Wisconsin State University Stevens Point SERIES VIII, VOL XI New Bands Premier .... At Concert Thursday 10 PAGES - NO. 19 Stevens Point Will Host Winter United Council Ronald Reagan On Campus? · lHE POitHj:A P<Jge 2 " The cruellest lies are often told- in silence." - R. L. Stevenson - - - _ _ _ _ _ f-ct.. 21.,_1 16~ Feb. 22, 1968 History Panel Discusses Meaning Of Reformation Teacher "Hot Line'!'' 1 Expands Training l""~oervk" tralnln~,:: An 1>1'0' a tt'k·"rlt~r u>{'d to craN<mlt gum 1M .~e•chen, lleMdqllar•l llmit...-1 amoums u1 •-.hlen or -=~·!~·~~E· ~=E•~~~pro-111w:~:. :~;·::.:~~ =~~~~~~ fl!IIIJ)mcnt which "'rilcr m1>thiJ11' l•.opentcd vlck-s a "hol·ll~" to any c11m- b)' ckoctriul t>rot"'""'-"1 liUJin lllecoontry. Many of thf hoor·lon!: k'e- phonro M::~ :{~ili\'R~:~~~~{'n~~ ~ ~;;• n~;~,;~"..:: ;;:~fa; ~~u;:~:~'iJ~~~~=;~ ;5~:t1;7~~·~~~-~~~~~~~ llekl and MOII~<Ii•llict~.Sh<- l "cllon ,,_,, In 1:><- l r>al)"cd l1 1 torm('r ~f><"<'Ch lind d ra m11 by SdiHri'KIImldt 1 111<' ln...,n•kr tr<~lnin~; 1\"115 IIIIU'\Ictor at WSU. Dii'\'Ctor F.. J11ck S.:hhrrl• l>l'ilfO>'t'd last )'("lr RJ • ftNt c hmldl uld 8J hou., u1 "tf'l"'l " f its kind pn.>~:ram In tho' M· lcclu~" time ha1 been 1,.,.. t kln. An 580.1100 l<'drr~l J;fhnt J ra mmM •in<:~ S.:pt . lind a n- "'MI ll'f"'"-cd to !kolrll)' costs ot~r 100 hoti111 ·~ ~ellrouiOO lor the tir~I·)'Ur J'fOfr>•m. ac· prior lo May 31, Somt o1 thl" curdins: to Scham<ehmld t. lcctu,.....~ -..·m '"' o:or>duc tcd 11;..-..,ust" tht" lttturc. ~rc ~i•·· liii'OIII;h I~ u't ol new lt lc- rn •luin~ ochool houn,' 11r· ~rc<:~~~7.7;; - :l:h d~:~~ ~~~!~mr;;!~~~~~~lonTfll~~:~~.:~ ~;;:~~~d: ::::E~rl ~~:-=:~~:~~;:~:~~\:r~~ Sj>tak •·lo !>hone. rc~nn:llco~ hlsloc:llllonlndll•t \'Ok:t ----~---------- -__:_:::::_:_=::::_:-=::::_ :.,~'.kd by IJitakt'rl In ' ""; ,,'"' '.""<" tlorwi dulito • 0tiM'r pDtllon.< of tb(' 101AJ pliDt prus:um IITl' curriculum a nd ~UJI('rvi->" ltllfl pro.lco:IJ to IIUIII Khoof oflidRi5 In t~· tBhlilhln): Jutu,... ,t<,;dy 1>1'0s:rRnu, lind AdmlniJlratlqn nrk ntlltlon t>fOI:tllm• for dn1-mum tc~chtn c:on!ldcrltU; CH• '"- l~t1 liS nhool • dmlnlstrlllDI'II. Scharr&chnllc!t rfpol'ts th~t I"'Midn.. uon te~chcors u1 lUI" lt\'Oflble comn•tnU p lying ~bout IM l~turc Jf'rlu. lit hu lx'cn iKivl'f'dlhRtOthcorlcho<>l 'I ' Gamma Finished HALF WAY ' TO JOE'S ON HWY. 10 BUNYAN Sculpture BURGER PLATE DOUBLE HAMBURGER with ltHuc•, 1000 hlo11d drtuing, and chec1e 1e ru d with ftles ond mlni-1alod. only 8 5' BUNYAN URGER PLATE ONL 75c George Washington Birthday _ Sale~ World Ch~mpion Olympic ' Drinking T•am. 4. Man World . R•cord : ,120 cons of Point Tim• - 1 Hr. 56 Min. !IlTLE JOE'S TKE FORMAL RUSHER SUNDAY - FEB.' 2S - 6:30 P. M. _ Despite fiendish torture dyriamlc BIC Duo wrttesflrstUme, everyUmel !JI Slashed Drastically Winter Jackets TO $70.00 .