St. Patrick's Dance In Old Gym Saturday THE~ Series III Vol. VII No. 21 POINTER Stevens Point, Wis., March 16, 1933 Price 7 cents POINT DEBATERS WIN STATE TITLE MILLS-NUESSE Big Time In Chicago Promised ORATORS LEAVE Sight-Seers, AJI For $6.85 FOR STATE MEET SMITH-HOTVEDT AT WHITEWATER POINTER TEAM When the college excur-sion pulls out of the local Soo Line static:m on the "early morn" of Saturday, April 29, it is expected that over 200 students and their friends will be snuggled the private car•s (not counting those that will be riding the "blinds" and tender). Price Includes Extras A special price of $6.85 for the roundtrip was secured from the railroad com_ pany. This i•n eludes a special tour around the ''high spots'' of Chicago in the new World's Fair buses, cab fares, breakfast- and tours through the Shedd aquarium, Field museum, and World's Fair building-s. Special guides will escort the excursionists thru the Century of Prog1·ess buildings. - and what a progra,m folffis, wha.t a program. After you have fairly sunburned your tonsils from a hour and one-half ride· under and around Chicago's skyscrapers the aquarium will be visited. Leave Your Fishpoles Home He1·e you will see every specie of ver- Six Colleges Enter Twelve Teams In Three Day Tournament Held Here A state championship, the second of the season, was brought to Stevens Point by Rev. Donald Mills and Celestine Nuesse last Ji'riday when their debate team completed a three day tournament witn one loss and seven victories. Platteville In Final The title was gained after successive defeats had been meted out to R.iver Falls, La Crosse and Platteville in the semi-finals and final. - A second Stevens Point team, composed of Tom Smith and Burton Hotvedt, entered the early semi-final stage but lost to River Falls, a team defeated by these Pointers the previous day. Burroughs And Nuesse Mr. Leland l\f. Burroughs has ~tAddress School Today In lieu of the play which was to coached the local squad through have been presented during asthe season. sembly period this morning, PresSix Colleges Compete ident Hyer has asked the school Six Wisconsin Teachers Colleges, representing La Crosse, River :B,alls, orator, Jack Burroughs, and the Platteville, Eau Claire, Superior and school extemporaneous speaker, f5tevens Point entered two, two-man Celestine Nuesse, to speak before teams in the ''Round RQlJin'' began the students, before leaving for here ·wednesday morning. Each coach the State I<,orensic contest at classified his varsity teams as being an A or B team, and the first two clays of Whitewater. T'he play will be presented at a the meet were required to have each A team argue with the other five B group- later date. ings. The decisions, rendered by three expert judges, were kept sealed until the conclusi{)n of tl{is process Thursday afternoon when they were announced. It had been agreed upon that the four teams, irrespectivo of school, having the poorest record would be eliminated. 'rwo additional rounds were required between Superior, Platteville and La Crosse as the result of ties in this respect. Stevens Point and River Falls alone managed to send their full squads into the semi-finals. In the early rounds Mills and Nuesse had lost only to La Crosse, while Smith and Hotvedt dropped to Superior and Eau Claire. The strong La Crosse team emerged without a defeat. Point Nips La Crosse Mills and Nuesse, of the the A group, began their drive for the championship by checking River Falls Friday morning. The climax of the whole tournament was· reached when these Pointers won over the undefeated La Crosse men early in the afternom1. The final with Platteville was held before a small erowd in the auditorium immediately after this upset. The Point men suffered a let-down from the tension of the previous strenuous argument, however, all three of the judges cast bal· lots giving Stevens Point its championship. O'Niell of Michigan, and Weaver and Eubanks of Wisconsin decided the contests. The debate question of ''Resolved that the U. S. should 3gree t.o the ran, tcbraae from the cute little gold fishes to, the man eating sharks and ocean turtles. Next in line will be the renowned :B'ield museum. This building occupies ·several city blocks and contains everything from ancient mummies and Roman bathtubs to p1·e-historic dinosaurs and mammals. After you have been taken thru the Wolrd 's Fair buildings which represent millions of d{)llars of investment you will be taken for a ''ride'' to the loop. Until train time you will be free to do bargaining with Chicago merchants, dance to Ben Bernie at the College Inn, take in a little burlesque attraction o1· hear Wayne King at the Aragon. Coeds, get chummy with your ''daddies''. Burroughs And Nuesse Enter Oratory And Extempore Contests Friday Stevens Point entrants and the local delegation ·will leave today for the 38th annual State. Oratorical contest to be held at Whitewater on Friday. Jack Burroughs, Freshman, will represent the college with his oraSee Mr. Rightsell tion; "The Spirit of Youth", S'tudents and their friends who are ·while Celestine Nuesse, member of anticipatiJ1g the trip may leave their the 1933 State championship denames with Mr. Raymond M. Rightsell in his office on the