THE N0RM1\L 1?0INTER. Vol. X I. Stevens Point, Wis., Februa ry 15, 190(). No anoro the t-:n..:h erystal Shines cleor Oright winds do blow, In the snow with lrolly glo••, llko " stn•·; K(..-cn Is tbo slle.ot alr, Slo the Aretlc &or Creeps round hio lrll(ld lair W I N TE~ . To northward far. ~ow the c:haln-. of \\'io&er1 s cold to•eu~r ,trtant and pri3on wohl; Now the gurgling s:ig-J,:Iin~ run Ollmmrrs ool "neath :;raze of J\11 tho &4:nanb of the l•nd Shiver In hi• Icy hand. No.5. Straight upward rolls the omoke; Wano !rom the ft""'lde joke, m... a n_,. cloak Round the chill moon. 3Un. =-:ot a sinsrte note i3 heard: Chlr1• or insect, pipe or bird: 1-"I"'M\. l!ipriws flurry thru the ttlr, Bhln.: bla-.t'IJ bc:lt. braochc~ bare: to·rce~•ng'ml4JL" Hh.. o'er the iky. Crystcal •nvwa clothe tower hl,::h. t'or the spirit ol the North SendJJ bl!J cruel legions forth ! ~p tonod boll booms: Day retreat.; Sll~ne<~~ cold the Frost King grea•; tAnb aod field~ and !airy nowero Waldl the .-.. ry wagging houro. Nature to garb of white, Chained by the Winte r night, Ocautllul Is a nd brlght.E'en as lo Juno. Prldo Goeth Bof oro a Pall . One mornin~: very early, belore any ol tho bird lamllles bad awakened , Mr. Catbird bepn to hop around and tune hit I'DC!rT1 throat lor hi• customary 110ng. The .-..thor ml11hl ba ~.,.avo or 11•1• It was all the sai'DC! to him. Ba • • • 110 much In lo~e with the oound or blo own ~olce tbat olog be would In oplte ol wind or oth~r Tm; :\OR1f.\f, l'OIXTER. weather. Then he wa .. n't like other blnts. he congratulatctl himself. alwnytc: sina::ln~ th('; somo tunes over and over-A~ ne,·er sang tht' eatn{ll tune twice. Tha&. was another rva~o M r(•h•llf'd in hi• own M>DJ:-h amuM'tl him and tlt•kll'd hl, vanity to &ee the numberl{''~ vot'itUion~ or which hiR vol<.-e walt cutmblo. In &ht~ J>rlclo or hi't eon. ab"-olutely rn.-o or co.. t~ hll!t onl,Y objeet Win.: to twlp them lmJirO\'C their nutural ,:Uts. II(~ !Coe· l('Ct{'(). his home hW becau ..e he wl~hcc.l Mr111 r 'nt.· bird to~ what a rt'all, •·ondt•rJul huhband ch'C hod had the J:OOd fonun(' to M'<:Un'. • fie M\&. up late lha&. niJ,:bt, drawing up tlu.• plan ro..t•ld tirst. h."Jucon, nnd wus up curlier thnn usuot oelt ho had even bc~n known to mo<. k 1\0tuc of hlr.t th{'l next mornlnJ.C rfl'Hin~ hi!\ ''Ok~ In t;ootl H•lrn. len tol~nt<'d brothers. Altbou~:h ,,.. hranll~ ~·· Joyed outdoing them all In a choru~, ont• "-'~ .. 00 he Alway~ a;:ot UJl ;o early •·not tx-eau~t· lit" liked n liUio whllo eYery mo1·nlng to · htlU' his own voice, undl8turbed by any ttl ..oord. Thl"l morning his temper wa .. n'nt qulw ~o ....('(l't at usual-he had been dltlturbed 'f'\'t"ral tim ~ L >nsc before the At>t>OinY>tl hour tl><! bird• .,.. ,;:an to arrhe. They •c~ so Hlled whh curio'· h) their wtvts had hod a hard time to get. thNn to put. on their colh1r8 ontl tics, "nd mako them· st•h·t·~ sn-e~ntable. By nine o'clock Mr. Cot- during the night-so "•hen ho wa~ In tht· mltl .. t of one ot his bllnrlous mcdley-c ho 3tOpJ:H!c.l short as his ear eaugbLtho Hr~u. sk'(•py nott'"' ot unoth,_.r bird nf:ar b)·. "lt1 8 a phy," said he to his meek lhtlt' m::ue, wbo waM contentedly, !ilttlng on U\'C beautiful blulsh·S:I'\."CI1 eggs, 1 ;thnt. a fellow cun'L aiu,; u single note without belna.r dl"'turbcd!" M.S. Catbird ~·s ju>t u llr()Uil or her hu•· band'• musleal' alifllty a .. he wa". Sh~ eould te&n:l\:ly hcur a note all duy Jon~ thnt. ~he didn't <.'U1nparc it. wl&h hi~. und sometimcg tllt3 contrusl. jarred upon her seoih·ive ner\'{'S ~o much that she tell like ftJinl(, so she satd: "I've been wondering If thoer cnultln'l. he taught to slog. You have nothlnlltO du tor awhllc now; why couldn't. you 11et. thrnl adl togetl1er, aotl Kive lhem les~on' to sioglna: Y" Tbt.. scheme plea~ ~lr. Catbird It pleu<'d him w know that hi, wife bud •o !(Ood an OJ)lnlon o f hl!l sloglnJ:: but the thought. of abowiog otT hi"' skill bt•foro all the other birds pleased him atlllmore. "Just. IM lhlbg:" he c:rled exchedl) . ..:ilrangc I badn'l thoujlbt of It befo...,! Now I'll hurTy rlghL away berorc tbey•,.o lcf1. home, nnd Jli"C'ICnt my plan.'' So, forgetting lbat hi• wife mlghl ht• tln'd and buovy, he ftew rigb1 awa y to "P"'"" t~ joyful """"· He whl all the bird• to n>Ht at hi~ the ne.xt morning a&. ntno o'cloc~ gh·lng them to understand that the tc..ono would be '"'""""""'J'· t..Jrd'~ house ••" full to ovt'rOo.-•lng, und ~l('•"rl. ltuhlo and \Vren hall gruelou,ly thrown OJl'"n tht'lr housf!'ol nNCt door for tht' <X.