<"t•ly ,.. ~1
lh atthcmaJ(lri t y<J fthc t'<'01'._,
may I><' behind the mihurr . but
thiSdO<"sn"IIIIUhitfigh t,
A •tutlcnt •<kc<l "'"ht!hc•r
there "'·ould bt- ~ fin ~nd~l lol'. tO
tlx Univco~ILY of KO'I (." W<' l <"
removt'tl •nd /m p!Jce>.l oft
c~ml'us. The l'f<"S•dcnt n·t<l"'''
thatthc onl)·h•·rwfn"'a>that
t ht rnillh oy p•o• od etl t h.:
iotllru(IOU an d thc r ~ could b.·
nofi nanciallol'.lfthc.:<Jur ><·s
strontromt s of t hepapo:r.
Stevens Poi nt is the only
in th•· ~tat•· uni•·~ uit y
1ystcno t hat Jocs not hav~ I
journali)noJ~ r~tmcnt offcrinca
nu.jmor mi nor.
Sig Eps Win
Canoe Race
Down Plover
WCI<" r ~nlO\"ed .
B y~t h yCoHins
n~tiona l
hi•toryfr:~terni t y.sjiO nJDrcdits
s econd panel d i,;cus:sion on
Momlay, A1'ril2 8. The member!
of the l'anel, all his tory fa culty
membeU.SjiOkc o n "" K e ~ olut ion
A ll i!itooical E•·al .. atiOn: ·
Revo lut ions in Latin t\merieto .
Afri ca a nd C hina "'"UC
examined .
M t.
Kobl' rt Kno..,lton
o pened th e diJ~:u"ion by
con,;ide ring Utin Amcrin a nd
iU onol ution~.
Aecordina to poe -corklit ion•
revolu t ion ddin<·d in
1::~~~v h~~ ~~1; 1 ",'~~;~~~~
thr e e revo lut ion s. th ose
invo t.·inll Muico. Spain and
C<Jba. Mr. Kn ow lt on feels In
view o f the ··ne cUIOi ry"'
pre-condi tions of rc•·olut ion ··a
true revo lut ion is not prc!i<: ntly
In th e makin!l i n Lat111
a ;:;;~~~oh~~~~~~; e:J::I~~~~~~!;
stat ed Mr . ll <!~h Wal~cJ 111 Ius
<lisruss.ion of Chma anti 1IS
r cvo i<Jti <.>n ~.
Th•· Cul t "'~1
Kcvolu tion and t he Grc~t l..·at>
Fo r... ar<l in l "hilla and th..-io
effe cts .,.,,... ~nalvcd 1n t in~ ra r1
of the dn•u~ion In PI•'~>•'"' <I~)"
China Mo . Wal~ cr ,..1d ""\ho T ...·
Tu n,·s od ..·a~ of " '""rtn•t:
authOIIIY to the l"'"~~nh l>ut
•Jill kccr in~ cc ntnl ~uth011l)" .··
m<J>thc co n'l<lcr.·d .
Mr . C l offo r d .\I OI!IU>tl
c~ami nc<l
Ahi ca Jtltl ot s
u·•·olull<.>n s. l;lcc;rn!W: ..,( th•·
do>mg uf th<" Su.•t Canal.
aruugcn..,n t• h.-1,..,... ., ,\fr .. a
and Eu r op•' hnt• hc•cn
cst abl~- h,•d "'"hid! ha •··· on ult•·d
in ""a new a llllulk "" 10"~ tht•
Afr•ca nsi ntllfllmt:lhcrn"'l"·' t<.>
l: urol"· ,nd its n·ono"w n .,,
ma)' b•· con~nk r c,J ,~ o I) I'•" u f
~oo n1 ~1 r("'o·olutoon ."" a,·,·ohlin~
t o t !IC'I'lndn~mbcl.
Point Blank
341 · 1251
h.t. 2JS
hEd.\l ark sandM ikeEn
Whatn:o mc.inStcvensPointis thtr no)! romrno n?
Althoua;h Su•·cns Poin t is t•rrdominaruJy J'ul ilh . K ow~l)l;i (the
J'olis h name for Smi t h) is not the most ,-omnro n. 1\ "ordilli: to the
June 1'.1611 tc:kphonc din:ctor y. thcr.' orc "onl y 10 Kowa bki"5 listed.
ThciiiOllco r"nHlnna mcis Johnson.
What happtllnl to tlx Cofd of the
piC"I <JrU in !he Poin teo ?
The phol o~raph~ri sim pl)' ha•·cn"t b...,n turn i11g
pro ~p<:ctivecocd pidures.sothcf,•a tulc hubc:c:ndo!lnant.
Byavoteof nearlytlucc: to
OM. Wally Th le\, I
1enator from Sheboyaa n,
ddcalc:d Vun Rc:bc:lcln in t he
;un~~pr:~~~''!fu ':"' v{~~;~ Na·m es Queen
Nendz.a t ndawrite·l n candida te ,
Pe ter Day. Day is cu rren tl y a
.mmbc:rof t his yen's Scntte .
Of th e tlvee candidates
Unop~SC"d In th e race for
runninl !Of the posi tion of
vice·prc:sidc:n~ was Mark Dalr.l,
ll enn,.patotalof i4J9votn . sophomo/"1: senator, Bev Geo~Jt
LikewDc, In the n ces for and Larry Knus Were ekded to
t ruwrc:r an<l JCetc tary. Len fr.U the posi tions.. 8C¥ Geo11c: is
Sippel and Audrey Johnson we"' abo 1 member o f this year's
elected to th eir positio/1.1 Smale. Ka thk:en Rhode wu the
withoUIOf!POsition. Sippr l will third candida!~ .
Accord II!& to Rk hard Mc:K1ia
wcc:ced h1msc: lf u trusiUt'r
whik AIKirey Jo hn son SIICC:Cedl who supc:rvi$ed the tallyina of
Mary Ustruck I$ Ketetary .
Dilnyl Germain and Lee rc:&istet1:d. lltnotedthilwutlle
SchRn will rc:pruc:nt the .enior hiJ.hest tu rnou.t of the student
elasson Student Scnltc:. Nc:ithtr body to vote in reoc:nt Stu dent
flcc:dopposition forthc:irsc:lll. Scnateded ionJ.
~for u odc:ntbodypR'Iidc:nt.
Miss Jotn Kuhn. Ro t hschikl,
wn .teleetnl ROTC quf:t'n at the
militaoy "bill Friolay evc:nin~t.
Miss K11 hn wueoownc:d byKa ol
F.richo n . ca d et hu ll io n
commander, son of Dr . anti Mn.
J . R. f:rieboo. 1 18 Linwootl.
Stnc: /1.1 Point.
As queen. Mi.sll K~>hn will
rc:Jan oveo all ROTC nc:nts
dwina t hc: yea r. A 10phoroorc:at
WSU . wile uthedtu&htuof t.h .
and Mrs. John C. K11hn , 7 14
BirehSt. , Ro thschild.
First r<JnMr...,p was Pew
Atkinson. Wat Allis. dauahter
o f t.h . and Mrs . CuToll
Atk in10n.
Work Applications
Being Accepted
S tud ent emp loyment
r. pplic.:nions for the University
a nd lkBot Centers for the
1969-10 u hool yeu art now
bein& considered. Applieation5
JOAN KUHN wos select~ cr5 q<Jun of the ROTC military bo ll
held in the Wisconsin Room of the Un iversity Center. The boll
wcrs held lou Frldoy evening. [Photo by Jim Pietionj
arc:~inatakc: nllttheUniversl t y
r oo m
a tt e nda nt s,
· :~~~•,en_~r;; i~:'~~t:r_ated~
and arroic.tionill.
Where doc$ Stnc: ns Poin t ~ t its " "Iter loom? R.M.B., Phill ips. Why
doc:Jthewatc:roc:cuionallycumbrow n inthc:dorn/17
8CJnud Yull;a.assisUn t , upc:rin tcnden t oftht watuandscv.-ap:
derartmc nt . uidStevc:ns Point obuinsitsv.·ater foo novo undwater
in tht Plovc o rive r valley (Note : The water is not taken from the
Plover river).
T h~ city "swdlsarc located at lversonra rt incn cloi'Cdbl.lildinp
A new well fK"kl is unde o constr ud ion nur l hc air jiOII. Stevens
l'oinl wa tcristhlorin:otcdblltnot flouoidatd .
Yul&;l stated t hlt tllc: ruJty colo ccd waterwucaused by iron In
t he wa ter : a sma ll amount o f discolooation is due to nung;onc:sc:. lron
po ecipitatcs in t he pipl'l and se nlcs to the botto m.
Whentoomuchironbuiltlsur, thc wa terbc: ro l!>esdiscolorcd: the
eon<lition worKns on .a busy day when more wa,.·s throuah
t he pipes. The city nushcs its watc:r5yStem in the fa ll and spring to
remove iron deposits. The sprin&flush. too~ p ia ~ l.:nt Friday niJht
whtnfirc:hydnn tl wcrc:opc:nedup.
Aprroxima tcly thn:e million pllons of water arc wed dai ly by
Stevens Po int. The amountofi1'6ninthc:a-aterisapproxinlltely .2S
ppm; tile con~n t ration of manpnc:sc: is about .2S ppm; thus, total
con«ntrat ion would betbout .Sppm.
The new well bed at theairpootwiii!Pve.09 tota l concentnllion
for iron and nunpnae. Water hardne ss is due to t he amount of
nu.~nniurn ions in th~ wa teo. At the old we ll ~d. the co ncc:ntntion
is 125 ppm: t he conoc: ntration a t the ncwwc: llw lll beo nly68-10
ll y Paul hnty
mcmbns of tile faculty
10 a t r oup o f
JO poopk about
pomibiluy of puce in
arr~<:nim:n dy
MX:Ie ty
- LETIERS Injustices' Exists
ou r eooi iOmc timu- 1 only hope
weunJdmitl t .
_Br t>ttWendt
Beyond Greeks
limited time In whkh to rnpon d
in oppoWtion to routine decision
tic 1011ioJ the United Shtc1
was baed on 1
prc-induurial iOCidy dcsi&ncd
fot 18th century ,
Con~ti tut ion
ncmna .
ti c no ted "'" impol1ant
llbnk IN off 1m, ckmcnt in the cokl wu forciJII
•lt•"·'lot.IOII by a t aUt on ctisi! polley is the concept of
m•·nuli t y In .t oday's rold wa. . ''brinbn~:~n!ohip ," li e p1 rt
lh· ddirn:d cn sis by urlnr: it is o f t M cold wn forciUI policy of
romp<ncd of two dcn~nn. OM the United Statu and t lk< Soviet
~.;;!'~f1h~s..:iv~~finite thre~t to a ~~~=~~~~ :u!.he ~·ticip~tion in
Thr oth~ o clcnoent it the ' "''
that ~ p<"l"1>0n h;u a ··~Tictly
BLink pointnl out the mod el
(fQ>t/(nwrdQnPQtt 41
The Pointer
Then till- house li&htt wen t
up and it was over. I was
tiW1ntd . l wlthiYillllllth1JrQII
time . Why would anyone wan!
to t lo p aU t hese frslivitks1Wr
all wanted t oaosomrw here a nd
k«p enjoyina oundva.but we
rrmembe1rd that we're students
and it wl!""t rt'llly 1 p~rty, tha t
we h:ld hckcts lor t h;,and and
t.: ci th and I kll , aU pai nted
IIP _and lookina P"-'IIY silly . We
dcaded tokaveo ~.~r painton We
looked for Mike and couJdn'l
fmd him, so we v.·rnt Ndr; out
t o Bl anc hu ds ... Bu t that's
anothrTs tory.
~~~~~~~~=:~~~~:~~~= a~d~hcy've ~~~ liked looks,
~~~:;: ::~~!:~:!~i:.~~i~s::~~~Z&~=·~=:;.
~~ ;:;-:c~~~~~~ppenina hete and you don 't know what it k .
Tl\ankstoOylan.lappaandTertuUian .
May 1. 1969
Ancestors Have Considered
Electoral College Reform
By Pnl l ant y
of 01i ~~s.-p:o~~:r· c::i~~~~
~:~~~~1ct~t.t h~:~li:i:~ 1 T5::;~
3 Students rd~~~ka
I n De b a t e:r~~~~~·~~:·:~~~~!;,Ja~~::~~t;~f
'-lid the problem of
' ""•"' ooll<" relom o hu "' "
Tlur•• ~iudcnts look p).lt in
!I'll: WSU.Suf'C' rior Fift h Annual
Nc>llh ...·rsl Novitt lkbatf and
For<'ll~k Tuurnamcnl on Apr.
l8~111l 1 ~.
t'oun·.p lit ion vukd -..·ith
V1(kl l'alar takinG p.Jrl in tturc
rm11kls of or:atory and thrrc
ro 11 n.Js of prose o ra l
in••·rpl\'tarion. F.lkn D.J iun1al!.o
i<X>k 11311 in thn:e ro unds o f
ura l ory "' hi l c ll e lc n
V~n[k•lh)·dcn oomp<tcd in two
ro unds of c~ tcrupor:anrous
d ecwnnotthePruidcnt of lhc
Unlt~d Slates.
He '-lid there h:avc bern
numerous indden~s o f ad ual
aberrations o f !he pupular ....m
and ...·here rlectou o,lid not ,..,, ...
urM (>('ctcd.
