Wisconsin State University Stevens Point ~~S j THE POINTER 8 PAGES - VIH, VOL XI Multi-Happening Set To Happen On Friday n1c mull l•h.ll•l"-'""'11 1~l nwtuo·~ of Nl'len>porarr •r~ '"'' ;?: ;~ ; ; ~ ;:~:~ .~·:;~~~;;: ~~~~~~j~~J~~~;~;,: li·-~ ""' {;.u. o~·· ·~• !itr.Jn.:< {'nll<-r>il~ ~-llr<l. '''•'llU<' th' ,•l t:.~., mln.nk><! o>J u.s. ..lin• Cu l1un•. ~: :; "?:~ ~i·l~·:;~:; ,:~;:;y~ ~~~~~:~~:~ii~~·~ ;~~: ~ .. ,,,. nl llw ''"'"" •fho~lul,\ ,,;,.,;,. woll •~· h~lot l~·j:m• '"' at<' r•h)·••·.d l!.t imn~. ,._,. nin<: ''' 11 ,, n1. in lu·......., r ~·• u '' '"·'' '""'". :.:•··~·,.·•·" l' •trk .~, S.+lurd;oy " '" ' "ill ,.,,,.. ch-'111• .u~l tl~· 1\•·--11• • 'Ow · Un<k' IU1Tit •lark. Sum<' ul lho.• l 'lul.."''l~l.\ l'l•··· ••I !I~· t'l•i<'I";:I"U\11\0l <'\<'IllS lo'.o!UI'<'d \\Ill ho.• a Cl1'~· .mol lu!.ol tiw ~; ondwlch """lhl, kil<: ,.,,.,,,"n' ~~~~~ ""' ~- ,, _..._•min.•r· ln~n>: m><l ~- Nelson Hall Evacuat~d I ~· For Military Occupancy ' · Til E fo1 NA.L ACJ'IVIT Y In the 53-year history of Nelson Hall aa a residence halt will .be a fashion show, t he featu re event in a program commemorating t he ancient, vine eovered building, scheduled for Sunda}', May 19 a t 2 p.m. Piclun!!d hen!! is a portion of t he field of exciting modela comprised entirely · of . Nelsonitcs NO. 30 Dreyfus Inaugurated In Pomp,· Splendor ~P~og~o~2~------------------------~--------------------T~H=E POINT~E·~------~----------------------------======~:::=: " All happy families resemble each other, each u~happy family is unhappy in its own way." - THE ·P-ODIUM Leo 1968 If You Ask Me Satellite Revolutions Shake Up Russians NE.XT YEARS I'OINTt; R editorial staff wlll include the following (clockwise from left): Bob Holden, Pa ul Jnnty. Bill McMillen, Gene Kemmeter and Mike Kroenke. In the center is Lau rie Leatherbury. (B ru ce Stenuhw n Photo) ,- ,_;:--; ~c:··:c:~-- "'' Kemmeter Is Selected .,. _,. _ ,-~. . _ . . .,,68-69 Pointer Editor liTTlE JOE'l ORINKIN_G ESTABLISHMENT " only few courses . 1•• are preparalion for life" Summer Employment ·lea nne Knott. Z2. from Stevens Point. 729A Olvl1lon St. As I look llal'k on lour )'Un of collr£e, 1 am a maled at ' :~lc~mlb<!~~~r!;'~~ ~~5r\="!~·~11r ·,:n~ca;~~r":~:~ :h~tnt;:re: ~ prcp.tratlon for llfe.butonty a do till s. l ewcou ~saredealEnedt o s3 95 f'or tllo&ea tudcntsln ed~.~eatlonthetint prac t lc;o l uJl('r1fnce I~ thut of s tudent tc~chln£ and ewn that haa many as~~ whlrh Rl'l' not tnlly rcalbt k. I do f~ l fonunatt'. ho ..