if· if Merry • • if ~ .Wf I J(o'i •I Xmas THE POINTER Series III Vol. VI No. 12 Stevens Point, Wis., December 17, 1931 Happy New Year Price 7 cents: •ijt J(o'i 1r.'! li if • • • ·Wf. J(o'i ·a 1(o'i I'li.CII!t To Elaborate Decorations Prepared Opportunity For Winter Sport . For Celebration In New Needs Contributions For Gynlna.sium . WI! Reality The traditional · Christmas FesNow that ear-lappers, red tival will begin . this evening at Jl flannelsi camel, cow and bear · 7:30 P. M. in the auditorium. Th~' hide coats have been displayed in students, faculty and their guests ..;~ the halls for the past two weeks will assemble and open the fes~. we have reasons to believe that tival with the singing of old 1r.'i winter has blown in - and how Christmas hymns and c a r o l s. •r. ~ about ,that '' hocl{ey team'' and President Hyer will continue . the college skating rink 7 beautiful custom of r e a d i n g Jl Coach Kotal and Mr. SchmeeChrist's Sermon on the· Mount. ckle have promised their support The assembly will then march to in pu shing a hockey team and arthe new gymnasium for the re•ijj; ran ging a drive for the construemainder of . the program. : ; tion of a hockey rink on the new Decorations Complete ~ athletic field. It would cost apArt Director Giovannini has pr oximately $50 to build a hockey prepared beautiful, o r i g i n a l_ Jl rink. Only college s t u d e n t s Christmas panels for scenery, and would be allowed the use of the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w i t h the aid of volunteer help has rink and hockey, crack the whip built a blue canopy, representing •Wf and other sport events could be a starry sky. A large Christmas 1r.'i h eld on the field which are protree has been erected in the cen~ hibited on the municipal rink. ter of the floor, and the general ~ Ideas But No Money decorations carried out with ever• greens. ~-'·Several suggestions have been Mixed Choll"US And Orchestra issued relative to _ a way an d The program' in the gymnasium Jl means of raising the $50. Some A nine-piece college orchestra will open with the Mixed Chorus say tax each student 10c., others has been organized by local stu- singing ''Pilgrim's Chorus'' from Jl say issue 100 tickets or there- Phi Sigma Epsilon Nat i 0 n a 1 dent musicians. The organization Tannhauser, by Wagner. This (Continued on page 5, col. 2) Fraternity Present Men is under the leadership of Ben will be followed by the song Jl Xmas Gift Monastersky and will be known "Christmas Morn" by Samuel R. An attractive leadership placque as ''The Collegians.'' Gaines. The School Orchestra Ben's college boys furnished will play the tone poem ''Apple Ji lfr"lttl't'itmrrt'i was presented the college in as~~ l.J "l.J sembly this morning by the mem- the music at the Grammer De- Blossoms" by Kathleen A. Roli.•• '1::t lS~att'on hers of the Phi Sigma Epsilon na- partment party in the new gym berts, and "Loin du Bal" by E. Ji! V" "'tional fraternity as a Christmas last Saturday night. There was no Gillet. This and the Christmas admission charge ~t the par~y, caroling, by all presJnt, will 'be jn -~ gift. ~ The award will be known as the consequently there IS no necessity charge of Professor Michelsen, With the holidays rapidly Phi Sigma Epsilon Leadership of mentioning the size of the Play Prepared drawing nigh, students have Placque. The gift is mounted on (Continued on page 5, col. 2) Professor Norman M. Knutzen found a · source of conversation, a handsome shield-shape base and has prepared a playlet, "Christ• which never fails. will be given to the best all- - - - - - - - - - - - -.... mas Fantasy,'' with a cast of juv"Wll Christmas vacation begins Sa- round male student of the colenile characters. Miss Eva Seen ~ turday, _December 19, 1931, and lege at the close of the fiscal is in charge of a group of first~.- reaches compl~tion .Monday,_ Jan- school year. Scholastic standings, graders who will pr\lsent ·a snow PSYCHOLOGICAL AND ~ nary 4, 1932, mclusive. For the activities and leadershi·p will deflake dance. The stage setting OTHERWISE JI benefit of those who have a burn- termine the decision. Members will be '~King Winters Realm." ing desire to skip classes directly of. the faculty will be chosen as PROF. F. N. SPINDLER Santa Arrives before and a~ter vacation, it judge$. At this stage of l the evening 11 might be well to remember that To Promote Leadership You have to be awake to get Santa Claus will appear on the scene and novelty gifts will be WI! the penalty d~o~ s~ch hprocedure It is averred that a leadership even a sensation. .BJ;• means a con Itlon m t at course, t d 1· .11 b distributed to everyone. e presen e annua · 1 b th p1acque WI un l ess excuse d previous y Y e 1 t th h 1 b th f t 'ty To learn is to have a change y o e sc oo y e ra erm. Ji£ President. ..... F t d m 0 r e to promote and arouse leadership take place in the mind and in the PURPLE AND GOLD -RADIO HOUR . ~wer presen s ahn . b amongst the fellows. The judges brain, but not all mental and Friday DJ. 18 li.CII! Christmas cards per aps WI11 e f th e awar d con t est , brain changes are learning. 