m&m Mwmtmmm m Aim m mm mmfsi mmfm wmsm massm mAm mums

jum m&m Mwmtmmm m Aim
m mm
mmfsi mmfm wmsm
submitted to the
massm mAm mums
In partial tnltilleent of
the r©q»iT©©@iit0 for ttee
degree &t
Pi^feesor of Foods aad Nutrition
In Charge of Major
4- of ©epaf^aea^ of Fo©$8 asS Bftitrltioa
Gfealraian of School ©rMa&t© Coffiioitt©©
nvim^m *m\mu\*mm
ChAirman of State College Graduate Council
Part I—Review of General Legal Protection
Offered tlie Oregon Coneumer B«yer of ^ood
federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
flheeler-Lea Amendment to the federal trade
State Regulatlone Offering General Proteotlon to 0©nitiarer Btjyere of food
standards and #ri&dea
federal and State Labeling
9Art tJ*-8e*iew -of Befalatioiie wfeieij. Aid Oregon
Coneumers In Buying of Specific Poods
Mtlfc, Cro^m, and Ice Cream
latter and Oheese
Fruits and Vegetables
Meat and s>ot*itrr
Flour and Bread
Migcellaneoua Staples
■©le writer wishes t@ &xpr©8'© ta©r sineer®
^preoiat-ioa t& iigne© 13. Sololiom# ass#elat0
^roffcssor ef f&©^8 aB.fi Satrttl^n tra&gr vhds© supervlsion tMd stti^r was ©fi^©, for fe©r galdaaee and
untiring assistance;
to Jeesaaiine Chapman
Williffims, HeaA of tfee Department of Poode and
Itefcritioa,. for feor ©aoourageises'ti
as^ to otbers
throughout tht state of ^?egoa w&© have offered
helpful suggestions.
T&& old saying, *S© rail© gays tfe© ptpef* ©ali® the
tune*, can well mean, *& consumer who buys should receive
ast is fact Ion from goods purchased o
Such satif? faction nujy
result when eonsufaers beeome aware of the protection and
aid givea them though legislation which has heen paseed
by both the Federal government and the state in which such
ccngumere live.
Goneumer buyers may be considered m%t
informed if they understand the scope and content of the
Federsl and etste lawe that jgovera the prodaets they ^w»
This thesie is a cosipiletion and atudy of the Federal
and state regalatioas irhleh dii'QO^ty sad ladireotly aid the
Oregon consumer teayers of food.
Bowever, only those
piwriftloa* retired or sti^eeted hy the federal and state
goveraottiltff &m ooaei'dered.
imm or precedents of
organizations other thai) those directly a pttft of the tJhitea
States or Oregon governments are not included.
Tim study is not Intended to be a eoraplete eomplletlon
of the preeeat-day Xawe foveraiag food.
Bather it involves
those laws which in the Jadgaent of the varioiie authorities
eoraprislhg th# MtAiogfaphy and iM the opinion of the writer
are believed to be ©ost pertinent to Oregon consumers.
wmt eases, the laws have been stated and referred to lit
fliisplified sad afcrldged forms.
mum OF ^odEB^Es^
tfea*©© eefihedst
(1) a stsi^ -of the l?@a©^ai anA Maf®
piibl&*6%loi)d» (2^ ooaferftiMJdd -with t&o§e hav&ng valuable
and <3) 6&rr0dDondand« with Various fetier&l &%& dtate
a&pAPtaeQtd ^na the»l^ ro^fdeoiit&tivds.
0airdful QtMf ^as toade of the regul&tionft published
hj the feioml ana Os^^on" disait'e ^oVernaiente.
T^hieli obfttributed to the f>we©ftt-aay igtwa governing foot
iKrere d'tudled as well &■§ 1ftM>s« rdg^OL&tiona now to force.
aonferenode were hetd in Portland, Oregon, with the
State denitary ingi^ei^r of the Oregon State Bo&ra of Health
m& a f©il©ml reprejientotliire of the Unltefl Stateo &©pgrt->
«ent of ^rioultttr^.
Further ooAferenoea were helfl ifi
^or^alll©, 'Or©^0R# with & ittate repreeentatir* of tht^ Oregon
$tote 9op«rtment ©f ^riouitar© and tfeoee profeatoore on
the eaBSHM) of Oregon stdte Ooilege trho are nutherltiee on
the legal phaeo* of ^©riora§ olaee^^ of foods aisouss^t
m the theele.
B#©0ntiy puhliehed naterlal avallebXe la Waahlngtoht
Ihf., «ao obtained through eorreeponAenoe «rith the fftited
Stato*' tfeptrttsfHt of Agrloulture, eeveral of it* bureaue,
«jsd th$ Uttperiatendent of 9oe«dBent$.
Material, wae also
reoeiieod: fro® the 0ir«etor of the State Bepa^t^ent of
Ajgrlftglttirt* 'O'fei^f &t t%tt tiiri*4«^ of food* «uat |)&iri6.B#
and Chief of the Division of Plant Industry, all located
In #nhfflXtttng th© theels, ^federal and State ItegaXa*
tlons ae Mfio to Oregoii fSonsai^r $®$®m of Food,8 it is th©
i?nter*s ptirpeife t© mk® -^milafel^ to ChnsgoA eoap^iere the
regul&tlea& donosrasng foofi e© th&t t%ef ofty foeeo®©
fafflili-ai* with the Xaigs pfote^tlug siaa aiitag th©© in ta@ip
-fVeff(SoiSP f«o4 i^iyieg;.
&mm w o&m&b htm% mmwTWB WPmm
mwrnn mmmm mzm.
OF mm
Regulations and ppactloea of the Federal government asd tfee state ©f ©reg^n whleh f#ira!i a foan&atloa
upon sSiiefet as*© mat© til© regulatleng foy specific
mmm, am mem wmt&tiosB m &m
fit wsmm* FOC»,. ©roe,. m& mmmz® s&s ■
Although the Fefiei^l F®@€, iinig, aitfi SosBtetle Aot tea©
JttrlB&iatioft ^nly #v©r those foode w&i^fe pa6« lat© Inter«tat© ©©inhere©, tt pfv^ldes ©a© of the ebief laws ^ipoteetlng
tfe© cassii©©!* fei^®r® ©f f©©i $**
'^fe© a0t» |»a0©'©4 %n
\$J$ a© a po^idioi! of ®>© firat F©'#0ml.f@oQ ana Pi'ng. aet
«f 1906, l)©®^^ ©ffoetiw ^taa© 85* 1939.
Itei© ©sriier law of 190'6, often ealXefi tfee Worn fooA
dttd t^sg Sja^r, ©losQt latdrstfite e©Q23e.f@© t® aa€Q'lt0Fst©d^
asa 9aisferasll©a',* fdodbs.
AoeogtiAsg to life© Imt?, %€ult@Tat©ae
fm&n were of too olatse©*
{11 tbose foode fr©© tg^leh a
vulttafel©- mmtltumt &aS %©oa f©©©tfM QiHli or oithoot a
leeft vatiaabi^ ©oastlttioat he&tng h<$m «ubstittttdAt or t&oae
so treated a© to dtmiaisfe' tfeelr- streagtfe Of Qiiality ©r in
smel a war a© t© ©onoe&l 4m&g®
(t) t&o©©
foeds ooasletiBg' to tAtele or iti part of a tttthf, dee-om^osed,
or jpatrid eobetaneo' or' of a diseased mlm&Z or on© that
bafi tied otheroiee than by ©lau^tsr,. or foode t©. sMoli bad
been a€ded a poisouoms or Aeieterloue iitsre&ioBt petentially
rendering tb© artlel© isjarious to bealtb.2,1'
^isbrsnded15 food®, aoeordliig t© the 190$ Pederal Food
and Brag Aet, w©p© tboa© tsAioee paokttge- or label was aarked
with any err©n©o«B or ©ialeadlng ©tatg^ent, deeign or
deviee regarding suefe artial© or the Ingrediente or sub-
stsaieta e©iJt#iaet ta tfe© arfciel©.
fh© Foo& aoa Bs^g .Admiftls-
trstiea had em-t&efiljr t© ^misor tfe© la1)©J« fMnsd o© fo&te
©Bterlag iBt© interetate ettiaBerefit &&& to ete^rge violation'
.©f the law if the analyels *f tls© ©tsple ©faowei a €iserep.aa.e3r or v«srtaa«© ^betweea tb& aefraal ebAsaeter ®f the
f-eefietaff Mil that iBfiio^tea on IS© label.**
IfoaeF the' 190.6 Federal ^©©S
Snag; A^t, the .©epartmeat
«f ^grlettltBre ha6 &iiii'@i3*i©e& advisory definitions afi€
0tsniss?d© oi i^entltsr for vorieise feo^Ui* feat these ha& ao
legal fQ#ee» so that
the trial 'of smm hefsre eoarte &m&
juries Xn Mtferent part.® ©f the mowntpj, eonf lie ting
yerdiot© tyere gi^en even tyher© the e@fa|>08iti©ii ®f the pro&u»te la f^eetl@ii tme ^tihetmntially the s«»#.
fhie 'gav1©
rise t© e&aotle eoafiitl©^© 1® mmy isfortaat iafluetrlee
thr©u^i)®;t the eouBtrf •
E&WMiffcetiarers iDho wasted t© feee|>
high stammr&s. fotsat that eem^etltian f©a?®e& them t© lower
the fstallty of their sjaauf^et^red protaete.
In If2J, the
hotter ftadbxetr? e^eeeefiet in ^aeelng m ^aenteent t© the
1506 ftoofl ani ©rag ^ot requiring that te h© legally e&llea
tmtter the predaet smst eontaln not leee then SO per»©e%t
mll% tut.
fheresfter sfeen © tmmfmtMPQr $1.6 sot ffieet thie
standard, the govepnaient ha# only to show by teetimeay of
lab^atersr ©nslyste that the hatter' eentaiaed let® than $$
per eent ©ilk fat ana w&e, therefore,, net entitled to fee
ealUS tmtter.* fhie gtaaday* le retataed in the Fooi,mn$, m& Goe&etia s&t of 193@.'
ffee ameataeat of 1923 was not, however, the first
ajG&a&Befit to the
FodS anS 0rag. I^tr.
time the W^ la» was tt@&|fi©<t.
From time to
la- IflJ, the s©-c&lle&
^ado^tsnsfl^t* em^fi$»iit to the Fooa and Bisig law was. paseed,
piewi^ias tlBUt the net eontents by wei^t, eoant, ©r mefteore
of psQiktaged f#o6t latiet he plainly ©fti ©©nspieao^sly ©©rfeea
on the iahel.
tootfees' str^isgtlieniug ee&tloa to the lf0$ fsot em&
ifQg 4et tjgie me isesJary-CteDes luaeitdniddt p&seed in if30.
1M& atttherieed the ieoretd^r of Agr&eoltttre to ^eta^lish
•by vegttlfttteik s ainimitoi stanaara -o-f quality aai fill of
©ontaia^r wM<eh, ^itli.@0rtaia eacdeptiehe* ©@o& ©l^oa of
esanetit f©o& ^ist meet,
fnter thie aaenSiaeat eanneA feed
tthleh -f ©11 heio^r tli@- minisai© stendas^d ^as ■r@^«2'ii>e<a to hear
a etateaest #n the lahel intl^&ting its sahetondetrd
Wz® liaitatioas of the- 190$ Food -ena l^pog Aet w©r©
eevefal, ani for that yeaeon m mowmemt ya® iaitistofi about
1950 for the revision of the mt.
oorthy shert&emiagg
Mm® of the Best note**
fl) Jt failed to pretdde for fe^se iaspeetioa of p-aeee,
preeeasee, -anfi sats^ials of produetioa a© a- aeAae
of ase&rt&iaing the eleadlinees asid ^a©l«soaen©ea
of a preduet.
C2). it ^©Mfeitea iaJtirioMs foed only ■ahssn a poiaonoaa
eu^stane© hsfi heea added*
not pro»
%®ti%o& from any poison a which might have been
CD tt ooatturried no legal authority for the e8tabUsh«
oent of ^efisiiviona and gtandardc of £&@ntit§F
except in the case of butter and certain canned
(k) It oontained no smthoriZy to establish Btandarde
$$} %%■ prti^iM®. $®®Q%t%m%i®m t®* tilt 9t eo^taine^
mlt %n tiie ®m& tit $«dined go@6©.
fhe ^^Aor&l Food* Omg* *»* (Joensetio 4©t *f i$36.^re»
■a©ptr@8 tilie w©:*»t^ fA&tiordd ■ of tlM iwliw $.$.% .*t l$06. Its
■ffiftjdtf purpose la to ao^o afftotitely efeocfe li&itdr«it,ion and
A number of .provision© tw'fidi* tfe© f©dor©-l food., Srug,
©ad Ooeeetie Aet i!ior©©-.ef t!i© iefal $rtt©©tion ^ivon tk©
. eoustissor lJ.uy©3t, ©f food? kXX adtaltfGr&t&d prodtifts ^sttnlsf
la iRterata'fe® tsmd®' mre forbMdsii. ^no^al and ©.psoifio
Lo^e tihioh .fert'sia t# tfe^ ddult^^atlo^ @f f©#d •are*
(1) 4 food is &dt&ltar&tod if: (P) it boars or contains
&*iF poifOilious 0f d©l®t@fi©i»s ttabetltooft whiefe ©ay
Vendor it iajafio&e to ho&ltb; (fe) any valtaatel®
eonatituont fea.® bo#ft in wlsoi© ©r in ^art abstreoted
or oraitted; (o) ian.y AatoAtfi^ioa has ^©©n ettfeetituted
wholly or in part*
(d) damage or infpriority it
ooncealed In any way;
(e) any eubetanoe has been
added to increase its bulk or weight or to reduce
Its ftfcyfeftgfh or t© moMe it &ppm* tette* oi» of
grtifctey vain© tfeAa. it i«.
(t) 0o«if©eti0ii©py 40 a^ultepftt©^ If it ©©nt&in* any
alcohol ©r non-nutritive article ©r eubstance
©xeept !isi*»8il©8$- flavoHngi; haFaiees i»©0inoue glaa©
mt in ©x©©-e© ©-f f©wc*t#fith* ©f ©»© j^e^ #©iit»- ■■
natural gum, and pectin. Alcohol In confoetionery
is ptef^ittet np t© one-lialf *f 'ow fsr Q$n%*
15) tf a pfofiaet ha© It^sft pwipap©^* pacfe^t, ©r held
under inftaRttftvy •©n4itii©ae wfeerefey it any Sta.v©
b©©©©@ eonttuMka-A^d ©* r©^dt:r©d injurlouc t©'th©
health* it i* aii3it®i*ate4'. '
.(%> fredttet© in ©©ratain©!*© ©©fspoaai ©f mf deleterious
eubetance trfeiofe aay reatder t!ie ddn^antft itiitt-rious
• ■
to iteftitfe &m d©clar©d adult©rat©d»"
Altfeoiagh labeiiog it diec^teiad in eh&pttftr ?♦" general
and tpBtttis f>e$ul&%im$ ^hiefe -poftaift t© th© ttiebpandlng ©f
food ©ay b© sat^tionod at ••thi© tta*.
fto996 l&w© ar©.'
(1) |.a.b©'llnf fals© ©p tti^laading ia-afty pfifftieular ia
(2) All i>ao&ag©d fooda miist baat* th© natn© and addp©t« of
tli© «aii«£aetw®*v paofe^r, or diatpibisitop,
<5) All r©t«tlp@d lafoiMiiation ©uat be ©n the label aitd
aust fee a© g>la©©d tiaat it is ©asily ©©©n.
tlon nmB% alco be stated In such a way that it ie
easily imderetood by an ordiaasar iMlvldtml.
{^} A fo©d offered for. sale uader tbe name of another
food is misbranded.
If the food la an imitation
of another f@od, it must b© labeled Hmitati@iie
dipeetly after the name #f the food imitsted,
($) A food for wftiieh a standard ©f identity bag been
established is mlsbrp-nded if it does not (a) conform to tk@ stanferd set up for that food, (b> bear
tbe name of the food on tfe© label, and (o) bear the
cojaaon aaaes of rafeate^ar ingredients are present,
(6) A food is isisbranded if it is rapresented as one
for D^hieh a; standard of %«ality or fill of eontainer
has been presoribed and y#t it falls feel©# the
standard without a statement to that effeet on the
{Jf la eases where the standard has been proBraigated,
a food is misrepresented unless the label bears the
comiBon or usual name of the food;
and in ease It
is made from two or ©or® ingredients, the
or usual name of each ingredient ©ust be given,
except in each products designated as spieos,
flavorings, and coloringa.
(g) A product cannot be shipped without a label, goods
passing between prooeeslng and paelting establishments excepted.
f9)' A- 'feKNI ^©prasoated a® havtag ©ertata •diatair «.0©s
properttee that pwttik$HS&vi ra^f fe« idf^i'raed. &» to
Its Trails for &«K3$i iises,
ClO} If s f©©^. bsars €>r ©©iitai^si; aasr arttfilial o©lo«ia§
©r o^esteal pr©a©pvatitr©i its iS&bel fflust state, that
Saliflgs ^s to grti^ioisl ^olotdsg S© 'S©t
a^2,|r' t© Matter, eheea©,. #r ie» ei^aia,
■o-paziges eoSsr^d ■wl.tb c^nl^t&f ^re ffltiet -fee QafKed
fli© oa© ©f ©tfeylea© -gas to .hasten
fh© de'velopmgsnt of color fa rip& ^aiffornia otgagem
%9 p9nBX.ttQ& titfeont tfo® naoeaaity of tofoxotng
ooastmera of tfee artiflotsl ;pf»o©e88.H
gmtig tfee maj<3-i» a.^ane^a of tfe© ps»®e©at fa&ejpal FooS8
Drug, asfi 0©0in@tlo ^aw OT©r t'fee 1$Q6 We®& m& trag ^©t la
tlia regulntlon of f©ote mXm are tfef following• ^
i%l Haaaoaable stsaa^sras of ^ality auft fill of eontsfa©^ a*"?* wltfe few ©seoptl^aa, to fea s©t «p for
all foods.
(2) fia© lafeal of feeft mixture a sola oa^cir tlsa teaaS
naae mast now declare its major ingredients,
altfeotagli t&a -sot &©@a net retire ttose iagpetleat®
to fee listed la orter of ia^ortsitoer
for esaaple»
a meat mi&t«re oosstslaiag 16 per &®nt oMe&ea ^aad
'90- per ©eat ve&l majr be labeled ©hio&en aai veal.
(j) Inf^riHRti©!! r©^air©4 m«st be plainly @tal&«d, aai
c©iit©ia@rs( mvL&t ti&* fee- fill^fi dr sliaped s<? a# t@
Fsl^® fe^t^oras aad fe©ttl®e witli eoaeav®
aides «ho«il,S diflappesr.
(*>> Isabel lug, is misleadiag if it fella t@ reveal fact
laateplal e@iice«iiiiif eonee^aeneat #WL®h. ©ay pasalt
fsom. fiise of the article t@ ^i«li t^e label relates,
if watih aae it under t&@ o©mditi©at preeorifeei o»
th© lafesl*
43|t is tfee opinion of tfee atttMrltiee
that tMs BOtaMe advanae will prove one ©f t&e.
fflsost i!5|>artaat eeetions of t&e law# sinee it e®a*
stitutes ji@t ©aly a gaide t4 the administration
and the eourta in the interpretation and applieation
©f the mat, feut aleo a warftiBg t© t^e indtaetriee
that inf^rsjative lafeelii^ is easential to eafety
iv®m ptommtio® and aeitme&B* l
(5> ffee Fedeml Food, ©mg, and Uosiaetie Adpiaietratien
authorizes faet^yy inepeeti^n of ©ataWiehsenta
produeing foede fw iitteratate aMfdaent.
($) ffeie subs tan tlve pnovisloas ©f the laflr iteeXf aake
eertai©: aefeeta.lesa diffiettlt thaa they were tmder
the aot of lfo6.
ThG Food ^id fJtig Act of I906 fpovided three fcaaio
Judiciel and admiaietratiire froeedurea for the enforcement
of prohibit lone ©gainst the interstate shipBent of adulterated
or mlsbranded foods,
fheae i^rovieiona irere:
tl} Judicial
orimin&l pt^eeetl^gis with- tin® ©r i®ppJs©iim@fit .ae tb&
(2) le^iolal llfesl for eonfiei»atl4>tt p«^ee©Sing®
with fei^f^itore find eitMsi* $£6$roetl0n# iiepQsiti^n: by
reiabellag' 01* P€ic©mditi@alRg-,; ©r «al-© of tb« artlei^s as a
f 3> ©isiftieferattv® «s©3.mel©6-@f-tefi©rt#
.s»©lafe©ll«rg ©r feeostiti^niiJ^ as -th© pejaaify.
^ later ^©©nifaeat to tfee F#@i atid Swg M* ^r©fl€©S aa M»
^e f^rei|@Ieg eraf&reegjQiit proo-oetare.© ar© f^taiae^ fey
the aew F:©S©^al F©®I, &rwg.» ©ai ©©aneti© M-t ©f 1^56'..
adaition, ©©u? r&^lati©as pert^lniiig t© the: mt&E&smut. ©f
(!) fh© gta^apd© ©f idsstlty ©a©© ©$t&&Xi»h©& asr© a
fi.$tt©r ©f la«r -au^ tisplify' ©Rf©£»©©fterat is? that the
pr©iu©t*js TitiMtty €©©3: a©t hm@ t© h© _|>©ri©tl©aXly
(g) f&© m% .ep©©ifl©aily aMfftBos tfe© S©©y©tarar ©f
^griealtmr® t© ©©jni ^arBiia^g in ©as© ©f islft©!*
Thlf hsip© ©©n^emts^it© ©af©^©ia©at ©a
aajofv ®ff©as!©©,
(3) Sethoto ■of seething -pecdr^e ast eisaplea are ouoh
F4©t©ry l&©^©©ti©n f@r all typ©® ©f
©stai>lt®hB©a.t@ is pF©vlS©fi.
fla® p©giiest ata^t -fee
©ad@ ©f the ©wn@r ©f tin© ©©t&blish©©at, -md p®p©is8l©e mmst b© ^©©©iveia b©f©r© -mish iaE3p©©ti©is
tsOcee place.
(k) PvoviftSoa is ffiaSe for iiisp«©ti#n under a eom^ulsory
■ttBergeaotsr permit sydS^a.
It is tgplletfble %& any
■&&&&& ®f f0©d tHatf may b© eontaraiiiatea frduj mier©*»
^rganlsss faring mswaSBCtwrlxig, proeeesiug, or
pffiokiag, if nwsii Gmtmtn&tim nsight l>© injuriood
te feealtfe ami eaim&t sde^aatelsr 6© det@^aiiB©<a iUft©r
tfee- f©o& .eaters tHterot&te e®sa©Fe©.
fl&is oaorgeney-
^ermit system is applies duty temporarily 0fe©a s«ch
inspection is aeeessary t# pr@t©et pafell© healtii.
(5)' Haltiple seizmrsis are perslttea in ease @f adulteration if alleges mie&r&nSiaf aas been ttie ^asis of
a prior juSipent la favor of ttie llaitei States;
if the fooft aat ©ra0' il4sialstrati#n Ims ^^eson t©
Relieve from faots asoert^iaea Mtkout bearing that
t&e jaiebrandeia art tele is dangerous to Jiealtii» or
tttett tfe© labeliiig is fraadalont or woal€ ^e.ia a
material reefeot sBislea€tiag to tfc& eojfisoffler.
