Omega Formal Hotel Wausau FridayNite Price$1.50 THE POINTER Series III Vol. VII No. 27' Stevens Point, Wis., May 11, 1933 W. A. A. COEDS HOSTS TO PREP GIRLS .VISITORS HERE FOR "PLAY DAY" THIS SATURDAY Thirteen High Schools Expected To Compete In Girls' Athletic Rally And Meet High school girls from prep institutions throughout Central Wisconsin will be guests in Stevens Point Saturday when the college Women's Athletic association will sponsor its third annual "Play Day". Full Day's Program :Miss Eva Seen, director of girls' athletics, and her committees have arranged a schedule that will keep the guests entertained from 9 :30 o'clock Saturday until the wind-up dance in the new gym at 4 in the afternoon. Thirteen High schools have been invited to the "Play Day" meet. Representatives from Rosholt, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Marshfield, Neenah ~nd A:ntigo have already promised delegations. Merrill, Wautoma, Hancock, Westfield, 1\1 o s in e e, Wausau and Amherst are also expected to be represented. Each Team A Color As tthe girls arrive they will register at 9:30 o 'cloc.k. They will then be mixed with rPpresentativcs from other schools and divided into teams. Each team will be distinguished by a color. At 10 o'clock the delegates will assemble in the new gym. The teams will march onto the new athletic field accompanied by music from the college band. From 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning until 3:15 in the afternoon the teams will compete in baseball, cageball, volleyball, line soccer, tennis, horse shoe and archery. At 110011 the guests will be served a dinner at Nelson Hall. l\fembers of \V. A. _A,. will arrange a dinner program entitled "Sports of Yesterday and Today". Coeds Give Demonstration At .1 :30 o 'elork the college coeus will give a demonstration of tap daneiug and tumbling in the new gym. :Miss Allen's students will give a style show following the tlanci ng a n d tumbling .exhibitions. At 4 o'clock the teams will meet again in the new gym a11 c1 team scores will be amwuncc<l. A dance for the prep girls and college coeds will climax the da;~• 's program. The college orchestra will play. OMEGA FORMAL HOTEL WAUSAU FRIDAY NIGHT Under Sea Scene To Be Setting Of College Junior Prom Friday, Ma.y 19 Omerga :M:u Chi s'orority will hold its annual spring 'banquet and ball at Hotel Wausau Friday evening. Archery will be only one of the many sports th~t will be ~xhibi:ed on Dance At Nine the new Schmeeckle athletic field Saturday when H1gh. s.chool .guls f1om 13 A banquet for sorority members Central Wisconsin Prep schools will meet here to partiCipate lll the annual and their escorts will be served at "Play Day" athletic events. The rally is an an~u~l ~ffair sponsored by 7 o'clock. Jack Cameron and his the Women's Athletic association. Specta,tors are mvite'd free to the events. Appleton band will furnish music for dancing from 9 to 1 o'clock. Outsiders are in vi ted. The dance New "Iris" Plan To Be Students Will Give will be semi-formal. Admission is Voted On Next Thurs. Humor Talks Today $1.50 per couple. Next Thursday morning, May A unique and versatile enter"Deep Sea" Prom 18, at the regular assembly hour tainment is in store for students at An under sea scene will be the students will vote on the new the regular 10 o'clock assembly setting of the college Junior Prom ''Iris'' plan of purchasing the vrogram this morning. which will be held in the new yearbook. Seven members of lVIr. L. lVI. gym Friday evening, May 1·9. Blanks will be distributed and Burroughs' public speaking class Fritz Cochrane and his decoration students will vote either for or a- will present that humorous and committee are combing deep seas gainst the tuition method of buy- popula·r million dollar lecture enthese 'clays in search of coral reefs, ing the annual. Should the new titled "Rise and Fall of the Musfish moss, isolated submarines and plan be carried by student vote, tache" by Ro1bert J. Burdette. other shipwreck spoils. The com~ the ''Iris'' would be sold to the Each student will narrate a pormittee wi!ll have the new gym students .f or $2 instead of $3 each tion of the comedy which discusses transformed into a typical ocean year. An additional dollar would life from childhood to the musscene on Prom night. be added to the tuition fee of each tached grandpa. A Collegiate Band student per semester by the new Lawrence Berdoll, Glen Hart, Joe Gumin and his orchestra, plan. Doris Leavens, Ignatius Mish, direct from Toy 's,Restaurant' in Bonita Newby, Leonard Scheel Milwaukee, will be on hand to furand Velma Scribner are the cha- ni·sh the collegiate jazz for the Rural Play To Be Held night. Edward Leuthold is