ITHE POINTER Series III Vol. VI No. 11 Stevens Point, Wis., December 10, 1931 Price 7 cents BASKETEERS OPEN CAGE SEASON CHR 1STMAS FESTIVAL TO BE ELABORATE 1 Ne·w Gym To Be Beautifully Decorated For The Occasion Next [Thursday Evening The traditional Christmas festival will be a real one this year. Music director, Peter J. Michelsen, is sponsoring fantastic plans for the eveni~g, and the event should be more c4lorful this season than ever before. The students and faculty wi~l assemble in the auditorium n ext Thursday evening and will ~arch over to the gymnasium where the majority of the program will be held. Beautifully Trimmed The gymnasium will have a b. lue starr1l canopy representing a sky and there will be a huge Christmas tree on the center of the floor. The stage setting will characterize a ·snow scene while evergreens will be used in the general trimming of the gym. Play T'o Be Given Because of the illness of Mr. Michelsen's daughter, Pegg·y, Mr. Knutzen attd Mr. Giovannini will aid in th ~ preparation of the project. Mr. Km.!ttzen is preparing a play, whil e Mr. Giovannini is working on the decorations. Novelty Christmas gifts will be distributed to[ the students. M'!nicipal.Skating Rrnk In Frne Shape Help fight A municipal skating rink located at the fair grounds field and occupying the entire football gridiron and adjoining area has been built by the city during the past week. A "warming shack" is located at the west end of the rink and it is expected that lights will be installed sometime this week. The ice is reported to be in excellent condition and will receive regular floodings during the skating season. Tuberculosis Buy ::-------------~ Protect YOUTH and STRENGTH CHiliSTMAS ~~~~~ SEALS THE NATlONAL, STATE AND LOCAL TUBERCU- AWHQ'S LUM I N WHO --------------~ LOSIS ASSOCIATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES r:r 1 111 b nree racu ty lY.J.em ers At Madison Meeting Tl.. .1. Pres. F. S. Hyer, Prof. H. R. Steiner, and Prof. C. F. Watson attended the c 0 n vent i 0 n of Schoolmasters at Madison last week. Pres. Hyer left for Madison Wednesday and returned Thursday night. Steiner and Watson represented the school on Friday · 1 Class 1897; Pray, Allan T. 4 yr. Latin Course; Ph. B. and L. L. B., Univ. of Wisconsin, Attorney at Law, Ashland, Wisconsin. Class 18?8·; Pease, Peter L. -:2 yr: Enghs~ Cou:r:se; Ph. B. _Umvers1ty _of W1sconsm; 1904, V1sual EducatiOn Department, Spencer Lens Company, Buffalo, New York. . Class 19?7; Rerd, Dunca~ H. 4 Y~· E~ghsh Cou~se; B: SCI. 1919, Umvers1ty of W1sconsm, Master of Sci., University of Wisconsin, 1922, Professor of Poultry Husbandry, Texas A. and M. College, College Station, Texas. Class 1908; Phillips, Verna A. CHANGE TO NEW 'DEBATE CASES Pri!J;~~t:ri!1~~o~~~0?, ~~~~~ 0 Loyola Club cas, Venezuela. The Stevens Point debate 1911; Olson, Thomas M. , Aids .Orphans teams presented good cases in - Class 2 English Course, B. S. It has become a tradition in the Loyola Clup to prepare a box of Christmas gifts for the boys in the orphanage at Polonia. Each year much Feal pleasure is derived by the young women and men who devote1 and evening to this project. We are told that the children there include Loyola with their ~dea of Santa Claus. Probably this year the need for helping Salljta is a little bit greater. Tonight, !the last m e e tin g night of the year, after a short and entertaining program, packages will be wrapped and labelled for individual children. Come prepared to do your bit. Bring a nickel or a dime to help defray the expe1113e. The Club picture will be taken for the Iris tin the College Studio during the evening. This is another reason why every Catholic student shortld be present. their non-conference contests with teams from Lawrence