Wisconsin State University Stevens Point ~ liD!:.. ~ 7=~~.:n.· THE . POI.NTER . . ·. . . · :".""",~~' ''~~"'"''"~' ...A New Foo!ball Coach; page 5 . ... Pi Kapp.O eltt,l)l9t6 . ... Tit le Hopes Crushed, pageS. 8PAG ES.NO. I 6 SER IES VIII , VO L.12 Concert Tickets Selling Fast For Union Gap To~:~ ..t s ~~~ 110"'' u n t;~ k for th.•Ga o)' l'u .-J,,,· u and t h•·U nio n G~ p ,·un.-..·11 ~ h N u kd for Suml3y ni~ tu . Fd>. l ii,a t ii.T h·· con.·,·n ...,II b.· t h~ (O n.:.h.od ing fw •·.-r m C~ r ninl t his )'f ~r"s Wint r r :md its "''N k o f aL11L' i l ll:) T i;: ~ ,-u for t ill' nc nt in IIKfid dhouso.· ma)' 11<' pk k<'•l Uf'~ l th ·· UniH I Si l )' c ~nter i nforu1~ t ion deW. :.so ami s: . ~s. and oo§l J .OO wit h Si u.lt nt lll .--:a rJ s. T he Union GJ I' ~3 im·d ~:~~~~~r.R~~~'.r ~!~~11~~-~~ ~?.:~~:rJ~~fu:~~~~~~~·~i.'r~~7. ~:; i ~ n;uncJ ~fl •·r th•• h i>to n~: nfUnion Ga p, W 3S h L n~t o n . Th,• ~rou p 1<1" '" tud four mi llion srll~ •i in th~ siuj;k s ,lq•a rllll•m!. Tllq· w~n: .. l'o'oniJn. Won iJn ," "l:lll)' Will l'ow~ r ." ' Yo unt Gi rl ," ~nil "()\"~ r You." Union Ga1• cun ,·ntl)' li n ~ n allium on til,· Tor T~n n~ntell "l n cr,..fib l~ ." 1'11,• Union Gal' is <'Olllpris.:oJ of Guy l' u c ~ ~ ll . [)wll! lll Ben..,nt. K•·H}' CIIJt cr. Gar)' Wit hcmami i'Ju1W iwl tbrc3,1. WSUS Returns " THE FABU lOUS AMAZERS '69" wilt be performing Sundoy nigh! beginning a t :~~~ ::er~~~:~:n;:• 7~: ',~e ,:i;\~!f ;,:~~o~~o; .~;;,',~;Y c;;:~v~~~~~~m:;: spo.ue Ia irs rythym and blues re<ord, "lfs You for Me." The group has been l i ~ ened ro "The- Four Topli;· ond. dur1ng 1he donee 's intetmiss ion the 1969 Winte r Ca rn iva l ~ing ond queen wili be announced. Council Of Presidents Show Concern Over Oshkosh Riot D}· J im lt o frr ~ ccept 1 com promise wher"by junior and sr nion wo uld bu y their boo ks and l~ shm~n an d 10phomo ru wo uld !'fnt th~ir boo~s. The S~n~t e h:lll abo voted ap inst h~vin1 a system "'herr $1 ud~ nu would purcha5l' a ll books. Th is n>OIIH'ic~ t ion ori tu land u rnc o n !he mo tion o f junior Sena tor Wall)' Th iel who moval that t h~ Sc n a l ~ suppo rt the ' 1\ studen t who ~olu n t arlly ~ t ops atl enJilll! a roursc at any t in•<' ,..ilhout ro n>pk: tin& ! he preS~:ribcoJ chi ll&" of prog ram r~r!~;·~:~~t~~c :;t:~~~~::~3 o f t he The student hotly pr esidents of the nine Wisoonsi n ~t a H· uni>·cniiK'S, who t O~<'! her form ! he. Co und l of .l' resiJcnu of the l: ml ~d Cou!lcrl. mel here o n an. J l ~n d l·eb, l. Th is l' l ui oJ~n t's Co unci l di srus.5ed pu l in~nl WSU S)'Sltlll Usues and pbnnod the WinH·r G~nna l Aur:: mbly to be h•·ld at LaCrossc btcrthisy ea r. l an ye ar 's i ncid~ n t of studen t unr est a! W S U - O ~h~osh was among Usun r.l isruso;l:d at this ro nfcr~ ncr. t -~:T~i~::~!;1~~;:·~&:;s~~~~~ ~~~~~n~:~:~~e ~~~:J!s1~ this .. ;thin rlw WSU scme~ t cr . ' ,\n )'On~ "'ho has un<krta ken toll rOJior add a coursc, bul has not rom1>lkd wi th t ire: o fficial sys1 ~ 1n . In otlln acl ion , !he S~: n at c hu rd a rep o rl by John Wa!lcn1;.1 nf. Senior Senalor. o n p ro~ure sho ukl rc port t o t he R ;·gilitr~ l ion Offi,·<:. Room 209 , ~b in BuiloJ illl! and ob tain tiK 8 iU7J' .~ bill whichispcn d intin l)' p~.- sys!crn. ll is a n~we r w;u a -; impk but eon ~:<· rm·d . " l holl<' not ." lb srnul':iC n , ~ :;o:n ior from ~mesl cr s! u 1 !~nt s lh~ Sb!e Lq;.is loit ur c wh ich would frcct.e funds for KfQII d o n fin ancUI Rin· r l' alls ~~iWSlt'd tim the Osh k o~h U\li iSIIIJ hall r~sul~'"' from 3 llfl.: o f ro mmunr c~t ro n lw!wcc n rii:IJOI .-oncernson thai li!Ud<•n!J he re aecoulin&to Leon Bell. vkc·rr n ille nt fo1 Dusi m·~:s Affai rs , "'o ul d toS~: thd r financUI anisian,., whkh could c o n ce ivab ly fo rce ! hdr w it h ~ r a ..·aJ from schoo l tweaulo<' o f lackoffund s. Osh~Oi h typ<' rn diJ~ nt S r_esu lt .. llcaddedtha t Unr tcJCo um: •l is an Ofl » ll~ t io n that c:~ n j!lv c s tud e n t s a c han c •· t o co nrrn u n i ca t c . hc t ,.nn lhcmlO: Ivt s, and 11111h the SoaN of R c &cn t s and st a t e ~t uJcnu nff~e~;rls s.·,·tion~ Th~s.: and Unn od ( 'ouncll " !ol."l'hOn 14, iul• I arul ~.of Bill 71 suto sc.:tion~. if t'~-·•1 b) th,· il al~ k·~isla t uH·. ,.ould. a cco rdi nl' to R asrnu~"·n. " \'irlu all )' '"l"'orr l ln~tr""·uonal stullcn l a~-.; r~a nt s lo t oacll.·r~ '" ll111rn~ rh,• G~ncr.1l ASS<'rnbly ~~~~~ on nr~· rn~ !opics from a~mbl)' lo 3\li<:llll>ly. O n•· function of th t l' u·s•d,· n r's Co unci l is the ,t ecrsion .o n ,.·h ich to Pics s.:rnina rs ,..,II be hdoJ at the fo l lo,.·in~ G•·nr r ~] ,\ sscmb ly. ~~OOQtat:lu,\~:u!'a\~' 1 ,\:~~~ s~~~; r h,;h~"'1~::! ~;·c~~~~~o~ci~.i ~ ..·o ut.! loS<' tht: u jobs 'houklt h.s brll l••:•·ru~t.-..1 , Th<-S< ~lu<kn t as.si"anh a11· not thos..· f"'liiOII ~ '''')I~Uit ~) ~ t udr th•·,.. to1•ks: ~ stull •·n t bill o f r rg h I s. ,. d uca 1 io n a! rn nm·a rron, trac iHns. rcsi d1·nc..· · h ~lli anoJ u ,c rela tio ns j~hn,i:~:~~~~:~,~~ ~.:11!~a,:·~t ~··;;~~:~ ....,,~,7,;'te~!' ~·ill '~\o~J~~ ?~; ~ stu•l""'' th:r l <lo l'arl · ltll"' 51."n•· tar .. l wor ~ fut m5lcu,·ton Tl'" "' a11· · t~ I"'H•· d l) JOO uf thoS<.' ~••rrl •· nu a! St,·•·•· n, l'm111 Urr it•·•l Co nner\ l'"'sod,·nt R ~srnu s h· n ui.t th ai U(' "'P '~":nt ~ti\'<'S wu ukt •l'l'<'ar Jl ~noon~: WSU ! t u oJ ~nts co n cn n rn ~ >U I \'C)' S)'$t,·rn th~ ll OJ'iniO IIS of a \'Oiint :rt••lo,.-.: rcd to ttl . ~ nd ()II th~ Jj!e li mit for h<·~ r pu rrhl '"''· l'r ~s..· ntl r. t h~ •IU<'Stion of kp litr of o n ca mpus b<'n ~lcs t:J~:.~s.~;~~~:~;~ ~~~~~~Jt>un ' " :~~~~::,\:n~· ~!.~b~.,!~~c~~~d~~~pus H ~ abo •·.~p iJ UII'd !Ira! J l•·• ••·r ,\!a ny ol th~ "~ hi )' ~d~11at ts C31UJ'al);n ~I """'t~t >ta h' h > last ..·ec~~nd's l"resi r.l~ nt's t~ l ''",:.~ .~ he p~~ivc~~~~iyl f ~~ ~!r~:~~~~ ic!','i~n:.~ it;u~~~~·; "un"'"'I' i•· ~rs.t~· C~IUJ'\1 51.'$ "' "" h<·in¢ {',>unci! Sl~)•'ll in r~sid"n o: h~ ll $ (ornrta nd in! ITuctio ns for an offic.al el\;l ngcofptO&ra m. IT WAS STANDING lOOM ON lY or Saturday night' s Srou t ga me, a nd so me die· ha rd fens for got the h e e zi ng tem pe ra tules ' outs ide w hile watching :he g ame through the front doors of the Ph y Ed Building . Worchi ng it from the cold cx.rt· d oors might hove re minded the se uudenrs of the Packe rs championsh ip gome --o Jo Dalle s style. (Bob Holde n Photo) In rcsronsc to th is. the· St'nat•· has initia t<' ll ~ le tter writ in s c~ m p~ iJ; n to ' the au.:mb lymc n o f !he State in ho f><'S t hat !his bill will be dcfe~ tcd , • · Pa u l S~: hill in &. Sena t e President, up l~ined !he pur pox o f the lett er ,.·ritins campa~ n . Schl11 inJ u id that thisca mpais n is "c:rpa bk of poi nt in& up dr amaticall y that a sma ll p~ n of 1111: S t a t c'lau~t e r i t y prQJr.nn but in this p;ut k ubr aru aust er ity co mes at aprc lt y hilh price... ' Til ~ fo rm lt ll <'l whic h Studen t Senate is cireul:llir!J il rep rinted o n paGe 2 wit h~ short in trodu elion. I:OYT~~~~~~~~~s of sutc of th 1• cJu catio n bud to-•t Wisco nsin proposed lc~:islat ion nt•~c i:lll)' rmpoll an t to st ull•·nt s ,.... ,., di sc ussc: d ~• L:rst wr<"kt nd 's mct t in~. 01'1<' .of IlK $<', lli ll No. 92. wo ukl , if pn ,.,d . re~l orc s : o million ,.·or!h of $lilt $1 udt nt lo;in s which ,.·ere halt<'<! late in 1\16!1 . Th is lc&isb tio n has the support of th<' SoaN o f RcKo nt s and tho Unit ed Cou ncil. Bill No. 11 . the: 5<'cond p ~c.;: o f . l e &i s ia l i o n , h as been intrOllu""d int o the Slate k &isb twc IS~ nluns of n si111 economic hardships in the sta te. Of put ic ular in lcru t • to ~oo rol ina l •'•l in lloprs ~ta r ,· k~isiJ!ur~ •'Uil\'111•'<111! of of of Ill•• l)d k>t F r ill3~' •·•·en i n~ conr pkx. On tll<'y h.·a nJ WSU tl~<·H~~~~~·~··~;~ar~, ~~~r':.:.t~31 1) ;·:~siJ,':::!;rL:.cn~,;c?.'c)'fus s""~~ """ 13>1in~ ~13 1 •' k~1~la t on. Wh,·nJ>l.,·oJ ofllii'H'•\:I'I"it) Of thcSI.'pns.onstd iNfnof)tudon t u p in ion i! J)tiiUSh' n >a hi . ·· t ,-g.slrtou ,.,. IIIOt"<' th3n \\ilhnt to lbl~ n :· T he C.;· n ~r31 t\o s.· mt>l) \>au I Seh rll in~. Stud<' nt Sen3t<· l'"·sidcnt from Sh·•·c ns Poi nl. cJ II ed thili scssio rr " good fo r mfor m~ t io n . "Bo ! hh<-and Wall)' l' llk l. campus United Co uncil R ~ lat rons Dir ~c1 or. ft lt they ll.l<l b•· cn ,.. ,• 11 b r i t f ed o n f';~~~:n~~.~~s~~~~~~ ·~·.,~,~~;~~:?; t~:·~c ~~~~~~~~~~~ r;n ~ h; d~ 13at~ rn;:c tint.s in that unlr a >tn~k · WS U O>h kosh. f hj,J aoJ <k oJ he felt the •k kp tc to CJdt of the S.''<'ll U(' "'andin1: ;.'Onllrr(ll ,·~s. th•· U{' ro rrfc rc ncc ,..u •·c ry su" cs:du l r;;unpus rcb110n~ d'"''"''· an,l J nd lull S]><'ci:l.\ praise: for the th e s tu rJ,·nt . tv w rnm•· nl )'OUIIf. Lrd rr:s fro m Alph~ Phi l'"'sid,·nt from •·a,·h of th•: n•nc soror it) w ho~rveli insc"eUrUJ univ ~r si t ks J ll ~nd l'••·••oJ,•n t'l pos t il io ns t h r o u~hou t last Co unci l. "'e•· k ~ nd 'sron fe!l'nce . Th,· Gcm· r~l ,\sso:mblr in ~n li e a~ Slated he wu pleased cx p3nlled lil.'S~oion toi rrdmk t"o '"'i th thecoo perat io nhc r~ecived d c lc r.a h •s to ,•ach of t h<- from ca mpus ;w.imi nistra tivc ~-o mm itt n-s . and usuall r t .. o a~~ncks in pl:lnnina and c:uryinJ ll~kaa t n for n ell of the fi•·e o ul t h ls b tu \ Prtsident ' 1 sr min ars whk h JH' held only Co uncil. ,.,., THE POINTER • Editorials • Columns Sfll.d.u.u Viewpoints on Gun Registration Letters DeuEditor, " Praises Cold Work Critic Au U~ed r•'""'?