12 PAGES. No . IS ~
Sigma Pi Arnd Alpha Sigma ·Alpha
Win Top Winter Carn~i· val,__
Sig Pi's, Alpha Sig's
Delta Zeta, Sigma Tau Gamma
Finish Second As Week Ends
Win Carnival Games
Si,&ma Pi r,..ternit y ended
Si&ma Ta u Gamma 's t hret·Year
dominuion of' Winter Carniv; l
Sunday ni&ht by winnin& the
men's division tit1c while Alpha
SiJma Alpha ca ptured the
wornc: n'sti tle.
By BublraLa rson
Signa l'i btokc Sign~;~ T~u
Gamm3'i th. ..·e·)'UI domination
o f gamnintl'lc'~n·sdivisionof
,.'int ~t
Clmival. W hll~ Alph.:a
r\l pha ,.·on the .,.·ome n's
The awndl WCI\" pr~nttd
Sunda)' lli&htatt!Kintcnnission
of th.c prosr.tm whichfnturcd
"Guy l'ud;c lt and t he Union
The sho,'d ~~ ~c .,.-n Utc first
nr nt of SatunJ~y aft ~rnoon 's
pmcs. Teams had to pull a
u~mlw• o fthci r otKaniut ionon
atho vcttnat<" la)' n ce.
l'i won the
divisio n"·hikAlphPhiwontllc
wonwn's, Scrond place ..-cntto
PhiSiamaE,.silona nd ll )'crhall
rrspccu•·dy .
l nm
hoppe d ltiOSli a ~tartinJ lint,
do.,.·n around a mar k ~ r anol back
In tilt sack r a~~ . Swma Tau
Gamma took font p~c e In the
men't even t "''tlik li )'C r took
fiut In th e women't. Silma Pi
finis!K oJ $C:'onll amona the men
and Rout\ wu se..:o noJ amon&
thc.,.·onK" n.
Winneni nthe me n's oJiv ision
of the volleyball pme w~o: font
pb.«. Delta Si,cma Phi; K..:o n\1,
Tau Gamma. In the
.,.·o men's llivision .,.·innert were
font place to Alpha Si,c ma Alpha
and secon\1 pb« to Schmeckle
The tua of war. whi ch bsted
15 minutes. was wo n by Sitma
Pi by a rnaTJinOfllxinchtt.
Sl1n11 Phi Epsilon placed
!l<''ol'lli. lnt hewome n'sdivisio n
Roach "' on flnt "''hilt Dd lc ll
ploctd!l<'cond .
In the loJ th row SiJma Pi
t cio k fiu t "''il h llwro UJhS
Su;;d~~ 11 ~;t;~:he r:,~ctmi=~
of ttrc climax tliOIJ'•n• which
feat ured Gary l'u ch l1 and t he
and .naturally , they.,.-antbclt er
food . The y don't want separate
..:o urKs in Nqro ll blory, but
wo uld l ike tll h n pec t
inrorporatcd into the current
hi$ torycourscs.
"Welffn't aft crallthethlnp
they wanted II Oshkosh, we
o nly want what is wi t hin
reason ," 5aid Deni ce. "We are n't
C~n«$ ~oc'.ku~ t~ ! ~:~t ~~~h~~~'::,~'-~:
1 0
arc they do ina?
IR t ha t th cyhavejuitnn ishrd a
l>enl ~ sa ki thatthttcisn 't a
medina of the black studrnt f lot ofd lscriminat lon onampus,
club. Th is club is about four and lh ~t most o f the blac:k
week• o ld , and has a students are aoxepted and
membership of 16. all or the u tilfi<d. The discrimination is
Amc:rian Nqron at WSU ·SP. wone in boys' dormitories than
Th e ir fa (ult y Jnd cr and it is In &irh' dorms, and it
n•odc:rator is l'rcsidcnt Dreyfus. conslus mainly o f sma rt
" the jo Uy white fat her with derraptoryremlrks.
so ul ,"
The black iludc:nts' club has
No o fficill l nam ~ has been thouaht about tryina to sponsor
an "all soul dinn er" In the
Tlili club .,..u formed when ruid enor: or:ntu s. The menu
l'ruidc nt Dtc yfu• md IXn ice would consilt or thinl~ such 11
Royster, a sop homoR from chitler linJS, pip' fe et, and
Chicqo, at 1 spee ch contest in turnip &n:cnt, "TI\i$ food is
Dece mber. He asked her to typ k:alforu5," 0~niccsald . "Wc
orpniu the black students on co~ toPoin tt o&lve thcpeopk
campus, so he could mee t wilh an ed ucation in how black
th em a nd b lid &c th e: prople livc,"
communication liP that kd to
De nice doesn'tthlnkthatthc
t.ituation at Point coui.J reach
The JIOUP meets every o t her t he stiJC it reached 11 Os.hk osh.
Thursolay with Pnsidcnt Dreyfus ''Thrrc's 1 defLnlte bet or
. to air their rJripn, to make involvement at Po int. When you
•u&~est lo ns,a ndto debat e kle u. an'I Jd studentsto ch«tata
The y woukl like to n: cruit more basketball aame, you won't be
Nc&ro students, want more able to JCI them to march to
black cn tCftainmenta t WS U-SP, Main with a petition."
Pancake Eaters Fail
To Match Records
o:vent . Qve,..ll mtn'J hi.ch scores
is 199,te t by Phi SiJma Epsi lon
honors at the Winter C.rni\111 int hcl968pmu.
In the wonK"n 's divis.ion the
pam:• keeatin& oont est.
individual record is hdd by
,.,...~ws/1-I~~:k!.~ana,ed to Kristine Farness who ate 60
T ied for$C:Wndln t hemcn's pancoaka lntyur. OcbdlllaU's
di'fision were Phi Si&ma Epsilon 1968ttamJCOo:ofl86isstill
and Pny-S.ima haU. Both teams unellallc:n&ed .
llow many pancakes were
In the woJMn's division t he ntededtosupplythe2lhuf111Y
first plaor: Alpha SIJ tum ate t ~arns? Allen Center cooks bcpn
109111d ~~~Ph.! Alpha won fryin& pancoaka 'at ) : 30 p.m.
weond pbor: with 96 panakes.. Wc:dn u day . About 2S 00
l ndiwld<lll winners weo: Boris pancoaknwere rndytoofferthc
Ttutcnko for PtdSIJma Epsilon c:cmtullnll when t hey brpn
with S4 pancokn while Chril catiqa t 7:10p.m.
Con t,..ry to the belief of
Flood of Alpha SiJma Alpha ate
IDiny of the participants Ace
None of the~~~ IICOresthi:s Foodl did usc pancake
flour-lSOpoundsofll .
~u came: close to pcniollll
No estimate wnavallablc 0t1
records. l ndinlual men'1 hich
soorc re -ins at67. Joe Ho'ld the amount of stomach telllcn;
wt t hatreoord In last year's tbltwen~uted .
Si'~~rr::~:~~ ~~~t! ·o~/p &:
::~ ~~~~ 1!0.Sfbj!~r ,?~~!~: ~;
Suspect Arrested
In Assault Case
cominJinsco~oml .
The fiul tl'(' nt qf t he
a hu noo n wu th e Sadie
1\a"oklns •acc . FiutplJ cei n t he
won-r n'$ division wu uke n by
Alpha Si&ma Alpha. Men's
stotistinwe renotavai lalllc
Black Students
Organ,ze Group
To m Schtunacker of Slama
Phi EpS.llon wore the most
oriaina l bu rd . ln second place
f(ipcctively .
Rcpresc nt ativuof Si1ma Tau
Gamma won the fir•t two pla ces
in the scrubbiest catcaory. Dave
MarJin was fir~t 1nd Mike
Sherman was second. llob
McCle ll and o f l'hi Signu
l!psilon,lutyca r's winnu,.,.-as
third .
Sigma l'1's victoryinthcover
aU ehamJ>iomhip wu on tilt
sllcnB1 h offiut pll c<"finishcs in
pipe smokin.c. longue beud
competition. t!IC' chu iol fltc',
t he loa throw , t he , .._ of war,
thfshovtllace andlcesculpture .
Alpha Si8ma Alp ht's poinu
caroo mostly fro m Sa turday 's
pmu rn whkh the Alpha Sif;'s
victory in the
Carniva l enabled tltc S11 Tus to Si&nJ.a Tou Gamma.
keep th e tr ~•\iin& troph y ' In the fulkst compe titio n J im
pu ru. nc ntly . L U I year's Qrmpbc ll o f Delta Si&n l;l Phi
wo me n's divit.ion win nn was pb ccd first whtk Jim C•ton of
Siam~ l'hi Epsilon and Mike
Hyer Hall.
The victory by Slama Pi w" Skalski o f Tu Kappa Epsilon
its firu In Carniva l com petition fini s hed kto f>li and t hird . pl~ ced f11 ~ .
since it bcca11~ estab lished on
cam pus t hree yean aao. The
aroup fu.ishtdse cond l.ntyur.
udid AlphaSi,ma Alpha.
Abo anno uncN were the
winncnof the iceKulpturea nd
bnrd con tn ts. (Storiu on
winncl5 of o ther cventt arc o n
l'a~uonc: anoJ three.)
In the women's di'lision for
lee K ulptu re, ll yn UaU took
first wi t hRoachlllll sccond and
Stevens !'oint Cit y l'olil:e(ll-f ha ll aud wa1 sta nllin@ nu r a
IXlt aZctathirll.
SiJnu l'i ca pturN nut plaor: ~~:CC:;'~!st~ith a 111!usr,:~. 1i 2~din:i,;~uc~n<' ,.:,he~ 1 :,n:,c~~
in the men's division fo llo wtd a~ ult o f a un iversity coed in watchinK tc lovision in t he TV
by Si,c n~;~ 'hu Gunma and Tau the buo:ment o( ll yer lb ll.
room .,.·ent to t he m*'h•nc.
When she had diff icultyw• t h
l'olicc hnc arrated ll.alph
TheburoJ oo nt cstwasjud&ed
Ed&ll' Le Barron of Plovrf ond the u>achiue, th<' tnanput sonic:
o n Tu u day ni~thf in t he eh:l racll him wit h t wo fOunts ol of his ow n money in ot to hflp
Wisconsin ll.oo m with Mrs. J udy
forgery , r iltft and •uran ted her.
frfi man. rcskle nce hall director; bat tery.
Mom( nU llttcr. he a~kN the
Will iam Johnwn,aSiiista ntto thf
On Monday, Feb. 17. lc 1irl what some pip:s ovc rhtld
ll ca nofLell enandScicnce:af>li
Bao o n ploadN &u ilty to th eft were forand whcn shc t u•nrdto
lllvc: Katzmatk , ~ loca l batbrr,
b ut se ntencin g hu been look ~~ them he Jlr.lhbfll her
pOStponed unt il the hcarin& on 3round th e watst anll put his
k l\'i"'asj udgu.
f or the third YU I in a row,
the battery and forgny tounu hand ovtrhnmouth
lid Koc hdt e of Sigma l'hi fot whith the cowl .,..ill have to
Then h~ duq;cd her in to a
l:p5ilo n wo n th e: coat c c appoint an at1 orncy to rcprcsent •csu oo m l'hcrf 1he struck htf
compe tition. Seeo11d pllt ce went
he~d s1tu~gli1111 to &et a ..·a)' and
to Pau l Br~un of T111 Kappa
l.c: ~rro n i• charged .,.·i th passed out .
E11$ilona nd Du nCraffof l)c:11a st nlinJ I bLink book of checks
When 1 h c rraained
Sigm~ Phiwu thirol .
fro m a pur$C: ln the lobby or con~ciousnus a ~ hofl trmc lattr,
ll ytr IIIII o n the night o f the $he SOl;.. t h~ man .coin& back up
uu ult and cuhin& them t wo til<' sta>rs She rcpo flcd thai she
wi nn er of the lonlfeSI
::t~t~:~~CD~~ a local business ~~~ b~~~c ~!~h~~e !"~ls'~',n at~
ron•J~tti tionsport ing a i Y..·mth
grow th . ~l ike Ska lski o f Tau
The cashinl;of t hechecks.led Indolent. lhc 11i rl was not
Kapp • E.p Ji lon and John to t he aout o f t he J2.yur~ld Kxually mo lf.~trd .
si nJio man .
l'olict al$0 saki tha t the
The ISSliU!t charge stems from inddcnt in the ll ycr !tall
t he incident at ll yc r ll all in bu.,n K" nt "''l S tutally unrdatcd
whkh a man , dc iCi ibo:tl as bein8 to an in ckknt which oceuned
about 30·years-okl, about five ~t onday n·cniflg, f eb. lO,intht
foot nine or ten. and " 'tiahing 400hlocl of l'l cn t•ccS1oect.
approx i nuttly I SO poun•b.
I n that in cidc11t polio;r
Don 't Want Another O shkos h
lf)·ouhappcnt obe in old
Main tome Thm.IJOJa y evtni"',
an\1 you enw unt cr a si1ub le
1roup of black stu\lcnts, yo u
may wonder "''hat's Moina o n.
w~u . they aren 't about to nkc
ovt r th e l'r nident'$o lfice, they
aren't pb.nninl; to destm y th e
school's re...,uls, af>li they aren't
stagin& a sit ·in or a student
Schmid t of Sian~ Phi Epsi lon
we re second and t hitd .
In the Van Dyke contest, Dan
Bay of Smith !fall w11 fint,
followed tty Jim Tipple of SiHma
l'hl Epsilon and S hcl~on Ml )n
of l'ray-S ims.
rcr!~~~~ ro:~~h se%n~ic:~~r ~!
Ace Foods
Fake ID's
- -- - - The Party 's O v er
THE SIAS EFI'S hod their own contestant In ti-e pancoke eoting contest ond th is
linle pooch come prepared to do o linle drin king wh ile eating. After do wn ing
13 pancokes, t he liHle. feller rolled •over ond went to sHp. tSob O krosin ski
Student Senate Announces
Awards, Evaluation Progress
By JlmHoftt
Pro&ress of the newly forcncd cli&iblc for the Exor: llc:nor: in fOtm~ r Rdpienu o r the a..·ard,
Tuchcr Ev;~~luatlon oomm illrt: Tfa china Award.
nominees fa:r the oWlltd th is
and t!IC' announcfmt nt of an
The ahtdcnts wiU then eleet yur , and t wclvclludents.