College in the auditorium Friday, Dec. 4. E. T. Smith Aids The debates, which were non decisio-n contests, attracted good crowds both in the afternoon an,d in the evening. The local debaters were Marlowe Boyle, George Maurer, city; Donald Crocker, Wausau, for the affirmative; Celestine Nuesse, Sturgeon Bay, Cedric Vig, Hawkins, Tom Smith, city, for the negative. The debaters are again meeting with Mr. Smith, discussing their cases. The affirmative case will be somewhat revamped before the team meets the negative in the final practice debate before the holidays. This will be held Tuesday evening, Dec. 15. Laurin Gordon, city, a veteran of two year's experience and several other debaters will be added to the squad. yr. Wisconsin, M. S. A., Iowa Univ. Professor of Dairy Husbandry (Continued on page 3, eol. 2) Alumni Game And Dance Set For Dec. 29th According to tradition the annual High school and Alunm;i basketball game and dance will be held in the High school gym Tuesday, December 29. The basketball game will start at 8 o'clock followed by dancing until midnight. The proceeds will go to local charity. Coach Harry Ringdahl's basketball quintet will open its conference schedule at Rhinelander Friday night. Unferth and Eckerson will undoubtedly start as forwards, Bader and Slotwinski guards and Tardiff at center. SAINT PAUL TEAM HERE FOR BATTLE First Preliminary To Be Played With Luther College Tomorrow The curtain of the current basket-ball season will be rung up next Friday night, when the cage S. T. C. meet the strong men of St. Paul Luther College five in their inaugural tussle. The real status of the local cagers, unknown as yet, will be determined in this game. Twenty men, constitute the varsity squad, the result of weeks of trial and elimination. They are Alberts, Thompson, C h v a l a, Krumm, Cashman, Beppler, Andrae, E. Baker, Richman, Kujath, Winn, Bergerson, G r e g or y, Schwahn, Klappa, Greene, Seimers, Anderson, Peterson, and Clement. To Work Over Holidays During the Xmas holidays Coach Kotal plans to keep his boys working, hoping to schedule some practise tilts with some outstanding city teams. An alumnivarsity game has also been proposed, and should receive a lot of support. A h o m e engagement with St. Nor bert's and a final preliminary game with Lawrence College will usher in the conference schedule. Unknown Quantity Whether we have a world-beater or just another team here at C. S. T. C. is unknown even by the coaching staff. 'fhey look good on the floor, but what they will do when that whistle blows is the thing. St. Paul Luther is bringing a strong and experienced quintet, which should give them the acid test. The fact that St. Paul Luther also plays Stout and Eau Claire ought to give us a line on the comparative strengths of the schools. Let's see what sort of a team we have. c: College News -Burton Hotvedt Home Economics Feature: "Potatoes" - Eileen Mueller "Fashion Notes" Sadie Storzbach MusicAddress - The Organization of the School Curriculum E. T. Smith THE POINTER 2 THE POINTER Vol. VI. No. 11. Published Weekly at Stevens Point by the students of the Central Wisconsin State Teachers College, Subscription Price $2.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter May 26, 1927, at the post office at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Officer - ''How did the accident happen?'' Driver - "My wife fell asleep in the back seat." (At the tea-room) Lu Sorenson- "I have stewed kidneys, boiled tongue, fried liver and pigs feet. '' Customer "Don't tell me your troubles, sister. I'll take an order of steak. l I I pARD 0 N! Here's The \Rest ·--------------~------- Last week we carJied a composite story of three I class elecTHE __§_TAFF tions, but the Junior class heads, Editor ...................... Burton E. Hotvedt, Tel. 548.J or 47; Office 1584 with the exception o~ the presNews Editor ............................................. George R. Maurer Society Editor ....... . ............... . ........... . .... Frances E. Van Heeke ident, were not inclJded. The Sports Editor ............................................. Samuel H. Bluthe copy was written but ~ ~ lipped out Humor Editor ................................................ Cletus Collins somewhere. Women's Athletics ...................................... Georgiana J. Atwell C. Atwell - "You remind Feature Editor ............................................. Florence Woboril me of the seas.'' Besides electing (]edric Vig Proof Readers ....... . ..................... Natalie Gorski, Dorothy McLain J. Wied - "Wild, restless, Reporters .................. Oscar Christenson, Marlowe Boyle, Weldon Leahy president, the third ~ear people Typists ................................... Estelle Buhl, Frances E. Johnson and romantic?" chose Arthur Thompspn, of SteBusiness Manager .. ·.................................. Cedric Vig, Tel. 810-J C. Atwell "No, you Circulation ...................................... . ............ Frank Tuszka vens Point as Vier -president. make me sick.'' Ass 't Circulation Mgr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magdelene Knapstein ' Blanche Tyler, a Cranfion HomeAss 't. Circulation l'vlgr ....................................... Virginia ThielE' Faculty Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raymond M. Rightsell Dorothy Kuhl was testing the Ec girl, was selected a$ the scribe,. knowledge of the third graders. while Margaret Morris) of Antigo, Clapping a half dollar on the will hold the purse strihgs. THE CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL desk she said sharply, "What is ., Judging from the elaborate plans that have been drawn for the that~" J:nstantly a voice from the back Christmas Festival a week from tonight, there will be plenty of help needed to decorate the gym. There rs a request out, from the people row, "Tails." in charge of the affair, for help Wednesday eve:n)ing. Let's give it to them. A bit of cooperation Thursday evening will aid greatly in the Green - ''Give me a cake colorful program. of soap.'' Kotal - "What kind of soap do you want?" Green - ''I want s om e A REAL CHRISTMAS soap to wash my head.'' Who said that this would be a poor Christmas~ Xotal - "Then you want Now that we appreciate a dollar and haven't very many of them 'Ivocy Soap'." t.o feel that way about, we perhaps appreciate Christmas more than ever before. The wonderful day is not as commercial an event as it ''There goes another pupil,'' has been in years past. The destitution of people who are not as said the professor as his glass eye fortunate as we are and our sacrifices to them, also instill a different rolled down the sink. atmosphere into the day. · It's going to be a real old-fashioned Christmas! ''And there, son, you have the story of your dad and the great war." ICE HOOKEY "Yes, Dad, but why did they Twenty-three collegians want to present the school with a team need all the other soldiers?'' versed in the fastest sport, - hockey. It is somewhat doubtful if the desires of the enthusiasts and their faDJS will materialize because of Policeman - (to motorist who lack of funds. The Athletic Association has planned to care for nearly collided) 'You should alpractically everything but ping-pong, but hockey is an upstart in stu- ways give half the road to a woOFFICIAL JEWELER dent activities. Regardless of the outcome we understand that the man driver." committee is willing to sponsor the new sport. Bob B. - "I always do when I TO C. S. T. C. Now that the new football field has not been sodded we have an find out which side of the road excellent opportunity for a skating rink just for college people. It she wants." might be a combination skating and hockey rink. Contribution,s ~ must come from the student body to finance the welcome sheet of ice, s.aJesnum ''How did you and since winter is well set, NOW is the time to do things. FERDINAND A. HIRZY like the art galleries?'' - ''Oh, the pictures "ll!:f)e c!