Wisconsin State ' University Stevens Point J' THE POINTER 8 Pages, No.6 SERIES VIII, VOL. 12 RHC Will ~pon~or Fourth Film Festival On Wfllnt$day )nd Thuuday fvrninp, Q(l , lJ an<J N . th~ Rnidrnt e lbll Co uncil (>I'~Knts Th<' Fo urth l ntnnational Film Muskie Will Visit Campus ·on Monday ~~~e u ri on symboW.m by Cu so n Dav id son, one of ArnniQ's bcsc film makers. Roundilll out thrfrSiivalaK r::!lu~.lo~:~::. .~'ki. d~.~~tiorit.f.~ !.R~ils Ai~er:~n R~..:'~·'·iob~ b~ silo" '" n ch nenin& in t he Wi$runsin Room o f the " 'ill Uniwn rl)' Centrr 31 8 p.m. at a f;Q$1 o f SO n :nts. F ntured t his year is K h> bu\:o,.·~ki 's film "h m!c" " 'hkh !Qs ,.·o n n.·ry topa,..,rd for film makinB I ~tthe United Stat.-~ hu 10 o ffn fo1 jan David Thomn whOK film "Ria Iro n" was a bi& h.it In 1 past fntiv~l. is a film about t he old Nar row Gace R1ilroads In Senttor Edmund Muskic, D emo~ rat i e p1 r1y vit:C1'reddentill runnin& male Wilh Hubert H. Humpluey, wiU s pea k o n Friday mornin&, 1ccord.ina to Prelident L« Dreyfus. Mus.kie, ·a Democrat from Mtlne , wiU speak 11 !he fieklhouaeon Frid.ayat i0:4 S a .m. with President Dreyfus introdudn& llimlo t he audiencc. Amrric.a. "Siknt Snow- Sen d Snow" is ~St'd o n a Conrad Aike n s tor y about a scllilophrcnic boy in a "-orld 111.11 iS ioo l:l~. ~E~~;:~~~.i:~t~~;~~;?r~! rus~~!! ~~~~::~~f~~d!;: ~~ civil ,.-~, bcfri~nds a dru mmu·OO)' ,.-ho wound~d enemy soi.Jin . Ot h~• f1lm~ 1ndud~ '"Happy Annivc1Ury'' a Frcnd1 f.,c,· about the probk ms o f shoppiA~; in ~n o vcrnowdcd cily. and ''The Stnn; 8c~n. ·· a Fr~nch ftlm about an old "·on1an who .. Benjamin Junior Hi:gl'l School hc!"C' in to,.-n_ Because of !he high qualily and popul~rily of the fe~linl. ltuidencc IIJH Co uncil tl;.s asked him to put on anothe1 feslinl proanm. All l be fdms thllarc lobo:sec:narcnew 10 !hi ful ival u ccpl ,''h mie'". The proje~lionist a&ain this ~~~ : : : r:~~~on~ln~c~di!~:~ ?o~~~~;sllisb~re~!~d ~:~nk':. His wife is expected to acc:ompany him on his visit to Stcv~ns Point. ~~~ns :~rn,e:_is~r..~cr~h~n ~o~!i~ ~!~ ~-;n,~ ~f~: · f~~~~c·;,~~ r': he1 ,.·indow bo.\, '"You . . is an e.\pf rimental HungarUn jfllnl about love. " I kip! My Snow,m an il)'er l bll I) the official Oo.:.t tomp.-lition. Tiley " cre o•·e rall ,.-I n n•· • i n th<' follo""f d hy SiJnl~ l'h1 l· p~>~lon llomccuminJ! IO(nnpetition held in KCOIIIl plu ,• and lklta S1~m~ l'hiinthird. lut,.·cct. ~nit lbll n ptu1cd fin.t In t he WOill•' n"s dins1011 of placc in t he t;l.;i/ con1p~t it ion. floot compcl ition, ll)'t r pl~~e.J llyer pla~c.J lo<'<'Ond ""llh peltell first. ""il h t>o.-IU l.r1~ inKcond place a nd Walson llall in third takina t hird. In !he hooten<lnny. B.lld..·in place. G~mcs competition $.1W took finl . Sltma T1u 9 arnn•a Siama l'lli Epsilon ~pturr nrst SC"oondandSchmccckletliird. in t ~ whrclb.uro w racr. l'hi Tau Ka pp,a l:p~i\on placfd Si&ma l:psilon took Kcond and fir~/ in the men,\' d ivi!.ion of the Delta Si&rna l'hiplacrd t hird. l nthefour•l(l!ledrace. Dclll Siam~ l'lli won the- II « with UAB Accepts Homecoming Applications Tllr Uni\'(l~ity :~~~~an~htn;~J/~~in1 ~11i~~"d Alpha Si&ma Alpha LOIS WOO D •eig ned ove r the homecomh'lg octiv· Ilies he ld lost weekend a s t he I 96B homecoming queen. !Photo by J1m P1ersonJ place withAipha l'lliinthird. Compel ition in !hr pyramid 8 y Paulhn ty ~~3a~oo~r;~-~~~~~;~~!ft~f.:~:.~ of fiut mcetina o f t he bannina of !he ) 'U I' lour IHI SI>S :~~~!~r~~ ,~~~~:~~~,e~~~~-~ ~~:~~~~.i:~-sinr:;h:::~~t~· ~~~ ~;~t~];~i;:!~e1n~J~; J!i~!~Ja~ Va usc n . 2 0 1 l' rentice Apartme nn, 344-SS97. The ;ewlution ! lUes !hat ,;studen!S arc cnli!k:d to / h( t~&::~~;·~~~~:a£:ic:1~~:J~; ad:~. u~:~i~tcr_~,~~";,u~~.~ to t urn 1n apphcat1o i\S UllY bcuu~ t his )'e;;u 's homecomin~: commillce~ 11r in I he process of na l ult i nJ 1nd will begin ~~~~~c%~~ing~ o r IIU I I ycu·~ Theatre Performs UA B Serres ~~:£i~:inof s.'t p t d 3 0 s ·p 0 n e t~i:~~~- !~ndda"!~~~~iarti~~~- o!n~!"-~~~ The- UAB Arl ist in Residence Series has been postponed until 0<.:1. 29, instead of Oct. 22as rnolulion further citu " l' ugene R. Mc Ph ee's interpreUiion oonJi it utrs preJUdlmcnt." It ~i t cs M c P he e's the student 'fhe U~B Artist in Rnident<' Se11es ""Ill future !he Russ Konicoff h u Sex1c1. ruponsibili!y o~ the: presidents. facullics and students of t he Wi!consin Sute Univenitiu." :c~tv~~:o,~~:~a:.n l~t:rr.~~':.'~~~io~fs~h;(:l:t~~d 'Antigone' ;..:;;."~·:;:;;.....:::._, AI o n e of the fo ur pcrfo r man ccs o f I h e ~~~;~~~··en~ r~~~~~ c ~r~~crsi!~ "AntQone" this weet,l a judJe for l he Ame rican Culleae Tbeall~ Fe~tival will bo: prcliCnl. '"Anticone" isoneo(tlle 192 ' entrin in the Ameriul!. Colkae Thntrc Fcslival, a na~1on-widc ... T here fore, tile resolution Ooor stalin& thmr '"SDS is the urcn !he Rc&f niS to rcKind niO!IdeiiiOCTal ic l hin& ]bcionK resoluti o n 1 161 a nd i u to." lie al-ked his colln&ues .::onso.-quent in terpretation by what if wr ,.·ere auoci;~oted with ~l cl'h~e and further urau IlK' the national St>S. The so~allod Board 10 restore '"full and ·-,..eb o r eonspirae~" bet ween propc:rrnponsibilit yforS!udfnt v~rious chap/ell of SllS to affa irs 10 the p r ciidents, o•·rrlllrow theaovcrnmont is not b culhu ondbt udcnts. uue,s:rid Luu. Morriw n, ~fter he f1ni5hc-d 1\r ciled su~h popular cuucnl rcadina t he rnolut ion S!ated !hc periodicals u Newsweek and t>topouL wn '"in hllrmony witll Look bo:causc t hey have nut th~ Unit~d Statcf Constit ution" condemnedSDS. a nd is "a s hl emenl of ' Lulz noted the incrnKd principle," militancy lincc !he 8oDrd of AI Abbott , member of ttK- Recenu hn $.lid we do nor lite Ioc~l chapin o f the American yourldns. lleltlledSI)Swas Anoci uion of Un iveu.ll y tllr own o fr Cl hi (' UI f o r Professors. asbd for a minor hlcolo&fealrnsons. e d itori a l c hn1c t o ! he lie Aid he would Ju,J t he reso l ut ion prescnted b)' ume fi&ht for the You111 .\ lorrisonwllichhercceivrd. Americ1n1 f or Fre ed om. In diKuuion which followed, American Nazi hr!y or !he ma n~ pointswcrr brOUKhlto !he Yo on'J Republ icans. Lut z fore. pointedoutllllt !ht pu!geof John Gach !old hb facult y 1den can star! u any time. collu1ues that il was hard for him lo bclic>'c it (SDS) isjusta di$$Cnt lngcroup. Robert Zeiger noted thai rnany SI)S clupte" arc not violent or disrupt ive. 7.c(&cr furt her norcd the Rc&cnls' resolut ion wu ill drawn and drafted which, indfect; hc sald lhCRfJtni$OOU!dbanaviolent The ~ffee house Is returnit~~! Yo unaDernocrat aroup. Thcc:offcehou5e, whichdrcw William Lutz, the advisor to pad.ed houses at ils last theba nnedc.roup,ro~~e lo the one-week 1/and , will be :=;:~te~~m~t~~~~nuni~eri:~)' =-~~~ St udentScnlle dceided ]aSI Thur$<11)' lo have the prc:Knt stru c lu re o f th e Student D i sc i p linary Appe l ht e Committe.: re-cumincd in the li.Jht of 1 recent lloard of N~:th:,r: m l;!!: u:i~~1~'~- :;: Kalb. to prcJt>nt !he 1111~. T ile wlnnln&P•odut"tion l hcfl= will be performed in W•llin&a,on . D.C. Sopl'locles' "Anl i&ope'" will opc:n Wednesdaycven' & inlhe university audilorium a nd will c ontinue 1hro1111h 1turd1y evcnlr?. Perform1nttl Url a t 8 Ret~entsSiudy. 1 :·:t,~ pl~~cti'\~~c~!!~ ~e"f!~~·-J~':" ::~~a~~h! CO!Iumc:lkliper isK~hrynJ. Gibb. They bot h joinrd t he WSU . rau. dl1 ml deputment lbrblnWuyts,astudent , isthc assbuntdirector. ! the~ ~t~ "~~1::Ci , !fj t yu n tf's de t ree, 1 bcin& poU11yrd by Bart. Blakey. !oink Nl · Creon, t he Tidr.eu are box office k>u floor o f the adj.lccnttolhe n , P'IOCfSSING A THIEE--fOOT· HIGH pile o f Selective Service forms for d roit oged students ot Wis-con1in Stole University-Steven• Point II keeping R113lslro r Gilbert Foust and h is staff bus~. The forms Yetlfy for la<ol droit boards t hot nearly 4,000 men ot Stev· ens point ore full-time stvdenlt. and role deferments, (John l intner Photol W11liam Clemr nuaskcd whether or not t he to.:a!SUScrou,, ,.·n associated ,.-,lh t he national otpni( otion. butLult e.\plalnrd thatil was nor . Elwin Sigmund poinlcd out t he local orpni1a1ion " cnt lhiOU(hl hc tiiOJICiprocedures to be rn v1nited aJ a student org;~ni1.~tion. llc olso noted the local group did nothinK in violation o f uni\"(!i)l~ policies. Richa•t.l Face $.lid If ! he ResrnubanSUS for violen«or disruptive ta ~l ies then IIIey should also ban Nccrocs un the s.ame &rounds. Finally. ~\'Oif "'u taken " ith 103 in i i'Pionl and21 aaainst. Dre y f us an nounce-d !he replace ment of Col. h ck Mowery will bo: Col. O' Keefe. Mowery wu forced to relin: after surgery ,.-~s perfom1ed on hishean. Performs In UAB Coffee House ret urnina 10 !he Gridiron in the UnivcrlityCcntcrnc:~t week. Don Crawford, a blues sinacr, will hcappearina in the Gridiron nl&hlly at 8on Mo nday t hrooah Sa tur day, Oct. 2 1·26. T he performan« is p111 of the UA8 sponsored c:offec house cir~uit which is brinalna professional aciS to Sievcnsl'ointand t he o t her stateuni•cn itioel. CrawfOI'd plays his own bran"d o f music in !lie blues heritage, 1cco mpanying llimsclf on a Friday, Oct. 18, the date of 12-m ina auitaror mouth harp. Who's Who in American Colleau lie sinp sonp of Tim \l~rdln , appli~tionsare to be re1urned. Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen. St-nlon whoare&nduatlna in and his own (hi$ latesl album hnuarywereaaainrcquesled to feuuresc:IJht of his ownsonp). !lis show bulinen e:areer attend one of !he two spc~ial Oc:tobcr mce tinp ~nc:crni111 tw,:pn at 8-yeat$-okl when he appeared in a ChineK Mandarin an~duatk>necrc:n10nlcs. Welf1re Commillee C~irman Drama presented by a NtJIO Vern Rebdc:il'l reported his Baptist Church in Bc:rktley, Cal., c:ommittce wu plannlnJ tpcci.al his home to wn . At 17, he was 1 bus fiddle holiday bosservic:c an~soonwlll investipte Grld.lron food. r.-Kts. and classical mullcmajor atSan President S~hillin& a rd no Frapcisc:oSiate Collqt wherche reSpOnae hu been recciYed in alsO playrd in the Symphonic rcply to the recent Senale Bind, the Orehestn and the reso luti on deman d.in & Strina Orcheslfl, Earnil'l& his cxpla11111ton of the loe~l SDS way lhrOU&h tchool. he played jau and s.anafolk alniloht. aroupbannin&. WSUS-FM announced Senate In his euly twentiel he look hid b«n allotc:d one-half hour journalism ll !krktley lndwenl per wcc:kofair time. Sentlors 10 ldinJ school in Los An&elcs. lie hasad ed o n 111&1=, ndio will 1tlo bccln 1 column in t he and television 1nd 1bo worked POINTER. u allist1nl editor of Toronto eo'!~ 1J:!:~!~U~P ~~~::: Life Mapline before relurnln& appo!ntmc:ntl of penohl to to thcenttrtainmcnt circuit. attend. UC Gcncnl Aacmbly at Pur~ie 'O~t,~r:!