generNext Tuesday Evening racte·rs. al chairma,n of the Prom commit"\Yind In the South", annual tee. Celootine Nuesse is the Junior play of the Rural department, is class prexy and ''Babe'' Goggins to be presented in the college will be his "sheba" at the grand auditorium Tuesday evening, march. May 16 art; eight o'clock, The Last Sorority Dance play is under the direction of Tau Gamma Beta sorority will Miss l\Iary Hanna. l l hold its annual banquet and ball in l\'Iemlwrs of the cast are George Hotel Whiting ·on Friday, May 26. Bartell, Clara Peterson, Veryl The college orchestra and ehor- GeorO'e Benson's Beloit band will \Yay, Clarence Styza, Elda Rose- us made its first public appeal'- furni~h the music. This is the last lwrry, Robert Neale, Rosalie Finn, ance away from SteY~ns Point, spring formal of the year. Helen \Y rolstacl, and Margaret Thursday, May 4, '':he~ It prcsemPhi Sig Formal Putz. ed a c~ncert at .Pla~nfirlcl. T.ransOwr 100 couples attended the Student admission will be 25s. portatl'On was fnTmshe~l by f~;cu~- Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity The charges for outsiders, 35c. ty and students. PresJClent ] . S. · f orma I at Hot.el Whiting . . . . .''l)nng 'rickets are on sale now by Miss Hyer accompamed t 11e mus'lcians. · t F.: · o·llt "The Kni· ()'h ..... 1as . . ruayn"' 1 1 . ., -" Roach and members of the Rural Chorus Personnel of the Night" orchestra played. departnwnt. The chorus includes the follow- t++t++!++t++:.+!++!+~>!++)+lt-+!++~!++~!++!++!++!++1++!~ ing students: Sopr~mo:s; Ll'ila y PREPARE FOR AWARD DAY ~­ lunchPOll; Olga \Volfgram, field and PquipmPJJt; :Mamie Malueg, recording; QroAAe, Verneil Damon, Vi''i'ian :1: The committee on com- • Blanche 'l'ylcr, im·itations, Lila Ken- Staven, Nina Bellr Damon , Marion mencement week requests • yon, exhibits; nnd Eileen Mueller, Murgatroyd, R.uth Christman, :!: that all organizations and photography. Viola Rasmussen, J oanr Znra wski, individuals responsible for May Organize League Adelaide Schulze. fnez Braun, .\li~s RcCII will meet with the Athle=~= scholastic, athletic and otheri .·f Direetors of the respective High Evelyn Stephenson ancl La Zett •!• honorary awards arrange for sehools after the meet and discuss Schmidt. •!• the presentation of such aplans for the organization of a state .Altos; Muriel Waid, Dolores + 1: athletie lrr1gue for High school girls. Skarweski, Esther Will, Genevieve ••• wards at the class day exer:~: cises to be held Tuesday, ·; President and l\frs. Frank S. Hyer June 6th. will be guests at the "Play Day'' -Thurber, Vera Kramar, Flor- Spectators Invited I'ree College students and townspeople are invited to the girls' athletic rally and events which "·ill he hcl(l on the new Schmeecklc athletic fiel(l. Thyrza Iverson Chairman Thyn~a I vcrsou is genera 1 ehainnan of the "Play Dny" committee. Katherine Slowev will hall(lle the \'arions events; Natalie Gorski, badges, rogistTation and ])U blicity; Yelma !Scribner, entertainment; Pat C ow an, activities. Group Gives Concert At PI a •n ( •e /d + :i: + i :f: (Continued on Page 4, col. 2) ~·L ~-+!++!++t++l++!++!++!++!++!++!++!...!++!++!+t¢++!++!++X$~~ 2 THE POINTER Vol. VII. THE POINTER No. 27 Published Weekly at Stevens Point by the students of the Central Wiseonsin State Teaehers College. Subseription Price $2.00 per year. SOME MORE OF THE "WHO'S . WHO" AMONG OUR GRADUATES By FRANK N. SPINDLER Entered as second-class matter May 26, 1927, at the post offiee at Stevens Point, Wiseonsin, under the Aet of Mareh 3, 1879. '01 Pray, Kenneth L. M:., 4 yr. Latin. Ph. B. Univ. of Wis., 1907. DiEDITORIAL STAFF rector, Pennsylvania School of Social and Health Work, PhilaEditor ...................... George R. Maurer, Phone 240J or 43; Offiee 1584 delphia, Pa., Residence: NarAssociate Editor ................................................ John Wied berth, Pa. (Married 1910, Eliza Sports Editor .......................................... ,',.Samuel H. Bluthe B. Lamoreaux). Soeiety Editor ............................ ·....... , ........ Flore~ee Woboril '04 Clark, John S., 4 yr. English. News ............................ Donald Croeker, Natalie Gorski, Tom Smith Ph. B. Univ. of Wis. 1912. Supt. of Schools, Waukegan, Ill. (Married Honorary Member ...................................... Burton E. Hotvedt 1913, Ruth M. Hill). BUSINESS STAFF '97 Phillips, James E., 4 yr. Latin. Prin. Sauk County Normal School, Business Mavager .................................... Cedrie Vig, Phone 810J Reedsburg. (Married 1897, Anna Circulation Manager ........................................... Ignatius Mish Burns). Faeulty Adviser ...................................... Raymond M. Rightsell , 08 Phillips, Verna A., 4 yr. H. E. (College Office Information, Phone 224) Prin. Mission School, Upper Grades. Caracas, Venezuela. '21 Pierce, Burton R., 3 yr. H. S. THIRD ANNUAL "PLAY DAY" SATURDAY Ph. B. Ripon College, Prin. .Jr. H. S. Trg. Dept., C. S. T. C., SteHigh school girls from all parts of central Wisconsin will be seen vens Point. (Married Josephine strolling about the college campus, dashing in and out of Nelson Hall Maynard). and engaging in athletic events on the new Schmeeckle athletic field '30 Schaal, Amy E., 2 yr. Int. Tchr., this Saturday when the W. A. A. coeds sponsor their third annual Int. Gr., Weyauwega, Wis. "Play Day" for the prep students. '31 Schjonneman, Hazel, 2 yr. Int. "Play Day" has become a popular and national event during Tchr. St. Gr. School, Unity, Wis. the past several years. Universities and colleges throughout the ,31 Schoeninger, Laura M., 4 yr. Home Ec. B. Ed., 1931, C. S. T. C., country sponsor these athletic tilts for Tchr. IIcime Ec., Grades and High smaller schools in their vicinity. These athSchool, Altoona, \Vis. letic sports tend to break down the rivalry Schroeder, Carl E., 4 yr. II. S. B. that usually exists between neigh'boring '30 Ed., 1929, C. S. T. C., Tchr., H. S., schools. It creates new friendships and acAmburg, Wis. (Married 1929, Myra quaints the guests with the host college. B. Hill). l\Iiss Eva 1\I. Seen, director of girls' '30 Schroeder, Hazel A., 2 yr. Int. Tchr. Prim. Grades, St. Gr. School, athletics, adopted the plan here in 1931. It \Vausau, Wis. went over big - so big, in fact, that anScott, Jl'rances L., 2 yr. Prim. other rally was held last year. Thirteen '30 Tchr., Prim. Grades, St. Gr. School, schools have been invited to this year's Custer, Wis. "Play Day". Instead of having school com- '30 Seymour, Ruth H., 2 yr. Prim. Tchr., 2nd Grade, City S,chool, New pete against school the girls will be mixed London, Wis. into eight teams. This plan eliminates Sheldon, Angie G., 4 yr. H: S. school rivalry (and perhaps a little hair '31 B. Ed., 1931, C. S. T. C. Tchr., l;flSt. pulling). · and Library, H. S., Almond, W1s. It involves lots of hard work to sponsor '32 Sister Mary Alma, 2 yr Prim. Tchr. 2nd Grade Parochial School, such an event. Miss Seen and her A. A. Oshkosh, Wis. girls have ·been working day and night in Sister Mary Angela, 2 yr. Gram. EVA M. SEEN preparation for it. Spectators are invited ' 30 Tchr., 8th Grade Parochial School, to see these feminine athletes in action. East Chicago, Ind. '31 Sister. M. Angelia Marie, 2 yr. Int. Tchr. Int. Gr. Parochial School, a Senior and Alumni bamquet and Sherwood, Wis. ·w .. Grads Plan Novel Commencement Week ball. Oommencement exercises will terminate the school year with Plans for commencement week the awarding of degrees and dipare being made with an effort on lomas Wednesday morning. the part of the Senio,rs to avoid Students In Charge the usual triteness associated with such occa'sions. A complete scheNatalie Gorski, Helen Lohr, dule of the events of commenceEvelyn Wimme and Burton Hotment week will be announced in vedt have been placed in charge of the Pointer next week. arrangement's for commencement Hyer To Be Host week President Hyer will hold his traditional reception for the graduates ,IV[onday, .June 5. Tuesday · You are welcomed morning the Sm1iors plan to ·begin into the newest and Class Day with a breakfast as a most up-to-date Cafe festivity opener. A special effort is being made to develo,p an interwhere you will receive esting program for the afternoon the best of service and when awards will be announced food. Prices reasonand given to the student body. Very short but appropriate exrrable. cises will terminate this program in the main auditorium, from where the session will be adjourned to the fl'O'nt campus. Here a novel p:r:esentation of the traditional class gift will be made. BELMONT CAFE Banquet And Ball Tuesday evening will be marked with a business meeting of the Alumni Association, followed by SPECIAL! Parco Pen and Pencil Set Made by Parker $1.95 Set 413 Main St. SPOT CAFE Your hands are growing weaker ang more feeble every day, · But there still are happy mem 'ries of a home so bright and gay. Of happy, dimpled children, grown up so tall and strong Their shoulders have been growing for your hand to rest upon. And now in your declining years may they be your· support, Until you embark for a far and fairer port. And may a peaceful hapiness dry their falling tears, For they have loved and cared for you through these declining years. FLORENCE CARTMILL FRANKLIN CAFE Invites You To Our New Modernistic Cafe. Music and Delicious Foods. Protected Parking Space. . '-1110 So. Division St. Phone 1716 HANNA'S