WI==~~J' THE POINTER SER IES V II I, VOL, 12 &·Pages, No.4 WSU-sTEVENS PO INT, Thursday, October 3, 1968 Tonight Gregg Smith Singers Will Give Concert Senate Resolution Opposes SDS Ban 8yJlmHofcr than Oct. 31, 1968, why he ruled the Studenh for a ~mocratic Society (SDS) of Wisconsin State University'' be ban n ed hom umpus. "protestins th e tction of the Resents" and "urxnallstudcnts to become familial wi th the h cts · and fisures of this controversy." ·Some of the rea50nsfuted in the resolutionubcincllfounds for protest include possible infrinKement by the Reaen ls upon f reedom of Speech, po$Sible Kuilt by lWOCiation and ac:~demicfreedom. In o ther ac tion, SIUdcnt Sena te decid ed to l:eep the presen t cradcpoint requ inmcnt for Wh o's Who in American Colleges and Unh'Crsiticsa t ll2.7 0\'etall. ~! embers of Alpha l'hi Omcp scrvicefratcrnityaresupervising Nlloting for the election of freshman KnUors. Votlna is from II a.m. to I p.m.Jnd4:JO to6p,m,inthcfoode<n ten. The Sena te mectina wil l be held tonlJhtllt6:JOp.m. In the University Center. Arts and Lecture Se ri e s r· r· Nineteen \from educ~ton ~~'fnist~~i'.~~~~~.;·.~~ur~:l~·~~ dul"" at WSU · Stnens l'oint Yisit to the campus nc~ t ·eel:. l'residut l ee S. Or >'fus announced that th elk lelalionis upecud to uri\'C Oct , program sponsored by the United Sta tes ;\jcnc)' f01 lntcrr11tional Onclopmcn t and the Dcpaunwnt of he:~lth, Education . and Wclhrc . Dcputu!edattis 0cl .8. Dr. David Coker, director or coun~ lilllsc"'i«J.Ur. JohnS. Ellc1)', assist~ ntl o the prnio.lc nt , 11"" j ~~: ~~~~~~i~~~t~Jl!·~~n~~e~~~ ~;i11:',:.~~~ g!r~~~~ s~h·rute Four intuprcten l''ill accompany th e Vi,·tnamne deans and sclloo l sccrcbl)· generals. The tiny SoulhcaSI Asian country has only fi\'C uniwnitiu bu l all will ' h~ replesentedUStcvcnsl'oint. " l'ol.icy :\hkin1 In ll il\ht l Edueahon"ISthcoffitial titltof the ~~oeminar program, l)r.Cokcr s.aid, Loca l uni•·crsity h~ulty ~~"!~~ :::;~:~_a;r:~nsull•r· Dr. Gordon lbferbeckc r, p r. Paul Yambc rt and Miss C1fOI by Ed ~dn~~n°~9t ~~.'.~ s :;,~ 11 ~'~1~!.~ Stitl$lr:1 and l>r. Albert Croft, ~~~:~;~ s.;r~i£~~~01 ~nJdos?:r~ E II c r y ~ "C u rr i ~ u'l"a DcYclopmtnt." 1 Worl:in1s of Wisconsin's Ea ch Mfs. Kraus. President Dreyfus w U welcome the Vietnarnc:K to the carnpusa t 9a.m.Oct.Jduri a Freshman Are Holding Homecoming Game' Seats Go On Sale The middle two $C:CIIon5 of h~er'k:ma;r::<J ~:~~un:,:~ d~tedurrse!Vcdtutina Senate EleCtio n t~~j~~~~:~:':;o~~F~:t~ 1 Student ~nate Is l101dina d ect ion for frl'!lhman senat~ ' IIJai n s t th e tum hom WSU - Supcrior. tod.ay in t he vario us f anters.. BaUotinaisfrom -ll a.m. to p.m. and4: 30p.m.to6p.m. AU freshmen ttudcnts are uracd to .otc for their favori!e ReKrnd tickeu 110 on sale Oet. 7atthe Unlnrdty Ce nt er i:Jfotmatlon desk for students, facu lt y and 1taff, and at the Sporll Shop In downtow11 Stevens Poi nt for the &encral eandlda ld. publk. \The e:~ndldrol ct f01 the l tw~ S t~o~dentswillpaySOoenufor f:f~~ot•A~r~n~ ~!'!,b~ 1B~!!:; ::::)octa~~~T~~'J:'!~~~ ~::t:·. ~~:S J~ri~ ~~d0/~~:Cm:~ their urds =.· hdtiOn, VielorKan.luiuns,G rt~ Mondrolhi, Theodo"' Sande Nor~rl Tcpp 1~ Do1.11 Shy. )'C~r the Unh·c rsrty has a h.ousrng shorugc. ll.csidfnce h~ll ~;;!f.~;~.ce~r:;~ ~~n~~eedr~r~~~~~ t:r~~~s~i~c~~~~P~:l~~~~h~ ~~~:~1 "!·m'b!'~~~~;.!fb; t.,.·oStHrns Pointrcsidentswho hive palls in that kind 'of Bad.J;erbnd policy mal:i~ : M it)' Williams and Wiljm ~ lu k..and ,\1ibhe Why do )IUden lo livine in th e l ounae~ ond ba~oemenbof lh e residenr halls hue to PlY the .arne rue •~ th ose li•·in ll in I he rooms' AU othn pcrsoris will ~ required to pay S2.SO if tMy wa nt reserved Kats. Rhinelander and Abn StaiN urn: Waul:ts.luo. S11ba111 Wuyts,juniol drama m-.ior (rom Wei! DePere , will be the assi$Un t dinCior tnd tour Sl a&CmiJII&er. Dircdor Robe rt Buuch hu an nounced that "A nt i&onc" has bHn acecptcdasoncofthel91 entries in tM American College Theatre Fcnival, 3 nation·widc coUcxc thutrccon tut. WSU ·Stcvrns Poin t will co mpet e with ten other Wisc:onsin and Illinois colleges for the- priYilese or preKntina their production inWuh.lnaton, D.c. "Antia;onc" will open Oct. 16 and oon tinue tluough Oct. 19. Tickets arc aYJilab letluouah th e orfke of the. Deputmcn t of Dra ma,JO I Nelson IIJU. appUcan ts ;ue pbctd on un 0\'~ras:signed hst. ,\ s rooms become avai.L:Ible, throuJh c~nceltation~ or othct ru sons, the~ people are placed in the~. room s. The stud~ntt on this list ure notified in adunce abou t tills situation, und th~ HousinK Administration does all they can to find adc<juatc hou~ing for thcs~ students. The stat e of Wisconsin ha s a"'' ~Jic_ fOr residen t h.a ll livint. Allh.ou~b thc$C students at( forced to hv~ m Jounces and baKmen ts, the y still h.ave th~ same priYitcces and {ilhls or thOK liYing in the rooms. These- emerGency rooms ..-ere scl up to accommodate the Sludents in the most cOm fortable "-aypos:slblc. Thecostofbuildint thuc IOOn\5 is rno1e th.an the an·ra~e residence hall room, so if theK studenu ..·crctohHtaKparatecontractthcywouldbctequired to pay more. The reason there arc no kx:b on the doors is ~nuse they havenotarrivedyet. Although the Unive rsity has requested addi tiona l residence ha lls each )'Ur, the aruou nt of accommodationsappro•·ed hasnner bce n sufficient to keep pa« wilh !he increas.ittJ enrollments. It is hoped that b)' 1970theUni>·crsity"'•illhucadcquatchoulin&. Why art the IBM cl ocks unable to keep the co rr K ttlmt! The IBM dock system is controlled by a ccn t111l muter clock. Electric impu l~sllre Knt ncr)· minute from the maste r clock to the IBM clocks. Thcorerle>U y, any dis.rrepancies in time shou ld be oorrectcdtluoughthtmasterclocl:. The problem of correct timc·keepinc wn ttmporarily so~d lut ynr with 1he purcluK of a ne ..· master clock. The problem tl\is year lies iOmcwhcre bc t"·ccn the master cloc k and tlic clocl:1. Richard Moyer, director of buildinl and &fOUnds, sta ted tlut one of the undcfJfound booste rs is probab ly eithe r ddectiYt or hu 1 pan miuins. Moyer said that the problem could be 50ivtd in a W«k If the booster wasshortinlout . llowncr,i!would takcttu-cewttb to replaecanydcfecti•'C ormis:singp:u ts. An IBM repairman wiU be Mre shortly; since the un iYCtli ty is latl:intthcnecessuytcchnician, October 3, 1968 \ Pogo2 THE POINTER llyCh"Lct Bnuke J~t Jt't tk .J.if.ilt 'JM.t Get Letter Policy o, qou ?ltwet I t is not always the major issues that come up that reeUy bug a pe1110n. Often it is mo re likely that it is t h o littl o things which can really bother you. The Pointer edi· torial board baa compiled a list o f some Of tht$' minot problema. Jo11molls m This second matter is litent lly a "minor'' problem. This lwnmer the Boord of R egents denied a mino r in journalism at Stevens Point. Some o ( us, espocially in The Point· er o ffice, who ha d mi nors all planned out in jo urnalism now find ourselves in a minor predictament. This type of planning by t h e fac ulty ( who passed t h o journalism cu rriculum) ~nd overruling by tho Board has really screwed a few of us up. 1 Cobl• TV WSU-SP is s uppo! cd to be the big communica tion campus of the (uture with televis ion in every room and ao forth. H ov."eVer, today there are hard1y any television sets on campus which are hooked up with Cable TV. Cable allows yp u to watch stations from all over tb.o state, bringing in C6pecially s uch thi ngs as education channels. (You would also be able to see b lacked-out Green Bay Packer games.) Rumor ha s it that Cable wi ll be distributed all over campus. But we would like to know wboo? Clonroo mt W e know that there are a lot of people on campus this year, however, it does not seem possjblc that there are 80 many people that the school is forced to use certain rooms for 80-CAI.Ied classrooma. Rooms 035 in the lib rary basement (the one with tbe !:fo~i~~re~doo1~ :h~~ =~:o~~:;;!~a~i tr~± ~ the Nelson gir.l's lo unge ,complete with fireplace, rengerator and washing machiile) are the poorest excuses for classrooms in Watence. Ttt. Doon It would seem that a fter three a nd one hall weeks of ICbool. ~~e could have gotten arotmd tO firing the doors gomg mto the fron t of the Unive111ity Center Two unsigbUy boards block two ol the lour doors and ~ just -why. The Editori4l Board The P'ointer Wisconsin State University . Tbe POINTER 1.t pubtl8hed wedtly en:-ept holld&YII and exam. tftation peliodlr, at SteYftll Point, Wbconlln, by the atudent. oL wtaeonan stat.. Untver.tty. SubacrlpUon price - "'·00 per yeu. QrculaUon 8.1100. Tbe POINTER ottlot La located In the \lnlve~ty Omtar, BOABD -:r.~ ut-121n.. ~=RIAL , lldltor-Cknt Kemm•ter, tiOO Jr4a1n St., 341·7140 =~==~~~~~~~~ ADVISOK ..,_ sho uld woclcomn kU c rs be. s ubmitted typc -wrincn, doublMpaccd and limited to 250 words in length. Anonymous lett ers wiU not N prillled. ho ..·cwr, names will be withheld for • good and •uffiden t ~ason . ~ rtse~s the ri&ht to · ed rt all ldtNS for len&lhand good taste. Th e briefer the letter, lhcbclttr itsclunccsfo rpublica tion: SH.a&S4. By FrC'd Ginocchio As many o f )'Ou l.:nm•·, WSU . SP is •bo ut to be b] e$-SCd by J lake . The lake will not b~ con1pnsed of holy watrr. but prob abl y will be nanu:d Uk r Dr ey fu s, which t o 1uany studcntsistheequivill ent. The bkc which is prorosed fortheNorthcut aruofc:.mp us roc:arthe II(W maintenan ce sho p WtU be apptoK imat ely five acres in 1rea. !'reside nt Dreyfu s, ~c'!,a'ill!xben!L!~t ;~ ~ ~~it~~~~~ffic:':il~::v'o:~~¥d~~~~! Gnduonat~offu:c,andenttS)'Ioadd this newand sec?nd Ooo r unwer~tycen teror ma!kd _to The Pomter offi ce, UntvtrsrtyCenter, ne e ded hhthli a ht t o our lnstitu tlonofhiaher li:arnin g. The sttive for a Lake and th e possible suc~css climun th e significa nt tHogr~ ss ac hic•..:d by om uninr ~i t y. Wha t else co uld signif)' J>rOS•~s~ of a univcr~ity bi: UcrthanJ1akc1 I ~uppos~ one could question the value o f a bk e for the dc•·clopmcm of ideas and the process of ad>icving kno,.