You Should be in this Room IF… Undeclared CLS Undeclared SAH Undeclared SOE

You Should be in this Room IF…
Undeclared CLS
Undeclared SAH
Undeclared SOE
Undeclared Pre-Law track
Undeclared pre-health track
Hand out pens Point out needed paperwork,GE and NFRform
“Undeclared” Majors are Still Part of a
College or School
• College of Science & Health
• College of Liberal Studies
School of Arts & Communication
• School of Education
• College of Business
What’s the Difference?
• Major-Emphasis/concentration
• Minor
• Pre-Professional Track
Changing your Major
• If you did not make change this morning at
• Ask for clipboard in registration room
On-line Undergraduate Catalog
• Majors
–Sample plans of study
• Academic Policies
Why Are You Going to College?
To get a good job
What does that mean?
• It means that piece of paper (your degree)
doesn’t mean much all by itself.
• Your college education is meant to create a
foundation for your career path, not train you
for any one job.
Skills Employers Want
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Computer literacy
Work ethic
All courses that make up your degree develop these
skills and the outside of classroom experiences
enhance your employability.
General Education Courses
• A large portion of your first year and a half
of classes, whether you have a major or not,
will be General Education courses.
General Education
• If you only view
them as obstacles to
remove instead of
opportunities to
learn, you will have
wasted 1/3 of your
Bachelor's Degree
120 credits
9 General Education Categories
Gen Ed brochure
• (6 credits) Literacy –Writing
& Communication
• (7) Math/Logic /Modern
Liberal Studies
• (3) Minority Cultures
• (6) International &
Multicultural Studies
• (4) Science with lab
• (3) Self & Society
• (3) Humanistic Studies
• (2 courses) Arts
• (3) Health & Physical Wellbeing
Education + Experiential Learning =
Educated/Employable Citizen
Classroom work (all of it, not just your major)
Leadership & Involvement
Internships/part-time work
Study abroad
Afternoon Agenda
Two more academic events today
1. Meet with an advisor
2. Register for classes
Things to know before meeting with
an advisor today
Stop me at any time and ask a
Individual Advising Today
• Your advisor today is not your assigned advisor
• Advisor assignments made in August
• Most advisors are not available until week
before classes begin.
• Questions after you leave today? Contact your
College or the Academic Advising Center.
Materials You Need
New Freshman Registration Form
My General Education Plan worksheet
General Education Program brochure
Manila folder at registration with other
tutorial and music ensembles. (Leave at computer)
Pre-registered Courses
• Credits
• GE categories-matches GE program and worksheet
• You will add courses after meeting with an advisor to reach 1416 credits
• Unless you changed your major after arriving today, make every
effort not to change your pre-registered courses at registration
My Gen Ed Worksheet
• Doc cam
UW-L Transfer Credit Awarded
• If you see courses listed here, we have the official
transcript for AP/IB/CLEP or transfer credit
UW-L Prior Coursework
Anything listed here is also official
College Level Transfer Credits
• All info YOU reported. Not official.
• It’s OK to remove or add info
Wisconsin Regional Placement
• Milestones:
Math Map
103/PHY 125
MTH 151
MTH 150
PHY 203
MTH 207
MTH 265
• If you placed into MTH 050 or 051, consider the FastTrack
Summer Program (apply on-line after you leave today)
• FastTrack is a summer program designed to enhance your
mathematical understanding and skills in order to place into a higher
mathematics course in the fall
• 6 week online summer course/1 week on campus
70 students admitted-$200
• Also an online only FastTrack Option-$50
• Will be contacted by July 3
Does not change the math course you choose today
What if you can’t get a math course
• Look to after July 13
• Still apply to FastTrack if interested
• May have to wait until spring semester
What if you can’t get a science course today?
• Look to add after July 13
• You can still graduate on time
• May have to wait until spring semester
What if you don’t get your ideal
• Choose classes in Gen Ed categories where
you have a choice (advisor suggestions)
• Open your mind to new possibilities
• Make changes to your schedule after July 13
• ENG 110/CST 110 7:45 classes
Participation in Activities
• Intercollegiate Athletics-3:00
• Marching Band-this is a class-must register
• Music Ensembles-these are classes-must be
registered to audition-list in manilla folder by
computer in registration room today
Next: Meeting with your Advisor
• If you have some ideas of majors or professional
programs you might be interested in, we will have
• If you are totally “deciding” you will choose courses
that will fulfill General Education requirements.
• Completing the My General Education Worksheet
• Ask questions today!
Registration for Classes
• Tutorial at each computer-go through it step by
step-don’t be in a hurry!
• Lots of help available in registration rooms
• Register for courses recommended by advisor if
open seats are available
• Register for additional Gen Ed courses to reach
14-16 credits
When You Have a Choice
• Read course descriptions
• Be aware of prerequisites
• We will teach you:
1 How to search for courses
2 How to use the Schedule Planner
3 How to put classes in the Shopping Cart and register for
Step 1: Log on using your username & password
Step 2: Search for Classes
Click Here
Step 3: How to
search by Gen Ed
a. Select “2015 Fall”
b. Select “Undergraduate”
c. Select “Show Open Classes Only”
(your choice)
d. Click here to choose a
Gen Ed category. Then
click search.
Step 4: Learn more info about open classes
a. Read course titles
Note: Some sections of courses have spe
GEN 103 – Skills for Future Careers
b. Click “section” hyperlink for course descriptions and pre-requisite inform
See Step 5 for example
Step 5: Gain more information
a. Check for pre-requisites
(e.g. requirements needed
to be “Pre-requisite”
met in order
to enroll
means you must have credit for the course listed
you are able to take this course. (e.g. if you do not have
in theBEFORE
credit for ENG 110 or ENG 112 you cannot take this course)
“Concurrent Enrollment” means you can enroll in this only if you
are going to enroll in the listed course for the same semester
b. Read course description
Step 6: After searching for open courses,
write down 2-3 courses you would like to
take from each General Education category
you have not yet completed.
FIN 207, SOC 110, UWL 100
Step 7: Now return to your WINGS Student
Center (Use “Home” not back button!)
Step 8: Open “Schedule Planner”
Click “Schedule
Step 9: Watch “Help Videos” and then begin building
a schedule around your pre-loaded courses
a. Click “Help Videos”
b. Watch both
beginner and
intermediate videos
Step 10: After viewing schedule options, send
your ideal schedule to your shopping cart.
Click “Send Schedule to
Shopping Cart”
College vs High School
• Time
• Putting the pieces together-lecture, outside
reading, lab, text book. Connections!
• Be cautious in your 1st semester and pick up
steam as you learn your limits & strengths.
After Registering Today
• Making changes to your schedule
• Registration reopens(July 13)
• Swap-don’t drop whenever possible!
• A lot more than just a place to register
– Advisement report-roadmap to graduation!
– Placement scores
– Transfer credits
– Transcripts
– Billing
Take time over the summer to become familiar with
Where do you go next?
• Individual Advising
Pre-health students-stay in 1400 for a short
Scott Stine will then direct you to your assigned
room for individual advising.
All others will proceed to individual advising
now (overhead)
After You Leave Today
Your College or
Academic Advising Center
Thank you!