Women's Wear J. A. WALTER FLORIST Phone 1629 Opposite Fair Grounds Manual Training Lumber VETTER MFG. GO. Phone 88 BON TON BEAUTY SHOP Phone 1038 A Popular Place With Low Prices 414 Main St. Phone 95 Over Adam's Drug Store Try Our Lunches---Evenings and Between Meals! FAIRMONT'S ICE CREAM GINGHAM TEA ROOM CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables Phone 51 457 Main St. F. 0. HODSDON TRANSFER and STORAGE Ice Cream and Ices Phone 299W One by one the roses from your cheeks are fading away, And your raven locks have changed to a crown of silver gray. Age, with its many cares has left lines upon your brow. Your voice is oh! so precious, and much dearer to us now. HANNON--BACH Phy., Inc. SHAURETTE'S 313 Clark St. MOTHER'S DECliNING YEARS "The Peak Of Quality" KREMBS HARDWARE CO. For MANUFACTURER Phone 160W 425 Water St. GOOD HARD WEAR THE POINTER KOTAL TRACKSTERSATMILWA FROSH VICTORS Championship College Boxing VARSITY T'RA€1 IN INTER-CLASS Tournament To Be Held Soon SQUAD IN TRIO MEET SATURDAY TRACK TOURNEY Berard Leads Freshmen In Annual Classic; Thompson And Reichert Tie For High Score Honors They played the "Wearing 0£ The Green" last Saturday because the freshmen, led by Bill Berard, t·omped o£f with the annual interclass track meet held on Schmecckle field. Sophomores Take Second The frosh scored 42 points to ead in the scoring, followed by the sophomores, winners last year, with 35 points. The seniors scored 26 points to take third place, and the juniors trailed with 22. Leaders in the individual scoring were Harold Reichert and Art Thompson, eal'h of whom collected 15 points. Re>ichert made an impmssive record, scoring firsts in the broad jum1p and the 100 yard dash, second in the 220, and third in the high jump amd 120 yard high hurdles. Thompson romped off vith firsts in the pole vault and high 'ump, second lin the 120 yard high mrdles, and third in the low hurdl es and the discus. Berard Leads Frosh led the frosh point makers, aking a first in the 220 an 440 dashes and a second in the low hmdles to score 13 points. AUhough the f r eshmen cored only one other firSJt, that in the wo mile, won by Carl Blom, they had ufficient team strength to amass th E> greatest number of points. The mee.t was of value to Coa ch Kotal, for it enable,d him to take stoek of hi's material under actual rmming conditions. Undoubtedly it will be used a s a basis in picking the track team. Unfavorable weather condition's hall1!pered the boys in their quest for new records. Summary Of Events Plans are being laid by Coach Kotal and promoter "Windy" Thomas to ·s tage the finals of the boxing tournament all-school within the next £ew weeks. The boxers to meet will be the winners of the bouts of the two preliminary contest:s held here th1s year. Medals To Be Given These championship bouts will have all the thrill of title fights, for each man will be scrapping £or a classy silver medal that will go to the ''champs'~'· The losers, automatic second-place winners, will receive bronze medals. AM'S PORT HORTS S The "S" C1ub entertained at a very nice banquet and dance last Thursday evening. And can those boys eat! A plate of rolls disappeared before yon could say Jack Robinson, if anybody wanted . to say Jack ·Robinson. "Bucky" Miller was the principal speaker of the evening, much to his surprise. ----If the school has to feed those boys on trips, we can see now why the athletic budget is in the red. Many o,f the men of the school are playing baseball this spring. Larry Bishop starred with the Stevens Point team in the Wisconsm Valley league last Sunday when he led his team in batting and pitched the last two innings to help beat Mosinee, 6 to 0. Summary of 1the interclass events: 100-yard dash: Reiehert (soph.), first; Strope (freshman), scco•IHl; G1:an ey (junior), third. Time 11:00. One-mile run: Sc1·ibner (sop h. ), first; Blom (freshman), second; Ziegler (soph.), third. Time 5:01. 220-yard dash: Berard (freshman), Iggie Mish and Jug Mm·sh are fir,st; Reichert (soJJh.), second; Baker playing with the Stevens Point (senior), third. Time 24.7. Br~ewers of the Portage County 120-yard high hurdles: Atwood (seleague. ''Sarge'' pitched against nior), first; Thompso·n (senior), seeonil; and beat Plover, 3 to 2, while ,Tug Reichert (so ph.), third. Time 18:0. 440-yanl clash: Berard (freshman), held down the first base assignfirst; Tutt (soph.), second; Klem e nt ment. (soJJh.), third. Time 57.6. Harry H.ichman and Pete PeterTwo-mile run: Blom (freshman ), first; Felix (fre shman) second; Scrilm e r son per£ormed for Amherst ,of the (fn?shman), third. Time 11:50. Portage County league, and aided 220-yard low hunllcs: Atwood (; e - m beating Nelsonville, 17 to 0. nior), first; Berard (freshman ) , second; Our own ''Eddie'' Kotal will Thompson (senior), third. Time 28.4. Half-mile ruu: Scribner (wph.), first; probably hold down an infield job 1vith the Wisconsin Rapid's entry Tutt (soph.), second. Time 2:15 . Puts Shot 38 Feet Shot put: }'ritsch (junior ) , .f irgt; Fitch (freshman), sceoncl; Bishop (soph.), third. 