§ift «:oun~tlor" are all right, but there aren't RIP WINKLES - WAKE UP! any good jokes' under them.'' The old sport's alarm clock is buzzing again, and we will have to fasten our interest on basket ball for the coming months. We have ''I want a box of cigars, been sleeping since football season was over, (and: perhaps dozing plea·se. '' ~ I ~ when that was on) but n:ow we must snap out of it ahd, using Kotal 's "Yes, madam, a strong cigar?" ~ BUY HI~ A ~ f~vorite expression, show "The Old Pepper." "'Oh, yes, my husband bites Remember, there is a game tomorrow night! them sb.'' ... 4444444444444 , ,KOLLIN'S KADDY KAPERS PAGING MISH Spindler m Psychology class, at phone - "Hello, - Hello, hello. Yes, he's here. Yes, I'll call him. Mish ! God or President Hoover or somebody wants til see you down in the office.'' The reason why Scotch merchants don't build fireproof buildings, is that they won't have any reason for a "fixe sale." A college man likes a girl beautiful but dumb - b e a u t i f u 1 Captain of football t e a m: enough to please him, but dumb • 'Whoever he is, there is a dirty enough to like him. sneak on this squad. In the past Donahue - "What's a paraweek I have lost a set of Stanford site?" shoulder pads, a Yale sweat shirt, E. Baker - ''A parasite is a a pair of Harvard pants, a North- person who walks through a rewestern blanket, and a couple of volving door. without doing his Y. M. C. A. towels." share of the pushing.'' :) CHRISTMAS GIFT i: ~ ~ President Hyer Speaks ~ At Rural Life Club ~ The Rural Assembly was crowded Mond_ay night to hear the address giVen by Mr. Hyer. In his own inimitable manner he instructed and entertained at the same time. T~e Club is looking forward to his next apearance, which we hope may occur before the close of the year. . Other numbe!s ?n the progTam mcluded club smgmg, led by Alex Peterson; baritone solo by Richard Hetts, accompanied by Edward Plank; a saxaphone duet by Myrl Justman and Merville Trader with Ruth John~on accompanying, and a readmg by Gladys Roe. ®)! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ""'Ail ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;: ""'Ail At 1 ~ KELLY'S !~ The Latest I~ ~ J HATS PAJAMAlS · NECK\R I SCARFS SHIRTS I GLOVE$ HOSIER V' 1 1 , 1 ~ ~ !l$ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ !l$ ~.· ~ A44444A4i 4444 THE POINTER II $ociETY 3 I IALL SCHOOL PARTY 'l'he last school party before the stude1nts embark on their Christmas vacation will be arranged for next Saturday evening in the new gym. The event is being planned by t he Grammar Department, and stnde~1t tickets, long since paid for, will be the only price of admissi?n. Dancing will begin at 8 :30 P. M. and will terminate at 11:30 P.M. 'rhe qew school orchestra will furnish ~he n:msic. Mr. and Mrs. C. -F. Wats~n, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Jaynd will be the chaperones. SIGMA TAU DELTA The regular meeting of Sigma Tau Delta the English fraternity, was r eld Wednesday, Dec. 2 in Miss Hussey's room at Nelson Hall. After a short business meetin g Miss Hanna gave a very interesting~ report on Willa Cather's n e w book, ''Shadows on the Rock''. Miss Margaret Morris followed this by reading sev@ral reviews of the book and leading the gener al discussion. Refreshments were ~erved . _ ALUMNI ITAU GAMMA BETA WHO'S WHO T a~ Gamma Beta sorority invi t es ~j-11 the girls and their escorts (Continued from page 1 col. 3) . ' and Head of the Department of Dairy Husbandry, State College, Brookings, S. Dakota. Class 1913; Peterson, Alvin M. - 4 yr. English Course; Ph. B. University of Wisconisn 1917, Writer, Onalaska, Wis. Class 1914; Ostrum, James E. 5 yr. German Course; B. A. 11923, Univ. of Wisconsin; Assistant Manager of Wyandotte Reeord, Wyandotte, Michigan. to a Ohristmas Formal to be held F ria' a y evening, Dec. 11 at the Parish House. This-is a new event in the social year. 