first floor. Mr. bate team and winner of the State Rightsell will be in personal charge of and Tri-State oratorical meets the ''Chicago Special''. The railroad last year, will be entered in the must be guaranteed 200 fares. extemporaneou~- speaking contest to be held in the afternoon. Collins - Hotvedt Alternates Cletus Collins, Junior, and Bur, ton Hotvedt, Senior, will accompany the school representatives as alternate orator and extempore speaker respectively. Collins' oraLeon Henry Kurz, Gaywood tion is entitled ''The Liberation of Eloise Skinner and May Augusta Intelligence''. Rowe were winners of last week's Only six of the nine colleges in free Fox Theatre tickets. the conference are competing this If ,you can correctly spell your year, Milwaukee, River Falls, and name from any one of the lines Oshkosh having failed to enter. below report to the Pointer EditMr. Joseph Mott of the Stevens or for a complimentary pass to Point college faculty and secretary the local theatre, g·ood anytime: of the State Teachers' College faculty and secretary of the S.tate (first winner) Teachers' College Forensic LeaSWELLCARONGIDE St. Patrick's Dance g11e announced the entrants to the (second winner) In Old Gym Saturday contest. George Dickson, Eau Claire, will present "Fools Among AMGANDESSEN A St. Patrick's dance will be Men". William Welter, La Crosse, held in the old g·ym Saturday (third winner) will present "Blind Worship". night. Dancing will start at 8 :30 SEEMARIEVANE ''Banking in the Banks'' is the o'clock and the college orchestra oration of Glen Davis, Platteville. "'ill play. Carl Ritzman, Superior, will pre'l'hc Rural Life club is sponsor- City Grades Supervisor sented by Leo Bent, Whitewater. ing the dance. Students who To Propose Changes wish to invite outsiders must sub- -Lauds Band Program mit their names to Miss Hanna. According to Miss Maybell Accompanying the speakers and Invitations will be mailed to the Bush, State Supervisor of City alternates will be Mr. L. M. Burguests. There will be a 25 cent Grades in Wisconsin, the students roughs, coach, l\Ir. Knutzen, Mr. admisRion charge. who directed the band during as- Mott, and Miss Coleman, all of the sembly period last Thursday did local faculty. Due to the great eollation of the foreign inter-allied war a fine piece of work. Miss Bush distance between here and Whitedebts'' brought 16 victories for the went on to say that our concert water, there will probably be no affhmative and 23 for the negative. was far superior in point of di- student delegation. The debaters argued both sides of the recting talent than that shown at .A.t the meeting of the league a '}Uestion. a recent concert observed by her proposal will be made to hold ~II Point Has Best Record at Columbus University. future contests at Stevens Point Including both teams, Stevens Point Mr. Michelsen was compliment- in conjunction with the annual drew the best record of the tournament ed particularly on the progress State debate meets. This would be as the following statistics reveal: W L AVE. shown through the student di- particularly desirable because of Stevens Point ........ 10 4 .714 rectors in his course. It was re- our central location. It would alLa Crosse . . . . . 8 5 .615 marked that the band seemed to so remove the added expense of 'River Falls 7 6 .539 Platteville 7 8 .467 have confidence in the leaders se.curing judges, since the same Eau Claire 4 7 .364 and followed their movements critics could be used for both Superior . . . 3 9 .?nO closely. contests. \FOX THEATRE FREE TICKETS 2 THE POINTER Vol. VII. THE POINTER No. 21 STUDENT Published Weekly at Stevens Point by the students of the Central Wisconsin State Teachers College. Subscription Price $2.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter May 261 1927, at the post office at Steven& Point, Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3, 1879. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor ...................... George R. Maurer, Phone 240J or. 43; Office 1584 Associate Editor ................................................. John Wied Sports Editor .•........................................... ~muel H. Bluthe Society Editor ........................•................•.• Florence Woboril News ••........................... Donald Crocker, Natalie Gorski, Tom Smith Honorary Member ...................................... Burt•on. E. Hotvedt '31 ' A>mb.rose, Frederick W;, 4:yr. Ger• man. Supt. of Blilg1s. and 'Construction, Univ. of Wyoming, Laromie, W)"oming. (Married 1920, Laura BUSINESS STAFF Agnes Kearney). '02 Ames, Jessie H., 4 yr. English. Business Mauger .................................... Cedric Vig, Phone 810J Ph. B. 1907 Univ. of Wis. PresQirculation Manager .............•........................••.• Ignatius l\lish A Remedy For Nickelshy's Ailments ident, State Teachers College, River ~lty Adviser ...................................... Raymond M. Rightsell Dear Editor: Falls. (Married 1003, Lou, I. Refusing to qui,bble, we offer the Hitchcock). 