1!1< · h 1 an d d eta'l I s o College News - Burton Hotvedt .Wl't prevalent this year. Nevert e ess, . d' "-h 'll b b ~ · · · 'll b th me1u mg ·• e ru1es, WI e pu Home Economics Department: . Jl the chris~mas spmt whi e erd Jished in the next issue of the To butt one's head into a "The Christmas Dinner''1 and President Hyerb as P ease Pointer. All fellows enrolled in stone wall may prove to the Mercedes Anderson ..;~ the student body Y. announce- the local college are eligible for (Continued on page 5, col. 1) "December the Eighteenth n ~ ment of another vacatwn. th d Bertha Hussey. Before we depart, may we all e awar · . wish each other the usual good Second Fratem1ty Award fraternity, Chi Delta Rh{), has a Music: This leadership placque is now student honor cup presented for Saxaphone Duet- Ward Fonstad cheer and a very Merry Christ• mas and may Santa be as big the second award given by the the highest scholarship in the coland Arthur Kussman. . Ji hearted as last year. fraternities in school. The rival lege. Trombone Solo --:- Morris Skinner : ~ J! i if if if j if if j -:! J! l you and yours, may this Christtnas bring every happtness you could possibly wish for .. . a day you'd like to f · live over and again! MERRY CHRISTMAS PLACQUE GIVEN Orchestra Is BY FRATERNITY Organized By FOR LEADERSHIP College Boys J! if If if Ji J! 1 ODDS AND ENDS if Ji I! II if J! I lt.~MiiiW._MIWMiiitfliUIM.WiWIW-iltii-iWNi*.W.ii!C-iiMJIM~iiltiiiilMiflMill~JflM- THE POINTER No. 12. First Kangaroo - ''Annabelle, where 's my baby?" Second Kangaroo - '' Oh, my Published Weekly at Steyens Point by the students of the Central Wisconsin ~ State Teachers College. Subscription Price $2.00 per year. good gracious, I have my pockets picked.'' ~ Vol. VI. ~ Entered as second-class matter May 26, 1927, at the post office at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, under t.he Act of March 3, 1879. ~ ~ ~ .,! THE STAFF Editor . .. ...•................ Burton E~ Hotvedt, Tel. 548J or H; Office 1584 News Editor ......................................... .-. . . George R. Maurer Society Editor ........................................ Frances E. Van Heeke Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samuel H. Blu~he Humor Editor ................................................ Cletus Colhns Women's Athletics ...................................... Georgiana J. Atwell Feature Editor ............................................. Florence Wobo~il Proof Readers ............. ·................ Natalie Gorski, Dorothy McLalll Reporters .................. Oscar Christenson, Marlowe Boyle, Weldon Leahy Typists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estelle Buhl, Frances E. Johnson Business Manager .................................... Cedric Vig, Tel. 810-J Circulation ............................. · .... · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Frank Tusz~a j ~ • ~ = ~ ~ = ~ : !::::. ~fr~~~~~i~~ ~~~: ~ .~~:~e~~;i~a~~~:~: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Faculty Adviser ..................................... Raymond M. Rightsell f t MERRY CHRISTMAS ' ~ RIVER FALLS According to ''The Students Mard. - ''Shall I take this Voice'' from River Falls State rug out and beat it?'' Teachers College, 550 students Van Roo- "That's no rug. have already enrolled for the seThat's my roommate's towel." cond semester of school. MERRY CHRIST·MAS!! THIS IS NO JOKE ! Peggy -.,.- "Does your husband talk in his sleep 1" Polly - "No, and it's awfully exasperatin '. He only smiles." ·~---- Baby slaying in New York is being undertaken on a big time Scale. If it keeps up Helen Kane will have to keep off the streets nights. After Christmas The Pointer plans to investigate student and faculty opinion of the present title of the school. Do you prefer Central State Teachers The other day Senior was seen College to Stevens Point Teachers College~ Shall it be C. S. T. C. or just Stevens trying to blow the foam off from a glass of water. ! Point~ f r c. s. T. c. Or • Stevens Point? i MERRY CHRISTMAS I I Sinclair Le,wis was telling a It is a pleasure to write of Stevens Point in the win column group of people, the day after, again. We hope that it will become a habit from n()w on. The how to write a novel. We hope basketball victory over Luther is inspiring but nothing to they will do the same for him Keep It kindle championship hopes. A traveling team of eight some day. men, playing three games in as many nights, is not going Up! to provide more than a set-up for a home team