·lcdgc, but who "''OUhl wan t t o tack le the sut>c rior knowlc<l~c of our JH esidc nt and his com rad<-s. Of ~:ounc, a lah ad ds to a university. It could be a big a~oK t t o our consc rva1ion depar t me nt. They cou ld breed m05q uitosand thcirtknlopmcnl. t r.~cc Jc~a~~mc~:~Y~~:I~ ~~::~~~~ Gilbert Faust Tours Old Main Disco-vers Soul in Building ByBliiMcMUlcn Tr y and pictwe Gil Faust 15 the White Rab bit and Old ~bin IS mu sic dep;rrtnrent describe s the o,y; iiUjuiry by takin¥ th~L r stud~nu wat erskiing an d showin& how ski ing dn elops the shoulder muscles. . Or thl' F. ngli~h depa rtment cou ld pretend it is Th orrau 's W~ldcn rond and t ~ h classes do ..·n there to ront em pbte. Upon in•·cstig~tion , Olle tall casily su thc Lake's v~l...e . Unfortun ~ tdy , tho ush. the h ke ""ill primarily ~ for buutifica tion of our ca mpus and stud ent ap prcci~tion. llut is it reall y f o r student apprecia tion? Perh aps Pr esid ent Drey fus miss.:s th e Madisoll cam pus mnd Lake Mendo ta and want s WSU • SP to be bi& time byhaviflllltsoWnlah. win ter I ca n ~lmost SC'C the "They drowin thlrteen Boss Blue OLdsmoblln, Mont ova ni ~~~~?w~~e"r~~~!ro~~e~ J;;:~ and sco t ~;h." l agreedthatth ea ppeara nce was true\y dread fu l. But "'hat could they do? '"They initiat ed a set of dccren declarina all power to ~~ rt~"!:'d~~~i~~~~s~:.W~nt.yannical Na poleon who C(l nCioiL e<l the> :~~~~~ a~dle~iii~~h~ahln~~s "~:~~ ~~~~~ e~r;lai~!~ But F1.ut in his normal role u reaistrar and the unoffidal - -- - - - s mall 61«1 Lined projettion ~~~~~{~r~:!r~J~: ~:ii:e.> ;~~~~:J~~~~f~~;bT~~ 1:~~ wu u$td for fire Afcty against a Wonderland may confux a few students who have wandered throUJh the murky lullways on thirdfloor. But in nu ny rcsi'¢'U Old 1.h in, I he symboL of WSU' s 75 yea rs, is a "'Onderland of memories, odditi es, and confu sion. ' ~IUS\ look this lepOIIet a nd Po111tcr photoaupher Bob llolden on a '"'O·hour tour of Old M1in lut wed: just to so:e "!hat makn th e old buildina 11111 tr ek. We staned 11 the very top and wound our way <lown th rou &h a tti cs, off ices, clnsrooms, former aSKmbly lulls, stairweLls. home cc labs, former apattmentl, computer cen ters and finally ended up in wh at used to be a rom pletetwo studio radio station in th e baM:men t . l_'wo . im !'renion ~· were obvrous Lll tllis trek . Fu.t,Oid Main is a cxcecdinaJy old ~~~· l"!a~i!cu:S, ~~~~ '::;~J~~ ~nd csp~cia ll y in th<' f311 . In t h~ ::w ~~~c w~~i 'cnt ral parts of Old Main (continued o n p:t,j;~ 4) ==""'""""!'!!"!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'"!!!'!!!!!!! easily [Jnitableedluloid.Butthc boo th is seldom used now a nd is partiallyusedfor storage. Movina ba ck out into th e third floor Faust nplaintd how we now ...·ere in ..·hu was actullly th~ newest pa.rt o f Old Main, the cast wing constru t tcd in 191 5, the $.1 me yeu that Nel$0n Hall wu shu tcd. Th e west winaofOld M~ inllld b«n added in 190 S. The o:n traL pan of Old Ma in "li S, o f ro w se, the ori&inalpartoft hcbuildinabuilt iri 1894. Th e third floor which is now o'c up icd by WSU 's music department hu always been ti thr:: r aenc raL dU$iOOms or sciC' ncc labs. llo wcvcr. the "'n l winaot the third Ooor wnused f o r the ru ral educatio n department which wu one of tile blgest depa.rtmenU when WS U wu 1 normal school and state teac hers oo litiC. Faust pOin ted out how the rural TilE ATIIC Our ~iru llop w:n the attic above the auditorium. "You r::~ n sec. _it's .. a . well Wf~;Sl r.ucted buildrna. said FtU$1 pOrnhna to Music teacher• intrnoicwed alona the WILY ot our tour of lllird floor seemed surprisin&Jy sa tWicd with their Kt·up. Of The llhe no_w ~d for I IO!IfiC ':Jnrvti'SI\y theater 31 new departmcnt in 1 co uple yevs when the Fine> Arts · M c~~t~! . ~ld'h ce, 50nn). h·~~n,• ByBliiMcMILicn Will Shakespeare, WSU.SP's oldest frcshrnan. is b;r,· ~ JL Dr~y futv~ nia again this hU to try and ob t3in th at rn3gic3L ~ 0(1 pO <nt.Will it fr om tha t srna iLWisco n5in to"'' n,Suatford · on ·th,· · Wolf and is partitipatin& in all th e normal freshmen a~ti•· n 1 ~s " '' ~~~~~;:~~ for an interview hit ehhikina out to oM of 1h~ bats n~n h miny1£ IP !i'lk~ A . "On Jhur sda)' su ~ 1 ~- - M.om. anJJ or1 ~~~~~~ :~·=~~:~ ~:~=~i~;:~i:~ ::r~,:~:~:~?~; A. "Ho~~o-~~~~171 ~-~ ~ ~~t w~~~~~-0~ -~;~/~~h~0~t1wr~u;a~·~~ ~~;~·a~:/P~~:~ .. "Drunk many times a day if not many dayscntir~ly drunk::·~ lkn 1' "Drinkinaandswt;tringand"arifll." -M o:_J s. for ,\ka ~ ?b:!? A~!.1; hi!~' ,:~~e~o~';;~~ ~~~ ~= f~~~~~;:~;?ou ;~~~:·,~ ~·~-: -Mueh ,\do "Tol110rrow,sir, l wrcstleformycredit ," -As Y. Lil.clt " l amllowofatudy." ~ ~'m:~0~ 0~e:·e~ri"'/~ur 7 :4 S's'J A. " It is not f~;'~:~~~ ~!~:~;:: con llion tothc rawoold morning." ~e':;;~.>Jn~~~v:na:;~!~'}minl! up? A. " 'Tis far offJa~1.J ;:~~~: LOT OF SOU L -Te mpe~! "Btinarne to the test and I the ma tte~ wiU re'word." ~!~~;~;c~~ m":;~!J.!':~d~li'y:~tr:~e·..:·There is money; ~~~~i~~ ~~o'!.~t~ :~~:U~~,'Iut r~~:~J;;:~~C:Y~~e~f~ ~_!~.:n;o~~~~·.~~!h~~ !hell showed 111 the a~~ofuth ha•~ 10 ~~t:1~r~~-~;d~~ '!~~a~·~}'·/~.~: "Givemesomedtink," !~!~~~~~"'.~:d if:c=:~nw':.~ ;:::~,n.;ir:~c~illc t!u ~~;Y~~u: Ftu" ~~ai~rr:gTr:s'~~i~r~,~:;~~;::~~11 SpOts," "Mister, that's an wicrd story," "Do )'Ou be li.-.·~ it ?" "Wdl, Old nr3n, I'll Shakespeare Readjus~ To WSU Dreyfusv~nia ~·m~i:! ~c~yy:~~ta.~~ • t~~~t.!~i::~:·~i~e~:iW:J :!~:~~~misusetdhc10 o~e~ "' l' r atern~I Councr! A Point Well Taken- Wu~~~~:ie nuy be difficult to conj ure up for most upperclassmen !ff~~~ti: :,~~~r ;~~~~b~· e ~e:~i~! ~~:!n~~ri:~~i~'h! 8135r~~tle~~ • ~y tiK Ad'terUirlnC Edltor-VIIre Kroenke. 1112$ Colleg-e Ave.. su -seoe Orrpylldt~rl• Le&thcrtrury, 321$ Schlne«ke H&U. 'Ext. dl Pllo(oEdltor--BobtioldeD,12411 Waahill(t(ID'8t.,3tt·2327 Mr. Du llolalllJ&II, lkllonDAUon Strv\C'OI, Ext. 467 Ik..&lin1u to the ed itor on any subject . lc nc rs the Bo w1eob The l'o int er hunt ed th e ~f%c~~~!cth!i:~oL~-~ t~~~~~~~ atdll vcsof the li brary and came the trippers were pe11n~nenr l1 upon the little> know n f•ctthat d isbandcd due to th e there UKd to be ten su te co nn ota tions of the nam,· universitlcs. Twoyearsaao,press F in ally, c re.w cuts wen rc lusu s uddenly stoppcd admin is t ered un der thr emi natln1 from Po lt iWitt om i Nne flcicnt smiLes of the Ntnr" Sta tc Unlveni ty . "DidthcStudrnurci'Olt ?" The Po inter journe yed " How, how co uld )'Ou rcan b e t w ee n th e town s of to rUne ~ld rnen "'ith ph) sk~l lmazjna tion and Boredom to viol~nce7 It wou ld be hlr arrive at PotU . Sund ay. It ...., klckin l )'OUt malden ~unt or dc$0b\e. Old plpt'U were blown pun clllngase nl leuncle." aa:ai nstthe dcsencd dorm• and ivyhld Mgun creeplnaintothe " Well, ~~o· h a t wndone?" "Ah. clauroombulldinaJ. i rn •llllC I hc Thirteen ·~ We found an o ld mmn "'ho emba rr assme nt when th admitted to bciflll t h~ janitor. st ude nt s rcaliHd that some Whcn askcdhowhecamctobe a lypcsofauthoritydisapJlfJr• r j~ni tor at 1 deserted univeuity ltnorcd . The Thitt c~n "CI< he replied, "Oh, I've bee n bclievrdtobc W~ rncwn ofbJd rnssianed. I do n't ~en know kar ma. a figment of the whe re I'Ll be in a cou ple of i m~aina r lon of Warr tn weeki," Know ln." " Mote lmpnrt an tl y, sir, how "Then what hap(ll!ned to thr dldthiscollqcbccomedesoe rt cd students?" inthcfnt place7" • "Alas, studcnt 5 $<)rnctinwl "Son, thiswu aq uie t oo LI C'Ie live in a dream world. T he Nin< · untilthe ll nOble> Thlrteen ca mc lobotomitcd the entire Sludrnl here . The y were ou tside popula tion . 1\11 we re a lL o~~o·,·d 1u agluto ru nddidevcrythintt hcy "'nr uniforms b ro~~ononrs.UJ couldt oe nr agc thcttudents. Lct symbol o f thcir 3('hinemcnt . me Ki•·e you an example like -.Most of these wer~ M'n t tu th ei r ap peuancc , s h or t another co un tryto .. ina srnaU oil-slic ked hairt ull, bau ysuit s ~~:~~.~t omachs h~ naina. their much money? A. "It is 1 wise-~!:~~~:;;: s~~os:':t ;;:;':n~u~:..:e~a.~: uy~~:.~~tr buck~,;~..?! ~~~~ Mis.l Marjorioe Gerson of the TH!''WHm! lAIIIT oboutto go down Into Wonderland is none other than Re>gistror Gil Foust corn;lvct. ing o IO<.rrofOid Moin. Foust is od\.rolly looking O<.rt of the ouditotium·s p rojection booth on the third floor of Old Moin. !Bob Hola~ Pkotol ''Owoe10woeful,woeful ,woefulday1 .. ·•uncle, for God's lake: lpeak comfortable words." • -T, Andron. -Rom. and J ul. THE POINTER October 3, 1968 Homecoming Queen Candidates '· JEANETTE KELCH Twenty WSU Coeds Compete For Homecoming Queen Title A l ll·rnr.old sophomore from Brookflc:ld Is the queen candidatesporuorcdbyStcincr lhll. Renee Shebcsu Is a drama majOf. Ncale llall issponsoring JMn Smith, a20-ynr..oldjuni0ffrom Wisconsin Rapids, "·ho Is majorin& in En&lhh and minorin&in history. llerstudc:nt intcrrsuindude being a 51ud~nt usiltant at Neale Hall, hall couneilandJudo"Ciub. lil1 Thalacker is spomorcd b)' lklta Zeta sorority, A SUE UTTECH LOIS WOOD ~~·!~~~:·~~ u~i~r;;n•:~~}~~ Senior Primary ro-,-.,••-11, -••- ,-..-, - ,-..'. ~~~~~c:~~.:JJ.~~~~ 1~~:~::~~ JUnior from West Bend, is the Co unci I Meets Senior Primar)" Council ...ill ~:::: ~i :.~~n c~~~~~~: ::~: ~~~~ f~,'i6y a!'dh~~:.~·~~~ ~~~. rntertils include koach llall l>cl!a Zeta sorority, AWS scc rc luy and !lome EronomiC$ Club. ~ouncil, Si!l~~is :.:r1:r!~1;.;~,'!'r'c~r~:. .. She is a 21-~car..old ~nior majOfin&in mul-ieliterature. ller inrrrcsts include WS U band, Or~torio choir, AWS llonor Society nrd Alpha Phi sorority. ll for children l·S )"Uu of a~c. There wrll be a mominj: scuion from IO - II · JO JnJ ~n afternoon ~uion from 1 : JO p.njhc-rr be ~ srnall registration fr~ which "ill b~ u~d for ~-tholarships for r.. o primary-<'ducationmaJOU. ltcRiiler byOcc. ll b) •allrnj: 34 1· 1905 ~nytim~ after 4 p.m. ""II :::~.