~",ru~'i : WSU·EiuCialreinNoYember. Sen1t c will meet 1pi11 San F11ncis.co and thc Biller tonlahllt6:30p.m. in t he Van End inNew York. Hille. Room of the University There Is 110 1dmimon ch.arJe for the performances. Center. Senate Will Review Appellate Committee which includes t he Unil en.it yof Wis consin, Madison , the Univer~ty of WisoonsiJI, Green Bay, and WSU- E111_Claire, t he • I I I 0 Faculty Asks Regents To Rescind SDS Ban 1 ~~;lo::; b: hthe f~:.-~er.:~~ !ru~::~t: 1.~1~r~~~~~ ~~~~0~ llc~ inKcondand AlpllaPhi in l hiJCI. 3 16 1 which deals with t he Acl ivitirs P e column whi~ll 1ppeau ln many papcnacrossthecountry . lie has numcr0<1s friends in central Wbconsin beeauK his !idc:linci!aflrrninaand dair)' o peration which is under his ~~~ln~"a;r,a:m:::,•p ~~~ ~:l.'i~ .. and aUcndingcanlc: auctions. Pur$0n go! his ilart l i a columnist. Jlls anonymous book '"Wu hlngton Mury-Go-Round'" created a stir in the nation's capital. II was paehd with in~de sloric:l !old on politicians and mcmbo:n of JOClct y. When t he aut horsof rllebook,. ere rcvcaledtobc:Dre wPcarsonand Robnt S. Allen. Alk n wu t!a~lgfa~;.':a~o;~~ :~~·~~~! "'"hollavcb«nfound auilt yof «rtainvioluionsoftheS!udcnt Conduct Code, It is composed of five students, appointed by the Senate president with appronl by lhc St-nlle,andfiw: fat;Ulty men1bcn . Senat e Presid e nt P1u l Schilli111 mcnlioncd a stud)' conduded for t he Re&ents .by Mr. Will&frl , 1 former Stile Supreme: Court Justice. The recommendation~ of !his $1ud~ lndude ltrudure•ndproceduru o f 1ppeUatebofords. Tbe 5Uii11&' o f Bev Geo11e II freshman lthltOI' 1nd atandin& committee reporu c:onstltuted m~ portion~ of the Senale meet in&. AWS ~nator Sheny Fil'lney, clllirman of Ac.ademic Affal:n Committee:, rcmiDded Scnlon of one of the most popular fia ures in the natio n;al prelidcnlial u mp,aign, !l is hlh e: , a Po l ish immigrant, ~~euled in Maine aboutlhe turn of tlle ccnlury. which ende.J McCarthy's power andrrntise. ' More rc.cntly, 1-'u rson and his auodatc Jack Andenon brought on th e Sena le invellittation of Sen, Thomu Dodd o r Connecticut , and the 1\ouSC' " tion againSI Rep . Adam Clil~ton Powell of lb rlem. by sharp sericsofdeu ilcd u poscs o( their frcc-whcdinK ahuKsof official priv1k 1u for pnwnal bcndi1. l\e al$0wUthe fltst rrponcr ~!p::::tog~;~ r~cb!i~ Mrrr)'·GO· Itound" "u ~i~!~~J·ui;. i~~:·~h:Ti~:~n;~·~ DIe w n;~;tionaUy-syndic:nednewlplper columnist who $.I)'S he dues print 1nd braadeast what othet$ Mre too timid to to uch , "'" speak about tile presidential c1rnpaign and other · current Muskic's appeilllncc is being politieal issuu. Monday nJaht , sponsored by members of the Oct. 2 1. in !he fieldhou~~e a! WSU Polllh:al S cience Wisconsin State UnivenityAuoc:btion headed by Nat Stevens Polnl . Th~ 8 p.m. procram will be K1wabmi of \Iawa ll. Thc p oup JpOniOfed appe1r1ncn nrlier sponsored by t he WSU Arts and this yur by llubo:rtllumphre~. Lect ures Series. Tlct eu are on E111ene Mc:Culhy and Rkhllld. ule at the Universil y Cen ter Nikon . Poli t ic al sdc nce Information desk and will be dep,ar t ment chlirm1n S. Joseph available at the door. Th e 7 0 ·ynr·old vett ran Woodkl 1nd Muk Cates, auoo:i.ation ad•isor, are usistina n e wsman wr~!C s " Th e in tbearraQ~;cmcnts. Washin&to n Merry-Go- Round" via presklcntialeandid.lle when ~m~rrivnlllhc:airporllt9: 4S Hy;;·'it'~ii ·i);·~l,ared Un ited Sut n Se nat e in Washinglon, D.C. for two tums. The SC"nator from M1 inc is a 1939 &ndul!e of !he Co rnell Law SchooL The preu has n ted Mu.skieas Columnist·Drew Pearson Set For Monday Campus Talk President Dreyfus1nd Mayor Norman Mcshak wiU IJUt !he offer to !he c:ampus adult films !hal rcpr~ntalleffonsoffilm m3kina indudina drama. romic Homeco~ing Winner I Mu sk ie wu the • fi n! Dcmocrallc pernor elected in modern limes in the $late of M1inc. AI &OvernOI', the Maine Oemoaat sernd for '"'o ter ms and. wu later elected 10 the leU 10 l'ca•son'sfirin& b~tlle~ ~hrouAh this l'ur$0n·Aik n p111nenhip, however, bo:aan 11 new c:ra in journalism. The two men , both without jobs. teamed ~~.~~';~110: r ~t1eeu)'Z-Ko~~i~r, column, whichhatbo:c:nwhillinl In the nation's nc ..-spapl' r~ since Ike. 13, 193 2. Bob ,\lk.-n later bowe.J out and Purson for years wu t he$0leauth01oft tKoolumn. !.'inall)' Jack Anderwn camc in as t he junior panncr. l'earson prides himself on nepping onnlorc: locs andbo:inJ involved in more conl rO\'eltiC"S t h a n proba bly a ny ot her reportcrin o urenti:e historr. lle !eptdS i he job ofaWal-hiQ~;IOn repolltr as bo:in1 l hat of ~~:;chn~~o~~a'theu-i'~~~~:~:t~d~ scncrally occur most in tllf parr y in power, lli1 biuost "c:~poSC"s" have .,:nerally hu IlK' pohtici;~;ntin powrr. As a rc:!ul! o f many of hii expOS.:$, ho,.·e~c:r , numerous members of Co ngress and olhcr o fficeholden --nat ional. "at~ and local--were removed from offiC<', and i n iO nll'caKs~ntt o jail. indudinJ a ~0\·crnor of Louisian1. One of hislw!t lnown slndr cu~s wnarunnins bat t ko•·(ra P"rio<i of years with lhl' late Sen. J os~p h McCall hY of Wisconsin. " 'lllch culminated in a Se11.1tc hcatinJ into chara~s ~1ainSI McC~rlh)·. and finally ~ vote of « nsurc by t he- s.mat r DltEW PEARSON " ho consiil t ntl)' o•·cr a pc~iod of )'c~n >h0"(d ho"· t he Umlrd St~t~~ was L~ina •roun~ to Rll>'\la in t he dntlopment of nrw'" ~r ""f a]IOn! , ll decline that w~s finally dr~•~~<~ tiHd "'hen Ruuia laun,:hcd l he f11U u ll h satellite in 1 ~57 . ln 19S7 also, 1-'~~rson on a •·i~it to the Near Ea u pr e cisely rcport~d ~ " K rfllll i n tim e table "' f or rcvolu! ions 111 A.ab n;~o !lons that ,.-,•re to lcad t hC " 'orldto i iH.' hnnkof ,.~r in l'H8 . In •·arly l ? S9 , Just aftcrFidd Cutro il'ilcd powco 1M Cub~. J'c~1:00n made a s"in~ 3round i h<' Cauibo.-~n and came ba(~ to w~rn - ~ t a rune most ""t<'ls we n · h ai li ng F rd e l ~~ a hNo - that Ill! rtgirnc pOsed a ~r;.~, ~~.~"k~~~ a1 ~~~~~:i~ o ur ftonl yard. llr t~bbcJCamo a ! t h ~ " Nann o f th( Cu ibbnn," lind pn·dictet.l he wo uld II)' to orpnll( lhe o Hrthr o " of o ther L:uin Arncr i tlln aovcrnmcnts-- a pr ct.l"t wn that cam<" true shortl)· thc:rcaftcr. Point B lank 11~ Call 341- 1251 Ext, 235 lty Ed.Mark11nd Mikehe Wily arcn·r rhe homeco minaqunn 1nd her cour t t lfi.'ttd lillie t~o:ainninaofhomccoonintsotheye•nrtiin o•·er lht "'holc "'·uk? The ·~~~dit10r1<1l rn w n for t he late ck:ction •s that Ofllnilarions ~~.:Ons.oring candllla tn are not orpni~edsoon enO\IIIh. lt 11kn about two ,.·eekJ 10 proce.:s the q ud:n piciUICS ~nd ot her ad.-ell is/"1 materiaL. If lhe elcction"-as mo.-<dlo l hc. IH.'Jinnins of lhcweek. lhe oraaniulions would ~vc to tK-1in preparations a week ear lier. Robert 8u~oeh . propam ad•·i101 of t he Univc:!lit y Ccnl cr, staled thllt <1ucenckction coulllbc u rlkrif studcn!cotUCnsus,.·n infavor o f it. Co uld locked, aJ,aA display e~~..,s be buUtat t he urlo1.111 ctnun. 1nd buildinp, such as !he one In tht Clwroom Ccntcr. to prevent tlltllulinaof poste" l RoiUIId lbchet , of !he- Universit y Center. stated t hatalu:s dispby cases "'ould bo: epnsilkred in an)' future food 0 1' univenil)' « nter b tilit y. AI !his l ime: plans for an addition to the uni•crsit y 1re indcfinile , but , liauc:ascswill btconlidt red. l'bns for the remotklin&of the Allen Center d.onot include &!us ~SCI. The O..Bo! Center has a limited budget to work wilh, t hus, any •ddillonal costs wouldhl\-e lo fit into rheirbudp:t. Raymond. Sp..-cht, director of ca mpus plannihJ, stated that !he oos;t of t he &b K cases ,..., the limitin& f1etor. Tl\c New Fine: Ani Bulldina wUI h1vc.- a !W"ho lt to bo: used for posrers; bul not c ntl05Cd . • The c:orutruction of outdoor bulk tin boards it bcina eonsidcrcd when bulk!ins ~nstruction is compk:led and pedestrian ll'affic ,..,u be~::/e~:r.caseswould not be neccsu ry if people fwouksbe moreresponslblc- and coiMide111lf. ~ October 11 , 1968 T+iE POINTER Pogo2 Finds Apathy; Blames Na.tionc;JI Candidacies " Young blood doth not. obey an old decree." \ ··Shake•peare THE P ODIUM ----------------;======================., uinah~con umpua in rclltion and aeti witr Nit 'The Pointer'• tie with Superior at the homecoming pm& Saturday was more or lesa typical of aU of this year'1 homecoming. Homecoming was not really a auccesa and not really a failure. It was rteithe r good nor bad. Every~ thin g was aort of in-between. This i1 not to discredit a ny effort made by the people in charge of homecoming. The committees in most CUt!ll did excellent jobs.. But they were often burdened by working within a framb..-ork and direction that TM Point· ercritici:ted in !nat week's editorial. This week we would like to redefine our criticism and hope thtat the homecoming committees meeting in the ne1t two "·eekl to set-up preliminary plans for nen year take our comments into consideration. · Firtt, let WI either have two elections fo r homecoming queen, one to red\K'e the number to fi\·e candidates and one to elect the queen, or let the fmtemities alone nm candidates and hold only one eleetion. s~ndly, let us cut out the stupid point competition. Thirdly, let us have one big weekend of eveftt.a (minus hootenanny, lki~and games) inatead of a full week of activities. Let ua have the bonfire and queen assembly Thursday, the queen'• election and concert on Friday and the parade, game, alumni activitiee and dance on Satur- . Finally, Jet ua direct our eflorta toward acbool. unity not organizAtion competition. The Editorial Boord Gene Kemmeter Bill McMillen Poul Janty Laurie Leatherbury f(gjj ~ ·'"Jtk.pluHttl. Wdi S{)()ff, "Be JtUI.aikJ . A report in a recent issue of the Eau Claire etudent newspGper, The Spectator, diacloees that that univereity will in11tall telephone& in moat residence hall rooms for DCJ.t year. This "Centrex System" will 001t approximately $10 per phone per student per year. Whitewater State Univeraity is the only 1tate echool that now haa thia system. Stevens Point ia now also slated to receive telephone. in aU residence hall rooms by the fall of 1970. Details will be worked .out within the nut two weeb in meetinp with the telephone company and university officials. We applaud the long awaited end of wing telephonee and wonde r if installation of a room phone ayatem cou1d pos..