~ver. · b«aust in my major. Ph)·~lcal Education. I had the oppor· \Uil lty to work In a r<S~liStlc s ltu atloll before Jradua tlon . ' per hour ASSISTANT MANAGER ATHLETIC OR POLITICA L MIND ED CALL MERIT INC. AREA CODE 414-273-1206 JOBS For Work Study Students FULL TIME - s I Notes · Collegiate . ~?w Art In Exh1b1hon ·Sandmann. I l.J'nn lAJlrot Herl:M.n SandmaM of Both Illinol l Sta te Un verslty and Notthem Illinois U. re- 1\'SU..Ste•'(:ns Point art By ~:C~~5d~h~:·~o~1~~:.~~n;:::.:u~n~':,~h!:~::l;h:=J~: ~~~~o~~d ~n women's houri but alsci appro•'ed a new ntlt which allOWI stu~nt5o•·cr 2lto keep a nd consume liquor In tht lr roonu. At the $11mt tlrr.e vlslta on hours were utencSt'd. Th e hour~ arc from noon to 12:30 a.m. Sunday throllllh Thunday, and noon to2a .m. Friday a S.turday. Tbe NorUtem ~lar :Northent mtr~C!b v. WHERE: WHEN: the It ta~rlloprlnllonexhlbltioo "Muk.""Struc t~" lrorm:· Hou1i ng Deportment. All Summer. PAYSCAU: FuiiTimc -40 Hour Week. Ph y•icol Labor $2.00 Cl tr~ol W"cQI'din tor an tatlonsl art e:dllblt. 111.r exh ibitions will tnelude 30 prin t$ by tt n WltcOMl n printmaktn, Sandmann'l three ln. and PART TIME P~ r Hour $1 .50-$1.80 Par Hour Port Time - 15 Hour Week Phy1ical and Cltrieol $1.25·$1.45 Per Hr. APPLY TO: FINANCIAL AIDS OFFICE ltoom 256 Main (lfyouflunk, otltastyou'llbtowoke.) Sure you've used NoDoJio help you tlay awake the ni;ht before 4llexam. Bulhaveyoueverlhoughtoltakin; NoDo& to make your~~ell a little dtarper d urin;lb eenmit~~e\1? Well, maybe you ahould. Let'• uy you ' ra oneoltho1eguys whodoe,n't have to cram like mad the ni;btbelore. !Even so, you're probably not;ettingyourul ulllamounlofaleep.J. And let's uy the mominq olthe biq eaam, you lind younell he ading for elan, kind of d rowsy and unwound a.nd wondering if The Grut Bralp hal · deJOrled you in the niqht. Wha t doyoudo? You panic, that'• wha.t you do. Or, if you happened to read this ad,. youwalkcoollyover tolhewatereooler a.nd walh down e couple ol NoDo1, the Exam Pill. And before long you'ro feel· in;moro alerlandwithitaqain. You see, NoDoz helpt bring you up to your usubllevelolalerlneu,soyou don 'ljullliilhe re in a loq;il't9otwhal iltaketlohelprealoreyourpereeption, yourrecall,a.ndevenyourabi\ityto 1olveproblems. In lact.NoDo.zconlaintlhealrongesl 1iimulant lor your mind thai you can takawithoutap re$Cription. Yelil'lnOI habitlorminq. Okay, bUt whata.boutlhe QUY who qools oil blller m and huto jam ovOI)'· thinq in the night belore. Are we 1eyinq NoDo.z will keep him. ho';,~;.miooooi? We' re jut ! 1a.yinQ he'U bea.lertend awake. A1hetlunks. EEl NoDoz •....... -~· May 16, 1968 Page 4 August Graduates Listed Creativity Workshop . Planned For Summer CALL 344-7414 AFTfR 6 P.M. L IIJ!"II:YA;f: 8 U irold~ A· f\ O'l)' t :Yllll'l' Sloa1·lnr Hli~ eo~noc u .. f\ 11 ~ .,Jo•w elry c.;-... W a lt'hCS CIO<'kl ~~·el <\lUI Ie Bo!tr$ lk'f!t Sle!IUI J."lprlneoo AIIOLehe (;a!le!l Gift ll~rR.. BRILL'S MaY 16, 1968 THE POINTER Students Di~ect Children's Theatre Poge F~:··~~~:·t~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ ~ honlf'back rtdlnc •• 1~ Clrde J Ranch ou\Jkle l>brlon thl1 The UAB ITIPJN!,._ ..