*'CD"'lon. You'll luuJ.:h, l'rn sure, wh<'n I toll ~\1 thot even ~h·. Owl uml )Irs. Cro•• were the~, unU tho funulf'IO't t>an of it wa~ that. they hadn't. cornc so much tu be helrt-c.1 ai' ther had to show )lr. Catbird that thuy o.lre•dy know how to alnK. 11 N uw," ~nttl ~Ia·, Gtublrcl, b1tton In hnnd, 1 'M •·· Owl "'ill you plca ... e 1ound do utter meY" ~lr. Owl Jli'OUd of the distinction of being called on first, ~moved hi~ giA•.If•, expandttrd his portly chos\ to IL~ utmost. llmh. nnd triOO to HOuntl do, or cuurso h •uJ ''cry rude, but. they just. ._.,.ufdu•t hull) h.; every bird In the ela.u , even lO the crow and blu~·Jay, laughed right out Joutl. ~tr. CMbird n evt!r cracked a srntlt)-hC wa.'l the tcat'her, you know - but. the oiTect. ~·as so hnllcrou!f ho laughed lwnrt11y In hloc llloove. llo had known a litho tlm•thu there ••• no hope of ever making 3 •lng<r of llr. Owl, but he bad n "rutlgo Rlf«lnn him, and though\ thh& would alford a ~ood opf)ortunlty to get even with hiU1. >t:-Jow;'' he reocumed, "you may sloa; t..he ~ale Gfh•r rue•• , Thl• ,..,.. too rnuch: the rest or the bird• Ju•t yelled, und lt w«, sornetiruu before Mr. Catblrtl could restore order. ••Well," be 101<1 with a olgh, ••they oay lhol wl~h>·t~re·a life l~ft t~""'• hope Jell, so I •hall continue to do the best I c:an for you In theoo rn~tlngs. u Mr. Owl woo terribly angry. Ele dldn'l daro TilE XOIOI.\1. 1'01:\'n: t!. 'Pf'&k rls:ht out tn DM'('tins:, but. a~ "tOOn a-t Mr. Catbird'• l>•ek ~ . . turn.. l h< •Idled up 10 )lr. Crow. ~ld an old .ong book he'd brou~tbt o(J('n ~lo,.. their lacu, and wbbpered thai be didn't Ilk• llr. <.'atblrd', mf'thod or conducting a onu-le t"lth.s- h w:h.n't'11tlftc -and ho belie\"ed hf 'tl 110 bon,.. • I don't like It either," ,..adlly :usented )I r. Crow, "I'll go wiOt you.'' Mr. <.'otblrd, 611ed -·lth hi• own hnporton<'(', oc,•er notiCNl their doparture, but turned hlr& Ul· tentlon tv Mr. Joy whom he than he dltJo)lr. Owl. • 1 Mr. clh~;Jik(l() e,·en more Joy," aaltl h(', '"t>leasesouncl do after 111..:. '' Now Mr. Jay , did much better thou )lr. Owl had done, bulllr. Catbird made up an a• lui loco. "nd held hi• e&N with both band•, while nil lbe other bird• C'IJ:I(Ird. )lr. Jay ..-ouldn'l •l>od k to be made ~pori of for a minute. and he t1..:w off loto the fore~t &.!t fast a.s hi.!: ..-io~ would carry blm. Mr. Tbruoh came next. Mr. Catbird knew he wa.s a c.1o~e .econd to hlm.§f'H ~hen h came to alnrlng, to bo tbol he 'd a.k him something about the theory of mualc. 1 H ~Jr, •rhrUih, ' hC lx>gnn, "' ith & flllC a(r Of superiority, uc~n you tell me how many sharJ)'l ttlere are In the k(.lly or C minor?" )Jr. 'l'hruoh "'rlnkled his bro•·, uod thought vlgorou•ly fOr a minute. '"\Veil, no," ho rt(,lled, "1 can't.·· Uo ha~lllko evo r)thln~: to admittbatl-.d hln' t know, ~auoe all tho other birds thought be knew everrthlng about music. ~re wu ,...111 oothlng to laugh at ID bU. aru;w-r·r . but tbe cla&~C had go\ Into the notion or thlnklnll It the pro1M'r thing tA:I do, so they all thwrod • .. You've atudltd music'!" relentles.sly continued )lr. Catbird. 11 YC8, elr," nthn!tted Mr. Thrnsh. " Proud of your ability to sing, I presume Y'' 06 Ve'4, sir, (am. u utru.end to teaeh tinging sc.,metime yourself!'' ,, Yell, 11tr, '' tatd Mr. Thrush, oot. a whitaba .. hed. "Tb~n 1 ad•loc rou 10 .pend 110me time looking up minor ocales. I boar that l!r. ~lgbtengal e Ia a {"'nllnJ: o'· ·r from F.ns:land soon to bear sonle Amt~rfcan l'lfnU\"I"'lt. It ""("rtainly wlH be no credh lO JOU U lltl 1hould find out that you know 80 Hul.. ur rnlnor ~altos."' sarlng which llr. ('atblrd trlumtlht~ntl~ tumf'd hi" aueotloo to tiH.'I rt't o f tit(' <•Ira~~. lh• "'"' much ... urprised, and a Ifni~ dlsa,.. t•ulnU'4l lo rind that. they•t. care 10 sin¥ at All. ~~~ lhouJ,:tU, twrhap~t they .,.