(6): If tfee Sefeiidaat so^ wishesr the ease aay be tried
la a fiistrlet of reasonafe-Ie proxislty to the
claiaast*© #laee of bti3itiess> unless goed ©aiise
•eaa fee slaosm. for refusal*
(7) fhe Foot aaS ©rag sdrBiaistrstioa, ffi&y replace eriminal
proeeediiigs 'by aa injtinctlrm, as orier frott oe-arts
to oease certain acts,
fhe iajaaotioa ^reoeediags
are based OR the eoraiadn-law rlg^ht to abate and
fid enfdreetnent ©f fcteis r#gsl8ti©a ^povtass «»
|0> fti'# fla.©© ©r ^enaitSos for vtol&t&eit' of the @«t are
©at tkra© y-ea.rs I^ri'teaiaeRt.
Cf) fhe Fo©i aal irsg Mffltitlstrati®® if ^ovoittdd to
€i00©aiaate iafox,&3tld!» regaraiR® fodfls ievoltrtatg:
«it&er fasiiiept iamfer to t&e. tieaXtfe of the eoa©usef o-r ML© gross' €0#e^tt&»..
ffe© eaforeeoiefitt of ffoe ^M# fr«§f ai^fi Goeadtlo Aot is
eiatrestefi, as mm thstt of tli© 15©^ t&sr* t© the :FO0i ©ft^ &T&$
SatiS. reoefttly* tM-e Ateimistrntioa isse
feeea unfier tte ©©Hstr©!. of $lt<3 fnltefi atafie© Sep&Ftasedt of
S9wev«r» tHa ^e^Qwrnt Umr^mlmtim Plan is
1l$J*0 trsnsferrod t"h« Foot ana Pr«g ^t©i«iistp.atioB from t^e
Separtmeat of S^wtmltmo to the ?©4©fml S©@iii?ity Ag&ney.
ffe© power® of ftfe^ f&eitdt&fy of Isgri^altare f©ptaini©g to ttoo
^eieral ^©©S, tt^g,. sad ^oeaotie m* ana iiiolaaiag the
■Authority to ^>©sia3.geto st^ntarts of ideatlt? eaS .fu-etity
were antoffiatiemlly treiisf^rred to tho Feaer^I aee«rity
AlthoBgli tbe ^e^ent F^aor^l Foot, fi?Mg, sn^ ^©fE^tio
ilct is a deflttitft tfls>rov©a^it over the l$o6 mt, it stlli
cannot h® r^gaM©<a as & pe^feet tav,
fhoa© ©^©simg the bill
in Congress sweodtoft in curtailing eeTeral provisions which
»app0ftei»9 felt
te® a^atraM©.
In th® @|>i:nic>n &f some
authorltice # tea ©f the 195$ a©*1'© fallsr©© ©-fei
fl| t&a
rejection of tli© Mvertising pr©iflsl©n0 tadefaS1^ tli®
advert 1 a ing r^galatloas «n€©r tfe© ^#&a.«id Smg 4^iifti«tra«»
tion migfet ^M^© feeen ©©re- effdetlve ttm®. imdmp tfe@ l?©t©i*al
frade 8©EiHiig©lon;
{21 t&e Bneiaeee^eftil ^tteBpt to #eeyp©
'eom^ulsory multi^I'© 8ten€ai?afi &f qu&tlt-j of f@©ij
the r#J©eti®is ©f tfe# jwo^l^loft t&at t3^ fefeei of f0©€.
mixtttres xm&t list ingreS-teatB is ©rfier- of is^ortanee,^
©jiAtfsn. it
" tm vemMrtm mmmmf fo wm mmb
■twm. wmmmm
m% km® t%<$ attttmvixf to i»#gulaf©' «6v6#u**ii$ of f#049#
amge* ©a# d#^etl«Qa
0datwiX ov^p s^oli aawrtlei^ %&
usae^ tfe© Jttrlfi[4&«tl«lt of tfco ^aos»ftl fradi OQiial^el^^,
«ibo«d powers «9r© au^eanted by the JftMwXeJp-i** i^:©i!idm©nt
flsi© general piirpoftd tit %h<£ VbQ6lQ*-la& AsoAdBdnt ie to
inore&a® »ftd dtve^gthdn ^ontrftl ®vm fmla© and ai@1.0atl*?il
&d?9rtl^|ti@ of ppediiotf ■ dat«ring i«t©ir©tato tradd.
to the eiffl©ad®@att the.^odeffia! fpftd& Oonaieaion k&d slim*
If Ik b@®a aatiorlaod t© fnwfoifeit &%% ^uafalr and d9d«ptl70
prftAtlQds,^ And fdl^e aad Ejlslta^lsg advertlamg w#a on®
of tfet o&ior pj^aotieea t^loli it ^as attompted to olieols.^
^e <!toiiiai««ioa» Jiowev^i', w®® liaadieappod la it* ilioittd
o^ntc^t bt^ause o^J
efforte to thoao
fl) %h® Qoeacrslty of ooiafittliig itt
wlaar© mjtttf to -oompdtttors o©uld be
m®m t§m®%.m%m Imid »»* p*w»* to dlreotiy p-roteot eoa*
t®) tfe* la^k df'«ttth«r|t^ to Ittpftge peaaisiea-s
<5) tfeo «io«fted« of tho troo^ss of bringia^ Jmdgp&ont ^fainst
flis pftMdfo of ths Uh0©ldi^lt«« ^oRdaotit brought &b©at
tbreo ©ajor efeafi^0e la the fuaetiofio m& pm<B#& of t&#
Fode'raX frai® €oii»is^l@lj.^
<i> St Is aow dlreoted «© prevent buelnetd praetieet
wbiela are lfi^itrioia$ t© eeasaaefs @® w&it m tfees©
@©€ur©8 it 'omn m® ©Bf©r©© its ©piers' ©or©
f» Sp@eifi©' peaere mm Qlvm it to f»«*&v«nt fa|e©
a&^e^tlsiig -of f^die, q!;rMg©>
fhe #oiai)i®ei@»
gw»eo&&* teewevex5, oaly dgainef;
advertising wM©li is fGlet- ana mlsleMin^ Is any aaterlsl
she asemfia^nl allows eoosido^eiblo ^tawde paffiug9
m& leaveg wi4© oj^orttmit^ for iisagsmsffiefit Is l^lseiv
^i© ©ff©@t wMefe tli@ tSi©el©r-'|i'©a ^©aSiaeB?} fom hatl &m<t
will Siav© ia ©nrfeiag false aftraftlsiBg <!tepea$& wp@m tvi®
M %^o iatei^refefttioii of that wfeiofe ^onstitutss
tm off0mm,: i^m^ $2) tfee legal .^©©©fcre© ®o€ ^eaaltlts
acftea it udleuful to £ie0e@&nat$ a- fslso-. dS^rtlssent hf ~W.3.
©ails ©r b^ aaisr ffleaoo, for thd ptirpose ©f iadsitiag, 41 restly
or ladi-Pdetly* the po^e&sii© of feed* firogs* €^iFl@ef, ®r
flte eireiilati©a of fals© cd^Ptlsin^ vithin &
-state is illegal ias^fQ^©© it f©?es l^ l.S. a&ile- SRsd if It
iBdae«i# ©8 later ate te pTas^Ma®©.^2
M, false advortisoaoRt %s ddfimed ea tsi advovtl^eoen^*
other tfewaa lafeellag, uhloh i© a&tert&lly ©iel^efiirag.
mmtemi*t, itut^s; tmt m, timing m »dtt^ti ©mmt' mitxm&xm
01^ teff#*tea;%, it«««fB«ia-^. ««9«, ;d#s,ljgii> ,t#vi^., vftW^,■ w
ligfatt #f «ii6h t^^rafdefttAtloii* ©r Mt*rt«j| with' f^tpeol t©
tfee 6o&ttMitteft«e« wiilelj tea? ^stlt fmm 'the wee df tli«
.©©t«>M;fcf' t'© «dhr|afe tho eav«f'tis0a®.tt pelatee widtr tfe© ©©-li4Utti«e(i'dett«vib«d'lit .th& mmT%%mm%%, ©;r un^r #«efe
eenftfctioiftft m «»«^laifttdaary ®r tt***!.***
fl9<rff«l i®gai jkrooedurea «&&. penaltlas wltn «rhl«li to eiw>«it
fhe Pe^^ral f?at® ^wni^si'OB n«w Has f@ir@«» t#
mm% fal©©' «»« misli©ailii0^tt7#rti€i8g iii- tiw©© ways*
C'lJ ft a^ m® %M #M,8#-«?Ai-#©si#t o^itr, th© 'ffletha'i
%tm «%« ftit^i fma#, fMa^n^ion. ft** d$&lt
vltii'.^Aor vt«l<ftt^i|0. «f a.if<§i»tiSia§
Iati©p# lA^ely. in t%# aattts*© #r ®@8tl©ia#R*i
'^m® '®tipul^ti©s« ii««e .p@ jtoroe -©f
, pttwaattre is tue loa^ 'P^t*!©^ i^ritsg «te&olk t*i*
fffllas gta^ertiaint o*& einitliitta crithovt the 44. . vmtlm® Wlfig liable to -fiaa.
fer eiaapl®, th$.
Feflerai fx*a#e Gonsisel-oa sasr ^© the oeiw«p©iico
of fel«e etwrtleiag.
A eoa^latet is tfeon ismaot
mtt$M$ forth t&e cfee^ges against th& ^ftvertlser.
At th© ©ad ©f thirty flaye» a ^©ariag |@ ^ld before
tvleX 6SE&&ln$Pff «lw> eutoit ® report to tfa® Gom»
otusioft wMefe oonslSero the ©©a©. ■ M thlB tlas,
the fesp^Msat &^e & rtglit to 'fe© liectrt W t&«
Shk0 ^Mo-f is sabjo©^ to 0©MPt reviet?.
If =8«o&
s?©^!©^ %■& net so^it* t&9 ©rfior Dooomes fiaal at
ths ©afi of §lxtr ^rs.
If a t laal ^rd&r is fl@«
Istefi, @. ©axiHisrai fine of O$r0®0 eiay fee tsipos®^.1^
■fS) IfiJisa©tios. aay te aflefl to TOetmia tii9 €iso©aifiia^
ti#n af eertaia aAvortleenonto.
?fele aa^ ^©
waplojreA ©«iy ^hoa tie 'Pe€.©i?al fr&t© GOQaaioeion.
i# fepififisig' proeeddta^ agaiast the advertisers.
9bSe inloaotlve sreeetitare feat oil tie aAtnsata^e
of Qp®@#.
la^reftr eid^ertieeaetite edit fee etg&Mnarlljr
lialted ^y a restmaiAin^ as^©r.
^ae© #btaia®d, the
iiijttfietio* is a serioee deterrent ag^inet ftttare
violatieas,, t^ilcfe a.s>© pmishabl© && eoateapte.
the 0@ii©t.®0loB mf s©e& a tetspoy^ry SnJimetioB only
flUen s^eh relief wenlfi fee to the intereet ©f the
Isi this: irayft false advertising ©au l»e
hisIteiS at @i»e©.
(3) Criminal pr©eee&iag© ©ay fee usM la a lliniteS
number ©f cases.
Penalties sr^ pp©vl&©&, a^srt
froiB violations ©f e®a8©-ai'ii-$®8ist oi*«l©r8# f©p
aay fi©rs©a t^so diggemlnatss a fald© sdir@rtie©ii©Rt
(a) *if t&© as© ©f tfe© ©©ae©aity a€tr©rti«©t isay
Iw- Inlarious to lie^l-th ^©©©»s© ©f results fr®!B
such use tinier the conrlitiona pregcribert In th©
afivertiQeaent, or under such Goniitions as @r©
©usteiaaxgr or usual* or (gj
if suefe vielatioa is
witfe intent t© defraud ©r sisloafi.0
5Hie ©axlmuro
penslty for $ first offense is #5,090 ©r six month's
iffiprisoaoieBt. *
&«©©rtlBg t© seme atttfearlties, tfe© i^e©ler-l.ea
^aen&aent has the f^lle^ing sisortosmings!
{i> ^© prdee^ure Is f@r the otet p^rt elev tsrlth littl©
p©a©lty fer false advertising.
(S} ffe© ©ffe©t ©f the a©t def©aft® l^geXy ©n the
interpretation @f the ©©urts if* regard t© sueh
tor?as as 8ailsleadlng, * *Hatefl«s,l respeet,* «iat@r*»
est of the |»uhli©,tt and 8©u©t©aapy ©r usual.*
(3) the aet sakes no speelf 1© prevl^len for affiraativ©
diselesure ©f vital infenaatlea.
(%} the Federal Trad© Commission is given a© power to
promulgate, rules t© guide advertisers la improving
their copy.
(f) Sothliig is done t© ©orreet the ©ffeet ©f false
Through the Wheeler-Lea Act, Oregon coneuoer buyers
@f f©&# mre now T^eelving pr^teQtten fv®m aaefe fats©
Highly advertised foods are &ften tte©a© ^ie&
©liter laterstate eetmeveB, sftfi th® 1^ie©l©r»li«Q M% has st&ei
the eosssBser eonisM^i^bl^ tferoa^i r©gal$tifig au&h aSv^rtl»«inentSi
^msMiE m%uw m mm.
■Oregon; h&e In it© aioet re©©at J®glsietafe, t$fo%9
pa^sefi ^n aet t© fee Unown m tlie Or^f©n #&©& ileti.
I3u©fe of
tfets new lav.la gatt©ra@a after th# Fe&er&l F0©4» ir^ig, an4
^©sm.©tto &6t ©f 193^.
Prdvlslena -©f tts® @rog©-a ?@©€ 4et
laereas^ tfe# legal protection ©reg^n eoaswaei^ r©&©lve ^fean
tliey ^urefeiisa food.
t&© nev et®t© aet ©©nf©r®a- wttfe the Iteterftt F@®fi., Sir«gf
and ©©ainati© j&et in that tfee mmmfmtm'B, asl® ©r Seliirex^r,
h&lfilng ©r #ffar lag for aala.of any f®oa tfeat is ataltaratafi
or miebran^ad are prohibited.
The ©r@g©^ texus "attjlterated0
anfi ^aisferandle^l* ar© syeonoao&s in meaning with the sara©
termB: In the F^feral lav.
Hhenatrar en a«th©ri2©4
representativa of the State PepartiB^nt of Agriettlture finds
or haa oaeaa to fealie^@ that say foofi i® adulterated or
xa-isbranded, he ®ay affiae "fe©- that food a tag or aax^lng
indieating that the artiole ia or ia ©aspa^cted ©f heing
adulterated or misbranded.
the tag ®Qst not be reeotred and
the artiole m®$ not fee disposed of until persiasloa has been
granted or antil a hearing has been h©ld before the State
lepartsent of .-%rie«ltare.
itoy food whioh is aasotmd and
unsalable as haraen food may be condemned and destroyed by
the department or by an authorlaed representativ® without
the delay of an investigation.*^
f&© Oregon foo^t Act protiibtts th© 8al#, dollvery for
©ale, liolaiisg for ssle, or offertag foir sale of any artlel©
iolartoaa to teealtfe l)©e©ss© of ooata©iiaation fiyrlng wmmfectore, jpitomBBaXng, or pecking.
If sueli |a|«irto«8 foods
are 3ise©v©re6 for sal©, ttie Stat© ©©partaeiit of
Agrio&lttire ime aatfeorlty to issue provisions govemtag the
aannfmotmr© of the foofi for & tmpQt&xf p©ri@$.
fsot«rere, prooeseor®, aM paekere of t&© class of foots la
t^ieli friolfttloii 'Hae oooarroS cmy sot @ff©r for sal© any
8«cfe food 'unlcse' tfaoy -InoM a -perfijit .is®«efi Wy tho fiepartaatet.
Pfert3ht©;x«3@r©, ^0 #t©t© i^partseRt of .figri^mltura iR
a^tfeoyl^oS to sQspoisfi JciBJodJat^ly mpm is©tl©# si^ ^ormlt.
-i^bena^er aisy of tfee oofs^Litloisg: iEav© feoon vlotst©^.
•itsomM m mm®fm%w*®t> lsot€iag a pem%% tr&B tfe© aepart&ont
<i©siy aeeea© to .etet^ .$.a@peotor® rcM wi©& to aaoertain if
ooftdltlona of the ^eM5it are- feeing upfe®3,€., tfea po^a-it say
fee s©s$*©iidLa<!»
Oregon prohibits tfee ■diseefiiaatioii of &ny falae
advertia©a©nt. ' Aee©r€ia§ to tfea law., aitmrtiaegiant in*
olMes all r^^reaantations fiisaasiaate^ is may isannar othar
tlj^n %y labollag for th& pmrpoisa of ^ireotiy or IMlreofcly
intooing tli® pefekaae ©f f©o&.
a€vertiaes©nt of a foo&
is -'daemaS falaa if it is falaa or ©ialeaaing in any partiealar.
tregom also prohibits the giving of a .falaa'
Qto&or th* Or^ioii fo<Mi An**# tho d^atd ©^^artQent of
Agrtoultttrs «ow has awtlioritjr f#i? f*oo aooeee *t ail
re«aoft#l0 jboura to any faotory, war^lioue©,. or eatabllehmnt in whioh foofia ar© noiutfoo^itfeAf ^rooooio^c ^aolftot, or
Jieidi for in^roduotlon into eonMnoroe, or to entor any
vehioi© UMA to traB$|!i#rt or hold $mU foo^s in oopaseroo
for tfet* ^arposoi U) ^ intpoitlKf ftttOh. stts^iiiteont or
voiiiole ts doteraln© if any of the provtsiona of th® Oregon
Food Aot ar© botnf violator, iin€ iB) to 8«!et*re «a^Xe« or
s^toitoona of any food tijpon paying or offering to £ay for
• Sfeieno^r t&e potion ^iil ^ro«ot(& honesty m& f^ir
dealing |n tfeo Interest of consulsrs, the State 'Department
of Ag,rlo^ltirs 'fe®s authority fc* |jro©taXga4®' resuiatl^nd
fijsiing and oatafeXieiiing for any foofi or elaaa of foods a
reaacmablo dofinition m& ttandmrd of imntltf and a
r©a§©niMe atandard of ^Ufti&ty ant fill of oontainer. f^a
definition© and atmnd&rdo a© pro-puigattd ©uet oonfom so far
as praotioatet© to the dofinitiong and. etand^Ma ^r©®»ig^tad
^y t*i© duttnority of th» fnlted state*. ^
^ toy^ perdim toho vioiatog any of tfee proviaiene of t&e
Oregon Food tot eball fee {guilty of i2igd©ffi@janor and upon
©onviotlon feo '@wl&J©0t to iiapr&aonjaerafc of not ©ore tfean' six ■
toent&e in th$ ootiftty Jail, or ^ fin© of not ©ore tJiaa $$QQ9
or to feottt i©pria©nffi©nt and fin©. If a Violation ia OOIEwittad after « f@r©©r oon^iotien, the pon^lty ia doub-lad.^*
F&p tie pf=0teetl©B of t&e cossaEier' 'feuyer, •OPegoft
regulates the $m%tavf e@m€ttio«» ^atoir wMieij f@#i ©sy be
iBsattfa^t^rd^ pae&et* fttorcrfU of so'M.
lv#ry building,
rooa, lissQJB^t, ©p eellap oadcpieS ©t* tteed ear a fea&erfv.
^lAoghter ^©^se, rdstaurent^ 'lt©$©l*. Mming ear* .greeefr*
meat ssa-flat^ gai^y* e^eaasfy* tetter faetary,, elieese
©tor^ge> 'fai©» ©r di0%.irtlmtlo^ #f any food s&udt fe© pf^p^risf
lii^toQ, ^rataat* ^limteS,- ^enrtilLataS,. ©©€ aaijitain^ in a
Staniardizstioft and veraltiiiff &PB&a9 are- considered ^y
Alice EdwaM© *» ^istepfing #toa9s in prv&TQm** t®r th^
GoncuiBer b^rer.
%hG ■ml%tmm.%Q &%m at food #tastsrd8 wH
gpadtd i© t® giv^ tho mmom? b^#r » graatey oafcteif&o&tott
f#p raoney .©^©nt.^ tleriut 'Fs^t^letti ^t^t^s tfamt the pmrpsm
ot 6t6Xk&a&(&i®%l9n. Is %9 re&m® uffl@-@:FtsiS3i% m& wast© in
buying ^nd ©©Itiag.3^
In p&g& tf®®m Vbo. f^iefai gavefusaeat h&e dm® isaeb to
«&£ tfe© «@s«iset» fey r#««3Ul©tiP,g' etisidaMQ m& fsps&sa t&r
ItooA «ft& foofi ^«s*#eetd.
*■ tta®i&fd map h& f^gard^t as any
sesa^r®' @f qesantil^jr* QUiaiitf, ©x» tralttt eotafetleSsei %5r lav
f^ie 'foiatl^e fimlit^ ## a pr-Mi®* i@ e©iam#aly design
mated t&remgfe ^h© «e© of mmpttmt&m tstm 0ae& as g»©d#
b©tt:©'r:» #r be$t.
fli© feemin© et&adgsM #:f' qtt^litjr eajr be
esgwesseA io t©r®g' of d«serlptlan #r aeewate epoe&fteatioii.
Jt pff&9£ieel 0.fa«S®r€ ^f ^mality ©f a -prodtjet la ttabaraiiaad
b^ aonelder&ng ©any- ^harsatariatiaa* sm©Ii s© dlisieaaiea»
eonp©©Xti@fi., parfaHDaaea* ao^dtraatian* teKtuFo* ftniBh,
ml®&, fX&vor, ador* sisd fraaOae from le^parfaatiana.^
In tb©' laited i-tat®®, th^r® &r® b®tfe aesdat®^ .and
^©mi®0..iv© alandardd ^nd gr&d©« for y^aatiaally aU. foodstaffs,
'faderal si&a^atarar or offieial eteadaHts^ ara tfeoee
re^miimd by Isw? gfeeald the artiola $aas la-to lataratata
©©fffifieree oaM thns ecm^'anfier fcli& Jtjrisileti&a. of th&
Federal $»«9r&&ettt.
.State ©aniaterF -stmisras ^re thdwe *©t
«^ fey tli# gtate «uid ©fplsr t® f^od e»14 witfeiB tb© #t&t©.
■gfeBisSai^r -state ategfiamis jaay ^^ ^» Wotevskl s%m®®M8
aisftQi ^gr thd- etfcte.
Oregon &as t» fe©r reeeat S'csdS &st
W®&®ml mtm^mv®.® whea tluqr «^ «6w^b* t@ fee for the h&st
%nto®ve&tw ®t tin©- e©a«*aa©*i£.
ferais^i^o sfanfiarfis ssssy M at two typ^e.
"S^sy -©ay be
$1108$ sag^osteS bf either the J?fca©ra3. ©r state go^reinsitt
^ the other ha»a4 persatssl^e
atsB^ra^ ©s^ foe thoso IMteral atondarSd w^l©b. fit^e saasEtato^r
im int^rsfiftte oomffltr©® "feat iir# opfcloskai *or foodo soli
otthin ti)0.«tetd.