~:~~.:~~~:~::,:~:~::~ 1loppy bartender•; enler· loinmtnl by proft u ionol patrons. Sweolen, suill or lies howned ~o~pon, LITTLE .JOE'S DRINKING ISTA8LISHMENT NEW STORE HOURS .,~.';!.~~~~ Open Tuesday SlEVIN POINT, WlS. Try the "SUFFERING BASTARD" Thurs~ay-Friday Nites Til 9 P.M. ~~ · -· ·-· ·----·-- I.I No~~;eth::gE~:rn 1 at GOP's Warren Will Speak k obcll W. Warren,eondld.u e for attOfncy general on I ~ Republi("llln ticket, will speak at WSU - Stn-rns Point Wednesday ni&ht under 1 ~ ausplcrs of a litudcnt0111nization. tllt11 ~o~~:C~~~u:G~!~~~ r: .r 8 rh e PAPA JOES SHIPPY CLOTHING ~:~ p.m. ln theOral\lcRoomof DeBot Ce n te r. 51.50 All 6 Colol"l Umlled Ia I Per C~o~slomer ~~ .___•'_"_'._,_•'_''_'-'"-'"·_w_._._'••_•_''_'_'"'_•'_"_'---' Decorate With ART PRINTS Posters onE·MReMproQducNtioSns. ... The · BRAT BARN .uru..•• '"" ..,••y ..... "'"'"'Y the L(JYAL OPPOSITION Coming Next Week THE JAliiES BUTLER SHOW I ~· come Meet Om· Stereo 1\fusic and Sample Om· SEXY Waitress.es _ ~ < ~ L UN!!!~SITY~~RE BRATS STEJ!KS .....___,.;:.;;; . ;;.;._.;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;...__. .__ _ _ _&_ _ _ _... ~.: ~ ~ ~ .... , October 3,1968 Faust T~urs Main (continuedfrompaae2) ~t. ~ Down In the Fa1111 remembered when '"pipes and ventilal ifll equipment ran t he and central 'allirwclb were redonc In_ the 1930'a. "TheJC two lll lf WIYI we re then enclOSIC~ for ~Ire safety. But the CUtllllfWIY d wide Optt11n d1 flrewoukl aprudrl&h t upit ." here without bcndlna." AU the pipes DOW haYe either been remo¥cd or covered up with remodtlin&. ~rf~~r¥:~ic:::1~rih~: the libfllry, a aencra l uaembtY -~~n~~slfll:~. T::eu~~t!~: aucmbly room wen »atcd where housina,academi' affairs •nd the president'• office are now loca t~. Formerly, the ~~~" 1u:~·:.~c 1 ~.~::, ·wre~i: uptothca ucmbly room. Part of the re cords office 1nd the busineu o ffi ce arc now e«upyina area repined fr om thecnclosinaofthestaircase. he~~ho:ehrh~~ndth~m!f: remodeled of s ny noor, Fa111t still point ed out one or two oriaina l architecllltllplans thlt haven't bu n hacked up. \' o intina to one office he ex plained ho-..· "praelluliythe entircbuildin& "'"lido neso an offite wu nut to 1 room." After rern o de\.irw this tw o~,.siom ll y left oddities like t"'-o doo11 riaht nut to ea ch ~:. whi~h SO int o the ~arne TilE GYMNASIUM The fiut floor of O ld Main ~I!!:W~lf"'':JO:':n:~~~~~e~,;~ function tlut the Clmpu1 Lab School docs today) , The whok noor -..·a s uKd for traini.tw tn chcrs u~pt the eentnl portion wh.lch wuoc:~:~~pied by t he upper lev e l of the nmn.u.ium. . Yes, !here used ~ to a J)' lll!llsi Um in Old ).!lin. It WIS loaoted rl&ht aero• from the ctn tnl staircasc onboththeflnt and bucmen tle•·c:IJ. NttdlU$,10 ny n o remnants of the u ·mnuium remai n today. ll owcv er , some of th e ba ttuooms in the bu.cmrnt rcnuoln from when the y wen lotkcrtOOIIIS. Tile fiut floor also co ntains t he homc cc apartment which o r it:lnaU)' suvcd the t.lmt pw post as the Home Man houx dou t01by. Faust told about bdn& in~itcd to fancy dlnMr s strvedby thehomccc c irls, • t..~emcnl wkre by PI ber01rc the Ull: e ctrJci!Y· .As_ 1o.c ""en t down I~ west ~=~~e~~~~edt~l ~h:t"~heO:!i . Makin& our ,.·ay to the bu.,mcnt 0111 iour met Elwin Sianu• nd of the hiuory d<'partmcnt who kiddin&IY admonished Fat.ut , "Oo n'c tcU meyou'reaoln&torenumber lhe rooms apin ." Faust auured llim that he wasn't doina that and then exp lained the confusi,. numberlrc system . "The even numberN rooms are on the r::t~:~~~b~~d ~.;~:r~,·:: the 50ll th side . UnfOf"tunately It beoomelronfus:ifllbeti\IIC there are more roomt on the north s:idethanonthesouthlide. Thus yo u end up .,·i th room 140 loca tNa crOSi from l 17." In room 11 9 Fa111t pointed o ur a no ther oddity, The b~ck~nb looked like ordina.ry s~te, but Faust showed how the "ilate " wu. pulin&. A fe w black~rds in Old ~llln are made with heavy p.oper 11ued t o& ether . They siYo:> th e impren\on o f ordinl!)l b\ackboau\s, but a~ually arc justp.oper , On February 27. 1933, the basketWlltum of this ic hool. co a ched b y Eddie: Kola\, deftHtd the Uninnit y of Vl'isconsin ru min•carru:atthe Wisconlin Rapids Hi&h S.:hool flddhotnc, by • "ore of 28 to 24, before 1 crowd of 5000 lpt:CUtor.. First Female Will Teach In Natural Resources ~ex~!ter0:0u:::.t =~~;:~~ APARTMENTS Thewutendolthet..•ment \nduduoneolthemOitUnUIUI I • futures of Old M•in. 1 complete apar1ment. The apartment ill DOW bfoken up into offioes for the speech department but still rctlinli ts apar trncnt fl.tvor wit h ~":se~!~~~t :;nt~rru:· D:. Bqinnifll at 9 a.m. in the Sprifl& GrMn Inn, the Hnt speU.er was Donald J . Mackie , specialuWtanttotheJCcrctl!)l ~=~~~J~~~~r~·~~~! OORICrvat\Onist who WU lltlle ~t:~ ~'-hiss.!'~~d ~~ m~ ~t~:t'-to ~h~1 1:~rcc~~ :r;~t~ Wiscon1in Departmeat of Natllfll Retourcet cited the honon. PART TIME 49.94 ..rfor 20 houn of wor11; write Box 567 Ste¥tnl Point. Wis. OOOOH!! ... ~toStotaat 'The Village' " w.........,..~ ,__,_,__ .... -- n.y ....... the ........ -OOOH!I 1lldktdlcr~tf• ~·, ..... eom. GIL FAUST stornfs by a sideboard lo· roted in Dr. Croft's office In the bose· men! of Old Ma in. The sldeboord Is a Faculty Promoted facu lty members at Point n ce ind promo tions friday from t he Board of Rc&cnts which met In RiccUke . Norman Keats, •~iate WSU - Ste~n• r,~~~=~. ~:~~ p~;?e~:~ naunal rnour ces, now o n leave in Africa, were IJinted full profe150nhlp. Advanced from assista nt to =~t~r~=:~ Bh~iaRs:~ of political sc ience and John linen, director of admlss.lons. Mike Sullivan wu promoted from instrue1or to auiJtant professor of economics. 1\arlan 1\offbcek of instructiona l media Krviccs • nd Willilm Dick o f musi c, we re e\cvarcd from f•cu lty ats.!Manu to instructort. Dr ey fu s P re sldent ~commended t he board"tion. Professors Exchanged WSU - Stcvens Point • nd the Unlvcnity of Wisconsin Center Marshfield will cooperate in uchan,a:lnaprofessorstllisycar. Dr. Gordon Kane of the WSU philo•o phy depart ment will tu.c h _ philoso.phy at the 11 remolnder from when the office wos po rt of on oportment for Old Main's ch ie f engineer. (Bob Holden Photo) Campus School Teaches Japanese Violin Method A Jap a ne se method of tuc hin&violin,belnapioncered at WSU - Stevens Poin t, has won acclaim from "chiefs and lndiansandalotofotherpcople in between." Childre n ran(ina in qc from 3 to 9 in the WSU laboratory school are surprisifi&IY I UCCHSful in th eir musical pursuits, acco rdin1 to their violin inst ructon, William Dick and MafltryAbe r. The puentsue J,&rcclna, and :'ke":~~ci~~~!:fi~~ ~c~l: illplannina to provide1pccial clasxsfor t he adu\U. Shini~h!Sutuki, 12,Japanesc ~~J~~c'.e~P~~! U:'!,1tc~!i:ct~ play the violin by •bout - SO years, Miss Aber uys. He st~ua that children listenton:cordin&s of fine riollnisu, then with the u siltance of a. coopcratina mothcr'•or tcacher'sattempt to pbythc melody heard. One observer in another city dcsaibeditthisway: Sulukieh&sconcludedthat ifall childrencanspca.ktheU: native brt~\IIICI by Ustenin& to oldcrpc~ns,they ca n leun music just u ~dil y in their eulyyears. Co nsequently , his method require• active cooperation of t he mother of f•thcr of the pupii.Just •sachildpicksup one word after • nother 50 he ca n learn 1 An&-le note' Uld a M1rshfltld Cente r will in turn Min Aber uys childre n teach voice and cl.as& piano at develop 1 deep JCnsitivityin WSU . Befort; jo lni111 the thel.rmw:icthrolllhthilmcthod, M•nhf~ld Center , Schroeder Four achooll in the country IIU(hii iMirshficld ll \&hSehool have 1uch 1n insU\oiCiional whe~ hit Madripl G roup and Chou had the reputation o f prOIJllm, to lut summer Miss bcifl& •mona the best in the Aber_ went to Japan to study sute, Don Greene, d airman of under Suzuki, then ~turned to :~k':n~1 [:. ia"t,d ~~!~:..-=t Thill 111m mer. Suzuki came tO ~me to WSU by uk.lna Dean o( FUIC AIU Dr. Willilm Hanford to nu.k.e the request of the M•dison to Marshfield Ce nt er. ~~~~~~o ::cMr~e~=~:; hopes many women heed rho callloca\ly. wome n work in & w·i~~eo n~l~sk:~ti!~/n /~~ ~~~~~io~~rc~s. tr,~ ';!;~ ~! riolineduca tion. The younattcrs wed In hisdemonttntions were from Mi n Abcr ' s clauu orpnizcdlcslthln ayearearlkr. On Wednesday , sllc wiU take the ~;;~me you n,p tentoS hawano from a special meetirt& olthe Cooperative Educa tion Servi~ Aac ncy (CESA) where music teachers from all parts of ~:;~h.!~uem Wisconsin will TraYcllnl there with her will be students Gretchen Benn hnnifcr t'lal, Kent Olsen' Ronald Gibb, Robe rt Bastian: Mathew Thurmaier. J11dy Klein , Suun Robertt, Robin Gibb David Radke, Theresa Do nald J o hn so n, Renu Bohanlki. Alto travelina with her wiU be John Klein , Lor~ Trytten, L• ur c l McQueen , Lissa: r:::rt,~~~'j':~ J1~:~~.K~~~ Roberts and Robert Weaver Mi u Abcr says 1 ·,ood ~n~~~~~~y o~ ~:e e~~~:~~~ fjaurca. Lltt year, 38 cllildren were involved. This year that number will be •we lled to abo ut 60. Besides m>,~lic, there ue lcuons In Japancw custo ms. Miss Abcr Ays these paces arc stre:.scd locmphasl>:crctpcd for tcacllin&and lcatniJta. Students show this by bowina 1fter playlna. ffveol:id ~.:.;f Weel~~ w:~ plloes In WisconAn the cl.as& members ~elect . Mn. Baumprtner hu bc cn a tuchcr of special courtcs like this for more t han1decade ,a nd In moll irmancea hasinttnt ctcd ~l:b~~u~::~r r!::!r;:·w~i;: Umlted scientific backgo und but definite Interest In conservation. Re &lstntl o n for this fint"f·lllkindcourscatStevtns Point Sta te will >be made by contacts wi t h the office o f O rl and R•dkc, university utended services director. The fccisS28 . Mrs . Baurnaartncr, whOK husband, Dr. Frederlck, tuc hu wildlife , said bolh of t hem ...