Tickets S.t iII Available For Cream Wisconsin State University Stevens Point I jTHE POINTER INT, WISCONSIN, THURSDAY, MAY 2,_:1.:.; 96:;: B_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __:c 6_:P.:.; A:::GE:;:S_-_:N.::O::_ . .::28:._ Dr. D~eyfus' Inauguration l Climaxes Eventful Week "study habits . . . have decided ellecli" .Jull lhleuf'"ld; 19. F'reahman. 323 Hyer Ha ll. from ~ tleld, maJorlni In Prim ary Education. Frnhmeh ah<JUid be made aware of the fact ! hat thtlr l\.."1 ' habllll and technique$ are aolnl:' to h&\'f a derl~l ~11~-t~o. thei r ac:ademk •uondln&. M011t studen11 ha'·~ 'on., !h 111.,11 1 hl&h lid>ooJ with the Idea ttun It w&i one h>l.: '''-"''~' ahtt- tu re and they thluk rolk'.li:e will be the !;11>~>1!. u they plan on 5taylnli: 111 ~>ehool, .they wtll h~ '~ kl lr1, that 111 Idea Is wnma;. From the ll n;t wrek o / -.·hoot.tr11 must reank that L-ompetltlont; n rollel,'i.' h at a mudt hl:>.>t klw lthan lromvet ltloninlllgl ""hool alldln ot"tk-t tore.--Lin Kho.>OI. ..:.clal life ca ntJOt e the J•l~ cc ol Mud~ t t:r.t Moy 2, 1968 Page 3 SUMMER, AND Apply NEXT FALL. Immediately! ! PHONE 341-2100 Fishing Season Opens May II The Sport Shop Opening Sunday, May 5!! BOB LONG'S Pizza Hut 325 I DIVISION STREET TiCKETS STILL AVAILABLE THE CREAM TONIGHT 8 p.m. FIELDHOUSE TICKETS $2.25 FRONT HALF BLEACHERS $2.00 BACK HALF BLEACHERS ALL "RESERVE SEATS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD OUT! CHOCOL\TIS '1" t -lb.. 2-lb.! '3" ll.rst.rub.rrg.rr·.sI Avollobleot lhe.followint Blu•bird D•olt rlo Antiro Molle Jewtlry Manitowoc llummelts, lnc. BeiYtr D1m Jamts W. Sthultz ManitO\II'OC Williamson's Dodtevilll D.F./'hlsonJewelry Menomonie Chastan Jewelers Edterton Klrl F. Ttmpel Monroe Pandow Jewelry Elkhorn WlllerKullberr HewGiarus zweile1Jewe1ry Fond dulac Klail Jtwelry Osh~osh J. F. Krumritll Co. f:~:-n~ Clyd~ ~~~!~~ Port•t• W. H. Maloney &Sen Ke110sha Gottfredsu·&-Nieoll Plinceton R. E. H~rtrnan Madison LW. Pirker, Jnc. Ritllland c;nter Speldels Sauk City Zie~k• & Btchr · Shawl no Th1111h Jewelers South Milw1ukee llades, lne. ~rta Hoar &Wenzel SlurstonB'Y DraebJewelers Wt\trtO\II'n Wallen's Jewelry Wauuu J. ll. Brusher~, Inc. Wl!itewaltr JosephJuelry Wls. RP.ds. J.E.Dai)'JewelryCo. May 2, 19611 ,fu t : l_llf ll~t: trit>tl out one of the ca nOl'!! entered by t he Suu!<• ft ~ in i'unda1''11 ~auoc racC' from Jot'dan !'ark to_ h ·ct'l'Un l':u·k: The rarly -A mC'ricnn vintage. Cru ft f:ull.'