1 (College Office Information, Phone 224) followjpg panacea for all NICKEL'14 Anderson, Alf. E., 2 yr. SHY •s troU:bles: Stay away from all Insuramce, Hdwe. Mut. Stevens functions at Central State Teachers Point, Wis. (Married 1926, Wini· STEVENS POINT WINS ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP College. fred Davidson). - we are surprised to Winning state championships is getting to be a habit for Central hear that NICKELSHY enjoyed Mr. '20 Ander~:~on, Carter H., 2 yr. College. Industrial Engineer. Address, Tri· State Teachers college. Stevens Point is still rejoicing over our Steiner's yodeling. How can the cynic bune Tower, Chicago, IlL (Mar• basketball title. Last Friday Coach Leland admit even that~ ried 1925, Mildred Btmnell). Because a bill wa.s paid before comM. Burroughs' debaters carried off ano·ther ing to the Mardi Gras, the 'sponsors of '13 Anderson, Clifford N., 4 yr. English. Ph. B. ·umv. of Wis. 1919. silver trophy by winning the State Teachers the celebratio,n were u-pbraided by M.S. Univ. of Wis. 1920. Radio college de'bate tournament which was held NICKELSHY for charging a fee for Engineer, 195 Broadway, New "fork checking wraps. If free checiking was here. City, N.Y. so desirable, why didn't NICKEL It was the fine work of Celestine Nuesse :MINUS a.nd some of his companions '97 Ashmun, Margaret, 2 yr. Latin. Ph. B. and M.A., Univ. of Wis. and Donald Mills that directly contributed . stand at the checking tablets for two Author, Stevens Point, Wis. and" a half hours taking care of people's to the college's success. Burton Hotvedt '02 Banting, Lilian, 4 yr. English, and coats~ A. B., Univ. of Wis. 1908. Director and T?m Smith, runners-up in the tourney, hats "The robbers" ( ~) "blocked off. the of Elementary Class Wol'lk, Hamilcompnsed the other team. Clarence Styza free lockers''. All lockers in the men's ton Pub. Schools, Hamilton, Onwas alternate and Marlowe Boyle has been and women's dre,ssing· rooms were open. tario, Canada. Whv didn't NICKELSHY use those' the sixth member of the forensic squad. '23 Barron, Jamoo J., 3 yr. H. S .. Did~ 't he care to leave his wraps unB.S., Univ. of Minn. Instr. in Stevens Point will make bids for addi- watched~ Math., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. Don't be angry, NICKEL-two for tional laurels at Whitew1,1ter tomorrow '22 Beggs, Ver.non L., 3 yr. H. S. when Jack Burroughs and Celestine Nuesse a dime-we aren't. Always remember to Ph. B. 1926, Univ. of Chicago. make all necessary inve-stigations before M. A: Univ. of Chicago, 1931. City will represent the college in the oratorical generalizing. CYNIC-' Supt., Elmhurst, Ill. and extemporaneous divisions, respectively. TWO NON ' - · ,t:J '29 Beglinger, Nina Joy, 4 yr. H. S . Cletus Collins and Burton Hotvedt are the B. Ed., C. S. T. C. 1929. M.A. Univ. LELAND M. BURROUGHS two respective alternates. of Detroit, 1931. Supr. & College and, ''Sing Along''. - (The Winonan) Instructor, Jr. & Sr. Classes, Detroit Teachers College, and Tchr. of OH! THOSE SWINGING DOORS Graduate Class of Adult Education ''Wrestling seems to have taken the spotlight for the moment, with elaborate & Sociology, Univ. of Detroit, Mich. Something should be done about it. We're referring to the traf- plans being made to bring to the col- '10 Bloye, Amy I., 2 yr. H. Ec. Ph. B., fic jam that occurs in the hall-way on the third floor of the building lege the largest sport cm·d for the evenUniv. of Chicago, 1917. M.A., Co· lumbia Univ. 1928. Head Dept. of ing, when the wrestling team makes its just outside the rural assembly room between classes. Foods & Nutrition, Purdue Univ. debut. A squad of twenty men have Apparently it would be far better to remove the doors entirely been reporting for practice and a good Lafayette, Ind. rather than to have them block half the stairway passage while program is being planned for those at- '99 Bradford, Wm., 2 yr. Latin, B.S. & they're open. E. E. Univ. of Wis. 1904. Chief Entending." (The Carletonian) gineer, Edgemoor Iro-n Co., Wil''A literary magazine, eontainin.g Observe the situation sometime and than $.ee i£ you can blame mington, Del. ''Spin'' for threatening to ''tear the blame things off one of these creative efforts of Stout Institukes 's lL '16 Bra·dy, Mary A., 2 yr. H. Ec. B.S. terary minded students is to be pubdays". Univ. of Wis. 1932. Nutrition Spe· lished within the next two months.'' "It is commonly believed that Stout cialist, Univ. of Wis. Rooides, 1343 W. Wis. Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. students are not literary minded. To disprove that statement and to prese~t '08 Erasure, Ray E., 4 yr. English, Ph. B. Univ. of Wis. 1913. Supt. of to alumni and students themselves writSchools, Hartford. (Married 1909 ings that show a degree of worth, the Catherine Potts). magazine is to be published.'' 