'fom Temples's orchestra will play for dancing from 9 to 1 :00. The price of ad~ mission is $1.50. ' LW ••••••••••• Iw • ••••••••••••• 1 l • .A • A• - • • ••••••• •••• •• ••• •••• ••• • . A regular W. A. A. meeting was held Wednesdav Dec. 2. Plans for the hockey banq~et were completed, a~~ it was also decided to hold meetmgs the fourth Wednesday_of the month so as not to confhct with . ot~er organization ~eetings. Intere~tmg talks were given on ":J!' encing" by Ruth Lippke and on "La Crosse, by Thyrza Iverson. A sbcial meeting followed the busine~s meeting. Popcorn and apples were enjoyed by the girls. Don't forget basketball practice every ['uesday and Thursday, tap dan cing on Wednesday. There is to be a tumbling class arranged soon. 'Fhose interested sign in Miss Class 1918 ; Quinnell, Ada C. 2 yr. Grammar Grade Course; Registered Graduate Nurse, Rice Medical School, Chicago, Illinois. Class 1920; Paulsen, Martin R. _ 3 yr. High School Course; L. L. B. Univ. of Wisconsin; Attorney at Law, Badger Buiiding, Racine Wisconsin. ' H Class. 1920; Paulsen, Paul . 3 y;. High S_chool _Course; L. L. B. Umv. of WISconsm; 1924, Atto_rney at Law: 105 ~ells Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsm. Class 1920; Phelps, · Ora A. (m. 1929, William H. Baker) 2 yr. Grammar Grade Teachers Course; 2 years' study Layton School of Art and one year's Seen's office. lffi~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~ Hockey Tournament Have you noticed some of the g irls limping around school these last few days? If you had asked one of them what had happened she would have informed you that the "long practiced-for" hockey tournament had been played Saturday) Dec. 5. One game was played in the morning at 10 o'clock. The h~o teams were the Purple and thb Golds. It was an exciting game the Purples won by one ,nd CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS I SISTER WEETHEART Gifts F·o r--- M OTHER OTHER'S MOTHER A most complete and exclusive selection .of Silk Hose-Scarfs-Gloves--Coats-Jewelry-Dresses and Accessories WHERE THE COEDS ARE SHOPPING MOLL-GLENNON COMPANY THE POINTER 4 NEW ATHlETIC FIELD -MAY BE PORT USED AS RINK Grading Work And Seven Foot Fence . Completed; Finish Next Spring 'HORTS c=============n These are uneasy days for coaches and ball-players. The ball-players are getting traded off, and some of he coaches are getting bumped off. They're trying to put the skids under Thistlewaite at the "U ", and Crisler has been retired from active service at Minnesota. FISCHER'S Specialty Shop for Women * * * * * "Where Smart Styl~ For the benefit of those who Meets Moderate Pric~" can't afford a school directory we COATS now publish our annual basketball schedule: Sl_ ITS ------- - --DRES~ES DDeec·c·. 1117 St. Paul Luther here MILLINERY St. Norberts there Jan. 8 Lawrence there For All Occasions! Jan. 15 St. Norberts here H r•tel Whiting Bloc!{: Jan. 16 Eau Claire here Jan 19 Milwaukee there lb=========;:=f==:& Jan: 23 Whitewater there Our apologies for all t h e apAll grading work and the concra-y that filled this column struction of a seven foot fence last week. Tending strictly to surrounding the grounds have sports, as it were, di d you been completed on the college's kno·w that the champion Milnew athletic field. wauke·e Teachers team selectWork will be resumed next ed "Ollie" Neuberger as an spring when a football field, 'sur:~:m?on their All-Opponent rounded by a 220 yard cinder track will be built. New bleach* * * * .