-.ibly be started by next faU at least on a beginning TM Editorial Board Why did the Bo.rd of Regenu feel it necess¥y to eNnge t he n.t~me Wisconsin State Univeu.ity_-Steve!11 Point (and 111 the other nate ._miven.itinl to W~in State University System at Sttvens Point? And why did they chllnge Eugeno Mtf>hee•s title 11om Director ol the sUote university 5ystem to Eateutive Director of t he nate 5y5tem? The Pointer State 5ecms J;' Stat.l Unlvenity. SubaclipUon pliCCI- $5.00 per,...-. Qlaltatlon &300. Tllol f'OL,"TER otnce 1a 'r.k~!IU-1261. i:xi.W. lldltor-Gefle Kemme~r. loea.~ 1.n the Un.i¥Cntty Cmter. 1··~";~~~~~~~:2~~:~~~~':. ~ l:d.ilor-Bob Holden, Ut~ Wa..hl.qton "81., !1~·2321 AOVlSO& Kr. Dul HoWillaD. Woonnt.tlon hniCNo Ed. ~T Da.,. :11aunwu1. BW BmR. Jolul B~neman, Judy Bnlcklne", Cbar._ Sr~~Me. Bn'IP'ty s-Jn&", Dave Burton, Da\nla Buill, Q&rla. ~ IWuo ~ Wlke EV\1, IXnn.ila-t"e,FtedO~ eb1o, IMck OIIMid, J.lcl Olod~ Mtk• H&tpet", Jam9 Hot.er, J~r, Fted K&lilck, Blif"ban KI"IWI, Pl.ul Kui"OIId, BlckJ' B1nt J..oeWen. Ed Uuka. Seolt Martin, Oeorae Wecka, Jud.J' NIIDC)' -lAw. ~ Tom N~ u~ Pet.e.--. lolarylol.l Ren~.m.-tU, Mal)' Bcbotn}ebu, Don Slfrun!'. K\111 Slmp.tOn, BoouUe ltt.rlolt, u.. n.lacker. o-na w~ J Ka&J'CD w~~w~. ow..~ uncertain and uninspirin& I or ima&ination to the ~ ri0111 problems that faoethenauOf\ . In ll urnphl"ey's ca~. the SDS wouk! like to Pllblidy thank the Po111terand allthasoe. dupention of tho underdoa st ~~~ en_ts and 11111ient accounted fot part of hit poor orpnu.auons who have eorne to performance. Uncertain of his ~: al!~;e ~~J '';;'~ ""~~~[!:.!~ f.l'C:t~~ o.v:df:rc!st~~:~~c;f;:~ orpnlu tton but also porn! ?ut the need for more co-opcraho_n by all student croupr on this ~ampus w.hen such f11nd3mental JSSUcsarc mvolved. . Surely SDS's f"IJ.h t is now the fi&ilt of all stlldents--thc f"IJ.ht for student freedom t? run stlld~nt affairs. llut if we fdlow Ikmocnu, the Vice President stu mbles Of\ . Ni~on's campali n, on the Ol:he r hand, is dominated by the overcautious appr~chofa man determined to preserve a lone Jud by avoidin& errors. While 11 11 mphr ey reds p rruloiiSIY from one position to anothe r. wewtlllnumph. oftentakincnostandatall. !loth Nixon and ltumplu cy ' ::·;~'!',~" ':!'~~ ~or,~~~~or~~ L-----------------------------~ Venoeremos, Jamca A. Brakkcn Chairman,SDS Unhappy About Homecoming? Queen Assembly emotion 10"1S t he" frown on prosramcr'sfacesiJatorch·l~ht paralic fllfmtd for l oi5 outSide t hebu11dinc. Even chaoswouklhavead d~d a s park of lif e - - an Dear &.lito. : uncommitted. reaction. Or is it On Thuuday, Oct . 10 the acccptc.J that if you r candida te an nu a l Queen's Anembly isn'ta fin1list. why bothe r? Also , it would have adlied a proaram was held . Cone weR the chairs o n the n oor, the pea t deal and bun nite if the convention loo k, the packed. foo t ball team had appeared . blcadi~ rs and the clamor of Perhaps. the cheetkade rs cou ld pco~i~c "';:'~~~t:~lec:~~~·sat llavt'.n~ 'r:C~b~~~cr:~ on · the bleachers each wpant ted. by horrtccominc pn!es? of the But .. I ~~u~~eoft~'::!i~c'c"io~~·t: ~!: ~:~~~tc~~~c a·~~~~ ~ 0 a~r~~tnit! What is 10·rona: il that the five finalists wlected to run fOt" homecomlnc queen arc not the fiYc finalists the campus would have liked to sec runninc. What is even more wron1 is that the five finali1t1 arc not a fair representation of our school. The five finalilu 5hould have been 1 student choke, not a facultyoradminisualivc choke. r m ce rtain that the 1tuden11 would be: competent in makin11 ~:~fr~~ 0t~e h!'!:eco~~~~ sp~~~ but qu1te the CCln tr.uy -- Jt would unify it! the different andiliatn. J:ach thc olfinc. '· RobeM Youn1 cro11p llemo!Uif atcd• for t hesake Name Wirhhotld Upon Requ nr o t dcmonstratinc ami their cand idate . The ot her p01.1ps tolrrated the ot her demonstrations. The lkar Edit(N": question and antwcr session was I 10"ould, fint of all, like to not a time to eniuate but to thank evuyon-e involved wi th "c ut " the other canliida tcs. the put t10·o hom ecominp fOt" Mrs . F r leman·s pcr110nal n•akinc them so wonderful for commcnu. 110mctim n hesitant. failercdastheprocramdid . lkar J:ditor : In retlospcct. however. I As uch cro up waited f01 t heir candida t e to be When 1 la.r&e mll.iority o f wo uld like to offer two reintroduced before lcavin&, student s w~lk a~)' from Jhr s uccellions for fu tu re honi:N" cuards formeli to usher h omccomlnc bonflr~ homecominp. I t seems, from my the cirls out. By 1t he time Lois diq:usted -- Whotn banners arc Wood, alpha betically last, was han cina: protntina individual u.(X'ricnce. t h11 the fiv~ final rtintroducedonly her suppo rte rs fir"liJts - - When nume rous 'lu~n candid.atrs should be. remained and behind them was studentsareintheprocc:ssof choK n by a direct st ud ent anempt)'C)'m. pro tc s ti nc homecomini-- election. I lion'! really believe The on ly uncom milled Obvlously 110methinc is wron1! that the "help of 1 qualified panel of j11da:u" is necess-ary. The queen u lectlo n should be cntlrd yast udent choice. l atsofccl thattherc isan The Faculty Queen Selection Wa Ilace Platform . Shows Con f us •1on Br Fred Ginocchio ~vcral flcts bt0111ht out in a ~tl:~·.;68:"~.~:::;;~: ~: the f edera l bu reau of ::;::;ca~~r11 .,19~~:fo::bb~~~~~ ~::·'!':,:.:~ "·;r.:.~t::o::,.;o population) , 90'lo above the na tio nal aven.cc . Al•bama &150 diliwellln the ~U~~Yitedassault ca tecory. It rate Ju t year for each IOO.OOOpenonsw:u 18l.S. For the nation lSI whole is was 128.'' It is obvious that simple·mindc.d Ccorcc hu no 110iution fot"lawandordct." Hc e1nnot even IO I~e t he dilemml in hbstateof Al1bama. Alon1 this same line of law In eaencc _Gcorcc is A;Y in& 1nd o.det Ceorce de clares, ··we .t hat the sta te IS notaf11~ct tonal will not accept violence n the part of the whole. SO<:>ety or aiUWtr to any problem be it cou_n try , but .an Independent s oci al , economic or entity, which IS absurd . li e also wlf.Oe~elopcd . Anarchists and wanu to rdur~ t he school law violators will be trutcd as ')'S tem l nd opcntho n of lttothe such and subjected to prompt Jtatrs,pntctitallySiyin&.retu.tn lrTCit and prosecu tio n.'· By education to a morellrict fo.m st1tlnc that he will not accept ofsccreptlon. vlolcnccastheanswcrtoany He Wllnls the states to decide problem, he puts himself in 1 who Cl n vote , or a retum to 1 verY awkw11d and contndictory mon: st rict f01m of policical pa~ t ion .. Previous!)', he lt&tcd disenfran c hisement of the tha t he would run over any Nearo. and he ~nu 1 penon to demonstnttor t hat laid in front have the ri&ht to discriminate of his c:~ r , 1 1ood eumple of apinst a penon in rcprd to ~lolence. lie also believes Jhat hous:ina. This factor would help . .-iolence is ·constructive in to m1int1in the chtttoc:s. One 110\vin& the Vietnam war. Speaklna. of taw riolators, would have to be totally"t11ned out" to thillk thcte politics can Gcorcelt one time stood in the IOivcowdomcsticproblems. doorway of 1 n Alabaml JO~e~~~~,e o~ 1 ~~~~~~m:01 :; pur1~:'~!i~~~~· :~~~:r'!~ ::~ America~ l ndeP':n.dent Pan y pre sl~en\1.11 ca rwhdate, has 1 crowmc nu~ber of 511pporte11 amonc pracutally all sccments of our IIOciety. He appeals to many ol the reactionary rich, somes11pportin theranksof our so-called "educated. inteUI,e nt , super.. ~ re," eollecc lllldents. This week. Geor&e officially presented JUs party platform. Typically , many of GCQrae's co unceo11s supporter& are unawareofhispoiicirs. Letus take a closer look at wh" he rep resents. (The followinc qootu arc taken from the text of Wallace's pan y platform and ~refoundin0ct . 14, 1 9681Aue 11100 MaJn St.. 3U·2UO ~ Edlt-BUI J.ldl.lllcn, 11)3 Pftntic. Apt.. SU..ae.M. 8porU Edlt.or-'1\m Luch, UO Baldwin Hal~ Ext. 298 N.- Edltoor-P~rl J anty. 334 B11rrou(lll Hall Ext. liD J'eal.utG Ed.ltllr"'-'1ltlko Qomlnow&k.l, zn Knul.lm, £xt. 801$. 1 well qUIUficd for the Dear Editor : ~~d'u:!t:dc~).ddt\~-c~~ ~~! Universi ty 'nHt POISTI':R Ia pubttah«< wee-kly u.ecpt hol\d.l.y1 and ex&m· tnatlon period:&. at Stevena Polnt, W'-"Ln, by tlle atud61'- ot ~ attitudcofthcavcBIJIIAITICn«n SDSsThanks ~:~~~~··~t:!~f~~~k;~,~ff: £or upport ~r~~~~~t£:;;~7~[.:!~1~~ G inocchio 0~- W isconsin t he Rt1~rJ N~::n. ~~~~~~~J~c:li :;: A9aU£ Au Op """'- to hiVe boUed down to JUSt an ordinary, dull dcdion . The rencH•--• tuddcn ch.an&e= , of broUJhl on, in part, by the upc:~:.p"!~j~'~•l c~W:.i cudlda t n thcmsclvu. To understand this chan~ o f o rpnlulioN u we ll N a ani t11dc, wmc ltnowlcdac of the number of lludmu, their anawcn were .U the aame - " 1 candidateslsrrqulrcd. 1 rc.Ur h.um'l thOIIJh m11ch aboutthil." presidcn tialca nd idatesofprovcn So wit h 1he umpua ~:ompctc n cc, c~ttraordinary orpnlntlolllspUt,thcttiMiellll lponnt, I hue auempted to expericn«indfainofslltc and de&e thil"mood"uitappllcs lrrcpro"hablc prii'IIC Jives. Th o uah neit h er hu the nationwide, \natcad of j111t particu\arp~.nachcora.ra«tllat campua-wide. ' commends one to 1 1968 --Would you be lieve a styk-ronKIOIIS IIJC, each is prnidcntial election year? A ~::S~~~!''!h:•• ~!~ ~~ p~o;,~ ffolfW))~ 'RwUioM ~. r.ucd witll 11)1111)' drums, many pOlitical surprises. which yur By Dick Mulowald TlK Polnturcccntly aatped me to - the polltlalap~thy of The Milwaukee Journal). Ccorce di.u"uucs, under one r,~t~~b· :~:t~~ l·=~n:!n~ eden! co•crnme nt hu pntctlcall)'takenovertheloCII ~r.e:r:~~-. c~lh:atr:·d"!~ covcrnmc nt in derapti.on an.d flqrantriolation ofthcBillof Rl,hta, has in the put three decades •iud an.d ursurped m11n)' powen not delepted to it, 5Uch u, amon& otben: The opcratioaaod ooatrollolthe public ICbool systemolKftral 1\.lte:t. Tbe powlr to pteacrlbc tbe d.ibibilit)' andqu.allflcati.onl of those who would wte inou.r l tltC and loCI! electlonl. The powerto teU thcpropcrtyowncr to wbom be canan.d c&lllloOttc U orftllthisproperty." topursuesuchl;ourusumaybe neca.saryand require d to restor e to the sta tes the powen and au th o r ity which ti&htfuUy bc lon& to state and 1oc.a1 co•·ernments.'" l.AW AND ORDER ~~;e;s~!rud~e~~si~fte: 0 a ·~:i;n~ o;011rt inju nction proclaimed the disc~:c~hein ro::wp~~~~~ !'~~:~·~.w~~lat'~n.intet. "law 1nd ordtr.'' He 1t1\U in hill platfo rm , 'lawkunCSI bu become commonplaoc 111 our prucnt society. The perrnbai'fe altitude or the cxecutive 1nd• judiciary at IUi tioonal level tell t he tone for mont! dce~y.'