Woodka puintcd 0 1,11 the bet
the n1ovcment for electora l
culk a:•• reform couM.'$ after do~
elections. lie stated there h~
bee n i n crruin~: intcrcSI in
rdorm o f t he d relo r:al oollrsr.
lie rommcntcd iho:rc uc
m;~ny pllns for rrform in t t.>
ckctor.r l ~'Oilrge. Woodka ci!cd)
APO Sponso~s i~~~~~~[g~~~~:::~~~~c-~~~!
Clothes Drive ck!;'!
pll~.~~d ··~~~~ ~.!:ub~~·~·~c•io;i
ion would pro•·
,\lph:.l'll!OnK'pisspans.orina cho!Oe n from cJ~h CongrcS$iorol
a ckn ho:~ J nw for the nrcU)' .Jisu k t in~t.·ad o f i h~ P"'$Cnt
, syst~m wh~ t~.· ··kctorsu~ cho!>:n
l h,· dothn d ri>·e will lx' fro m rhc st ai~-~• ·Larg,c. Woodka
sron~n:.J from ,\ pr. ~6 thro"'t;h, , ho ,.·cvcr. !his would shift
M~) 4. 8lrrds ..,iJIIx' lo.:atcd at
l h<· b:Bi~ofdcction from thr big,
th~ followinl!. ~l\lt~.·s for pc-opk
s u tu
to t h~ im porta nt
..,·ho "'l>h 10 drop clothes in Cong,r.:ssionai .Jistrkts.
t hem:
lnrcg;rrds to tho:propollional
SII OI' I\ 0 ... 3~6 ~ Chur ch •·ote jllan, 1\'oo,Jka s.:ril.lthi<i t>bn
..,·ouklabolishl'lcetOr$ bull\'tain
11..\ ~"S
IU' D OWL... No nh tlw c k clo r:al vote as a count ing,
I'UIIItSho ptllnGCcntcr
\\' I: ST G ,\ T £ 1' 0 0 1)
Th,• thirtl plan call~ fur.Jir.·d
STORF.. : 10 Wr~l ('lar~
t1opu la1 d cc t io n by 1111.·
~~~c~~·c:;.~:~~~:'tlsa~~ tl ~~[,~~~~~:
S II I I' I' Y
tiM: brSI r~O•·ction or til..· ae~ual
STOll f.. ""a1n :.u crt
•·otc nat ion,.·i.t,· g,ivin~t t•ach•X>h'
()S('O lliWGS .. Main S!tct t ~~~fa~ va1u,• wllt'n !allym~ !ht•
1\ ,\T I O~ ,\ L
1'00 0
S IOIO·. 1:.1: ~binSti\'CI
S I' OI' · N·GO I' OO IJ
S I'OIU .. :.1)7 MamSrrcrt
h\$1' Slllf. IGA FOOD
STOII.1 .:3501 ~lam Strut
t:toth•·s•houi.Jbl'pl4c.-d in
P~f'\·r l>:lj!.S Of bl.>.\ fl. If )'Ou hnr
.-loihc)!Obo:picktdup pleasc
(~11 ll~nr.:n ll•U.h t. 4 71.
H ow Al>out That . .
A Gift for ~ (om?
Choase A Fun Gift
* Pieces of pone•r
Florol dero•otionsln boxes
* Hanging COOSiers
Or sOmething per~onol
Future Teachers Aids
Vietnamese Orphans
Tht• Clu i~rrna5 win! ha~n 't
d ' "" "''.l r,., • sruall ~wur o f :~~~~~~~~M,which tlcpo.'nd . on
fulu"' km,kr~:Jfit•n t.•ach~u at
Th··r hoi'C' to hnc a brg<'
WSU -St c•·•·n~ Point. ,\ JliOJ~Ct of
~.~~;r r::ld~;~~i~~f·~.-c~\~ilh~:dc:
~oo.l w1ll ~l~rted Ia~ l),.,.,.rnbt•r
' " a id So ut h Viclnalll<'"'' couj>k'wrcks.
The projl:ct is an OI>IJlro
o rphl iiS ~~ ('On1inuintt.
of a ~uw,tion h)' M;~~y Zabolio
l'h•·roctbar~ mcmhcnof the
Scruor l'rinm)·Coun,·i1 and !hcir o f l:!Cro~. llcr fiance wu
plojN·t J. making••,lucal>anal 11"/Ying as a soldier in Viet nam,
ma t rdal~ for
ho! h Kuman and sh~ bl.· c;w>t lnt<·rcs!cd in the
(' ~I h uli;,·
a ntl Hu d tl h is l hu,rnclcN children of that nation
b•·rausc of k llr n she rccdvnl
from hinl.
A n . ~d·· ~r t iscmrnl in a
111~1 "nn);ht makes ri&hl " This
ld<' J is $JCr~. it is !liM
<JUC>I io ncd b)' A mer icans
copcdall~· th~ m;Uorit)' o r 0 1,1r
bdo•·rd profu~s. lfthc,.·or kl
l> <'WI goinK lo ~~in il ~ ""'nity
II~<• P•'oplt· in it :ur ~oing to ha•·e
t o •hll qurstio n ing 1nd
>~ar~hing fQr
"'JY> to ritl
Study Group
Sponsors Talk
$ 1.75 -
~~;r..~~ &~·~~~:~t e:ci::r!~dl ~;
:~~~:~rt~~:;n~~~~~ ~~~~~so~~~~: ~
Starting al $29.9.5 {5 Iron• & 2 Wood s)
1969 i!o$uc Atl.tni k .). If this ~
con t inurs, A'iiier ica will
pr:IC!icaUy lxrom~ one gi~nt
XXX Golf Bolts 39c
::'~~~:it.:~titrho~,!~e =~~
kcy(d to tM command o f lhfir
kno...· u all k~dtn;,
Milit~IISon hi$ 1bo invaded
o u r in~lil ulions af " hiJhcr
learn1ng," Do~~nsof universities
$ 11.95 NOW $7.95
and Jo hn llupkins run ~ntcrs
which design mi»iln, lld f of
l'or~~CIIdesigns morc e ffectfvel
bon1bs for Virtnam. Pr in~ton
codes. Michipn is fint in
photo reronnaiwn~and hclps
isn't 100 bt<' to Slop this ever
9 44 Mo in
1320 S1ro n9s AYe.
"What did you say
your name was?"
~' ~~~""-.
. ~~~
3 (\~~~
10 36 Moin Stroot
r u nnm1defc~ llbs.
on ROTC o n this'
ROTC reprC$Cnts
which is ~sed on rear
which is dc:strudiwc
{5:30 p .m. to 7:00 p.m J
"J'ItectfMd f{rut~, ol ':lite s/UI,
~~~~~i:s~d ~'::~~ou~r~:r :~0h~ ~MAAJA/MA/M~M~
a ~and
ca mpus.
nol towc,
l oh o ff Highwa y 10
Bo~ed Hom a nd Sp ogholli Smorgasbord
Cand le d Ya m• - l 'ololo Sa lad - So lod BYifol - Groon Boon•
Homo Ma d e Broods
mihla!}'·induS!ri:r l oomplu : in
IQ67 W.U 7 4 n1illion 111Cn. Tho
profit 0r111nt~<l intern ! iSSIIOnl,
n(K'~i:. lly topcople "" ho live fo r
,\l ll1t~l i!m is n·pr~s.cnttd by
our TIM: Uniled Siatu
has 34 m11lion men in t he CAaOL COIICOIIAN, SteYens Point. lei!, o nd Mory f>ullu s, Ar·
nnht ~ r~· plus 1.6 million read)' in
linglon. right, worked on some teo,h ing mole~iols their or·
Kt·,crws ~nd National Gu;ard .
,\lw. lo the 14.9 million vclsof 9 a nizalion is se nd ing to o rpkono9es in South Vietnom for
\\ nrkl W:. r ll arc addcd 1nothcr p rimo ry grade ch ildren. Their g r'oup is 1he Sen ior Primo ty
5.7nlllhonfrom Ko rn.
Council here. 1
It ·~ ~s1im~1cd !hat 20~ of
our IMJfiUIJtllln • rc vrtm n~. .we ~V:t/W'WWVI/W~'W'YY'W~'V'f/W'W'ft/'+1
the II'O"''il\i
militarism inour iCicicty, you as
Frld o)l Nig ht Sp ec!o l Oinn1r
tremendously loin« then ""ith
hllndn•th of ind uSiricsinvolnd,
lblph F.. l.Ipp in his book
6 '!. Milu N.W. of Ste vens l'olnt
r,~~~r JJo'k,.\\~it!rha~':o!~
~ Ia jors
<Biulol!y, ) (:o lh.
Conse•·valion, EtcJ
Saturday, Mny. 31'<1
T hr Womr ns' Liberat ion
Moveme n t U~>dy gro up is
a talk by Lcslir
Dcu.IJlC, a member of lht'I;JOU p
She will taU.: on "Sut.• Laws
a ud T heir Rcllt ionship to
Wo me n." tonJ,ht ~~ 7:30 in
Room 20) of the Clusroom
Tht• pub licis invilc.J.
~~;:~~;·::nofa!~is ro:r;;·~~~d~~
Cor:;"':~:~- of
longcr beacccpul>ltwlution>to
th~ problem~ of the ""orkl.
M!lil 311$m i~ 1\'pr\'ICntcd
~1gnifkant ly in America, Our
natio n's indu~t r~ts are lied to the
l u~U I IW
m[iilary COnllllCts.
lluntl..,,l$ of billions o f lloiL:Ir$
h~•·c b«n sp<nl for nulitary
t'tllpDill'S Since World War 11.
llu rin11 lhc ci~ht )'e~rJ of
Fi,.,nhowcr ad mlnislr:ation .lSO
bi llion , sp<nt for mililu y
out ""iih dl'wdopins counter
lnsurt:c ncy . (The pn:cedin.
informatiOn was ro und in James
lhd~way'5 book ~
F riday, i\fay 2nd
:~. ~;~~~ -~;~.::-.~·~::1
pr u i d c n t Mary l' ulf ~>l, tc lt jlho nc t n.l ""as a.'J;rd
q i,IIIIIIOIII fr0111 the 1lrb" !he
C:.!;~g:1~3~k!~.d:.a~~~~~dw;/!uo~ o;:loJeofhcr wc-cch.
The council, advlk\1 by Mil.
book lets, healih book lets. paper
l'lty UII II.avcy,Utnetl IIIO.mey iO
t>l3tc d odJ and fla~h m dl.
f!nance thll project by ho kllnp
U It i$11'1 toO diffic~>lt , !he nurscrylchoolfo nr conxculrve
girls hope to hand print nash S•llmiJ)'I,
c~rds in Vir! namue.
Elccu o nic Cfj uit>mr nt 11 the - - - - -- university ru!Klr it poS5iblc for
t l~ cound 1 members to hear a
kd urc recent I)' on primaty
e duca t ion n.rt•ds In South
Vic!narn from 1 native of ! hal
count ry who now teaches in
~~~\i~~az. ~:r~i~f~, ~ni~s a ~~~.~~~~~r/1~:
was t'JUcd to hr r au c ntion. She ~.::::.:::..:_::..:_::..:_:.:;:_.:.:...;;____:__ _ _ _--:::;;~
wrol~ and l~rd him what he
n•·c d r d , a11d ! he- co uncil
suhsco,uently agu:cd to lend a
hand .
Whrnncr a IIM.'mbl•r ha~sp~n­
t in~<·. ~he is r ncourag•·•l b)'
p r oject duir man Ca ro l
Cvrcoran. Stevens f'olnt , a noJ
~~m•ln~?tcdcoutn~rir~d~~ a;g
;~,.~. '.~:·.~;:. ~.'fr::
-Music Bo•es
(Same Couple w ho p layed wilh J ohnny llivol'l)
l1 Now Pla ying Nighll)l '
frGm 9 ta 1 p.m. In lhe
(:::JA' \A-\
. . ! 1\\W
There m"sr be a sat" way to
girls. l uckily for you, we put instruc·
l ions on self-defense in every package
o f Hai Kara t e'• Aft e r S h ave a nd
Golt. .n l ov ngoatlho
Cologne. But·even so. please be a little
Take a shorl·cutlo style in lhis new sawed-off
careful how you use il. A good social
life is fine, but the way you're going
version of young America's favorite pants-WHITE
LEVI'S. They Iii like your skin-~nd lhey're jusl as
you'll be too battered to enjoy it.
Hai Karate-be careful how you use it.
~~=~n!~~~~~~o~~:.J~abilityof II;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ : __ _ _ _ _ _ _..J
comfortable lin your favorite sportswear shades.
. By ludy 6roeklnJ
LaS! cvcnina M,., Fannin1,1
re t u r n~d
p resen t her
demonltt:ll ion for the ~cond
t ime for thOK who wen: u nable
toxcit t l'lc:rltStt imc.
fledions ol IIIU Council
off"lcc11 w ill be on Tuclday.