Excellence in Teu hina Award alona with t he faculty a teacher
At its latest merlin& t he
headlined the businrss of the torcor:Jvctheaward.
Senate pa~~~:d three ~tsolutions
Feb. J 3 StudentScnaten~ctinJ.
The J ohnson Fo undation of and re ferr ed five o the r
Sherry Finney, Evaluat ion Rlcine hu proridcd S500 to resolutions t o variou s
co mmittee c hairman, h 11 each ·o f the nine State rommittccs.
announced that the results of urUvcnitles as an award to its · The fnt ff50lution affected
:~~ca~~J i~~.::!~lobtel;m.ft~ ou\s~~r!~ te!~herihe
She abo uid trurt due to
manpowe r limita tions and brae
:::cu.:;;~ d~p:u~:Cn':: 0 ~r' ~~
Univttsily will not be included
~:ef~~Ta:tt~ nts
stu died
thi a
to be
semeste r an:
~race~nt s:r"~!~P:~:~:,Sho~~
list of
pcnoru who do t he fiJlal volin&
co $elect the finalist include:
Defense Film
Police OHer
For Women
~~b:~ti~: t~~ P~~~::[,;
the classroom c~nter, scie nce
buildin&, f~e:ldhousc, and one in
theunivenitycentu ,
a d~i~~~r~lu:~enmS!!s.~:
con at itut ion
kais-ri:! 1 fl..~~C:1~iionstllatwerc
psyehokJ&r, and
Students in a cU of every
instructor in eac h o f these
department• will be adtcd to
A rum on w lf dden~e for
woJMn b avw.Uable to be shown
will be distributed t his $C: rnellet.
On t hcattitudcofthefao;ulty
c:onctml nJ the e'lllultion, Mill
finney u ld, "Wt'n foll!'d the
~n!\~~~:~~m~J:.pcntrve and
The Se nate hu appointed
Department. Tbe film is 20 wome n Mpenllilcd ui\JuJtly for
min u tes 10111 and when thelt .. iolalionofhoun ."
combi n ed with a poll,c
Another biU propoS« tha.t
1wnmary and a question and more ,lnfo~mation con~nln&
~nsw~rm.period, forma an hour :::!~~:cd~~ he~~~ M'Sc':.'de~
~lli.r.IU0111 intue•cd maY directory. Amo!IJ ~u&~nled
sent to commi ttee will be acted
upon in two -ckl 11 the
i:,~r=~r J1,2~uc:~~~i!:."'~~ · ::r~:c0.~~!0 "',!i~t1M~~~ pro~d b!~pe~t~1 Jsboa~~~h ·,o~
:::!.~~n w~ho w!~ ~:n-~
Kulu, Chit!
By Larry Wolden
Ace Foodshaserttulfeditsclf
in an upcnt.i•·c probkm that
will have to be n:ctificd in th(
nu r futwe- t he altcrinJ of
stude nt ID c:a1ds to allow
student s to rat meals they have
not paid fo r.
Because of the limpk
emboted knife and fork on the
IO Clln.b tlanifyin&their ri&ht to
nt inthcvariouscc nten ,many
off-campuJ 1\udcnt san: simply
paintinJ th ew flauresonthcu
ca rd s to pin free •neals.Othtr
f:t';:~e11 .!~" n~~: !~~d:~~~n~~fio:tl ~!';'~~~:~:' ~~~~h~~w~.,~~~~
It t waswcarin1aarcenja cket
oeoordinato witnesses an.! h:ld
brown hair ami a $C:V<" ral da)•s'
gto.,.·th ofw hisktrs.. ,
lie ent crtd the baKme nt of
when a 14 Of IS·yt3 r-old boy
grahbo:d her and knochd her
down in to a sno wba nk and t hen
ran off when the si r! scrnJMd
forhdp .
~ thods,suchucllanJlng t hc
piet urcin tbeiD ca td,usinalut
$C:IJTrl\er's 10 ca rd , or simply
usinJ 50mr::onc:cltoc:'siDcard,uc:
alsobein&c mploycd .
TheK have only bc:cn fiv.!
studentscaughtthus far·thc
l im ofwhichwna boy usin& 1
&ir l'saltcred 10 ard . The card
, be cken u.: now can:fully
chcekinanchcater' t !O coardto
tty and catc h the falsifH:d ID
cardsand thtir holders..
Dr . Gibb 5\a\(d that the
present ID a rd lsincor'jlorat i!ll
the activity card , ID card , and
lunchtick ct of lntyea rlntoonc:
to make their functio ns easier
for the Jt udent as .,.·di u the
sc hool.
lie abo staled t hat when a
rDu'!!~J .~t f~~;~~h t~a~·~r:!
b« n ut.in& the cud for every
~Mal o f the wmntcr up to when
he is nuahl . He mull then make
restitution for t hese meals in
addit ion to bc:in& plaor:d on
IO('ia lprobatlon.
The H ho o l h Ukln J
prC'tlnlatilre measures tOKdu or:
the ponibi litlu o( thiJ
happenlnain t hcfulurc,butin
the JMantime, Aor: Foods prices
~ill ::)'"'}~ f~~~ !~~11to l~
co!llumed by the hlse
br Ed Mark s
Why do our Pointer ehu rkadrn tOfllinut to .,.·ea r un ifO riN of
1940 vinii!Jt? Perh.a111 ow 1irls sho uld •·lew 1 few " Bii Ten" aamn
tnd ,acknowlcdMtlhemini·lkirU!A PointrrBacktr,
M ~ CUire Cleary, physical eductio n in structor, 5\atcd thU eight
new uniforms would cow about S280; that is. S20 fo( thcUirtlnd
SIS lot t he swea ter. New unifor ms arc bein11 co nsidfftli fo f nut
year and should the purch:rsc be ma.Je, thcold uniforms would be
uscdatfoot ballpmu.
Miss Cleary said t he unifoun•prno: ntl)' bc in1 used WC ft iCiedcd
before she came to W.S.U. rhrcc )'C;•..u ago. She addeol that the
prcsc:nt uniformswcn:s hor1 fllOU&hlnli that \h(ch«r ln dcnwcre
notnlOIInlt obeponl·pomor chorutiJiirls. Cielf)'lill tcdtheputpose
of the chce rkader is to lc;all the cro ..·d in cheers and no t put o n alq
Why hu 1ht Pointtt pep band ptayN .a It"'' tirrws1 t home J •rrw•
durillj&nucellcnt wuonof tltlecontrntion1 APointerBacke r.
Donald Greene, Chairman of Music, stated that the pep ba nd had
bundiacontinutd thisbai1;e t ballseason tolightcnttle!iludy·loado f
lhe musiciaru.
Some or t he ex t ra-cwricubr act ivi tia o f thf band consist of
play\nJ for n•usic;al.s, ronccru. a lumni a150ciiltion enpJcmtn\1 1nd
mar~hinJ at footba ll pmc s.. Credit t oWll rd l&rad~tion ia not J,iven
f«ut,..-c urti!ularact ivitic:s.
Several of the band members have vo lu nta rily played at the lasl
two baUelbaU pmcs and wiU pl.ly for the ntxt one.
Greene ad ded that t here would probably be 1 ttiUbtpc:p blnd
.... ,
hbr l.lllry20,19&J
" No e~il can happen
A Review
a good man, either in life or a~r death. " ··Socrate1
Reviewer Is Thrilled ·.
By The Beaux Arts Trio
P 0 DIU M=
Editorials • Columns • Letters
mo~ :::~~~ !~;~ien~t~~ !:~tC:IUn:'!e:now~~oy~ :~~h.~!
tile fin of clwiu.l music tnd on T~ Beallll Arts Tno 11 JOY
8e1ng seIected To ":"'.t1r;,·: .·:;·'"::::.f1,~
' :
Study ·DePartme
_ nt of Peace ~:::~.~rn:.::· :~..":~::~:;: r.~·.~~:~::: 'lt;:,· r.:-:.
Tue.-Jay, Feb. 4th this campus
compo unded .
TrioofNewYork .
~=~~~r'~wfe~"~~ !:tinp 11~0d
performers u individual Yirtuoli.
llnd u an iotqnted member o f •
team that must work wi t h
absolute precision tt the ume
is PR.uler whoK pltYilllt IS
superb. Greenhouse WII also
excellent, .but I fou_nd Gul.let
would not be my cho1CC for the
wilh lfCIIrrnumbers,but itltso
"WMJ.e :Hutlut ~h"
'Re{fed.t (}1!. 714iuuilie
The picture rmd article printed below are from last
we-ek's edition of the student newspaper, The Exponent,
from WSU-Platteville. The article proposes a so-ca.lled
"White Hankie NiGht" fo r Wednesday's basketball game
bct"·een Stevens Point and Platte\·ille at Platteville. The
idea of the "White Hankie Nig ht" is to ridicule Pointer
center Mike Hughes for "conduct on the basketball court
(which is) not what we "'Ould expect from a college bas-kelbnll player."
We wish to reply that the idea of a "White Hankie
Night" is not the conduct that we at Ste>.·ens Point would
exp«t from the "university" at Platteville. The Pointer
would also expect that a sister newspaper should have
more integri ty than to print such s n outright slanderous
art ide.
Whate\·er the outcome of Ihe ball game last night, we
hope that the Platteville student body showed enough
int cllij~:CII<'t! not to be duped into wa\'ing "White hankies."
It SCC!ms highl y ironic thnt .tho "white ha ukies" are
auppor!C(! to be in opposition to unsportsmanlike conduct
on the tl!lrt of H u~:hcs and "certain players on other
teams." We wonde r what kind of conduct J e(f Cooke,
originator of tho idea, considers ''white hankiC8."
It is Jlrelly obvious Platteville haan't golten out of
high echool rivo.lry.
The Editorial Board
A pnt~dent se tt in1
department of peace may
become a rettity in th.e ncar
fu tu rettWSU·SP.
A commiu ee of faculty tnd
st udents il nowbein a formcdby
Miss Carol Marion. chtirman o f
th. e hc ult y, to uudy the
possibilitiesofKIIina up such a
Miss Mario n il actina on the
authority of t he facu lty which
voted at the Feb. 6 bcu ll y
mectinJ IO approvea ruotution
cal~ n1 for the study o f the
possibility of establishi n& a
department. Th e
reso lution, authored byGeorJe
Dixon of th e socio iOIY
dcpanmt nt, wu ptcs.cntcd by
Steph~n lhin u o f the hluory
Not RadiCll l
Dixon defe nd ed hi s
resolution as "not 1 udica l
proponl." 1\e no lon~r KCS
an u u a-c unlcuhu
activi t y, " th isstriku me as an
!mmCO$e ptoblcm, and we
dlOuld diJ!lify puce wi th a
depa rtment ."
l na~interv iew.Oixon
poi nted to thelona:ranccaoalsof
tbeuniverJi t y,printedon pageS
of the cune nt catalosue, u
bein&tnin te llectualbasisfor. th e
lnoorporatlon o f 1 departme nt
o f ~acei nt heacad em.ic prop-am
at WSU-SP.
peaoe. lle also noted nrious
confe n:ncesofscholanthathavc
been he ld aro und t he nation
with the topic of peace as their
Stephen Haines has workei;l
do5e ly with Dixoninthcintititl
ronccptlon of th.c departme nt .
tk hopes that some sort of •
ih:h ,fo1f9~ ~instituted by
prin ciple
:ck~~ecanln~iv~~~!:t· sc':~
lhll " 111c (11~1 SICJl tn lllC
!!.ainu lillcd the n rious
CO UIIC ithlllni&ht beincJuded dcv~l opmcnt of the peac~
-.·ithin 1 puce pro&um. TheK depa r tmen t " liu with the
co urses range over many comm ittee Mi n Marion i1in the
depnt mc:nu Including lillillsh, proceuofaelectin1.
h.istory . philosophy, eco nom!ts
This committ<!e mw.t decide
andsociolOIY ·
ifPfJcris to~lnco rpor attdin
Stud y miJtht include the
philOISopbyofnon-violencc with
specia l emphuis on Gandhi.
American pacil"icbrn and peace
moveme nt s. the Nq~ro civil
ri&h tl movement and t he role of
Martin luth er Kin t and ...-o rld
pacifidsm with rndinJt!l from
lk"llnnd M. us.scll .
Other courvs ofstudy mi&ht
dul with the liter:atun: or
pacifici5m, s.odali$1 his tory and
tbe sludy o f t he effects of war
horn a socioloJiUI and
economic viewpoint.
ll linupointcdoutthatthne
woukl be nume ro us pouibilit~l
for a anduatf wi th 1 peace
major rancinJ from the Uni ted
Pep Band
· Is Praised
In order fos' minor to be
apprond, a detailed proposal
wou.ld htvc to be !'used by the
CutTicu lum commallce, ft cu lty
t nd Boudof~c~ten t s. lf am.;or
was proposed 11 would also have
to be paucd by th. e
Co-o rdlnttin&Council.
a depanmen t . a majo r 01 a
minOf. The comm ittu then
must decide on at•protc hcs to
the study. After t hisoommittn
hu detaile-d a pro&um, t he
pro cessfo r approvalca nbcgin.
a'e.u':PA:~ .
tw o
~~~~~~ fall!C:..:i~~e~~~~~
was very happy to see ow
university had apepband at
t hesc~mcs.
The enthu $iasm of this pep
band, which inaea~~ed the spir it
of the crowd, had a far reaching
d fed on the team - which
KC mCd IO ShOWby theaooreuf
thc twOJtl nlfl.
I wo uld lik e to extend a
than k yo u to aU of tho!it who
par1ici pa tedi nth ispepband. t
hope toKe the pep band at the
Oshkodl-l'oint•r ~tame Sa turd iy
njaht .
Withthe~~on:a t lpirit t ha tth is
pep band and thccrowdun&ive
the Pointers, we swely will be
Number I.