(! to l'Omplrtc thC' 11ix-m ilc cou t'IK' on the winding Plover Bi\'C'r. It swa m ped and had to be ttbundoncd by l_t• .cl'('ll'. tJim J>ic i'!K)n Photo) Sig Eps Win Canoe Race ,\nnu:•l Sl;; Ep C~•- IUcc "~~ """ b) Sl;: l::t"' in ~ t hoo rombin('(\ tl n>e ul ·I huut 'o, ~ I tnlnu11'> ••~I :1:: ~('Oft(\, Tllllo·~ lvr tiM' wlnn~l'> "~'~·~; I hour. ~~ mlnutrJ a~l 39 ~~r<lfKI~ b,· Jun }' k>rl· ~IIU un•l \):on l.it1lt•r: I huur, r. mlnmro M~l 21 n"<..,...l< b)• lkM•·r• ""'' Jun )Ilk!' Til~tlt, I hut.11·, ~'9 mtnut...,_ and l~ M'<:ondo h)·•r t~o<'<hkr UIMIBoh .\\ ,ohnk•' :1<'<'01~1 ,, ...... ""' '"""''~·<1 '" IA·lt w Sl~m" "ith a limr or I l•w· •. 31 mttHJh·o unot b ~c'<:• 't~Wi> "'"' thint pl"c" ~:oln~ tu Sil:trt,o l'o "ithKii!ll<' Ill I huuu, H minutt._ Mnd 10 s.-cunol• TIK' fu>ll'>l tlmt• ul the d~y ''''"turned in b)' tlw }'lor;,.,.,...Ltoltl••r UlliN' rcpn'><'n1tng St~tnll l'hi Et>.~ik>n "ith R time u1 1, houo·, ~ I mlnllll"< nn< t 39 unoJ BILL'S PIZZA SHOP """"''· Tht• girL, <lhi,iQn na~ "011 b) ,\lpjM Si):.nla ,\ll•hilw lth lktty .\lorri""'' """ V;ol !li nt~· m~n UIIIX'I'*I:, Sl.<•rh'•, ~llhOII<:h flit tW~I". pnl\llk-<1 ono.t of nlet·o·tment ~;rc.<t dt'lll Of C~oot.'in<: ~ktll by I I• temsKinl; to >liWI the r~pMI~ ,llbl bela\\ J orda n P ark . 1'11~ ulf Ill<' I*'' " tilt-' _ _,_ ~ SPECIAL! ....... from Jordon Park ,JllU t 'LORIA!\'0 ( REAR) AND DAN LI EDt~R· {front) were th e first ones to to h·~r>Ort on the l'lo>·cr Ri•·· er"IU bea n wnnu •• te•·ent ~11001· ::;r.;rsi~:mn Pht~ ••~on •·n•· Every Mon., Tues. and Wed. cr063 the finish line a Ive raon Park . They paddled the eoursc in I hour, 2·1 minutes and 39 seconds. fastest time o f the day, iu leadi ng Sigma Phi Epsilon to victory in the first annual canOe race. \Jim P ierson Photo) HOU RS: 7 A.M.·6 P.M. Doily Mon. thru Sot. Open ' Til 9 P.M. Mon. ond Fri. 20 % DISCOUNT on Any Order of SS.OO or Mor e ol Regula r Price h err Dor of t h e Yecu l · The U<·~ · 11iAiitl ~IHI.Ifiilt•· . . ' . Pinnings, Engagements Pinnlni;S ' '"'IOIII1C011 " <' r~: --- :~~-"'· s;~ma 1'1. to SIM'rrl s tnu- Ac;:,~ ~::~s~~~rt~:~int 11\'!ldin~,. thoo I~'" "'l'<."k<•nd Shopping Center 11 ~J~: ~=; :,l~m~IJ~:~ ~~~~n A~ II=======:~~~~====: I !:'.:: ~~":;~~~irHndI~H~~J:~ Ga ry St.,nkc, 1\llr<'n 1\'ll,l;ller In Sl,~;m" 1\lplm, Sl~;mu PI , to Pul aski : Mnrinnne Sd~u . "'" Ph i ~;r111llo<> lt()(:l"r Sl~· ltn~mus. Ti lt~ TH t\ OITIO!I: t\ 1. I) UN KI!\'G A.tiEH VICI'QRV 1 was gi\'<'ll to Alpha Sigma Alpha's Val Hintzman (lcfll and Betty ~f orrison (righO nfter lhey won the women's r·:oc<' over a shortened course. Tom S hipe lc nlhi~;aidiu righting thc ca nO<', tJ im l'iCI'IiOII Pholo) While Shopping Slop for a Sna·ck! Homemade Pies, Cookies THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU 344-9557 DELIVERY! ! ! ALL KINDS OF PIZZAS Made To Your O~der