* Jan. 26 Oshkosh here ers, ~ith a 1,000 seating capacity, . seems t h at a varsl'ty h oc 1rey Feb. Whitewater here It F b 412 Oshkosh there ""ill also be constructed at that team here could find a lot of oppoFe b. 19 Milwaukee here time. The gridiron will face sition right. in the Teach~r.s Col- F~b: 26 Eau Claire thoce north and south. lege loop, w1th T.Ja Crosse lm.mg_np a team, and other schools ag1tatmg - - - - - - - - - - College Hockey Team for one. We have the place, we Clip at the. top, and paste on Talk and gossip relative to a sure have the climate_ and, after the nearest wall. college hockey team has been li&tening to .. some of the boys, it floatinO' around the halls of late h 1t f t 1 t ,., h h . seems we ave o so a en. now that cold weat er as arr1v* * * * * •!••X+:++X++)+H+>!+!~+H++!~~..:+:......-:..r. ed. Earl Ho~htritt, who is emAn electric score-board has IF in the Spring of life played at the Portage County been propos·ed for the. new T .f. Law and Abstract company, has gym. This would fill a definite X yqu save here, the S.ummer :t · 1 1 k- t ·· · need, but Mr. Sohmeeckle has {• ~ promised to ass1st oca s a ers m of your.. lif_e will be filled .J.. · h as informed . us that its a 11 a or~ranizing a team. Hochtntt •;.• .:.•~ pleasant dream. Still, dreams with finer r1'che bl , , r, no er l•• Played on the Wausau hockey do come true, don't they, Mr. j: team for the past several years Schmeeckle? George rises to ~ things. and has the reputation of being remark that he hopes some of · t 1 an excellent performer on th" his do. Only 160 berries are ~ needed to fulfill this one,; •!+ Stee l blades. t 1 NELSO N HALLI - The comfortable and State Teachers College Dining Room for both men and womer Diet Var~d, ',t new athletic field could be noo~fed and used as a college rink 1 approximately $5o could be raised to meet the cost. M.r. Schmeeckle stated that the expense of building a rink would have to be met by some group other than the athletic committee as that orgam- . * * * * * Manual Training Lumber VETTER Mfu. 60. Phone 88 . r----------. DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR zat~. on ~ds hauste, . fuSnhd haks l be~odmhe e~l-1 c meec e sa1 e w1 Now At Moderate Prices '\:'!::!~:,wt~e,:;::~~ ~'r;,:~e;: VOGUE BOOTERY hockey field. Dressing for skin poisons, dry itching eczema, insect bites, barber ~" "'~· · · itch. dandruff, poison ivy and skin affection. . .• A. pleasant skin tonic .and healing Jot10n, • Use after shaving to keep the skin clean and pores reduced. ~ I ····-f(' E~ MEYER DRUG CO. BETTER CLOTHES! LOWER PRICES! That's what you get when you buy at The Unity Store Made-To-Measure Suits $22.50 to $45.00 .--------o...,_'"" ~~~~~;~~~;:~'e:'-.:~::~f::!::~~ ~ ,Christmas Shopping :~ •JY At ,· JY.~ •.II! JY ·1 ·~ Sexton . •Demgen ·. •, Drug Co. ~. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ Dry .C leaning i Phone 380i ~ i The Rexall Store ~ No Extra Charges1 for I! ~ Collection and] ·,I! ~ ~ Opposite P~st Office ~ Delivery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~------------------~--~ ~~~¥lm~~¥l~¥lm~~~¥lm¥lm¥lm~m¥lm¥lm ~ XMAS GIFTS AND PRICES FOR THE 1931 POCKET BOOK eJl ~ H. D. McCULLOCH CO. ae I Q ~m~m~~m~m~m~~m~m~m~m~m~m THE STUDENT'S STORE m¥lm~m~m~m~m~~m~m¥lm~~~mgm~m ~ cHRISTMAs GIFTs ,FoR EVERYONE 1 An Exclusive Line FOR HER Manicure Sets---Compacts---Necklaces---Wrist Watches---Atomizers Rings---Silverware. m ' ~ ~ THE UNITY STORE (Graduate Dietitian) .t.N· 0·.RMI NGTo·Il Ns ~.