RtyMc udk a
Pickled Pigs feet
Not Approved for WSU
Nuions to t ~pca~ecorps.
DixonnottdtheJC condpoint
under the JOIIs which tnds, .
Both Dixun and Haines scc
''( Th e Uuden t ) h n
roadblocks ahead for the
undent andln1of t he hi5tory of depa ll men t, but bot b also
man and the forces and ideas bdicYe that it is a rul and
th ll have dfected hum an p~act iC~~l pOSSibili ty. They bot h.
societies,i ndudinahi5own : beia believe that money Is avaibble
o f the problems and
fa< tllcdet•artmcnt
achievemen t o f vuio uJ
civiliza tions ... ". Di~on ukcd
Th e l'roea111
how th e univerlity oould ma ke
students aware of these aspect s
ucept in an l cademic procnm
whlc h wouldincludepuoe.
performers. uc
Theevcninastutcd wit h t he:
Htydn Trio inC major, No. 3.11
is a trio that is fuU o f
li&ht·hcarted .spiritandsparklc
that caUs forthlrt yflyinlf111&crJ
to execut e the incredible Presto.
11 wu a marvelous warmup t nd
the trio performed well.
The R.ueltrioinAminorist
fndnatin& work. The fLJU
movement is in 8{8 time but is
divided 3+3+2 whith &ivC:S the
~~~:..:e:~l ,:!~\~~~ ~~·!
The seco nd hlf wu
compo~e d of t he very u•ly
BrthmS Trio in B ~or , t?P· 8. 1
was totally unfamiliar wnh the
piec:e, but _ tbe Schcn:o was. a
powerful nch movement wh1ch
conttins the st renath that t~
The encore wts the thinl
moveme nt from the "Dumk)"''
Trio by Dvo~k. It is 1 happy
wlfm movement, and as such,
was the perfect en~in l for a.
wtrm .t ndhappyevenl!IJ .
A Point Well Taken-
Shakespeare Declar~s
For Seat In Congress
By BWMcMillen
The Pointtrhub«nalvcn t hehonoro f announcin&that 1 nc,.
c;and ida te hu entered th e spirited CO"ire•lonal nee fort h~ i th
· ::~~~~~:.atw~~~cds.!~cs~~t•~o~f s?:.~r::d>0~~1he~~~~r~ ~
ru nnin1111n independen t write-in candidate. Will ,;~. for mt rl'omt
gnduate,anntcd t he followin& exclusive int trview -.·ith The Poin w
A. Forfame'sukc,forpraisc ...
I do it forsomepieceofmoney.
·MNs. fu r .1/r~r.
Q, l wouldn'teaUthosebonortble reasonJ fo r runnlnJ.
A. That which ordinary me n tre fit for, l am qualified in.
lit~ .
·111tn. l"l
Q. That wo uld be a ·c:hllncefo rapolitician. FlntofaU.whttdo) ou
thlnko fthe world altua tlon7
A. l n dtin mutinks; in countries discord.
The Pointer
New Lenten
Services Set·
j AaiOIIY - ktlcn will not be printed; bo_.c,t, n.ime$ wtU be
wltblldd for 1 aood and auftlclent ratOn . .ll!1.!2iD1tt tatn>" tba
rltbt to edit t U lcllen for te.latb aDd toad tulc, The briefer tbe
lctter, tbe be ttuih~ forpubbt lon .
·T. G. t·t,
Q.l"m tony, Will. I didn 't mean to offend you.
A. Before ..,.e make election, Jive me leave to show soniC reuon
M t~Y•n form called "Panto um··
which 1.t !lladc • of four line
rh yminl scamen t l . R ov r]
combines · plucky staoc:ato (if
you will pardon t he pun) with
lyric fli&ht l . Tbe Ju t movement
ist Pa••cail.lewhlchrcpeabt hr
theme con tin ,!Ous.ly. RIVe] flm
works o ut 1 quiet theme aM
t henswitchei to a furious f\ur ry
o f JUinP at the f111alc. The trio
was very, very sood to IUvel
The piece wu so iUvcl t hat l
couldhcar fou nt tinssoinaint bt
bttk&round , an cxpericnet
which I often wonder if otht rl
Un iversity
flbrwry 20,1969
Choir Will Tour
Four State Area
Cantwell Win
Pipe Smoking
Me,;ben of the University
Cho ir , busily tellina sourme t
Uun-wot k summer Euro'pcan
c:onoert lour, are even mon:
ur sen lly app lyina; Onishln&
toudtu to muaieal teledlons
whkh will be pre..:nted durint:
theifaMIII I mid·win tert owo f
h' h tc.hools and communilkl
Within Wisconsin.
Thia yCll,lheclloirwill truel
to eomm unilicain lllinoil, lowa
and Minnnota, in addi tion 10
lbelilop1 inWixonsin.
Lcnin t: Steve: ns Poi nt ,
Tuu d ay, Feb. 2S by Greyhound
bu., the ehoit' will present its
fllllaDtmbly concert atCillett
tfi&h Sehool at 10 ; 10 a.m. After
\unchanda2:30p ,m.roriccrtln
Stoekbridt:e, thechoirwWtruel
to Campbellsport where they
~:~·ro~f~.t!1y 78.mitU:eh:t~
in he annuli Winter
smoklnt: con test.
ApproJtimatdy 1S4t:rl nlSOf
Mappleton toba~ro we~ smokco.l
in th e event with each
contestan t rc cei'lina 2.2 ~r~ms.
Paul P~nshorn of Sia:ml Pi
placed fintin !he men's division
wi{h a lime of SS:J8 followed
by Cres Stront: of Sit:m• Phi
Epsilon in 48 minutes and
1\owk Neider of Snli tl\ in 39
In the women's d i'lision,
Mn ilyn Cantwe ll of Theta Phi
~rnival pi~
~~~:a 0 ~00t2:~~.1 ~~~d wi;~c:
M£MI£1S OF THE UNIVEISITY CHOII hove bun selling
dlocolole bars wilhin lhe los1 few weeks to raise money 10
go to Europe lhis summff. ~inning nerl Tuesday, how·
went to Ceori:C Ann Otuk o f
:~~: 0~bfx\~a i!~;o.,..~~l\t~·:~
24 :40.
The reeord forth<' evtnt is
held by !Wike McKill of Sil;ma
Tau Ca rnmawho took flnl place
>h>« ,..,,.,. w; >h •
ever, they will begin their annual tour of
communities in Wiscon1in.
school1 ond
Ga ry pu c k e tt And The Union Gap
Lippert, Have Added Rank Since Start
Tom Walkner .
Lead Chuggers
ByMary Ro~rs
A IM'w e•·en t on this campus'
wintncarnivalgamesroS!rr, the
apple cide r chuull\1 co ntrst
altfllcted a s.lzub le ctowd to
All en Cen t er's buem c nt.
Cllampio n chu~:~~~cn wert Tom
Walkncr o f l' ht Si,ma Epsilon
a ndMaryUp~ rt ofR oach h a ll .
Thuc acrompUshN drinkcr1
drfU ifd the eon tes tanllintri:l l
huts and then ou tchUHed the
winnersoftheothtr huts.
Takint: SI'OO ild p l~ce in the
me n 's dh·ision was Robel!
Adam s of Ddta Si«nu l' hi. Third
pbcc went to Mih StrobuKh o f
Sit:ma Pifr3tcrnit y,
In th e women's di•·ision !he
contest .,.·nextremrlycloK.As
a resu lt of two tks, t...·o
additiom l chu1..offs wt~ hdJ
bc.ofore Kris Ru ssrll of Alplu
Sit:ml Alpha was awarded
second placrand Nancy l>rnsr r
of Wauonhall.thiJJplace.
Eight t:dlons o f ddtr was
cons umed in thcco nti:sl.
Employment Office
Has Opportunities
For Students
Do you need some u 1111
money to pay for t hoSIC ex ira
Uttkl t hinp? The Wiseo nsin
Sta tt Employmen t Serviccslisu
pan-time job oppor tunit ks for
t hose:s« kin1aiob.
The Fin anci:l l Aids Office,
Main 2~5. is the a mpussitc o f
WS ES. Mn. J eff Pn~ikc,
spcc ializint:in sl udent situations,
is available t!Krc on Mondays,
1: 30 to 4 ;30 p.m.. and at 'the
downtown office, 110 1 3rd
Suer!, at the same time from
Tuesd~y to Friday.
Wort;: preferen ce forms and
general information make up
every applitant'sfile,Ui kept
activc for one month :md on
rcse!YeinactiH foroneyear.
Mrs. Prrsikr commen tco.l,
" Th e business community is
very happy with ttudent .,.·ork.
Ourprocramlft'msdfective for
both emplo)·en and employecs."
• Typrs of work ranee from
clerical to manua l pOsitions,
".:u:r~~ :..s~SYP~~~!'. ~':
By Linda Pennon and
Mar y Lo u Rentnwtu
Thr 186S •1:nio n of the
Union Cap wa n ~iimt nt of the
Crand Army o f the l'otoma c
whkh fout:ht couraceously in
the Civil War. The 1969 •·ersion
o f the Union Gap arr four
talr nte<l ~rfo rn1 ~11 who, under
the lndmJdp or Guy Puckett.
are .,.·innins their way to the
hcit:hl so fsuccdil.
Whe n thC)' oppur~J at
Point"s Winter Cnnival dinu•
proaram, they wore a modified
type of Union so ldirn uniform .
"At first we looked like.,.· e~me
out of 186S;'saidCary l'uck c\1,
".,.·itht helongsideburns.h.:lir
combed back, uniform str ip~$
and the .,..hole bit. We had !wo
privatcs.twororporals anda
KIJeant, but we changcd t hat
because we did not have enout:h
rank ."
Their performance went out
to a full "Picitycrowo.t . Owit:hl
B~ment. the uou p'sKx symbol.
said it was a arn t crowd, "the
Ev u yone in the &roup
prtfcncd oolkgc audiences u
MuthtrW ilhem lfld,'• We 'rtnot
knockint:the tetnyboppers,but
we like an audience· which will
listen tO us intelli&cnt l)'.
Somet im esthcyou~~&eraud iencr
will just wait for one of our hits
and then sc~am." But t hen ht
mu.:d, "Some tim es its nice to
Muthcr, whom the other
mcmbus ~prd as the mother ly
typt, hu fiYc yurs of f.'O ll t&t,
but each of the othcn ha s had at
least o ne )"ell o f ro lk l• so the
Union Cap can feel that they
a n communicate wit h oo lkt:e
"Our music Is hard to define.
itdo~' t rea llyfitlntoanyone
cb.ui fication,"said l>wilht."We
want our m u sic t o be
informative and cnlightcnlnt:.'
somelllln& .,..e think will KlL ,"
ha~h: so"r::n~~~ s~~Jhha~ve':
uniquencu of sound, an easy
sound, an easy n><lody ami t hc
the listener can relate to 1
perloml uper~ncc. As Pau l
summed it up, "You just hope
fOf the fi&ht combinations of
l)'ric. music. time, pia~ and
Cary Pu ckett and the Uniun
Cap ope ned the conce rt .,.·ilh
"Lad)' Will l'owcr" and bc.ofore
closint: it wi th "Yount: Girl"
thty~dptrformcd manytypu
of music. They pla~·ed thcifown
pop ballads " Woman. Woman"
and ••o.cr You" alo n1 wi t h
rhythm and blues, count ry ~nd
.,..este rn, underground lulbbye,
ba rbershop quanct. swi ng and
The sroup's musical tale nts
a~ ju~t as vcrs.atilc as t heir
mu!.ical intc~su. Cary Puckrll
who does most of th e lead
s int:int: is also 1 talented
t: Uitar ist . Both Dw it:b l and
Muther pla y o rp n, piano.
saxopho ne and clarinet. Dwight
alsOpltys thebe lllyrc and !he
t:uitar.and on one son- Muthn
"playcd" a battcredcowbcll.
Kerr y Chater is an adept
t:uitarist and along with Muther
and Dwit:ht dot s rno" of the
kfOup's b<lck up singin1. Cary
referred to Paul Whutbrnd as
~ the
but drummtr in the
Cary, Kury and Muthcr
compose most of the SOn&S for
the Union Gap , !>luther rn,io)'S
writint: undert: round music such
u "Women :m~ Cirls"and "And
She Walked ." The sonp Gary
...·rites often stem from p••rso ml
expcricncC$-s uch u "Lulbb ye "
and "The Wind Blew My •
Keny alon& with !>luther
eomp osed"Ct n youTc ii,"'•J'm
Just a Man,"" Rcvtrcnd PoKy,"
and " My Son," which is a
fu~:~yo~~~ ro~k upon hU
Art Show
Looks For
Art Objects
The 10th Red RiverAMUII,
a j ur ied Art Ex h ibition,
$pOnSOrrdby lh c J uniorl..eat:Ue
,o f Fu 10 Moo rhea d in
·eoc)peration with the Red River
All Ce nler will be held Mar. JO
tluuut:hA pr.27, 1969.
"And. of ro ur5r. memorable.
m:cur . 011<' nit:hl a
uowd o f ovru.ealous l!i •l~
a rnbu~hed mt . l nst t adofturint
up my clothes, one lir l almosl
h.:lnt:ed me in an at tempt to set
my tie ." And Mut hn a.nd Gary
still chudlc about thenit:ht
Owi&)lt fe ll off the slat:e . "lie
was eoncenlra l in& on his t:uil ar
pbyinil. and took one step to
the left too many;• Pa ul
eJpla intd .
The Union Cap'$ plan1 for
tht futwe inc lud e nJOreof t he
same o n a lar~tr seope. Muther
said. " The &roup wants to
t•prrimt nl , and have n10n:
rtrordint: f1 eedom. We'd lik e to
travelndmee t newpeople."
lhe 1roup ttas twncd down
ll"oE uropcan tours.buthopeto
1t1.1kea !ourin t he nnr fu t un: ,
Their records •~ bit: K lk rs in
Japan, Aust11Ua and Gt:tltl.1nY
wi th "Yo un1 Gi rl" makint: the
topfivtinEwopc .