in perfect 1!.,irst Herring - ''Why don't trim. .T he match ·with St. Norberts at De Pere tonight will be im- you take better care of y o u r portant, but we are waiting for the Lawrence game at Appleton brother?'' Second Herring-'' Why should J·a~uary 8 before we say very much about what we have here. I? Am I my brother's kipper?'' MERRY CHRISTMAS . Student opinion should be brought to bear on the individuals Golfer (to members ahead). who walk out of the library stacks with choice reserved books minus "Pardon, would you mind if I ·the orthodox checking-out system required. play through? I've just heard No Honor To The privilege of access to the library stacks that my wife has been taken is too much of an asset to have jeapordized by seriously ill. ' ' Thieves these selfish students who are rebels to our plan of c,ollege society. '' 0 dear, 0 dear, I made you the . The pressure of adverse student opinion will curb this unfair lovliest pie and the cats have gone _practice. and eaten it!" "There, there, don 't cry. I'll get you another cat." KOLLIN'S .KADDY KAPERS • · Mr. Knutzen: ''Willecke, give me a s-entence using the word 'deaden'.'' Willecke : ''People .. who drive a:cross railroad crossings, deaden site quicker than those who' stop', 'look'· and 'listen'." Mr. Watson-" Do you think ····a' ra.bbit's · foQt ever brought . luck?" Mr. Evans- ''Yes I do. My wife felt ·one in my pocket o n c e and thought it was a :mouse.'' Some people smile at night Some people smile at dawri, But the man worth while, is the Man who can smile When his two front teeth are gone. . . . Eddie Cantor claiins people are so tight nowdays they won't buy an allday sucker after 9 a.m. · · · \ Peterson~ · ....:.... ''Well, what : do YO'Jl .think of Amherst '1'' · St. Mitchell ·~ ''I tell you, :· P~, thiS · is the first. ceme, tety' I ever· saw With lights.'' IEXCHANGES I Old Lady to tramp - "Why don't you work? Hard work Fran - ·"What have you never killed anyone. '' there~'' Tramp- "You're wrong lady. I }ost both my wives that way.'' Burt- ''Insect powder.'' Fran - ''Don't tell me you're going to commit suicide." Traveler - "Did you find a roll of $50 under my pillow?'' PASTORAL Pullman Porter - "Yes, suh. · Thank you, suh. '' Violets are green Roses are pink Immediately after Mrs. Mosquito - "Where is The thirteenth drink. your daughter~" Mrs. Fly - "She just went to Flapper to Cop- "What's the the front door for a screen test.'' idea, no lights here~'' Cop - "I'in the light at this ' · . . . ·· th A Scotchman took his wife to corner, lady. " Flapper - ''Then turn green so e doctor. . He was told she I can cross.'' needed salt mr. The · next morn!ng when she awoke she found her husband Mother- "Why did you strike fanning her with ii, herring. your little sister?'' Young Bobby "Well, we were playing Adam and Eve· and A hungry dog once wandered instead of tempting me with the Into a butcher store. a_pple she at~ it.'' The butcher threw some sausage To the dog upon the floor. R. Atwood - "])id ' you fill. The butcher said, "Now eat it" your date last night~'' The dog said, ''I decline, · Van Roo - " I hope so. She For .in that link of sausage ate everything in sight.'' Is an old sweetheart of mine !'' WISCONSIN Director of A t h 1 e t i c s, George Little of the University of Wisconsin, has resigned his position. What next? 'l'here is some talk of charging the Faculty members for parking their cars on the University campus. Frank Holt, registrar, thought that perhaps the added exercise of walking up the hill would do some of the faculty members good. MILWAUKEE When is a Junior not a Junior? That is a question ranking with the memorable "to be or not to be". Unfortunately, because some unkind fate has decreed that 60 credit hours shall be a pre-requisite to junior standing, the three former candidates for the allimportant prom chairmanship were declared ineligible. The Male Chorus of the Milwau. kee State Teachers College will give its annual dance during assembly Friday. The first we've heard of these Male Choristers dancing! KENTUCKY From information released by T. E. McDonough, physical education director, there is an organization of a class in Red Cross Life Saving for both college men and women. They must think they will need it for the future reference. Protect YOUTH and STRENGTH Help fight Tuberculosis Buy CHRISTMAS ~~~~~ SEALS THE NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL TUBEBCU· LOSIB ASSOCIATIONS OB THE UNITED BTA'"TES ----~·r------------------------------~~------------~~~~~~~---------------------------------------- j THE POINTER J! ~ J! sician, Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara, Calif. Doctor Sansum has made a great reputation on the Pacific Coast as a prescriber of . diets for people suffering from chronic diseases. Class 