~.,.~~ .~~':':h of WSU's Grounds the S t udent Senate in the Senate's current letter writing campaign 11rolesting pe nd ing cuts in the budget of the lltntc uni\'e!11ity. The Senate hns preJNired a form letter that is avail· able for all students to sigu and send. The letter along with a list of add~ of t he a!lllemblymen is available in the residcnrc halls and a t the Uni\'ersity Center In· • formation Desk. While ackno~·ledging that a form letter ia not as eUccli\'e as a personal letter, the senate hopes that the large number of form l<.>ttcrs that they hope to ha\'C sent wiU ha\'C some influence. The &emate urgca students to write personal leuers if they have the time, using the fonn letter for basic information. · It will take B united effort by t he students, the senate, the ndmini.stmtio n nnd the regents to s top the legidature from culling off monica: for s tude nt help a t the university. We applaud the senate's action to this goal. The Editorial Board Jt ':/dtphlu J~ ,4/i~'jai./tae? One of the most bot hersome inconvenience's for fh(l8(1 of us who li1·e o ft-campus is try ing to call on·cam]Jus. All calls to rc5id cnce h11lls or offices comin g in hom o H-campus mus t. fin ! go t h rough the uni1•enity operator. While t hese operators are us unlly courteous and somelimes offil'ie nt. they must be greatly h nmp•ercd by mech11n· ica l difficulties. Wh}· e lse \\·ould one sometimes get a busy si~:nnl whe n o ne dinls t he uni\'crs ity number? Why else wo uld tho phone ring a d ozen t imes o r more before the operator nnswers? Why else would t he caU be cut-oU a lte r t he operotor a n swers? But we wo nder if a ll of t h ese are m«:h o.nical failures ·Or iJ some of them might be human d ownfalling. · The time comes when evu the most rold'irmed ~ynlc must tak~ time out to herald the UIISUI\IIIerowho,inmoiiii:IIUOf tOial inspiration or abw lute huma nity, strives and 5UOC«dS to m1ke a ll 0 111 liws a lill ie ri(htr. T01ily, l mu$t take time out to praise a sircularlfoup o f eonttoversi.al men who h1ve rebuked aU crltidsno and stuek to the ir co nvi etions--the WS U·S t evcns Point srounds Sinec its ~try M,;innircs. the to,.·nof Stevens Point htsbffn known for iu sinaular weather conditions, which an: teputed to haw put the first frown on Pollyanna. T he N~tiorul Safety Council havc.,.. in been holdin& winter t ire tesu on the froun wutu o f o ur town, an honor Point TNY M justly ptoud. Other honol'5 have h«n too numerous to mention, but I ani swethat manywillfo llow. There i$ a run1or UyinJ around Qmpu~ th~t the ~utt s.lte for tht tire tests will he our faru~d campus sidewa lks. But I must report th~t this rumm is not t ruc. l cnoounteredoneof the hlah·1'5nki"B o ffk i;ol o f t he &rounds crew 1 1 a local bat and <'npacd him In a conv.-rs;ation a bout their infinite si.J~,.<Ilk maintenance ptoblem, "People.'"' always misund~n;t~nding our role" , he s;aid u he s;altN his bcer,''wc nevetevenputina hid for the 11fcty tC$1s. Hn ides,.,.·e DiU M cM illen ByWally Thid The l'tesidtnu' Council o f thr Unit~d Coun~1l of Wi~on~n Stair Stll<h-nt C.o•·ernn~<:nt met inStnensl'oinl b~t.,.-.:ehml. To till: maJorit)' o f )!udenu ~~ W.S.U, Stn·r ns !\lint. tht ~bon: ~t ~lrmtnt h almo>l munil\lk-U. l'o r m~ny of U$, U. C . h no th ins hu t a MOV<"rllnlrnt al OTJ:an iza tiOn bcyondouroouc,·rn. But U.C . l h>l scudcnc ~o•·ernlnC'nl <lt¥~niul ion which rtptesc:nl$ \'tllu•lly all of l hc 50m~ 58,000 .\tud~:nh at WSU's, hu taken up t he pwblemoF t hc WisronsinStatt bi.Hlg.:t and lh dctoc,.,ndu n thoo:y apply to many " ale uni~etsity ~tudents. TIM: Wisconsin kgi>bture has bHn p tuentcd with bilb pr oposinc c uts in such tducational atU $ as ~tudcnl u sistantships t t tho: scat~ uni•~rsitcu in th~ 1969-197 1 birunium, Such cuh coukt on~ke it financYII>' d ifficult fot wo1"' st udents to remain inschool. What t he U.C. has b«n'lloin& in~ot..·a apputantc at kw,hbtive committee lnC'etinp IS well as pctsonal nt<:etinp with state sr n:otonand usemhl~·men . ,\ ctin&asalobbyist of iOrts Fot WSU MudtnU, Prnident Bob Rnmuucn of ll.ivet Falls and his stafft..avekcpi ado~e "'·atchon theat tivitinof t hoo:k-&isbtwen th~ypuuue theformationoftht bi.Hlgct. Effott s by st u d e nt JOVelnments have not bffn limited to lhe anion taken by U.C. Thr student aonrnment at WSU- Eau Cbi1c hu ~«ntly been invo h e d i n scndin& lhou&:~ndsofktters tokaislators in Madison ~ganiina ptoposed bud& el c u ts . A t uolut ion suncstin& similar actio n is present!~· Pl'ndinJ in our Student Scnale. 1\s U. C. di~ctor hen: at Stevens Point , ! ha~e pkiJ&ed my utm o st s uppott to Bo b ll.asmus:w:n and l iM: U.C. in tepnitoourrfforts ton:p~scnt thc$1udents uWSU's. Fot any furt her information o f U.C., pk:ue feel fr« to CQntael me at either O<Te of the fo iJo,.·ins addreucs: Wally Thie l. St udent Senate Offk-c , t:xc. 739-ar 132 Smith llaU.bt. J11'. The Pointer Wisconsin Stote 'nle POlSTER t. pvblt.hed weekly u:~pt h~~ and uamtn&UOn p uiods. 11 Stew~ Point. WltroMin, by Ule ortuden~ ot Wlxonaln State Unlveralty. Subac:r1pUon pr1ee - J$.00 P<!t' y.r. Clrc:ulallon 1.600. Second-c:CU. PGII.&&'• poNd 11 S\.tv- PolnL ~ POn«~ om~ t. loo;atod Ill 1.b41 Unive.tWly ~c.. TtiapbOne SU -1251. ExL W. EDri'ORLU. 80AilD Edlto~ne K~mmettr, UIOO Main St•. ~t. &dltCN'-8111 llcMIIltn. •lOll s n .:ruo Prtt!U~ Apt., SU -1&8&. SI)Orb Edl~Tlm Ludl. 2SO &klwtn Hall, ExL 2M Neww EdltPIUI Janty, U S Bun-ou(hl: H&ll, EllL 5811 "'" ... .,:JH -31101 AYII., SU -otU ADVISOa "People.- don't rulilc how hard we woB. They think t h<lt all we do is to s.lt around and Walth t he ice. That is an o utriJht lk . llow do they (th~ stlldents)think theic:c.&etsit's finc&lne! Do thty !hUlk that it will remain t hat way all by itsclf'1" " IF this is a Ftce University offtrirc." lastcd, '"Why isit ~mndilory?" ''Oh,it i5n't. lfthcydon't to walk on the 5idew~ lk$ tl'lcydon 't iUI"tto." w~nt " Welt. how ~bout thr whohavrgoltrnhurt1" I~OI'k " In evrty 111011 thrrc an· boun.l to be ti>k5. Oo yuu t•~' Ke llt<!plckn<!ckinll footM!Iju~t hteauKiftw,·:u tkupcoplc,;ct htuil.cd? No , youd<~n't: lhi'YI!.U just to s.:r propk ctt hil hant. Bcsidrs, 1 fall un IlK· ;(~ gd s hurt y buJht•·r . l t's a n·al~ruw d pk-asco," I did not have tim•· to ~sk ~11)' a nd Truman:andjust 5ince J 960 we have lost two " cnnedy brothers, Martin luther "ire, Mrdaar Even of t he NAACP; Ceor&c Lincoln Rockwell, head of t he Amerlcln Nni Party: Malcolm X, and lui week Edwin Pratt, head of the Naliona\ Urban Leacue in Scanle, was alto eur down. Every one of these 9 m u rder attempts, sucocnful or unsut«ssful, was wilha firurm. To hcfair to t htcritia;of the 1rounds crew ! mu5t •uicc their minority positioninthc inten:sl ofjust ke. Onecritic:felt t hat the kt was not so much d ~.~e to the grounds cr~w. as to the "l'olish monsoon a:ason"thllhitsPoint evrry h nu:uy. Another felt t hat t hl:tr ,.·r rc patehcs of sidewalk ldt exposed and thtt this t>T~.III:ntt"d a huu d fot slidrr5. Whlleit lstrue that.,.·ccould havcpteventfdl hislfwe had sta mped out crime and men tal illness,cvery·socicty since the bc&lnnin& of. lime has u ied ' wit hout suec:c.ss to do jU$1 t hat. If t here are &oina tobcctiminab and mentally-ill people.- around, dOfs it not make sense to sec t hat they don't ha~ &uns to play with! (l:ditorsN<Jt r: A dll·ck into the mattrr rcYul.:dthatthi5 pradic:c. Is to add difficult y to the sport, muchlike Andtraps int:oiO. 11 sho uld be dnr t hat thr crit ks o f till- sysl\'mof rcnl0¥al ar<' CdiQin~: SOIII J l> f"'S t hat I SUSP<'" d~ m·e from t hr 1•hyslc~l in~bilit y tu play tiK· pone, Ld us a llr,;uice th~t this CJmpus is abk to ~UJ>poo t >uch ~blc "'''" who, dc~it<' prenur~. woukl never k t "'n'l I'~SS fror11 thcit ~hovels. Think of th"SS.' men u y<Ju t•az ~lonK th•· sod,·.,.alks bouro.J for "Okt ~b•n", an.d j<~in with ntc 111 "')' nlj:, "(;~>d blc• yuu , Mrs. MO)'<'rand yomn~<:rry Cf\•,.·!" JetryWild Crehore Replies I couldn't with you niQre. · it d<Jnn't make for criminals and t he l nam• r I.b.£. Bcram•n '• ~wUl be• •~~«ial Cinema Alii r.rr\u Pl'e•ntation on M<!nday, Feb. 7at7; l0p,m. In t he Wbconsin Room o f the Unlvt nlty Ctn tt r, A dlxu•lon o f lllnl 11 an lrl medium alld r~:,:n··l~~ :r:!l~~ly :ri~ Cerhllde Bjornton , acrttmhrr of lht E11,ililh depullnrnt who wrOtt tilt fo Uowina rniew with her hlllband, wilt lnd !he discu•ion. • • • l By Ccrldldeand Richard Bjotnson ~~~~f~C:~r 'b;!