Enrollment Totals 6,830,
15.6 Per Cent Increase
!Onrollmcnt at WSU - Stnens
Poin t is6.8JO thisfaU,alS.6
~r~nt incruse on r lU I )'tl l ,
acrordir\11 to Re,istnr GiJNn
As usua l, Fau$1's prtd k tion
came dost to tile tarcct. ll r
reported in Jul y t llat the
un~>·crslty '"'unprctin,g6,8 40
Lu t yu r. thttnroUmcn t hit
5,907, or S) less t h.ln he hnl
projected twd~c mon ths urlicr.
Bad: in 19SS, he said the
5tudt nl bodr wou ld numbtr
2. 100 in 1961, and when time
came for an ofnda\I!OUnt , he
His lt t ~t naurn $how 2,2 16
tlomeromin& 1968 wiU be
climaxed Fridayand Sa tllr day
with 1 footlull Jlmc apinn
Superior Saturday afternoon and
aconcc rt by thc Brothc11 Four
T he WSU-S t evens Point
Pointe Q, trying to win their
second pme of the year, ..-m
play host to last place Superior
in Satu rd ay's l :J O p.m.
homccomi111 clash at Goe rke
Field 1nd Frida y the Brothe rs
Fow- will prescn t an II p.m.
This year's Superior squad is
winl w in five startS so far.
losin& to UM·Duluth, SIOllt ,
~~~~w~~~:~· Eau Claire, and
new freshmc n-- 1,269 male and
9 47 f emale: 849 frclhmcn
--490 male and 359 fema le:
1.18 1 !.Ophomoru --743 ma le
rAn ti gone' {~~k:-ifs~~::!~~~ ~:~!
W1'II 0 pen ~~ltd:;.,':~~ ~;~~t~~•.~_ :J ~c'~f~
and 281 female : 22 uadu.a tc
Soplloeks' "Antiion~·· will
open the Uni-·nt;i\y Thea tre'
1'.168 SC"as.on W~dnC'Sday ~~enifl£,
Oct. 16. at 8 p.m. in the Main
Th~ plar is being dirc~ted by
Gibb,C<Ki umcduigncr.
"Anti,gonc" will continue
thr o~q~ h Saturday e•·~ning. Oct.
Tickets arc n~ilabk now 11
tht Bo~ Offi~. Kcond lloor,
Mainbuildin&from 1:30p.m, to
· 4: 30p.m.dmily,
and 12 fcnu lc; a total of ],704
for~13n s tud e nu.
1 Stncns Point Statc,thrOUih
the de~rt m~nt of ex te nd ed
scrvi~s. offers cla-s in 14
commu nities in this 1•1ion. lf
th e 500 pers.ons in th~sc
off-<:•n•pus prognms "'oukl be
coun t ~d "'ith the on~•mpus
itudents thr u ni~trsit y's total
e nro ll men t would bot< more than
1 ' 3~~cnsion
Rad ke uid that he has noted
~~0:~ ~~n aJS 1~,"~:r!~:~::s
took !he wick out o f tho torch lo ignl lo
the bon fire on Sundoy night os home com ing wee k'li even ls bego n with tho
na ming of rho five final is ts in homo-
comrng queen competilion. The bonfire
woli the second one with in o week o s
tho lin! p ile for the bonfl1e wos ut i
afire by unknown persons on Thundoy
nig h!, !Tom KujowkJi Photo)
'Music Projecfion'Will Play Off Campus Students Group
For Homecoming Dance Disbands; Stadium Planned
8)· lindaPtttnon
The ," Mu sk I'!OJt~tion " will
be IH'rformin& for the
homecoming dance: u WSU - SI'.
The •bn~. sponso red b)' the
S- CI11b will be htld at the
Fic'ldhousc on Ott . 12th . from
• nineuntilmhlnight .
The Music PrOJe t tion consiliiS
of fi•·e men and two Jirlli, who
"w11ml like the A~il t ion ,
wrth Prl$." The)' ha~c ~en
Football, Concert
Top· Homecoming
the gene ral assemb ly to be-held
in !:au Cbir~ Nov. 1 and 2,
are bc. IIIJ
pu t on the aud itori r.u11 In lhe
in Ohio and a muter of arts
dt1-fte at Co lu mbi3 Uni•·rrsity.
IS ~onc:crt by the 60-m~rnbe r
Stevens p o in t Symp h ony
brp n rn ()(<tro11 under !he
tutebge Qf the auise ant ~on c:crt
New Name
be the rust public
Det!oit <:o nscnrat ory of Music
Ar u st Scrru.
Other achic'vements by Miss
A~cr. ha~e
bee n recitals in
M1chr.p n, Ne w York, 0~, N~w
ass1111nt tonccrt~stcr of l_he
Du r born Symphony, wrth
whichshc:s.ol~d .
Now tc$1de nt v!olmlst 11
WSU, she uses an lnstru<ncr:rt
made 24 1 years ago by Dutd
5)1mpho ny will..also ~~~~~d !s ,Rn~m:f thC:•!~~W·~
E1mont o~~rtllt<' _by top vioUn buildeq, 1\er bow was
~e ~ tho -:e n and the Gn?, hal'ld 1111de by the Frenchm1n J.
Norwcc~:~n \)<~n«s Opus 2S.
a. VuiUaume and is near ly a
Miss Abcr, who came to ~nt11ry old.
Steven$ Point 1 yu r ago and
She UH I the dur able, old
imm edi.:l tely became a member piecc:s no! only in her
of t h~ orchest ra. hn p l~ yed performances, but m classroo m
violin since n: cci~i ng such 111 a~ ti vi t ics. rr im11y an d
instrument for Christ~s when intnmc:diate stud ent s in the
she ~~o-:rrs 9. She bl<gan her stud y uni~ersity laboratory schoo l a~
of music in her nati>T Racine prcxntly le1ming to play the
und er th e lite Elmer Slama . violin from he r by 1 Japancx
L.atc:r she rcaived a bachelor of method of listenina and
music degree at Ober lin Co llqe imitlling .thc sound .
Plans, Serves
Seventee n U ud entl ~~
scnln& o n the p l1nn in 1
oommillec for: WSU - Stnens
Po int' s 7Sth 1nnivunry
homeoomin& to be held Oet .
6-12 .
Amona thox xrvins with
Ch•irm a n Eul Wildcnbers,
Stanley, an: his new bridc,SuAn
Stc.,·ard Wlldcnber&. lludson,
scactary : Miry Wl thbolr., Nrw
Glarus : Sandy Schultz,
Marinette ; N•ncy Shirle y,
Oshko1h a nd Cuo lyn
Timber'*kc. Man\towot, queen
Allo, Patty Ab nh1 m,
Plymouth , hootcnurny and sldu
ehlirman; Ct ndy Mcdd ,
Gets Another
Th e
presc: nt
J im Sharp, Steven Joh nson, John Horri$, Bob Rohde, Pot Fee,
EdWitds, bonfire; Don Mike Coo.rn~ell, Duane Cork, Ken Willborn, ood Offensive
Klllil:, Stcv-c:ns Point, pmu; Bodcfield Coach Ron Stei ner. SECON D ROW-Offensive Coor:h
8 '0::ta~t~~~::.m~i;, Bill Bums, Dennh Gustin, Keith Schuln, Dove Gorbor, L•
b<Soklet .
LeMo ine, Pete Bio_lo, 'John Klete<ko, Steve Hovel, Jim Notstod,
~~~h ~~~{!!'l'ifo,F!~n~Li;_,~_uo~~ stu~;;~.~ ;~~t;!·A~~~c~~n:ca~e~~
nu·~~;~c r t mistrns ~brgcry ~~';~~~~!f:~o f~~d ~~:K<fr"~
f.~~;;y•~,:,~~t!cr~n=~~~ :~~~~ ~~~-~1tphs:n~•ph~(Y ~~~oi~·c~~~
~~e ~a~;HT~•~!c~~~r:.n~h~a;~in~~r~
f rft y•rnr nut e
fic: JdhOllse.
in the prc $e nt ati o n of
Brctllovcn's Violin Concc: rto
Op. 61, wri tt en while th~
composer was in his JO's nd
be fore deafness had o•·e rt aken
S11therl~nd, ~nd
l' oin t . spo il ed
Supcrior'shomccominB I.Ut)'car
Symphony Orchestra ;:~::~~if,~;%:~::;;;:.;;~;
Will Make Debut WSU Again
facilit y on the
Dr. ll u1o Mupk, profeJ.S(lr of
music at WSU ~nd conductor of
the.' sympho ny, announl-c:d his
11011p will pl ay Walton's "Orh
and Saptrc" as a dedicatory
Mc~1:ig .~'':J'::~:or ~~~::f ~ti~~~~~ ~;i~rn~!;f! 1 1 ':,!~ ~~~t·n~n~~~ t7~ Die:/:;~~~-
adivi tin. attended a presi<lcnt's
counci l rnc~ t ing he ld at
;~Tw:~R.~":a::.~~ R=e~A!~~:rso::
Rube, Stncns Point,
Lloyd Hoffman, John Freiman, Don ReeveJ, Mike Weyenburgh,
On ly lu t week apinst
Wh itcwatc: r , 1 houah, the
Yellowjackcts jumped off 10 1
l4..0 lndtndpvethe Warhawks
lbattle forthree<I Uittt rsbcforc
succumbin1 In the final period.
Th e YeUowjacketi have 29
•eturnin& from last year's squad
that won its fint thr ee pmcs
alldlost thelut slx.