To date they h.:lve tlut e sold
reeords for ••woman, Wor111n",
~~"~!::' ~h:d~r:r~~r in;l~~ :~i~~~,:~~~r~~~· :~:~~:
will remain in Campbellsport ., Jan Bennlooff, New Berlin; Sue
ow: rni&ht sucsts in commu nity Iverson , Waunakee , Klane
hamel, Ftb. 26 will be spent in Denn iston, Pit tsvUie, Lenore
the Milwaukteareawi t hal0:30 ·Olsen, Stevens Poin t, Lynn·
conce rt at Wisconsin Lutheran Williamson. Wau111kee. Richard
H[&h Schoo l in WauwaiOA, Wan less, Madi so n , Rot:er
lunchand a i :OOp.m.conoertat llttltl.1nson,StevensPoint,Tcrry
Cudahy ~nior HJ&h School. Tbe
Wednesday evcnin& eonecrt will
be htld at Pew\ukee Hi&b
Schoo l.
The num ber of studenu
within the choir living In the
As a p~lude tothetOwthe
Milwaukee area provided easy Univers it y Choir, Madri&al
onrnQ!ht acromodationsfor t he Sin1ers a nd Swint: Choir
choir. Choif membc11 hailing
:~~~t ~~w~~~lftr~at~ s~!~~~~
them in t heir homes. Nurly
t wo·third s of th e choir have:
by !he Medford Junior Chambe r
of Comme rcc th e t:rOUJll
advisor asl<s you
for advice? ,
;:!~~;.' ~n~ ~~~r :~~~~ ~1:
"O•·e rYou"wellonitsway. The
Unio n Gap's fils! two albums
.,.·en: tremendously successful
and " l nc~dib l e", their thifd
a lbum includes "Lidy Will
Power" and "Over You" u weU
as a number o f t heir ow n
composi tions.
)thou Art Ccnter,52 1 Main Ave.
Moorbead,M inncaota 56S60.
Tbc Juror wW be Mba Felioe
Wendcr , director of C.Uery 12,
Ml nn eapolh ,
Tho chlirman of the AMual
bNn. T. E. Tryhua.
't:X~~~..:fo·m~~e S~ur;!~
;;s f::S':~~~d ::!t:r prg::~
Kuske wtuc h would eii!D for the
eUmination of.aphomoreho wl.
Scrond xmcster f~shman abo
would luve no howland Hnt
sernn ter fruhnun women
wouJd have tht same houiJ
presen tlyin effea ,
S~nator Kuske pvc 11 his
rusonsfOlachant:e inwomen'J
hours l h.:lt women are nutun:at
18yursof at:tlnhilopinion.
li e s.aid th" the pruent howl
are quite ridiculous. Kuskc
noted the ridiculo usnea of the
I I p.m. haws for freshmen.
Karen L1men, AWS
president, replied to the Kuske
proposal by pain lilll out 1
survey UkCn last year in which
fresluncn women voted t he
pruent hours be: maint1ined .
The AWS pr esident asl;td for
I COmmi tt ee lost udy theKusl>e
propOsal romp ri:Kd by memben
of AWS 1nd some of Kus.kc's
I n cloAnt:. Kuske asked for a
"quickandspcedy"reply to his
preK ntedavariet yconcert wit h
proocedst:o insnscholarshipsto
studcnUIUendint: theeampusat
Medford .
A "Com~loo"by
~ tag f'b/otltW III
From Cariiiil~
all week at
.. -""'..
- ~
ol 'JkS(JJ£
1320 Strons• A....nue
By P•u i J•nty
A meetin1 attended by
womc:n only had a number of
nule visitors prot eJtin& 1bout
t htprest:ntworntn'Jhoun.
In,ites You to Its
Spr ing Rush
Tues., Feb. 2<1, 6:30
w.·ight Lounge
lnf o rmtti o n re t: ndin t:
c!Cibility , e ntry t nd. awards II
aYiiltr.ble 11 the roJkle art
In Coed Hours
Featuring Seafood and Steaks
Ar1ists are cncounce:d to
submit their wo rlu for juryiJl&.
Cuh awanl.t for the AMua l tolll
Oayton l ,
tout they hlve Khcduk'll one
nic,htcrsallo., r the ooun lr y
"Life un be preU)' heclk on
these tows." 51id 1'1ul as he
ch n sedupthebatteriesin hi$
transistoril;nl TV. so h~ oould
.,.·u ch the Johnny Car~m show
o n l hebu s tripto Milwauk«: .
wh~~;::C.:a:= 1:~d~'·-!.~0 ~~~.,r~: ~~~~~~~ :n·~ ~~::u~~~ '~
jobs within t he Stevens Point
are a and stude
Hl nts
t t:-w
applyinmid·Apri l and May .
happens, bul l cante ll youw hat
happens, lh.:lveiOifl inlothe
nlQOd , Sometim ts I'll sit at the
piano working on a pkcc for
hours before it sou nd s like
anythint:,wh ileat othcrtimna n
inspiration h.iu ...... and t he
For Revision
been housed in this manner.
Otbe r arnnt:ement s have bctn
providtdby thehostschool.
An auemb\y Thwm ay 11
]0:00a.rn. in8anif41;ton,l llinois
will pr ovide t he first
opportunit y for t ht WSU Choir
to ap~ar out side the sta lc of
Wisc:onsin , Aftt r lhUtTiC'd lunch,
the choif will depart for their
tw:ninaenp~Cment in Anamosa ,
Iowa . Friday, Feb. 28, will
conclude the tour with a 10:30
a.m. concert II No rt h LaFayellc
County H.S. in West Union,
Iowa and 1 2:30p.m. assemb ly
in Sprint: Valley, MinntS(lll, The
choir is scheduled to return to
Stevens Poin t uoond8:30p.m.
The tour prosr1rn will include
choral Kledions from !he five
11eu pcriods ofmusichlstory.A
final t:roup o f Amtrian folk
cllocolatcblnto hclpf~n~ncel
The Wboonsin Room of the
or leu,
wen! up in smoke Wed nesday,
Univ~r1i 1 y C~nt~r. nlOI'~
Group Asks
Think it ove~; over
TheThink Drink.
'ntll. Fbte Folk 1'l1o la on lh.e f>OUep drcGJt U..Uc ,~Qat
ftiUo.bed ..., ..,pcwneat at r.au Cla.tre ll. Thclr MOM ,_,...
out-·· TMy , ,..lure G ille.~ oa pia-. UN1
cSotable baM; nan ~r, ru.Jtar UNI v-'. UNI - ' - (loQM..
-.ruJtaraadbui.TIIcltn:taterial .. ort:'IJI&I l
'III1J! be
Unc:!cc ided about )'1)ur luhlte?
It's no disgrace.
E~n Elnsteirt couldn't make op his mind fOf quite
Van Got:h took time to get en the track .
""'---""'""''-"''---j ri&h~~7,'~u're arildu.lt in&lrom ~'"'"go oo< "'"""' ....,
"""'" - - - - - --
J wtt.attodowithyourluture ..
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IM Center Offers
Source Materials
Tbe rint tllln& you notU::.
abouttbe lnruuctiona ll•llttriab
C~nter (IMC) u you Wllk by, ill
thlt the door is IIWIYI open.
IMC is located in the bucmCii"t
of the libruy. To r111d it you
simply held throuch thetunnd
· lhelibnryrescrvednk.
Coffee Hour
P1 nh c ll enlc Council wiU
present itJ annual CoHee /lour
o n Mondly, Feb. 24, at l ;JO
p.m. in the Wiscoruirl room.
The Coffee Hour is for 1 1J
women lntercltcd in know i"&
1bout IIOfority life and sororit ies
FollowinJ the Coffee iloi!T
and from Feb. 2S-28 i;, '""
Unlven.ity~ntcrand the u tinc
oenten rulh relisllllllon will bt
a u.cful, fvoctioninl reserve of
Mia Kdlou KC.S to it t llat
tu'tbool: listi.np and hi&h Wlool
test fik:sn:maill cwnnt.Ask her
for an uplanatlon o f IMC and
of the whole opention. Mia
KcUou bcpl a pile of okl
IMCis potentilll)' one of the mapU!I« on a table. Anyone
most u.:ful1ndprobabl)'oncof who wishes to, may ~:lip plcturu
the most overlooked tollfe>el of or utkle1 from the mquine1, or
material in the library. IMC limply like •ny mquinu that
hou~~:sanup-t o-datclll'lectio n of
hiJh school level ~Kulum alldOIIIted", MissKdklgsaid.
natcriab, indudin& tutboob She~dedthatdonationaof•ny
on ev~y sub~ct from p1dn on kind of ma&uines are welcome.
Lost : Plir o f Blaclr.-rimmtd
&)ulcs. Sometime Sat., possibly
at Carniva l 11mcs behi nd
Jlcldhouse.lffoundple&lel « U
A l u1c po r tion of
At IMC the ent~rprislna Audio/Vis1.11l'a "lllipmcnt hu
studen te~nbrushuponhich
been mowed into an adjoinfna
school chcmWry, perux the room. Now it i1 poAiblc for
dossier on LSD (thedT\11), or studcntsto,bc:d;outatape
..Xw 1 nlmstrip on subjects recorder from A/V and plucln
nn&in1 from JGIIU to local u many u ei&ht sets o f can to a
wide se lec tion of upc
n:conlinp . .
Mi$5 Lulu KcUou is the lady
behind the desk , In her thrn
yurs u Ute hud of IM C, Mia
A Ulort trip t o IMC miaht
prove worthwhile . ''!lave
Kdlou hu tnrufornled her mate rials, will lhlre",
depaumcnl from a d1.1SI Y Kc~ . ''Tile door is alw ays
colkctionofokllcxtbooULnto OIJCn. '
MISS lUlU ICfUOGG displays 1.0me of mo teriol1. tkot ore ovoiloble for student
use in the lnstructionol Material!. Cenler In the basement of the learning ResO<Jrccs Center. The center Is espciotly of servlte ro cducollonol mojors who con
adju51 themselves ro teKtbooks used in done!. they hope to teach. \Mike Domin·
owskl Photo).
Professor Studies
Earth's Weight Debaters Lose
Mother n nh has 1 weiaht
volunteered to hdp find t he
~::"~r~:b~:~fi ~~t~0 lt0;C:::.
dayfromthe JOll r syttem.
Allan Blochn of the physiu
deP.a rt ment faculty and director
of lthe .so::hool's pbnetarium is
o~ ofabout5CVenpc"rsonsfrom
Wisconsin who 111: membtn of
the newl>·.forrntd Nct•·ork of
Rapid Analysis of Flrcball
In csxncc. the poup;,
r.:~r:"e~ct!~,[;~info, P~'!: ~
detcrminin& orCin of
bod its inoutcr spa~ .
Blocher. one of2Srin.embcrs
intherountry l nd the on ly
1JCI10n with 111ch afrtli~tion In
aupport from area ruidentL
Wht lli!"Ve r anyonesccsa flrcball ,
he requests they lktn mine t bc
thed ln:ctionfromw hichit e~me
and approdmate loclllon of IU
colors and 110undsa:uociated
with it. Then he requtds they
call him either uhomcorat th e
t~c~n~~~~r t,~!:l~f}~.ir~;~ Three Matches
app roximately SOO rlfeballs
;~~ho~ua!ot!~e;~~n~~~U:~~; In Eau Claire
recovered .
Dcbaten from Point tr.anled
Partltks found ur lic r have to Eau Cla iR! last weekend to
ci t herbecnofiron,iron-stoneor attend the 2S th Annu11 E1u
so letr stoney sub1tanccs. But ClaircS~Jecchmcet.
despatcth~ lrophiu,scir:ntbts
i'Or the third mee t In a row
rtaten.en ts on the oriJins. They the ,Point dcbaten lost clox
s:~y they need more cviden~c.
debat-es which left them with
Blocher POints out thu mo11:kiiK1thanwins.
rtn:bal ls m:no ti or:able about SO
The team of Cherie Choudoir
IJlow until they'"' wit hin 10 and Dean Zimmerman defnttd
milu of thcurth.TIIcy rarely WSU-LaCroue and Illinois
arc noticublc more than 20 Wesleyan Unlvcnity lorl111 to
Unlvef"l.ity of North Dakota,
seconds, but project 1
IIJCCiacullrfb.shandatf11ilof WS U·Eau C l ai r e and
WSU -PbtteYille.
li&ht .
li e uracs people to be quite
oert1in ' tlr.ey have Jj!O ited 1
fir cba U bdotl:theyconlad him
arw:lhe alsoasks thc mtodo tllclr
nOCifk:ationsoonaftcr spottinJ
the meteorite.
The most rcor:nt ftll noticed
in this an:a wu J an. 26, but
n:mnanu of the b.all have not
been found .
WSU Summer Camp
Schedules Courses
Informat ion abou t ali of t he
Pi&con Lake summer pros111nu
may be obtained from the WSU
syl!em office, P.O. Box 9 12,
Madison, Wili. SJ70 1.
1110RE 111USIC
4:30. 7:00 P ~L
10:00 . Midnight
AHempts To
Start Ballet
7:00. 10:00
Live Broadcasts of
By KathyCollbu
A we ll kn ow n ba ll e t
irutructof would ~k.c to sta rt a
dvlcballe t ~ompan ylor the tity
of-5tcvcns Point.
I n coopcn.tioo with t he
uoi...,fsity's extension 5erviors
Mrs. J. 11 . Lcmmens plans on
tuchin& ballet lessons twice a
Any students who 111:
intetl:stedinb.a\lctarcllrJcd to
call Mrs. Lcmmensat 344-8423.
Pointer Dog
Fame Claim
A pointer dOl for many yean
has been the mateo~ here, but
JOmelltin& 1 lill ie maR phylllical
Is now jropardiz.in& its clai m to
fame .