·ere to bashful au lhelr flrotl ltlf'('tln)t, ~o h(': iBid tlut.L lnSt<'ad of abklnj,t llwau 10 do nny more lhat time he'd slna woma for tht•m, 1'10 tht'ly eoultl sec to about. what ttundard ho wl,.ht••l them to llttnin, and be ·poured forth strain ufwr "'h·aln of nuttchles,. mc1od~·· Th('n 8hu.klnK hand• oil round he told them he'd ho all l'"'l'~rod for anolher 1oet'tlnU" a ~k from that day. A~oln h• ~arelullr 11repared his le.. on plan, anti practlc~tl wveral new aun~rs which he meao\to l'>ln5: for &he m. Imagine hi.!: surprlte and rhau-rln. after !'aviog ..tald a&. home till o~arl7 Ot)()n, •hen not a solitary bhd l)u\- In bit apl~aranee! " ONE ON ME." Y frlentl from thft elty "'"" vl8lllng SIswhen 'Jhe wasn"L vlthlnlC me. ~lel her tbe l Oth ol June. Took her to theatre on~, and out on the Jake twiC<'. N...Jie.. to tay I lo<cd her, altho I knew nothing about her save thai •be bad rold~n hair and brown •Y••· TIIouRhl I was sure of that, and I .....,.. liked brown er••· Our Cl')tlago was a.bou" teo mlleJJ from town on tho <•not bunk. Hlslng pcrpcntlleulurly behind u• ~'-'1"0 ~tandttone cliffs eipped wllb ovcrgreenil. Ucfo~. murmured the river; aod, bc1ond, 1tood the l>&le blue hill• ol the opposite ahoro. En• I· ronmen& was ideal. Nature waa near to our heanlf, aod we ...ere always near to each other. \\'hat po~r,abort. or an eanhquake,could•uoder M ,4 Tin: N9HMAL thOH bond~.ol a..oclatlon? Suooe•-rul boatln~; and unsuccessful llahlng tame 10 be hnJlOManl l&em• of ftoe weather diversion~ ahho, Ati I toh.l POI~n:u. 'to..etl to k ~p on, • ·ould han~ to 'low for a new net. I ro•·..._"() ~tea~Uiy. The trees, SJ.e<!li"C·llke, .,,.. pronched nncl J:lidNl into the dtu•knoMs. I was Xantha, wo noodecl no dlver•lon. Sho was going soon. 1'ho fo•· renu•lnlnll hou•·~ pi'OUd of Xnntlm. She wns so ln·u,•o. l)f cOUI'IiO were ruablng toward that. dread ealo.rt\CL of &<'I,.. she hod no hh~1k of my plan, nntl, like tho sensible rallon, where the dead J>UI clings to the rock or s:irl sho wa•, a~krd no que,.,tl~nJ. I congratulated remembranoo omtll llnally ell'ated by tho e&omal my ..elf O)Calo. llow of uperlenco. I fell poellc and romantlo, but '-Onl)· ror11 rod. more;• I whi•J><'I'I'<I, A ball doten Ju ..t..)· ~troke~ sent us d"round a. hr:wlly abo~ 001 10 feel al all. I bad never beroro dreamed thai Xaolha could be so 1•ro•alc oml wooded (>Oint. Clooe to tho shol'\! "ei'C lour dim shadow~ which my mind's eyo saw tU slakc.R. \Vc lmpaulve. Tloe nlghl would have been very dark had not glld•-d olong•lde and I grapJ>Ied the priX(', lor It tho c:rncent moon ftUD¥ for1h those faint be11rn~ •~as ours bl rls,:ht and conO.;.cato by statute. whos-e 101\ sbeen h.. Inspired the poetlt and l~r­ "Set pu/«lly illll, Xao1ha." rorlsecl tbe auperstllloua. Tbo stan, In alieni But she did not obey. l wa• not 8UrJ>rlsed, lor adoration, rellrecl ooyly behind ll>e eanop.r of ohe no doubt had spme plan of her o ...n. Sho She 't"A.S aeml·lransparenl mlot. The breex.o wa•lnsunlelent ne, dld thing" In a. secontl·hantl 10 audibly disturb tho leaves or the willow•, bul I 80 Ol'lglnn l Ant) I'C'iOUN:crul. Or COilrj(\ lt.. llltldO ""' oonll<llous ol their slight vlbrallon. Sllcnco little renl dltfN-cn<.'<" whethe•· ahc ~m~ 11tlll or not, and onyatery enveloped the objeets about u• with only !ilhc hl\d !il&ltl &hat. she lo,•ed to tease me. an atmosphere of ra ..clnation. An Ideal nh;-ht: Out I mu<l lind the tMip to thAI net. Sho stood and our I an together lor a month: Suh•l) •he ereet. I bent o•·~r tire edge of tho boat tryln~r to didn't rea II~. I thought r did. raise the net. lt. wu.s ,·ery lleD\'Y Dod tho fis:h Suddenly a vagral\4dea llutterecl Into 10) t'<>n· l~hed the water Into spray as I otralned to pull eclou•neaa. It l!llrugKlcd'momentarily for IUI)I"Cnt· the trntJ 10 the ~urtoee. acy and won. I couldn't uccount. for h ju8l then, but. t became I bcnL far over m1 oanc and whispered, "I'UL IIIUddcnl.) aware that I was no longer In the boat. on mr coat aod bat. Re'll never koow either of Xantha, or extending her ' ' mrtathy and u.a. Tbls Isn't our boat." a helpln~ h1ntl atoocJ "pt.rfctllt.. Atfll. 1 ... ~ Tbe dear girl ObeJed. llco~w she would. X an· ju~L about 10 .. u.;ae~t that I ••" not In rnr native tba wu always 10 aenolble. I admired judg· element. •hen my dear Xanthe suddf'nly claJ)J:ted mentln choosing oo dutiful a girl deoJ>Itc mother'• her hand to her mouth and ble"• a "hrliJ whistle:. I wa-c m.!\'l'l" sn !itu•··tJecl In my lito. 'l'ho sound protei!. f had already beaded the boat towartl thu mouth •·a ~J ball f•nm•,llh. hut lho3e eelu.>e'4: •rttu o.-·la all ol a broad black channel Into which the water hoott"'tl 1•nt1 tht.• frog... croaked In clloru~. aotl jusL ru1hed with a sullen roar. Everr pilot knew then 1 cJI,co'·~n."tl &hat my rl~:ht roo&. wa~ hOpe· "Lo•t Cbaooe-1." which two bra,·ts OIK"G en~f"t'(l le.&-411 enuan:;:lt"t1 In that Internal oft. t lt10ket1 and were borne 10 tho land of ahadow,. Imploringly ol Xuntha. A wild rt••r _..l""tl nlt' •• [ feh. a chill oomo O\•er me. Xantha -w•u uan){ll. I heard tht.