-~~~.-i~lk~~--~~.-i~~i~ L J ~ Do Your · ~. aun ry ~ -. ~ ~ Weyenberg Shoes----Milwaukee Made Nunn-Bush Shoes For Snappy Dressers. $4.00---$5.00 all styles MAY A. ROWE Director +++++++·l<+M~•+l<++)+H+>l<ifo++++•H++t . J(:~ , . - abundant, delicious and inexpensive ± Mr. Schmeeckle, chairman of the athletic committee, said the ho~elike dormitory for women of Central ! if• f JRST NATIONAL BANK , ~ m ~~ ~ Cigarette Lighters---Wrist Watches---Watch Chains---Pen Knives Fountam Pen Sets. ~ HIRZY '' S m m Just What You Want! Official Jeweler For C. S. T. C. m Q m H :l':X't m 7.jW li m Q ~ ~m~m~m~m~m~m~4m~m~m~m~'~m 5 THE POINTER MARQUETTE . . . . Mar51-uet~e Umvers1ty mamtams a .umvers1ty greenhouse from w~Ich ~lowers are used. for the umversity chapel and office. Stevens Point, Milwaukee, Ripon, and Lawrence have hockey teams, .,...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,. and it is possi'ble that games may be ,scheduled with them. In the meantime the hockey DISTRIBUTORS team is attempting to get the school's permission to allow them OSHKOSH to flood the so-called tennis courts With the advent of the winter which are on the campus. This Thousand Island Dressing weather the minds of many of the enclosed court would make a very young men are turning to ice skat- good hockey rink. Mayonnaise Dressing ing, hockey, and the like. Last Sandwich Spread year the State Teachers College . . . . - - - - - - - - - -...... had a hockey team - and a very STEVENS POINT BEVERAGE CO. successful one. Out of a total of Orange' Crush-- Cocoa Cola Try "HEllMf\NS" seven games played, five were won Chocolate Baby and two were lost. Games were and other high grade soft drinks. Better Than The Rest played with the surrounding cities Phone 61 1106 Water St. in the valley. Practice will start as soon as the cold weather enables a rink to be formed. Many schools including IEXCHANGES I WISCONSIN Dr. Walter J. Meek, professor of Physiology in the medical school expressed the widespread belief that athl~tes have enlarged hearts . -what man wouldn't with all the girls crazy over athletes!! [MINNESOTA Re,gents of the Univers~ty of Minnesota, who usually sit on the 60 hrd line for Gopher contestsI when they had to pay for their own tickets for the r e c e n t charity game chase seats on!the goal line. The goal line sea(s were priced considerably cheapelr 1than the.o,t hers. THEI CONTINENTAL CLOTHING STORE ''HELLMANS'' VOGUE BEAUTY SHOPPE Expert Finger Waving Marcelling Permanent Waving I Headquarters For Open Tues. and Fri. Evening Mens' Clothing 439% Main Street, Over A. and P. Store Sboppe Phone 753 By Appointment 1 THE tPOWDER PUFF Beauty Shop Service you [ willlike HOTEL WHITING BLOCK PHONE 625 BEAUTIFUL SCARF SETS Hats and Scarfs In Beautiful Colors and Combinations Will Make An Excellent Christmas Gift At Only $ll88 The Set For Your Next Hat Be Sure To Shop At JEAN'S Our. Only $} 88 Nothing PriCes • Over HAT SHO-P 455 Main St. New Hats Received Almost Daily A. L. SHAFTON & CO. J. B. SULUVAN & CO. PlUMBING and HEf\TING Maytag Washers Silent Automatic Oil Burners Phone 297 431 Clark St. RINGNESS SHOE CO. 40 Years Quality Foot Wear 417 Main St. THE POINTER 6 NELSON NOTES BY NAT EverY'body At the H iiJll is busy helping Santa Claus in some way, and a number of the girls, under Miss Hussey's direction are entertaining with plays at the Margaret Ashmun and Business and Professional Women's Clubs W ednesday and Thursday nights respectively. Miss Hussey entertained the Psi Beta Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta at Nelson Hall last Wednesday evening. Vv e are glad to welcome back Miss Luretta Lensing, who has been spending some time at her Rhinelander home after an appendicitis operation. The Misses Estelle Buhl and Frances