ALSO FEATURING · WREMEMBER the "W" is silent! ll t«nt t·n~RI;e m~nt~ "nllOUnc- "" " ~< ntl Ml.'lotl)' Car""m lo St.,. I'll """~ : Denny Jilt~. l'l ~ m a •·en~ l <ol nt ; 11nd Si ~ m" 1'1 ltkh· Tllu G3tnma , t G iJnd;, 7.intla, <ml ShRq> Rnd ~l :u; ~t('tt"anl SII.'VCII$ Point , Rnd llkh~r·d Dt•lln l'A.'tu In Sll"<'~"" Poln!, MAIN STREET CAFE 1319 WATER "Fresh As A Flower In Just One Hour" SANDWICHES SAUSAGE GOING THE JAMAICA WAY? e BEEF e MEAT BALL Sixty Senior Women ,\ !>Ill' Stt~•. l<"rl 'Point Dietetics Club Will AHend Meet'ng .,;::;:::' :·:~:r. ~:~:s~.:::: Hon ored At Banquet Kolodzlk, Gr~n ll•4•·t t J s~hrank "nil John l;r<·•~·m••n "Ill 1""11clp;~te as .,.•-.•~~~-, in tho:" All-Unh·•·•·•lty l t 11tr.unm-..1 Spto:"e h '"'ent. ~~ ·~ S. in thr 11'1><-Q~.-!n nuuru ,s rh~ Uni<o:"n-11)· Co:'nl<'r, Iiiio· ,.,,.~t i• bf"tn~ >IKW\,;<~ml ,,, th•· l'nh•·•· ~bni!M'I Bay , n nd Point wo:"ro:" In :\ladlwn Apr. 25 -•m"•l:.':~~··~~:::~,.;...,~11,~~~~~-Tu.. ~~t~:!!o:" '~t::~~~-~~':,.:,V~"~c;: . ..:~i§;g ::~~~:~,;;:~~·; I!Qilli~~ ,,.,..,.,,._ Stotn~t att~ndl'll the ""' day ~?~~f.E·;;.;:r:~-. .~-::. ~~. ~~~. M I.- McDonald IIi the f!Tftl• ~~:c~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~!~~~ h••h.•l"~- "'1~..-..-rnln~ lltn....-n 11 •11 t> ,, ""~""'moro• maJorln& . Nk-dlin" I, tilt' J>Obllc rdaU....II d>ah·onan lor NII'DA. m UU•Uk'» Ath nlnlslt.,t loo. Ills ,,,~ .. m b.- "l-<'t'1 Build a S!~ako:"nat theronltrnco:"ln­ cludcd Dr. O!arlo:"_. l.obe<:k. Pe- fo•UI~Lolkllt t"n-,.t." ~.·ln .Ulk .•• ,~.,;..,.. •n~iorin;: dl~t rle l)o>l"'""'~"' · linl•·..nlty llo.<t•ha ll. Mndb on; Dr. L<-ndtl S..·hgol ol lt('lofiU· ,-~ru ln,.lituliunal M"n•;:e. tnl'ttt. Mkhl"an Sl!tt., Unl•·tr• • hy. t:~<~l i.:ln•ln~:: and Rubrrt In oo · ""'""'"'''ar, ""d j',•h<Jo·,tl:-i<l<'lk<', "iii>IK',>k tlk' l'mh~l S'ati..oot> ln- · ''•~·~I t•· .,.,~- "' \ .,., :-;,, ,.,~ .. dr!"'Mil'tent, And Judith &mt"~- Judith Coli, Call Mlllo:"r, IJrwl~ l..oo-k\<-.,.><1 :u~l \'•·onll(' ·"~~.,:.•· ~~··•!m~:.:,·.::r- m1<Jor- ! lh· Is ";::·:•,;::::::~~:·..~~:":;::,.. '"' " 1l tr I ~~~~~t.. '~":.:"~;~~ IIU~pltPI .::.~; ·.'::~:~::~.~::~~:1:':~:-~:--:~,:~·~r; Marianne Watzke G<.t•·M W~ n·rn s:..,.Nin~- I.:N..,..-Io:'. ..~11'1111• lo IlK' t•'OUp at ":::·:, ~:.·.~~ ,i:;.';"'~k.\'-:::: 'Accepted For Study ~;E1;:i::;?:~~!f'Ti,:~::= I~~g~::;:~ ~"' Indian Youths Will Visit WSU Evu-)'bodyhuanUndeCt-OrJt. lle'athe one•hokrtOwawhl<burisaplftt of junk. And whu-eyouca n ~~tpracticall)' lnylhlne • boJqale. Un<I~ Ceor~l•• rnluptrt withothn ~ple'amonty. Butwhenltcom•• to)'OUr diamond,,.