Two-time a ll-<;onfer~n~ end
Bob Peck hnd1 the list of
returneuonoffrnsc. Ptck ,.·on
th e receiving 1•1\c u a
sophomore and fini ~hed sccond
toStc:11ens l'oln t's J irn llanHn
lu t ycar ,
Othe r re tur nees •re the:
co nf erenct's l•adinl purrt~r .
Don Seidl, Joe Houfbofg. Don So!'lders, Ken Vogel , Tom McKoy, Mike Brea ker. THIRD ROW-Hea d Cooch D..lono Covn·
Mil., Ted .simon, J im Fiebof, Bob Boomer, Rick Cook, Ridt
Po lmtog, Korl Kolodzik, Bob Moin, Bob Heinzelman, Tony
Martin, Terry LeG<ond, Bob Wolteodohl, Verlon Korplnske, Roy
lu x, Mox Beclc, Mike Reid , pnd Defensive line Cooc+r Woyno
GOrell. FOURTH ROW-Defens ive Coach Don Hoff, Mike
Schultt, lo rry Glodius, Dove Moon, Jim Kon io, Oick larson,
As a result of 1 rece nt Board
o f Re1entJ' Hlion. th is
institution willnowbl<known1s
the Wisco nsin State Universi ty at
S t eve ns Po int in stead of
Wisconsin State Uni...,nity -St~·
vens Poin t
President Dreyfus daborat~d
on the possible shorJ term and
lona term dfects of this ~ction
when I nt e rviewed by this
Dre yfus u id this act ion
formalizes yoo ha t already Is in
rxistenceconccrninathe951a te
universitin--tha t each s~ hool
represc nt sapartof ar;ystem.
LSD noted the action ta ken
was a tribute to E111enc McPhee
forhis20yeiiSO f sc: rvi~tothe
The !fOLIP was fin! formed in
the f1U of 19S8 whc:n four
fr~tc rnit y brothcn, Joh n l'a!IIC,
Dick "Foley , Mike Kirkland 1nd
appeared on col!e&c campliHii
throu&hout the nu \on
pcrformin& before lar&c
tO&cthc rfor lluJhS.
w id o 11t , bill S2.2S and S2
tickets arc STill u1ilablc 11 the:
Uni~ersity Cen ter Inform ation
desk and will be avai lable II the
doorontheo;layofthceoncert .
Standin&·room-only tickets
will be sold 11 the door if the
performance Is a sc: U-out , This
yn r'a queen will be crowned at
Jnt trmlssio n. (See STory on 1111e
W~~~~~~O~t ~ ~~ar~~~m:j~~~! • per~oc:e..::::e ~!~-eti~~r~1:d~0 rb~~~
lin&inJ ' CnJI&Cmcnt I I I Scalt\c
ni&ht club and thcnn:oord ed
rtlclr fint b.a lla d, "G rccnficlds,"
wh ich n ta blished the m as
Since that ti me the Brothers
Fo11r ha~e been reco rdi111 o n tile
Co lu mbia la bel and have
- - - - - - -- - -- - - - -
Point B lank
341 -125 1
Ext. 235
By Ed
Wh yct n't a dirtpUhbeputupbetwunth eco nllructionli lcsof
the Fine Arts Buildint 1nd the Lcarnillj Rcsourcn Center .a
students c:~~ n ...-. \k thro uah irl'itn d ofhulna to wa lk w1yuound
whcnco minll upPhilli psSr.?
As of now. there is ;a·rQ:Id Cullin& thi OU&h the center of the
COII!itruction si te, If a lilu~en t would cross thro111 h It, he might
encounter such obsuclcs as a movina cement uuckor asw in&ina
o~e rhnd bucket --the y tend to bl<come huarrlous.
The Associa ted Gcncnl Contractors of Grea ter Milwaukee, Inc. in
coopcn ti on wi th the lnd11my Ad ~anccment l'rOilfllm lists thi•t Y
s:ofety rules corrce rnina co nstruc11on situ. A person must han a
reason fw beillj there, ei ther u In employee Of Sllperv isor. A U
persons must be fully lnllructed in .cprdstotheufctyruln. AII
pe rs.o nn el must wear liard hats, any ncnssary safe ty aoutcs. hard
wled,ank le hi&hshocsanduncuffcdt roiiHIS.
A studen t crossi na thro111 h the coolitruction si te would b~
viola tin& many safety ru les and would be held liablc:foranyinj11rics
hernil!h t incur.
Wh y docs Stevens Point alwl)'l pi•Y Sup.,. ior or Stou r for
homccominapmcs1 Sue Schoeder, Madison,
All oonfercnccpmcsareHt up on a round roblntchcdule. Due
tohninaninc tnmsi nthcco nferen ce,one tc amcach weck hasan
o ffday.Thisofft c.3muliually playsa non-<:onfercnccpme.Supe rior
and Stout, due to the cold in th e bter months, want their off date
the l1st week of ~>Try year. So the same seq ue nce continues ncty
yeu. and due to our homecomin1 fallina d11r in1 October, thc H
teams are played,
Lack o f bleachers 11 Goe rke Field iii als.o a detumin ing factor in
Khed uling the honJCcominll pme. Students from Supe rior and
StOll!, because of the disllnce invol~ed will not follow their tea m to
Point like Oshkosh or Whit ewa ter. Since homecomin& often brin1s
anabundanceofalumnltoPoin t .mo r cH<~ t sare availabk.
Frosh Bonfire Height
Falls Short Of Mark
The adion represents an
att~mpt to be finan da Uy more
This year's bonfire fell short enouah IOHc the li&htingofthc
efficient and uys to cdu~ators ofit5m.ul!;byabout 30feet,but fire. About 1 :10 p.m., Coach ·
''to stopDuplica tin&". accord.ina
Duane Counsclllltthetorchand
to Drey fu s.
the bonfire wu 'undc rway, The
Dreyfus silled within a few
wcckr; 1 missio n stateme nt will dnpi tethe brlskweather.
nin thenillhtbl<fore,blltfinall y
be n:leucdfrom cachinstitution
Peo ple bcpntolnivebeforc nartcd. Tile fire de~rtmcnt
sur tina itsaoalslndpurpases.
1 p.m. in order to &el tlox stood by in case the fuc went
out of co ntrol.
The cheetlcadc11 led the
crowd in .orne chccr1. Ten
minutu la ter 11 the bonfire
"sq ueaked" , Coach Counse ll wu
intr od u ce d fo r m1lly . He
introduco:d the othe r c:oaehu
and tile co-a ptains for the:
coming pmc; aU o f whom
predicted vict ory in the nc~t five
Then' the queen candldl.tcs
wrrc individually announco:d .
The fint on the list wu Mary
hom RhineLander spo nscxcd by
Baldwin Hall. When ukcd to uy
1 few words, Mary nprcucd
totai J:upriseandhappinc•.
Second to be announced wu
Renee Shc:bastl . Renee Is 1 19
ycu o ld IOfhomore from
Brookfll'ld an d u spOnsoced by
Steiner H11\ . Hans~n's
can didat e Sunny fuvil.wu the
f1nt finalist to be introd u~d.
She isajunior111donlhc WSU
Nut to be announced was
Lois Wood, I 21 yell old .Cnior
Dove Boll, Fred SteFfen, Dron K1uger, Al Borok, Mork Beilfuss, sponsoredbySI&maPhiEpsUon
fn tcmity.
Jeff Dietz, Paul Woyok, Oorence Weichowllr.i, Andy Schoffor,
Lu1 to be annolllloed .,..,
ond Manager Steve Catlin. BACK ROW-Bob McCie llond ; Karen · Llmeq, 1 20 year olc'l
Joe Schneide r, Bill Weber, Ron Witt, Kurt Urban: Motty Doml- jllnlor spon.sortdbySchmeec:tle
Hall. ~ar~~ is all\ldc nlaalstlllt ,
tro vlch, Hotlo n Robinlion, Bob Burnham, J im William~. (Photo 1nd 11 anvolved in Student
by J im Ple(lOfl)
Aft er lllnGUnoli mtnll, the '
crowd llowlydriftediWI )'U'tbe
· Page2
= "Vnlimited
~lwer i• apt ta eorrupt .the(\.mind•. of tho•e who po•ie,. it •.•• "
William Pitt
Octot. 10, 1968
LSD Compares WSU wsu Debaters
Open Season
With South Vietnam At Whitewater
Five Finalists Vie
For Queen Title
Thr fin rin~li1U for I~ 19611
homccominc queen are Mtry
Johnwn,sponlOI"td by Btldwin
lhll , Knen Ltrmn, Schmc'cckle
lblt, Renee Shcbutt, Steiner
11~11. lois Wood, Si8n1t Phi
Epstlun frttcrn ity tnd Sunny
ll anl, lltnscnllaU.
Volin& for the homcromina
University Center. The lludent
pkhu c idtntif'lc~tion cud mull
~ 11\own in order for the
individu1lto ~ole .
Th e announl:llment of the
1'~68 1\omcromin& queen will be
mtde at the intermission of the
Brotllcn 1-"o ur ronttn Friday
t»;c ~~rt 0 ~n ththefi';:.'::~1c
of the Satwday momina.