38 feet, 3% in ches. Pole vault: Thom11'on ( scn·i or ), fir st; Graney (junior) and Brunner ( f.,·ps], . 11an), tic for se cond. 10 fPet, 6 i11rh es. High jump: Thompson (st>nior ) , fir st ; Abel (freshman), seeond; R ei chert (soph.), third. 5 feet 8 inches. Discus: Fritsch (junior), f:irs·t; }'itch (freshman), second; 'rhompson (senior). hinl. 116 fee1t, 10 inches. BroaJ jump: Reichert (so ph.), first; Several of the matches of preYious bouts were draws. These will · have to be fought out pTivately to decide the wntestants for the final honors. All weights will be re- Point, Oshkosh, And Milwaukee presented in the final matches. Meet On Cinder. Path; Milwaukee Favorite To Win Novelties Planned Invading Mihvauke"e, Coach Workouts a~e ·beginning immeclia tely for the h<Jpeful puncher'>. Kotal's tracksters will inaugurate Coach Kotal and '' W'indy '' Tho- the spring track season Saturday mas are planning several novelties when they will meet the Milwaukee Peds and Oshkosh on the for this event much similar to that cinder path. held last time. Complete details Lawrence Trip Off will be given 111 next week's The Pointers were scheduled to Pointer. travel to Appleton yesterday to meet the Lawrence thinlyclads, but. cold weather forbade the trip. Chi Delts Take Second Coach: Kotal feels that indirectly Inter-Fraternity Tilt it was a good thing, £or Iris team Turning the tables with a ven- is sure to he in shape to meet geance 'rhe Chi Delts swamped the their conference opponents. Men who are to make the trip Phi Sigs, 22 to 7, in the second have not been listed, but it is cergame of the annual kit.tenball series for the "little brown jug". tain that the showing in the interThe Phi Sigs took the first game. class meet last Saturday will determine the successful candidates. 5 to 4. Sure starters are Thompson, At4 Home Runs ·wood, and Scribner, our three Hopping on to the southpaw state champs. offerings of George Maurer, the Milwaukee The Favorite Delts pounded out four home run~, Milwaukee is expected to win Steiner, Schwahn, Blood, and rather easily Saturday, for they Bishop contributing. The game always have a large and wellwas close for the first few inn- balanced squad. Oshkosh is an ings, but after that the Phi Sigs unknown quantity, but Coach seemed to have their mrnds on Kolf's star, Wittig, is sure to give their formal. Art Thompson a real battle in the Klement did the flinging fo•r the high jump. winners, and Boyle caught, while The team will leave by car, and Maurer and Peterson composed will return from breweryland imthe losing battery. The 'Score by mediately a£ter the meet. The innings: week following they will journey Chi Delts - 2 1 4 13 1 1 0-22 to \Vhitewater for another warmPhi Sigs - 2 2 1 0 0 0 2-7 up tilt prior to the State meet. Seen's Coeds Display College Golfers May Skill At Lake Emily Organize For Matches l\Iiss Seen',,; class 111 Club Leadership held its final examination at Loberg's Cottage at Lake Emily l\Iay 7, 8, and 9. A daily schedule was drawn up, listing the activities that the women were to perform, and successful com}Jletion of the routine was necessary to pass the test. A college golf team seems assured to link fans this spring, and plans are being made to schedule matches with neighboring colleges. 'l'he Point has a wea:lth of material for the fairway sport, and if plans don't go into the "rough", n·e should be able to produce another winning team. The old boxing room has been used as a spot~ Ten On Trip for driving practise during incleThose making the trip were ment weather. Carol Anderson, Genevieve Poclach, Mamie Malueg, Chal'lotte in the ~Wisconsin State league. Gauthier, Ardycc Bagnall, IJila SPORT SHOP Kenyon, .Jennie Kewsome, BereGYM CLOTHING Three dozen balls were used in nice Edick, Blizaheth ~enberger, 422 Main St. the match between the Oshkosh and Thyrza Iverson. and Point netters last Saturday. Miss Carlsten Aids We'll bet that two dozen of them went back to Oshkosh. Features of the week-encl were· STEVENS POINT BEVERAGE CO. Up-To~Oate and Sanitary rain, cooking· m the open, and Bottlers of Grade Drinks Only Abel (freshman), second; Graney l'ltar-gazing at clond-fillecl skies. (junior), third. 19 feet, 10 inches. Orange Crush--Coco Cola--Milk Chocolate Javelin throw: Gra·ney (junior), firs.t; Miss Carlsten sprnt Saturday and All Other Flavors Kaskey (.junior), second; Klement Sunday at the camp instructing PHONE 61 (soph.), third. 