-ar. O.,pfte horrlb~ p.~nlohmmt by mod odont;.IJ,Itc ollllwritn lintt' - , ewr)' time. ·o,...n;ce· Boll b the ha<OOt metal mode. VALUES TO $5.00 nooc:c:onc. Witlnocoklp d og or o,.unomotl« - .; / _ COMPLETE PLANN ING AND DESIGN SERVICE 100% FINANCING ON YOUR LOT - OR W ILL ASSIST YOU IN LOCATING A SU ITABLE SITE Rhone Or Write: GUARANTEED HOMES 230.9 DIVISION STREET, STEVENS POINT, WIS. S4481 341 -2111 , OPEN DAILY 9 TO 9 - WEEKENDS 'TIL 5 P.M. .sse VALUES TO 52.00 ~ )'Oilfnmpw11 10R!now I VALUES TO SBO.OO now whatckooilbh1bwe b devbed for thtm b)' .-liotlt otu.dcntJ. Cet thedynamk: 11C DIIo1 BUILD'S HOMES AND INCOME UNITS SPORT COATS CAPS,·SCARVES, GLOVES One Group of SOCKS .....:aM<I In •IOiljlbro.$1 I COMPETIITIVE ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION OR COST! ~ Nc".ru~,id ptlrof otk:kpm>wlnsoJoln ln IUIC'ndiRJ WifiJ.Oiluf ball·pointoklp, d oJ IM Andno~. IIC'I FRANK , LLOYD WRIGHT LOUNGE ~ Prices '?!tlli!J WALLETS SLACKS VA LUES TO $5.00 VALUES TO $9.00 now $188 now $188 to $J88 DRESS &SPORT SHIRTS sse SWE~TERS- Values to $35.00 NOW $2.88 to $5.88 VALUES TO $10.00 now' to $J88 V-NECK SWEATER VESTS Reg. $5.88 MOW $2.88 ACCIUt;l\':r l'i Wt:Hf; t 'nt:tl1Jt :l\'T in T rur'>KI:ry ui~;hr 11 th~dot r:rc,•M 111, rnt~•r,·'11 pulled therr chanols over th(' ic<'·CO\'Cr ·d tr.rcks l!os1 or lh<' colliJ<inn~ on·ur· red lu the ha ndoff arc:us .when • Upj)()nen :S and tc:urmratc11 llll.med th\' jll'l;.lh'l'il or the race by running mto one 11noth t•r. tBnrC<' ·steuul 110n Photo) TIIINGS WERE REAiLY IIOPPINO Saturday on the foot ball pr:tctiee fi eld aa organizations competed for first place In the 611Ck race. Delta Gi:;ma !'hi took fint and Sigma PI was &econd. (Bob Aoldcn Photo) The Games People Play ~-.---- WIIICll ONE OF T ll t.:SE two contestants hu the race In t he bag? (Mike ThelaaPhoto) · IT'S ride IF 1 Gt.'T my panta. dirty mv mother will wring my lll'tk. (Mike Theiss Photo) ' ~Jff Wll t."l'IIER you win or lose, ~ahovel. (Mike Thelaa Photo) Ita how you Feb. 22, 1968 Po;e 6 New ROTC. Officers Arrive On Campus . THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING. ACCOUNT FOR YOU Dottie's Resaurant Formerly CAMPUS CAFE BREAKFAST - ANY TIME OF DAY LUNCHES, DINNERS, AND TAKE..OUT ORDERS MEAL TICKETS $6.68 VALUE FOR $6.00 • lax free· Sign up f0, a Free Me~ I! DRAWING ONCE A WEEK FOR COUEGE ~TUDENJS ONLY OPEN 8 A.M. til 10 P.M. SATURDAYS 10 A. M. til 3 P. M. Feb. 22, 1968 Page J ~~~e'W·~---~-· :Hall Newspapers Report ACtivities IS) Mal'}" ROII;~B CUrr~nt dilcuflllon on ex· pandln1 Pl"nf'!'l !M'WI ml'<ll1 on ClntP\11 perluopo~ " "IITantl C/li· amltllltlon ol the aln-ady varIN. thout;h not 10 "'fll·known P\lblicatlona. Six ol the thlrtrf'n hall1 hn" Mlmfl kind of hall PIIPI!r. and Ohc COmjllflX, l)(oiJot, has Jts OYon )JUblitKtlon. Summer Orientation ~ :JJ,_e (}reekvine Has .Opemi'ngs 1~1'1; On tilt! war in t"-t Nulc Hall call1 Wlr O...