· tie continued tocmphuize ailwful soelcty,tobrin&about respect forbw . It iaintcrestinJtonotehcrc (An CONTRAD ICT IONS As Ce011e proccdes IO sPe ll ou t his prop11ms, he contin urs to ce t wrapped up in con tradictions. rucali111 his ex treme co nf\rslon 1 11d dcspe "n tlon. Tltis time the national . eamomy is in the !ime-li&h t. Ccorp:propoaesthat, " Industry and o t her qe ncia artdorp nllati.olllo/production Band Praised Our Editor: I think James We1tbrook and the Poin ter band should be commended for their very fine performance 11 Goerke Field last Saturday afternoon . The diipby ol prccWon in thelrroutinn, acc:ompaniedbya rich, full 110und , which in times rot~,~d ~~d:' ! :n t~~~n'.~: bricht spot of the week's homecomincactivi tics. ll isthelatkofjustthistypc ofpcrfOt"mancethathasruultcd in an llli tllde ofi ndiffcrencc towud the Univ~rsity. felt b)' th e larce majori t y of our studenll. lfthesamedfortput forth b)' th e b.lnd were employed in other University functions I am confide nt the by-product would be a much IIOU& hl·lftcrpride . A Non-Band. Member, O..nnis E.Judd ~~f:k1i~ia~~n ia~k r:~c:~i~'f. They don't have tobuild iOoat. butltwou ldbcnicetosccafew more of them 11 the parade, dancea ndpme. Finally, I would like to ex t end my s in ce re conp;~ t ulations to Lois Wood , ournewhomecom in aquee n. JunneBartia: must be freed from the tver incrn s in1 intr u sions o f covernmcn t in to the affairs of these i nllitut ions a nd o rpniutions.'" No t only dCKs thispa licyl.uvet hefieldopc n for crooked industr ies. it also is con t radicted by another policy offered uvcral pantcraphsdown the article.wherehesta trs,•·we will support and 1ssist businea and industry in t hose areu needful and desirable:· c~orce s11ivi nc for another con tradiction sta tu, "We ,..ill work toward 1 reduction in the tnburdenforalloutc:itilens." But previous to this statemen t he promised: '"An immediate inc reue in SO<:i.a l securit y payments with c~l of a 60!1. lncreax in benefits and an Increase in the minimum payment to SIOO, with annual cost oflivincincrcascs."Where docsCeorceplanon .,chinJth is money, when he promi~s thU tu cs5hall bertd.uccd fora11? • Gcorce's platform for the most part hu been prncn te4 with emphasis on his belt; of iul ch t , i c n orance and cont radictory policies for the bdtermcnt of Amcric:l. Now. at ~:st;tahn~.s''f:rt~ ~~o;.~~;! $1.1pponc n, rich, middle cl.as$. poor, ·•educated. inteUicent, ~Up<' l ·aware," Jludentl, run out ~~~r :.:~~tiously campai&n for Where Is Health Service? Do you know where the Univcisity Hulth Sc:"ioe ia located and whit its funct ion• arel Is th e Health . Service adc:}~tt~1rntcd,conllctStudent Senate. ~~ruf~l~ide:~~~~!~~ is~uv:'~~~:, arebedevUedbythe "thlrd·pall y candid1cy of Georp: Walluc. who hal read the polls every bit ascar cfuUyutheyhavc , but~l cone con.~denbly f11rthe.r in tailorinchiscampal&ntosullt hc fun and anacnofadisturbc:d eountry. · · Both men 11e apprehensive about what W1llaoe mJ&ht do tu them on dection day . Yet nei ther hu had t he politi cal tO IIt &ce to take on t ht puc naclo us lillie Alabamian b) condemninc him for what he: is-- a demacoaue who ha~ touched 1 nerve with his··~:.~,.. •ndorder"theme. These are · the tluec maJo• candidates who will face an electorate filled with apat h). covered ove r by 1 wan of conscrvuiJm. The moods and motivations of t he voters an!J non-vo ters fit no simple, smelt definirionofapat hy. Some respond to ntional ca lls for rcst ori nc the A mcrrc~n ::fcav~~c!~ ~i~!, ~=ri:~~ ~=~ tobe110·ept up in amonJ.if di50rdctcd,tideoffeelinc t hat the times arc out of joint, that the f11ture e~ n take careofiUtif rf oni)' present irrit ationJ n r conc cted. S;rd.ly , the drum s and.fifnof the can didates' lir own out tiW' very voices tha t micht contr ibut e mostt o a concilat ion of the nauo n·s conmcu. l h~ probicn1s co nfr ontin& Ame11 e~ today ali demand liard thinkm1 andconl tructlvc debate . They will not be solvrd b) thl: )jl«c h·lnscandidatesorb) the nostalcia of the ck~toratc f or more tranquil llmn Mo reo ver. a dtlerrnt ncd.l) retrogre ssi ve body poli tic eou!J inflame foreve r the soru tha1 mcrclyirritateittoday . Senator Speah Senate Will Act To Curb Regents Ju:t"orRd~~·s:~:~or The !loud of Recenu stand on then:CQ&IIitionof5tudcn t orpnir.ationsOf\llateunivc rs:ity campuws has beeome t he most serious and important ia ue on the campuses this fa ll. The issue bepn th ilsummer when theBo11ddecided that the Students for a Di:mocratic Socie ty wu 1 $Ubvcrsive, anarchist i c anli disruptive orpniution. The problem is, however, that SDS on WSU - SP'1aompus has not done allylhin&sincctheirrccocn irlon Jut )'e& l to justi fy th e withdr.~Jofrecopi t ion . Thusyo11r student senate has pi$$Cdare110Jutlo . cmandinc thatlhelloardOf cnt5Siate in a kncrwhy the)' cit th1t ou r chapte r of SOS wa subversive , •narchilticanddisrutive. There are t,.·o oain iJlUcs bcinc bro111ht up at thi5 time . One istheif;sue thatt eStudcnl Senate lc&itimatcly cqniled SDSand.that SOSha broken no lawonoroffe~mpu The Buud of Regenu h:u Interfered "'"h t he studen t 's ri&h t to h~•·c ceMain&roups on campus. If t he Reccnt s want to the y can h:ln any orcaniution limply IIY oJefinin& the tum ••.Jinupl!vc'" ve ry loose ly . Another !slue h th at of our university's IUtonoon)' . Finl. with the Student Conduct Cod~ ~nd now with the recent rulin~ on SDS the freedom of ou1 universi t y to co nduct its ov.n affairs is bc:inc impeded by t h( BoardofReccnts. J:ua:cnc Mc Ph cc"s reccnl cha nce in title. mal.:inJ htm Executive Dlrc ~tor of the State Universit y system connoutn not nine scpari tcun ivcnitk5bUI one iafiC mca:avtriity ,..ith no diffcrtn ccs in the •·arlou> problems eac h uni•·crii t y f~ ccs I Uflt more students t u bceorne awa~c of th is prohk m be~au :ie the Stu.Jtnt Se-nate "iii tak e more actiOn and we would like the support of mall)' of t he studcnt s in u uo sta ndap inll tllc Ret;Cn U. A Point WSU-SP's Nudie Play Banned By Regents By Bill McMillen Nevcr to be outdone b)" an)·thinc that hiJ>fl<"nsat the UniHr~ll) of Wisconsin , WSU - SJ> has Just had. ill fint nudie ('13)", ·•p.-,·ptnr Peter Panlowski.'. The pla y, produce d in th<" be ll to10·cr of Old. \hin b)" a JfOUp Ol underpou nd students. wn a rinci n1 succeu for a wildly clappon' standinc room only audience. The play 1Uclf is an upliated ··er11on of t he old loca l Polish leacnd of Pcrpint l'~ttr and LOO:ie l. ad )" Codivodowski. The ancient lecend has it tiiu l oo:ie l a4y Godivodo,.·sk i tht aris toc:ntic wi fe of a local tavern 010 ntr . rode naked thro111h tht 5treeh o f Stc•·ens Po int to protest rhe con,·euion of th e Wlno10 s~ r Winery into a Polish uus:rce fa~Jory. She rode thro111h the 1\ r ~tts early on a Sunday afternoon and all ,.·ere inll r11cted to keep thou shutt ers dosed . (The PJckrrs 10·err on an)·way so no one ""' 1round.) • 1\dwcver . one poor l'olonia j>Otato p.rddkr l'rttr Panio .. ~i blunliercd into Market Square JU~\ n thr Lady was pa u ing. Ye Old r T_avcrn l n .Bue w~s cnrqed. at !he •·ioLllhon of the Loo~ l ali{J .-utuc 1nd lmmcdtatcly cu t off both of Pct cr"s ens and made hun chUJthcfina ldrcpfrorn t heWinoiO·Ik!Winery . The undercround ltudrnts in their hell to 10·cr prc Kn uuon chan&ed much of. the o ld .l~ge~d to conlme nt on today 's liOCkt) . l oosr laliy Go d1 vodowsk r s nde to the students symbo iileo.l tht Estab liihmcnfscorr\lption In the face ofprogrcssive ch.1nae(think ofaiith~ poor _peoplea _cood s:rusaac factory co uld feed). ' Peter 5 pum$hment In the new \"enion came not becauw he ~10 thc .~osclaliyun_clothcdbutbce~uschehappc:nclitobcsmokinJ maruuana u the h~e . Cuttinc off his can symbolit.ed the tavern o~nen rcfuul to II." Peter a judicial hearin1. And makinc Peter dnnk the le~t ovc!wmc illullnttcdthc Establishment"sacccptanccof moral dec:~ym~ wm_e and the rejection of mind inspirinc ])Qt . The admlnrs t n.t~n at f"II"SI took a non-committal attitude toward the pLaya performano:c, awailin1 word on what to do from t he Boa rd o f Reccnn office_ in Madison. The Stevens Point police department , common cou ncd and thcriff's officr refused comment and deman ded a private showin1 u soon n possible. The unidenrified t?C.d WhO tOOk the paM or Loose lad)' GodivodowJki 10·ent into hilh~l&ndclfortsbepn t obc mad.etouncoverher . ~1n.Uy , I decree wu iaucd by the: Board of Recents bannin& all nudity on campus. The adminBtntlon actina: to carry out the law to the letter lt..lled off the bell tow~ and aOO the 1howcnin !he rc$1dent"Cha lls. Howcver. it isnowrumorcd thattheplayisbeinc&ivcnatvarious 1potsalon1 t he NllkaoftheWiscons:inRivcrwilhJRIIIuCCCJI But the addedaltntctlonof aq uickclca nsinadlpinthorivrr .1111 y account fort heplsy'apoputarity. October 17. 1968 Pege3 V •ae tna m ese En d o T Ob servataon our l~~·~J~:t~;J:::~"~~ cam~< here we didn't e'neUy knowwhattOUjMC:t." A Review \ Th• Preservation Hall· Jazz Band Presented Wonderful Concert Ei&ht ten South VJ.etnamuc eduuton ended a 111M-day upreucd hope more of thcir Ws~o~&~ C~~n~~~~:~hez~~~ 40 yun, who pl~)· ed on W1150n's teams here in 19 18, notr-11 that his old mentor was a "man's man". li e 11111ht more thin ubject ma terbl- - hr ta111ht thiflis ...-ortl'lwhile in lifc ." " Look 11 the pic:ture of Mr. Wat to n in you r r rogrllns," he adriKd , ")'Oil can fed t h~l he flood fOf rei(>i'tl. lf t here .,.·ould be more professors like him tod1y wc would be h1vi11.11 ks.s problems on our ~mpoHs around the: count ry." A Stnen$ f'l)i nl n~tiv~.Zotn u.ill he ('jmc ba~k to th~ Khoot as a f1i<-nd forth~ first Hil l\' in many ~·u". " l'~e b!OUKht m~ny teams o•·er he1e ~nd I made them real\~· ;r.lmost •unt to k• ll )'OU r b.u~rthall ll•ams." h~ S3id JO~Inli Y. " I also kMw MU)' (II.Q;~ci'l) .,.·o uld be her~ and .,.·ant~d to Jt t SOnK' o f h~r spuit." Mi» Roach, an cm~ r itus pr ofcsw1 now ruidina m \:au Clair.·. wu a colkl!lUC of W~ t wn ncar\)' all his )'tan at the ~·hoo\ . .\ ppr o;,~hing hrr 83rd billhd~y on Nov . 1 and ShU bclyint her aJc ph)'Skally ~nd menta lly hy *'lust two decades, sh~ drew frC<~uent ootburstsof lauahtcl while tdlins of byaonc da)'l at the St eVCni Poin t Normll Schoo l, Miss Roath has frequently enrou!lgedtheprcil"ntfaculty to U'-biW. strontt tics of the kind which ui~ted hetc: in the days of Mr . Watson. Saturday sl'lc Jp in madethc plea in her promotion of the "bi& family'; at mospl'lerc at •mall univeuitics andcollfgc~rnpusn. en~onu r a~e}"r~~~~~~e~ot~~cu~;' membeof rs Watson to take who he~d did frommuch t he carcu mote than teach -- he abo served u a n in1pira tion for younapcople. State Senator' Will iam C. ll ansc:n a n d former WSU prnlll•·nt . .~.tid \\'~1son nra•lr a )l'fda l ~on trihntiOn to ··cnt ral Wt!