-Ill ftO S..lurday. A buo: will IU\"C ~~!a.m. SAturday mornln~~: !rom thf Unl•·~nlly CC'nltr P3rklnJ: lot ~nd ~• urn hy4 f>.m. The cost tilt rhl" .. tu boo u. . lor · Studcntl lnr""'"'cd rna)" flgn a ll day today In the O a u. Ctntcr. You May Pick Up Your Graduation Announcement Orders EMMONS UNIVERSITY STORE "'~ lucUI!J• and thco rulm of "1!11 lh~ lid ~:h•!!~~tell.lt~lr 1 ;;;;;···;;dl!"•"""<";;;,!;•-.~· "'.~~·~: plan ob~th·n 1 The PI'OII••m Is tured bythc ••~ ant! ,..;u ~h•lon• 011 ttlj:, Lnl...,.mat and ...==-..='-="--'--'-- ;,:c:·• ...··: ..:c·.::";c:··.c:·:c·.· I mumcMtiollll, Win A_Packer Weekend! ~:·~:e~r~~~ls s:~ ~~: :.~~.:r. ~~:c:c::·:.·::"·"'::. nin~ a canoe trip alorl~ 1\"is.;omln Rl•·r r a nd thl'oulh the ~ll.ol<>r M~tn~tlme durlnl thr IUrtlmH rr'IOI\fha. Bishop's Charity Game Tickets * Dinner At forum Restaurant ·:.:::.:,c:•. l• h,.tLlbf-• ,."fl'~endorthrM­ d .•ylrip ..·ithumJ)O\IIIIndwi11 he 1chedulfll a t • time "'hk h I• cunventt nt for tl>c 1ntlcl- * Expenses Autographed Packer Football 3 CONSOLATION PRIZES AUTOGRAPHED PACKER FOOTBALLS Come out to Robby's for the Best Hamburger in Town and sign up for the Win A Packer Weekend Contest!! - sg99 ,. s3795 SHIP~Y SHOES 'Corntr of Molit & Water CONTEST RULES - 1. No limit to 11111t1ber of entriu. 2. No purcho11 nonnory. 3. In co11 of 1 1961. dt~plicoto •. c........... Moy 30, 1968. entry, 1 drowint w/11 be hold at 7 P.M., J11n1 6 P.M.. Th,.•••,. ~Robby's .._l~~ 5. EmployH I of Robby'• ond i~t~· . NOitTHPOINT modiato famlliu rrtoy not entor t:.rMMMiipt«JfUUIUrtfll SHOPPING CENTER t his contalt. STEVENS POI NT, WIS. Mcy 16, 1968 Page 6 Placement T tn ; l\' t:W J',\ ~ tlf;u.t:r..lC COUr\CIL fer the 1968-69 school year ia comof the following members. from left to right: seated - Sharon Nessa, AI· pha Sigma Al]lha, President: Noreen Steward, Delta Zeta. Vice President ; Nancy Olson, 1\ lpha Phi. Secreta ry, and Marilyn Cantwell, Theta Phi Alpha, Treasurer. Stanling - Yvonne Kramer, Delta Zeta : Sue PooCh, Delta Zeta ; Cindy Stellemacher. Theta Phi Alpha: Lynn Keiffer, Alpha Sigma Alpha: Anne Kayser, t\ lpha Sigma Alpha: Judy Pobin, Alpha P hi: and Becky Blahnik, Alpha Phi (Tom Kujaw11ki Photo) posed Jeanette,abl~)·l'dblondl', l Is a lrt'Shman majoring in dietlei ~nd ,loo.Jm~~Usm. She l"ftlde ,.11h hl'r p.orenU. '-Ir.and Mn. ~~~~ ~~Jc:~.:\ R~~~~:"ne~ I h-as a ]JO 11\"#d In ~ew Y ork Oty: Don~~;~ and Alpine, Tex· as. lndllln:apolls: Honolulu and Wahiawa. H.