Mo nday cnnina t he eonvcntion
Sat urday, May 10, the &iris
will be hostcucs to t heir
. mo thcn at • luncheon in the
mothers honor. Skits and t ile:
new l y
foun d ed
" ll.oachie"
awanbwill bcpreKntcd.
lollnJc. The auct ion proceeds
willi>C' ull:d forabumpufund
for !he formal Schmccddc. alld
Pray-Sims will have
~l ay
En~arr:d ofn!~~ ~~~.r~ro~
BRUCE CODY, tell. ond Herbert Sondmonn, memben of the ort
Stevcrn Point, in1pec!!'d two of their p rinh prior to shipping them to I
;oo; 11;:~:~,:~~;~:~.:~"~h~~;~;~, 7b1 ,~i~:;:~da~~hdem:i;~, ~;:Ouagraph~~
...... r~
C"l! /'}
'1 •
<••'"''"''"'' ""''
The I>Z 's this )'Cal will
<"U111111flf 3 l'~rrnt's Day and
Initiation U..nqul't ro hehdd o n
May ~ at the Mead Inn in
Wisron~n k•roids, This ~nnl
will dunax rile lktp ll'«k
~cti>'1li<'s whk h an" pn'M"ntly
y.,.., of the I>Z li~rcn. 11.1
Wo lff and Chrismary C\lr nrk~ .
were upprll by fill'S llonor
Socictyr hii"•·•.. t . •
1\'itll rllcrombinctlcffortsof
Ginn)' Gcr~ch, ,\nn llan "·ia.
l>iann•· Nlnncma n , Nanq·
1~11"1 . I'Jt ··~rle)' •n.l l)i;onc
Bkdro n, th•· llZ'snpturcd 2nd
~~F;~~~~~~~~:· ~~.~~h~~~~~:~
Thr brotll<'l$ ur SigmJ T~u
Glmtna h~•·c clcc\~d ·a n~"'
S\\'telhcout Sh~ is I'JII i Jo
1\'er.-n;of ,\lpha l'lli SorOrity.
She- "'' rll be ~ro"n~d a\ lh~
annu~l Whl\l' Rus~ forno;rl "''llich
will r~J..~ pbcr ~by 9·1L The
broth~n and rolcd~;'\'S lilt goifli
do,.,·n to 1\'il.c:uMm lklls this
"'' te kend t o cle a n t he
Multnom•h Inn, whcorr Wllitc
Roscwili !Khrkl.
Satunlay, Apr. 26 was tlw:
annual l'arent's Day. Activities.
includcdaqurstionand anrwer
I'C'riad. a Casino party and a
banquct iupprt,
The Bi& Brot h u · Lillk'
Brother ~rty was held Friday,
,\ pr. ~s. at the Elk's Club on
Wisconsin Rlpida. l>nSatunlay,
a d rywide paper Urive "''II llclo.:l
in Wisconsin Rapids.
S:rturday, May 3, Drotller
Kari · Erlckson "'ill many M:uy
Suofcldt of Delta Zcu iororiry
at St. Jo~roh'J QorlloUc chur~h.
A ret"trotion will br held at t he
The Th~ta l'hi's hrld their
Founder's celebration a n
Sund9)', Apr. 27. Theta Phi
Alpha "''IS fo un.lcd in 191l at
t he University o r ~lichipn.
Several aw11rlls were given l l
t he ccn: mony. Char lk Barr
won the clupter's Ouurandina
Girl Awud , Linda Roberts was
named the o uuun<Jing plcdJe.
The Se-nior StrviccAwa!\l,an
award natioN! pn"to:nls ra a
$Cniorn.., nrbcr..,·hohasdo~an
o utstandin& jobfarher sorority
a nd Khaol a nd has cxct'lkd
schobsticatly, was p~xnted to
~o~kl~~·'iiml~en~~l. Mtwaatukl!~
;~~:.~!; _lj~icfp~~.
Tile mud joust and penny
find will follow. All games wiU
originatcat thc RIICtcnt.
The cllmu to RIIC Week will
:~ lnR~fd~~~c ~~~untp~re~~~~
Cou~cil. ll will be held Sunday
cvcmng at 6:30 with allmiuion
lla~~!sn ,1 nc,l~~:l ~~~;' ~!!~~:
Ma ril y n Miller, Neak and
~~~~Jy k~~ne!~n~~y
On!&ht" and "llow Arc
Receives WDA Tho~••.
: .':.'";~, ·~
To. ~.':.~~!,A,~;.,.,
Yvonne c . S t o f let,
Auburndale:, a WSU dietetics
major, rc«ivN a schal.anhip :u
the Wi Ho ndn Diete t ic:
Aaoc:Ution l prins ronfcrenee
~~~~!':~rnT~~~~ '}:~~!·"':
Fina l Bascbaii Came-l l a.m.
MOla1.1e$ DrOp· l p.m.
To ilet Pai'C'r Raoe·I :JOp.m,
E&l l'o u·I:4Sp.m.
Bubble G1.1m Blow. 2:15
,------ ---.....,-------, WSU Student ta~~~:~:~n,.tbec:::~n:-::
involvinaaU halls willbcllcld. A
tentllln Khedulc has been
null e.
23. Mr. Steve Pcc:ck acted n
muter o r eercmonles. Elections
were htkl all day Thursday.
. The newly elected o fficers arc
.u follows: rrelklcnl, Ginny
~::i~;an:ie=~~;:~!~~~1 • <:Ja~~
Bre neman; treasurer, Marxe
Suter: reporter, Uuul.a Bcr,cr:
;~e'!nb:r~~liamenrarian, Laur:o
Three rcsid~nt 1 ,.,ere SJCieded
to study in E1111land next
semes t rr . They a1c Diane
S wenw n , Mar1ha Lirro and
Cindy Voar.
Usr wrrkrfld Sout h C~nll'r,
(Stdner ami lklull) held their
lnnual l'auiBunylllolbyL iluc
to rain , it '"~ hl"'d in Odt,dl
ba$oenoent rath~r than lvcr5an
Park. Benny Gaps and his l'olka
B:rnd surtcd out the wcc:kenll
with a swinain~ Po lh l':l t1 y in
t he University Ccnl cr fronr 4:30
to8:30Ftiday evening.
Miss St a rlet, who will
sr:odual<' in June, was prc$Cntcd
wi th a n Ada B. Lot he
~(hat~~~hif~u~':rst.o;~~ w3u ;~~~
president or the WDA.
The 1~hob r1hip, whith was
awar.lcd o n tile basis of lflldc
point avenac and prombe for
~~rf:trur~;~r'i!~ ~~~~~dY~!, M::
die t e t ic in t rrnsllip at rile
Un ivcni ty Medical Center,
lndi3na University bl-ginninll
Or llcr \lo'SU..Stnrn~ l'oint
students an.l b culty m~ mbcn
who a l l~nd~d rllr two..hy
co nfercn ~.:c
a t Milwaukee
incl1.1drd Miss llonnir McDonald,
and Miss Doris D.lVI$, llonoc
economics dt p:ntmrnt b culry
~lurday l'~ol Dunyan~ized
i\150 al\endins we~ : Diane aroprtitrs were sarisrted wit h SO
Ml'lbk, Stc•'l'ns Point; Fr.m cent srnks t.ald in Delzell, and
~~~~~~bo.g~.....~rc~~~~; ~;z ~~r!J. c;k,~ t~~~kc~ ~~
KieUer. Wauuu and Elcano~ SJCvcr:ol llours o r a con1bination
lbnber Le mmcns, kllinclandcr, of jazz.soul-rock dan cinr:
aUWSU $ludentl.
c nrcnainn>e nl .
Stdner men ll1v~3 b.:ISJCmenr
to b<·proOO of. ltcttntlra co~
lo u nge
was eonsrructed.
::~~e~n :~ot~,c T~in~0 "fra~~~
owners who provide off-cam·
Pui occommodotions for Wis·
Kctlh Schulu , Bllll'0\1&111
poetry reldlnJ: lkn icc Boymr:
Wat5an, ballet to "E~adus";
combo; university fo lk danoc
g ro up : Gnu ; E l wood
Wcht cn lla1e n a nd Cur t b
Arkinson, Steiner, d uct and
Thursday, Apr. 24, the Vets
:~~:n ~~~;:~~~~c,~~ly se~: :tc~~~!~:r ;:lbi,Jr~~~
Vets Will Hold Last Meeting
postponed until nu t meeting.
~::::~e~e!~,m~h~. ~::~~~ ·~~~e~is~~CI~Y~~!~}r~:}?,
ring o l a •eceplion offer the
meetings we1e, from Jeff, Mel
Korg. dirwor o f off·campus
hovsing, Mr. Ol'ld Mrs. leo
Hytry, 1324 College Ave.,
Ol'ld Dr. leonard Gibb, ono·
ciole deo n of studenls.
liquidation party will be
tabn carrof.
five c::onocs will be avaibble
for the canoe race at the
liquidation part)' and names will
be drawn ro Uecidc the
occupants. All wllo
wish to runlhe Plo•·erRrvcrflnd
apartncr andsi&nupfort he
dnrwinJ .
rT----::;-- - - - - - - - - - --
Many Student Citizens
Make Friendly
12 O'dock Noon
Home of th• Ouorfer Shots und Dim• a ..ri
Big Daddy's .
~ Saloon Iii#'
1311 St1ongs
(Co"'• Wode Thro11gh the Peanut Sh•lltl
No bones about II
tn•s is
thelreshest.goldenes t
sanaw1cn around Its
Bvrger Che\'5 /amous
hsh .lllet Wllhoo< cre amy
Sec1e1 Aecrpe Sauce
4th and Di,·isinn
Stree t
E n ga aem e nts
~h~ ·~:::~: ~~aar:?v:"'':~~~:~ ~"';ro0:or:~ fa'n~!!..rJ~~het~c~~~· s~~~:· c~°
oally throl.llh v:nious boyco ll , si t -in a nd c ivil Gail Bennu~uff, Theta Phi fl lph
i"'trumcnu and "'' UPD"'- This is
fal'N thr
r nrn•y
to the
in contrast
Tile stto
n d Roman
to 501nc
in of
science llepart n•enr. sroke on
"Tile Lcpcy or Glndhi" in
wllkh Sin&ll iu•nmarized the
pll~~h~o~!.fG~':~~lhi u~d \he
technique or "satyag-alla" u llis
<Mans of· non·violrnt ronflk t.
lit said Gandlli believN tile p i
of m.l n was the punuit ol tl'lllll.
Embodied in rile Gandhian
ronc:cpt oftl'llth wasGodandaU
He beliewd what is new
about Gand hi is I'Lis SC~n:b for
R11n1~Y. Jo hn B:riliff, member
or the phiiOJOplly departnocnl,
~en~~· the "PIIilo!IOphy or
llis talk smssed the fa~:,t of
l.lnauagc concealln& the amount
of vlolc:nce pruenl in the world.
lie Silted people: bcrornc
familiar with \toe lana~ wllidi
ronccabvlolc:ncc. .
A questionand answcr pcriad
fallowed the lll~c talks.
~\::;:~'.~~.~;~ '~;':;,;;,:.:::;:~ ::::.:~'""""
Intr oduce d by Charlu
s'in~11n~~:~cn~~ 111":
C:::hl.!~e!st.ercbanacabk In
., 1f~~,i:;'1~1 ;
:, g~~nrt~~
t nelJ)'. "Gandhi
belin'cdoneroulcl gcne~clarlc
cn~y by
amounta of moral
,clfs'7:!~~~h~a!:: ~~hlheto
! !:C~~o nc:.,t;Jti••~t:.::;;
!Thank You
COOpER pontiac -Oidsmob i le Inc·
to llcr_b AU&hinb;au&h; Cath.;
For woou 1upport In the
Stud~tnt eledion1,
bllt d"'' to l"nonol p,.blern1 1 wo1 unoble to o ccepllhe position.
•·~ ·~•pit• un lht• ( .u. • ,(ou UurJ:t•r ( 'lu•r
acement Opportunit1'es
May 1, 1969
' r
~- OuJJ.oou
- ~
Thinclads Take Third At Lawrence
r~lay .
lkrc ln.' a f~W liUltiHiio nl
fly tackle . ln t rmiN for
the btaJnnin' fly eule r or the
Mlow .who is t hink lna ahou!
t a~ina u ur. l'll kaH the thoR"
of t n~ h in' castina itll'lf to·the
men ,.,ho h:tn• written boob
ahout it · thfy'rt"uprrts,and
,.,. <.':Ill all learn from them. The
follo,.·ina hin ts arc abo ut thinas
t ho,· hooks o ften ka~e out , and
wllk h I h~vt lcarM"d t he ~nl
Ca ptain Gwrgc Chc'ck kd the
Poin trra in sroriRJ with IJ
poin ts u hewonthehi&J!jurnp
ataill frrt,tookM:condsin the
lon& an d tri ple jumps and a
third in the hiah hurdles. Paul
lbus won the mlle In the
ucc lknt time of 4 :22.3 and
took seco nd in the 880 with
1:58.2. J im Nos tadtook fourth
in t he nmr nrnt with I :58.6.
lawrence hid three double
wlnnen u Lance Alwin won the
sho t tnd db<:u s. Ron Mnsma nn
took the 100 and 220 ytn:l
duhu in 9.9 1nd :n.o
rrspccti¥cly,and Mark Frodes.en
won the lona j 11mp and triple
jump, the Latterthr lute¥tntto
win l hc'mrrt for Lawn::n cc.
Oshkothwas led by Preltyln
lhe 440in S0.4, 11oxte lllnthc
880 in 1:57.6, an d Town,lcy
addina hlausual fi rst in the pole
vultclcuina l 3'6".