-ere nued inla'-ercil idlnd " hal ed it." ll er ow n interest in nature dcYclopcd as 1 child when she a tt ended Audubon Sodety mcctifllll with her ~ rents . Lat er. she snd a tistcr attended apecbl summer schools for would-be naturaliJt s m New York Stare and de cide d there to sp11dali>:e in study ·or birds and nuurc eduu tlo n. At Cornell UniYtfli ty t wo profruoras-..·epthtrintcrestand ~~~~~~D~ntll she had complet ed ll crhusblndtauahtforthc nut 26 yean It Stillwater Ok la., •nd it wu then: sh~ conducledher shor1coW""K so n conservation and o rnitholosy . Tlueenewsp.opc rscarriedwcckl y colu mns with her bY·Iinc and numerous nature tours were conducted by her. Belidcs b.irda,lhedewlopc:d a krcninterestin • tudyinahabits of Ok lahoma turttu, "' w!lcn FRESHMEN! ltl Yovr Voice bt heonf In ltudtnl gavtmmtt~t , • • Vote for GREG l\IONDROSKI for Ftwthman Student S.n..._ Rtpr.Mnlotlvt OCT h01taconfc~nceon ~=======0=101=3=====~ PIANO ,B.n' TUNING~~· STEVENS f'OINI" JIM LAABS MUSIC 921 MAIN ST. PHONE 341-1666 Open Tues . .l Fri. Til 9 p.m.-other da)'llil S p.m. GUITARS- AMPS- STD:EOS- COMI'ONENT SOUND SYSTtMS IADJOS- TV"t- AU MU SICALINTIUMENTS- ACCESSOIIES We Welcome You Back With a m· '· '"' 10% ~-~o~ t~~l it~dents RENTALS: . Portable TV's and Portable Stereos "' .. ~ $7.00/ month GUrrAIS ·AlliS - fo r Ornlthotoay, t he Wisoonlin N•ture ConJCJ"'IIency, Citizens and le ail latin a~ion and pcrson.al involvement in nature. Field trips will be to pllks, natwetrai\s,wildlifcunctuark$ •nd N•ture Conscrvcncy uus. 344-66>2 OLLEGEMEN Dr. Paul Y1mbert, dean of applie d arts and K ien ces, Sii) J ~~~~:!c:,':!rs'h'i! i~c~~s~~: • ~~~ T.ll~~~ ~np :~:ree~~~':~ ~nJCrvatloninlandl.;oquisition ~n~~~IC~~ ~Jili~~~ ~:~':!~~ loa request hyMushf~ld. Dun ~~l~alWR~~~r::~i~~: No(;n;:l: 00l:~~der of the ~:fn~~~~~~~ef:~et'e';;ce':'ICd on the reorpnintion of t he depar1ment which employs llim. will speak wi th authority on the pr iva t e l\llture orpniza tions 20ofthem. In themornin(sandfiddt ripsin thc.ttcmoo ns. Be s ides exp l alnlna o rpniu tions which pretcrw Americl's outdoor hcrita&e, Mra. Ballm lartncr will dlscun recnaUon procrams, &JaUTOOIS Eia ht YambcM moderated •discussion on pesticides, o ther poUutants and their relalionsh.IPJ to man. On t he panel were Dr. Ralph A. ~h c MuUen, director of Ml c hla•n Department of ConstfYition in Untina : Dr. EUswor1h Fbhcr, pr•nor of enromolol)' at the UW in Madison; and lAwrence F. Moll , chief of the enainenin& division for the Wisconsin Oepar1mnt of Na tii!"I\Resources. ,r::rh::'c~~h~,f~~~:~n:cr::;: ro~!io~~~u~~~:tc~o~~ t·h:~ fi':ld:~rlk d~::cr!~':Y A~:: ~; ~:~~ ~n h~~l:!. Wisoonlin -..il\ to ~=~!ns~:a ~~~ ~~':il:S Au~f:~; :~::holo~:es ·~: ll eanDOu n~d t hath\scolluaue . of Wildlife, ll awk Mount atn Sanctuary, AP~llehilln Tr.il Co nference and Inland Bird lludi na Assoeia tion, While not 11igned wi l h tho League of Women Voteu. Jht laud • iu members for wator team about publk a&endcs 1nd ptlnte or..,UZ.tion1 which p r omote 1 11 kinds of COniCIYition pBcliOCS, ThOIC ln t eratrd in •receivina two cml.ill for the 199·numbcrcd cour111 wut be aJ..en ~~eparate aa\a.nments . • Sill •11-day clusn on Sa turd l)'l between Oct. 12 and ::,;c;r~:e b:~:i,.e~~.':~ l~ Dr. Paul Yamben , dean of Applkd Arts and Science, wu row stations in her beck yard. Mil. B1umprtncr hu coun ted 100 different k.ind s•nd ba nded 30klnd•since\96S. In 1966 5he cau&ht 60 chick.atlees, banded them , and noted thl t half of the m ~turned lnttrprctatlon"isc~ctedto Old Main. The he•lirc syttem ltJclf wu loQtrd just down the h•ll where mallin1 an d duplicatifl&\snow. Anot her •pntment wu loalted in the eut end ol Old. Main where t he hud" maintenanoe m~n•nd !til family llYN. ~S~~~!iJc::~J:,n7~u~~:E~ beeauteol her uniiRialacademlc t..ckvound . A1 1 par l·timc Yisitin& lecturer at WSU- StevcnJ Point, abc will be t he first member of her K~ to teach In the sc.hool'l dcpartmentofn•tunln:sourccs. The tOO uru I n "an introd u c ti on to nuuu enrichment,without~il,to •nd li!SebcMrdl. The apartment Lcadifl&ronscrv•tionistsfrom the MldWClt spoke Sept. 28 11 the 18th annual meelifll of the Cltiun'1 . Nlluflll Rcsour~s Auoc:iatlon of Wisconsin 11 Sprln&Grccn. Nltur•l Re tou rccs Association and Girl Scouts. On the nou ion~ l level, her intcresta l i t in t he •ttract persons intereAed in t.kina 11 .ror peuonal sucht~subuiltincupbouds Top Midwest Conservationists Hold Meeting the couple moval to the Town of Plover three ynrs ~&oJCveral tiny reptiks were Jl'lr1 of the ~~r bird ba.ndin& occu pies ~:t';!,~:i 1 w~~~~cb 0 'fcd~~~~: ~~-o~~= ,:'C::d't!'~~o~~ mu ch of her time now•d•Y• in izuk Walton League , f)chndcrs ·~ almotl theentirecutendofthc buement of Old M-.ln occupies what onccwua complete radio sta tio n. The station was first co n uructed In 1938 •nd includrd two tmlll studios, a scriptroom,controlroomanda recept ion room. When we cmeraed· lrom the former flldio llation more t han two houra of touri111 had eb~d . Faua co ncluded our tourbysayircthlthedidn't think Old M•in would be torn ' down too 100n . Faust ""ho has llu&ht c hemistry or been rqistrar in Old Main for all33 ynnthathehubftnuStC"¥ens Point thinks that he and Old Main "will be •bout ready to retire la&ethcr . But we hope here ll"llt it won't be tootoon . Stevens Point'• ~hutucrite Baumpnner, one or Ameriea's earliest women to rcceiw: 1 AU.INSTIUMIHTS AVAlLMI.I ON.RIHTALIASIS OTTERLEE'S JEWELRY 1116 MAIN STREET MIS. MAIGUERITE IAUMGAJTNEI, who will be t he firtt womon to te-och in the WSU ·Stevens Po int notvral ruources deportment. st..ow$ how she bandt bird ~ on her town oF Plover home. S-he w ill g ive o •pec•ol nature shott course th is foiL Uim Pior$on Phoro) '.I J •• , (fl]) THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU •' October 3, 1968 THE POINTER First In Central Wisconsin - Museum Of Natural History - Opens In Science Building . C~n tnl Wisconsin's r~nt It now ls a prir.ed pan o f the nuu~um of natural history Ius museum collection. been ~ ~ tab !Is bed at WSU - Stc ve ns Point fo r ,,ti~}w,:;:i~ e~p~~n 1 ~f edua.tional JHUluits and public fouUs 1 explulation o f c:clls and lit winJ. cvoJullon of tbehum&nskuUatc A. &r.nd optnina was held lnten~rxd with the stuffed Monda)' ni,ht 11'1 Room A224 ol 11me a nima ll and birds. t he Selen~ Buildinc. Difector Students with artistic talents will Robert Searles hi&hli&hted the be ~td to make more C V e n I W I I b 1 Jeeture.demonstntionon thelrt dis~~ t~(qe Betker has of tu:idnmy. lie used models, been cattiOiin& rw. s~cimens mounted specimens and colored since he joined the faeulty more slides to show skiD, time and tban adccadeaao,tndptoudly p~tience requind in pr~.,._rin& ranb the collection as one of aniiNils and birds for museum the best In the state. Betwe.:.n di$pl.ay, 60,000 and 70,000 1pecimens, lle Aid di$pl.ays or rw., many of which he secured in mammals, birds, reptiles and research of aru ~ and misedlaMous uhibits will be llreams,arelnalabontorynear up.~~nded II'Utly durin& the the muJCum. next few yean. A synoptic Profc:s.sor Garry Knopf has collection of INijor plant and char&e of a reptile and aniiNIIJroupswillbeoneofthe !Nijoradditions. i~fu~~i·: =~~~i~ho~~ Many of the exhibits were additionalspeeimens. collected for clusroom usc by memben of the blolonfleu\ty and~~~~~ ~~ptlk':~o~~ dwin& the put lulf-ocntwy. is Thomas J ohnson. 'A student, Snrlcs islkpendentupon5tate be ii1C$ponsible for thcpidr.kd pmewardens tosupplyunusual coU~cUon and carctUer of the aninulsandbltds stillfoundin UYi11,1 ubibib. Wbconsln. Most of these lie curnnlly is displayln& a spedmens are confi.Kated from oollection of picltled pOisonous law·brcaJtin&hunten. snakes o f America and an An n.ample is a fisb~r. explanation on where cacb c:an member ol the weasel family, be found, . which was recovered by a In another show cne arc warden in VUas County in May. pick led fro&s and t o ads :\~~n!h~a~:~~o!n: l,:_ja~~'J. f\o~belrolla~~~caiu J.11~t~~:. "Croarolds" and ' 'Talc:a o f Brave Ulyac:ya" b'y the Crea m were done as ten·mlnute TO(k lmpro'tisltions. "Liaht My Fire" by the Doors and "Yo u Don't Love Me" by John MayaU and tile Bluesbtcllken were abo done part\cularlywcU. One of the ~natnt - t s to t he "Masque" was the bus &.Utar player's nne voloe. lle did most or the lwmonr liJflln&, but on the Alrp\anu' "White R.abbit"he iJ()t todisp\tyhis talent. uneommon in thil area. One toad was found In the lludson waswnfN'!~w~s!xd used to idenHfy ib putleular variety. II is on permanent loan from a IJOYCmmental aacncy In Washln,aton, D.C. A. &nake, seven\ varieties of Wisooi\J.In ru.h, turtlu and a ::~~n.•re part of the IMna Jotuuon Is nprded by his profc:s.son u ''the snake man" a nd o n e of the most knowled&eable pet'IOI'IJ ontbesc ldndsofreptileainthert.ate. lle abo II ananist. A &]assed wall In tbe museum for livirll Allkn and fish has secnle blek&rounds paintcdby l otuuon. Before the museum was cstablbbcd, student• ''would s.it 110und or stand around in tile =~ O:C:~"'t~· s~~~ ::: =.\!hS::~""r:~ ~t;e:: s.rc:at deal of utisfaction In r:;:~~!· find the displays so A Review Violinist Displays Mastery Seminar On Pollution Will Be Held WSUS-FM flnolly bef;Jon broodmsling o n Sl.lndoy. Shown here is Two studenTs wko ~n the ii!Otion during ita b roodtcul hours. \ [Photo by Bob Holdenl plano·violit~duos. Thc"G Minor Sonata" by DcBua~ ila subtle lyrical Chopin, Mlu Chung tnd spontaneous piece that proved she wucaf'ibleof both de mands both fever pitch and de mandlna technical mu tcry cloudy sonoritlu. it stood u the and d«p fcc ling.OnsUIJt,she hi,hl(&ht of th~ COfiCCrt 15 both wu the muter of most of what Mia Chu111 and Mr. Garvey she pla)·ed and a woman of workedwdl to&etht r, beauty andl'aee. The Brahms Sonua No. lin The m~ority of the 11·ork$in 0 Minor Wlll kU IUctc.uCul. A the prOpam ~~·~r~ ro mantic wrious duo requires that both show·picecs f01 violin, but Mlu players compliment u ch ot ~r Chuna tackled III'Oof the major with ~rfcct coordination and works in the litfraturc of 11p port . The Btahms il a Th'F'r':f~r{irS::,t~n~6Stravinsky, to ft~fu.P~ DC:~:d: ~~fi:~ ~~~~ ~~~~mb\n~-: ~:.