-<'Otum. GtOjlnphy ncn·r ,..as strtMtdas animportant suhjo-ct hcrc IM'fO<e he nmchcr,·~ml hc thus i>iotlec!c..l '" I" U''Idilllt b•:th'r tiiCpiiJimn for d u.sroo m t u~ho.·rs. thc $C nllor saod. "We mu~t Il l>'~ Wa t ~n •·rcdit forpr.·parm~thiltl !!<' llm afidd mo~t''*' ntb\ , " hcatld,·d. J>r . <Oo rdon ll af•·rbo:ckcr,l'i« pr.·sid,• nt for and•·mit affaln. n1nt•·r uf ce remonies. intro.Jucong Mrs. ~'a t l'On, her .Jau•h"'' Mr s. Vu gi ma Koncsof IJ.Jt on Rouge, 1.3., and he r only s:nndchild, the Rev. Urian K ova~sof Ne"' York , .,..u Numerou s cmNitu s facu lt y memb<'n .,.·~ r eIn t he audicn~ wi th nic~tl and nephews of the bte\lo'atwn. Wat iOn Hall houxs Jirls this yur.an.J lllO!itof t hcmwercn't born "'hen Wat~n retired in \ 946 , Many of the reJ.idents att ended the progr~m and abou t 15 of them So.:lnJ a ""'"ll c:o rnpOIC'd Sl~da ll )' for the ceremony, cv~n fumins proccdurcli. c~r;;::n In""~tur": P~:a~ prc::;:ms o~~~~is~ist~n .,::~: C10A 1H~~~ ~~:Zr· ~::~~~= ~~i..:~ty r:~~cr?ca ~~~pi:;:~ * t' ou.r tttn ynn after l'lb dea t h, moreth1nahu ndrcdold frinds o f Charles F. Wat~n an.J !~&'in IS man)' people whone.-er kne w him atlcnded dedication ccremonln for a new residentl.' hall n1mcd in his honor at WSU - Stc.-cnsl'omt, Saturdayaftcrnoon's procr.am was o ne of t li ma~in a home ro 111ins even rs at WSU anJ was packed with humor about and prais.c for tho.· man .,.-ho x rvcdtheschoo l asagco&llphy profeuor forJJyun. The northernmost l'l all on camp us · has a !ounce cquip(>i'd with. a ...,11-to-..., ll and ccilinJ to floor s.c t ofwindows, nuffy rual and colorful occalional chain. And in t his ovrr·W:ed livin& room !ICIIina, ,.·here hJJf the J IICIIJ wcrc forced to stand, tlueelonatime frkndsof t hc:latc Mt. W1ti0n paidtributn to him. qric:ultur •l cduution leaden in Vietnam to rome to touthern ~~r :,b;su~:V'in': lo%~~ r::t'f:.~~~t~:~ ~~=~: w,i~~ The o ne thin& thJtarcvk.,.·er ' By Sc:o tt Sc l'luttc c r owd . Eve ry 10n1 was m1m drud the most about his job II n<M the rcvk"' of a ~it~'~!'ot~~~t f.:'~d C:~a~;~.t~~~~ drudfulconcrrt.buttheruicw and t he "St. Louis lll uu" at thecnd of thecontell,pcople hcmustwri tcabout tMevtninJ refreshina. leaped to their fret in performance tl'lat is w aood On many of the numben,the prolon&tdstandinaon tio n. c~ry 1dK~tiYc bcromn trite. voke of ''Ocde" Piucc,old and On Th11nday, O.:t. 8, th e full offun.1 dded the lyri~;~to At the finale, tluce m(mben Fkld hous.c ...-as full of stude nt s raa tin•c.blunanduocusional of the Nnd k-ft the stase an d to l'lear a wonderful concert by spiutual. Thc hiahli&llts ,.·ere entered the 1udicnce. Se veral lhcP!-ue~at ion ll aUhuBand . wi I hOUI many, but I wu •·cry fond of II II d C n t I, Onto tl'le stap: walktd Billie Willie ll u mpluey's dan~ina 1nd enrour11cmcnt, hopped up a nd Pier ce and her ncar-b lind sin&in& on "Little Liu Jan~ ... foUowcd tht tri olnd a hundred husNnd Joxph LaCto~ "Ocde" t he beautifu l American hymn o thers joined them in clapping Piuce . llil~u. td owna tan old and dancing around the l!fm. l "A Clo$c r Walk with Thee." and upfilhtpianoandllunchcdan the IIUCOUI fina\f , " The !)3jnU can only u.y, more powe r to t hem. o ld blun atandard " 'ith htr qoM• rehin' ln ." husbandaddin,anunden;ta ted One <Miler upcct of the tru mpc t totl'ltiOnJ. Th~ tYIM o f JIU thU the conce n which stri.k n me is the 0~ by one, th e rest of the l'r cKrvation Jllllcn pby is u trtmc Irony thlt was prexnt band pbyrd from the winKS to mucturedbyynnofp\ayinain In the fkldhoux , A sn of white the staae until the Nnd "';IS t he New Orluns styk-, and y( t fal'c:lisc:rnmcd and applaude d at complete . William llumphrcy the beauty is that muehofitls added a mcllowclarintt that he shtrr impr o •·i sa t ion . The black musicians an d the music: could alt.os.,.·ina, J im Robin:10n, mu$idan$ arc aJ.,.·aystryinJ new created by the barbarity of liner)' hundre rh of ynrlaJ!O. on trombone . ,..as a mastn at t hinJS. Whltpri~isstillbcinJ!plyedby subtle syncopa tion and Josiah From this upcrimen tation thebladrac.: tOilay? Fruin added 1 rW:ky·titkcy wood block stYle and fast finacn Kcms to rome thcunrutraincd T hcK s.cp tqenariansarc the joy of the URUI'JCde;l , Not or[&inals and the joy of their on his drums. The K lc ~tions that t he Nnd e•·cry th ina thty tried .,.·orl::ed, ow n bnnd of music:, as on ly played were rompriKd of old buttha tdidn 'thtt t hemas th ey t hey cou ld play It will not exist ... cn t on t heir n•crry way tryin& 1'- n d~rdS t hat weno new , I lm lnttnycars. l'hcaudicncratt~ swe,tomany. ThcywcreaUold, newtcehniqun. r~Jdhoux participa ted in a but the vi"lity of the musicians l'hc:cffcctofthcban;lonthe joyousanddyi nsphtiKirncnon. and the distinc:t 1tylc of the audi~nc-r wu Ullr>'dous-fOf a llow mu~h we wo uld ha•·e Nnd mlder•·cn"SwanecRi•·er" u"Uil)' restrained Stc\'rns Point miMed if .,.-ehadnot been t here! Ceremonies Surround Watson Hall Dedication ''"""" ~·-· Unlnni1y of SaJ&on, AJd he is imprcSKd with l he fluibility of Stncu Po int'• eurric:ulum. South Vietnam'• fin unlvcnitics will undCIJO ''¥cry rapid" vowth after thcwarcnds, andit w1Ubcneusury to l1110rethe :~~~d . flu: iblllty there, he rC J UIU COntiCI with South VJ,etnamcs.c educators. Dr . lh c: h uld hc was br the Jpiri t of coopcrll ion lini::JnJ Khools a nd univcrail ies in Wisc:onsin 1nd ihe role placed on education in :~~~ulna developmen t of the lmpre~~o~td Ac:a.demlca courtcd most of The fricndlincuo fthcpcoplt their time, and visits to 11CI farmcnwerc po pular"timeofr• here frequently popped up in his ac:tlvitlel. After lcarnin& how e~a\u at ion of thc pr08fam. "V.'r rob-ttlndar d apic:ultunl land likcdthcconacnlality,franknes.s, wu madc productive by mode rn and spirit of dedica tion to public tcchnolOI-Icll J)'stems in t he: JC~Iceatthc u nivenity, too." Plover lfCI, Dr. llack said hc American campus protuts believed aimilar propanu could 1nd dissent over the war make bcdoneinhis homeilnd . interntin, reldinJ in Soutb tic said hc would encourase ' VIctnlm, he u.id, "so when .,..e The Treasure Chest Has Wonderful Mcmtelo1111 and Som. MHWfy El. .ont Gift A WOR KMAN is shown here welding together port of the stetllromework ol the s• le ol 1he n-ew field· hoose os he dongles from o <rone. !Photo by Bob Okrosins kil Gl.. lngld.ct• . Dr. David Coker, hud of t hc WSU rouns.cUns ccn tcr 1nd coordina tor of tl'lcir propam here , saiddcspite1hcah0fttime, thcdcleptuwuaaivcnlbroad understandina ' of hiahcr education 1nd how policies arc rstablishfd and imp lemented. They ,..ill be bc u er 1blc to undentand American systems of hishcr tduelllon as t hey continue thrir tour of thc Uni t cd States, Dr. Cokcr c~plaincd . Our . procr•m went ··u11cmcly well and achle~ed the 1o;,b. We only wish t hey c:ouldhave staycdlo nscr." Still Looking For A BeHer Than Average Used Carl '62()Los ""Sa" door Iedin, autom~ tlc tr1nsmlulon. power lttet• 4 tniMndbr~tktA.radlo . Spot. leq lnsldcandout . '64 OLDS "88" 4 door hardtop, automatic l tanlml n lon, power liNt· '"I afl(t brake.. radio, wbU~·• IJ till,., tutone . Mint rornll•ton. Oncnwner! '63 BUICK Ll'Sabu! -t <loor. automatic: tran sml n lon. power liNt· In&. udlo. nPW whltt wall ~~~. l.A.>llll 1 owner. StiOI· '65 BUICK Arts And Lectures Series t:J~ Ira2doorh ardtu)>,fUJI 1.%"'~rid\' l~~\:'~~~ !~~~~~~. n uk k . 0fJ('l . C l>IC Trucks IJ(X) Blf.>Ck ~t~in Strtet 31~-1100 A docun•cn tuy on prOJtam. li e shot the sc:r~s ;;~~,;~~i~lll!'s M:~~!~-S'r;~~;· ~:~!~~ ;';,~it;:,.~;w~t~~:r':f:tMf:~::~ Tue5d~) .f1l1110~1 WSU - St~•·cn• l'omt , ~;.~.~ ;:,:. ~r!r-uoJ CLOSED MONDAY Sc~~C:t V.:ou ~~t!"• the22,xa:10n II T Sho"· lillie "ill bc II 8 p.m. in Mam llulldins auditori um, Tictrts ..-ml,.. 1okl al the door . Studfnts will bo: 1dmitted by pre~nting II) c~rd s at the door. hmn Mot~alf. professional photocraph•·r and film producer from MichiJt,Jn . wi ll narrate: the If Walls Could T alk .•• UTILE JOE'S DR INKING ESTAI US HMENT '69 Camaro SS Sport Coupe, plus RS equipment. !IOU don't haw to ba ilD opamtor to Ci1ll bar long dlslimca, •. oooliDru:!U na llil~ Look. ltcosts jUitlpiUinc:t. 8utm1ybeahtdot111'1 Mow. So llO 1hud 1nd be I big hero. Gfvt h• 1 ring -• ·d ing tonlght. lftth•nntbtlt thif!G tObeingth••· ..• Some people have a hard time communicetin1 with youth. Notua. We ju1t brinc ' on the 1969 Camaro, then tell it like it il. It il: ·RestyLed inside and out with • t'IIIW pille, new bumperl, new parkin1 li1hta, new instrument panel, new 1teeri ng wheel, new etri pinr, end ne w co lo re indudin1 Huner Orange, whic-h is wild. It is: Full of new fe1tu rea indu din1 bi11er outlet& for the Altro Ve ntilation, • 210-hp standard V8, end a lock for the 1teerin1 column, igni tion and lrllllmis8ion lever. ll is: Av1il1ble with a little devioe th.al • utomalicelly washea II• Film Will Be Shown SCAFFIDI On Mississippi lae "'"'d advcntur~ of OI •O~I~ h•:!:G~ ,II~o~IM~":!:;ro:::;·-==~===============-=======; P,T1UJANINN~ 344-6652 ,., StnensPoint is about t he lm~llut cit y in th~ir itin~raiy . They ...-m,eturn home on NoY. 6. ,-----===-, Wo-No!Aeredu - s 1_ , . . , " ' " ' lnttrpre tt n wrre off In four sepuu~ a roup1 to o ther your headliahta when you bold the • windshield wuher button in. It is: Still wider end weiJhtier than the rival s porllter w!l're too polite to name. You ahould drive • 1969 Cemaro at your C hevrolet duler'1 the firliv~'::~';o~~ ~L ...., Putthtcr.. flrst. ll.... ••ftnt. TO MAKE THE SCEJIE FASTEIT, EAiiEIT, AT A REAL STEAL . .• CALL lOJIG DISTAJIC£. Iii\ WISCOIISin Telephone Company ~Pif1ef . . lbtieawilkB.Systtm Talk's cheeper ell day Sunday. No need now to wait until 8. .. . UCIDber 11, Injunctions Requested Against DDT On Campus Monday YIST A.Will Recruit More Volunteers Colk&~ Jhid tnU ~•-:~•kmic from all N cklfOIInth are in The Cl t lle ns Nllurt l Ruou rccs Asaocil.tion, headed by a WSU-Stenns Po int wild life pr ofessor. hu tequn tcd Atlorney Ge nera l Bronson LaFollette to issue inj11ncl ion1 aaa inst abou t IS eltirs pllnnin& to u~ t he ellrmica l D.O.T. In dut ch rim dfse•~ eon tro l lui~ partic11lar taknt whkh un be used to fi&ht pow rt y. ~. ;,· ,·.~E~· ,· ~ v,,,!sr,:,.,\,i,~.',',',•,',! dcnlopin&education :,~or~:~~r~' · r:i::b~~~~~ u._ , rc:erc:at lon w • ·.-- •.o;o• l~n. M. t'I'K~ntat i\1« from VISTA •nll tiC o n ump111 Oct . 2 1, 22 .~nd and co mmunity orp niu tlo n procrams." VISTA Voluntcu PIOIIIIIII ~) t o trek qualified arc klutcd all ttuoua h the U.S ., ~Jn d !d~h"J who arc willin& to incl11dint llawaii and Alaska . ll"t'nd one yur in s.ervkc. An VISTAs tnvc in urbln and nmo l lnfou11i11on boot II will~ Ht up slums. in Job Corps ~ ntcn , on in the Univc r$l t ~· Ce nt er from 9 Indian RcKrvationt, In ml.