Poi nter Ron Whitt wu
disq~Ylificd in the 100 yarddtsh
for two fa!K atarts, altho~.~t h he
came btck to take fourth in t he
no alona with his f111e relay
pe rformance. Lubner ad ded a
third in t he 100 and McKay aot
fourt h In !he 440 intermediate
hurd If~.
Mark Chcpp rtn 1 5 1.9 440
yd . dash to llkrfourth,thebcst
t ime so fu this year for 1
l'oi ntuinthatevent.
lawrence rdlfd Qs.hko!oh in
tra m poinU.64-6J.and Stevens
Point fillishcd aclo.: third with
1 ~ft~t ~t
tlk' fly rOOao tocct hcrliketaros
C"nchili.tas, bcainnina
fl)'·ri!ihtrmen will profit from
fi~hin& fm bLUC'Jillsand crappie$
bdon~ uyinJ to fool a trout .
l'anfishin& affords ,a chance to
~~r~.·t.-asti~ and lin<'handlin&
and tca~hn til<- an of pl.oylnc'a
fi>honth.-fly rod .
Stn•am f~hina for trout e:tn
t>,· tliffkult anU d~n~;~.ndln!l. but
niJnyofth•'>ktllsitca llsfor nn
h·· klttl<'d in the comfort uf a
boot whlk la)'inl out aline for
f"..11fhh . h~ry now and t hen
th~t Lilli~ rubh•·r st•ide r or wet
fl)' "ill aunct a falr ·Rznl baa,
><·hkh sr..:~•h Uf' the' lumin&
rr~u .vn>itkrJbly .
So the~!<·" rod forabrainnC"r
" ould bt• Olll' ><·hicht'3nbr u$Cll
for baa. trout and ranfiSh , and
ar " ti'K' nn~C t itl~e docs not
1<'\IUif~ ;&n)' V"Cat
fin~$JC to
hand!.: , Th.n ><oukl bC" an
8'.tubu l.or fibrrJ;l~ t,.·o·piccr
r\loJ to handle either
,.,.,,ht 6 o r ,.,richt 7 lilll's and
Golfers Second In
LaCrosse Triangular
.,•tthan~Cd iLima ct ion .
A mniium action muns tlu.t
ttl<· rod willtah a aoo.J bend
do ..·nto,.it hinafootorsoof
til.• ~rip . The "(ast·tip'", or
'"fUt·a~t ion" rods 10 popular
today hal'<' an action which
rrsc-mhk$ that of 1 bmont,;tid
"'' llh a foot ofwttSPilht tliticd
tPrau nh th e Finut ln l ive Entt rtalnmlnl]
I ~P~•·•~I~~. ~~ier ~c~roJ:\"J
tht' bcatinnrr 5hould avoid them
Friday and Satm·da y
~. ~ flNOO turn ate 10 , th( fly.fisllcrmannsuthe
line in~tt• a•l. The lurt.b<!ita fl y.
poprcr or tin)· spoon. rides
alunjl. "'' ilh t h•• lint u e.\«U
The Staph
~:!'~fr ·a ·:~:. ~~~~ ~~.~~n:i~~
of fishi n - . Thcrdorc, the
l>•·ain ncr shout<l buy· the best
liM" he ca n afford t~ht at the
start .loCl thathcdOC'sn'thaveto
f fl$111 pool I'ILUipmcnt while'
Thursday, Friday, Satnr·day
fu~V~ a nl .
~~;. ;~~:.~. .;t W.t~:tof'~t~~:
th~l the bt'Jinn<'t ,..ill It t
morcdi\l~n<.'f with it.
T hcrr.,nothlll l " ' lonawi t ha
do ublc ·taptr line (OT6F or
DTIF): .try flit'S can bcliY~na
mo re delicate prc)Cn tation .,·ith
onr . But sta rt out with t he WF
lint. If ) ' OU ~hould f,~ l thr need
for a OT bt~ r on. you o;:~~n n~kc
the c han1e wi thout much
trouhk .
By no m~an s shouki tl>t
bc&ini!Cr snrt out with a leHI
Cool Ca ts )
All Beer· - 30c
k~mina .
Fm thcrod mcn t io tl<'dabm·c.
bU)' a top 11ualit)' WF6F o r
Y.'F71'1in•· t.,·htchrllun s: ,.·rilhl
... d&ht bor7 . floa tinK).
Tre~t it t:!;'ntl)' and ~rcr 11 dean .
and )'OUt line ><'ill b st h'n )'~ars
or rno rc . The "<'i.•thl forw~roi
R ~al
-~ ..MOl T:ER
s.~ ~·:" ~:
.. ,....::..
ltone• -one •tonafor
lath member of the
t -~~,~
Ring can be mede to
Whtl rwater
10 fiye
In preciou1 IOit.yellow
l-1. Croae
or while gotd.
You Still
Have Ample
Time to Order '
/J i fJSUolfiiAt•tllut'
Slc•·t rll Po!nt
llh'C'r t'lllll
n ...... th
Slt rtnl'oi"l.k'iuon~in 5 U8 1
W l'ri<
•'rtth,)·, """' n
LA CrOAH 4-3, Stc•·rne Pt. 1·1
Stout· 8·4, PJattnt!te 3-5
Satu rday, A p r1J II
Olhkosh 4·8. Ea u Cla!"' 1).3
PI~~~,~~~.:;~ 8
* Socks
Whllewater14 -7,Ea.uCla!rcO.
SloUt&tLaCrQalle, ra!nl.'dout
* Sweater s . . . . SL88 & up
* Sport Coats, • , . 53.88 & up
Reg . 47.95
Summer and WinlerJocktts
and Jeans. . 52.88 & up
Summ•rSiocks- $1 .11
* Vin}·l Leather· Jackets . . $8.88
All Styl• •
10 %
o .FF
On thlo MarkOff SqiiGN
* Ski Caps"
*Dress Shirts
All Under $LOO
Ca mbridge Moble Home.
1969 12" .\ 60' expandable . Spanish decor with
Fo rt Smith ond Flex St~l
furn iture.
Avoiloble on
lt. 2, 1olo, Wit . .S49<45
Phon• 445-2490 oft•r 5
* Stripe T -Shi.r·ts
* Winter Coats • . • • • $8.88
M...,1, 1969
. Basebaii ,_/Team Drops Four ,G ames
Pioneers Take Pair ~:.!r~.~!J!~iff~:!~~~
. .:.:.,~',:~~~·::~ ,~·~:,
Of 0ne•Run Gam es
~~e~o0 no~.~~!n &lw.~:o~
drove in both runnns with ,•
WSU~~~~~e~i~: handed t;:~~~:!~~o;::~~~:f~~~~ driven
e~~:. d~~t·~~~~~
Stevens Point's bJSeb&il tum IU Andenon to end the innl11,1. .
from the mound in the
ICcond doubleheade r loss in as
many days, 2·1 in ci&htinnin&J
and 3·2 in the ni!Jhtcap bst
S. twday at Pb.tteviUe.
Pb.ncrille'lonlytlmatwal m
the ICvtnth when Grundeen
walked two ba tten, but he bore
down .nd struck o ut Steve Ru r
thild when thrfl: stralaht hill,
the lnt by ll a111om broUjht in
anot he r nm. Sophomore Glen
Berk~hn tiii1C Oil in relld and
and 6·12 011era ll, wiUJ.e the
Steve na Point flllally pushed
victorious Pioneers aK now 3-1 across a run in the eil;hth .
in the ~nfcrencc. l'btteville has Grundeen wu hit by a pitch and
not played any non<enference ,..11 saail'lecd to weOI'Id by John
tlarri$. Arter Sam BentJ.e)' Ocw
the four
The Pointers, mnnwhile, hll!l
men on ln.IC in neh of· the finl
four inninas. but ~uldn't soorc
o rr of Ji m EauwOQd until the
fifth . &rkhahn led off with I hit
Po~~c~ t~:·:~"' d~~~G~ :n!~ ~~n:~~o ~~e,r~t~n=.send
.LaCrosse Scglps
Point Nine Twice
"'\hePointerbuebiiLitnmpretlywcUruincd .ltsch.anecsforthis
year's title by dropping all fouraarnesoverthewctkend,sinceitis
unliltel)' Oshkosh wiD lote tlut n.-ny. The pltchlna came th.rouah
apin, but the hittin& wu ju$1 noc enollllh, especially with men on
rn~:: ~:'!:,~~l't in
come up with !""t~~ndeen, obviow.l)' ti~d b)'
R on Grundeen lo st a his lon&cst stint of the year,
hnrtbn:akn in the opene r, walked the bues full after one
yirldifltl only two hill and out, and pinch hitter Ed !looker
itrikin& o ut I I in sc:~tn-plus ca me throi.Jih with 1 Une double
innin&s. butl'lallcville'sace Don to provide the winnin&run$ for
Willia ms also yielded only two J>lltt"illc. The only other hit
safe ties to the Puintcrs and Grundecn dlowcd wu a bloop
hnTh! n~~ci~tcrs mounted the
ftr$t so:rious thn'll of thepmc
in thc iCcondinnin, ut hcrant
tw oln. tters,D.:Ivc l'ctcrsonand
Gcn Jack, both ,.·en: hit b)'
the sixth to Tom
The Poi nten put. their lone
&nt\ey's tiipie , Tom Walkner,
the nut batter, hila 1low ro ller
toward · third that hit fair and
bounce4 foul , and Bentley wu
called ou t for lnterfe"'n cewhen
Walkne r then flew out to
deep left roeld, and Bentley
pr~~b ly wO.ukl hJvc 1001ed
easa ly on the play.
LaCroue. picked up ill final
two runs rn the fowth on 1
1 ~ Pointers.
K\lsidl: drove in the nnal
LaCrosse run in the bottom of
Stevens Point kuded the
bues with none out in tht
IC"'enth innin&. but Peterson and
Gene Jack popped out 111d Dave
Caruso lined o ut to right i~ld to
. .
Scdevie picked up the wrn rn
~~'~.b~:~s~o ~t ~~!ab~a
WSU added anothe r run in
thesh:th asOtnnisBo hm sinaled
and canoe aU the way uound on
1 Ioiii triple by fruhman Dave
Groeschcl. tlutl$ popped out to
Eastwood was the winnin&
pitcher but needed ho\p from
:to~':~ o'ffn:~npit~he/Jr~ ~i:~!~th!~~ t~k~h:~~:
MadiCn . went
opc~e~o;:t'ck:~JI r~rstp~r ~~~ ~h~ta~:n~~~tht~IJ~:~:~: ~~.
~t~f~en. ~~~~~~!:;'tOC:tn~bc Jl:~~
~~~ri:~:~~~~~ ~~r ~~~ (side
without further scoring by
1 1
~rth men on bne led to defeat Sctur.
. tarry
lo~ ~!st~~cl'~~~!t~:J ~~o~~ ~~:~~~tai;i~om awa~~~~: ~~~~;~~:!u'::t:~~w~f~d~
By Tim Lueh
wsu.J..erosse landed the
WSU-Steven s Point ba~~~:ball
squad a pair of defeats last .
Friday " LaCroiU 4- 1 In the
first contest and '3- 1 in the
Tbe loues dropped the
Pointen to 1 2-2 oonfercnec
ma~k and 6- 10 overall, while the
lndaans eve.1 ed their conference
slate II 2·2 llld incmscd their
ovc,.ll to9.4..
Stevens Pornt had numerous
s, t)le
atk to
a nd
The l'ointeu will he idle in
play this weekend,
~~~c;;~~ en~~rta;n ~~;/!'~e~~:~
su rtin& 11 1 pm at !Moll Parle
Home Cooking
Pies and
Ope" Dooly
5:30 A.M. · ;UO AM
J 'o lnt~.,.
Harril, u
ond Listen For 0 11r
lkntlcy, 3b
Walkncr, rf
Jack, If
Clru110, 2b
!'~~:r.!!. c
Henning, ct
Grundeen, p.
Every Mon., Tues. and Wed.
Ho ve Yo..,r Pluo
Oeliv~re d
HOURS: 7 .t..M.·6 P.M. Doil y Mon. thru Sot,
ss:oo OR MOJE
AIRegulorPrl, • EveryOoyoftheYeort
Pip in g Hot
257 Ol vl•lon
Phone 341-2100
De llvary 4 p.m. Doily
Poln tr,.
\kntLc)', 2b
Hcnnlnl{. pr.
Walkner, rf
J>.tN'!KIR, lb
Jack, If
Andcroon, c
Mattt1on. p
&rkhahn, p
Fantobulou Cords o nd Sm~ll Clev,r Gi fta
willnotslra inyourpocketbook
b..,t will crock Mothar's heortsrings.
~lit~cn~~~~~~._:::::? ~ !=;
E·Ha:rria, Rear.· :lB·Chll.mlah 2.
38-Crouchcl. LOIJ-Stncn. Pt.
8 , Platte"Uie 1. Df>·PiatrvHie
2. Stt\'tnl Point I. SB• Iit n•
ntq. WP·Stcffcnslll MatUIKln.
II' II K .,, bb""
Ept"'OOd(W):t 5 I 1 2 ~
12 I I 10
1 I 0 0 0 0
:!ollttlaon (L) 2
S 2
1 o o 3 '
French Fries or
Onion Rings With Your
History Your Bag?