~ you think. They will lbten to you. ~r:~~::u~~~~r~~ MAIN STREET CAFE Home Cooking with Homemade Piesanil Cookies ()pen Dolly 5:30 A.M. • 2:30 A.M. Thi• was never more apparent than on the Bnhms, whtrc GJrveypvct cloudy, lnsenlitive ~:~u0~~\'finv~n~.rv~~ se~~ to come aUve . The Chemistry Dcputment presents in first co\lnquiC.m of the ~ur on Wedncs.day,Oct. 9. at 7:30p.m. in Room Al 21 of the Sclente Buildinf. Guest speakctll'lll beRichard Ohlgrcn, from A~ua-Chem, Inc., Wauku~. lhs ulk is entitled "Pollution Control by Electro·Dialys.is." This discuulon will involve a mfthod for C(lfiVCflin& whey (ftom cheese manufacture) into 1 I!Ock fe~d. It will thereby be convertina a potential pollutant Into 1 usabl~ product. ·1968 • 1969 • ·· Ballots available at Parkinsons ..:.Oct. 14 .26 Ballot boxes located a t the University Center DeBot Center Allan Center e Any student may vote e e Receive a Sport Coat with Slax Combo e Be eligible for selection to Esquire's 1969 College Advisor y Board to include an all·expense paid Week in New · York as Esquire's Guest! from P a rkinson's For Your HOMECOMING DRESS Sample Ballot Shop at Margaret's AlsoFonnals and Bridal 0 0 0 0 0 1961·69 lest Dr"nd Mcrn on Campus jNam•J j!ffutailonJ (Ncrm•J tAHiliallanl !No""'I (NcrrMI (Affiliation) INa-) IAffillatlonl (Afflllotlan) 0 0 0 0 0 jNamaJ (Afflliotlanl INam•l (Affiliation) (Nama) (Afflllotlonl (Nam•l tAffillotionl (Nam•l tAHillotlonJ Ballots Available at PARKINSON'S OCT. 14-16 ............ PHOHI: 344-9717 .,....t.pt N. Mot~. ttwvSat,....,... nl9 r...u.,. ., lallot Vat• far One Gowns HOURS: "'-7 penon or S~rcouple. Other seJIIifllrlplanned in t.hc stile are on "Moderniution In NorthAfrica,"Oet. lland J2 at lloliday Inn in Wauuu and "Ninetc c nlh Ce ntury Wisconsin," Oct , 4 and S at Dartmoor Inn In Fo nd du Lac and historical sites of central put o fthestate. Persons may re&iJrerfortbese two prognms by conllctin& tht Uni ve rsit y o f Wiscons in Extension at Madison. Other pr o jec ts under considerttio n include the constructicraofawalkaaoa the f'IC\d tepatlltiniJ the Alkn and Dcbot oentctrc:sidenceueasand bueblll CoMlnlcdo n Jw abo ltlrted whichcalllfor allt hedra n~uics that c:an be &leaned from both violin and pil no. Garvey's performance for mo-' of the ~v::~~s. did not INitclt Miu Colloquium Will Discuss Pollution THE WINNER-- WSU's Best Dressed Man On Cam pus Will: conscrvation; andhmcsBowlu , c hairman of the natural resowces department. Re&iJtrallo n wiU be handled In conuets with Orland R~dke, dircetorofutt ndedservloes at StevensPolnl. Thefee isSI8 per andthetc~~lflnishcdthil sprin&. r . g:w =':':,Ti~~~~~J sombtt, and ambit ious Son111 =hi~{~::h ~:tJr:o~~:o~a'h!~ Chilton; news director, h mie Faubendcr, sophomore from Madison; 1ports dircctor,Mike Troy ; record librarian, Lynn Davis, freshman from Ea&]( Riw r and publici!~ director, Vicki Pazar, senior from Antiao. Any suuestions from the student body arc welcom~ to make this a succcufu\ rtation. Call extcntion 328 or 10 to the sllti9nloc:atcd 1tthenorth end ofthcCampusSchool. ANNOUNCING ..-==-------------, should be completed this !aU lleuirt~ Clinic is now In the buemfnt of Old Main. After it ck»ed 6 )'Cifii&O, J he old equipment wu storcdin the basementofOldMtin.Some of this old equipment wu lllvqed but the m~rity wu dbl::ardedbecauserheequipment ~me obsolete. WLBL which is now located inAubumdaleus.edtheiipt CC"in the Campus School where WSUS is lo.;ated. This was not 1 unlvenit)' llltiofllndwu oneof the tint n~lo station• In the • U.S, WLBL was mueh la.racrbul moved because of 1 rc~ption problem. WSAU- Wauuu now serves this area. Plans for !he new WSUS station WCtc,SIIrted) )"CII'IIIJO. WSU rec:cived a ~nnt from the Fede rt l Co mmunic atio ns Commission one rear 110. WSUS is now broadcastln& atiOwatn an.d89.9mepcyeles. This is • rtudcnt staffed statiqn, The tdvbor is Victor Fuc:h s or the Dra m a Depart ment. Station mana&er is John Griffith, 1 senior from BEST DRESSED MAN ON CAMPUS CONTEST By Anlll Matter northeast of the All~n Centn on This year, an incrcuina four multi-purpose tennis cowlS a mount o f construction bas been f o r usc by the complcx's 10ina: on around c:ampus. And residents. true to form, more is in 5ton . Spcchtrcalizes thedisluptlon Rl&ht now, the field aaos.s from all this construction may ante, ll)'tr Hill 1s bcini &n~dcd and but he points out it il all beinl levc.\ed to prepare new track , undertaktn for the benefit o r faeilitiesfor theuniwnity. theltudent. T his con1truclion wil l eventually lead to the development o f a synthetic: events. On thc castlidcwillbel 1pedator area with tcmporvy bleachers. The whole area will be enclosed within a eydone fence, mce t lna the prcscnt tennis cowu. Aoeordln& to Ray Spec ht, circuit ~~:-J!~:f ·~!i:nltl:!:.~~e advbor II thil time wu Robert Lewll,whoilnowlocatcd lnthe Audl~Visu.al Aids Dcp.~~rtment . WDSN cventuaUy IJeW into WCSC (Central Stue CoUcae) this wu 1 ltudcnt- spoi'IJOrcd &roup, IU~rviscd by Mill Thomp10n of the Speech and He hopu the scric:a o f leetun:s,launchedMondarni&ht will dnw other students and members of the &cneral public to the science museum who ordinarii~ wouldn't have rcuon to &o there. Searles said these pfOIJrams will follow his Monday niaht p rese nution: J ohnson, the student curator, spcUi11,1 Oct. 14 on "Let'l Talk About Snatu." Ur. Becker, Nov. II o n ''The Ways of Fish;" Dr. Knopf, • D~c:. 9 o n "The Galapaaos By $(oil Schulte I s lands - - Laboratory o f MUs Kyuna Wha Chull&, a Evolution;" Dr. Charlu Lolli, petite Korean vio linist, and hn feb. 17, on "Rocky Mounlain accomp•nist , David Garny, Mammals:" Dr. Kent lla\1, Mar. plu5ed 1 recept ive audience at 17, ''Canoclna in the Oza:rkl;" the Hn t Arll tnd Leetwu series A.roiEpple, Apr. 21 on " The Art conctt t, in the tuditorium, o f llandl\fli Becs" andPhiUp o n " Pi t ht oce n e lleil atcnor andull,l lt Bjork beautifully and bis vo(oe ·newr V(rteb111tea o f Wisconsin." craek~d onoe on the hi&h notes. Evcnt houah the Pourllaus' atmosphere Is not particularly conducivc to listenina: to&ood mulic. If the " Masque" ever apptar there 111.\n, don' t mils them. Rumon have been JOin& around that the UAB (r~member A seminar on"Pollutionand them?) lw;e be.:.n considc~ the h.ul Butterfield Blues Band People", &eared primarily for bus lneu people and their fora concert here. Butterfield has aiJUt Nnd, but l seriously do ubtif ourdcar ~ru:d "'f~ ~~ s':SU-S~c?c~ activity• board would have Point. Three me mbers o f the · anythill,l to do with a JOOd bind since they JOt burned by the schoo l's natu1:.tl resou;·ees Cream. Ariotber rumo r is that f•eully will condUct xuions on: man and his plate In the plant the tMual $ham, known u sprina formal, wiU bel c:ancdkd and' lnimtl world: pollution this yur in order to brin& the pro blems and bow they Jim! Hendrix n.~rienee on dcvcloped;Land, tir, pollution and water pro blems; economic, campus. AU I can uris aood luck. aestheti c and ethi c a l They're both exoellent II'OUps consideration of pollution: and and if either one !.hould educ ation , lcshlation and INitcriallze the music lovers u e research essential needed . infora c.ruttreat. S~Ui11,1 will be Dr. Paul • If any of,you luvc o pinions Yambert, dean of lheCoUcgeof Applied Arts and Sciences and supportir\1 or n jectina: thue Construction Begins On Track, Walk =.:ro..'!ll'!:~;~~k~nC: F.!id By Vkld Puu m::nu~ff~;t:c~tmg~~d!': Sunday, Sept. 29, 1968, 11 II:JOa.m. untilmldni&ht. This il the rll'lt broadcast station WSU has hadoppos.edto thec:loscdeireuitW.tion whlch :::a~f::.~~~~ ~;d~ Talented Rock Band Plays At local Bar b)'RiliiBauma;artnn Amidst the INIUOf "Colony Sixes, " "Anoelat es" and " Br o thers ," a ta le n t ed prolfCS$i,V\I rock blndshowedup 11 Stevens Point. It's a shame , however t hat they were forced to ptrfo rm in a place Uk:e the Pourttaus. The "Masque" arc tbe best state band since the "New Blues." The "Masque" is a combination of the " Buu Gentry" and the " Wild llcrd." Indiv idua lly , they are all excellent musicians who play WSUS Radio Station Fulfills Promise, Now On The Air 950 POITAGI STtiiT c...-e1 ...... & TltiNSt. The Mogollne fa r M" Page6 October 3,1968 THE PO INTER '\ Dreyfus Enlarges Upon Ruroplex, Proiect 40 Plan B)' MiktComi no.,.·sklandll rr yReinke "Bq; 81otllcr" "ill be he ..· on WSU - SI'. ""ill stopin Frankf11rt, . campus Ions hdo re 198 4ifLSil German)· and London. En&lind. hnanytlrii1&10f.l)"aboulit. He "'"ill upiOfr bnd deals A video distribu t ion conc~ rnln & LSO 's over$t'as system-do$\Cd cucuit td~vislon branch camp u ses procran•. "irh · ~~ci•·en '" cw r)' off1ct. l)re)'fUii ho!"'S to Mve tile classroom 10<1 dornt room o n Londonuten$1onOP'"nbrnext carnpus-is part of l'tc~iden t Lee bll. Orc)• fu$' ""l'rOjcct -10'" pr~ram. The fii OI!Tt m will s.-e lO·lS The S)'Stcm \\"Ou ld pro•·idean WS U- SI' student$ 11udying in inst annncous mean~ of •·hul l !,~~~~ .for nine "·ce ~ s o r 1 full 1 distribution <~f information ro ncatl)"lll)" pOintoncampus. Other projecu here at ho me "SySicm~ sinnla1 to !his ar.