~~u;ph~:l~~ t hehi$tOTyoFthcfilnt lnhis mon hm<Jus movie, '1'hc Seventh Sea l," Beflmanernpioys a stark Mcd icvalsctt inJ in order to ~ndcrone a1pcd of man's ':e:':::,.,":.' quest Fot idcn!it y and T he ce nt ra l ~ hara ~tu Antonius Blok, is a kni&hi retw nil\l tO hiscastle afterten disillusionin&ynrsasao;:rlllldcr. Dur inJ the~e ten years he has seen t he torr up t ion and who had ori&inally ronvinocd him t o leave Sweden . Nevenhclc•, Bbk continues to arore fot an idea of Cod in wh> ~h he can believe, lie ~onttnues to fur t he unknown Pl'rsoniftcd by the rlaure Death whom he oonfronu ovt:r a chessboatdin t hoo:op-tnircsccne. oi T~oucllOut the film, tht omn oprucntt of death is lllJICS!ed by this mystrrious chca"9b.ycr and by the pbiue whlchisdtVIUt.llina;tbcoountry In pbyinJ his pme, Blok ~~ fiJI!tina apinit the inewitable auemptil\l to rorewn duth untilhccanfind mnnina;inlifc ~:!t~rform at [Qu one YI'Qrthy As Bbk and his squire Jons return to their t he home, t hey superstitions wh~h. con uptt"d by ~li&ion •!1owthcpriests tobu1'11 t youni &ul fot hersuppotedintncourw withthednil or whichnu~ea ·aro up of fanatics to d~ ~"h:~:/n;r~~t!ton:~ a ndot hcrs. . Letter Policy ~wclcomcole\lcrsto the tdilot ona nysubjctl. lc\ltu AlthbUBh Swed ish di~ector tnc"!u Herjln~an relics upon relatively 5>mple stories and l tad itiout cinemalographic t ec h niq ue s, he achinn , en~o unt cr Blok and JoM also nli'et ~ ,;~" • ~nd ~ Gl\'~t conwl~t io.i." Si11ople toving jc~l<'r and his ,.•ift•, ll~•~noan ju~t ~po)l"J simple.-, and o ne <Jf t he trnd~rcst moments in t il<' f1l<n <J~cuu hdicvin~: human1 t y with when Jof, t he jc£ttr. plays hil; ,·<mnpt oon. l"'""itti~ hop<.· to lyr<' and Mi:ll, his ,.·ifc.off,·rs t hc h~ wo~cn 11110 IlK' ' t01y of kni1ht 1 bowl o f milk ~nd Blu~'s ' ' im !>ITUUk with d~ath. strawbr<Tirs. " I'll c:.orty tllis l'•·•h i>S th ~ kniJhl mu~t ,·•cn tuallylll<...,l drfeat ,but thr n~emory betw~en my harnh n ~~~fullr as if it ,.·er~ a howl 'P"'t of his <!Uest,T"n<krs him flllcd ...·nhfrcshmilk. hwillh•·a uoh.... should btsubnoillt"d lypc ..,.·r itten,dnublc-spaeed•nd limittdto2SO ,.·ordsinlcnsih. Anonymous lellenr w~l no t M printed. hu,.·cvcr. 111n>es ,..;u be withheld for a sood and sufft<:itnt rtU<!n. The Pointer rtservu t he •ilhl to rdit all letttrs for lens lh 1nd aood tlllt. The briefer the lcttn, thehetterltsehancnfor pub!K-ation. menttlly ill tohaveauns,lopi.Jy with. The ptoblcn> is, wlut can be done about it? Perhaps l ~e .. F irearms Owner J Identification Card" syste~. prexnted to the ~rcsrdents s:,~~~t~ tl:.. ~!;: u~ firenms manufacturers, would he helpful. Under t his syslcm, t uns and ammunit iOn could be l~Uysotdonlylobtuers ofa eudisauedby t hclilate. To qualify forsuch acani,ln individual would havct<Jbcovu minimum ljjt,rould not be_a convicted felouoranatcohohc, could no t M ve 1 history of serious menta llllnen, and would have t O dtn!Onstnte . I knowledle of safe aun halldhnl ~ crimina l or assaain,and woull ~onst itu te on l y a mrnor inconvcnicnc:t to t he a lrudy htCe illidttun traffic. Onlyrllt law-abidinJ citilen would br affededbyarecistntionla" In a democracy, you c.~n't $0lYc social problemsbylim•t~nt or eliminat ina Con5t itU\ 10n~l righ!S. To paraphrase Benj~mtn Frank lin : lie who would s;acrifice liMrtyloJ:ainsccuot) docs not de~erve eithrt th~ JiMrty o rthexcurit y, DaH Ctthorr 1 ~~:t!..C:\!~~bcb:e;::,~~~~~j~ emboued on t he card , whkh would be revoked if any of lhe ~nditionswereviolated . This a ppw.ach totheprobkm shows promise. and has the added advanta~ of hc in& t he sortoFpropoPithatthe averate s hootll\l sportsmlln would vole for. I'm afraid that c~en a strict n:s,iMral ion b w would, not deter OFFICES TR ANSFORMED , When t he Class.room Cent" opened in the fall of 1966 many former cbsuooms in Old !>bin wercl ransformed into offlect. TOWERS PRESERVED wlt~~c~~~:~~e~ t::~r~0t~~ toWrr whieh x rvcs a~ th~ un ivn$it y's symbol will ~ ptucrved and encased in Ill~~ in t hehmcs ii. Aibenson Learn on1 Resou.rces Center. A Point Well Ta ken - Suspended Frogs Are on Last Legs ByBIU McM illcn I JPCC l~11y l.Cn~ Do youk.- the seven warning signals of cancer? Cinema Arts Show Bergman's 'Seventh Seal' ~/n':~~!J b;r,heth;rics~h~~~i Unive rsity · !~c~~l~ !~t~rC:::~J:,t lleofroih! student.ltllu hccnourpiiCtlce 10 panicipate in the 'Iotti Nutation' of lhc sludtnt," When , asked 10 ampliFy this statement, he answered , " We arc,thisyur,entttin& intolhe "Ftee University" concept by offerin& an u t ra<urrlculu offerinain ti&ht-ropcb.alance. In the saonc time periOd in :!:nu:.~~ ;~~~e: ~~~f~.~~R~ o t herquestionssince l h<ldto get buk to my nut eta•. But 1 re mcmMr the last thin& that he A id to me as I wulacirc my shin : "JI.ememb<T, that no ma tt e r the hardsh i ps encountered , no matter the wuthrt. and no matter how much we nlue o u.r 1'1'1101111 51fcty,weatwaysaettvcryinch ofsnowofft hcioc." A Review- Senator Speaks- WSU United Council Battles Money Cuts Crew By Scou Schuuc In your Janual')' JO issue Dave Creh<Jre mentioned in an a ni~le entitled OutdOCN'I that even in the Soviet Union with tiM:irstrict Jun-c:onuol I.Jwsit is po• iblc for 10mcone to like a shot II a hJahofficilll. Whit he did not ca~toment ionwu lhll this Is t ile first su~h 111empt made on a ld&h So~iltl orrtcoal ainc:c.1934. l 1SI w~ek the Soard of Re~tnts of t he state unh·erSit)' l) ilem $usptnded 114 ftoss from t he hiolocy bboratotin of WSU·SteHnl P<!int, The su'spen1ion1 ca me about after a dtstruet ive ump~Jr ~) the froplnoncoft hebiolocytabsof thelcicncebu•ldinJ:. Thefro,:l we~ d<"monstnt ina for bc:ller .,.·orkina conditi<Jns. a flM)rt hum~nc at mosphete and ruognltion that their achie•·en~<:nu btndtt mankind. The Rcaenls'ICiion wu v(&or<Juslyopposcdby thesute humlnc societ y, The wtitty chuJCd thai the Re&cnu h<l•·t "no ide~ ,.har 1 froJ JOC$ Ihrouah." The socit!y also asked t he ll.earnu ..·hat th<") l houaht the frop could now do .,.·ith theit livcs. " It "'' Oul;.\ be crud." the aocic:ty uid, "to tutn t hem Nck to the swamp$," Tbe froa's rampa&e wh'tc:h led to the dutruttion had bttn b~wint: In the hiolocr labs for a Ions time. Ad mimsuati>.r JnJ ra~ult y spokumen stated that the froa's de mands were Mon& m~T ~~;~,~~~~~~~e~cw~:c'~~~n~~~i:;~n::,d~;~~d:;~')~c;'~:•~~ot~l:~l~ 'were cxtrem~ly hatd to mt et.. !'or cumple, the frocs ,.~ntcd • scpsnte aquanumsct-upfottbc:II'IOCialactivit ies lf,.·eludlctt h< fr~$ htve t his prelt y soon t he fish and mice ~nd all the olhn am mal$ would hn e wtntrdonc ." Ju.11 in ca.,., )'Ou OOn't: 1. Unu,ual bll'CtlinJ or di~­ ~hur~. l.A iumpor thitk­ tnina in th~ brnst or dsc· "'l:ere. 3. A lOre that docs not he1t. 4 . C han&e in ho,.·ctorhladder hbits. S. IIO~TRnn.~oreou&h. 6. Jn. digc>tionordilficuh yin '"''~llo.,.·ina. 7. Change in a .,.·:utormole. If a ~i&nJI l:~sts lonJCr 1han two w«ks l.Ce your doccor. Guard those ~ you love. Give to the American Cancer Society e Signers Needed for Budget Le tter The foUowinclcttcr i.l the f<~rrll lcttrr prepared by the Student Senate to be mailed by WSU-SP Sludfnll I<! their asscmblyman in the 1tate leaislaturc. Pre pared copies of this kll« •lona w~th addrtsae~of your-rmblyman may bc<Jbtalned arthtUnlnrsrty Center Information llrsk , fo;omuoembc:nr ofyouihall(:(luncllorhalt ataff andfrom !he St udrntSHIIIroffiee. De.atAs:w:n•bl~m~n. It has tc~;rntly bo.·•·n htoughtlo my attention .thlltin II$5Cmbly ~~~a~~in:::::c~~eQ~!:~~ry1~8~e::t,:'J' ~~p~~~~~~~sm~~:e~~~ Wisconsin State Uni\<cr$ltySyslem. Civrn till: fact tlulthe state of Wisconoin bin !Oetious firltncial suaiu and c,;.·en t he fad t hat edutation accounufor agrutlh~reofstatccxl'l'ndituresitilonly . natural to auume t hat ~me of ou.r funds .,..;u bf tut. II<J~enr, thtre are many teasous wh)' son!(' of the prQposcd tull listed unde r Section 14ofBi11 7 1 should notMmadcasthelossof_t hescrnonies will have serious and f~t n:achinl affetts Qn t he uniYerscty. Point nu mber 1 o f section 14 calls f~r the elimi.1ation of SSOO.OOO o f the allocation for Jtudentassisl&f!U ut_ilizN in tho: instruction proaram Till: ...,ss;ation of thl:sc funds wdl havt: lfU I impact on bot h indi~id\lal sludentland uponlhekvtl ofinstruction a t this university, Ucr~ at S!evens Po int approdmal~ly lOO.stiKients would lose thc:ir jobsuooniii\IIO Mr. Lw n BeU, V~<:ePresrdtnt for Busine• Affairs The' loss of thnc jobs would pb ee scvetc fintne~l hardships on ~any studtnts .,.· ho ha~e inl tlfllcd the cxpcnrd in(:(lmt from thc~e positions into thcv personnel budaets. Son~e students micht have tu ,.·ithdliW from s~hoolsh<Juld they low lhts ·source of income. ThiS woukt be p.alttt;t~lar\y han! for paduate .allisuntswho wouldi>tobably hantotransfn to anolherschoolrOf lack of financl~lnsist~nce here. Should this happen it will be a poi~t conside~d by futl.ll'r graduate students when they enroll at thiS univcrRty. FebtU¥ y6, 1969 KING-QUEEN CANDIDAT£S Yambert Will Leave Point ·~ For Illinois Dean Position Dr~ P:aut Y~mben , me mber of t he a<lministr:otive tum hercan.d widely-ll;no.,.·n conso:rvationist, :an nounce d he h n been a ppointed dnn of outdoor laboratoricsat Southernlltinois Univusity..Carbondale, effective nu.t lune. It is a new position and one o f fewofluklndin thcoountry. lk also will be a profrJsor of con.:rntionforlimitcd lnthin& usi&nmtnts. He will be responsible for the developmen t ami ut ili.ation of outdoor b boratorks to fulfill rhe uni¥usit y's ro le in ~~\:~ion , r~arc.h ami public J S!H'cific:a lly, Of. Yambut ...-m work wi th fa c ult y and reprc.:nlltiYes o( state and federal qcncicsin h~lplnf; !hem u~e outdoor faciliticJ owned or controlled by the university. One b boratory , six miles from thcetnlpUiWhcrc h.cupccu to spend much o f his time , encompiDCI 9,000 lctel of whK:h 1,000 is a nun-m:a.fc Wee. He AyS his new posilion will allow him to "focus a ll of n1y cncrsies on m y fin ! lovu-<x~tdoor cducar lon :and con.:rntion." Thr univusity there is stron&lY rommilto.