1904. Shimek, Albert D., 4 yr. English Course. Ford Dealer, Algoma, Wis. ~ ·~ ~~ ~ ·~ ~~ ~ J! ~ ·~ ~~ ~ "WI ~~ HOME EO PARTY J! Two prettily decorated Christmas trees, fir boughs tied with red ribbons and. a brightly burning . . . fire m the £~replace la~d ~hels~ne for alClht~etJOYS ofl ab Ytpica h.erhman ns mas ce e ra 1011 w 1c . d b th t _,. ·e was enJoye y e seven y-~IV members of the Home Economics . Th Clu b on Mon d ay evenmg. e party was held at the John Francis Sims cottages, and was under the direction ·of the freshmen. . L tt R b'll d d her MIss ore a o I ar an committee are to be complimented · h' h f or th e way m w IC everyone was made to· have an enjoyable time. . After playing several games taxing one's knowledge of the possibilities of the alphabet, the Home Ecs settled down stringing pop corn and cranberries which will be used as decoration for the huge tree for the College 'Christmas party · . . The girl~ were ~ntertamed by an appropriate festive program. ~ ~ "WI ~~ ~ ·~ ~~ ~ "d ~~ ~ J! j J! j J! ~ If ~ If ~ ·~ ~~ ~ J! ~ "WI ~~ Class 1914. Salter, Elizabeth l\f., 2 yr. Home Economics Course. B. Sci., Univ. of Wis., Asst. Profes.sor, Extension Specialist, Univ. of \Vis., Madison, Wisconsin. Class 1917. Schadewald; Henry F., 3 yr. High Schools Course. Insurauce Accountant, Monroe, Wisconsin. Clas 1906. Sazama, Joseph E., 2 Class 1920. Saindon, Roy J., 2 yr. German Course. B. A., Univ., yr. St. Graded Course. B. Sci., Peaof Wis., 1915. J. D. De Paul Univ., body Institute, 1926. Principal, College of Law 1922. M.A., Univ. Elementary and Junior High ver icicles and surmounted with a of Chicago, 1927. Teacher, High School, Richmond, Indiana. red wr<3ath. The stage front ·below the footlights was festooned with School, Chicag_o, Illinois. Class 1920. Rellahan, John J., red and green streamers, tied with Class 1907. Risk, Thomas M., 4 3 yr. High School Course. B. A., ·· of w·1sconsin. a large bow in the center, and red yr. English Course. Ph. B. and an d M· A ., Umv. and green festoons and bells were Ph. M., 1925, Univ. of Wis., Ph. D .. Instructor, Univ. of N. Dakota, draped over the doors in the par- 1927, Univ. of S. Dakota. Profes- Grand Forks, N. Dakota. . _, . . lors. The formal evenmg gowns of sor o.u EducatiOn, Umv. of S.Dak., Class 1920 RI'tcha A th A h . 1 f h' . V . r S D k t p f . . y, r ur ., 1 1 t e. gir s, most fyf bo tsh Imb~lel:·mgt R~rk~l I~nf' . pa o al.G trho es~tor 2 yr. High School Course., B. S. satm, were set o y e · n Ian. IS s WI e was ear ar wa1 e, Univ of Minn 1928 p · · 1 l k d Cl , 1907 . . . ., . . rmCipa , Jac groun ' . . ass, · Lm~oln H~gh School, Wisconsin Pearl Mernll was gener!ll chairClass 1909. Reyer, Edward G., 2 Rapids, WIS. man of the Party, assisted by yr. English Course. B. A., Univ. of Cl . . . Frances Van Heeke Frances Kor- Wis. Treasurer, Gas Utilities, Inc:, ass, 1924. Shanklm, Leonard ' L 3 H. h s h 1 C bal and Catherine Krembs. Chap- and Subsidiaries, Columbus, Ohio. ., yr. Ig c oo ourse. erones for the evening were Mr County Instrumental Teacher · · Class 1910 Roach M y M 2 y1· 'l'oms RI."e N J ' and Mrs. Thomas A. Rogers and · · , a ., · • r, ew ersey. ~tJ:r. and Mrs. Eddie Kotal. Latin Course. Teacher, Dept. of Cl S El 1927 . eger, R ur al Ed ass mer E., 2 . uca t'wn, c. 's . T . c., StevSt G ens Point, Wisconsin. yr. ate raded Principals ALL SCHOOL PARTY Course. Fall _Time Christian work· . Class 1912. Schulz, Henry, 2 yr. er, Denver Bible Institute, Denver, The all school dance given last German Course. B. S. A., Univ. Colorado. Saturday evening by the Grammar of. Fla., 1914. Wholesale Florist, ~ ~ ~ Depar~ment was a h.uge success Wmter Haven, Florida. ~~~~········· and evidently a good time was had • If by all. The new gym was decoratClass 1913. Rossman, Mable, 2 .a ed to carry out the idea of Christ- yr. English Course. Ph. B. Univ. '!l!ll1 P~F mas. of Chicago, 1924. Principal, Ele- 4 • '*' D aucmg' · which was played for mtae. ntary School, Duluth, Minneso- ••. ~ " TheS First Noel" -- Eliza beth by the Collegians, was held from If ~ J! ~ J! ~ J! ~ J! ~ J! _;; ~ ~~ .,~ ~ If ~ J! ~ If .,; ~ ~~ .,~ ~ J! .,k ~ J! ~ J! _;~ ~ ~! ~ J! ~ J! .;~ ~ •~ .,k ~ ~~ ~ ·~ ~~ .,; ~ ~ 3 ansHu~t . 1 F t Ab t orne IS oriCa ac s ou Germany's Christmas'' -. N ,J enme ewsome " , " Star of the East ; . H~,rk the ~e:ald ~gel~, Smg aJ?