At hgulor Pr!CI h..y Dcry of thrl Yeort
An attractive freshman coed
from Appleton Is tnrlna the
1ymbolic canine by her nwre
Acrou , _ North P-'nt ShoPfM"I Cenhf
Pror.aat-ety OeonMI ond l'ftuM
257 DIYislon StrMI
adminblnltor II
PAMfLA POINTft. the first person In Stevens Poinfs75-yeor ,
h istory to hove the . some lost nome os that of the school
the mascot, holds a repltco of the moscot. !~el Glodowski Photo]
~:r=:n ~nc:::. ~r .~= r-------------~
f111t tca.ltimate title bolder even
!!::a~ she has ann- won 1
E, Franca St., Appleton, Aid
~~!i:~~oa"f:t!:. f~e;}
ptDed ber mind before th en.
m::::r. d:~·~e~u
!"a!tut :.:
l'lmek hu 1 sister, Sue, I ll,
lndlbrotber,Jcff, l 6,wboue
~ totb.iakSte'ICnaPoint
II tb l only appropria te
Theaifttllatloah... fl]n
rn~so:;r ~::~t;~c:urn.r!s0hi;
;~.~~~ ':';$ t:e!~t:~otr~~
.... ...,
:. ta.. .=
Will Present
Su.inlao ll<el dosurn.
Want to Teach
In Southern California?
A representative from the Ox.nard School Diotrict will be on
campm to interview applicants
for elementary teaching poeitio~
on Wedneoday, February 26. Con·
tact the placement office for an
l nninocolonf<Xl~dics~
Pric.dfnxn $1,.95
Krueger Announces
WSU.Stevens Point athlet\e
dirtdor ll.obcr1 Krutgcr, luis
announetd thePointers'l969
~~::~sc=~ :n~k~~~~~~~=
with nine of their ten 1968
opponents . ·S tnen s Point
compi1tda2·7-l marl:lastyur.
The l'oin lt ll, unckr nno ly
named lltad Coae h Pat
O' lb l.lonn, will open tbtir
schedule on Sept . 6 with. 1
n o n co nferc ncc pmc: apinst
lbm line Co Ue ge of MinneiOlt,
TbU w\U ~ tbt o nly n•ht game
o n the Point schedule and wiU
star1at7: l0,
The Poin ters ..;u bqin the
Wisconsin St ate Uninni ty
por tion of their schedule o n
Sept. 13, whe n they host
Whitewater. Other foes o n the
Ste vena Point schedule arc
LaCro-=,Sc pt. 27,therc ; E.Iu
Claire heR, Da. 4; at SUperior,
Oct. I I ; Stout here
hen=, Nov. I ( Dad's Day); and at
The o nly new eppone111 Is
Bemidji ();) Urae o f Minnaoca.
Thia Is a rene'lillolttrie&whkh
=~~~rminato:d after the 1966
A. four·&lmc f res h rnt n
acho:dule wu abo announge,J
that include• home pmts with
~,;;;~tc()d_ser;. a~!;.!~
pn1es with lakeland, Oa. 6:
andCar1hap,Od. 27.
The schedule follows:
1969 Football Schedule
Silt non·er'edit COUllet for
departmen t
Point .
~~~~f· 2~'~r,~8~.~
Sept. 6
Sept. 13
Sept. 20
Non-Credit Courses
Cover Six Subjeds
Oppon lnl
lo Crone
Eau Cioirn
Stout IHomecom.) Home
River Foils !Dod' s Doy)
1:30 p.m.
JOHN ANOE ISON moderotes the "Point Of VIew" television
show on cable thonnel 6 every third week. He oltemotes
with Don Houhlihon ond Sondy Young In octing os host o f
the show which originotes from ihe television studio on the
Je<:ond floor of the ,leornig~ Resources Center. !Mel GlodoW1kl
University Originates
Television Program
By Ron Hoban
"Stand by in Aud lo.·Get 1 completely by the univenlty."'
The cunpus stu~lo wu
dote up o f Oan. Thrn: shot,
corutructed by Ray Van Drcser
quick ly!"
Oct. 11
Thc iC wonb a ion& wi th some and llarlan lt offbtck fromp bns
Oct. 18
mulicandapktwcofSteviethe by C~fford Cone . II is sim ilar to
Oct. 25
1 regular tclevWon studio, but
~~:~~~!it~r':~!~r~~I'~~Wo~t ~~~ on a sn.. lltr sea le. Twotclnsion
1:30 p.m. \l)ew" ttlevuion pror;nnl, This umeru film the _a...-tion from
HoNov. 8 So t. Plat1eville
l r30p.m. prOJram can be $ten on cable different anaks and transmit it
tothrceamaUmoni ton.
chann ci6Wcdn~ a y s n l 2 : 30
Fns hme n Schedwle
The first monitor J.hows wha t
is beina filntcd on camen one
Sept. 29 Mon.
and the third moni\Of show s
w h~t Is btina filmed on camera
Oct. 13 Mon. Oshkosh
7:30p.m. View" is to pr e~Cntto the public two. T h~ se co nd or middle
Oct. 17 Mon. Corthoge
-4:00 p.m. news and ipCciol l ev~nts that monitor shows wha t isontheair
_ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __:__ ~men ,.O~e~~~:.~·-:n~lou~~d"y o r which camer.. Is pn'IC ntl)'
bt1n g utcd .
l'roblems facrd in produdna
Youna take turns handlina the
llalf hour prosnamcachweck.
" l'oint o f View" in clude
brnkliowns in ct~uiprucnt, too
nC~~!~:•o;~.,~~: n~:cr~z sm.:alla studio,andnoaccurate
special ~~nts. s~ndy Youn& vie wing cstim.ate , (.' able channel
6, whk lo reach•·s ~ .000 homes in
~;:,-:"t;::~,:,;"ro:';;~!:,';:; Ste•·ens l'oint and which will
that arisos on c:arupu l. On the rn c h 4 ,000 in Wausau .
program, thtK thre e people aU. br~d cuu o nly this prov.:am.
we a t he r -au &rs , uni.-crsi ty
bul:etballpmes antl occu iorul
with that par ticular issur of S!"''Ci.llncnts.
Point of View which. i5 to be
Any Jludcnt or faculty
member wanting to present any
Natbin Kawakami, pruident
The t<.chnica l work fo r ideas for "Point of View" or
o f t he l' oli ti ca l Scie n ce eisht ll~w a iian isL;. nd s will be
featured in 1n Arts ant! Ltetu•ts " l'oint o f VIew" is done in the appear on any proar.amss houkl
Astoclation a t WSU h as Seriu
l nstruo;tlonal Mo:dla Sc~ittS 'On'-'' l>~n ilo ulihan
a nnoun~td that all candida tu
~ k.in& the 7th Congrezioru l
co~~~d ~:~:se~~a~io~ne~~~ ~~~~b~hr\ li~~J bs~u~.:acc~:':
sea t u.::a t e.J by aterop.hor11e .,und and pet$0na l A.ccordina to John And erson
~aet1ry of Ddtme Melvin 11. ,
""· '
Ar.e Invited
To Campus
propottddeb.Jte .
Tbt debate would talc place
bt t,.·cen theprima ryand the
the Dcmocntic and Repubtican
winnenof the primaryclcetlon.
Kawa kami explained tbil the
''purpOtt of th~ deba te is for
pub lic information and service
and abo win foster be tte r
knowledll~ of the candidat es."
It willfoUowtbtg.mc format
as th e previous d cba t n
sponsored by the Political
S<Xnce A.!&CX'iation .
WSU Teacher
Will Present
Recital Friday
~:gg~::: ~T~ns£:~:~~:P~~~r.~.t ~?,
111 utminltionoftheeucn tlal
fnt r.uesof tbcl humancondition
and an lnftltlpUo n Into the
wrltin& of seve.ral phUo10pher1,
Thcl con temporarywritin&sof
authors Camus, SalinJC:r, and
Bellow wWbC! u-.d in the" Man
Oi:reetor OrUnd R1dl:e Aid
lllb,icds are " Mctt Ctrrnany"
11111hl by Cretl Ltcl11uste of tile
foreWn b.n&lll&es departmen t;
wElistmtialis m" by Dr. John
Bailiffofphilo10phy ;"Man and
the A.bsurd" by Donald J.
Pattow of En&lish; wphylica l
Fit ne•" by Mn. Martha Sehuh
and Mia Sytria JohMDn o f tbcl
p ub li c school ayllem; and
"Undtntandln&OcnnoloJY" by
Dr. WlnthropDifford .
shape wiU be offered Monday
nl&hts beJinnin& Feb. 17 11 the
Castis SlOforparticlpationin
allo f tllecor.utt:a,exoeptthe
fi tneia pqnrm whichcarTIUI
SS fee.
o ffeml six Wo:dnelday mornlnp
from 9: 30 to I I t.m. in Room
J26of thelaboratoryScbool.
Ten Pf'O&tlll'll of dil-eaed
ucrci!c 10 help keep aret
residents in the proper physica l
Wuhinpon School Gyin and
Thur.lay ni&hll bC!ginnina Feb.
20at theP. J.hcobsrwimmin&
per cent ·oJthe
The uistentl•lism dasses will
run si~ Tuesdays from 7 :30to9
p.m. in Room 218 of the
Clawoo n1 Center , hr&innin&
Feb. 18. Ltctwu .will probe
ubtcntial philosophylhroU&h
MAl iNE 2nd LIEUTENANT Allon K. Joco bsen IR) receives h is
::~ r:e~::~~~~;~:J:::'M~;r ~o:~rpl:~·~~c~bs~~. :e~eo~::~:
~f~;.cl~::~~~:n.E?'o~:~~; t1r!~~n:r~~u::~s::o:~;!'r~;:n~n p;~~';uo~~-1 ·~:o;~:~~~~~;~7:
ibdl:e Aid the atudy or earth is covered by water, yd
GtrrrPOnyildcsi&ncd toaoquaint
people with tile culture and
bna.uae of thcl country. It
would bchdpful for peoplew ho ll iscour~ttwillincludeaSpedlof
plan to ~isl t Germany 1.11dwish
to . pther cettain badc&rOund
information as well 1.1 attain
Include reuons for the increased
aetivity and lntercll ' Jn the
Toples to be covered arc ocun1 11 it ap plies , to
Germ~rn and the other world
&owern ntC nt ,priYa teinllitutions
hnauaau ; co ntemporary a_n dlndullry.
history, litentr.ue, music, fine
a rts , architecture , and the
The li1 th cbu,w hlchstarted
GermanFeden l states.
a wcci qoSiturdaybutlliUhu
ope ninp, protidn waterufety
Classes wiU mctt ei.&ht instruct ion fo .. peraoruwlt hWSI
Tuudaya,btgin ningFcb. l 8at 2 cer tif ication. Re ..:ertiflcatlon
p.m. and rununtil 3:30 p.m. in wUI be po•lble for persons who
Roon1 120 o f Cb115room Cen ter . com peu in the remainin&
pre-commiss ion troining in the Morine Corps' Plotoon leode r1
•C;o'; ";:··;.- ------------.
~~~~';sSU'fl~.:~u1! ~- a.m.
Hov1 You U1ed Yours?
IP/uo llwdu o re Voll d on D• livt ryl
inanyof lhecou11tl h1Yebttn
to contad Radke by
l' hon e -341 -2100
for Speedy De livery
a d~ iscd
Pluo Smorgoa bord -
Tu11d oy- S p.m. to 8 p.m.
Travel Film
Will Feature
Hawaiian Isles
:t ~p','! c::~:~~~
~:';~:?nn. b~i111t~ t!r~u8~P-~;~~ - =~~ ~~O::.a;.'t'/ s~~t~:,~ ~~
B~uldtn g
Tteke ts will be_sold at t~e door
~nd s.t~e~l s w1U be adm rtto:d by
iden Ufln ttoncards.
univhsltiu haYe regula r
programs on co mmud a l
tclewison, but tills is the only
o ne produced and di rected
1319 Strongs Ave.
It's .
Fashionable !\fen's Clo thing
Sp ring a nd Summer Fcuhl ona Arriving' dolly
lnclud.. :
6 '11 Mile1 N.W. of St.rv1 n1 1'olnt
l eft oH Highwcry 10
The Furys Part II
Holida_y Inn
5tewe nr Point
341 . 1340
University Ford
F riday and Saturday
Febr uary 21 a nd 22-
Dr. Do nald Ruper1 , profeSJOI
of piano, who returned here last
~~!1y(~~e:e;h~~~!, ~~·~afyu~~~~
a noted tucller. will prc~tnl a
re~ital Ftiday ni.&ht in Main
B~ ildingaudi torium.
It willbtainat 8p.m. andbt
open to the public without
' 111,~;...iUpLayMozart's"Sonata
~n1 l ~:~~r .~e~b~~~::
:::,•~:~~£~~~-in B~irlo~~pin's
piano trainina in Bosto n, Mus.,
and in Vermont . He . later
attendti!tbt EaJtman School of
~e~~'i~~d'.11 C::!~~-e~ Y~l ;~si~
dt&tM in 1953, a muter of
music deJR!t in 1955, and a
doctor of mulica l ar1s dtpM in
He joined the WSU faculty
taken two lmpro•enK"nt leaves.
Thc:firstwasfroml959to 1962
to oorn plcte his doctonte and
S'cu.!I.rshl~dc:, ~he F~=
co nae n ttory of MusK: in
lliartcc nt leavcWIIIOJII.'dy
under Guido A&o•ti in Italy. ~e
alsohuspc ntlt'ftn l lllmmera11'1
Dulut h stl.'dyintl u nder Frank
Wanllbt.imc: r. .
Neale Panel
Will Discuss
T bue
wi U be
d~ n oatbedatiQiprobkm
OQ er.mpos in tbo bG::IMAt of
NaloHaUonFrlday,Feb. 21,at
r.rticipl tionintbedilaltliOn
=~ Aof:~';n!':~~~::w
u tbe moderator.
CHRYSLER New Yorku, toi'(S.Jr, BUt a.
' ~~ ~~. ~~t~-~:~~:~~ $1455
65 :~~D!~,'!~~b.•t::tl~l:. ~~ 1590
Many More To Choose . From!