•.J to an Outdoor prQ~Jam, Dr. Yambcrt uplains. and is pumping vas! a mounts of money and physi">l t\'50urccsintoit. "I"ve al...-ays lo1·N workin1 wilh ro\legc freshmen." M continurd."bl.ltl 'vcmiDed the o pp o rt1.1nity of tuc hln& ltaduate studcnll-this .,.·:u anot herdrawirogg~rd ." Dr. Yambert, a native of Tcnnnsoce who received. his advanced deifccs from the University o f Michif;~n. wu 1 hiJ h school tcaehrr before oomin1 to Stevens Point in 1957. W!Yn !he institution unde r we n t ac:adcm i c rcorpnintion in 1961, he w.u promoted from profcuor of con~oe~•tlon rodean ofthe nrw school of applkd arts and scicn~ . As the rust and only person IOhold that deanship, he has direat-d the opcn tlons of the nuural resources , s peech patholoiiY and ~udiolocy, home rronomics. busincu cduo;ation. physical edur;:nion. me dical trchnolon. an.d military scicnce dep~t nocnt$. he said he hu "templed to strcssthenrcdforbroad lihcral . /: II I . 'The Dickens' Performing In Coffeehouse Bag Un" e"rt~ ,\clintrcs Board c; agl.!? u~.~ ~.'.,c~t.~/, '~n1~ ,,~·~1ff ;" :,~!~~:: 3-~>·.·1~·~d .~ i ~~~.~~~;; s ~trud a) . l'~rformanc•., 31~ 1111:hth at 1 JO and ~ 00 rn th•· Gu.lit~n I ""'~nne ~~ "d.-tHne' ·. ra~J~;~~·~::S ~~~..~~...·~\~!-~,a~~~~ Ynrk~r. l>ur ~· ~ srouro " 1> on~ · hu nd r ed p<· r C<' 11t 1·nt.·rt~rn ru~1U St"" 10 aud~<·n-.·i u1 th•• l mt~J St~t.·~. lh<'}" a~<· o n thf ,..~~ t" c>l .tl:>hihrn~ the 101111<' c.h·~li<"nl rrua~,· the}" maontain 1n CanadJ he"' ··~l~;r·· ~~~~!'t ~·:~·::~~~~ ~i~1;1~ mi.I>.JUII)". "" l"he mc~~us" hls ~on•·cntr~tint on concc1U b«n I~~:~f.·~~~~¥·:J;:::~~~~-; to the ,\ mcric~n public. thcrr d 1•pthand ll:IS-atility. A o n nuny cJm pu!il.'~. th~y ""llkni"!= t hdr !X'1formirq: r.lfll(C Jnd n·co.·ntly completed dl!C<ln th<' Nc...- Yo rk Cil yJru at Til<' 811tcr t: nd. The Ctfc Au Go C'.o . and , T hr Rhdf'II!Okl Music l-' e•tinl. The group'i re putation is based on a solid fo1.1ndation of vcr if~d fa•ont~ ~1r r~~~:&;~~~~!i~::;!r.i~1~:~~: n ch ot her's '*"in such~ nunnrr th~r !he s rour as ~ "hook is lnfimtcly stron&rr th~n any of ~~ individuJI puts. Thr 5o und that results is the cu l m in a t i on o f m urua l und nuanding and personal oomp,uibility. And the SOI.Ind ~cn!m'~oj",;~thio;rh~r ll~~:~~ optimism. and 1 faith rn ~II<' commo n Jentr: o f the cmefJIIII &cncDtion they rcpt\'scnt. A f>~e~~~) ~f)te::;uiyoy u"T~ extension o f thcm.:h'e$. They arc by nature , ncitherct\151den nor condcmncn, but nthcr, spokesmen for !he aood in life . While .,.-oiUt IIOf\&1 IR the bar;kboncofmostoontrmporary Think it over, over coffee. TheThink Drink. ·Plans Study In Europe cvcning~orminar awedfor two houu combining the dra.,.in& a nd history gJQups in a review a nd disc ... ssion. Friday,Saturday ~nd Sunday will bc allo10o·ed for . indcp¢ndenr st ud y and t r~vd cnablinJthcstudr•nttouplote !':.!~or make side trips on his Tours will be arr:an&ed \0 tbe l'rad o Museum. To ledo, in lhrctlnna . t.hdrid . and othtrlmportantciuuofinrcresr to the anist. In Engbnd to u11 will be attanacd to the Tare Gallery. the Brir ishMuscum and other 1mporunt mukums and citk~ofintcrcst. The ptOHDIII is OjXn to st udenu. f•cult>" members and other employes o f rhe nine Wisconsin state unh·crsities. Students .,..ho will ha1·e befn uantcd an l.lndcr~:r:ad~~;~tedtJrte priortothcsurnmcr~~<ession.or who an; no! 1\"0 rkint to wud a degJee, may ttJiStcr as spcdal swdenrs. artsedu~;~t ionindevclopmcntof thclespcci.:lliudprOJUams. Rrrountin&his tcnl.lrc·u hcad feel we ;:~t~n~~:lii':JYa~~ 1!hj ~~~ to where it is bclter accrpr~d rhro~.~~:houtt!Yunivcrsi ty." lie predk tfd the natuQI rrw ur ces dcpart mc nl will achj.,1·c "Bil 10 School""t]U;~Iity. Conill'l]uently. he s:~id he will rflret shuina the expcrknt"Csof sianifiant adn n""mcnts by each ofth~ depallmcnts. Committee Discusses $3 Million Addition ,.;.,., WhiteVfater of the colleae.h~ said. "'l Double Present Cent!! Jhn~ •"". S""' •¥ < ,.,., THE POINTER "R ENNIE" BLOCKER FOLK SINGING FROi\1 J\IADISON friday and Satwrdoy, hb. 7 a nd 8, 8:30p.m. to 11 :30 a .m. February 6, 1969 ,.,., Newman Parish Selr ves Catholics By Mlory 'Roa~r~ "" About Sl percent o f t he 5ludentsrnrollrd at WSU·SPve Rom~n Catholic.~ accordin& to t herdi&iousprderencecards tlle students co mpl e te 11 ro:aisuation. ll owevu, the ac tu1l commill mcnt of t htiiC people vuiu consldrr~~bk. There are l!wK who mul;rd Catholk bcc~UIIC t hey had been l»pll.tcd into that faith. Some o f thocm have not attended Mass Of nccivtd the Acnmenll since they'veb<"enhere. OthetsattendMUSITJUW]y, Some of t hese 10 beyond what ! My Hnd 11 Mass and continue to »:archtnd lum andbf.rou~ involvedin.,.·hatpari$h il. Wh.u isaparish? 'Therorcof th.:lt ro~ept on nmp111 is the Newman associa t ion . Theoruically, every parish member b 1 pazt of Newman nsoci.:u ion, bo.Jt tM membcrship b so nst th.:lt a aro up o f reprucn t atives luvt b«n appOinted to cue for the Mus, amonain& for u5hen ~nd leeton at Maues and planm111 "ChristilnEncountcn." The "'Ciuistiln Encounters" , arc1d togcthenforafcwhours on a weekend for diKussion, lunchandaninformalEucharist. Finally, t hcrc is thc liaiJon comm(ttec. The 110up serves u 1 Unk between thcNc-wo~U.n puisl'l senate ud the Uninrsity Ch1istian Mo¥cmcnt. Newonan is actually just 1 part of UCM. Whatucr can ~ done inter-domlnationally IS done with UCM. This yur I Muriilac Prepuation Counc and a !Uce Se-minar have been sl'(ln.50red. The full liuoe Nc-wn~n team, Fat her AI Thomas. Father Joe Sulli¥anandSa.ter Rot1<:11Muie Elso n o ff er co un sc llin1 instructionsarw:l talkstoanyone !~~c~~~;~~~cfo~~~-~c. "'We They sum up their Ideas in this statemcntofpuri'(I*=, "We busiMu. see our role on the Univcuily Ttm aroup is called the Campus: I. To cllablish 1nd Newman parhh senate. form community (the Church): AccollliiiJ to the connitution, 2. Throu.gh wonhip (Eucharist); the senate if compOsed of 40 J. In a human and Christian s tudcnu and t he NewmJn Cindudina ccumtnieal) ..:ttil\1; chJplains. General bu$inrss 4. In constant open dialoaue m"tinp ue held twice a month. with the Univu$ity ;S. To beat The conomittcn of t he senate t heKrvittofthc voorld arnlat rdlrct the type of business the SJ.mc time a ronscicnee for CO'It'rnlatthc5emtttiiiiS. t hc,.·orld,"' The lituray committ ee attends to the needs of t he wors hi ppin1 co mmunity. Orp'nLr:inaandstRn&thcnllll the A COKE PARTY WAS HElD lo1t Wedne1doy e~ening in the W righr lounge spon· tared by the Joyce-es for g irls interested in running for Min Sreven1 Point. The winner of the pcrgeont will re-ceive a S l50·dollor wardrobe, a S300 ~eholorthip, ond on all e~tpente poid trip to the Min Wi ~eon1ln pogeant held ol Oth~oth. From left to right ore Dorlene Buthmon, from Rotholt who workt ol Copps Co. here In Stevens Point; Shoron Neno, former Min WiHonsin Ropids ond student here ot WSU: Kothy Beggs hom Ploinfiold who works ot Sentry lnturona; Julio Doubek, o WSU srudent frqm Now Berlin. In the fore ground i1 Kalhy Negord, tho pre1ent Min Stevens Point. [Photo by Mike Dominowskil !~~~h~~a:'f: ~~~r.~;t~t;I~~~ achl~vtnotnt . Alona with t he activitiu commillec, the liturtlraroup is pWnnU. to do $Om~ rcmoddina m the cha~l J~:~ond sem~1ter. Moil o f t he kntdcu have befn remQI'\'d, KAZ'S L.BAR The PricesjAre Wortb Trying @'indUs. Wood pandifl& w ill be put in bchindtheallarandtheceilina will be adj u1tcd to aid the aco uuics in the b.JSC'mcnt chapel. 3 Htll•• North oH Highway 66 on Y ~ (Tum left ot Jorden PorkJ Open 4 p .m. Dally, 9:30 a.m. W. .ktndt THE PlANNING COMM!nEE for Winter Carnivol this year includes l1eoted I. to r.J Corol Krohn, Paul Piekorz-choirmon, Sue Uttech, Connie Cosgrove, Dick Boeker and Reg Owens. Stonding U. to r.l ore Lee Schoen, Gary Henderson, Rick Manuel, Noncy Ol1on, Paul Broun, Dove Welnetz and Ed Pociask. Mining it Rich LamAt l~ular berg. Price Every Doy of th.e Yecut UTILE JOE'S DRINKING ESTA8USHMENT Prof,uionally 01anltd and Pr1u.d Want to Teach fu Southern Calaornia? 257 Division StrHt Acrau Froll'l North Point Shopping C1niM WSUS-FM letumstoTheAir Wove FEIRUAIY 9 lut The Stotlan N"ch P1rsannel: Stotion Manag•r, Annaunc1 rs, Ne~ leport.n, Sports Report1n, and Secr.loriet APPLY TO MR. FUCHS, ROOM 106 CAMPUS lABORATORY SCHOOL BY FEBRUAIN 16 A rcpr~entative fron.1 _the Ox· nard School District will be on campus to iritcrview applicants for elementary teaching positions on Wednesday, February 26. Con· tact the placement office for an appointment. Valentine's Day Is Coming All You Can Eat! POINTER CAFE Across from "Ofd Main'' Chicken Mondor ......$1 .39 Fish Fry Tu1sday .... $1.39 Poncolret Wtdn!sdoy Spagh•HI Thunday S9c $1 .29 Fhh "ffy Friday ........