President Dreyfus, in his
weleomlncrcmtrlui to the South
Dreyfus told the Victntme$C
educ.t on their prescna here is
the "most import~n t thin,athis
Dr. Nauycn Cao ll1ch, ehkf
of the delcption which includes
19 duns and 4 lntcrprctcn,
slated !Not one of the tims of
the mission will be: toaet 1 fnt
hand lool: at American hi,Jhcr
education 1nd how it 50lvu iu
A Review
Smith Sing~rs Please
Reviewer By Variety
,\ n cnumbk of t ..·cn t~··t ..·o
)OUniJ men an~ ..·omen litertlly
the audien« at the
fkldhouw lut Thws<hy night
~mJ fil'turcd thtit enthutium.
They dcmonst1111ed t h~ t they
"Ue I I talented I IJIOU$1 Of
choralsin&en that money cou ld
hire. They were and a~ the
Any provam of chon l music
unbeadrearyanddradlya ffair
baL&ncc of liJht and serious
picctl. /<choralatoupunnot
1UCCndull~· ld 1U I folk lfOUp
as the Robcn De ComicrloinJen
h~·~ fried to dOJ, ~nd neither can
they hit an unsophisticated
colleac audience With two solid
hours of ..-hat my roommt te
..-oul~ call "lon&·htl~d stuff".
The acnius of a cho1111 sl)'le is
u;atl M.rmon~· in a •~ry
~-onuolltd but nuiblcsuucture.
~h . Smith chow 1 perfect
plosr•m that Jho ..-~~~ off the
taknU of h.is musicians and
v~atly plcued the audience.
Thtee "Ca1ols of Dnth" by
William Schuman acted as tllclr
In to 1 d~aolful re ndition of
"Gcnna l Fd .. m Booth Enters
into ll ca•·en". At this polnt thr
' uccns of !he concert looked
disma l but the llte!npt of the
ambitious and Mautiful"Pu lm
90" ofChuln h·esshowrdwhat
tlk•Jf oupcoulddo ..·ithapie«'
that ,.'liS d<'liiJIIrd for a much
bl!lg(' r iiQup.
~ The hishliahl of the C\"tnin&
came when the Smithen
demonsi!Utd ! he uw of
"Multidimensional Choir". They
ld!the~tageandJunounded the
audience in sroupaand as~n11C'
pe!fOfmers to nutr 1 sterro
effect that ..·as •·crycxcitifll.
T ..·,. smaLl pie«l by Felix
Menddssohn and J C»<.~uin Des
l>rcl ..-or kcd well in !he formu,
bul t,.·o Klcctions frou1 Claud io
i'!~"::.:~t~~~t~·~~~;.!s ~~~6~~
ofl 919")"elrbrcathh kina.
Special menlion should be
miMic o f one of lhc,wloists,Miu
l' li scilla Ma1doma Ab raham ,
who collcctr<l and ~n1 two
l'hihppine folkson p , She w id
both a hllinachoruswnaanda
lo•·e wna with sinCC'ri ty and
~~uty , The rest of the c•·enin&~
proaram ..., of 1 li&hthe•rted
natu1~ . but " 'I I ne•~r dull.
Undtr ~lr. Smirh's di~ctiQn
)null ~nd humOtOUI pie~s came:
tohfe . t nne rthOUJ hlthatluch
I trnded Ohl war•nor$C IS tnt
"Biurtail fly" co uld be
animued, but the Smith
arrangement '"'II frnh and fu ll
of fun .
The audience wnasmallone
but enthusiasm " 'I I hiah 1nd I
hopethu peopleonthisc1mpus
will Slit! filtin&the fieldhouw
1nd the auditotium for the
future rrncnta tlons of the Ails
and Lect ures Series. There is no
nctdtoft>t l thatby aoinatothe
concerts that tre offered, a
ro~~&h ueni111 of diHicult and
dulL muli~ is in srorc. Gnu
Smithpro~cdthu ,
United Council
Budget Slashed
ByP1ul Janty
The budJct for the United
l'ouncll was 1\ashed from 1
1110poud 59,000 to
'a pp ro :d ma t e ly 57,000, in
at a p!nldcnt'scouncilmntin&
held this pa!t ..-e~l.:~nd in Rinr
Uob Rumuucn, president of
United Council, was instructed
to ..-rit~ to Reaent Kopl', hud
of the cducJ tion commmce, a
lellu In s uppoll of the
HCOJnialion of student
OrEJni1a tions.
Kasmusscn announ~d that
WSU - SIC~cns Poin t will host a
prcsidcnt'scouncil rncctiniOII
hn . J i andFeb. l.
Also conside red was the
a~t~1da for a scheduled meetina
11 Ea u Clairt of the Uniltd
Coun cilonNov. l and2.
ThoR tepr<'l<: nlill£ Stevens
!'oint ..·ere I'Ju!Schillit~£ , WIIIy
Thiel, Vern ReM \rin. John
Wallcnfang, Aud1ey Johnso n,
Len Sippel and Mr. Richttd
The Bills who slole the
Kennel siAn under the not so
watchful eye of a Sii Tau
vie ..·inKTV.
The ai•l from Watson lU ll
who pvc her boy friend from
Bunoutths a fracturcd rib,
Albertson tnd llltUrde\cption
inc ludin& Edu c1 tion Dc1n
Bu1dctte E1aon puracd this
philosophy. Dr. Alberuon d ~d
in South Vietnam in 1 plltnc
cruh while makln,a hiutudy ,
Vkkcnttffsaid he found the
Vie tnamese
minist ry of
cduclllon l lt cmp t inJ to
uublish credi t syllcms, raisin&
the status of studenll, 1nd
dCYelopinJ schools as viable
forccs\nthc rountry'seronomy.
The pntidentialassistant met
often wi t h Vietnamese
le&isbtors and ,.cas "cnoouraacd
by thdr attitudes to sue«cd
independ en tly ," They don't
loo k for Americans to be there
forever, Vidcntaff concluded.
LSD invited the educators to
t1lk with the Audentsandthose
who oppose America n
Involvement in the Vietnlmt$C
war ,
Will iam B. Vickentarf,
ISSistant to the president for
developme n t her e, wu
welcomed home at the lame:
pf01ram lfterspcndi1111 month
in South Vie tnam helpin&
ThC tutorina project Is
impk:mcni university ~forms
recommended by two Stevens Jookina for more Iuton,
Po int tdminlslrators on tlllicr upceially in the fields of ma th
and aronK try . U int c~stro
• lonE with the tut orina
Vickttuarr sai d he is
itnprcucdbythepro&rtssthe aroups II one of the mcctin1
Vietnamese are makilll in theil times listed below.
t con 1 in R tplds
!;~.~ 1~::sp~l/ie!heS::.~d~~~·· ~ TutWi
ors- - Students shou ld be: in
sueceuful In their military old Mainparkinalotat6p.m.or
in front of theCIItur oomCcn ter
11 6: 1S p.m. Wedncsd1y. The
bus will pick youupfromeirhd
c~a t ed campuwsas havens for
p1ofessonand''lhes tudentsbc pt.«.
Menominee Tu!ors--Mondamned," acco rdin& t o
dty and Thuno:by the bus will
Recon1mendations made by a lcuc Old M1in 11 4:40p.m. an-d
team led by former Stevens rhc Classroom Cen ter at 4:SO
l'olnt Sllte r~sMlcnt James
Project Needs
Indian Tutors
THE BROTH ElS fOUit will perfatm In
Collcett on Sunday evening In the field·
house ot B. Tickets fa1 the pelformonce
a te availoble at ' the llnive~sity Center
desk. Prite1 ore $2 .25 and $2 .00 os o il
the rese1vtd scats are 10ld ol.lf.
New 'Swing' Choral Group
Will Perform This Week
A new "swin& cho•us" ..-m Smith
The director plans to hav(
make <Jcbutu Oct . II and 12
du1in1 homccominE activities at th~ chorus pro~ide wmc dassk.:al
chamMrn•usic occasionaUy.
WSU..St evensPoint ,
The 20-~oic..· croup, e<tually
llut for now. such tunes as
" l'oo t~U Hero," " ,\1\Aul<'tiean
~:~~~~:.~s ~f~~~~·t~~ :~i ~re·~:~ Girl,"
"Gone the Rainbow,""ln
Kenyar dSmlth , l! ..·asotpniLed the Still
of the Nli,h!," and" lli,
this fall folluwin& ~uditions for Neiahbor"
will M the majo1
A I' tid a y ~ v c n i Ill
Mcmbtn arc: l.o1r~ine Van
ro:~~~~S~a~~ Al~t~nn:~~,~~~~r:! ll oOI'n,
Chilton ; Diane llied1on.
Ripon ; Sherrie Anderson, Cecil:
be its fiut •PPUI~IICC: tnd will Mary
l.ou Ley, ~brthfiekl : Mar~·
be r~t•r~ t~d on Saturday
Gromacki. Lac du
after noon a! the Watwn 11111 Ellen
Susan Tallman, Gr~rn
Bay : Jnn Tierney. Waunakee:
Smith uid the alumni Lltutcl Tonn. l'nh til\o. Mary
associa tion i~ coo~po nsoti M& the llarti n&lo n, West Allis; Litn a
c h oru s with t h e music Gonskc, Barron: C;ul Catnp,
Many future Wausau: Dennis l>o rn , l'o rl altf,
1ppnnnccs will be at alumni
aclivilicsbothi nSt cvtns l'oint ~~~~for.01 ~ru:~~~~~~:: J~~;!~
an d in area commu nit ies.
Tische t , Wisconsin Rapids; John
With its progr.tms of fo lk ,
Bro,adway, and other po pulat Wausaukee
; f.l\worth
Putt, Cudahy:
Cunis Atkinwn.
music, th~ cho1us isln trndfd to Mi lwauke e; Jon llrndrick,
M an inmument or good will Wau101u; an<J Sleven Gonsl:l,
for the university, a~~o rdin, to Almena .