-•·all ; and lleldtl· bert, Germany. Mlu Ke lch it a member ol Alpha Sian"lll AIJ)hlo Sorority, Alpha Delta Alpha fl'rolesslonal Dietetics t"'ntemltyl ~nd llll'l I Hom!! Economic:~~ Oub. ller Ia•·· orite pUUmet lnclucko traveltJw.danelrti. water akllni. cook ... ,.. .. . . . : t" . .:; --u·· ' PART TIME ($49.75 per week) 1319 WATER WRITE BOX 567 Stevens Point, Wisconain _5 4481 344-9557 · DELIVERY! ! ! THE BANK · WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU ALL KINDS OF PIZZAS AlSO FEATURING '5.ANDWIC:HE5 'I Summer Employment Now Hiring for Full Time Summer Positions Top Money • PRESIDt>NTTom Meyer presents , ., . ...,.,••• _. ""'' · ""''·'''''"' II Or. Jimmie L. Franklin U the initial COn· J the "Core Projeet."·The "Core Project" Call Wausau between np~~;~~~~~a~h:;;~~t~rcbrr~·~~r:{~~ I s!~o~o~~~~~~ ;·"..:_-,·cc·cc::--..·.:: 9 o.;'4S-~2:1 p.m. "Core Project" Committe<!.. 532 DIVISION , STREET Operation College 'Graduate Ally colltge 1roduote with o teochln,t contract or job offer con buy o new or used cor for: $10.00 down and $10.00 a week on oppro.edcrcdit until. first poycheck "l1 recei..ed. £v";eybody haaan'undeCeori(•- Ha'ttheonewhoknowawhi~hcarlaaplec.aol junlt.And ..hiM)'OIItan cttpractkally&n)'tlnn;' whol~!i.ceorp iaa ruluptortwlthother . peop~~~'!t!~~·~ oomn ~ )"OUr diamond, we'n &01111' too~.:~:·:~:!1t"n:l:~!~e lo1 uahu:d f:fmoloebt,hl problblyknoWJIIttlemor.thanroo;~ .SOaboutdlunondL J;vuyArtCa"eddiamondiairupeet.ed by a 1 emo!q\ot and Mclt.cl by a ..,.ntten PVJ>IIN cuara.~~te&.H111'1iuatttit !oru.rat•eilht,oolor, cllt alld 'i~~':i all)'tlmo d11rln1 J"'"' llfetimt,ifyoll I'Ter•anttotrsdo)"OIIr rillflllforamoaupe!\fi1'1 ArtCaned rlllf,,.t11 W tltb&ck. Atit'lfllll _k!Carved" _.- . ""11>1C.IIU!Sdo0.0rtali"•)'Olllhatklndof WITH "'u~""' EACH ... ..... ..~;...,... ~ ..._.n .. .., ....ne..... ....... FISH SANDWICH ' for 3Qc . - - - • " ••..JloWot atiMA.....::..r..l -..~~noo~.l ~,.-llo.. ---S.lrtCanaDIIIGI.RIIISI I - - - 1035 MAIN Fridor Nita Till 9 Manufacturers lrregu!ors. In many styles and o variety of colors. ·. G~rmann's Mav 16, 1968 THE POI NTER Page 8 Pointers Finish The Weekend With Mediocre ,Success Tennis Team Splits In Triangular Meet .Oshkosh Pitchers Shutout Pointer Title Ambitions S«in;: iu ut- of hJI,.., th~t tb~ thl• ll; l tw, lu t l'vhlln, you "on't to rta41 ~ny more of my po·rjuo,bcl'd Rr'lk~ until nc"XI lnll " 11<-n 111<- C•rdin.ll and t\>in< "Ill llr' playin~; ln t~ World S<:'rK'~. th(' l'•ckC'I'I will l)r,dnnina: th<-irlourthstraiJ;ht ltllr, nndthe i6' ( ',..WtfldenM>Il·h tho• Boilon Crllkl. SANDWICHES- BOOZE,- PEANUTS "Mother's Old Time Piano Music" SHORT SLEEVE Turtle ·Necks BAN-LON Shippy Clothing 944 MAIN STREET THURSDAY · FRI. · SAT. 9:00-1 :00