-d . Silent Night . -- _Do rr s EriCkson and Bophia NIColazzo. "S 8:30 to 11:30, and during the inter· · C. at h erme · R'Itchay, accomilliSSlOll · d b E'l pame Y I een H anson, gave a · lt b · · speCia y num er consiStmg of a song and a tap ~ance. Both g~rls are sophomores m the local High school. Dorothy McLai·n was genera l Santa Claus, ably impersonated chairman of the affair. by Florence Frater, distributed gifts which were enjoyed by the;------------~ girls. Later the presents were returned to the committee who will turn them over to the City W elfare League to be distributed as WHO'S WHO they see fit. The group singing of carols and refreshments of German Crisps Class 1897, Ruediger, William and coffee ended the annual Home C., 4 year Latin Course, Ph. B. Economics Club Christmas Party. Univ. of Wis., 1899, Ph. M. Univ. The freshman sisters proved to of Wis., 1903, Ph. D. Columbia be such very gracious hostesses Univ. 1907. Professor of Educathat we are confident of more tion and Dean of School of Edugood times for future Home Eco- cation, George Washington uninomics club meetings. versity, Washington, D. C. ALUMNI Class 1899, Rounds, Charles R., TAU GAMMA BE.T A FORMAL 2 yr. English Course. Ph. B. Univ. M h 100 . of Wis., 1904, M. Ed. Harvard, .ore t an couples.enJoyed a 1924. Director of English, Junior C_hnstmas forma~ dancmg p~rty and Senior High School, Elizabeth, g1vel?- at the Parish house Fr1day New Jersey. evemng by Tau Gamma Beta sorority. The party was one of the Class ~900. Rockwell, Parley A., prettiest of the winter, as Christ- 2 yr. English Course. Secretary mas decorations were lavishly used Billings Hardware Company, Billto give a holiday effect. At each ings, Montana. end of the stage, where Tommy . Temple's h t f A t Class 1901. .Schofield, Harvey ore es ra rom pp1e on A 2 E r hC p ·a played from nine to one o'clock, ., yr. ng IS ourse. reSI ent, were light d Ch · t t r t S t a t e Teachers College, Eau . . e . ns mas .r~es, g IS - Claire Wisconsin. emng With silver paper ICicles. An' other Christmas tree was extended Class 1903. Sansum, William D., from the balcony in the rear of the 2 yr. English Course. B. S. and E h . room. ac wmdow had its bough M. S., Univ. of Wis., M.D. Rush of evergreen covered with the sil- Medical College, Chicago, Ill. Phy- 4 Class 1913. Schanen Paul 2 yr. ' German Course. A. 'B. Univ. of Wis. 1921. Philadelphia Manager ' Bell Telephone Co. of Pa. Philadel hia Pa. ' p ' Class 1914. Rice, Mabel F., 4 yr. I ;a t'In C,ourse. Ph . B ., Un1v. · of Ch'Icago, 1908. Professor of Character Research, Un. iv. of S. Calif., Los A nge1es, a1I. f • • •4 Class 1914. Richards, Pearl, 4 yr. English Course. Teacher, English, 7th and 8th Grades, Milwau- 4 41 4 c kee, Wis. •'MIJl ..10lil! "11!111 4 41 .'!l!ll1 44 . ATTENTION COLLEGIANS •• Wh en you d0 your Ch · flStlllaS h · S opptng patronize •llllii< PIF llllii< P~F If If • If If • llllii< .•PIF l• OUR ADVERTISERS •fJjf lj i.sa.••••••••••= j • l I BETTER CLOTHES! LOWER PRICES! ~ That's what you get when you buy at The Unity Store . .i Made-To-Measure Suits $22.50 to $45.00 Weyenberg Shoes----Milwaukee Made Nunn-Bush Shoes For Snappy Dressers. $4.00---$5.00 all styles •.•• M ~ • ~ THE UNITY STORE mnmnmH~H~H~~H~H~H~H~R~R~H~ ~ EJ: U ~ ~ U ~ ~ EJ: EJ:l'.o~EJ:~EJ:~ @~EJ:~EJ:~EJ:~EJ:~EJ:~EJ:= XMAS GIFTS AND PRICES FOR THE 1931 POCKET BOOK H. D. McCULLOCH CO. THE STUDENT'S STORE ~ H ~ ~ R @ eDi,;~mJ~eJl~eJl~mJ~eD~mJ~~e!J~eJl~eJl~mJ~mJ~mJ ~ ~ iii •• ~ ~ :: il ~ :: ~ ~~~~~~~~------~-------------~ iii THE POINTER 4 TIRED LUTHER· TEAM FALLS 41-13 Trim POINTERS 'TAKE SportPedShops "B" Team EASY CONTEST IN FIRST GAME ~io~~~. '!':nt~~~/nw~~t~o~~~~~:~ versa. Thumping the piano in the Rural room all hours of the day. Know any more? Local basket ball fans had their first opportunity to witness the Frequent Substitutions Mark Uneven Game With St. Paul Five A tired Luther five failed to give the locals the battle that was predicted, and went down to defeat, 41 to 13. What might be considered a flashing victory must be discounted by the fact that the Minnesotans had played two hard games on two successive nights before meeting the locals, and had nothing left in reserve. In the last half they could hardly drag themselves over the hardwood. Numerous Substitutions Coach ''Eddie'' Kotal sent in everyone but the 'managers during the progress of the game, and they all looked like first team members. We can understand Coach's predicament in selecting a varsity quintet from this mass of material. The starting lineup of Peterson, Chvala, Thompson, Baker and Alberts functioned remarkably well, but men like Cashman, Andrae and Gregory · can't be left off. Central State's '31- '32 team certainly will have sufficient reserve strength. Acting Captains Under a new surated y s t em thisinaugyear no basketball captain will be e l e c t e d. The coach will appoint an acting captain for each g· am e. "Ted" Ch"'\'ala drew the opening assignment against Luther. This plan is intended to eliminate friction and any possible h a r d feelings and is r' TED'' CHV ALA being adopted by many coaches. An honorary captain will be elected at the end of the year. St. Norberts Tonight A St. Norberts team of unknown qua 1 it y will be the ''Teachers'' next o p p o n e n t s (page the