SDS Banning
Heads Agenda ::~~:~ti!·:~~.:td~~J!~~rt:na~~
The SDS bannin& from
campus will be the main topk
on the fa cully 111cndaat its
mcelinJI toni&ht lnRoorn 12Sof
the Classroom Cen ter at 7: 30
Stwdents, Alumni ond
Dropowl• to Uttlt J oe'•
Drln.lng f:t toblithmtnl ' l
1961 Homecom ing Fes tlvl·
lle1. Porode slort• oll0:30
The WSU - Stevcns Point
debate turn joined with 23
othc r oolkantndunivcniticsll
WSU - Whitcwatcr o n Satwday
to rompc tc in intneolle&J3 te
The Pointer Vusity team
oompo~~td tlf Cherie Choudoir
and Dean Zimmerman met
turns flom Ripon CoUeae. the
Univ, of Wls.-Madison, Iowa
State Univel"lity and Bradky
~:reJsi~r2 J~~y~ . rr:;,~, .~
they defeated Jow1 State and
The Vlll ity tum of Sherr!
Ray and h ck Ament also
compiled a 2 win· 2 1ou rc oord
in compclilionwith tnm1from
the Unlvcrliry of Ill. - Chicago
Circle, WS U- Whitewucr. the
Unheu.ity of Minn. - Duluth and
Midw u tcrn Collese from
o~nison, Iowa. These debatots
defeated Midwestern 111d the
Three new debaters tr-ave led
to Whitcwllcr whh the team to
observe varsity ltve l deba te.
ThcKdebatei5WftcPat Koepke,
l)u ane Wun sch tnd Mark
Dittman ,
ynraboutthealle&ed necd to
reduce executive control over
Uni tcdS tatcsforei&n polioy.
Director of Forensics Richard
S. Roa ers nid th e next
tournamen t will be held onOd.
26 at Milwaukee and will hav e
the novice debattrl in
cornpc tit iQn fort~ first time.
l ntcr,olkal.uc dd1,ate is a
s tuden t activity under the
dircr:tion or the depattmenr of
the Blue Feeling
the Soup
For The Finest in Young Men's Clothing
!lfoosc Hall Festival
October 20-4:30 to 7:30P.M.
1ot Moose Holl 7-45 Moin St.
Adwlll $1.50, Chlldrtn $1.00
DOOR PRIZESMenu: Roost Beef, Bohd Ham, Ch!cken and O~eulng,
Home Baked B:eons and ali the t1immings
-...jiiiijiiiii~~-75th Anniversary
Homecoming Week Specials!
With the Purchase of Any Sweater and Slark
Combina tion - You ' Get A Shirt FREE!!
Bny a Sweater Only-Shirt 1;2 price.
15 % orr
Sport Coat
·2· 0%
orr On Any Sport Coat
Combo Of
& Slacks
Valid Through Sunday, October 13, 1968
October lU, 1~
Museum lecture Series
I. '
Snake Expert Will Speak
On Reputation Of Snakes
R. loh n50n, Jtutknt
~:~:~\':. r~ r,~~·.:soh~b~!!'!r!~
Natural ll ist{)()',will prT.:nt t hc
pt Oiflm in t he Mu$eum
~:~~~i:cd ~~~ o~ ~:k~:.- ~~
n1a kc his presen tation entitled
'' l et 's Talk Abo1,1\ SMkcs," In
R oom
A l 2 \ , S~ i cncc
Auditorium, Monday, Oct. 14,
~ t 1 : JO p.m.
Snal.:u hue ion& b<'cn t he
most misundcmood of animalt.
and falK idcu
stem lu&c ly from a llck of
of these fciiQw
Johnwn is
c rn t urcs.
Will Hear
ded ica ted toward improvlr~~the
rep utati o n of thnc much
ma t~cdcrut111U .
UliJII prcscrvM spcci n11~ns
froru the ruurdtroUcctionof
ich t llyolOIIYi ndl'lc rpd olotyaml
live, harmlcu sna ku fr om his
own rollcctlon, Mr. Johnson
dcrnon5tntu thc ch.an.ctcrist\n
and h.lbih wlliclt dii liliJulsh
tl'lc5C uniq ue an imtls from aU
othcrs, ll croncludnbys.howin&
repr~senu tiYtl
of the &rut
variet y of sna ku found in t he
United States.
,\ nyoneis,.·elcomc toa n end.
Thtrr i$ noadmls.sion ch~rJt .
R y Mu y~hotnltbf r
Will Be Hel9
The sho"" ptnen t(d Ik e.
l · IS,.·i lltskc t hea .. diencc to
the lloi)·· Land and tile loky 11
the tim e of the b1rth ofCiuill.
Am o tlomk;~l phenome na ""hkh
ma)" h:l•··· taken pl.llcc ...ill~
di$cuwd .
Bct,.·ccn Feb . ~ and Frb . B,
the pbnctari.. m rrO£ratll ...m
look at Stonr llrd gr.historiuUy
though t to bta Romatl Ttmplc.
,.·hkh rc ~o..:nt invcsti,p tions havr
str.o"n n~y No•·rbctntlse.lasan
li llonomiO: l observatory.
Quui i tdlaT radio sourttl,
,.·hkh em it enormous quan tit ies
of tadio \'/ICilY . v.-ill bt su.adird
onMn l•lO.
Th<' final stro ..·• ptesen tcd
Apr. !0 · Ma)" IH ,..HJ include a
di s.: uwon of spacr u uda ndi ts
obuadn and the powiblt
<'.>:istcncc of '"life" o n ot her
All ~bows "last abou t 50
rninnh·s ~nd incllld~ a shon
St ud)' Of lh<·stau in the cuncn l
ni&h l sky.
Til~ shows, ..·hlch ...ill be
prrk ntcd h)' Richar.l lkTman.
Srewns l'oint . Ro1cr GrosiJtkk .
ll o rt o nvillr . lamu Kohn,
prc~~~n~;n's:~t .~,:~: ~! 7~~
folio"· ~~
hi) nea t h)·
s~~~en' ~:.~t ~!,;
bl:en u lect rd to wmprlc for
Danfor t h Gnd u~t e Fellowshipt..
Ly nette C losut, St e~ n
Mad~n. Pauick Ma ney. David
Snyder and Patricia Z.&er ""fR
t he five "nominees who were
rt ckcd by the Da nf., ••h
commlllcc compo~-«~otl.llrford
Mo11 iso n. ch:linnan: Geor&e
Hccko; Jack Co han ; Peter
Kroner and JosephRondy .
The Danfo rth Gradua tt
Fellow,hip pro&ram b dui&nr d
to &~ve fi Mncia l support to
ii<'lect<'d colleac seniors and
ret\·n t Bll duatn who ~~eck to
become co llc&c tnchers.
Ca ndidat n arc w n1ideRd for
evidence of inttlkctua l power
""htch i1 nuiblc ~nd of wide
ranle, o f academ ic ac hievcnk'nt
wh ic h isa t ho tou&h foundat ion
s~~~~:,~ a:h; l'~~~ml
pnblr C On
Tic~ct s may bt purch.:lscd I t
the door for SO cents for ~dulls
2~ cents for •hildrc n. Th e
planctaloum is louted on the
n om of th e Scie nce
t uching
!~:~~;~~~;Ye ~~~:3 t i~~~~~~ wi:1(
conce rns which range beyond
sc If ·i nter es t and n arrow
pcUfi'I'Ctive and which take
~orriou~ly the questions wit h
wh ic h TC i i&ious upreuions
a\l cmpt todu l.
(Home of Big Name Entertainment)
HOURS: 7 A.M .-6 P.M . Da ily Mon. thnt Sdt .
20 % DISCOUNT ON ANY OIID£1 OF $5.00 01: MOlE
At bg..,lor P'rl(• Evef)' Doy of th• Yeart
Prof•nlonolly Cl•aned ond P'r.ssed
257 Dlvl1lon St,..t
Anon From Harth Point Shoppln; C.niH
from Chlco;o
V:! Price
W•dnud oy, Ftldcry, Scrt,.rdayond Sundoy
•,~.~.~~"I Open
How Con Yo11 lu llt
Stop p ing?
Jusl One Hour"
Every Mon., Tues. ond Wed .
- n d '"In; our d ls ploy
of beautiful ond u"h lqu•
Downtown on th• Corntr
''Fresh As A
Flower In
Roman Catholics ,.·ho
~•~ Ul'fl\nltnl ifll ""llh ma~s
Sa tut.la)" ~ft rtnoo n1 and
ni , hn i n1trad of Sunday
m om fn~s. Rev ..S!hneidrr . at a
dJt~ .
hold his
IoC r> in·~ ltl th()l.( periodltOO if tl
woulJ ht: ttcr st r..-c th<' ~tudcnt s
and help lnCrUse I I! Cnd~ th:~ .
Lo~ c
You' ll Feel
Wr.con s in
·Dislrrct . th,· R,·~. S c ll nddc r ~o~1d
h1s ,.·cckl) s.:r-· o c<'~ ~TC f01 all
Luth cnn) lie al.o announ,rd
l'ruruent Ftank S. II ycrls t hc
on ly per1-0n who has served u
pt esidcnt of two of t he state
w lle&u inWisconsi n.llyunin
Whitewa ter and 8 )"Cars at
Stevens Poin t .