165 feet, 7 inche·s. in various types of hand-crafts. I THE POINTER And Chorus BOOK "MEMOIRS" Orchestra At Plainfield High BY LOCAL GRAD RATES AT YALE For Something Different TRY THE (Conti<rmed from P~ge 1, eol. 3) BAKE-RITE BAKERY ence Hutb'bard, Helen Lansbaeh and Mathilda Killian. Tenors; Robert Emery, Roland Koyen, Gideon Carswell and Gilbert Busch. Basses; William Ringness, Maynard Wolter, Bob' MacDonald, Bert Vogel, and Milo Mabie. In The Fox Theatre Building Co01ec of Monroe ud Clanrdl Mary D. Bradford, who was a member of the local faculty from the :beginning of the College in 1894 until 1906, and foThllder of the Junior High School, which still To Appear At Rosholt bears her name, has recently published a book, ''The Mell!oirs of Monday, May 22, the college Mary D. Bradford". band will participate in a May The book has caused much com- festival to be held at R·osholt, ment. Perhaps the most interest- twenty miles east of this city. ing to u.s is that of Dr. Arnold Ge- Co·ncertiS will also be given at .sell, a member of the Class of 1899, Waupaca and Marshfield during Dr. Gesell is the director of the 1this month Clinic of Child Development at the · Hchool of Medicine at Yale Uni- . . - - - - - --------. BUY versity. His comment reads: BAKER PAPER COMPANY'S Lauds Her Work PAPER and SUPPLIES "M:rs. Bradford's book will be AT THE read with keen interest by a wide circle of graduates of the Stevens Point Normal School (Teachers' College). For the older graduates Between Classes the pages tingle with familiar Try Our scenes and events; for the younger Delicious, Extra Heavy Malted Milks graduates the book will .give a vivid impression of the pioneer · KAMPUS days of their Alma Mater. IT CHEN Very Cleverly Written "But this volume also has a more general appeal and value. The reminiscences are skillfully treated in a way which converts biography into history. We get authentic glimpses of this cultural background and the early developments of public education. Mrs. Bradford was a moving force in these developments. We a r e grateful that she has made such an engaging illuminating record.'' COLLEGE COU-NTER DODGE-PLYMOUTH Compliments of KUHL BROS. DEPT. STORE 401-405 Main Street Are your Clothes in the best of condition for the THE "The Bank That Service Built" Hotel Whitin~r Comer NELSON HALL The comfortable and homelike Just Picture That Smile On Her Kindly Features-That Look Of Joy As She Unwraps Your Bouquet Of Spring's Priettiest Blossoms. Display At Both Greenhouse and Store. WILSON FLORAL CO. ----410 McCulloch St. A. L SHAFTON &CO. DISTRIBUTORS Thousand Island Dressing Mayonnaise Dressing Sandwich Spread · PHONE 380 NORMINGTON'S RUSS A TWOOO, Rep. CHOCOLATES oF c,mre»tG ~"1 QUAUT( Trg "t\ElLMf\NS" B6tt6r Than Th6 Rest CENTRAL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE STBVBNS POllft, WD. EasllJ" Accellible llxpeD8e BeJ&ti~ Low Locatioa u~ For Heal~ An IDfluence Aa Well Aa a Scbool Credits Accepted At All UmTenltiel Decree OourAI For All TeMiaeft A DECLARATION Speci&l '.rraiD1DC F• ana Home EcoDomica aD4 ll.ural Education A CHALLENGE Bend For Lltentue We declare that our chocolates are equal, in quality and flavor to anychocolates ever sold at any price up to $1 50 oer lbo MOTHER'S DAY . May 14th TAYLOR'S DRUG STORES 111 Strongs Ave. 752 Church St. Fox Theatre Building Store Open UntillO P. M. Daily and All Day Sunday dormitory for women of Central State Teachers College Phone 86 114 Union St. "HELLMANS" Beautifully carded and wrapped for Have You Visited Our Soda Fountain? We Invite You To Do So. CURRIER MOTOR CO. Inc. Let us do your Dry Cleaning and Pressing We challenge anyone lo produce finer chocolates. Your first bolC: will con' vince vou. Our personal guarantee behind every oackage. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK "Floating "Power'· Spring Formals and the Prom? Sunday, May 14th IS MOTHER'S DAY BAEBENROTH'S HARRISON LUNCH Genuine Mexican Chill • . . • 10c Hot Dogs and Hamburrers • • • 5c Lunches 1nd Dinners . . • • 25c Compliments of •••••••••••••••••••••••••• WORZI\LLI\ rUBLISHING GOMrf\NY Job Printers Publislaers Book Binders e:=:J 200-210 No. Second Street Phone 267 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• WELCOME TO THE POINT CAFE YAY A. ROWE Director Dressing for skin poisons, dry itching eczema, imect bites, barber itch, dandruff, poison ivy and skin affection. A pleasant skin tonic and healing lotion, Use after shaving to keep the skin clean and pores reduced. Here you will find Good Food, Clean, Courteous Service all designed to make you and your friends comfortable and contented while you are our guests. 