·t'reroinr toiUJ(~tlt thll)'oulrnorehim. . Btca \IH IInleuUncle Crorr<! lla luintd pmologlot, heprobably knowollttlemore thln you do about dlamonda. E~ery ArtCorvtd diamond h lnopecttd by 1 1tmolorlltandbacked by a wrlll~n PVPI"' lll&rantee. Htevalualtl il forrarl\woilhl, rolor,cut anddnit)'. Anclat a nytlmedurinp:-)'OUrllfttimt, lfyou TRADEHOME 103S MAIN OPEN FRIDAY evuwant totrlderourrin~r ln foramortupenai"' At1Can-ed rinr,..-t 1l llkeitback. At lt'l fuU valut. CanUncl•Georr• r lnrouthatklnd of S32 DIVISION STREET ""'~"'"' Ari~ college groduote with o teochin51 conh oct or jeb offer con bu~ o new or used cor for: ~tntil first ·po~ -·-·- --- Ste ArtCme6 DIJII!0~6RIIiS II--- $10.00 down and $10.00 a week o n oppro,ad credit k!Carved" ~·-,·····-·.. .... ~ ~.:'F?:!::.;~:;:.:~~·~~ Operation College Graduate Germann's Jewelry 11 2 Grond check Is recci.,cd. A•~nue "" WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WIS. TRED LANTERN ACROSS FROM THE DEBOT CENTER 341- 1414 A blillient idee Govc Mettler e Stop In And See Us After The g ift FABULOUS We'll even gift wrep CREAM!I ON Wo Ho•o A Toomo•d••• · ''''"'"' •' I THURSDAY NIGHT Doors Open 4 O'clock Weekdays We Renf 2 SUMMER KNIT SHIRTS FORMAL ATTIRE REG. $8.00 From $3.00 up For All Occollons Now $5.88 0'clock Saturday & OPEN UNTIL 2 A.M. - Sunday DELIVERIES 1968 POINTER Heavy Weekend Action SHIPPY CLOTHING 944 MAIN STREIT The Road is Now Opelil SELOUR sgss . s3J95 NEW PATIO SHIPPY SHOES The. POUR HAUS 'Cor n e r o f Ma in & W a ter Wanted · 2 Pirate Girls ALSO - COCKTAIL DRESSEl Local retail store needs services of two girls for retail promotion during week of May 13 thru Moy 18. HOURS: 9-9 Doil y h enintt ly Appointment 9SO PORTAGE STREET C.rMr of Pom.. & Third St. ~ngll! 10.11 10.11 10-11 10-11 2:00-4 :30 2 :00-4 :3,0 2 :00-4:30 2 :00-S:OO 2 :00-4:00 · ~'>: tor" b~ . btoe• o'• l cr lhe fo"'""'•o...! Must ~ave pleosint;"'nonolity, be willing to wear · provided cfstumes and work t~e following hours: Tuu doy WedneNoy ,Thundoy Frldoy Saturday PHONE: 344-9787 r--., ·eo... [vorlnrilneloryc~u, 1/io.,....aringoa,.blouomlr> _.,O...gaoftto!.o...! eolrao•d•noty os JI,el"hngol"-irtgengoged. A...!notO<dydc.oO.o~. l!ooiOIII II\IOIO~I .. Iht value olyc~u• d;cmo...! lore•••.•heyglvoeyc~u o l~ilme o! ••••p.or.ulotlalcleoninfla...! NMc;.,g, a...! o year'og.orono"O!IOIIul lou . rheft,.dc....,g.o. T"- 6 :00-8 :30 $2.00 Per Hour CALL: DAVE SHARER • 344-4977 PARKINSON'S CLOTHES SHOP Your Ring Man Will Be Here. • • • Monday, ~ay . :c.::~: o::,~,:r~ :;:~~ legeAd ;,;,,""'""""·S.•In prKiouo plorln""'o...!roononctdby~lrde!l oJI&a:golcl. 6, from/ 9 thru 3 ·P.M. EMMONS UNIVERSITY STORE Ac:rou from Holl Wedding rift;, Otterlee's Jewelry 1116 MAIN STREIT