~lt~~~~~~~~cs\~ ~run!.Orcd
D url n1 Pr esident ll yer's
administutio n the collc&e
Har t ed ill ow n cveni n1
cx tcnsio nrourseproaraono nthc
camp~s .
J ..al Enjoying o Snodt at
planchtlunt .tlu rcror. arc effective
Army Medal
Staff Sgt. Roy Scou or t he
Rese rve Office! Trainina Corps
The St udent ~ na t e isaplo sta ff at WSU-Stcvens Point wu
spcmsoring t he Who's Who in co nferred
t he Ar my
Amul tan Co ll e&U a nd Commendation Med al In a brief
Universities re cocn lt ion. El.c h ce remony Thursday.
yu r sinoe 19J 4, thlsreco&ni tion
Th e awa rd was ' • •
hu bten&Jyentouriousco llc&e ··meritoriou• • "" uuoJtandina
andunlversi tyUudcnuNsedon servloe" " ctween May 1966 and
sc ho la rship , ltadert.hip and Ma v !963 whrn he ~t rnd u a
Str Yict to th e university ,,• .tahon suppl y Kr~unt for t he
rornm unlt y.
l06t h tnnsportation Nttalion
in Germany. Il ls work ln~o l~ed
.... JJ'i~tio';;th:c a ;~~fo~~;~~ h e I p i n 1 nt o ~ c
t h e
tuve lsa 2.7o•·ua U padepoint Co mmul\lu tion 7.ont Eur ope
avnqc .
h om Fn.nce to ot her friendly
Any o neio teru tcd inJCtkin& nationson t heconli nent tfter
more Informa tion ~n Jet Mr . rr ui d e nt l>cGaull c or dered
Richl rd McKa i3 in the Student Amc rk1n troo p\ fr om France.
A c ti vili u
o ffice i n t h e
Sgt . Scott is a native o l
Ar kansu.
for~ra.lu.uc stud)·.
th~ lut heran Ch ur ch Mil-iouri
No nh
. S~ohn~ors
0 S Who
~=~~~usanih:e'~~;,~ ~;r~:;t~·~
S~· nuo.l ·~
~f;t~,n~k pr!f~ss:rn~~~ s:::.~':f;; i.:sofi~~lych~~ct~~~~~~~ut;hi~:
The Rn . James Schncod t r.
fir~ fu ll -time Luthcr:rndup Lun
WS U - S t e•·e ns r o int ,
announ~cd he " "Ill begon holding
Sunday tu o rnin & ..·o rSI\11'
S~IUN~ in th~ baso.·mc nr of 1
RomlnCa tho lrcCh ur ch
t he Seattle Repertory Theatre. The play
will run from Wednesday, Oct. 16, to
Saturday, Oct. 19, in the Main Auditor·
fum. !Photo by J im Pler.on)
A MODEL OF THE SET FOI .. ANnGONE," des ignllld by Joteph J. E. Poe,
o new member of the dromo deport·
ment , is \hown here: Poe wo s formerly
with the Un iver\ity of Wo1h lng ton ond
Planetarium Show
Takes Star Trips 5 Awarded
Take a Hip lluo""h th~ stan
with this )"c~r·s · pl:mct~rium
s.:rin . ..·hich ho"pn Oct 6 ao.l
runs tluo14h May 18 . A nt"·
show will be prcse ntc.l ac h
moh th .
The prt st nl sho w ukn tile
audicncconatripa.·To$$ !hc
cq~tor to •·irw t he sky )<"ttl
onl)" by the sou thern
h<"n•ispllerc. A look at the
ptcsent niz.ht sky and a st ud)· o f
th<- motion of th<" sunand"ars
thr o u&h the. )"en ,..;u ~
Other sho""l will include a
study of t he Grc~i$n ulcmb r
li.;hich 1\lJ il.OI i lw:i)'i be-rn
ronslltant with ~~~ ye11r of
sea!.Onl. Sn·e talsuuutionshn
ukndn reform will al1-0 ~c
~~;:.nttd duri,. t he show ~'r·
Placement Opportunities
V:! Price for all before 8 p.m .
Don't fo1g• l Jam S.nlon on Sundoy 2:30 to S::JD
Und• rwritt•n by Contln entol Casu alty Compony,
Chicog o , Ill.
Yom· Final
For This Semester
OCT. 13, 1968
Thursday-Friday Nites Til 9 P.M.
Health Insurance
Home of the
1/2 Pounder
7 to 8 oz. of tantalizing beef
served on Hot Italian Bread
Phone For
Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 12:30 P.l\f.
He\1 Do n Houlihon toll's with lep..,blicon An• mbly Ccrndldote
Ccrri Wohlbl., obo"'t " l~SUES"
(Stud•nh con vl• w th• pro;rcrm on th• se<crnd floor of lhe Unlnnlty C•nt.ft
Back The' Pointers!
Have a Safe Homecoming
Pointers 23, Superior 9
Stop In ony Mondoy, W•dn.sdoy
~r Frtdoy from l-3
p .m. In th.Stud•nt S.nate Office,
Stvd•nt Union
Delivery ! ! !
:Melvin E. Mech, General Agent
1265 MAIN
Nl;hts 341·1100
lox IS
NflllSVIL LE, WIS. 5«56
Pho.... 743·2559
U c l0ber 1U, 1~
IHt:t'V INit:H
CompiiN by Sandy/
Panhellenic Council
Fa ll in folmalru shre Jistration
Rcccn!ly, Theta l'hi Al ph•'s
,..lil continue throua h Mo nday
OcBoc: r ..... s appoin tcd
O.:t . l.f . in the S!uden r Affal~ Charlotte
t o th e Learning Rcsour~s
5t udcnt.fa cully commi ttee by
TM-fiut Khcd ulcd parties for Student
Se nate !'resid ent Paul
rulh«sarctsfollo ws:
O..,t. 16 Alp ha Si&ma Alp ha
T h e iiue rs arc b u sy
O.:t . 17Tht !a l' hiAlp ha
<;o mp]c ling llomccomin1 planl
Oct. l81>c lt aZc la
and {ulure ~ llapl tr aclivitin. AI
1 Oct.19 All'ha PIIi
the he ad of the list are pla ns for
AI !he Jut n~eti r11 of lh~ forma l lniliat io n ua cha pter of
l'anhellcnk Council, much The il Phi Alpha.
diKuuio~ . ~·as held oo n<;t> rni~~&
~~.. :~~~~~~;.,:~e~,,F~:c'c1i~h
h at un1IY and so rori ly on
nrupus met with Preside nt
Dreyfus. and pbns arc now
under way for ~ mceli lll wilh
I ll~
Univcuit)· Fo und atio n
Boa~dof ])ircclors.
Thc\1 !' hi Alpha annou nced
thdr initiation 11 1 national
sorurit)' on Oct . lS. There .,.,·ill
~~nopenhour.crrcep l io n from
!;~~r r~~~ic~O~u!~t::Ororitirs and
ranhr ll has estab lished a
siliH'HorOfity policy this year.
For !he rnonthofOctobc r.liillcr
Alpha Phi Omega
The brot hers of Alpha !' hi
On•c1a arc se iling homecomi nl
bu ll o nl. Thc5t butto ns arc
n«dtd to &e l int o homeco mi111
ncnu and arc on Ale in the
lunncl of !he Unii'C n ity Crn tcr.
Sa turday nigh! the annul i
alu mni ban~juet will be held at
the Holiday Inn. Many 3lu runi
•rr ;~.;~:~hers arc Spe~ulati"'
on buyiflll ne w iac kcls th i&yr~r .
U thit.oc<;u rs thcy will be dark
blucwll h &oldemblcll'•
Vets Beat
program 1s designed 10
~st ablish
!'o:~r~lriur~~·~;~~~~:. A~\:;~e~
arrpb nn<...ttogr thrr.
l:lccause of !he accivi lirs
durinJ ll omc•'Ominl w« l;, th cr<;
"'illbcndrnrtli"'IOf lhc Pan hcll
!lliswrrl; .
Phi Sigma Epsilon
The brothen of J> hi Silma
ba<._ hlthcchaptcr Kur l Lud ke.
lJ"·eGrud, Tom J u r~~ku n nand
J im llnlmt n. The brothcrs t]JO
hne ~ new member, Jan Va n
Thiel. a lrar1sfer student from
No ll hland.
ll. rccnl socia l .cwn l si ne lud~d
~ dale 1•u ty at ,\shlef Bar on
S•·pcembrr 29 and the n~ rr iage
uf brot h~r hrnes lloiby to
Janie•· Qu~rn on Oct. S in
Cambridge, Wis.
In intramural$ th~ l'hi SJis
h.:i vtn't lose ~ game )"eL Scores
for !he lan th ree 111rnt s uc:
IMta Srr.s 12.0:Si& Eps H ·land
IlK' Tkc's 13.0. Also. In spor n
the' l'hi s~~:~ ddcated tho: i~ lt a
S"s at llouesh<JCs. It .,.,. u the
cha1llns fin:! vktory this yca1 .
The brol htts hope 10 win their
fourth intnmuul o:h.ampionship
in a IU" and !he $i ~lh out of
~e.-en \"l~tolies in !h~ pnl fe"'·
brothtll of Kappa
dl:rf'l•'• have choSI.'n \'alc rk
L.:.,.•lor. a member of Alpha J> hi
sororitr. as i'hi S•gn11 Epsilon
hornecorni:5 qUfXIl candidate.