Arn e ricon Heritage
Mob History Your Hobby
8 :30 T... asdoy
Stevens Point Brewery
Mav 1. 1969
Weekend ( Events
Honor Anniversary
S t e v e n • Po i n t Stale
Uni¥enily hll scheduled open
houtet In ill 15 buildinp,
demonslrallon prosrams by !U
rtculty an4 an .U<Iaa rcunlon
and dlnnc: r puty foritsalurnni
S a tu r d ay, · May 3 , In
commemorltlon of the school'•
75th an.nivnAry.
President LeeS. Dreyfus
announoed t~t scven&radualu
wiU be honored auests dw:lna
the day-lona j ubilee: Those:
r ece l ¥ 1na a w ar ds for
dllitlnplilhcd ""ioe will be
William C. llaiiKn, cb t. ol
19 11 , educator In Wiscon ' n 1
half cenlury and preside t of
Slcvens Point Stale from 1940
t o 1961: E1iurbeth PfaHntr
DeBot , dean o f women h om
19 40 10 1965: Norman E.
Knutlen, Enclish professor from
1931 to 1963: and May M.
Roach, assocUtc d irector o f
ru.ral edue:ation from 19 14 to
_ 1956.
Ha nsen and Mr1. De8ol
eontinuetu ruldein Stc¥cns
Point. Knut ~cn now lives in
Tiacrton and Miss Roach in her
R eceivln a d blin auh hed
achlcnrne nt awa nitwill bePaul
V. Collins. Winchetler, Maa.,
pioneer In American a¥i.1tion
and one: of the founders of
Nort heu t Airlincs:hl<sisler,Mn.
Ir v i n R ee d Macl:. lwe e,
Swarthmore, Pa .. civic, businea
and club leader: and Dr. C.
Josep h Nuenc, nalive o f
Stu11eon B.lyand nowexccutlve
Yin: president and provost at
Catholic Uni~nity of Amalea
in Wuhinaro n, D. C.
CoiJUrrs and his sister are
nathres of Stevens Point whose
father, Dr. Joseph Collins was 1
member o f I lie univn!oity 's fint
The sc:.-.:nwill rl'ceive bnss
andwalnutplaques followinaaS
p.m. cocktail hour and 6 p.m.
dinner 11 the lloliday Inn .
President l>re yfus will spnkat
the ceremony o n "The Nu t
Tw e n t y - Fin": lhen the
Univerllity Staae Band will
provide proarus.ive jau rnusie
for•9P..rn. lo l a.m.d anllC.
J ubt lce c hairman Orland
Radke , a n alumnus and dln·ctor
of the schoo l's e~tenslon
proaram, Slid personsmayruake
rexrntlonl for the dinner by
conl ac t l n a the t lunrni
With lhc uccption of noon
luncheons for the alumni who
we re niernben o f lhe l'timary
Co11ncil and Glee Club, tile
proanmcets llnde,...ayat l p.m.
wit h a re&Utn tion in tile
Univnlity Cenler. followed by a
welcorM b~ President Dreyfus
and 1 bricf 5urveyofthe campus
physiul arowth by Raymond
Spec hi.
Open house: will run from 2
p.m. to 4 p.m. in lhe 25
build ings where faculty members
have pbnncd demonurations
~~::~~n.on"":~n~,:~~~~ ~f
nllun l llistory in the Science
Hall, o nly facility o f iu kind in
centnl Wisconsin, will heopo.:n.
The aU·du s reunion will be
from 4 p.m. to S p.m. in the
University Cenler Radke said.
The Wisconsin Room will be
~~~cd for aroups of different
After a lon11 betwtc n
stale political and lc&islat ive
!elden over which city in
northern Wisronsin should be
the •ltc o f thcsix lh nonnal
schoo L Stevens Point was
sekctcd, a buildJn, ";n erected
o n a fiYutcrcsilc and opened in
Septemberof l 894.
Since thtn II,SOO t,.,I:SOn,
have received hchdor's degrcn
J nd 7,954 ..·nc conferred two
The schoo l has 6,800
sl ud ents and 450 bculty
OlD MAIN IS PICTURED through the pine trees which ore on the front
of ri-te burldrng . In 1he foreground, o stone, g iven by 1he Closs of 1931,
Graduates Will Receive
Honors In Anniversary Fest
il show".
Dedicated To The Pointer Editors
1895-Jay S. Hamilton
1896- Andrew L. larkin
1896-97- Margarll"t Ashmun
1897- Kata I. Smith
1898- Lydia A. Wheelbek
1898-1899- Arnold l. Gesell
1899·1900-Charles F. Werner
1900.01 - Esther l. Hetzel
1901.02-Merl M . Ames
1902.03-M. F. Wadleigh
1903.04- W. Eugene Smith
1904.05-J. Edwin Fults
1905·06- J . Howard &owne
1907-08- H.-man J. Ninrran
1908-09- 0 . P. Hughes
1909-10- Eimer S. Geraldson
1910-11-Nugent Glennon
1911·12- R. B. Woodworth
1912-13- NOC"man E. Knutzen
1913-14-William 0. O'Connell
1914-15- Ridlard Vantassel
1916- Maty Millar
1916-17-Charles T. Burnes
Hibernated By Wl!lf Yean
1919-20- Edward Blackman
1921 - Edward Blackrran
1921 - Royal Gordon
1921 -22- H. W. Haasl
1922-23- Wm. L. Doudn.a
1923-24- Violet G. Laurie
1924·25-Caroline Boles
1925-26- Francis Martindale
1926-27- Arnold M. MalfTXluist
1927·28- Solonon Welantzik
1928-29- C. G. Theis
1929-Jah. Pralguske
1929-30-Fern Pugh
1930-31- Theodore W. Rozelle
1931-32- Burton E. Hotvedt
1932-22-George R. Mauer
1933-34- Harvey Polzin
1934·35-Frank Klement
1935-36-George Simon10n
1936-37- William Theilen
1937-38-Theodore J. Ketter!
1938-39-Marvin H. Olson
1939-40- Fiorence Smith
1940-41- Earle R. Siebert
1941-42-5Mrmen Sword
1942-43- Robert Malecki
1943-44- J.cqueline Stauber
1944-45- Fiorence Flugaur
1945-46--Doris Ubbelohde
1946-47- Mary Juetten
1947-48-Mary Juetten
1948-George Whitney, .k",
1948-49- George Whitney. Jr.
1949- Art Witalison
1949-50- Anhur G. Witalison
1950-51 - Fred L. leike
1951- Joe Boettcher
1951-52- Frank De Guire
1952-53-0ave Rou
1953-54-Shirley Sonnenberg
1954-55- Earl Grow
1955-56- Earl Grow
1956-Jerry Madison
1956-57- Jerry Madi5on
1957-58-Mary Jo Buggs
1958·59- Ciiff Haas
1959-60-Mary Haugsby
1960-61-Co-editort Jane Ann Johnson
laurence A. Haak
1961-62- Tom Muench
1962-63- Eimae Olmarnik
David Peplinski
1963-64-Rosemary Beisner
1964-65-0on Mullen
1965-leRoy F. Saucter
1965-66- Tim Craig
1966·67- liz Fish
1967-68-Gene Kenmeter
Bill McMillen
1968·69-Gene Kenmeter
Four tlurrrnl ofWSU.Sievcns
!'o int will receive awards fo r
dislinauislled sc rvior: to the
ins titution and three other
a nduatu will be confem:d
d iUi nauis hed achicume nt
ci ta lionl tlur lna a 75t h
annivetUI)' jubill:e May),
l'rn ident U,cS. I>n"yfusuid
cit~ tions for scrvior: willao 10
Wil~am C. 1\anscn . president
fro m 1940 10 1962: ·
Elizabc thPfiffnerlkBot.dtan
o f women frour 1940 to 1965;
Norrnan 1:. Knutzen , EncJish
profcuor from 111)1 lo 196J:
and May M. Roacl!, usociate
dirctlorofruraleducation from
19 14 to l9S6. Their combined
tenuft' on the faculty spanned
nurly l lS)·ean.
~lcctctl fo r the achin~ mrnt
aw~rds aft' 1 sister and bro ther
who5<' father. Jose ph Culbns,
wu an cnl)' member of the
faculty. They aft' Irvin Reed
~bcEJ,.·cc, buloinen
dub and
ci~ic leader in l'ennsyloania, and
Paul V. CoiUns. airline pioneer
and executive now livina in
Winchester, Mass.
The third ~cipien r is Dr. C.
Joseph Nuusr, 1\yatuvilk. Md.,
u eculiwc vice president and
p rovost at the Ca t ho li c
Un ivcr si ly of Ame rica in
Wu hin&ton, D. C.
The Stevens !'o int Alu mni
Anodation, hcaded by Rick
Frederick . will con fn walnut
and brns plaqua to lhc sc."en
part y in the lloli~ay Inn the
evenin~t of thcjubtlcc.
llansen , a native o f
Winnebaao Count )' who wn
rcan:d on a farm ncar Wiii!Cc,
wu anduatcd from thor school
ccn lury llancducator.
lie " ' U
!c acller at
Menomonee I' ails an d 51. Croix
and adminim11or at Milllown.
NclllsYille. Oconto and
Sl o~hton.
!!c it 3 former
president o f the Wisconsrn
F.ducation Association and
onc--lerm O.:niOcr:u icmembcrof
thc Wisc01ninStatcS.:natc.
M rs . D.!Bot. the fonner
Elizabe th Co!Uns o f Stc•·ens
yursa~ ...·asahiltory tucller
as ..·ell u dun. Since !C'Iirlna.
she hu nken an active role in
ahtmni US<Xiation acth·itics and
in thoe Wiscons.inStatcUninuity
Foundation. lnc.,of whichshciJ
a director.
mater as a teacher aftn~rvins
schools in Cltippc..·a Falb.
Appleton and Mich11an. fk
foundetl and tlir~ctctl the
unh·enity's Men's Glee Club and
planned more lh3n JSOconcerts
forthar11oupatt hccampusand
in rnanr co ru munitics of
lk conlinues to S<"rvc the
university as a part-time staff
n•cmbc r in th e alumni
usociation. Knut~cn is a nat"""
Miss Rou·h. "'ho .. as 3
daumatc of llanS<"n's. is the
olden alumnus to to.· honon:d.
Born nearly IH yean aco mEau
ClaiR' "'htrc she re turned ahcr
retiremen t. sill: helped train
hundrctls of school teacher~
durinaher lcnure.
Befo re joinina !he th<:n
Stc.-cns l'oin! Norn•al faculty.
shc inru rals.:hoolsof
Eau Claire and Ru~l; Counties
and at CabkandAima.SIUdcnrl
dedicated thtir "inl~r c~rntval
celeb ration to her at thr:
univrnily in 1966.
Collins, cia~ o f 19 12. Murr:~
~~~aviator durinc Wor ld Wu I
~nd entered commni:ial3\'iation
via bamnormint and !<'St polot
expcrienn-s. lk scrvnl ~ ~U. S.
Air Mai' ~rvln- durin1 th~
1920's. flylna open cod:p1t
pbnuin•llkin.lsof ,.U lhrron
!he Clcvei.lnd to
l ie nr.•u becllnrt a p1lot for
the Natrona! Air Tr~nsporr ~nd
"' U
3PP01nlf.t Genual
Supr11nt e n .Jen! of
·rr~nKontln~nt al Arr lr~n~pon
(no" TW,\frn 10!9
lie bt•·~mr '''"' pl(>ldtnt uf
lutituctdh A11~nn. th< fin.t ~~~
~ h ut t I c
..-n·icc bet"'"" n
Wuhm,lon ~ud Nt,. York ill
II<· h··l~tl found Son htl't
Air~nes in 1\I)J when hr. Gc:nc
Vid al of Connecticut. Sam
Solornonof Yt'ashincton andthe"
late t\meli~ l' arhart each
in vested S !. ~00 rn lh r
cntcrpriK. ('olb ns wa~ thr fir~!
. lhs honor; haH inclu.trd a
of nrt'rit from forlll<'r
l're\itlrnt ilarry S. Truman, a
s pet~al
awartl fr o rn t he
l'o~tnr3SinG.·nnotl, thc 0r.Jer of
the W~t from the Air Tran1pou
•\\SOCiJtron otn.t 0111 Air Force
<">: rtrficat,·f01plonrcrflyinl.
M!$. .\l ad:J,.ec is on thr.·
bootrd of tlu"cton. o f Frbremold.
ln.: . a Woburn. ~b~ .. firm o f
"hrch ~h~ rJ pall o "'·ncr.
Or. t-r.ocs!IC', danof i9J4and
nath·e o f Stulf:<'on Ba)' , is a
Available May 1--A NO CREDIT History Course
This co urs e d oe s no t 111ee t du ring t h e week , has n o
profe s s or , and yo u r e ce i ve no c red i t .
Bu t, this i s one
Histo r y you wi ll n ot wan t t o mi ss---It' s t he HI STORY of
you r Un i ve r sity .
Here is the 75 year HISTORY of WSU-SP
in the contemporary style of today.
Rc-Ji,,e, explore, and learn as you travel
through 75 DYNAMIC YEARS.
Orde r toda y b y fi l lin g o ut the at ta c h e d e oupon and 111a il
with check or 1110n ey orde r t o WSU S t e v e n s Point Alu111ni
Associ a t ion.
c / o Ne lson Hall. Th e book will b e se nt
p os t a ge - pai d , as qu ickly as pos s ible .