• • tnlnou" chugging of u lt'unch. I pulled tho boal lnlo tho current which •wel'l u• '"GN m> ku1f<, und cut &his nN, •1ulck P' r cr•lt'<1. rapidly lniO tho dim ollen~ alley stretching nwny "'l'hnt.'s tht• wur·tl('n's h~unch !'' 11 Into deeper darkneu and deeper alienee. Sla, •'IH-'1"'(' 'nu ure ! .. wa~ &he coM ln<·isive ll wu 10.00 p. m. By 11.00 we would be llwrt'. reply. "'? ,.;y... '"> ) T il E XOHllAL l'O txn;H. The launch: I eould dl<tlngulsh the fonn• of In tho agony of despair t made a frantic ell'ort to estrieate myself from among the other 01hes. The oet .... slowly oinking. I felt lt. l gra•ped tho edge or tho boat nnd pnllcd. My Anrry 8Jllrlts began to rl~c , lm\ th\1 net and tho other ftohes. were surely slnklnl(. The net weighed a too or so, lOO! .. Heavens and ...:anb! c:an"l J ou glYe a fellow a obow~" l ) elled. "You bH! \Ve'll show rou, H ~rowlltrd a ,·otce. I felt m;.IM!If being pulled out, and heard someb<kly say, HTte him good and til\. on hli teet." I heard more, but knew there wa! no uso crying to kick. Tho launch plugged across to th~ malo channel three rnen. a1U.I up to the itatlon. ·nu.\ train 111&41 juit pull· log ln. Tho ~o tltd the tauoch and a .u l8tN me to my feet. I felL pretty sore arwr being sal u1>0n, I'll tell you. I tlldn 't. know Any of tho tl\(lll. '('hey "'ere nlaklnr thctr woy to tho h·atu. r forgot. everything e\'(ln Xaotba. uHWI&Ie UJ) there, Fishy,., 1altl the leader . u \Vant to a.eo your Dad about 6neY \V~'V"O go&. toge&. on Number!.'' O.d and Xantha and Sis "'•"' at the t ralo. ;\ly dear wouldn't. look a\ me, beeau!Wl l didn't. take her boat·rldlnfl. Then tho W~rden'• slater explained. Oucss thoL- was ono on mo. Ma 8aya lt. was worth more than one. TR1\INING DEI?1\RTMENT Scenes in the Lives of th e Early Cave-Men. JKl<l<IE R~CA ~'ADDIS. Anyone who has used dramatization a.J a means of ....,ring the best expreulon from ehlldreo will realize what a help It may be lo calling the seose aetl•ltl., Into play. in otrengtbcolog the qualities of 114!11 dependence, obedleoee, and tympatby; aod abo•o all, In fostering tho spirit o f ready eooperation. In o. clau compOsed largely of boys who aro faulty reader•, but wide awake to ~tch that •·bleb may pro•e to be worlh while from their view pOint, It wa• suggested thu each one trr In hu re•dlnJ: to mokc the picture• 10 clear and good that ther could be played b7 the bearers. This waJ t.he beginning of the preparation for the uSotus In the U\"es of tbe Earl7 Cav•~e.o," glvco by the Third Grade at holiday time. t:arJy to the •tory, Strongann, "leader amonJ,r tho nrc clan, as these prhnltlvc 1>e01Jie were llrst called, ~roe• to watch tbe movetn<'n\8 of Sabre· tooth, the fteroe and much d""ded animal wbooe ca•e the people want to secure for a •bolter during tho eold IM!uon. Dlft'erent children tried to take tho character or Strongann, while the clau gr.vo generous crltlolsm on cnch other's Ina bility to perform the J>Drt, each rather favoring hlrn•elf In these ftnrt attemi)IJ to be another pcroon. When tho time came to llCntOnate the old man whu was Stroogann•a helper, and varlou.s etroru wero made b7 the d!treront would·bc old mea, It wu unaalmouslr ·~ that one of tbe glrlt did bet. U>r Ia thiJ JUIM than aor of tbe otbenr. "Sho was 10 e:aretul not. to make any noise In tho bu&:h· os,, "and stopped all t.he t.hno to lis len tor tho wlhJ animal••" and ''s ho ben&. over ju8t. tho way an old mao looks.,. were comments on her acting. Then followed suggestions •• to materials that eould be brought to make scene~ more real. "0 say! I tell you. I eould bring a big hoft'alo robe forSabre·tooth aod I could be Sabre-tooth," a qule:k tad 1afd; white anolber onr, who alway• uses his hand• well, tel~ prenroure he eould make the tuskt. Ono of the girls hrou,g hl a whale's tooth thai' had bolongcd to her l(r&nd·fa thcr. 'J'hls excited great admiration and a dcolrc to follow her example wltb aomethlnll equally s:reat. Some one diiiCOttred that the plio or slate book of the bulldlnlf made ftne pOints for ..eapont and 6 'l'HE NOIDIAL I'OI~TER. all kinds or knlveo. We soon had live gourd• lor thoCn\'0 men to drink and ea~ from, na1tl tho bones from varlous'I'hanksgiviog turkeys, chickens and lf~IO were promloed. Sharpeye•, tho 1ouog mao who mu.S\ go on \he. long journey with the old man In quesl or ftrc, wao ehoson qulukly as having nol only brll(hl eye. bul •omo degree ol 1plrl1 lor adventure. Tber.e ..