&nnt J m to 5 pm u ch d.ay o f the llbor romm11nitks and in ~ntal Jnw . hulthpr01111111. . THE MEMIUS OF THE UNIVERSITY ACTJVITIES IOAID include lrom lei! to rig ht: l irs l row, Noncy Olson, Corolyn Ttmbt!rlo ke , Bunny Hoeft, Pot Meisler, Je 1 i Hue mpfner. l ynn to 8<ot ond Sondy Voenen. · "W htk I Run This Ra oe,'' a "A n app licant 1lonn't Mcd lloc:unw:n ta ry mrTatcd bY ·any p11t lwlar skill!: to join Ch~tlton ~~~ ~ton wi t h 1 musical VISTA," uld ~~~ - Blltkc . ~oo.v t~ by Cha tlk Bytd , will N "Select ion is b>oso:li on emotiona l ~hu ...·n in the Univf!Si ty Ccntfl s t 1 bl l ity , ma t urity , pror,:; ·id en t F r ederick Baurn&artner u.id his poup mustered cnouall sup port to ha¥e a pub lie hn rinau-hcdukd on the cont ro¥ersia l u5e of Second tow, toffy K< ueger, Eo< l Wildenbt!•g~ John l onwtte"r, Dick Neuville. Pool B•oun, le n Sipper, Poul Piekorz ond Don Kul ick. (Photo by Bob Holden l ~~~iT;:,;!;~~. itth;:~n·~~~ ~~~;~ ~-ulor Radio Station Marine Corps Will ~e Here For Interview to Ca]ltain D. prQJramsareuaibble forhJ&hJy The Marine Corps OffiCC"r Corps, Tea m will visi t the P. Cotelk:•. sd cc tion officer. qua lifirdsrlldents. WSUS Holds Selection Won1cn ortiOL"r pr01f1ml WS U Stcvens . Polnt cam pus on At pre se nt t M t.brinc Co rps 21·23 to intcl'l'kwUudents iso fferina ptiJ&n ms lea dina to a t lso now ope n for junior and in t erested in bcco"'inc co mm issio n to fre s hmen , xn ior ....·ome n. Open House Ott. sop homorn. jum0f s and$Cniors. com missionc doHiCC"n. ~~~~n~~ 'rj~"~~.t- ~n.~,3 &~ ~~~~~ti!~'n:~ ·.guhyndt~bi~rp ac~ordina VISTA ~o luntern peop l e help thcm n lv n. '"" '~'"II -it h t M ~op lr ofthri.r Voluntecn help com munities to ,·u mmunities to mut tht Mlp the mx lvn by workin1 and ,·hatk-!ljlnoftod.ay . li¥in& wi th the people they Til<- strikin1 sue~" of the xrn." 4100 VISTAs now In the f~ekl To join VISTA one must N lin led tQ rcq u~SI$ for onr at lust 18 yean okl. TM~ a~ 111 .000 nlQre from J.oc~l ~~el'l'ire no entrance Rquirc mtnts or ajlcnclcs tht QUiho ut t he euml111tions. Mani!Cd co11pks ,·g un \! )". may llt l'\"e tOj!e ther If both are VISTA iii intrrcned in Pfi!Pk accep ted and do nol have "'llo ~tc wilJini to dedicate one dependents 18 yun o f 11e or )" CII tO liVin&inoJ Worldn& with YOUI\gel, th<· p<>Or , " Aid Paul Burke , Vo lunteers recci ¥c SSO ,: gg rdina t o r o f tile mOnth lyw hichispaida t onCC"at WSU Ste•·cns Pgint dri.-t . "We t M con1plttion of ~~erviCC" . In ~rc c spccbll y intcR5tc.J in adllitio n. VISTAs rerien an ,-..olk~·· studen t ~ whg fee l the y al lo ""'n ~ for penonal e ~pe nxs, .• h ., ,.·l llf .. Wievel Wins f::!c::~e:.ollsilli. wllk h 'lilieS Merit Award Committee ~~;u'::t'~!!~~~:;:~~~~~,%~~~ Begins To Plan III'SU Stncns Point, is one of :,~e~it ~~~~~1 ~~!m ~~~i~.:!:~~~ New Stadium In Anociation on Conserv11ion l nf01n1~tion . o~.·p~::~~·n:o~r~n~~~f~::"u~~~: JII<'!W:n t ~ll l'hur ~d~ y ~.-embly t hf comm~n.U t lon nlf.hl bdon I n of t h« " uni¥erli t)' l~•ult•·· S14t<' Supcr intend••n t d( l' ut>lk l nmuttion William Kthl , th~ o ther "'inner hom W~-onwn . l ftt"ind hiJI "'"I 'din ..t•ff,•rcnt pubhc prOj!fllnl. ~ 1\,,:~;· ,n"·r;~-~ ~~m~ :~e s~~:J ~ n w 1t h Fred Sc hm c eck lc -- i n t he tlltn r <·b t iH I)' ntw conK I"IIion ol~p;ar t m<'n t . Jorse nson nored lhJI WiKOnsin hl!i 1bo11t 11 0 ,·on"'" "'~IIOn !ipcdalists on its r~•· • ull no ....·ad~ ~s who well' · . tr~m~ll l l SteVcM Poin t, nlQSI of · t h<"lnbyOr. Wir•·cl. '" In your da~s for ~u ture t.·~··he r s. you t111 ined many ~o pk "'ho arc ltaini na many , man ) o thers , too," Jorsenwn m I ,.,d. A t"'tlve mtmber co mmiuce h a s been cret tc \1 U WSU St~vc n1 f0int toatudy the poMibilityofbuild illiastadi um on t henortll cam p111. Pt uide nt Dreyfus hn app oin led nsislanl to t M preNdent John B. Ellery. 11 cha irman of t he sroup. Ot~er ~mbtrs arc ll. obt ll Krueccr , E u aenc Brodhlce n , lhn ll o uh~n . ll.ayn10nd 5f1Cth t. ll. lt kFred crick.R lcN rdBe rndt , Klnn• Krcb5. Williim Ndson, John RoNrt s, Nei l I~Vr oy and John Brtnetllan. l)eVroy and llrcnemanarestudcn u . The conun iu ee has d iKu ~d loa tion. t y~ of facility, Rte (prob>obly 10,000 xau) after dccidi n1 that It wo uld be impncticalto auemptt o ut ilite Goerke Fie ld 1in ce tile upandinanceib of the pub lic f=hool sy stem in t he futur e would 1111ke fuU and tmpk: u$C t' W~t :.~~1~~; Yo'SUS- FM , campuli ndio statio n, d ter its nru week of br01d casl in1. had o~n lloux S unda y 10 show its new cqulpmcn ttoviRtors. ' JohnGriff it h,studcn t ltation manaacr. commented abou t the st aff and ~rJonncl of the Uation, "We shoukl haw no problems. and uptonowthey '~c IOIIenaloncJustfinc." BrG~..t castiltl 24 hours from Friday to Sirturd:iiy" was an activil y the l tationundertook forthe1 5 111hon~ecomina . Other activi ties wc!C co¥t rina the Th e Mil wau kee xk:ction tum will N ava iltble 11 t he Union to prO¥ide information on o pportunit ies in th e Marine Stu.Jcnt1 1111111 puSS<"" a "(" ' l'lfl'lle, pus a ilnen t y·fi¥e minute qualificlliou tn t. bcpllysi callyqualifirdandpoue» tM kadcuhip pOtent ial mjuircd of 1 n1.uinc offi CC"r. A~Utio n Superior-Pointer pmc, pande CO Ye!IJe and kidd ie Show, " Rhyn1cs tnd Ridd1ct:."' on Sunda y from 4 :30p.m. to S p.m. St!Kicn t sint~ r~tedin¥k101in& the fa tilities may sto p by anytime at t he north end of the campus Khool. The sut ion is 8\1.9o nt hcFMdia1. Jim Laabs Music 928Moin f St. Must Complete Loan Forms Wis co n s in St ud ent Loan borro we n must eompltt c t ~c Form II EA-4000 which ..-u &i¥cn them and ret urn it to St11dr nt Fin ancial A1ds promp tly . Se cond ~emc5te r WbconLJn Student Loan disbunemc~ ua,c bcin 1 p rcpued now for dist1ibut ion. Students should folio ....· tile dir ect ions mailed to them 1n evcrydetaii . Only t llo~~epropetl) eompleted forms reecivcd b) ()(c. 25 can N auured o1 recei¥in1 their loan In the sccun~ semester . A New S~lection or WSU Sweatshirts & Jackets Whoever too k lhe hlack CI'O from the l'our lbu ' Saturday n[&h t, Ocl . 12. ~bout nlidnicht. please return it 10 Barb.N III.oachltall. jac~e t EMMONS Found - One p;ait of men's surqtlasscs in lh<' pnkin& Jut on Phillips St•cct ~nd l'or ta&C" Co urt . <.'a ll 344-9666 after 1 ~er:d:r!nnd f~~~~e rc~~~~ died becau.e or the "'" ler po Uutillln. . Dirccl and delayed mon a ht ~ from O.D.T ., mo¥CIIICnt of tbe loxlo- chemica1, disappe aunt~of ncslin& bald nak:sand cuUs tlol\l Lake Michi&ln will be uplaincd . Just Arrived-· FOUND Shellas t lla t ~ rson'1. spnyi na b to . be&ln m Milwau kee and ou tiYtnllleU. " Results of tha t hca rin1 sho11kl be known be fore any sprayln& Nsi ns,'" Baumaartnrr said . The Dcpartmcnt o f Na tunl Resour ces will eonduct the 1ession in t he state offic:e buiklinainMilwaukee. Baum aa rtn er nid lhe c:Ompllint i1"-so: d o ntheN!Jd tlttlt D.O.T. II 1 harmfu l bioCide of a r ut pe rih t en ee •nd h drstroyln&entlrc populatiOflsof bildl; lllat1Mto tal en¥!10nmtnt of Lake Mlchlpn 11 brine UNIVERSITY STORE ACIOSS FIOM IALOWIN HALL Phone 3-41 -1666 Open Tues. & M . til 9 p .m .-Other doys til!'i p. m. ,.,1to~mp..-Sttreo-component Sound System• aod1o..-T.V.'-AII musical ln lln~manb--occeuorl" We W1lco m• You lock With a 10% Discount to All Studen ts With J.D. Cards til Nov. 1, 1968 RENTALS: m Portahle T .V.'s and Portable Stereos only 87.00-month is b11ilt funds will '"This i~ JUSt wme thina to han- <Wt r a crack in your wall co~fromst!Kie ntfcesa ndwill be amor tized over 1 t wen t y yu r 1'-1~ ' - It should N SSOO and Guiton • Amp ... AII ln stnrm•nll o¥olloble on 111ntol ba.llt wi~ll it to ul..t be-," M l ddcd ~riod . Cou is rouahly ~timatcd "'"h1 lc maki n a the (ormal i tSJ.8million. rrcKntallon . The plaque and c;:mficate !>P(dfk aUy liu Dr. l'.wvd'' achirveme n\1 or 10 )~Jr< as chau ma n of tht no w n~turJi rcwu rtU department 11 WSUand IS YCIISUdirectorof •umme r consc i'Yt tion wortshops m the !iUte. OlD HIGHWAY 51 NOITH OF MOSINU The l'bttnille nati¥e became cllailm;,o n "'·hen th<re were four t~ c ulty membc n I n t h e •k('~rtmc n t . This fall, wlten he I CAST -YOUR VOTE ! for W.S.U.'s ''BEST DRESSED MAN ON CAMPUS'' Balloting for Esquire i\'lagazine's " Best Dressed "Man on Campus" is now in progress. Pick up your ballot at PARKINSON'S CLOTHES FOR MEN ..• Downtown Stc••ens Point and cast your ballot at: University Center De Bot Center Allan Center THE SHINDIG <Home or Big Name Entertainment) "'hnquisllt'd t hoscadminmr~~ t i¥r dulles to dnote fuUtime to t ~ac hina . t he tcachina ataff numbcK..t 14. An i ncll'~K in lll'~dual c!i from 10 to SO was noted durin& that u.me decade fro m his departme nt. . And undct hi:s luGc nhi p <' IIH"rac d from 1 acnen l conKI'I'ation prQ&nm ~~~ in !.Oils. wa ter . foKSi t)', wildlife and rcsourcemalllaemcnt . Wild l ife manaaemen t , ruou r ces economics and 1\" )ou r ce policy a nd administ rat ion Ill' hi:s l~til.l ct.mroorn topics. but M has taught nurly every course offnedhy hi~Gcpa rtn~n t . HUNTING SPEOAL 301 OfNf l0.06 Shdl $2,88 THI BACK BY POPVLAR DEMAND ! Tho I CONGREGAliON hom Chloooo Taxes Slashed! TUESDAY AND THUISDAY'-GIIlS AlE ADMitTED flU G uys lf2 Price Memo to: WHntsdcry, Fridoy, Soturdoy ond Sunday lf2 Price for all before 8 p.m. Don't Fo'll•l Jom Senloro on S~ndoy T~hing pe-sonnet. • II ltO""elari", 111 emploven of tM Uni'lersity. • Al l •bov• ar• All of tiMt eligibl• lor t.1111 relief through Mony'5 r~~ Sheltered annu ities. You will on Wl$C011sin Income Tu besKki Federal Income Tu NOW. plus bt~ your retiremen t benefits IO< l11tron , 2:30 to 5:30 A\1• Mony's Wiseon~n llf)eei•list in TNdler '5 Tu Shelters h~ tNtd here in StNtns Po lnl for 31 yelt1i •nd will bt happy to lefVe you~ he has 011~ 200 leacher"s in school or University lYstems. His pic:M e appeared on the Mony ld in Time ~zine, Sept. 13. BILL'S PIZZA SHOP - SPORT SHOP, 1036 Mol~t, MAIN STRE'ET CAFE" Home Cooking with Homemade Pies and RADIO DELIYERYII 344-9557 Antt All Oa¥ S~Y i~.- In lioN IO< yow, Andt>OIOftlydoeoO.o~Noo....., home of the lf2 Pounder QUOJOMH,.,.,01 .... ol.,..,..<d;o000ftd 1.....-e•. "'-t~rouo~lerimeo/ 11Hprof•o>lotoolct.anlrogood1.41Mc~ . o...:lo'/Mir"lll"'"ontHogo;..lllou , rhehor~. l he ""~atlol.n,..," oneol-nye.ciriftg ,_d..Ogn o,ln og<ocel..l..+.itlo/ Opel'l - Dolly C l~ ~~~lghtt· r.,.. m. r~ •~ '""" ot>d diomONitingooteblonolf\iftg "'lo ..,.,..llli"9 DI Ite.!