Your pri c e p e r
c opy-$ 2 .00
Encl ose d i s $
P l e as e se nd
c opies o f th e 75TH HI STORY
Na111e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Addre ss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ __
ZIP_ _ _ _ __
.... ,.
Mav 1. 19611
Sports Tea11s Have Existed
In Co11petition Since 1894
tn~~f.:,u:;~•nktc~~P~::~~ ~:;~tio'n"!r !::e~d.,.~-!~~ ~~~{~j- :t~ ti::;! :~~
to.•;·,~~e!" ~!i~,c10 c:~: y~nk
0 D I U M====
Is the_
tecond o ldest
~~~(o,:~: 'd~~:lo~~;~~~~~
U~i~:~~::~tcw~~~~nt St:: .n:';~.;:fu'~~:f~~~ :::e,;~)~'h:~',:!::cb!~~:;:
clucn vanity
~y ~C~:r.:u.~kt~~u~ OOII
j~niw::~:~~~nsin, 28-2~.
or::~·~ ii~S !~~~~~~ · tra: ~!, •:;:'0~~~ ~~ 19ff~~~= ~~~ d~~"'i~"n1 b~
P.~;:::,tr ofh~~~:o roro:,: ~~~~~~~~~o~c;Fbc!tlnW:t: ~1d !~on~~h1o:!lam~id nol ll,.·a)-~
=~~~~~:-~J:~r!~·\~~£~ :Y:~~;~nM):~~~b~~~
has furnished a team almost
u~cr a fem•Jc
phylical culture
For. uu1c over ten yu~.
~~::r'c're~" , 1 !~;.. '!~~:~~
pn:u ywdvanbhcdsinccthJI
sport wu boxi1111 and one o f !It
riu t coachcl w as Wano~
'Jitt ?lut 75 qfAM
1114.1( "B~ 'JIU4.!
Jcnkinl, now de!-"ofthe stbool
The fall sport or cr~1
country bcpn in 19]), but~
new sport wasn't oriJinatcduntil
1952 when wrc:~Unswasa-.ldod
l'rognuslicalion comes e3Sy only lo the Je:~n l>ixons. It
is impossible to say exactly what willl13pJlen in the second
Sl'vcnly-five years of !his instil utio n. Technoklgy has
~·hanj,-cd the whole face o ft he globe in the lut scventy·fi\·e
:mtl to even guess is presumptuous, but I h:lvc been asked
todosoand I shall try.
Titis century. anti !his decade. has seen s tudents
dem.:md ::1 voire in ::1\1 areas both political and sod:JI that
affect it. 1\ chievcments ha~·e so far been small but the
~i\'IXUKI·t:Jke between students and adminislr:ltors have
Alth0111h baKball wu f~n~
•tamdbythcschool in1 &98,
the Ameriaon past tirM 'UI
played only intermittcnUr by
school-.poniiOrtd team~ unlll
!9SS. In that yurthcbte llalo
Quandt coached a t~am " "hKh
loll iU lint BIRIC to l..aCriK~o<.
then reeled off nine !.tratc,ht
victorie~ to
win the ~t•te
chTI:;~~s:i~icst sports wmn't
o ffered until the l'hyliol
Educa ti o n Bulldin& wu
completed. With a new pool tn
thc fac\lltiu, a ~owimrninstcam
WISOr&o:~niud in 196\.Finlllya
sym n ut ies t ea m b•s~n
competition in 196S.
Prucntly, a soccer clubh
mectins turns from v~riou1
oilier schoob, but the: SpOil h11
not ye t been added to th•·
school'sV3nity sportsproj:rJon
star~;:t~~s:~:stt~d~:ttu~~~~s111~~sy::i~ ~~ ~~e~i;t~~
of rcc.:nt civil rights movements and studen ts will not be
~un ll'nl with wh:Jt they consider slow progress. It is even
ronccivablc that students will try to form their own
culleg.:s and universities.
I feel cert::~in t hat t he shape o f the university of
t omorrow will be determined in the high schools wht re
a\·tivism is starting t o t:Jke hold. The Easte r peace march
was organized by an adult group, but the majority o f t he
work was done by high school student s.
Levels o f social conscience are st::~rling to. penetrate the
110rld of secondary education to the extent that some high
)ehool students h::~ve tried to set up ch:Jpters of SDS.
Grades will f::~ll hard a t this universi ty . Pass·f:Jil may be
The srcatut winnina cu of
in SttfCIIIi l'oin t's h~tOI)
probably c~mc in the I<J Jff>
while Eddie Konlwali.:o;,ch ,\
former halfbad; forth~ Green
83y Packers, hili football team
won t hru charnpionshiju and
his basketball squad won fr~e
champioruhips hom I\IJ I-4:
li is 19JS football tum "' :11
disqualif~d from theconfcruacr
because the team pla•cd
pn:-season aamcs aaalnu botl•
the pa~ken and the (""hklTQ
After rcsisninain 1942 ttJ
rejoin the packer oraanintiun
Ko tal $11(d,simiiar to the woroh
Vince Lombardi u~td thrrr
dccadn later. ' 1 hate to lo!<'
bOlh for the kids ilJld for m)
::~~ ~:''~~~~t i~t ! v~~t::~dbl~:t~~'tred;;t,t:~:11t~~r:~
~ystl•mi t
may never fall.
I would hope tha t parents would stop insisting t hat
l'OIIcgc is the only route to success. I hope t hat t he
American people start t o encourage more voe::~tion:Jl
If the profit-mo tiY:Jted grode system f::~lls. it should be
rl' Jlhlccd by a seminar forn1 of education. Students may
just drop in to scminus at r.:mdom to p:Jrticipatc in
~ive-and-take dialogue. This is prob::~bly much too utopian.
Perlmps we shall have an electronic university. Students
may not have to leave their roonut to rc ciivc~::in education.
Tele\•ision sets may bring lectures in bed and we m::~y all
tune in to a Sunrise Semester. Teletypes and Xerox-t ype
copiers n1::1y transmit nl::ltcrials at srn.:tll monthly p::~yments.
It n1::1y be possible to dial a number. and to have ::111
cx:Jct copy of Shakespeare Quarto a ppear in a few seconds
from the Libmry of Congress. Of course. he nmy lmve to
pay a long distance rate.
Other odd observat ions are possib le. We may have t he
whole C:Jmpus enclosed to protect us from the weather.
Synt hetic gr:ass lli::IY ::1dd ::1 neat appe::~r.mce and n13kc a
cumfort::~ble place t o hold classes. Aut omobiles m:Jy have
bl'cn replae«l by monorails and nmrriage may be passe.
"l11c~ :Jmd nuny .other observations m:Jy be RUJC
speculatiOn, but I feel II my dut y to m::~ke one Prediction.
In the yea r 2 .043, one year before the I 50th
annivcr:s'lry of this insti tution , t he f:Jl'Ult y will, in a stroke
of gcmus. adopt ::1 f::~eulty senate. All will praise it :JS a
f::~r-thinking :Jchievement .
One Dollar Prize P~oduces
Lasting Effect On WSU-SP
,, one dolbr priu hu hal ~
l:ucins dfcc1 on WSU-Stntnli
l'oint and its llud~nu. Ttuct ...u
in 1900 by I!l5.
t ~ ~urn offc~d
~.;~~':! ~nc:~t:O::$~~i
SOme mino• rnisions have
had to bc mad~ as the school
changed It~ name f10111 Stevtnli
Puint Norm~!. The rinl: line
c hansed from "Let other
Nor ma ls boaS~'" to "Other
IIOns to promotclipirit.
l'hc winninscntry,.·u"Thc
l'urpk: and the Gold" subn•illco.l
by Kcnncti'IPuy, thc •·ourcnt
lichool$of valorboa~~:"whllea
The sons reflects the
P•ominencc or dcbuc as an
utra-cwricular act iYitr d11rins
l'ray'!i w:hool days. Pep n llics
were hd.J for dcNters and
checn wtrc dnwnupfor thcm.
Tilt ton& notn this fad with
:~~in~t~~~sr:::w~~.~Uns an:
The announ<:cmcnt or the
winnc• appc:.u~inthcJIIncl S,
t 900 is:wc or th~ paper. butth~
music wun'1 written for the
110n1 until 1926. At that lime
·f rank E., t~ band
dii\'Ciorand mosit teacherat the
~hool. ~~ the ~ord!i to music.
THE TOP PICTURE ~hows Old Moin in o winter setting from ocron Moin
Srreer di•e<lly in front of Old Moin. The bottom photo shows the con-
srrucrion of who! rodoy is coiled rhe Compus Lob School. The rop photo
wos ro ken in 1929 while rhe borrom in 1927.
'Those Were The Good Old Days'
An· Alum· Of 1936 Class Remembers
~brion ~bcKtnlK
leisu rely pursuit o f the
academics u uemplirled by
whltc•mancd f'rofeuor Joseph
Moll who hdd forth on the:
third noor of Old Main and who
quoted at k:nt ona a week
"Ncvtr do today wh~t you ~~~~
put orruntiltomonow."
... Too Little
We wou ldn't rven have
minded tot.ins our pUr¥:s in
those days- we had no money,
no J.oc~t ~eurity nrds, no
cards. We s.ettk:d for a hike to
"Red Bridp:" park and an
occuional picnic-maybe 1
line in thc second l tan:u wu
~e~~~5J~~~!;~~~f~:~;; -~~
owns.akc, becau~ l coruidcr it a
personal rdkction upan n•)
work. Rnidcs. I likt to wtn
When I reach the poinl "·here I
don't carr.l'ltquit coachin&.'"
An ApJ>Iclon Firm is inler csled in
College l\len for Summer Work
Call 344-7630
listened to 1 TV special, "TI\c
Cotk:sc Turmoil." I think I can
famous p p uyina tllat my
aencratiOIIIKI!k:d for tOO lillie.
Pcrhap~. And ru. then: was
1101Mihtn&lboutlh0$C: dl.'l
~Tc~i~~ ~~:;; ~~ar;~th~e~:::
Kotal's era, thc ~choo!
produ ced a t hre e- t im<
all-ronfcrcncc fullback who bt~~
joined th.: Gr~en B;,y l'ad.~••
That was Ted Friuch, ~ biol"n
n11jor who was elected prnid~nt
of his ~nior ,;l;us, the ~bss "'
Ruenllr, the two fieldhou~~:o
wen: named for t ..·o .:oachc>
who helped build up th··
~~:v~~~l P~tn~~~.:-~n n~!~:;,~::i,:~
will bF named aftcrQu~ndt .. h<.J
coached almost every ~port at
lht Institution untilhiso.loath
!au summer. The prrscntl)· ua.:d
fickl liou~ will be named arw
George Bera who coached h•·rr
from 1\142- 1950,
1111ng ~
Between 1:30 and ll:OO p.m. .
The Purple And The Gold
of""' •~•.
0 <1• • K hoob
Of lawd!nevcrlost,
Of tnumph.l by the srorc:
Lctlhem teU you of their prowea
ButtMil' coloneverlown,
To thepurpkandtheaokl.
To thcbanbof okiWilconlin,
When yean are pad andsonc,
Auchoolmat«wc hn~:p•ted,
W~'Uretv.r11and.tlow ourcomndct,
Downtown, SteYens Point
Students and Alumru
University Ford
Congratulates. You
on your
75th ~iversary
I. 1969
Famed Author, Child Psychologist
Attended Stevens Point Normal
A bl,a man on campus 11
Stevens Point Normal S~hool
e.uclly 70 yean who went on to
make 1 bll name fo r him~~: If u ~
.r~:::r b':in:~!c:t~ ~:
• school , now 1 _ uninnity ,
' tpprouhes Its diamond jubilee
of the Spirit of
He Slid In part: "But if t he
put has been dllt with despair,
silen~e o f
sunk deep
~:e-thetb~W:~er b~~htls '(~~ ~~ -:~~:e~tfton7c':t a~t:J
comln1 when man will denlop · been uttered. In an inJttnt, the
not by phylicalstruglc, but by unsuspce1in1 viCIOt wts on the
to footbaD shoullicn o f his yellin1
jull ioc-not b)' c:atutrophc but comrades and borne upon the
byp~eful nolutlon."
1111e I n the midst o f a
Dr. Arnold Guell,tnativeof appeals to ru"10n t nd
' Aln.. In Bufhb County,
founder of tile Yale Universit y
Clinic of Child Oewelopu'IC:ntand
tuthor of 1bout JO books is
~111ded 11 o ne of t ho moll
didin1uishcd ~~eholan ewer to
st udy at t heinllitution. This
membcrofti'IC: 1899dwdidin
1962 at ~&e 82.
In the next laue or
Allhoulh his achicwe111C'nll
Here't how the article
put him ~ad and 1houldcn described his victory over
many of his clusmatcs, he contes'-nU from the six ot her
wu the product ofanerawh.ich normal athools: "A ponderous
sent scvera! StennsPolntalumni
intoprominenoc:. •
Jesse II. A mea, '02, became ·
president of the River F&lls
Nornaal School; Joseph kdt.
'91, Seven th Dill riel
convcarMn ~ Marpnt A5hmun.
'97 authorof Eflllish tcxtbookl
for hi&h school st udents and
later .uthor o f best $ellif1.1
novels: and lbrvey A. Schofeld,
'0 1, fint president of Eau('bire
Normal School.