1.!;;;==============-:.1 (From The Stoutouia) '23 Bright, Melville 0., 2 yr. College. B. A., Univ. of Wis. 1925; Auditor, THE QUESTION: What do you think The QUIVER staff of Oshkosh State Washburn, Crosby Co., Minneapolis, of adopting some mild form of having Teachers / College. announced recently ''A total of $19,454 was added to the Minn. (Married 1926, Ethel Blake) to teach freshmen proper respect for that this year's annual would be based athletic department treasury of the '06 Browne, J. Howard, 4 yr. Eng. upper-classmen? upon a teaching theme. "It is planned University of Wisconsin by 42,232 L. L. B., Univ. of Wis. Catholic Virgil Pize,r: It's all right, but you to conservatively carry out this scheme spectators who witnessed the varsity Priest, Baraboo, Wis. Is noted as never could get anybody to do any throughout the book, depicting, by basketball team in action this .year a lecturer and public speaker. thing. You were a freshman once your- means of sketches, the various phases Despite the fact that the Badgers were self. You know how you woul_d have of teaching from high school depart a losin~ team the total home game at- '29 Calkins, Edith M., 4 yr. H. S. B. Eel., 1928, C. S. T. C. B.S. 1925, felt if you 'cl been asked to do any- mont to rural school divisions. It was tendan~e was only 297 less than last Univ. of Minn. Head of Eng. Dept. thing. also revealed that the book would be year. 'rhe games with Loyola, U . of Custer High School, Milwaukee, lioward _Mueller: I think it'd be dedicated to the alumni -who are in the ChicaD'O and Stevens Point Teachers Wis. (Married 1929 E. C. Marcks) grand, really. They're insignificant field of work for which the school was College added $1,628 to the total re'04 Calkins, Frank W., 2 yr. Engli~h enough to wear green suits. Stoopno- originally established - that of teach ccipts." Of the latter figure $1,300 Course, Ll. B. 1908, Univ. of Wlli. crar,y is peachy. ing." (The 'I' ear-hers College Advance 'Nas gained by the game with the PointLaw School. County Judge, Wood ers at Wisconsin Rapids. Gordon Utes: I think it's a good idea. of Oshkosh State Teachers College). County, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis . .(The Daily Cardinal) '1.0 Carl&on, Paul A., 2 yr. Eng. Ph. B. Certainly around this school they need some taming. But how is it going to be 1921, Univ. of Wis., Ph. M. 1931, done~ That's another question. Univ. of Wis. Director Commercial Students at Winona State Teacher ''Numerous mermaids, sprites, and Ed., Teachers College, Whitewater Art Nygard: I believe that they College at Winona, Minnesota recently water-bugs will be attracted to the (Married 1921, Dorothy Cooper). sh{)uld at least say ''hello'' as they go cast their ballots for songs that they W. A. A. Water Carnival, 'which is to by or put on a free dance to show their wish to sing at assembly during the be held Saturday, March 18. The stunts '08 Christensen, Etta 0., 2 yr. Eng. B. S. & M. A., Teachers College, respect. next quarter. "Moonlight and Roses" they will give and the competition they Columbia University, Director, RuEd. Baker: If you had some way to received the largest number of votes. will meet will be good depression enral Dept., State Teachers College, teU who arc and who are11 't freshmen Other preferences were: "My Wild tertainment. Tickets will be sold for Winona, Minn. it'd be all right, 'cause this way you Irish Rose", "When Irish Eyes Are onlv a dime. After the main perf ordon't know who they are. If you had Smiling", "Put On Your Old Grey mai1ee the swimming pool will be open '03 Christensen, James H., 2 yr. German, Ph. D. & J.D. Univ. of Chi'em wear a green cap or something it 'cl Bonnet'·', "Mighty Lak' a Rose" to all 'stout students and faculty de sircago, Lawyer, Chicago, Ill. "TiJp Toe Trough the Tulips With Me" ing 'to take a dip'." (from Stoutonia) be all right. BROADCAST .. THE INQUIRING REPORTER EXCHANGES I THE POINTER INTRA-MURAL 'CAGE TOURNEY ON BISHOP LEADS Boxing Tournament Plan'!~d VARSITY MEN POINT SCORING ar::.~~y ~!!:E~~~~~= :.~~e~~b~~~ LEAD SIXTEEN STUDENT TEAMS FOR CAGE YEAR Plans Thompson, Krumm, Runners-up For Scoring Honors; Gregory Leads In Production Of Free Throws Complete figures on the 1932-33 basketball season have been compiled by Ray Urbanowski, assistant athletic manager. These figures include not only the ten conference games played, but also the eight non-conference games played. pleted for an all-college amateur boxing show, to be held in the college gym within the next month, according to Winston ("Windy") Thomas, the Tex Rickard of Stevens Point. Lots Of Fun If the bouts plan:ri.ed are anything like the last, the crowd that is expected is sure to be satisfied. There is more real fun in one of these amateur fights than in t en professional bouts. The prospective 'r tin-ears'' are Bishop High Scorer The figures reveal that Bishop, our tall forward, was the offensive star of the Point aggregation, garnering 169 points in the Baseball? Sure, Says eighteen games, an average of 9.:3 "Eddie" In Interview points per game. Larry's scoring activities slumped in the Oshkosh In a recent interview with and River Falls games, and as a Coach Kotal we asked him about the possibility result Schwoegler of La Crosse of a baseball beat him out for conference scorteam to repreing honors. sent the school. Captain Art Thompson, playThe reply ran ing in his last and most successful season, placed second in scoring with 132 points for the eighteen ~ in favor of a games. Art and Guy Krumm ~""\ m j baseball team scored the same number of field ' / 1 and il' the kid;;; goals, 57, but Thompson scored 18 ~ want it ·we'll free throws to 10 for Kn1mm to have one. Howlead his team mate by eight points. Krumm scored 124 points. ever we can't expect any financial help because of the conditions. It will be necessary to