>ondeouOO<d;,g.., 01 rllelee!.ngolbelngengogod. Cookies 5 30 A.M. · 2:30 A.M. r, · ,,,,.,_ . , ~~~r•'-'"'"' 7 to 8 oz. or Tantalizing Beer Served on Hot Italian Bread 1811: ~~- For furth« in lorn~.~~tian on tiJI sheltel'" •nd , _ tenures eddie! teeer'llly in Mony'1 T•11 Sheltw p!.ns call Hel'"b Reh feldt 344·7542. Qt:tobef17, 1N8 ..... THE POINTER HALL-A-DAYS Co mplied by S.11dr. Hr no KN~ E N IIA LL Phi Sigma Epsilon The broche n o f Plr.i Si&ma Epsilon welcome IM foUowlna men 10 t M faD pltdse du1: :~~~r'~~~"o~ ·K:i~~ :~~~~'k~ t iumni 1bo held tlr.cif annual homccomins party II P.p~J oc'• o n Satu rday and !he annual Doll and Sud1 pllly at Jordtll P11kSunday1fternoon. Plooloes, llfii.. Hb Crtcn, t.likc Klddcu Kil l Kolod &ik, Steve Fou 1~d I'll Ep~~: .~!o~~;!ct. ~~YS~~ Mc faul. Dwinl homecom.i!\1 week th e J im 1\anK n 10 Donn• Evans, Phi Sip wuc adi¥c p~rticip~nll. Don Mc yrr to Pt t B~orck tnd On Fridly ni&hl lhc broChen Gene Valor I O Nu cy h.ad 1 st11 plfty for ahamni 11 Kimbc rlk n. Poin l Bowl. It wn followed by 1 • AJ10 IIIIIOUnC~ were t ill; homecomina dinnu dance on S.turdly ni&htat tMStcvcns plnninp of two brollr.rn of Tau Kappa Epsilon. BiD Biue is Point Country Club. pinned 10 J une 0'10wUJ, o f In lnlnmurab the Phi Sip Alpha Si.fm• Alplr.a and Wayne wo n their fourth stni&ht Jlmt ctark b pm nedto J oa ~~nr F i ~. by defulina t hc Sia Pi's22.0. Thc ystiUrc mainunddeated . ~· ~~!:!.. ~ B y Jud y 8r~ldl\l Tllb ynr'l hall countil mcmbcn 11 ' Knulull lla U 1rc Jcn y Keyes, I EaA ; 811d Price, I So ulh ; OIVc Teetc:link.2EaA ; One W~rrill , 2 Soulll; Tent Nor lhwood, 2 Well; Byro11 C h11e , J E11 1 ; R ick Dtuffe nbadr. , J Soulh; John Thies, J Wu t; Randyl)wnc r,4 East : Bob llcnftin&, 4 Sout h; Jim Frics:s, 4Wes!. Co un cil of fian are u foUows: presiden t , Cary KuuJI: ; vice:.p ruidc nt J erry Romano; Jccn:lary. Tom Kernen, 1nd lrnsurcr,Do nPclcrs. Knuuc11 '1 sn~ek bar is bttk in opcn l ion this year, S11nd1y lhr o ush Thu rsday, in the bucmnt from 8:)0. 9: 30 p.m. llot dopandpopanbein&IOid . T he 1968 ruffed aro uK Knon has btenopenlino::Scpt . 28, tnd wiD remain ope11 until Dcc. l llnthtpartcllhe sta le IOulh of hi&hwty 6'1 . Cold wuthertnd rtin tecoun!ed for many youna birds !hili sprina, but 1 ftltly aood harvest is predicted. Productive vouse huntin& wiU be&ln wMn most of the ltucshave dropped and t he birdsbecomeeasicrtoKC. Crouxtlps: iniOIUdlkn-dnt h onrtimcwil h 4 Ellnwinnina,9-8. liVER IIA LL ,t.cltit'itesln l Mir.a U promilc 111 lntcrcsl ln& year for 111 Hycr wo rocn. This wee k Wedncsd.lly the "Feminine Yo u" committ«, I rttndin&lr.aUcouncilwmmltt« timed 10 cmphuiu 1nd cru lch the femininity of 1\ycr women , sporuorcd its finl pr01J11m. The I. You won't maiiiH fonst . Crowe tre birds of the cdp 1nd 1ft most likely tobtfoundinlheshrubby•ren where fttld and forut meet, ot ln forcst cklfin&s. wi&Jc ts. ll yrOIJyphlc:s,tlr.aUp.apcrlo make ilstppc1n11ce 11 the end of th e mo 11th, an d 1 formal to kldr. o ff ncJ.IJI:mcsltrlltcvents intheplanninastqcs. 2. Sunny d.ty1 wi lh little or no wind Itt !he best bet for aoo d a r o uK huntina. The w11mth of the t un induca the birds lospcnd t larzcputof t he dtyloafinaa ndfcc:dinsinopcn a rc u, mlk i na them more t tccta blc lo hunters. CrooJI: tend to slick tode!IK covertnd flush wild o n cloudy, windy dtya,but t nywcat hcr youcan llllld isWOf th l try . Knu!ltll llaUp11111tobuilda Six Students UW Phc;umacy ·~~"if~~i~ *~::~~~~i~Z:! 1tq11irtd for l he totcmpoltlnd work willbcsin10011. 11 ishopcd Attend Retreat to be com plcled by nul spr inJ willr. Tom G ustin in ctr.a rse of conslrudio n. Dr . Riclr.atd Olr.Vllll. Director of Adm issions of the School o f Plr.armacy at the Univcn.it y of Wisronsin,.,.·ill s~akon0ct.23. The n~c l ina is schedukd for 1 p.m. in Room A-1 12 o f !he Scitnet" Bu ildil'l&. Knullf.ll intr~munl football cllampiolll arc 4 Easl. The playoff aamc ,wu played Thursday, Oct . 10, bet ween 4 East and J Wul. The aamc wcn l Knutzen Hall Again Wins Hall Display Ski Club Elects Officers ::~~:~!,Z~~:~~~;~ a,~ ~~:~ dirccledanddismis.scdhis~q~d to t M fou nl of rcfrcs.h mt nl where tn impromplu band played hymns to the townfolk. A homccomina banquet WJS lr.eld 11 tM 1\ntltn, Saturday, Oct . 12, I I 7 :30 p .~. It wu l lttndtd by IOliSIOCilltl. The There wi ll be 1 mtetin& loni&ht 11 Ann Lyons, 2220 Division. AU vcls with six months or more conKtutlvc scrvice In • nybnnc h oflhe U.S. mi l i t ar y a r c c li a ib lc. RcfrtshmtniSIIUIUII , blr~· ~~ou:il~cJ!!fltolr.~~i~~ yourse lf wi lh 1 huey, clum.J)' aun, ti&h t bores 1nd hiah Ye loci ly loads Inte nded for d u.ckl. A 10-f;IUJC 01' li&ht 12-puJC ,11111 wi lh im proved cylinder or modin~d clr.okc ist = rkt;: 1 :,J~~f~~~iy,''u:or,~ 8. Win&-lhool in& lfOUK is 1 ~~c~~~~·~ ,!:...~,y'~~!d~';!: Placement Opportunities Monday, Oct. 21 - Wedne sday, Oct . 23, 9 1.m. to 4 p.m., The United Statts ~brine Corps will interview all lfl dlllltl inltrUltd In officcrcandldllcKhool. Mondl)', Od . 2 1 - Wednnd.ty, Oct. 23, 9t.m. to 1 p.m., VISTA wiU ttCJ\Iil anduatu intcresud In wrvice with this &OVtrn rncnt •se ney . AU m~ora tn Invited to in luriew for posi tions in youth workandsocia\ wdfarc . Tlr.ursd ay,Oc:t. 14 , IOa.m. to4 :30 p . IJI. ,~ollc&t Lifc l nsunnce Co.. wiD interview aU majors in tcrclled in career oppOrtunitin in the illlunnceOcld. Th111sd.ay , Oct. 24- Frida y, o,t , 1S. 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m .. The Uni ted Stales Air Fo rce will arrive to spca k wi!h all sludcnts inlercstcd In Aifforceofficc r carec!opportunitics. Th11tlldty,Oct. 24, IOa.m. to 3 p.m.. Roadway l:xprcu. l nc., will inteniew Business Admin istration tnd Liberal Ans sludents as well aU majorslntert$\ed in career opponunilics with o ne of America 's le:tdinsmotorfrei&lr.t com panies. 11 Mo nday , Oct. 28, 9 1.m. to 4 p.m.. Woo!wonh Department Store will interview aU majors lnttRSied in retail store ~naacmcn 1 posl tio111. · Tu esday, Oct. 19, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Otfn~oe Contncl Audit A1ency, Chicaao rrJion will spuk wi th business, economics, ma tlr. , =~ti!~~e~it~~~~b·~~!i~~·;:t ~~d~~~~~;!~!y. •udilin& and otrlcc tslr.otllall limn .. Cono:: ntnte! Tucllday, Oct. 29, 9 1.m. t.; 4 :30 p.m., Tnnkrs l111uta11ce You must be plr.ySica lly rud y as Co mptny, Milwtuku, will spuk with all majon interested In l.llu well. Ct rry )'OIIJ 11111 II a 4S • tnd office posi l ions in this maJor insurance company. deane anllt across your thest, Sill Stcve111 Pointstudenll Thursday , Oct. 3 1, 9 t.rn. to 4 p.m., Con necticut Muc ual life so l lr.at you can thnysmo11nt it l llcnded l hc 1nn111l faD retreat J . When lookilllfOfplaceS IO lnsun nce Compa ny will SjKik wi th t il majors lntcrutcd In ults on Oct . 4-6 11 Lake Genna hunl , lhlnkliktllfOUK. Crousoe quickly. 9 . u yoJ act 1 chance · 10 positions in lnswance willr. one of Ame rica's lcadi n11 co mpanies. sponsored by !he Intcr·Vanity nC'Cd food (weed seeds, berries, Cllristianftllow-.hip, wild fru it , pee n , I! IC. ) t nd shoot 111rouseo11 1hcaround ,bc The l'lucmcnt Ce nt er wishes to tnnooncc that tllml ltd number T hey were Phil Gilbert, Jo hn pknty of shru bstn d l maUtrua 1 &cntlcmln t nd turn il down . o f 1969CollcacPiaccmen l Annua lsh.aveurived for fr ee distribution Brenema n , Jud y Br oc kln& , unde r wh ich IIIey ct n ltkt t M You11 c presumably lr.1,mtlna for toara dua! lnascnioll. When you llopin tosianupfora rctruitmcnt Sh.uon Wtdc, Bob Dut on and sunwil houtuposinathemse lvcs aport , and aroon d,.l uicina a int erview or to upda te your placement filc , be sur e tOltl your copy. Mllitm Olsen. Abo tllcndinl 10 predators. An 11'\"a in whic h arouse is as an11 a wa ste of Oo11'1 Wlil until second semeste r when the supp ly lr.nlona been wn Rich Sommer, who wn 1 l hcsc buic con r clements ca n sporl lnJ potenlial as lr.old in1 nh.a ulled. forn M" r member 111d now a be fou nd ftirly cloK te&ct her b htnd swith Eike Sommcr. ttlclr.er al hoobslliJhScbool. llktly loholdarousc. Also, 1 number of free stude nt pa»es to lhe IO!h Annutl lntcr·Vanit y will hold 1 Business Equipment Exposition to be held Monday , Oct . 28. in Do n't cru h l hroUJh .1M mcctina tonia,h l !11 tlr.t Garland Chicaao's Int ernational Ampllithutrc arc aYl ilab\c. Stop In a\ OS6 Room o f l ht Uni¥trllty Ctn ler. unde rbru sh. Ftll·movlna, noisy Main toac t your tlckct soon . The meet ina wm be 11 6 : IS p .m. hun ten send l he bi rds runnln1 tnd 1llst udenu arc invited 10 on 1M1d. Yo u will 11~ 1 more All Januar y ,.adua tcsare uraedlobe&intl'lacement File at once birds l o Oushwit hin llnJei f you attend . byfiUinsout tlte l'llctment Forminorde rl hatllr.cymayhavctheir mou dowly 1nd Plllti crcdtn tiab rudy byandua!ion. St op \nuOS6M al ntoda y, frcqu~ntly nur any "birdy" The WSU Sllmptrs will hold lookinaspou. Hcrol llto f lheWcek 1n o raa ni u t io n a l mecti!\1 S. If you are hun1ln11 wilha to ni&ht at 7 p.m. in the The four slrb who uo~ l ht fro m Main Stree t to u ~ 11 partntt,knowbisuiCt location Mu i r·Schuu: room or the " We lcome SiaKfi Alumni" ,.n ttmosphere f01 their bucmcnt. at 1U times. Wlr.istl inaorca llina Uni¥C rsil yCcntcr. for tlr.is pi! r po~e Is n~cessa ry All sump collectot l or nol~~e and doc s not unduly incere~tcd person• arc invited to fri&htenthe llrousc:. a u ~nd . ' WSU Stampers Will Organize THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU " WHUE IN THE WORl D ARE YOU GOING?" WE ARE AGENTS FOR The l'owd~r Buff Skr Club !H id ih fin! oncr tinl on Wcdnnday , Oct . l6 . The slr.i Hips announced for the yu r may Include Trkmark. Minncsola, l ndColor ado . The new o fficers of t he ski club a rc presiden t , Bob LanJ II Ik r ; sr uc lary. l.ynn Stanley ; trnsurcr D.Jwe CJhoy; p11blicily , Norrrn Steward ; trip U p o n tpp roac hina th e downtown lftl, tht drillmaster find· many vou~oeln opcn fse ldsorinde nte, ~c~:.:to~n e~f~'~':" :~ 6. UIC I JjUic 5lllt el)'. CtooM' flulhed wlr.ilt f«dinl or loafinlln open aren wiD almost IIWIYI hl;d forlheshJ Ctll «Werneuby.Jfyoutnlr.unlna l he cdJe of 1 wood1, ex t he birds lo fly Int o tlr.c wood•. C r o uu f hllhtd In forut clearinas will 10mctimcs Oy ri&ht onr your hetd intncffortto s ctinto dcnJesttndlofplnel, ced.tn, cldere tc. T• keadYl ll tqt of thls tlli tby posilionin& your Jl'rlncr tnd yourself where you bolhmiJh! Jtltlhol . Airlines· Ra ilr oads - sh;p Unes- Chartered and Sight· See ing Busct · ll:eni·A·Cors . Tours . Horels & ll:elOrts • All OVER THE WORlD YOU PAY ONLY THE REGUI.AR PRICE We inue tic ke ts, .trovelers cheques, hovel Insurance, hotel confi•mo tions, e tc. Stud~nl Roles ond Exw rs ion Role s Ava ilable u : TRAVEL SHOP Downtown S!even1 Poinl The advi~s ~ •t Mr. and Mrs. Frccooffccandtcawillbe sc rvcd 11 a specia l open housc.r Mark Deadman. !he llolc in !he •Wall Co ffee House, loca ted in lhc bt~~ement of Cant trbllrY IIOUIC, ICIOSii from !he Nelson lla ll tenn is courts onSun dty,Oc:t . 