University Ford
OPEN : Mon . Wed . • Fri. 'T it 9
'\ '
THE I<ING AND QUU:N Of WINTEit CARNIVAL orn:f their court attended
tho dimoK program on Svndoy ovenfng. Shown hero from left to tight
o re Sheny Kust and Jim Zohn, representing Baldwin holl, Jill Billesboch
THIS DISHEVELED ond unique hairdo wos one of many enTer·
ed irl. the hairdo (Ontest of this yeor"i Winter Ca rnival. (Photo
by Bob Oltosinski)
orn:f Palmer Clements, Schmee<:kle hall, lll Koranda ond Rltk fohrenkrug,
Roach ~oll ond Queen Porri Jo Peete" ond King Jeff Millar, Sigma lou
Gommo frgternity. [Photo by Sob Okrosinski)
MAitll YN CANTWELL of Theta Phi Alpha oulsmoked o il of
the contestants in the women"s division to capture fiTS!
place lor he( sorority. A sizeoble crowd· gathered 10 wotch
IN THE 2001 HAllOO compelitiorl, Ginny GertKh of Deiter
letcr ~arority gave the oudlence o pre~~iew of what o hairdo
and clothes might look in the year 2001. Ginny W Otl the
compe:titi~. (PI\oto by Dennis 8ush)
THE "AMAZERS" played too near copocily crowd o wee k ogo
Sunday ot the Allen Center for the Winter Cornivol kk k·olf
donee. [Photo by Dennis Bush)
the contest to see who could smoke o pipe the longest.
[Photo by Bob Okrosinski)
RICK fREDERICK Uefr] and Dr. Leonard Gibb !righ!) [udge this man's l~s
so os to determine whether or no! this conlestont quolifie.s lor the dis·
R~TA PO~TORINO of Rood1 ho!l won T.he legs (ontest w<th o
brrt~doy co ke and o candle commemoraTing The Khool"s 75•h
onnrversory ond ·o mon dressed in 1920 vi111oge dothcs.
[Photo by Sob Okrosinski)
tindion of having the least hoir •on his legs.
by J im Pannier)
FtbnlltY 20, 19fl8
MEMBERS OF VARIOUS SOIOIInES, fraternities ond halls watch Intently
to see who will win the pancake eating contest held ot Allen Center los t
Wednesday evening. Phi Sigmo Eps ilon ond Alpha Sigma Alpha ole the
most poncokes to win in their respective divisiom. (Photo by Bob Okra·
FIDEL CASTIO Is alivti and Well and is a st\ldent here at WSUI Nat reollyl In
ad\Jality, Tam Gustin dressed as the Cuban leader in the beard judging contest
complete with Castro's famous green fatiques. !Photo by Mike Oominowski)
IT WOULD APPEAl thot th is contestant had trouble digest·
lng the pancakes prepared by the cooks of Ace Foods. On'e
could solely soy thot he was not the only one with diges·
live problems. Jt should be noted tho t IS pounds of Barf.
Absorbanf' wos purcha$.ed especially fa r the event. !Photo
by Bob Okrasinskil
THIS WEll·OIESSED WEIEWOlF participated in the beard
ludging contest. Aduolty, this .is Jim Campbell of Delta
~IM hopes that the pancobs she has a lready eoten will not come up
CJf'ld the girl at the right eots as though noting is happen ing arouf'ld her.
{Photo by Bob Okrosinskl)
Sigma Phi. Campbe)l won the competition for havin g the
fultestbeord. (PhotobyM ikeOom inowski)
IOitiS TIUTENKO ai Phi Sigma Epsilon ate 54 pancakes to leod all con reuantt
In the eating contes t. Boris as o member of Phi Sigmo Epsilon helped his fra ternl·
ty to eot their way ' to victory in the men's division. {Photo by Bob OkrosinskiJ
FlbJ\IarY 20,1969
:Jfte (}reekvine
UAB Trippers'
Kentucky Trip
Will Cost $45
spr~t; tJr"~ru b'c ~~;_ ~~~:!
Co mplkd b y SaMy lkDo
, ....look
~':nt~~'":. t;pt~ 1~':t~h~~j:
O n Feb. 18, a movio about
Competition t he OZ'atook fint sororilyUfewushowninJUthe
pla~e In both a~teaories of t he wome n 's do r ms. A
M.irdo rontcSI. Vifa.inil Gertsch dhcuulo n oonlistina of 1
' 'alillletobot "rc pre$enled a member o f uch 501orily
100ht Sp.acc Oddcucy: and rotlowed t hcmovle.
Diane Mul\ak,alin"old Main"
The Coffee Uo ut wiU be held
Feb. 24 .. the UninnityCenter.
I n
W i n te r
Carnha l
dupl tc
::~::~1~€:sbi~~~~~:!r~~ rl:::~~tt~ :~ ;::~:~::!~;
fourth use winJ this put
weekend. Deb formerly R SUied
Winter C.minl ls OYer and
founh. The DZ's also pb!Xd for TMtal'l\iAlpluithcldtfew
third in the s.Jck ncc on p luunt su r p r bes, Muilyn
Ctn t wel l o u t -puffed 1!1
An alumna of lklr.. Zeta opposit)on to win the women's
from Stevens Point, Lynn pipesmok.inaclump)onsh.lr.Thc
Lotwcn,wu~ccntlymwied to
pane~keutin& tum ofCiaudil
Litnu, J enny Onson, Sue
Eitluurdt and Mary Ustntdc
The broti'Kno of Phi Sigma
~~~~~~~c~-c~~ti\~ ~.:;ic!P~~~!
nrniul pmn. Brothocr Tom
Sorenson took second place in
t he knt hairirst lep contest.
BrothcrTom Walkntr took lint
~n~c~~ ttlc apple cider chuui"'
The pancake contest sU.rted
off "'ith hmu Fisdtcr, Dave
Grcuscbo"'· Oo1.11bs llordykc
and BorisTrutcnkos.ayi"*gracc.
Thoc croup won second place.
but BoriJ 'took fiut pl:lcc out of
uvcnty..fivc contestants wit h
!:!~-ta0n~e ~::f~-~~,:'t ~ck~
In intnmunls the brothns
won their finl: twht ball pme
Sl1•• P~l .lpslloo
TM n~orn of Si&ml Pill
6psilon elljoytd Willter C.rninl
wed: btC*UK' 1 unified mood
p re nilcd. Lona houn of
romp,Jnionship lasted late into
the n!J,ht n the sculptuR was
~mrktcd , Unity wu the key
word whik on«tinlruutd foes
.in t helJntU.
II I)!Jiincu lli£hlichttd the
ctimu p1ny. hdd at Oub 10.
Tht"re ballbtl"'"tRC1$1Jnd Lrc
Schoen wn orerwhdmin&Jy
elected "Sit EpCurid'"of 1969.
This w~kend tM Sit Eps will
make win te r Wumer by
e ntertJinina !lie Oshkosh
chapter at "'Lillie JOts" for •
prc-t•mc warmup "nlin& tt I
Thda Phl Alplu initiltcd its
newest active Cbudil Lltuu thU
Char DeBoer has been named
t he secon d semester
r epRsentulve of l'lnhdknic
Council to Student Senate. She
joins sistcrsSherriRayand Mary
Uuru ck in t he Student
Governmen t.
Cindy Stellmacher is practice
teaching in KaukauN. Kllhy
Frid1y, 1 January andUJtc of
WSU, U an cndin& lfa(luate
Khool 11 Tll' nl Univcn.ity in
Schmeecklc 11 Knutzen, llyer at
~~o!l:t; !'"~!:i :f!~;!;~j!~~~~
Monday Talk
~~~~~r;roR~:~~~~.i:::c~ 1 :i :tt:~~~tn~~r:r~~~~-d·~~ Will Center
m~rity at
ve~hc s':~~e~~ur'ldm-..inw;;~!~ .uJ~driv~' ~~.fr;'~~;~:
THESE SKIERS recently reptesente-d Stevens Point in o tournoment ot Mt. Telem01k
ski oreo. from left to right, they ore Mike Kroenke, Dove Cohoe, Bob Lehnior,
John Melon, John Wynling, Tom Slfeibig (mgr.) ond Mork .Schultz.
~!I::;•:h~~JW'~riC.a~~~~t;i!: ~~~~l~u::~b~~ wi~c~d!e~~=
and quecnurun~n·upforthc
event. they won tbc pmes
trpphy for i nde pende n t
Baldwin hu new visit.U )on
bows. Theyare7:30-1 1:30p.m.
on FridayJ, 1:30-II:JO p.m.on
Satutdayaand I p.m.- IOp.m.on
Paul Markisthc new mana&er
of thesnaci(bar.l!lsopen froni
7:30-10 p.m., Monday-Thura-
Neale't ABC team is Ieiding
the competition with6w\1111nd
noloSIIc:s. ·
The mo~lc " Mr. Oidclns o f
lAndon" will be shown at 9
p.rn. inthehallhascment.
Tile Baldwin llaU ABC team
will play at Smith., Sund1y
Secondent ls lncighth place.
On Brazil City
Mar~ll P~rry, gcogriphy
departme n t, will a:ivc an
illustnted leeture on the topic:
•'Goianit, Bruit, A Pbnntd
City," on Monday, Feb. ?4 I I
7:30 p.m. The lecture will be
preK'ntcd in . Room A·lll ,
Science Bulldin&.
Too loppo lpslloo
New oUicenwrll'installcdat
tile fint rMCtina this: M:meJtcr.
T hey arc t he fo llowlna:
pnsident, Tom SthuiU: wlce
presid en t , Gtylon 8uJ.;
secretary, Rick Giese: tll'Jllll«,
David LorMcki; pkd&e tnlner,
Tim Sieben; historiln, David
Sic:wcn: wr~ant 11 arms, Mike
Glodowiky tnd t hapbin , Steve
followina t he Stout &•me, 1
JW1Y wu Mid with the Alpha
Phi's at Roy's. Tllcn on Feb. 8
t he TKE'sand thrSZ'sattendcd
the River Falls aame and
gathered at Lllkuide.Cterwanh.
Winter Carnival week -..·u
buJ)' and exdtina. The week
Mp n with a chapter beer
supprr. Games, iteiCIIIpt urcand
otllcr rontc"l a~dcd more fun
to t he wKk. The wuk wu
climaxed by an alumni beer
All of thole intere$1cd in
In pip¢smoki111.M1ry Bums
p laced
Md Fnnkt who took a cioN=
food ,
:\i:it:~"ct1u:;: in~:P;::fce~~~~
-Only $1.98
10l 6
Moin Sh "t
Placement Opportunities
DELTA OMICRON profenionol music 1o<ority 1ecently insto l!ed officers. They ore
from left to right, frQnl row: Co•ol Dopp, fir st vice-p resident; ShafOil Piuke,
president; Sue Baolrud. second vi<e·pre$odenl: .Sue Hyndman, se<relory; Bock
row: Lindo Agefjo1d: Down Fierke, treo sv rt r; Sv1on Bofln, Morilyn Pobst; Jeon·
n ine Ziehr; ond Morgorcl Balicki.
Collegiate ·Notes
By l yMla8rot
A bill hal Men Introduced in the Colondo lloutc whkh, if
passed, would outbw cloK'd mcetinp o f any faculty or st udent
orp.nizations on Colorado campuses, exdudilll mrctinp of the
B<winl of Rcacnts and the Univenity FaC\Ilty Council. Any
OOJanization closina tllcil mcctinp o,o•o ukl loJC campus reooplitian
for one yen. The bill is aimed at orpnizations auch 11 S.O.S.
University o f Colorado
,The Faculty Senate at WSU-E.au Ciairehasulllni.mouslyvotcdto
waive the rrquill'mc:nt of aUtndance at commencement exucilcs11
1 qualirlcation for lf'duation . Students would ~ allowed to
vaduate in absentia if they made notification of IIUCh plans to t he
No nhem Illinois Universit y is tryillg an experimental ptO&nm in
which only bl~ek students Ill' allowed into a section of 1 speech
class -..·hich is ta~~&ht by 1 bladl; instructor. The o utcome of t he c!ISI
will ha>"C wme beari111 on fut ure o;urricu\um development, u :cordin&
toWillilmBrooks,specialusisunt to t he president.
Nonhern i UinoisUnivenit y
DeKalb, l llinob
The prdiminary re1111lts of 1 beer 1urvey held by the Student
Senate at WSU-Whitcwatcr indicate~ that students want beer in all
aJTas, includina tbc city and the Universit y Center. Gary Bablu.
chairman of t bc beer oomminee, aaid that the teal pu!oh to chanJC
the beer drinkin& IJC in Whitentcr will bea:ln this .,..ttk. If the
· committceeffon•art!successful,thcpropoultochanaethedrinkln&
•aac coulcl be voted on :ua city-wide referendum on Apr. I .
· On February 6·9 uvrn
d e leptcs from WSU·Stevens
Pointattcndedthe 14thannual
convention of the N~tional
Association o f Colk&e ~nd
Uni•el"lity Rc~dcnce llalls at
LongBuch,Califor nia.
TM /'oint dclqation w;u
hudcd by John are~man ,
Presi-dent of Bald-..·in, llll ll, who
l ctcd 11 t he CommunlcJtions
Coordinator while at t he
Board ; ud Candy Mcdd.
chairman of ll.csidence llaU
J>r~~idcnu Council. l'"'s.id~nt o f
Roach llall and chairman of
Grut Lllkn AJSoOoCiat lon of
College and Universit y
Raidence lblls Confell'nce to
be hckl in Stevens Point this
A~~&ust. Tbc advisor was llowud
llayward , who is tllcl>irectorof
IIUIIOUjjhJ ll~ll.
The nation;~l conference will
be htkl in Lubbock. Texas. t he
ho me o f Texas Tech, next
The WSU J>owd.er Buff d:i
dubm~de an impre~~SiYelho"'·ina
at ra«s hekl at Mt . Tek-rnut.
The Oub placed third in tile
~~~n t slalom ~nd fourth place
Members of the ruing tn m
included l>ave C.hoy. U u
llalstrom, Dan llartcl. Mike
Kroenke. Bob l.anr,;iahr, Jolin
Meland, Ma rk Schultt1nd John
W)·u\ing. The team was coached
The ncn -..-ere spOnsored by
J>latteville and the UW lloofen.