Johnson assisted Mrs. MeCordie, a demonstrator from the University E'xtension division, at a Meat and Vegetable Canning demonstration at Almond last Friday. Miss Kathryn Davis spent the week-end with her cousin at Aniwa, and Miss Amy Boeyink visit~d with relatives at Vesper. M1ss Carol Joerns, of Stevens Point was a guest of Thyrza Iverson Sunday. Miss Joy Oleson was visited by Janesville frie.n ds Monday. I ~ FASHION PARK CLOTHES Manhattan Shirts Schoble Hats Holeproof Hosiery Munsing Underwear Hansen Gloves COOK STUDIO Mgr. Edward P. Block 452 Main St. Miss Margaret Mortenson re- iF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ turned after a visit to her mother SPORT SHOP at a Madison hospital this weekGYM CLOTHING end. 422 Main St. All of us are looking forward to the annual family Christmas din- J!;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ n er party to be held Tuesday, December 15. We are going to have guests, and each table is preparing ~!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!~ a song number to be presented at WIS. SHOE SHOP the party. There will be a prize EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING for the best one. 12l Strongs AvJnue On account of the Christmas Phone 116 party mentioned above Nelson liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...iiiiiiiiiiiiil Hall will be at home to all the students on Monday night of next week instead of Tuesday for the after dinner "hop". ~a'YLLESBV ~ Phone 407W r--- WHYNOTEAT AT HOLDEREGGER'S Telephone 611J 801 Normal A venue BETWEEN THE THEATRES Home Made Candy . , ~ WISCONSIN "' VALLEY ~ - ELECfRI~ co. :~ ~ro# ,,~' ..." v v~ DRY CLEANING and PRESSING e1 00 ~ SUITS OVERCOATS ooiP • Ladies Dresses $1.00 and up KELLY'S Men's Wear - GEORGE BROS. Free Call and Delivery 112 Strongs Ave. Phone 420 WELCOME TO AT "THE PAL" CENTRAL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE MEANS' CAFETERIA Try It---It's Different 116 STRONGS AVE. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK THE POINT CAF~ TAXI CARS FOR RENT STEVENS POINT, WIS. Easily Accessible Expense Relatively Low Location Unsurpassed For Healthfulness An Influence As Well As a School Credits Accepted At All Universittes Degree Courses For All Teachers Special Training For Home Economics and Rural Education Here you will find Good Food, Clean, Courteous Service all designed to make you and your friends comfortable and contented while you are our guests. , 305 MAIN STREET PHONE 615 Send For Literature STEVENS POINT, WIS. "The Bank That Service Built" FORD STEVENS POINT MOTOR CO. 309 Strongs Ave. YOUR Phone 82 ALWAYS OPEN Elizabeth Arden l Venetian Toilet Preparations HANNON--BACH Phy., Inc. COLLEGE EAT SHOP 413 Main St. DON'T GO HUNGRY! CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables . NOAHS' ARK Phone 51 457 Main St. & SHOP FOR LADIES ~ ~ II : ~ ! & ~ ~ ~ styles in Fur Coats for College Cojds. & ~ HOTEL WHITING CORNER :{~~~~~~~ ; We also have some wonderful thtngs tlJ$ ~ Ii t which would make Ideal Christmas Gifts for Mother-Sister-Sweetheart. ~ ~ Do Your Shopping NOW S DRUG STORE J: BAEBENROTH' The Store For Everybody i x= f~~~~~~~~~~ A PLACE TO EAT The Spot Restaurant 414 Main St. Phone 95 Home Made Cakes and Pies I.......,................... Phone 267 KISS ~ t uu+-u++++++++++++++u+++ Job Printers Publishers Book Binders t I ~ Again invites you to see the latest ~ The Place That Makes Pictures WORZf\LLf\ rUBLISHING GOMrf\NY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~~~ ~ ~ ~ J Tasty Lunches Our Specialty I Meals and Lunches At All Hours GINGHAM TEA ROOM m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Phone 875 ~ ~ ~ ~~ KISS 416 Mai1 St. f ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~w~~~~~w~w~~~~~w~w~