-ere bra'fe messeogen to be ehosea, leaders lor tho bunt, guardi lor !ho cave home, mu•lclano lor tbe leasl dances. and protceton or the child· rcn; so thai everybody lcllthal he hn~ an l111110r.. "n\ part. to maintain. lo order thai needed material• be kept In mlod a ll~t was plaeed In the room, like the following: Stones for hammers, Ca"'tallt for torehes, Sci'.SK Ill. Sabre-tooth is dea<l. Oreal cxclt<•· mc nt. filtH 'he pcoJ)l(\1 untl a fCill'l\ Is pl1umrd In which all tho "IJCOI>I~ of tbo blll8'' join. SCY-':'t:l\". Th~\"AVf' i~ madt" f\"ady tor\\~lnttr. Scm~v. \'. TI1I!J ~cen\'o shows how the Ca,•e-t.wn bor<'Cl holes tlu'Qu~h thoir t):Ophl~•. made now wcat)()n~, nntl di"Cifittl the skins or nnlmnl~. SC&.'Ilt: Vt. The IOnJ.r cold \VInt4.•r wa~ alcuo~t .., over. The 3ir wa.J .:eulog mild.- AlonJ: tbe rl\"tr bank" \1-.ert= W'C!~ moun\aln~ of ._now and let\ that had ht1run lO mel\. Then CDIUC a dl~rutrous ftOOtl lhn\. took every thln~: out of the ellvc,-and wor~Co than all el.e, -Iff&. the ca,·e·ruen without fire. The7 ned to the hill• and climbed tho troe• 10 save tbem~h·es tlurlng lhe ftood. There was 10...., ro•· every wh<:~. \\'hen they ~g ln to. rear tho Oourds for dl•hes, nones of all kinds, -return or tho dnngprou~ onimtlll t~t were kO]>t Shells for playthings, Leather, awa7 only through fear of fire, they call«\ all tho Fun, Willow twigs, \Vood tor sandals, OranebH of everrreen, clan tOI(cther In a council tocon<lder whatohoultl nlrch bark, Dry, ••·, .oc. bn dono. The following scene show• tho council Tho children omxod their names 10 tho arllcle• In ••hlch the old mun tons them ho thinks ho c•atn thoy supplied. find Urc, lf 8 .)'OUiljl tllltO "•ill gO wlth him, II was a grcal day for the Cave-men when they Su&s& VII. All tho people help tho old man learned thaltbey were~ne the I(Jmnaslum for and Sh&tlleYel to ~:et relldy for tho long journey. their play, and be able to Invite their parento SCP.S& Vlll. Thlo shows tho Rn.~ kind of a and frlendo. The several doors altho oouth end door uoed, and the need of doors M that lime. for entrance and exit, ant) tho largo OJ)OU I pace !:!or.s..: IX. ~I any days paned, and eaeh day madelbe room •err desirable for this play. Then the Cue-men mloo;ed the fi!'O more and more. the apparatUJ Of the f)'mnaolum lent ltHif tO TOOy mlued the old man and Rharpeyes. They •arfous oeedJ, began 10 fear thay would never return. Allall The story of the Cav.. men II told In thll"'y·ftvo one evening about. sunset a sLrnngor comes tot· ehaplers. ~·rom theso tho teacher mado twelve lerlng to their door. II proves 10 be SharllOJeS, scenes for dramatlza&too. These at follows his otrength nearly spent with bunger, •adneu, accordtnr 10 tbe uplaaatlons given 10 the and tho hardship• of a long, perilous journey. audte:noe: Sc&sP. X. 'l'hls 1eeno shows how Stron~:arm 1. Tho ftrsl Soene or tho play showa how tho dl•co•·crcd fire, and tho celebration o f rejoicing Rrc clan gola cave. ltls Jato ~'all. The animals to con.~eque~. a!'O gelling ready for Winter, and tho ftre clan Sct:sr. XI. The women are 11 work weavlnJC waleh for fte- SAbre.tootb to start south. The7 ne&d hi• eavt-. A\ 1as\ one morning Slrongarm, their ba•kell an~ ,.,..,Is, mn~ the children AI ono or the leaders of tho clan, sees hlm come out. l)lay, while the me1\ aro'orr on a mammoth hunt. of hla eave and llarl ott toward the south. The SOt:SE XII. '!'he men return from tho hunl, people take possession of the cave. victorious In dc•troyln.: !he mammoth by forcln.: Sc~:S&ll. Theftreclan rlaeatday-break after II o•er_.~~clltt. Tho women meet them and tbe ftrsl nlghl In the cave, and with their dan~y homo the burdens. They come tired and 11m In mind, send meooenge,... ott to the 1ltl'l'l"'or fool oore, bul hnllllY, shouting tho war aong bclp. "Yo ho, oh ho. " T ilE :\OU)IAL POI:\TEH. 7 ("QUal ~U\.'(..'t'"'' due 10 htr ('l('r:tonat {·hann an•l thorouj.:h unth••·... lundlnJ: or hca· aubjtoct. Ml jllf bt·~t ••l!iilh'"" or both nntl C11<:ulty •'h t'r'C\'('r ~ h ~ uuty 1}(". On Jl\Ullltl'; lSth the N OI'Ullll rncuh,) AM'() t\ Fink "·nrrlt•" "llh h<'l' th<' stuchnHo~ huntiUt t In 1101101' o r Mi!'o~ 1-'ink~ lx'fol't' twr dt'l'""'" lure fur ht•r hom<' in South lt llwauk("('. The ball(l'rt·t wa .....