••r' o Or~•·t~. ll~ po:llte Ill (OIU<!rlnl: ronununkallon. It~ funetlon lneludel ~1: 1 - · •- ~,,~~•• :~ ·~'· U UIIC Onorle Jtro\'<! ·I s•~~! ''::d::.r:·re ':~ ~:};~E~=~~~~z~~~~-"" llcul~rl)' eonct"Mlt'd wlth IIMil Jllll. · Cwnc ll 11~11\'illc-s. ~ 1..11f!,.. ll~•·lfl: t imllar troubk- whh fircul~tc e••try tilt1(' the ha ll hloll tnteft'St . II lly~r Hall"1 Wuncll m..,.,ts, two 10 1 uu r llyH ·O·Ill.• l•lltn. llyrr·• fNtptr ~~·~:).~s~~:t.~k~ think to _.,_,,::.:c; ~;.:··o• • ~ ~::~:.:~~:F~Y.~FI~l~~:~;;~'£. ;;;;:·~~~ I or ~~.;~~~~~~0~~:;:~~:~:~~ • IIK'ir P,opo.•r u 11 t>rt\'1..'-"'' <.>f fnthuol•~t~ to II}" their taki>t ;,:,'~~--:'"·--·"~-'" "'"'"~~ IlK' ~nell nt~•<·tin~;. Tht 1>~~· wt. 'o:' :::c:~.:-c.c:.:~ :--:; ::~:;:::::~7~ ~:~~:~~~ ~:}~~~::~~;~~~~. bos; do.M·n "'""''"!:'· Bo.>. Jdett till' .' th<' J•Trst'nt th<'y .i:::7~~~~::=~~~ ~-~~~~~~~·~~- \"~ of thP rounell", Bald"ln", tl ..... ..:c·:·. I c.. ~.~·c.~ 1 ~ HDil YOU HAVE A DATE WITH THE MAN FROM OSCAR MAYER & CO., A LEADER IN THE MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY!! HE WILL BE ON CAMPUS FEB l UARY .Jia/f-_A_ :J.)a';}j By ~l A IC\' 29, 1968. SEE YOUR PLACEMENT OFFICE F~R A~ INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT, R OGI.;!t..<;. On the h~ll ealrndlr for this Burroughs 3 " "Ins 2 lo5SH " "HI< are •e•·en l mo••lfl on Knutzen l ,.-;.,. 2 louu Nra le 3 "·in~ 3 looises Steiner J wins 3 lrns" Ro;<c:h 2 wins 3 ~ Sc:hffiC'eckle 1 ..•In 4 lo5SH Nelson 1 ..-In 4 losses Dfllull 1 " "in$ lo5$es • ll)·~r o ..-lm toue1 Thv tel•nt> tC'd morr than ,,..~-:cc:: Pray·Slms with Neal" with t.~actly le11111 accunml~tl'd points I!; Mr. Lflal~;l"ftn on "Le~de11thlp ~f'll "lth 65. for L.c;~rnlltl:." Mr. Rlnauldl Ntxt w-re k's p:Mmes ..111 lmm the IIO'H hology depart· llanltn "' Smith, DeiJ;tll conctr lo.r canur wl'<!k; 1\iel• Schme<:"ckle " On Boelnj; a Woman" a nd Wednesday at Pr'-l'-Slm, "On the Huard$ ol' Smokllll"." AIIO. hall stalb ue J:enln~; m~ ill4ervlce tralnlna. u,·. er and Smith Uall stalls an! 1ettlnf U>set~r lor a ..r~o&lon on ll11tt aid with a nu11te from the Hea lth ~nter on ThUI'Iday. 'n>e Sttlner stall heard from Career opportunities in:, day~~ ~~ea':~."·lth the Uyer sial! * .. I"'" ~~\ 1B~~;;!~, t SWEAT PANTS & SWEAT SHIRTS I Z~::'.'~:; ~~",;;;;:~~~To•:i;;;; ABC Matches ~:~~Z:"h.!