Im 1923', ths f lr«t naafetory fded dtandara ©f 'ISesitity,
the bQt$$r eoiefidoent previottdly fsoatio&ed in ®hmp%9%> mm,
©as ^resalgate^ % the $eSev<£& gov^raiaeat a* m «ffi^Smdttt
to- tb# If@6 r©©€ ^4 Drug fet.
fev^ii sr©©f« letter, in If3©,
the Hetlsry-Hspea ^oteotoeat to tie IS06 foot &a& 9nig; Aet
■sa«t faas^d.
f&is saeadeent* •diaoms-sed is f&i^ter I, i®ff
eost^ifeiat^a SQeh to the ^vogreee of staadgtrdisatlott and
grading of food produeta aade i» th» past eleven year®,
gfeve oonsosierft infonQetion which helped prevdn't the*, fro*
«ii5feaowi&gly buying fltibetaadard food as dtsaderd food.
Vim the passage of the new P©doral ?o#d, Pri^, .and
^oivomi&eRt f^-^ tl©. ©etd^ll-eiiB.sfjt of ■staa.^ssfi©..
ia the. Jnfigia^t -^ ^© Sserets^ of ^imltW'® m®fo m*±&n
will; .pr@m@%® lumeat? set fats? toallrtg in t&o- tatewafc of
Gon'em&jee* &@ e^sil pftetslgate ^©gialattes© fixiBg -ana
©a-tiifel&sMBg for sny f^oS,. m$&f its «@!SQ©iat 0^ vtdiml mm®
m t&& ss ps»a6'tie^t®, & rsstsea^M© tefiattl^a ana •tan^av'ft
iff %mntltf, m ra&eonftbXe staafiayQ of ^m^iltr, aat rea^aa■all© etsftiai^ #f fill of eont&i&er.n
(mtfa the twrnt*
fQippkng of the Ffefidyal Foot, img, anS. ©osa^ts© ^st fx'go
tli© Hnltst itat©# Ssparttaent 4f Sgp&euLttupe to th© fefiepa.!
S00url.% tgeaQj* it £« rnoq? the federal. SoouWlty ^iaiaistvettop tjtoo hot* the tm^r to px^milgat© ®tai3i©so€@ f©!4 food* >
m© prov&&lon fai?t!i#r stat©i. that a© 4@fihStiona ^ai
stanOttr^e ®f i^ontw OF #miitj vore to hd ©stahlialiot for
fresh aa& driod f^ujtt» aat v^getaMeg os^opt ^voot€®©.,
#©ttt©l0®p©3j. eltPQS fftslt®* 8B<3 a-el^a^..
ffe© stsaiarSs for
%h6m ttow oiasstS' of foofl^ro to relste oaly to sa&tttril^
m& to ©ffeot© of frseslng*
ditioe t&# pa^eag© of the FeSeret ^ood» 9ras» and
€o0me££e Aot* taswy staetarfis of ts@ntitsr ana aiaioiaii.
-tten€sMg of quality gaft flM. fe^ir© hoos ostaWIf^et.
sten&irfis ©r© s&adatory if th« ftartiotiLax* f:©@S passes into
tnterststte oosaatr©©*
Hssj of the Fs^eml atainaterts will
ov@Bttislly he turnQat**? in tr^go-a,. ^laeo tho ®m$m ?oo^ Aet
©poeifi^s- th&t tho Stato Ss^artmost of ^griottltctre hss pow^r
• -26
t# eBtsMlafe 8ta!iaara« ©f ideststy ana fTjalltf «» to M-Opt
tlog® stastS^ris ^r^fmslig&teA l>y the ftteral ggfTdratneAt.
flJJ ))90o»9^ oftofiftt^ipy *» lateretatfi ^©aaera©-, the following
steps' a^^ tail&eii*^
^iBiiii8ti?dtion of tnfon&atids tm® v&rixmz so«r-@e.a
m to the .e@apo©itl:#B of %&<© food f#P ebl^fe a ■
stats^arl is to fes- set* is^thQ&s of loaatafaoturd latiieli
inflseae© It® -qmlLttf, and aMsea of ©©ssifflief
iarveys aaf b# aaa© la p^ekluioiB^ aroaa^
of %h® Qwrntvy 'to Sotsfsjiae |>raetie# ^nd. eoa^oaer
laaderatsBSi^g of tfee eoas^sittes of tbo foot,
|S) fttfonestioft Id sassi&Pl$«$. and mlm%%t®Q. to the
F006 itamtar^s ^eiualtte® foa* oonoldoratioo. • fhe
■coissitto©- i®sr ooBseit a tiSfe remge of asttho^ttloftf
tstoXttAlng ex^orto in lafittstxy ©nfi &©ii© ©e®R©ai.st-«
«a«S ffepro9etttfttlin»d of eo&fl^eior gTOwpf:,
ft nay
Otre'B hold informal feeorisigs.
C3| 4fe the fesie of tl® fooi- $tan^srfi» Cofs^Ltte^'^
rocoigQOHa&tioa. Federal ieeuritF offieialt. ir^ft
m ppoposei oten^oWl Etad lal>©t FoqalveiBont* whioh.
are print©* ia the FoS^ral Begietor.. '1 <l©t© lo
fot for u psblio hoftrthg at loadt thirtr dsfo
folloijriag it^ sonosrso@ae»t,
(%) Ml ioteveetod gi©^o»& aro porralttod to :appB&& at
expert©, repFee«nt&^iv»9 ©f ©sfrnfaefcet^ra «ttft
(S^ F@ll©t7l!ig the ^eblio leariag, tie rdpreeeiitAtive*
suggest a fova ©t defiaiftion asfi ataBfisrl ©f
identisy, ©r dtanddx^ of tpali^, or fill of
all tfejp©©.
fliie -.stat#®©ttt l# -agata
3priBt©4 ia the -Pstoral Bogisst©!3., aaS tee fiai'®: aro
aXt©p&i aay09# ©1© petrfie-ipstM In. tbo pufelio
ftearing to file a brief anfi ctrgoaent opp#^iKg any
provisloJi In tb© ©tat©meat.
Pata iNxeei ©a aaterisl
g»feaitt®€ are. pv6€ionte& to th® 4fiiJlaiotirst&r f«r
flii&t sefiOB.
fS). ?&e sas? definition
stiisisaaFa ere tfeea ^^©anigateA
. hf tho Pefio^Etl Sscwrlty- &iteteistmt©i? bat tmlooo
Bit wQiPSpnov eslsts €o not g© .into off cot f©r
aj|Liiot$r fiays.
(7) hit®® it i© ^s^aolgatod, the definition ©ad
st&a€ikM »«y b© revlowofi toy the court If this aetlofi
is aallofi for Ibj any latereet^i, pmrtlea,
gl8;0© tin© paeeage of the -Federal Foodj &reg, saa 0osJBotlo Aet# iiaay standards of l&eutlty,,. ef qu£sl4t$rf ©afi of
fill fe&vo been esteiblished.
In 1939* ffoflsrai stanflarfic for
*h& fallowing were ^t^mulgateat
aried ©gg jrolks, Sriefi
i»h&le G%gB, egg ydl^s, fro««a wtole egg*4 fi»©2@ft «gg yoi&a,
liquid ®li©le eggs, liftil^ saixeft ©ggs^ eanaeti pem^BB,
tomat® e^tts^, toiaat© Juice, t@iB&t@ fast®, toffist# pvn&&,
too. $aaae€ t#aa-t©©S'.
la 19^0, 4efialti©as maS sti^fiaMe
were^ e©tat>lisiieS for t&e foll€^ritig£
eaimet apriedtd,
tmt%$ featt^re, |®lli©fl, ®®m&nt*mtG& silt, Sfl9& £^ijs mllic*
e^apofat^a milfe, eweetened eondensea fflll&, eannefi peers,
oenneoi f«at, preserves, aa4 Jam*.
J^pais January ts jTaiy,
if^l, etaadaMs teve been estsbllsfeefi t&v fiomre and gralfts
aad oleemargarine.
As a sietlioa of simplifying the infonMtlon given to
©©RsufDe-re, grai.©® wheu preseftt Is&v© ^oiae to T©jji?#e«Rt
4 gr©€e iadlcatee «ertaift ©fesimcterietlo
qualities ©ad Is., therefore-,, s©tee«rfe^ ar a tool of staacterft-'
Stiefe gpstlsg .Is- a iaetho€ for inoreasl^g eottsaijer
purebagl^g etSUtlanop.
It %& a pr®©ti©al mQ- feoneet w^r^
■ef telll-ag eoB@ttts@r9: tfee ^silty of fwfist^ffi tlsst tfe@y
ia^ lutelltgeBtly eospar© tfee tiff ©rent ^sallties tjith.
differejit prieee* °
The grade stanaar^s most used at the present time have
keen $evei>$&e& ©aa pr^aoteS fey traiers mfk pro€n6«rs to
S'taRfiSf^iae their dal3.y ^eitidse tr&gMs&g-tions. 'ffee eenatoner
eeldom kaosjs- wim* the ^©isaerolsl gi^€e.$ are if tfee ^umlitjr
.Is 4esifost©€ fey braisa ne^ed.
^rofiueers say ««e :gra€# terais,.
tet $k® t®b®l-®& ^ra4©«3 $#8 uiu^Li^ not ^ondlatent ije*wae.n
mfi®mm mmpmim ml®m the ^s^^al^s' Wm aioptta
9eimi*8lV9 f»it©d $tatd9 gr@f# ^t^^rds int l9'8u«d b^r
t&@ faet th^ti th«y @r© l>$ia^ ve^Sl % @osi® ©.^^©miea, and
si«gr $v««*tt«XXy 'fora th« ^#1® for ©a^^al*®^ g2?a40 0t«aarS@,
tiMtreading ftumb&r ©f <i9Sipfinles &fti latrodueee k defijree 6t
■vhliemxtz tad reliafeUlty in xate^sta^e ai4 iAter^t^te
tra^in^ that wmM fee ethervrlee dlffleuxt te aehieire.
f© the eonettiaere, the atvarjtag^s ©f ataadardia^tiea ■
Q!a4 ^radee ar^ four-fold. ^irst, the saeeewerh and »©•
oerf&ifgty is tahea out df fouling,. Sosont, gaeda m^vs iBor©
freely a»d at Xase a^at. fhlrt# oonaw&iera are hatter
eatiefieid. ftwrtht th©r© are fa^er returned gaada heca«ae
aaa.siisara Mleet, these pradneta'heat adapted ta th®ir
.fooling of foo4 product® afeotald he ®t {gve&t aM to
oo&saaer TfrugeTa.
f&roiagh the passage of ?Q.g«latiof*.© ■prQ~
vi&tng for awe aeeumte ama ^©Ipfml I©feel« •©» food ;pM>'€U0te» tit© •fddemt aaS state govepaasnt'® liav© g.!eia4fcs&l£y
laof-esseA IM isp^^aso© of label lag.
fls© federal Fo@a,
B^ag, mM- 00«set.ie: &ot ani tlio f8iee3.d*»l»e& ftet lua^e
m®?© for th© label lag of foods .dhi>f!p©& tato lateretat©
eosiiseroe t&oa Mav© ©f&©r Fede-ral regular ioit#.
Oregon ld aew
Food Ae% has- reviset aafl raatatei. tit© power© of tit© state %n
regard to the ZabeXlflg of food.
^s©- pui^os© of labeliag is twofold,
first/ tlie label
pro vide© a oeafts of identification of-tte prodiie% "tbatoi^gtt
printed and ■$<&$%&$& ^iotorial matter,
ieooa-i, the 'label
say fmvide iBfOfuatiOB ooiieersing tn© prodaot. ' t% ®ay
fstat© ouly t&at g^ieh i© required '^ Federal and state 'law,
s&eli a© met weight, aaoe an€ adelre©© of isanaf^otur&^a,
paekera, or dlatribtttor©., a»d qvmL %%■$■ of fill of paofe if
below ataadard.
0n the other haai, the label Esay laelude
additional aftd useful infonaatlon re^ardiag the pfoduet.
fhep© are two- ia©thoda by whieh addition.©! information fflsty
be given on the labe!-*»d©0cri^tiv© labeling sad'grade
Beacriptive labeling may include sueh iteffl© as:
of aerving© or piece© in the eoatalner or paekage;
©isse of
the food—for example, the else number of peas;
of the syrup or brine it* oanned good a;
cieee of food;
€lreeti©»e fer »se.
the density
the species of the
^ua«f«e%iir©re often
Include %% least ©ne or aore of tlieee items ia addition to
the re^^ired information.
In deseriptive labeling, the
<ja&lity aay not be Indicated ether tfeaa by the branrt name,
fhte is a dlsedvsntafe becnuse to© aiany brands wm%
be tried by the eonsisuBer before he will dieeover the preferred quality.
Permlaelve grade labeling has been promoted reeently
by both fflanufaeturlng ttttm «tnd the Federal govemBient.
this type of labeling the aotaal grade—Pency, Choice,
3tand'ir<i, or h, B, G,—ie stated on the label.
The meaning
and advantages of the grades have been discussed tinder
standards end grades and will be further considered under
specific regulations concerning canned fruits and vegetables.
In its new Food Act, Oregon defines a label as "a
display vt written, printed, or graphle fflatter vcptm the
ifli©edi@te eontainer of any artlele.*
fhe state la^ requires that any wot^, stateffieat, or
other information appearing on the label siast not be considered to eogi|>ly with the law anleee such word, stateiieat,
or infojraation also appears on the ©»teide oentatner or
wrapper of the retail g>aelE«ige of eaeh article or Is easily
llglble threugh sach outside ©ontainer or «?ri^per.
Oregon requires the ©orreet name and address of the
rood ^s»bd«ots.
proitemv to fee glveii uffO© t!i0 iafeel at &il
fhe wtrftfo wpaelEei f©ip* or *ii#tpiba%©d fey*
.nrnst few atd©^ t@ tlit& lafeel in ois^© Qfe© msa© t^tlch a^p^s^-o
«p©tx til© •lafej&'X Is- «©% tfe^t ©f th©' ■&&%n&% mmmts.Q'twmT or
_,|!i^©itoe©r, ^r th® m&m of t&o- plm@.e aet tfe@- sistit©! ptau© of
&XI f@ai l«i: psie^sge fof^a imat fee J@fe©l=©fi with:. Ca) tfe©
mm® &n& pi®.®® ©f feissiasese &t tla® aanQfaet'ar^r,. ^aefeer, ©r
|fe) a^ aaeorat© istat^meiat ©t t&e .^tcmtlty of
flu© eoatosits! ^f %he pac&ege is tetsss- of weight, aeastt^r or
BiMoriesl ■eosjBti
id tlie
of til© j^imet. plataly
'priii:te€ fo* .©asy 4i-3©sm©eiat ^ the paroteaer;
©a4 stitBtsrt: &t fa^lity rthen- re^mlreS fey Isw,
(4) the grade
^feeo -a t*aAe»
©ix* #r fersat is usei, it emat fea daigigHatei is aaiaU
l©tt.0ra *Sfep«fi«S6i** or •Bapand.*
la Its s©w f^a^S ^@t, dragon 'pr®feifeit.s tfea- altorstioa,
©Mttiletiou.,. Ae«tration* ofelittratipiu, ev ■*&miK& M t&t
ttfeole or say part ^f the lafeelirag oa a fead fro&taet tahiie
tt ia feaisg hei&.fa* aala*
f^i^lmg, eossterf^itlrsg,
atealatinf., or fmlsaly raj^aaantia^, or without $$09©r
•oathority uaiag say aua.r&> ©tampft. t@g;p lafeai» o-r other
..i^eatifiaAtioii- tevie© la g^eaifiaally prfhiMItt*
mnm m vsmMixm mtm MB maam
mmmm§ m wmn® mmww wmm
9te$®l&tl©m au« p*a<m©©s & tfea Federal
goveraaeat a&fi tbe state of Ore^ea ^ifcli dtv^eil^
pe-rtrntn. t^ foM^ effeved f&r ®©le in tfeg^fe
llilk eonauBiere in Oregon are proteoted to a large
extent} through the eatabliehment of state etandarde reguXa*
ting the product ion and marketing of milk,,
Although grade labeling of milk Is not mandatory In
Oregon, the ttate Department #f Agriotjilture ha® authority
to ine|>©ot milk for wholesoisenesa, butte^fat eon tent, and
also the eonditiona under which tfea iflilk it produced and
V/holesomeneflB of milk depends upon the bacterial count
and eediiBent.
The Oregon lawa state that in ^rder to he
legal, iBilk, graded or ungraded, rat or paateurtaed, aiuet
contain not more than 50,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. *
In Oregon, railk is sold in the raw or pasteurised utate
iitiiout,"a';g3f,ade designation, or as 0rede''A!or>J,irade B.
raw or pasteurized, labeled as trade A ffifttt contain not
more than 50»O0O bacteria per cubic oenticaeter.
under which the milk is produced must be of a higher gtandard than those under which ungraded milk is produced.
Several oitiee in Oregon have adopted a drade A Milk Ordinance.
All milk sold in these cities must meet the state
regulations applying to drade A milk.
Sometimes milk, raw
M^^Miag to ^©gp^ la^t f ^sh wholt milb m»% ®m%&t&
m% Um %hm i..5 99^ o«»t* df aoliaa sio^ f*t i^a ao^ law
Ufefea >.« ter «•»* 0! Mtu fftt #r b'littorfftli. 6lU6» ^lafe*
iBi ^t^her ©lit itaft^as^i tbdn «Iid9e i-dtaii^a tjjr tea itatJ©
failed $tftt93 &a<l a4d^t©i tbe Ifantari mik §M.immQ o-t
m$ trait#d Itss©# pmt%® Mml%U S0jp?io©' ass^. &ti*9** of 9fi|air
la(i«.§Us?r« t©f@?fiil .0l$it# in toMgatk ®r® at pfreaeafc ojp*wMrtag tift^v tJ&ifl' wtel milk ■mditimm m& imprnttm ea&a.
fhe $*&&%»$ %$ &m® m & tmt@%& ^mi®i {1} %&» 'bm%®t%^l
©©uat of the mil, and ft) the- y«tins tmm ft ©aaitii^f st^ud*
points ©f t.a@ eoailtiaas .@f prodadtion m& h^adllnf,*
Hd f®^©^! dtandards of Identity ©* ^t^Llty to&va l^da
sst t?p fdi? freAh ©lik, but (Stfittdfticdd ^a^©- bd*a grOKttXg&tod
bf tho f©i@mi iefuntr ^doittitftwfctof for G®mm%mt@&
mllU, dfied sklsa milk,' «vaj^orati»d-^XiB.« and #^«©t#a«a
fcoR&aaisti «U%. t^f©» feat itt it* ©0ft r©@@at ivg&gutttrd'
^romilgiAtdd »t«mdi»rd8 tw mw®m%®& and oosideiitt^d ©ilko.
i# f©!p#0n ^rlthifi tie 9tat$ sfey sell or bAv* foi* f©l© «mr
eond0Att«d or avepspa'l'ei ©IXfe vihi^h.dtiids not eo8for« $e tb©
(%) It tattst b» p¥Q9!Ut9& W 9V«|»or&tin$ **>« fr©dl»» gNara
tftele milk &f %m&%hy mw*.l&) Zt mast 4MMtalii total iolia® $t tg.f pet^mt ia*
the. pQt $m% Qf toiifc fat my mt &© %*** tSian 7«$
p©^ QQftti*
(I) It auat contain no adaed butter or batter oil
lie©jpp,©rated either «r$tli ^©-ie siilr. or e&iia ©iik
os? with #tfap0rate& ©ilk at tair stag^ df ®aatif©etuire<
f&@ '^reg®© XtKW |ir@vi€0$ for 'Sanitary ^roteatl©n %n tJa-at
th® State i©partiae0t '«f Agridu^tttfe iaap#et« feoth th« herrte
Mt tte atlfl#9. ^@wi MW t©0t#t for^ tvi^dy«ttl«at« l>3r ©,
ILoessf^t fwterinarltti Diefor^ «ay m%Vt is sold ani thereafter stt I.(g»'8t sv^rf twelrd 89©ptM, ft ©ertifieet^-sigijed
^r tfeie -votdrMteP&ftit and f ile« witb tbe $tat# Bepartffient of
.Agrio^ltisr® lo $h$ ottl^r valid airl^onoe of tho teat. Svory
^tseaaei aniataX is wmQvtiBL f rw tii© liordi at oaoe, aafl ao
ail& fro® &L0*&«e& 00^0 is aliooaft to W eff©rei few sal'©*
4X1 reaotisii aaiisaXs failing to yaas tfta f.i. tdat are
toaatodl with the iotte? {'^,, oa tla© iaft jat; aa4 are removed
at oft^'t Aad dXaa^ttavad mlsa^r tha dtr^etxoa of the vataria^a also teate4 for faing'a Dlisea$© (oontegioue
a*0©rti0«i) •
&n tk^lutln^tion teat of all «©«rs ia ©a-te by
t^a JUriaM* 'et^ 'Aaia®i fndafltfiy' of tli@ 0tatd iepartaent of
^rlo^Xtm9^ &©f®r© mf ttlXk 3tt told a«$ ttiertaftor at leaat
avaasr tweXte aantha. All abortioa d&aeado ro&otorg are
saas^td or b^aaflea ana s®?»arat®<l fro© tha hard ttSitiX progress
19 ffiaa® t#.w©ri tli© control au4 ©^iiefttton •f the auwtfW.**
|l«guXati©tt8 'havd b©©ii set ap f©;r',ti!i© 4©iry Ba^si'^nd
oieiaiSa^af* mit©- tlfpesal,, light lag, gftd ^tt# ««^fly.
9«SalAtloa4 r@§^ain@ the oonstrttottoio^ ©l@ai8iii$# itsln?
^oHOAff ©toimge, »f hanAlliHI 9t ®t®ml%® pen miQ*Ge&9
MSlk odneunere !» Oregon p^iir© «d&ltlcmftl all^
^r©t©#%l@^ in thst no o*»e«» id Ailow&fl to p^rait asy ^©reeft
t© wfiwst in tlwr stii'^ iMw&rsf wk© i$ ajpf^etea- with mj
tiontoglMM, infeotloudi or 0QQiiatinie«h3.e fiisems®. ^0 Imt?
aa.thot*isi00 the $t<&t© &»par1%ient of Agrieultur9 t# require
Qe&iocil ejcetainfttidns for ^oreond istt«s»eet«6 0^° feeing aff©ete4
^y oueh dido&ses. i©K© eities re^ttir© $11. ©asf loaded
feattdllng food to have 6 ho&lth oertifioat^,^
fh© proooftfi of pitBticnarls£n0 aiiSi to a. «©rtiain tot^ofv
atore belot? whiefe «11 ooiaminiofthio Aiooao© g-^r®©- ^ro Kill-©*
it spogalgtod in ©mgon. 4ooording to tho la** the urm
IM»dtour&Kdition rofo^o to •tho pwm&m of heating ovoiy
^artiol© of asili or ©ilfe ^ro^uot^ 'to a te&porattiro of mt
tem- than l%f@ Ushrenhoit ajaa holding iat ottofc UmpQV&VFQ for
net Xo#e th&a thirty mlwtod in tho faetottH nation atftargitu*
appr©T©a by %M aoparttBent.^ f© m%lk or mik ^roduoto say
h® yaetoiarisoa more than ©»$© ox^opt AS W fe@ opooiallj p^rdittefi W the 8to.to Do^artsont of iifmtaltw®. Iho o*iietr^^tion, fsoilition* m& otmitbtlon of tho pdotouris^tlon
^ttti^ng^. in ©©me ooim^rl«d m%%k 1# still €ifps4 ©«t
of a coatalaey aaA edld from
a©t eoBoeoa la tbe faltea Btate®.
to 5,@or,. this ^tm@ti©e 4«
&« «, danltasT' 9*eo«atlo»#
^ui& ai^fe is fi'Of j^natttBd to fee 8<8>li Itt ^regtm.