~·nt"tl h> ~t ...... Kellar, .... ,l!llot~l by · <>OJ<' latll•·· <>f thl' Treble Clel Club. 11•• «>lor• or ".._' nnd l:'fft"n wac carrletl out Ia red C"antlh• .. and tarnatlonc nntl J:f'l"CD ~mllax, making lt. one vr th('l !ilchool. pl'\~tti<·.. t affat" en•r a:h't•n In tho OuJuouar~· :!Oth, Prcttldl'nt nntl )h·s. J 'ruy enter.. tainNI nL th("lr home the membel"8 of th~ Senior <"14''· ..\mon~t thf' ""t ud~n t;c ~nu~rlng thlt (JU &t1~r we rfot'():,;-nb•~ ).far) ~InS. ~lr~.Htl~n lff.Lt:)( B. IIHII>Ct:. Brown llricl~.ournt••• Sur~n·l~orof Mu-le, come' to us from tlm CI'IUlC Normal lnsti· tukl o f ~h1slc of Pototclaru, ~ll"' York, where she h•• bfx•o •~3l~ting )I iss durin~ the l>tUl year and a hall. She h.. furU~er<tudlt'tl Volt-eCuhure under the dlr'l'C.tlon of ~rs. Urytnt for four years, oad whb ;\!me. Capplannl of New York, during one tummer. For st\"~n yran~ the wa.s at the head o f the llu.le Departmen~ In thfo Nonnal School at Oneonta, 'Se•· York, wh~re ~he •·as uou.sually ~uM::ssfuJ . Tbe lnt~re"-l and acU,•ity displayed In the work here foretell• • continua nco or her auocess, t\nd also the mulmalnlng of tho high 11nndard se~ by pre,•louo •uvervlsors. In the ~·ll:llatlon of }IJ~!I Et.t.A t"JSK, who has Dlrecwr oi }lusle bert lor the paS! t wo and a baH 1 car<i. the school f.,.h tht lou of one •ho Yat alwat• willing to ltnd her aid In any undertaking-, not ool) to her own department, but whe,<tr 11 ml~b\ be needed. Tit rough htrclforu tho Choral and T reble Clef Club• ••re re-organ· antt under her direction rt"'"' ~c\•trol most. su~•dul concerts. Der work In the Nonna.l proper and Practice Oepartmen\. has me&. with an '*" the familiar faces of Ut~n,, t:JI~n Uotrman, l"ahelle Burns, and .)11,• 11a.!tty. Durlnsrtho w-c.•t•k of January!!od,SuJJifrlnten4len\ John Callihan, or ~lcoo.sha, nntl llonorRbll\ S. ~~. )lnt'l!h, or Nell•vllle, members oil he onlclnl bonrd of vi!4110r8, tnwpe<:tec.l clusses. Pt'f!Jidcnt 1-..ay was cttlled away •ruewday by a telt•::ram announcing the death of hl1 mother, )lro. L. \\". I' ray, al tho humc of her ~au~:Mer at O.ttc,o, lll(•hlgan. TJI& POI~"TI::R wish~• lO CS'· Lend the'' mpathy o f tho Oluclents. M tilt' clo..., o f the Sec:oncl Quarler, J . ~;. t\1118, a member or the Senior Clas, , lcfl. for ~hlc:osb, In order thu ho migh\ i)Ursue the c:ourto In Mouual ·rrnlnlng olfered thore, It being hi s ln!Aln· tlon to n111k0 ml\nvul training u SJ}CCinl ty. l'role••or 0. 1\. Talbcn appured on tho program at the Thlrly·Sixlh Annual MC4!tlng o f the Aea<Wmr of !klen..,, Februarrlllb. lie !"'"'""~ two paJH'ro: on~, ' ·The Varlallona o r the llraehlal an..S Sc-Iat ic: 1-'lexua of the 1°"rog," o f •hid' he has made a spec:lalsludy for several year•; and lbe other "(.'e~bral Loeallutlon from Clinical Study,"' baO(!(I 01\ observallon• mado o f William Shannon, who about three months was shot. to tho brain, but at nee then has c.xs:.erlenct'd a remarkable recovery. TilE XOIIM A I. 1'01 ~TI:-: 1!. 8 THE NeRM1\L VeiNTER n:BHU.\R\"' 1.;, IIJOO. Published monthly by tho ,hul(\nb of tht• <~h:th State Nonnol &-hool, SU.'''ens Point, \VI:.oont~ln. T e rms of S ~.& bscrl ptlott-I.A)t311h,•lh•N·y j,) ccnl4 per cumum, amyuhlc In atfvancc. olellver1 $1.00 per annum. Single ~OJ>ie• Ill ct•nts. t:mTOttlAL STAVY•• ·on......... J. HOWAtto unowst:, Jo:ditm··ln·t'hld f.hrTIK D..:vot:, ·oo..............• t-:.uror EOSA PATI-:1-: 1 '00 •••••••••••••••••...••• I.IH'rnry J. t;. SAZAMA, '00 •••• .••••.•••. . t\tbletlt• •:.lit or )IAIIOAKET t::<OL!I. "00 ••••••••••••••• A ... t:dhor Wlt.LIAM t:LI.r.R, "06 ••• .• ••••••• t:xehao~re tAll tor t:OtTH lL\trTWELL, Tralnlnlt Dt•1•••1mcnt ·oo...... Ar.T4\ ~1. Su..:UMA!'l, ,(\i ....••..••• Alumni Jo:dhor UAUOI.U lt. MAIC'rtN, '07 ••. Jo:dltor Jolly Column-t .J>:l<NH: f::<GL>:, "O(J I r ~·al t:..llto"' ;\IJ\flY KAI.I~KY, '00 f ······• ··•• """" Jous J. \\'\'SOCK I. 'ui •••.•.• Bu51ne~~ :uaoa~··r n"'' OaA~c-u&. ·oo (._"1...\HteSCR )10irTKt.t~ Slllllent~o~.. ~A.IItor---ln·Chlt•f, Contrlblulons soltchct1 from ulurunl and Addrest all li~rary material to tht' Ou.slneu Manager. and a.ll ~ A8 ... tJ'a"" ·oo ; huo~;lm•ss 11u"lnes.s )_(an&Jrer" ~ • communtl't\Uons to the" POINTE R TIPS . ALL ll&.'< lo~• lhemse~ They need no heir~•·· TOE c&r]>enLC-r who 8«'8 I& not uh,·ays the man who snws. TUE weight o f an lrJ:ument vat·te~ lnvenu-'1.) as it• len"'lh. SCBOOT. LJ•••: I• the be<t tnol of lire. Tho other end I• yet to be found. \V~ Oli'Tt:S heAr or the Pcdn.:c,guc'd prof(ll'll'llon. \\'e havo nol hcnrtl the CO/r of lt. I WEk-IU'.JOtCK In being able 10 Iough In prhate ...lth tht Jolly Column• outside. now. ll ) (IDNIOHT ou~·' i .. ftlr more expen~lvt• than •• Stnndard OJI. H \\'o Infer tho o f compelltloo. Culd ..