$1 .39 P<;>rtllltr't Fin• Pin a Served All Day THE WORD'S ENTERTAINMENT For Winter Carnival 1969 "The Fabulous Amazcr s '69" Kld:-Off Do nte SUNDAY, FEI. 9 AUEN CENTER I P. M. ADMISSION: 75c Ptt Penon GARY P UCKETI AND THE UNION GAP SUNDAY NIGHT FEIRUARY 16 ! P.M. ADMISSION: $2.25, $2.50, $3 .00 Tlckeh Now on Saito! The Unlv•nlty Centtr Information Detk Woodchoppers Ball IP.M . Wlstonslnloom Unlnnlty Center Done. to thtoMusic .A1 Provided ly ROIEIT VAN NUYS ofth.e Mu1ic Dtpal'1!1'1t nl ADMISSION: $2.00 ptr coup le I ' Febru.y 6, 1969 ..... Museu,m Adds Pair Of Prestige Pets THE POINTER 'Shoot The Piano Player' Featured lri Cinema Arts "Shoot the Pi11110 Plloye:r", a film by Fr.ncois Trutraut , was shown lnt ni a ht· in the Wisconsin Room and will be !.hbwn toni&ht at 7 :1S in the Wri,&ht lour~~e U put of the Cine ma Arts Krics. Followi,. is a britf synoplis o f the film. Charlk Kollo:r plays tht piano at Mamy's. Mamy's ila caf~ oil. the Paris o ut1klrtt. llis ~omforubJe uistcncc: is fint sh.attered one n1!ht "'henan olrJ.er brother, o.l tmandin3 AlldWiry , bursts in upon him. Rtfusi.,.to become lm'Oivtd inany intri&ue,Chl.rlie <Jcnies him aid. bvt later inu indivdy helps him to ~a!>C'. t~e tra&ic dimuofthefilm, the fUn;~~~d ?fjag,~~~o~~~Tr0~rr!~~ doesn't stop 51'1ort: lle'a an ex.;.d ., with a slum kid'sennay and ability to thumb hU nose and huah and 1 uHcr s imultaneously. lie's abo 1 French intellectual-a SI_)C=eial brted nutured over «nlurtcsto despise tentimentality, AU these supply the dramatie tension' of ~~'in~'·.~rr.e:~i:...:M~.x~~ pusllesbeyond any adolescent or Beat aleeinthe destructlonof by Dan Berman, of the Enalish faeulty, on Thur~lly evenina followiRJ the film ~winJ. ~~= U resip~cdartcr thcl ll68 " We fc<'L we h•·e the bu t n~n for tho: job," n id l.:•ue~r. " He cornu to us " 'ilh the lle.;ausc o f his duscnus to the defensive alianmc nt at Oshkosh, O'llallo ran fcd s that the strona point o fmanycollo:rp: tums ar.: theirddcnsu,buthc intends to strh·c for balana' bt t wten o ffense ~nd tilt de fense. AI Oshkosh O' llallonn had the renuiting n:sponsihilit)' for the larKCS I U CI in the ''~tc ... Mctro politan Milwaukee! This is where he int~nds to concc:ntratehis effort apin. "lkiri& the biucst area , it also hid tilt most potential t•laye rs," Aid O' lla lloun. " In addition to this are~ . 1 want to look atplTIIofNortllcm Illinois and In Chk a, o . It costs a boy frorn Illinois JUst urnucht6go to a " hool inlllinoitnl rwo uld ~~set;!:,'!;~;. come to a sqtool in O' lblloran did not feel that f iVf STUDENTS WALK A.LONG A lEATEN PATH IN 1TBERIA o r tho North Pole? No, its ju st. five studenu in front of Baldwin Holl on tl\e ir woy to the Clonroom Center. The p icture wos cro pped to remove Proy·Sims ond the Phy Ed Building from the scene, ollowing rhe snow d rifts to spco k THE POINTER To Give CPA Examinations Accounting ara~uat ~s o f lhrt " Wi sco n s in Stat e Universities now arc eliaiblc to take cert ified public ~coountant (CPA) u arninations, the WSU s yst em office in Mad ison reports. exams without furt hN st udy. Acoountin& gr~du~tn of uthcr colksu and universities mar tt tt a1H y t o t a la C I' A WSU · E au C hin· and e•a m in~t ions b~ conrl'ktlng WSU·Oshlws h rcc~n\1~ wtr~ a dd it io nal cou ~s at tilt accredited b)' the Stat e Board uf :accrctlitcd institutions. A cco unt~ n c y . ln 11165. WSU·\\'hilcwater OC~am~ the Uniform CI'A naminat ions first State Uni~cnity accredited by the board. 'Ire a iven In diffcr.:nt Wisconsin ''ilk s in May and No vcmOCr o f Other accredited institutions eacb ye~r . 1111)<'/'tli!l:d by t hf whotcaccountilll &nduatcsmay ,.State Board of Accountancy. talic CPA examinations are the The four partnamlnatlon takes University of Wiseonsin in two and OM·half da)'S. Those Madison, the University of who pus at least two parnhavf ~~r~~~~~:i~~~!!:tay~kec and UAB TripperS NEEDS Under a Stat e bw which took e ff~ct July I , 11168. onl)' ~ccount in1 ~~~d uatrs of the six universities m~y !it for the Cl'•\ MORE • ~'riters h ia hu t o f ""o mmcndations from e•·er)'One he hn been auodated,.·itl\ at Oshkosh. " lie's bad an ouutandin& record. On top o f this. he is co nsidere d an ucc llent aeruitcr ," Krueac r added, " No ..·adays to ha¥e a succesdul colk:Je tu m, eithc:r the head coach o r o ne of his n sistanu mull bt'.anoutn andin& rccruitcr and we feel O'llallonon meets theserequiremcntli." 0'1\al\on.n has been at Os hkos h si nce 1966, and i:: To Kentucky rnutcn de1rce fr onr the University ofWis,orn.lnin 1966. lie bc:pn his football roachina c~recr at Republic llilh school inKansasinl9 52andinl956 went to the: Colorado State School fo r the Blind where he develo ped 1 wrestlin1 and physiealeducationpro1nm. In \ IIS1.he became o;oachu Waukesha Mcnrorial lliah " hool and lo:d the m to the Catholi~ Conferc:ntc Championshi p in tll60and the numbcrrankin1 in the state. :~u!"'::e~~ u;~ lfu~:-}~~~ ~~~n~~~.~:!elikc~,~~ts~~".iu::~: t~c day , prcfrrring to slo:e p 1 1 mght. lnthcirn•ti!estuc ,acrbil.s ;c:tbS~~. Ulr~~;le~~ •·~::~~ r:v~~~jy~~:~h~L;c~s :c~t~:~~ they uc nqkctcd , they are t he opposite ,"heuid. Since they were brou1hl to America fro m t he a ndy wastelands o f n o rt hwcn Manchuria, they have arown fro m a colony of 22 to t bou$1nds. They o;oSI between S6tnd Sl 2 pcr paif and uw ally fa5C"inate ~rsons Who observe fo r hr&h ~I and extreme co~ . . Rcsponlilble for the new fiSh dt5pby is Dr. Georae Becker, a Sl)<'tialist on thote spedcs, who hu arranged for 1 rolltin.s exhibit in the torTidox of the mutcum. Each w~k aJpc:claldisplayis made of a pickled specie from either the waters of the Gulf of Th e UA U T ripl)<'rs will sroonsor a camping trip to Mammoth Cave, Kentucky over sprina bretkf~n• Apr. 4-IJ. T he cost !Of the trip will be 65 do llan per person which in el u des university v.:hicles, food , eampln1 COilS and e quipment. those sprina interested A mcctina ofint!tls lnputicipatinl trip arc u kcd l.d be in the Mitchdl Room of the Univrrsity Center o n Fcb, l l at 6: JOp.m. · !:.~:,:b~~ ,::tma:.ke~~t widely USI.I~U';I~u~i~~:~ .";!~Jc::,~~ lie fears both may be females, but can't beocrtainbecauset hcy areso l mlll(threeounr:es). TheiC herbivores can go for months without water, the lillie ~~~~~~:r~~:r~~:~c~ ~:~~; ~he~erov,~: }i,fh;;'a!~n r~'::'nd: and A mounted muskie, nuahl by Dr. A. H. Cook of Stevens Point in the 1 9~0s, a l.so llas bc:cn added, It wc rghed a\xlut 30 pounds when it was landed. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sale of Suede Jackets ' !Zipovl linings) $35 00 • Vofooo •• 60.00 Sins8to15 • Circula tion :Man ager Pt~on to molntoln vp·lo-dolt IIJtln; of o ii'IPoint.r avbsaib•~, lrnowltd;• of typ ing benefldol. ~~:~~:~::~:~~~~~~~!'~~ l:;:=;=:;:~~;:;:;;;;;;;::::~:::;;;;;::=:;;;~ ~~c:!'~~~~~n~•.YSiart the entire 1129 MAIN ............................... ~~~::r~E~~~~~.~if{~!:~~~ Plan Excursion !:~l~~~!~,i~~~a~~i~~~~~e~ ~~h~~~~~:',:: e::c:i:~he slightly tuftd alon1 tlle ridge. They d Ia c la bo u tc undtfiiOund retreats o ften Un two levcb:, ind ud in&. chlmbtrs for UO!llt and ne sti111, connected by a labyrinth of ,...'•""'-w-~-'"-"-·-'"'-'' -• -Do-m-ino_ w_,,_, _.,_.••;,;.f_ _ _ _, ~~~~~ca~irha~n~~~e~:~:r. :!~~~~~cnthuactuistia Three WSU's Are Certified aotten a late~ n u t than most PAT O' HAUORAN Invited the public to view thuc and otlll'r n~w additions. The mu~eum is loelted on the rccond floor of the Science Build ill& and o pen to visiton betwun 8 a .m. and 9 p.m. Tours foraroupscan ~i~ cis ~~f:'yr~:.w~"t.e';at:;! ~!!~;!<>:~.u~hcfricn~~~!.'Ybut11i~ ~~:~·~~eh ~:·~: ~~~::~~~ •nte/'tlerxa~d. accidcntaUykills ~subjedsofdiscusionled O'llaUoran. " I took the: Oshkosh position in order to pin the necessary u.perio:ntt and have been I<'Okina for tire riaht opportunity, " I ftciStevens Pointha• a rut fino 1\fOIJ'~m . :llld I 1 111 lookina forwar~ to an ndlinK chalknae," hc added. protcdivdy colored lilr:e the sands: li&ht bro wn, blacktipped fur covcri na .a sbte-sray undercoat .. They havc di3htlyprotnrdin1 eyu and b!"le eus. Their elo,.ated hind lqs cauiC them . / take adnnu.ae of the new faeility whic:hopencd lutfall. Searlr:s dcsaibes the tiny ~~r.~~n·,o~;:s coc~:~We f~~ ~~is~rn~:S:itesat?!art'iorYa':. Pa t O ' lh llon.n ddensi\"C football ce»ch and the number one l~Uinant at Oshko1h State Uni•·crsity. has bt'en 111n.ed to fill the •'lean! hc:ad football ~.-oachlna position at Stevens Point S te ve n s Po int Athlet ic lHrtch,N', Ro be rt KflltJt'r, rnade t he anno un ce11rent o f the 3\l·)'nr-oldO'I\alloran to fillthe O!ll'llill& created when Dualnc mu~eum of natural history at wsu-stcvenrPOint. Monaolian aerbils, members of a rod e n t family first introduced in American IS yean 110, and 1 colkction of the pi~klcd fhh ct ha ve been ~~:.~~d, :h:~i~~~~~d ~~ form andsymbolto a~solut ion Krueger Appoints New Head Football Coach water they do require cornu from their food. Their mature rxh~'i:!