HEADS UPL THE POINTER 7os o new bonncr.heod. Pic·
lured obove ore PoinTer heoC ffom 1he LOil 28 years. from
top ro bonom: <kl. II, 1939, Oct. 3, 1946, Moy 28. 195 3.
Moy 23, 1963, Moy 6, 1965, June 23, 1966 ond Sept. 27,
1967. [Photo by Bob Holden!
Pointer Has Served Stevens Point
State With 80 Editors For 72 Years
Old records t t the uniYcrtlt y
indicate beina 1 bl1 man o n
campus in the "Gay N in~t ics"
r~uirrd scholarly achicvenlcnt
iru:tud or athletic abilit y and
co nvincin& l ines for t he
And Gncll wu 1 BMOC.
li e a ttended the sdiool
bd-cntheqnof 16and 19
and pined pronllncn~t urdilor
o f ! he newl)'·UIIbllshcd
llcwipapo~:r. ThePointrr.
An uampk of his work was
in !he ran of '98 when he
~~a 11~ub~thc~e~
sc hools.
~di to rial :
li e
b{o, ~~~~U:~
wrote in an
h3~~ been
"Norm~ ls
t3Lied~ckwoo..lsy. bc:causct tlcy
have no eo lleJc 1pi ri t.
ton1ofit ."
Fees In 1894
Cost Student
3 p y
For t llr«dotlan ln l 394,one
~ld :!~~~~ c~s r:~~!~fo~
In 75 Years
Whon the doors of StH_c ns
Poin t N<.umal school firs!
opened on Scptcmhc r \7 , 1894.
13 faculty mcmbo.·rs .,.·ere ru dy
tobo:aintuchi11Jdaloli<>s. T00Jy
t hatnumbct has grown t o 0\"<'r
4 00 n
Whconsin Shte
Univcr,;ity-Stevens !'oint h~s
incrnscd fro111 tho: oril:in;a1201
s t udcnu to o ver SIIOO u
Moon Fmt Shpp
1326 Srrong$
Downtown Sttven 5 Point
Theron H. I'T~)·. t ho.· first
pr..•srd~nl . t3u&tll cl~w.'l in
psy.,holoi!Y. pcJa&Q&Y and tho.·
his tory o f ~ducation. llis
cmrntfrpart to..lay, ln:Shcrman
Dre yfus, hu ,vntinulcd in
Nm·chics a nd Gifts
clsilll on 111.1SS mcdi~ in Amctk~.
a r.~city for univ( rsity ptcsid.,n\5
Till' instil ut<" ,"On<luctor. C.
H. Sylvn tcr. taught botany and
lltcl".lture: G:lny E. Culver,
natural scil'ncn; JO$tph V .
Pny's l r.~ditionhy tcachina3
l bney. F.r1J1Iish and director o f
tcachif!a; Bnthl S.
l'it man. latin and German ;
Drolilll' E. Crawford, physical
Congratula tions
~~~!.J:~;.: S:~~~Y u~'tO/~nun~;
Students on your
Mary D. Bn4focd. Jr.lmmtr
1 r1d cs : Fnnccs Quinn.
inl<"n"''t.liatrtnd JennicRebcccl
Faddi$, prlmary.
75th Annh·c rsary
Of 1!'1C: voup, Collins was t he
only one with a PhD and he
remaiMdthelon&est uan ~ctiYe
nll'mbn of t he' faC\Iti)'Until his
rctircmenl in 1917 atlheqJCof
In addition to ! he f~,'Uity,
lsabclk P1ttenon wu the first
derk and 1ib111rian and Peter
Kdly ICIYedtsjanitor, n:tidint
Prescription Pharmacy
North P-"'t
300 OiYi$iOn St.
Coil 3.o44·331.ol
1003 Moln St.
Coli 3.ol.o4· 2290
~~l:;c::J:;::::.~Iapartmcnt in.the JL.--.....l~::::0~:::.;:=;;::;;:::;.;;;:;:::~---11 &.::.---..;;;
After lcavin& his hometown,
Gncll n:turncd infrequently, but
Sut that nent Wu jult a
warm up for whit wu tO tome
boulder from t ht bluff which
jell sharply above was hauled in
~~:::t~e~~~~~~~!~~~t!~h~- ~SJa~:~~::~~~v~~d U~~~~~:~~
rcceiYina doctor o f p$)'choloar
:~n:c:. ~~~:~~lhfr,, ~:Ide~~~~
for a term of 20 weeks and may
n1 u~h Leu."
;tu~~:.~n~ayd s~~~Qfor~=~~~
Li¥in& In a rnidcnn
hall adds
another SJ75 t he bill.
Atlml55ion polidn h~ve also
~ hanacd with additiona l
requir~r~~~:nts adtled . The 1894
stud~nu had to h.Jve a fitS! or
xcond Jr.tdct•·a~hcr'sc.:lllficate
in force. take an examination
prrJeribed hy the Bo~rtl o f
:~~euna'ts~ o~~~~~ .' e~~:\c...~sch~~
pe11011 to cnroD n
a junior
wit houtuamination.
The next year. he was nude
This Car New
Now see the Creal Buys
You Can Get a t Sc·aHi<li,
Fo•· That Same 5895
Op.n 9-S Dolly
Fri6Gy 9-9
Ev•nlng• by Appolnl,..,.nt
Corner of Po1toge ond North Third
~t l~.iary member of t he elsa ::ti~~~~i:Je o:'h~ r>;:;.':nme~~
Getell, the son of a Civil War
who was an nrly
~~~~~t~ri~~~~:. ~~~~~!~P~ wri:~:~d~~4 tgar':u~:~~nsi;;
few childhood friends r~mainln1
t h~re. 0111: is Theodor~ U~hler ,
retired poRmUitr and weekly
editor. who hn provided his
papers a bou t the famed
pediauiciin to the U.S. Llbr.~ry
docton. adoption 11endu and
othen cont~:rncd with child
1 uida n c.:. Dr. Gesell made
known his r~scarch findinp
throu1h lectures, motion
pictura, radio and a newspaper
Our Lovable
bra slips
come on smooth!
lnsoltnylonsatintrlcolwitlllace'n l ycra•bras
that reaJ/yfit. Bolli liberfillpadded.
scooped low in back and perfectly smoolh
from toptothigll line. Choose
style .
andsHpintostJape, today.
ut>e111trd aloca l buslnet~until
aboul 1910. she rcc•·i~eo.l h<:t
diploma in Jnnl.'.ofl 899. While
~he w" still in school. her
b rot hcrl brwycnrolletlinlll96
and then their h1ot ho.·r Walter F.
eomJ>io:tcd t he List with his
admis.s.ionln i'I04.
It ""a$11't unti160ynrsbter
that a no ther AlUlcwagainjoinrd
the row:.·rof WSU sludents. She
was Linda Marie A11ncw, now
Mrs. l'r~hlich of !kJ vcr OJUI.
This b U, Mary Ann ,\ anew o f
l'ortagc compk:t~'tl the list.
Scaffidi Buick "~~!',~t..':oo
Tvetdoy, Fridoy- 10·9 p.m.
" WeD, WeD, Well
YeU, Yell, Ye ll
1t~ale for nearly 40
~ti::~~~~~ ::;~~;;d~.~:~~:C~t~*~~. dt~nc! Chi:;~::,Fa
"lll:ed notcx«:edteYentydo lbn
years, and lfterhisretireu1ent in
Monooy, Wednesdoy, Sorurdoy- 10-S p .m.
~~~~~i;·::~:;:~:~f;.~=1~ !z;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::~
Baeten 11 the contest. had
cheers fo r him in both
German and Enslish:
po~nd It did."
"At t he same progam !'1C: also
showed how an eleeuic magnet
would support the welaht o f 1
man. Ills upcriment was &oinl
fine and the naap~ct ;>uUcd him
above the lloor until one
member o f thecbakaned from
his chair 1nd t urned off t he
~~!~~.''J'~.e:~~~~~J~ed to his
between hi s uniYenlty
attendance at Stevens Point.
Pbttcville, uu Angeles, alld
The Name Agnew
Is Nothing New
With School
one o f
No wonder! It wu t he Purple
and Gold that fluttered hi&i1nt
now. It was the home oontestant
tndhcwatviCIOrO'Ier aU."
Upon his ret urn to StevenS
depart ments 11 Stc~ens Point
Point. hundn:dsof studentsand
No r mal SctJool. Board wu towntpcople turned out at the
culmated to he thn:-c dollAr• a · depot to wekomt: him and carry
Tht •·ntirt ~~rope of~~ehoolirlJI
hu abo chan1cd ""ith most
st udcnu totlay r~Mist•·rinj!. as
fu ll· timc. Th~ firS! c:atalo&
rtf'Orts "!hOSt.· ..-ill bt' ""tcom~:
wh " <"01111: o nly for iiholl
J'o.'lloo.h. or a~ ubso:rv(rs simply;
hul ~t u<lelll ure a<IYU...'tl to makt
thcu t•bnsto'~Cay atlcnta )'ur
if t harispossible." ,\so.:paratc
fc•· o f 1:. ccnu per "'"cd was
When P ruid~nt ltichatd
Nixon announotd bR summer
he had choscnSpiro T . AttJWWIS
his ronnill& mate. t he nam~
brol.llhtl!];lnyandid comments
But thr IUmt: Af,ncw is
not hin1 new al WSU·Stc•·ens
Point. Durina the: 7S yur
history o f IlK' ~ehool, five
Aancws han hc.:n rnrolkd.
When t hcschool's dOOts finl
opened Sept. 17. 1894, ~hry
Aancw wu ;mont the students.
The d3uchtcr o f 1 jeweler who
~~::d ~e:~:l b::.~·"
GcseD wu J,radlllted from the
Alma lli&JI School in 1896 and
was an honor • udcnt. " f o r the
~ommcnoc:ment proptm he
showed tluouah the proceJsof
~:ft'i::i~m:r~~~~fi~::er:d i.~cJ::'.'::S 0= 0~1n'it~~bef!~utr
~ h~~~~ a~edmp:in, ~: . :-L~m~~~ =••·but
coYer the event modntly, not u
1 $eli bL>din1 author but n a
cold, impaaioned editor.
Another boyhood frknd wn
~~ ':!~:~~n~~;;f1~~~ :~~ ~t~~'fl~~~~;~, ~h:
is awanlt d to Mr. GcJell (11!1!) . Geu ll wu "q uiet and
studious-spe:nt much of his
If ever a crowd o f 400 went youth studyin&, tnd in his spare
$3 69
"lnlt13Ciion" 8760
Lemon. Mint.V.'Mc
Albertson Center Will Bring
New Heart To Point Campus
A new hu rt Is In sto re lo r
WSU·Sie\"ens Point o n its 161h
birthday nu t year.
This ~ira! Ot"pn will be aSJ.5
Prni d e n t l. n
S. Dreyfus
duaihes IS the ncwlifej)eat for
thcl tlrnpus. Ae~demlt l<'livity
for rhe fieldhoulie.
r~cifft~e~~ ~~·;;~n:d~ur1
Wo rkrne n are o n schedule for
hnuary, 1970 complc!lon
d~te-they a lrcar.l ~ ue pbcin&
the sturdy concrete h arnc for
the fo urth "ory o f the buildinJ
which will be Stevens !>o int's
taUu t. lt wi ll bc namcdin honor
o f the Dr. h rncs II. Alberuon.
fo rmer univcrsitypreWdcnt .
Dr. Frcderich A. Kremplc,
dc:.n o f ICI!ninl rcsour~s who
will administer t he ~ntcr ,t.:lid
pbn$ for the buildinJ were
bea u n r;e ~era l y ea n 110.
" llowevcr:, desire to ha•·c it
adequately hou~ facilit ies for
k arnins resour cesand thri<'u ch
for adc~uatc rrronio:s to finance
hurldin~ ami etfuipn.enl
delayed a~Tw l consuuctiorl by.
a lnoost rwoyuu."
Co n sequc nc ly, the center
which wasori&inally pb nnfll (or
a student cnrollnrcnt of 7,000,is
upcc:tcd tOSf,...·e alntO" 7,500
studtnUwhen it opens.
So me facilitin ofthcbuUdinJ
will be in muimu m ut iliution
irnmedi.:ltcly upon occupation.
''{:crtainp!Tssun:s upon space
utiliution can b.- met by the:
al'f'licationof ncw rt chnlqucsof
lill ruian s hip. The use of
rHictofilmcan pca!ly rcd ua: t hc
1mount o f space: m"'t:ded for
Names Of Buildings ......
·· :;,_,..,.;_. -Reflect WSU ·H.istory
By Jim llo fc:r
people ...· ho h~w
buildinJ$ named Mfltr them on
um p us arc soutr of th<'
o ut s tandinJ JH'OpiC' in th~
histdryof th<'M:hool.
Somc:of th<' foLIO'Io'rnaan·
ln dudc:d rn tht lir;t o f
o uurandin' rontributoll ro the
7S yursofhis!Ofy.
Knutun llaU ir; namfll :&ftN
Mr. Norm:r.n E. Knunen who
wn a tuchcr for 4S ~·un and
who started the Men'sGir<-dub.
~~~ - Knutun paduatc:d from
Stcveru Point Normal in IIJ! O.
lie illltr be-came a mcmber of
,·amr>us b<•ars thiS ntan's na111~.