Free Throw Wizard Fourth in the list of scorers but schedule games with some of the first when it came to making free independent teams around here throws was the dim unitive Nolan because the other colleges have Gregory, who made 31 baskets no ball clubs. This will by no and sank 35 gift shots for a total means supplant track as the of 97 points. "Greg" also led in major spring sport." These are ''Eddie's'' views on making per&onal fouls, being baseball and now it's up to some penalized 45 times. "Jugger" Marsh finishes the of you fellows who are interested list of high scorers with 67 points in this spod to let the coach for the season. Marsh made 24 know your attitude so something buckets and 19 free throws dur- definite can be done. ing the season, beside playing a consistent floor game in every contest. He made 19. personal College Golfers Given fouls, the lowest total of any of Room For Tee Practise -the regulars. Golfing enthusiasts (some call The figures : FG FT FTM PF TP them "nuts") will be delighted Bishop .. _....... 69 31 37 30 169 to hear that the old Thompson ... _... 57 18 13 37 132 boxing room · located Krumm ...... . .. 57 10 19 30 124 just east of the coach's Gregory ........ 31. 35 17 45 97 office wi'll be opened Marsh .. . ...... . 24 19 1.7 19 67 for driving practise. Hansen . . . . . . . . . 13 6 8 9 32 Eckerson .... _ . . . 9 11 10 9 29 Everyone Invited Tardiff . , . . . . . . . 6 4 2 11 16 All college men are Bader · . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 7 6 15 invited to come in and Peterson . . . . . . . 4 5 2 11 13 try to knock the cover Omholt . .'.. . . . . . . 5 2 2 12 12 Rlement . . . . . . . . 0 1 2 2 1 off the ball. A net will be hung to keep it TO'L'ALS: _. . 280 14 7 1.26 221 707 from going through An average of 39.3 points per game the wall. The only catch in the .were seored by the ''champs' '. whole thing is that the golfers must bring their own equipment. Tom to Gen - ''I like you because The school has all it can do . to support the football team. i1 'm different.'' ~~ :~:,e~~~~;e, ¥~~ r'""' mat, which has been placed in what was formerly a girl's athletic room, under the coaching of "Windy". It is hoped that ten 150 Men Out For Basketball In bouts will be on the card. Round Robin Tournament; Faculty Men Sponsor No Fair Eating Sixteen teams, ave.raging about Just a word to the women of the school. Please darlings, do nine men to a team, are engaged basketba11 not eat your lunches on the new in an intramural mat. You know how bad crack- tournament at the present time. ers in bed are. Well, consider the This means that over one hundred effect of a ham sandwich or a co- and fifty men are taking an coanut cake on an earnest and active part in athletic work, a real well-meaning boxer. Y..,T e don't turnout, and a real tribute to the mind your eating your lunch in organizing powers of Coach Kothe President's office, but the tal and his assistants. boxing mat, ladies, is sacred to Team Men Captains the interests of god, clean sport. The teams are named after sixteen faculty men, and are each captained by a member of the varsity or "B" teams. In this way ead1 team has a capruble leader, and the strou'gest basketball players are separated, making the games more even. _ A round-robin type of tournament is being played, and the The silliest thing in the world, team which wins the tournament it seems to us, is a sport page will know it has been in a fight. when there are no sports to write There are no favorites, but the about. Or maybe its just as silly teams of President Hyer, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Watson look es~ when there are. pecially strong. Faculty Sponsored At any rate, we're getting sick 'f\he teams as listed are Mr. and tired of listing all the free meals that the basket·ball boys Burroughs' captained by Nolan are getting. And then to cap it Gregory; Mr. Evans' captained all off they invite Francis Strand, by Bob Neale; Mr. Giovannini's, sports editor of the ''Journal'' lo- captained by Milton Anderson; cal town publication, and not us. Mr. Herrick 's, captained by. Don That was the straw that broke Abel; Mr. Hyer 's, eaptained by Frank Klement; Mr. Jayne's, the fried chicken's back. captained by Harry Rickman; Mr. Knutzen's, captained by Art A little good news from Stout. Nygard; Mr. Reppen's, led by They listed Thompson and Marsh Guy Krumm; Mr. Rightsell 's, led on their all-opponent team, and by Ralph Bader. give Bishop, Krumm, and Gregory :Mr. Rogers' inspired by Dick honorable mention. I g-uess that Schwahn; Mr. Schmeeckle's caple,aves only Mr. Schmeeckle, of tained by Asher Shorey; · Mr. our regulars, out. Smith's, led by Oscar Chrisfensen; Mr. Spindler's, captained by Others listed on the Stout team Les Omholt ; Mr. Steiner's, led by were Novak of La Crosse and Bob Tardiff; Mr. Thompson's Collins of Superior at the for- featuring Melvin Andre; and Mr. ward posts, and St. Peter of La W-atson's, starring Pete Peterson. Crosse at the other guard posiAfternoon Games tion. Incidentally, the "StoutoThe games as scheduled are nia" has perhaps the best sport page of, any of the ·state teachers played in the afternoon in both the old and new gymnasiums. No colleges. admission is being