~o;n R:~ 11dis~~~e~~ ~e~!:!:• ~e:.7h ~:~ 1an~11 th~~ whiehisucffectiveuablowon . .PI)'TK', ba~tendcr ~~ t.bmy's. the head ...lt wortcs throuch an U HII(.rested UICh.arhe't •ldions. exploilltionofinconcruity, and PlyntllJ.11kubrlyresrntsC1\ulle we , theaudiencc, are itt happy for_ :~ttract ina lena, a roun& vielims." "11 11re:s~ with " 'ho m Plyne is dcsl)<'ratdy in love, lena. in T r u frau t ~ nd 1 he Pl)'TK', A !mud man. who had n." er "•n.t~ to be mvot¥-fd in lire. Charlie 11 then swept up in A pair of ''lprut ~ pets" acnerally unknown in thisre&ion ~~ e~~~ fa~~~ o~0t·h~t!ro~ hns l_rcckoninaofhispast , .... Public Acroununts. This yur the nine sta lf u n ivusities report 6,8 7 1 students e nrolled in various kinds of busineuad mini$t()ltion proann\5, includina aceounliiiJI, lut year, the thn:c CPA a cc redi ted state universities report e d 11 6 a ccoun ti ng a nduatcs - II ~~ ~:au C!;airc,l!l at Oshkos h an d 87 at Whitewatt r. for your ValentTne give ~ -' _ . the gift with a message Now s omething s pecia l. Something di11eren1 and new lot him, tor her. Choose from a total line of Wells " I Am loved" gilt·giving idea s. fragrances from $4.50 to $ 15.00, iewetry from $3.50 to $ 12.50. Top oil yoor message with thal lovely.littlebutton. lt'slree, and rl!~::::tliiill says a lottoo~.~~~~~q~~J- ¥l:z~:~n':: ~~~r~f ~:, br:t~~ ~~==-==»<=""'=~=:= 1 -==-=::,. powers ir.thc \\'iscoruin State ~~~··cr~:yt~~n~~~~~~o~o~~ 1967 and finished second last )'U r. lie came to Oshk<»h after 1 ve ry succeuful hi&h school eoachin& career at Ne w Berlin, where llh teams compiled 1 IS·7•2 n:cord ln three years, with a ParkiMd Confe rence champio nshi p in \9S4. " l'n- a lways wanted to coach i n co ll c &e," r em arked THE BRAT BARN "'Where Sometl\ings Alwoys Cooking" You Con Co""' o nd ffltl ot Ho""' ot THf i U TIARN BRATS and STEAKS !BILL'S PIZZA RADIO DELIVERYU .344-9557 The Only Meat-Ball Sandwich In Town s.tnoed With Hot ttollon lnod ond Tontolld"' led ScNct Shave Cream ~~w78c Depend on OSCO for Greater Savings / ' 1018 Malo S.., Steven• PoUlt. w... S++&l Febru.ry6, 1969 . : r: : Honary Forensic Fratern ity Contest Seeks : : I: .: Amateur Films From Point Pi Kappa Delta Installed On Stevens Point Campu ,,~~~::~::,:.:·:~~~~~~::~:f~~~:},~f. m tlw 1>..-ll<lt C•·nt~r on ~l .uno.l~)' , Jan . ~7 . Th~ Wts..·onsm" MlJ '' ~h~p~<·r l'i IM§Iall~d ..,r ~:~~~~~~o~~~~ s;~~!~~··:·il~~:"~-~ ha•·c rart•~•l'~h-.1 in .l~hat~ or ~umr~lihw n•dovi,Jual SI'Cakin~ dc>it<' to hrua . kn th~ir fon·n>.i.: ''"I"""~"''" ttuo~.~~;h t h•· looca l,·hJph'T , Jnd l'r ofu~''' W a~h . t;ra c.· Gu•·crn<ll of th<' llh)>"in,·cof t hc Upf'('r ~l i•~i>~>'l'l' l . lll>Uikd the th~ Dep~nmcnc of Fr ~nk T. Alu_,,.., Sp«ch; Auoci.:lcc l'•of~ uo r o f St•adl and ,\SSQ(i.:l f( Editor of the Fm~nsic, the not ion~l rublic<~tion of Pi lo:app~ Dell ~ and Richa•d S. ROjl('IS, odvisor to the " MU" ch~pt<·r ~nd D!r~ctor of For.·nsics. ,\11 thn>c ~rc alumni of l'iKappalklta. The mstalbtion "''as follo••td b)' 1 tCC<'ption al\cnllW by fritndt of th<· Lniti.:ltes. bcult)' mernbns an,J aJminisuativc pcr$0nnd ful~~" :~ ~~~-':'~f'.t'.~~~,'~,cr~~n 11,3 ~hllo3~~ng ~~~~ r~c1~s!,~."·~~~: 1'. Zunm.-111~11. St•·wns 1\)int: l.:h•·rl)' R . (hou,toil', Stncn~ ~;ucsls of the nc"'l)'·formed cklplcr U a dinnn held a! the Wun>Kh, Sho:ho)~an. ami Donald romm unnr·f>lmtutly ~ht~:~.fu~r::t~t:]\~ ~~~~:~E:·fZ. ~J:lli~~ J. ~~k~~~· :~~~':;f ...,m~titivc ~=::. ~nd Ln the h11h On c;~nopus f .K.D. willli!Tiot ~~:£:~~:~~~~:~:~~~:~~~3 individual n1.'nts tournsnll'nts BiU Osborne, who re«ntly hubeenappointedchairm•nof the .,,s comrninee o f .the As:socia tion of CoUc&e Umons Internationa l. an nounced, t hc newest project of his commlltu ; they ~re sponsorin& t he Fin! Annua l A$$<Kiation of Co llc&c Unions I n t erna ti o n al Independe n t Fi l m Mak<'U Compe tition." Entries mil)' tK. in 8 mm,16 rnm, black •nd white •. color, soundorsilent.AIIen trlnmust tK. in· Ga incSYilk, Florida, no L:l i<' r than Feb. IS, •nd must bear the Ji&nature of J eri Jl ucmpfncr,loealdircdorof'the ' ~~~~~i~~hout thcyc;~ r allo•·cr . ll dc•ifll; ~rea hich s.ehoo l$ with fore nsic activitiu arr amOnJ: t he intended comnounit)' funct io n~ of th<' nrw local chapte r. Assisting with r<'liona l ands.eetion.:~ltournamenuhuch as he one \9 to, h<'ld this Sacu•da)'), ro>.chi!lf teams or individual ~f'l'akcrs and possibly hoSlinJ:a pnctiec:tournamcntin · ~~! f~l ~~~·~tT~ s;~~· ~~~ iliiP'!ol. . ac'h! Ch.:lptcr"''i\lpui$Ut, • The firS!: ,.·eel.: ofApril,thtcc r cpresrntati•·cs of IlK' MU Ch:lptcrpl:an to~rticipa t cinl'i Kapra Delli's Nalional Connntion to bo,· hdd in 1'(1115)~. Arizona. filmcom~ti t ion. MEM IIERS OF THE HONORARY FORENSIC FRATERNITY, Pi Koppo Delio. from left to right, scoted: Cheri Choodoir, Tino Graefe, Vicki Potor, Julie Corcer, lily Kudsi·Zodeh . junior hi&h s in thr t he home or some of t he brothers. llonortd at the .,,·~nl w~rc &ndu"tn~: seniors. Kent Wt lsonand Aihcobson. Pao.. lloolc Alpha ~~~;!::,::~ ~\:~:~;:~~c~, t~~',',i~adr~~ P~l F~ T cwdls •wr~ made to Su,· wl11> k-ft Ito study in T he sist<'IS of Alpha i'hi in stalk'tl a$officrn fo r 1\w n~"'' s.emntn l'~t M~•tin, i'•~ ~~~~~nt. W~stt•haL G~••.uau~ Emmcri~h. Vk•:·l'rnid(•nt in char~r: of Schotalshi t•:Suc R,·,·d, Vicc·l'rctld~nl in cloargc of <'alniva t ~IHl working u ~n~ c ark' for Uni t ~d Coundl. ,\ t•all)' w~~ hl'ld with t h" Thonhb. L. \ !~~~~~~j>a~r ~~'J;~~;~i·~!~tc tii:~ Standa rds: Ro:so: Zimmerman, C:o~~~~~nolJ~~o~~~:··~:::(~· Ot.uk, 1'~:: 11 ~·c1:.~~~ t!l~~~~~~~'>! 'ro~"!~n1c1,~~ ti~~~h~~;Lkr.~~!~'~~~~a\!!:~;; ~";:,•:;:~3,~1·1; v~~:!:';;~'r(·;,'· ~~~ TH IS IS THE TR IA NGLE AND KEY used in !he insrol!otio n cere· mony for ii1<'110nororylor<'n5icfrorr.rnily. Mar<·us, Trcasmc r. Toll! Vande land<', and St:L at Arms, J im MoiLSS~:y , On J an . LK bru t h<'l John K~h•:k w~s nurri.-d 10 lo:ar~ n f:J;~~~h·!:~:r·ni,u~~~: ·~~~ ~z~~i~~:i~~~~~~~~ t:i~~~~~\~~ On h nuny I ll many of he A party w~s llekl J ~n. 1 7 ot ~;~~~~~.~;~ ~~~~~.~~~l.in~; ALumni P~l R~.!.~~ Of~,'~~~~ T!~ini~, ~~:~~~ ocfL,..,,~ m Lt . prOII!otcd ~S c ~dct ~..,r~monks this "''Cfk. Nril O'K edc, of the miliury scil:nc.; nh·nt, ~aid their ~oJ··~IIn' TIICnl• "''CI( m:..Jc on the b~-.1< ol k"<ltuluf' ami aademic (ul. <'jl~u•uan , t,·r~rc t~~e t'rr~i;t~·~:,:,.~ru~~YT~b~;l: Tr<•OSUI<'I, l'.'cy,·niJ<'rJ:; S.·,·rc tary . Tom MU.~ Corrcs[>Ondi~ Steve ttowd ; fl iilo rian, Boris Tru l<·nl.:o: Soci~l Cbairrn~n. Clk· t Joh nso n: a nd 1\thlct kChairr nln. J imBraunsch,.·eig. Rcc~nlly Doug llord)'k wa5 tk:ctcd TrNsurc r of !FC. Anothcl hnwr)' r.r~dwtc was bro t her Kc n l'eterscn. On Sa t urday l'eb. l ,fourtl'<'n brot he rs ~ 1\ cnded a le~dr:rship lkvdormcnt f'Jog rarn 3t the 1\o lkby Inn inWaus:au,l)r.G uy Gibson. ~dvi50 r also ~llcndeol . The p r olr~m included t h<· Na tional O f fi~~rs and G uest Spcahn. After t he r;onfcr~ntc t hcbrothcrswisit.cd !iOmeofthe lou l "pubs"in Wauuu . L.a~t wcdcnd some membcu of Omega 'haptn in St outc:~me down for the buke t ba ll &arnt. Home Cooking with Homemade Pies and Cookies PROMOTED lAST WEEK as officers of the ROTC unit are, fiom lefl, Robert Mi ll er, M ,lwoukee; Patrick Ryon , Wisconsin Rop ids; Robert 8oo1z: Koukauno · Korl E;ick· 1on, Stevens Point; Kennerh Siser, S!evens Pain t; ond John Severo, Ph illi ps. (Mel Glodowski Phorol EMMON'S UNIVERSITY STORE ~a<ktuptains. * SCHOOL SUPPLIES * ART l\IATERIALS *POSTAL SUBSTATION Kobel! Milkr,so n o fMr ,an J Mr$. liar! II. Miller, Milwaui.:H; JohnS.:nn. !iOnor Mr. andMr$, Joe St.-ver.l, l'hitlip$, ~nd !'~ t rick Kyan. sou of ~lrs. Ron~inc Ry:~n, Whconsin Rapids, were promot~d to ca det fiat hr: utcnanu. M;Uor ,\neil Leister of t he military S~;ionce bcult y is unit r;ommantbnt . Also annou nc<'d rc«nll)' is the pinninJ of Sue Eichsaed t of Thd l Phi Alpha to Michae l Andcnon o f Alph• Phi Omep. Married recent ly were Conny Muchel, Alpha Phi and J im Pa!llons of Phi Siam• Epsilon and John Kabele of lk lta Si&ma Phi to Karen Kay in W•usau. n ••• P~l Alph ~j;;;,~;~.;:"' "'"' '"'" Oolli Hordyk to Opcu Doily 530 A M .:i..JO AM. I - Placement Qpportumt1es tJcua 0z1c~aa .~. .~~~~)' lnit~t~d Ln~~;:~·;;~~.arla~';':;~ ~·il;1 s;,:~'k ~~~~~~~·!io~~~nfe~~ft~~ ~~'\'~~!1r~;~ l\;~~.~~"~~~;:;·. ~~:0':;1~:.~ :Ji~.~· .rr~. .:·:.,~ :;;,:::.';;;·::;:.: .~,~::~; ~;·::1::,';,~:: ~-·;~,f.1:~.·\.l ;~,:~ .,;v,i f.} ,~. t ,-~~1i~,~ ;;;~;:~;i~~:i~;;:;,;~~:.~~<~;~~~;~i",,~ :!:~, ~:< ,. u u Aho ~ ~ • ~kc l ~d w•·n· Ill~ M ond~ y rei> 10 · Tu •·sday, Feb. II, 9 ~ .m. to 4 p.m .. The U, S. ~"'·oii S f'l'~k wilh~ll;cniors ~IJ<lUt nava Lca r ~cr oppollunitin. ~o},'~t~~~~~. "~i~~~~~·\, ~:·:~t~ c/;;~.~ 4~.,,',~::~ w1ia ~~~~ :t::; !~ ~~~~·;·;~·~~t::c!·~;~~u~~~!: in ~~u tr~l Wi..:on>in and upper ~lichQ;~n. ~.9a.ni. I 04 p .n• .. Eitcsloru:TirsandRubbrr ,\k ron, Ohio will intervkw all majors (Once rnin& rct~il Credit manaJ:ernen t. ~trnd produclion. rn~n~geml'nl ~nd rontro l m~n~Jement positions wilh l' iftstonr: . ~ stor.• managcrn~nt. .'Uiud~Y. I'd•. II , 9 a.m . to 4 p.m., Wuhi ngc on National Illinois will in terview all majursinter<'sted nll'n will ~.Ennston, in salaried sales po!>l tions as. ~:roup fklll represcnt~tivcs. Bo th ~nd "''Orllen ~r~ cn~oura~:ed co inl crwic ..·. A ~cond interviewer uu~u· ic"'' :a ll rn~Jors for hon•c offic<' positions (n o sates), Tm·l<l:ay l'eb. ll.9un. to4r.m.,The l'.'isconsin fuhlicSel\'ict :.i~· i:~~·~.~:k~ll ~I LILicnts intNc~cw in Wis.eonsi n ut ilities and public ~hl....!L 9 1.m. to 4 p.m .. The I BM Corp., Green Bay, will f<'nuil all busineu admi n ~ tration.ph)·sics, chemistry, math ~nd oth,·rstudcnt s ~oeel.:ong t i3M urr<'r opportunitiu. ~EF' YolfR l!DDL -UNDE RST.-. NOING COMES FASTE R WITH CUFF'S NOTES! OYER 17STITLE.S51 EACH t.o.~: ~:·~~'tY . J~e:,:h~!te~.""