~~~ ::.c. Hansen Hall Thll WCflk'l ABC matches turned out this w~: Sttlner llarutn H11U'1 tug..of-w a (l"flr R011ch 100 to 70, Bur- team placed 3rd Wldtr the I TOUJ;hs O'Ocr llllnK'n 190 to Tau's, ~nod the I 140. Nei':O" o•·er l)(olzcll H5 machtod ~neakt . :~ ~~ ~~-ll<'~ .o:·~re S:'~:~~ madr a &ood show. a nd ner uf llonie'n's 4th West and Sc:hme<:"Ckk 230 to n , r;•y-Slms O\Tr ll)·tr 230 to 3rd North eltoess toomamtnt will now $100 Is: 3 2 64 Church Street Southern Stl'ens Point we. We..t- tJ~~+s t~ ~··X Production * Accounting * Management .FR Payless Dept. Store iltl.' stnndirq: •s of t'eb. Pr•)·.Sims 6 " "ins 0 loi.IH Dtokt\\in5"'illllloll Smith 4 wins l lou * Training ' SHIPPY ON SALE AT: ':cc::c-:.,c;~,_-c:.c·~~-­ Sales EMAN -Hvvrul-Sw.mJ· * HAND-aawN VAM'" 8 ""•11: -t~ll i n ' 'j"- o.b•v+ dees -t:.,js. THE PENNY MOCCASIN New• egain • •• the crutat cluaic of them all! Enjoy ill cuual rood looks.. Feel the differ· ence fine band·aewin1 roU... ~xt,.·.oft and ftuib[e .leather ' uppera. Chooae now from BfOWn, Black or Cordo colon. IARGE.IT- !ELEOION OF LOAFERS IN CENTRAL WISCONSIN 1129 MAIN - Da. SHIPPY SHOES CORNER OF MAIN & WATER 19 68 {!omnienl Collegiate Notes By 1,\ ':-.':>i I.A tUIOT The Do•ton Unh·ershy chef!rleadl'l1l have some interntlnc competition at their a thletic ll\'tn\!1 thiJ }e&r. namely two t O·f:O 11irls. J anice !':CIItl)'. a r<>creation major I in d~ neoo and Cath)' ltoll('nblaH. a t>h)'. ('d. major. to "dan~" tor the fi•·~t time ar a hockey game. the , huddled In tht·lreNti unulthey perform· were thrown pennlts and t rench l rlel.. Howe>'C!r , the becotrK! nn ncccpt«t jMnof t lto: ~~ehool'•e•·enu. Thclr ot dandncr " We wnnt 10 gi\'c pt'Opk> aomet ltln~o: to besldl!l the lcc macltlne.."!illldJanl~. \'. :>ie\0·• llo!<lun Unh·en;lty IW:>ton, )tJL••&aebuseiU Bolh women·• and men'• l"(!lj\dcna: hall.! on the Mlchl~;an I Unl.-enlty campus w ill 50011 h:we perml.ulon 10 conduct l ;:;;~;,;~·;;;,~;",,:·c;>:· ·;, ;;1 ::"~~~~;. ~~ :~';o:;'::~~~;~o~:~! ~;~~()~~;: ~:"~~ toeetherlnrcaldcncehnll ll\'ln~o:<iUllt'lct·sdurht~o:t he Don Ad~mt, director ot r uldcnre h:fiJ PfOgtamJ cor· ''I !ltlnk 11udy open houses will " ·ork ~ueeeulully .. ltaiiJ!hat ha •·e thcm ao fn nrequlctcrwithstudy open houses than before we had them" llllchlp n S tate :>iel''l )Jiehlpn Stale Unh·. t:&l;t l.anslnt:, ~llehlpn JOH N NY R I VERS !Bob llolden Photo! and ol t· The sign read• " Birth control pll!l - a\'allable to 1nyone ~ach ~~;!•~;,:'i~~~:S~In a~ 1:~:~1nl~·~r~~~:. !~u~~~~!:r,: o~;: llte"rlct"plll" policy of the Student Health Center. Althou11t anyllrlover l8cangel thep\llwlthoutoutsidchclp.the s.o.s.a(ancd !helrenmpallnln ot>poSitlon totlte HeallhCcn· tcr'1 policy of l i\'ing the pill only ro m~•·rlcd " "omf!n or !hOSt hav\nt an a lllda.