Sigma Pi
lhc s~ l' t'ii rc<;cn!l)' hdd !he
annua l " l.ittleSistcr"pr~m.
Apf'roxirnnfly lwcn ty - fiv..,!lrls
took 1•art. The "plrdses" .,.,·en!
lhrou&h a moc k. pled1e period
!hal ended with ~ part y a!
Ashlcy lbr.
The brothers arc corn plct iriJ
final f'lans for a homcrom in1
parl)', tobchc tdnnr ll ancock,
Wis. Abc•·fandbur&undydi nncr
i~ planned, fo llo,.cd by a da ne~.
Las! ~rncst cl t hc Sig l' i's had
the hir.hc-t grad~ point a~cn11e
of the fraternities on camp us.
Currcnl i)' they 11:1•-c !he hi&h<;st
m·crollsradt{'Ointa•·e n &e
Pre~ ntl )" . the Sis Pi's Jre
undc fcucd in intr a mu n l
fuotb;JII with a 3.() rtcOI"d. The
brolhnshopf foranu ndcfntcd
Sia sefi 5
Llls t Thur sd:ly, t h~ 550 \'ciS
touched the sg$C fl l in the
campus orpniu tional football
katue by the sco re of 14 to 12.
Aflor the game the Siar.tfi lurn
fina n<;ed thc rdrcshrncnll.
The activities of the club
posted unde!thtncbbishbw rd.
All members conce rne d sho uld
chuk the re for announccmcnll
co n <' fl ninl jackc u and
swca tshir ls.
For Rushees
All gir l ~ i nl cr,·st cd in
participa ling 111 sorori ly ru$h
may r~&i~l cr frorn no"· th rouah
Od . l.f a! 1M S!udent Afbin
officcin lllc.\bin Uuildrns
Rt&istration w11l al$0 ~
canied on in !he Dr8o t and
All en C:en tcn durin& the dinm·r
hoursonO.:!. IOa ndii. ,\ Sl
fee "'"ill be chugcol and r u~h
u rles "'·illbcdis lribuled.
T he
"s tr e am e rs
a nd
Kltarnen"o f lh ~ nlla i'C bccn
"firifllu p" lo rrll kct he ru,. lvcs
known o n nmp us. No ne of this
co ul d be possi ble wl!houl !he
hall 's t ruly inspired dilcetor,
Lab School
Students Pick,
Can Pickles
Pick lcpac ki n&is kids'stuff.
The laboralory scl'loo l studc nll
at WSU·Stc.-rns Point pro•·cd it
la$1 week by pk kin&600 pounds
o f cuwrnbrrs o n the Jerome
Jw1n~k i fa rm, RL I. Amherst
J unction.an dthrncan nin& thcm
in about ii Sjars.
Tht)' are studc nl s of Dr.
ll ildrp rd Ku5t, Mu . Jerry
BurlinJ. ~nil Mn . ll edy Telfer
a nd arr &e tt inl the praccica l
upcrience as part of a soda!
st ud ies project . Co nJu mer and
p rod u <;c r rc la lionshi p5 wrre
upb ined.
The air in the s.:hoo l was
heavy with tbco dor ofbrineu
!he studcnu .,.,·ere dca nin1 lhe
<;uo:urnbcn and coo kin1 !he
p r csc runl . An d 11 th e
youngslcU worked. they wcrr
urd u\ to follow all !he
5:>nilalion rules enforced in
Thry wore white hats and
had an a<lrl!uatc number o f
At Museum
A J'h e
onc·ha lf foot 00..
~~.s~~c~~ ~?;~~~~~dti~:. 1 'f:a:~:
M u~ u n1
of Na tuul
~· OuiMou
Pointer Spotlight
By J udy BrotklllJI
ByDuc Crellore
By One Bw ton
a sn duatc _o f
The spirit within the ha U il we ·:.rne:d
" bUJting out ", n • nyonc who tllat we could plt ya&ainua bi1
alt endcd the Lll Crosse p me
Jyhitoa: :•
co."9:re t,t
usily11w. The1uys prc~rcda ll offenlivc tl~klcofWSt.i..SP. 1 ·
wee k by a rming thc m5tlvcs willl
Moo n ma rked inex perie nce as
"ilaO$C n Hall" bl nnt ll, Jilf!l
and a cert ain "quali!y" type the rn~or problem fa~in& l hc
stre ame r. lbn5tn rea Uy let the line. Moon \1 1 aopllomore
team kn ow they had suppo rt IOCiolo,y m~or fr om Westby.
bchindthern .
lls n$Cn oo nt inutJ ita driveby
rc&ul ar for the
anothe r id ct su ppart in& the Pointers, 6' 2; 195 lb. Ted Simon
foo tbaU lea rn . Two bu$Cs were
rs nkJ Whl!cwalcr li the tou&hcll
tu m he 'a h eed !hil year The
~t~?cn:~r:: ·
li e added tha i !he
W ~ nsi n
~~~~~ay~'Q~:o~r1 1 2~~:d ~~~~n~
Po inters
r:~~de~~c. ~ ;!!~~ ~~~~d ;1,~11 in•~.: ::So~.0 ~~ ~ohn~~~~,c~insN:iu~ck ~Pub~i~~
TE~ s:r~~~~tn
co nfiden t
has taken anotMr turn for the
co nsist of thne wild duds,
indudina not more tha n one
:oi~~c:l~e~~~ bef:o•j~·~~~d~~ ~~rTh'ea~~if:ebJ~It ~~i~~!:n:~~
lu ders.
ca n~uba ck. or · onc rcd llnd ton c
Kicke r for !he Point ers tllil
yur Is 5'9, 180 lb. Pal McFaul, a
ma llard, t"'·o wood ducks, t wo
blac k ducks tnd one hooded
~r~;r;:o~~~:~::~~~~ ~~ hun
season, but tha t he hun't had
ue willing to make
chance to prove him5t lf o n field
a n effort may get 1 limiled
10 his kitkin1 performa nce.
~~ nd5nk!: ~~:~~v~:oidp~~c:f~~~~
althou11h this iJ not r~quired by
amou nt o f qu a lit y du<;k
r.~k:d~~r:'~;n~~~:d:rfu:~e~; :.~i~~~cr .:~~~~,!':~~:UK!fk!~'!'r- gwlsand
cx~!r~n~c!M br~~~~onfi~:n~~ :~~t~~~·te~:~~o~~~~~n:!~:(~~;~
aflern oo n. Th e trip ,...,
finand ally ~ kid by R.II .C.,
Debot Ce nter PL.a nninx Board
a nd Alle n Ce nt er PL.ann in&
B ~ rd.
h o m c<;om i n & 111 mc. The
challcn&cisa''ycll lik c hcll"
cont e!l l. It will be held a! the
sladiu m dur ins the &•me. The
winn er will be dctum ined by
a lt en dan ce a nd c hc erin l
- -(yclli fl&). If you chink you
~':n~b~; ru; f "'~~lc~f.~~nn.c,~
Council. or!istaffmembe r.
The Sttinc r lb ll men arc
pr~pulns fo1 homecomi ng
acllvi lics. The ha ll win have a
q u ee n ca ndldt !c , Re n ee
Shebcsla. and a ha ll displ ay.
Wo rk on Sceincr"sflw l for the
Sa!urday mornin11 parade, Wlls
The ha ll <;OU nd l, un de r its
new adrn inistra lion. is thus fa r
u.compli1 h in1 a ll o f iU
unde n akinp.
ACLU Shows
Interest In SDS
:~net(~~· ~~~ Po,lnt;!te'~:llj
co n ~e rslonJ~
ve~~~N~:~eR~I~'!:,K ~f ~aniey NBC Newsmen '·"'~ndoubtedly. 1nany wsu
~;~~~~~:~~~:r~~~~hr::Y·~~ Will Speak
l nyo nc. lie felt that t he ro u1h
rw d K hcdule which the Poinl cn
:b~uJi::~~o:~• .fm
hurl eM
Karpinlke , a sc nio r bio]OJiy
major from Owen, added !hat
Plan cv ill e ' s ~i ct o r y o~ cr
Whit e wa t er o pened th e
<;Onfcr ence up lo t&rn t n lcn d.
A ddenJivc IUat d and par!
time ba rber, Rod Anderw n.from
Gn cn Bay ha ndl~t lhc mldllle oi
the defe nsive lin e for S!cvc ns
Poi nt. A w pllomo1e, Andt riiO n
labeled the cause of Poi nt er
troubluu la ck ofunUy .
And erso n remar ked !ha t
l'laUcv ill c is a currcnl fuoritc.
A plnel of IIX Widely kn ow n
Thi1 27,000 ace ex panse of
intcnsh·(ly ma naged wat( rfowl
Green Bay0<;1. 16.
Th e pro& r am, e nt it led
"T ur moil and Polit ia at Jlome
Bay Theat er in Gree n Bay II 8
Ea<;hcorrur>O nd cn t.,.,·iti nffc r
I short synopsis on hiJpar tkubr
.llo'it<;O nsin hu n t e rs and
natun lisU. II is an unforcuna ce
fact !hat chcjuvc nilc actions of a
few havcgi•·cnallWSUhuntcua
bad name at Mead. The
percenu11e of poor sportsmen
amon1 s!udent hunter$ is '
prob~b ly no grra lcr than arnon1
po lit ics.