-eather N!'Oo;On )OU to he lark H OMAN NATURE Is proverbially much the ••me the world o•·er. Wo are all ver) much alike and Jt!L -rerr dlfferent, wbl4..'h aeeouol§: for all the t.lld't•r'\•1\\."f between U!'i. OU NO lovo'a dream 00\'Cr tllstUI'b~ th(! ~tlunlbcl· of COilHIIOI\ SCI\1(!. A noicd vhtlo,.oph(JI' dC.CIUI'Ccl, 11 A ruan In love is no~ tn hl.s right. n1lnd. 11 He ruoy OOIIe\'e he Is 11 rl&:ht"' In lzu mind, but M, mlod can "I tie lo lwo pl..,.,, at once. Y / T I!E line-up of our friend .. arhl c_·omradeot I Itt f, c-;.nstantl> ebangin.,r. \tarlous cau~'l qomblne to elimlnotc totbe oml u1 • II tht• vneunt p1U4..'\!~. Such a re-adjustment recur" annually In cv\:r.)· •chool owlnJ: to the YN•rly changes to the ".. TilE XOIOI.\1. PUI:>.'I'Eit !I ll('Nonnel of th«" .. tutl-.·nt lwkl>, tH.u ..,udt ''hAnJ:t· .. :ti'\'-C:U ..tcuuarJ n1l\l aruicip:atet.l, cau'ilng lhtle oeees· ~h)· for coo3Ciou .. at.lju ...tmcot. flo•,.,·,·r. n. focuh~ 4-'ha.n;..'l• 1.. Clh''D.)II noth.--eable. ~o:,·cr.) ~acher•rt,w .. and imHvhlunll:f.t• .. hi .. •urk, l"-'\.'Oiulu~ tt JKtrt of h. (.'on ...cquNltly hl'l ab..en~ I~ noted by oil In no,_.. mamwr n ....ochurd •-ilh hi" wutk. Soml\ four •·t'\•ko~ o~o ""• batlt• flll"-'"''11 to nut• of our fM•uh~. ~ll.t• Ellu L.. F'lnk became a mcm· btr of tbaa.. botiJ bo :anti onto.lntU Jt•:tr.. a.::u. .MtHlJ' or t~o. hnH• kno•·n her durlnJl her e ntire scr,·l~ whb u ... and t:an h: ..lUJ to tht• cothu .. ia<~m anti litlt'litJ •hlch ,.ha,..cteriX('(I her work amon.: u.§~ She WA'4 t\"er rf'atly to .. acrlfl~ for the> ::t·u.-ralt•ftlch·rM.·y uf twr work, or for the l'l"'grt''i<4 of Individual ~lutlent<il . Bcr-•<h·partuwnl •a ... h.•fl thm·ul> or,:;miztd. and ha" rec.."Cived faithful, untlrlng, di.sln· h.•n.•... ted attention. lh•r lnl1utau.."(" "hh tlw ,.""' l.c••h· of .. uult1nt ... rt'mllln~ uoaffectetl b) th~ chnngc. \\1o wl-.h to \!XJU"\'1'>"' ou•· ~> u•pnth~ fw· ht•r 1n,·tdhl rnoth('l·, nntl tu c xtc ntl ou•• hcn••t.y ;,;ood will to ~11-. t'lnk. \\'c ~L our nt" SUJM.'ni ...oa-. )h·.... Urhlc-t•. and anti-.,·lpatt• 111t·a~urab1e and proOtablu Acqualntanoo W"ith her and lw:r •ork. AitCU lith 1, apprtHlchiu:: anti '"" ur.• nht·:ul)' on tlw nuul to :\lllwaukee. M The force-. an:o mu ..tertn~ for tht• «:unu.•.. t ""''" all .. rut• um· will 1.,..~ lllU4h••'-'d out. Ccnaln J>hrasc' mlgh~ be \llied to d~cribe lht1 UIIIIO<ooJihton.• ()\'1'\"lltllll:O: tht .. JU'\'pantllnn ; hut, OC'Cause or OUI' abhorence or con\'t_•ntlonolism in nll furm .... ,..,. r\'fraln fnun ..;•> lnl! that fo•· ..,.,,•rul w(\(!kS HmJghty rumblings havo •hOkt>n the wall-l of thl ... (:ood Old Jn .. tltutlon. ·• nohl(' ~E'ntlnwru ... ••t.ocho aml re--echo thru the halls," "hrlll denuneiath>lh "a•:ak•·n th.:• .. lumf~:no:: .....n'""t·~ of tht• "4>'huo1 to tbe fac'l lhal .-e are ptel)ared to Uo or die-.·· ~rtaln 'tutl4·nt ..... ,·:n 11 tn•,thl(-11. no·duu ... ~untt·nanc('," d utuo, aJ finillfm, .t\11 lhei(", w-tn..' th(lo)' prewot. "'•uhl t"\·rt:.inl~ cluuach· l~t tht unlinftr.) pn·paratlon for the Oratorical Cont~t. \\·eft"-' unable to ..HUt• J.c~<ooitht· l~ tl .. tu tlwl•· I'"...._.....~. hut."'-" su~r«t the)- a re whh us. Tht'refo~, let ~til oua· si~t~r " rn .. thutlon"'" l"t.'llll'lllltt·r 1905 1 nnd lM.'n' Ot''' of 1906% "J'hls ts ou•· yecu·! llurrah for ~lll•uukec: J.:UT!l;.\HY "'th tlw 1..-~-..·t u,• ( 'u•nnaiu...• pr..·..-t, ot ~to u ... n ,..-•rtalo C.: aptalo lltCitMOSD P. llou.sos. TIM! worhl kno..-... )lr. lf,,h ... on a ... 3 ... •llur anti a M-ro. a~ au uratur and a true .\n~~erlt.•ao. fie b fjUh(' nblc to cornln'--.• 004' thn.t ht• 1/J' •·•ufJ. llt• b..•llt.•\'(>4 tha' Ame rica's del'tln.) I!C indeed •·manlft•"tt. •· that lwr ml .... iun i1 to JU II\· I ~tim I"'Dt"\' to th~ nation-. . ~tr. Hobson cnnno\. bo c haracter.. ltt.-.1 by the rn<'rt' h•rnt" ''t>h>ti'H'nt · nn\l "UtnJ:nt'lit· •• , \\~c "IHmltl •·uth(lr ~oy ho ht nl8o co,H•Incinsr anti profound. 111 .. uth·r·anc,., 3"-' nut .. u,wrJh·bll u1· 1·at1ical; lht·~· IH'H nul bornba"tlc nH: tns}hOr~ which .., 0 ar on ..AJ:Ie'~oo •In:,:" un·r tht· ... un-lit Slt·r•·a ... :wtl aero ...... ll~t~ t•JCJUin~h·e Pacific• t\ot a !&Jk!aker he Is attract I~<', foret•ful,lv;:1cal. \\~,. ~t·n· 11\lWh lmpn , ... 'tl by tbt.• ft•nrlt•"" hone ..ty whh which he dl1ttC-us.s«J tM (JOihleal. f'e(mmnic. and mor•l t.