Journal), and will undoubtedly give the locals a harder game. Don't let the score of the game fool you. The Pointers are still an untried team - any · k 1 team loo s good agamst litt e opposition. They'll have to beat a team of some caliber before they get more than a "Yeah~" in here. by the local Sport Shops 12 to 9 in a preliminary game. Coach Vic used Vrobel ten players in an effort to find a clicking combination, but was seriously hand icapped by the short practice period allowed before the first game. Alumnus Stars Ollie Neuberger proved to be a serious ~~~~~~== menace under ''OLLIE'' the basket for NEUBERGER the S p 0 r t Shops, while the diminutive Shorey showed up as a real forward, when he dropped two field baskets to lead the Teachers' '' B '' team in scoring. The "B" team should show decided improvement in the next week since another cut on the first squad will give Coach Vrobel more working material and experienced players. Schedule Arranged A full schedule is rapidly being arranged, with numerous state High Schools and other "B" teams. fiiiiiJ;;-;=)~lT:-1 p 0 RT HORTS * *. . * * . No, lady, thiS IS not the societ_Y column. Lets be sports about this thing, as it were. The fact that the Ijuthers beat Stout and lost to Eau Claire means - what~ Make yo_ur own gue~s. Marquette too~ 1\'hlwaukee easily, b,ut that doesn ,t mean. that. Penwell s bunch won t do thmgs m the Conference. And Superior looked as strong as ever in defeating D ~I u t h Teachers. How are ya, Joe · * * * * Uneasy is the head of a football coach, to paraphrase the old expression. With Little of Wisconsin resign ·in g, and Thistlewaite ready for the bounce any time now, and Ingwerson of Iowa resigning, it definitely proves that a coach has to have a winning team to hold his job. What wonder athletes are subsidized - the coaches have to insure success. College Man Earns Victory In Ring Scrap Central State's outstanding batler outfought Johnny Taplin of Marshfield to take the decision in one of the preliminaries of the best fight card presented here yet. They call him ''Duke'' in the ring, and teachers call him Kazmier at school, but the boy can fight in any language. Duke has learned to keep his chin off the other fellow's glove, and has found out that taking two blows to putting in one doesn't pay. Fights For Living Your scribe happened to be sitting next to Duke's brother at the fights, and found that Kazmier is literally fighting his way through school. Instead of earning his way shoveling hash he earns it with his fists inside the roped arena. We believe that this is both an unusual and an original way of procuring an education. Another factor is that ''Duke '' with an abcessed nose ' ' against doctor's orders. Interesting Bouts Yes, some other fellows fought too. Irish Kennedy saved all his marbles for the last round and got the nod over Ernie Kath in the main embroglio Nate Tillman the Marshfield butcher boy got ~ll cut up again_ he's a sen~ sitive boy. A cute little blond, girls, won his fight _ and did he ever look nice in his chiffon shorties ! A few interesting sidelights: Art Thompson very gravely deciding who won each round; E r n i e Kath wearing his modernistic bathrobe; the fellows who ogled Tilbnan's girl and then faded away when he showed up; the kids at all the windows·; the large numbe.T of femmes present. ....----------~---. ~ ~ [#. ~ [#. ~ ~ ~ 111. ~ [#. ~ [#. ~ l!. ~ [#. ~ [#. ~ l!. ~ [#. RINGNESS SHOE CO. ~ ~ ~~ 40 Years Quality Foot Wear 417 Main St. l!. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if!. N0RMJNGJ 0Ns [#. ~ ~~ ~ L aun dry if!. Dry ~ Cleanrng • ~ fi ~ ~~ i!21. if!. ~ [#. ~ ~ Phone 380 BASKET BALL SCHEDULE Dec• 17 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 15 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Feb. 4 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 F b e • 26 111. ~ [#. fought, even t h o u g h it was ~ !..::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~--------Ch f Impressions N 0 Extra arges or t h d Collection and Quite a few spec~ators wa c e "Eddie" pull the Big Parade. The Delivery horn blew more often than the whistle, it seemed. There ought to be a rule against putting in more ~--------------------------: than four from men at a time.please Will corthe brunette Gillett respond. Young Gregory makes more noise than the cheer leaders s when he goes down the floor. orne dizzy Phi Sigs whistling in a corner. Proud fathers watching sons perform. Coach Kotal twisting his hands. A;d ind:or sp;rts; ~yrne Neville dropping nickels in phonographs. Basket shooting every noon by fellows in street shoes. Tattle tale, tattle tale. Seeing the Monday matinee. (Notanadvertisement.) Standing in the doorway to watch the girls go by - and vice- ~ St• Norberts Lawrence St. Norberts Eau Claire Milwaukee