Th e pa n e l of newsmen
include Wcll a ll an&en, who
~overs llo n11 Kona and Salton,
Ga rrick U!ley, who has covered
misbe havior by "pun k rollcse
kids" wi ll make it touah for all
co llc&estudcnuwhohun i. Sornc
of the inciden ts !hat ~used this
bad rcpu talion have involved
:~:e~r.:r!b 'd:~Y :a~.'iae~~~
~!~~sr!::'n"'d~'.:!~ze~ 111 N :;~~~c7~ :,:~nr&~:~~ :r~nc10h<~1~jta:c~:ra~
andAb rwd,"is t obe he ld~ !t he
;~~~·.- 71~ceth~~hi~~ ~o~:Cigo~; ~~::~,rt!te~n t~!nerr;~;,n bu~i
- --
Robinso n. «:>vcrirqt th e State
Ear l
Wi ldc nberg.
~~~~~2~~~[~·u~:~;~~~~~~ Speech .M aiors
the row ing rrJ)O rl er for the NII C
Today Show and lcnat ivcl y Kay
Siltie r, (lfC5tn lly the White And Minors
ll ou5e<;orrnpo ndcnt.
Stuo.lcnt licke!s are S l and
Will Meet
~~~:;r:~ s~~d~~ ~r;~s;~~~~i.,;~: ~~~vcr~~Y ~r w:::~sin~tcr!~~
ll os pital where an <;rutrBency
Da y ampus. at tht Ba y Thu tre
frorn the
"''fek .
Wis~omi n ,
aclual &arne law ~iobtion l, but
1M odds uc ~ood that most of
them stemmed from !houRhllcM,
unsport sman likcco nducl.
Sporu;rnanship il not an cuy
thin& 10 define. There 11 no
written f;Ode !hat spells out the
munir~~ of Jpo rl srna nsh ip in
dettil, but if !here is one word
t hat i1 syno n ymous wit h
sportsmanshipinh unt!ng,i lil
respe<;l. One Jhould respect th e
pmeinitss tru&;&lc !OJIIYi liYe
in !he crowded and po ll uted
habila l we h vc <;rca tcd for it.
One Jho uld rcspcc l the law,
wh ich is wrillcnin•n• ll cm pi!O
prcs.: ..... c and mam1c pmc 110
th llt hc futurcscntta tion miaht
ha •·c a chance tO hun t. One
should respecl the rig.h ts or
o t he r h u n t crs an~ of
landowners, and mosti mportanl
of ~ II . we should do all the5t
things o ut of sc lf·rcspcct. The
pncl i~e of &:ood sportsmanship
issomc lhinsinw hichallhun len
can ta ke pride, whe!htrtheyare
hu nl ing leopard inA frica.sec$C ,
along James Biy Of rabbi!S in
Jlo"' can good sportlmanship
bcputin topractlce? lnt hecnc
of duck huntin&a t Mead: Don'!
shoo! until youuesurethat tlle
duck isofalcplspeciu. lfyou
can't iden l ify d u~bon !he wina:.
do n't hun t them ut) Jil youcan.
Don't fa ll fo r I he icmplllion IU
take !hat u lra duck thll won't
be missed. It will be mined. De
pr~pucd lo re ll ine ducla thlrl
fall out in !he n1arsh. H you
haven't a dOl or a skiff or a
canoe. Btl a pair of waders and
plunge in after them. Don'!
nowd other hunters. If a
numbe r of ochers have gott en
in toacholcespotbeforcyou,cu
somewhe re c l5t and come ba ck
la lcr. Oon't spoilothtrhu ntu ,·
chances byfirin&a l duck s that
11e ou l of range and Jcarin"
!hem away. Don'! "play gun~".
Any activi ty lnvolvina: firearms
lloldssomepol cnti~ l haurd.and
hurucn worthy of 1M name arc
ronstantly aware o f this. ])o
isvea t fun. itlsnot a.urnc.
Good·hunt in&!
kecpinmindt~ l
T he re will be a mee ting of all
ll.o~.r~is A ~~~.}'~snccna1:rvi!dint~ An!~k..~i~v~~·~[t!!~r/;; U'nl~~ app~~~:~~cn::· r~a; ::r~~:~~:C~ ~!~iec1ke~~~!~(· :,;, ll.b~.,.~:tinr, ~Y ~f~ncdcal~ o~:~i~~ a! a;:d30 ;;;r~[~
)OU!hun Muico. Cen tral (,\ CLU) has indica te.! to We rne r
Arucnu »rid nor therr• Sou!h Snc rin t h~ l !hey a r~ in tercs!cd
;~·;.~:~3. a;,t~ey ~~·~~:;';!" ~~i~~ ~~o~:~~hi~:~~~~~~S OU~IN
th;.•y kilt by ron,tr Kiin~. Thi~
of boJ IIIli)" rnch a
knBihof tcn IOI"'<"ivc f<'fl.
Tom IC Johnson. ~t udcn!
cura tor of fish.llrnl'hiblansand
repllk> constnu,'l<·d !lwu hibit
and is in chuP' of ··~rrnJ: for ! he
sn~ kc
. - - - - - -- - -- - - - - ,
THE SHOP for Jndh·iduaJists , , ,
wonder ful
nnd some me•·ely
elega nt J!ift
gh•ing ideas
.c~so n .
Where t he girls are is where the
Cha rl ey Brown is! Made to order
for the classroom commuter, this
new·look CPO sliirt/ja cket is
t ailored in 100% wool with a
warm fleece lining, has great •
detailing like button front and
button down patch pockets,
Come see it this week in the
pick of th e plaids and •
swingin ' solids•.
SiZes S, M, l , XL. $20.00- $25.00 •
Prep Sil:es 12·20. $23.00
of SlJS
1\("I. U indi<;a lcs !hey
mur.• tn fo r mat ion
~"'n~'r" rn inr. lilt SIJS o u~ I C I from
cam1>us ~fon· a fina l dcdsion
canbconadc .
holpila l bie r !his
Mason, Gr<;cn
- ' - - - - - - - - - - - -- --
the Va n IIi""' ll.oorn. All arc
UJgcd 10 come.
- -- -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -
' October 10, 1968
Pointers Notch(\First Win, 14 7
late Tou(hdown
Beats Eau Claire
WSU-Ste•-.:ns Point r:~.llkll for
1 l1tt 1ouch<.lown after ~fumble
"'rovcry and "·cnt on l o dcful
WSU-Eu.o Cl~ill' in a confcrcn«
prot: Satu.nJay nicht at Eau
T he win -.·as th~ l'ointcn'
.~rur~.r T1~:Y ~~:' ~~~~t).~0in
conference pby and 1-4 o•·er:dl.
Eau Cb irf dropped to 1-2 in t he
confcrcn«and 1·3o•·nall.
Both tcam1 \H'IC hamp•·n·d
tllro\l&hout t h< oomcst by a
steady nin ~nd I>Cithl:r offcns.i•·e
unitcoutd gcttoint~>O thctaLuc
was mostly a dd~ns.ivr str~~&&k .
h~ rcpt1!tdly lttpt t he Blu.tokh
in t he hok with nne puntina.
Neither team mounted any
! luntl In the openin& period
uctpt after 1 punt n:tu.m by
€au Clain:'s Gtly Tcpkr to !he
SO·)'Itd line on t he lau play of
thc-/l::' ~~'!,j~-~ dron to tbc
\\>inter JS 1flcrthc: p11nt n:tu.m
but wcr~ fared to punt and t he
tick w:is downed at tile Pointer
Momenn Iller, 1 Mike
Wf)'tnbutJ . ~ndoff 101 away
and rolled into the endlOM
"'' here ddens.ivc end Tom Clark
·.,..,J~~rP~f~'~: .~rr;'~rf,t?tr~~~~ ;~C:~c~Jo~~ - anDo~u ~~
for the l'omtcn ln th•· game u
converted and the Bluaokls lcd,
7.0 with 11: 18 ldt in the fii"SI
Cross Country
Team Loses
The Blut~oldsfailed by inches to
pick up 1 fint down on" tht:it
t hird pl.:ly andtheyprcr.·edtobe
costly inches.
For..:d to punt. the kicker
Stc•~ns Point, La Cro~ ~nd
l'bttevilk met for a tripk dud
in Cr oss Counll)' ~I the
W~nsin Rinr Countr)' Club
on Oct. -' . laCt~cmer~;N
hom t h f u~<:ct ,.·it h , ...o
victorie-s, dtf(":ltlnJ t h~ l'oint.·n
IS--46. and IK"~tinl l'lau c•·illc
ll·3 -'. l'b ttc•·itlc ~bo be-at
Roter Tollchon hid to jump for
t hl: pus from center and by t he
llme he kkked it 1 sw11m of
onr ushina; Polntu d'dendetl
bkw:ked t he kick. It' tolled into
thl: end1onc and 110phomorc
lin e bac ker Jim Noutad
recovered for a Pointer
touchdown. Pit McFaul'• kick
tiN the l()l)re at1·7 wit h only
J:3 1 Ldtlnthe hllf.
on thennt playdownto th~20.
Lloyd Hoffman and Kat!
Kolod zik co llaborated on
runni111 plays fot anoth~r fint
Bob Rohde picked up four on
fint down, J'rdman added two
theflnal ylr\l topayditt.Md'aut
converted a nd the Point~rs led,
Brcakcrwuthc.man on the
spot apln for the Pointers
followlna the kici:off" he
intcro:eptcd aTollcfsonpiSI.
.fulu Cbire &0( the lnU for
one more pl.:ly,but the Pointers
hdd and captured t helrflf1;twln.