charged, but a Of course we don't like to silve·r offering is being taken at the door. (Heh.) brag ..... . AM'S PORT HORTS S Art Thompson's high jump mark of 6 ft. 2 inches was high ertough to make him the high jump champion of Jugo-Slavia, if he was in Jugo-Slavia, which he isn't, if you get what we mean. The Baron's cousin "Jugo" is the Pretty soon the track men will high jump champ there. take off their pants and start to And we're just two jumps run. \V e hope they get someahead of the ripe tomatoes. where. (Pun). We had to win a championship to get a line in the Milwaukee papers, while the Milwaukee peds made headlines while making- ambitious efforts to lose every game. Is there no justice? THE POINTER Student's Mother Dies In r-_-M-an-u-ai_T_r_ai_ni_n•;...,."" Wausau From Cancer ..., Word Golf By George E. Lardner DmECI'IONS FOR PLAYING moE letlel' Oft each tee ia merel:r her or atroktle are below par plf. ~ a key letter and if not counted The number of letten used fs at a ttroke. For example "d-ail-'' . ' ~ would be· a par 4 hole. S)'Don:rms startin• with the letter designated on •eb bole but below the Pat' num· ~ :rour score for that bole. Each let· ter over par counts an extra stroke. Worde unsolved count double the par for that hole ancl this total i• used in the score. Faculty members and students extend their sympathy to Donald Crocker whose mother, Mrs. Jennie Boyles Crocker, died in Wausau las·t Thursday afternoon. Her deat·h was attributed to cancer. Mrs. Crocker's condition had been grave for the past several months. ''Don' ' is a senior and will graduate this spring. He is active on the campus and is one of the founders and charter members of "Bloc". He is alse affiliated with the Pointer staff. Doudna Of Madison Is Visrtor; Lauds .Champs "@I VETTER Ml:r.. 60• IV, Phone 88 FAIRMONT'S ICE CREAM "The Peak Of QuaHty" SHAFTON'S Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes, Hats and Caps Stevens Point, Wis. Edgar G. Doudna of Madison, ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, f.!}----b secretary to the board of normal regents, visited college W ednesLumber and Millwork day. Commenting on our recent basketball and debate championships, with his customary 247 N. 2nd Sl Phone 1304 smile and humor, said, "It's very heartening to win a basketball title and then to follow it up with - - - - - - - - - - - - additional glory and laurels in BON TON the debating division". SHOP .[!t----:1 BELKE ~MFG. CO. BEAUTY HARRISON LUNCH Genuine Mexican Chili . . . . 1 Oc Hot Dogs and Hamburgers . . . 5c Lunches and Dinners . . . • 25c 3-25 Corner of Monroe and Church DEFINITIONS 1-Shortness. 2-Circular. 3-Praise. 4-The ocean. 5-To challenge. 6-Decayed. 7-Staf£ of authority. :S--Idle chatter. 9-:---Musieal drama. 10-Lower. 11-Wide-mouthed jugs. 12-Infer. 13-A knot in wood. 14-To taste. 15-Relax. 16-J"ocation. 17-Spiritless. 18-A dried plum. Answers on Page 6 Compliments of KUHL BROS. DEPT. STORE "Floating Power'· Try Our Manual Training Supplies Delicious, ·Extra Heavy Malted Milks Shears and Scissors K AMPUS ITCH EN GROSS and JACOBS After Shows and Dances We Are R.eady To Serve You Tasty Lunches aod Fountain Specialties THE GRILL Across From Theatre 401-405 Main Street DODGE-PLYMOUTH ]n Between Classes Phone 1038 Over Adam's Drug Store CU~RIER MOTOR CO. Inc. 114 Union St. Phone 86 OFFICIAL JEWELER TO C. S. T. C. ~ FERDINAND A. HIRZY For Something Different TRY THE FRANKLIN CAFE J. A. WALTER BAKE-RITE B-AKERY Invites You To Our New Modernistic Cafe. Music and Delicious Foods. Protected Parking Space. 1110 So. Division St. · Phone 1716 F. 0. HODSDON MANUFACTURER Ice Cream and Ices Phone 160W 425 Water St. FLORIST. In The Fox Theatre Building Phone 1629 Opposite Fair Grounds STEVENS POINT BEVERAGE CO. Up-To-Oate and Sanitary Bottlers of High Grade Drinks Only SHAURETTE'S TRANSFER and STORAGE 313 Clark St. Phone 299W KREMBS HARDWARE CO. For Orange Crush--Coco Cola--Milk Chocolate All Other Flavors PHONE 61 A. L. SHAFTON & CO. DEBT is an undertaker, whose business is to bury bankrupts. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital & Surplus $250,000 Largest in Portage County ~ GOOD HARD WEAR DISTRIBUTORS "HELLMANS" For Better Shoes Thousand Island Dressing Mayonnaise Dressing Sandwich Spread At Reasonable Prices Try "HELLMI\NS" Better Than The Rest RINGNESS SHOE CO. '~==================~==============T~H~E~P~OI=N~T=E~R================r==================l= SOCIETY NEWS By FLORENCE WOBORIL St. Patrick's Party It's. here! The party the stndents'have been waiting for! Just wait until you hear Miss Roach get up in assembly to give the annotmcement and you will know it is going ,to be some party. Now that you have all guessed the story will continue. Yes, (to those of you who were smart enough to .guess it correctly) it is the St. Patrick's Day party sponsored by the members of the Rural Life Club. One of the big events ·of each school year and it is always a success. Just ask someone who has been to one. The dance will be held in the old gymnasium Saturday evening, March 18th from 8 :30 to 11 :30. The party will be open to all student for the admission price of 25c. (Let's hope the banks open up bef-ore Saturday). Ou tsiclers may come upon the invitation