Tbc t heme: o f thc Confell'nce
wa1 "Residence IIIII
Livina·Unity in Diversity." The
scminan pRstnted by &tfferen t
univel"litlcs from acros the
They dealt with ptoblemstnd
L":![.;:'r! f~c;~~:~~,~~~~~:i
visitation rroarams. Residence
lhll Week, uchiectectu.:ol
fadlitirs, ruidcncehall l lruct urc
and reliden.ce hall prosnmmlna.
Others attending were Scott
Sclluttc,prcsidcnt ofResidcnec:
llaU Council: Jay Cay nor, $0tAI
ch airman of RIIC: Audrey
J ohnson, RltC Presidents'
Council representative on
:~~~~:::anSe~,ce: I>~~~~ s~~~~;
Now $10.99
a .m.t'f 4 p.m.. Nortbwes1ern Mujual Life
yad uatcs inltRstcd in s.alcs only
~ ~::~~-0w!,·~~ti ::tc:V:~m~il t;!Jo!!'~o~':?O:u~~
and n1Jnagcment trainee posit ions In their kKal pbnt.
Bu~·!t~~n~~~:: ~:-~J!;.~~,:.=~
adm1mstntoon, coonomu:s and all other students about state
:-:~~:~t employment opponunitlcs (10<;ia\ work ~nd a U st1te
Special T urtle V . and Crew Neck
Value!l to ~1.95
Now $1.35 up
Poi~lc=~~~:~ ,:?b:li~: 11:~:~~~-t ~;r~lnsuranc!. Stevens
se!~1:"t:~in~~~~~! 9w~~~~ ~:~·· w~ s::':"! ,rh'X:J
~r!:'~::O:!:~e~~::~~:":~e=t~~:~~s. Tbc U. S. Civil
~.a'Wil':r~k~!· :il~·:ic~ic~p~~-i,~~!U.:nsin ~elcehonc
IIIII other majors interested in career opportunll~. cononucs, math
Added Sa•'ing Until Februar y 28th
The Only Meat-Ball Sandwich
~::t:n':: Co., will sreak wi~
~~j!·~t!a;:.,6.t~ ~~i::~i. ~::P~! ~;;~~~~i:;~.Ikluu
Winter Jackets - Values to 518.75
Wednesday Mar. S I p.m. to 4 p.m., Metropolitan Wfe l nluran«
j;O:;?:,;'; W1u~;;~u, wi111peak with all arads lntrRsted in utcs (only)
All Knitwear-10% Off
In Town
~=-:n.N~~:.!n ;:·~~~ P~7th ~~ Grncnl T~!epho~.
lflldUJtes llltercsted in
roar ~ril :.,!·~·w:~h ~~r·~No;::wnlcrn
MutUJI Life
non-aiel positions.
.• • ut borne office: and
Wis~rid~'ill N~:tc~e: ·~~- ';a~~;~· The Swiss t;okHiy
Monroe, .
=:!·::.-:::. ;;:::~::1"::::::::· ;::-:·.:~::::: ~·. ~.~
~:':v::~ the Place(
tCcntcr, 056 Main, todayandqnup fOI"
Swimmers Rout
Stout, LaCrosse·
The Polntcn wre hnc t~lr work a~ I out for them, lulyq to win
every pme and pbiylna aood t..U clubs who a m do liHk clle but be
I apolkr. 0ahk0111 luis lmproftd &rntly u of bite, and don't JCI the
mUtaken idea that the Polnten w\U hive a "bJC1thn." Remember,
bothStcvensPolntandStouttwtlline<lbothoftheirloueton thelr
home lloorl I don't want to be peuimistJc u I'm eol\flde.nt t he
Perhaps the Pointer. took Eau Clllno 1 bit too li&hUy the flnt
time they pla~d them - I don't thinl". that wiU lulppen l,pln!
In the way of an explanation - the plnCI ,Iut TueJday at La
Ooac wa s plfye~ to n oid QOnfUct with the District 14 N.A.I.A .
state pla yoffs wlikh mlaht ln.-olve the Polnten. The playotr U
a<:hedule:d for the fU1t wuk In March, with the winner of the WSUC
settinJ a crack at Lakeland, poansorofa 17-4 nwk ,a 6-ll cxnter,
and two pia yen u ch o f whom scored SS points In a An&le same 1ut
bigtr bua ..·i th a&ny$U it.
Tht scoond thina yo u'U need
is 1o0me it"t. preferably with fuh
und'c r it . Do youhaft a pott spot
o n one of the local lakes that
a lways seem• to r rodut't
cnp pks. bl~siJis, Of pike! Go
. fort h and fish the~ . al"ld you
... ,u prot-ably fmd that !~yare
<till arou nd .
WSUC .Individual Scoring
Dun Hartllllld, Sup
.Jim I.A.wlnler, PL
Rkh Lodka, pt.
lb8 Sle\'C;.. Point Pointcn
ran up t helt molt 1pectacular
scorcoft beyuru theyrouted
Stout and Lacro- In a
udmmlna mee t he ld at
Me.nomonleon S.turdty.
1b8 Pointe.-. won ten of the
hodtenenulnaddi tion to fout
Brodhqen led the 400 yard
rnedlyrelay tetm to Yietory In
Sdtrau!liiJCI and Jeff Pqelt
wonlnthetimeof l : ll.7.
Second place f'lnbhes turned
In by thePointenlnc tudedTom
Ro•a• In t he 1000 yard
~'!:t:~~'!o~~~n~ ~..;~
Leadin& t he way ror the
the 200 yard lndivldUII medley.
Third place finllheawenlto
RoJ.II in tbe SOO yard frceltyle,
Pl&ellln the 200 yard freestyle ,
J oe Moyn In the 200 yard
butterfly and Sutliff in the 100
yard freellyle.
Coach Lynn Ballt't tankers
will bi II ho.me Frid!Y in I
trilnzu~ . apWt Whitewl ter
~rm ~~:n lc~~~~hein m:cJI
Fie kihowe.
This will be thefinaltunel.l
for the Pointers before the
confeRnce meet 11 S1.1pc:rior,
Feb. 28-Mar . l .
l.lld the 100
y ar d freestyle ln : 52.7S.
Schulten won the 1000 yard
freettyle I n ll : l5 .S and
foUowed It up by wlnnlna the
500)':1.rd freutylelnS :29.5.
, Bob Maau won the 200 yard
butterfly In 1:24 .9 , AI
Koschman won tbe 200 )'l td
brcttUtrokein 2:28.8S, Jatt
Sutliff took the 200 yard
!Restyle In 1:58.5 and Bob
Schwenael eame out on top In
the 200 yud blckstroke in
2:2 1.65 . Kosd1111an and s~.~niff
uebothfrcthmen .
Both relay turns alao wo n
their event1. Sc hwefl# l, Mall$ll,
La rr y P.dwud• and Mark
Win Mt'Or1tr, Sup.
Tom IU-tbler, SP
Don P&ulan, ww
.Jim Uncbey EC
.J«T'f BteiM ww
But Hddemann., Stout
:Wd Coleman. StQut
Mlka llqt>N. SP
Don hulan. WW
Mlk.. RaUiff, EC
Cal C~ Stout
Hank Soloman, Sup
Rick R.ebm, Olh
stava c .... w-.. rur
Ken V«Gowe, o.b.
. 20.7
lii .S
H .ll
U .S
11 .1
Last Chance I
Student Senate
Health Insurance Plan
Russ Bue (SP) wn
Final Enrollment Da te
dec:l~~:lcb~p!!~:'n ~~~~ ~;~
March 3, 1969
24 .
160Bob ll• yden(SP) iostto
Doua: Radunlel(£) , 4· 1.
167 Jim No tst1d (SP) wu
dec:isionr.d by Bob White ( E),
177 Jim Sobocinslc..i (SP) tied
SJ mSpanel(£). 11 · 11.
IIYI. D1n llillebrand (SP)Ioll
toW1yne llalbeii(E),4-2.
noneofthisstn t aae n~w orks ,IO
ldt.Mdual Rdtou11d.ln1
Win McCr1ff, Sup
dcc isioroed by Chuck Rbch(E) ,
w h~ R" allthe othcr ke fishtt men
arr , Theymustkno w iOme thin a.
8y 0 ue81lrtOII
If there ue t lot o r weeds
po win& umk r su ch a spo l , the
u tnlunli&httheyplw!Urnake
lhtm prod1.1ec lot s of ox ya~n
and, hopd,.Uy, attract fish. If
138 ..cit
.421 63-3t
X1ke u ... p... 81'
StnensPolnt72, LaQos.el 2
QWn..1t VU>den Heuvai,8P 12 14-1·18 .472 37·24
Point Matmen, 22-10
Be lute that th~ Ice is thidc.
and Siron& enoush to su pport
yo1.1 at aU times, tN t be
putlc ul.uly cuefularo 1.1ndthose
SPflnl hoks t nd cn:ek e nu ancn.
A ~;.ol where the wind hu
blo,.·n tht icc clc:ar of snow can
be 11\0XY&t n·prcxl uttr, loo.
au.w-. RY
Btu .V&n Dyke, RF
Eau Claire Whips
Ox)l;C n is at 1J pre mium in
itt..covc n:d lak es. and f11h need
oxnen. Thtrdorc, fish are
likf ly to !K foundaro ... nd sl.l ch
OX)"ICn·plod l.l t'tfi U WCCdbed l,
srwins ho\u and open creeks
no ..in&i nto thebke.
0 tp-f.... fp tta-ftm Ave. f11. A\"8.
U7·t3 ..3t2 78-43
711S· I08 .607 IMI.sl
17340 .4112 to· &ll
208-tl .U2 l ll-47
1411-70 .413 114 -iO
223-68 .30611tl-80
H lt-17 .1117 40..211
201-711 .313 47-32
180-119 .313 31·28
160-70 .430 48-S6
13 173 ·11 .410 63·41
II 1211-61:1 .HO 70-48
llet Coleman, stout
For Second Semeste r and
Summer Coverage
Ho"'n of 9 o .m. to 4 p .m.
Mondoy Throu e h Frld oy
T he ld u l sit111Uo n in an y
kind of f11hlna in~olves 1 line
with 1 fish on one end and a
fisherman on !he othf r. Yo u'll
find that the lee o ffttl quit e a
bit ofr uistanco to thisaeneral
pla n·yo uhaveto cuta ho lelnil .
Th.i•ean prnent pro blems.
2225 Sim• An nue
Ha lf o .llock Dow n from Stud •nllibrory.
for f"'rthu lnformo tlon ¢oil 344-3S99
It you arc a beainfter 11 icc
fis hina , 1nd yo u don't want to
invest a lot of mo ney oin It 11
:~Jy~u C:.~U, c'f:f 1 ~Ju~
"Wher e Something's Always Cooking"
htm n•e r. Tie one end of a
South H y-51
Ste,·ens P oint
The Prices Are Worth Trying
to Find.Us.
I MUet Nettt. .tf H'thwor 66 eft Y
""'"' Wt. _,.,..., .....
.c , .... Doltr. t.JO ....
Large P.ich Shakes
16 oz.
8 oz. of "Thick"
Home Made O.ili
A !\leal for 29c
Stevens P oint's
Finest and "'nly"
12 oz..... 10c
16 oz. •••. l5c
4 oz. of
Crisp Tasty
French Frys
Our Own
Get!woV•Tomcrto SI1ce,Crilfi'Leofof
Souce- Sw.et
THE U.nLE FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP of the men's tvg-of-wor lost~" the full
fifteen minutes before Sigma Pi wus de·dored the winner for advancing the repe
six inches closer to ils side of th e center line. Members of the winning teom In cluded from left to right on the ground: Jim Johruon, Ray tux and Bill Edwords.
!Dennis Busch Photo)
RUTH ANN KOULEI of Wouon Hall was very Jumpy Solurdoy
ofrernoon as she competed In the sock race which was won
by Hyer Hall. !Jim Pannier Photo)
CIIOWDS GATHERED and enthusiasm wos high Soh.lrdoy afternoon os
contestants In the shovel race tr ied to pull into the leod. The race wos
ev~_ruolly won by Alpha Phi. Ulm Ponn ~er Photo)
JUlY. WESOLOWSKI [right) ~~ Delta Sigma Ph i rurn s around to see if the boll .
Is $!ill in the air during the championship bottle w ith Sigmo Tau Gommo in vol. leyboll. The Delio Sigs eventvrolly emerged The winners. [Bob Holden Ph~
,, .n
IT COULD HAVf BEfN the bottle of little Big Horn os for
os the men were c;onc;erned Soturdoy in the Sodies Howkim doy roce.. Five men from eoch men's orgonizolion
were lined up ·in the cent~ of the field ond seven women
from each women's o•gonlzotion were lin~ up on each end
ond chorged the men who c;ould only, run, no! fighl bock.
At the end of the fifteen minUTe event, no men were left
ronning o•ound, !Dennis Busch Photo)
.fOI NOncnoN AGAINST the cold o lr blowing ocrou
the field during Saturday oftetnoon' s games, some peopl•
found that a thirst quencher ~~ Just the thing. HowevtH',
DOUG CYiflA of Slgmo Pi helps frolernlty brother Denl)l•
, Bush off the field ofter Bush was coptvntd In the Sodie
Hawkins doy roett. Bush was pull~ to the sidelines after the
wome-n ' s orgonizotion which tockeled him, removed his shirt. · IOACH HALL wan the bottle for the women' s tvg-of-wor chom''Burr, it was cold," said o shivering Bush after the conTest. pionship against .the women of Oelzell Hall. (Oennlt. Bu~
(Dennis Bush Photo)
f ebrurlry 20, 1969
.... II
Point Teams End Home Season ·This Weekend
Cagers Entertain Oshkosh
In Home Finale Saturday
By Tim l.uch
the Ia. of.t hel.r thne 11ar1 from
lu t year's ..uad,
T he WSU·S t evens Point
T he Titans I<* t bdr fuat
baskethaU team wiU conclude
t he home portion of tMir
1968·69 schedule aaalnst con f erence plty but have
WSU·05hkosh t his Sat~~rday lmprovedooi\Jidenbly•of late
e•·eninaat theFkldhoUK,
knoctlnt o rr St. Norbert and
05hkosh, which won the No nhern Ml ~h laan tmo~
WSUC champion5hlp the last o then. T heir oven.U mart ls now
t"''O yun and finb~d tl\ini In 4-14.