Whitewater Oshkosh Whitewater Oshkosh Milwaukee E C au laire there there here here there there here here there· · here h t ere ~ ;~. i!21. ~ [#. ~ [#. ~ ii!21. :_·. ~ 111. ~ i~ l21. ~ ;: i!21. ~ [#. ~ [#. ~ ~ i: ~- ~ ii! ~NL IMiflMilMilMilMilMilMilMilMilMilMilMilMilMil~~ill~ilMil~ilM11Mil~MilMilMilMifiMilMil~ j THE POINTER ~ • • •i! • i! • I •i! • SPINDLER'S ODDS AND ENDS ~ butter that not a mere it does not are brains head . ~ ~ j if I)I .I • -• ~ ~ the stone wall is haJucination, but prove that there in the butter's A vacant mind does not even realize its own vacancy. Pleasure is like what the old Darky preacher said about reli~ gion, ''When you think you've -~ got it you hain 't, and when you ~ hain 't, you have.'' • Ji ~· .-:i _;; }Ill It is a good thing for women that they do not have a sense of humor, for if they did, they would laugh themselves to death over the foolishness of men. It is said that a woman will alIn the opinion of many, a colways have the last word with her lege professor is a man who is abhusband, but a lot of women lose sent when his mind is working . a lot of sleep getting this last word. Numbers are purely mental abstractions foisted by man on to Christmas must be kept only a the external >v'orld. If the world state of mind, or else it involves a is made up of numbers then it is lot of Christmas bills. a purely subjective mental abstraction. Ed. Note - Page that Most people live by their numerologist. emotions, and those that are somewhat rational, rationalize their emotions. Only an (This will be a regular conAristotle lives according to tribution from the local Psyreason. chology professor.) ~ Jl! This depression may be a state of mind, but prosperity seems to be a state of the pocketbook. (Continued from page 1, col. 4) ·~ .-:i )I 5 Methods of teaching become valuable and useful when they are forgotten. Put on your gym togs girls, and come out for the first practice after Christmas . The call for basketeers and tap dancers resulted in a large turn- · out. Sixty-eight girls, eager to learn basketball, reported to the gym Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00. On Wednesday, approximately forty-four girls practiced tap . d dancing. 0 rch est ra I s 0 rganzze By College Boys It's not too late to enter some activities. See you at (Continued from page 1, col. 3) practice after the holidays ! Merry Christmas, everyone ! crowd. But - according to ·re- p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;---------~ ports, the ''Collegians'' did a nice job and kept the feet shuffling. A PLACE TO BAT ALWAYS FRESH s.------------_. Th S e pot Here's Who's What R I A. L. SHAFTON & CO. · Thousand Island Dressing Mayonnaise Dressing Sandwich Spread estaurant 414 Main St. HHELLMANS" Phone 95 Robert Krembs pokes the ivories; Bill Nason of the High . sc~ool handles the dr~m.s, Morl'ls a6~a6~a6~a6~m~m~m Skmner controls the shdmg tromBUY HJM A ~ bone; Francis White and Ben Mo~ nastersky, trumpet; Virgil Pizer, ~ =~ We can never be sure that the bass; Harry Somers, alto sax-. w.f ::t.lii a bad habit is broken for the ophone; Arthur Kussman, tenor ~ A ~ brain probably never loses sax, and Ward Fonstad, third sax. tte t ~ the traces of past ll?pre~ions. The orchestra specializes in ~ ~ •• modern "jazz" music, waltzes ~ If we should always think be- and classical numbers ~ Wd :. fore we speak, there are a lot of · ~ The Latest In ~ people who would never speak. ~ = DISTRIBUTORS ll.e~ If h . •a t e way to a man's heart 1s through his stomach, then the way ~ to a woman's heart is through =~ her clothes. ::t.lii Ei IE a6 if m II 1 KELLY's Tru "HELLMI\NS" Better Than The Rest ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,. i .-------------., CENTRAL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE i m.· r-S-TE-V-EN.;...S-PO-IN_T_B_EV-ER-A-GE_C_O.... ~... ra CHRISTMAS GIFT i Orange Crush-- Cocoa Cola Chocolate Baby and other high grade soft drinks. Skaftls!ii:::::s':Jsed I PA~~!:As i . . NECK WEAR ·m ~ (Continued from page. 1, col. 1) STEVENS POINT, WIS. JW,ri R'Mf/IJL, ~ SCARFS abouts at 50c. each and allow ; ....._----------~only those students purchasing ~ the tickets the use o£ the rink. ; Let's think the matter over and ~ SHIRTS GLOVES m ~ m HOSIERY ! ll.el! ~ Phone 61 U6 1106 Water St. a m :.·: NELSON HALL ~ The comfortable and homelike }I.e~ ~ dormitory for women of Central : ·~ ll.e~ . State Teachers College ::t.lii ~ . ~ ll.e~ Varied, abundant, delicious and ~ ••• inexpensive I-~ .