of some student if the name of the person who is to be invited is given to Miss Mary Hanna. Miss Hanna is in charge of the invitations and will see that one is sent to your friends. Mr. 0. W. Neale is in charge of the music arrangements and Ben Mannis and his "Collegians" will furnish the dance music. Atwells Entertain Regent and Mrs. W. E. Atwell, 1010 Clark St., entertained Coach Kotal and his "champs" at a dinner Saturday evening Members of the Athletic Committee and President Hyer were also guests. Konclave Delegates Chosen The regular meeting of Sigma Zeta was held \V ednesday evening at 7:30 m :Mr. Watson's Room. The meeting was in charge of Professor Watson who introduced the science group to ''A Phase of Geograph~''. Mr. W atson was assisted by Miss A1ta Stauffer. After the program Miss Evelyn vVimme, Master Scientist presided at the business meeting. Delegates to represent the society at the nati·onal Konclave were chosen. The national Konclave will be held i11 Alton, Illinois, April 14 and 15, and it is hoped that many of the membeTs will be able to attend. JJast year the society had ten representatives at the Konclave in Cape Giradeau, Missouri. Basketball Team Entertained l\Ir. and Mrs. Victor E. 'rhomps·on and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Tardiff entertained the Teache1·s eollege championship basketball team and their coach, :Eddie Ko- 40C CENTRAL BARBER SHOP The Best Of Haircuts At 1008 Division St. South Side I w . A • A • I~NELSON HALL I ~-----------------Starting this week, wo:inen 's volleyball will be held regularly in the new gymnasium Tuesdays and Tlnusdays at 4 :00 o'clock. The . ping pong matches have been stal'ted; participants are urged to play off their matches as soon as possi·ble. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, lVIarch 22, iri the W omen's IJOunge room. tal, at dinner Thursday evening at the Thompson home, 210 North Michi1gan avenue. Other guests were President .F rank S. Hyer and Fred J. Schmeeckle, chairman of the college athletic committee. Covers were laid for 16 at a large table with a centerpiece of purple iris and gold jonquils, carrying out the colors of the college. The place cards were b a s k e t b a ll silhouettes mounted in gold standards. At the conclusion of the four-course dinner, a large cake was placed before Coach Kotal. Iced in gold color, the cake was decorated with a miniature chocolate basketball and purple lettering. Around it were placed 12 little cakes, each surmounted by a chocolate basketball, for individual members of the team. Home Ecs. Meet The girls of the Home Economics Club met Monday evening, March 13. Miss Roach of the ·wisconsin Valley Home Service Department spoke to the group on methods used in Home Economics Service Organizations and other such groups into which manv of the Home Economies gTaduates seek professional work. The meeting was in charge of l\:Iiss Roberta Sparks. Trays have changed their course from the dining-room to the third f1oor, to a route leading only to the first .floor since Miss Hussey was stricken with tonsilitis. Under the watchful care of 1\Iiss Crueger, our dean will be up and around by the end of the week. ------ . Marjorie Wilson is ill with sinus tr01ible at her Oconto Falls home. Home Ecs Assist Red Cross In Relief Work For the past week freshmen and s·ophomores of the Home Economics department have been working on clothes to give to the local Red Cross for relief purposes. Last week 25 dresses were sent in and as many more are being ·:rriade at present. The Home Economics club met Saturday and assisted m the making of the clothes. First Stud: flea~ Why ... did you e~ll ker a Second Stud: Well, she's gone to the Coeds Visit At Home dogs, Unusual "homers" this week-··.---------------~ end were Adeline Bellman (Fort ~~~THEATRES Atkinson) Ruth \Vaguer, and V ~~ STEVEN.SJIIJINT . Helen Bunker (Clinton). Ask THURSDAY And FRIDAY them if it isn't a grand and glorious feeling to be back at the "CYNARA" ~onthern border again. With Charlotte Gauthier entertained l\Iiss Alice Norton a former C. S. T. C. student at dinner Friday. Miss Vera Torke was a guest of Katherin.e Schultz Sunday. Gladys Caldie entertained Miss Vivian Staven of ·wisconsin Rapids Monday evening. Fulto:ris Visit Donn The folks from Oconto came to see Barbara Fulton Saturday. ·we were glad for "Barby". Esther Hawkes, a former dormite was welcomed into our fold fo; a short visit this week-end. The column has also heard from Agnes Rinclal, Kathryn McCarthy, and gstelle Buh~. 'f?anks girls, we're glad yow. still thmk of us once in a while. Kathryn Slowey Has Birthday Birthday candles were lighted for Kathryn Slowey Sunday. Loyola Meeting Tonight Only 361 clays until another one, The regular meeting of the lJO- Kay. Thyrza Iverson's birthday vola club will be held in the Ru- was celebrated Tuesday. ·ral assembly r-oom tonight. Father Kundinger, assistant pastor of SS. Peter and Paul church at WisC'onsin Rapids, will be guest• ispeaker for the evening. 