501 MAIN STREET (Graduate Dietitian) MEYER DRUG CO. STEVENS POINT, WIS. Dining Room for both men and women GUARANTEE HARDWARE COMPANY Diet Varied, abt~ndant, delieiou1 and inexpen1ive THE POlNTER HALLII SOCIETYijNEISON ~~C~O~RIL Guests at the Y. W. G. A. ConBy l'e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::e:e::a:95 Mr. Mott Speaks Mr. Mott was the spealker at the meeting of the Margaret Ashmun Club, Wednesday evening, May '10. His subje·ct w8is ''Psychology of Modern r>ay Literature". Mr. Mott was assisted by ·Cedric Vig, who presented a paper on "Contemporary Philosophies'' and Sigrid Stark, who presented "English and American Humorists". Mr. Nuesse presided at the opening of the meeting and also carried out the business of the club. Plan:s were discussed for the annual Si!gma Tau Delta-Margaret Ashmun Club B a n q u e t which is to held May 31. Sigma Zetans Initiate ference this week-end were Miss Susan Cheng, an e~change student from China; Miss Alice. Brown, National Student Secretary; Miss Ma·cKechney, of the state unive·rsity; and Mr. Peabody of Ripon College. Enjoy The Dorm The Milwaukee and Eau Claire girls liked the dormitory SO" much that they wished they might have carried it away. Sorry, visitors; but we wouldn't give it up for anything. Miss Inez Sparks, a former C. S. T. C. st:udent, and now a teacher at the Eau Claire State Teachers College, chaperoned a group fr(}m that college at the conference. Mrs. A. R. Mangel'!So>n and son Earl of Rhinelander visited with Fern Mangerson Sunday. A Bird Hike Ten people <braved the cold wind ea:r:ly last Friday morning in search· of birds. The same group intends t'O venture out again this month. Leora Strehlow entertained her roomate, Alene Stock, at her Oconto Falls home this weekend. Winifred McGillivray vis-ited her· home in Pulaski. ~Jfi\~THEATRE$ V ~~ 5TEVENSJiaNT . In "CENTRAL AIRPORT" After Shows and Dances We Are ReadJ To Serve You Tasty Lunches and Fountliu Specialties SATURDAY EARLY HOUR ADMISSION 6:40 To 7:00 - 25c. TWO FEATURE PICTURES THE GRILL "GABRIEL OVER THE WHIJE HOUSE" Across From Theatre With WALTER HUSTON -AndBUCK JONES SHAFTON'S Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes, Hats and Caps In . "TREASON" Stevens Point, Wis. SUNDAY - MONDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SUNDAY STARTING 1:30 Price 'Till 2 P. M. - 25c. TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME ETHEL JOliN LIONEl, BARRYMORE !-------------t At RINGNESS SHOE CO. Loyola Club Tonight Sig-ma Tau Delta Elects Officers for Sigma Tau Delta, national Honbrary English Fraternity, to serve for the school-year of 1933-34 were elected at a meeting heJ.d at Mr. Knutzen's home, Wednesday evening, May 3. 'l'he new officers are: President, Cletus Collilli'l; Vice-President, Celestine Nuesse; Secretary, Ethelwyn Baerwaldt; Treasurer, Carolyn Hanson; Historian, Agnes Madsen. Shears and Scissors GROSS and JACOBS THURSDAY - FRIDAY RICHARD BAR'fHELMESS A special initiation service was held by the Sigma Zeta Society Tuesday evening, May 9, in Mr. In Rightsell 's Room. "RASPUTIN AND THE EMPRESS" T'wo men, Joe Smart and Tom Ringness, were given the initiaTUESDAY-WEDNESDAY tory service and are to become acDOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM tive memberS in the honor society BETTE DAVIS of Sigma Zeta. In At a business meeting the same "EXLADY" 'tlvening, plans were presented by -Anda committee for the annual picnic GENEVIEVE TOEIIN which is to take the place of the -AndY. W. C. A. last regular meeting of this year. RONALD YOUNG A regular meeting of theY. W. At this time, election of officers In for the year 1933-34 will be held. C. A. will be held tonight at 7:30 "PLEASURE CRUISE" o '·c;lock at Nelson Hall. , Mr. Allez will speak on "Modern Drama". Seniors Entertain Actors Agnes Madsen is the general _.;;...;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..., At a Senior· Class meeting held in the audito•rium last Thursday, chairman for the evening. For Better Shoes it was voted to give a party for "Bloc'' Tonig-ht members of the cast of "It's The Members of '' B1oc '' will meet at Girl", members of the chorus and the home of Marlowe Boyle, 1314 orchestra, and members of the Clark st·r eet, tonight at 7:30 Senior Glass. o'clock. Reasonable Prices Each senior and "actor" is allowed to ·bring a guest with him. Primary Tea Tickets may be obtained from NaA tea wiH be given by the Pritalie Gorski~ before the night of mary Council on Tuesday, May 16, the party. The dance is to be held from 3 :30 to 5 :00, to which the in the old gymnasium Saturday, faculty and the student body is. May 13 from 8 :30 to 11 :30 o'clock. cordially invited. The committee Ben Mannis and his "Collegians" in charge is Roberta Lindow, Ruth will furnish the music. Mr. and Stange, Maybelle Peterson, and Mrs. George Allez and Mr. and Norma Steinmetz. Mrs. Charles Evans will be cha- =.