-lt l!atlnK the date they Intend 10 marry The S.O.S. II also arrantlnt for BIJJ>Ointments for 1 doctor'• examination free of charge. TO ALL WINTER CARNIVAL WINNERS F' OM- PAPA JOE, MAMA JOE, & EDDIE Papa Joe's COCKTJ: tl LOUNGE NORTH Of THE CITY LIMITS ON HWY. 51 While Shopping Stop II~~~~~~~~~~~~ for a Snack! Homemade Pies, (ookies BILL'S PIZZA 1319 WATER Open Doily 5:30 A.M.• 2:30 A.M. Close~ 1 ~~ogi>.~lghts 344-9557 And All Day Sunday DELIVERY! ! ! PRICES REDUCED ON RECORDS, RECORD CASES, WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS. PRICES REDUCED 22% ON MANY PAPERBACKS AND ART SUPPLIES. SOME JEWELRY REDUCED SO% UNIVERSITY STORE LoWer W..l - U. Ce11ter 45's GRAHAM1201 73c ALL KINDS Of PIZZAS Made To Your Order ALSO FEATURING SANDWICHES SAUSAGE e BEEF e M EAT BALL ---~~ Wrestlers Win Two, Lose One In Meets · ' IPointers Out stroked By Lawrence 53·51 George Washington Birthday PERlOMAL POllERl 18" x. 24" So>nd &II)' UW or Colur l'hootornph, !'o'tpll•~. COl· la,te u n ..·lol or Snapshoot. 0~1.v a .a ph•• z.sc. handl· See Our Display ol W.S.U. SPRING TOUR TO WASHINGTON, D.C. I Price Merchandise APRIL S, P.M. through APRIL 13, A.M., ONLY ~~-~k~~~!$·r;~~~~: S8S ,,, CoYt rl Tro"1portotio" , Hotel o"d Touri.ig. Write . . , CAMPUS TOURS, Lobby Shop, W.S.U., ""'""r•:•.n ..uoTo co. fclu Claire, Wis. ' 54701. ~·huol ~lnM! I'.CJ, Bux :M71 Sl, Luub. Mo. U ISO 1THE SPECIAL! ACADEMY AWARD WINNq CAMPUS TOURS You Will HoYt More Mo"• Y Left For Other Stuff ,. I "An extraordmarylllm" - NIWYOIK11MA WAR GAME ON THURSDAY, FEB. 2l THE FIRST TWENTY . STUDENTS WHO COME IN AND SAY "Happy Birthday George" WILL RECEIVE A !!.!.! P L US Jllrs ltnhrrgrr 's " DR. STRANGELOVE" ROBBY BURGER. wigs. m(';r~uroxl J,, rr ~kr1rd~'s b('nrd in tht.' long('st bl>ar.l ront<'sL At th(' l('(t is Richard Hnlsc~·· Tom .S..-..•bot h or Sigma Pi won the event. {Bruce Stcnul· JSOU l'hotoJ Tilt-; Wll\'n; u CAKNI\'AL Kll\'G AND QU~t:N and t heir CQUrt were a nnounced Saturday night at the Woodchoppers Ball. f>'rom left to right are Glorinnnc Columb and Richard Neuville, t hird runnerup; king The Week That Was Tilt~ , SIG PI'S slowly alip to Hansen at.alwarU' auperior strength in t he battle for third place in the tug of wa r. (Vicki Neal Photo) I • SIGMA PHI EPSILON entered 12 men in the beard growing contest on Sun· day evening. Kneeling are Doug Ktiox and Ron Clowac. Standing left to right a re Bob Wocl!l, Bob Diverde, Jim Tipple, J ack Finger, Fred Jaskie, Hank Plueu, Ed Rochette, Kirk Weber, 'Gene Whittemore and Bob Mahnke. (Bruce· Stenul110n Photo) • VALt.:KIE LAU 0 ..' IlVEK liAu. had a ball par· Ptibd0p1•0t)ing in gamea Saturday a!tenrOSin. (Vicki Neal