1 I HANNA'S RONALD COLMAN And KAY FRANCIS SATURDAY MATINEE And NIGHT SPENCER TRACY In "FACE IN THE SKY" With STUART ERWIN And MARIAN NIXON -PLUSTOM KEENE In "RENEGADES OF THE 'WEST" SUNDAY A.nd MONDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY STARTING AT 1:30 PRICES 'TILL 2:00 . . . . . . . . C 25 "KING OF THE JUNGLE" With BUSTER CRABBE And FRANCES DEE TUESDAY And WEDNESDAY "LUXURY LINER" With GEORGE BRENT And ZIT A JOHNSON BUY Women's Wear -PLUSWARREN WILLIAM LORETTA YOUNG In BAKER PAPER COMPANY'S ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ "EMPLOYEES ENTRANCE" PAPER and SUPPLIES AT THE COLLEGE COUNTER Portage County Medical Society H. P. Benn M.D. City M.D. River Pines San. J. W. Coon M.D. River Pines San. W. F. Cowan M.D. City E. P. Crosby M.D. City A. G. Dunn M. D. City W. W. Gregory M.D. City E. E. Kidder , M. D. City F. R. Krembs M.D. City F. A. Marrs M.D. City H. H. Raasoch M.D. Nelsonville G. W. Reis l\L D. Junction City D. S. Rice M. D. City R. W. Rice M.D. City A. A. Sinaiko M.D. City F. A. Southwick M.D. City C. Von Neupert M.D. City F. E. Webster l\L D. Amherst E. A. Weller M.D. City Eric Wisiol M.D. City R. S. Diamond M.D. City NELSON HALL H. M. Coon CENTRAL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE STEVENS POINT, WIS. Easily Accessible Expense Relatively Low Location Unsurpassed For Healthfulness An Influence As Well As a School Credits Accepted At All Universities Degree Courses For All Teachers Special Training For Home Economics and Rural Education Send For Literature The comfortable and homelike dormitory for women of Central State Teachers College. Dining Room for both men and women Diet Varied, abundant, delieious and inexpensive MAY A. ROWE Director (Graduate Dietitian) . 6 THE POINTER HAIL THE 1933 STATE CHAMPS SAY IT ISN'T SO!!! Say It Isn't So - that one of our fraternity boys refused to date a certain blonde unless she pledged a sorority. No, you guess. Stevens Point district High school tournament starts at 3 o 'clock today with Manawa meeting ~ola. At 4 bells Nekoosa opposes Redgranite. Tonight at 7 :30 o'clock Weyauwega and the Rapids clash. The final evening game will see Point and Westfield scufling. ·.As a feature before the championship game Saturday night the various High School coaches and Meet the ''gang'' w·h o won 18 consecutive games including a 28 to 24 victory over ''Doc'' Mean well's University of our ''Eddie'' will play the ''state Wisconsin cagers. champs''. Top row, left to right - Coach Eddie Kotal, Frank Klement, Guy Krumm, Larry Bishop, Robert Tardiff, Earl Eekerson, Waldo Marsh, Peter Peterson. The coaches lineup will include Bottom row, left to right - Ralph Bader, Nolan Gregory, Art Thompson, Harry Hansen, Leslie Omholt. Kotal, Ringdahl, Mingst, Klan- =================================== drud, Wierenzenski and others. ''Twenty new students are enrolled Frank Wierenzenski of Westfield in Carleto1; !College this semester, accordis a college grad. We're broke but ing to completed tabulations from the we're betting on the ''old men''. office of registrar, bringing the total number to 819. Of these 465 are men and 354 women, a difference of 111. '' Ralph Bader forgot about the (The Carletonian) dinner he promised the college team if they'd trim Wisconsin- ~;;;!!;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ but they didn't. Kotal and the Have You Visited Our Soda Fountain? We Invite You To Do So. g-ang dropped in on 'em the other night. BAEBENROTH'S 3-26 Hotel Whiting Corner · Did you know that "Josh" Normington's laundry has done all the cleaning and laundry work for our debaters and f'Orensic people during the past season for nothing. "Russ", can't you do something for the Pointer inkslingers? · Sam Bluthe and ''John the Janitor" have had several stage of:f'ers sine~ their exhibition at the "pep'' ass.em bly Tuesday. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK "The Bank That Service Built" [ criY!~~~! ~~~GE Phone 51 1 457 Main St. Sam says his sterling perfor- IF======================~ mance is deserving of mention in Home Made Candy the Pointer. . . yes . . . Samie ... you were terrible. AT "THE PAL" ~,gill;;;;;~~~~~~~;;~~= Never be a highbrow.· The penalty of aspiring to be a high-brow 11 is early baldness. ''Hell Week'' has been the damnation of many a prospective Greek. SPORT SHOP GYM CLOTHING 422 Main St. You are welcomed into the newest and most up-to-date Cafe where you will receive the best of service and food·. Prices reasonable. BELMONT CAFE GROCERIES, FRUITS, MEATS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM Phone 95 WORZI\LLI\ rUBLISHING GOMrflNY Job Printers Publishers Book Binders 200-210 No. Second Street Phone 267 WELCOME TO Phone 1102 1329 Main St. THE POINT CAFE CLEAN CLOTHES LEND CONFIDENCE Ask Our Debaters Compliments ·of NORMINGTON'S GUARANTEE HARDWARE COMPANY I PORTER'S GROCERY Kenneth Ca:shman, college athTry Our Lunches---Evenings lete here last year and now at and Between Meals! LaCrosse, is an important cog in the Vocational .Athletics basketball team. He scored 54 points recently in two games. JE:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=3! GINGHAM TEA ROOM ~~~p! £~~!; 414 Main St. 1!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!11 PHONE 380 RUSS ATWOOD, Rep. Here you will find Good Food, Clean, Courteous Service all designed to make you and your friends comfortable and contented while you are our guests. 501 MAIN STREET STEVE~S POINT, WIS. !