·untlhlon<t of our tlo:M:•. Graft, eorrus,tloo, maehlne rule, and 11\tlu ... tri a l tyrrannr an• produ(·t ... of I"Jiitlt.·n.l DJt31b~· and moral lethargr. ~ electorate mu .. t be purlflfd. tbe J)Ubllt• hnnor "iodic ,h_'11, lh, nt'ltlonal 4,•on~ltn~ :arou~. By whoen '! IJy American... ~ "l'hcn ~111 wt> l)t\ C(u:.llll\-d to fulfill tlu• ml""lon rur •hid\ our ~utlou wos born: \\'ar Is wunfnt:! 'l'lw tluy of JK'[U.'t' Is hl"t'nkin~.:: l\lllt>l'h-u ...tand" in a po~itlon 10 Ia~· n hnnd on cltlwr ocean. She hn~ •h•eady tt.•rmlnntetl th(• mo ... L tt.••·rlhlt•\H\r(tf \lodt•a'fi ilis tory. Slw IJii bylnhea·ltonco a n1l hya<.·~-.ul~llion p~mloently th~ arbitn ... ..: nf tht'\\"orlll UJ""' unt.• t'Ontlition- ,ht' mu~t.butld a OliVJ,D na,·y which ,.·il l makf! the hand of t'oeh.• SAm ht"avy lndt ....l fc•r tiK· OJ)JU"('""'or. a navy po.-erful and t"ttkleo,, a oa,·y whlt':h .,ha lt plou~h th•• •&\'t·.., not for ~lory. not for ;:old. hut for l ...lbforty and l~t"&C(': \\'e anlicipat;•d a rat'\' plt•a .. un"' in )Jr. llhlhun':-. \'i'>it. \\'H hR\'(' 1"(\allzed that. plta'4uro anti kou"' hhu a~ omt of our J.(l"('lll orator~. F It,...,..., t 10 T il E :\OJUI.\ L PO I:\TEH. In what.,.., ><:hfllulrd a ha•ketballl!••ne. but which """ tntlr(\ or a nuolt"\ot than rul>lhln~ ~Is£", our ttnm "••nt down to dt•fl·nt bcfnf\ot tlw (khko,.h team b) tl. of 3d tn 1:!. Attht.• ,·nd of the flr-,1 hsU tl'<' CO('()n• tnoo.l 8 to Thh~ fatt !iiho.. ~ that the lNUrl"' "ere qull"' (Wt•nl)· matched. It is n. qucst.lon ho" the uunte • •ould l}lwe rcocultt'd hrul it. not b(_'o(ln for the ~enrro8h) of tb~ man thct ealled ureft.W. 01 •hO ~hOWft) from thfo YfrJ &tar\ thaL his knowlt'dJ.t('; of the ~arne of ba~ket ball 1~ sadly limiled. '' knowlrduc of the rule•, ''(lrhatlm, 1111 Of Iilli~ ti<'COUnt If the 8tUOC Ol right API>Jicalion of them I• lacking. 6 in ra,· or of the urmHan ... " 11>o Marshfield lllgbs J>laycd a return gunl(l of 1Ja8kct ball here on ~·cbruary Oth. II was one of the cleanes'- anU fasttst ga~s thua far seen ur.on our door. )lar8hfteld can rightly boast of a• good a Ellgb S<:hool team •• ever donned ba,k<t ball "togs." Good t<~am •·ork on both 81dco characterized the game from atart to n1e Umpirt!, tbC boyS Say, ~~ I HmJghty ftOC man.,, Bis dec I•tons •·ere fatr In et"ery way, antl cllclt;>d many compllm{.;t..•·y remarks from the •IJCClatoro during and a fter the game. A large crowd went home that nll(ht satl•fted that they saw a aood game. The eate recelpto neued the Ouket Oall.\uoel· atlon a neat sum, for which they arc thankful to tbo m any out81Ucrt present . A Social Bo1> wat tendered the )larob6eltl lad• after tbe game. Profeasur GIJe, principal, accompanied the team. &ore at end o f fir~t l>alt 12 to 3 In fa•·or of St.cveos Polo&. t'lnal500re-20 to 14 In our ravor. t~lne up: MAR8IIFIO:I..D. \\"c never s:-nambl~ when beaten falrl}·, but ..-e do JH"Ote .. t aguinbt. lnju111tl~ and parthallty, hC'\\'· C\'el'li'UO tht.• lllOth'e~ of tho ()CfJX:LrnlOI'S IIIIIY h 0\'0 been. To give Rm.l s:et n ~~~qurnv d~t'' _.n bnsket. ball deJ>end• UJ>On th~ unbiased d«:ltl1>no of the a rbiter In no less nwa,urc than In an~· otht-t: eun· test. The r<'ferec mu~t he u nol ~ft~'l'(', l..inoup: OSIII<OMII. Keefe .•..•••••.•. ,('enttr...... l::obe-nc. Wbiwomb . • ...... t'ono·ard ... Ol•c:hoiT. HalM•y .••••.••...• l''orwnrtl.... Onuur<'. :'tloody ••••••..•. . . Gucu"tl..•••. 1-'u rk. lluckley .••.• . ...• Guard .•.... Wtullclgh. Son·n"on rtef£'1"('('. t-:"cn.on-eml)ire. It i• with ~1-cnt lntere"t. thai. wu arc followtng &be, .. lon' or leatUng educator"', ln~~otltution;c, and prornln(·nt men on t~ fool hall qut ...tlon. We do not !nor the &bultltlon of thlo gn>al .:nmt: nor do we ftavor Its total p...-~crvat ion. Not•·lth,tumling the fnct thDt. footllall Is one or our 1no't lx·lo\"'td and ra,•orlte g-ame•. •e must. all COI\C('t)t' that lt ha• apr~~eal •o•nc reatu~ wht~ tlo no&. to our lUeal of n manly gaw<•. \\T., must. admit ll(•yontl the •hodow oJ A tloubttlmt foot boll tl.S playt-.1 by American teams, lat1to or small, 1>0~-Se'-"'tc M>me glarln:;: bnr\al &'PfCl.C. Out lJ,e.. yond thh are !n"'ater r•·ll• still thee• II• of profc.sloooll•u>-t ~~<:hoolln11 In di•hone8ly which ~~ w American youth. STY.Vtt.'<S Poi:<T. Wharftcld .. •.....• Center ..... Hoberts P a tterson •....••.•. ~·orward ... Drasurc Wilt •••••••.••.•••. Forward .. Uiit'boiT ~·recl•rlcko ....••••• Guard ..•.• Wadi•IJ:h MUla ••••.•.•.••••• Guard .••.. Park. Umplr&--~lr. Tearmao. lleferco-Evero.,n. tl•• ~