· include a mobile aru aallcry. alrudr in u~ in"'~"' airpor ls This ""o uld ~a mobi le home across the ~'\lun lr}' ." Ort)'fus convert ed for the purpos-e of )lid in a l'ointcr in t<·n·iew lUI disp la)·in& the work of art ists ~• Wedntsd3)". Thq S)"Stem whkh W SU - S I't o the~nliK slalc. Dr t)• f us JOlin,.E)· pJcditlctl l)can of !'inc Ar\$, William "'ouhi be immcdr~tely d11bWd lbnford . is rrc~ntly ~xploring "'Bi& Brother"', ~~ proposed in the acqui~itionofa mobile home tilt nCJI.t stat e bknni;r! buJ~te t . forthispurpoSI:. Th e ~amrus schoo l ~~ The pound s.hoo l fli&ht pruenll r being ,.·irtd to training pro1111m is alrudy accommodatf !he clokd circuit underWI)' th is )"nr. Actual hOOI<uJ>. in·thr-air trainin1 is 50me,.,· hat l'r n&ress in other "l'roject di~tan t at pr ~scnt. Dre r fu$ scu 40" ptOj!nlns 1ndude$i "' Kilt )' Band"' complete ""ith bagpipn. ~:~res~~~~et r~:rr::~ing1 ~f .·~~ kilts and drums. The b~ nd. rrp~ . whichishtif11lforrnedl.lndcrthc ,\Htllat is actuall)'ncrdcdfor dircctionof Or . J ohnBilli~thas con~truction to bf.•&in on 1n already recd•·td its cquip1nent athl~lic ,;udi um is LS O's OK. and ordered liS uniform~ . Th i• he ~~·s he "'"ill &laJI )"Ii•-.: As a marcllint. unit it "Ill b.c "· h~n h~ is con vinced of rhc rompletd)" uni11u~ in the ~ta lc. ~~~~~·s ~iftP'~-~~::.i~~e r:j~~~ if 001 thcentlr~ midwe~t . Th~ idea of~ l.:r ~ c is f3r frmn ~r adium."' he declaH·d . dnd tn LSI)"sopinion . lk.:~yo ·"ThiS )" tar·~ incontin& thcpr<>jc•·thiSttitlwohlnj!uJ>S. freshmen " ill proM.bly b~ thr On~ is the f~et th•· S1udcn t> first to Ulol"thcsuJium." Mo ne)" " "ill not be able to do unr mor.· for th<• sr adium .,.•ou ld be than ~ Ioken dig:ing of t h~ b~t·. bonoweJ from !he stue and Ore)'fu$ had wanted ~~ch pa1d b~.:k through tk ke t sales student to ta~c I S-1 showlsfull and uadium "ass.-srncnu"' of din from th~ l!•·rwrJI ai\'J uckrd onto srud~nt fer "·irh the ~~~ulting hok Wromint: the lak~. Til~ rroubk. i1 lo<'tms. ~~ !h at the hole \\OUid fill Ut> "ith "~ r cr IOtij; before C\"CI)"OIW hat! nlt' l thciS4iCOOP<!UOU. The other h~n~ut• ~t~m• from a.dnltha t LSI) "·ouldliketo m ~ ~c with th e K lu ek Coniilruttion Compan)",,.hichis prts.-ntlybuUdin&thehigh""a)" . pay ments. Dreyfus rcplkd to cr itie~ of the Idea of ustna WSU- Osh· kosh's s udium du~ for Stevens !'oint's sradium . Drawing up a new pla n would consume near ly 1 year, cust a aood deal more a!ld be subject tllt tl"lc"bup"ofancwplan. "We don't have to UJc any~y's plan,"LS D aue rtcd.. " lt'SJUJI a matter of good Kn$t'. The Oshkosh plln is • good o ne. it is efficien t , beautiful and allows for futwcupansion. Wc could modify it or refine It to mcetour panicularnecds."' The fut Uie of Rwoplex will be discussed at a national mectin& this Non:mber. The mectingwillbcutcndedbysuch people u Mayor J ohn Lindsay of New York, newsma n Eric Scvarcid, educa tor and writer M11s ha ll Mc Luhan, ScnUOf · g~~;f~/! cGo.-crn and President Orey fu1.uys thll no mljor fundifll for Rurople~ will eo nrc tillafter thattimt. Tht new R urop lex ,.,·rinklc- tlle toll-fr« us.- of pho nes to Ruroplu cities-wu calltd arnljorstepforl""lldby Dre y f u s. With this system studen U may call fi¥ll minutes toll -free"cachcvcninJ IOWausa u. Wisconsi n Rapids or Marshfield. Drr yfus ""ill prese nt his "Sta te of the Uninrsit y"' mc-ss.a&c rllis April de 5Cribin& prQ~t ression of the mu lt itude of projects to thudue. On that oote,thelS O tript o ~~~yfusylvani.:r eontinucs n ptly WSU-5P' a CHEIEII LEADEII5 for 1968 ·69 ore: front row, from left, Poulo Jon es, Monilowoc: Jenn ifer Hv lon d , Stevens Poinr: Joon Quom, Comb ridge. Second row- Joonnc Oobron, Milwaukee; Gory Schneider, Brown Dee r; Pout Oecont, Th iensville; Scon Schultz, Appleton; Sob Sulik, Revolution Is Coming Brent Says In Speech Sl N~J~~~7~n~~~:.n~~~~:~oi~i~ ou t ththolc and krepl,.,·<~·t hirds of the runrenlsfor filion the bypass prOJ··~r. Th•· orhn one-th ird would 1M.- kept b)" WSU \- SI' ~n~ dunopcd on lh•· Unh·enit{s s"' ~ mpland across Mari.:r Ori\·(. Th~ "at<' ~ r.-ln~tam to :q;1c~ to "·hat tht )"M'<"IS LSO"s~:~ •·i ug a"·ay 5131~ ·aid tu ~ t>ri•·a t.· businf s.s conce rn . LS I>argu,•s th~ bnd "'"ill still be there. o nl)" SOrnfOfit \\ill bCIJ'l\hll)"lo'"e l F irs t liU~r> of a WSU - S I' / South Vietn~rn sludent and facu lr r cwhangc proaram >< ill he undcr""l)" within rwo wecb. Ninetfe n deans from hil;hcr kunins instituti onli ""ill arri•·c on campus to study th•' unh·er sirr . not0::CY~::ip~t.:~i~s~y-!1~d~~~ lll)"One o•·er to South Vietnam un til it's at lca ot .:~f,. ro "II~ aroundowrtherc. The dean~ chose the WSU - SteHns !'oint sy~ t.·m pallkubr)' owr such uni •·rnitics u !hnar d. Bcrhk)" ~nd Madiwn. Or,•rfuS3l!ubuH·s this ~~:rc~~~~~~h~~::;!: ~~.~w~~!!r~~~ "The r ca n i<kntify " it h us." s;.id ll re~fuli. " The)' can envision ~ucll a >chool U> ours becoming a rn!it)" in lh~i r coun tr)' wi11un th err lifetime >. "" ll' >lliarn Vi e kcutaf f\. IHistan t tu ~~cs~~~~ e:~r!:.:; ;;:r~~~w~ the details ,. llkh ""'II make 1his progr;rmopera tional. \'ie kerMaff. no"· cn rout~ 10 '"Til( ru n~ ""'>' no t be rijllt ~-~r. bcnu~ ne nu m~ke a rc•·olu lion. Our , rhrn•'s a r.·•·olull on ~omirij!. oml \\"C lion to be read)' wh•·n tlu· time •·omn."" Th is is wht Har old Brent. facult)" ad~iwr for SI)S at Or ~Jie)" Uni•·cnity , told abou t 100 WS U-S I' student s las! f huudar ni&ht . SrpL. 26. He "as rhe Spt'ahr for the U~ B '!IOnSOrrdForumfor l>il.suron kr;,. H i~ toric: ""Up 1\Kilinst th~ Wa l l : The Comi n& Rnolut iOfl ini\rntrica." l'rof. Brent marched in the huge an ti-war dcnlll nsl.rll tio n rhat was held April 24 in Chi't aso. The demonmaron appli ed for parade and rail)" pt'rmits, but they were de nied u~o~: of the public Civic Ccnter 1 "·e rc told the y had to sny on the strcd and. ober aU traffic si&nals. This )I~ d~y . Mayor lhlc)" ~ts•·e'frrc run of tile ci ty 10 1 VI"' " ' convention . ne n do~ing · strc.: u for their usc . llr~nt u id that r he drmonma ton were "pushed a~ain~t the wall." The 10,000 demonstrators "·t nt to the Civic Ce nter bui ld in~ . and found 100 policeme n su rroundin& the building. "With a ~rgc crowd lih thi s, there i~ bound to be Some ~hovinJ: and pushing." llr,·nt s-aid. "and when this Collegiate Notes ~trounds." l'rof. Brent rncoung~d the stude11u to ge t to know the factory workcn. '"Talk to them. pau out soci.a list revolurionary p.am phlcrs. help thc'm start t hinki111. Who shouldJ uwn the factory: tilt "·o rken or the IUYS who make the profit?"" He added that "Wall acr has appu l to the se wo rkers. He doc:s w und like a revolutionny. lieyys that our system is corrupt. and that it needs changes. But he's a fascist. an d wants to change the cou nt ry in aoo ther made the nc"·spa pns." l'rof. Bren t adwised students to rud the l>cclaration of lndrpcmlc nCf and to know the Co n ~ lituti o n . "Know your right S, ac t as if you had them." candidue for Presiden t of the United States.) Brent wuasked how he knew this eountry's system "·ould be bctt~ r afte r a rcvo lu.lion . He rephed that _he would hkc to see t~e :..~nomt~ sy,sr~m &eand \o another l b•·e rtau la• meetings, pus ou t utopia,but "·ewtllha•·cabctter world." t o t h~m.butoJo n 't ginaninch . The Exponont WSU· I'Iattcvi ltc In a com rarison of underaradua te fees, book renta l and food and roo m charg~s for the 1968-69 sc hool year, Strve ns l'oin r is the highut am01111 the state univer sities in tolal chnBes. Room and meals at Ste•·ens l'oin t cost 5 10 more tllanatOshkosh orStou t and S80 more th1n at Supuiol. llo,.,·cvrr. activity, studen t te nter and book rental fees at Point arc !lOt hisher, and in man)" ca~s lower than theo tber stat e uni•·crsit lcs. Total Clla'lcsare 51. 119 ~"" ' )"car forWisconsin residcnu,or S8 hit:hcr thanS iout o r S691Ugbor than Superior. ThcS!"'cta ror WSU-Eaut:b irc l)u rirli the summer , '""0 of the closest 18-ytar-old bm bars m Wh itewa rcr wert chanaed to 21 bar$. nusing complainh from numerou s st uden ts. In addi rion. l'l•Hevillc stud ents cha nted "'"'~ want 18 Mer" in fro nt of th~ home of un iversity l'rot1dcnt Ull svik la~t week. An estiinatcd 400 lludents turned ou t for the pro tes t in Platteville. The ~ oya l l'urplc WSU·Whit ewUc r revolution this yur. The spokesman u id the 80.1rd of Regents ruling of this p.S\ summer did not apply because SOS has "broke n no la\\·s. is not disruptive. subwHsiwc or an anarchistic or&aniu tion." These arc the terms used in 1 su ttment of policy set up by ,l~e 1 en t John Dixon. a stateunivcrsity systematt orncy. Oshkosh Advance·Tit an WSU-OsllkoJ h il§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§f§l§l ~~ mi$ht• be necessary. "We won' t hue ·a ~ e&istration for stud~nts ~nt•·ring the nin e Wisconsi n State Un1vc rsitin w1ll OC $1m plificd b)" a new standard student health form rhe WSU system office in ~hdiso n repor ts. The state umversitio>son O.:t. I bc1an acceptinN ~pp lkat ions frorn 10tudents planning to enter as freshmen n e~ t ye;u. !lefor~ bei ng adm itted to class. each s tud e nt has a physical ~umination and hi • Ph)·sidan frlls out a rqxll t for tht• univeuit j". The n<"'" foun replace~ nin~ he~ lth form s prc~iouoly uS~Cd. It "u llc•dopcd b)· phy~ki;rns who d i r ~ct studen t he~lrh scrvkcs ~~ •·ach un i~<"~ ~i t y and b)" tho: WS U ~ys t cru offie<" i l3ff. IX ~igrwd to be r~ ad b)" data proct~lln& Ul~< h inu. th•· nc" form will ~nablc tht uni\"C/Si tics qu ick ly to id~n r ify students "ith unusual hu hh prohl~ms and tho9.' rc<ruirint: limncJ ph)"Sical educallon pr011ams. Comput•·rs · ;:;!~~~:~; 1':,;"~hi•~a~i~~~~~!:1 1 ~~~ immuniu t ion~. Pla~ement Opportunities Monday, D<:t. 7. 10 :30 a.rn . to 4 p.m.• Moorman Manulactu11ng Companv. Ouinev. lttino1s. seeks 6usoness adminisrration. Ecooomict, SociolOgy, other majors for sates and m;magement. positions wi th growiny firm marketingliYI!"