4 dei"iBit© &i€ to tho cMtstnse^ is tli^ st&t* law
f^il^I^ oe^tala lafofmat^giR t@- fee pl&aei, ^n alll eo&talnsra.
All b©ttl©s, oaa©:* or ipsekage© eaeldsiag mills @r asy ©life
proiiaetft mmst fe« ^lataljr latelsfi or mai^oft wltfei
<1) th*
nme of tk© ©ontefit©, if2} t&& gra€e of tfe© ooatenta if
grait^, 13) the we^fi ap%0t«aiPl«ei« or arawQ, ae4 <fc) t&e
s®®© of tfee pF©am©ei* or aittrtbtttoy.^* feis itifomatttoH is
areqttently fiveB «s tho ^Ottlo top.
©spegoa hso not ove^l©©k©i t&& Q©e# f^r r^gtaletion©
eoneerolttg tfc© serving of sUUfc in ©atisag. pleeoo.
All allk
soli ©t asy lunch ooantar,. rogtaurasit, or paMlo e&tlDg
pl^ee mast ©oritEiii at least 3.2 per. e eat .tetter fat
liotie© to given that ®klBi jailk is servel.
Mia eaUfc. aey
be served if It toe so otatoft on tho Mil of tmT& or
prlBtoft aotlooo so pleo@€ th&t- thoy aay fee easily reaa by
a&yoae eater lag tho room.
2s afidltion* ©^©ry restsmraftt,
.eaf©,. flofia founteiA* or other ©stablieMieat eonriag 0raae 4
raiUi ffis^r ais^lay at sll times ia a plaoe t«8igaateft by the
State 0®farteeftt of Agrloiiltttre « oara fftatlRg tte&t It sells
aia4 eorves ©rM© A fflllk,
Moreover, aay e«6h plsee aieplayiBg
a Clr&d® & earl aast: uot honaio* aietpitouto* or isell jaey ffiillt
®t mr Q%h®T grei© .ttetto &M&& A.***
If th» ftste oepartsoeitt ®f Agricalty^© 'ftnfift w Mil?.
02* allfe pr©<i8@tSi stfsbrandsd with reepeet tp gFaSing ^r
Ming- #©M ^ithEmt & %%®mmt it feao tte po^er, stowM
seise MmXet'g ©©loriag iiatteF aa^ IkQ&tPQ? th& wtltSa,
0r©g©R ea&sus^s* Wafers- at sills: have prlee prot&s&iam
lLf33* ^te Op©g»J» Legl'Stetiare dneeted the Milk GoAtx^l Sill
allfe iaStioftTy izi Oregost &m& created a tfiilk OotitvoX Ba&rd*
fliia feo-a-s^ fea@ the ^ot^r to s^tafelisls aiaiauB: p'ri©©* t.o
pf^liaeers,.' to aiBffe©% si.l€dl©iida#. ai|d t© o^sisiimers; -to Ssfia't
©arlset .^f©asi. ©M Id ^teeade tliose persons Qtv finss pratueiag a»a aarfeetlag iait& for {taotaa 0©asBwptl,o9..
.gstors fesli©1?® tHat th@ siiiaiftlstrati-aa #f the SQLlk Soatx^i
Mt tins tended to ,stab-ill^© %h<& &lXk iadustrir to the
.©dvaatsg© ©f both the iodustry aad th© ^ossiaBiaa? puhliQ,^
'trtfoa 2s«s apeqtUrd all ^reatt, Xai*@!s€ #7.«aid a# aush*
t» eeittaift aot X«tt« than- 1$ m^ ttfat totftt&rfat.
mm&img thxtt mnlmm ta% rstnlFsaeat la ^ailai light*
^©ause^etsl,- #r ■(©©ffee eveasu
<hreauB lafe-^lM #f s©M as
^Ipplsg ©r hesi^r ex^daoi UHtafc eent^ln @ot less thttft 3^ fW
.eeKt hfiftt^ffftt.
ftwea ettles aad eopati.©©- th^oa^Eioat t^e
«tst# re^ttiipo :a higher hmtt^rfiat eo&teftt in Mth tjpas ©f
GttXev «&® allowed to fix tisel? own stancfepis fcufc
t&ey must ij©©t at least tM^ ©islffiias staaterd© as aefc up %y
the trtate*
ffeos© ©iti©# uader tli0 ftsaas*^ mik -©Mieanse
re^airo «iP9«s"t* eoat&ia not %e& ttea IS p9* *&*% bnttertftt*
fettefsl etanSarAd liave ^eeestlir been set f©r: &V9am aed
eoEuaeree* f^^ii5©. ©fem® t@ e#ata.l.B not les* tlsiK- IS pe<»
eeat feiattsffat if it. is- t@ be e©llf4 eft©®.
ViM^iag oream
UKiBt ee&t&iii 3© ^sf &mt fattttdvfat.
Soiae er^os ta Orege* le s@M Bitfe©«t « grade €0aigBiati©®.
Pswe^er, t^etber graieA #r a©t, all ©reao- t© tee
i©g€si Q«9t4eontsiii «wt tr0i»© th@i» 5dfQC® te&etdv&e 5®r- eufeUr'
Q&tMmtorS* Mt* mq®lrmm% -appliet to Mtk mv
tf ^^eas., mw ©x* ^ftsteurisea, i« labeled as $m<£© A,
ee^taiA aat aore tfeaa 3®,0©# "feaet^rife pGf emfei^
Seat ©f the espessj seld ta the ttt&td la #r@Se 4»
Oaljr tr^Se A ©i?©^© is aXlevad t© te©: aalA la elUlaa ap&fc&t&iig
uBder the- Staafiarfi MillE ^^mmmme.
AXtbacigb ba^&erlal e^aat i@ one e-f tba ©hief faotora
eonsMereS la %he grmtiag ©f &vmmt sm^ml oth&w fcetera
aast sis© be eom©M©^®e.
ffeese af4© ©tor, flavor* {tmoethdeaa*
•a©i<t.ity, asifi aediaeat.
Sli© stat© lav ba# a:#t tip regulstteB® ©^aeoraiag
tl» mwim of fflill in mating plaeea.
All 0*013® ©©M in
eating- pXaaea thr@u#i@«t tbe etate tsmst eoatain at least
%& per em% h®%%mt&%*
l® »ll &%&&&' tih®m th© Wll of f^re
contains ^©-wi1!.. '®PQm'» wMth^r it M mt*v&& ■mpsfr&^l'p
or irltlj. o#i*©»le, •*► with tmil tr mitk mttQ®t tr if
D© of<l©f^4 B'i' p&rt d.f any ©egti, "vft«tlk«r it *pp*** •* tfc*
Hil of far® o*'»ofc» If 'It bo'^fve^ #o»''«ft 'c>v&m',®f
GTem» it. ehftll fca 06teidte^e4 a«. ^©ising under $fc© pt^vieions
Of this act, and s&fktl eontaia net leso than 10 per cent
•tfAdArAf tab^rgtory «inalf^®s a^e oostlutailf beiing ttstie fey
th© State i^purtaeii^' ©f Agrlouitufe.
the manulaoturlng of Ice croam on a commercial ecale
haa feeea a $mwi&g in&uet^.in tfto i«*t twenty jr«tx*t aaft
during that tint ttit fr<».ttt©t Kft« grestly ia}|>ro^ed: in
.<l'ii®li^ir. Although the Use dmm immttf l§ #■ ©©mp^ativdly
new Oine, tooth fecle re 1 and state government a Mve laws
regulating the production and selling of ice cream,
' Statsa are at liberty to adopt any of the F&aeml'
provieiciie tiiey wish.
According to the Jnlted States
Dap^rtment of Agriculture, qualit;/ of Ice oreas is based
upon foatp .|>@ii»t«.
fheee *r#i
(1) fjtirity or- froedoa froffl'
fcaoteria, (g) fetttte^fat oontont^ (|) total solids, and
f^) 68J0^ii.t of •air beaten iato the ioe ©re«ia!.9
tor purity, tbe {fa&eral .regulation retiree tfo&t %h&
ice orcaic niix i>3 paetsuFized aM that uhe bacteria count
isust not dxneed 100,000 per ©aMe e^timetes9.
A f&w states
require isaeteurination ©f all milk gmxaucte u&^d, &nd nine
s-Uatea liav© adoptei th© Federal law regaletleg th© bacterial
count. ; Oregon does not require padt^vtrizAtion *f sfiilk and
ftreaai mied in io© or@fiB, bwt It does haw -standards for milk
■and trem t& fe$ used for -fflanufiactuning'purposeB,
the factors
ooniidi&red In regulating &ttC'& allfc and eream ar©.:
(1) whole*
sote©n.®ss, (S) b&stefrial eont^nt, (3) aold e©nt.ent* and
(k-) eediment*
Butt erf at content, the ©©eond factor dQte-risinlng
ice-eream^ quality. Is regulated in .eyery ©tat^ in the union.
Th@ Federal government roQUir©s IS per eent butterfat in
th@ ice ■er§a»- It bujrs.
fh# atateB1 ftlnimuii butterfat
content roquireaent ranges f-ro« B to Ik- per cent.
ha.® adopted a ffiinimu® of 12 p©r ©ont butterftt for all ice
oreant.tvith th@ eJtce^tion of fruit lee eveaai and nut lee
eresiia. lit ?h@ two latter ty^es have a flilniismra butterfat
content of 10 psr e©nt.
fw©nty*tw© states, including Oregon, regulate the p©r
cent of ffllik sollAe in lee ereaiD.
Oregon r<M|Ulvea a
fflinimum of 20 per cent, inoluAing if per cent butterfat,
in all lee ereaBiie with the e&eeption of fruit ice cv&m,
which tmet contain at least 1$ pe'r^oent milt solids
including the 8 per cent hutterfat.^ In other tfords, all
lee creaw sold in Oregon iauet contain at lea&t 10 per cent
milk tolide other than butterfat.
Since most, ice cream i8 sold by mmmm» t% is
important %& consider tkm last tmsntm ^©t^vmtmMg iee-ey^n
YVhlle it it -iedtrnMe to M^® sesao «jir ^ea^Ht into
tee evem, wmnf *ma$ttx&QB sap# teatt9& to 4tt«t9 ft %ir
whipping more air' into the mix than is neeossary.
Federal regulations specify & msxtwrn of 50 ps^ -oeat air,
-a ffliaiau© '»&i#it of tow m3i tme+haXt pwrnd* por
gallon tone pound, two o$noe#, per qm&t},^ f^oart©®!! states
have regulations concerning this factor, most of them
ffiafciag &boat tfee.sano reqp&reiBettfc* m tMo feiergl fov^^saent
in its pmr&h&ms.
lf^goa>. h&wrer-* is fcoi oa© o£ tM©@
Ace ogling t© Oregon- leir, lee #mm te ftAaXtonotoA if
it does not ooisfo*5©' t© tke following ^efiftiiionta ami
Ioo o-r©^ lo tfet© froaeft. pfoiuot- saie fro® pa.re,
f^losoiso .©we®t -&v&mt ewois-t femttot* or -sisraofc
©vapoi^tot or condensed ©lilt sat f«g«r, ssdtfe or
wit^o^tt flavoring., mtit* if s©tir®i, tli© ©a&ttio®
of' not to oxeooa *»e for- oemt fe^ welgMt of a
liai^slood tfeio^oaor-, and oQBt&f&s not loss tlia^- 20
pet eoat of mils tollis olilofe aaot not feg Its.©.
tkm 1ft por oont fey wolgltt of otlk fat, anfi tfe©
acidity auot not eseoeS tifereo-t^stljB of ©no jpor
{g| *Fr«iit io© ©rea® !«• tlie frozen product from pure*
wIieiesoiBe uweirl; tjruao. ew^et butter or swe^t
Qm&mmik ©Ilk,, imgar, mn&, mnn&,
a€iiti©B @f ao-t tm Gxme& ■o®«
©eat fejr ^reigfet
€>f tsa^l^sa tfetefeeu'efr ®afi ooatstas sot^lseo. th^n
1.6 f>©r eaBt 0f" tallife splits g&ieii miQt not .fe© less
than 1© per ©eat % we-igtefc ©-f milfe .fat.
(5> *il&t-. i#© 0r®sm. 10 fMe froa©** p?0:eect a®€e 'fro© .par®,
«fo®!l©a©m© #«^©"t ereaffl:,. ew©©-t feat-t©r ©r eireet
evap®ra.ltfi or -©©ndeneeA miife',. ©ugar;, afiS »©aEd
a^-rafieM mit&t m&, if t©9ir©tj tfe© aSSitiea ©f
aot t® ex©©©■£ oae ^©r ©;©at 'fejr w©i^t ©f m, h&iwles*
^l5|,;©feeaer> saifi ©oatata© aot 1©©© tliaa %$ p©r ©ent
©f tailfe ©©lids K&iefe im&to a©t l>© 1©©© thm 10 p©r
_ ik
e©Bt fe^ «©Jgfet ©f milk fat.*
fsr©g©a ©©aeiter© t©© erstm t© fe© a»ife©l©©©is©' tf It-i
I© mat©^ 0t©r©fi* .©r 'held f©r ©®I© ia .a SsrlE,. ^eleaa,
naTeatilsted,. or ta©eait«if ^as©a©at, vmm, b©©tli, ©r
store, ©r
©©Rditl©a© %m 7.i©lat|©a ©f aay ©f tli© ^r©»
vitioa©- r©'lat4ag t© ©l©©alia©©0, 8aattsti©a m& v©at.4tatl©a,
©r t:rat#©ti#a ag&in^t ©©ati»iasti©a;
m®tom frm^mt ©r mt©tj©il;
'(21 'fea© 'b©ea aa^© %n
Cjy h^© feeea lj©l«l f©r ©al© ©r
©t©r©t for tt©.r^ tfeau tea €[aF© la say ©tor© ©r femtltj
(^} te© 't>9©a refr©2©a «ft©r 'S>©iag e:sEg©0©€ for ©al© la aay
©■t©r© ©r 1&©©thi
(5) ooatsina. Slssae© $F®&!t©lag g©im© ©r
an: «3£©«&isstva a^robsr ©f baoterta*
Oregon Eiakee it unlawful for any person within the
state to oanafaoture for tale, offer for sale, hold in
possession with intent to sell, or sell any unwholesome Ice
oreas* or Ice ©ream which does not oonforaj to the Oregoa
In the menafaetare of ice ereasa, Oregon periBite the
uee of fresh, whoXeso©®, ansslted hatter and eki© milk, or
i&n^ other toirsr proguet* ^mm&§ml%-Q& ant -nsoi in place- of
&,% pwmsnt in Oregon there are several frozen mi^tares
feeing, gold in ■soeor^asoe- with the lm?, even thou^s thee©
mixtures && m% ®m$ the mtalmm fat oo^test •a^eeifiei. for
ice crearas.^
(1> $&festas*§sr& lee €rea® ie a froze?! aixtmre ma£» as
ice ore.stti but ©hleh -eontaias tem than-. If per cent
htttterfat hy iml^t and not lees than & per eent.
{2} lee Milk 1* any dseh $re&tiet- i^ileh ©ontalfts less
than- 6.per cent hmtterfat bf uei^ht hut not less
than 3.2: per cent.
I3> $.ee ISfefm Milt is any s«eh ^r#diet other than
©hei^ert ^hieh oontaine 1®.8& tMn *$*% j>er cent
{%) -frofien Stesoert i@ any frozen .©«h©-ftiKoe, ©i«tQre,
or mMp®m& ^M^h'ls ea^e in i©itatio-n of, or has
the ap^earaaee of,, ice cream', .stthetaa^Nl loe
o-reas* ioe aiiiiE, or ioe- sMm &%tk, and .t?h-i©h con*
mitk pfetaetf sfii t* »ot &• cherfeart
ct trftter let.
$© 9iwt#o't oensw^ra, Oregon km oarefttlly set up
^fovlsto'ii© p©$^iatlng tue la^lHig, advefttains* ^^ eelllng
of - iubataa^ArA i®# creams.
%o« avavy f^eftag©, aartaii# ■<>*•
for «si«- there veMt Ha a Mainly firlatad atata««ftt gi^iufs
{I)- 'tlit itaaa of fho S!.fea^f#etur@r# (8) the ftaae af tha'pyi*
dttat t?»<t2U;&tisiig th&$ it la aabat^ndard 1@© araai»f 13) the
per cent af btittarfat by.weigHt, and C^) tha total salllt
aatlda m% fat l^y tsra&j^t*
^© at&tattent 'S^tbataitdard Saa
Creaa** mmt b© printad in the sara© aolar and eita.^f type
■sad fea glvan e^ttaH praBinaoea witli etitar wardiag, trade*
■roark, ar daaarip'tian on tfeo- omrta:?? or eontftlatr**^
A furti^r aid to aeafiwoava Is t&& Oragati Igw afaiah
va^ttiraa' that any aaDfaatlond^ir* dragatoi^< ratf^rant,
ar aatiag plaoa eawlag aubatdndAi^d 4a« oraaBi laa m%11tf
ar lee akin isilfe tamat ooftfoi^ to tha l©g#i ataadarfta*
In ©dditi^n, thaaa aatiag fdtaeaa lattat iRaiuda a. atatamant
aauaanstiag the -^ubata^dard iea areara ai* tha bill of fare
and ffiuafc dldf>!Utar ia a apat easily taatt fey ouatoaa^a a
printed alga atatiag In bald-faced typa at laaat %m iaa&ea
In hal^it..
We faa Bufeataffltdafd !*• Oraaia** ar *ff© fea j^fd
Milk,H or "we iaa Ice sklrameft Kllk, •* fts %he a&aa fifty be.
<38A9¥8ft HI "
According to the Federal foot* Drug, and Coemetic Act,
butter rauet contain at least SO per cent# by weight* of
mlIk fat.9 Oregon has adopted this Federal standard ae
therefor© a teuy^r in Oregon, need gtir© little
&&§& to t&d odtling ftlain tXutt ft givw* branl. ©f fe^ttor ie
«&f siapeipior roerit toeofttts* it %* ©©d© ©f &%%m riefe ©r^am,
fee ^Alted it^tef gover^atist hm &lm «.©t up itandarde.
for fradifig butteri th®m ttaftdarda are p®m%m'ive$ and .
a stat®' i» ftt %%%$#%$ to gdoft them'or sot m it eho©fe.ii.
In lf3T# 'Oregon ©dotted © fisuridstory irmding ®fQ%$m in
m%®h fenttfr Wtist &© d^^iign^tgd at'either tradt A, ®rade B»
or fr#de 8***
?lio ftKsaiitie® oonsidered in gr&fttug gutter m ©regon
are .0©y@reil*- ^feief i^song ttttOM le flevor* whicli sua^'receive
ft total of ^5 point0. Other fgotora ton si dig red in ecoring.
'urn feodjr m& %mtm&t $5 p&int$$ eolor, 1$ polntct; '
$Blt# 10 point®! .^aofesging, 5 j^oiats.- to fee labeled
■trad© A# Twitter 'wm% soore 92 n^lnts ©r afeove. trade'®
©yet afoore its© t&en 92 pointe feist not 1®&6 theft $0
► Ckrad^ 0 wuit soore l©#e th^ 50 points but not lees
than, i$ points. I^ttor of & tosrer q^alit^ thaf ©rade 8 ie
not told for hti&&& oonetiffi^tion in
Butter grading ie clone in each creamery by a liccnoed
Since lfj$t the State Departiaent ©f %ri®iiltQr@ fcs«
been efeeofeing tfee scopes by eolleetlug eaffl^I©© ffl©nthty la
all parts #f tise state,
fli© tw&le* art bp©tag&t t© the
®®psrtia©Bt office in #al®» ^©i*©^ tte&$ are «e©r04 by a
eefflfflitte© of tfer©# jm%©s sn^ aaalysea for fat coist©fit.
Oregon peralte tb© tig© ©f hairless ©©loring is butt©r
without «t ©tateffleiit ©f faet upon tb© label.
Seeaaa© tbe
eolor of butter t«mia vsry during tbe <filff@r©rit f©ft8©nt
b9©a^tie e©i5©uffl©r9 fr©f©r a anifet^ ©olor, tsaf^nl©©©
©oloriage -ar© perfflitted.*^
©©■rtsia ©^©eific liiforssti©!* ,r©4jmir©d on all ®r©aa©ry
battor oraFP^rs.
©ertons in the ©tat© i^ol^dt-i
1%} $h© .n©t tf©i@b;t ^f tb© $>®©l£'a{j©.
(21 ^Eft© ei5bl©m:, §rad© iw Sr©d© i., or ©raS© 9»
(3) fb;© mramber wfeieli d©§i§ts©,t©.0 ©i%b©r tb© eretmery at
'&hie!& tb© bmtt©r was p-r©dia©©d or the f irai- by wMefe
tb© bistt©r we© Sistrib«t©d.
In addition, the brand m& tbe saw© of the- ©resaery or
distribator ©ay be fetmd on a wmpp^v-.
&m% of tfe© better ©old in ^r©f©n t© ereasery butter
©nd past b© labeled -a© ©et forth in the preoe&lng paragraph,
however*, aois© fiairy butter 1© ©©id in Oregon s^d ea^st b©
designated as ©uoh.
fh© net weight.-and the naroe ©ad address
of the protoe^r umat also be stated.
.Ore.g©n has reflated the sal© ©f r©w©rlE©d bwtter.
ahort-weig&t lsmtt®r> ^ad imitation bstfct©**.
Bewoy&efi aad
renuovated tottef m&g ji©.t b-^ .©ff©red f^T sal® or told la
Oreg&i aaXess the ststeffl^at *Se«?oykM Stjtter*' ****' ^^R^^vated
Slitter9' is :©i©arij labele-d tm tfe© ©ontalner*
ful to soil say: ebort-^^igfet better is -Ox^goii.
butter mmj ®0% ^© sols as tmttor.
It ia ©al^wIftit&tlon
lowa^rer., tfet© 4o©s not
r©far to tb® sal© ©f ^leomargaHne, sise# tBIs 1© soil -not
at buttes? btst ®# & tetter sube.tit^t©.
Soarly two-tbirds of all the ehoeee eado in th©
Waited States is of ttee Cheddar variety,^ and it is tills
variety witfe srMofe th# Ftderal m& ©rsgon regulations ars
most cemeemed.
®i© halted States ^p*louXtupal Har&sting Servlee rates
dlffersat $a&Hti©s of obtsddar cfeeese as follows;
3© coints;
bo^ and texture, 40 points;
anee, g& points;
oolor 10 points,
flniah and appear*
tbe <|tiallty rating of
cheese is ssldoa given, bowever, in t%® retail aar&et.
CSieddar obis©®@ see ring 95 &R& above is rated as f.i. l&tra
that scoring $g to $% iftelasive^ ®.S. f^aieyj
seorlng &$ to $1 jtaolttslve, ®.S. Bo. 1;
to g0 inelusiva, i. 0. io. ^j
inelusiva, f.S. I©.. |;
that seoriag $&
tlat scoring1 $$ to S5
and that' ssoriftg below $% ■falls. ^
Oregon jfeas so saeh ©oajimlsory sooring of eheddar ©heese.