~~;~~~:rr~ ':;ii :;~r;it~~~ ~~at~.P~~~~~~ En ~hsh ~nd JOUII>alurn $Inden ts for can:c r positions Wt<lnqiby frh 1", 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m., Th~ l'cdcra l Social ~:~;tr~lr,.,e~~·lo~~.:~.:tt~~ro~;~"~~~ T~~t~:(3~~r~~~~:j~(·~f~~i~~e;::! may bt• t~l.:cn vi:llarr~ngrmcn\~ here. ~ ~~~~~::::~:~:.~:;;i!~'I~~,!:;·~:,.'· ~;i 1r~a1o~~~~~f~,lJ~~e~n ::!~~;~~;c~~i£~~sc . HE~: ~J:~~·ri;:~:::~j~;i:h:~~~ :i~~~~r~i,~~~·~·;~,r~~~.~::.~~~i~~~~;: i!~rv~n~ CITY NEWSTAND 11 36Moin St. Nu t to th• FoxTh. at,. ~~?~~~·,i,t~1~~~;~~~w~~;~,~.na1t~u:l r~~~~;;:~'n?sJ;i;n~~j~r~ ~:;:;J~;~~~ .I'::;::~f.:~•; ~~0l:~·:i~:;::~~;~:~~;~~~~r~~~~~:~!~::!;·~: ~~:~·:~s~i~~~~ sp:·~l.: :. ••~·:1;i r.::.tu~.~~·~;;.;ut"~~~(.~;~~~ 11:;~~~~~~~1 Suml~\' ~~~ X ~ ~r~t;,1 u~~;,t~l~t:r;d:~:~u~~~:r:;t'~ 1 :~·;!~~~~~~,::;~:g~;~~~; If Yow A.,.n't 21, Do Not RI'Od Thb !';:'',:;,•;;:,\ ~~;~~~~ 1';Jl ~rul bu~mc53; adrn1mst r~uon and other ma,ors GOOD OLD Tll\IE PRICES 1:;-;~:rs » Daily 2:;";~:ts Ti16~ p.m. ~ 1 ::n.:;t \~~:~~\,~:!,!,~a ~~~~~~1 '~n~::,~wwt~SU:~;~ ~~~flll~olr:~tt~~~~ ,; ~:~:~·::~~: h< u:_:~ ~~:~~~;~~~:~~;~~J;~~k:~:ut CIIW ~.~~s~~'!:~:~~t~:~;~~:~~~;~~ ~~::~\:~1~:. ~~,!~:!~ ~~~ ... E~~i~~f:~:~:;~~:i.~;:.:~:~:::~i~;·~;;~;:~iE~:::.~~i~~; ~s~~ E~::~:.~d";ibe~:::~:,s:a~~;sa~csr~~!5 ACROSS fROM IIALDWIN HAU Free Peanuts All Day Sunday THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU BrothcrsofPhiSi&m.Epsilon T~~~t:~ s~~;ccr.d J::!n 1:1 L~:~~ ~~t~~~~~~~. J u~i;n"Uak~,i~nSo'":~i ~~~t~:~:ftt;. membe r of Alpha Clo$e1 1 ~l)gop ~igh t s And ,\ ll Dav C ~dc t New officersrcccntlyclcctW Chairman, Me·l Franke; 1 re : President. Charlotte l'hilantluopit Ch.:lirman, Carol DeBoer; Vice;>resident. Carol Rubc: : Activities,GinnyGcrtsch Peters ; S<'c:rctary, Sue and Schobrship Ch.:lirman,Elk:n Ek:hstudt; Trca5Urcr. l':l t l>icck : Gothl:ard. Pled~:c Mis trcn. Charlene January &r.lduat,et were Rita Ksutnr ; MemberShip Director. R:lc Dins. tu chin& l Ent~lish in Yvo nne lhnmann : Editor and Rosholt and Carol 1Madxn. a ll l:storiolA. Mary USHIIck; l'anhc ll mcdical technoloa;ist m ~t.diso.n . ~:~·:so~ia~r:~or1~~ir':f~r~:~~~~~~: MAIN STREET CAFE J".' r(OIIII~Il<'n Nank' d to !wad the unit u rUJOr "'' U Karl J. l·ucbo n,so n of Dt. ~ml Mrs. J . R. bid.son , 7 18 L1nwood ,\ ,·~ .• Stncn•l\linl Oth~u t••omot~d wcr( : K ~n nc th &U.,r, ~'!33 Stanley Sc .. Su·vrns l'o1nt. ~nd Robel! llooll, ..on of Mr. ~nd Mr s. Robel! J. llootl, Ka11l.:auru , Slg•a lpslloo J im l' islk·r. J ohn Shff and [)a,·c Gruno: how haw •~ t urned In campus and r cjoin~d ! he <'il3fii CI N~w officers fur t hi ssrm~St<'r Six Receive Promotions With ROTC ~~ 1\'~l l "'~rc Chute and ;::r;c!~~~t~c~;·i~y ~~~ .knowi~i ~~~~:~cShe~~ 1 nKay1 ~~~~~~.= _ _ __:__ ____;__ _ _ __:__,- .- PL~ns ~ rc ~ISO in dfr(l fo r the annual Co ffe~ How on l'cb. H. Also on the agenda was !he annual l'a nhrlknic forn~ l . This )'car lt wi ll b<' hdJ at !he ll o lidoy Ln nonl\prili iJ. As a money m ok i n~ proj~ct Delta Slg11a Phi ~~~~~:;1:~::~· 1~~~;~;i~~~~:~~t~~~ ~~.~~~~~:. ~~~11.: yr~:,s~~~ .:~~~r~r Tninu a nd Ka 1cn KoS$. Quarh ·rly K('!)IC!il'ntati•·e. hnuot)' J(nduatcs indu..t•·•l Lob Wood anJ Ginn y Small. l'nd i>:1' tea<'hi!l1; lhi5 so.·n~<·~lcr Sprina Rush rules were votttJ on at t he fir st mc<'tin& or thO' 5enJr:stcr. Plans were also made rn oh ow" nlm Of) Frb. 18to Srondlng, Richord Rogers ID~tetlor of Forensia), John Amen!, Dean Zimmerman, Don Skoleckl, Mo•k Dinmo n, Ovone Wun sch, ond Mr. Fronk AlusOw. \ The Sing·A·Long Every Saturday PIZZA HUT DELIVERY SERVICE Hon Your Pi u a Delivu•d Piping Hot P hone 341·2100 FOl SPE EDY DELIVERY D•L iv•ry" p .m. Da lly Plua Smorgasbord- Tt.ruday 5 p .m.-8 p .m. ~- Big Daddy's · ~~ Saloo11 [?; eo,J•Wt:Jd• Throwg.h lb. P• anut Sh•lls L---~----------~~------------~--~~~~ ~~:~:::~~~~;:~i~1:2,:~~!:~i~~~7.~:~:~r:,~~~~ ~;~;:~;::::.:~,::~:~:.2~:~~~~~~£:::::~~ . ::·~:~:n~: ~;r:i::;~a~:·~~~;~:~:~~~r~:~~~~:~:~ ~S:. ~[;· ,::;:k ~ith =~~~!d~~~!~ ?1 !9 a.m,..to 4 ~.m., ~ piOI!f:IILIJ. Ill ffl'ltc rn o ffiCU tflinfll& ~ur~:1 f inct~;.,.~~... 9 ;i~· 1 ~ 114 P·~·· The Ra ilroa d Retirt m•ol OJ>por c unic icswitli th isf<'dc r 3 J age ncy~aJOIS intereste d in ~cr an f~~';~!;;,t the r Laec: mtnt Centtt, 0S6 M•in , today and li&n upf« Fri!ru.~rv6. 1 969 .... , THE PO INTER Soccer Club Poinfers. Trounce Has Meeting · Indians, 82-56 On · Finances I I Br. O..-rCrthort nu, ,;. FJ' J j:<"'.t time uf th•· fwt t>.:for.• ~>• 1'"'1'"1'~'•"" ~::;::.~::~ . :~~:.~.~;~:~:~:r;:.r~:r.:: tlut noornt,·r Nss ~·du ~!mow ,, f ~!';:··;•;," \::-:.,,,: :·~~~~~~~·~~4r~uuc~ ~··u "~h· lu.-1,;)' ;~::..~~.;;.~ttl\)11~ r.~·. •• If 3 ""'~ "int~r <'llOL!lh lo t~ri~g :;~•.r ~~~.\ •'''~nilljt. . 1\·rhJI'S Juri!~~\ th is .,..,. r m s ::::•:t•::;·n~·~~. )'~~~itt:~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~l•k,l j 'O U l<l do> ~~~ tho$1.' Wh..tt llrr.l o f shJi>r:lsi t ,,·• lh··~· •'01.1 "·int.•r n~tus ar~ r h~ !><'>! t>ms•bk l im•· tu lo,}Ol; '"''' )om ~uns. ro<b. rc~l$. I•<>J h , IIIOt <liS and Qlllpin& ~~·lion will be mote th..:t.n USl' t he oil can nctd tO 3 de~u.a t e , :~:lllnr~~i i. jiUnS don't . If yoo must stn~· you r IU111i !n ~ lillk mo~ wor k i$ mmh·N . Fiut of aU, ckan t he <':!"'' · ~%~~ ~ro~~~~~r ;!~ze1 br:~ t•~t cll~s. and then run throUj:h 1 !:~t ch JWktd with 1un oil or '<~~i t h :·,~;:;~:::\~~ ~~~~~;,.•!:~i~~~ s~~: dangerouspr:~ctin-,anddOC"sno <' H'r ) t hm~ "ill be.' in tood :.::lur!l <lnk• fm tit..· ~'Omin& GUNS •'" ·~h·;J·;~··:l~)' ~~t:r~ i:siJ~:$1,'~ rhr> "J)' )'UU <':Ill ~hoc(l; it ove r ,·.,.rric ..· .IJ)'S and makesu~no r:::·. ~~,~ki,~e.~lo~~~~:~~::.;b: I>.J ttk oi j:Ood IJUn Oi l and I ·fiJnn.·l tJ)', ur ~ proJuct madr ~~":~~J~~~ •. ~~~~~~~~.purroo~. such "e•·klr ruhdo.,·n of ~lithe ··~ t.· rnal m.·tal parts. and a .~ ~}"~\::!1 a.;~~:~~~~ :.::~tsr~'fil:~~ Young lr you have to stOf~ your 1unsina h11mid place. such as a b~wn1-1:n l. tal;r the time to loot them ove r ever)' frw ,.·ceks and )"011:11 •Nna tilt rhance'sof &e ttm& 1 rus.ly surprise nut October. But &uns arrn't all me tal. Buttsto(l;s and fo~-cnds n~d ~}~i;fh t h:~re b~oa~~·;:" ~i,i; srhco ne-treat<•d dotlls auilabl~ in spolli~~,& 100ds storu do a 1190" job of shining up and dowondrrs. If ,the wood on your older a.nns IS ~ettinJ ch~wed·u p and s..·r:~ t rtr.cd. you might fonsidcr remo\·in,theuUtingvarniJhor shdb ~ and rdin ish.in~ the $1o't with linwed oil.l\ nollfinishis more durable ~nd "'~tnt•roof than a fDcrory finish, ~ nd is ) h•· \'o ung M.q>ubli<.,.ns will oft~n ~>•· Iter lookina. All )'OU hui.J" th~u imt ge nc r~ l n~rcllng nc~d for this job is a bottlr of uf thr loi.'<'O ild :;r:m~R•·r Qll Fch. t h< t•cat~d lins.:ed o il made for II 111 tile Tunwr Koonr 1.1f th•· ~~::,~ 3 ~~i~~~~~· 5:t ndraroc r, i t~d -1GOP Will Meet :~:;;~,'~..; "Ill t>,· short uJ NEXT WEEK : PROTEC n NG ANI> I'REI'AIUNG TM' KLE FIS HI NG HALL-A-DAYS lly J udyB rotkina pr~unt i111Jyin1 the WATSO N HA LL contro•·enial visita tion polic)'. Their nuin concrrn is in K ttina The thcmt• for t he outdoor up I ('O iic)' $:1l~factory tO the Je,'Or:lt!On at Wat10n IIJII .,.as entircbod)'ofSmi t h. ''C hm.trnu ,\rou nd the Work!.'" lnduJnlinthcdccorations,.·r rc STE INER HA L L. t h~ Jr~"·ings uf f'O.'<lpk: in their natl>·e cmtuntcs. represen ting tlwlr •·arlous countri<'$. TlH: ( h ~i r men o f the outdoor der;mations ""'''Na ncy Go r!oki ~nd Bath 1\ yd~.~~~ fh r "'IIU>CtS ofWa t wn H a ll' ~ 0.:~1.·,\·l>oor were : ht placr·l Wt ~ l "0 ltttk: Town of Wcdsc"·ood Wt•t.'' 2nd placr·l :O.:onh "Winte r Wondcrbnd." ami honorable mcnlion-4 East "Cit )' SKI~w;~.lks.'' The winner$ " ' el<' anno un crJ durilljt. a rcccpt ion for puen t ~ and friends Sund~) . [)~{ember IS . The J l.lda;~~ of wing decorations wcr~ ~tr. Jim Ru ~co, director of Smllh ·lbll ~nd Mr . rau!Ben·Zvi oftlw t\ 11 Ocp;u t mr.•n t, WlUOn lbll i~ proud of its A.B.C. t•·arn : Sluron l'olkcllo, l etr)· Sch••id. l'am l.llcas.anJ ~~ ~rr Frt~h . The !(3tu'~ reco rd ,.;, fuc' ~"in~and 31o~s. NEA L E HALL .. good t hat ! Qnxe. Ano ttw:,r t hing to avoid isttM, shctplokin·linrdaun cax. lt may be "-"tltnsive~ndlook l uxurlo~o~s but lhr wool will attr:~ct and ho ld r~10isl ure like a spon&r, tnd P I ~Vule a Ut h u SOU)' erwtronntentforyourglln, :::~1:~f~t ~f ~~~~~· .:anxd...~h l'np,~~~~ ~~~~~·.~~~:.: ~~~~~indin~ ~~~:u~ 03~~ ~i~~~~·::r~~ :·t~~~~:~h~ ~ ntcredonthcspcndinaofcl ub money for rquipment. Th~ dub R11stcproofe." lfr Oulikc,you ca nco;rttho bore, actlonandutttior mrta l a light coat or 1ood 111 n gre~a·, but th is is not m•.;.,5SOiry A lt~.ht oilingwilldo t hrjob. no: not plu1 t tM, bJfTtl wit h :1 waJded.up patch or rag , It 's a r im•~ ::::~.:~:.r•.• ~,··f~ ~·.il~n~r~~~~l' )'t~~: - ~nd 1 JOOd roowder solv~nt . Dry II up with two or t hrrr fbnntl The p layers of thr WSU - Sttvrns Point Soeeer Cl11b met"':hundsy nigh t ,Jan.30,for a busmeu mec tina at tile home of Co~e h Georar Po r t e~. Dise~o~ ssion at the meetina THE. LOOKS ON THESE TWO COEDS ' FA CES reflect just who they were rooting for tn Saturdoy' s dosh for firU ploce ir"l the Wisconsin Stole Un iveliity Conference ~~een the Pointe" and Stou t. Although the Po in te rs come Or"l with o 1trong f•nosh ther were st illrwo points behind, 73·71 otthe finol bozzer. !Dennis Bush Photo I Vets Select Dave Kozub As President Lut tlw HO WSU nrwuffk,•nfortlu· two wmesl~rl. l' lnal<·d to Thur~h y V••t.s•·l,·rt~J n~x t ~~v::~~,~~;~~~~~·r:~£~:~~~;~:·£ ~~:~so:,~ s;,~;:~~:.