!: tOC:k and poultry feeds. supplements. minerals 8f"ld parasite control prodvc:t~ . Opening~ lor sales positions throurjlout mktwl!"!:t as we iiiH managemen t positions inOuincy o(fice. Tuesttav, Oct. 8. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .. Montgomery Ward and Comp~nY. will in rer~~iew Buw~oeu adminiwation majors and all studentlin te< l!"!: tedinre t aii)!Oremanagement:~sa"car~rgoal. TuCWav. Oct. 15. 9 e.m. to 4:30p.m.. Mi nnesota National Lole Insurance Companv. will interview all majors interested in sates and manll!}t'menr pOSi tions. Wednesday, Oct. Hi. I p.m. to 4 :30 p.m .. Me tr opoli tan Li fe lnwrance Company, will speak wi th all majors in tcresred in sates pcKitionsin insurancc. 'Wednolod•Y. Oct. 16. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wi lwn and Company, tnc .. Albert Lea, Minneso ta, will interview busine1:s lldminis rr ation, economics and other majors in terested in careers with one of the major manu facturers ol sporting goods and mea t produc ts Wednesday. Oct. 16. 9 1.m. to 4 p.m.. The Ladish Co .. ol Cudahy, Wisconsin. wi ll arrive ro speak wi th ma th . science. P'YChology and other majors about career management and personnel positions in this growing manu facturing firm. The Placement Center al$0 reminds juniOf ilnd tenior students to beginpli!CI!ment li lnbynoppingin I IOSG Mai nandlill ingout the pli!C!!mentform. THE Pour Haus Pre unls: Tll e f in n ti n l ivt En tt r1ginm ent On!)' one he~i 1 h euminuion !lOW Will be re<juirrd ?f a_n)" student in th~ state um•·~n>t)' S)"Sit'm n ·e n though the uu dcnt may transfer from ~ br~ncb campus to ~ UUIHIIiiiY or from o ne 11ni•·crsity ro anothe r with in thc5ySicm. The FOR RENT 5 ~:0:::, ::,~:..h::::~i~o:~: :::::';d.. be }~~he ~~~8 c1~1'::~~p ;~~~~~ Uv in;. loom, Kllchtn, Gorogt, Yord, tl'- J :~::n:h,:.·=~~ 4 Newsletter. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN TYPE BUSH HATS ''Th• Latest In Stylina;" l Aeatat.J ia~ioolabkloruwby "t·~~-~ .HUNTER'S CORNER c-~nond3rd5t...t /~ql2lt{~~ . [i1 ~ ~~ ~;l:~ y ~.ttf) ~ ~ y The 1as1!ionSah1e OUDO" 1t e n S tore With the college man 1m 1m [i1 in mind. ~ ~l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l§l!lm THE SHINDIG OLD HIGHWAY 51 HOITH OF MOSINR" .(Home of Big Name Entertainment) FEATURING THIS WEE K THROUG H SUNDAY The ODZ and ENZ NEXT WEEK : THE CONGREGATION TUESDAY & THURSDAY-- Girls FREE, Guys ~y ~ l\IG Snowti•·es For Sale Two 6 .95-14 Flrt llolle To wn. 11uds; 10,000 milu 11 yr.)wegr; '!J trt odle ft . $20. KAT HY SOBIECH 1700 Portoge Phone344--53B B ( frHe'..j ~ r--------------, ~~~~~~~-tsa~~~·r~i 1o1nhe ~~~ trip will .on Thursda y, Oct. 3 ~; l:; b:' ,;':;,.:':',":<: :: :~: I"'TY, ovr r a uni•·e rsity . ~bh the enemy fig ht on rout terms. Talk :u~~:-;~_[d~~w~~t~::: ::t~;~~ ~if1 ~h~n ~~~~a~:. WSU.Q ~hk o~ h WSU · I 'btt~•·ille hcuhy s..• natc hu appro•·ed a co rumi llec ""hich will met! wi th students "'" ho hHc lcai t im~ l c com plain ts about grades. In PlStcascs.variousstudcntshavcrcccivcdunfairgradesbut did not ha•·e th• chan« to&r t them corrected. Thc loC natc feltlhat tlle ·cornmi ttcc would cneour;agcl tud ents to appea l morefredyand ::.~~us~ fur that the y wo uld be discriminated asai nst in future Health Form For State U's Standardized .. thc~tudc nt :s~;;,;::~:;:\;;;~:~ Park1ng officiali at WSU.Qshko~h ha •·e propOsed that ca~ h ptnon who "·is hcs to park hi s nr on ca mpus pa y a yearly fco of520. Instead of u)(nB parking 11k krn n~h driw~ r would be Biven 1 numbered ca rd lo sho"'· as he left a lot. Withou t a cu d, a person would llav~ to t•ay 15 ,..., nr sa day for parkinK privilcacs. ' Osh kosh 1\dv~n cc-Ti t an ~~l\~~;/~~afn~*r£!j"'~£~ ~~~ctf!~\~~n}{J~r~::~~~:~£~~:~; ann~u~:~e:~~nth~0~~~~iz~~ ~i~t::: ~~~iv~0; ~~c~!~~~ha~~ Trippers Plan ~h:;~~·~~!~..!i'n~~h"-2"!; ~r~: 1 ""' ,, "''"" "'"'"''" "" system ~" ~~.;~ .:.~can. ',:."";, 1;,Q~ Horse Ride ce nt of body to 'take tlli"i' &o ani! · WS U st ude nt s nc invited to $ian up for "th eir choke of hotilt'back ridilll trips.oncbcing held on Saturd~y. Oct. S, and l.y uu l.aK,.ol B )" li rtra rure, opt' nly puxcl~im SI)S. l~t rll~ rqcnt s srop )"O U if rhey can."" "Out. w h~ t ~•·e r you do." Oren! added. "don"! bmn the l ibra r y! T hcH's mo r e 11dkdilirlj; rnoteri.:rlthere thin in tbr billy dubs of the Chicago po lice fOf Cf." l'rof. Brent said. thai ndiul libuals " "U C people th at rcv o lu t ionarie$ didn" r need. "They ralk. and in ci te others to action ; bur they won't be around wll~n the action llkn plaCf."lleaddcdthal ontcina while aradicallibcr~lmiJh r se r urcstcd,"itcas.-shisco nscknce. lie's doina more for the movcmcnr." Brent"s o "'n philosoplly is "don't &ct arrested Mcausc of yo ur co nscie nce or on rllOral grounds. Get arrnted o nly if it's nt CeS$1.ry and bas.-d o n poli tical Kenosho; Porn Metzger, Wisconsin Rop ids. Bock row-Soe Schneide r, Steveru Poin l; Sherri Kusr, Cole mon; Alison Hovoll, Green Boy. (Jim Pierson PIIoto) Price!! Friday & Sahii'Ciay Just Back From Their Western BILL'S PIZZA SHOP Home of the 1/2 Pounder 7 to 3 oz. of tantalizing bee£ served on Hot Italian Bread Phone For Delivery ! ! ! 344-9557 I October 3, 1968 . ... 7 THE PO INTE R Delta Zeta The Iiiias of Alpll.a Sitma Alpha held theit nnt mcetina Sept , 10, 1968. At the mecli"', t he summcr &el-tO&cthcr wu diku.sscd and plans were made forthcupeomir~~ycar . Eiectiollll were also held , Pat !lorn will be mc mbcnhlp dirc~tor and Sue Jordan will be actina in the capacity ofvioe-president. The Alpha Si&J arc -biUy comp lctin& final plans for llomco;omin& aniYiticsthisycar. Linda Aterjord ll.asbccnchOKn u t he sorority '• ca nd ida te for homecomln&quccn. SlstCQ married over the su mmer were: Patti Brown, Ca th y Con ant, Kathy Radtke and Kathy Riedel. The brothcn arc busy with pla n • for thciJ chapter IIISUJlationwllichwiUbchcld on NoY. 2 at the llolio:by Inn. T he Carnatio n Ball, the fntemity' form ... wiU also be hd~r1~~e~ec=d last sprina and OYer the summer uc: Ken Kobt:r to Charlotte Bronk and Tom Doran to ClllisGodfrey. Tau Kappa Epsilon The Tekc'1 arc workins on pl ans for home coml1111 a.nd pl ediJna. Plans for homceonun& are almost complt'ted and t he float buildint is undcr.,.~y. An in for mal rusher wu held at the ]Yenon Ski Lodge recently for men ln teru tcdlnt hefnterni t y. C h l p tcr Swectheut, Miss Carol Krohn, was so: luted u ' homeromina queen candidate for the fraternity. Carol is a member o f Delta Zeta sorori ty andvicc-prrsidentofAWS. On Sept , IS, the brothers of The annual TK E and alumni !Rita Si&ma Phi had 1 date banque t wiU be held at th ~ party. The brot hen and ~Utes Anlle110n Oct. 12. A party,.·iJI c.anOt'd down t he C(Yslll River. preCedcthe~nquet . Last week l're~tdwt Gary 1\ e in n l ma nn appoi nted AI Reinhhndofthe activetraince progrom. Bob Adams and Gary Woodward wi ll bc;hisassUtants. The brothe l$ of Si&ma Phi The brothers welcomed 1 new member to t he colony at th e Epsi.Jon ll.ave ~Ciected Mtu Loi$ Wood to represent them in homec:omina as t heir que~n candida te . LastSaturday, t hcfimday of the ama ll 11me KISOn, ,..as t he rust annua l Sil Ep Hu nt. Si~ pu tridse, t hrcewood-coeka,on c squirrel and 139 cumbers we r ~ "billed". The hunt was fo ll owed by a "pan y"a t J oc's. On Sunday, a formal rusher was held int he F11nklloyd Wri&h t Loun&c by thebrothen. On Thursday, it will be followed byabeerrushu. Delta Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Epsilon WATSON IIALL Tll~r~ are many problems tll a t a n~w dornt must enroun t~r . Amont tllem are tile lack of be d spread s and undecbred swiumU111 pools in andaroundtllell.a ll , Desp i te thi s, thtre r.re adYantqes to bt:i111 in a new dorm . F or uampl t , bt:i!ll lnvi tt'd to !Nttin .,.·ith n tlous ~~~n.:! ~~~ U::~f':!ewaf:cu~\!<; (whl~ll all lla•-cn 't arrivd u ye t) . Friday,&pt .20wa:sele<tion d ay a t W31 so n Ball. :ftfC:~Imatdy 35 Kirls ran for Am0111 t hem, the follo willl well: winrocn: prulde nt , Pam Lu ca:s, a junior t r.!W"n from Clinto n; vice·ptC$1den t , Claire Schaecll, ajuniortnn$l'e r from OpaLocka, Florida; Sfcrt' tary, Simone Schuster, a freshma n fromShebo Y&an ; l!nrurer, Mary Green, a fm ll man from Chica&o; ~~:;,~;~~~ie~::~~:. k:~ York. ' • a ls~un~aJ,·,;~g!·, eJ 2 ' i:at~: hOII$e·Wr.rmi"l, Pr.rtnt Tea. Mn. Watson wasthe&ues t ofllonor at the reception. The hall was named in honor of her late hus~n d . Monday, Sep t. 23, Watso n l hU hdd, " f'Tc.wnl illl Mi!' Watson," a pagen ttosd«l.theu homcromlns queen candul.ate. ChoSt' n wu Patt i-e J o Peters, a sophomore ntajorillj in primary ::~~~~~~uC:n~~~~~son~nC:,r: ~~~~.•~~ttr.~i~h::n!~~ NEALE IIAL L Neale lh Uistn tht proccssof evalua tin&ll.alll\llesandpoli cies. Two committees, made up of hall rouncil memben,discu»ed problenu with the old me thods andbro~.Whtpossiblc suuestions totherouncil mce tina . The counc il , in tu r n, pll:k'nted these new ldea:s to t hc r c sidc nts of Neale. Rep re$ent al iYCS wiU brin& the tcncnl reactio ns of theit wifll:s back to . the nex t ha.U li:O"f'Cil mcctifla, where the SUNtsh ons Liberty ·Serves Fraternity At Receptio n Mrs. Chuln F. Watson, widow o f a longtime profcuor at WSU - Stevens Point. wa:s honored Sunday afternoon at a reception in the 'TieW residence hall on ampus which Man her husband's name. Best Dressed No,111inations Av~ ilable Opcnho~for thestructwe The: 1968-69 "lkst Drc md Man on Ca mp us"ro ntes t, .,.·hich isro-spOnSOI'edbyParkinso n's Clothes for Men and E.~q u ire Mquinc, w\U beain ukint nominations at WSU - Stevens Polnton0ct , l , 1968. The title, "Best Dreaed Man on Campus" will a n y with it prizes awar ded by Parkin50n's and will includ e • S110rt Coa t and Slu Combo. In addition, the .,.·tn ncrw illbccliciblc for selection to E.