-:! ~ J! ~ Dining Room qon't forget to.include a 10 or 50~ .cent appropriation ·for a hockey 0 VETTER MfG. 60. OVERCOATS • LadiesDressesSl.OOandup Phone 88. • QINg. • • _ ~,..... --------___."11 Phone 420- Wl~mNSJN· ;1\.AJ. fll U VALLEY ·E•~ ErTRJC ~ •• I. ! ~ ~ ~ CO . Dressing for skin poisons, dry itching eczema, insec.t bites, barber itch, dandruff, poison ivy and skin affectiOn. • A pleasant skin tonic and healing lotion, • Use after shaving to keep the skin clean and pores reduced. MEYER DRUG CO. "'0 "" G~r~~~§ o~~~S. 112 Strongs Ave. --- Send For Literature ~ ~-;::::::::==~~ ' DRY CLEANING and SUITS $1PRESSING 00 ~ (Graduate Dietitian) :r:D: Manual Training Lumber for both men and women M.A. Y .A. ROWE Director · ~ ieil~e!~~;jeiJamaetf~(U~eJl ~::::~;::;=;=7:;;=;:;;:::::::::::~ rink in your ·santa Claus letter. · . ~ Easily Accessible Expense Relatively Low Location Unsurpassed For Healthfulness An Influence .As Well As a School Credits 'Accepted. At All Universities Degree Courses For All Teachers Special Training For Home Economics and Rural Education 5 ;,: ~ j I ·· : ' :: , :. ~~~~~~~-~~-----~---~-~~~---~~ • I .~ J ~~*~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~*·~~----~ THE POINTER 6 ~ ~ Claus were there in the persons of NOTICE TO THE ALUMNI Roselind Decker, Estelle Buhl, and If you ch ange your a dd· ress Thyrza Iverson. Miss Rowe deor position, obtain a degree or cora ted the living- room and the . get married, P 1 ease let us know. We want keep indining room with~ three beautiful formed as to ourtograduates. Christmas trees and with wreaths We are sending two hundred First of Alland other greens. 'l'he sumptuous Pointers every week and sevdi'nner ,, as ate · th 1 eral news letters throughout 0f The Nelson Hall fa mily extends ' e n m e g ow the year to our graduates. We t o every b ody tl1e bn. ght es t an d red candles, and dafter the last want t o kn ow your correctad h appws . .. t WIS . h es f or tl1e 110 I'd course was serve , caro. 1s were ress at all times. We like to I ays d f th N y sung of girls, and hear from you. an or e ew ear. .by each table . the Claus family distributed the F. N. Spindler, · M a d i s o n and Milwaukee gifts. 'l'he floor was cleared, and Registrar for Graduates claimed Miss Margaret Morwe all enjoyed dancing. This antenson and Miss Frances Kornnal affair is something we'll nevWELCOME TO bal, respectively, this weeker forget. end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bachman of Valders, . Wisconsin, Another night which will called at Nelson Hall Sunday live in our minds is Thursday night, the annual Christmas evening. Mrs . • Bachman, for~~ merly Marian Hougum, was a Here you will find Good member of the Grammar DeFood, Clean, Courteous partment and a Ha.llite. Service all designed to WIS. SHOE SHOP makeyouaildyourfriends President and .Mrs. Hyer and EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING comfortable and conten- . 121 George Hyer, Mr. and Mrs. SteinStrongs Avenue tguedeswts.h.ile you are our 116 er, Mis~ :Seen, .and the Sims CotPhone tage girJs were guests at the an305 MAIN STREET nual Nelson Hall Christmas dinner-party Tuesday evening. Mr. SPORT SHOP STEVENS POINT, WIS. NELSON NOTES BY NAJ I! • J! li • Jl 'i)f.. ~ 'i)f ~ ~.· :1 ~.. •: ~ J! I.·. !1. J! · ~ )ti 'I! I i. THE POINT ·CAFE and Mrs. Santa Claus and Sally ~ J! Meals and Lunches At All Hours Specialty • li The Place That Makes ; Pictures J! · sthoorp Try It---It's Different 116 STRONGS AVE. Women "Where Smart Style Meets Moderate Price" COATS SUITS F 0 R D STEVENS POINT MOTOR CO. 309 Strongs Ave. 1.· .-: Home Made Candy J! "THEATPAL" 1 1.. Elizaileth Arden ' V T p enetian oilet reparations HANNON--BACH Phy., Inc. 4l3MabiSL 1. COOK STUDIO I . 452 Main St. 1! COLLEGE EAT SHOP Mgr. Edward P. Block Phone 407W :1 ~~~~ .D ON'T Go HUNGRY! ~. if. OFFICIAL JEWELER TO C S T C • • • .J• ~ If M. ~~ ~:.W lr!". '1fil ~;)'{ ;,;,...... FERDINAND A. HIRZY "tl[:be ~itt Couueior" lr!". !~ ;.: lr!". !1. THE POWDER PUFF ifl !A. ~. lr!". Beauty Shop Service you · will like HOTEL WHITING·· BLOCK PHONE 625 · 1if. :• •· • ~ i( !_lr!"~· ~ ~ ._ ji !. lr!". Headquarters For ~ Mens' Clothing !I Jl I ;,;,.- i Hotel Whiting Block Maytag Washers i( ++ofo++++++++•U++++U+++++of • ~ Silent Automatic Oil Burners I( 1.·• '', Fruits and Vegetables WORZI\Llf\ rUBU5HING 60MPI\NY 15!!!551 457 Main St. Job Printers Publishers 1 THE CONTINENTAL CLOTHING STORE J. B. SULLJVAN & CO. CITY FRUJlEXCHANGE Phone 51 fi} r• ~. DRESSES MILLINERY For All Occasions Phone 82 ALWAYs OPEN Jti I. I MEANS' CAFETERIA NOAHS' ARK I! I I. Main St. FISCHER'S Ji VOGUE BOOTERY Jw. Jw. ~ ~~ . !_·.· Home Made Cakes and Pies 1•:..· GINGHAM TEA ROOM Now At Moderate Prices GYM CLOTHING 422 Ji DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR ~ BAEBENROTH'S DRUG STORE I~ HOTELtweairmGvcoMI 1~ PLUMBING and HEI\TING 1\olle 297 431 Clark Sl lr!". if.' :~~ II.· fM VOGUE BEAUTY SHOPPE ~~ Expert Finger Waving ..= ~~ ~- li5iiii55l Pennanent WaVing 202-210 No. Second Street Open Tues. and Fri. Evening Phone 267 .3,~ Mal;::;~ :~:n:;;;d r . store ............................. !il -~~ il I I( •• • -~·