#rego» does, however, Sf>©e!fy grades of cheese whieh
^pepteat upon tte ©iiE-f©* conte&i*.
ttes© grades sr©:>^
la the «a&ei>-frQe {atife&tgnoQ ii»t leas tl^n 5^ S^w
■o«B.t ftlllc fats.
f2j ©r-egoa Usttt ^&im Cfe.©es«—©Hi©®©© wliiofe oost&lns in
the watax'-fs?©© dub&taAoe not 1««8 tha» 'S5 p^i* ©oat
I3> Oregoo Qn&rter Skis 0feee®t*^©fe0^f0 tsfeloll 0©«tslfs-0
Itt ££» wat#F-f^©@ sQbaffiao^ not l©ss then If p#r
©eat milk fat.
1'^' Qz^goft i&i© €&eese-->eheeee w^iefe eantalne la the
-wat©f-fi?©© ©ijbst.Mi0$ let© thaa' IS per eeat ffiil& fstt.
Sv^iry ^efson
sa&mif&etores eheese in the? stat© atsst,
at the piao© of aas^faotap©-, tlatimstiy end aav&bly br&sd
la letters not I#.es tfeaa oao-hslS' ittoh in height ©n th©
ev&tf ©k@©0© ©aift on the host tho trw© grade of
the ehee-sa (one s-f tho fmr ahove)..
Maaa&t©^ stafti&t^e of itentit^ pronulgatoa W the
fetorfti Soourity ^dminiotftttor have been set up for ehe&Iiar
ofe»0.6e «at@r-iag Jjj.tergtst©.- eoaaeree.
Accord!J^ t® the-
stattdara, ^heifisr -cheeQ© is st food pt*eparoa ftroto ailfe ^hieh
eQataiae aot m@m than 3f p#^ «aiit molstar^ ®rj4 whoso solids
eon'i;sin a^t leas than 5^ P®^*' oont ollk fat, ™
S-tat® ota&dafds have
get up for Ijricte eheooe kaoim
as ^ffe'ipQ-. SiPicS;^ aa.€ Ifeiaeathaler ohoofio haowa. ao fiomootie
Swiss ohaoso,
Sri^-Is ohoooo fflaie fs*©® tfttolo sll& muet ^©fitaiti
:®«rt»8 ©fe©^«@ '«ft. ttontdtim p;©.f left tfei- ^3 #©r ddnt arlik ■
^re f^jpilAtaft bsr-lstt*
%i0ti®§ m& ^m&lBttm, m mil
m %h® ®l®mlimm *t m® bu%l&in$t utensil.®., mm croriBtaw,
mtl^jr to tfe* p^daeooe ©f e3?©«. Inferiority of $b0
prdiust: Id taw$ ediie©ai©i, 4Ra Hbd 9«r«iha8«r 19 thBrn^f
'§^#f#» states tlta'I m p®mm auqr ©ffts9 f6r &&« ©s?
sell ara^r sabat-ano© in imi^tion qt ©Mds© Jaet -siM* e^ijitsiv^*
0r _®lft8io«* h&m%m& ®&X®®%®® m%%9*i m& MfttaltiXng £**« ^r
©ils-ii©^ @2»^lti0-0a from mitk m& ®v®m mt&m «he t^r&a
«ho -oHedfiv ©# ill© ^ftokftge.
• ■ • • My®W p®mm in th« ©tat® #f or^g^A ^0 mavsfaoturea
fcfceeee roast afply to the Bt&te W®p&vtmmt of Agrloaiture
tow m ffcctofgr nunber giving the quality or grate of eh©&8#
Each box of cheese offered for sale or sold
must hear the assigned number on the box ana on each
When buying chedclir ohee&e, an Oregon eoneaser receives
the following information on the box, paeksge, or eheeees
(1> naae of the product, {2} ttiallty grafie—^artlettlarly if
it is leee than 5®.£©** e®ht iBtllc fat, <5) faetory ntmher
of the.eheese ffian^faotiirer, ani (U) net weight on paefeaged
ftie f©4©i*sl ^vermuest aaS $&© #tate of Oregoii have
fomiiletea ftQ^^latidiis te&th p^ynisdivd ana »®a4at0*5r tsliloli
are- ^©©atsg lia@r€a©iiigl|r iQ&ovfc&ftt to tli®-.fr©f©ii ©on*
giwef buyer of fr©s& fruits- ani wgefc&l>!#8..
tn tfo® past §mtt&v Gmtury, th® F©4©,rSil .Sureau- ot
staateMs Mv© been a®©i ssiiil-y In vtihQtmBl® tvmBm&%l®m,
th©ii? U9& hm hmught afeeat tefialte- Si^provesieftt tn the
.QiRimiim .qualify voqalrements fo&ve beea set
for ^aeh grade
€ai€ t^ae© gl^<s thd ©©naaa^r as iaer^esioglr hotter jprotoet
tor ovejpy aoll^p ho sp^Ms.
€©as«©©i>i3 ah®iil€ x*©s©sfe©i» that
tliea© ©liiimum qmlttf roftttrenioiitd af© p©f®l0Btve, gisoe
1^0 F0€@ral Foot, ©r^g., ®-Bd 0o©m©tt© Aet opeeif lod tfea.% m
ateMOmpm m®l§. %0 tot tip for fregfe fraits and vegetaM^a,
It lo wsuslly iJapoe&Jfele for oenaassefo to l)tiy Wsl-tefi
ftate^.gfsfie aaeigaatefi tmlts ani vogstabloe in re-tail
Seoaas© it ta ^or© eooaom&ost t# put up eoaswDer
f®elag©s of pfote©© #& sht^ifi^ ^oiate..,. th© soro p&*k.tiltato\*
fvntt? a«a tr^getsblae,' if p»©&©€ B.S. So. 1 tiken f»e&4g©&,
's^pr aot mmt W..®, lo. 1 8%m&mr&® whoa tB^y ©rriy© at tfe©
retail ia©rl®t.
iojaetisioe- this ia t^tto of
tk© lett
periahsblo potatoes m& ©Bioftt.
¥&® amtiav* of c&nmm&r
dized p&®k®g&8 $f potatoes,, daioas,. sppl®®, saS ©-itriis
fmlt# ^sm^isg t^itsd states gfa^e fiesignsitieiia
increased oa&ert&lijr, hcmtver* in tfee p^t few y©ss?^.^
Often sfeefi produce arrives at' » ve-telil ©sPlEet #%$&
f.i. grade designation, uontalnern are uiscarded % the
retail. gr#O0.r feef^r© ^e jnwsent* f&# frddteiartft t@ tli#
|)ufelic. .Sfett ffait'd ftai ¥#,fet«iM#s swe ■doiol f.r©© feaUi
If ties© ^tsplaya we«^ f© 'le labeled wltfe gra€e
€©slg8a:ti0as,- a ti*aia04 inspector w©aM' feava t© b® fpeieaft
t@ tB0|p>©©t tM pvd&tt&e' ©ffiolj .cidi'iaiag.
&t ^reseat, the
fmtes &f^ bftted upon msh factors ass
vaMet^, color,
©tse., imt^FitjF, ©hap®,. «aaS frse^oiB. f^@ffi ^#feot esms^S Ijjf-■
ap^#ftipsia<s©, u©@tm, ant pro-fer^ae©.
federal gfa4e@ §® a©t
©fte.a speetfy $is©» .elae'O ©i-z® depends «pe» mrletf,
Hke ©r©t®Mis!s©d gimmes traty e*3®€«j&&i& aeo@-r41$ig' t© tfe©- .
Vttrl«tiee ©f ffnslta ani v©gt*sfeiee.
ff&r. s@ay fnalts- thes?©
art tsr© P©S#psS gs^te-s, -f.i. S®. 1 sal ^.:S. .JIo,t.
&,. Ijigfeer $ra€&» .W.I. Fafeey, t$ urn®* sad 'tffe©r© aaF toe tover
.gima©^, 9*Sa .lo.J- until 9«d< lift. *>. .fdr^asusr v©g.@fc@&l,©® t^er©
1© ottty ©a© gsmte ■©:0^ial>ll.sl5©€, f.#. .£(»• 1., but fegetafeifto/
to®, say ^av# a feigb grats,,. ©•§. jPaR©^r*
Bevorski %®mr
Fratt^ m® v&$e$&htm Xabet©€ ^toSadtflflofiQ: are
simply uagrsteS.
^noldsdiUfi®4 pvo&m® m$g l»e ©itfetf'' #f th&
highest ^u©lltF» or of such -low qws&ltgr tbett it 6ital€ -not
f)^© F#4©i5©l g®ve*«iffl0iif fees iei0»©wlmt st-au^sf^igeil fruit
iiod 'Vsgeta-fei© eoftt&ittttr? tlir^ti^ the pasggg© ©f tli-re© l«w
In- If^5, lfl^» m& !$%&•
I^s© first law segalatds - tfee
«^seit|r aftd a^feiivleiom© of the &©iv©l.
ffe© ©©d^sA
i^getiat©© the ©©pmeitf iant aisoft of h^m^ feox©©* till fe©sls:©t©,
aaS oliiaex fea^E©t«.
fli© ^liSr€ regulates t^e ©spa©lty,
©lg©8j, aa4 0fea#©g ©f liafflfftrsj r©mf»^ ©t-g^e 1&a©ket«.,
spltat ©r isai^cet fe©©lE©t«*^
In gregcNB* th© St«tt© ©©f^rtae&t ©f l^rietiltar© i©
authorised t© fix grades m& stanasi^s f©r agrtemltaral
A reeent ais©?ite©at by tlj© Oregon Legislature
provided tfcst th© we© of grad© etftfi&r&s ©atli©rl«©a t© fe©
esta^iislied ©r© not to be jaanaatory mil©©© e© apeclfieally
Although fruits and vegetables other than potatoes
mk onions d© net fe©v© mandatory stands Ms, a consumer
knowledge ©f th© faetors considered la grading gives ©©n*
©amers points of eliolc© in selection,
fii© State Pepartisent
©f Agrieulturil bases grades, stendarda, @i» olaseifio^tione
f©r any fe©rtl©tattirai ©r sgri©ult«ral t^t»«* «poii th©
following fa©t©fs:
*a©gre© ©f matarlty;
hy dimensions ©r wei^st;
size, rosaflared
degree ©f frestoaess, a© d©t©r>*
wSnet by physical examination ©r Qhmieml test ©r analysis;
moistar© eonteat;
freedom froia injury;
freedom from €lseaeee;
freedom from Bixtwr©
freectoffl f^oa defray $
vartetat etoaraeteriattcs or typ©;
speeiraene per pound;
nature of pack;
©ther foreign taaterial;
freedom tmm insect peats;
with &th@r varietiee;
awaber #f
presence ef airt ©r
condition as to teffi^erat«tre and
extent to whicfo the product is hot or heating or is in a
soar confiition;
extent to fliieh the pf^duet hae heen
affected fey handling ©r treatment;
extent t© whieh eoo-
E&o&ity is eatiefaetof^r f©r human or ©ther consumption $&&
extent t© wliieh the prodnet has a ©oajaer© tally
©hieetfeBafele ©4©r or flavor;
and other faetors indicative
of qaelity or condition and the vala© ©r ©aitafeility of the
eomaodlty iayoiveft for the eeramerelai ©r other uee t© he
made thereof.*^
Oregon law« state that the eonteinere in which freah
fruite and vefetshle© are 8©ld or shifted fflaet ifleet certain
sanitary etendards.
All foreign matter must he removed,
i^ld ^revleue aai^inf s, hrands, ©r labels ©n the ©ontainer
mmt he obliterated fcy refinishiag ©r entir©ly ©©vering the
former marlEinfa with a ©loth ©r paper label.
Oregon reqaires that all pereone ©r firms operating
under their own private hr&nd in the state of Oregon and
eiigaged in the htisinees ©f packing ©r ©aaning fruits aad
vogetshles mmt plainly deeig^te th&t the goods were
"gregoti ^rown* or *P6e&©a in ©r0g0tl.,|1^ A eoaa^a^r feayer
in Oregoa wfe©: fe«y» fraltg or vegetufeles i» tiie ongla^i
fae&ed eontals^r Is thereby %ntQT®&& as to wfe@tfe©r tlie
pm&mt is 0©r©foo 0r©«a* or 8Fe^t©4 is ©regoa.*
State eomfuldory Inspection aftft grating are requires
onlir oa potatoes aad onions.
Beoaaee of t&e Kasdatoi^r
reqittireatRts* an Oregon ooaeaser fearer ea» ^uretiase hoth
these process fey grate in the Oregon taar&ets,
All onions soli or offerei for sai© or elii|>iBent in tfce
stete of Oregon mast eonf©rni to fcfee etapaSaris set tip fey
f&e six <|uality grades of onions aret
P.S. Ko. 1,
If.S, Ho. 1 Soilers, U.S. Ho. 1 Picklers, Sf.f. So. 1
©omaeroial, f'/S-. ^io. g, ana 'Cull Qffafe.1^
Seoording to tfee st€ai4aras, f»$. Ho. 1 coneist of
onions of similar varietal ofearaoterlsties,
the onions
oust fee satare* fairly well-shaped* free froa 4onfel©e, «i4t
splits, snS fi^iB tetis^e oaused fey aproratlfig, freeeiag,
disease, insects, or saeefesnloal or otlier aeans.
& toleranee
is fei?iiittefi for U.S. Uo. 1 of not aore thaa 1© per eent
fey weight ^asegefi fey peeling ana not ©ere tttan § per cent
below remaining requlrernento of the graae.
0.S. Sfo. 1
Boilers aa& 9.8. S©. 1 Meklere aeet all requirements for
U.S. Ho. 1 except elze.
9.S. Ho. 1 Coraooroial So not quite
inest the ^»ality re<t«iire!B@nt8 of W.B. Ho, 1, fetat are of a
higher quality than VI, S. BO. 2* wfeioh are reaconably ftm
anfi free frm esrloue 4&ffiage.
0ull #ra4:e ©nlons are not
grades Ift aoaf&nBltjr trttth tb& foregoing grades.
Size grades have also been estaMleheet for onioiis.
fflIi»issiB» &%&& &f 0.8. Sf©. % aM W.S. $6. 1 ^©amerelal, anless
otherwise specified, ie 1$ inches in diameter.
TJ.S. Mo. 1
Boiiem are not JeeiJ tfean ose Xntb, ©r mor©. than 1 5/$
inches in diameter.
The minimum size of U.S. Bo. 1 Pleklcrs
is not more tMn one inch in Siameter.
©regon ret**^© &*&% th© following: inforastios h© given
©n ©nion eomtaiaere:.
•(&} SGiae ©f tfee pr©t«iot,. i2} aism® of
the .gt@t# wtoer© gr^owa, (3) »©©© ©n^ uQ&pew of grower*
«M^err or ^aeker, (ft) onion graS«> ^Rt ($} ne^-woi^htt,
eoEst&isasrs of oKions §.S* 8Jo. 1 grad© -sol^ or offered for
©©•it or sM'pment in the et&te of Oregon attet be uniform,
fli« ©tate of Oregon ha©
up feanSfetor^ ©tanfiares for
'jjotatoee with the following gr^400l
S.i. faney, f.0. l^tra
So. 1* 0.0. 8to. 1, W.S. So. t, mnt ©ttil ©rate,
ffe© gr@aes
eoaaoalF f©ptsS o^- th© ©rsgon market are H.gv lo. i &a<a
f. S. fo. a.1*
■ •
P. 0. ifo. 1 potatoes- mmt eoadi^t of potatoes woXlsha^e^l an4 all of ea# variotsr.
fhef raait be free froB
frteaiag i^imrg?1* soft: rot, e^nlmra, 'holloa heart, shriveling,
ep^utiag.*. anil seab.
¥h® potatoes of this frM© rouot be free
from iisseota -.©r iaeeKtsnieal, means.
Hot ii^re th@n $ per cent
of th® potatoes ©o lal»e3.©t ©ajr b© bel^® th©- ^aality
reQUireffieats of the f.i. Ho. 1 grat®.
i.S-. io. 2 potatoea
may fee mop© Irretular tfam 0»S. $&. 1.
$&ej ©ust be two*
from eerloue tenage, but they taay contsin more eats ©na
defects %hm th&&G allowed for the f.S. Uo. 1 gp&Ot*
©ope tlian 6 per eeBt of tfee potatoes «o labeled aaj^ fee
below t&e Qtialttf re<|»lreja©st8 of tfee &.$. So. 2 gra«le.
fixe re^utreiaeats speolfy that not mope th&» 5 pw^
cent of the potatoes In any eontaiaer may be below speelfie4 minSffiam staf® fop the grade,
fhe ti^isetep of 8.i.
Ho. 1 potatoes (met sot be late than 1 J/B inehes, ana the
dlaocter of 0.$. Ko. 2 potatoes rnuflt not be leae than If
Oregon Peqatree certain information on the 100, 30,
and 25 pound hage.
Oontainera of 15 pound lota or lees
mast also give ©ertala ittforssatieii.
amat hear?
^ie larger pound bags
(11 assine of the protaot, {2} aaeae of the state
where grown, (5) naae and adSreee or hranfi of grotarer or
Seeler, W gpft&e of the potatoes, ahS (5) het weight.
Containers of 15 potmS lots or less regeli^t
(1) nm& of
the proditet, (2> na»e of the state #iere gromi, 0) gra€e
of the potatoes, ana {%$ net weight.^
jPotatoes e©M or dlsplayefi for sale in Oregon In a bin
or on a display table mmet have a legible label or plaeard
(1) grade of the potatoes, {2) naiae of the ststte
*h©re gpown, and (3^ haw© $nd address or brand of grourer
and dealer.^
fh© containers of potatoes of So. 1 grsde or better
ml& ®x* ®ff®T®& for sale ©r «Mf©©iit. in thB st&t® of
Oi^g^n iaa«t "b©- *tnlf©gm» eleaov aisS a^^ad*
All eacfr© aaat
vegetgfelos #tl©r t&asi Anitas am p@^t©$#* Mt th&s©
'StafitofS© ^©i
mp&m&me, sasp feestis,. ^niiseltet feeefce,. ■e&'fefe-
©ge# Ifijaefe^i :earr©te, cauliflower, ©Qt&wp., gsp®6a e©pa^
lettMter p^is«» spi&aet*, m& %©siat0'«s.
0pog©s fr^it^ f&r
n^tiieh jjQi^lssi^© grafi© atawisMs fe^ve &@©ss sot «».p ar©:.
epplea* a^l-eots, «horriQ©> gmpee, peadbed, a«aiia©F- aat fall
■peara^ i3fi»t©r pots^Q, plurafes, ead. frooea.
Btaftiar^s h&vm
©Is©- beeB set' fejp ©aut^l^ii^es, Idgsaberpies,, anS stra®^
$h9 Btato p^^pts&nt of AgfieiaJtmr© sp©®ifl©a
tBat- ^rodtteer© t5?i8biag. to as© ;grii4es. f#^ tlie &^©tr©-ia©iatioBte4
$mMh -regets^les an^ fruits msy aa© aitber the fregon.
stsaiayt® or tfe© ieltaa ita^^a grswiea.
j&ltb@ag^ ite© atantaMa aat v® for fmit.® ■sft.d veg©tc&le* is 03P©@ofi si»# aot m'dn&atory, f^ey €o liave aa affeet
apoa tfe© oasfoiitity of $fee freak ^r©"Sii©-t& ©a the iaart«t.
In ^sst feara, sixes lota of pspogae© %av© feae^ae fmrnr aa
volnBtsi^ fra€a leljaling &©8 laoraafies.® ^bi© fact that
there are st&»&&r4a avsllehle lasuree the eonaam©** tl^tt
isilviaiml prMaosra or concerns are not ua^irare of the
retaipeaeats set up la the peyialsalve ataQSaMa.
fh© SivisioB of Flaat laaastt^ of the Oregon State
Department of Agriculture feas published small leaflets
giving tfee pjSKuissive Oregon standarag #e%«iblisM<S f^r tlm
inciivid.url fruite an4 vegetaMts gro^n in tfe® state,
vmtop* nwf reoeiire any ©r ©11 of tkme le®fl#t« fey writing
to the £iiriffi<m loeette^ in Salea, Oregon.
Qanned Fruit& afid feget^l^a
^9 ^mrcfeamt' inteiligently,. tfe© eofttnuiter feayore neeS
mm aeane ©f iStntifying fooA pr@iiuote,
««Baer« caiinot see thrcmgl*
Hatarallyj ©@s-
tin can;- t!te?e£&re tfe© ^is©
fet^ying of «®an®f fruit? and vegetefeles Ms &@©n #aa still
ie a difflettlt pretol^m*
Reading tho inforsatlon on the label Is perhaps the
'oensttser ^fiy@r'S' best aetfeoi of le^m:iag tJ%@ eont®nts o-f
tfe# ©sin.
-^i© J*0deipai governaent has ^et up- saiiatatory
atanfiari© t&rou^J th^ faderal F©©i, inag, ana Oosa^tie
Mt regarding iaforiast i<sn which amst appear on canned fraita
ant veg^tabl©© eatering int©r®tat© mwm0t>&Q.
^sen the «d:a*
sussep buys canned fruits en€ vegetables, she is Insured ©f
lemming: (1) the aa©e of the prMsiet, (2) the naia© #f the
paofeer #r 4i#tributer, (3^ the net eontents in w©i0j-tt
ae&sur©, ©r niiaierleal e©unt, ana $%} «fe^ther the pr©auet
i© below stanteri graae or ©laol: filled
eonsumere hav© feat little or no inearanee as to the
(|iislity of the profiuot© they buy in cans,
the cltuatlon
with whioto o@n®uia@rs are confrdntett is fiartieulariy 4iffi»
w&t h®Q®m® it is XiB&oxMiible to ttf eXl th^ brfyias on the
®&Me% to tiseowr the %&&&•
tn ■& sttrvey m®MM h$ a p$Q&h
■gs*8wep**# a#s#e'Iafci©-n. ia ^llfoHiis i«i If5$,' It ®m fou^d
tbat $^ $®r eent #f t&© aas^I^. *aft& ©f feaofees t^^ii firtiizt
ff0t5aii'e*>01 stoek fe^aring ia^is tuititftt tk® .^aefeers stateti
tlt©y n««ia ©^ *Faaey* peachea ^rer© ti©t Hb&o&* afid that ^4
p9p emt ©f tMee supposes t© re^eseiit *^@ie©# ©r *©Ktpa
StaaamM® HAA not ^mt&tm t© t&at &nu9»$- smot&ing t© the
standards of the Ganner'a Aeoocletion.^ Circumstances like
these are a serioua dieadvantag© to the coneuoier buyer
feeeatjse |>ri©e ©oapari0©»e a^e fiiffieiaiit t© fea&©» m& the
aaias ^ttaiity ©f ©a*meia fraite ©r vegetafelee may vaiy greatly
in price.
Consumera are |>f^teete4 tttm slaek titl in tfeat fill
of container lias been regulated under the ilcKary-MapeR
jyaenftneiit sat under the standarde iiev being preawigatea ^
the Federal Seeurity Ageiioy f©r ail ©aaiiet frtaits ©ni
vegetafeies entering interstate ©epBeree.
refers t© the ©ontent ©f the $&#fc*
Vtl\ ©f container
I^e©r4ing t© the Feed
and 0ri*g MffiiniGtration ber©re the new Federal Feed, Drug,
anfi 0©eaetie &©t was passed, two general fill re#*ir©me«ts
were set up for all eanned fruite and vegetafclea.^ Firet,
the head apace—the distance fr©» the anderside ©f the ©an
©ever t© the top point ©f the pr©du©t-»-©©iBld net be more
than X& per ©ent of the ineide height of the ©an.
there eotild not he an excessive amount of water, brine, eugar
aolution, ®r ®tfe©i? liquid p&a&iag a©€lum.