In I \15 1 a nc"' n'~idcnC'C hall
fte<'ll"l'd the name: of rhe
fournkr of th~ lkllcll Oil
rornpany and rucmbcr of the
of K..-g.:nu of thc
WiJC.,nt in SU I<' Univenity
Sysrt m.
. Mr. Wibo n S. lkll.dl, 1
Stc:ven. l'ulnt rcsidenl. is alw
rc:rrotmh<'red fo r his vlork with
thc l'o liec:Gidcts. a boy's tr-. ffie
s.fc:r ~· Ofganilahon.
Schno.'ccldt• r~iid•·n« hall ls
nanrc:d after th•· man "'ho
Slart ed \he co n se rvation
~r::.L!IOIIII hCI( at Stt'>~ns
1933 $Ur)N the sinr;rnas:roup
whkh he conduct~d rn o•·cr 314
Fred J. SchmcecklcbcJan lhe
fint dcpultrlcnt of cun~rur ion
~t any colli:F In the Unit~d
States in 1945. He ~ !so ,.·orkc:d
..·irh man~· Trcn f01 Tomorrow
tM: E~t~\ish facultyh<'l\"andin
1 ~ New York Wo rld's Fait, the
We$! Point Milita~~· ,\ cadc1ny
1nd t he l>aMt thn ll\" in
Tht l>clkH resid~nt center
received irs name from anoth<'r
o frhisachool's alumnn.
Mrs. Etiubtthl'fifrMr l>dkll
wu a mcmbcr of the hht01y
faculty from t lf-10·1\lt>S and
$frvcd alw:. Ocan ofWornen.
Mrs l>dlot -.·u born in
Stcvc:ns l'oint andvaduatcd rn
192\1 from Stc•~ns Point Stare
Tcu ·h<'r's ColltKf. SM t~lll!hl for
der·en Y•·~r~ ~~ 1' . J. Jarol>~ lli~h
The 1110~1 "'ccnr l~· ronrpkh'•l
n:sidcnce h~ll re.:d•·ed its name
fro rn ~ l<'O$n Pir>' in-.uu~tur ..-roo
wu invol•·cd 1n "or~ on th~ St.
la,.· ., nN~ a.. ay.
Mr .
fr:r~:arr.:~ jt_t,~~l~.'.eDtu~i~~~r ':~~
stora,cofbulkier ~t erbls,such
~ffl1-~~if.l>~ ;!Yl:~::~~i"d:U~;~s~~ ~~~
WSU-Stcvcn5 l>oinl ~I one:
ti m( had an a ud c mi~;
depart ment ofrural c:d ucation.
This drpart mrnt was found<"<~ in
l\1 12 under the d irection o f
~chool pll:$l..knt John F. Sims
and "'~$ dcU~n«l Ul"'.:iaU~· for
ruralarn teachc!l.
Afttr Sun'~ dnth. his -.·ifc:
donated to this ehool th<'
furnishin&'i and personal library
of Mr . Sirn 's study. The
~olkct ion included crrcircscu of
ll ick en~ .
Lowe ll. l'a r lyk,
l:mnwrr. !' boll . SMknp.,~rt
~nd ll.otwrt IJu r n~.
Anmtwr"aud out isl>snr W.
Neal( -..·ho ~ 1\·cd as dirc~;!Of of
t he rnul education lkpartmcnt
from 1915-44. lie k-ft the
fat ult)' rtt l 944 an.l scrn "<l lwo
term~ in the slah' !iCnalc. Nuk
r.,Wden,·c hJII " ~~ d,·dic~tcd rn
HERE IS AN AUI~L VI~W t:.f The Allen Center •comple~t from a fe w thousond feet
up. In the le h bockg•ound, one is oble co see The conlilruction liile s o f whot is
now Neale ond 8oldwin hollr;, respe<tively. Presidenr Dreyfus did hove a Joke
on compus o lew yeor~ bur il d1td bfl:ause of the compus' e~tponr;ioil
An 9t hcr former WSU-Sl'
tinl( lK' ~roN onl't>nuuitlo;'!.'S preoi.tcnlaftc r who ma l\'sidentt
hall i~ named w~s Robert D.
~on,...•rnin,: the dnt k'l'men t o f
the Grcu lahs-St , l.a .. r~nl'<: lhkf,.·rn . tlew:as pn·,..d.,nt from
wtu·n lhc rota1 M:hool
wa t~rwa y.
<'nrolhm·Rt was400
lk ,..:as faculty duirman
BnrroUltlrS hallis nanll."<lafrcr
frorrr 19!3-15 1nd I'H7-40 ~nd Lrlami.\I. Burroughs, ,.·ho was
n s ist;,nt u acl; and football an l'll!;lish !CI( hcr and at•ri.-e
eoa~h front 191J-15.
w ith va r io u s sch.,o t
The Allen rni<kncc c~nur urpninhons.
wu n ame d in 19114 in •·<n~:~t!u~~~:i'~: i~}n ~~waf~~
rc:membr:an~ of lln:lit Ma)'
deeds or the rn~ny int]>ortant
, Ailcnwho d icdin Fcb. l969.
pcoplcin lhc75 yearh"tory of
She was the head o f t h~ this university, but ir is an
WS U·SP home eco nomiar indication o f the •tualir~· o f
department for 39 y.-ars and th<' ln ders thcsctruolhas kno,.·n.
fintwoman facult yr;ha.irmn.
Shewas thtstate foundN~nd
fitA 1llrlc: pr-esident o f l>ctca
KappaG.a mma.
Herbtrl F. Steiner Jraduated
from Stevens Puint Normal in
19 10 . Btfo re his dn th in 19 SS
hch.-i b«natnch<'r for47and
Steiner will bt ETmcmben:d In
t hc future for his c:nt husium
CQM%m inl athlc:tic:s. lie was for
,. )'e&B 1 rMmbcr o f t ilt
r ul u
c om mittee of the
Wis c onsi n ln unc ho lu t ie
Athletic A..od-alion and an
o Mdalatathleticcn-nls.
H~ was ehairm1n o f tM
~:_~andde~~rt='r~=~t :~
S~:,ns ~~:t n::~ ~~~nee
Mll o n t he southern end o f the
fror rlnw-d{r-omP.,p IS}
of socioloiY"·ho has
been ln llcd UI'Qn often for
lOwrn n..,ntal:assir;nn.ents.
TIWi<' included appointment
by I~ 1'1-esidcnl of the United
States110 the Boud of Fon'iJII
51:-holanhi~: byth<'Secrellryof
Start Ito th<- U.S. Commw.ion
for UNF.SCO.
lk jwasa n.enrbcroftlie U.S.
lK icption.SrudyCon fe renotof
th<- Aibncic Treaty Associacion
In Parlsln 1951l,and oft ~U.S.
~~~·.t..~.'i:~· J::.~:;;n:;t~
Orpnlutlon of Antrrican Stat"
in ~r~8 - hu lluaht abo at
Fo rdham Uni\"tn.i\)1, !olarqucttc
Univdsicy, the Colle:~ of St.
Cathcf"e anti at ,\ ntiao. \1.~111.
state-wide basis by 1974 , will
"ar ea tl y ex p edi t e t he
•~"'uisitioninl and eataiQ&inl ol
co llect io n ma t t: rl l ls," Dr.
new buUdlns .
llc sc:cs m1ny problems
involved with arowr h , "bceau~
everythin&iloomiiiJ II o nce as
welhlft inta a ncw c!loflibllry
~:~~ic~ !~~~~'(if6ra~) 1!~~~ fn~~.!:~io~~ •ld~mai:fe'in : : :
THE WSU CAMPUS rCX:I.:.ed ~omerhing like rhis boc~ in rhe eorly 1960s
prior ro rll ropid growrh. The norrh pori o f campus did nor ellilil el!cepl
see uch men u Win1ton
Chutchill, Gcnefll Eisenhowe r,
JosephStalin a!lli othcu as they
¥tually appeared .bdore t he
Need for stud~ spa~ for I he
lludc:nt body wlthin thebulldlna
a n bcn:dun:.l. hc s;;rrid bywork
o f t he inll ructional mcdi.:l
scr\"ices uudtr direction o f
Robert tewil.
Th.U dlvlsiou o f th<' center is
phn n i n a a s y- ste m o f
eampuli-wide d ial ac«ss r~trir:val
which C\"entua\ly will be c~pablc
o f video u well as audio
· dil-l ribut ion ar"ld will allow th<'
sludenl to retrieve iRformalion
not on lyatlocat ionswit hin thc:
buiklina bul at ocher campus
" Plans for dcvd opins; a
c:ampus-wldc closed channo.·ll"V
distribut ion sy!.lcrn will furt her
in cn:aK c:aliC: o f acc•-ss to
lcarninJ rnatn i.:l ls bc~ond the
irnrnedlatc h d litiols o f OIK'
buiklinl ." hc 3dvi!Cd .
Ac~ss to video t ap~!$ will
make it poWhlc: for sCudcnll lo
Beca uu
o f thu c new
lnnov,rlo n s o f e d u c at ion,
teachers do n't have to worry
abouc bclnJ pushcd uide, Dr.
Krc:ntple emphasized , 8 elna
rdicvcd ofdiscu5lina d Ucs1nd
events In hislory cb ur:s will
a llow cuch!:n: to interpret
hbloriQI facts and thus create
ncwvistas incd ue:rtion.
Ur. Ktfmplc H lirnU C"$ the
prcKnt sraffof 14 pro fci'Sional
~nd 12 r;b f,Sified pc:uons within
the libnr ry facilities will be
increail<'d to 20 profrssion~li and
22 cbi'Sif~ed within the nu t five
yean. Simibr ltaff adjust ment
will be 1\'illlired to handlf the
rapidly rx1•andin1 M:rvicr~ of ! he
instructio..almcd~arca .
"A ut.,mat io n of ma n y
prOCC:ISCSOf lihrar)' 0 \1<'13tion ,
111ch u ac~ ui ~ilion~ and
drcul~tion, should not onlr
hci litatc !he rnor.• routiiK'
fu n c t ions bu t h er the
profcuional st~ff to ron~nt ratc
o n po licy pla nni n & and
i mpronrnen t o f reso ur ce
Krvku to I~ l tudcnl and
fa.:ult ypllrons," hcrcportcd.
will be u!ll:d to
provjlc instant information o n
o~erd uc boob and to pr~11a1e
o verd ue noticca. T hat same
~~~~~!~"'folc~~~~'~f ~~e~~7~:
timc cach rno nth by pn'paringa
list of book acq uisitions.
Under the auspict"S o f the
Boardof Rqcnts, the nincsutc
un iversities a rc planning a
coopcrarive iyUern for utllr.tlng
!~ _ M A RC m:r.chinc: 1\'adab~.­
tape Krvkc o f the libr:ary of
T h is su ~ icc:, which i'
scheduled for :rtloption on a
But there arc: lon& awaited
advln«rnenu on IJp tllllt woukl
rn:rke any Jibr:ar~nbreak a$ilent
readlna room )ptll with an
outburst o f c nt husi.:lsrn. Hook
h o ld i n1s prcstnlly number
170.000. hut by th~ mid 1970s
that rq;ult Is fltpccC 10 bt:
The Hoard o f R~f>t'nl li has
proposed that all of it10 c~rrr1•uscs
havcanaverJJeholdinsof JS
boohpcrst udent; Scc:•·cnr;Poirrt
Pl~!iCnl ly ••·t..-~Jn
"!l ,
T he kind) of ccan an·
dunMing ron. Dr. Krcrnple.uld.
bec~O'it' ntw propa m1 in pap>'r
and pulp technoloJy, spct~h
pa tho lon .. ~ udlolo&r. Nc:J ro
hist o ry, n~ l unJ IC50urees.
gladu3\t Uudicsand Ol:hc:r areas
i n' rf<!uirinJ rn:rtcrials nc •·•·r
Tlr!.'OCWt<>nt•·risel!IICCI!.'d to
ha~c a S7SO.OOO oper.rtilll!
bu•lgtt th>' )'tar il b<t:lll~
opo:r:.tion. and tl~tt of !he flfurt
"hopefully .,.ill be 515 ,000 liO
we can have a pro k11>iorr.1 l
mo~tr 1!3nsfrr o ur Ot'<'lllton
fro m onr huildin& to t hl.' ol hrr
a ll 111 o ne wc:dr;rr,J " f)r
lie pn:fers to
nel! t Sprinl!-
fu~r~~'!,~~r~~ !~)~~~~~ion and
Shippy Sho••-
l\tb lantern
will offer
Celebrate WSU-SP's 75th
l•~P~~l!j~,-::.14 or
IOH.r loocf Otll}o with CovpcHI)
L •••••••••••• .a
the lllo •·e
l'l:r)'inl a ~cy ro le in the
transition will he l>r. JohnChen,
who usurnu d utks lhis.surnrner
a~ director o f librarios. Present ly
~ • a cullo:p: in rhe F...ast, hc hali
wou nur~~rous ,,.·anh (.,, his
Thursday, May I , ONLY
[njoy a la nto lirlng 59 •'• 79•r, FNnth Frl•• or
Onion lingl, or try an ..,nb•ll•~obl•
La nt•rn Pluo. 152 klnd1 o f .otlng p'-osu,.,
Moin at Water