10, The lkllc will be open as usu11. fr om 1 p.m. lo I I p.m. Entcrt t inm c nt will be P!OJIImrntd bc twcen8p ,m. pnd 10 p.m. Any personsintcrtlltd a t Moose Holl 7.C5 Main St. inpcrformlnatreuratdtocomc. Adults $1.50, Children $1.00 Everyone U-'i nritcd 10 come 1nd listen. The Co ffee !louse DOOR PRIZESoffers an oppor tunily to meet new people in I casua l 1 nd plc tAn l almospherc. · Next to Post Office llfoose Hall Festival SMORGASBORG October 20-4:30 to 7:30 P.l\1. ......... Hying lessons ~~~~ Tllor' 1 ,;IJ~I. You , too,ca11beo pllol. loinr ... UnOicdStolcoAit forceondqualofy lo.. pilotuoin inii.BICo,.,e ol eodtrwil h a•ecurl•a fiiPOII I ibility. Wtll,..t.otltls.? Apilotio thaot/;c.,lllci'>o'i't ol o ,.;Jilon dollars worlh of high llyif19,l<lplillli. co l.-dou~II·C>nicequipme ..r. ;.,.·, ...? Yal,oMyou'll~o.r o lJ\Oppybl.,.o!lice<'r "'fll. l ......,. •.,joyolfictr'lpoy •ond p•i•il.ogts. You'll f>'Oboblyl!,..lro e.ooric foreignll>tldo, ondhove 0 J U~rl f~tvre ln !he bigge iiiC i•nlifie ond "oeorchO<goflizotiofLWO<Id'lbi~ol. Yo~'dbewh~<•ollrt..•O<:illng$poc•AQ.bteo\. 1hto"'lh' o ... Wile" ~·, hoppenlng. Now. Todot. iigh• -. Thi•ll'linui•.ThiNrlorcth •IMo--.1" ploc•lobe. • lf)'O!ol't"(Wnloltyonddot!'!lrytt.."-rolopO(t T.o"'.)'O!ol11min)'O!olrblgchonct. letlllotbeol.onOfl l UlllrTDIJAmAlllfOIICI looA.O.CW. $CN10 ..._,.,. , ..... eo... t eooo7114 .... SP'! fS!! L: -- ... Q.Ul oetooer Page6 a humon pvramid in rimed camperirial'l wrrh ather a rganizarions ot rhe games for homecoming. (Pharo by Dennis Bvshl ANY with this five piKe jou bond (of wt.K;h only four are shownl on Wednes· THE WHEfLI.UIOW lACE wos held behind the fleldhovM 01 port of the homecoming festivities. The person ;., the wheelbarrow hod to guide the blind· __,_.__ II, I~ f~lded driver th1ough o moze of tires in the shortut .11me poujble. !Dennis Bush Pharo) October t7. 1968 THE POINTER Superior Rallys To Tie Pointers, 14 14 Yellowjackets Score TO In Final Minute By Tim WSU - Supc"riot put ovtt 1 to uchdown wi th only 48 ~conds kft in tile pmt and ulva,cd a 14.14 tie wltll WSU - Stu·enl Point in tile Polnt<'rf homrcomlna pm<' lut Suurd~yat ~rkefidd. Tlletr<'droppd tllePointus' Kason mule to l-4·1o•·e~ll and 1·!·1 in til<' WSUC. Superior b no.,.. 0·5·1 oYcrall and 0-4·1 in tllt,-onfNtn«. Til<' I-JIII<' '"'U I looK1y pla~·ed affair tllrOU,IIIout .,..itll lllln)' d r opped~Uts.bad j'IISOI<'I from « nltr and a horde of pcnaltin on botll sides. Tile --'Utlln..-asi.oktl. • The Pointers 'tarted out like t ile)' mcJnt to run tile Ytllo.,.Jiekets off the field IS th<'y tooktlleopcnint klc:koff and marched 71 yndsdown tlle fieldtOKOre. After twof'L"tdownson the aro und. quartrrbac:k Mike Wtyrnburah llit fullb.lrc:k Lloyd Cross Country Team Wins Fir~t Meet L...c:h llo ffm.tn with a pua for a nnt down 11 the Superior 34 Karl Kolodzik pkhd upanotllc'rrLnt down 11 !he Z3 and ·thtn took• Pill from Wcycnbu.r&h fOf 1notherat thc ll. Ko1odzikpickcdupfivcyards o n first down to the four. Bob Ro hde 101 to the one foot line on tccond down, but WtytnbU.f1h'sNink•ttempt wu IIICkcdupil!Oft Oflhclot1Unc on third down by • loiJih· Yellowjacket ddtru.l~e Unc. Rohde aot the <:all on fourth down and powtrtd hb way off ri&ht lac:kle fOf the louchdown. PatMcfaut kichdthcpoinland !he Polntenhada7.01ud with 8:3~u~~ t~~:/:n~~~ ~':~f~ with the kic:koff and Do111 Sutherland punted to the Polnter l8 . Weycnb urah ro lled out uound his riaht end and attempted to pitch out to Rohde, but the touwubad.tnd felt fr«= on the vound where Jollnlucre.t.lrecovcrcdonthe Point14fOfSuptrior. The PointcrdcfenJe ttiffcned for thn:e downs and tllrcw the Ycllowjackets bad: to the 20. bu t on 1'ourth down , quutubac:k Paul Hammerbatk'l pHI In the endzonc wu tipped byPointerdc:fcnsivebuk Jo hn llatTisintothewaitinghandtof end Bob Peck for 1 Sul)<'tior touchdown. JcfffinnconvcrtW tO lie the ICOrll II K~en With J :llllc:ftintllefustquartcr. Suptrior mounted 1 drive after tllc 'Pointcn punted. They Wove from their own 31 to the Point 211 before the Pointer dcfensestiffenedandtookoYcr on downs. lhmrnubatk connected with Peck twice during that driYc and bardy overthrew hlrninthcclurat the aoal line. Supcrior'sddcnJe hddapin and Mike Breaker's Uloft pont aftuahi&)'lpas.sfromcentcrwal downedJttheSO.yudline. Pat Fcc p¥11 poue•ion back to Stevens Point momenii!Jtcr u he feU onaDaryllloltinshud fumblcatthePolnt42. "· Suptrior mountcd anotllcr :~~m a1 ~~~~~d':w~~ ·~::C ~ covered 58 yuds. McFauff oonvcnion p vc !he Pointcna 14-7 lcld with II:S!il left in the half. Supcriordrovc tothcStevens Point 311 with tile help of 1 second rOUIIIint the kicker b,),k from bst year's offensi~e unit andstYen fromtllcdcfcn~e. lollin's paa in the wanina kic~~f{'~;d'<>;r~o~:e ~::,.ndt~!~ own 27to tile Point 23 before &ivin&uptheballondowns. Withplayinthefinalpcriod, the Pointcn droYe to the Superior 3J before sllllifll. Breaker went back in punt Stout ' dcfcalcd Winona (Minn.) and Superior in their fLrst two pmcs bol have 1011 their lui · four contests to Whltewatcr,Oshkosh.PI•ttevilk, and La Croue. ThePointcncrushcdthe Blue Devils In lht Stucns Point homecomin& pmc last ycu, 41 · 13, and twoycanqospoiled Stout's llomccoml!ll. 21·20. In lhcaiJ.(imexricswhkhbepnin 11114,Stevcns Polnt holds a wide marlin with 17 .,.·ins. 3 losses andZtin. * f¥1' . ~~ li~ ' twice durinl lh" drive before Tota!Yards(Nct) 244 Pete Blolo intrrupted 1 pass Pa.ues · 11·20 inttndcd for Peck In the end lntcruptcdBy I 10ne wit114:SO kft. ·Fumbles Lost I Punts S·ZS The Pointer. were forced to PcnJitics 5·56 punr momenu lucr 1nd Breaker's punt catTied only 20 1 .11 yardsto thcPolnt40. Stevens Poin t 7 1 0 i~.~~:C!~w o:,. ~~k f:/~k'"'!~ thcSuptrior4 to cndaPoinlcr lhrUt. kick ticdtheKOrewith:41 lcft. The l'ointen lurd time for xvcral p:mcs, foUowin& the kickoff, but mounted nowrlou1 threlllnd the pmccndcdin1 tic. ~teinwitt~ ';'~!. c:r~n~f~~~ Firll Downs ~~~irTr~'k:n 2~n1:e~~~:r,i~ 1P;c~ ~:~:~•=' ao:'~::in 1~pl~~m*~;:nb~~ ro~:!~ ~~~h;C::!~~.. bot the at quutcrback and made Ills prcJence felt on the nne play. Pointers Travel To Stout Saturday by Tim LJsch Th WSU·Stewens Point The Pointer's homccomina pme last Saturday had to be one of football 5quad will innde Menomonee, Wisconsin , this tile sloppiest I ha•·e ~tn in 1 lona time. Dropptd pa~s. b•d Satu.rdaytotakcontheStout pitchouu, undcrtluown pa.ues, bad hikn, and 1 few other Sttte Blue Devils. Stoul will be incidentals. The Pointrnstartcd out stront but their etTOfi&Oltlle observin&illllomecomina. bestoftlltmandSuptTior&otthcbellershareofthtbcncfits.Crcdit Stout hn 21 rcturnifll Pete Biolo and Mike Coun~ot\1 with tile. best dcftnsivc l)<'rforman~s lettermen from lui )'l'II'IIIQUid which utvaaed .only one win in forSre•·ensPoint . Oshkosh ami Pl.utuillc had one of tho~~: ontt in 1 1ifeti"!c nine pmes. llcadiflllhc list of upericncu last Saturday niJht at Oshkosh that J don't tllink ret u rnees is sophomore uarttrback Rocky Muson, Pla tteville .,.·ould care toe~cr ha>·e apin. With the Pioncen lcadina qwho finished cl&hth in the t2.0and fivex,ondskft in thcthirdqullter. tlle li&h ts.wentout. A eonfcrcnttlnpus.iflllastyear•s car h3d hit the t r~nsmitter and tile danraaecould not be rtpaircdiO 1 freshman. llonor1blc mention the prnc was "lied. I,CIJUt officials met and dcc:idcd that the pmc a ll·confcrcnce center Jim will be continued from the po~nt.ac. ..-~ich play wustopped. Juchow abo is blck. All told, the Blue Ocvibhave tensurten My apologies to all the Ti&cr fans ron~mina t he World Series. It took a '"'<'Lid K l of c:ucumstan~s for the Ti&cn to win, bot in tile endthtypro•·dthatSt.Louiswu.indccd,ddlnitclynot"forthe birds." (Redbirds. that is.) i think the llaiJihlcr in thesixthpmc (13·1) dcn10rali1.cd tile Cuds and pvc the Ti&en the momentum. Could •·fr>· nsily be the same~'"'? ~n~t in the Sericsapin nut fall. forfl\ltlonbuttlle anapboonud to him and he was unable 10 field it. lucrul reeoYertd for the Ycllowjtckeu on their own Given aood protection, he fired alontpautoward fn:shmancnd Dick LanoQ at thc.Suptrior 20. The pau wu ptrfcd and Larson made 1 lnpina catch between two defenders Jnd tore loote 240 7·22 I I 3·30 4·36 ~ 0 =~: 1! 1t~e«=:::ci.':~;~. ~~~~~f! Suptrior-Peck.ZO,paufrom llammerbeck.(Finn,kitk.) SteYensPoint·Larson,S8, pass from Main.(McFaul,kick.) Superior· lh mmcrbeck, }, run. (finn,kick.) hit end GcorgcAndrcwsfOffint downs, at the Point 18 • nd 1 yard lines, respecti~ely. After tworwnnifllpl.aysurried to the three, HtmmcrMck foolcd the dcfcnx with 1 fake in the line Stc>'C'nsPolnt · Rohde,l,run. (M~Faul, krck.) HRD. OYII 2ND IIG Willi! Feature at 7:35p.m. and 9:25 p.m. Nightly Adm. $1.75 COMING SOON "OTHELLO" Here's what they're saying about'Helga' "I was shocked at first, but it was so beautifully done I enjoyed it thoroughly." :"I'm not sure men·~·~;:~;, ·7 ·n should see,it tog~!~.'!:· li'1:miGH'{ :1wish I'd seen it years ago. It m1ght have saved my marriage." • 1llijg_tg~=· ~~NESS Thursday 6:30-9:30 PARENTS: BECAUSE Of CERTAIN REVEAUN~ SCENES WE SUGGEST YOU SEE "H£LGARFiRST!!! raham-Lane Music Friday, October JB ......RUTH GASSMANN ·ERicH''F.8ENDER. 5ii1RWIN BURet~ Mendlebaum (WITH ACID ROCK) SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 Marvell & the Blue mats THE HOT NUTS ARE COMING SOON I STEVENS POINT c,AND\.ER of Boston g 3·-HOUR SELLING BONANZA ROVING STREET BANDS · i aJ les People in Their "Fanciest" Nitewea. f Bargains Galore .Thursday Nite~-Od. 17th 6:30 to 9:30 .m. = I~ .:'::"":::'"'=- - :'_:_'2:.0 .:._'_:'.:_' ' ' SPEOAL PRICES llU1.t. Tr;~:nma~~t::t~:t!ck ~~~~~~k! ~:~~~::~~~.r~rb:!~~~~~~ ~~~~r;~~:~~~!'::~~~ you can wear ·em in rain. shine or snow without worry. The natural good looks ol Dexter last and last. In any weather. SHIPPY SHOES Comer o f Moin ond Wotllt ..... October 17, 1968 THE POINTER I and o rocket topped by the rower on Old Ma in ore included a floor enttl~ r )t AN ARRAY OF FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ore shown as These spectaTors view the football gam e So tu1doy. The man with the cigar is President Dreyfus. [Photo by Bob Okro sins kil