Wnter Wk&
Fedeml food, BFHt, ant 0O'Sci&ti« £«fet in $i»©s©r-iMfig. -any
otaodftPft of fill af 6#s'talae?, the- faOer®! $etti»*lty A^alaietrator must giv© iae e©a§i4©yati©s to %be nataral «!*?inkage
ia stof^g© &M t%© saeM for fie.«»9satT parttiag an^ pP©*
fhQ evident Be«A f^p better giiit^i in efeodsiag #stm#a
goods has given rise to much discussion of the desirability
0f offi©tal ftmdisg tta€ grade l&fceliiig.
the aoi'aPy-M@pe#
AmcnflKent made mandatory the Identification of the lowest
gpfed# of prdluets, y©t fav© n© aasifltpnoe in letttrmliilBg;
the grade c^f a better quality.
On canned fruits anA
v©g©taM,©g of b©low dtaa^srt ^ttality or.fill, tte© sitatesaeat
•'■wjiooa. goo&HS&t ilgh @ima#* is p#qair@i.
ConBumer gtmxxpB
bave conwiaeied tlie iMft]lai|3Mfepe6 Apcs^attt a st^p ti©tsfaM
eventually faaafiatoTy #^t©ial frafiiag.
binder the autkofity of the jTeaeral f&■©§., Drag, mud
Cosmetic Act, standards of identity. Quality, and fill have
fctta sat for a few canned fruita ast wgatables*
lava bd9ii' publiahdA in the F@4e.?al ^gitt^r for tfea following:
peaehea* toa&toee aa€ tomato pr®#ietafc afrieots, aepapagua,
oberrias, ^©ai*8r aai peas.
f# faeilttate and encQur&ge this jading aai grsa©
labeling' of oasaeS good??, tba ^PXoultti!?al Marketing defvl^e
4t tba Saitafi State ©apartaeat of Agriculture baa Savalopa^
persiaaive gpafias for a wMa variety of ^rotuots, iaoluiiag
m*ny canned fruits and vegetables. CJrAdes have been
^©▼el^pea f©p tlae following canned fruit* m& vegetabl®®:.^
Corn, oream-etyle
Sera, whele-gp^iij
fruits f©r efefetails
QmpGtmit Juice
Beans, dryBean a, litfta
Beans, snap
Psaefcas, freeston©
8o«r pitted
Potatoes, sweet
Tomato catsup
^©©fet© i«i©©
f©»&fc© pMlp
fkm. iigHotiLtumX- BaxtovtUtg S©rvi©# feels '^at iiif©rffiative
letfeeliiif la p&t^tml&rtv ^.sirsibl®' ^s it ©nabt^s the ©on^
©uaer t© !a^t© seleettoftd ^©taaiiy ©a tH© basis ©f th©
fs^litf jprefsrped.
ftegpg^diesft ©f tls© briSS tuasw ©r th©
pM©© .asfeei* all «&Biie& fruits #M t?©g©tabl©s ©sa b»
©lassifi©^ as :f.rad# A,B,C, ©r- S.
0ya@n^D©as timS© teras
sro faa©^, ftei©©,. StaaaarS^ sn& iabstsaSar^.
^asa©^ fruits
:aad veget&blss i» $ay ©a© ©f t&es© graces «Hre aatriti©:us
^aai tjtt©£i# ae©©i>t«sbl© f©r' human ©©as«P3^ti©a.^
fa f3?®d© Mfaa^y) ©aly tb© fiaest trmtt* aai v©g©tabl.©8
ssr© ittelttdod.
ffe^r «w ©ar©f«lljr s©l©©t©i as to- si^©,
#©l#r-, €®gr©© ©f jB&fctiritya «a« fr©©^® from bleiuisfee-s.
fraitB ar© meaty, bi#ty ©©I©r©&,: m& ri^©.
th©^ .sr©
ttlaost ©israys ^pseksa ia syra|>, wh%©h ©sy b© ©atra-bsavy
|v#f^ axTeefc}, btavy, meiluia, ©r Xl^iti
f©r oerta?n pxtrp****,
feewstre-r, tb© fruit my b© pa©te©a ia w®t©r»
Qr&S» 4 ©©aaefi
v©g©tsM®s ar© tb© most t©aa©r aftft SttteuleBt forms |>r©aae©a
■Sad ■pVB&GB&GtiU
m© |>r©#aet0 in i'm^e fttetelee) ftr© of .excellent
^uaXl^* tiloiigki t&% quit® «o «•!! de&eote& as t© ©.©lop,
ai2©,. asa ©©tmrity 46 0i»ai@ A pro&a&te.
®?&m % «aBae4
fjmlis ars well €s^l«p0t «Ad ^©11 ©©lareS, aat are pae&^.
itt syntp #*» ffi?at0ip' as ©pdolfi©t r#t* t^a€©- &•
ttmt© f ©yarned
trof©$abl©s af@ tJ@t quite as sa©cttl©at mt&. tender ©a tfeos©
of ^m€o 4.
fh® pr0a«e«0 in :@3?at© Cfata^opS) ^J?& of «#o€ .^aaiity
Hit as*© a©* so imlforai tm eolor. st&&, 9«a Bat^Flty as are
ftfeAe 0 pf*ofSaet»«
#rad0 9 «a«aei fraits fcjsy not fee so
Mg&ly eoloi^S, ©y -so egreftAi? e^teete^ «e to siss® and
ayswet-ff, :aii,d tlioug^ a&tttre ©sy vary $®i3©#&t in rifoaese,
^lie fruit© ffl^r W patffceft is. 8fraf or oator*
la soao ©&©0®
^a^e 0 vegetatAes -tsay hav© ©or©' foot v«a.ito than either
#raie 4 or #rs<te ©■ as tfees"1 -art ©er# ftttl^ fjature $feaB tbe
pr@a«et# is tte iiigfeer gr^aee.
Oannod fyaits and vegetables feel*? ^pade 9 la fuallty,
asd. iteadllj Uelot? tiie etoaAerds ^aJifcy proamlgated andor
tfee F<i€©rai Food, fte^t aa^ #©s©et-io ikst mm desl^a^tefi
0mde ^(SNibetanAard or So low O.fl. Stssdardl.
^h^ prodaete-
are: w&olesose, but tfa® q-aallty 1© fellow that of ®md© §.
^©.oasaer of fraits and vegetafciag ©ay grade his owa
If be wtg&es', he iaay use tbe gfsdea developed by
the United States Bepartiae&t of agrieiat^re, or he trng uee
grades he has ®et iip Inde^efldeRtiy.
If he usee the gratee
■&,i>e., or ^ettey, Shoio©, stea:dard, hie ppednet* so labeled
mB% ^oijfe^ t6 %M tteQtt&rft&Mt? df the ejitolfisa f?a^« m
40fia®4 fey t^@ 9Alt44 dtaM ©eiJartaiEt of Agrlcifilttm»* 0*
I10 &09 mptby %m%m& inepeoters tmw %h$ Unltti itatet
96p6HiJMd»t 0t Agi'leuiture to iddpto^t &nd eertlfy tH© ff&d«
of, hie pM^udte*
ine^tetioij* plas*. &©v©r?SEi$.n't tus^etord re^u^ot&d' fey th@
©aimer's &T8 m 4isty ftll. tbe. titt^'the plants af© In .©pemtion,
eaaftffs p&y th@ e©§t ©f %he (service, ©aly thof©' plants
^©ofi^rating with th© fnltea ft&t^s, Oftpsrtttent of ^grieultur©
$a gt'®^© iajb'elinf thcrl^. prodiiett at»-@. 6ll|;lfei^ for tWt
s^rifte©. fee pr^iaats p&o&eA In plants tinker' th^ ^^©ntintiowt
laspQ-otlou* plan are the mtw on©« tyhleh ©ay «^© t&@ lettersiF.i. at n prnttn to the ir^Se ideign^tlon. ttw t.i. gfMt
1# §ignifi©d &y' a si^ll fXilelA otitlin^fi m % l&btl @©n»
talning %h© irards *9«9* f^ad© ^ w'aijeh grado at the oast
'^ann©r§ who lab©! their ppodtt^tg- with tht't^naSi
A,$tQ, @r ?anosr9 Oholo«» itjandaM ©S"© liafrla to, p^aalties
far f&idlabeling provided under the Federal Food, Ur^g, and
Cosraeti© ^et if their i&erehandlss^d-eef net mmt the
rd.<ialromefiitd of the gr^de ©laitied.
, . ,, |n Oregon .retail,usarketer no gra.if^labeled^eanned
frieits; or tegetahies are. i£vail$,fele; t®. een^Mserd. Moet of
^fee .gr04e# ©f .©anned fraite m& tegttfeblat .ar« lnd|®ated
fey 'the fe*aftd Afinte on && label.
ffet© Oipegoa eoBtittaer fettye-r of eaooed f?tt4t# w& veg©*,
tables fe^etves proteetl^R ©3*& ®14, l^w©v#r, ts four isa^e*
firsts tfe© ©oiiinifiier l« giten ^oiPtnta infoBaatl^a ©n tfee ■
label encircling the s.®aft©t fruit ©r vegetafeie.
f^eoofi, the
Foot, istig, feat 6o9&u»tle £&€ si^fcos it imlt&frlir tlait
the eaiin©-4 f rait or v^gtUsfel^ i© €fitb©r afialtorSit^d oi*
fi.l€r&pr<&©#»t©4, miae© ^ueh ©f tlio oa®$©i- g0'0&« '©©asaffied i»
#reg03B feat eater^i intoratat© €oaia©4«o:»
fhir4» Oregon
l®5?t proviso- tfesit m# g>aetter or fi©sl©r is ^r®-s^rvo^ ^^ oaanM
ff-uits #r v©gi?tafel®# .asajr #ell @r off^s? for s&i© saefc oaimefi
a«*tio2.#g sml.«su-e tliff -ar© ©atirely. fr^® fF©a a^festaao^®: or
iagr$ai@o.t© deleterious to heal-tlk,** Pomrtti, if the -pro^not
is Of !|iisfe'staa4as?t quality or olgefe fill aa4 b$.0.eat«roA
iati&rstate ©©iwer©©,,; it aust be laMJ^ad as s^ofe.
Dried Fruits
Dried fraits oa the aaifeet «.r© ^it&or evm firi^t ©r
Oregosi., the loefetl? 4:rio€- fruits ®s^
Oregon, vVfiShlngton, aaa 0:slif@rftls aHip iavg*
amoante of dried m^les,. a|>.rieotst peaaljee, gaa^ pruno©
tferoagfeOHt the country,
Seoaaa® th©s# fruit© e&tor iuter*
state ooffiaieroo, they fall aMer tit© Juristietiofs of tfa®
Federal goveraaeiit.
According to tfe© |feter@l Food e»d IMrag
Mffilnietration, spptm,. aprioot©* peaeke-s, m& pamiie© say fee
labeled *<lrieaM oalf if" tile moistai?© 4osit©at d*e« sot @x©oo.d
.2% to 2$ per eeftt^ th« ©©@uat vseysris^ with tit© f3?al*.^
§ft<&tt tries frolto ar% treated «4tb ^ttlfsr t» iiops^^e
thoip agpea^me© «ttd fetil oi^ftisoa "Kteft ©t^t ea«s.t
egttUag**. S3be& tfeis l# Ssae,.. m# s@:ri# ^nl^ir at@3£ld®*
ly© tertsfe i© tie«d <m i*©l#$a© asd ^nmed for ©l®@Bl.ssg
tmeses sad t© OVSMSK the skia© for fsastof trfiag. • 9ii9
Metfa! ?60d .®a€ ©maf A^Lfttdtfotlen h&s mt horn aM© to
riaa aia^ banaafui effect'<m li»an tes&ltb turn® vb&tev&r
fh© fsgd^ral f»odt toag, and C?dsa©ti©' ^©t ipwovldes that
a© dof&itlttoaff ©F stmfiferas ©f t&mttW s^® t» b» inP9»
aKtlg&t&d So* dri©# fruits • Ibei^ ar^ no ^defttl grades far
^mlit^r .or for sis©. BmrnQTr oonaorMai grades a©©
eecsstiffios ftmud •oa peets of dri^i spri0#t$, ©urraats, det«dff
fettfe «s» «$,<» su-i QQE^ity #f «h9 ©ggs is Importamt.
©gts^ilsSs^ft W to Oregon legtslst**© gt?®- tfee ooasaaier
bt^e* tli« .^©siBgit tafoeB&ttem is tftat aXl •eggs ®#li
tbraafi^i retail tm®.® cfoanneXs tm fe9g©si lottst ^@ .gratefi for
^s© JtgrlouXtttrftl Cfsr^ttiig Bof»vi®& -of the- Beptrtaeat
of sgrt&t&twte fewsr f©relates ^eS^rfil stanfiarao t&r p®taii
g^ioa of #gga.
§®a® st&tee. iaglsfiiog: dre-gos, liove
peoseft lasr© ^j^viaiag tMt oggp noat; &© .gr&iti ana graft©
meofeeQ. for retail trete;
tfeos^ states &&v« pgittOYndd tfeeir
iBSBaat^ry gfs€e© gos^ta^at t^m the tugg^gted grades of 1*0
MerAl .g&vermeat.
fk® l?©€erml faulty gp&ats. fir« &*&•
%eeisl* f.S. Sx-trs* 'II. t. fla^asra, sat f'.t. frsdo.
Fefierel stm&m&& for alee- ar® e'stabliehefi eo^arfttely from
tualitr ^radeo dlnoo weight dooo not affect Uitorlor
^altti'©^.- iig© ^rAdod aro<
S»or ftosen, 2^- @iime;Q©;-
l&rg®* mint&vm averaga- «ro$^t
iSodicfE}, aoi oaueoos
ftsall^ 1? Qmmes,
0drtons of Peeterasl gratet eggs bear m oortif ioato etftting
feotfe ^taXi^r itsiiS oiso .$ra4^s- t^getfeiQf vtth tfa® 4(tato of
PefieraX grated egg® nr^ not s©M in Oregoa b®©®as:@ tHe
dtato fe:&® its esri&tt^rf otftto grafia®.
grates of eggs ix Orogoa are:-
Sfe# tbroo: ^aalitsr
ftrmdo M, ira-ie 4* ant
dra^fc S-.
A XQ autot adaw>sly f&rm& in -t>l»e retell
*fsailitsg* i® th© proeegs tfe^^gfe obieh thd
iBiisat#s. t&®- oonSitlO'ii of th©' ©^ taiita. ©&Ml©4» ft©t when _
In- Orsgon,. ©g^s are- .fmdM l^r t&© yrodaoer, the
^iole©ftl©f*t or tfet© retailor,
INmding is tefidd «» tBi® ooniit^fi of the #feell,, the
eiz© ©t %h® miT* #p©©©, tti© afpesfais©© &t th© yolfe, a^S th©
:aipp©&rmfso© #f tie ??!feit©,.
"fli© ©.gtat&isSiad &%&%» gsRaS©'© and
ataft^afds- of fm&itjr #Bd ©©MH&IOB -^pnoa^ls tt> all ©fg©
intteaded f®p hmm tonwwpti&a is ©^©g©ii @-re!
i%} ^^rade Ms;
'^© ©tell ams^ b© sottiid4 aortssi, aud
PoeS-oseWF oi©au.
fii© ftl? eell mmt not ©soeed
©»©*©i^tfe of on© isoh in d^tfe. guad it am&t fee
-fH© f&t& mmt fe.© ^©3,1 osiitefed, it&
o^feiia© iadisflBOt., a^d it ©'©©t ~fe© fr©© fro©
irlsiM© g&m d©^@l©pa0»t and other d©f©©'t© @r
(g) ^rad© At
tie- t^lt© sast fee ftwm and elear.
^he ©feell E!«st b@ ©©end, aonaai -and
re©©©aabiy ©togas.
?h© ^ir @©ll ©ay fe©- ©lighti^
tressslomB., but it ©a©t no^ ©Eo#ed one-fourtli inefe.
ia d©pth.
ffe© yotlt a«©t h® fairly well ©©mt©f©S
aa<i its otttiin© &$$■ b© f30d©rat©ly defined,
yolk aay b© sll^tiy nebil©, hmt it ©«©t b© fro©
ffos g©ris d©vel^a©Rt end &r&<MKte&l£3r ifre© frcan
o-tte©r def©©t© ©r bteaiefeee.
"tl© wlit© nattet b©
■mist fe© saiaid tot maf M atigHtly aM^raal.
air a©Sl east ttdi* ^xc^et t!iF@e-@lg^t^t at me
%mU in ■Mptfa aat aa? s&ow- aoveB^at »ot la axettdfl
i»f eod^^altr ia©!.
ffe© yote ©atline saajr ^0 well
slight g©Ma aevelogsiant.
the wMt# taast %e
jraasdasBubly fly© tfa^ ©i©a*% »^
' Sise gr^es as este^tlahed ^F ^» 5,$59 ©s^g®** state.
la^a ar©:-
^^aia-e, 3<a?g$# Etediaai^ ^as'Il, .©s€ ©adersi&e.
if 21 mmmB wm mnmM wms
Siniioani weight per egg
1 f/Eg
1 1/^
Kfte* tMa
Slnlmam weight
80 1/t
Ctaadftag prev^td w|i© ve^'tstleti in egg- q&eCLttyt
a ©©rfc&tn t^lgrasa© is ^©xtiittei. ifi a i#t •©# ca«e ©©istaiftiag
i%۩ &J
PVr$ p®T eeat ffi^F *0n0i8* <rf eggs n@t
eeaeidt of fesi€o 8 &iSP»
Q&Ggjm Xffit?@ eid a ©onmaner In. tfe© ©feoi^e ef eggs l^r
fi&quii'ijrsg dertaj,© iftf^rffiafioa t© fe® ppeseat ©a all ©©la^alsers
@f fi^ei
|15 tfee fell, ©©nm©t# ©si Mia^feravigtM gt&dlg»
m©ti@a «i" th@ ©ig© sn^ qmttt^ grades
ISl tl^ ssa© ©fid
adifesu of th& ps?@4u©©s»r sfe©t©esl,0i?.*. ©t* r^tail^r, ^y ©sp f©r
c^oiD t&© '©gup w®m .gmded sssd ps©l£@fi.4'^
HhQ %®,w f^rthgt pvmI&QS th&t m p®T>mm ©ay sell eggs
s.©lt o© t^0 saae pr©iiie@i tanl©0& 1© aispiays a plainly
l©gil>i@ alga ©r pl&&&p& gi^iag Ifet© ^taaiitsr g3P@d$ €»d ffe#
eiEd grsfi©#.
foasmaori! BQ©d a©t be- -aterleS ^y the tierss pfr©'A, *
%tri©tif freok,0 #y- %ewl5f-i'®i€tt., ®la@e tSt© stat© law
r^qaii^efi that all .egg© ©© aivertised ©nj^t bo: of
frdt$ til©! ©fmi©
M ©F
f^afi© &•
Under the Oregon lav* "Preeh* denotes quality rather
than age.
tfeettftfev* tbm trnm HreBh* mw &*> &ppltQ& t€f
eol«L -etar&g* - 4g$B wfeteto liav© be©a candled after p»is0ir«il
fporn storage aii4 f^trnfi to fea^e tfe© qualities of Orad© 4u
There are many regulations, both Federal and state,
which directly and Indirectly aid the consumer in buying
meat and meat products.
Chief among them are those which
concern ia«j>«etie*l of ffle&t for whcleBomenese.
Since 19^7» the Federal goveraiaeiit feat feeea allo-ring
for ehipment ut iateretiite eo»meree efily eaefe aeat ae i«
eoond, healthful, whole»©»©, fit for human feed, and packed
under sanitary conditions.
■Upon inspection of any ear*
caeaes to be entered into interstate trade* if the inspectors shall find carcasses to be sound, healthful, wholesome,
and fit for human food* the inspectors shall mark, stamp,
tag, or label the eareaae as ^liiepeeted aad Passed.*
the carcase does not conform to standards eulteble for
human food, the carcass must be labeled 'Inspected and
Condemned1 and destroyed in such a manner that it may not
be fteed as feed.* *
All plants doing interstate business
vast have ail meat slaughtered and processed in their plants
inspected, whether the meat is shipped interstate or net.
FrevteiOB 1« made tor ▼eteri^afy examination of all
cattle, sheep, eiriae, «M goats befere tljey eaa be
slaughtered, packed, canned, or rendered,
federal exam-
ination of carcasses and organs are alee made at the time
of slaughter.
Sanitary condltione of slaughter-houeee and packinghouses lattirt fee a^^rovod.
*tfc» Seeretmry of Agrionitmr© of
the United States Department of Agriculture shall cause to
be Hate inspection of all slaughtering, meat canning,
•altlug, packing, rendering, or cloilar establishments if
%ht seat thopefroat ia to enter interstate trade. *
Be fflay
prescribe the rules and regulations concerning the
sanitary condition of euch establishments.2^
Meat inspected by the Federal government lias the small
round purple stamp containing the words "U.S. Inspected and
This stamp la placed on eaoh wholesale eut of the
carcass, arid on eaoh product or package.
Also appearing
on the stamp ia the number of the eetablishroeBt at which
the meat was inspected.
Only three plants in Oregon
operate under the Federal inspection and use this staap,
a facsimile of which is given below.7
fhe Federal government allows only approved ingredients, seasoninga, and preservatives to be used in meat
hipped in interstate comacrce.
#d9ffiQ» salt,
sugar, rood qaetee* triiiegar, pmG 'Spleeft, «0ftl«» titrate '^r
nitrite, m£ cpltpeter sBGjr bs uecd, an€, poaiuR ben so etc
tf itg fonD'^eae^ 1« statet om .ts^t©. label.
^Iir hmmtmn
colorings as designated by the Secretary of Agriculture nay
be used.9
if any product contains cereal, ita presence
must be Indicated on the package label or tag.
f&e ©regea State Department ©f Agriculture has pre*
amlgated laws directly affecting the wholeeomeneee of meat
which oonsuraere buy.
Regulations applying to the inspection
of meat, slaughter-houses, seat packing plants, and
employees handling meat and meat products bare been eetab11shed.
Oregon allewa no perwm ©r ttom te sell, Qttev tor
sale, or to prepare for use as human food, any meat or
meat product from an animal whose flesh Is unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food,^^
The laws in Oregon require certain standards for the
oonstruction and sanitation of buildings used for
slaughtering, packing, canning, or manufacturing meats or
meat products.
Requirements are set up for oleanlinegs and
construction of floors, walls, and utensils, and the
lighting and ventilation of rooms In whloh meats are prepared,
packed, stored, or canned„
Oregon also requires Its meat
markets to be properly lighted, plumbed, ventilated, and
kept in clean and eanltary condition.