=======================~ perones. lli The L·oyola Club will meet in the Rural Assembly room tonight at 7 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Irene BiteThompson will talk to the group on the subject of ''Church Music". Special music by Miss Lucy Doyle will be featured. Robert Krembs, club president will preside at the regular busi~ess meeting. Manual Training Supplies Home Made Candy GROCERIES, FRmTS, MEATS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAl PORTER'S GROCERY 1329 Main St. Phone 1102 WORRY is a disease for which money in bank is the best medicine. flRST NATIONAL BANK Cap~al & SW'plos $250,000 SHOW YOU LOVE MOTHER We Mail or Deliver GALES DOUBLE GIFT PACKAGE AT For "THE PAL" MOTHER'S DAY The Best Of Haircuts At SEXTON-DEMGEN DRUG CO. 40C CENTRAL BARBER SHOP I 008 Division St. Phone 27 South Side ·wELSBY'S DRY CLEANING Prompt Service rhonB 688 Opposite Post Office ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF ,THE MODERN TOGGERY SHIRTS CAPS HATS I HOSIERY Saturday, May 13 UNDERWEAR All Men's Furnishings NECKWEAR on or a'b out 250 MAIN STREET ... 6 THE POINTER SAY IT ISN'T . SOl!! Say It Isn't So - that Satan has to pay a syntax. A military banquet and ball at ho'tel Wausau Saturday night forced the Omegas to change their formal to Friday .night. Six of our college soldiers, Willie and Dick Schwahn, Frank Klement, Ronald Muttay, Ralph Okray and our one and only I. L. P. Mish will participate in the WisC'Onsin Reserve Officers meet at Wausau Saturday. Attend FOX THEATRE 2 8Y.Visitors W.C.A. Conference FREE TICKETS Delegates from Eau Claire, Milwaukee, and River Falls teachers colleges were assembled here last Edmund Gregory Miller, Gar- week for the annual convention net Heilman and Alibiiil John of theY. W. C. A. which was held Dumphy were last week's' free Fox May fi, 6, . and 7. From all reTheatre ticket winners. given •by the visitors, the If you can cOTrectly spell y·o ur affair was a large success. name from any one of the lines Miss Susan Cheng, Ghinese stubelow report td the :Pointer Editor dent of Monmouth college, was for a complimentary ticket, good the principal s p e a k e r at a at the local theatre anytime: banquet giV'en at Nelson Hall (first winner) Swturday e v e n in .g. President WILLI.A:MSISSYHERRICK Hyer extended a welcome on be(seC'ond wiinner) half of the college to the deleCARHERHANOLYN'MYNA'SON gates. (third winner) Dr. Pea•body of Ripon College AIDYLANNEDRITZEW related some of his experiences as ============= a missionary and presented many We found this in the Pointer points of interest regarding the mail box. Wanted- Girls' red Sino-Japanese situation. The 28 sweat shirt. Please respond to delegates were lodged at Nelson Hall. girls' cloak room. OFFICIAL JR\lPI.E TO C. S. T. G. ... FERDINAND A. IIIRZY THE CONTINENTAL CLOTIDNG STOlE Mens' and Boys' Clothing N. J. Knope and Sons The "milk strike" goes i_nto effect Saturday and farmers will be parading all highways looking for violators. College folks coming home from the Omega formal had better not be caught with milk concealed in their flasks. She's worried and thought of you long before you were smaJler and cuter than our Asher. Don't forget her on "Mother's Day" next Sunday, May 14. We HaveTheMost Complete Line Of Women's White Slippers In The City Wbite Buck, Kid or Linen-In Pumps Ties, Sandals or Oxfords Our ''Pete'' says the reason he locks his $50 job, which he bought from Bob Steiner recently, when he parks it up town is to prevent snoopers from stealing the dash light bulb. We've been wrong all the time. Ignatius Loyal Petricious Mish 's third name isn't Petricious but Pious. , Fritz Cochrane and his Prom gang are having an under sea setting this year. / On Prom night if you see gold fish, lizards, sharks and pink elepl).ants floating around the gym don't blame it onto the "Bull of The ·woods". You'll be seein' things but they'll be real. Help, Help - 25 College he men would like dates to the Omega dance. And Coeds you may .O.rop into the Men's Room and _have your pick. Widths AAAA to C Sizes 3 to 9 JtJS'T RECEIVED White Satin Sandals For Formal Wear, Tinted To Match Your Evening Gown-Without Extra Charge. All Sizes. Widths AAA to C ·YOUNG MEN'S OXFORDS For Sport or Dress Black Calf, AU White Buck, Black and White or Tan and White Combination Sizes 6 to 11 Lumber and Millwork BELKE MFG. CO. 247 N. 2nd Sl Phone 1304 419 MAIN STREET Wisconsin's Largest Underselling Shoe Store