M uc h o f the Tita n '•
che NAJA meet last yc.u, hu
hill a poor ~~e~son tltisyearwith res\II'Jence u o f lite hu bc.en
t he acorin& o f tnru.fer dllllent
Je.r~ Stan1, who jllll became
eli&1blo andlsaverqinadosc to
25 points per prnc. Other
slllrtcn for 05hkosh indlllle
J;ulld Milr.e Maklne, 6-8auani
Dale Race, and 6-7 center BW
Se hwu tt. , aU aenion, and
sopho mo re f orward Ken
VerGowe, VerGowe Is a stro111
rebounder and abo b aw:n&lna
abou\ISpointspcr pme.
In t he ftnt meclin& of the
I'II"O i ums t hisyear at Oshkosh
!he Titans were red hot in!~
fint half and held leads by u
8y J ohn Brfnfman
milCh as 11 points before the
Pointers took ch:up and won
Even t hO\IIh Lawrence cointaway, 75-61.S~hwart~had
Uninnity KOn:d one man: fU"St 20poinUin t hat pme,
pbce, t hf Stevens Point Pointers
Nut Wedne$dty t ho!Poinlcn
~;~:::·~~;th tt:a: o::!~~f~ tnvtl1 to Eau ClaiR to take on
the Vlldnp at a meet hdd in
Appkton last WedneWay. The Ke n Anderson, who buill
Wausau Into a hi&h school.
The Pointers won bot h n:b)'S
and tcpk t hr«lndiYiduale¥Cnll. ~~~:t~ ~;~'·.~"r.~ c~~
First pb ce finbhu .,.·en: f lcldlnJ a team IIIII usuaUy
t urned in by AI Kol(:hmann In stan s threc freshmen,EauClain
t he 2~·yardbn:uutroke, Muk has compiled a 9-4 conference
Kaunlik in dlvina. Bob matkand 11·7ovenU.
Schwe111el In t he 200-yard
!ol.uchof the BI~oldssucx:~
hastiecndue to t heoumandina
Wrestlers Beat
Marquette, 21-19
lyDue Bunon
A pin in the last period by
heavywellht Dan IIUicbnnd
enabled the Pointer wn:sllinl
...,.. to defeat the M11q uettr
Wanion 2 1-19 in a home meet
hddfeb.l l .
The Pointers stalin& what
COIICh Wayne GorcU ter med u ,
' 'I areal team effort", pined
tbrir xoond victory ineiaht
statu when IHUebn.nd pinned
his man afler 3:41 o f tile finll
period with the Pointers down
thcxrviec:sof,tandout wru llcr
Jim Notstld, Stevens Point was
down by as mucllas J J.J but
came baclr. s!tont wit h a pin)ly
Russo Buc, his xeond in as many
• meeu, and a 64 deciaion by Eric
Opprrll\lnlt i S2,
I t was Opperman's first
eo lle1i1te victory and wu
folklwed up by 1 134win by
Bob llayden. llayden ,who was
lnxrted in Nohl1d'apos.itionat
167, rt'lllfned to 160 to post his
~=ntf;":~ at~~~~r:"~
Depth Beats
~=~~ttookr Rt~ S~~~f;,e;r,
~lah:t ~~t~s~ ~~:t !" ~~~:iJ~
Sch.,.·c~l. Bob Muu and Larry
Edwanls and t he freest yk n:lay last year at Beloit lll&h School.
tum of Mark 8rodh11en . Jack
Anot her fine fruhman is 6-7
S\l tliU, J eff Piaeh and center Milr.e R"liff, who b
currently tllitd in the WSUC In
The Pointen abo took six n:bounds,avcr•&lnt 12n:t rirvea
11:cond places. Tht-y "'ere by per pme. 28 year old forward
Edwuda in the 200-yanl Larry Slllll had 20 pointl
bn:a~tstroke, Milr.e Allleyer in apinst Stcnns Point In t hefint
dlvin&, Pqeb In t he 200-yanl pme bet ween t he two teams.
frtestyle, Mnu in t he 100-yard Other atarte11 include J uard
buttcrny, Sutliff in the IOO·yard Jeny 111.11hcs and forward Bob
frecstylcand BiUSchuttcnin t hc CampbeU.
Eau Cbire upxtt he Pointen
Thirds -nt to Bob 81llilr; in In tlleearlin' pme 7S-68,after
the '200-yud backs troke,
~~~~ej!. 1:~
Br nd hlaen In tbt., SO-y.,d
frcistylc, Muu in t he'200-yanl Polnten .,-e~ cold in that
indiridual mc-dloy, Joe Woya-in contut and it wuoneofonly
the 200-yard buttnny, Paplsln three pmcs aU )'i'll that tile
t he 100-ywd fre~tylc and Tom oppoaitlon o u t reboundcd
Ro~1• In t he SOO-yard fn:utyle. Stevens Point .
Pointers Trounce
Indians, 89-'57
By Timl.uch
fi!n~~~~~ !;~'!te~1?t'J~Dl
Ru ulu wue u foUows:
li S Dick Sorenton (SP) klit
to Mauati,2·1.
123 Ro n CampbtU(SP)but
Phlllip111n,l-l. •
IJO Dan Nrbon (SP) pinned
by Poulson.
137 Dennis Reidel (SP) lest
lo0'Brien, I04.
I4S R\IU BI.IC (SP) pinned
160 Bob Hayden (SP) bell
Bczedichcck-, ll4.
167 Jo hn Loomis(SP) klrt to
19 1 Dan Garber (SP) lolt to
/lvt. Dan Hillebrand (SP)
1i. C) Ad~l~t7$;~?:~!;;d•nts
~-·"" ~""· , HEW
~so nu'li::!~ F~~~'::r 'Co!~
Ro\lndinJout iODrin& for t he
Pointrn were Ron CampbeU
whodrew flrst blood for stevens
JEllY POITEI UN WHITE! moved in towards Eou Clolre't
goo! in o hockey gome between the Stevens Point Hockey
Skaters Post Wins
In Weekend Action
ByTo •nK'I!aw&lr.l
The newly for med llodl:ey
Club evened iususonreoord at
1-2 over tile weekend by
dcfut illl SL Norbert and Eau
Claire,byscoresof 3-0and i i·S
On Sat\lnby, t he Polnta-1
whill9ed a St.· Nor!Krt· aqu..d
lhat h:ad beaten tiH:monly•
week 110, 7-S. The pniC Wlllll
prelimin~ry to the Grtcn Bay
Bob~ts hockcycontcsL
Early in che first period,
scorina ace Tom K'll•wskl, 1
senior from Stevens Polnt ,pve
t he Pointers a 1-0 Lead witlla
IOlll:assistcdbyPau! Sokol.
The~ was no more "orin1 in
the pme unt il midway t hro~h
t he t hird period when Jeff
U u kjohn tallied on aslap$hot
aAided by Btu Christensen.
Kl.ijawaki liter tallied the final
f:e'r!pt~h: ~";~~.ak:n:H_:ft~~!
1Nii8 to one side o f !he ca1e
and pUKd to K'liaw&lr.l who
fired thepuckintothcopcnnel.
The Pointers dominated t he
entire eontcsl, alklwin1onJy 11
shots to reach ~~lie Dan Seidl.
Kni&hts' coalic had
On Sundty, the Pointrn
trounte\1 Eau ClaiR. 11-S,
IN TRAMUR AL ~:~··~~::',!~~;'\~; :;~J
~~:d ain~~·~~~ .SVn Y~hllc ~0~~~~~~
I I T~~eKI~phaa~~~!:.n r;er~~ ~~~~~~· '!f~~rJr~r':t i~ic~~: ~&
By J ohn Sttn&l
yard frrrstyk wit h ~ time of
Af t e r I WO r o u nd s o f
i n t n murtl basket~U. Mike
Tlllekr o f K nut~cn 4th Sout h is
fra t ernit y swinunin1 m«t,
ed!in1 out Phi Sicm:a Epsilon.
ThcTKE'sKOred 39Y,poinuto
38 forPhi Sip.
I n the re sid e nce h a ll
~~r7h'i~onf~~· c~~~~~~m~~~~ :.!'1~h 15'tinr!i~~~~r:i~g c~~·r:J
man11ed t hree In t he f11d 1nd !l,wllb 1 team oompottd of Bill scheduled to IK1innext week.
last t wo' >-::
~e1!j~_Y in nell of the
Ron Kalcor led t he Bluaolds
with two ~Qals, and Bcrnio:
Pcidin&£r, Rick Gi(lnacand Dave
Krucaerrach KOJedonoe.
The Pointers will floe some
r~1ed competition in the ne~t
week when they tafllle wit h
WSU·Rivrr falll.po-saorof a
7·1·1 record . They abo wiU meet
Stout and t he Uni¥Crsity o f
~!~.onain freshman hockey
S t eve n s Po int S t alewumups.
Univcnity'll)'mnastic tea m ran
" lie did a fine job 1nll
intod~fendini WSUCnmnastie events
h:t could
chanccaofbccomina t he t hlrd
ent ry for us in !he
conference meet."
. u...ro\lnd
_ _ _.::.::_;_,_,;_,_,:...:..,
Pa u l So k o l 1nd Tom
Kujawski star ted for t he
Pointtn, each t urnln& in a hat
t rick (t hree &~Is) and tluee
assists each. Ron Krupa scored
twice and Jim Burns. Jake
llafner and Jerry Porter once
for uch tum. Cary Schneider
took t hird in t hll oompctionby
Plus Com•dy Short
t ur• o t 7 :09p.m. 9 :.10 p .m .
last Chance I
Student Senate
Health Insurance Plan
Final Enrollment Date
March 3, 1969
For Second. Semester and
Summer Coverage
Houn of9a.m. to 4p.m.
MondoyThroug hfriday
222.5 Slmt AYinUI
Holfo Block 'Oown fro m Stud1nl Library.
For fvl'lh1 r information <o il 344-.3.599
Moin Gt
Are you RUSHED for a quick bite to ea t? Are
p: .
upanyl hinllliahcr t han • ro w1h
pllce in competition with bol h
t eams except in aU...round
is candy faithfun
•••only to the book
Real Georp • , tnar a
the GeorpBooi. Sott end
126.42S-IOS.425. laCroae ~·~;,ow;;,
ediCIIStout , I 30.47S·116. y
''They were u touah u
expected," Po_int Coach Bob
Bowen noted. "They have some
$ 1..50 woth J.D. Co rd
with 41 points. fol],owed by field 1011\s and l i.Jrre t hrows,
Knutlen 2nd West wit h 39, Mike Bntkcr of lbnsen Jrd
Sn1ith 4th South 31, and West ist distantxeond with3l
~~n~~~'"l~.~~~~J= CJ~l·~~r~:~~~~!ffi:~~ f:~~~:!:r::w b~:::~:: 1
Stout , LaCross~
Defeat Gymnasts
champiOn LaCroiSC and top
co nt e nd er St o ut Sat\lrday
afternoon and ~me away wit h
t wo klues.
LaCros;,c tOppedthePointen,
Oub ond the Eou Cloire team. The other Pointer lin white)
is Mark Krueger. !Tom ICujowski Photo)
you SORORITY th at you can 't FRATERNAL•
IZE With
the people that you do know when you
do eat? Do most r estaurants seem GREEK to
Pr•••nlt: "Th• f!n•tl lnliYIEnlll'loinmanl"
Tim rsday, Febr uar y 20
Belated Valentines Present
F riday and Saturday, Feb. 21.22
Depression Admission Prices·SOc
F.t:Jn.WY 20, 1969
WINNERS OF THE BEAR D contesll were announced Sunday night ot the intermls·
slon of the Gory Puckett a nd the Union Gop. From left to right, they ore Tom
Greeks in games; Tot~i Antonioni of Roach Hall for no n·Greeks in games;
Joanne Dobron of Alpha Sigma Alpha for Greek games; Tom Seeboth of
Sigma Pi for men's overall; and Sue Jordo n of Alpha Sigma Alpha far
women's overall. !Bob Ok.rasinski Photo)
PATT I JO PEETERS AND JE FF MIL LAR (lor right]. Winter Carnival king
and queen. presented the trophies to the winner1 of the overall cham·
pions. Rece ivi ng the troph ies were /from left to right), Hans Pll!'<lrson of
Sigma Pi lor Greek games; John Breneman of Baldwin Hall for nol'l·
~~=c~~~ 1 ~a:;~l7,1tfu~~~~n;~~:v~~=~n.S:~~:b~:,,~y~~g~~:l;:e~l~:
the percentage trophy won by Sigma Tau Gommo for having the highest per·
eentoge of memben growin bll!'<lrs. /Bob Okrasinski Photo )
.;-' "(
INDIVIDUAL WINNERS who were awarded trophies Sunday
night lor the activ iti es of Winter Carnival week as shown
above. IBobOk.ros•nsk i Photo)
Sl ~ MA PI FRAT E~ITY won fi~t ploee in the ice sculptvre with 0 c;otvi..g of 0
Pat nt~~ dog pu ~hong ~ tort of doomonds ou t of a mine. The theme of !toe sculptvre
wa s Ma ke Mone Ooomonds." The Iorge pile of snow in the bodtground hod
to be d•smont ~ed because the rules prohibited use of a nything but lee and slush. .
/Tom Ku lowskt Photo)
Gld:Y I'UCKITT AND THE UNION GAP d l ma~ed tto. - k of octlvltln
with o e:oncert on ~ndoy r.~ening. Members of the grou p, from left to
GARY PUCKETT performed the
leod VOCtll parts for the most
of the Union Gop's songs.
/Dennis Bush Photo)
rig ht, ore Mutktor Withem, Dwight Be~nl, Paul Wheotbreod. Hn bock·
ground on d rums), Gory Pudett ond Kerry Chater. (Bob .Oitroslnski Photo)