Ill oMiUon to sanitary reipif^WBtft for aoat #*t»l»lialimeBte, #ptg€>a feae t&lm Qet vtp t&e regulafcl©!! ^»»0t.«!^tiisf^roneiiiBera -f r©»: buying- nfat t^iticli hea -feaaii feaii€l«i ^sr ■ ■
capleyeeB fesvlBf eeiscitmlea&t© Aiaeaao** ?ar»©Rt-affJ..i©t«K|
witfe- ttikarettl^eie #*■ a«sy otteer eoaaufiiaalfla '«liaaaa«. inay not
%& «©pi©ye4 iis «atafcl'i#te$n..** Haa-Siltof. er eal'ii«g; nest*
a ^peea«tto© sn fs^t#©tl?»g $fe© «©iie«ffitr fvos
tmsDhlnae !»■ ^@?fe» ^©gea sic^if iaa tfemt a#tl-©I©a of food
#©14 o-r ♦ffajpf^ f@r fial# ^bii«tt «oasi»t trJi^lly or is. .part
of porfc nuocle tlasae, a«oli a feologaa-atyie sausage,
^iaiina-atyl© aauaaga* fimnJEfttrt^atyie sattsaga, a«Biser
ea^iage, to be aataft fey ouetoBterf without cooking ©ust I)©
aeto-iaata^ to feeat of a t«©paratttra set- iowar t&an 157^ .
.ifdferaa&ai^ or to twewly iaya. retptgafattaii at a tattperatftraims <tef ineft the neaping of eaasago aixfi haisfeurger.
*86a86jB»* i« conaiflMftft to ba a nisrt«:re of minced or chopped
meats with or without spicea.
Any particular kind of
eausage Indiceteil, must '&& made wholly from the raeat of
that p&rticulap species of aniwal.
aaueage uuet be made from pork meat.
For example, pork
Hembui^er must be
made from beef meat and must not coataiu beef haarte, tripe,
or similar prociutota.^
^© soiling of foorem wmt for liuniaa food
i» Qr^gon.
It la unlawful to aeli fraoh roant nate-aa aatofe
quexter of aacfe carce ae la staa^ed ititli tfea *oraa ♦Poawa
Meat* 1» «re»i!i tnjt Xn worde legible in full-fftcefl tfpe n©t
lees than one Inch in height.
Horee meat sold directly to
the conauraer must be so marked either hy label on the
package or by etemp.
Furthermore, every butcher shop,
grocery store, public m&*&e%, sales room, restaurant, or
other public selling or eating room must have pooted a sign
*8ior8« Moat Sei<l Hope* 01* *Ho3Pae Heat Served Bore* tm
legible, full-faced typo not leae than three inches in
height and in a conepicuous spot eaaily seen by cuetorners.
Oregon oakea it unlawful for any person to carry or
transport through any street, alley, or thoroughfare the
carcaee or meat of any cattle, sheep, or ewine intiontied
for «al.e or ^istrtbatioa ae foofi unless ti fce ©atirtly
covered with a clean cover and so thoroughly projected
from duet, dirt, and files.
Oregon as a state dose not require mandatory inspection
Of meat sold within the state.
Inspection service is,
however, available to any pereoa or f&m-wldfttJig it.
state of Oregon h&e created for eaoh county, with the
exception of TillaiDOoJc County, the off lee of eo-ur.ty meat
and herd inspector.
This official works under the direction
of the 0tate department ©f Ag^iotiltu:re a^4 ia governed hy
its rules and provlaions.
Upon written application of
owners or fflansgers of meat establishBo^ts, the State
Department of Agriculture will appoint local agents or the
eounty meat and herd Inspector to make ompl&te ©acamlnatlon
of all animale, oarcaoaee, meats, and meat-food producta
used* prepared, or stored In loeal slaughtering, packing,
canning, rendering, or almilar eetabllshmente and to affix
an approved stamp or mark $0 the meate and meat-food products
that are found to be sound, healthful, wholeeome, and fit
for human food.
la !$$&• tfesra were ift Oregon only,flire
plants operating under the state inspection serrloe.
iiStabliehnients having complete la spec t ion follow a
prograa in which both ante-uortem and poet-aiortein exa«lnatione of all cattle, alieep, a wine, and goats are uiade.
iaeh esiabiisiiiuewi; at which complete state Intpeetlon is
maliitained ie given an official nuraber, which is Sndi#&toS
on the state inspection ataap.
A, trl&ngulai^shaped stamp oont-aifiing tho worda
and Fs'd. Oregon State ftepaftaent of agrieMtare^, or its
abbreviation, ant «he official slaughtcr-hoace number or
veterlnarlan'e nam© ia the officially adopted and recognized meat inspection atawp of tho state of Oragon.
ataiap, a facsioilo of which is dra»Tn bolo;, is pieced on
ta© wi^Ieaal® out of aaoh o&reaeo pm&ing ttm 'oeat-liQaltfet
Oregon allows cities within the state to establish
mandatory meat inspection laws, providing the state
mandatory laws regulating sanitation of meat and meat
eetabliahaents are ta&an as ainlffltta staniaaras and that the
State irepart&eat &t ^gri^Qitafe ®p-fa«>vee ©f the munlelpal
At pf&0@n%.t four ^pegen ©rlttee f^^uire all me-at .
■ retati«d t^- he either Fedei^l, etate., ©r eity inspected.
Mil *ae«t aeed is the eity ®f 'Pmtlm&t ©refen,. wttet
he Jfssp^e-ted at setae etage fey either fedeyal* state* ©r
»S,ty atiitheritiee.
fhe f©-rtlfiBt'S©attfe Service prdvMee
£«eiXit'lee fer -faeat iaspeetien wilder the 'a,eth#rlty ef thePwptl&Bft ©Mi'H&aeee. • fhie iaspeetl^fe 1«- 4f three tfpmi
(1) ifiepe^tieu «f the ftet«©I elaughter :of anteai.© billed
within the «i*|r ef .Fortl'iifid e^ee^t those billed at pimate
operating tinder federal tRspeeti©»> (g) tavpe&ttim of
^dreeeed meet igvottgfet late the etty «Kfr^g>t. that frem r-ants
operating -ftader federe.1 ©r etje-te inspeettets, ■m& C3I
iiepeetieh ^Bd eiiper^ieien #f geuerel eenitiitleR at all
wheles&le &&& retmil aeat-h©ji€t.t.h.g ee^ahllihBentis- ta the
•elty ef .^©rtl&jsd envtipt thoee e^er^tleg eader Federal'
1^te Ifnitetl Bt^tee BepartBept ©f iSfrleulttire h®.® tet
«q^ et&n&u&ff ffl* fradiaf ^aclity ©f stat ets & farther Aid
to the/eeaettffler.
fheee grades a-^e pe-tmieeitre, feat are
conoldered 0 €efi.Rt.te step tswari helplag. eoA^aer feuyere
p$r6ft&&e the ^p^llty #f ©eats they isl-eh.
■ fi0*t is gp»d«HS on tls@ fetors Aiefe ftHf^ot ftrndesiMtee
and flavor, ^he par«lculai^ gratic to which & picoe of coat
celon^s ia dGtor^lned. by the conforuatlon, finish, arid
Mild ©r ^letpe &t %M *totM&» finish le AetemiiMMfi W tfe*
tlaldlciid0ft# ©©lor. eJaiir'sot.©'^, a«fi dlotHlraiftiiOn *f ttes fat.
•^ailtsr la its t®e&^ieal ionise is tb« oh&mcterl'Stlo of %%&
l®m ®M&, tto© iatorsain^l^d f&fc*
lh©us ^atiMijMM «»A Mt« 0I1 aje^'t a^e to &<& iab«Xdd for
grafi©,■-» roll®*' at®G3|> ©.ppli^a fey t&0 f©i(r©ri®esi'l. grattf 0«,,fonddr him trndfaoto* wxp&wi&tQti to @<a^l«# flown th© ^esxgtibk
#f '%■©,„©a,r@a®&. W & *0Atinuet»*-imft.iOB* Other isifrisite.
of %M ■Qto&p ai?e to &$&$ that tls© I^^t ^pe^s*© m all th6
^fin^ipal retail ©uts. ^he stafia^iBg llnii, fe pif© ir«e$*
1:6: ©fett^tly %&ritd$d'« said tbd loprtiitr ua^iaily
tli© mest i@ -e©0te.ed. *
raont gr&dos for beof, iamb and iautton, and veal end cclf.
fentatlv© gp&me a^e Miof ferffiulated fos? f©rl£» the
offidtall gra#e$ for !»eef mr©:. O.i. ^riea©, $•$. 0feoie©,
f.S. ^od# f.t. ^©aaerotal, V.0. utility, P. a. 0iittar, ©n&
9fS.. Qtuittor. .tfe© offtol8l..f?*4ee t^ttmh m& mwitm &.^ei
f.-S. ftriae* U,S, Gtelc®, f.©. :0odd, t.i. tediwa, t.©. ^owon,
a&d tl.&. Cfult. 5tere lafisb than rauttoti ta tal^oted fe©oaa©©
t^e qugntity of ffi^tt©® dold ifi mmf retell »aris©t# 1$ wm%%
etm ftdglislbte. Offici&I grad©^ for veaJ,. are {
Frills©, 9.9* Oholo©., f.§. Ilf©a, p-.f. Uttoffi, 9.0.- Watn,
ll»V0n)i»eiii;*®r6$e4 ta^af le mt .sold in all ft&tfteti 'in
the tteife«4 Utatee. M® i.S:. ^Jnaded aoat 10 retailed in
'0rsgo« ftt ppeerottt: .j?©t it le %fi a^anttigo t© Or©goB ©©.©*
@uii®rs %«■ tee fdftlXlar ?/i^li ts^ftt greiinf la «««* they &re
^ver confronted ^Ith ewh gmfi©f.
the meat-gpadlitg ant etanplng eervloe is avallatele
tlirough offleee of the AgPletilifttr*} ferl©tiai| Senrlee
located at Siiltiia©r@# Boston* 0hle&^v OitieiAnatl* ®tmt$~
Und* .a^iueitme. Oeo Soi^s, B©tr@lt, india^.a|>^ii8, Kmrn®
9%%f, Lai ^n.$0i^8, U$mphiwt $%. iouis (jUMsourl}, ia^t
.gt. toii^ (IliiRol©)', new tferk, m$M&t QislahQiaA €lty,
Philadelphia, Phoenix* i«m S^adole^o*.Seattle, ft. Jtse^h,
St. Wml, Waterlo©, and f^hiRitoft, •Ifr.O.^ .
'i^e$OA'ha'0 ap^eifle regulations t&p saaltafy #tanda.rd»
^©rtftliiltg to gwatry-ftAd th© 0«irr0tmdlagd 1^ wfeleh Jive
poultry are &#pt. ®i0de ragolatloA* hell) ttonewsers to fe.noir
that'tW moultry_they tewy has'teeen Itept tmder santtiafy
oonditloft9 ass preeorlhed tey'*h« )Bei>at»tfflent of Agrloulture
1ft Oregon.
$he lao jre^iree that all &6ttXt*y houaea m& yarat
he maintained in a a&nlt&ry oondition. Begolar dlapoeal of
h&ing -fllied et the aitl*
I&efi.ev&'i*- i%- l^s %.©©©©« 'taesii: %im* m& ©©at^gleat @a?:
lufGotlous ^ise&a© oslg-tS' 3a A fl®<2ik 0t- pewita^r tirltUUk tfet
steXe, such flocks DHPt be pieced in quaPftBtme by
©^©■r ©©Btialaers aaot; fwr tnsudpoyltttftoft #? po^iltfy by -av'
p^tiltf^ ■pr&Qm&p or .fs^fOBie 'feafinf a^.t ^oiliiac ^r ^ther^ts*
tr©fi8p#x»%lftg p&nttvf smet b$ pv@p&ttf ©f^®p#tr :0l6$fk@& 'and
Si6l«-f«©t04 ima flT«S'/3p©r ©©nt e©liati©n pf a P©o@gtis©t
■&Mltt©^, 6r&0$«& |Mn^t$«gr.D«|Qg tTcstp&rtet ^rera^tt tit©
l>^«©t It froa- t«et# Cift,.. ant ft let,
f©.mte©iv# gretiag cy©"tesi tfoi? ^bWefAfl jpto^^ttr*
upoa whjefc. .^tiality' I© .grsfiei s*8©*
(%}. aautmt &t fie oh,
|&) $mo»ot .©f fat, f3) t#Me-5m«®B, ffcf oonfo^Miation,
%t&lslr 11.0. i*ftffl©:, 9»S« ^o$«.©,. ©a# 9.9. 9«M»r«taj|«-^
The present raethod of marking Individual poultry oarcasses with the grade is prescribed by the Agricultural
uSi'Leting Service.
The grade name is printed on a label
tag wiiieh ie atGaehed to tiie indivlctusl bird by ffieana of
e seal that pasece tLrough the skin of the breaat or «r£ag,
ffe© a©al la m &&*%&&$. %fm% it bfeaHa wfeea- I'emoved aat^a^'
^aaaot fee ueed ©ft aaotfeer Mrd.
ffee ^rintiag #f the ^.S.
Gi'ade siiB© on tit© cellopiianc aheete f^r m&e io wrapping
fuli-toawa- eaareaeaav i* another «i&%6©a of .ffiarkiag iaaividual
pooltxy iftereawMM wiiSfe t^e HvS., grate. ^
In gagtitonlag tlah, ®p®$Fm owi&m&t W&Qm- reoei-re more
proteetteii tfer©ig@li wt-at® ■tegpiatUm* ^mm: tli:ro^fe. Federal
aegtstafctftup* ffaagpa. hm-mmw fi^fe-yteli-ftiag .riv©r# and l.a.
I^yftep^ «a $itft-ttett£ •iiflte
mufh df. tfee ttdb .fmto&i&t&H
'ife®1 'fatisif'i© Ocean;
^©feft. 10 fs»oi3 the ©pogon: ,
j?iV0i»s. #?» Vhe •Paoifijs ©e^an «^i falls wMr ^tat© etipo.?vision»
fifes- ite&$¥3g& gs^nnuasnt iSoev not liav^ compulsory
iRs^eett'om for titfc mM-w&ng Inters%&%& trate.
pF&vl8%e& of the ^0:d®rei SP©©ir ©mig,
til at general
#@sfiiet-lc Aet, it
te 9tQEt©€ that «o t%eh tn a 6eo©E3p©sed #r fltm&dlesQiae
e©ii-dlitl<«? isa^ 'be eMpp©<i into tmt&Pist&te GQsm&2Q&*
W®&<£m% la^poeHoft ta the.fiefe tudttefyy 1« «<5».©8:fflhl#
-«tfea th^tsgfe it is^ n»t rtqpUrwfL Jd^: fae&®r of #es t*®& in
t&e ^liit©! St&te« $aay aiflir foi* g»viimHnit i»^®o:t0ft:,
€J.F®9te& %f %h)$. dedrttat^ ^f Agrie^tMr®., t^ examine sad
inapeot &1! p^eaiaes, eciaipasat, metliQds, oaSerlale, containers, and labftl? sadd by the ^^lieaats is the ptrodaetiaii
^f «eei f^od*' If the fm& AQafwrne t® Fed@»al reqtfireraeata-,,
th@ :a|^iiesiat i© ^m%h©ri®©d t©- 'aarfe it t@ iBdlcmte such
mnf&mi:tf,®$ F©«» ^nuopi^t til© fe&M&k im&pe&tlen &f
cmneCt ©feriBF totte hitea ^rovidel far sine© If3%.
Oh th©
lel>#l of tasp5ft$*d eoiiBed shriiBp is *t«K^ed, ^Pi^daetioiiaupervisea by U.S. Food and Drug Adminletration.•
■fhe .ftete-vt #rego» %»» ^romttlga*©^ Imw* concerning %h9
•anitary ©fadtttoa and whol^eomeneas ^f food fish.
has ft Fish Gomalesion whloh, afong It* daties pertaining to
protection anS pi'oprpptlon of food and shell fish, had'
authority go--tteatrol- and 3p©ptlat# lite© mtire ttdh induatry
ant «» ppo'^iS©- satailjary aetfeefis aa^- fp©wijfc- deterioration
and waste in the sale, packing, prefiorvln,^, mnnufadturing,
anfi ppQ&t&Bfaiji #f .ittih or tt&h':$&®dm%$ ©tier mum «B^iB«t.**
Oregon also prescribea tfrst. the Flah eoarai^^ioa,
whenever it fince th^t *©lmon, ehad, or a^yrgecn efcout tb
be packed, canned, preaerred in ic©, or 3oia on tho open
maffeet ia aitfit fox? iJies^^ ««saBaqq^^&» isii»t 00 jROfe&fy $l«
packer 03? poeseseor ^f mi» filfe*
.If, ia.«^$» ©£ ^#
warning, f&e pasfeBi' $Jj©ul€ feev® t&e fttii& pm&®&t fee is
required t# Meep it :6*pa&e&& tvw &X® aatfiat a^t a^# e .
t&Zl :jp'©3pof,t to i®^: state
|Mb»9dl tkestXHt ;autfeo^lti©«.
flie- Fish ^©siQia'tisit- e^reid^s ^ill |«riati'^t'i@-» anA
control ^vdr tik* fMWOflNSNiisiSf |>a@&:iHg, •«? pi't.tervii^ of
fi&e .0©£toi«ai-0» ffi^y sfeel.ff th® ptwoen ■ t# fee
ttfl«ii in th© ^itiiaiiig #f -stiefe fi-.#t ia '©fdef t® &sdit*& m
quality product me& jprevcAt tbe :a«# Pf "«srt@i»stiM$ttiit#
■oil* resulting in lofeft^ gFaAe».Oregon declai^es ii.^Rlaa^al %& mtl of oftGV f®r s^l«r
•**» can or pt&mpv® twtQG& s&g $ti&®m* -stpip^S. tese,. stead
sturgeon, dr ©tteer f-ddt flate or t&ellfftsfci tte&t teso 'fe©#a.
raffleiivaa: fi,ofe't&9 irafar for a iteviolt Xm^t1 -%tean «i«ty teeura.
&.s ais» a^lsr^fal M sell Gt.i&Bp*m t®? sal© ©rets® from vzhimh
In 0©t©'l>©i*, If3$, tM ^eg^ffl atatu i^aft @;f ^©altfe
&!i&&r@& te ^r aasf Ite9g©» taelt^ra ant &^l6P9 ^f ©fst^ra,,
Asitiiktog; flast (^ixiiftoats fmm tte» dtato do&ftt of !te«^^»
tli© f^aH^rs d? iS^tlors «»«* »«&« -a w^ftt@is feguest.
^©©ofT© * notBlie^sd' @©rtifieatd.
the S%at@ 1@©M of 8®altli
sfeagfeiBg itnd tmoiklmg: plomt&t -shipping, m& Tso&t&B*
1® ekotlf l&h M&f M z&te&k tvmk mw "sro.tQrm of %ti@ slate
©xespt fmm} eiteh gj*w£o$ ar©ae «$. Jtove ^eea appvowA fey %he
p®llMti®8 and ^ostaifttiiatiea tk-ro^gfe th© it^te- i#af€ Bf
Sanitation requlreroente state that shellfish must not
reach contaniinfttlon in watar ©torage, or in «%©Pftg© ea
boats and In culling houses.
No person who hes, or le a carrier of, a communicable
disease, or who le living In a household In quarantine for
a communicable disease, or who baa open lesions on the
hands, arras, or face may be employed or retained In any
capacity within the shellfish growing area, culling house,
or in a shellfish shucking or packing plant.
Persons bsvlng
had typhoid or paratyphoid must submit %o examination by
the Oregon State Board of Health.
To receive and keep the certificate of the Oregon State
Board of Health, shucking and packing plants must meet
certain sanitary requirements.
Provisions set up as to
construction of the plant include such factors as:
ing, ventilation, storage facilities, plumbing, m& flooring.
Water, utensils, and shipping containers are also under
8m m& ©f shipping containers of&er them ootml
or glaaa for shucked stock are not permitted except non~
returneble, non-reusable containers of waxed paper.
waxed-paper containers must be stored and handled so that
the inside surface does not become contaminated.
In general,
the entire operation of the shucking or packing plant must
abide by the regulations of the State Board of Health if the
plant wishes to receive or %mp tl»© oartifieate issued fey
the board.
Shucked shellfish must be cooled to a temperature of
i§@0 Fahrenheit or leas wttMa two Mure eftes* tfeey are
8® tea or other foralpi e«l>ata»ees are allowed
ia contact with abefclflsfe after proeeaalng haa beeft «©©»
Shucked oyatera ana elmM. mmat he atore^ ©as shipped
under such temperature con&itione as Mil prevent a to rage
Omtf the oatef€e ©©jitaijier® a^e provides ^tth
$fee eomtatnere for ahl^iitg ©aet fee !naEfee& oa the
aide with the paefcer** aertlfieate a»©feer isapreseeii or
embossed and preceeded by the state abbreviation.
following Information must fee tagged on shipments if the
plants are ©fteratlag tin&er the proviaiona set forth fey the
Oregon State Board of Health:
{a) nnme and addreee of
consignee, (b) name and address of shipper, (c) name of
state Qf origin, aad i0 eertifieate nuiafeer of ahipper*
Shell stock must fee packed in elean eacke, barrels,
or boxes, and handled and ehipped under auch temperature
conditions as will keop them allTe.
ifiaet give the f^llowiiig informotion:
Tags on shell stock
(a) aaae aai address
af eohaifttee, (h) natte aaa a44reaa #f ahip^er, <©) ©©rtifiaate aamher, (4) state of ©rlgii*, (e) Sate «poa ^hiah shell*
fieh were resoired trm beds, (t) date &f ahipsaat or af
re»ehipm©ht, ani (g) uame of loeal watera froa* whieh
shellfish were t^ea.*^
ftie etate of Oregoa haa aet up a law ia regard to the
selling «f shucked oystepd.
$xp®®e t&w «al®
•It s&all l>© unlawful t© ©ffef
sell any shelled ©yet©re# uncooked,
in asy ©tfeep aanaep than by wm®v%m% «©imtf wel^fet, ©r
©tanfiaf^ litaifi meaaare* ant it sfeall fee unlawful to tneliKi©
aa a ^art ©f I6h© w©ig$tt ©r raeasur© any wat©f ©* liquid in
any greater amount thm sixteen |1^) pe* cent ©f the
••weigifei't ©r meaeare «f tlie •eyat©i?e offered ©r esepeaad fw
s©M»* jftny ©yetepa ©©ntaiaing mepe tfean 1^ per eent
water fey weight ^r aea&upe mi*e *#l©at©&* a®i ©©nsiteped
adult, era t; e d, **
Oregon Me, tbroa^ ^er ©m »sn4e.t©i?y p©g«latl©ne anS
tlii^a^t tHe penaiasive p©g«iati©n« ©f tUe Oregon State Board
#f H$altfe, exteMet definite protection t© tiie ©©nsaBier
buyer, ^artieularly in ragferft t© sanitation,
ffe&t is net
ee^ered by Ism tbreagfe fefiepal ana etat© regalatione is
ees&tiffies ©ar©4 fer by tfee apeeifi© iKdaetries «&i©h ha?®
Son© aueh to standardise the flab Industry and thus
directly aid the ©onausjer.
Federal standards have been promulgated for wheat
floor and other grain products.
Beceuae much sacked flour
sold in Oregon has entered interstate trade, these mandatory standards concern Oregon conpumere.
Official standards
hare been set mp- for wheat flour, enriched flour, wholewheat flour, cracked wheat, durhsm flour, fartaa, m& ielfrieing flour.
Since the contents of white flour and enriched flour
are of primary iatoroat to ooaawsers, tfee #eflaition* of
these flours will he given in this chapter,
Wheat flour, or white flour, is defined as the food
prepared by grinding m& bolting cleaned wheat other than
durhaa wheat.
The flour is freed from bran and the gem
to such em extent that the ash content is 1/20 of the per
cent of protein.
per cent.