~-o/~rn~~~i~ Jo hn Dunham. IJ~vc Kotub n·cdv,·d the wvct~d ~nnual Foo t ,\,.·ani and Mon H~bht(h 11cas l'"'scn ted ,.·ith a High ..-~)' S;,fr t)' ,\,.·ar.l. l'h~T~ will be a m~•·tr~ lhli Thurs.IJ)" ~ ~Ann l yons (lt ur·~ lbrl. :1~0 Ulvl!ilon at 7: 15pm All WSU Vctsw ith W.\or nlllr,·monthsof ~clive duly a ..· wdcou~r . Semester tlu•·s arc SS . Rdr~~hme nt s asnsuJJ. I' lanswrll lht•Wint~r l'amr.-al. be nraJr for we~rri~rs Ht roincofthe Wuk Dems AHack Gov. Knowles For Crisis ~ ~~ eHcntive boar\! of the WSU..Stcven~ !'oin t Youlli n .·mocrats on Tm'lil.lay. hn . !8, a rnolu1ron ..-u inttodu.:ed and pa»r.'\1 .,·hidt condcmneJ C.oHTOOt Wa11rn 1'. Knowle s for th•· CUIICnr S l~le bud~;ct d<•ficit. Uurin' nw~tirr~ p!Jns to purehase siJr:ttcn new aamcje rsey5,1tvttalpmr1Nlls ~~WI uide monrr for reftt~s· fceforhomcpmc:s.. The players at prcwnt Ire focusint their aucntion on t~ upcomint sprina wuon. lut yur t heclubdimaxediu sprin& sluo n by dcfu t in& t he BucQncersof Marinette to win the First Annual t.hrineu~ Sprin& l nvitationatrt: =• Tournament. The club ted a l·l winning rrCOld last prina. losinr,onlytoSt.Norbe u . Coach Portcsi is $1ttHi nc t he ncetl for QOnditio nin& and has his plarcn&cttin&thern5elvesin shape, All roositionson the club will be up for cnrbs as this is hope:tltoa tt ra ct rnorcinterutrd prople. Coaeh Portesi will hold tryouts for the various playing positions hopcfu,j l)' lhe ftrst wcrk in April dcpcndilli on the for the 1969 ~~~:uon wh~her!:~~em!:i ~~b ~~~~ ~r~.,!siJ~~~~~: ~"~":/yta!n~ ~~d~~: ~~i:Ow"a~ btcauscofsno w. 1 ~ 11~J ·~'!; Schwalcnbcr&. business ~~~~·.~;:~~~~;s:~~~;nd Stankr , - - . - -- - - - - -- - - - - - l st A_nni ver sar y Special . Wednesday & T hursday, Feb. 5·6 By Tim WSU - Strvens !'oint rolled onr WSU - La CrOS$C in a 'onfcrrncebasketlNII'arneat ~:~~~~~~~u sr last Wednesday, The Pointers never trai led in the rontest and wr~ in firm eo nt rolthrou1hout mosl ofthr vuyloosrlyplayedrontcst , The win pn ttr.c Pointers:~. 7- 1 confcrrn.;e mark and finishnl the first confere nce round of play. Point impron'tl thrlr over:~ ll rnuk io 12·3. La Cro* is now l·S in the WSUC tnd S..Soverall, Both teams werr 111ilty of many turno~cn. with La Cro= havilll241ndStcvrns Point17, ~bn)' miKuei resulted from bad passes on fast breaks as the tempO of the pme was fut and wide open, run·and ·dtoot basltetlNU. The Pointe!$ jumped o ff to tile 1cad,19· 10.in t he early &Oinl and &n>duaJI)' ineruscd their martinlhrou&hollt lheflut half , lar&rlY on the inspired played of wnior &uard RuliS DcFauw . Defauw llad several ll.c h The r~ sl o f the game was a loowlr played dfair by both sidu.with the l'ointcnstndil)' increasing their mJfllin and turnin g the contest Into 1 rout. The final nl3rgin of victory was 26poinu, 82·S6. Dd'11 uw led t he Point en balancfd scoring att ack with 16 points, follo'<llcd by VanJenlleu.-.1 with IS, anJ llu&hesand Krn Ritzenthaler wi t h 12 markcneach . · l'om Kitzen t halcr scored "only" nine rooinu, but h~ and br(l( hfr Krn did a nne job of 'on taining the lndian5 top lhr nt. Hafner, hold in& him to on lyl2points. Fr eshman Len Sullivan rnjored 1 ffnc sr:cond h~lf for LaCrosse and led thr: visi tors with I S points. llafnrr wa$ the only othe r lndi3n in double fi&utn , with 12, moRI)' on d~adly outside shoot in&. STE\ 'ESS rr sri'>'~CC nlcr Rob W at!'h al, PO ~'T ro ,... !I finc:dtivc-in la)'~o~psandalsoshot wrllfromtheouts.idc. ll eled t hr: Pointerattacl; with II points in the fust half. and got sttona s~o~ppon fro m Co-<:apuin Mikr ll uahes with 10 and Ken R l t ze nthal cr with 9 , AU~onfrrcncr Jod ll~fncr led La Crosse willl 8 points in thr half. The l'oinler& hdd 1 43-29 cdgcattloehalf. Turnov ers plasued th e Pointers in t hropenln& minu1cs of t he wcond half. and th~ Indians crr pt to within nine poinu. 48·39. with IS: JO left. The tables were soon t~o~rned oo ..·cvrr. and LaCrosse hut! it~ chan~s wi t h a nsh of turn o•·en while the PointCISI<' ItlcoJ down , Stevens !'oi nt outscored the Indians, 13·2 in th ene.\ t si minutc s to tak e over fir m con t rol of the co ntest , with Siron& prrfo • manc~ s by Co..Capuin Palmer Ck:mcnu; &ua!d Quinn Vandenllcuval.and ~ 7 4 TP t2 1: 1!1 12 o.o 2·2 o.o 8 3 2 0 2 2 enos~ FT Tr :~~:::~ .: . ::·.~· 3~ .... ~ ~~~~~n ::·::::..::::: ~ Yo11ng .................. 2 ~jie~•hl . ........... ~·:: g ~~"::.PNn···::.~·::· ·.~· ~ ~~~~vr"~. l·l 4·9 4 H~nnlnr ................ 0 Westpha l .... 1 Carberry ............ o Siewert ................ 0 MaUon .............. l llllfncr ...... t~ 0·0 3-6 0·0 Clemenllt lA 2·!1 .. : Totallt ................ 21 l!t J 2·4 ~:~ 12 ~ l·l T g ~:~ t~ ~~ ; I~ H·20 :.6 StCI'rns Poi nt .. L& Crnue ............... 29 27- ~6 T'o la l Fouta: La Croull 2l, Polnlll. Placement Opportunities f llblvary6, 1969 THE POINTER POINTERS BACK ~ IN RACE AS STOUT IS UPSET Pointers Rally To Nip Whitewater Blue Devils Stun Point, 73-71 Before An Overflow Crowd . By TlmLuell WSU..S to ut llrenathcncd its ho ld on the lead in the Wbcon1in St llc University Co nference; wi tlla 73·71 ~idory over WSU..Stevens Point bdorc an overflow crowd at the :v';~~ .o u se Ju t Sa tu rd a y The win lifted the: Blue De~ils reconl to9·1 in thcoonfere noe and 14·2 o~eraU willie tile" Pointers dropped ' to 7·2 and 12-4 marks ' Stout led almost all o f the pmc, but thc: co nt est wu ~cry clo1111 tluo!,Cho ut. The: Point en INI~&cd to tic thc: soore on •~enal occasions, but the only lead they had aU cvcnina wna 2· 1 edgeatthcoutsct . The Blue Derib, o n ' thc: otllcr hand, for the most part ~~f~ns! dt~~ratcpafJic of~ hand10mely on many occuions u their sll:up pusinJ found open me n unde r thcbukc t. TIIe w suc·. kadin& and rebounder, 6·7 Mel Cok:man, ~<:orer a nd fonnrd C. l Glover were cSpeciaUyerfcoiveinclose. Stout jumped to the lead ear lyinthecon tu t and too k adnnlaif of cold shooting on the part of Stevens Po int to pin 'J.6-.6edpwi tll tllepmc:only si minutes old. The Blue Devib aintainedludsoffromfiveto eiJIIt points for mo51 of tile fint llatf before Quinn Vandenlleunt led a raUy that put tile Pointru back in the: baU pme. A Tom Ritzen thaler free t hrow tied the> scoreat 28wlth 4:301cft. It was lied apin at J2 ~u bcfO<c Glove r :111d Colema n nell S<:Orcd for Stout In the nnal minu t e . Vand en ll c u n l c-ountered fo1 t~" l'oint witll ~ ba.stet and Stout took a J6-34 lead into the locker room at the half. toJiveupllndathrcepointplay by 1\udlcl lind 1 b~~el off a !itcal by Vandcn ll euval cut the Stout lead to o nl y7 1-.69with 30 sccondsk:ft. Tile Pointers were (orccd •to fo ul. bowe~er : and . with nin~ se.:onds left , lliU ll ei d~r11an sank a pair of frcc throws left to clinch the win for Sto ut. Husllcs 5an k a layup unmolcst l-d at the :,~~~'· Jiving th~ finlll 7J.7 1 Glover and Colema n paced Slout wllh 22 and 21 points, respcdivrly , butthc bi~; surprise wu Ebsen wbo added 16 markers. lie had sroredjus tt Yo'q points in thl: e:u tiu mect lns betwee n tllr t ~~ms. ll ddeman was held to o nly S points. Vandcn lkuval kd l'ointcr Korrn with 17 pOints. ll ughu had l4 pointsandl4 1cboundi... ReKrvc ce nt er Rob We stphal waspcrhaps t hcbr!ahtcst spo t for the l'oint~rs 15 he eollcctcd 13 polnu while KdnJ: only limit ed duty . --f I ·I THE Tlwrc was one major uplllll in lli&IIS<:hoo l ba$kc tb.IU action lut ,.·tchnd,and ..~aU tnoww ho tllatwu. Eitllom,alwaysamona c-o ntender! for tl"le $lite ch ampiocuhi p,bnt the po werful Eut Troy Troja ns on th cirhomcfloor. Witll thatinmind.hc:tcare tlliiwect's bi&oocs: 88;~:;o;~!7o. t~::,:·~~~~~ StevensPoint.81.Riwrfa lb69. Point Bowlers Win Four, lose Eight nn!~:d ~~~tr: 4~-;!:,d t~~ wc-c kcndofconfc<cnceao;tion. Tile Poin ters lolit \ 10'0 out of thu e to eac h; Pla ttevi lle UOos.w, Whi t eW;~tcr and Rive; I'ails. OhloSut~7 J, Wisc-onsin67 . Bu.rliniton7S,Eitbom60. .C\Iyton 8S,Sirc n S2. \\'aun~kcc74, Verona 58. ---'-'"_m _'_'·-"-""-"-'_'·-· --,--- -- - - su:~~' ~·~ E~~ooc':air;J(~~! . t ers In ACt •Ion ~~:~·~:- ',·n•·.~~":"'f::: POln · I Northern M~elll&an, ~· HAUS foiNT Thursday OF ~ the VIEW • Feb. 5, 12:30 p.m. .Two Members o£ the "Milwaukee Fourteen" Will Be Interviewed FABULOUS ONE-EYED JACKS lat.ct br ladter a.ot ~~~'"~' One lond in theMldw.st com pclifll teams in the lu,ue UCtoS!l',wllichllali iO"Onfor t~ Pointers a~ now 8·2! for lilt BASKETBALL·f tiday; Superior, II ERE, 8:00. S.turday; RiHr r eu. falls , HERE, 8:00. Dnc Voi&t and Gary Pin&r l lc~ the po inttts th is ,.utcnd SWIMMI NG·Friclay : Nor tllcm Michip n, HERE, 4:00. S.IW"dt y: w1tll 185 a~a11u. Pin.icl alliO TrilnJub.tatOsh.kosh.(Supcriorando.hk.osh.) ~~~ thc lli&hcst J pmc ll:lits w1tll a620. Lllrry Sited had thc WRESTLING·Frkily: Whitewa ttt , II ERE, 4:00. S. tunily; At Sloul. :::~b~:'~t:~ ~u~:'i n~~~ ~;~::r~~~~=:::.: & .. • PouR HERE , 7:30 p.m. ~!J~~:~eB:.!!~~aync lb ml;,; CABLE~ CHANNEL - a . -fv ____, ..__ _..;"..;"..;"".:.;;; "'; ___ _ _ • _,.._,_ .._'"--~--"-'_ohl_•_,.._,._,,.. MeMberships Stll A\'Ditoble JolntheOub ~AAAA