The Pointer ddcMC wu
s uperb a ll niaht. Vcrlan
Karplnske Intercepted two Eau
Clairr: ~UI:I to pace the paa
ddenKwhlehhddt:auClaite to
2Jy11dsin thcpme.
The victory was the 9th In
thel.:lst!Oyn l-lforthc Pointen
ovcrEau CI.Iire.
The thUd q111rter wu a
carbon ropy of t he firlt with
ntithcr tum mountina;muchof
a threat and moll o f the actMln
llk int place between the
30-yard llnu .
Eau Claire ncvcrdid mounta
thfell aaailut the Pointer
defense but missed their btit
By JohnScenal
opponunity late In the third
quarter. Aftet Breaker punt~
LcaJue pl a y ended in $-()lltcd the most touchdowns in
from his o wn cnd1one.the punt r es iden ce hall footba ll ]ei8UC pb)' for the K.ISOn, Silt .
wu rdwncd to the Point JO competition lut week with the
The hiJht:stscorlnJ tum in
y:udllnebut acostlyclipping followint~ wings Jduncina to one pmc was Sims 4th North in
pcnally ll lhe 40puttheba U t heir own hall pla)·off: (The I 40.0 lOUt of hi South,
back attheEiuCiaire4S.
champion of each IL<LII will Baldwin 2nd Euttwicelhutout
36.0, bombin& 3rd
The play t hat d~tided t he
Sout h and 4th West.
pme came with F.au Cia~ on playoffs.)
The only unbe1ten telms in
thl: Stevens Point 43. To llefson
East, and -'th East. thefntcmitydlvisionafterthrcc
faded b1ek to pau and was I n
BURROUGHS • 4th West. h i ~ames are Si&ma Pi and Phi
bell~d by defcn5ive ,.eklc Lee
Let.loincuheeo<:kcdh.barmto West. and 3rd North,IIANSI:N • Sigma Epsilon.
The second runnina: of
tluow. The ball popped loose h i West. lnd West. and lnli
a.ndtoUedtothcEau Ciairc37 East. KN UTZEN · 1st South, i ntramural cross country w11
where defensive end ·Ron Will 3W West. and 4th Eut, PRAY . held Tuudly. Tum scores from
2nd Wnt and -'th East. SIMS· Tuesday and last Thundly will
fell on it for Stevens Point.
h t North ami 4th Nol\h. be totaled to determine the
The Pointers dro\"t! 1\'tqsc 37 SMITII . 4th South. 4th North . winners.
yards in s.iXpJ3yS tOSCOrethe and 3rd Nollh. STEINER · 3rd
Entriu fOI' the annual Pass,
elinchin & touehdown. John Northand 4thNorth.
Punt and Kick Contest are due
Freiman r.ambl~ for 17 yards
Keith Fuchs of Sims lla ll next Tuesday, Oct. IS.
Intramural Press .Box
Will Meet
'"' . . To Organize
CroSK "'" l'~ul !>Jic. who .,..u
t imed in ~ I : ~S . t>a k was
An orzaniutional l!l¢etinaof
'"'follo.,.·td b)' t"'·o l'l~ttn·ille
harriers. Ten)· Mcnk and Allen prospccti~e bowtns will ttke
RuSKil. In fourth pia..-..·. ·was plact on Wclinesday,Oct. l 6 at
l)ak- RO<"of 1.3 Cr01sc. ..,·ho i)l -':4 5 11.m. at roint Bowl. There
will bt ftc~ bowlln, t hat ni&hlto
The l~adilll! runner f01 l'olnt ,·~t~blish avcn&esand luondlcaps,
The lu~tue bo!l<'n toal\male
wuraul lbu$, ..,hO"'Js tirn•:Jin
do r ms.
o~aniut ional
li ~H. Ibui finishrdcil;hth owr
anu WLII ronsnt of -'
all. Dan)'] l bwiC)' "'U sc.-onll
tums. For f u r ther
h~h fot t he l'oint~rs 11·ith an
clncnth pbc.· finish ami u tin~ infot~nation,contactcitiiC'rBuli
Stdncr.ns.istantdirectOI'of the
of :!I: SI.
Uni•·ersit yCcntcratExt.61 4 ;or
Othet fini$hcrs for St~wns Dick Want~u in 126 BunOU&hs
r oint ..-er~ llon Jlru~l in 14th. llall. P.xt.S09.
TtiiY Anwnson in 17th. Dohn
Dahlke in JSth. Jnn llaMLn L')th
::~~{.~e~ ~~~~~J~~-~i!~:l~!
ln a triant~ulat with Winona and
UAB Trippers
Will Sponsor
Soccer Club
Wins, Ties
In Openers
*!6' ff-us
Wet One Won!
First Downs
Rulhin& Yards
17 1
Tht Pointers did capture their f irst win of t ht seiSOil II Eau
ca.Lre last S.tur<Uy. but 1t wu bV no means ov~el_mlng._ I hope
~~mse-:~~·~::~:o;~~~!t~7::eh~~::;t:t t::1s!~~- the
The Packer• looked like I~Y ~; u~ on the WTOf\9 side of the bed
i.J the f irst half, but looked 50rnewhll like a footballtellm in the l.st
~If. Thty will "-"' 10 come up with their btlt elton of tht season
~?E~!i!=Y L 1 ~~~~~~of;;,~·~:a~ 1vince
0 7 0 0 7
Eau Cia~· Clark, rcoovered
~~d~~ In end lone . ( Harer,
-recover~ blocked punt in end
Stevens Point · Rohde. I, run.
( McFaul, kick.)
Cross Country
Team Drops
Second Meet
By J ohn Brcnrman
The Stevens roint Pointers
cron count rytnrn dtoppedlll
second strsll,ht meet of t he year
11 the hands of Oshkosh and
Whlte wltc r , both Jnau c
powerhOUICI, I I I lfbi\IUbr
meet in Oshkosh on S.turday,
Sept. 28.
Lcadin& the way for Point
was South Milw1ukcc frtshman,
Paul lllus, who finished fll'th.
ll1us' time WIJ 2 1:23. Terry
Amonilln wu ~rond hi&h
finisher fottM Pointcn withl
timeof 22:0 4.
Other Point finbho:n were
Don llctu\, sixteenth, 22:30:
Darrell . tllwlcy, ci)htcenth,
22:40; Jmr llass, nineteenth,
22:4~; a nd
l arr y llencl,
tvocnlleth ,21:1 4.
The Individ ual winner of the
meet Wli Tom lloffman of
:~;::e.,..·:~· ~;:~4~o~~~rictf.d :~:
ddendinsconfcrencec~mpion .
WhlteWiter picked up two
wins,defntin1Point, l 8·38,and
Oshkosh. 24·31 . Oshko5h also
l'olntcr couh llob Dowtn
was utWkd with his team's
~rOJrUt OYcl t he last meet,
notiriJ that t he individualtlmn
are altudybcttrr thln lutyur.
Lombardi is going to give the
A most Interesting Individual battle to watch irf this Sundev"s
g~me will bt between Merlin Olsen. 11puted to be t he wongest man
In pro footblll. and the Packers' o ld man gu11d, Jerry Kramer.
Kramer 11id some things in his recent book that Ols.tn did not care
for, Mmely whit a great block he heel made Ofl Olsen in lut ~eer"s
playoff game. Olsen apparentlv dosen't lih his name in print. I
Thisyur'sWorldSeries isanexcellent exampleofthedilference
between the two major Leagues. The National Lea<JUe is rn.~ch n'IOf_e
blllaneed and strong. I think Tiger's ITIII'IIg&r Mayo Smith made hos
big mistake by starting McLein a93inst Gibson a 5eeond straight
time. especiallv when t hey wer_e ~~~~li'!9 in t he series. 2·1.
h appears as if O~ J. Simpson and LeRoy Keys will get their ,lllish
to meet in the Rose Bowl. What a fitt ing climax to their college
car-s that 001! would be.
WIICOilsin .PIIyed its seeond completely bad game last"S.turdly.
Mlnv more weekends like that and the Lens will start chanting
''Goodbye Coattl."
After a perfect 4/4 IMt weekend which r~ised my 011etall ~mrk to
9 10 12, or a horrible .750. the nail biters this weekend will emerge as
Steveos Po1nt34,Superior1 4.
UtehStata31 , Wis.consio 14.
LosAfl9eles27, G-eenBay 20.
Oshkosh27,Piitteville 20.
Country Schedule
Oct.B Rlpon - 4 :15home
Oct. 12 Fox Vallev Track Club · t 1:30 horne
Oct. 16 Winone- Mankato · WinOI\II
Oct. 1,9 River Falls - EauCiaireatEauCLaire
Oet. 22 UWM II Milwaukea
O<:t. 25Stout-Superior- 4 : 15horne
Nov. 2 WSUC
Please Go Away!
G.- Airline
ond lldtehot iM
Downtown Next to Po1t Offio.
Student lotes .AvoUobN•
oCiien with o throw-in ogoinst St. Nor·
ber1's reom. The gomt ended in o 1-1
tie but the following doy the Point
tewn beor Marshfield 12- l. (Tom Ku·
iow)ki photo.)
Home Cooking
Pies and
Open Doily
• 2:30 A.M.
l\IG Snowtires
For Sale
Stereo Tope Recorde t with
four speokers, 5 to~u, 2
mih5. potthtord, t i t .
SttreoAM.-fM Rodlo
10,000 mllu 11 yr.)
'h t~d Nh. $20.00.
Al7 Sims Holt, Ell. 445
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