The moisture content is not more than 15
When any optional bleaching ingredient is used,
the label on white flour must hear the word, "Bleached.**Enriched flour conforms to the definition and standard
of identity of white flour except that it alee contains in
each pound*. (1) hot lees than 1.66 allllgrams and not more
than 2.5 ailligrama of vitamin B-j^thlamln);
(2) Dot lees
than 1.2 milllgraffis and not more than 1.8 milligrams of
& mxXllfgmBB m& not m©**© tfe@^ f^ •ailllgraiad of %*&&.
Vltmtn & maw al'S© fee s€4©# so that ©s^fe pouaft #f .@Bri©h©t
fttfur odstsift^ net- lere tkan f§^ If.S.^. tmlte #r ®0r# tha&
1000 9*9*P* fonts*
•0$lei^iQ misr ^e- aclfed s© that aaeii pouna
■m&TQ than f^OO allltgraas.
iarieliea fl^ar ©a^ not e®atai»
adf© t&sn 5 par ©-©nt b^ -wol^it @-f tjia^at get® ^r pmttlj
■Oregon lias m% mt up stonSarAfi -etf M©^tit|r fdr fI^tif,
Isttl. thQ state %&&*■ tlifoagfe the pom* of th© ©i»«g«.n .f©^fi
Mt, tfee -astlievit^F to- .a€^t the. Federal ©taniardt. or t©
prmmlgate stanaar4ft ©f its ©an.
Hie atat-@. of ©regoa ^a®- eet a|i wetgbt iStaaSaMs. for
■^arr^ia ©f fl^ar aad dafedlvisioaa. of tsass*®!* so-la tn ^ieaaok.
fh© ®taai&r4 ^relglif of a Garret of floar «udt he !<M>
p0«tt€# net;
of Jt/fc barr©!, fi pounds nsti
of 1/^ berrel,
^$ pounds net| of 1/S l^rf^l, 2%# $©uftfia aet.**
The atate of Oregon has also mt up a weight standard
for a bai© of fiomr, V&.pwunSls aet, or to» aaolts of $.g
poaa&a each, not weight.
a proteotlon to consumers ant competitors, Oregon has
fflade It unlawful to expose for sale or aell In tfe© aaek,
flour, either «^ite# trhele wlteat, grafeas, or ry@, la other
than the ata?i<lard saelt eiaes a^d weight a as proviSed bjr the
lug to ^fikorifie. ©Rf. feftkei^r ^re^ot©,* tsti'iefe inenye the ©©»-
ideltver b^fee^y p»«adtiet«,
l»©t^r building, room, or other
pl«c# ^o^igpf^S t»j? msed Is tls© Eanufactiirisg- of isa^rgf
p^#at©t« «&£&! ^# ^ro^e-rly 14^iN-€r ^m-iBei.» plwafee^,.
v©iitila%e€, mM ©om^toeteft vttii sfrtot-
to- tfe«. effect
of «tt^ eonaitton vipon tfe& &i&£Qi*meme&9 of tifee 9>99Attetii
i&il ^e^Leios uaM fswp the- tr«sgp©-3rtstto-si or dittel*
:fei8t$#B of b^^f^r pg^tttcS^. -laast !»# ^ueios^a t^o- pFOt^t tfeepr©dtt@t8 fr^© fi^«t, fll®©^ ant ©.tfesr ©ontaiBlnatlois.
l!3tM®« of tint we&telsft amsii fee so e^MitmetQ^l t&at tli®y
#^ b© ©@aiiy ^le&aed.
flia 0h©J.w-s .^o^M fco remotr^Io.
Ail Vd&lslee aaat conspicuo^aly i^s^lsgr ^@ fe®l:#fs*!»8
li«<ms@ nwsfoeip- mA ttm nms of tim 'bg&e^ o-s* -^istrifeatop
tog<itli#y wtti* tte® &fi%,m}&6£ -aMrss*.
.ff tfess l^psnA -or tspsde*
a©ife I« -ai^laire't.* the aaa^ ^tud -stMras® of- tfee ^a&«g?
6l9tpiftat<Mp ia not a^eoss&fy* The state of Op#goa pofulpei wrety feskety to be pro-
iride4-wttli &Q®%miQ
f#i» jpfopar sretedlrigii ®t all food»
eiflta^g: ^f .^ll.'ja.f^aifllf- aM w^mlgmmt.-. •$tiftalii& ^atiRi&fir#
lit wMefe 'fetfkexy ^roftttets dr® Ic^pt wst b© ts^it^ir «wH9»oft. ■
fa^atjftM * *©A8CWMl>t» etiBtdGfrft ©f pe-rsoaal ol#aali»©ft® ©nfi
srasfc wear ■-el<3©i3- :el#tfelng ^iA feat «* ^8m4 fe^i. ■ 1^ j^erMoi
Tbc laws of Oregon state that no persoa. may operate
*iiy fesfe-epsr -©itfeltt tM Btmt® MtWmmt s fe^@s?f license,
li5Spo©ti#a- of the p»®inifi©« ^sa •QttSl$B6nft«
If th® ■a^liea-
tita Is- -app^^Tr^- bf ^t« d^pfti'tRtfnt*- $h® a&pXXwftt recolves
« tlffetiaed ftOftifle«&0 wlil^ M mst f^st e^nepie^tttly in
fei:8 lM^0fy.
0|»@g^» eoftg39Mt?8 #W» t&eP0f@;r^' I»f0?SS©t tft^ugfe
thlo certificate that tho ba^e^y hafl Ret the requirements
Mt mi; t^y th& Stat© Pepartiseftt -of MtffA^vXtwe^^' Safesrl^®.
autt mm* tii#lr llconseB yesjapili'v*"
Perlodloal H&ijpeafttaft ©f fe«kert«# la carried ©n fey til^
State isparta^at #f -Agrlcttltejpe^ t# fetemla* tdsolthiM^ th©.
l>^ef*:S.e# .ajpS'.-^exiati^g 3tnr «Be«jnia4W0 witk/t&« 4#$mv!maM%
-^p«f©a fea© set ^a|> .aaaSatoyy »t;aw^:ai^t fe-rtstiiiing te
tk« wtlgM' -Qt I^*v#* of &re&«.
onMitf detorvA «y ©afie
•for t&© i>«pj>d-sr«' •of mX-0,' wmt %® ©it©, af tM- following'
•tfilittfNfai df w#t^t#J
©ad ■p^'Etad, ^.n© #nA onffi-femtf fQWrto*
^r sal tilled -^f -ofte paund.
•^ftpJatioBa at th* vftt& of «»»
ounoo per pound In exoess or in deficiency of these
speelfieA wt#i** »»* fersjittM in- sadlvidital. l0air®»# b^t .
tfea mmm* v&i&t &f 99t !«»» thai* t«i* l^av©# ©f .aajr Ictni
of fe?©a4 «l%Sil» twai^e Ji9»r« «ft«^ feitlag' ©n:»t net fc© 1:0*0
tijaii t6e net m%&k% ymnM^kod*^
dize #f toa&Ht§ ^aaft -aftfi foms ct-seA tn tli® ffiaii«Hf$M»t«ye of
ftes Aioo&ftfotts to- ^© ttttfft «*<n*^
1 cound I®#f # f i»©to^» If *l i«0&s«
If pound twin loaf, £ la€l»ef t>y # Inches
1§ po«8t J^aiEiaii leaf» If imite* ^r •Jl 4xi^9te» br ^
.S ^©tift€ fifttoa* tmt,. t$ ImUm: ftf ■% Inezes W %.
5 -po^Hi- ^ttll£ia»' loaf» fO iii©ll0# -1$ %k tnashm^ ■
^9- pTQ%mt tli:® 0<m0$fGafr from unltnowlngly buying ttal*
fcaifteiT 9i»o4«et» «t a g^-e^fy
mioafe&t* tfee *tat« -a®^®.*- it
qitl«tfiil f^r ^a^ |50's»8©«- t& mil wv ett-99 f#3p «*!© «»5r #tal#
tes*e»y jttWNftwt »* «a^ pls^e- otli«r
t&e tit^blitfemeat
tAsiPe- Hu^ $i»0'4ti©t «a« made.
Ped^ral -ttftadftrds «f iteattt-y littva 119% yet appeared
for te*e&a mft ^i*#s€ |jr®4«et«.
W*®** 'tMm to ^ppeiiti', Oregon
any patt@m ^©r stan4RpSs after them,
tn feayiag fere©^» Oregon >omi««pe9« »*• |iartl@ta«ri3r aided
those provialone which regulate.sanitary condltlonc
and the weights and measurea to be used.
fhe ptolUtitt&l £&9ww®mt .»»€ ttm state of' Oregon feav*
aaH dal© #f sa^ uiae©il©ii9<aaw atapl* itdiam «« tea* Q®ff©©»
<!!»$g#a ftav^ ea^«t*efi IntsrftsfcS© ^woseMO and aip<9 that nft^aj*
^id tfe© f'edtr^i frad^ 0dasi£'SS'4#» as w&Il at tli©
Itoma £m§>or§@<i l&Z® this mmmtv&f euoh as tea, coffee, aad
«pioee, fttttosistlealiy fall ■uls€#«,, the Jiif*t«41©ti©5S &f tim
f^'Xtorctlon-, ralebrsndin,?:, end ©dvertiaJng of Biscellaneoua
&t$$t89 mv^ .f©ais4 la %h© ffeftet&X 'F©©€., ^J^ig* find f@s?Ba$i©
Mt ens ;iB tfe© lifee©ler-;£i»)5 ilct.
.is pf^teet^d aad aided tn tfea buying ©f
Ma ^B&f^r ^ljro«gfe tfea- Federal, govemraent^ faa Aef.
eSaB&tta&MNl of ali taa -©ffeired for mnttf let© tb© Qnlt^SI
Tgg^wkMt fev ia tht* met,
-©sly *6ftt taa which
aeafclj tfea ctandarde of quality, fmrity, aaS fltaa©® for
eonsumntion as specifieu !^r fbe foves4©©©!?^ mw &Q Atolttod^^
The ynitetl States mftintains tea exainino^o in five big
meir #sty is t© fi«a tte% all #®&#, fwws tfe©- o^^afeat
to the most costly, are eoun<l, pure, and clean, and
4mp below the mlnlfnum standard of quality,,
To* mm* he ('cslgnated in three different olaself loati#R#s
'g&®m ©f anfeiraeated,
oolong ©r mmX-teimQatGM,
«nA blaclr ©r ftjlif-f»rrofiit©d.
In ©rter to lie eoia* fee*.
ffiitat nontiain Itt clftselflcatlon on the label In addition
to the Infomfatlcn the Federal and elate govemmente require
©a &%% ##©#sti!ffe»
31noe lf9i, t%o SteAevei g#ft^aa©at tes; f^rliiMes tfc#
«MSfcl@ Of ■9#f|,©0- ;CRl1»Stlttlt©S SS ^Off©©.
^0 ;^0^©mQ5©»t; Ms
also eta^o^ It to )>o sa. waJ«t»fttl .ps'gt^M©@ t© sate mif«e
&ppeaS': &<3$tai6» &aa it is fojf tlio pn-s^a-e @f aal®.
^I'ShAngSi t^© l^fi-aml $<fvavam9nb Saa ##t^l.l®ls@a ao
raialjaeai ^^cuili^r attaafiarfe foy 0»ff*»» it- 'toes, ** fe^t ©f. .
it« ^cmtisie aatl^iti^S', leap an oye ©a. Ml ©offee l^a^orte,^
QrofOii f-^^lfee that If ■a^@M©#^r, s^f^al, fig, or
€»%6ter iiaf.reifli^at i® aixed ^tfe eoff^e, .it .9^3% fee- lsl>#le4
# %rtP3tee ©osp^imS* with tfam •mwa of epefe .Us$?e6i$Bt ©oa*
Its©-. sa«s® mM aMreso «f ti# ig©Raf^t^f,ti,# '©**
•fi&stri^atos^'Hnet s^peii?* fe@l<i^ tfeia ipf&i^*$ti@it.^
3iam%&VkFmt#.t: &&%$%&,. ani psa>!ll0-eatl.!^-ft©w^*©. %n the
.etato tytei5^ ©off©© :mmp@m&&- sr© ii©;©.€uw't .p#^t ft ao&Hte.&n
0 mmpXem®& ptm& etatiiigr *0©f f e© e^apesaaai, tatM te©re, *
'*•'•". Oregon hm^ «0t ^ «©vef»^l provlfliona applying to ▼in*~
Mo persons in Oregon are llowed to manufactu^, aell,
s* •ff«r. for 8:«i#." '«i^r.»i»9eir ifivSoli dd«9-ndt #osiply wttfe
the «tate regulation*,
»o vinegar way be sold as apple, orchard, or cldor
▼inegar which f» .ao-fc tte» Xftgltlaat© f>3?oSa;e& -of inve «ppl#'
J^fted. -llpoB: tmt* #so^ "nrlsefBr-iBt*«t ©©stata $#% lef« tfeaRper eesfc ©f:««fe-» asi ti©t
tfeam %.f©r eeat absolute
?@f&8&rie« ^r .^reeeas ©4* mining anft #i®tmitfig. .-^tefe
^t.aeg3ME» uat&f- fee ff©^- tsea e©l@ri®g :s®t.t#'fk &&$©£ ■dterfiig-.or
©ft^r di«%:ill#ti©ft.
BlstiXiM. vinegar ©met eostsij* not
ld^..titon l-..^ per d«at Say wigkt ttf-ioltdd* «&t less than
•#S5 fisr '©©B,t ©«fe, ©uft pot I©«# tbeft •% p®r «eft$ ^ «©igfeit.
fl^' ^rdasi jJw BttBttftwrtoiw
©ale #?. «tll ai^r vinegar
se&tfc&a&iig tegfe^s^Ate iiijmriims t© lie&lih.
ISlX Lotties* &a4 ^tiisr *e»«el# e^ntaiiiltif vltj^gsi? «w»t
fee SfetoleA ^l^^''the,:&iitd ©f vtB«g^r 'aa€ th© aetav «tid sfiares*
of tfee manufacturer.
f^ ^(ss^iv^ «»ti^r mtd ^4.« :ed^«!it»^» ail. i«p9S*%€Mi «i^lef#
0«Qf ,-#©©% the aftttftfiarA* f^tsirea fey til©. $tfA#r&& .g^v©^tu»«»t.
leesMifig to- tfe© l®f» -©f ^eg^a,, .aple&» aaS oos4|aeat«
iael'isd© all- «tt%8-t.ia©^d. temm m&. TW&ffrXttA tit ©omset®^ &«
.«m@rt lmfe©i tife© e^tsit© -aad f©©« of ei^li psi^lE«f« witft tfee
f^l@sfi?i§ inf^i^attoft;
4lJ afi^ aa€ location «$ f4s«a
:»«ii-af«.ctttftiJig ;®r ai$ti?ll>atiag aaefe «^«eft iBP'A contliraenufl,
a»a fSlF tli© «^F4« -saixtafa* <&* *ttA«dtt«inftt«da *^
©r tell «« ff^ttt I^IIF #r fr«lt batter i«if i»;tt«tl^» lellf
#i» fmit feattf-r ma€# *f ^N9o«»ff SgJEtrilt, «-t»mfe, ©r other
i«ife8t@iie©e ©0i^«^€ itt tiRitatl@R of fnut J:#li|r -dr butter.
f^i^ ess, jiiF^ ,sM f %%% ©f «MRk J^ilf 0.1* featte?' «»I« !»■
tregMi cast fe« lately lftfe«J«t "Imitfttion frait £«Uy* ©i»
*3feitt©tt®a- frwtt S«tte.i?.*^
$Xt maRuffectyrers $ai t^emi' 4*f ^stfegts-,. pi©-©.* ©r ^tli©^
•f©#S: uli©- ae#. tn ©a©|i- pretiaefee 4^F tisttistt©!! fmlt |®11i-$©«
et* tatter* aset p^et e conspicuous notice %m t^©ir pl«o©«
©f taptoetfH stating tfeet luttfttloti .|©ll.i©», featt©r©, ©lit
fruit |tt.|-e©ft 9*9 B©M.^'
.I^#t6si5?sst8 -or fmtflle e&ti-ng' fe©«0©« t^lsfe ©emr© e-afeft©*
$&©#, ^r ^th^r- fiEMrt ia t&iefe ti9itstt#u j@m©st fe^ttep®, or
tm%t .Jmt:@«« sm nm& ■ame-t slso- ^i-iMse ft conspicuous notice
©tattpg th^t smffe liBltatloa jelli©©, ^uttex^^ au^ fm%%
Ja'iC0« at?*© U89d«
^fe^ Federal ^^^s^ment hms pvmm%g&t^€ gtaaclaFi© #f
it^ntlt^ ;£#t» Jeliieg-, frait butters, J:em.i, «ftft preespreii.-.
I®. $.9ti©i'©tst0 '©©??ra0f^.®> 'Ifec&i*' pi'Cdifie'fe* IBQ0% ©oiaply ttl'^la
'f»e§@fj' e^aeeifie^ that- M@ tei^ *«rtt«ei.* iia^lie© an
.a&eokette ^©aa^t. ■ Flav^i^laf, pr^tiiete fMqty&refr witfeaiit'
*3L«#li®3L may aftft fe# l*fe0l#S 9@aitiPi&et."ft
If not mat© ftwft t*i# p-let»t <* pw^&m%. ^fel@fe tli#
midt'-lw lafe®!©^ *Ai»t|ft«i»l« ©»'^taitfttios9' 09 ^e ©ftrtos*
s&m #» tfe© Wttl# tft tfef «aia& «l«e Ittterlag •&# tfefr ^ther
lotlfirti @M f^e -©©mtisiiaer.^ •■
■ ■ ■
So Paaoral svttS'i'Oavan ^eve ae jot iicoa e#t
extracts and flavoringa.
Tho pr^sontation of this thesis hae baen aade with the
hope that all or |jnrt of the aat©Fi4l irtll in sea© $M«
i»0aoh praaent And future mmm&ip huyars of f®©d ia Oregdii.
fh'# writer f?oln that o on sum era hearing or reading the
ooopliGd Infomation frill receive nn una^^standia^ and
a^l^reaimtion *f th# Feaorai r^gul&f i«fi9 aa-a th© '©r®.goh lavn
«hi6h ;|>©rtsia to food* its pro&icti©!*, distribution, and
& ©ore educated Q6n&mQt- pvi$%i®, it 10 ho^ei, mill
result froia »ueh on «M@rst®p&iag. ?r@hibt© ^©ntfits which
tli© ot&t® df 0r@g©rt itfiA its p®opl® twuli ^leritr© fro© «uoh
Stftd«&$4$6 ir^j {l} higher it^s&ra« ant m&ro 6ffioi©8t
aotfco&tf in the wh#i©a&i© mG, r©t&ii trai© Mo&ta©© ©f
inerOA^ed i®ttiiig©at husriftf OB the- part of the ooiwuswr*;
C^) graat.@r ©o-oi^yettion httw^eh pr©€t»o®re, n^iiul'iiotire.r*, ii$trih^t©ps# fee^ii Qonauffi.^r&j (1) ^gr^ater ad^Aho^e la legal
aid and $>r©t©oti©j& for eoa&uiBor hu,f0rs: of #006.
1. .Agricultural f/larketing Service.
The A. B 0 of canned
Agricultural Marketing Service.
The consumer and the
OeLoaoh, $.8. # and V/eat, W.A. 3OW0 economloe IraplicatioAff ©f silfe .etiitrdl in Q*6gan, l$k®>.. i^p%onl%wM
Experiaent ataoion. Oregon atato College. 3^atlo«
SAnftrfi* A*&»
trddyet tttunterdft and labtlift^ far mn-
fe©^!5, A.K. ' Hhe; 't®&®ml fradf.-(Seoalodion m& oonouner
. j5r©t#@ti0n. (aiffleograpfe dottr ^f address fl^ea In
Osf«rdt .'Ohio* ^ttut 14# 19^3.)
Sill., fUd. , A fruit 'and vegetafela feuding gulds'fpr
©©iiQiji)#rs # 19^0. (©.t. i©tt. @f itgrlottitttr®.
Uicredlleaooita PublloaHoa, Sd. 1^7 •)
SAW .^n€ Cont^pd^ary tr^feltoa. -fhe Jlo^ Feed* ^r»ag#
gad <ito6Bj&tid'feefilfilfttldnu' -Qulc^ fi4i?#ralty, Voi.- 6,
8oft?*9, 0.r tirrfe,'f., sni dttiuid* U.S. Po^d IMtying'
ond our Hstrilretis. flm-tWIit 1.. iarrows apd <?£><•, X9%o:
10. #r®f0n. $tete Board of Sfealth. Hsgaiations g^©mi?»g
tla© danltarsr 'epatroi- of fhollfis'M. fteguliettldn &W£,
11. M14,, fi!.dv Coasuiaara 4nd the llark®t. iew vo&k, f.$.
6r9^9 @pt 0©.,' 193$*
B©ld, M.O. Soniimaerv a®& Uh* BAi^ot;.' Sui>|>lom©nt.
$m fork, F.i. Oroftd a»d 0©., 1939*
fiiodonoold, S.W., Oliver, &4?., and hotter, f.l*-. .fhe
saarMetlug of dotiistr^-dresssd seat in' Fortland, 1$3$»
f^grioulisur^l S^farifflenlB Station, Oregon St.at©
Agrioultural dolloge. Station Bulletin, No. $3$»)
9tat« tep&Ftnjeot of iftgrle^l.tu^. laws ©f Ulw fltatt
of •O'regon. tneltasi^c rales «&<! reg-etilatiafio #r tw
Department of Agriculturs, Salem, Oregon state
print. Aftpt.* 19J9.
Vol. fo San Franoisoo, lan^rof^*Whitney <!#., l$m»
tftAt* ©f 0i^goa.. 0P9gef» laws, iftlen,. 0i*0gott -sttt;®
II. ft. &$pt. #f ^§t»id«il|ur©.
tips ^©m'tga lasted*.
IS. 'f.0. $®.ft. ,of Affrtouttart. itw JBtseh dd©0 it hold?
•>• ^$R£iKlftePt ' f^l^et, fo'i.^i- Bo.'lH, p.tit it3#»
19. 9.9. Sept* ot- &Q?i&i&tw&<, &oo$ end'life. ''^©ap^Qk
of 6g»iMltttr«. fas^iefton*, ftetr'it. print* off.,
9<$. Bept. 1of &gf lonttttpo. tm%&Q t&o oof fee pot.
^Oliswt'rd §t9lt®, f». 6« Jfo. It, p. 11, if^O.
O.-S. d9pt. *f Aflipiwlta*«. f.f. grafta* and ptiifip«d
" >■. its. I
f.i. pept. of AsfiouXtuiPe.. State «si6 @fg pro^uots,
19^1. <f.i. Pept'. Of AgpietiXtiiro. ©IfoalaiP tfo.
f»$. fiovonusoat ^rlntittg dffioo. fh© oo4o of ....._
ift»p.0f -tti* fill tea 8|it99 ©f A«erto». Waslilngtoii.
fov't ptint. off., 195f.
t.i. fo^eiiMeBt frrtotlng ffflo^. fofarstt ?00€, ©^«g,
tfaA p&m*%l* Aot. w&ililngtoii-, fov*t ppi*«, off.,
. 193:*«
f.t. to^fftKt^t f^lnt Offiee.. ghfeSMUu* ofeeoio. l^odorAl
f.s. §ove'3Piii?©flt' FHatlng' ^ffloo. ihoat floor ana
relatoi protaots. fodo^i Rdgldtdft w4jf*l-858St
19*11. ■