~quirc Ma&uinc's 1969Collc se AdYisory ~r d ­ anhonorwh ichwilli ncludea n a iJ ~apcnK-paid uip to New Yo rk for a wee k dwifli Much, 1969. Application dead line to Park ins.on'sis Thunday.Oct. 10. ,Ballotina on campus wiU run hom Oct . 14 thl' uOct. 26. The top thrce•"Otereceivenwillhavc their nomination sheets (alona Th e National Poetry P:..es5 announccsthattheclosinada te for the s ubmi ssio n of manuscripl$ by college stud ents Is Nov. 5. Any student auendlna ei t her juniororKniorcollccc lstllalble to submit his vcr!le. There is no limitation is to form o r theme. Shorter works arc preferred by the Board of Judaa bccalliC of space li mi tations. Each poem must be typed or printedona!lepanteshett,bear the na me an d ho me address of t he $tudcnt and tlx coUqc · add ress as well. Iverson Park was the sue uf tile 550 Vets Club twelfth annua l rorn roastlut Satu rday. At tendance was c~cdl ent despite the opcnina or hunt in& Sigma Tau Gamma The brothus of Sit:ma Tau Gamma had a busy week last week , On Monday evenin.& thl s yen'sflut forma\l\lshwnhcld, ~:::"'!!, '::,J~:: t~~c~::fo~~ ~~ WcdncWay , theSi&Tau's scorcd 28 points to the Siasdi's 0 poirm in intramural foot ball. The brothers held the Si& Ph i'• t o 8 points in Thurloday's intramural foo tball aamc but acorcd no paints. Then on Frida y. an lndi anpntywas h.dd with tl>c: lkltt Zcu Soro nt y. The air ls carne drtmd as "Squa,.s" andthc&ursumcn " Ura~cs" , A prilt wu a...·udcd for thcbcs r cost umcforauyand air iOn Saturday bro t her lknnis JUot was ma rri~d to Miu Linda Zinda and on Sunday some of the brothcuattcndeda"Wakf". The Sig Tau's voitl hold an informal Hee r rush o n Tucloday Oct . I, and o n Tu~~b }· Oct. 7 plcdJcswillheinitiated. The S]&ma T1u Gamma brothcn are pbnnin& a full and busySt'mcstcr . Theta Phi Alpha In r c~cnt dections l'atry Dieck wa~ elected St'ttttary of Theta Phi Alpha a~ d Charlene was c Ic c t td K ~utt e r historian~ditor . Final pbns for init ia tion. tent atively St't for Oct. 26, were d!~umd at the umerne<•t ina. Future Sl'tvice prOJects for this s.emc!litcr arc Kl\inH food f01 the Al1rha Ph i Om~ga bloodmobile Nov. 4 and Sand also s u~llisi n la nur St'ry fora Thun.d~y local or&aniu tion o n aft ernoons. Winners for t}tc, best booths inPointer J ubilecarea:s follows: First pla.;c, Alp ll.a Phi; Sl'cond, Ph i Mu Alpll.a; th ird. De lt a Zeta. Trophin will be &]ven by th e UAB to the!!e o rpniution s as soonatthcyareaYailable. HER O OF THE W EE K K'fh~- Vets wiU hold a mecti111 Th e Kn uucn ll aU surf tonlah t at Rays (forme rl y Ann memb er who returned his Lyons llall) at 7:15p.m. Liquid freshmandatc toNcak ll aJJ fift y rdreshmcn ts willbc K rvc:d. mlnutcsla tc. M anu5triptsshould be~entt o the Na tional Poetry Press, 32 10 Selby Avenuc, Los Anaeles,Ca l., 9003 4. ~~~:, :n~~~~u)e fo7w~~ebJ ~~~ Esquire M&&ulnc i~ New Yor k Ci ty, Esq uire will Plt k the firul l winne r and no tifyt hcPointc r of t he rew lu. The winne r will automatically be cn tacd i n the na tionalo;ont nt. Pleue complete theend0$Cd nominationslxctandretwnto Parkinso n'sbyOct. IO. was for parcnu and friends of the women who rtside tllc:re. A formaldedicllionoft hefacility. which w.s ope ned this fall for t henrsttimc.willbt:helddw in.& WSU homeo;omiiiJ nut month . Vets Hold Corn Roast Alpha Phi Wins Award For Jubilee The DZ'1 lluted off tile school year with a part y With t he brothen of Slama Tau Gamma at Point Bowl on Satwday cvenlnt. The t heme was"ThcAmcritan lndian". At the llstmcetina thl'cerocw officenwc re offidaUyiMtalkd. CarlaVon ll adenwuinstaUed as plcdtc trainer; Judy Bake r, assistant plcd&ctnr.iner:Susan Ull cch as standards chairman; and Mary Stroh f e\dt, puliament:uian. Also at the mcetlnt. Lila Thalacke r wu chO!Ien sorority candidate for home~omins qu.cen . Two othc r sUteuarca lso condidatu; Suun Uttech for Slama Pi and Carol Krohn for TauKappeE psilon. Next week's mcctint will be at 101 Oxford ~partments to comp le t e homeo;omina and KmcsterplaMandactivi tles. The si.i tcu of lklta Zeta announce that thl:y hdd the hi&hest o'l: r-all pade paint of the soro rities on campus last !lemcstcr. William C. ll anKn, now 1 ~~~~d~n':';O:; t~b :h':~ i~0C:!':: 1940. Mr. lla nsen Is the nnt padua tt of this school toservt uillpresldent. Hear All Pointer Football on rtokf l1ln ... and sr olnsr 1tronsr fro m Co~o~ntry S.t. Th• loolrf01 foll ll th• llock ond Whit• aha lsrht pant. Co mpl"• your outfit wit h o rl bMd-lulll tw.ater wi th Ill ow n OHo l. Choote fremlladrorH otPinlr. Ja clrat tamo tch. QctOber 3, 1968 THE POINTER . ... 8 ofa~cf. ~ Spo,.l~ :J/a~f.e~ LaCrosse Dumps Pointers, 27 13 byT~ • Indian~ Inflict 4th Straight Loss u erosu·1 footblll teem demonlll'tted UP'bly tMt 1111 dOOI not necet.Wlily meeri t nythlng. They $Imply outhu1tled t he Pointers } thr=~~~:;u~t~~::~~~!::·ll bu Cltirt. The BlugolckllavebetnOI'IeOi t heconlerence's les.serteamsthe last three years and are not cont.nden this year, eithet'. But, obv.l~ly, the Pointers trfiQOirl9 to need mOft incentivt tnd team coord•ntuon 10 ~~:problem In three of the four lOisei so fit has been falling behlndetrly in tht ~~tmetnd trying topltyeatch·up. Severtl pltyen h.-e been outstendlng thus fir on dtleme. noteblySteve Johnson.rldP:t F.ee.• , Etrly misUikll. end tn OYBfill sloppy defense cost the Wisconsin Bldgen 1 good chtnce to ~pture thl l long twait ad lint win for Cotth John Cotttl. II d~oe team can pltye.....nolt9'mtliktthey d id lntht lintlperiod lastS.uurdly, theyun uncl~ toMichilloiln Stt te, but not moeh closer ~n _1 0 rci~u. Missed chtnces In the first hlllf 1pelleod the difference !OJ the Packer5. When lem Bar~~eyintercepled theStarr pannear!he end ol the half when t he Packers were o n the move, !he incetl!ive went over to the UonJ·. Instead ol ooneeivably trailing by IS much IS 24·0 11 the half, t he Padcers covld pvt only· 10 polnu on the board I I half. The Mlnnnou Vikings came down off cloud nine 119'inn t hl 8Ur5 - t hly eren't championlhip ~li~ 'f~; The ovefllll depth o l t he Cardinalt. Mpeclally In their pitching still, should tell !he difference itf the World SeriM, wit h the Redbirds winnlngin si~lllmll!. • • • Here's how my predict ions compared to t hlac::tual linllh In t he Major Leagues t his yur: I I made these in the1'01NTER lan spring. I SENIOR POINTER hoi/bock Bob Rohde 1451 powe rs yordogo lor o ht down in the forst home gome ogcunsr l o Croue. Don Boy 161) b in front of Rohde More Re liable Than WSU Clock s Science Building Uses Unique Clock QU I STION l"lrl t LC SP POWII~ ...- ........ t l It \'ar.t• )luahlrtJI' ........ Y•rila I'~~Min« .............. 101 l $0 so Wh~t"•g•~Y. "rl)lhs HO pounds. U 13 mdH.·~ in diamct••• and is locatrd tn !he WS U - SI' Sckn~ Uuildill!l7 ,\ 1\S \\'I· H Th< l'ouc~ulc l'tn..t ulunr Tota l \'Kt>il ,,........... 2M 230 , ......... . . 18 7· 19 ...........~·33 ~-tt lttt trt~l'llona by ........ 2 1 l'unta 1 l"'nnbln LOll~ ........~·-·" 0 J'euall lu ..............~·~ ~· 13 l o Cron e p loyers g ivfl chose. {Mel G lodowski Pho ro l 01 Pointers Hope To End Streak Tin· 1\'Sll Stncn> l'<'lnt foorNil tcJ m ""ill t ~l.:t to t h,• !~.<~~~ac~~~nt ~~i:~£i~~:;:~~~;:.~:~ h u CIJtn· to m~ct t h<' UI~J~old~ m ~ S~turd~y lvntnt ) I n tine at 7 30p.nr. h u (.'IJur hu n ktt ~rmcn b:id, from lut ~'C'~,·~ 5<111~1.1 "' Inch cum1Hied a 3·6on-rall r..c01..t 3nU fom~hc..t in ci.:,hth plu"' m t he •'Onfucn<~ "'it h a ~·to nr~ol.:. Th~ UIU~Oid$ ha•·e a new co;o~h th~ yuo u l.ink \\'all<n h ~ • ocpb ccd J mo R i~. Strong point ~ m tllis r••ar's l: au Cl~rn· squad u c t ht •luart.·rl>;a,·kmg of Jim Bach. who lnm;hnl frfth in th( conftr~n•·~ IJst )'(Jr rn total offen:;c with 71 ~ y:u d>. a n..t dcfensiw end Tom Cl~rk. ~n honoralll f n~<· nt ion all cunffrcn« cholct last ~·tar. Thr l'orntcrs "'hipped Eao Cl:lir< in bst ~·tat'srontut ina st•·a..tyr;~m,IJ.O. In ga tucs w lar t ins ~·car, Ea u Cbirf has lot to ,\ upburJ H h nn.) a nd to Oshkosh, !9·7 a nd last S:.turdl y won at Sur>rri.,.- ~~~· a 21 · 7 srot r predlcted Outoome IAmerican Lu guel 1. Twins 2.Tigers J . Red So~ 4.1nc:U;ns S.Orlo iH 6 . Atl'!letia 7. Angels &.White So~ 9. Sel'lltOrS 10. Yankees 4, t ndlans 5. Yanken 6 . Athletles 7. Twlm &. Angels 9. WhiteSox t O. Senators (National League} l.Cudinalt 2, Cubs J .Gianlt 4, Redt S. BriVes &. Pirates 7.0od9f1S B. Phillies . 9. AUI0'1 !O.Mets 1. Cardinalt 2. Gianu J.Cubs 4. Rldt 5. Bravn 6 . PiratM 7. 0 od!letS 8. PI'!IIIIn 9. Meu IO. AWO'I I . Tigers 2. 0rioiM J . Red So~ The t.COres fOJ t hlsweekend'scliffhafl!lt!rsart asfollaws: Stevem Point27, EauCielre1 4 Mklli~J~nState3 1 . Wisconsin 1 7 GreenBay J 1. Atlantill4 Whitewater27. Elkhorn 13 ( It's homecoming so tilt Elks should stily within 2011 Pointer Spotlight "fresh As A flower In Just One Hour" By iJanllurton l.i!i!cd at 5'10", 200 lbs., l)an ' Bay clean t he PJII! forl'olntcr ball carrkrs from hit kft guard pos ition. A mr mlwt of a $0ontwhat small but cffecti•·c offensive Unc. the senior from K~ukauna Jtatcd t hll sptcd IIQdcupforthc lackof wc[Jht. Dayaddcdthat t hc l'ointcr's line wu brslnnlng to O(l(n up liOillt fine holt'S "'' ith JOmc suc«non -t hccnds. THE AI Regr.~lar Prl.ce Every Day ol the Yaarl Profeuiono lly Claonad a nd P:rauad 257 0 /vlalon St reet ' Auou From North Point Shoppln; Cante r POUR HAUS PRESENTS: Tha Finesl ln Uva f nlartolnment Twisting Harvey and The Seven Sound FIRST Appearance In Midwest. Past Three Months on the West Coast Record: BROADWAY No. 3 in San Francisco w.s.u. Sweat Shirts ' ,,., Don't forgPI I'tlo Plua Smorgat bord fv•ry Tr.~udoy THI Phone 3-41· 2 100 0 1"" Dalty ot11 r30 a .m. nat racleomobla dr.~ring Smorvo dMrd $2 .rq and SPORT SHOP t036 Moln S-1 p .m. All yor.1 ca n eot for only $1.40. •cau THURSDAY ONLY